.ffirtanciat. 31! dal/Car tA* 6 l1 4 AL. II! Xi It: i Arse • • THE FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK OF A,LLENTOW N. Paid up Capital, 8150.000. Authorized Capital. . 44500.000. 1,. i' t yhtlrect of kiln illk r I 'menu , 'low of tin ain t ity aja i tol i p uul i s n r o ll n t i joV . I v ; re ' a d olVod a t u oil crra n :o ' th " o I tip ° l illor of AIN 'Rani from inf.o he ,C 0 an o In 10)0.000 Tbacription hooka for tide luerense ore now , opon at the Banking 11011Pe, and allt,erannadralroux of arcurlng ptack ore Inaltetl to make sopllcatiou at once. • The aulnlcrltltlona are lobo paid lu the following 111,41101- monts, vlx: iOpercent. on . day of aubgeTtplZon. .. , in .. Itit . l .Iny . oSlebrpary . A . , Aptll al`X , / ~ IruC•~ r i ri f i ''. In( " lst t". Julio Oxl., k ~._ . "_. r . rt4_ 1n rtn lon ttP ItrakMAIAPER:77I,,hI,r. our 17-1 f W. 11. 11Lcuvn, Prealdeld. MACIUNGIIKSAVINGN BANK Hamilton, between 7th awl Sth Streets .4ILLILVT . O4rN, PA. Moue) , talywoll de atto annum. from ono do dOrter , for which SIX I'Ell CENT. INTEREST witl ho paid. Deposits mny ho withdrawn at any dine. Perrotns de sirous of noodle g . money to ally pold.t of tho United Stnten or Caned. {VIII have their natters promptly attended to,anyl wltionta any rhth,on thotr port., .j °14 ,!:• '.131 I ' 4 "ut.°"Dß•nin4llAil" rPr=‘'lllti" I.I4:IIM+WALLNKII, sop 21-11 BANKIN6I.IIOENE OF CrOODY& fRUHE WIEST DOOR WEST Or TIIE FIRST NATIONAL DANK ALLENTOWN, PA In order to afford all persona nu opportunity (bower./ opiall their LOOMIS) to deposit Pinney in *outlier amount than what Uncials. retalired by the rad.. Deponitorie of this oily, wo have concluded to RECEIVE DEPOkiITB IN tit'AlS VROM ONE 1101.1. AR UP TO FIVE THOUSAND and allow lateral for dm samo at lbe rate of oi trote Fr annum. Interest to bd calculated from th u and ttimth day • of mg mouth, eubsouttent to such deposit. ntOrrit will ha in e Itp oh ell Deposits telnaining with October, half yearly, if 'wit On the drat days of April nod Oetober, and will paid to depositors on those dope ; If net drawn they wi I go to their credit and be compounded. 6. Inotreat 'lake Caleglatod op fractional purls of a dol. tar. le Dior amount than Floe Dollars can bo withdrawn {WO. It Into close an account. Every Depositor will be Famished with • Depoolt Book contaluing the conditions setmilhfc tlelDeptuite aro received, audits money will Ivol the lcult 1* presented and an entry la I dor mg .oboalor.it„ 6111118ovor the nelsose ctn..; f IndirldtfillO and fnmllieo that are liable to he wasted or needlessly expended, tool, if deposited, produce In time atoounts that will ourprisuany ens who has given no hoed to the subject. A deposit .pfilll.o3 per weak.. .unlined one year will amonat to flea de “tiotyean; 6108 54 t throe years OW W 2 I four year. 62611 23 ; flea years fr 92 CU, and tea years MS 60. II seummende itself as a onto. Convenient and profitable depository to Execnturn, Adminintrators, Colleetore, Agento, and all Public eflieere,' reit for themeolvee or their trued funds, to voluntary arletlos or A.tociationa, and Indsod to all classes of our towing that • perfect sense of necurity to Depositors is -4,,,,,niratart,uteolgionte r or. In this . enter sponaiinse, (which l ' nu tl&f fact '1;1111A 4t4.- ecnted and dull, nriol to Charles W. Cooper, lla,thier of Al. Isintotrn National liana, itud Moyer, Cashier del& 16110.1 Bonk, a lioad f Indemnity (with oPProv ertanartirity) in tileouln ef Twenty rive Th.lontol Dollars, solve h•ld by thotti in trust tor the sprout security of our Depositor. , This fact will place on Dilly retool the ro lerde In safety . of dt;Pusitoro) to any licltgaittiry in this tft e buy .511 and en change all less,. of Government Honda. extents order.. for the ioaeloi, stud halo of all drat •lints asperities. and negotiate loons on Real &dote arnall oandrdoelon* Adv•noss made to our dealers at ail limit. oo appro. ed Ounatarolotolauockee. rag. sourest. Tit.. U. I °ono — 4 EI/1“ no head. KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK, (Organized under State Charier In ISM. 111011/IT RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, und deer tout. le tetest will be allowed. For shorter periods sped.) ratos will he paid. Also, money &oinked ton FAVOR A TER NIS. Sold Bunk Ss lu the Keystone House, in the borough of Kutetuare. JOHN If. FOOKI,, Pr“ldeut. linwAlto llorrnoargis, M. D. Costlier. TRI,IIIV.M: F. J. Slough M. D., J. D. Wnnuer. liksg, , Davld Pinter. 11. 11. Schwartg, K.l • W. 13. Vogel, Dunlol Mader Richard J. Knorr, Jonus Muller my 12.31 John li. Fogel, E.g. There 1...111n1i enmity lu about 10 months user 100 int:lanes sold. This shows the popularity unit Nacres. n' tlx 31.1/111... 'R'e will giviitwervlanly a Machin,. n .4M—fro° of cliarite —atid snake tliu payments to null AA LLEvrowni SAVINGS INS'rrru- I Mnubl "" . " l4 nut Ih° Un'h "ri"—nu monthly ""."1" TION (Orgaulled undur Stile Charter to IMO.) Money received tin Deposit, and 6 per cent. Interest a towed for one year. For shorter 'whole special rates wi be paid. ALIO, 3axit4 T.o.txan OUT UN V•voz•lll..■ Banking llou.--lIABIILTON NTREET, mid-way b mien the Court House mud Ameriren Hotel, oppoelt• si 4.11•410 . wi. Pa. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, Pregllleu JACOB S. DILLINGHII, C•ahler ...Chartist Ittfualesei• John D Christian 'reit, 'Francis C Samuels tisorge Probst, Samuel hell, deal J Llagenbseh, m AIIICY Nathan Paler, • Willia THE GItEAT PACIFIC RAILROAD MEMIEM FIRST MORTUAUE HON llti I=ZIE3MI UNION & CENTRAL I'A('IFIC Yi Ai tt S3.2@ L• RA 11.1 - i( )A BOCOIIT AND SOLD 'DEB A VEN & BRO. =EI 40 MOUTH THIRD STHEET = Lay la•Eb , girt lj3roof Sao HEItiIYNG'N TENT Atlrlol i • , i ' .PIRE-ANI) BURGLAIt • PR, SAFES (WITH DR I' PI LI NOO Awarded the Prier, Medals at Fall . ; Ldod , World'. Vali., Now York, H1(1,0.1000 Volveruello, Pa FA Rh LL, HERRING & CO OILLAM. MATUMWX, 0110. W. Wimp. 699 c'li EST NI TT sTRE I PHILADELPHIA HERRIN°, FARREL k BEEKMAN, NEW YORE LIMING •CO Cllloioo P IitBI R O .IAItMIL k 00., NSW ORLIAXI ifor the Labico FALL AND 'WINTER FASIIIONS. 311 IS. 31. A. 111:ID/lit has jnoit arrived from Paula and London with 010 11114• St personally relented from the greatest novel Jes; liko, the most elegant Trimmings to be secured in Pori.. LACES, ELY ETs. BRIDAL VEILS, FLOW ERS PINE JEWELRY. and TRIMMED PAPER PkFFEIINS.. DRESS and CLOAK MARINO. far g Excltilve agent 1 .11 31. Work:a celebrated system Sep 21.-thn Frill E SEW ING Machine! THE BEET IN THE WORM) ! Thu only ono that 111111,1`M more 11101 ,nor stitch, and news more thin one way, Back wards tool Forwitril+ wlthont 'timing your goods. Does all kinds of work, Light and Ileac an ted ey goodold os cheap it+ other inachluen and witrra to bo Call nod me, them tit Mrs. T. W. Kramer' HMI Uri BiOn . , Bout 1111111litl,11 street, I' door beloiV American lintel, sell 11l Wu. F. WO 1.1. E, Agent. A;- - , ,- - 7 i t , w`f-- -.•--•••..:,- i:s t.. • !.2 , i 3 ‘ ..-- 41 41',,, ..;—. 7 . '...• :t. b . ;" i,.1 ~.....,1 HOW E SEWING WALCIIINE IV 31 rays no bond and for ante by DESIILER, AGENT, NO. Al EAST HAMILTON STREET, • 11,.t,ry Leh, Jr., 1100 l anti Sboo Manufacturer. Jolty Farr Seaton& Schreihor .b Co.. Morchant Tailors. Rhonda St Ainey, Pro.idenl Second National Bank Ur. B. F. Jacohy, Donned. • J. S. Silllnger, Attornoy•at•Law, rho.. U. Metzger. 11. Clay Ilamoroly Slay-2111y, tii.r:,„trrlgrm4A,,,intru°l 4 T W. J. EVERETT, • 50 NORTIt SEVENTH STREET, Below Arch, I.lllludelplda. (late Mrs. McCleunchan's) T 111.04, FOllllll4 . SopporterS, Braces, Elastic Belts, Stock lugs. Lowest prices. l'et:ect adjustments. Lady at tendants ions:M.ly WHEELER at WILSON'S FAMILY 131PRoVED NoISELESS SEW IN M A HI N &llz s Pa s . 0 atckaysp- AT ALL TILE EXPOSITIONS THE FIRST ' MUMMA. All k ludo of Thread, Silk, and Afgeldur Innterlal keg id Stitching done to order tit the otticg. ADOLPH %WA NZ . IO. Agent, N. ith St., I,llultlen m 1310111 Inc) ALLENTOWN, EA. I.lttilroabs NORTHLRON PE N s t o VANI A RAIAD. , • I amM. • I= Passengers for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. It. ale. pipising Allentown at OPi n. nt., It 45 a, 11, and p. la.. stud ;kiddy.. in Philadelphia at 9a. pi., 15 p. Land 25 p. nine Lehigh and tinsquelleditia Railroad Mu at 2 lap, in. sod arrlan In Philadelphia at 4 Rip. in. Taitiniattera for Doylestown Pato trahw lertylda !Rib bed' 411023 la. and 223 p. in. , =EI [Pour Through 'Entity , Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger trains leave the tiop , lL:cortliscest corner Berk a Amerman atruelm, Philadelphia, Fur Allentown ut b 1 , 0 and n 45 a. in,, :ma 1 451{11115 p. p. Alanglun at 1 10, 5 nod s P. in. Lansdale at 6 Id/ p.in. Tralas for PlilladraPlilx. CM LeaTO Bethluham at 0 20 a. m. , 1 . 2 10, 2 20 and 0 10 0. Doylef.lna nat 30 a. :a., 240 and tO p. m. ••' Inoptdalrent 0 Inn. • • port Wmtlduatutt at I , :Li, 911 a, tn. null 2 181 p. • • Aldnalnu at 210. 6 111 told 8 3.5 p. ON SUNDAYS. I,mtve Bethlehem fur Philadelphia nt 4 00 p. to. •• Doylentoa On a. tn. Leave Philadelphia , for D Beaylthlehem aatt 9 2 11 0. m. • • fr l , tonett 00 p. Fare—Alloutna Plitinliellllllll, in i n - ELLIS C 1,01313, 84. etiTASAUQUA %._;1 , 0(11:1,SVILLE 11. 11. ,AE,A."".3q7.0 1n It nd ufter NOVENIIIEIt 13, WO, 'Fogvlsvllle Railroad will run In conn n Mill the I.vhigh Valloy Railroad nail Lod Pouti. It it, . INEMEM Ml= —......-• ~ 2,00 6.',0 .SEINA.S. 2.13 , py II ' l 'l ''. ' lli 5:1 ' '1:1:•• ...JORDAN BRIDGE 1411TII'S. AVALBERT . s. • .i: .",, '7 .1 I•IIAI'MAN'S. TIII:NI.ERTOWN, 3.117 lIIIEINIOSVILI.E. 3 17 400 77'0• FARMINGTON. •Sl`lll Nll CREEK. 4.06 7.42 AL•III`ItTIS. Flu( CONNErTIONS The morning train west 11.:1 VOM( . 110/S11111/1111011111 1• 1117 1•10 f the 1.. V. it. it. Local Passenger train (rent Easton, tietbleltatn, and Anent°, it and conni•etsat Al•Burtio with a train on the East l'entet)lvania 11. It. for Reading, Pottaville, Ilarriabarg ultd l'ltliatiolphla, and also with a train for Allentown. Bethlehem, Easten and New York. The ming train Ea.; e•nnects at Al.llnrtie will train on E orn. P. 11. IL. (.111 ilarrixburg, Iteadillit and Allen; twit and at ("Masa aqua iv ilk train on the letit lob Valley railroad for :Manch Chunk. Wilke4•llarre, Scranton, 'ltiladelithia and New York. The 2.011'. M. train West cauttet•to at Al.llurt is with a raln 11 the East l'enra Ilailr • I for 'Leading, l'ottsville, larrishurg, Allentown, llethlt•hent. Easton, Philadelphia nil Yew York. Th.. Evening train East lenses AI-Mortis en the arrival tt train front Alleuttov .tad of it train malting rennee ioll/1 at Heading with tralus (non Philadelphia, Harris wrg, l'ottsv tile, nd renneets 111111 bleat passenger rain on the 1.. V. It. it. al l'atatettiona for Allentown. leiblebent anti Easton. Perseus wishing to go to .\ ilentownran take tho ntortt• ng train West to Al.ltarlis, arrive at Allentown Serao nit return by a train en the East l'ennsylvania 11. M. Playing at J.201'. M. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. rod E 111111.1111,. MIME Boot 'Balms. REMOVAL. 7 7 4 0L \ 6 cV ir S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • BOOT AN 11 SHOE STORE II AS BEEN REMOVED TIIE •4. - W. Portter of HAMILTON' and SIXTH STS., NOB. 3% AND 10; where they are tone prepared to I•••Cnies their pntroux. The WIIOLESALE DEPARTMENT I'.llllloloEr , TIER • EMMERT STDII OF i;OODS IN T/lIICTICINITY, A great quantity of thin work being of their own !nuke am the balitnee trout the brit um nu facto rerx lu the country THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will he conducted um heretofore. inue 30.'60 itirchanirs. • • .„• . • • . CO.Vill0110('ICEN Bal I,Ell .A ND l'Oll. NV011•111:S. • Joll\ll' () 0 I)„1 It • • MANI•FA.,I • ItrI: OF AND orlaN111:11 BOILERS, 11.1 TI! , AND ST.E.4.If I"IIWI'LATING BOILERS, Allkind“ of Wrought Iron Coll, Toyer. for It est 'Fur nace, Onsometers, Smoke Slink, itht.t Pipes, Iron Wheel barrow...lid everything in the Boller and Blood hen line. Alen, oil kinds or Iron nod Steel Forging,. and Blackentith work, Miners' Tools of all kinds, such on Whein Buckets, Birks, IBM,, Mallets, Sledges, kr. Ila•Ing a thrown Hummer and set of tools of all kinds, and skilled workmen, I flatter myself that I rota turn out work with promptness mid dispatch, all of which will he Warranted to he nrst•class. Patching Butlers, uud repairing generally, strictly at• tended to. ape 7.1 4011 N h. NTA3IIII,IICII. MANUFACTURER OF • LADIES' FANCY FURS; 826 ARCII STREET, • large astortthent, nerreet etylee, tweet prices, keg all FURS GUARANTEED to Le 4e represented. von 17-t( EHIGH REGI§ THE ANEWALT BROTHER'S NEW HAT AN DCA STORE (Nearly apposite Fingenbueles SOUTH EAST CORNER EIGHTH AND HAMILTON STREETS, ALLI4.;NTOWN, PENNA. Wo would hereby announce to our nurneroun friends and patrons. as well as the public In general. that we have s t r e m o ved t o our now building, southeast corner of Eighth and Hamilton Streets, specially erected to 111001 the ants of oar largo and increasing trade, where we 11.0 0010 greatly replenished our stock In all that pertains to the all and Ylutor N Trado, to au inspection of which everybody is invited. The latent and most fashiouable styles of SILK HATS, CASSIHERE HATS, SOFT HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS AND POLAR ROBES, endloas •arlety, which cannot foil to plea. nil, et price% lower then at nny time within the lam eight yea.. We prey... to K uwait, the reputation we Mote lioratefore enjoyed of wiling n better claim of goods. more of them. rid at lower prices, than en other house in Allentown. Feeling thankful for the patrourtge heretofore extended to / we will endeavor In the future, au In the past, to please choice geode lit the very lowest price!, our wholmiale dopartment, to which we Invite all country merchente, le full end complete, and cent ylee sua ble no all sections, and the Inducements offered will be equal to any exclusive jobbing lu the city. /Sir . Please call and exernine our Knock before purchasing, es wo charge nothing fur showing goods. DR. W. E. - BARNES & SON , • • WHOLESALE A.ND RETAIL • IRJ TT a- a-Isr - rs, NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST ALLENTOWN, PA. The attention of the cocoas of Allentown and Lehigh county Is reapertfolly Invited to this establkhnienl. Every thing usually kept In a firat-elaim Dna Store will be found fur sale here, at the lowest prices. Our stork Is large and well selected, consisting of P"WAUNAININETAMEMAIMITIAVOIMMYSMAWPWAE"" A FULL LINE OF ALL TRH POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, sT., of all blade. Constantly on hoed a large stock of Soda ash, Polish and Concentrated Lye for soap making. Washing Elwin, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Pure Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves and Spice. of all kinds, Coal Oil, Sp.rtn, Lard and Lobricatlug Oita for machinery, and thowiond and oue ether articles which cannot be enunieroted here. We kayo the largest lino of Tomes, Supporters and Shoulder Braces In the city. These goods ore applied by an capful. cured physician consequently perfect St lo guaranteed. Points, Oils, Varnishes, Mugs and Potty. Painters awl builders ore invited to our Anne before making their purchases. We keep a full line of paint, ate_ of the lost quality itt prices as low as the lowest. TEAS f TEAS I—We have the Roomy for the Great Pulled State. Teti Company of New York, ore selling the choicest grades of Teas at about half the price charged by other dealers, for an inferior (1111111Iy. Try it and he con vinced. PllYaleittua and Country Merchants supplied at the lowest market prices. We intend hereafter to ay par ticular attention to the Whoelentle BranCh of the business, Dealers will find It to their interest to give us a trial order at we feel confident we will be aide to give satisfaction both in quality and price. Orden s by mail prommtir attended to. Oilman°. for specified quantities furnished on application, Respectfully, opr 2R-IY W. E. BARNES & SON. = ~ERKs TIRE INCORPt)UA'I'ID 1451 BENJ. CHICKEBING, secretary. JACOB L. GREENE, Asst-Sec'y Dividends Paid Annually, on the Contribution Ilan. Iron' 29 to 70 Per vent. Au Annual Payment, Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium when due, but is continued in force under the Massachusetts Lew of April, 111111 lEEE The BERKSHIRE wits 11l i I 6 lo .¢II 6.:9 10 00 6 N c FIRST COMPANY . • 10 1.0 0 I 11 6.10 9.401 0 0H59 5 11.141 t5l 5 4fl s I 14.1 n the United States• to ake A Tl, of its policies NONFORPEITABIF ANNUAL INCOME All Endowment null Limited Payment Life are entitled to a " PAID-UP NON-FORFEIT PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, • CIREAT DISTRIBUTION BY TIIE 1 CIRINDING BY WATER POWER_ VS METROPOLITAN GIFT CO. Cash OW* to the %._A Self-Manufactured Pocket Knives and Scissors can nolo toil of Vell.ooo. Evert/ Ticket drain, a Pelee. be found •1 C. F. Wolferts'a, No. 9 East Hamilton street. 5 Cush Olfm, each " 120,001 900 Si Caeli (lifts, each 91,000 , N. B.—Razors, Butcher Knives and Sri... ground by Ili " • ' 10 5 ,0(X1 500 aswater power and made good as new. sop 15.1 y IM " ,000 " 100 10) Elegant Rosewood Pianos • • each IFIG to 0700 75 " " MelOdeons.. 75 lo 100 - p Ev xvAi. x t 3.50 Sew Ina Machines 00 to 175 . MI Gehl Watches - . . "" 75 to 31 , 0 s a ' t. ' Cash Prises, Silver Wore, he. , rained at *I, On, COO A chance to draw any of the above Prism for 250. Tick ets describing Prise. are 'mita in Envelopes and well payed. •On receipt 0f.2.1c. a Sealed Ticket is drawn w ith• out choke and sent by mail to any address. The prim .51P41 upon It will ho delivered to the tlckut•holder on P.) , 1100t of line Dollar. (irises are inantsliatelY sent to , any address by express or return mull. - Tots will know what your Prise Is before you pay for it. Ant, Pries exchanged for another of note colas, Nor . Blanks. Our patrons can depd on fair dealing. a superior aseortuieut of liergeratrec—We select tinefallowing from many who hics• lately drawn Valuable Prises and kindly Permitted us to publiah them: Andrew J. 110rn,,, Chicago 1110.0110; 51Iss Ware S. Walker, Baltimore, Plano, 4esio; ,fumes M. Matthews, Detroit, 11,000; John T. Andrews, Savanualt, I . 45,001 Miss Agues Simmons,Clst lesion, Piano, 46n.` We publish no names without permission. OPINION% or roe PRIM The Orin I. reliable, sod .1..• Conelation of PlOor. Egtf, Chestnut and Nut from the knowtheir success. "—Weekly TY-oone, May R. '' Wi• . BUCK MOUNTAIN MlNhii. know Otero to be a fair dealing tirtn.o—N. i. Herald, I Orders left with A. A. Huber, Sieger 9 llottenstein, at May 'A " A blend autos drew a$:)) prise, 'Which Wlle 111fEagio Hotel, hope Rolling Mill, or Ono Yard. will Inc promptly rroolved. "—Pa lly Xs sta, June 3. attended lo in a Send fur Circular. Liberal inducements to Adents. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Eti4eloPes contains oxe case tort. Pin Tickets for $1: I) for 43; 35 fur 41.5; 110 fur SII. All totters should he addregeed to HARPER, WILSIIN As CO. 13,1 Broad w•y, N. T • G RAND EXHIBITION OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. • G. A. SCIIWAIITZ, - • 1000 CHESTNUT STREET. (above Tenth.l Philadelphia, respectfully informs hie mistime - mend the pithily In gen• ml that he has now open nil hie NEW IMPORTATIONS of (Jarman. French and English FANCY 000Uti and TOYS, flaying 'slated all the largest European Mann• factorise personal, I am confident that the Veriety and Ohitapneim of Goo &cannot be !surpassed this country. Alt are incited to • sit the store, whether they purchase or otherwise. 0. A, BORWARTZ, deo 1 Importer, and Wholesale and Relati Realer. CCCIRDEONEI, CONCERT I NAS, "aada i . I P.Vttelt a ilitgeneSEl th i. %Aron. ANAWALT & BROTHER, New Building, Cor. Eighth and Hamilton Ste., Next door to M. S. Young & Hardware More LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I'IVI'SFI ELI), MASS ;T. F. PLUNKETT, President EXAMPLE AT AGE J 5 Oue Annual Payment will continue the Polley In force a 2 years and 3 day Two " Payments " ,a 4 Three " ' " 11. it 7 a 27 44 ASSETS ABLE POLICY," alter One Annual Premium had Lava paid 329 WALNI 7 T STREET W. H. YODER Agent fur Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Allentown ALLENTOW Charter Peri wtual EVERY POLICY Is ed by this l'ompuity Ice April A. 1). 18111, is ON-FORFEITABLE, nd so exprevied in the ME $1,250.000 .100,000 IV. H. (dIAVES General Agent and Attoruey for Palm The subscribers having loused the "IJId Hope Coal Yard," would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the public is general, that they have just COAL BUSINESS ~ • like manner. Orders fad Coal by the car Plied at .kart nailer and at the lowest prices. L. W. KOONS & CO„ =I Hamilton Stroot, corner of Lehigh VAlley 11411 rood, ALLENTOWN, I'A WEDNESD A iticbirinal. HIEBE II AKERSALVE 1 1 ' 100 yearn thin WONDEIIFIII. SALVE has here theserret of nn old Connecticut fttmlly by Clot:lament l'lnehe Baker. 414 - Now It (111114 forth to bless mankind. Ito power to ALLAY I'AIN, to SOOTHE SI1EFEIIIN(1, to 11E.A I. WOUNDS, is very extraordinary; the like 0111 has never been known. 11111 persons nil ...My bear testimony. One person says ' “ 1 !mould a .1.1 I'et, and 1 tvoold not he without it If It C, 41,0. or I had to go oil the way to N. Y. for It." Phytic ON htus use and ref , lllllll.llll 11, 111111 41 pots are ordered daily for Hospitals and futile Instltri tlons,to ..vert part of the U. A, DON'T I For Cots,. Burns, t 1011.., Brut,. I •,., e Sores, 'leers, Cancers, Fool , I 1 Br,Nipple., Broken Wow., Chap -ONE ped I.lps and Illtnil, liraptiono, ~ Mina and Illeolling Pile+, C0r.,... i)A 1. I linnlon...Ghilltloln,ile B- of In wet., .Animals, .W., &c., ~,,.. I AII Druggl.t.. keep It for sole, 10,1100 11.•xes are given away to 1... t it. vlits .ei,-(io to yet r Croggi.t 4.2,•+3, and 531.3.0 , 011 xofely parked. 1,1, re22-y 11111111 , 14 (IIIATA II CO. 13 11.iwor ! on hat ..to wui Fahru:J. llliud, 111 his er of i-116, W. ' .'.Ml rat M. D., sPRING tiAIIDEN 1'1111..%1 run rt•tvr you to ov, our thou,tn4l 01111 pit l'1111“41 , 1p1 , 1.t hoot. .k pt.. Wilili/111 II fall., WI gam-auto , lit all r.... DIE DH. HET(H I NSON'S • VKG 1'71 • .-‘ 131,E \V( )MI 1)E-.;"1'11( 1.:1: I• th,• fr,• hunt worloon tvitlmut y.Frut 1,11c111., 41... II AVlii :11 , 0 1,1 the ll .10111110, Iv I= NO MEDICINE TO BE Ulf . .\ ME PRICE 2 CENTS .Yth)X =1 Ile rare and , rat. vaa vat Dr. II °whin- Worm Ilestra yer.Sl, that each I •us t‘r. late wrappor. II yaar drat., -1,111.1 ra him to gat It rat Yaa. 1101.1.0 \VAV k COWDEN, @ME rfIIIJ LATEST I) IscovEnv IN 1. MEDICATION. • - tr '. ' ';; 1 7,..4,k r (• 1 1- „z .v . , , ,„ • 1 1 1 . 1 , 0. , '4? J. y --- i , 7• - • - • .. '" , - - - , - , „)...N., , ,,---,._ • The recent difficulty Minh physirlaii• 114,- I,oel, labor• Inn for centuries to uYertionte, has id length 1, ,, ru obviated. A Vegetable Callittriim and laterally.' Illort. efficient than uny mineral pl'OPllflliloll 14 the so ?HP eh..., and RV agre eable to the WSW as ordinary randy, Is MIN,' otfered to the sick in the form of 11 1•1 1 / 1 .1110, lie. ERASNII`Y, WINSIdIWiti LIVEN AND STOMA(' II I.OZEN(IIi Is the most Itnpoctintt medicinal novelly thatmodern chemistry Lan produced. Ii contains two botani cal eXtratcts, perfectly harmless Itt themselves, lint ent bodying all the remedial properties of mercury, anddes tined In use, plesant forni to sopersede and banish front general n the 111111 , 0011+ pills anti potions of which thou da tigerom. xcitant is the mein Ingredient. More than ONE e EXI'LINMEN"ffii were nfittln by the in ventor 011101 peerless 1 - 1.1111.11 V before it Inan brooglit to its present state of itorfection The 1•071'111, 1•‘ in is operation. nod although the medicinal to.to of its cura tive components has in-on clointical 11n1, their virtnes rental!, on 111'11V0111111.111.111 In 1/ns vep.vio. Billortßoirs.r, iloortilod P Niel: or No-errors ii""'!"'/".l'iLx, ii""'!"'/". and the iriogularities to which the boibler hex are sniped, the trill be found in finitely more effective than ally or the horrible 41111 111,- gusting compounds usually iriliniuistered in /melt 1.110. An an 1111tibii1011HSPOCIIIC 11111111.111,1111rerielli, they ha , re no mobil either among nil vertised Preparations or the preparations of thn wigulttr plutrinaceprem. IT IA 111,11.ANTIMI/ that 111.101.1 who has ranee tried litt. EIIAPMI, WINKLOW'A LIVER ASllOlOOOl'll 1.11Z1,N111: ercr in lake pitryot foe peotoler.ordroteplol. or pill. NO'f If:E.—Circulars and MOW Cxrds soul to dealers free of expense. If your, druggbd has not dais,. L.vongen 011 hand, write to .the liroprditor , . enclosing no ru•iit+, and n h.ix tclll be sent free ot postage. Pill Nil I.E. 111108., Run9s-1y 72 Maiden loin, New York. SEND FOR CIRCULARS IytADeTS 0 c usi i ktO NEW' ' ( ° l3l f, o ,e * 597 97k 0 NDMI: EARTH-0g( 4" ok 3 Mll ok 3 MAR E T E ,5.,60,51"KP os - r N,t 19 DOANE ST. A Tincture of rare healing herbs, sold in bottles only, at fl. or S 5 per !,5 Doz. Sent to any ad• dress on receipt of money, I‘o l and guarantaad•o.ls4E V m DEMUTH Co -115 PPN 4 ‘ IA Ssi°v- A Genuine Family Medi /ine prepared fur the Cure of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Colic, Fever& Agueoic. couragos Digestion; cur. Heart. burn, purifies the Blood, & regulates the Liver. See Circular. Fold by Drilgvists. RO F S 111 :1 i• ‘ , l IMPEBIAL OINT• M ENT for Cot, Dorn. , Soon, Ertsplboob will moier be rogretb.:l. Sold by Druggints. AU LECTURE TO YOU MEN. J text l'uld (rho ioi Stolt 41 Eu I, h•Pt eqx. A I.4lcrr Ur. ON 7110 TREATSII, F .AN R Ulc AI. cureof Spermatorrlnea, or Seminal Wealtnt,n, I no. , 11111• tarp kinliinitinv, Sexual liebilitt• and killed...nisi.. M. , - riage generally, N e rveu t ne,.... and Vila:Mental and Plivnical Incapacity. re.itilting irom Self-Maine, Sir., by .1. Cl INY.IINVEI.I , , 11, author of the Orem, Book, — rce. The trerld I outoviled author, iu ittlinirablo lecture, clearly murex from Ma tot n experienre that the g g.no CUIIBI , III OI. P. Of beir.111•11,1. may Ile V ecall remoed Avitliont toedicine, anti without ilatigero lf nn tuy "Pe v r.- lions, bougivv, inntrionento. or cordiala, pointing out a inode of cure at 001,1 certain aud etfectual, by which' every tillirklrer, tuatter what hiv condition may be. may core ever clitiaply, privately and radically. 'I'IIIN 1.41% Tulin: WI!.!, I'IIOVE A BOOS Ti' TiIiiIISANIIS ANI) Sent under seal, in it plain envelope, 11117 t addrerg, pevlpafel, on receipt of nix cents, or tiro pogt niampn. Al.',e Dr. Cuirerwell'i. Illarriago Price 'AI ctn. Addrona the Publishers, CtIAS. C. 1,1.1 A Si jygl-ly 1 . 27 Bowery, New Y .l. ork, P. O. Box 4,.50. 1-1 9.1,x,' INA ExTßAcle IA n lievvrnarimrtienh,,ly adiiiitell to perioitwi of wiiiik nuil 1 111 . E " I ' LACI? 41711\ ti; port,. rlr. II awl o,rlrltim+ li ar lu oil whore null aro 11011011. Elllllll . ll, 1110 . ..h:13%1.1 ill New York Wi• 11111 . F . r , Exrnoi, practice, nuil the riii.olth have liven such to fully jit•lify for It, leiil to tlial It i+ to iiimply :I T.IRIL a CO., NEW YORE, 6 6 COSTA WS F, T I , ', MINAT (1 It S .I.lJr I'm. ti I.bohl for BED:lllillS,the Powder for IN,ECTS For male by ita Prougk, ! Bowling ! ! of 01l (. ' • COr;TA IFS, (take lop oth,r 131MENIX PECTORAL CURES PILIENI PECToRAL CURLS COPOII PRO:NIX PECTORAL CURES CO ' ref irr: '1; 2. dr) ." uu2s-1y ('Pats. The l'lsantlx Pectoral will cure the /11.o.s•e• ot the Tllito.Ar Arts 1.1,00, wiell an Cold, l'aii“ll, 1:1.1op. .Is/th ins, Ilrotichltl. (litt,srrii.Sot Th / qtr./viler, W lissap. jug Coagh , CaN+l,ll.l . l‘,. Thin h . ...hialha n prepared by Or ht.,l silsorlsoltger l i tiliadelpista, and formerly of Ploonlnsillo, Pg.,aud although It ha. only been ollered for live ye.sr, nosre 'I hat, ono milli... 1,111” a have already been sold, and to domain' for it , 11/1 - 1,11,. lug e ever yslay. )lan y of the h Retail Drlingl.t. buy It In I• lot. of live grog., toil gut', few of the Country mot/sheep/ err try ono grog. at 0 tans / . NearlY eVerY otse ho hats ever sold it testiflea to Its ppular awl evert y all 'who have ti.ed It, te.lluissuy tsi tvouslorfla pow, its curiug Cough. We are confident that there In no linawn mralichip ol such peat ',little to Ila• caintailuily u , tho Phornix Pert/Ira'. It loos cured case, of the 010.1 Palatal 111 1 , 1 ilklr. , •11311 congh, of ear. shunting It hag gi y ven Ito/taut reit, in spell. of tot hati 1...hu11/ I -.I"PP/tat par , .xynia 11'11....jaaa Cough and greatly bhortenell Anralloa, II Ilan aortal Cron lt In a ten!minute.. e dl Cegutoittniption d ba to dog beet , , ntred I , Y its where another rein/ had faile gosal lloar.ailet. los, been cut asi Isy It It, •tisalss night. Phynicialwi and hna Il iliallinriven and allakillinh, it in their practice, otherg opputos it bent.° It take. away their 101.1n0... 14. revominend It to oar roamer., mill fur farther Oar. would refer you to Ibe eiruular arsotud the bottle where you Will 1111.1 cl lu , rruu. taalilleaWn gii , a Ist porsout who have ti.rd • It Is 1311 IltettSttht In the lash , that Chiltiroa cry for It. It 1e a stimulating "Ajawloralil, giving strength tit the name 111110 that Itallays, cough, The proprietor of lists utedleine go mach confisleuce In It funiktlAo pow., (ruin Oa, tonllaunly of thml.iwaln I Who [MVP rased It that tio• looney will, be netillah.A to .ill purchaser Who not ended with lig result.. It so cheap Cott all can buy It. Pries/ties/Mg, Large Bottle. 411. • . It Is prepared only li. IEN OTIERITOLTALII, Nrtto otn,TAkot, No. IrAl North I hlrd 1 , 11111.1 N. 11.—If your nee rest Druggist or Storokeeper sloes not have Of medloluu ask 1111ntu get At fur. you, sad do no het him put you off with SM. other preparation breams o makes niure money on it; but go or soul. nt once to hname store whore you know It Is kept, or send to Or, Ober. ohaer Sohi ity L. Schmidt it , Or, Wm, Home & 800, J, U. Muser,Lawoll II:fillet, Druggists. Allentown, J . S, i s :gtHouuqua,itud nearly every druggist and stoce• keeper Lehigh County. • dee I.ohn R. L Douc.niT rIY DECEMBER 22, ./cater,s. pREp.tHE volt WINTER WITH OCT IT IN THE lIOL SE. IMEIM It I It lilti 11•13 MID 11'1 IR II Oil Vogriable ...na Inny4.l - I.a‘e It ask Aar,: is Ell A sure cure for Dysentery, Diarrheas, colic', and Griping Pains. It regulates the Bow. els, quiets Restlessness, allays Inflammation, t u t promotes Healthy rest. It softens the Gums, awl rend., Teething eaqv. Pi ice :In rta.per Bottle. Sole Aeemt. for theTnited Stale, it 1111:1 I'LACF 11l T ll' I I'M \ El) 11A 1:1'1)101tE ItE-I' LACE II EATER NIES 11. NO. •?G E.\ST S'L' .1 I, 1, EN TO 1 VIN, Thy. 'water tot IMY llN.Vl'lNittOttoltS pad WIN• It. , WS, and 3INGAZINE rapacity for fool to 1:1-19 . \VENT Fol• It IItiVIZS, at a lott ELEVEN CENTS I%IZ 11.‘1'. ino.i p•rfert and 01,1 , 110 Heat, =MEE 1)11 ) 1:()VED iiItIENTAI BASE BURNING ( . OAL STOVES and P. 1121,011 PrItNA('ES, eeolvial Pone Fir.) l'rendaln. at the New Vork State and ether Fnl r.. Ake, the 4:teat I.VEIt at the Fah. el' the Atnerlena I tt-tilate held In the elty of Ne‘v They are Pertiettial bring ro gillred to he matte doting the ommon. They are Ilerfect et the Apartment. There ran lid an e•rape ttt llast front them. There cad he tio or Slag in al, stract. The art• t, ill rentain idr day. ti lthent attention. The Illmainat ten i.i,:] to ale,l , tre. They are PiiNverttil Heat,- and yet p'•m reedy adapted to mild weather. They ale he 100, Erotietnical Stoves and Fur. I t ltd I , utaittee hatl.farterlly, both an owl Idst, itlidni Adtlitlimal fuel. Eight Stte- di the and Thiee ei the Parlor Fllllllll,, The hrt.t....1 ..t rot 1... , . .111 All Ow 11111 , 1'..V.A , 11.,•• toll hi 11.% ttml fur 1.1 t.. t 1..• Sr Oils v.. .Ig...it 1,11..• •.'II. PLUMBING ANI) GAS =I Al.l, WORK DONE IN THE 11F.'1' MANNER =I GAS FIxTuREs a Nal i..t) . 1 , 1 p:111 , 11, and brie El= I_\ll.]s 11. =I STOVES, 'TINWARE AN) GAS FIXTURES No. 26 East Hamilton Strevt MU= FSTA II BLISIIED ISS .J. REYNOLDS & SON I= PH I LA DELPH lA, PA Sulc MananetUrPrh 111 the co•lrLratrd WROUGHT-IRON', AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, wan PATENT DUST SCREEN, =I \VROUGHT•IRON RADIATOR Ante). II EATIALS are tamle of Heavy Wrought-Irom well riveted together, the ottly mire prevention against the ex ease. or Ha , or lbe,t They areVarliy maged, without any dampers. the Patent Radiator avoids the use and N1111.),111 . 04 drm, and le permanently attached to the Heater. the moat durable, ellnple, economical and p e in t lar . Ibutteg jproretrtv ever offered for eel, They are all guaranteed COoIiINO RANGES, ,11,1 ronTABLE HE.vrEnsl LATHoin: HEATER'', LOW DI)WN uItATf:S, SLATE MANTELS, ItEllisTinis Aro VENTILATORS =I NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE 1:W• S .1 for our llla,troted TIOESEKEEPERS! b 0 YOU WA \;,l' A (. 4• 0 0 K sTo v.- That i- ;1,1 ..a•ily (....11 , 11ed by one th y • TII II I'l M 2d. TLuI i" ""' ""." "nalL"; 'l'ltat I. I- Ow no, Ilti) 411, That I• Ili•• i.•• 1 — THE 'POIES I= =UM JAMES 11. BUSH, Sprrtarlrfs S PECrACLES!, SPECIACLEST EY E GLASSES, A, P'? A 131., :„it, :t.•oritlit.nt of all kiwi. "-%". (11AS:S..NIASsEy's, 23 EAST HANIII,TON STREET, =! Hay a grant deal of care and attention to tho Sportac Inuainina• tor them, laid few rear, I bind that LILY 1. .inns. In that hue has' 0d...P00l ann touch that I have de term to wake it a rniVECI.‘I.ITV. There is uo article nianufactiunol is NI Lich there 1n.., 1111101 ileeeption parac• tired a+ there is ill SIFITI3I . IO liinna•nna. Knowing that tin° public have inaeit finatittnuttlY itutttittnggcnl hr parties Pre handing to :It tido of tilanoonn, and charging exorbitant urn. •1 for the ill, tiontelly traitleing upon liar reninitions m ' mod Infirmities of age, have taken Pain. to Hen loot a large and complinto assert intent of the finest mid beat Glitaaeu ever intaimiactured, hint airmailing all needing 51WCi.11 . 1.. , nil opportunity of pnieimaing at rent aunable prices. Perann. hav mg may ditilculty In being nulled elsewitcre w ml,, avail inn give inn a rail, n, reel confident 11111 i null to be 'nutted. Remember Lim 'n& No. trii East street, min...lto the lim• l a naia Itefurined Church Allentown l'a. jun 'dint( RE.II) THIS! LAZARUS & MORRIS' I=l p E i t F H ymn spEcrAcLEs AND N 1) GLASSES MEMEMfilllgn= ffEM= .sit,:. KELLER BROIL, Jewt., \ers, A I lentow • TWO DAYS ONLY, MONSAY AND TUESDAY A UGUST SO AND SI, Itirgl, Ile attends for tbe its , l•llng Messa'. Bros. In EFFTIND THE EVE IN DIFFICULT OR liNr• SVAL CASES. These sadet lag from liulreg or diseased vision are recommended 1., avail thentseiviis of this op. portually. • tiar Spectacle.. nail are ark IniWiriliged to Le the most perfect UNmirtiallt . o to sight ever tantinfactared, and ratvalways be relied alien as affording Perfert int.° and comfort 'while atilingthening and preserving the Eyes .111 ,, .t theroughlE• Ploy take occasion to notify the Public that we erns Ploy PO peillers, and to citation them against Own.. pre tending to have ear g , o for nutrist W O. 1) V , te,.rived extdoong.. for wool, out, tho en i Xrkot rico. paid. Alwayo baud o Imo of HOMEMADE FLANNELS, ALL WIDTH, CASSIMERES AND TWEEDS, n e lo c h BV bo hold latter fu •t MEE ;CORKER STORE. . 1869. c .t It Ito E. O. THOMPSON, 11.:11(11AN'1"1 . .111. 0 1t, Ottellt LOU IS 111 Vitl.ll to tlitSnnu net I„nutlfo I 0.,,a1,11.11111,43 I. [het, tettßir'steek te,ttemehle tle•lrehle peels el wny-. oil baud. the retettatioe ..b• Intl. , a!, ,elee I a (a ion or, and the great fneilit 1,, the fahrieution Illitt pretePt .le , ltaleh er ot der+. Altheugh eteittent the imetevetion lornuell the trade, for the I..trtieltler beeelit the gt.t.tl Illunlwr errrixu, 1111114.111/1,11 •; nu I.t °foamed by imitation, Lit Ihr.tugh 61m1y, exp..rloore atol 9'11,,5e on.y notl Invited Lt glv.• 110. tnrth , .d a trial. 1..1,3111 SELLING OUT ! SELLING OUT ! IMMENSE STOCK 1, o T , SHIRTS AND DRAWER:4, 11()slEltY, (;1,(>11.::* I LENTO \\'N GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE, I= ON 711 E FIRST OF FEBRUARY, 1870 1 1 11 E STOCK MUST lIE SOLO, AND THE STORE WILL 144 FOR RENT, A. lllln.vunno.nll) . l..enn. yl iln• 5v11.14,v1..1111.i114,-.. T uft: VERY RESI THE B E I'l F IT L I, () T 11 1 N , KEY SI ONE HALL BA LLI ET & N A (.1 L E 1111,, t 11.• 1111 . gt,t, lit.ht 111111 1,111 . 111/1 , 1 nt.ick Of CIAITIIINti ev, tint up ilillll. ...11 Goods In thnir n. 41 nx COAT Auk' till kith., tiok.d.. I..•rtaiuiuw to Al EN'S WEA It than you eau lathy e•l..•wl'llrn• In Lnnlrrn run in Slap Shop made Goods sold. cLoTIIING MADE TO ORDER We keep Mlllllllll a large and elegant meld of (UM DS. front which “itdinuerit eau haketheir and have them 111101 , 1131 011 .11101 t Wake.' Their Cutting Del/flrllllollt iK under the stquirykititt Bay "T II E TDIEs. n,~:'nlat. many yiiar.i 1,111,1011.. ill tile tailoring nit Airman :ie. , . and who t . ill la. tiltia.ail to receive tin. call.. of Piittatt". INZIME 4V-All work ‘varreute , rl to be of the vvry I,e,t riffEl=l next florinAn I:einone.l ',Church, .\LIES TOWN, l'A. A full 3., , rti1t.,1 (;.•tit , ' hand. AARON 11.11,1.11n' nu*. Gnlivr A'rrICACCION xEir F'llt.ll.' EIV OOO1ES! CIA)THING! CIATIIING! I=l GREAT REDUcTION IN PRICES T. os.NruN GREAT CLOTHING D11'0111E:11 NO. .13 1 , ..151` 11A:311:1'0N STREET, \Vt. onht Inlet n the entre. of Allentown twehthbt nnr• rounding country that wo are prop:wed n jnrge stock of gond. for FALL A.NO wnszTER WEAR, anti off, Oww to the public at roti•onalplt•prict... To 11,,.N.• nliu buy thvir rt.toly-untie, they aro prepared to Ittritr IL\ IttIAINS. wooLF.sriTs mADE To ollio.:n COA'I;A; PANTS AN!) VESTS Cut mid inado Iti thy Ittt,t Kiyiet and 1.1. tim 11... N 1 orV 1.41 ( . I.(yrinsG, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES, I. hag''' . Ihxu It hn. I ~,,, It berioro% ntiti u r 111101111 to , 4`ll nTr SMALL I.ILOFITs, .Liktl Elva uur ru.tuuzi.i• tlw lwur t of our low Purrl.ww, NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS; 2"S FURNISHING..GoGDS4 MN'S, Yorris . , Boys', And CHILDREN'S REA DY- - Al AD E CLOT II I NG, Douteforgiit the place. No. 4: Emit 'drool, third door mho, Sixth Wert. T. Ohati , r, Lienn H. 5 , 1101.1. mar.. 11.4( Clothing No. 908 Wrilout Street, PIIILADELPIII.I SELLING OUT I NOW 01 , 1 , E1t MN RP:AM . -MADE VI MY EMI FRANKLIN KNAUSS l'IlE CHEAPEST, AS M( 'ST D PA \ Is, FOR LESS MONEY GEORGE K. EIiEDER, KEYSTONE 'HALL, No. 94 West Hamilton Street El= =I 13 .1 R A I N IN ItEI3IEIVS, 111'1 1.1)1N1 =I =9 E= And overything in tin! Bur of I=l CIA lITIY LTNNI Profr,ssional (saris • J1111.:S ti. 11111EliV. Al' LA W. 0111), No. 20 1111111i11. , 11 elr el. merond floor or Llou Ilull, Alleuto),L (Speck.) :Mouth. gly,u to colle•ction, a ) • inrl7-1) IYIII.II G. NCH 'IV 11 Al TANN', romp..' lotildinit, Sixth and liamiltim St root-, oppo,iti• the Alimrivati AllootoNi u, Pnn. (lot onto •rimlivii. Collortitins it roontio• promptly attend , ' to. 1 E1)111:4411: EC1 . 1.1". ILTTOIiN X AT LAW. oilice, iti, John D. Stile., A Ilvt. P:t. -Nir D. Lucttes:rii:Acia. • 3EV AT LA NV. (fmerly prouticod In Carbon c it omy .. Mice. N. Il or anolton street, second Iloorl nently tile Collet H0w..., Alloidown.Pa. May 1•• 1 , 111.11;10d 111 010 (11.1.1111111111111,1111g1.. AII"I'ORNEY AT 1 , . J LAW. 11111 r, n lii P. wyrk..tr, opp.mito tt tingle AI.I.ENTO WS, P.% T E111111:1111 leer .11A .%NeI".I' , OIPANY. ALLENTOWN. Mlle° ov., mtl 111•11,- Hgalt,l 1044 by tho m toltt.Ll e. S. 111'-11. l'wnt nEArrialm LIFE LIKE P Afi Trlt. = MIMMEIIIIM 1 GP Ol'E.:111... 1 1 . 11111)1{NEY i..t w. 1: 4 , OASIS A. FOR IL EST. V111'0117 4 ; Eli .1 AND OWNSI:1.1.01: XE. LAW, Nu. n, Pa. isii II•tr 11. (11.11,1 V A'l"ll'4lll[NEV AT J • LAW. 1%1. 011 Ice, North 11111 k Mirel'i Ottirt jar il4-'o,lr 1)11:NIC .A 7 11.111.1/WIN, .virroitNcyN ILL AND OWNSEI.I,OIO4 AT LAM', La. Mit , . N., Al E. 11.111111‘..wet. C. M. r. A. It. IlAt.pirlx. EJ. MORE. AT'II'ORNEV AT LAW. •.AI.I.ENTOWN, l'A. No. :OF 4t c,1.10,1 lii tier111:111. 1) CLAY 11 ERSLI", AI"YORN EY • AT LAW. CATASAUQPA, P.A. jaull-'6,tf r111111:11 AS . B. MET zliiat xrroit• sine AT LAW. ALLENTOWN, I. Oiico, X.. tr 2 :1111:11rE",.. ALDEItHAN. sI'IZVF,V ,, It AND l'oN VEVA AOENT von THE SALE OF REM, ESTATE, si \\'r•l Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. .t . I"I'OItNEV AT LAW, d„. Al,. LENT..WN, L..IIIgIL r. 160, f..) , 13-'6,ly ~! H. 1111111,1 t1,01,1111i •,.lith.l.lo, I -1 - 4 , 1111VAllt1) 111.t1[011: V. .1111"1'01{NEY AT LAw Sonm..l A. Itrldco, A1.1.1:S was' I-11 T one R~ P, AII'ORN EY AT LAW . , E. Cerne•l4ll anallamlten Stre..l ALLEN zip' I.ly It WOOL EVER. ATTORNEY v. AT LAW. 11111e0, the AI. LENT.W N. PA. 1.3 y 1-iy I 11.1401LGEB. 4411A 1 1.1. AVIIPORNEV x X Al' LAW. :kb., Law All,, Al. I.INTOW N, PA. Ti C. atuNsREIEGER AvronsEic 1 1. • AT LAW. Mire,wlth .Ltit hIL Oliver, Fifth St rear .4 the t'”ort lien., A I.I.EN'EttWN, l'A. apr. 21-ir SMIOVEIL, LANV, ALLENTOWN, N '.V. Mit awl /13.11,11 sip - rot, sq . , u 4 l'artivular pith•ll. 1110 to the .ottlelovut 11vt..41,11 Collor• lion, mad , 6, iatiii-IS 'LAIL. I'. C. 11. GICLI/IN, SIVIGEON DENTIT. Oillo, .w4T D. GoldIu'l• Tritomlog Store, No. Etot • :wet, ALLEN TOWN PA. COLTON 1) EN TA 1, ASS( )('IAT I ON originat..4 tho n•••• of nit root outdo get, ininkter It In tho 11.Aiipprovod ntannor, 110110- thing hot EXTRACT TEETH, and thoy do 01111 WITHOUT PAIN, go 13,toitiationt•• twitity. ti•ir at the tiFFICE, No. 737 WALNUT STREET liclow Eighth, Philloli•iiihkit• • Juno 213-1 Y Agricultural BO W E R'S COMPLETE NrANURE, =I HENRY BOWER, Chemi—, I=l ll=l Snper-I'lampl6lte of Lime, Atann ia and Potash WARRANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION Thb.. N . tannrd roubdrp , all the element% to matinee larg crop. of kinds, and is Wahl y recommended by all whd 11.`d also by dintinguish,l she have. by an te.ted Its ,titlitle+. Purkud It. Bairn of .-0111.1.. each. DIXON, SHARPLESS cO., :39 South Water and 40 South 1-hlae =I 1 , 9 r WILMA)! REYNOLDS. 79 9..011s Street, Baltimore. Ad. For add r. 9. liuttry Hower Philatklphia. f.. 1.• 19.'01.1y J. JEAN ES I.lllYr , mltAl'llgit, (1.m...4 Philadelphia,) hatt tahen the Gall, 7 , No. II EAST HAMILTON STRE Pomo,ly ooropled hp It. P. 1,11114q011%. whet o persons can 14..1 FIRST-CLASS PICTURES lake!) It 1111 SONA. BEE trial ' , all 6:R1 , 11.4,1,4110 sathoy every ono. COME ,I,NEI 10111 ALL! If yon want Photographs, .1.. P.M.+, Photo 311nialan.s. pair°. If pt.., lilolalliolype.,Torrotypes, etc. (ll' lug 11 !Hai. .1. J 11A\ES, liorc...stor lo 11. I'. Laznerenr. • -rptiwriv •ritoE'S.IND C.ISES OF' g. 0.14 shIPMA (nun our lion,. in Ono Year, I. famine, clubs, and morehautn; In nvery pnrt of rho coun try, from 3lalm• I Cullfornia, amounting in vtilin. to °yr, ONE MILLION DOLLARS Oar facilitio. tor Ittnnet.o bunitte.s aro holt, than over ber,., Wi lull O! agent. In all the prin cipal elti , l to porch:oat good , . Iron, Oat 311tunfitclurerb, Importer, :oat other, for I'AS 11, 0.114 w. al an Inliununo ...Ill.` front the original owl or ProdnetiOn: oar ~toeit cota,i-4,,, In part, alike following goolo Mat w lx, ' filet otk,t Qu/itt, (''(tuna. ( tinghttnl... lire xv 'ethic Li ten, nitre Is, Sk irtv Sill, a. rbittli Ware, Sp l; w P i r k o! Ib.s , ',hard o rersteusx, Britutinb, Uler Trftr, , Toed. , and l'eockrt lYeeliery, Ia ore, rf aeri.fe 17, F-frp, tit ertoch 'mil He matt I',r new Hemelx, 11,,,e1 I . i'lwle , ll ,,, Ph A /6..1... tho and choleeNt 11 lorocco and Velvet Bannon, V l':•,'I ~ Trrtre Bags, Iferwlkerrlolef ri,of i7..1.1 mid l'ltited tho nrlrn made run u lihnOnlo Of the load lug l'uldt4hinK Houses, .hat will enable ihn pdaudard Rd WOrhn poPular autbo. of about o-holl n.gular I, at.N, 3i11,,, mud rt:!Ot VOON . N WoillKoh it. ',lli Mit Cloth hundreds 1.1 .dhvis. l'hose and everything el.` ()NE DOLLAR FOR EACII ARTICLI. We ii..114.t 14,1' it trltitzle artlelr% of tharelogralkr, that rat he hold by ratite dealer. at ratr %V. do hot ta-k yrra to hay goathr fruit larr nub,. ire Call troll them rla r alla than you can alright' than, la any hrtEr — lrldla tla gram, part of liar gawk nip • ...Hat ghoul ONE-lIALF THE REGULAR RATES IV.. tenni goad reliable agent.. In every part alto. Cum! try. II y employing Your sPatre time to Turin clubs an un order., you can ebtaln , the 101101 liberal rent eft elther Chill or 31 amt al geode bent by Or Will he 111111 err guarant... alitiabietlen In COCCI MO. 00111111 g with our house. An the I lot Idnys 411, coodog, we ore tanking bO.`11:11 Sll . rungeinants 1.1 ....vulvae. ea tate ho rend,. ou lalvertlse 110.1.1, Ivith the. most ltand•ottla met useful Ito lday pre. euts that con be thought oor ..V10 , 11.01 Cro laid to enahlr them to pfoeure them elautply and eapedttbutal, iii toil sive to tiny One oho will bevoineeur Agent,Oft Iles:trim: Fuer 'Fp VI 0, enumerating some or fillfeeffi. artielas front u Ifel, you CIIII make your ad...lieu of Hell day presents. tor returning full elutn front the.... Fr....Tickets...veer. Punted by the en.. 11, we will give the same extra proof as that we now give, just the sante nslf you had paid I. aunts for earl. one of your Tlekets. We wish you to n u u erstand that not any ether firm In Me hualueaa ran ram pew Ind 11l In any W.l witniel'er. As flub. free ticket IA only good for the Holidays, yot must sand In your order,. hobnail.. tafth of Janunry, 111 every order amounting to over,lot, nee...Pan fed !, the rash, the .ttfaill nifty retain 1 , 2. nI. 01111 In every orde over 41.10, lf.t.ttl may be retained to PAX '1'111•: EXPRESS CHARGES 1111, 11411101, r,pechtlly grutn In the Wt. eru 50u11.,11 Sotto-, hut In tip...l(olln ( )M - 1 . 1SSI( )NS w ill be 1,n1,l tini per cont. In C.ltur 51erclinutlit , ilioy 1 rift: ill CSTIKI: ill :11.111:11 LIM of C0111111Indi011+: F o r uu mdivi. of 4,10 l front u chi); of We Will pit s.nt, edininisttfon, i!.." yard. or Me:trill. Sll,Olllll, llood Itre. Pallor, Wool Sq., Sl,owl Fro.ll 15,-Iniere nntl lino 1..1: ,W Into Count, tom, etc., Mt., or i 41.110 In can), For in ordor of 4.50, front tt club of Fifty. lye will (t0 li,' A.nt, on rontuils.lon, 45 yank Hlwellit, wil l Pnt y Wool illitukrl4, Poplin Dr.,. Iland•otti wool Ptilinre Shawl, Stir, .l'itto• 0.... ,qr.. 4,1.0 n in t•ahlt. nst order 01 $110), front it Chill of Hundred, will I'll) ' 1110 Agent, ..1111111,4011, 1111 var. Shod l'olll.s)l,r !looting \Softy, ilk 1,0,1110F111115113W/, Silt{ of nil (Vogl French 151....t0ntrt ott.., .1.• lo t troploy any Tr:, ellou Attont4, n lot rp411.11.0t not 'my [mine,' to intritto ling It! ot utpn., 411,q11,1141ted. Aiwa fp. L ,y ILllisterot Leiter,. Fa Ca1n1.,“.. p •Ir in , . take soli . of our 111111111.0 stock of flue Fur. conull.tlng of 1104 , 1 Itituulun anti Iluduno %text:able. Alin Sable, tllnuchille, Ermine, Atnruchuth. tau Senn, Ac. ; Also u Ilse upoorttnent of Ladle.. Sure... 1 heel. Persian or White PIO 'nark A...01.n. which I at melting at:Myer cent. letif than, ...05 other utore lu the clt3 A 1.... uflue u••ortment of lioheu, White Fox, White let 1"'", 1"g'"" 3(1 Arch tit., l ' hhie4ei4blt. =MI PARKER & CO., 110Stitiluier St., njtottak, MAK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers