ew Yofk Priee cdirent, " For May 8. Corrected weekly by J. R. HELFRICH :ODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 92-Naroittt Woof, .14W YORK. - • BUTTER.'' Y. State, fair to g• od,new, per lb. 38 to 47 It State, cholee,new " 48 to 60 nge and S• 1 1 ,804, " Oti to , 51 Y. State, Tabs, new; " 44 to 44 astern Reserve, " 40 to 44 rtb'n. Penna., goo to choice, " 48 to 60 •nna Ohio and Western. common " 20 to 50 °REESE. .. °tory choice and fancy new, " 17 to 18 1, good new, " 10 to 17 Y. State, diary, new, " . 14 to 17 im mttk, " 10• to 12 EGGS rosy & Penna.packed in chair, per doz. 214t0 22 rosy & Penna. pookod in oiste, " 2L to 213 Y. State, packed, In good order, 201 i to 21 10, packed—by oxpresa, to count, " 20 to 2 1 BEANS rrow,ehoioe o fbil sized, per bush 02 lbs 2.09. to '2.20 (bey, ohouss o full etzed, " 2.10 to 2.50 .Mums, ebo!eu, 1 40 to 150 zed lot" and common, " oo to 1.00 DRIED BRUIT plea—N. Y. State, choice. per. lb. laito 173 plea—Jotioy and Pennsylvania, " 141 to 10 ' sepberrice, black, " 48 to 52 Blackberries. " .85 to 40 Whortleberries, " 113 to 18 Cherries, pitted,• Cherries, pits in, Peaches, peeled, Plume, BEESWAX. Pure SEEDS. par bulb. 58 lbs. 2.40 to 2.50 por lb. 83to 10 TALLOW. • Flamed, Clover, In good Barrels, por.lb. lOito POULTRY. pOheke alive, live Geese, lohene and T FJEIMI FRUITS Pples, good to choice, per bbl. 7.00 to 7.50 MAPLE SUGAR. looks, per lb. 16 to 18 small cakes or bars, ID to 11 EGGS.— The recripts have been free (though not rge) during the past week, primes have declined out one per cent. per dos. during the weak, to-day e receipts are light and prices firm. BUTTER.—The receipts are increasing daily and Woes working dawn. November 28, 1885 —ly STATE. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. I HE next annual •exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will be hold at E ON, Northampton county, on Tuesday, Wedles . y. Thurelay and Friday, September 25th, 28th, 7th and 28th, 1868. Premium time will bo ready or delivery ekltly in June. A. BOYD HAMILTOY, Pres% A. B LO:IDAKER, teoy Harisbarr, Hay 8 888. iliery & HAVE Jusr OPEN . O A B oot Ehoe Store, At No. 85 West Hamilton St , T'o DOOM BELOW NISCH, WHERE they will keep constantly on hand a well aseorto stock of all kinds 'of 11304—N3)e , ilaats 410 81oes, of F •stern, City and home-manufacture, which they will sell CITE kPER. than the same can be bought elsorrhere, bee ruse they sell Excbcsively for CASH. They invite all to call and examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that customers can suit theinselveS, both as to price and quality. Al kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REP AIItE\ tI re ceive prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and aro therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any other establishment. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of French Caaf and Patent Leather Boots. J. S. BlitltY, , S. E. MEIITZ. May 9, 1808 —ly EVE AND EAR. PROP. J. I3AACS, M. D. °oculist and Anriet, formerly of Leyden, Holland, le located at No„ 619 PINE Street, PHILADELPHIA, where persons &Rioted with diseases of the RYE or EAR, will be scientifically treated and cured, if curable. N. B —aRTLPIOIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charges made for examination. The medical ficulty is invited, as he has no , secret in his mode of treatment. 0'125 XVI AlEt XI D. On the 4th of May, by A. R. Wittrdan, Esq., Charles Young, to Miss Rosa Zenner, both of Allen town On the 22nd of April, by Rev. F. J. P. Schantz Mr Thou. F. Sanerwein, to Miss Sarah E. Lind, both, of Allentown. On the 10th of 4pril, at the Moravian Pareonago In Etnaus, Pa., by Rey. If. C. Buchman, Frederick T. Jobet to Maria Weber. D I 113 D. On the 24th of April, in 'Emus Catharine Jabot widow of the late John George Joliet. aged 89 years. On the 4th of May, in Allentown, Thome Criag, aged about 42 years STRANGE, BUT TRUB 'LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United 1.1 States eon hear comething Tory much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, TIIOS. P. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N.Y. 81.50 0 PER TEAR! We want agents every- whore to sell our IMPROVED $2O Sewing Machines. Three now kinds. Under and upperfeed. Warranted five, years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the Uni ted Status for less than $4O, which arc/ally licensed by 11. so, Wheeler & IY,leon. (J overlb Raker, Siny arh Co and Bachelder Ali other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or ' ,Air o r e ij o bt o to arrest floe mid imp 11(11IMPIII Circulars free. Ad km, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Taddeford, Maine, or Chicago, ill. December 10. ERRORS OF YOUTH it GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nerv ,ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suf foring humanity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOIIN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. an2-IY7 Dr. Illatt6/ILL Catarrh snuff. TIS Snuff has thoroughly nroved itself to he th e best !Miele t nown Tor curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Headache. It has be,.n t o ned ag excellent remedy in many ea,es of Sore eyes Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearing has `often been urinal improved by its use. It is fragrant at d agreeable. and Gives immediate Relief to the dull heavy potne caused by diseases of the Ilea.' The scooations atter using it are delightfu. and Invigorating. It opsns and purges out nt' atrueti .nn, strengthens the glands, and gives healthy tuition to the ports effected More then Thirty 'rears' • °feels and use of Dr.. Marshait's Catarrh and flews. mho Snuff. has proved its great value for all an common diseases of the head, and at this momon stands higher than ever before. It iA recommended by many of the bs_st physicians, and is used with great sums se and satisfaction everywhere. •11E1D TILE CERTWICATES OF \VIIOLESALII DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been acqintiote(l with Dr. .Ifarshalre Catarrah nod fiend. ache Snuff, find sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer fully t&to, that wa believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recomrnend.tions given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided ly tho best article we have ov,er known for all com mon diseases of the Head. Barr A Perry, Boston Reed. Auston A Co., Brown, Laroonti A C 0.," Rood, Butler A Co., " Btth W. Foyle, • " Wiloon,Pairhank Co." ilsoshoWXlMand 100 " n. fey, m.& m.. OPFor 1 p 41 . 6N all . Del April 9, Unitin Ward foleetings, ritll *Union vistnrs Of Allentown nee requested to meet next Friday evening, May 11th, 1866, at the following places', where an election will bo hold by the respective Ward Committees, for the purpose of plading .in nomination four School Directors for cash ward, to be voted for at an elestion to bo held on the 15th day of May, 1961, in plirstionce of the new act Of Assembly. The committees hope that these meetings will bo well attended, and that good and capable men.may be nominated • , Tho Second Ward will meet at Jim saloon of 11. E. Rahn; Third Ward at the public house of Bauman Bro ; Fourth Ward at the house of B. J. Hagen buch ; Fifth Ward at the public house of Copt 11. S. Mule. The election wilt open at 7 and ems° at 9 o'n ock P. M. Ward committees.—P. IL Stoltz, S. W. Reber, L. Roth, Wm. Maddern, C. W. Eckert, S. Roth, T. Good, E. Grim, J. Bauman, J. Reichard, B. Loehman, C $. Massey. Bank Dividend. TILE Second National Bank at Allentown, has this day doolared a semi-annual dividend of five per cent clear of taxes, payab'e on Y demand E SAMUELS, Cashier Lehigh Valley Railroad, " • 98 to 62 " Bto 8 " 24 to 20 " 25 to 80 FALL ARRANGEMENTS. Commencing on Monday, Sept. 19, 1864. On and after Monday, September 1 .9, 1884, Pas. longer Trains of the Lehigh Vulloy Railroad Com pany will run as follows : DOWN OR EASTWARD TRAINS. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 5, No.'. No. 8. Leave . A. 81. P. M. P. M. A. M. Whits Haven 9.40 3.00 Tannery 947 , m Hickory Rub 9.67 3.17 ti Mud Run 10.04 3.24 'fg Rockport • 10.15 3.34 n. Drtko's Creek 10.22 3.41 Stony Creek , 10.27 1 2 Jeanesville 2.15 Beaver Meadow 2.35 .2". 'lack Creek Bridge 8.10 3.05 l e , Weatherly • _ 8.25 3.20 . Penn Haven 3 50 .2 Penn Haven Junction 10.40 3.58 ' 4 Mauch Chunk 4.30 11.111 , 4.25 Lehighton ' 4.40 11.20 4.35 t.. Parryville 4.46 4.41 Lehigh Gap 5.01 ' 4.56 Slatingtan 5.07 11.43 6,02 Rockdolo ' 5.17 5.13 Laury's b 27 5.23 Whitehall 6.34 5.30 .'eplay 5.38 12.05 5.34 flokendsugna 5.42 5.38 Oatasauqua 546 12.1 Q 5.41: Allen Furnace 5.54 5.50 Allentown 6.00 12.20 5.55 East Penn. Junct. 6.02 5.55 11.12 North Penn Janet. 6.15 6. 5 Bethlehem 6.15 12 40 0.15 11.23 Freemoncburg 6.23 12 49 • 624 Lime Ridge 6.29 12.57 6.30 6:29 • rive at Easton 6.44 1.15 6.45 11.53 UP OR WESTWARD TRAINS. STATIONS. .1 No. S No. 6. No. 9. No. 2. No. 4. save A. M. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Easton 9.30 326 7.40 11.47 11.1.03 Lime Ridge 341 7.58 Proemanst nrg. 9.50 3.49 8.06 Bethlehem 10 00 4.00 8.16 12.18 10.33 North PrOti. Juno. 10.00 8.15 Eu t Penn. June. 4.15 Allentown 10.12 4.15 8.30 Allentown Furnace 4.20 9.34 o r , , tt,_ Cutlsouqua 10 2b 428 8.42 0 0 • C ' llokendaugue 10.30 4.33 847 2 Copley 10.34 4.33 8.51 . 23 42 . Whitehall 10 39 4.43 8.56 a '''' [miry's • 10.46 4.50 9.04 . ~ .2 Rockdale 10.50 500 9.14 41. e.. Slatington 11.07 5.12 9.25 . Ai %I Lehigh Gap 11.13 5.18 9.31 '' .. Parryvile 11.28 5.33 9.45 . 6 l i. Lehighton 11.34 6.39 9.50 .. t . to ' Mau, h Chunk 11.50 600 10.00 0.30 Penn Havcin June. 12.12 6.24 Penn Haven 12,20 Wenthaly 12.40 . flazle Bridge 12.50 Beaver Meadow 1.10 Jeunsville 1.30 Stony Creek 6.97 Drake's Creek 12.30 6.44 Rockport '' 12.37 6.51 Mud Run . 12.47 7.01 Hickory Rut: 12.64 7.03 Tannery 7.20 At White Haven .1.10 7.25 CONNECTIONS per lb. 35 to 39 per pair 1 00 to 1 25 per pair 1.60 to 2.00 per lb. 25 to 27 INEI ME Barnes ik Ptifx,.ll. rk A. D. %D. Saud,. " 4 tephon Paul & Co., " Israel 1111 nor di t%0., " SPKeraon k Robbing " A. t. BearDl A Co., II M.Ward, Olen & Co." Bush & Onto, ell•to. Try if, lip mairuallown , "•••` Central Itattroad of New Jersey—Ml up and down trains oonnect with the trains of the Central Rail road of New Jersey to and from New York. North Pennsylvania Rallroad.—A II down trains and up train. Noe. 7 and 8 will connect with the gains of the North Pennsylvania Railroad for Sta. lions above Bethlehem. DoWn trains No. 6 and up train, Nor. 2 and 8 for Station below Betbie. hem. East Pennsylvania Railroad.—All trains connect with the trains of the East Pennsylvania Railroad, except down train No. 1 and up train No. 8. Belvidere Delaware Railroad.—Down trains Nos. I and 8 and up trains Nos. 8 and 7 connect with he trains of the Belvidere Delaware Railroad. Catawissa and Quakako Railroad.—Down train. Noe I and 5 and up trains 6 and 8 connect with the rains of the Catawiaatt and Quakake Haxleton Railroad—Down trains Noa. 3 and and up train No. 8 will connect with the trains of the tlaaleton Railroad. Wilkea-Barre.—Down trains Yoe. 9 and .5 and up trains Nos. 6 and 8 will canna t with the trains to cud from Wilkesbarre. It. 11. SAYRE, Supt. A Eng auet.'6s. WHO? WHO ? WHO? Our next Governor. We have a correct and striking photograph of ihts ',text Governor of Pennsylvania, whiol we will send by mail for 25 cents. If we mistake the icon, the money will be refunded immediately after election next October. Is it Geary or Clymer? Write and see Address, BARTLESON & CU.. ma 1-2 ml AIL Chestnut Street. Phila. GEARYI C:-.I9VIER! We hare Photographs. large and amal!, of Geary and Clymer. Agents wanted to s(II them. sand ;5 cents for Epoohnen copies by mail, postage paid.— Address BaItTLESO'N & cO, 61] Chestnut St. GRAN r • and SHERMA N I The two heroes before their tent planning a battle —Orant smoking. bemotitui eteel engraving by tVm ttattain. Agents wanted everywhere. Sam• ple vent by mail for LO cents. Agony ns..ke 50 per cent. Address B ABTLESON &CO , may I 2tnj -6 t Chestnut Street', Philadelphia. Allentown Collegiate Institute, YAM UV AtIVS7 Chartered by the State with all the powers and privileges of a COLLEGE. WILL open He next Benton en TUESDAY, April 3, MIL The COUTRO of instructi m onibraces all the branch est* an Engli;l3 and Mathematical t dueati tn.— with the Carman, Pr neh. Latin and Or: ek lon fluagca. Pupils will he received in every depart. wont t'f Rtmly. from five years of ago and upward. awl prepared for College, Bushman, or 'remitting, of gado:dad with the degree of A. B. liso Military Departm.nt la furnished with a compioto eupoly of mu.teta end accoutrements for Infantry It ill and a Battery of Fix lowa Geld pireea L expected for a. tilley prootire Pupa,. eoj ty ta hest navantAgre tin every dopar'men• of inotruption, under teachers fully competent for their position. TOE YOUNG LADIES' DEPARTMENT wil l "'resent new attraotiona and superior advan pee A hall for aluthang and , sill of three coin nau.nicating rooms, strictly private neatly papers well warmed and ventilated, and supplied with piano, draw log tablet , . and new cherry seeks of the most approved patterns. afford the most plea ant acuotamodatlon for Ludy. A Lady Teacher, fully capable of giving instruction in all the common and higher English branches, A'gebra, Reoreetry, Chem istry, Geology, Botany, Rhetoric, English Litora., to a and Natural Philosophy, has been secured and will enter upon her duties with the highest ree.m. mondations. Superior mportunities are &red for instruction in Voral and Instrumental Mush), Latfn Greek, German and French tang ages, Ornamental Work, Wax Vrult and Flowers. Praying, Bair Work, &0., die Young Ladies, upon the comple tion of a prescribed course of study, will receive a Dipi rar. la the Primary Depoittnent for little girls eat dent releastlon' flora firmly will be afforded by pleasant variation and :yetesnatlo . tot tllreulee addrikst • Rev. M apt itOrtoho/ PrOdial. Allsstows, Stly READING RAIL ROAD. 61.11 M YiElt ARRANIat IIENT3, 46/ 23d,• . 1866. • ("HEAT TRUNK, LINS FROM THE NORTH Ul and North-West for Philadelphia, New Y rk, Ilfsd , ng, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, I,Sbanon, Alkifitotrn, Easton, /to., A. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows: At 3.00. 7.40 and 9 05 A. 111. 1 and 2 00 and 9.20 P 51.. connecting with similar Trains on the Peno” I yenta Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 5 40 and 10 00 a. m., and 3.40 and 10.35 p: m. sleep. log Cars accompanying tho 3.00 a. m , and 0 20 p m., trains, without change. Leave liarrisburg for Reading, Pottsvillo, Tama. qua, Millersville, Ashland, Plea Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 7 40 a. m., and 2:00 end 920 p. rn., stopping at Lebanon and principal Wt y Sta• done; the 9 20 p. m., train making no oh se connec tions for Pottsville nor Philadelphia. For Potts. villa, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sohoylkili and Su.quehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 4.15 ateturning : Loavo New York at 0.00 a. m., 12.00 noon and 8.30 p. Philadi Iphia at 8.00 a. in, and 330 p. m ' • Pottavillo at 830 a m. and 245 p. Ashland 800 ana 11. 15 a. m. and 1,05 p. m.; Tama qua at 9,45 a. to. and 1,00 and 8,55 p. tn. "Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Sohuilklll at,tlAuFquobanna Railroad, at 7,00 a. m. Reading Aooommodation Train ; Loaves Reading at 6 00 a in., returning flom Philadelphia at 5 00 • p in. Columl4a Railroad trains leave Reading at 0 10 • m and 0 15 p m for Ephrata, Litia, Laneaster,Col umbia, Lc. On Sundays: leave New York at 8 30 p.m, Phil adelphia 8 00 a m and 3 15 pm, the 8,00 a in train running only to Reading. Pottsviile 800 a' to, Ta maqua 7 30, a m, Harrisburg 9,05 a m and Reading at 1 30 a m for Hartisburg, and 10 52 a in fur New Lail, and 4 25 p m for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex -0111111011 Tiokots to and from all points', at reduced rater.. Baggsgo checked through • 80 pounds allowed each Passenger. U. A. NICOLLS, enera i Superintendent. Reading, Pe., April 23d, ISM THE CHEAP ILLENTOWN BoOK STORE. :Aft T. V. RHOADS, Agent, Igo. 31 West Hamilton Ft) eet, AT the Store of the subscriber will be kept con stantly on hand, at the very lowest *Tines, in the most racoon, and also in common .binding. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL ROOKS, Such as complete seri..a of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books,. Wits in's " McGuffies' " Greenkars Atithmetica, " Algebras, Monteittee Geography, Colton's Mitchell's (le graphy and Atlas, Brown's. Grammars, Weld's Grammar and G-ometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, ,• Specimen Copy BiTika, Potter & Books, ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, lukstonde.S .141 B .xert. Writing hand, Meer Pens. Qaills, Lead Poi els, B.ateo and Poncils.Slat, Bub berm. Pen Holders, Gold Pens. and Pencils, Drawing Pencils, Gum- Rul,bers. reeling Wax, Water Caws, rape easures,lndel , ble Ink,Pocket Knives, Collar Pins,t.rochet Needlos,Toothpicks,ete 12.28 10.44 Also a Fp] ndid lot of Pocket Books, including every kind des red—all of the very beat quality ono at the lowest prices. Also a large selection of ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, r Testaments, Reformed nod Lutheran Liturgies, as well as a:I kinds of llymn'and Prayer Books Also all kinds of Musk) Books; each as the Gold on Chain. Sunday School Bell, No. 1 and 2, Day School Bell, Choral Burp; also timatik's Weber's German Church Music Books. 7.48 8.00 All kindi of Foreign Books Such as Latin Bawling Books. Latin Gramtentra Greek Grammars. Bullion's. Anthon's Cmsars, .to SUNDAY SCHOOL BOONS. A full assortmout of liunday School Books, in eluding ell the publications of the American Treat Society, the American Sunday School "Union' and the "Pennsylvania Bible Society." Particularly does-ba wish to say that he has splendid Libraries and Reward Ticketa on hand, snots as have never been kept on sale in this town before. BLANK BOOKS. Re has a splendid lot, and of the very boat qua ity. Thoy are of all sizes, and can be obtained in or half•bound. MEMOBANDUN BOOKS No one will deny that he has the most splendid assortment of Memorandum Books of every desorip. Lion on hand, that can be found at any place except New York and Philadalphia. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! The largest stock of Photpgraph Albums that has ever been aeon In Allentown, can be found at Rhoads' Cheap Book Store. To describe them is impossible —they must be seen, and if so, every one will at once say that they are the NICISEIT and CEIEAPISIIT they ever maw. At the came place there are also over 600 Photographs, and also frames and a splendid assortment of large Pictures for sale. W AM, PAPER; Over 200 da•rent ' patterns of Wall Paper and Borders are as at this Cheap Book More an wet no hundreds of other artio es too nun crone to men -1 tic n. A very largo variety of WINDOW CURTAINS Over 20U different pattern?. BRUSHES; BRUSHES!! A large variety of flair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, and Combs ()revery deeeription. By strict attention to his business, low prices and gond goods, he hopes to merit his share of public patronage, which he will always keep in grateful rerarmberynee. T. V. R 'MAW, Ag't. April 24, 1566 —tf REMOVAL: OF A MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT MRS. MARY C. ROGERS, , No, 28 East litniilton Street, Allentown I)BSPECTFULLY inform , her friends and.the 1 4 public in general that she hes lately removed to No 28 Eft,t, street, two doors east of the Democrat printing of iae and there opened a no+ nolltneryestel , ll4htncot in till .ta soma. broach ee. She bunju.t re arum] 61113 Yew York and Ph•!- adelphio woh the latest sty I a f SPRING AND bUNIAIER BONNETS! snd is now vet:owed to make theai up w.th iho choicest tr mmt. gz. and II s Nem, in the mist fool suable manner 11. r stock of rilvions and ortifi •1 1 fl •Wera cannot b, •eri Hound by any other e■tub isnment in town for bu•uty, to to and onespuess. Persons •hnuld tive het a sill before purchuasug elsewhere. Farms soled% cash. Ac she has acquired a genera] knowledge of the nuaincss and cusp! y• 130 , 10 hit the beat milliners, she is prepated t•. w.srrant sil her work as repro• sensed. Hie is s1•o unxious to snidely all who may tsvorlscr with their patronage. 01,1 bonnets bleacl ed and repaired.. fly strict atientlon to business she trusts to merit a shall, of publio patronage for which she will ever lie thankful. May 1, 15611—tf 4mr7 n-r,• , ryl=n. l rorreeted Weekly by Weinibeimer, Newhard d Co .tibeat Flour, To bb1.11.00 aye Chop, y 2 100 lbs. 2.25 'Ion) Meal, 19 bbl. 5.25 4%001,19 bushel, 2.00 " 1.00 Corn .90 8211, .80 Oloverseed, " 5.00 Timothyseed," . 8011 flazsella, " 200 Cried Apples, , a 8 50 " Newham." ' 8.50 o:7llars you •Nooralght or Uhetiosottion bon'/ go groaning and tirorinx tlitookth *his you oist bb Mira 14.15111thl Litlomat WANTED. 200 DOLLARS for a taw y ears tn. which the best mortgage security will be given. Inquire nt apr24-4t.] TIIIS OFFICE. SrA MONTiI!—AGENTS wanted for six en fps/ new of-tic/e , ond out. Address 0. T. GABBY, City Building, Beddeford, Me. [deo 19,-1 BARK I BARK !-rHE tixtersigned desire to purchase at their Tan. L nary, near the . Little Lehigh. four hundreo cords good chestnut and eprinish oak bark. Price . Ten Dollars per cord. fd 08SE R k GRIM. DIBABLED MEN, ATTENTION! A. , ITED, ono or two men, in Allentown nncl vi v 1 ci .ity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell Wadswordee Wafer prim/ Arnica Heafiey Plaster, the best and eheapta Court Plaster in the ma ket. From $5 to $lO per day can be made. Address, will. 25 cents for sample and full information •A. F. BEL CHER, Box 4.1, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All agents and peddlers would find it to their interest to answer the above. Apr. 17-3 mo WANTED I Agents. * Mole Ina Femj; at $76 t( $l6O per month to sell the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. PRICE $lB.OO. This Machine will do all kinds of work equal to the high priced Machines, and is the only prectiool and reliable Cheap Sewing Machine in the world.— Bend for descriptive circulars. Ad tress ECOMB h CO., Chicago, 'IL, or Cleveland Ohio. April 24 —lm WANTED—AGENTS---To canvass for the 'Sol dices Individual Memorial" Greater induce ments offered than by any ether publishers.— Agents have an entire monopoly in the territory as signed them, as there has been nothing of the kind yet introduced. Meets with universal approval, s ornamental, also a record of value to those who have served in our country's defense, and to friends rf de ceased soldiers. For circulars, Ac., address, enclos ing stamp, B. C. BAKER, Columbus, 0, Lock Box 978. —lreo. CANVASSERS WANTED, at $2OO per month.— We want reliable 'agents (none other,) male and f male, to take the eiclusive agency in every coun ty and township in the. United States, to Nell tbe Photograph Family Record, a work which every nmily will buy. It is bound like an album but has a printed blare page opposite each photograph, for a complete record of the husband, wife end child of a faintly, also .contairing marriage certificate, and pages for military history of any, member of the family. nothing like it ever published and no wort that agents can sell to readily. Old canvassers and others should send for circulars and terms. It ic necessary to have copies of the work to canvass' with; price by expreas,s2 50. 83 50 and $7 00 (3 styles;. money may b , mt by mail. Name the townships canted. Address BARTLESON k 0 , i., epi3-2mll 611 chestnut Street Phila AGENTS s•\ A r N`l ED, NEW AND BEAUTTFUL WORK, TUC PICTORIAL BOolt OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS Heroic, Patriotic, Politico!, Romantic, Humorou nun Tragical . . Splonldly I !warded wit n over 300 tine Portrai THIS weak tor genial bum r. tender pathos. 'tattling interest, and attractive beauty, stands p et -00111 and alone among all ire competitors 'I he Vet lent and Bravo Hearted, .the Pentiresque and Drams matte ire Witty and Marvellous, tile Tender and Pat etio. The Roll of Fame and Story, Camp. Picket, Spy, Scout, Bivouac, and loge ; eitartlieg - urprises ,• N onderlel Et , ciape, FAMOUS VI or 1 , and Deeds of Woman, nod the whole Panorama of he War is here tbei tingly and startlingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at once hisierical and romantic. rendering it the most ample. brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth Dianbi. d eiV.,ora and soldiers, teetotal's, energetic yonom mon, and al , in want of proilteble employ ment,'" will find thin the brat chance to make money ever yet offered. Eli nd for circulare and see on , terms. Adams, NATIONAL PUBLBLIINO Co moyl-tt] No. 607 Minor Street, Philadelphia. 4G.1- Wit _AL_ riga Fir. AMOTS wanted for the ' only authentic, reliable and official History of the Lieutenant-General. Grant and his Campaigns, BY PROF. HENRY COPPEE. I Vol., Soo , 520 pages, with 8 Steel Portraits, he. Published under Gen. Grant's Sane ion, And' thorouy ly revised by GRA ER AL RAWLINS. Oeneral Gruel's Mei of Staff.. Tnis woe( will be In every particular trustworthy and accusal I—written by , the Lientenout-General's life-long fri .nd, from official documents put into hie hands, it es snot fail to meet every requirement of the public e epectation. Also THERM AN and hie CAMPAIGNS, By Col. 8. I. Bowman, and Lieut. Col. R. B. Irwin, 1 vol , 800.. 512 pages, with 8 Steel Portraits, &o. Thoroughly revised by • GEN. SHERMAN himself, a; dpublished under his sanction. These ho Its aro having an immense sale every where, as ley are the only authenticated Histories of these g eat Generale as a whole, for no other writers hay t access to the private and official papers of the save] al commanders. Send for circulars to P. UARRET2 & CO.; aprl 7-2m] 800 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. EiEl2 U ion Business Colege HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, EWEIII and SPRING GARDEN STS. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M., Proeidont and Consulting Accountant. ErrRAORDINIka INDUCEMENTS NOVEL AND PERMANENT_ ARBANOSIENTS ON BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, From April Ist to October Ist, 1866. Life Scholarship , including Bookkeeeping, Bust neeis Correspondence, Pomo end Custiime, Commer cial Arithmetic, Buldnees Penmanship. Detecting Counterfeit noney, end Commeroial Law. Scholarships, including the 5 , 1030 Subjects as abate. Time limited to throe months. TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, Threo'rnonths, • *7 Pcimanhhip and Arithmetic, Three Months ... $lO Tla3 saving of coal and gas in the summer months is an advantage of such I.nportance as enables the management if thie College to make a considerable reduction in t he tummer etes Fr...m October 1, 1866, to April 1, 1867 Life Scholar ship tictiolarships. 3 %ameba, Ponraarohip, 9 months, Panics shipaud Arlthm,.tio. 3 amain, ...... 312 Special Terms for ('labs, Snldi.re and for the Bons o/ df , nletere and Teacher,. DAY .AND EV NINO INAVRUCTI.iN FOR BOTLI SEXE3 AND ALI. ADES, In Banking, Storekeeping. Doo'kkeeping, Penman ship, Pon Drawl° r, Phonography. sirithmrtio Men suration, Algebra. Geometry . A alytteal Geimetry. The calculus, Navigation, Surveritg. ltogineerinir, rimming, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commer cial Law, (Jarman, Col •graphing, and the English Emcees, at mode ate prim. Endorsed by tbo public as the most euccersfull Business College of She country, as is arithmetic' by the tact that FJUR HUNDRED AND TWO STUDENTS have enterea in the PRINCIPALS "or DEIPARTAIEINTS Tlloll,v, MAY PEIRCE, A. M , GEORGE B. SNYDER, R. B. BARNES, O. N. FARB, Ja , J. T REYNOLDS, HENRY EEL% A. E. ROGERSON, A. M., C. E. Eggis, V dozen, 16 Butter, tel tb. 40 Lard, " 20 llama, " 20 Bacon " 14 Beeswax," 40 Potatoes, V bailie 1.00 Beane, " 2.00 Salt, " 1.10 Balt,in sacks, XOO Bay, per ton, 10.00 (Maw,. " 9.00 Cali or lend for a Catalogue, College Curreney,'and Pierce's Practical Educator. OFFICE: 531 NORTH EIGHTS ST. sprl7-2m] THOIIIII4 M. PEIRCE. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- inferred by all praotioal Pointers ! Try it ! and rill Will hive no Whet. la annfaotated only by zisat,En & ssirru, *K0t1141.5 Mittel rant, wad thisiDitatipito ) itnlNtil 10. let Refill MN Semi, Ishltviiilphle WANTS. 70R r tIR OP THE RHIFLLION un i Douuiitui Engr,ivings THE AND SUCCZILDING TRAMS TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS And auceeeding yenta, ea bad.° FIRST Six !doings ol? 1711 EXIBTOICC Supported by an able Corps of disietants. `MAY;IB6O. POTULAR MICA' !OR HE POPULAR' THU AT THE 'OPULA R STORE 1111 L IFIC A. ISM CllEilLe ALLENTO N, PA. Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH AND SOLD For Cash and Approved Credit I •DREAT DECLINE IN PRICES! Big Drop in Gold, Whether temporary or permanent deponent said'. not. With gold from $2 90 uoirn to $1 27, and oottoh 39 cants a pound. STANDARD GOODS are now selling at n heavy loss to the manufaeturere bat this is neither here nor there, for KRAMER, Is bound to keep time to• the music, and continuo as heretofore, To luead the Trade azo aillinaBtdl2olll;3 WM DEFY COMPETIFION I From April 3 , .1, I shall afar a oomplets lino of Ladies Seasonable Dress Goods, being 'pettedly ALIVE with everything in this ino that is FRESII, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, in short as unaal for Style, Variety and Lowness of Price. dial' and can not ho surpaEsed STAPLE .GOODS ? A full line of all the choice brands of bleached d unbleached musiins, sheotings, ho., and every thing that belongs to housekeepers in this line at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES ! I give no quotation _X priaos, but will soli yon for LESS MONEY than you oan get the same geode elsewher e. Cloaks, Bacques. Ildantillas, fie, in groat variety. Cloths, Ca:shneres, Tweeds, &a, Thin department, tun received ipocial atteutiuc• hi, spring and comprising the newest and moat Co until° spring sto'aii, adapted to the taste of the aged, nidd-o aged, America," and children, auu will be sold at present Gold Standard Prices. Alan the CHOICE ST LINE of GROCERIES and at rims that will eo•winee ane and all that Irarner-'s IS ill E. Great Place of Interest or-portions wishing to /whet from the meat exten dive and reliable smelt f 1:..10)15 and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES An examination is all I ask, knowing that I can of fer induceuosnta that cannot he surpassed by any reliable houso in town. M. J. I{ RAM ER. OpPosito tho EAGLE IIuTEL.. Geo. K. Reeder, 11 [EV. HRH! No 15 E: t Hamilton Street, Nat Door to John B. Dloscr's Drug Store WEHE he heaps constantly on hand a full as sortmont or roady-mado clothing, such as COATS, VESTS. PANTS &o. also GENTLERRN'S FURNISHING GOODS o all kinds, woloti for Workmanship, Quality and Prices, aro not surpaaasd its t wn. A largo and well Wee od stock of 12410 gir lUD BAtIIIE - E1132&3 always on hand. Clothing mado to order on abort notice, and a DOOR TIT GUARANTEED. Call and claming our stock. April 10,'00-1y) GEO. E. REEDER. Trees! Trees!! Trees!!! tt 01* Fruit and Ornamental Trees SHRUBS, VINES, &C., PERSONS wishing to plant trees this Spring would do well to call at the Nursery at OAT ABATJQUA, and minim) the stook of BM PETER LAIIIX. FRUIT TREES.—Extra size. 'Apple, extra also 'Standard Pear Trees, (twice transolented,) Cherry, Plum and Poach, the finest in market. Alms, Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, Goose hernia., Strawberries. and other small fruits. Among the varieties of Strawberries are the Jucunda, Agriculturist, Golden Beetled, Russell's Arent:lc &s., he., An examination of stock solicited before purchas ing elsewhere. . PETER LAUX. Catasauque, April 3, 1986 ' —sw NORTH PENNSY VANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. JANSENGERS for Philadelphia take L. V. R. It I. trains passing Allentown at 6.00 a. m., and 5.55 p. m., make close connection with the trains of N. P. R. R. at Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadel• ohla at 9.20 a. En., and 8.45 p. in., respectively. . . Pawiengers for Doylestown take 6.80 a. in. train Tom Bethlehem and make connection at Lansdale .tnd can return to Allentown the same evening. All Passenger Trains (except Sunds., Traine,)con. met at forks street, Philadelphia, with sth and 6th duet City Passenger Railway. RETURNING. . Leavo the new Depot, Third street, above Thom? eon, Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., and 6.18 p. m., arriv log in. Allentown at 10.13 a. to., and 8.30 p. m., re inactively, LOCAL BCIII3DULD. Three Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Par:waver trains leave the new Depot, Thiad street, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.30 a. in., 13.30. p. m., and 515 P. M. For Doylestown at 8.t5 a. m., and 2.80,4.15 p. m For Lansdale at 6.15 F. to. • For Fort Washington at 11 p va. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 a. in. 10.02 a. no., and 615p.m. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 a. in., 3.15, and 5.30 P. tn. Loavo Lansdale at 6.10 a. m. Fort Washington ' at 2 15 p. m., 10.50 a. m. Aare—Allentown to Philadelphia,sl ELLIS °ARK, Agent. .11128-'ll5 BARLOW'S IRMO BLUE. PUT UP AT MULTBERGEWS DRUG STORE, No. 223 NORTH SECOND STREET, HULA DELNHA. Will color more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo It is warranted to give satisfaction, and is retailed at the came price an the Imitations and inferior or ioles. [ineyd-dm A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No tiro is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out lettere of Administration in the oatato o JOHN LINN, der:reseed, late of the homngir of Cat asaaqua. Lehigh county ; therefore all persons who aro indebted to said estate. are requested to make payment wit/11E144 week. frito the date bereoLand such who hale any legal elalms against Maid Mate will preabat them Well atillientleated tor eettlemont Within the above optolled time. Wtlo.lter.! - 1111 ht BOtlerte Admit' iniIIPRISIN NEW F IM . .Shixo.er Bros, • (LATE RENINGER & SHIMER.) No. 5 West Hamilton Street A LLENTOW N, PA. Next Door to Me B ule Hotel Shimer's Mammoth Storm A LIVE INsrtruNON Money Saved BY BUYING AT Sli 111.111;31 S' TOE Filled Stooks High with Goods at 1 31 AL NIO X' Our entire Stock Ens been MARKED DOWN to he lowest noteb, we defy competition. WE STUDY TO PLEASE erery one, old and young, rich and poor, we en deavor to keep a wod selected stock of DRY GOODS, GB )ORRIES, QUEENSWARR, CARPETINGS, OIL (MOTU, PROVISIONS SALT, FISH, Vic. %0., to give bargains to all those who may favor us with their custom, not only for sixty days or a given time, but wilt always oontinuo to sell our goods a , the very lowest possible prices. We do not pretend to say that our co stem is strictly Cash, nut guaran• toe our prices to be as low as any others who are boasting of sailing the cheapest, in oonsequonco of doing business entirely upon cash principle. Strangers follow tbo.standard customers of the well known old stand, and yon will all in turn be with courtesy waited ou and supplied with tit,. cheap est Goods. So euro you are right, minglo in the vowd, then come ahead to POPOLfill STORE. where you can be best suited with the most good, For the least money, with bosh durable and fashion ble goods. LADIES' Dress Goods DepArtment ! Unusually complete with rich and elegant goods as well as the cheaper etyles, it antoprlsitig Black and Colored Silks, Plaid and Flgurod Wool De Latium Merinoes, Plain, Figured and carded Mohair, American Do Coburga, 41p.tocae, ltepps, Poplins, lacmich and ' Union Plaids etn., to.. E ete NIOUANINa Gl)Jas Wool Drlainea, Merinoes. Repps, Poplin, Mo hair Goods, Bombazines. Alpae cas. Ca ntor Cloth, Dolainee. Coburg Pi inei+: Crape .and Love Veils. Crape Collars, Square and Ling Thibet and Blanke , Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves. ito. • Gingbams, Flannels, Tickings, Diapers, Chochs, Linens, BOCOIXI3 and White Goods. Ace., at CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTH Of every dieeription, etylee, comity, Mao/ 3 an prices. - SHAWLS! SHAWLS' ! 4 qua a and long Droobs o Blankuta, Ibilat at Plaid Ebawle. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prices, and all Alm. The Silver Skirt: This skirt in more durable, m• re !mastic, mere graceful, and will keep its shape and retain its piace. better than any other Skirt. The Steel Springs be log covered with a fine plated wire, in place of H cotton covering, will pot wear off or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be washed without injury or•fear of rusting and will be as good as new. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, A very full stook, now and rich designs. QUEENSWARE A full aseortmant, cheep. WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAINS Of every diecrription. Groceries, Fish and Provisions At the lowest prices comprising a full line of al, articles usually kept in a first class Grocery Depart ment. BALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton and dairy salt by the sack and bushel. • Country Produce. All kinds o! Country Produce taken in exchange, and the highest prices paid for. • GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call will secure advantages that will be certainly lost in delay. We are thankful to our old customers for past fa vors, and ',elicit a contusuanow f the stime, and as many new ones, who will favor us with their patron ale, we will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courtesy and punctuality. Remember the well known old stand late REN INGER do 8111151811, No. b West damn on Street kllentown. Pa. SHIMMER BROS. Building Lots. THE undersigned is authorized to sell a limited number of handsome building lots on Second street between Chew and Gordon, in the First Wm d. kllentown, on such terms as will enable any ono ru lanuro a plansaut home in the most flourishing par iifthe town, with very little money For location, plan and izonditiong, apply at the office of coayl-tfj WEIGH ,Allentown. LEHIGH VALLEY Fire Insurance Co. i I 'BE undersigned commlttoo appointed by the Cor norators nsmod In the Act, chartering the Lo digit Valley Fire Insurancoe.mpsny, to open books *sr the subtcription of the stock, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, as required by law,that the slid books will be open ed and the stook efflred for subscription by the un devalued at the Seound National Bank, on the 24th day of May, next, commencing at 0 o'clock A. M. No one person will be privileged to aubecribe for more than twenty elm.cs. At the time of eubecrip ion $5 on each eharo taknonos nnis requlrt d to be paid. o PROIT, 30411E4. STUMM F. E StirlUELl 4 . • MARTIN KEMMERER, W5l. B. AINEY. OM Auditors' Nibtice. In £he Orphans' Court of Lehigh County. IN the matter o , the account of George S. Christ and George 11. Gorr, Administrators &0.. ot . Samuel Christ. late of Upper Milford township, Le high county, deceased. And now April 6, 186, on motion of A. 11 Aohwarts, Erq., the court appointed Charles Foster. Esq.. to audit, examine and resettle the said account and make distribution according to • From the Records. SEAL Taste—GEo W. HARTZIIIL, Clerk. The auditor above named will meet the parties interested, en the 10th day of May, 1866. at 10 otolock A. M., at the house of Jesse Dash, in gmaus. .[apr23 3t. THE MASON & HA.MLIN CABINET a ORGANI3, fotty different styles. adapted to trtored end secular music. for CIO to dBOO ettobt-;- FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or thee first pretolitute a*ardod thorn. Illustrated Chitakdde Rna. Address, MASON' d [unts, Boston, or MASON BIROBBBBe, Mir 'fort' Bob 19t Rea,d. I Read!! CANCER CURED! s a *CERTAIN CURE FO,R CANCERS, TUMORS rt and Tatum-11v Mises fLandlil tlinkle,N46 154 N. Tell ttTEENTH ti trait, Wow Vino, Pail,- ielvbia,where an be obtained at any time due Tat. , or Ointment.. which, has effeotuany eared Tettir of fifteen a twety years standing. delve. for Bleu , WARM, Piles, Corns, firyelkielia, Felons, and ribs for purifying ,he blood ' I was Mated with the Cancer on my tight thigh •n. fourteen ye ire, and being recommended by a la. Iv who bad been rured by the Misses 'laced mvrelf under their ire vmentiand i• is now 'z months since n perfoot cure has been made ..any of my friends hid given me op aa aging in. •unable. therefore I return maw , . thanks to the '41..500 Hinkle for raving my life. lam now in the tjoyment, cf good health. HANNAH WANK. doriugtiold, Dolawaro county, Pa., Jan., 12,'60. Misses Hinkle.—As a Paine of gratitude to yea for the cure of my cancer, I deem it prudent to bate it aolnuw!edgod in the papers, that it may be the means of benefitting otaers. I was attacked OD the loft breast with a suspicious tumor, and applied to physician to examine it; it proved to be a well-4s fined cancer, and it was treated as such, but became gradually worse, until it hemline evident that I had to obtain relief or loose my life And hearing of Lire many cures that you had performed, I pissed myself under your care, and that the disease has all boon eradicated I have not the slightest doubt.— Over three years have intervened, and the diseased point le as sound as any part am,' body, MARY A THORNTON. • 1605 Vallowhill street, Ma. To the tfil;oted. Ido hereby certify that I was or more than twenty years afflicted with a canner• ous tumor. I applied to three or four different doe- tore. MI agreed in pronouncing it a very danger ous cancer, hut neither gave me much encourage. ment that it could be cured. Fortunately I heard of the Misses 'EMAIL I placed myself under their hands immediately for treatment, and in a short time wee entirely cured ; it being immediately wo. der the corner of tho eye, but by their superior chill and careful attention it was entirely rammed, with. out the least injury to he eye, or scarcely leaving a scar. I do moat confidently recommend ail who , may unfortunately be afflicted with cancer, to make immediate epplioatien tulle Misses M. and If. His. ale, 254 N. Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. • JUDAH 11114 AR, 605 Drown Bisect. M11.1'181013, Jar., 3,1885. This is to certify that twee sfllictod with dm Cancer back nr my left ear for ten years. I tried several Rkiil ful physicians of , ho city, but all afford ed mo no relief. I heard of the Misses Maki', and resolved to make one more effort, and that, I &IS abased .o inform the public, has been succeasful.—.• this wonderful , ure woe made in two months, and iesorves to be placed on record, that others afflicted with the same dirensa may know where to obtain a certain cure. DANIEL I.IOW ARD. 7922 Vine St. Cancer ran be Cured.—l know that such testament e true. for having suffered many years with the lancer on my shoulder and also on the foot, endue 03g excruciating pain at tithes, I was recommended 0 try the ?dire-s Hinkle, residing at 2/i4 .N Thir -oenth street, Phil tdelptra. i applied to her, and II •e now fourteen years since the cure was made, and hays never any sympt , ms of a return, MAY, oBETH BOP Fltld7f, Abet town, Lehigh county, Pa. October 10,18E15. To the ofti wed w;th ("enemy—lt is my denim la onblishing theme brief 'Mee, to Jo good to the a>Dict d. wee troctiled with a cancerous tumor nn trty eg. below the knee, and my nufferingn were intense. t moment wie procured. hut, finding no Te• let, the dineeta stil spreading, it was thought ant put Itien would be neco.nary. I won advised, be. oire going on any further, to try the Miens I did and do now rejoice that through her treat ment my life hoe been spared. It is now two jean since a cure hoe been made. • EDWARD ErtIITII. 2009 Bodine street, above Norris. Or con be seen at the Fifth and Sixth, street De pot being driver of car No 20. • I deem it but justice to you to state the Webs deriv-d from your treatment of cancer. I had the cancer five years on my lower lip, which extended along the inside of the lip and on the gun s I re• ceivr d medical advice, and a day was set for the op. oration to be pen rmed, hot bearir gin she mean time of the many cur performed. by the Misses Itinhle, I determined to try their treatment before using the knife, and in five months my lip was as sound as ever. lam vary thankful that I was nev er operated upon Any afflicted with this dnedful divase should cull on toe Misses Hinkle an t see for t .emeelves numerous cancers that have been takes, out, with city references, EDWARD GRAHAM, Va. 2131 Henrietta eine , Philadelphia. ril 10,1808 —l,k J. steward Depay, A 0,- 0 S. SECOND STREET, abv ,SPlttleE -4 - .6 , 90 PIMA., would respectfully inform Ms 4, 0 yea...mere and others, thot be is now selling 111 z•from one of the, largest and beet assortments ern e.O CARPETS, OIL CLOTHb, PO O. Window Shades ho, that he bad on hand foe% many years, at reduced prices. o Imarla-ttm Go EDWIN S/EGER, Agent, NO. 71 East Hamilton street, in the betsensint under the office of D7 l . William J. Hoenig, ALLENTOWN, PA. • A lot of liplendld Portfolios, at sulpilaingly law prices. A lot of stationery. A lot of books suitable for HOLIDAY PUB MNTS. A lot of Games, 011esemen,1Theokerboarls, an, A lot of Novels and Other Books. This is the time to subscribe for dailies, wealth* end monthlies, from Janury 1, 1806. All orders will be attended to by lightning rail road speed. Ho has also on hand a lot of Needles, Unfits :icedlee, Crotchets, etc. Call and examine our stook before purchasing elsewhere. augl3'6s-0 THE] SALEM UNDER the patronage of the United Stoics (W -arnmont. Motle , a of We superior leg may bap ~.an at the Agency of the Salem Leg Company. Na. :13 South Seventh Street, Phila. Call and seo them, or send for a eiroular ing full information. tapr24-1336 GREAT AMERICAN PUZZLE. ATE NTED by PHILIP HILL, Importer of Fib. ey Goods, 259 Market et, Philad'a, Pa., is one of the mo , t ingenious and amusing articles of the kind we have ever seen. It is calculated to afford diver sion to old and y.ung, Price 30 cents for set of six numbers. Sent by mail to all parte of the country.' HILL. 259 Market et., Philade. Ladles' Needle Book, containing 100 of the beet needle. sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents. Apr 17-Imo AN Ann! GE AND CELIBACY, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Men! /4- so, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate the powers, with sure means of relief. ent free of charge in sealed letter envelopes. &bees DR. 3.. •IC I LLI V HOU OIITO V, Howard Association, Phil adelphia, Pa. A prillf, 186841 East Pennsylvania Railroad*. INTER ARRANGEMENTS. ; Commencing Monday. December 26th, 1864. .rHAINS leave Allentown daily (Sundays eseepted) 1 for all points on the lino: Reading, Tamaqua, . Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven, Auburn, Pine envoi. Port Clinton, Pottstown, Pheenixville, Philadelphia: Norristown. and all points on the Philadelphia and Reading R. R. 'and connection r t 7 a. m. and 4.1 V P. M. For Lebanpn, Harriaburg, Lancaster, Cohumar his, York, Baltimore, Carlisle, Oh ambereburg,Wash: legion, Money, Milton,Williamsport,Sunbury , LeClC Haven, Elmira, Pittahurg. Cincinnati, Clevelead, Chicago, St. Louis, and all other points in the floath and North West at 12.95 noon, and at 1144 P. M. These trains are .he Great Western Express. and connect at Harrisburg with the Fast ,Line and En. press train for Pittsburg, without change of are.— The most elegant and delightful Sleeping Call 113 e attached to these trains •, these trains also make di rect connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington. The 11.44 P. M. train will leave Al tentown every Sunday fur Reading, Harrisburg sad Pittsburg Passengers are requested to mane their Hell. its before entering the cars, as higher fare will be charged on the oars. liirthrough tickets for nle at the Allentown of dee for Baltimore, Pittsburg, Chicago, St. Loa:. E. M.CLYMBR. President. augB.'6s. 17 Wanted 'it • wholerale end retell Dry Goode Mote. an On , I Oros rang men who bee • knowledge of the ttatneee add cell tettaettro trade. Apply to runs !gladden Ore. ! P0e. 40 0 40 askali !forth t oes attest, Plittedelptata LePtil.llllo =MEE EDWIN BAWER. 111131
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers