C ~..., VOLUME XX Etz Atgista Is published every Tuesday Morning. 0111oe:—No: 20 East Hamilton Street, (Lion HalL) 7XLOIIIII & roawasT, Editor; and Proprietors. MUM 01 Bussomrziox : :!.2 Per Annum, jairlqo deviation Made from our published berms, and no paper discontinued until all arrest- Nies are paid, except at the option of the publiidsenr. RA IA OP ADVERTISING: 3 times. S mths. 6 mills. I. yr. $1.50 $3.00 $5.00 S& 9.00 5.00 8.00 12.10 4.50 '7.00 10.00 15.00 One Square Two " Three " plisTweivolines (Minion) constitute a square. Longer advertisements in proportion, with a reason able deduction to those advertising by the year. Professional Cards per year - - $3.00 Administrators' and Auditors 'notices - 3.00 piff-Displayed advertisements will be charged for the space they occupy. 42*..Resolutions, Tributes of Respect, and Obit uary notices will be charged 75 cents per square. iss-Bneineas notices in the Local Department 20 cents per line. Pll2Ol E 1 IIi'LIZIK7 11)111111ET0!I@ OF ALL. KINDS, executed in the BEST STYLE, at the shortest no tice, and at the LOWEST PRICES. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. OLTVER Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. :tififi..OFFICE removed to North Fifth Etreet, op. poPite the Preabyteriart Church, and next door to the Court House. IPA° r3in R. CLAY lIAMERSLY, Attorney at Law, • CATASAUQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNA. March 6, 1666. —ly ' JACOB S. DILLINGER; Attorney at Law, Corner of East Hamilton Sr. and Law Alley, ALLENTC.WII, P. April 15, 1965. ly P. WYCKOFF, ' Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE on the south side of Hamilton street. two doors west of Smith & Eramor's store, and op posite the Eagle Hotel. [oal9-1y) EDWIN ALIMI • Attorney at Law, SECOAD Dcon Anws TUE COORT 1.14118 Z, ALL ENT 0 W .N, LEHIGH CO., PA Feb. 13, 1866 —I y ELISIIA FORREST, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA Feb. 20. MO WILLIAM H. SOW DEN, Attorney end Counsellor at Law. Office East Hamilton Street, 2 doors above Low Alloy, ALLENTO'A'N, PA, Fob. 20, 1886.—1 y GULDIN & GREASEMER, U)LUViNigtega Moe: No. 46 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. One door below H. Guth A Co'a. store. we 8. 1865. ly PAUL BALLIET, NDERTAKER & FURNISHER Seventh Street, bekto Walnut, West Side, ALLENTOWN, PA April 11 ,1885 BEAUTIFUL LIFE. LIKE PICTURE. artes de Visites, $2 per Dozen ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED.' S. W. BURC AW, No. 7 East Hamilton St ALLENTOWN, l'A Allentown, Sept. 13 EAGLE HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Ile wan Rare and Vine, PHILADELPHIA. • IR Is a find clues It ntel, located in the center of busluessorTh entitle end excellent Rennin Hong. 'it. S. MEHL. Proprietor. , s way 23, 1801. —ly G. Gerhard. & Co., JOBBERS OF • ths, Cassimeres, STINGS, ITALIANS, &C.. :o. 333 CHESTNU C STREET, Up Stairs, PIIKAD If; LPLII.I. Jannsry 39, ISM Gross' fart Photographs Pala EFFOII,, Water. Colors, India Ink or Plait), from loletures Cop,to Life 151.3. C.hrtle.s2 per dozen o,er Frank Kenos,' !fete, eon er of 6th aid Ham ilton stmt.!, Allentorin Igor. 20, IWO. . 4.001./. A. Ll.CTunzi 11;r 7 - • TO YOUNG MEN. Joao Publiiliod in a Sectlel Exilelope. p r i" 6 0 . A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of ttpermstorrbeer or Seminal IVeekness, In. voluntary Embelone, Eexual Nubility, sod Inipedi• ments to Marriage generally,. Netvauscees, Con- Fu raption, Epilepsy and File; Merl and ltysicri kiw orpoity, rewriting f out SO Abuse, • a. By a itOBEW.L. J. C Ul.Viiii.W VIM-. . D., Author of the .' Green Rook," do. The world-renowned tor.,in Nils admirable Lecture, clearly proves fr re hid own experience that the awful consequen e of Flit-Abuse may he \,„ effeetua ly 1111110VO4 with ut meth ine, and without dangerous ern Weal operations, bon lee, instrumento; rings or cordials, pointing cot a ode of cure at once certain Cod effectual, by able every sufferer. no matter what hie con di t i on may , may cure him. self chea ply, privately and ralleal • Me leauro will proo . boon to tkousindi led I remade. Sent under 'veal, to at,, addrus. I a plain, retied eoee lope l en the receipt of NIX .tentiqr two podige pui cil. biaddte Mp g ( nth& it, tt. EVA ,C 0,4. ' ist 00*erh•Nift Yeti FneiVehille) MC .. . rev. It leUlt • • -.lll\ ' • • ' . „ /; • .• , . , .• ,i) Spiple & Shinier, WHOLESALE GROCERS, • Teas and Spices. ALSO ALL KINDS OF OIL. OppoeLe the (ALLEN 11011.5/3,) apY3-3m] ALLENTOWN. PA • LATH BUILLISON IN-CHIEF Fran , Bela., FIRST DIY FIFTH A. C. HAviso returned to Allentown, is now ready to resume the practice of his profession at No 78 West Hamilton ntreet, nearly opposite the Black IBear Hotel. [ TOO-3m 3)jilion 5). ,T.ichiegb3qlqeh, V. j)., HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MILLERSTOWN, PA., TAKES this mods of informing tho people of the surrounding neighborhood, thut he hes boated himself Near I'. Keenly's flute!, Milleratoion, where he ie ready to Nerve the people either illy o Eight. [npriO-ly JEWELRY STORE. A SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE Bridal or Birthday Presents. Now is the time to make your purchases. The stock is eutiroly new. LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. We have the finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Quid Watches ever brought in this oity„ We have the largsst stook that has over been brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated Ameri can Watch, and ill styles f English and Swiss Watches suitable for ladles and boys. We exceed in quantity and variety of the latest etyles. New end beautifuretylee of Ladies' full sate Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, Ladiek and Gents' VINE GOLD OEICAINEL Gents' Saver (Mains. Gents' &arf fins, • Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and n vary largo variety of Silver Thimbles, Neek. daces, Belt Bucklee, Charms, Binge of rare and beautiful designs, and also the Plain Ring suitable for engagements, rod a large variety of other thing, tuo Durnevous to mention. • GOLD PENS We bay° a vary largo assortment. Also Gold and Silver llolders of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. DIE ELEGAIIT SILVER WARE. In this line our Stock exceeds in quantity and variety of etyles, anything ever offered for tale in this city, and cannot fail to pleat° the most fastidious. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKETS, , CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, SILVER PITCIIIIktS, CREAM CUPS, SYRUP CANS, SALT CELLARS, GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES. TEA. DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Eta, 63L11 AND SILVER SPECTACLE, we have a very large assortment; peraoe■ cannot tail to snit themselves, and allot the west fa.hiun• able Myles. CM MIMI S. P. Newhard, WITh El= DR. H. A. RICHES! WATCHES! KELLER & BRO. OF SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY. CLOCKS! COCKS ! We have the largest av4urttnent f Clooka that has over been offered here for aald. Pomona desir ing a good Clock, cannot help hut suit themselves. All new and all of the latest stylee. We have also a Mute mootirtment of h'AINCY GOODS too nuwertme to mention. lax PAIMING. All kinds of Watches, Clucks and Jewelry care fully repaired and w.arruated. . . KELLER k BRO. Itemenalwr tha Piece, Newhard's OW bland, No 37 Wept Hamilton street, Allentown, Psi. E. KELLER. h. . KELLEIL dccs-ly Great Bargains. Lim U. S. GOVERNMENT tva selling their useless and kuperoutnerary mock of lioness nud Ni 1/1.611 at low nth.. Don't ho afraid to buy because so many nro aweenied, sprained, and other wise crippled. Buy the Horse, and then buy one or two bottles of LINIMENT, and use on directed, and you can double your mon ay. One bottle will affect a cure, unless of very long Mantling. 'lbis is the best cure fnr Sweeny ever known.— No Rowel or Seaton needed. Smith's Liniment has Loan proven to be one of the bent things to cure and give relief to persona of flicted with 1 haunt:ditto or Neuralgio pains, or pains occasioned by over-exertion or exposure. It can always ho had wholesale and rotail nt the Drug htnres f Dr. W. E. Barnes, Allentown ; W. \V. Selfridge, Bethlehem; J. S. Lawall, estimative, or of the Proprietor. July 11 '65-ly ESTEVS COTTAGE ORGAIqB ARE not only unexcelled, but they ate absolutely unequaled, by any other • Read Instrument in theomintry. Designed exprouviy for Churches and Schools, they are tound to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sole only by E. M. BRUCE, - • • - No. 18 North SEVENTH Street, PLIILADILPHIA. ;sir Abio, BRADETIRY'S PIANOS, and a corn. pleie assortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. September 2(1,!315. —ly PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it! and rdtl,llll brae no other. Mainifeotttred only by &EULER it Bmltil, .W 11141441,2 IziAvo, Pain and CIAO prams.) le o) Vv. lit Itorth TWA Ihmiy, Published Weekly by Moss & Forrest. Terms : s2.oo.per Annum. ALLENTOWN, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1866. THE GP_EAT PURGATIVE. Dr. Radway's Pills. 25ots. PEE. BOX• MR. RADWAT'S PILLS. FOR. THE CURE OF ALL DISORDERS OF THE Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Blad der, Nervous Diseases, Headache, • Constipation, Costiveness, IndL gestion, Dyspepsia, Bllllonsness, Billions revers, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE IVARRAIITED TO EFFECT A POSITIVE CURE• CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERAL% OR DELETZRI sea 00005. DOSE.—As a brisk purge, four to six pills; as a laxative, one or two pills—to be taken at night on retiring. AO-Observe the following Pymp tom a, resulting from Tisordors of rho Digeetivo organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood to the Head, Acidity of tho :stomach, Banyan, Ileart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or ) lultering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and difficult breathing Fluttering at the ;lean. Choking o , Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimneee of Vision, Dots or IVebs before the Sight. Fever add Dull l'ain in the I:ead, L•elicioncy of Perepira . tion, Yollownees of the Skin and Eycs, PAIN IN TUE SIDE, CHEST, LIMBS,.t SUD DEN FLUSHES OF t;EAT, BURNING IN Dr. Eadway's Are composed of extracts of Roots, Herbs ' Plants Gums and Paisams, prepared in vacua. Nothing but the active and positive curative properties of medicinal plants enter into their composition. Be ing high y concentrated, two to four of andway's Pills produce a more thorough evacuation from the bowels, and exercise a more healthful influence on the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Ao , than eight to ten of any other purgative or altorative pine ip gene:al use. They have in hundreds of cases socurbd the desired discharge from the bowels after Croton fill. Harlem' Oil, Klateriutn, Podophillon, and other powerful Cathartics have been used unsuccessfully. They can be taken on all occasions with the positive as surance of success. • Many of the disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and other glands of the system, are caused by derangement in the action of the Liver. Head aches. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Hysterics, frequent ly owe their presence to a disordered liver. What a blessing, then, to suffering humanity. are Rad wris's Regulating Pills, (called Regulators ) These Pills aro the most safe, effectunl, and spee dy Corrector and Reg labors of the Liver in use, and aro the only Medicine known to the world that possesses the wonderful power of imparting nutri ment to the diseased system while it is undergoing medication. In all 0118112 of Liver Diflkulties, Des pepsin, Costiveness, Dilliousness, Headache, Neural gia. Hysterics, the patient taking these pills &river a nourishing 1 rinciple from their use that canon be obtained from ordinary food. In all oases of In digestion, whore the torpid state of the Liver inter rupts the progress of Dige,tion. adway's Regulat ing Pills quickly restore each and every organ to its natural tone, vigor, health, and duty. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS ARE BOLD by DRUGOISTS AT 25c. PER BOX P.ADWAY'S OFFICE, 87 3IAIDEN LANE, Now York. Ladles or Gentlemen vvh t are troubled with this diegueting infrmity may rmy upon a quick and rad ical cure by the uee of RADWAY'bRaC.LATING PILLS. In many instances, foul breath is induced by a die ordered stomach; in the letter the continued use of the Pills will impart tnrh vigor of health to the stomach as to render the stoma from the teeth im perceptible. Lot those who are conscious of this in firmity make a trial—few , however, who are thus troubled are aware of it. Ciire of Dyspepsia. • J LIETTIt, C. E , Oct.. 12, ISII4. Dn. Jong RAIMAY A Co., Itlontreal, C. R—For four yourk I have suffered with Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Sinking Pains at the lit of the Stomach, Nervousness, Dad Dreamy, and very little Sleep; nay appetite entirely gone and my stomach so we-k as to be unable to digest, the most simple food. Dur ing this time I lost forty-five pounds of flash (or weight as you may ea' I it.) I was induced to take your Regulating, Pills as pretcribeirin your Alma nac. I used only one box, and before I completed the box my appetite was restored to me, my stem ach perfectly healthy, my, dyspepsia, bud dreams, and other disagreeable 53 mptouss cured and was 're stored to my original weigut ; so that ono box of your Pills cured mo of n disease that for four years had made me miserable, and gave me forty five whin& additional weight..l have taken many kinds of pills, but I believe Dr. Railway's Pills the best in use. DESC HAYS, Ville Joliette, C. R. Suppression of the Menses, Headache, Hyster ics—Nervousness Cured. Nr.WAIIK, N. J.. Oct., 10, 1803. Dn. RADWAY—Your Pills and Ready Relief have saved my daughter's lire. In June last she war eighteen yearn of age, and !or three months her men ses was suppressed.. cite would frequently vomit blood, Buffer terribly fro•n berofeche and pains in the small of her back and thighs, and bad frequently fits of hysterias. We commenced by giving her six of your Pills every n'ght and rubbed the Readv lie. liefon her spine, beak, and hips. We continued this treatment one week, when to our j•'y, she was relieved from her ditBuulty. She is now well and regular, and has been so ever since. Yours, very truly, J. G. lIODOSON. Your Pills cured me of Piles that, I feel assured, was caused by over-dosing with dreatlo Dn. RADIVAY'S PiLie are elegantly coated with sweet medicinal gums, which render them very con venient, and well adapted for children and persons who dislike to take medicine, Ospecially pills. Price Twenty.Lve cents per box; sold by drugg.sts and Country Merchants. Principal rift" 87 Maiden Lane, New York. Dlt. RADWAY d CO. Aug. 8, 1865. --ly G. W. SMITH, Cataaanqui Ps Gnat Western Rtmedy 'pit r. remade now perporming the moat won derful cum. It cures Lacumatlatia, Cbllla and PUMP, ()antral Debility, K.dney Complainta, Dyipeptia, Neuralgia, Sick Ifeacinolui, do., &a. In all canes a sensible relief is go ,ranteed in from flee to ton minutes, and a PERFEOT CURE in from six to twelve days. Never has It yet failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated The Curative properties of the Great Western Remedy are truly wonderful. Whole pages of tea. timonlals fzuru influential citizens might be given to the public, but we deem it to be superfluous, as you may readily find persona of your own acquaint arms in every part of the country, who will testify to the digerati diapelllnu and health promotion qualities of the Great Weaternßemedy. AARON DAVIS, • • bleoovAibt and manufacturer no 13'4'0 St', Newark, he greitt Vreettuti Ilithcdj Ligelned of IJfdattlit4 , ..ibrotglrotit .1 take A Gil V, tiget Alto% =l= PURELY VEGETABLE THE PLEB!". -- THE LIVER. Foul Breath IMPORTANT TO LADIES. - A FlinV WORMS ABOUT 357 D AIk:ILT7I( 9 Important Notice FROM M. - G. BROWN, No. 410 Arch SUM, Phila 11/44611. ••• PROM a life of study, observation, atuk experience, and years of practical applf- Ste " reation of try 'Metaphysical Discovery^ en thousands of diseased men. women and children, I have justly come to the conclusion that every fami ly in the land, who wish to get rid of t disease and keep It at boy, most have my Metaphysical Discov ery always on hand. It is a certain_ preventative against disease. It also treats and destroys the cause of disease, consequently the effects die, be ginning with Deafness, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, with every disea-te man, woman or child is heir to. It is the only safeguard against Cholera. It cleanses every sewer of the human body, hardens the flesh, and purifies the blood. In consequence of the above facts, I have this day reduced the price, so as to leave no barrier in the way of the diseased. The package consist of three bottles, one used for the Eyes, ono for i ihe Ears, and one for the Scalp.— These three work: in conjunction, passing into the system by absorptio , thus killing the very root c I the dmease, which Is in a specific locality in the head. My Metaphysical Discovery is packed in a neat wooden cat.o, and will be despatched to any part of the world on receipt of the mice, which will be, from this •25th day of.Noyembor, sold at $4 per package, or three packages $lO. Celebrated Poor Richard's Eye Water. Large size, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Small size 60 ets., Scalp Renovator $l, or six bottles for The medicines can be obtained through your drug gists, or at the Depot, No 410 Arch street. The following letter is ono of the twiny which I receive daily at my different offices:— REMARKABLE CURE. —Catarrh, Anihnia, & c. M ns. Canavan, residing at No. 61 Allen street, Boston, says : •• I have been troubled fur fedi. years; with sore throat. Fur two yours I suffered w,tia ea forth nail great dizziness in my head, almost caus ing me to fall. I suffered grca•ly with asthma, it being hereditary in the family. I was die aced all over. I could not go where there was any dust. I bed ereat pains in my head and neck. I have suf fered much with cold fret. The bones iu my neck were drawn out of place with the asthma, and my throat 1t eked like raw eeef After applying to va rious physicians nod obtaining no relief, I finally applied to Mrs. M. O. Brown,' by whose medicines I have been so much benefited that I am now like another woman. Formerly the least exposure gave me cold; I could not go to the door with my head uncovered without an attack of tho asthma. My asthma is now entirely gone. My catarrh has wholly disappeared. I felt weak awl languid for many years, so that I was aburden to myself. The coldness of my feet has disappeared, and I feel a general eiroularen through my entire system. cane ing me to be, as formerly, fu'l of strength and viva city, and can attend to household duties as well as ever I di 1 to my life." It is the only safeguard against disease. Including CHOLERA. It cleanses every sewer of the b iman body, hardens the flush, and purifies the blood. The Celebrated POOR RICHARD'S EYE WA - TE it is the key which opens the door to the health of both mind and body. Let all use it morning and night. L. Schmidt .4 Co., Allentown, Pa., Solo Agents for Lehigh county. Doceweer 12, 1865 vravvgag4 WATCHES! WhICHES! Ciocks! Clocks! iiiitßY JIM!! JEWEBY!! $15,000 IV 0 ETH OF Clocks, Watches & Jewelry ! T O BE SOUl•at the LOWEST CASH PRICE ;. / The hugest and best ~selected assortment of Mechem. ()lecke and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 - EAST RANILTON STREET, Allentown Pa. We have no desire to beast, and we speak ad visedly when we say that our stuck is larger and more complete than all the Jewelry establiahnients in the comity put tog.•ther. Ju,t received a very choice and elegant assortment WATCEHS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. Comprising Ladies Gold HUNTING- WATCHES. GENTS' GOLD & SILVER HUNTING nirriran & engtigl) Limo 001. D, SILVER, & PLATED CHAINS, SiLv,tot AND PLATito SPOONS, FORKS, NAPKIN I%IN't.IS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc., Vith an endless variety of the latest Etyle of Jewelry Also, a large and complete assortment of SPECTASOLXIS, o Gold. Silver. Stool and P:atod cases. We desire to oil! attention t 2 our stook Lf MELODEONS. We lave constantly on bond n full assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S Celebrated Melodeons, of EIL36 suitable for churches or parlors. N. B.—Particular attention paid to t..e Repairing of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work war ranted. We &tiro to inform parties living in the country, thtt any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will be premptly attended to. CH A 8. S. MASSEY, No. 23 East Hamilton street, A LLINTOWN, PA. dob'6s-ly Dissolution Notic NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between henry Kunta and Benj. Kern, in the mnicentile business under the firm of RENTZ h KERN, in E. atington, has been dissolved by mutual consent, on the Ist .f March. Theretore all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to the said firm will make settlement of their accounts immediately at the old stand, and all hav ing o'aime egainet the said arm will present them for payment. if EMIT KUM Z, BENJ. KERN. TOE BUSINESS WILL be continued at the old stand, under the firm of KERN A APP, who will be much pleased to have the old customers continue their putronage, as well as to have the favors of the public generally, gnu anteeing to them atilt times a sett orlon of a large and Well selected stocker goods. BENTJ. KERN. mar2o 13w1 s ItOBT. F. APP. Ziarper, 520 ARCH ST. . , WATCHES, fine gold JEWELRY, soll.l SILVER WARE, and aupertor tILVER PLATED WARE, at raduoad prioea! March :,0.-3m MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. T W. OALVER b CO, have opened andan i J • are receiving weekly a fine aesorlment, of straw Bats, Bonnets, Bias, Ribbons, FLOr-11/Zl,, ersi rramee, do., An., Wholesale *ad J. W. CALVE% a cO., 1•49, dl Ityrth RIK:Ohd street, Pitits. wiklatmy tau aZtr•1111111110. Pattela tiontik , ' 1174.11 A 31111 C 1E - 31E] THIS VAT HEW SPRING GOODS LOOK IN AT US NEW FIRM ! 3E1CT.7333E113R. 3311.0!9 ., (LATE HUBER & DLLLINGER,) Na. 7 IPEST HAMILTON STREEI, ALLENTOWN, PA. 'Would respectfully inform tho citi en of Lehigh county that they have just formai a co-parnerehip as oh nc-, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stoeb of Spring Goods! FROM NXIV):011K AND PHILADELPHIA And .re now offering them at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. DRY GOODS! CONSISTING CF TUE LATEST STYLES OF Figured and Plain Alpacas, Figured and Plain nil Wcol De Laincs SHEPHERD PLAIDS,,, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, Mite Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sliedings, Checks, Ginyhams, Bedl;cks, Flannels, &c„ Shepherd Plaid Balmorais, Black Cloth, • Cassimeres, Velectine, Corduroy, Cottonades, .Keeitucky Jeans, 1)nlls, LADIE3 CLOAKING, MI ddles ex Cloths, Rehellants, and . • PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. CM iil4ll3Ellll 511 2 '6 no A full line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts and Vestings, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. Wo have constantly on hand a large and well se lected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACREREL, SALT, &o Which wo will dispose of at the very lowest each prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest I for we feel satisfied that we can suit your TASTES as well as your runsna. Don't forget the place, No. 7 West Ramilton striiet, second door Acre the Eagle' Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received In the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to accom odate their friend(' an•l customer's, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support end good will of the people. A. A. II one n, C. L. Bonita. Allentown, July IS, —tf BATILOW'SINDIGO BLUE. PUT UP AT • WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 223 NORTH SEC.3ND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Will color moro water than four limos the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. It to warranted to give eatiefaction, and is retailed at the same price as tho Imitations and inferior or ioles. [oe3l-Clin 628 1100 P SKIRTS. 628 33COTEINgs . " OWN il#l LIKE." Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail. NO. 028 • ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The most cemploto assortment of Ladies', Miss. es' and Chi dreu's Hoop Skirts, in the city ; go'ton up expressly to meet tho wants of first-class trade ; embracing the ocavost aal in ist dasiroblo styles arid sizos of " Gore 'hail!, of every length —from 21 to 4 yards round-2J to 50 springs, at 2 to $5. Plain skirts, all len iths, from 2.1 to 3 yards round the bottom, at $l. 40 to $3 15. Our line of Misses' and Childrea's skirts, are proverbially beyond all COII3IIO tition , for variety of styles and sins—as wall as for finish and durabili ty ; varying from S to 33 inches in length 8 to 45 springs at 35 cents to $2 23. All skirts of "OWN are warranted to give ratisfacti n • but buy none as such unless they h tvo " Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 828 Arch street," stamped on each tab Alen, constantly on hand good skirts. rnanufac lured in New York and the Eastern States, which we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts —'S springs, 1!5 cents; 20 spilogs, 01. 00; 25 spring, $1 15; 30 springs, $1 25 and 41 springs, $1 fO. pa — Skirts made to order and repaired. , j afr Terms Cash. Ono Price Only. • Furniture. 12 .011LD A CO.'S celebrated Furniture Es- i ilk tablishment is removed from Second and Race streets-to the elJendid NEW DEPOT, Noe. 37 and 39 North Second atreet, (opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia, where they purpose selling for oue year. at about cost, elegant Furni ture, at futulotiely low prier. Alpo, at their Ninth and Market streets branch, where they are telling equally low, being about to enlarge the premises. GOULD ACO Furniture Depots, Nos. 37 and 39 N. &mind street, and corner Ninth . . and Muthet otrettA, i-htladelphla March 27,1N6-2m CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS D notion, JR , & CO., Rote& Invite the atter— '. • don of buyers to the large stook of NEW SPRINti STYLES OF CARPETS ! Consisting of Tapestry, Brussels, Three.ply, grain, Entry, Stair and Rag Carpetr. Also Oil Cloth., from Qto S yards wide. Window Shades in great variety, Carton and COOO Matting. Rugr, Nattr, &e., &o. P. TIMM% Jn &CO , boa Noun( SECOND Street abr. NOBLE. Branch Stores 8. W., Cot., 8 and Spring , Garden Streets, Phila. imar.2o.lith Apreis Bansparmito "Take Dcwn the Fiddle and the Bow 1" VIOLINS! TIOLIV VIOLINS !! 11. T all prices. Violin Si Ass, Tail Places, Pegs, Bows, Rosin, Blank Iflusio :paper, at Foam's Variety Store. • She et Mus • • Sheet Muse A large supply on if we have not got the piece you want, we ea et it for you in a few days if you 'will louvb the nnme of the piece with us. INSTRUCTIO4.BOOKS for all hind of bistro ments constantly okhand at Foust's Variety Store. STAMPING STAMPING .I Done at short notice—receiving now pattern* con stantly. Call and see the patterns at Foam; Va riety Store. NOTIONS! NO ?lONS' lianditcrchiefs, Homy, Gloves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pine, Needles, Combs, Braids, Ilor•p Skirt& Coll in—it pays to go round the corner to Faust's Va.iety Storo. Whde 18 FOUST'S Variety Store? Sixth Street, sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street Four doors from Hamilton, in one of the rooms un der Deebtere Hotel. [mat-ly E S I 11: BLISI - IED I.N . 1810 DYEIN a ESTABLISHMENT. 7 W. JONES, No. 432 North Front St., above J .Cnllowltill, Philad.lphia, dyes Silks, Woolen and Fancy Goods of every doseriptiou. Their su perior etylo of dvoicg Ladies and Gentlemen's Gar ments is widely kilown. Crape and Merino Rlt ww cleaned to look like now, also tientlomon'a ap parel, Curtios, he , cleaned or re-dyed. Hid ti loves cleaned or dyed to look like now. Call Still] look at wo k before going elsewhere. J. ht W. JONES. March 27, Pad HOWARD ASSOCIATION, DISEASES OF THE NFEVOUS, SEMINAL URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and reliable treatment—in manta of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—cent by mail in iiealed 'letter en velopee, free of charge. Attilrme,.Dr.J.SK ILLIN HOUGH CO V, Howard AFseciatima, No. 2 South Ninth Stree Philadelphia, Pa. June 13th, 13115. :EtEMOVA_L. 11. C. STFINi\IAN, DEALER IN Leather Findings, Trunks and Travoling Doge, has removed from his obi stand, 53 Main street, to 19 Broad ttrcot, Bethlehem, Pa. Morch 10, 13Cti.-3th 1866. PHILADELPHIA 1866 Wall Papers! Wall Papers 11 1-10 WELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURER'; OF ma HANGING AND WINDOW 1113 i ! Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Blued?, PHILADELPHIA. N. D.—Always in Store a large Stock of LINEN and OIL SHADES. [mar2o 3m -Plain Colors, NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES! Eyre & Landell, Fourth and Arch Slieets, Philadelphia, ARE OPENING FOR SPRING SALES, FASHIONABLE NEW SILKS, Novelties in DRESS GOODS. New styles SPRING SHAWLS, Now travelling DRESS GOODS, Fine stock of NEW GOODS, Magnificent FOULA It D•z, eph ndid BLACK SILKS, & c. Eyre St Landoll have their usual assortment of STAPLE WADS. Also, Clothe, Casein:tures and Vesting& P. S —Cnr prices are now arranged to meet the views of buyers. March 20, ftw STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD I`'`7 i And Prospects of still Portlier Decline! -V" AL "T I C 1 2 RULE S, I II 11 II 0 UR . Hats Caps 8 Straw Goods. . SPRING STYLI:IS. Christ & Sau . r's, ANo. 15 West 1.1 unlit to strocroppolite• the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the largest nesertment of Ha's and Con„ sprtog and summer slyly, ever soon in Allentown, clonprising every style and quality from five dollars down (Cl fifty cents, and filled that will become oil end young. Their stock.of Caps is the largest in Allcr town, and at extremely low pricer. To convince the pub lic of what 13 said, it may bo well to note that they havo FORTV-OSP: differont styles. Surely enough to givo a person a.chance of suiting his tie to. 1881` Messrs. Christ .Ti f attars direct attention to the foot that ttey aro the only Mmtuvecrunsits of flats In Allentown. &mew Geom.—A beautiful assortmoot of Mrs w hats, for min and boys, trill I'd kept copstintly on hand during the season, to which we invit ' public attention. Giro us a call. it,..Sti estuary Merehants would do well to give u 9 n cell, as we will wholesale them Hato and Cops cheaper then they can get them in the city. Allentown, August 8 —tf PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 172, 174 & 176 GREENWICH St, (oris SQUIRE WEST OP BROADWIT,) Between Courtlandt anti Dey Sta., New York TRH PACIFIC ROTEL is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is espec ially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close pros mity to the business part of the city, —is on the highway or Southert and Western trav el—and adj3cont to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Paoido has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it Is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are bpaoloua and well ventilated; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful; and the table Is generously provided with every delicacy of the season. The subscriber, who for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to identity himself thoroughly with the interests of his home. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charger, and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pacific lintel. JOIN PATTEN, Jr. New York, Sept. 12. • . -.-1.9 ISTRATOR'S " tie° to hereby given that the undeteigned has taken oat letters of Administration to the estate•of JOHN LYNN, deceased, late of theborsugb of Cat,. magus, Lehigh county ; therefore ill. persons who aro Indebted to said estate, ate requssted to make payment within en weeks from the date hereof,snd inch Who blob nay legal shims sjoidet said estate ttillresett,tbeht *el l aatbietleitett lot Settlement b abate 'pulled th at. • -•• 441 A*/ • • 110t16111 Adto, •, 30.4 L Mg - CD "'Z' PHILADELPHIA, PA JOHN PATTEN, Jr... Proprietor .: ) • <PII. 4 'll ; r i q • 1 . _,...:••61.4 4 .: ;54); . ;.,v cp. 0- , ..-41w, • 11 5: r.:11-1c. , .r.!ffii ; 4 ' - • I C, f I 1.., , • 4' .1; • is ' MI '34: (NUMBE.RZ Consult your Inte_riEtsttiL' , ; .17 In Buying Goooll.§t V IL Metzger & Osman Have just °Paned at their \-'." TAILORING ESTARLISRAIRIM NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREit ALLENTOWN,..I 1 HEIR SPRING STOCK OP I.( CLOTHS, CASSIIIIIERESeq:' VESTINCS, &c•, Sce., which will o Made ilp Order, IN TES LATEST STYLISE!, BY TIP-TOP WORKIVIENs - (')' , at de shortest notice. IBUDV- r a& DE nvirmatisti, AND GENTLEMEN' FIRMS GOODS SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Oat? and ENamine. WE HAVE THE •'" Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Punts, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassitneres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest B(1808,10 Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest handkerchiefs, • Cheapest Hosiery, Ch ripest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas, etc., eta., etc., etc. Our stock a much heavier and better aaaorted than EV P. IC BEFORE: Don't forget the place, No. 83 East Hamilton dr., next door to the "Independent Republikaner." METZGER Jr. OSMAN. NATBAN METZGER, late of the firm of Troxell • Metzger. TILGHMAN OSMAN, lately head cutter at tbe total, lishment of Troxell & Metzger. Allenttsn. Aug. 8, 1885 NEW Boot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New Store and liiew Goods;- ODENEIELMER & SEW HAVING just taken the extensive • store room in Rau's Building, next door to the Allen Roues, would respectfully invite the attention of the people of Al lentown and surrounding country, to their large, varied, and well made up stack et DOOTS AND SNOES. They will soli you n better ortiele in tLo way of BOOTS AND &ROES, for less money thnn you can buy them for eliewbere. The most sceptical can be sati,fied by an exami nation of the stock they offer far sale. Their WI anufactnring Department being under the supervision of ono ol the firm, who has had much experience in the business, they are confidant thnt PERFECT SATISFACTION can bo given in every instance where work of any description is crdered. There Is nothing in the lino of wear fur the feet that cannot be found at this BOOT AND SHOE STORE! AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS: Infant Shoes, all Styles, froin o lo ctr. to $2 per pair. Children's Sloes, all Styles, from 25 eta. to $2 per pair. Misses ' Shoes, all styles, frcm 75 eta to $2.50 per pair. Youths' Shoes, all styles, f.om 00 cts. to $3 pot pair. Boys' Shoes, all style?, from 73 eta. to $1 per pair. Ladies' Shoes, all styles, from $5 to $5 per pair. • Gents' Shore, all stylar, from $1.50 to $4 50 per pair. Youths' Boots, all styles, frcm $1.50 to $2.50 per psir. Hoye' Boots, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. Mena' Boots, ill styles, from $3.50 to $l5 per I . P air ' Country Ellerehantsand Dealers Sup plied at City Sobbing Rates. tict..Tho public aro invited to givo a call berms purchases aro m.tle elletrhere, J. (4.'Clocuuelsi April 17, 1866 . Wm. H. Seip lIA3 OPENED HIS BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE, AT NO. 35 EAST HAMILTON ST., A D JOINING ICChNAHFN'd 01.11 . .• • na Store, where he offers to all who will give him a call, the very best and most fashionable goods ever offered to the all- • sons of Allentown, at the following low cub pikes: Men's calf boot?, tine, , $5 00 to $9 00 " kip, double sole, 15 Boys °Ude' boots, 175 " 4 715 Men's glove Kid, Congrres, &e. 250 " b 76 Dol. shoes • 190 " 3 1/15 • Mcn'e womtn'n boy's and misses glove kid, lasting gaitern, 175 " 675 Women's glove kid, very fine, 926 " 576 " fine goat morocco bale., 250 " 400 " men's morce:o and calf 1 75 " 2 50 shoes, " common shoes, • 160 " 2' 50 Misses' and child's shoes, 25 ." 1 00„ Men's, women's, mimes', boy's and child's slippery, 25 " 1 00!. No auction goods In my store but from tbe beet manufactories. I also have all kinds of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS'' of of every kind, at the lowan see for yourad 4 vta. WILL IL SIM • April 17. ' ' ' REMOVA.I. •J. F.. Boh . . li •. lige, .. ,:r': i S : 1 :: , BOOT and . SHOE-STORE . 1/111.610., aAS been . Tarnow it to Emit Minn. J•JI. ton etreet, opporito the , l3krmito • Reformed' ,Church, Allentown pa., where he ciePs . erristandi On' hand, of Lie own manufacture, and also 'of :Philadelphia, NeW Nark] and Pastern manufacture, a large stack of Boole and , Slicer, which be le &Spoiled to offer to the polite at' a small advance above cost,' IN aleo : willthelter.to: order all kinds or fine *mit for lodies and Children, having competent workmen especiallyie that tkanelt. Feeling determined to make Stan ollect.fer persona in Want of A GOOD AllitfoLg to call and examine for themselree and learn hie prtoarjwhieh ,till be es IoW el an; oilier Wise lb totter or Donal .1411iStIrld Wok 11,0 'vollll6l piediptiy I MOW .0 ... ! TOPtin•it3 nir. BUBLINOMIIi '1 /.(r-N:;"' r MEM MEI BIM WALTER H. SNIP. -ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers