=I • 1611 IME 4. , : 4 MEI CUM VOLV,IIIIE 41‘..,.• o rt , ge Npvregtgg ':'gtOtSitr Is pubiellideveiy:Ticiides gailatg• e:—No. 20 44.1tri'miltintStreet, (Lion Dail.) E.' MO , _,A,:tzi,•.*lbiutiturr. % , :. Editors aqd Proprietors. - ,rli;-: .M- . —,17 1 e - Timm ,Oir spacitirrung : I'. 2' ' 1 74 !10. V Am . • 11111.1131 ‘ .-- pir•No t doxistba :snide from oar. inbliehed MIAs, end no *per dlseontinned until all arriar sees are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Alll.B j..?........;- RATIN 01 ADVIERTIBIpIit . 11-thies. 8 mths.. 6 mths.. 1 yr. One Square o' 1.50 $B.OO $5.00 ' $B.OO Two " •••: 8.00- 12:00 Three " .: 4.50 1.00 10.00 15.00 slBlr4TwelveDnea (Minion) constitute a aquare. Longer advertilements in proportion, with a reason able deduction to those advertising by the year. ' Professional Ofitittriffffiltir- •---,- .., ....., -.. -.-$B,OO. Administrators' andu!porictices ` - • , 8.00 AlP.Display.riolitißeemexts will be charged for • e space they oconfii. 18$4.,Resolutions, Tributes ofllespeot, and Obit notices will be charged - 75 cents per square. 7118. Business notices in the Local Department trents per line. tun! gs [panty PERUIRITIM - Or ALL 'KINDS, coated in the BEST STYLE, at the shorteti no Hoe, and at the LOWEST RB,ICES. BUSINESS ' CARDS. JOHN OLIVER Attu iney at, Law, ALLENTOWN, PA - ZII...OFFIbE removed to• North Fifth Street, op. poeite tbo Presbyterian Church, and next door to the Court Hone& IfebBr3m It. CLAY HAMERSLY, • Attorney at Law, CATASAUQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNA. March 6, 1860. -1Y JACOB S. DILLINQ-ER, Attiokney at Law, Corner of .Fast Hainilton St. and Law Alley ALLENTOWN, PA. April 15, 1365 P. WYCICOPF, ,Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE on the south side of Hamilton street two doors west of SMith & Kramer's storo, and op poalte the Eagle Hotel. [aul9-15,1 EDWIN .ADBEIGHT, Attorney at Law, SHOONiI DCOR ABOVE TOE COURT HOUR, .4 LL ENT.° WIV, LEHIGH CO., PA Fob. 13, 1866.-1 y ELISIIA: FORREST, Attorney and Counsellor at, Lam, ALLENTOWN, PA. Feb. 20, 1866. WILLIAM 11. SOWDEN. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Who East Hamilton Strad"; 2 . &MI abovo Law Alloy, ALIENTOWI3, PA, Fob. 20, 1866.—1 y" GULDEN & 2 GREASEMER, WW ti 92 °Moe s No. 46 Easel( amilton.Street, Allentown, Pa. On 6 door below..ll. Guth if Co'e. store. Aug 8, 1865, ly PAUL BALLIET, UNDERTAKER & FURNISHER Seventh Street, below Walnut, West Side, ALLENTOWN, PA. April 11,1885 BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE PICTURE. Cartei de Visites, $2 per Dozen ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. 8. W. BUR° AW , No. 7 East Hamilton 13 ALLENTOWN, PA. Allentown, Sept. 13. EAGLE HOTEL 22'7 North Third Street, ~.Retwein Race and Vine, • PH ILADELPHIA , • T III3 ilLaArat class hotel, located in the center or businega, with ample and excellent accom• modatiorla. U. S. RIELIL. Proprietor. January 23,1888. E. G .Gerhard & Co., JOBBERS OF Cloths, Cassimeres, ITS4TINGS, ITALIANS, &C.. NO. 333 CHESTNUT STREET, Up Stairs, PHILADELPHIA. Jampry 30, 1880 —Om Gross' Palace ofArt Photographs IN Oil, Water Colors, India Ink or Plain, from Miniaturee up to Life Size. Cards R 2 per dozen. Over Frank Knausa'..store, corner of oth and Ham ilton streets, Allentown. Mar. 20, 1b66. A. LECTURE ivt. • TO YOUNG MEN. Jug Pablirliod in a Sealed Envelope: Price 13 Ch. A locturo on tho Naturo, Troatmont and Radical Cure of Spormatorrheea or Seminal Woaknose, In voluntary Etniesiona, Sexual Debility, and Imps i= monte to Marriage generaliy, Norvauenees ran eumption, Epilepsy and Fits ' ; Meptal and Physical Incompoolty, resulting Potn• Self Abuse, do. By ROBERT J. CIILVERWELL, M. D., Author of the " Green Book," &e. Tho• world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Selt-Abuse may be, effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, hoagies, instrudente, • rings or cordials, pointing out a tr.odo of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what hie condition may be, may cure Mur iel( cheaply, privately and radically. This leetiire will prays a boon to thousands and thousands. Souk under seal, to any address, itrruplatn, sealed envllopo, on tho tocelpt of six cents, or tea postage Jumps, by addrcaelug 011.A8. 3. 0. liLINEI it 00. 197 Bowery, New lurk PQM MI Bpi MCifbsllr.'gedll i • libtailSedll:- . d.., ~ ~ ... ~,...,,, 7, , :., ~...„.,,, ~ .. :. ....• ..,...,, „....:,...,. 4 . 4 . ~... 4, . 5 .••••,,,...• . .. ••••••, --- e' • r .,ze -,,, ,,re . ' • •-•",.• ' .••••'" ;,-,, '.5•Z` , "" -, e.'‘.:: 1 . • ''',, ...' 45,-',""tr.,!;''...• . -,-,.•:•k •V''' l, '':' , ''' - ' , ' e?' '''''''',... '• . '''' ^. ' . ''''' 4 •'• •-•, ` I' '''• '' , " ,4 . • ''' ''''. ...'"-- 4 '"'••••=' ' - ..,,..., ~s - -,,..„-•,, ~,....,..,..... -,, . --- .,.,......fiL: ..'...•;• ....-;.--,:'-:•,-; L - ' ,l. ''',L - ' ,44-1 -' ,, ,'•' - -.... , . , -- I .•A'' , '' )16._ •'''"'!': , ''. - .- -- '...:,: ''"''*-.: '' •;,-.?:-....:•-••,..- ....4, ,,- '1•41:0' - • .'.-, 1 ! . .'-';';'• : ... "'' - 1 ~!' * , ',' -. .. ~- , ' ~ ' -..- '„.,., •••,', ' ;„' . ; .."_*`( 'T's,.,,•. -, ;..5 , ; . 1- ... , -` 1 ' 1 : - ••`: — . , ," I ' -- r - '"'' , '.. ,, •1',.,': -.-',-..- '-,, • ' ',•'•''. -' ' • ''' •''. ' ''''''••• ...-ri''.' , - , . , . 4ri...,,,.,,.::„,,,, if .. ~, 1 ._ - . - / k . V' • , .. , . L •• - .. .... .• .. .. ,,, fir.u.l... 4.F:,.. rnin..e..., .. i •. •. s-7-7-2,-; •'. • - - --Trt-r.r. -• vt , : 1 2 . 7....1.... 03.5 e.&:.: ; ' :f " .; iw, '-d:. l' i . 7 . -• ~,,, _ - 7' l /.` , I - 5. ' - t• ~1 7 4 ...„,...• ~, -. ,-.,,, • e ' ' ''. •', . • ' !,) • el. f . , ... . •.,•. - • • . • • ... 'l. . , • • . . ~.... . .. 1 • 1 , . . -•• • • .. . - • 1: —. . . . • . • , •••••,, '. . io • • .' , ..i i'_ . ~. 4 0 11 ' 1 :' •- . - .... ._. _... ... . I . 1 . • ' ' ' . S. 11 ) . Newhard, WITH eiple & Shim.er, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Teas and Spices. ALSO ALL KINDS OF OIL. Oppoehre the (ALLEN BaUSE,) apr3.3m] • ' ALLENTOWN, PA LATE BIIRGHON.„I4-O,IIIHP FIRST Bahl. , FIRST %Div., FIFTH A. C. HAVING returned to Allentown, is now ready to resume the practice of his profession at No TO West . Hamilton Street, nearly opposite the' Black Beer [aprlo-3m Hilton &. 41Lici)tentoqlgo, TARES this mode of informing . the people of the surrounding neighborhood, that he has located himself • Near T. Keenly's Hotel, Millemma, where ho is ready to serve the people either day o night. [apri o.ly JEWELRY STORE. ASPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE for Bridal or Birthday , Presonts. Now is the time to make your purchases. The stook is entirely new. • LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. wo have the finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watohes over brought in this city. OF SILVER WATCAS We babe the largest stook that has ever been brought to 'Allentown. We have also the celebrated Ameri can Watch, and all styles rf Hnglish and Swiss Watches suitable for ladies and boys. We exceed in quantity and vanety of the latest styles. Now and beautiful styles - of Ladica'full sets Pins, Eardrops and BraoelQts, Ladle!? and Gents' PINE GOLD OICA/NO. Gents' Silver Marna. Gents' Scarf Pins, • Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very largo variety of Silver Thimbles, Neck laces, Belt Buckles, Oharms, Rings of rare and beautiful designs, and also the Rifkin Ring suitable for engagements, and a largo variety of other things too uumerous to mention. GOLD PENS We have a very largo assortment. Also Gold and Silver Ilo!dere of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. ELEGANT SILVER WARE. In this line our Stock exceeds in quantity and variety of styles, anything ever offered for sale in this city, and cannot fail to please the meet fastidious. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKETS, CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, SILVER PITCHEAS, CREAM CUPS. SYRUP CANS, SALT CELLARS, GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, TEA, DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Eto. SOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLE, IZEI =:Ell DR. H. A. GRld►, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MILLERSTOWN,. Pa., Wl'tNfSl NISI KELLER & BRO. JEWELRY. we Lave a very largo assortment; persons canno fail to suit themselves, and all of the most fashion able styles. CLOCKS! COCKS ! We have the largest assortment of Clocks that has ever been offered here for sale. Persona desir ing a good Clock, cannot help but suit themeolves. All new and all of the latest styles. We have also a large assortment of FANCY GOODS too numerous to mention. ILIMALBING. All kinds of Watahes, Cloaks and Jewelry care - fully repaired and warranted. •. . KELLER & 13RO. Remember tbo face, Newhurd's Old Stand, No 37 West Hamilton etreet,Allentown, Pa. E. KELLER. •8. S. KELLER. dccs-ly Great Bargains. THE 11. S. GOVERNMENT are selling their useless and aupernpmorary stock of lioness and MVLRS at low r4ten. Don't be afraid to buy 110CRUPO co many are sweenied, sprained, and other wise crippled. , Buy the Horse, and then buy ono or two bottles of SMITH'S LINIMENT, and use as directed, and'you'oan double your mon ey. One bottle will effect a care, unless of very long standing. This is the best cure for Sweeny over known.— No Rowel or Seaton needed. Smith's Llnimont haa been proven to be ono of the but things to cure and give relief to personeaf dieted with I , heumatiEm or Neuralgic pains, or pains occasioned by over-exertion or exposure. It can always ho bad wholesale and retail at the Drug Stotes cf Dr. W. E. Barnes, Allentown ; W. W. Selfridge, Bethlehem ; J. S. Lowell, Catasauqua, or of the Proprietor, July 11'65-1y ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS ARE not only unoxeellod, but thoy are abeolutoly unequaled, by any other Reed Inatrument in the country. Designed exprosely for Ohurchea an. Schools, they aro bound to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by I E. M. BRUCE, _ No. 18 North SEVENTH Street, P/lILADULPULA. pir : Aleo, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a com plete tussortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. September 26,'66. —ly PUnp 7 LIBERTY WHITE ,LE AD,_ .preferrbd all prootleal•Paintore ! Try it! 'and you will havo no other. Manulhoturinl Only • by ZIEGLER. it .SMITH, • WitotMA‘ll I.)nnah PAINT Gum DOMANI) 60044 b i b. stitti Tklii Published Weekly by Noss & Forrest. Terms $2 01. per Annum. ALLENTOWN, PA., TUESDAY AIOii.NING,. MAY__l_, 1866. WAVIZZ(O4 WitTCHESI WAICIIESI Clocks! Clocks! WELIa 101 Elf! JERRY! $15,000 • . WORTH OF Clocks, Watches & Jewelry, TO BE SOLO at the LOWEST CASH PRICE .1. The largest and best seleoted assortment of WEtaboa, Clocks and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, N 0.23 EAST HAMILTON B,ZREEZ,Allentown Pa. We have no desire to boast, and we ipeak-tid vittedly when wo say that our stock is larger and more complete, than all the Jewelry establlehtnent. in the county put together. Just received a very ehoice and elegant assortment f WATOEHS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. Comprising Ladies' Gold HUN LING WATCHES• GENTS' GOLD k shxpilt HUNTING Inurirau & (01104 !tutu, GOLD, SILVER & PLATED CHAINS, SILVER AND PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, NAPKIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc., Vitt an endlera variety of the latest style , of Tewalry. Also, a larige and complete assortment of SPECTACLES, n Gold, Silver. Stool and Plated oases. We desire to call attention to our stook of MELODEONS. We have constantly on band a full assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S Celebrated Melodeons, of sizes suitable for churches or parlors. N. B.—Particular attention paid to Lo Repairing. of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work war. ranted. We desire to inform parties living in the country, that any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will be promptly attended to. CHAS. S. MASSEY, No. 23 East Hamilton street, ALLENTOWN, PA. d05'65.1y REMOVAL! DESHLER'S HAT, CAP - 8c -NOTION ESTABLISHMENT HAS boon removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on Emit Hamilton 'etroot, Opposite the Court House, Where can now bo found the latetitp- most tile:gen and fashionable styles of HATS 4ND CAPS. Also has been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a full lino of NEW GOODS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, • OVERSHIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, • • DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, • eto., etc., eto. COME ONE I COME ALL ! and see for yourselves, the beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will sell goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OP THE CITIES. New goods received daily from the manufacturers and for sale itt lowedt rates. ' • ' •11b1)204. 11.311PORTANT NEWS: HEIBIBACH, HELFRICH & CO., CAMMTIRERS 1110 'IIIWITAKERS, No. 28 West Hamilton Street. ALLEM OWN, PA. THE undersigned take this method of informing 1 Theft' friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a full.. supply of 117arilITII3811 SUCH AS • Bureaus, . Sideboards, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables; Book Cases„ Sofas, f e. Bedsteads, Washstands, &0., &0., &0., &c. and in general every article which is kept in their line of business. House-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufsoturo.also every kind of furnliure to order at the shortest notice. IMMI18T.A.11:1280 will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffins ; also Coffins covered with cloth. D. F. HEIMBACH, SOL. HELFRICH. 0110.11EIMBACH. Jan. 8, 1565 ly. G. W. SMITH, Catasauqua Ps, Great. Western Remedy TRIG remedy Iv now perporming the most won derful cures. ' It cures Rheumatism, Chills and Fevers General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Sick lleacianhe, Ad. In all cases a sensible relibf is guaranteed in from five to ton minutes, and a PERFECT CURE in from six to twelve Jays. Never has it yet failed in' one solitary instance to accomplish far more than wo have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated. The Curative Properties of the Great Western Remedy are truly wonderful. Whole pages of tes timonials from influential citizens might be given to the public, but we deem it to be superfluous, as you may readily find person of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease dispelling and health , 'promotion qualitiet of the Great Western Remedy. AARON DAVIS, Discoverer and mounfacturor, 826 Broad St., NeWark, N. J. The ()root Westorn Remedy may: be obtained of 411 establlehadArugglets throughouttha oonntrl e, i i t a tarel DagstiikAilwk at a A FEW WORDS ABOUT 31:11_Elk."‘VIIENN, 3NEI 3IC .IMHI-1510 THIS LIT HEW SPRIG GOODS LOOK IN AT US: NEW 131733171=1. MI ROSS.; LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No: 7 WEST HAMILTON STREE2 ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respectfully inform the citi en of Lehrgi county that they have just formed a eo-parnorship as above, and that they have just unpaokod sefresh stock of . Sprip g Goods! FROM -, NEW IORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are VOW offering them at the LO Ai EST MARKET PRI( E. DRY, GOODS! CONSISTING OF TIIE LATEST STYLES OP glued and Plain Alpacas. . ' Figured and Plain all Wool De Laws SHEPHERD PLAIDS, - - - BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE QOODS Mite Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheeting; Check; Gingham; Bedticks, f' Flannels, &c„ Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, , . Cassimeres, Velvetine, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, LADIE3 01.0AKISG, Plain Colors, Adteam Cloths, Reppellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS: (B iir7 1.62 M! a IE. A full lino of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts and Veslinga, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se lected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIEBe MACKEREL, , BELT, &o Which wo will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest ! for wo feel satisfied that we can suit your TASTES as well as your PURSES. Don't forget the place, No. 1' West Hamilton street, second door abcve the Engle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received in the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to accom odate their friends and customers, and in cense quenee of the largeness and variety of their stook, to merit and receive a continuance of the support and good will of the people. A. A. MalEn, Allentown, July 18, BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 223 NORTH SECOND STREET, PIIILADELP.HIA. .......—. . . Will color more water than four times the. Same quantity of ordinary Indigo. It is warranted to give satisfaction, and is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and inferior ar inles. too3l-8m 11001' SKIRTS. 628 SOPSINts• "OWL! ra a um , ' Manufactured and sold wholceale and retail. 628 NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The most ocmpletn'ossortment of Ladies', Miss es' and Chi dren's Hoop Skirts, in the city; go'ten up expressly to meet the wants of llrst-claas trade ; embracing the newer, and most desirable styles sod sites of "(Jose TIMIS, of every length —from to 4 yards round-20 to 50 springs, at 2 to $5. Plain skirts, all lenzths. from 2 } to 3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40' to . $3 15. Our line of Misoes' and Children's skirts, are proverbially beyond all competition, for variety of styles and sites—as well as for finish and durabili ty; varying Crum 8 to 33 inches in length 6 to 45 springs at 35 cents to $2 25. All skirts of " OWN AK 6" are warranted to give sans faint ; but buy none as such unless they have " Hopkins' Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 828 Arch Street," stamped on each tab I Also, constantly on hand good skirts, manufac tured in New York and the Eastern States, whioh we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts springs, 85 cents; 20 springs, $1 00; 25 spring, $1 15; 30 springs, $1 25 and 40 springs, $1 50. Or Skirts made to order and repaired. pr. Terms Cash. One Price Only. Furniure. COULD & CO.'S celebrated Furniture Es-1 tablishment is removed from . Second and Race streets to the al lendid NEW DEPOT, Nos. 37. and 39 North Second street, (opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia, where they purpose selling for ono yoar, at about coat, elegant Forni tare at fabulourly low prices. Also, at their Ninth and Market etraots branch, where they are soiling equally low, being about to enlarge the promises. GOULD di CO.'S Furnitdre Depots, Nos. 37 and 39 N. Second street, and corner Ninth and Mat kat streets, Philadelphia. March 27, 1866-3 m -• •••• .• CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS! PHOUGH, Ja , & CO., would invite the Weil • don of buyers to the large 'look of NEW SPRING STYLES OrtARPETS I Consisting of Tapestry, Brussels, Three-ply, In grain, Entry, Stair and Rag Carped. Also 0 Cloths, from ¢to 6 yards wide. Window Shades in great variety, Canton and Coco Matting, Rugs, Matte, &c., &o. P. HOUGH, J 0.,..& CO., 808 NORTH SECOND Street abv. NOMA. Branch Store, S. W., Cor.. 8 and Spring Garden Streets, Phila. twar2o.Bm ,A3ror's_Miviwasi "Take Down th- Fiddle and the Bow 1" ' VINE! VEMI 11013 S 11 AT all pricA. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, Bows, Rosin, Blank Music ,paper, at•Foosx's Variety Store. • • Sheet Music t Sheet Muszo A large supply on hand—if we have not got the piece you leant, we can g et it for you in a few days if you will leave the name of the piece with us. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kind ef Instria ants constantly on hand at Foust's Variety Store. - STAMPING 1 STAMPING 1 tone at short notice—receiving new patters. con stantly. Call and rite .the patterns at Fousys Va riety. Store. NOTIONS! IPO2IONSy Handkerchiefs, Homy, Gloves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pins, Needles, Combs, Braids, Hoop Skirts. Call in—it pays to go. round the corner to Foust's Va.iety Store. Where is FOUST 'S Variety Store? Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street Four.doors from Hamilton, is one of the, rooms iin rier Beebtel'a Hotel. , fran2-ly BBfIABLIS ED IN IBIO. .. . , 3E" AL. CJ DTEIN - ESTABLISH M ENT. J& W. JONIES, No. 432 North Front St., above . Callowhill. Philad 'phis,. dyes Silks, Wooloil .• d Fancy Goods of every de•eriptlon. Their su perior stylit of dt eine Ladi..!P and Oentletnen's Car- INNITS is widely krp•wn. Crape and. Merino Sh w:s owsnoil to look like new also bentlemon's op. partil; Curtins, kc , cleaned or re-dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned or dyed to look like new. Call and look at our wo k before going elsewhere. J. .t W. JONES. March 27, 1866 —2in HOWARD ASSOCI4 LION, PHILADELPHIA. PA. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMINAL URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—now and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail in sealed letter en velopes, freie of charge. Address, Dr. LSE ILLIN HOUGHTONI,, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Stroe Philadelphia, Pa. , June 13th, 1865 —ly REmoVAL• H. C. STEINMAN, DEALER IN Loather Findings, Trunks and Traveling Bags, has removed trout his old stand,Main street, to 19 Broad street, Bethlehem, Pti. March sO, 181.6.-3 m 1866. I'IIILADELPIIIA 1866 • Wall Papers! Wall Papers !I HOWELL & 13 - 017RK, MANUFACTURERS OF PUB, HANGING AND WINDOW BAD Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Stroote,. PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always in Store a large Stook of LINEN and OIL SHADES. [mar2o 3m STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD 1 - 27 ! And Prospects or still Further Decline ! 3E' AL IV 1.. Ci I 3E" ..a. ZT I C) I RULES 211 E HOUR. Hats Caps & Straw Goods, SPRING STYLEIII3. Christ & Sauer's, ANo. 15 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the largest assortment of Ha's and Cap„ spring and summer .styles, aver soon in Allentown, comprising every style and quality. from five dollars down to fifty cents, and such that will become old and young. , Their stook of Caps is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low prices. To convince the pub lic of what is said, it may be well to state that they have FORTY-ONE different styles. Surely enough to give a person . a chance of butting his taste. Oa" Messrs. Christ ,t. : , auers. direct attention to the feet that they are the only MANUFACTURERS of Hats in Ailentown: STRAW Goons.—A beautiful assortment of stre w hats, for men and boys, will bo kept constantly on hand during the season, to which we Davit a public attention. .Give us a call. tat. Country Merchants would do well to give no a call, as we will wholesale them lists and Caps cheaper than they can got them in the city. Allentown, August 8-41 . • C. L. Iltrap.n. —tf PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 172, 174 & 176 GREENWICH ST., (ONE SQUARE WENT OF BROADWAY ) Between Courtlandt and Dey Sta., !yew York JOHN PATTFN, Jr., Proprietor. THE PACIFIC HOTEL is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is espec ially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close prox miry to the basinoss part of the city, —is on the highway of Southori and Western trav el—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamiioat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for, over 300 guests; it is well furnished, and possesses every .modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms ore spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt aria provided_ and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season. The subscriber, who for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now solo proprietor, and intends to identity himself-thoroughly with the interests of his hones. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderato charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pacific Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr. New York, Sept. 12. . —ly Henry Harper, 520 ARCH ST., PHIL'A. W ATC lIES, fino gold JEWELRY, solid SILVER WARE, and superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at reduced pricos ! March 10.-3 m MILLINERY Bc.STRA.W GOODS T W. CALVER t CO., have (Toned and t.l ate receiving weekly a Line assortmont of straw Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Ribbons, Flow ers, Promos, ho., itc., wholosale "nd rotnil. J. W. CALVER dc CO. , No. 61 North Second street, Pala. ts... Fancy and straw millinery. Pattern bonnets on band. [Mar 27-2 m D'EPINEUIL & EVANS, CIVIL ENGINEER s & PATENT SOLICITORS • No. 435 Walnut street, Philad'a. Patents solicited—Consultatione on Englne , ing D raughting and Sketches, Modole and Mad fuer of all kinds 31ADRI and skilfully attended to. Spo oled attention given IQ RE4EGTED CASE: and INTERFERENCES. Authentlo Copies of all Do o nneentelrom Patent Office procured. N. 13.—Save yourselves useless trouble and trav elling menses, as there is no actual need ,or per sonal interview with us. All business with theme °Ricca can be transacted in writing. For further information dirmat an above; with damp ;inclined, fat alr M aalar itl uoteranCavi MII/ nlO. INVENTORS' - OFFICES, Consult sour Interest In Buying Goods! Metzger & Osman Have jnet opened at theft.. TAIL 0 RIND • ESTABLISHMENT; NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOTVN, PA.. • THEIR SPRING STOOK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINCS, &0., &0., which will be q i Made up to Order, IN THE LATEST STYLES, BY TIP-TOP,W.ORICIBE'vs. at the shortest notice IM=l Wg ta D 11,71 a CD 1111 GEITIBEIS' 1111111211 G GAS SOLD CHEAPER THAN .6 V Mt Cai and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapes. thie”pes Uvt4allS, Cheapest Cheaper' , Cnissitneres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Coliars, Cheapest Bosos,in Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cticapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest 11 siery, . Ch apest Gloves Cheapest Umbrellas eto., etc., etc., Mo. Our stock is much heavier and better assorted than EV Lit BEFORE: Don't forgot tho place, No. 33 East Hamilton str., next door to the "Independent Republikaner." METZGER A OSMAN. NATZIAN METZGER, late of the firm of Troxell & Metzger. Timinuari Osumi, lately head cutter at the ..etas lishment of Troxell & Metzger. Allentown. Ang. 8, 1885 W loot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New Store and iNew Goods. ODENHEIMER & SEEP AvxNa just taken the extensive II store room in Rau's Building. next door to the Allen House, would respectfully invite the attention of the people of A letdown and surrounding country, to their large, varied, and well made up stock of r. BOOTS AND SHOES. Thoy will Bell you a honor article in LI) way o BOOTS AND SHOES, for less money than you can buy them I'4 elrewhere The mos't sceptical can bo satiAled by an exami nation of the stock they offer for sale. Their Zaannfactining Department being under the supervi4ion of ono or the firm, who has had much oxperionob in the business, they arc confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION can be given in every instany,o where work of any description is ordered. There is nothing in the. lino of wear for the feet that cannot bo found at this BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS : Infant Shoes, all Styles, from 10 cts. to $2 per pair. Children's Shoes, all Styles, from 25 ate. to $2 por pair. Misses' Shoes, all styles, from 70 eta to $2,50 por pair. Youths' Shoes, all styles, from 00 ots. to $9 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from 75 ate, to $4 per pair. Ladles' Shoes, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. Ciente Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 to $4.50 per pair: Youths' Boots, all Styles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles. from $2 to $5 per pair Mena' Boots, all styles, from $350 to $l5 per pair. Country Merchants and Dealers Sup plied at City Jobbing Rates. • tis.. Tho publio aro Invited to givo a call hefor purchases aro male elsewhere J. G.,ODENLIEHIER, April 17. 1800 in. H. Seip JlA' OPFITILD HIS BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE AT NO. 36 EAST HAMILTON ST., ADJOINING ICERNALIEN'S 0111-1 na Store, where ho offers to all who will give him a call, tho very best and most fashionable goods over offered to the citi cone of Allentown, at the following low cash prices: Men's calf boots, fine, $5 00 to $9 00 " kip, doublo sole, • 875 " 575 Boys Ands' boots, 1 75 " 475 Men's glove Kid, Congress, As, 250 " 575 " Bel. shoes 190 " 300 Mon's. women's, boy's and misses glove kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 575 Women's glove kid, very lino, 326 " 575 " Vne goat morocco bale., 250 " 400 " men's morcc:o and calf shoes, . .common shoes, , Misses' and child's shoes, Men's, women's, misses', boy's and child's slippery, •25 " 100 No auction goods in my store, but from the best manufaotories. I also have all kinds of - HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the lowest cash prices. Call hnd see for yourselves. IVILLIAM 11. SNIP. April Vt. —ly RIEMOVAI , J. F. 13 . 9hlinger's 001' and SHOE , STORE aAS been removed to East Unroll ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., whero ho keeps constantly on hand. of his own manufacture, and also of Philadelphia, Now York and iia9ioll2 manufacture, a logo stook of Pools and Shoes, which be is disposed to offar to the public at a small Advance above cost. Ho also will make to. order all kinds of Ana work for Ludios and Children, having competent workmen especially in that branch Feeling determined to make it an object for persons in want olyt GOOD ARTICLE to call and examine their Ivor! and learn his' prices, which will be as let, tie any other .housein toya okoountry. • Mvasured work and malting pnvipely_lattended to phyrtv•ft3 ' WHIATZWIL . . (N UMB Lit 2,2 . GOLD REDUCED FROM ER 1 .80 - to $1.‘26:1;. Cotton Redileed., FROM $l.BO to 38 Cts. per HOUND.' Goods Greatly Reduced IN PRICES CHEAP CASH STORE Burdge & Jones. GOODS that !mid ono year ago at 85 rents per yard, are now coiling at 2b cont. per yard. .Pints that sold for 62 cents for.-18 • cents per yard. Ile Lanes at Prices Before the Warp . at 25 Gents ptr Ward ea..LRLeCt , ..UJ .ISLX /OM AT Pltlot.S 'DIAL! A5r0.41.311 TilF, PEOPLE. DreSs - Uoods ! All alittilaa of Wolll Do Label l••igu ad Bllke, of o'llehititivii*Tanch Y.rcu ow, beautiful atytea, °hal. ei•mmunDo Leines, &o • itild 'Boys -Wear Largo stook of Clothe, Caa•iinores,Tweada Jenne, oot o ler. bc, N u e tor Mena' and Hoye' weal SPRING BALMORALS SPRING SHAWLS I HOOP SKIRTS Carpets : Carpels:: • PARLOR CARPETS, BED ROOM CARPETS, HEMP CARPETS, STAIR CARPETS, 'HOME MADE CARPETS, all bought Mille recent Auction eatee at greatly re duced•prices. Iier\IESTIC GOODS! FLANNELS. • ' • MUSLINS, ' TICKINGS, CHECKS, SHEETINGS, • PRINTS, &0., &o. Doing a Caah Business only, they are thereby enabled to cell goods at much lower prices than their neighbors that nil goods on Credit and hare hoary losses by had book acoounts They are de• termined to sell goads at low prices notwithstend g the high prices the other stores are eating tit .hair goods. RILVIIRAIIIMIL TEE PLACE. T IIE Cheap Cash Store OF BURDGE & JONES, .Aro. 9 past Hamilton Street, 3 deo:its below the Allen Souse:. April 17, 1-ht). sTo . ?tit IN - ALLENTOWN !' au ST OPENED ! Lawler & Steckel. , At LION HALL, No, 20 Boat Hamilton Street, ITAVE opened a tow DRY GOODS and °RO LL OERY store. All of their stock is new and fresh, and has boon purchased for nab at the pref. out reduced prices, which will enable them to sail at greatly reduced rates. Among their Dress Goods will be found some of the latest and most fashionti. ble styles, comprising Mohair Leno, Leon Voyage, Grenadine, Leno Melange,' All Wool Delaius, Amuree, Melange, Plain and Figured Poplins. Bradley's Improved IMplex loop Skirt. Also a full line of NEMMT P Aii VVIELALNi. Consisting Irk pert of Cassimeres, Domestic Goods, WALTEn. IL SEIP Sheetings, Prints. Cheek, &d., Terms are CASHI Ixg..COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for go )d. wk. R. LAIIPICR, 3 !ail 17, 1805 REMEMBER. That now is the Time TO IMPROVO YOH 110gSlit WITH LITTLE MONEY YOU OAN ALL DO so. Go to the "FRIEBBITSBOTE" BOOK STORE as d purchase some of that splendid 1 75 " 2 50 160 " 2SO 26 " 1 60 Wall Paper . • sittott has just boon received. We always bays an nd one of filo and bast selected stooks • W.sel, LL• PAS:EMIEL in this section Buying your paper at a place where there is a large asssortment is worth three times the price you pay at other plans where there are. only a dozen patterns offered for sale• All we ask is for the people to come and see for themselves. Wo charge nothing for showing goods. Keep it before your neighbors, yoir friends and all people, that the place and the only piece in this geotion to buy the finest and cheapest assortment of WALL PAPER is at the , "FRIEDENSI3OTE" ,BOOIC. STOrt Tru*ges. . SEELEY'S third lubber Trues, cures Rupture, frees the cord from all. pressure; will never nisi, break, limber, chafe or-becomo filthy, (the fine steel spring being coated with hard rubber a 8014 made any power required; used in bathing, fitted to form requires no strapping; cleanest, lightest, easiest and beet Truss known. Sara for pamphlet. I. B. SEELEY, saleprprio • 1847 cipaiino elinkno rbimeentr • atril Irti WO-hi :Sr . -.:% - %"• !;-:,.- ~ A .:;''.•??--'4::.. '' - gc . c 4 iAar4 l o4 4 "-VON4/4440 , 04x440,1 • s ; 4 • , , 04 1 , : „ ) •It !,: 7 7' '4 AT THE Tweeds, Kentuoky Jeans, Cottoondes, &a. Wu. R. EITINKIII. -Iy. X i argest,rinest. Cheapest OP . D. LPISENPINe& CO. 7..,. , ,,,.....;„:.,.. ,-, 7 ''sy,. - - -, , 1 .. :,.f-.,,,,....-.,4'.:,.,',,i..'xii•(:::4,.;,:,' ;. -A, IMi EEG 4 , ••••• K% NO ,t'.`' 123
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers