.ffinancial INCREASE OF CAPITAL I'LIE FFILST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLENTOW N Paid up Capital Authorized Capitml The I)lreferh of thli Bank lhalizing the In. ren4e . of la the ,•ity and eammoult , Lt , well I, the e ued demand and acce..ity fer mere Ileukina Capital. have .01% , Inereae the Capital ritoeL of tl i Bark (nolo 41."0.0.kt to .1...0..1,00.1 The 1+ , 11,1,111(10n booka ferc thin inerra•e ere new epeu et the banklug Haase, and ell per , ele•de.lzellz -leek are luvlted to make applkallen at "nee. Thu •ntrzrrlptl.lnk are+ lfzhe paid In the follnlvlnd routelt meuta, vlz IP per cent. en day or 97 " " loth duy ef Few - tory 111,1. 60 •• 1.1 •'Jun •• Apri e tlextl next. • •• . For further Informetiort apply et honking lioueo to T. it. MOI.EIt, W. 11. BLousii, Preeldret. nor 11-tf MACUNGIE SAVINGS HANK, Hamilton, betweeu ftl, nail Bth Street' , AL LENTO WN, PA . Money taken en depoelt at all Ilmee and la ouy eurne from ono dollar upward, for which SIX PERCENT. INTEREST witi be paid. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time. Persons de sirous of sending money to any Part of the United Mabee or Canada', will have their matters promptly attended to, and without any rink on their part. Gold, Surer, Coupons, Bonds and ~they necurlties " 1 1/ 1 e S r C I i LL, President. IV. h : D Lien TEN Vr•Lt, R sap al•if BANKING HOUSE OF GOOD & It t: RE TIRO? DOOR WEST Or TOR FlllifT NATIONAL. HANK, ALLEN TOW PA la order it. afford all persons nu cpporlnall i how, er mall their means) to deposit money In smaller amounts than what are now received by the varlon. llopogliurles of this ally. we have concluded to IttiCRIVE DEPOSITS IN VMS FROM 1,1'1,1,{ 1t =I wad allow interest for the aunt/ at the rate of six per ceut. • Cr annum, Intereut to be calculated from the first and Afteenth Jaya Of each mouth, subsequootot to inch deposit. Interest will be made up on all Deposits remaining with as, half yearly, to wit; 011 the Moot days of April and October, and will be paid to depositors on Mom days • If not drawn they will go to their credit and be compumuied. No Inotrast will ba calculated on fractional parts of a dol lar. No lean amount than Five Dollars can be withdrawn unless it be to close an account. Every Depositor .111 he upon which a Deposit Hook contaluing the condition' , upon which the Deposit. ore reeelVed, and no money will be melted unless the book ho' presented aud au entry toads at the time of making the depoKlt. Small unms over the notamotry ex peaces of Individuals and fatuities that are liable to be wasted or needlessly expended. may, If deposited, produce In cline aonounts that will hotrod.a any norm who has given no heed to Dos subject. A dopoelt of $1.12) per week, continued one year will amount to 02 fin ; two years 4112:.1 • three years NM P 2; four Flora Ie,CM Zi ; livo years oloped . 2 02, and ten years WIG MI. It commends itself no a safe. COLI , OOOOI.It and profitable depoxitoory to Executors, Administrators. An• alpines. Collectoru, Agents. and all Public Officers, whether for themselves or their trust funds, to voluntary olot o. i . ms or Associations, and laded to all C1,11011)11 of our Knowing that a perfect souse of sectorlty to Depositors we useexuary too tile attotintnent of warrens 1n this euterprlse. we have lot addition to our own individual re.ponsibility, (which Is not the fart In incorporated Savings Rauks) ex ecuted and delivered to Charles W. Cooper, Cushier of Al lentown N:0110 lal Bank, and Tilcionouto Moyer. Vashier of Ist National Dauk, Booed of Indemnity motto pecurlty) In the sum of 'rwoonty Olt e Thousand Dollars, to be held by Mono In trust tor 11.. .perm! security of our Dopu•loors. This fact will ooloove folly equool (as re osurds be safety of dolmen., o too "ay Depository 11.1 this l t?';• lu anti 1001,X1,10111P... Issue- of Government llonols, exacta , order.. for olio m0re1.... 1001 sole of all Heat r 11,4 ...octoroon., :01 oecooto.ote Isa los oos Real Estate smell commission. AtiVrtltet, nulttc oar 410.11,- al all tllO., allateral, al .:••• .• .1. =Ell KETZTOMIN MAVINGS BANK, =1 MONEY RECEI VEI , ox DEPOSIT. .141 cper cent. tore. will .perial twos will 1,, paid. Alen, money loaned too on FAVORABLE TERMH. Said Bunk in Lonoo.l in !no Ney,...a., Hon. , ill 11.0 1,1.1,1101 of KlittiOWll. .11,115 11. FOOFL. Prooldent. 1312121=EMIDIM 5 . ... F. J. Sl..ugh M. 11., J. U. Wauuor..E.l., Da vld Fi.t er. 11. 11. I,eltsvart,, F+ , l W. 11. Fogi , l. 11au1..1 Chid., Ilittharil J. lin , yr, .I..na• Miller wy1:1-t( .1.,1. 0 11. Fogpi, E.,. A V T ) I' I G FS' T =1 =II lIE=I 1.0111.10 N nsid•wal I= 1=1" =I WILLIAM H. AINEV, Prepsld.. JAI'OIII. DILLIN(ILIL Charles ti ilusb. Christi. Preis, George Probst, Boni .1 II ageubrrb MMII=II THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD 11:1=1:13 FIRST MORTOAUE RUNT) UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RA I UR( )ADS BOUGHT . ND SOLD 1)P . ,11.‘ & if.iNIINRS IPRALICRS IN 001,KRNMIINTS 10 801."Ili TIMM STREET, rnn..o r.i.rwe~ DEMI Vroof safeo 111F,ItRING' N I= VIBE ANI► lintGLAII PU(RJI' SAFES (WITH DIY FILLUsioo Awarded the Prize Medal• a World's Fair, Laridott F•tr, New Turk, Expos Mint Universe Parte FARLIIi;I4, HERRING & Co 0•1C141 011.1.411. OMIAI. IIATENWM. 010. W. Mill.. 6.29 ' I EST NI ' 'l' S 11 - E E'l' PHILADELPHIA 0 11111110, t UAAAAA raw rose OURIMO •CO CHICAGO NMI/M. naui as Co.. maw mown gar ter 3Labic,s. FALL AN D evevrEn "'ASH lON S Tans. M. A. lIINPER hne nrrA from und Lottdott ,vlth lair-t imr,omilly ...lug:1ml from 1110 great... lilt' !MI.( olmtimt TritmultM. to be o:entroil itt I , A ers ' i t ilAlttiN,, V I:1.V 1:1* , , IIIIIII.If.VEII.S. I'l.M%* - ERS. l'INI: I.:WI:1.1:V, “m1T1t13111:11 l'A PEI: PArri:Ks,. VNrlttvt .x-t.t for Mt., ,1.V0r),, m•l,lritrtl or milting I,llm. me, N. W. I'll I' T" EM=l 5500.1100 ~.... ~.,. •-.-., - - VE- , it ll t '11(11111(' ~,6 r. .. ' „ag.:;; 131 , ,51' IV()Itl,l) 'rho'. 1 y oho that awl,' in... than 000 4 lrh, nod n• than oni any, Hark ward. nod Cot ward, turning your good, noes all kludn of Avork, Light nod Heavy. Thyp ore nold a• cheap un othor loarldno• nod wnrranled to be good. Call and loa.thoin at 3t1.... T. W. liramor'l4 1111111u , ry Mow.. Ea , t Ilnonllou .round door bolo, Amoricon 1101, 1. Noy 15 \V F. Will.I.E. von,. 4 T~ • -.7 g , • 1::\ , 110V4 EV. f0:111N.I.; 71i M a). oh hand nntl 1.. r • tIo.1.) 11. I) E S II I, E It. .` NO. ;I Henry 1..1., Jr., 11.•1 ..... Joint 1 , ,1rt itenti.o II sikul, •• Miller,Seltrvlllor Mo•feltalst ti;l\Vitt. Amoy,Pri-olletlt Second Noil.mal 11;1111: lir. B.Jut,loy, .1. it. 1/111Ing , r, .11tornt.y.t• La iv. 1'11... 11. Muir IL. (lay Iliturrtly. l'ata•att., Mity-*AI ly. T'l,lBl.lll . Argil'i;‘',"',„""'''' " E. W. .1. EVERErr, 50 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, Below Arch, Philadelphia, lints Mrs. Airrienneiin'•) Trusses, Fenoile iinprocter, Brace., Lls.tie Ilelt., Stock ings. Lowest price.. Pei iect adjustno-nt.. Ln.l y At tendants WHEELER A: WI LSON'S SEW] NG MACHINE & wi z 'Jo* EIESISHE ulat.)1111,.• - 31.111111.•'. 1.::1 .1.1,.•.• )1,1c1011.•- /II 1....1,10 . 11/1,., ICal , t• 41 I . TI.: .t a.,,a, • ) n ito'XN, IV - 01{1'11 PENNS\ VANIA IZA11.1:0A1 , . ' wisTER 11,t..,t,ger• for Pllllatlolphia LelklL:h yol:r1 IL I . .. ... 5 :Alp. tn.. nod orrivo In l'hillololptila at 9 P. tn., 2 1:1 p m.:..1 • '25 P. u... ”1...i.t.hi,,t, :Ind 5u.qu0, , .1. r,..ii.,i:" train . 2 In p. nt. lola array.. in I . llll.t.lelphln til 1 1. p. to P.t...nntt.o. , for 1,10...t0wn Itil, WWI. lint vii...: It'll, lelunn at tt ....o t t. In. and '2 To p. ill. Francis Situluelk somuel Sell, Nadas. Pore, 1.0r.11. Sr 1 I EI/I'l.ll. i Four Through Ti Hill- Dally.snplay. Ex eepte.i. PUSECLIVIr trains leave the depot Northwest eurnut Peri, and Au:torten° Arent.. Philadelphia, For Allentown at SOO nud 11 43 a. , and 1.45 and 3n. to. " Doylentowr nt 943 0. Tn., 245 and 4 15 p. la. `• Fort Washington at 7 311, 10 PI a. tn.. and 11 oat Abington al 113, 5 20 and S p. `. Lnurdale at 6'X Win. Trains for l'hiladelphia. MEI Lea,. Bet ti 20 h. hi.. 12 10. 2 ILI anti 10 p. Doylestoivu 411 30 and P. in. •• Lnuntlnlp at 0 10 0. II •• Fur, Wanblunton itl 3.1. 9 .1.1 0. w.n nd 2 20 V. 10 • • Ablngloh at Yttl, n la ail *.t.".p. SI • NI , AI, LOIV/ 1 171 1 1111 11 111 1 111 I• 11 VI/11.111. 1 11 1 11.11111 i 11/ p. •• :1. //1 1 11%. • M10.1110'111.10 1.1/1/1' 1 I. %I: I:. • tin and :in, - :0V Di 111:11 1 , , 11.L111 1,1 .0,5du iii ran It, yOllllO4 EIS=II2I REIMIIII 2 no 2 IJ 214 7 2 -4 MEI 'Flag , tatttote.. CONN4:1"I'111NS. Thenwthlng train, ut,t Imo m.l'utt,ttltttltt 1110.1 rri, :11 ot the L. V. 11. It. leteal ...mmtrer mail. item E,mtelt, ! Bethlehem, null .\llruteuu ttml ettomeet.t .%I.llarti• with it en the Elmt l'ettlipylvmtltt R. It. ter Itomlitm. Ifirrrh.burg and Phllatlt.lithhi, atirl alt.° with train for Allettlusvu, Bethlehem, La.ttm Imd New York. The 1110.1111 f train East ettimeett , ulth trttlu ott.E. It U. from Ilarrhaturg, tmtl , . town nod at Calasamina with train on Railroad for 31nueIt Chunk, Mikes-110, Philadelphia 1111.1 New Talk. • The 2.11 U P. M. train West routwetsat Al- Iturtis with 0 train on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading. Pottsville, Harrisburg, Alkniown, 11.•thleliem, 1,0-ton, likiladelvilla and Now 1 ark, The Evening train taut oil 11. :arricnl of a•train from Allentown And of a train tanking Conner ' Mous at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris- • harg, PottVville and isinteoo.- hind ,ginger on thu IL It, at Cautsitutpla fur Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Persons wishing to oto Allentown non take the morn lug train West I, g Al14.111"WII 5::0 , a to, and return by a train on the EWA Pennsylvania It. 11. I Raving Allentown at 4.:31P. 31. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Eagi nee,. OEM O UN(); 4V LENTZ'S WHOLESALE AND HETAH BOOT AN I) SHOE STORE S. 11% i'oerier ft( 11.11111. Te I.V and S TII CTS., 11'Ili)1 1)1.:1).11t'nIENT .1,,1'i; I , l' 1,.."1 , • IN 3111 , VI , INITI* gr....L•ot:.lillt) 11io1k ,%14, lbv 11/ trotf.ttltir.,, is. nu: lan . .m. I)El'.klrotENl I=l ißcchan►ra. CONSHOHOCKEN 11011,Elt AND (1)1.1, Wffims I 011 N 11' 11 (1 1), .1 li TUIlk B.ITII AND STEAM 011:1'11...17.1.%7; All khalif of Wrioneit Iron Coll, 'foyer. for llio I Fa, mice, (lanioneter, Smoke 111.. t Pine, Wlll,l- liarrowa. and everything 111 lloiler Sheet Iron line. nil kind. , of Iron and Steel Forging. oral Illifekiitolth mark, Mlnere"l'inil. of all hind, noel, :fa Whent Ilucketa, Nei",Sledge, d Ae. Hummer an fief toolii and skilled workmen, I hurler myself Olaf Ifain turn out work with prionlittirea ilialattell i all llf ‘,5111 . 11 Will lin Aftrratited in lir ilrel•rinve. l'atchlng unit ropulling generally, iit•• tended tn. finr JOHN A. STAHRACH, M.\ NIIVACRUHEIL 0 V LA DIES' FANCY Fl f 11S, A large auortweel, newext rr)les. loweat prleea, and i all FIYIII3 OU.AMANTEED to Le 1111 repreaeated. any 17-lf THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTO G I. N I', EiIIEIEM ]_iai(ruau~ =ME =ME I I I 4 I . • .21 1:1 - 111 . s. 40 8 i , I'M A N'S. TRF:xi.EirroNvN, IntEiNwsvlLLE FA It MINiiTON. •spltl Sr .li,.lintTN. • 1111 Lich \ ull 1 J3oot N.N .8. AND 40 =ZS S2O ARCII STREET, PHILADELPHIA. KNAWALT BIIOTIIEWB N vim , HAT AN 1) (L\P sToR E • G .c..‘arly opposite llngenlmeh's Hotel,) . S01"1 1 11 EAST CORNER EIGHTH AND HAMILTON STREETS .ALLENT "AvN . 1'l:\ \A. woo hi hereby 111111.111111, to oar homer... friend , and patrol., wvil .0 , the goilibe geootal, that he hay jo,,i removed to o ur to,. ~ontittatat COM, et Eighth and Hamilton Street., .pecially erected to lIlPel 111 want. of our lurg, I,w', I, here ?lOW 11 greatly v0,1,11. , 1 o...ark in Ono pertains lit Fail and Winter Trade, to go lio.veet ion of which everybody la hivlo.d. 'llle intent and moat ra fthiona hie agyi. SILK HATS, CASSIMERE HA TS, NOP!' HAM CHILDREN'.': 21 - (1 . /FATS, LAD/ES' AND .e////,///MV 'S F.:137 1 F'I'RS AND POLAR ROUES, 010110.0 N 0 . 1110)1 , 1111111 , 1 still I 0 PlOll,O nil. 111111110 , lotter thutt at any IN.: tylthla the le-I elltht 'V10,1,00.10 ;11,1ill 101011111i0111, 011j01,01 tif 1.011100 a better elo-rt ..r 10,0 or 00,1, 0 0101 05 lotrur prin.., than au.; other in Allentown. Fe thankful for Ito. patrouttUt• heretofore e . xti•litietl 11, 0O 01111101VOr the future, Its lo the pr-i. to plea... all—fttrhi,hluu gooth ni the very lot, urto., to ith tthollootle tlehart men'. to wilieliNno 00,0111111 i, (111111041•0100.10. and coutalu• .11 i. • •011 01,10 10111 NOOllOllO 11101 010 110[10,010011u .00.••••• 1 - ••• • . • •.1 . . . 1110 i 0%011011. illet . lllolllS ell . l %V It ntoel, livioro rharso , nothing lot ) I 1 ANA WALT & 111 tO 1 Lk, icew Building, Cor. Eighth and Hamilton Sta., Vest door to -V S'. Pound t l'o'x Hardware Store DR. AV " . E. BARNES SON, - JD TR, 'TT C+ C - s'S, N. 14 I.L\ ST 11..\ 111:111N thing Iniuttlly kept inn bent-Ann e.nslsilug 01 • ' ' ry,'i rpid ,11F;DICISKS, CHEM 11 'A fiS. DYE S T Ol'on S ' Vi/ pr'lN L USE. PE I: Fl' 1111:1111:...01:1DS, DDU.SDI , S, Al 1 alll l 101 hh I' .1 in 1 , I, d r. ;I: ) !ZPIT DISCOVERY IN PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, of all kinds. Constantly on hood a large stock of Soda ash, Potash and Concentrated Lye for soap !ankh., Washing Soda, Baking soda. Cream Tartar, Pore Pepper. Cinnamon, Cloves and Spices of oil knot.. Coal till, Sport., lot. and Lubricating oils for machinery, and a thousand and one other articles which cannot 110 1,11111,:11 , 1 here,. We have the larg..st line of Trusses,Sttpparters and Shoulder Brneve la the city . These g 11, :11)1,1 hr egnitel tass at l physician. consfuratly a molect I a gurauteed. Paints, Oils, Yarnielote, filase mud CnltY• Painters and lotIlder• are invited to our store before 'linking their Stun:nese , We keel , a full line of Paints. sirs. of the hest quality at prices as low as the lowest. the TEA s TEA S.' —We have th^ ligeury for the Great railed Staten Ten Company or NI, York, and l• A.llll. gra.les of at about 'Calf the price charged by other dealer.., for Try , t OM. nineCtl. Physiciano sad Country Merchant.. supplied at the lowest market prices. We 111101111 It to pay par-. Peltier ritention to the Wholesale Branch of the bueine•s. Pealern will find it to their interest to give us a trial order es feel conlld , iit we will be able give Foitkflictliiii quality Had price. Orders by mail Promptly attended tr floe!. ions for specified ganntities tarnished on application. Itef , peet fully. V.'. E. 11.1 ItN lan & SIX- - 9 - Fri S IT I H LIVE I \SE' RANCE ('OM PAN , I Nct)lti '2l) 18:;1 Setrelitry I)j‘ Aiiiitudi\ ...it lilt. Contrilitiliiiin flan. fr.nu 29 1.. DI An Annual Payment Life Polley is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Pronium when hat 1, vontinued in 11 nro under the Niassaclinsells Law• of April. INIII One Anntful Payukant will continue the Policy hi I ref ;old day Two " Paymeut: ••• " " " RE WIIS III,• I' RST COMP_ NI =he 1,1 of it.; polivioc, NI )N.Pi 112 P ElT.\ lII,E \ S'ltl'l'S \NNI'AL IArOME All Entlon meta nnd i'aytnent Life l'oHetes are entitled ton "PAI 1)-1: NONtrOItFEIT ABLE POLICY," a fler'One Annual ,Preinium has I,ven paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, IV. 11. 1'(11)E Agent for Lehigh and Northamll'lon Couutio, Allentown • f I ItE.i'l' IlIST1[111E1'11)N BY TiTE i I ILI:CUING ItY wATiAt POWEIt. N. I 11 ETitoPOLITAN it IFT Co. l'itnh r;ifts to th, N,JI Pelf. ilatinfartnred Pocket 11ni,'n and Sein.iorn ran ..1,01.11 okr 01 1,RO. Not ry Titi,l dru frt. aPrirf . be round at C. F. Wolterten, No. 3 IN.illhinilloo b.treet. .., y e n', won, 'etch • Obininl lii eli WO iin., ea . eh 1;10.1 N. lb—linter, Butcher Knit . and Sei••orn droond by lo •' 111,101 Boa i• • .'lllwater power awl made av good annew. •iir 11.1 r Il •. " lIM I Eleeaut itonew ood Piano, . each +kV d. ;;m , Nleidibionn • " ;:le 1w: REVIVAL ! I Vio Sew in,lliliein . " Oil to 7.1 :dill ligPlil W110'1”.14 • • • •' 7.1 to 3111 Conti Pin, silver. Ware, dl e., valued at ~..,,,,,,, The iialocrlliern havinF leaned the "old llope Coal Yard,"would renpectruily annutowe to the ells aeon of .1 chance to draw any of the above Prize. for Vic. 'Fla.. to. do,' 'woo 1.01,... tiro ..rtird to 8.0,111441 nod well ' Ali ' . " b " : " ... ' lb" public in V ... ' r.l i that ° a l . b. v" . 111 " talked. ranipt of Bic. a Seith3l Ticket I. drawn with- , 4. ' t oat ilolee1111k1,11( by mall to any tithing., The prier named upon it will be delivered to the tirket-holder o _payment of Mir Dollar. Primo are initnedintely sent to ' . ;toy addl.... by ex prannorreturn mail. 1 iot will know what your Prin. In heron. you pay for it. Any Pelle r.rrhan opd fur I neltiutlat of Will, Plat, Ni. Blau.. Our Daimoncnn depend n fair dealing. : a nuperlor n 4,111111,111 of IthrtitlENCl:Wenielect the following from many who , have lately drawn Valuable Nivea and kindly Pertained -um to Fl üblinh 011.111: AllilrOW J. Manx, ehlengo410,010; Mien(dant S. Walker, Ilultlinore,_Pinnti, Inv,; Janus 11. mmit ie w,, Detroit, 10,0 o; J.lllll T. A ndrewn, bIIVUOLIMII. .10.1111): Mi. AMIN , Shionunn.eliarlenten, Plane, 01‘)U. We pablinli no mine, wit bout lierminnion•• too:titian ov 1 to: Pacio:—Tio. or.. 1.. reillible, end de. : 1:11111,1mMoir of Sttive, *Kr, Chentuut end Nitt Irian th , ',," their ^,,,,,,, -- , 11• ••klY Telb , "". :IN , II b. • ' Wl, BOCK 1101,11TAIN 111:1h.e. know them to ben fair denting tiro."—.l'. I'. INrobl, Ontors left with A.. 1. Huber. Slinger & Ilettetintein, at May . 20. •• A friend °roar. drew a 11.100 prize, W. tllO Eagle Hotel, Hope Rolling 11111, or the V. rite will he prolate') received. ty :Vt.., Jlllle 3. attended to In it 'Send fort:Ocular. Moral Inducement.. to Antonin. Sat ' Infliction guaranteed. F;very tiackane el Sealed Envelope.. ontin. liv 1. i anti ionr. Six Tickets for +I; la for 42;:L' tor 4.1; 110 In' 41:.. All letter. •liould be ita...lid to If AltPl4ll, WI ',sox & co. 111 Broadway, N. 1 . —.. • Ci l ItAND EXIIIIIITION li i4re ' ra a' rw r. Coal by the car &Boil el whorl viol, and at OP CIIRISTSIAS PRESENTS. the lumina Wk... G. A. SCIIWAIITZ, IMO CHESTNUT ETREET.( l abore Tenth, 1 Plilledelphlst respectfully Informx hie cueleutere nod the public Itt Ken real boa now upon c a: n l i t:hnt I CI r nI)V0 1" iNtl • OTS. "" al n o . nlun clotted nit the largest Europeou Moon-. rector!. peroonally. I ant coulident that the Variety and Cheep.. hod(ole .0001 be morose/tett In tills country. All ore !or to cloth the 11101,.. whether they porch. , ur otherwlte. H. A. SCIIWARTZ, dee 1 • Importer, and ll'holaeale end Retail Dueler. A CCORDEONS. CONCERTINAS, of the hoot L. *. Kootta. hr had at C. F.l.Volfortc'd More. No. 3d E. Hamilton Bt. , oct wiini,Es.ki,E AND NETAII, MMTl=l3=ll==M A FULL LINE OF ALL THE POPULAR Al.\ss T. P. PLUNK Ell', Prvsident .TA(1)11 L. (IItEENE. Asst.Src'y I'~~r i•+•nt EXAM l' I. E AT A(I E 329 \V.\ I,N 1 T'l' ST RE ET L. W. KOONS & CO., Ilaltillton.Htreet, corner of LelllghValloy Itallrustl ALLENTOWN, PA (11:11'ttl' P1'1'1)(111:0 Ey ERN' 1'01.1('Y i. sued by this Company Mlle(' April A. D. NON-PoItPEIT.I,III.I . and so e.rpreN ,, erl iu Ilie ME 1.`?.:)11,1100 :Ammo() IV. li. (11t1VEs iii•tirral Agetit Attlirtivy COAL BI7SINESS I= I= E. E. Dn■AluilCT —IT N, WEDNESDA Naticinal • • ... . t '. . ... I: ' ••-• . .., .r . I• - . i• , • 11 1-. 1 . "e i . v Tirß .. AVE 11 , .).!. I A i.,...... . .:: ~t.).,. e,.r.1? .• 100 yotrs thin WINPERE El. SALVE lot , hoop iho , orrOt of 3111 Ohl C.lllooetirm family by the lottne ol Pliwbe (taker. Alil - N ow It comet forth to Llo•A 111:1111,1011. Mt Power to ALLAY PAIN, to SOOTHE. SIT FE II ISM to II EA I. WOUN IS, In very en traordloary ; the Ilke of It 10. nor been koo/vu. 11111 11.1,111 oh e.oly bear ottltoony. one porton slityt, " I bought ti 41 Poi, owl I wool not be ut If It root 410, or I hod to to, 01l the ay to N. V. for It. " Physlelatts US.' 1111.1 1.,..111M..11.1 11, allil ill Hato al, 0V.11,11 11.1110 1 , .1 . it...TU.11% 211111 1 . 11111i1 . 111 , 11111 ili", toeoor) part of the 11. S. r)()N"I' I For Putx, Burp., Poi! , Bruit , 1 et, Sore,. l'lcen, rase •r,, Sore 81 , 1 Nivrh.., Broken Ilre.o.t, elotio ()N E,..d hip. 0101 numb, E option+, 111001 awl Blooding file., Coro., 1)A; Iltmlott, Chllblolol., IliteA of In ert., Animals, .3.0., A 1.., Ay. All Droggloo keep It for .01./. 111,1111 Bozos ore given alrity to to.t Ito v Irl _. .. • to your 11ruagb , d, +.l, atul 4.5 pot, 4/.111, putrely packisl, by •.. .darns CA/STAR 13/. lllow. I )lucs I.Es! Olt 111:3101:1t0110.11.TI'Mol 1131...111 Extertml. Ply, !writ ells anti p•winitil..titly palu, 1, m-trtiiiwilt• or n Ily vr.a.A,r.\Sui. M. p,, =I =I ,slO , r.tri ref, ch !MVP 10,0 r 01 4 .11. In 1 . .1 000r001 4.1. 1011.1. miNsovs D R. Him Eu ET A 111,E \V( )ni 1)1.:s•rili )1 I• 1 ill• \ . ..1111 \I• "lll'lll 1, 1 111..1;111: W.Fl'lll. r1 , 1111 . 11iiii1 ,• 11, 111:1/, ii,, 111, =I X 0 If El, It 'L\'l' B (: I.E.\ NOCE '25 CENTS A BI 114...0r.• :111.1 ) . ..11 v.. 1 Dr. Dutybin-. I),..troyer, L 4,11.1 yarli l o w wramwr. If yoor him to g.. 111 fol 3,11• .JOIENSON, HOLLOWA Y l COWDEN, OM MEM • - • - -1, 11111 ), • „- (s N' .1 S L. • Qto mn In T tr b an n t: ' l ' i t t4 l r i l l' e l e r t l o! t 4tr ‘ t. l .: l n 'i tt ', Lan lit r lint). L A Vegetable Cathartic and taterative more efficient titan I . !:: l ) , • io nt l l . ne t r i a ,o l f ar r n eit pe , r , ti n ti , t , t r u ai t . t[ 3 t r l y te s tn , t . ml y t t:hr s ;, ,o rt , t , ttl s t i t i ! , .. r ag d rr , the Mill, the form of a Lorena, liar. EItAS3II'S S u ß u L r., U t LIVER ANII STOMACH LItZENOE In I he imperttutt medicinal novelty Ono modern eltendatry hag produced. It r.nitatto ore botanis cal extract.. perfectly liarinlysn lu thonnelven, but ion bodying Mt tin remedhil nroliorthio niercitrY. nudden tli.l n. in thin pleasant form to n 111444,4.4144 nod Luuinli (rout I gyucritl tine, the. nitoneoun pill , and Iloilo.. of which that iiiingeroun excitoill Is Ow ino in ingroiliont. More limn (INF: I) I'EIiiMENTs ry otic made by the lu• I venter 4.f thin prerlenn ronoolt boiore II a on brought to tin present mete of pe W rlortion. Tho Locciige loirtiiiiinn In itn operation. nun. R 144114411 iho noolleinal unite of lin cup.- . , . then. virta ,, . reinnln :1-.activ...todp, , ,nin,.•v.T. In .1)1,0- ! I,p.keirt. Biliootx”,,, ~, ,,1im1, , , , 1. Ni..k , ie NI re , S/IN ii , ,l . hrehe. l'i Ix. 11,,,,,,,, :111,Ittwill...laritio , 10 ,vlklell i1n.14...1.1nt s,n in.....iLlneri, ill , 1.../.•nr...• w ill he iOll/1d in. finitely more vlleutlv.• than silly "I Ow Inwrlld. , and .li.. glogltig rnmpoundn usunlly udinlnl.tere.l In ,II I, Ca.OA. Ah all 1111tibilletut Hie and gruel 1111 , 1 , 111. lII , Y Inlve .pr.pittal ninong ittivertl-ed . itrittionn °I'll.• regular pliarimirop.via. It 01 . .tItANI 1:1 . .10 1111111, IMO 1111 "um tried Dn. lilt Atttit•s NVISsI.4III .. Li VIAL ASoSro,.l•ll LoZES.tit ever ',min hat, pure/alit, prirrb elreirr ()ht. pill. l. mid Show t. 1.111 1.1 rittakrs If ym, druggi., In a• mgt the., hand, NVnI.. to tt,, l'roprivt.rt, .11111`11i. and it Lox tclll Ire Nent fro.. or I' !I \(1 1.1: If HOS.. itug Vo-ly 72 Malden Lane, New Voris. SEND FOR CIRCULARS "Oliogiorlok CP •AAV D l‘St I I - c 4( N EV4 -'I°RIC, 4117tH •( 597 R ROI , OWAY• EAR . ii+C L°s io YHILADELPHIP• 613 MARKET s• Eta 4,43-4°°÷4' ,913DOSATNENT A Tincture of rare healing herbs, sold in bottles only, at SI. or SS per 3/i Dos. Sent to any ad dress on receipt of money, sod guaranteed s ' l o* A lt4 :444°)--v's ~ MUTH ,~ 0/ .""'' , A Genuine Family M edi• , eine prepared forth.. Cure of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Colic, Fever & Ague, Bc. It en• courage. Digestion, cures Henrt burn, purifies tiso Blood, & regulates the Liver. See Circular. El 25 ollbs ilivn-t.,1 ill a 1,... , 1 IMPEINAI-OINT. MENT ft, will never be n giTttel Euld by DruggtAt. s _lt. A LEC'rEICE To VI)UNG 11111.:N. Jot? Peoblislo. ot i tS, l:i .lop.. Pvic , Om A lo:error ox Till: N ATI, 'rn Tv:voila oles.i. . cure ~r swyttilitorrhien. ,it. Seminal W4,1“1.• , , I tiv"liin. tart' Ezoi•sions, Soanal Debility and hopotliments to Mar. ringo aenerolly, Norvouston,s, Consumption, Elillepsey wl FR.; Mitillarand Physleal I twor e neily, result,. front Self-Abuse, Sic., by RoBERT .1. CI LVEItWFII.I., M. IT., author of tile '' Green Book,' The world tenowned author, In thlo admirable leolltrit clearly proven from lilt Stun caller's . ... that the ow fill , nsiollienrea or self-altuse may Ito effectually removed without medicine, tool without danger.. altraleol otter , thin, tomato, Instrument, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at onto certain aud offectioil, by which everyulreror, no matter what lilt et inciltion may Ito, ma are hi a mself clomply,privately tool radically. HIS LEV y . TOOT wILL ki A BOON Ti) IIIOPSA NITS AND T lluli6AN Its. tientWILILY' hell], It 111t1111 envelope, I any address, podymid, on recolpt of tilt cents, or two Post tinier. Also, Dr. Culvorwoll'a "31:oriole Guide price 25 co. Addreen mho Publlolows, CllAn..l. C. KLINE St jy2l-I y 127 Bowery, New York, O il. Box 4, AM. . _ 6 6 CON'rAlt* E Ell :NI I A 'l' 011 For Rats, Rum.hex, Ants, thol,lquld for 111:1)-111.16S.tho Powder for I NSE("I'S ?Ii . i !ri ‘ ifl nt gi' :l ' l;.l o. n 11 . " CoSTAIVS, • • (t;t1o. otlio'r) Wel 131141ENIN PECTOR.L CAEBE S rnrau. PIOENI X PErronm. (Tn.: corm! PIOENI X PECTORAL CUREs - - sa . f • 4 - :"* . -pxT •," 1311112 ii Pluenlx Pectoral will rare Ow ,u.,•.,_, , . of t TllllO., I , AND ',NU .101 a• Crutast..%.l ma, Itruttrull•, Iluar:totio•,Wll,, lag rough and 11l I. prt.tlarud,loy Pr. 11,,1 ithorkultzer ut PlEiladulpltia, I'uran•rly of Pluvitlxvlllo, Pn., mud ttlilmatth It fiat, on Lou„ ullurull fur Hy. , your., 1114.11` ti n i.lll. Illiltitlll butt! haves ulrrailk been ..1141, and the fur It larrun lag every day. Many of 11.• I)ragttltt. tiny it t u t. ~f irro.s, and not a few of the euttatry Sturukre el , . try °tie gr... - at it lilae. Nrarly b • have u•••• 1 It, bear testimony It.taal••rftil p••wor curing Voligh. We are ranti•leat that thoro I. uo knot inotlit•lne of such groat vain.. to II ratittoutdt y t Plow lilt l'••••h•ral. It ha. rarod to••••••• of the most paint .t 1 mak 111 , 1r••••••it rough, ''l years otathllliit• It has given Ito•rrint relief In sp••Ils of ram/him, • It has Instatalorivp•••l y.ut ••f 11"1•••••pit l':•thal and gr•atly 1111011... i dorailon. It ha. car••l Croup In IL (OW 111111111 On. I . ll.lllllPiio/1111,11..0 cored by It, 1, hole •111••thor •••II•••• had falh•il to do good. MEM ...1. il. , . , . . . • M.nY n Phisirfano recono,,,,d i i. an d 0; ; ; „,, • nse II I than lo various styles and tfuttlitleo, and for prices tumult themselves mid administer it in their provtireot bile oth,•rs' oppose It 1....11.1•11 takes away their lonswo.••. aIl ; and Sine.. a lady ;loco not wish to boy a good set of IC.. r...intend it to our reader+, and for fulther part',' Fun. every ...Anon, it IS very ...Alai to know where to Mars Wolliti refer you to the circular around the bottle a „ and p „ r o „ nn , • n,,,„; Filet. where yon will tied nattier°. certllicates_gl V,•11 by ili•rAolls ~ nitt; have used it. Tarn Ike silky littelinso and lurk tear and elegance of Ill" ff.. Dloffs;"11 to lit" "fn.' Offl cbildr'n l'f'Y 1. ; , ' it• . , flitioh of all their Fors will u,.11 rupay a v 101 l to this roe alttti."trn't.'.ljr,‘.;hriltutno%.'„l,l;',,le",r,',‘;Tl*"""g " " ""h """ tablisbutent, and all th , tir ruff, are warrauttnl yens Air us its proprietor of this medicine hoe so much confident, ' r rprrse nerd . In its ...nth,' pOWOrd nom the testionoty of thommodo : A Ama na b', ~„,,,,, („,,,, 613 to ~,,), an d ant ., ~,, WllO burr 1..1 ft that the motley will be re to attY portion., who it not satisfied with Ito result, 1 rare dark meta bring a little nigher ; but from CH to g.',o It Is so cheap that all eat; buy it ,will buy au ..xcellent dark mot, and those sets !sot a lady Price r ep Cont, Largo llottles.l. - It is prared ouly fly ' from' eight to fifteen Years. LEVI OBERIIOLTZEIL.M. 11., i Then there lo the Hudson Bay Sable, the Siberian Saulr . WIIor.V.RAI. MU...It I eel, Royal Ermine, German !Fitch and Chluchilll and La• No. I' North Third S, I.llllad'a N. 11.—If Your Ile:m.4i Druggist or Storekeeper dorm not ' die.' Hoods, and other high and low-priced Yuri; in end Lave this medicine ask Illto to get it • for you, mud do nut . i ro n varieties.,, let him put you oir with some other P.Marwlif'n l '"" u """ ' Ilemetither the name of JOiEPII ROSEN DAV3I & CO„ he makes more money on It; but go or send Itt once to . some store where )t It yea know it is opt,or •eloi to Dr. tilt ~ and Ilk. , number SIU Arch Street, between Sth sod oth, bolts,. . i south Aide; l'hilar a. the t b i Sold by 1,. Schmidt &1' 1 , Dr. W01../larno• St S.at, .1. p. S s —Fart repalr , ;,l and nitert.,l into preset; am it li. Moser, Lawall & Ilaillet, Druggists, &Don ~,,,,,,, J. 0. . Lowell, eall.i.,ll.l,lklitt ;marl y every druggist and store- 100.. Oct. 0--tut] keeper ill Lehigh County. tit, Ittlio IT DIXON, No. 21 S. EIGIITII ST., 'IV • .1. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT Al. . Philadelphia. I , PRICES To SUIT THE TIMES. ' • Atiell FANCY AN U TOILET (100 PS. • Al n amartment, unstollamed ror variety, ele• SCAPULAR SHOULDER lIR.A.CE AND "Pg.;Vr!!‘Vi . ;'ei r .,t, t l,lr a 3: . :iii:l r er',. rich Bollon;lan and STRAP SUPPORTER. China Toilet Seta and Vmee,Parialan " lluste and Statuettes, . . . gilt ...infra Card Receivera and Elower•holderv, Rohe- • Illi. ilium, China, Lava, Platen Marble, Bronze and I No ntraps •nder the inns. Perfectly comfortable, ana tilltOrnatnents. , tomically made, and highly beneficial, 60 North 7th 01,, Rich Paris and Vienna Font, fine mt. Volcanite and below Arai, Philadelphi•. Trmsea, SuPtiorters. Elastic Drench Jewelry, Cigar and Ttlilliel, 1i.t.11 and Ileldem, , Stockings, Lrutchea, kr., lowest priers in the city. Lady Writing Deakx; Ulove, Handkerchief. god Wurk Doze.. . attendant. - sap Li Dremiug Cases, Tablets, Paper Cutter,. , SILK, ouiatiAm.Arm ALPACA UMBRELLAS, . CANES, Ac., ' ELECTION NOTICE.THE ANNE- I With a tloomand ether articles, embracing all that is . al election fot NINE Directors of the Second National new or desirable for bridal birthday or liollday prmenis, Munn of Allentown wll , l be held at the thanking Bonne, On TUESDAY, JANUAR). 11111, 1870, between the hours of 11 '" frVl r &Ji t lo i . Y 2lV TATA ill p :171;e hr eau Market ! o'clock; A. w., and i P. N, and elowitint, cast side, PhilidelPhlw no 24•31“ dee 8-tm E. H. 13AMVELS. CarAfer. . ESTA 11 WASH ED 1851. .1. REYNOLDS & SON I \\'l'l'll - 01. nil not sa MIME 81 It Iri ttt. LI , %, ith ttt IMEII3 born II EATKRN are flatdo , Of II tlaV y W3'olloll-1.11. ;roll r - Tyutod thyonly ..ur. , l,l , Venligeli again.' the t,.+.oi Oa' , or Ita•l• l'heY ar.. eu.ily :nalmuod. witliont ”ny Th.. i'utclit It3dial , pr l aVolds 'the 11.0 11111/ 111111Y111/1 . ... 111111, 11111 i i• permanently at lachrd Ole iii.lll.T. i- 1110'4 allllllll`. // ,,, litlg .1 ppm", rts offered fer They are all gaal ai.t....11 rOoRINIi AN4;ES, L.r 11010. and PoIITA II LE HEATERSI LATROBE HEATERS, LoW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REHISTERS AND VENTILATORS. lEEE II I LI; II Arrt.end for our Illumtrutid PamPidof HOENEKEEPERS ! V. get appal In a yal. la, a It a,k k.CF•NI` ,, 1,41. Tit I. bountiful And o:odly controlhol by one Jun pity Iluy l'hllt d Iplila 21. Tlint IL. Ire hag.' liver, ittill i ta y . r:ll47itimfapisli:s %I. That k k the Eveuointeal, Buy "TILE TIMES. 111,. 'rim' Ow 114,v1.At In the market, Boy "THE TIMES A 7 r EirrA Si c ! L A ti s i s 'yliA . CLES I • - • CP.W.`44 ' ud complete to , iertient all of Si: ' t 4.etnele:, Eye (Meows, Ite., CI I AS. S. MASS EY'S, liar Ink devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle business for these lost few years I and that ray hominess In that line ham Increased so conch that I have he. ter:allied to make It a SPECIALITY. There la no article manufactured in which there la 00 mochdeception panic tieed as there to lu Spectacle(llll.en. Knowing that the public have 1.11,1 frequently humbugged by parties pro tending to hag-) it superior article of till and charging VX•irbilltill PHU , for them, thereby int liking' Mum the , 1 ,- Cer•niller , and infirmities of age,l have taken pains to 'w ipe( a large and eumplete assort of the finest and best Masses ever tuanoluetarod, thou affording all persons needing Spectacles an opportunity of purchasing at rea sonable prices. Per.ouo having any difficulty In being salted oluewhere will do well to give me a can, an I feel confident that no one will fall to be milted. Remember the e l an t ß a e n f d o . rmNeod. 2CI hEmth H A m llen to to n wan e P ot a , .oppo soten t3he ' P G uff r. 77E.1.1) THIS! ME DEMUTH 8' C‘ inQAsts. PHI LAY,' A nor , .str.. f, Dysentery, Diatms, Colic. mot Griping Pains. .1t regylates the Bow els. quiets Restlessness, allays Inilaimnation, nod promotes Healthy rest. It softens Pot Gums, and retolvrs Teething elry. iwr , JANUARY 5, 3i/ratcr,s =I PHI LA DELPIIIA, PA. • =I WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, (i NO HEATER, W ITII PATENT DUST SCEEE:4, I:= NV 12OUGIITA RON RADIATOR I=l NEW FLAT-TOP MATING RANGI, =I COOK STO V E =I nor"THETDMS. =CM JAMES H. BUSH, Allentown NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENToWN, PA • ."~..- _ _ '..~ LAZARUS lORiUS' I=l PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES =can= MMMEI! Mnisus. KELLER BROS., Jewelers, TWO DAYS ONLY, MONDAY AND TVESDAY AUGUST 1.11 IND 31, 1808,' r, parpo, aaalstlng 3ftntara. Iltt+, lu FErTINri THE 1,111 IN Mt EN l'• SEAL l'Aal:S. Thata• -ottl'erata front Itapalrentl v Won at,. nanotontentlad 1 ,, Alail 1111.1.01V1, ut thin ,Ip portuoSity. (tar in...tacks and Eyet.Elan.a. arr. acknowledged . to be 11,, 10....1 partrrt it.t4f.tanct , 1,, alghtt•ver inatinfacturtal, and ran al wa rt•iii.d upon am affording Earfart Mid vault - art white atrangthanlng and tatt, tharatatlY• 11‘)-Wo occusiota to 0001) . tlptt we on Pio, 1.0 pedlerm, unit enntion thou itgitin.t limo , pre tenalti,: to have lanr good,. for sale. au2l-1( ME 1[ 4 11I: RS F IL' ItS ". I FURS II I A 2 • Eteptal Frtisry Ferrx Grefitly 12. d torrit Pricrs. Tho Antl;ceriber, N0..51 North. Second Street, ir,a 1.1 . 11 Market and Arch Streeto, rocpectfully in torno. tho paidie that Ito /111 , 11,. largest uu,l mood general aN.11.1, d of all kind- of Fancy Fora In the city, haying taut ted theta taytodf coacbding or the liect Mink, !lay Sable, Itacciau 5111 , 11 . . SO/I'llllll 5,1111,01...te...1/4e, • . • • .%11 oi . which lie Is uptauract acing and trltantlag iu the alld want of gkrOtt and cheap are ospeeffitlly Invited ta .11 and supply them •••• 1 Vea with a Letter sad cheaper article t h an coo he boast.: ekowhere for lilt. rattle money. rooutry tert•lotot+ Iluct It to their a tvonl', g , to volt 10. for. , laying is tloor ktock of For, JOHN DAVIS, 51 .Yorth Second Street, between Mttrkvt and Arch Streets METE LADIES' FANCY FURS JOIIN FAREIRA, 718 ARCII ST. '' Middle of the Block, bet. • • . : 'Zta;''. th unit Bth fit., South Side, It 1.111 LA ELPIIIA. t ` Importer, 31aunfacturer, ;,.1 ~ awl Dealer In all kind!. and ' totality of ..i'''C.' FANCY FURS .. .' .: . WOK ..1.1'4 Cllll. 011 EOP ,. f I. ,: .... ~t... . ::"."---. Having enlarged, renrod .• . ' vif--....e1eil and Improved my old _. -...- and favorably known FUR' ' 1 = 7 :.. - E3IPORIU3I, and having / titi Imported n' very largo and e Tsplutolld assortineut of all ' .. '' . /..,.. c . the tlrtferent kin& of Sure '''''''' r i t ' l m ir I fi ra n Ve h ro " rh i ll ' i ' o l l : r u : r ra% up by the roost sk IMO workmen, I would respectfully Invite my friends of ',blab and mit:trout Counties, to call and examine toy very large and beautiful assortment of elt Funny Furs, for Ladles orld Ildreu. I ant determined to sell at as low prim . ..m..3' tither resPertal•lo House In thin City. All Sias War routed. Xii misreproseutatloux to cf. feet sale, JrIll:Ii FAItIll RA, ort M. 410 ell St., l'hlladelphla [COMMUNIC/TION.] • F[ RFis ITEM CHEAP AND GOOD. T.Vlwri , there re 'La many Fur Stores an there are in the city of Pilliadelphiu it in difficult for the uninitiated to de• leeo where to buy. Theoe who are vereed 'unite dif ferent qualition of Furs, however, know where to go, and thow readers of this paper, who are not acqualuted with the varioun grade , . of Furs. we w.titi advise them to go to tut eetablieloneut of the best reputation, wher - they can porelatee with OW greaten' confidence, and he nalblied that they are honestly dealt with. Wo know of nu better tellublv ',tore than Oita of Meesrs. JoSEPII ROSENBAUM St Co., No. NM droll Street. loving their now location, wharf. We are coulident from their long experience in the Fur buttinetut, that permit. run get good Furs and the worth of their money. Their New Store to the eeutre of attraction ou acconut of the good light lu which they nhow eft all their good.. Won Nufurtfuye they do no buthaeso. - 1111 The noel fuellitmable Furs this reason will be the Mink Sable. and tide le the most nem-Reale Fur; and they barn 1869. (Llotliing C A It II E. 0. THOMPSON, MERCHAN'I"r.III.(m, No. UOB Walnut Street, l' II ILADEL A. E.prrittl attOIItIOLI to ttlIM 1.0)/1Olti011, Voltltbliehluent, 1110,r/ens/or ,tock 01 ornea4onable RIM de.truhlo goodm tilwaym on band. the r1.1)11tIlli1111 Ob tained ur n lender in.Atmilions. nod the greed foril flier+ pox rd for the tabricallou uud prompt de4patch of all orde we. or.. . . Althonh eminent In the pro...collo° of rrery lornuell .if the trade. for the pertlealar benefit of the g toe t number . PANTALOON curriNa, AK • .PKCIALTT, Ix announced; which Is au tir; nut ;obtained by Imitation, but through clove vtittly, experieure and practice. deuiring easy and etyllvb Paul:demo., urn Invited to give fhb. method n trial. net o.:lra SELLING OljT ! SELLING OUT ! SELLING OUT ! I NOW OILIER MI IMMENSE STOCK EADV-MIDE c o 111 NG, SIIIR 7'S NI) Dibl WEBS, =l/9 110 SI t; LOVES, &C \ I,I,ENTO\VN STOIII - LaSLC, L T GREAT REDUCTION INYRICE, =I ON THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY, 1870. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD, AND THE STORE WILL BE FOR BENT Am I ehttll now pernutueutlytueste myself In Philadelphia In the wholesale Inabitteme. T HE VERY BEST THE CI I EAPEST, THE 1(n•;'1' 1: 1; 'l' I I , ' 'IL .\ ND )I, , $T DCRABLE L (Cl' II N , KEYSTONE HALL BALL] ET Ilavt. the huge., 111/1i clo•apeot st,,ek of 11,4/TIIISI ever op lo vit lit tiwir •11..11 x. ( ( Pt I'!" and all I- til MEN'S NV It FOR LESS MONEY, %luta you can buy elpewhere lu Eamti , rts No Ship Shop made Goods sold. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER We koep conetantly on hand a largo and elegant +. 0,,, t• hut 00011 S, from which cuetomera can 'mike their selection' , and have them made up on short utak, , Their Cutting Depurtment le under the supervlid,mif GEORGE K. REEI)ER, forowr patnin, air II work wilt - rented to be of Ow very l,t Call awl uew WINTER sTocii, n•cd , “..iv lie K EI:STONE HALL, No. 24 West Hamilton Street 11P%i door to %Ito Geom.. Reformrot ,Clturch. A 1.1. EN• TOWN, PA. A fulTort 'molt Of nil. ' FtirUkhing aeod~nitcuyr an AARON ALIA ET, .JOSEPII NAOLF:: nosy 12.tf GREAT ATTRACTION 1 NEW . FIRM! NE 11" G 0 ODS! CLOTE LNG ! CIA ffl-11 N ! FALL A:11) WINTER ol'ENINii GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. osmux & co., Surermsorx to .1/re,g, h Owntlt to. ). li A It ( A I \ S GREAT CLOTHING 1.11)01tIUM IN REIMER'S Ill7ll.l>lNg NO. 43 EAST HAMILTON STREET, I= We would luforia the Mire. of Alleutowu u ud t h o o ur. nottulloa conotry that we are Prepared with a Itkrgermuck of Ronde for FALL AN!) WINTER WEAR, •nd offer them to the public at rt....hie brim, t o than who buy their Clothing r...ady•talle, they aro prepared to oiler I.IARCIAINtI. WHOLE MTS MADE To ORDER! COATS, PAN'T'S AND VESTS Cu l Mill liiit4kltt tlu•lit and by the 1...1 work:llra 111= CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSLNIEHES, Is larger thnti 15 bk. beelOwroti.. IDlewl to Noll Oory•SMAI.I. PROFITS. :Lod giveour eit.toooo , iii, belle t of our lOW rurchures. Urvut wnautitir,tud varkilvsof . NECKTIES,. CUFFS, COLLARS, And everythltig iu tho ❑ue of 0 E T'N FUP X I 111 X G uUDSi HEN'S, YOUTHS', I.DbYS'. and CHILDREN'S REA I )1"-MADE CLOII I I , CONSTANTLY ON HAND do l u h r m2 o fztlit a T . 44 l / a , No. 41 Eugt Bat:11110u Mreet.aril T. 0411102 t, JACOB 11. SCHOLL, MARTIN LYNXI mar 21-If - . TALPIES S. BIERV, AII"I'ORNEY AT Cr LAW. 0111ce, co. 21 Enidlltou ntriint, oricond floor of Lion 111 ii, Allentown, Pa. (SiWrild i11i..11111 1 1/ gi eon to taarl7.ly ii;11 Ali"ro lt%E 11.1 AT 1..4W, K111111414' building, Sixth and Stream, optto•lte the American Hotel, Allontan Engli-11 tiornian d an a t .ut prtittwtly oit,tillt , l to, 11:01t11:1: RUPP., .i1"1 . 111[NE1 4,3 AT LAW. Mi. , . w::11 ILoo. .1.,1411 D. Stile, Allen towiL I). .1111:1111t- AV • NET AT LAW, Iformorly mrtleml lu Carl.] comity ;. Mare, N•;. 11.11111,4,rect, 411,1;.1.ite 113.• 3lity 111 Ili , 1;1,111111111111,0111g, . cIA NUE'. A. RI" Z. AI"I'ORN EV AT ffin cr w I'. NVytkott, upivusite the Engle ALLENToWN, VAILLEV l'llltE lant et- ANVE II(IMPAN V. ALLENTOWN, 0111ce over 5ee.,11.1 National Bank. properly 1110111. i lova by fire on the aloch mutual plan. S. 111,a, l'rea't AT MY ALT,I,N til.l N, I' ) 1111) I-I) 1 - 4)ll'N ILN .o . l' LAW iOffiro. N. E. „.fur, {!: ;L111101..14 ',WV, ALLEN TONV.N. may I.ly i).1:15 IV 4141111.1 , .1E1i. . 1 1 . 1"11'4DICVEV LENTow.S. nt.0"1•1) 1:011tta: B. SVC: EL A VIVIC N V AT LAW. Office. Fir , tdmq Ow, e Law Alloy, AL LENTowN, nmy c. lIENSBERGE'R AvroitNEv A. 1_ • AT LAW. Milo,with .L.lot 11. I„f,•r. PIPE St roil . of the Cmot Hon., ALLENTOWN. PA. tom 21-ly T EVI S7IIOIIEII, 1 -I J LAW. ALLENTOWN, PA. Oflko N W. rormT riili 1111 1111.111 , 1 Strort., Secotiol P;Lrtlettlar p3t,l Ow p0q111.1111.111 or Pen 11,11! 1 . -1111 , .. 1111.11 ME FRANKLIN KNAUSS & N.t la I, E I' \ \'C S, V" ES proftscsional earbE, IMIIEMME=EI CARTES DE VISITE! 4 , 1.2 PER DOZEN. All ..vials', rvgl•twrd. S. W. DCRCAW, ALLEN TOWN, It. 11 , ! , 41 n ) I.E . l i t . H .V i ll i "ll' , 47 It r Oa r AT LAW. county. I. Coll.ollon. 10.1, 1 1 l: Ilptlnol round., promptly alloo I. maY'N.lr - 1 4 - 11.1sinA rottnEsT. ATTORNEY . J AND I . OI'NSELLOIC AT LAW, No. Wo, Handl ton ,rot, Allontow u, l'a. j.tu 1.1• l( 11. 01.1 E It, A'rTIIICNET AT J• LAW, Allentown. l'o. Milo% Mirth Fifth titriiiit, ll' thiurt jtin 14-'lithtf PE•:NIi at. 11,11.10111 N. .11'1"l'ORNEVS AND l'orNSl3,l,olo , AT ]..‘w, mi.—. No. Al F:. 1131tolton %Iroot. C, M. F. A. I 1 111111 E. A'r1(?It!i11 . 11( Al' LAW, • .11.I.ENTi It. 42) - Call tiorsilan. jati I Vit-tr - 1 - ) CLAY 111. t. 3IEWMI'. AVEORNEV it • A T LAW, CA I'ASAV.4I' A, PA. j.“111.'6,-If Ilamill.enflTly L TrI 31,EitTZ. sl'ltVEYffit AND , o:,VEVANCEII, AfflINT Volt THE SALE k.l , ItE.\l, ESTATE, P.I. I et , e .. .t e :1 , :11:4 1 ) 1, 1! N . Er' i.l.b I,iWN, I..•ll:eit 1.... AAre1,11,1.131/ .Orr()zr :;I:1" AND AT I.A rot tol tv .\ 11. y, TOWN, PA. TR.U ('. 11. GU ERIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Mike, uv. r :or4. M. A. O. Trisoulug Store, N. F,s,t Itssoo..” I•towt, ALLENL TOWN A. - 10LTON • DEN'F.A_L ASSOCIATION orionoted tho ana.sthetlc age of nitrous oxide gas, ad. Inlulat, It In the montappved ,111111111`r, do no-,..• thing bat EXTRACT TEEl'l ro ll ti n y nertalnly•ii •• • do that WITHOUT PAIN, soli.n aw cnpatlentstroolty. See their olanatare• at the t/EFICE, No. 737 VVALECT wricHET below Eighth, PhIlodolnhlo• into 'SI-to ,gri cultural BOWER'S ET it: NIANURE, 1= II EN HT BOW Ell, Chemist, =I MIMI Super-I'luniphate of Lime, Anion ia and Potash WARRANTED FREE FROM ADDLTERATION This Manure contains all the elements to produce larg crops of all kinds, aunt is highly recommended by all wt. used It, abet by distinguished chemists who bare; by au alysts, tested Its qualities. Pucked .in Hoge of 20tIlbs. each. DIXON, SHARPLESS & CO„ MEE 39 South Water and 40 South Delaware Av., C=l For Hale by WILL:A.II REYNOLDS, 7P South Street, Baltimore, Md. For information, addrean Henry Hower feblo.'ll3.ly JEAN ES I= I Lute .4 Phillktlelpltla, l ha, tnk et: tho No. II EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly eveupled by R. I'. La merenz, where persons can gel PI RST-CLASS PICTURES Inken at REASONA• TILE PRICES. Atrial-,• all that is needed. , satiL4Yeveer ne. COME oNIIII COME ALL! if you Ns ant Pbolugranhs, Cort ,es de Visite Vignettes. Photo Miniatures. Anibro. types, Melaniotype, Ferrety en. ..to. reu+n trial. .1. JEANES. un 11-1 v Surces..er 1., R. I'. Lamme oz. Floirry 'rIII.OIL'SANIP , <L'ASES OF gm.ll, or..hipped fr. , 111 ~ ur I",ar, to club, and merchant., In over) . t the try, M,1111.• 1., Cali at. .1111ill/g 111 ONE . 11141.111 N Ifi)l.l..ll{S "nr luri llllr. hot' tan-m . li Inner than ever before. W.• ban.. nip a.. In nll 111{ 4 Prlll {4,{,4 4 4. {44 lat g.pod... rya. Cl, Nllll/111:teturer, and alba, nil l',\Cll, nod oft... ni Ili IniTnen. , n 11 4 .1 011 , from the on co - 4.d 14{44.1111 . 04 4 1. lior .t..ek 0ur..1.4, In part. of lb , ing good. , • . litankel qotit, Skirls Corr"in .0... sp ~,, 4,0/ .Vilkr Sl/1 4 / lb no , '1 Forlo, 1 . , plot, aia War,. 7',0.1, aad rut Irry. is great raio ly. ma a r t Fr, are l'aaep .llba aox, and clk..ic.•ml y MlPr..crt. nn Viii Binding-. • • Mororro GI., Gold II Isd l'lrit.t.lJ•tvelry, of the we'd At ylrx. W Ids° made arrant:eta:ult.. with sone...file. lug Publiylaiig :liar will enable us yr eta and latebt yyork s id popular at iihiiut oue-lutif regular pricei—uurli our IL, :tog, 3loogy, MiirroN. mod TY:Nay...A NV Ilith . -1111 1:111 awl Cloti liutitiretio of °them Tile.. ery thing eke fur ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLI• ‘Vg. d.. 1111( Oirer xrtlele of morchandb.d, that van yo nob] by rettniur denier!. nt our lute , Wo do not •1: you to buy guudn from u 4 union. we can owl! tloon than you can °Muhl thorn lu any nth, tin. greater port od our good. KIP .old ott about ONE-HALF THE REGIMAR RATES: We want good reliable agent+ in every part of the Cour, try, Hy employing your roam dine to forin claim. and mending us °Mere, younbtain the 'pont liberal rilteldlou , t, either In ran or BIERIIIIANDISE, and all goody fent by in Will be an repreecuted, and we g. runt e.. .aimn,,tion to every one dealing frith our Ileum , . Agelil 4 bltoulti colho•C fru ror.t. from earl, enflonier unit forward to,o , In advance, if, !Yr. Clirk• or the e -ell. The holden. orthe Chocke have the privilege or either ureh,ing the article thereon def crited, or exrhanithia p t. fr any article mentioned on our Catalogue, OUlliberioll over :01.11fferout itrclolo•, —not one of which can be pt.,. obated in the annul way fur the mime , Tbe Ay:pliant, of lit-t.entlinit for Cheek. areihef 0: Wu .fre conatantly buying /titian lot, of •cry valuable good., eliirli are not ciktalogoes, and for it Well we bottle ckii till all are sold: benidea, lu every largo club we will put check a fnr gni Lre, BLANHETC, POE. PATTI01:10, or noine othor article of giving same Int mherx of the club 000p)00.10 du itfpurehoetug 00 or( for radon! 000 rte, t , t to rotor. In every ardor amounting to ye 0:q &rrttreipanied by the rant, Agent y in o.(f, Anil lu every urtlei over CIAO may be retained CO • PAY TILT EXPRESS C2IIAI{GES, Ws l oa t he s mots e•pecially to assist gents Itt Ito. West ern mud ru Suites, but Is open i ll customers. COM.M 1SSI( INS AV.1114 111 1/ilpllld ten per cent, lu Cash or Merchandise, when they TILL VP TIIRI 11 1:111 111; 1•1.U11, for which below we gives partial List of Pononholons! , F o r au order of 40, from a club of Thirty, We WI /I nay the Agent, ascottualssion, 21 yards Brow.. or Ill s arh e d alleeting, Dresa Pattern,. Wool Sloan, shawl. French (hosiutere Pouts and I est Patter., Flue Large White Couniertwolc, etc.. etc., or 40.0 0 1 n each. • F or of 00, front a club of Fifty, wo WIII pay the Agent, am Vul.lllllFO.lOll. 45 yards Sheeting, One pair heavy Wool Illanketa, Poplin Mee,. ltWeee: 111WILISOnle wool Square Shawl, Sllver•Case .Wateh, etc., etc., or 111.1,00 In cash. For an order 01 410.1, front Club of Ono Hundred, we will pay 1 , 1111 l iS•1011, 100 yards gino.l 00 ul yard- Lida altetg, C.c.-Sliver 11°11111.g Pto , l Watch, Mel. L ir. ong et C., W roil . 1 SietW;‘, I. Suit of t.ll Wool Fr , CusOtuere, W e 1 1, 1 ‘ l ,.t any'rn ! velinu Agents, all.l 1.10.101111. r. 1101 pay 111.01.. y 10 Pe1 . .4111. hi I. 0111 Send Momw Always by negiAtered Letters For furtlier purtlettlura bold for Catalogue PA ft Eft & CO., OS S we Skim timer tit., h0m.,30, IiEINATII, PRACTI- V CAI:TIMMER, 710 Alll7ll HT A. Ladies, take notice of our Indoor:. ralock of lino Fong, <att.:ding td finest Russ.. and Iltalmon Bay ha ble, Minh rilinchtlla, Ermine, Astrachan, hiberlau Squlrrul, Fitch Stc. Also It /thil atssortmont 4/I La.ll.' riacqu.”.. lir Heal, .I`orslatt or Whlto and Mark Astrachan, ttrldeb I am Also; at 'At Pet cont. other 1,1.413 OW rain. Also; a lino assorttneat or Bob., Whit , Fut, Whlta a lce• land Bears, Beaver, and Hlllll,Oll Bay Wes, &e. W3l. oIv KEINATII. • , .:10 Arch St. l•ntlatiell4lMl. MEE
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