:;1 3 ( ci& Aegistcr: = ROBT.IREDELL, Ja ALLENTOWN, PA., JANUARY p, 1870 GOING BACKWARDS " 'While the question of abolishing the frank. ing privilege is being discussed in Congress and while the figures show the enormous amount of money charged to the Government on that account, the members of the Pennsyl vania Legislature, we are told, intend voting themselves that privilege. Why they should be entitled to postage out of the public treasu ry is hard to understand, and cannot be ex. plained by the fart that documents must be sent to their constituents. The position of lawmaker should be one of great honor and not sought for as a money snaking enterprise. Those who go to Harrisburg for profit are un fit representatives of the people. They say at once "we come for money," and then begins corruption. If any Senator or Representative wishes to write a letter to his friend or con stituent on business let them settle the matter of postage as business men do in pe ordinary affairs of life, and if documents ard speeches by the thousand are to be sent around to please the vanity of the Speaker let him foot the bill. We are now in a fair way to reduce our State expenses. Economy and retrench ment commend themselves to the public. Let us not go back to the old extravagant linbitS and by so doing run into debt. TUE LEGUILATERE Up to the time of going to press we had received no information concerning the or ganization of the Pennsylvania Legislature. The caucuses held on Monday night indicated the election of Charles 11. Stinson, of Norris town, for Speaker of the Senate, and B. B. Strang, of Tioga county, Speaker of the Low er souse. The contest for State Treasurer, between W. W. Irwin, of Beaver, and R. W. Mackey, of Allegheny, grows very warm. No nomination will be made until the Speak ers of both houses shall designate a time for holding a caucus. In the house of Representatives but a very few more than one-third of last year's mem bers are returned, and as a number of them are pledged to measures of reform, a reduction of State expenses may be looked for. Among the reductions will lie the expenditures for printing, and a smaller number of subordinate officers will be appointed this year titan last. A wholesome law regulating mining and pro tecting the lives of miners is contemplated. TUE death of lion. E. M. Stanton has caused sincere regret among all the friends of the Union. During the rebellion hr WfL9 the back bone of the administration and to him Mr. Lincoln looked for support aud encourage ment. He may have made mistakes—who has not ? But at heart lot was honest and sincere. Having but one object in view—the good of the country, he toiled and toiled until his life was the sacrifice. He (lied poor but we feel that the country will not let hid family want. The base and cowardly attacks of the rebel sheets upon this departed patriot nre not sur prising. In life he treated them so they de• served, they wait until the grave has closed over hint before attempting their slurs. - Ilk nomination and prompt confirmation no Asso ciate Justice of the Supreme Court were but slight rewards for his eminent public services. TUE funding of the National debt at .41 per cent. Interest sounds well. The Nation appa rently saves 11 per cent. in interest annually. But if Americana invest their money in 7 per cent. gold bearing railroad bonds and the ob. ligations of the„ United States are all taken in Europe, Lbw long can the country stand send ing that amount which will be required to'pay the Interest on our consuls every year to feed the capitalists of the Old World ? Unless our exports equal that large shipment of gold in amount, we think that" the people had better pay the rate of interest they are now paying. We don't imagine ourselves capable of med dling with our great finaneial problem, hilt the above feature of the case has appeared to us and we therefore give it to our readers. Colsonkss will get to work in earnest imme diately upon re-assembling. The different com mittees will at once report important bills for action. The contested election , ,cases of Tay lor Vs. Beading, and Covode vs. Foster will be decided easily. It is said that Messrs. Taylor and Covode are sure of receiving their certificates and that iu both cases great Dem ocratic frauds were discovered. We have not vet heard from the lion. John D. Stiles. Ilas he introduced any bills or resolutions, origi nated any measures or been anything but ❑ voting member? Pennsylvania's interests ate great and we should like to hear occasionally that our members arc alive. SENATOR Pratt of Indiana is n wonder. Ile actually wants to resign and go home to at tend to business. This is his first sestion and yet he has seen enough to make him long for the quiet and comforts of home. We admire the man. Ile is not ambitious, no politician, dislikes intrigues and wire pulling and must be honest or his conduct can not he explained. We wish there were more who would think as he does. Cowan never dreamed of it. Garret Davis and Saulsbury would scorn the Idea. The love of aloe is so great with most men that they would work fur a life time to attain Pratt's position and yet he don't, want it. Happy man. No successor has yet been appointed to fill Mr. Stanton's place on the Supreme bench or to supply the vacancy caused by Judge lioar's rejection. It is understood that Judge Strong will have one position and that the other will be offered to a Southern man. It is probable that Mr. Hoar will anon retire from the Cabi net although Gen. Grant is in favor of his re maining. SENATOR Drake's theory that the Supreme Court cannot declare an Act of Congress un constitutional does not meet with much favor from either lawyers or laymen. If it were once understood that ' Congress is Supreme and that au Act is Law because passed by the proper body we would be apt to have a better class of Law-makers or there would soon be 'atiachief brewing. Ir it Ia In the power of the Legislaturo to do anything which will prevent a repetition of the recent mining .disaster, we trust they will act at once. Scarcely has one tale of horror been forgotten before another is told. If Legislation can make the life of the miner more secure or render aceidents less probable, no question of party should step in to delay action. • 'rut; story told with so much avidity by the Democratic press that Mrs. Lincoln was to be married to a German Count is reported on trlse by letter writer. Mrs. Lincoln is living a retired iife in a quiet home and should be safe from the sneers and insults of these.black guard organs. • YIIILADVI.PHIA is likely to have a paid -Are department. We congratulate the chi genb of that city ou the prospect of a cessa tion of.the frequent lights nud broils which bteldtutide under the present systeni. r ANYTHING that will tell(' to dispel the uni versal distrust which prevails in husiness cir cles is oil poured upon the troubled waters. Many grave , apprehensions have existed among. even men of Judgment that we were approaching a panic which would be as serious In its results as the great financial panic of 18d7, 1 and the feeling has been strengthened by the publication in sensational journals — of the rumors that this and that prominent mer chant or financier had given It as his opinion that the country was going to the bad, and that finnncial ruin stared each one of us in the face. A Writer in the New York Tribune, of a late dote says that the feeling is owing to the large decline which has taken place in t h e premium on gold. and that it is without geed cause ; that a fuller knowledge of the real con dition of trade would tend to dispel it. A crisis in the general trade of the country rare• ly, if ever, occurs when everybody is looking for it. Such a panic as that of 1857 comes, almost always, at an unexpected moment. The reason is paler t. Each merchant, nt such a time as the present, is looking forward to dis aster and is so shaping his course as to be pre pared for any crisis. He buys only such goods as will have a ready sale, carries is light stock and scrutinizes carefully the record of those who apply for credit. The result of such a prudent course is that the disaster which might have otherwise occurred is avert ed. It is in limes w hen a spirit of speculation is rife, says the writer, that financial crises . are most apt to -occur—when merchants, antici pating a heavy trade, lay in large stocks, run ning deeply in debt therefor. The mercantile community have closely managed business during the past Fall, and to-day, notwith standing trade has been lighter than was au- ticipated, jobbers have much lighter stocks in hand than is usual at this season of the year. This, we believe, generally speaking, is true of retail dealers too. The people are not well supplied either, and we are grailnally getting to the bottom. When that is reached Manu factories will again be in brisk operation, trade will revive, and there will be as many for tunes made then as are lost now. When those times come, and they can't be far off. blessed will be they who hold the cash, for it will multiply handsomely. • Furthermore, there have not been rts many failures this year as in the past two or three Fall seasons, either among retailers, jobbers or commission dealers. The few failures that have occurred have been more noticed on ac count of the sensitive condition of all financial matters. THE Republicans of Wilmington, Del., have achieved another triumph by electing their Mayor. A small vote was pulled. N EWS ITEMS T lo• Public Debt was rr,lurs•d over $-10,000,000 during thr past year storm of St1L111:i) l‘;in lcidec11 , 1C:111 and IMEEM! —The Ohio Lcgislut are organlicit on Monday by the Senate electing a Rilitiblivan Choi: and a Dr:norm:tic Sergeant•at-Arnis, and the Ilntt'c Reform Speaker and a Democratic Clerk. —The Ilituic,y Director, liiive,talcei, of the Sii.,liielianun 12311 road. —Two boy , ;tad a mail ~r 4: tt•rii).l 1,11 . 11,1 In all iron naindry —An unotet.roo.ful attempt kw; bet, tott.l.• to rob the National Bank. —A tobareo nt , tory -ir7,l in tho rhot; MIZIMMI LITEILARI r! tilEtriN COIN , svocEs. oVERNNI ENT and other L ION DS DOUGIIT god SOLD. Appleton's Jonrnal for IbTo will he made f nore coui:crloN o roo or oy anode oo on rows. attractive thou even last . year. Early In the year DEPOSITS (RECEIVED. a new serial novel by Charles Dick, ns. will be Inter..l. t h commeneed, which will appear In supplements, ll Ilaaker• soot 111,1:er.. Without extra charge. Other contributions, equally To:tot:0k :lag,. at: valuable, are also promired an new additions..' , The "Atlantic jfentittil' for Jannary Ica capital N )A I) N,() V I': I.4`' number. It is a publication that few can afford I OF TIIE BEST A Unions to be without. • Godry's Lady's Look Is the lALMC old thing. Not IN _PATER COVER:3, that it has nut advanced with the age, but that it FROM lob CENTS UPWARDS. keeps so far ahead of all eon) petit, rs that It has Mt rival. The Spriy • htlisst Mast Astraetila Boys and TITIENII J F \AD U;sis' Mmorest's Young Arnerica."— The January camber 1 , 1 this beautiful Juvenile Monthly ninct move 0 real prize to all the boy+ and girl, securing it. The elegant Chromo Pic- TOY BO O KS , lures of the birds of America, and 'tumorous other A lERICAN AND LONDON, (Me ongravings, together with Its entertaining 1 31 FIVE CENTS UPWARDS. stories, music, 'wiz, pictures, puzzles. etc., tnalat a ejniblnation of attractions seldom found In one periodical. Yearly, ;I 50 with beautiful re mium to each nubseriber. Address, W. Jennings Q. Vritin Doisks. ; Dentorest, SUS Broad way, N. Y. C 7! (EVERY 'STYLE AND PRICE. THE REFORMED CHURCH AND THE LATE STNOD A NEW STOCK OF This body, which closed its lengthly se.lons In I .• Philadelphia on'Eritlay night, the lid of Decent- [ 0 ti.--)keit Knlves., ber, represents the cutire (German) Reformed ' Church in this country. This Church, formerly ' known an the German leefolned, now the Worn. I ed C'/ouch, lit the United States, numbers 5,',0 min- Mere, 1,'200 eougregations, a nit about t:50,000 bap- tized members. It dates its beginning In the year I 1563, and Is, therefore, over three hundred ymrs 1 BEAUTIFUL PORT-MONNAIES, POCK. old as it separate Protestant denomination. A • congregation of this denomination was formed ! ET BOOKS, LADIES' WORK BOXES and n e arly a century aunt a half ago in rbliddellilliai I . com PAN lONS, and every Imaginable article In which there are now jouricia congregations, , kept in a fancy goods and stationery store. with a inembernhip much huger than. this mum_ tier would scent to indicate, one of these congrega- • AT . Guns numbering over ehildeen hundred adult mein- ! hers, another over soh" handrcd, anti atiotherover . lb.l) EL L'S BOOK SI'OBE, Jive hundred. The It thinned Church is strong in Pennsylen- ! 45 EAS I' HA MILTON STREET, nit. In this State uloue It has hilt congregations: unit 69,i1'22 adult members. We believe it is the , A LLEN'I'OW N, l' A. second denomination in strength In the State. G ltEA'r .9.I"rRACTION. I It maintainsa publication house In Philadel phia, where its principal periodicals are issued, and another leading Church paper. is Issued lit .. 1 7:. 'lr 171:M .' :V E 11. 0001)5,' Cincinnati, Ohio. It has a well-endowed college at Lancaster, Franklin-Marshall, and a theologi- (,' I Iyr H l V i . I i LI , -.1. . CLOTHING ! cal He:Maury at litercersburg, which le also well s- •" endowed. Besides these, there is also a flourish ing college at Mercersburg, which, however, late . as yet a small endowment. There are collegiate GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES and theological institutions under the care of this - - denomimition at Tiffin, Ohio, anti a theological s , -. I .. (.) 7.1. AI Ti N & (.7 () , , • seminary at Grove, Wisconsin, besides other collegiate (esthetes in different sections of ! 5, ,, escort 1,, Alrfsger dr thorn tto. the country. A remarkable feature In the proceeding; of Di e . ' 13 • R (.1 A I \ S late General Synod wits the fact that those pro ceedinge were conducted in two languaous.English Ar I . llr and German. The president, Dr. E. 1. Gerhart, who is fully acquainted with the Gernifin lam gunge, usually put the action of ate bongo in both s!) 1 ) GREAT cLoTHING EMI ORIUM English and German, and the speeches were Ger man or English, Just as the speaker preferred. , iN ItHIMEIt'S BL'ILDINo There was also a German, as well ne an English secretary. The German speeches, generally fluent and even eloquent, were readily understood by the majority of the English delegates, and the r would I ' English speeches were mostly understood by the r ' ttfornt the rltlrons of Allentowa and the sure o l uotling country that we ore ',rewired .with n, largo stork German delegates. ..r g oods for , Title General Synod was the largest, and per- FALL AN I) WINTER WEAR, haps we muy say the Most important. synod of this denouthiation ever held In this country. It anti offer them to the public of reabottable prices. To those was the largest as a result of the increase . of the wts. bar their Clothlus rettay•onolo, they are ttrensrett to Church, but HS importance results front - the nn-'. "due "A It" , ":". tare lir the quemloils upon which it was called to WiloLE SUITS MADE TO ORDER .. . act. These questions all resolve themselves Ito one which we'will try to make Intelligible to the COATS, PANTS AND VESTS • readers of this paper, particularly those who are cat anti ,soda hr the Intent Faris. and by thr ben workmen. specially interested la the progress of the Church. auk ST(ICI: OF About thirty years ago, in 1111.1 establishment of . " the institutions at 'lllercerebtirg; a peculiar them CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, logical Interest Was awakened 'in the Reformed le l arg er Iliro hi h. been lb•fore, Rua N• 11 Illiend 10. 011 Church by the teaching and writings of the pro- I eer y sit AL P LRoU r lTs, and give ercart••m••rr We bone &SOWS there—Drs. Ranch, .7. W. Sethi, and 1... - 1 fit 01 one low purchase.. Schaff. The first named died just after he had oreat quantities and verien . e. or published his lirst work on psychology, and was about entering.upon a career of literary labor of a high order. l'he other two still live ' and are , 'And everythieli In the lino of widely known as eminent Chrintian selallars and ! . q END'S PUR'NISIIING fIoODSi theolOglaus. This awakening of theological life turned the ! MEN'S. TOPTHS., BOYS', rod CHILDREN'S Reformed Church towards its true historical char- i aster and standard's. It sought to free itself from I REA.DY-I.A.DF, CLOTHING, the rationalism and puritanism which had insidi ously gained control over its life, and to stand on I CONSTANTLY ON- HAND. the basis of Its Confession, the Heidelberg Cate- Don't forget thhaace, No. 4.llF.millismiltotibire•t, Hord chism. At the same time It sought not merely to i door slot, e sixth erect. repristivate the church life anti position of the T. wars, Reformed Church hi its origin, but rather, on the I usr li-it bare (Albin ' to moVe Forward to an advanced pns • sition, which mould still lie true to Its doctrinal LOOli ! LOOK I ! LOOK 111 standard. Our space %VIII iMt aIIOW UP to chariots , terize thin movement In the Reformed Church ex - AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE eept to nay in general that it lb of a churchly chars . acter THE HEST -ILIC H INES' IX THE WORLD ! I • It WWI not new', but frond it,,ir easily at p eriod . In the spirit of tile Reformed Church in tl•e period ' . 'Urn° VER & BAKER'S .of the Reformation. • It ett.tinated Nyllliathy , wi , th ' iIIPLoVE.D lIILIIIRstr PII.IOIIVIL SIiWINU NACIIINR. the prdn'tive Clltlrch,.llll was In ticeora .110 the I ;test and best theological life of Germany. ~ F '', l " , et A ou"Vi d .rl l 2 o4 ''' . o h ritriTo t :' i ti . . n 'ii . s7 b itF o n o ." S t iMl l k'bi hug that this terlVlll OrtllC true life of tlue,..aurca • A is,nia.,,, albino „„d or ,, K s w ro r oororrood , or , It was gencra.ly re,ponde,l to by tins: people. A' Loud. 3 tie people or Allentown wan iriou.ty me cortholly nineetneLt wits now started an one of ti 0.1 reriults , '`'lt'e‘tbdeiiVra'i at our 71 ' • ! ;:. " 47,... ' ite the Dermas Itoteruta of this theological tendency, to peepate a liturgy ! ci,oii.. , or or.ler or worship for the Iteforthei Church. 1 ~..;:u s .c a e . l! ifiZglt,..o.l.q:'.• is at 'o' P ifietlit••llll. ..." o ' PurcllllCltatt •ottstskl. Aftersonie fifteen years of carelal itaily mid labori i ' S. M. KEIPER, Agent., klutl I a liturgy wits produced which the General Synod i doe m Ni. IP Last Hamilton ht., Afternoon. PA. THE. LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTO three yetrs ago allowed to bo used. as a proper book of worship in the churches and families of the denomination. For the last six or eight years an -opposition has been organized to this tendency In the Church life of this denomination. It has souglit especially to overthrow the liturgy; but through this, also, the theological position which Is held by the leading Institutions in the Eastern seetbn of the Church', the Synods of Ohio and of the North West had brought out a liturgy framed after a somewhat, dlflhrent order, and now the straggle was as to which should live, or whether both should die. The friends of the order of worship were willing that this new Western liturgy should be allowed the same liberty that was allowed the Eastern liturgy, and so Brought In their report. The op position urged the sending down or both lit urges to the c 1 sses to approve or reject, which would have resulted In the rejection of both, as it r..quires two-thirds of all the classes to adopt a liturgy. The report of the committee, recommending that both shall be permitted to be used, and thus to live, was adopted by n vote of 117 to 52, nine de clining to vote. This decision seemed to shape the course of the synod in reference to all other questions. The Church, as it has been moving forward in the past, was sustained. and vet the policy or measures adopted were not of a partisan character, but of a broad catholic spirit, giving proper freedom to the different tendencies to-work out their legitimate results. Anffiher subject that engrossed the attention of the synod was the question of Church government, particularly as related to the constitution of the General Synod. This body, which Is the highest judicatory of the Reformed Church, is composed of representatives, not front the district synods, but from the classes. It corresponds very touch in Its powers and relations to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. The questions that arose related to the size of the body, there being a disposition to lessen the delegations, to the pow ers It is to possess, tc the question of appellate Ju risdiction, Cc. These questions are still under Consideration, null have been referred to a com mittee of eleven, to whom was recommitted the work of revising the constitution, which had been in the hands of a smaller committee during the three years previous. Another question that called forth n good deal. of interest was the matter of forming German classes and German synods on the same territory occupied by English classes and English synods. An overture changing the present constitution so I as to allow this was sent down to tin: classes. The Reformed Church contains a' large German element; and Its German ministers are men of tine education and of warm zeal for tile advancement of the interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom. It in thought that in this separate capacity in the low er courts, though united still with the English , portion of the Church of the General Synod, they Con be more efficient In their arduous work. This work relates mainly to the foreign Germans who are gathered into reformed churches in the large cities. The, importance for the Church and the country of bringing this German population under proper Christian influence cannot well be overes timated. Altogether it may be said that this synod was of I the highest importance for the Reformed Church. Though there was earnest discussion, 'nod differ ! eat tendencies there, yet the spirit of Christian charity and unity prevailed, so that on the most I important questions there was not a party vote, but a united vote, carrying large majorities. There seems to be no good reason why nil par , ties may not now unite in carrying forward the practical work which Invites labor. The Church pu evallingly stands by the liturgy ; but its spirit is I es liberal towards those who may differ on this Issue, allowing them full liberty to non a liturgy . which may be more in accordance with views, that It Is difficult to see on what ground they can here after make any objection. The practical work of this Church, which she proposes-o prosecute energetically, Is very much the,..t.qintoffit that which engages other Churches. She especially is engaged in enlarging the endow ment of her college at Lancaster, and the theo logical seminary at Mercersburg, In prosecuting the work of home missions, and also hi sustain ing the newly-established foreign mission ; In sup porting her orphan homes, of which she tins two; and in building up her congregations and extend ing the borders of her Zion. It is beileved that the late General Synod will serve in no small degree, to Infuse mess life Into all these operations, and quicken the spirit of unity throughout this large denominotion. For this end let all the people pray.—Phi/m/e/p/da Press. ALLENTOWN It AIL ROA D COM. NY. Pun, OCKPUTA. Derembor 13. Mg. . . . .. . . ' The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder.. of Eno Alien. town Railroad l',intilittio will lot held at the office of tlie lill ladeltiloit and Iteading Itailtood ContitanY. No. "7 nth Smith Fourth street. Ithilndelpidit, on MONDAY, JANU ARY 1011, IS:u. 111 Id',o•clock, A. hi., ft Lon so election I will lie held fora Pr... .lent and elx Daert,ur, tit nerve for 0w1...11i0n Yeti , IV,!! H. IV EMI. Serretarv• LAND WARRANTS , %VAN T ED Or Or ISI2 AND .11EXICAN WA/. =I NO. 13 BART HAMILTON STREET NECK T I ES, CUFFS, COLLARS,' itli.scrllanrous OF VARIOUS PRICES I= =I 1= A ,C.,'"^OOUGIII, COLD OR: SORE ,•AT cerielree Immediate attentleo. an neglect • , often remelt , 111 au Intuit - able Lees Ithense , •O.:WN/V • • ,p DROWN'S 17 R 0 XeIIIAD."TROCIIRS BRONCNIAI T i t imo.t Invariably ale'. tenant relief: /fOCw t:olul!:e " i7AT T nUd A 'f " nro VltTeti n c l e r : be•e a 900114191 effect. • ' SINGERS end PUBLIC SPEAKERS uee 10th 1. ,cer etreogthee tho yolco. • Ifwine to the 1.1041 repettence end popelnenT r the Tro che+, teeny fourth tree and cheap rot notions are offered. which are good for nothfu.e.' nere to ourAin the true. BROWN'S BRONCHIA L RO CII ES WANTED! 575,000 175,000 MEN ! BOYS ! TO ATTEND THE (MEAT DAILY Clothing Sales BEN N ET & 'CO TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET STREET, behreel, utl rind nth St A. C!1-1•nnr Ilene will led he IN a-ted. \\•e engage to give greater bargain% to l.nl'rlla.rr%of elethlng than rail be had plants here. Call mud +l`.l Whitt we tart do before tourelbts• Spciial floticrs y: CRAY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS ORIG INAL YouTuM. co wit, By the nee ..f that Scientific Discovery. called HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE:CEIVER It will make Hair grow titian bald head,e.rebt In very aged per,ons. ill It lortadir, the inurotire yranciplr by Ivhlelt the I ntir nenrkheil and .nyib./iled. It win prevent the hair Iretu falling not. rod dera not 14:1111MP hLin. . . .v, b it, r • ;Idea, of itsll, fl be odd .0 4 timt iwittir ams of if art offtnd to the ptvdic. IT IS A SPLENDID HAMDBESSING,! Our Tread... on the Ilalr .teut free I, null. It. P. HALL & CO., Nnultatt. N. 11., Prnprletur . . . For RAC by all drinotbdc ERRORS OF rotril.—A hilelitleMall who mitered for pint,. frola Nerreue Debility, Pretna• MN. Dieu y nut all till, will. for the .otke of aolTerlng monity, mond rreo to all who need It. the reelho uud direetliot lor making the nitn. plyrem niedy by whirl, he wait euro.l. Sutfereri wird/lug to profit by the lolverier'n experience ran do by ad. dresidur., imperfect coullilonre, N 11. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar St. New York. V, - :"I"r0 CONSUMPTIVES.—The adrerther, h a elag linen region-ad to health In a IeAV weeks, by a very nimple remedy, :titer having Nitilered Neventl year, with a severe lima alreellan, cud that dread disease. Con numption. Is anxious to make known to Hs fellow sulferttre the...alls of rare. To oil who desire It, lir trill send a ropy of the pre...rip:ion used (free of charge, with thu direc tions for preparing and aping thu Nana, which they will Tpd a nitre cure for Asthma, Brourlittis. he only object of the advertiser In entitling the Prescrip tion Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Inforrnatlou arlsieh he conceives to be Invaluable; and he hope. every nullorer will try hie remedy, an It will Cost them nothing and may proved& blesantil. Pardos wiNhing the pre .criptliat plea., addreti, lire. EDWARD A. NVlllnintstitirg, Baugh Co., N. V. NS ; TO THE WORliiNfi CLASS.—We are now prepared to forninli all class.. Willi couxtnat employment at home, the whole of the Blue or for the spare moments. Bast.se urn', l ig ht m i d profitable. Persons of either men ea silY earll ItA r evening, and a prupertioaul gum by dov.aing then. tel pe e& time In the lousiness. Boys .d awls earn nearly it• much UM 111.1. That ell who wee dile notice map send their ittldrese, and tent the tinniness. we • mean this unparalleled offer: To such an are not well sat isfied, we will need V to Pity fur the troaldo of writing. Full partleithirs, a valuable wimple. which will du to 'TrTT7orkon. and a copy of The People. Liftra ry roeta , I—‘m• of the largest :oat 1,,,, flintily news• papvis pollsitetl—all sent Bee lip Inuit. Ityader, if you ant perindaent, irsilltutilit work. es work. dee Tfint • $l5. • GOLD WATCHES. $2O. TIIE ONLY GENUINE ()R.()IDE GO LI ) WATC I I KS, MANUFACTURED BY THE (moan: IVA TCH CO, Are all of best make, Mtn/ fogy Cased, Warranted not 1.. tarodth: look like lino (told, and are EQUAL to Ilia best O 0 Eli WATCH ES to make and II ; with the hest Full Jitreled Dtlarhed and Patent Lever& Extra Fine rases (Genre and Ladies' size, 415 each. The Double Extra Relined, Solid Oroide (told, A No. 1, Full Jeweled Letters, at /CI each. Sent by Exprem anywhere within the Fnltell Staten, AT Wilot•E Al.a P t . V., payable on delivery. No MONEY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE, only eatithelorY assurance that the order In toads In good faith. Any package may be opened and examined before paid tor, by paying the Express chargea only. Verson,. Cllll order by mall will. retlety, by iatutling money In advance, In a Itegioored letter, and the gnad. will he rent as a Hesrlatered Pk av , . rcipaitl. atom risk. AN Ar;ENT SEND OIN Poll WILL IIECEI VE AN EXT HA W ATFII ru E—)l AK !NO SEV• EN till WATCHES FOR tKitt, OE EN 8/9 WATCHES FOIL LLD:ANT 1101,11 eit.w.ts n r w en t an d nt,,t reotly styles, tor Ididie. • and theitlemen'a wear, tram 4 , Inch, long, at primer i 9. $l. +4lilud t'S each; neat with watch tit loit eat wholeeale Oar Wattle.. aro all made of Iho (II EN DI NH SOLID 0111)IDE 11.01.11. lIEIo stip, aro all portent! y regulated and adnaded, tad GUARANTEED by the Company to keep re,r/ et fiat, end 'cote add ant larninh. Suite the kind, AI, end 'mad el watch and erder 41IfIV . THE ottowE WATCH CO., • =lll L •, WORDS 'OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG )11:\, 011 OW Haller Pa.daa in Youth and Early r•ELF lIELP her the erring and narartantdo Soot 11, melded latter envelope, fro, of Owe , dddrea.. 110 WA ED ar; ,, OCIATION, 13-ar. P, Philadelphia, Pa. 3i0.1 TILE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR I)Y, , iTystA IN 111: ENoWN WoRLD, 1111. W1 , 1,111 .. 4 AN 1),•.1.1:1,1A 1 . 11.1., and l'lNlCtur.r. Tau Coal.lAl. ama poailiVe and lufallitdo cure for dr,ptunda 111 tt• :flout ttcgravated turin, and no matter ut how long atauding. They penetrate the .earn altude of Iltht terrible dimeatte, tuna exterminate It, root and britio.ll, late ntt.. y and Fa. 11l bulTerlog than mote eau tell. They are ',nett far curing the most deverfitn and hare Ir a-e, scion ere, totwo loostnn foil to ntrard retter. No feria of timishitisla or todlgtostion can resiiit Oleic pen etretiod power. DR. - WU-AIM:TS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL It Is the vital principle ief the Pine Tree, obtained by peculiar process In thodistilitttlots of the tar, Ity which Its Mal," medical properties ti totalned It Illnlgorates the thgetitlve organs and restores the appetite. It strength ens the debilitated system. It purifies and enriches the and expels front the sy•ton the corruption which scrotola hreetistan the lungs. It distiolves the mucus or platiqint tt hush stops the air pa•sages or th, lung, lit princeple Act, upon the Irrituted surface of Ihn lungs and throat, penetrattog to each diseased part. re• 'loving pain end hultdoing inflammation. It is the result 0i1y..., of ',Witty and experinseut, and It is offered to the afflicted with positive atowtrance of Its power to cure the followang diseases, lithe patient ha. not too long delayed a resort to the 1111'1.1d C11.1, Coueritaption elf the Lunge, Cohpeh, Sore Thro , :t and Beetled, Ifrottehtlie. Liver thmiphtint. Ifliurl ft.( Piles.. th 4ellthut, Who•qthay Cutiuh, Diptherta, e. A medical experl,hultling honorable collegiate diplannut, devote. litit entire time to the egainiu alien of patients at the °thee plater, A ....primed snallit are three commit, lug pliyaletatiaut ackuuw Waged emineuce, Who. vetYlees lire given In the public rutty Or Tiara oppertitutty in uttered by uu other lutlitutiou In the contry. Letter. from any part of the .runtry, tasking advice, will be promptly and grata it °wily reiitioniled Cr.i Where con veuleut, retultiguer, should take the alum° of DRAFT OR POST•OFFICE ORDERS Price of Wieharrn Amerirnn Dyspepalall%. /I a box. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Price 01 WbdiarCe Pine 'free Tar Cordial, 51.50 a bottle, or 01 per dozen. Sent by expreelA All coulumuleAtlnne should be adareesed L. Q. C. WISIIA HT, M. D., N 0.232 N. Second ESE= r;" _ DEAFNEeS, BLINDNESS AND CA TA It Itll treated with the UMOOSi I.IICCOn. by .1. 1,1/:N. M. D. and Profeneor of DiOIIINPR of the hye and Ett Ole ellettliffl) lhe Medico! I 'ollege Prn - .11Irn oh., IL yearn rrivrienre, (formerly of I,oon. Hot. laudo Nu.ia, Arch direct, Philadelphia, Tentimenlala can hp he.) nt kin ofllce. The medical faculty ore invit ed to accompany their patients, an he inn no eecrym in his Practice,' Artillchtl eyen lunerted without pain. No charge fur extuninutluu. /all tr-ly•n• SCHENK'S PULMONIC SYTWP, SEA WEED TONIC and Slaudrake Pill, will core Con sumptlou, Liver Complaint, and Dympepsis, if taken ae• cording to direr t ~, , in. They ire all titres to be taken ut the same tone. They cloutna the stomach, relax the liver, and put It to work: thou the appetite becomes good; the food illge.ts and makes good bleed; tho Patient begin. to grow in flesh the dboomed mutter ripen.. In the 10ng.., and the Patient outgrows the disease and Beta well. This is the• only way to cure CUIMIIIIptIon. To these three medicines Dr. J. 11. St•benk, of Pit plata. omens his unrivalled Norte,. In the treattneut of pul monary cousumption. Tree Polimmie Syrup ripen. th e mot bid matter in the lungn, nature thrown It b, uu easy expectoration. for when the phlegm or matter In rive• a elight cough will thriit• It 1.11, sod the patient loin rent and the lung. aegis to itrl'i• To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to eleause the .loninch and I,lln. no that the Pulmonte Syrup and the food will make good blood. Schenk'. Mandrake !'tile net upoti the liver, removing ell olintruclatin, relax the doets of the gull-bladder, We bile start. Ireely, an re d the liver is sum, relieved; the stools will show what the Pills cult do; nothing hue ever been invented except Cliioll..l Inn deadly poinou which is very dungerou. to use toile.. with great mire), that trill unlock the gull-bladder awl own the secretion,. of We liver like Schenk 'is Mandrake Pill, Liver Complaint hone of the tuna prominem rail,. et Coniittniptlon. Schenk'. Seaweed Tonle is 'a gentle stimulant and alto, five, and the alkali lu th e Seaweed, which thin prepara don is made of, assist. the htotunch to throw out the gastric juice to dissolve the food with the Pelnionic Syrup, antldt in made lute good blood without formeunitiim or courieg in the ntumach. Tln great re. 111111.11, phyelelans do 'net cure MnRIIIDp• lion is, MP)• try to 110 too much; they give the cough, to stop chill, to stop:light -weals, Berle fever, and by se doing they derauge the whole digestive power, locking up the necretlous, and eventually the patient sink. snit die, lir. Scheuk, In hi. treatment, does not try lo stov .11101, :tight chills, or fever. Remove the cause, nod they viii all ;top or their OITII accord. No 011 V cult be cured of 1.1 her, Ulcerated Throat, uulesti the liver and ntontiteb are made healthy. If Person ha. Contiumpnon, of course the lungn In some way •re thee:teed, either tubercles. abecesses, bronchial irritation. pleura adheolon, or the lungs aro a 101.11 of in flamatien and fast derayMo. bud, caned what mutt be dune? it le nut only the lunge that are wattling, but It le the whole body. 'rim otomach and liver have lost their Power to make blood out of fond. Now the only chance la to take eclienk'e three medicines. which trill bring no a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin to want We i l. I t will digest easily nod make good blood: then the ustt u .t begins to gain In flesh, nod an noon as the body begins to grow. the lullp 1,11111111'1,C0 it, ill-0 annul the patient gem tieshy and well. This Is the only wtty to cure Coneump- Lieu. When flu,. Ie no lung alsenne, and only Liver Complaint and Mysprpsla, Scheok Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake PIIIs lire soflioneut without the Pulmoulc Syrup. 'raked. Alandrake Pals freely In all balcum complaint, as they ado pertectly humnies, Pr Schek, who ha. enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years pant, unit new Weight , 2') pelts Win wasted away to a inure iikelrtun, in the very hint stage of Pulmo nary Cuneutuptiou, hie physicians having pronounce.' Ele. ow hopeless end abundisued him o hl. fate. Ile wee cured by Me aloresaid nieincloco, aid snare his recovery totter ilion•ittnla itillicted have tined Or. rehealt 'et prep ',attune with theenine remarkdble sneer., Pull directions accompauy each, make it not absolutely necelsekry to per. e sonally see Dr.Sclielik, tittle. the pall.. ty their Mus Mad tor tido purpom he prnfes•tuttally at hi. Print: pat Oilier. Philadelphia, net waxy. whore ell letters our advice mum Wilda...ed. Ile is also probes. •lonally at, No. N. 2 Bond Street, New York, every other T, red gull at No. 141 Hanover Street. Huston, every other Wedne.day. Ile gives advice free, but fur a thor -01,01 e.llllllllll. oasts lils Respirometer the price WAS 00. Waco hours al oasts city ' front A. M. to aP. 11. Du, J. 11. SCHENK', 15 N. oth £Y., Platada.,Pa mar 104y*." N, WFDNESDA nanciaC iNCREARE , OF CAPITAL. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLENTOWN Paid up Capital, 8150,000. Authorized Capital. 8500,000. The Director* of this Bank realising the increase of business lu the city and community as well as the month, melt eman Increase ty for tnore Booking Capital. hn•e ed to the Capital Stock of thin Bank from SIOO,OXI to 4900.0(k) The subscription books for thin Inc eeeee aro now open at the Banking House, and all permsoe desirous of securing stock are Invited to make application at once. The subscriptions are to be paid In the followlus lustall• ment* •is: 10 per cent. on day of stibscriptlou. • ." 15th day of February next. 00 " "Ist " April next. • " " I.t " June next. For further Information apply at Banking Mule to , T. 11. MOYER, Cashier. nee 17-tf I=l MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK llnentlton. between 7th no. Sib !greets LLENTOWN, PA. Mosey taken on &poolt at all times and In any mums from one dollar upward, for which SIX PERCENT. INTEREST wl,l be Pal& Deposits may be withdrawn at any Ilme. rerauna de• Or.. of e^.d ,, ni ...el to any Part of theMlnited or (7anadas, will here their matter. pt.:aptly attended to, and without any risk on their part. tiold, Sliver, Coupons, Honda and other seenritlea bu rj: LICIMISW•LLM.S D A I K .I 2O B r C . HALL' Prn s t a d p"l.tf BitNICING, nOUSE OF G 001) & It t: H itirr Delos WIIST OP TllP.rinsT NATIONAL. BANN, ALLENTOWN, PA I. ceder to afford all nervous an opportunity (however small their moans) to deposit money In smaller amounts than what are now received by the various Dopoaltories uf this city, we have concluded tu RECEIVE DEPOSITS IN HUM FROM ONE DOLLAR B=l sail allow Interest for the same at the rate of nix per cent. per •unum. Interest to be calculated from the first and fifteenth diva of each mouth, subsequent to much deposit. Interest will be made up sin all Deposits remaining with as, half yearly, to wit ; the first days of April and Octeber,ianti will be paid to depository on those day, ; if not drawn they will go to their credit:lntl be com Pounded• No iaeti est will be calculated on fractional parts of a dul• Aar. NO less ainimut titan Five Dollars can be withdrawn tiles. it he to clone an MCC•Ollit. Every Depositor will be Tarnished with a Deposit Book containing the conditions %pox which the DePOKIts arc received, and no Intaiey will lus received unless the book be presented and an entry made at the time of making Individuals Sinai! MIMI over the necessary expenses vi and families that are liable to be wasted or needlessly expended, may, if deposited, produce in time amounts that will surprise any &ow who ham given no heed to the subject. A deposit of V 1.09 per week.continued one year will •wootit lo /32 t two years 0193 fil three years VIM; 92 ; four yours *221.1 ; live year. V 2 1 ,2 nu, and ten yours 1)666 Oil. It commends Itself us • sure. convenient and Profitable depository to Executors, Adinitn.tratorm. A•• amitosis, Collectors, Agents, and all Public Officer., whether for themselves ur their trust funds, to voluntary Seclude. or Associations. and Indeed to nil classes of our citizens. KUOWISIR that a perfect Renee of security to Depositors is necestary to the attainment of success in ibis enterprise, we have In •ddition to our own individual respousilitlity, (which la not tine fuel in incorporated Savings Danko) ex ecuted and delivered to Charles W. Cooper, Cashier of Al lentown ?intluunt Dank, and Tilghman ?foyer, Gambier of In Nation al Hank, a Bond of indemnity (with approv ed security) in the .110 of Twenty Five T110101.141)011314, to held by them in trust for the special security of our Depositors. This fact will plum; us fully equal (an re to safety of depositors) to nay Depository in thin buy. tell and exchange all insueo of Government Bonds, execute orders for the purchase and sale of alt first class securities, and negotiate Isaut uu Real Estate small o commismoun Advances made tense dealers at all Diana on approved co Ilaterak, 01 market rates of interest. Tit.. 11. Gout, Enw•nti Rana. MEE! KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK, tOrgaulged under &nig Charter In lug.) .) ..) BONET RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT. and 6 per gent. In- . Went will be •Ilovred. For *butler periods spechLl wen ---..„,,,,' JEWELERS, wail be paid. A 1111), Luouey loaned out on FAVORABLE TERMS. Saida i. ' i Bnuk in laciiktil In the lieentoue Bonne.in U. borough at Kitt:tow, JOBE 11. FuIIEL, President. KLIW•Ill) lIOTTN.I,IIII, M. D. Cenhier. RZIZI . . F. J. Slough M. D., .1. D. Wishner, Est.. Did new, ' It. It. Schwartz, hloq W. D. Fusel, Daniel Clader Richard J. Isuerr, Jesse Miller rurl2.lf John L. Feel. Esq. A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU AA- VON (Organised had. - State Charter In Beth I Money received on Deposit, and C per cant. Inieve.t ci- I towed for one year. YUr abort., periadv apesial rate, will I be paid. ALIO, 11011. i LOATED OCT on F•T011•IILl TIMM Banking Houne—IIAMILTON STREET, mid-way he %wean the Court Houma and Americo. Hotel, opposite old. I= WILLIAM 11. AINEY t Pre.ldent A 120113. UI LLINUEt, Cuhler. =I tittEelf22) II <0 Qt. Pr.b.• • - • - Samuel Sell, Belli .1 Ilesenbseli, Nathan Peter Wlltiam 11 Alse7. TIIE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD Ir. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDI UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BCYUGLIT AND SOLD DaIAVEN & BRO., BANKERS AND DIALERS IN U 0 tin:Nur:2qm 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PUILADELPIIIAI OEM 932 MARKET STREET IS TILE cheapent and bast place to buy Choice Tobacco and Clint. by the bnl. Monitor ivry, and Jones & Son's Tobacco alwaya on hand at low rate... Mer.eltautn Pipes, Briar, French, and other atylea ran be had here to atilt cuatotners, either whotelte L narall. ggzi. V3e2 SIAREET i lobbing HOU. , R2 l l uu e n t , ta l rA CANDY AND FRUIT. GEO. W JENKINS Surer..., to RI'IIICAN & SELLERS, iirtiletfe , ilirfr of SUGAR, MOLASSES AND COCOANUT AND WIIOLV,AI.B LIMALMN IN FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE WORKS, • ;. AND CHRISTMAS GOODS. RH' 'NORTH THIRD STREET, • d,c1.5:11. PHILADELPHIA. TOYS, TOTS, AND FANCY GOODS, = TO DELIOHT THE JUVENILES LEON HIRSH'S BAZAAR FOIL THE SALE OF TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, OF GERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, NO, 812 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADULPIIIA • the only place where a complete nssortment of Toys and Fancy (Node combined I obe found: Ac any enumeration of the beautiful good. now on en. hibillen and for emir at this palatial .lore must fall far obeli of the reality. we 01111 omit It. Inviting our Mt dens to call and examine for thsaselyee. By going at once you have as unbroken naeortment to select from, and .Vold the anuoynnee of Vie !UMW ded Store at Christmas LEON lIIRNII des 1 Ito. Pl 2 Chestnut street. Maui. , JANUARY 5, ------- Matrbeis ant) Jebadru CULSTALT AND 12T11 PiTRE , BAILEY 61r) CO., GRAND OPENING CHRISTISIAS TRADE MAGNIFICENT STOCK WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, ke. BRIDAL GIFTS BAILEY & Co. hare the handsomest store la tk• wand and trill at all tines be pleased to reeel•••ad skew •Islt ore thr.mgh their establishment, BAILEY & CO., NEW •MARBLE STORE, CHESTNUT AND 12TH STS., or. U. 5.1, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT I E.CALDWELL &CO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, 'lave rebuilt. enlarged and remodeled their autablieh rho me mnut, diudroyed by fire Jauuury last , and bare opened diae tor butluex. WITII AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK MANUFACTERED & IMPORTED GO9DS, Superior to any they have heretofout offered to the Public., JAS. E. CALDWELL h CO., 902 CHESTNUT STREET. rAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, John D &Deo No. HS NORTH SECOND ST., coo. oe CIcARRY, PHILA. An Kennett.. of Watches. Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware cenetantly on hand. IM—ltcpairlog of Wotche• cad Jewelry promptly attended to. Aug 11-17 . FiltUtle C tlaMuol. CM GRAND OPENING OF A NEW JE W ELRY STORE. 3. R. NkEDER hog, leave to Inform the calreneof tiler he bar opened a new JEWELRY NO. 36 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ; Where be will keep constantly on hand an uaortment of CLOCKS, NVATCIIES and JE%t ELM' at rained to putt the • *A.:Cloche, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired J. It. Weber being an experienced and careful mechanic, reapectfully asks tie patronage of the public. july J. It. WEBER. ESTABLISIIED IN 1851. REMOVAL. JACOB lIARLEY, a JEWELER, Invites his patrons and the public generally, to Ills Now Store, No. 13M CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA, whero they will find a large end well slected stock of DIA bitiNDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, at Moderato Price,. N. B —WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds tirade to order. july I;4.tina wAvrcnEs, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED 'WARE CHARLES S. ..VASSEY'S, M EaKt Hamilton street, opposite tho German He formed Church. Just recoived (rum Sew York and Phil adelphie, all the latent styles GOLD WATCHES. Ile has the largest and best assortment of Gold Watches and at lower prices than can he found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES. Ile has a larger and better essorttdent of Silver Watches than C. bepllrdlYkled anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. Ile has the largest and best assortment of all kinds of Gold JowelrY. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile bas a larger and better assertineot of all kind• of 011 t sod Plated Jewelry than coo be Wood ebiewbere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ile Imo a splendid assortment of Silver and Plated Ware. •ny person d“irlog good• lo.tbin llu• can nutisill to be suited. CLOCKS. ♦ larger sheo . rtmout than at any other eatabllehmeot 3IELODEONS. A splendid samortment of Prince's Melodeon.. the beet In the world. ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of iccordeons. Ills establishment has lately been fitted up. and Is now second to tome lu New York and Philadelphia, and ahead of noythlngoutside the large cities. Helm. a largo, stock of faaltionable goods to hut Hue than all others in Lehigh county combined. To Collol2es yourselves set the &hero call mutt gee. KELLER & BROTHER, ' NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, well repainted and warranted. An alien and prices, (ruin rri , upward.. A larger aneurtaneut or GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other Clore In the city. JEWELRY'OF ALL KINDS, of every description. WirWatchee repaired ou Short. Notice. PLATED GOODS , rui FINEST QUALITY, at the Loweat Bate!. at 140.1 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Floor, We are dally recel•ing from our factory In Connacti•ut the latent style., of Gouda, of all patterns, from Boners' Brother., and Meriden Brittaula manufactories. TRIPLE•PLATED SILVERWARE, Suitable for . DIIIDAL OIPTS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. EN CHESTNUT Street, Second Ploor, PIIILADELPIIIA, A. 11. ROGERS. dec 1 —Stu WATSON'S CELEBRATED F IRE xiAND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE 110 USE IN PHILADELPHIA The only Rates with la IDa Dorian. 0 earanicad Free front Demptiese. Aim, prima from la to la) per cont, lower that other makers. Plaines teed for Circular and Price Lim. T. wAnioN 6 *ON. Late of Evans k Wawa. ineurtfacturera, No. all O. Pourth at.. Philadelphia. ranzi PHILADELPHIA E W ELERS, FOR THE FALL CCEI I= NOVELTIES A. SPECIALTY PHILADELPHIA =MEE SILVER WARE A. H. ROOERS 870. FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE At Allentown WILL BE CLOSED All day on Friday, December 10th, in order To MARK DOWN PRICES Of all Fall and 'Winter stock then remaining on hand, preparatory to n GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE eiLE*A)d: , :c cd g mr . co gOC-4.7j We don't propose to carry over a dollar's worth of fall and whiter goods If we can help lt GOLD IS FALLING. and goods, we believe, will be cheaper next Winter than they are this. We propose to sacrifice upon our oods no rather than lose the Interest of the money Invested in them, and then have to do It. next g Winter. w This sale w il l eclipse anythine; of the hind ever seen In Pennsylvania. Many good will be sold ~~~~ STORE WILL RE-OPEN SATURDAY 'DECEMBER Blight and early, and prepared fdr a gci:at rush. During this Kite, which he to last 30 days, Best Merrimac Prints 10e., our former price 12t, - ,e. Flue and house Brown ' Sheeting, yard wide, 10c., our former price 15e. Extra quality Canton Flannel, 12..6c., our former price the. Best Paper Musllus ' all colors, 10m, our former price 12! Elegant Plaid Popllus we will close at 40e., oar former prier 50c. All wool real French Empress Cloths, 70e., our former price £l , -.00. • Superb quality of French Merino 00c., our former price 01.25. Good qualities in French Merino 70e, our former price Sse. All other kinds of goods greatly reduced, including great bargains in Alpacas, Chene Poplins; Colored and Black Silks, Cassimeres and Flannels, Blankets and Marseilles Spreads, Brocka Shawls and Carpets, &r., Lte. Come and take a lou ' k at the crowd even if you don't want any goods. 19 EAST Mammoth dale! HUNDRED THOUSAND $400,000.00 DOLLARS' WORTH FOUR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, NT SUCH PRICES AS SHALL INSURE AN IMM DEIATE WEDNESDAY THERE WILL BE COMMENCED, AT THE GREAT OAK-HALL BUILDINGS SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, GRAND CLOTHING SALE, GREAT EXECUTOR'S SALE hell there one year ago At which the People Remember, they secured the BEST BARGAINS IN CLOTHING THAT THEY HAVE EVER MADE IN THEIR LIVES THIS IS TILE STATEMENT OF OCR CAS} Anticipating, as did all Merchants. an =many brisk trade, we Invested EIGHT HUN DRE'D THOUSAND DOLLARS ($S00,000) in the Purchase and Manufacture of Clothing. Our Sales have exceeded last year's, but have fallen far short of our calculations—amounting, to the present time, for Fall Trade, to about Leaving us Four Hundred Thousand Dollars' worth of Garments of every description, suits ble to all classes, made up with the utmost care, of the rery finest Materials, NOT ONE DOr.LAR'S WORTH OP WHICH are we willing to carry over as Old Stock into next year. Hence we are determined A CI_IM_A_N SWEEP gettingTfade hack Mo without I what ney wenc can, so as to NV obe in good condition to commence the next Bee rance. as offer, then, OUR ENTIRE STOCK At Prices tus Low as those prevailing at the Great Sale last Fall, BRINGING SOME OF OUR PRICES FAR BUMS ME COST OF MANUFAOTURING 4 000 OVERCOATS, made in most Fashionable Styles, of all kinds of Beavers, Chinchillas, Tricots, Ac. 4,000 BESTS, Coats, Pants and Vests of the same material, Business, Dress, Traveling, " Ind's pensible" Sults, k.c. 6,000 COATS, Chesterfields and Sacks, Morning and Lounging Coats, Frock arid Dress Coats, &c. 5,000 Prs. PANTALOONS, of all materials, and cut on every approved style, Narrow and "Nobby," Plain and Comfortable. .6,000 VESTS, Velvet Vests, Fancy-Cassimere Vests, Cloth Vests, double or single breasted, high or low cut. BESIDES ALL THIS, WE WILL, FOR 20 DAYS, DISCOUNT ALL CASH SALES IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT DEDUCTING , 15 PER CENT. FROM THE FACE OF EACH DILL, 211 PER CENT. ON ALL PURCHASES IN THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT This Department has been a Specialty with ua this year. We have hid manufactured the Largest and Bent Assortment of Bogs' Clothing to be found In the city, all of which Is now for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. TO FIT OUT 'TIP CHILDREN. sti (i; Store wilt be opened early; and closed late. About SEVENTY-FIVE SALESMEN will be in attend ance. Prompt and polite attention will be given to all. No customer will be unsupplied, If any Rea sonable Accommodation of Prices will Induce hint to buy. 1. Wednesday, Deceider WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK-HALL BUILDINGS, S. E. COlt. SIXTH AND MARKET STS., PHILA. \VIM, BE MADE TCIEN WE WILL SELL HAMILTON A LLENTOW N. I'A SALE_ BE MORNING, DECEMBER I, 1869, AT lIALF-PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK, To he in Every Respect a Duplicate of the $400,000.00, AT. ALL lIAZARDS, TO MARE OF ALL THIS CLOTHING And allow SALE COMMENCES COOT 11, STREET,
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