lIIII3IIII=IIIII HELVIBOLD'S a;]kivutmo PREPARATIONS. IGGILL'e CIVCENTRATED6 COilP01:114"D FLUID EXTRACT j oesitive and Speciflo 'Remedy tor Mecums or tSA {madder, Elden', GraFel and Drava'eat strolande. This Medicine:lncreases the powers of dlgestion.and excites tho absetbonta into healthy action, 159 which the matter at calcattota depositions, and all nnnatuniVui. !memento are reduced, an welt main and linlaironulMti, sad!, God for seen. women and children. - - HELMBQI.D'S EXTRACT BUCRU, rep weakness gibing from Excesses, Habits of DhsdZ4 Lion, Early Iniliiicretion, attended with the following Symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Lose of Power,Loos of Idorifol:74. • Dillionity of Breathing: 'Weaklier:l4 ' Trembling, Horror of Masse, Wakefulncesh Dimness of Vision, Pain In the BneiG Not Minds, Plashing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions of the race, 'Universal Lassitude, Pallid Countenance, • Muscular System. These symptoms, if allowed to go on (which this :lent. eine invariabli removes), soon foIIow— 'FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, erm., tin me of which the patient may expire. Who eat ear they are not friquently followed by those "distal dlo- wee,' UsIftiNITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many aro aware of the came oftheir traffering,but nano will neuron. The records of the insane asylum:, ctr..l the Melancholy deaths by consumption licar ample vitt= to 9e truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected by organic weattnow, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate , the system, which lECIUDOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCTIU invariably does. A trial will convince the moat seepttGa - - - Iymany affections peculiar to Females, the orae• Snow la =equaled by any other remedy, and for a complaints incident to the sex, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. or sins SYMPTOM AnovE. Or No Family should be without it Take no Balsam, liarcnry. or unpleasant medicine tot • =pleasant and clangorous dlscasns. HELHBOLD'S EXTRACT' BUCHU • , to MIPROVED RO@E watcfa Cures Secret Diseases In all they stages little cmpenso, little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and NO EXPOSURE. USE HEIZII3OI_,D'S EXTRACT BUCHU Tor all iffeetlons and diseases of these organs, whether •EXIBTINQ IN MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause oil ginatlng , and no matter how long standing. Diseases of these organs rentilio the aid of dietetic., HELTYIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And It ifieertaLn to have tho desired effect In all diseases Sor villa:UM recommended.. ni.OOA % 731 -. '4". 131.01WD! XI elzra)olcrs • =o=7 cc-zcr::Tr-vrr.D coliroln7D FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Tor purifying ,tl4e. Blood, removial all chroulo constitu tional ditedies trittrz from on Impure canto of the Blood, and ibonnly reliable ;And eflectudl I:aown remedy for tho we ct. ccrondn, Ccald heed, 1: alt Ilbenm, Wino and iissollogns of the Boa e, Ulcerations of tho Throat and loge, Inoicbes, rzeple on tho Face, T otter, Erycipetas, and aliscoly Eruptions lam Oda, 1,1"D•711113/LVTIIrS:ING TIM COMITIVE^SION. NOT A FEW el the 'worst disorders that mist mankind all,(1 nom tho aorruption that accumulates In the Llood„Of all the ills. sevellekthat have been undo to piirge it tiptinos s ean equal Ine ff ect IlEtatnoto'n Couroryo r.,:rruncr I.lli ear.annt.i. It cleanses and renovates the Dlood,9stills the vigor of Lerlth into the system, and purges tiut the llnmere which make discaro. It stimulate° the healthy hactions of the body, end expels the disorders that grovr end rankle in the blood. Ouch n remedy that could so felled on has long been nought for, and now, for the first limo the public have ono on which they can depend. Our spate dere does not admit of certificates to chow its erects, but the trial of atingle bottle will show to timed; that It beetle virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Tweitablemoonsful of theEstract of earsaparilla added SO a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bOttle le fully equal ton gallon of the 12,y. up of tiaras. parillaor the decoction as usually made. - - JEELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, ar.esooliernt Lotion for dioceses arh3lng from habits Of illisaipationomed In connection with the Extracto Dacha Slid 131irsaparilla, is ouch diseases as recommended. • Eel den,' of life moot responsible and reliable character will riecorapapy the medicines. Liao explicit directions for we, tele. hundreds qf ftipusand3 living witnesses, nod up. yards of $3,000 unsolicited certificates and I eceannende. torrtletters, many of which nro - from the highest sources, tnelnding eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, C . .c. therroprlctor bas never resorted to their publication in the Dump:mere; ho does not do this from the fact that hl3 /slides rank as 13tandard I'rcparatlons, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. The fclenco of Idedicine, like the Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for basis, Induction for Ito pillar, and Truth alone for its Capital. ]!L Extract Earesparllla Is a tiooa Purifier ; my rxtract Eaehu Is a Diuretic, and will nel cs sue,' in all cares. are preparod on purlty relerraflo prinelples—tu gaeuis—and aro tho moat come measures of chit that can be ma4o. A ready and couctnsh•o toot will he n paxison of thctr prone:flea with Moonset forth in tho fol. lowhig works: roe Dlspenntory of the Vatted Etatcs. dee Trofessor linwnto' voluablo urko on tho rractioo efiraysta. • iliktrattiorkernado by tho colobrat od Dr. rnyoro Illo?Tror—trlca rando by Dr. Erur.:an I.IcDowELL, u. cele brated; rhysklan taut I:ember of the To; al Collozo of Ettr.Ouna,lrclautl, nut{ pubikthOd 1n the TroOsactiona cf tbcSlna en 4 Quccia'a Journal. &Do Itedlco-Chtrnrultal tovlow, pnblishoi by Drzen Ilsaulaihrollow of tho Royal Collogo of Cnrgeonec loonost of tho lato nand aral 'man/ on Makin. Era t SOU) TEr ALL DIMOGIETS Erva ~. 4 , 4lladirws7ottara tor Info rinallpo, In conadonce, to U. T. lIELDISCLD, Principal Dcpchi— ielnthold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse 594 BROADIVAY, N. Y., OD TO II el mb old' n Medical Depot, SRN 104 SOUI.."4I..TEINT4 ' ST., P 1111.41. •". " Beware of. Couiterfolts • ..!OR, ktElauniotws .1.!p..;4•4tt. crrkim In"Dozet loee a good nom to eqvo a dollar Ibr thisith's Liniment, Miller, Schreiber -AT TIIE-- • NEW YORK STORE, 1. 10 East Hamilton Street, ALLEN 7 0 11'N,. Pd., Aro now receiving their NEN STOCK,of SHIN AN MUNE, whien they havo bought at 2 to 50 per cent. Wr then they could ho bought for, and are now prepar• ed to give their cuttocuors the advantages of our LOW. PURCHASES. We sell Goods cheaper than any hot's° in Allen town, sell Letter Goods and more of them. We don' scion to boast of what wo do, only comp and set for }way:lves. Never before was presented to tiu public such an aGractivo an- tiles:let assortment o DBES'S GOODS• Copristing in part of FINE FROICK MEMNOES, assorted and light colora. MUSLIN DE LAINES., UNION PLAIDS u Chao2d and Scotch Plaids. All Wool De Lames AND• Mourning Goods, A great variety of L .dies', Mesas' and Children's WOOLEN SHAWLS, BALMORALS, Sce, In addition to the above will bo :oand the larg est stork of Brown and Blenched Musßrut, Tiekings, Denims, ' Striped and Checked Shirting, Canton Flannels, Prints, Ginghtuns, Woolen Flannels, Cassimerft, and Cloth Ever shown in Allentown Our Cloths, Cossimeres and Flannels arc cheaper and superior to anything ,f Bred at at y other estublisbuten' in town. Come where you can get Goed , t at. prices that ensure a ready and satisfactory solo. Our sleek i• complete not offers grout indueetnents. When you •e ready to buy, tall in with the crowd and bring tp at the Store \o. 'is Fast Ilamiltnn Stret. MILLER, SCIIREIbER S CO. January 2, 1868, —tt EYES THIS WAY. " - '44174 I .1; lIBINET WARE ROM ON John Ira, • IN ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. TOIIN MILBURO takes this method to inform 0 his fri :ads, customers, and the public in general, that he is carrying on the business on his own Account, NO 62 HAMILTON STREET, opposite :!ageni nob's Hotel, where he is now pre ps e 1 to :11 who easy give him a call. Nis prows[ stock it net . to Ito surpassed, and consists in tart of um , a:t:cies: Bureaus, Side isaris, Pier, Centre, Card, Dining, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par lor Tables, Silas, Piano Stools, Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety, and in general every article which is kept In a well regulated establishment. Ho manufactures also every variety of Furniture to order, after the latest style, and ovary artiele.sold by him must be as represented, and must be satis factory. nouse-keepers end especially young persons in tending to engage in keeping house, should not neg lect to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as ha feels satisfied that he can offer bargains that can, not be surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. , For tho liberal patronage already received he is very thankful, and will still endeavor tlyeligh lib eral prices and fair dealings to increase tho some. ..03 -Don't forget the place, No. 52 West Nunn. ten Street, where you can mil and satisfy yourself of the truth which is herein 'stated. JOIIN MALBUB.O. Allentown,Yuly 2, 1855. IMPORTED AND DOMESn CARPETING- FIRST CLASS GOODS ' AND One Invariable Cash Price AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kiuds and Styles -OF- . American and European MANUFACTURE, At iteduced Prices ON ACCOUNT CF TIIE DECLINE 1N GOLD. alq IP% Sr B OH NE 904 • Chestnut at., Philadelphia. iNow Ter their CREP.T SPRING STOCK 11EN),ETDD clle OD C A_ 11 P French and Eng, Axminster, , 0•.1 an.. 0.4 Velvets, Fine English Brussels, •esaley'a Tapeatriea, Imperial Ttiree-P,ly Carpet, Fine Ingrain Carpet 11,0YA.L1WILTON CARPETS FOR STAIItH ANTOItAI I.H, W Tll BOItDEB.S. 8.41 4.4. 5.1 L, .6.4 WHITE, lIEDCIIITKED AND FANCY MATTINO, COCOA MATTING, OIL CLOTHS, S.C. March 27-3 m Clxerniat. w, CLARK & CO., . 13A KER S, No. 36 SOU'ill 3D STREET, PH ILA., Morris tr, Vero: 'Railroad 7 per cont• Bonds. Cordral.Pncillo R. R. Interest payable in Sold in Now York. . U. S. 30 yen' O's Interest in , cnrrencl 196110(1 CO 1110 Pllo . fin Railroad Company. • bonds nro till for solo v_ory blocks Wash; and sold on Cotemieeir•n. U. H. flonurlttc s eceil hind, I)..nght and WC Iniii2o.Bo2 TO THE GREAT ENGLISH BRUSSELS WE OFFIR. FOR SALE THE GPEAT PURGATIVE. ............. 0 ....---.. Dr. Radway's Pills. 25ots. PEP BOX.. DB. RADWAT'S PIZZA. FOR TUE CURE OF ALL DISORDERS OF THE Stomach, Livez Bolirels, Kidnoys, Blad der, NerVous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costlvenees, Indi. - . gestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, -Billions revers, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE WARRANTED TO EFFECT A FOITIVE PURE• PURELY VEGETABLE CONTAINING NO itENCIIRY, MINBRAIA, 011 DELBTNYI 0118 DIII3OO. DUST.—As a brisk purge, four to six pills ; as a laxative, ono or two pillo—to bo taken at night on retiring. Or ()beery° tbe following symptoms, menhir* from Disorders of the Digestive organs c Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or the Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or / loitering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Mend, Hur ried and difficult breathiug Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Peed, Deficiency of Perspira sou, Yellowness of the Skin end Eyes, PAIN IN THE SIDE, CHEST, LIMBS, it SUB DEN FIAUSHIC,B 'OP HEAT, BURNING IN THE FLESII. Dr. Railway's Plars l Are composed of extracthof Roots, Herbs, Plants Gums and Balsams, prepared in vacuo. Nothing but the active and positive curative properties of medicinal plants enter into their composition. Be ing high y concentrated, two to four of Radway's Pills produce a more thorough evacuation from the bowels, and exorcise a more healthful influence on the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, &o , than eight to ton of any other purgative or alterative pills in gene: l use. They have in hundreds of cases secured the desired discharge from the bowels after Croton till, Ilarlem Oil, Elaterium, Podophilion, and other powerful Cathartics have been used unsuccessfully. They can be taken on all occasions with the positive as. suranco of success. THE LIVER. Many of the disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and other glands of the system, aro caused by d,rangetnent in the action of the Liver. Ilead aches. Nervousness, Dyspepsia 113-stories, frequent ly owe their presence to a disordered liver. Whit a blos,ing, then, to iutiering buinuni.y are Rad• way's Regulating Pills, (called Regulators ) These Pills are the me.. safe, eflectual, and spec dy Corrector and Rog lators, of the Liver in use, and are the only Medicine known to the world hoc ',messes the wonderful power of imparting nutri meet to the diseased myk tem while it is undergoing medication. In all case.; of Liver Liffioulties, Dvei pepsin, Costiveness, Uilliousliess, Headache, Neural gia, nysterice, the patient taking theme pills derives a nourishing trinciple from their use that cenno • be obtained tram ordinary load In all cusea of In dige:tton, where the torpid state of the Liver inter• rupta the progto,.B of Dtgastis•n, adway's quickly rmdere each abd every organ to its natural tone. viol., health, and duty. _ DR. RADWAY'S PILLS ARE SOLD BY DItUUUISTS AT 2:,c. PER BOX DR. RADWAY'S OFFICE, 87 MAIDEN LANE, Now York Foul Bt oath Ladies or Gent:meta wh, aro troubled with this disgusting infirmity . may ropy upon a quick and rad ical cure by the use of's PEG LATINO PILLS. In ninny instances, foul breath is induced by a die. ordered stomach; in the latter the coutioued use of tho Pills will impart such vigor of health to tho stomach ac to render the aroma from the teeth im perceptible. Let those who aro conscious of this in firmity make a trial—few however, who aro thus troubled are aware of it. Cure of Dyspepsia. J. LIETTE, C. E , Co., 12, 1864. On. J OLIN RSDIVAY CO., Montreal, C. E.—For hur years I have suffered with Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Sinking Pains at the Fit of the Stomach, Nervousness, Bad Dreams, and very little Sleep; my appetite entirely gone and My stomach so woek as to bo uoablo to digest the most ample, food. Dur ing this time I lost forty-five pounds of flesh (or weight as you may ea' l it.) I was induced to take your Regulating Pills as prescribed in your Alma nac. I used only olio box, awl before I completed the box my uppetito was restored to me, my stem- soh perfectly healthy, toy dyspepsia, bad dreams, and other disagreeable s3Mf toms cured and was ro storod to my original weight; CO that ono box of your Pills cured me of a disease that for four years had made me miserable, and gave me forty five pounds additional weight. I have taken many kinds of pills, but I boliuvo Dr. Railway's Pills the beat in use. JNO. DESC If AYS, Villo Joliotto, C. E. IMPORTANT TO L &DIES Suppression of the ..ifenses, Headache, .ffyster ics—lVervousness Cured. .NrAv mut, N. J., Oct., 10, 1803. Die. RADWAY—Your Pills and Ready Relief have saved -my daughter's life. n Juno last she was eighteen years of ago, and for three months her men ses was suppressed. She would frequently vomit blood, suffer• terribly from headache and pains in the small of her back and thighs, and had frequently fits of hysterias. We commenced by giving her six of your Pills every,Mght and rubbed the Ready Re lief on her spine, back, and hips. We continued this treatment one week, when, to our joy, eho was relieved from her difficulty. She is now well and regular, and has been so ever since. Yours, very truly, .1. G. HODGSON. Your Pills cured me of Piles that, I feel ensured, was caused by over-dosing — with . drastic pills. Dn. RADWAY . B P 1161.9 are elegantly coated with sweet medicinal gums, which render them very con venient, and well adapted for children and persons who dislike to take medicine, especially pills. Price Twenty.fivo cents per box; sold by drugglete and Country Merchtinto. Principal etliro, 87 Maiden hone, low York. Dit. RADWAY Sr, CO. Aug. 8. 1865. —1 y I.IE-REALTIF-STERIT, 11H-11ERTII-STREIGTII, 1111--11EALTII-STDENGII, Ilundredd end thousands annually die premature ly, whon, if they would give the Glee Frcueh item DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prep:trod by Farancieto & Dupont, No. 2 1 4 Rue Lombard. Paris from tilt, prescription of pr. Juan Do einem. Chief Physician of the Ito-pint) du Nord u Larihoisiere a fair trial, they would find iunnedi- Hie relief, and, in a Chart lintO, ho fully restored to Dealt!) and Strength. It is esed in th . practice of many eminent French physielims, with uniNreu success, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Specific Remedy for all persons suffering Dote' general or Sexual Debility, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrheca or Seminal Etnissims, all Weaktteem: arising from .lexual EXcesses, or youthful indiscretions. Lena of Mneoulur Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous. nese, Weak Spine, Lownest of Spirits, Dlain es . of Vision, I,ysterice, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Impotency, .t.c. No language can convoy in adequate idea of the twine Gate and almost mmizulnus change it occa sions to the clebiliturrtl and shattered system. In foot, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned. Euffer no more, but use Tho Great French Reme dy ; it will effect a cure wltere all others fail. and although a powerful remedy; contains nothing hurt ful to the mast delicate oonstithlion. Pamphlets. containing full particulars and direc tions for using, in English, French, Spanish and German, accompany each box, Lind also sant free to any address e hen requested. • Price ono dollar per box; six boxes for five del!. lars. Sold by till Druggists thr3ugbout tbe world; or wtll ho sent by moil, securely sealed from all obser vation, by enclosing eveoltiod Mica, to any author ised agents. , Beware olCounttrfeit• amilytitations, Proprietors ) exclusivo Agents ,for Amarieti, CAR G. IROBIId h C 0.17 Courtlandt Authorlied Aritts for Allentown, DARNIN 60/It netbilbetn: FtDVY. T. (aptly SCHENCIC.!.B MANDIIAXE FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE OR CALOMEL. If your' bowolo aro Ural Nooottvb, - TRY . If you Lay° worms, TRY THEM. If your breath h bad, TRY THEM. • II ycu feel drew*, TRY THEM. If you aro low op!rlietl, TR? THEM If you have a [lick headache, TRY TUEM. If you have Wail a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOSE. They only nog 25 oen‘s a box. TRY TUE 31. Blue Man, and other preparations .of Mercury, actually produce more suffering and death than the diseases which they profess to cum And yet this corrosive mineral, so dehounced by the allopathic doctors, it piosotibed by them almost universally in Liver Complaint, Consumption of Lunge, &o. THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herby, obtained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their sal utary effects will op Fear as soon as the medicine is brought to the teat of a fair experience. Senerree's MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach ; but when given for Dyspepsia, if may be proper to use then' in con nection with SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC.— By this judicious trentmcttt the digestive faculties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the Worst oases of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest inter nal organ of the body, that•to it le assigned the im portent duty of flawing the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subleet to many disorders, and that when it is diriected or inactive the. whole body suffera sympathetically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and effect cures which may ap pear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the aide, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs,. a feeling of general weakness end wretchedness, and other alarming and distressing symptoms, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression, mental anx iety, languor, lethargy, and depression of spirits which unfit a men for the management of business and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Da. Seuesoe.--Derr Si, : I take pleasure in sending you a cortifi rate in addition to many you have already received from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find language Bufficiontly strong to ex press my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and SEAWEED TONIC have effected in the entire cure of one; of the most stubborn cases of the affection of the liver. For 'hero years I suffered beyond desetil tion ; all try friends, as well as myself, came to toe Oolleill diuu that my time in this life was short. -uch was the terrible condition to which I was reduced that iife to me had become a burden; my whole system wee in a state of ieflamation ; I could not eat, I could not Bleep; my whole body was filled with pain ; swelling would arise in my wrist end anklet', rendering them totally useless Oa several aeon abate I was attacked with a rush of blood to the head. which would fell use to the ground, and I would be carried away for dead. I applied to sev eral eminent physic:dime of our city, who adminis tered all the medicines that they thought would teach my ea-o, but of no avail. (Inc of them said he courd do no moro for mo, and advised me, us a last rosort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash I declined to Lake it. Accident put your advertisement in my heeds. I culled on you ; you oxen:lined mo and told me the na ture of my disease. You then ordered rue rho Pills and Toole with an observance of diet, pleilgaig your word that in one weak I would find myself another man. I followed your advice, and, se you predict ed, an astonishillg cure was effected. I continued your Pills and for some time, and now thank tied for his goodness, and your valuable medicine, I one once more restored to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who aro suffering from affection of the liver t 2 give your Pills and Tonic a fair trial, and a cure will ho effected. I have sent 'many persons to you, and they have all been cured Any information my fellow citizens may require will be freely given by the subscriber, at hie residence, No. 812 Federal street, between Bth street and Pas eyunk road ORA RL ZS JOHNSON, Se., road, Printers' Ink Manufacturer. Dn. SCHENCK will be professionally st his prin cipal office, No. 15 North Bth street, oorneeof Com merce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 9 a. in., until 4 p. tn. ; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 3 ; No. 33 Summer street, Bos ton, Mess., every Wednesday, frcm 9 to 3, and eve ry other Friday at 103 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough examina tion of ihn lunge with his Ileapiroineter the charge ie three dollars. Price of the Pultrienic Byrup and Seaweed Tonle, each $1.50 per bottle, or $7 50 por half dozen.— Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers January 9, 1004.-2 Important Notice M. G. BROWN, No. 410 Arch Street, Phia. FROM n life of study, observation, and experience, and years of practical appli cation, of ury ' Metaphysical Discovery" on thousands of diseased men, women abd children, I have justly come to the conclusion that every fami ly in the land, who wish to get rid of disease and keep it at hay, must have my Metaphysical Discov ery always "on hand. It is a certain preventative against disease. It also treats and destroys the cause of disease, consequently the effects die, be ginning with Deafness, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, with every disease man, woman or child is heir to. •, - It is the only safeguard against Cholhia. It cleanses every sewer of the human body, hardens the flesh, and purifies the blood. In consequence of the above facts, 'I hive this day reduced the price, se as to leave no barrier in the way of the diseased. The package, consist of three bottles, one used for the Eyes. one for the Ears, and one for the Scalp.— Those three work in conjunction, passing into the system by absorpile• , thus killing the very root cf tbo etseasc, which is in a specific locality in the bead. My Metaphysical Discovery to packed in a neat wooden case, and wall ho despatched to any part of the world on receipt of the price, which. will be, from this 25th day of November, sold at $4 per package, or three packages $lO. Celebrated Poor Richard's Eye Water. Large size, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Small size 50 eta., Pealp Renovator $l, or six bottles for ss. The medicines can be obtained through your drug gists, or at the Depot, No 410 Arch street. Th.: following letter is ono of the many which I receive daily at my different offices : RENIAItKABLE CUitlil. —Cotarrh, Asthma, etc. 111 as. DIIHEVIift residing at No. 82 Allen street, Boston, says : .` I have been troubled for four years with Pore throat. For two years I suffered wtu eta. qtrrh and neat dizziness in my head, almost cone ing male fall. I suffered greedy with asthma, it being hereditary in the family. I was die 'wed all over. I could not go where there wits nay dust. I had rest pains in my head and- neck I have suf fered much with cold feet. Thii bones to my neck wore drawn out of place with the asthma, and my throat lc iikettlike raw beef After applying to va rious physicians and obtaining no relief, I finally applied to Mrs. M. G. Brown, by whose medicines I have been so touch benefited that I nun now like another woman Formerly the least exposure gave me cold ; I could not go to thu-door with my head uncovered without an attack of the asthma. My nsthina is now entirely gone. lil atarth has wholly disappeared. I felt weak nodlanguid for tunny years, so that I was a burden to myself. The coldness of my feet has disappeared, and I feel a general circulat on through my entire system, cane ing me to be, no formerly, full of strength andviva shy, and can attend to household duties as well as ever I did in my life." It is the only safeguard against disease, Including CHOLERA. It cleanses every sower of the human body, hardens the flesh, and purifies the blood. The Celebrated POOR RICHARD'S RYII WA TER is the key which opens the door to the health of both mind and body. Let alines it morning and night. ' L. Schmidt k Co., Allentown, Pa., Bola Agent. for Lehigh county.. .December 12;,1805. C. Somers & Son. Fine .Spring•- -Clothing; 625 CUESTNIIT_STIaripia egi MA! .ISTRST PLIILADEIiair AA NULL ASSOB.TkIENT cf Ono goods of Gm A. Tnrioty 'Owego an . bond for Auttool Orders promptly Rttentled to. " itelirFrlM greotty 11411;90i THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. DR. MAGGIEI. 4 11 PILLS AND SALVE, Those Life•givibg remedies are now, for tha, first time, given publioly,to the world, Sor over a Ou ter of a century 'of private prnotAe !ho ingredients in them Life-giving Pills Have been used With the greatest success. The mission to not only to prevent disease, but to cur They.searob out the various maladies by which the patient is sufferipg, and ro.iniforates the falling mill system. To the aged in rm a few doses of these valuable PILLS hill prove to be For in every case they add new life and v tality, and restore the waning energies to their pristine state. To the ycung and middle-aged, they will prove most invaluable, as a ready, ;Twilit', and sterling medicine. Hero is a reallied, that Ponce-de-Loon Bought fur three ,tundied 3eers ago, and never totind. Ile lookbd for a fountain that would restcrb thb old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring. It was left for thignl orlon hour to realise the dream and show, in oue ud dyafaot, the magic that made afar. - Cannot stay the flight of years, but they can force back. and hold aloof, dims° that might triumph o% or the aged anti tho young. Lot none hesitate then, but seise the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed— FOR BILIOUS BISORBBRS Nothing can be afore productive of curd than these Pills. Thbit almost magic 1i Ammo° is felt at once; and the usual concomitants of this most distressing disease are remoycd. These remedirs are made from the purest • VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not bath the Most delicate female, and can be given with good effect In prescribed doses to the youngest babe. for Cutaneous lE4m:bets Mill FROM talpg•llMA VEY INITAII OF 'IOIIII, THESE FAMOUS MEWS And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE is most invaluable. It does not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil ! DR. MGM'S PHIS Invariably Mire the following Diseases' Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Disearee, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, Headache, Indigestion, Influensp, Inflam guidon, Inward Weakness, Lowness of Spirits, Liver Complaint, Ringworm, Rheumatism, salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases. ffgerNemea.—None genuine witYout the engrav ed trademark around each pot or box, signed by DR. MAGGIRL. 43 Fu'ton at.. Wow York, to coun terfeit which is felony. fitAr•So , d by all respactablo Dealers in Medicines throughout tho United btatee and Cauadal—at 25 cents per box or pot. December 12, ISO. —I y „matm e Art R LIFE-REJUVENATOR This prenaration is unequaled as a Rejuvonator end Restorer of wasted or inert functions. , The aged should be certain to make the Biokrene a household god, inasmuch as it will render them youthful In feeling and in strength, and arable them to live over again the day of their prle• ie !.y. It not only exhilarates but strengthens, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of servility, self-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impotency of any human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect a' once and forever, 1117.01EREND • cures Impotency, General Debility, Nervous Inca pacify, D spepsia, Depression, LOEB of Appetite, Low Spirits, Weakness of the Organs of Generation, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, Emaciation: It has a most delightful, desirable and novel sheet upon the nervous system and ill who are in any way prostrated by nervous disabilities, are earnestly ad vised to seek a curo in this moat excellent and une• quailed preparation. Persons who, by imprudence, have lost their nat ural vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cure in the . BXO]LRENE. The Feeble, the Languid, the Dispairlng, the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totalls aifferent from all other articles fur the same purposes. To Females.—This preparation is invaluable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it will restore toe wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a "rand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia with the first dose. A Inlief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree o perfect health and bnnlsh Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for $5. or. Sold in Allentown by Lewis Schmidt k Co., and Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by addressing HUTCHINGS k HILLYER, P roprietors, November 1,1965-1 y GRAND PRIZES fon E tHEICRITIERS TO TILE AIVIERICAiN STATESIVIAN. A National Weekly Family Journal, AT $1,50 PER ANNUM. PIIE FOLLOWING SPLENDID PRIZES ARE FP:NT TO. CLUNY, PIE: For Every Club of Forty Subscribers, A WiIEEI,FR a WILSON BEST $53 SIMI& G BIZACIEVOZI, with two extra copies to the getter up o, the c l u b ti . clit EVERY cI.UB OF TWENTY, and lees than Forty Subtler ibcre, we will allow $1 25 for each sultawiber on the price of said nalthine. FOR EVERY CLUB OF SIX, a splendid Steel engraving of Prosaism Lincoln, (full length,) An drew Johnson Lient,-ttenerill Grant or :Nhorman on homehaek, worth $3 00 each, with an extra copy to the getter up of the club. FOR EVERY CLUB OP THREE, one of theme splendid steel engravings of the Unifwm Series of NATIONAL PORTRAITS oomprising Presidents Lincoln and'Jcbneon, Lieut. den'l Grant, Sint -don't Sherman. Sheridan, Thom. us, MaCi Ilan. Fremont, Idmirals Farragut and Porter, and George and Martha WashinAton, each 19124 inches. worth $2 00. Those splendid portral s should adorn every parlor ' The Statesman is the largest, cheapest and beet family paper published, milted for every family.—. Try it once and you will never be without it. Send for copies and get up your clubs. . Address, AMERICA:. STATESMAN, 67 Nassau Street, New York. _6m December 5 For Sale. • ONE of the best slate quarries in Lehigh count, containing EIGHT-ANP-A-HALF AOBEE already open, and the quality of the elate tested by nee. Tale good. Enquire of E. FORREST, Attorney at Law. Allentown. P.. OM 1 7 HRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preterrodby all practleal Painters I Try RI and _you_will.,havg_a9ptheT._kannfactured only _ 'I 4 4.,ZIV,OLEit'• '9IIIITLIv • . 4,lVpi„il4l4l)*.;lPAtvilifitlol4i4ei biitatioi , • tittgehtti Id, tAfVinth Dishes . .'''''. 7 Dishes • • . ..• • _ . . .:•, .A . .I. * A . 6 1i • 1 4 , NO. A CARD.—I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown,Lehigh and adjoining counties, that I have just opened a new store in the above line of usiness. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of the newest and hest patterns in China, Glass and Crockery Wares. Housekeepers Remember i I keep the beet imported White Granite Ware, figured and plain; also, a fall assortment of common White, Edged, Yellow and Rockingham wareb. • • CHINA AND 411.LA513 'WARE. • WHITE CHINA SETTS, • EDGED CHINA SETTS, BAND CHINA SETTS, BELGIAN GLASSWARE, BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, AMERICAN GLASSWARE ORNAMENTAL TOILET SETTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, CHIMNEYS AND WICKS. Housekeepers, and those about commencing, who desire to purchase good and cheap ware, I respectfully invite to call and examine my assortment,—no trouble to show it—and n all cases necessary my ware will be carefully packed. It IOErA B. 1) WAIL it It • No. 79 West Hamilton Sate?: 21 fey Street, New York 4 /&7417: Ws. 31133 OIL Ali xN—s3lPlq COVID r 3t6T, 79 WEST HAMILTON STREET NEXT Dboit 'Da Tin imick unix. itbTEL An Entire NeW Establishment for the People! DISHES, DISKS! DISHES! There is nothing like Dishes—that is, iihen there is soinething good in thettz. CHINA, GLASS WARE & CROCKERY, Fruit Jars ! Fruit Jars t CHEAP AND GOOD Allentown, July 18, 1865-131 Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is •believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : SCROFULA AND SCROPULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASE 3, ITLCP.ItS, :PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, Tenons, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AP. FECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NM:- 1tAT.01.4. OR TIC DOULOURRUX, DEBILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND INDIGE3TION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE on ST. ANTHONY'S Fine, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Inrunrry oP TILE BLOOD. This compound will bo found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the' bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out 'the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; clennse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceiVed by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue Of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During lets years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to Om a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which, rests upon it. And - we, think we have ground for believing it has 'virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it i%intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. VIIERMILD lIIt Dlt. 3. C. Atint dc CO. LOWELL, - MASS. Price, el per Bottle t Six Bottles for s o. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has titon. for itself such a renown fur the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary far us to recount the evidence of.ite virtues, Wherever it has been em. ployeci. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need in:ado more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been and that it may be relied on to do for their relief it has over been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOR VIE CU= or Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Fbut Stomach, Erysipelas, Ikadache„ Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptionsand Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, - Dropsy, Teeter, Titulars and Salt Rheum, IVorms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner,Pill, and for Purafying the Dined. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for' $l.OO. Cheat numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have' lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, butstur space hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMERICAN ALMANAC in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol. lowed for t heir cure. Do not be pat off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make mere profit on. Demand Avtit's, and take no others. The sick meant the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for gale by all the DruggiA., in Allentown and by Druggls Is and dealers everywhere. At Wholesale by J M. MARIS £ 00., Philadelphia. October 24. Pollak & SOn, MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTURERS,. 692 Broadway, near Fourth street, New Tork. Wholesale and retail Rt. reduced rates. Firms and Bottlers cut to order and repaired. All goods war stinted genuine. Send stamp for circular. Pipes 0 4 b, 4 i0 each. Apr 10-11 m EM PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, :Me Whitest, the most durable and the most cconom• lea , Try it I - Menufactureil only by Weiler a limftbi wi l9 t i us44 Dfuß Paint. & Mau booloto 1mi1061,3 Not tiff Prices Reduced. PICTURES FOR AL Q W. BURCAW would respectfully announce to S the citisens of Allentown and the publio in general, that on nOoonnt of all kinds of goods mad Photographic stock having come down, ho Is pre pared to make all kinds of Photographic Pictures as cheap and cheaper than any body else in this place. Owing to my superior Light and excellent instruments, I am prepared to take superior Photo graphic Pictures, of all styles and sizes, such as Plain and Colored Photographs, Cartes de Visite., Ambrotypos, Melainotypes and Fe*rotypes. Card Photographs, full figure or Vignette at $2OO Per. doz., or 8 for $1 00. No extra charge for stamps or postage, at S. W. Buroaw's Photograph gallery Pictures enlarged to any site. Particular attention is given to copying old Daguerreotypes and Ambro wood into Photographs. All work eioeuted in the beat style, and on the most reasonable terms Splendid pictures for the Album are made per dozen only ; no extra charge for stamps. We have also on ha d a splendid assortment of hilt and Rosewood •Frames, which will be sold at the lowest price. Semember priors are cheaper than at any other place. All work warranted durable. jilfrltemomber the place, No. 7 East linOlton street, 3 doors below the Allen House, Alle ju voww, Pa. 13-tf Dr. P. R. PALM , LATE SURGEON IN THE UNITED " STATES ARMY, would announce to the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity, that be is contin uing the practice of Medicine in ALLNNTOWN' on Eighth Street, atnse Hamilton, first house above Lichtenwallnor & Co's store. Having had the hon or to belong to the 01.68STINO CORPS at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Franklin's crossing, h.c. and loving had charge of szvettai HOSPITALS, be has had much experience in all the details of SURGERY and the treatment of diseases generally. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the Jarrett:ion hisniost. CoLLEGB of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine during the past eight een year.. Having had much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would especially solicit the patronage of those who may be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. , Having re stored the sight of many, who have been BLIND Fos MID& lle would also solicit the attention of those suffering from chronic diseases, such as DROPSY, (for which helms an almost Wettable remedy,) Dlboarel Of the KIDNUYS, RAEUYATIBH, NVINALOIA, CBRON IC Coo One, DIATIRMBL and DYNZISTART, (which he professes to curd in loss than half the time required by ordinary remedies,) Guam, Comas, or enlarge ment of the neck, Pit.r.s, Miramar:llr consumption In children, Bicx Haansene k TAPE irony, Matms (mous, Scaorots, or King's evil, ErILBPSY, Or falling sickness :yin= Song TiallOAT ) TIITTNI4DI6- RANDS PICULIAR're ; also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart. Having now practiced medicine here for over two yearn, the Doctor is able and willing to refer to per sons in this place who have boon cured by him of most of the diseases specified. All calls from town or county will receive prompt attention by' day or night. • • • • Medicines furnished to all patients, which he pre pa:os himself, as he will use none but the very best. 1 References : Ili* former pationir kilentown. May 23. 1865 Notice to the Suffering! PERSONS who suffer from that painful disease known as the PILR3 will be heartily glad to learn that a remedy for their sufferings has' been discovered. The remedy is the well 'known Pp* Root, and the undersigned can prove that he bas cured hundreds of pc. sons with his discovery This medicine has but recently been introduced In this neighborhood, and already many inqUirioe for it aro made daily. The remedy can be procured at the Lehigh Pa. feint hook store, at .the hotels of Messrs. Schnook and lisgenbuiib, and at the residence of the under- signed. in 7th streets Allentown, and of George Reinhardt, Trumbauorsville, Salford township, Bunks county, Pa. Feb. 13, '.16-3ai Banks. Dinmore & Co. Succrsrors to A. B. DAVIS & CO., Manufacturers of Patent St.,nlard dascrißtions of Mrtnatit and Portable PLATFORM SCALES AND PATENT BEAMS N. W. ConMM. or 15th Bt . & Penna. Avenue. Phikora. Sept. 20, 1885 PURE LIES ERTY WHITE LEAD will do wore and Lotter work at a given Cost, than any other! Try it! Manufactured only by ZIEGLPIR & SMITH, WnOLEB►LE Dnro, PAINT and GLABB DBALims. No. 137 North Third Street. P an3o-ly INVE N TORS' OFFICES, D'E PIN t UIL & EVAN 9, CIVIL ENGINEEP B & PATENT SOLICITORS, No. 435 Walnut street, Philad'a. Patents solicited—Consultations on Engineering D rangbting and Sketches, Models and fdachiner, f all, kinds nava and skilfully attended to. Spa. ( dal Stiontion given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES. Authentip Copies of all Doe uments from Patent Mao procured. N. 8.-Save yourselves useless trouble and tray oiling capeness, as there is no actual need iot per sonal lotarrie* with us. AU busineth *lib then offices ties trii,truneseted In .vrrldog. .Sor flintier infejltiatlon' 'direct SS shore, Klti stamp for obrculur nturruforlanees.- • • • dituttstt, ti, Mt • • - . ..174 S. W. BURCAW ME LEVI EUUNS. ~.CWC~~~9 PUITABLA YOB WEIGH LOCKS, IL U. TRACKS, DEPOTS. COAL: HAY, A.ND LIVE STOCK. Also, all the verteue I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers