iltgt Nttigt gtgisitt, ALLENTOWN, PENN'A. TO ADVERTISERS. The REGISMEO, has a largor circula tion, by several hiin - red, 'thcin a other English paper in the county. . ,MAY .13;1866. REPUBLICAN ST N IN a iON O.OR ' Major General John W. Geary, OP CFNIipLAND COrNITT. THE E ISTErt Irm - t axapall N2 v 302 ONLI''''4LAVENTI-FIVE C7B We off_tr UB ,litatorstt as a campaigo paper from Ali date until November let, so M SC give every one an opportunity of see ing kow the eanvas is condwned and its irsolte, for fiIr,VHNTX-FIVE CENTS Ms barely AO idr 4 the paper on wh chit in printed, but we aro desirous of circulat ing sound - doctrine, and therefore apr.eal to oven , Republican in Lehigh county to aid Oa. Bea 1 ti'tfitt - names with the cash. The Uzitarrilled. The objests'af Northern copperheads and Southern traitors, (though why they should bye two names is not so clear, as they work together as a uuit,) are no doubt oar featly set forth in the speeches and toasts of a late Meeting in New York. G. W Tobin 'defiveired a long tirade against Con gress and inlayor of States' rights, slavery, fru trade, &0., He said : The representative and embodiment of abolition principles was stricken down in the very sepith of its encores, and it is n sauce of congtatuletion to every Demo drat. * *. ;Ito great danger is the ten dency to acquiesce in the wrones which the abolition revolutionists have inflicted upon our country, but it is the work of every true Damoprat to secure, by political agita tion, every tight the people may have leaf• by the utijltit'and arbitrary power of the 11117. Then come the toasts, one of which we give:— " The rights of the South, transferred fromibe field to the forum. The pen shall yet be viejtprious over the sword.' After s trl . tiolt Ex-Guvornor Seymour, of Connecticut, dimple of Benedict Arnold, said: The sentiment just read. and to which 1 am expodecl to respond, ie not unfamiliar MI me It ie the essence of the principles laid down by (he Demooraoy. * * Any attempt to °cleric a State on account a: treason ok,individttals is a vie.ation of the This showe the real . feelinge and senti ments of the ✓ mere banded together under the name of Domooraoy, and every vote earl for,one of their candidates is p vote in fsror of . restoring Jeff. Davis, Brook in ridge, and sheshVole paokzof bloody-handed vil- Hans to ,Oor in the nation, to make 'laws for thiltiteinmont of the thousands of soldiers who fought to sustain the Consti- Sidon, and the widows and orphans of those ,ho fell iri:battle, died in camp, or were murdered by them at Andersonvillo uud other placer. - - lattestkons for Radical Copperheads , to Answer. Did Sumner or Stevens at any time op pose any messurre calculated to strengthen arintand navy during the rebellion ? Ad t heyever oppose any measure recom mended by the President for the raising of amps or . proouring supplies for the army ar navy? When, did 'either of them oppose any . • aseasure suggested by either President Doehanan k Lincoln or Johnson, for the protection of the people against violeno. , Mange, mob law and brutal murder? When have the maj rity in Congress ii 6 l o 4ed tit Psf!a any law that was n t ne esaaary for, the punishment of crime or the 'volution of the people ? Did not James Buchanan, while Presi dent, recommend to Congress to change the Constitution so that it would recognize slivery f Did eetttDemoeratio administration per mit the rebellion to be organissd with its knowledge, without a pro' est ? Dtd.pot,a Democratic administration per mit ihd national treasury to bo plundered by its own dicers; the army and navy to be scattered So that the., wend be for 00,011:i, it.i . ntint at New Orleans to be saiiedVy a inoll; the arsenals, forts and dnekvaTde, to be taken possession of by th , rebele,,,and' ford their arms and wy the Goveionititt was too weak to protect itself, and there was no warrant is the Constitu tion or laws' to punish traitors? *Wet& the rebellion planned, instigated commenced an l ,parried on by members 01 the Democratic party, 'then in office, with the Moifeit .of the Coital! States stolen from the if eitsury and arms and ammunttfon alders Irma the places of deposit ? Didiket the Democrats at every town mattliftw . Writitity and State convention, ad visotthe :eurrendo of the government to tbe lebid leaders? Did not the Chicago ottay s astlqn.applevo the .same ? Have not the Democrats always, on every ennasionpoppoeld ell measures for strength s:46lolre army and navy and.feeding and clothing them'whila in service s ? Did the 3 epif,vote ligainat every measure intended t, sentlit the soldiers? 4 11rii:itt ‘ ey not now in favor of elevating and, soldiers of the rebel tinny to positions :tf' trust under the Conetitutiot, la s istittietiet to Union soldiers? 801:D111118) Will you cast; your Votes fm the democratlo nominee, H :ENTER CLYMER tits ton who Would have tattoo * that tom eketlshed of tight. from )on T The Newiilide-Doer party. Johnson. failing to defeaßlen. Haw. ley in Becton .to htive turned his attention to Pennsylvania and'marked via. Geary as a Imam, to his pride and "ambition. Fearing 'o endorse Mr. Clymer ipeniy, ho has ivaugurated a new - party 7-0 ittlo "aid. -door" arrangement—hoping thereby to induce enough Republicans by hribes.anel threats to desert their principles and throw away their votes on a third can- Every intelligent Union voter of course knows that to vote for a third (medi tate is a vote against Geary and in favor of l)lymer, the manifest purpose, ofthe torigi ators of Ibis movement is of course the de .eat „of Gen. Geary; but we incline to the of inion that they will tail in this, because if Mr. Johnern's proselytes are true to therrstlves and to the new party, it will take in more copperhead voters than Re publicans. William F. Johnston and Sen ator Cowan are the chief pings of this new organization in Western Pennsylvania, where the movement seems to have origi nated, and neither of them possess the least personal or political influence. Both these worthies supported McClellan and Pendle ton, in 1864. It is true Mr. Cowan did not canvass for the copperhead ticket, but he nevertheless lent what little influence he bad to the copperhead party. Mr Wm. F Johnston stumped Allegheny county fur McClellan and Pendleton, and after all his labors Allegheny gave a larger Union maj ority than she over did before—Lincoln's majority being 9 105. We do not believe that five thousand Republicans can be found in the State who will abandon their prinui. plea and join this third party ; but let it be,six times that number, Geary will nev ertheless be olcoted. -Ont Washington correspondent "Ma nocaoy," whose interesting letter for this week has been mislaid, informs us in a pri 'toe note that it has leaked rut that Tom. Florence, editor of the Constitutional Lni on newspaper, is to be the Johnson candi date for Congress from the first district of Philadelphia. A better selection could not be made, because Tom. thinks the people of the North are traitors and the rebels all patriots and a wronged people. In a re cent spneeh, to a number of green'uns from Fenianland; TOM. said ho did not know which he hated most, Old England or New 'England. But Tom. will nut have the fielo all to himself. Dlr. Randal , the present member, Bays that he is4l termined not to give way to stfoh a lowand vuigar politician as Tom. Florence. The distuot is copper Lead by tt least 2,000, but if both • these ?gentlemen are determified to run, I suppose the Union m.minee could manage to, slip in between them. Ma. Clymer the Ooppey:head candidate for G.:vernor, taus' bo a very determined dace-seeker, how do the old liners who holu to the motto : "vote the whole ticket and nothing but the ticket," like his record ? Look at it : The Reading Journal gives the statistics of Mr. Clymer's vote in Berke; county, which , s anything but fiatteriog to his pride. In 1860 he was on the Whig tiokot for Assem bly, and ran 1,509 votes behind Gen. Keiw. who ran on the same ticket• for Congress . In 1860 he lan on the Di mocratia ticket for Senator, and polled 654 votes less than Foster received for Governor. In 1861 he was beaten by the Democratic candidate for Associate Judge, and in 1864 ho ran behind tour orhis agiaciates ou the ticket. rhe Journal adds : "We have thus shown Mr. Clymer's pop ularity at home in past years—a sure indi cation o' what may be expected in 0-tobet next. Ho ran behind his ticket on every occasion and will 'do so again There"are not a dcren Republicans in Becks county, including his relatives and personal friends who wdl vote for him." It is evident that his nomination was intended as a reward for his abuse of the Government and opposition to the soldiers on all occasions since the commencement of tl,e rebellion, and his support of the men and measures of the Southern Contei. eraoy. What part did ho take in'the or ganisa.ion of tho tail end of the . Rebel ar my in New York at the time the battle of Gettysburg was being fought and the New York riots were in lull piagrees? Tnioxiny.—lf any evidtneeves needed to substa .tiate the foot that the recent air euler of President Johnson, in refereree to the appointment of soldiers to office, was a mere "heat—a swindle—we no, d but look to the recent removals and appointments in our own State.. While numerous removals and appointments have been male, in only one or two instances have soldiers been sp-. pointed. In the departments at IVashirg ton, Senator Guthrie, Tom Florence an others of the same persuasion have procured clerkships for some of tho most virulent ocpperheads, through . the intercessions o the President, while htindred6 of disabled soldiers; whose applications have long been pending, ask for places in vain. Shame on such hypoorloy and deceit 1 Tu inhumanity of the Radicals towards tho people of the South is fullc, illustrated in the reports of the Bureau of Relngres and Freedmen. Thua the commissiun2r for titanium reports that during Jaouary, 1865, rations were termed to 5,245 wbito persons and 2,426 colored ; in February, to 13,083 whites and 4 100 o',lnred ; in ‘dareli, to 17. 204 whites and 5 877 colured: Th./ over how of the b4rettu is d. .mando t by thi• Aoutherp people whom it is saving trim .Lrvatam and by the copperheads of the North because it coals so run:bAo tuaiu.aiu le and welous neuroes ! TILE Ribhmend Christian Observer calls anon• the perplo of the S.:uth to or iy fur I. ff Mivia. We think i , Will take Donald• rah o praying to ■biolvo sub a culprit !ram hie ialamous.Criinee, EIPIPM Tar. OOL'AISD TINNEBIII6AN.-A • paper published at Nashyillo Tenn., by colored men has been in etitet c3eljlhtint sit months It . ' may be said• to be the-standard of the opinions of the colored robe (late chattels)' of that part of the country. It, is end..rsed b} President Johnson, and he Las subscrib ed for a number of copies t; bo distributed amonmliirfrtende. What do the wdishit era of "my polidy" in Lehigh think of this ? Yir:nder if any of our neighbors reedy , b copy of it . fratikecl by the Department. MAD.--The copperucatt l presses are rav ing because the report of the Reoonstrul tion Uumniittec attys nothing ab)ut negro suffrage. A prop has been knocked from under them. ,They hoped acid prayed for s , mothing of this kind, so thap they could appeal still more vehemently to the preju dices of the ignorant, and, in the words of the President, could " ride the colored man" for political effect. THE Copperheads of Cumberland at a late meeting passed resolutions in honor of E gar Cowan, urging that ho bo made the Copperhead candidate to suolecd himself. This is a very adroit movemont, to cheat Cowan, and he is weak enough to swallow • bait. But does any sane man Fupposo k 3 tha , the Cops. would trust Cowan ? Nta bit o At. Cowan and Johnson may as ell make up their minds, onoo for al., that th ir official lives will end tivith their present terms of officio. Ma Henry S. Stanberry of Ohio, the au• thor of President Johnson's veto messages, has lit on nominated to the Supreme Bench as a reward for important services rendered Re belongs to the Pierce Buchanan sohool of polities, and of course will not be con firmed by the Senate. Ma. Fillmore, who is now in Europe, has written to President Johnson to declare Isis warm admiration for "his policy." This makes four el-Presidents who hhve given it the sanction of their high approval, viz : Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, and Davis. 01 the three living er-Vice Presidents, Brcck inridge and Stephens approve the policy, white Mr. Hamlin alone condemns it. This proves decidedly that Mr. Johnson has the majority on his aide. Ir was a trick ot,the rebels to raise the Union flog wt - en goiue into battle. Th. of this State are trviri it now yocat tecorb. TfrEla3 OT `7.11n IPAPE2g $2.50 per Year or $2.00 if Paid Boys clothing Innis 84 tti S2O suit. at Weiss' Store, Nu. 51 East Bausilto street. A liAnomN.—A -Shaw & Clark" Sew ng Machine, bran new and in perfect work ng order, for sale very cheap at tide office CosysNizoN.— rho soldiers of this State will hold a convention in Pitteburg on 'he sth of June next. E.ich legislative die trio' is requested ta send five delegates. Vitr - Ma. B. F. B )yer has purchased the shovel factory, in tho First Ward, lately oar• ried on by Messrs. Trumbower dv Rohn. 110 will manufacture all the varieties of shovels, and supply them at pity prices. Oar "devil" says that gqtting in love is something like getting drunC: the more a fellow does it the more ho wants to. just so is it with those who buy their groceries at W. C. Smith's, on Bth street, above Turner. ma Col. W. II Arwatrong, Deputy See retary of this Commonwealth, has resigned and will return to Easton and resume the practice of law. W. W. fays, late chief Mork of the State Department, succeeds him. OS' At Weiss' now clothing store, you can buy a superfine suit for $33,v Call and see before you buy elsewhere. offino•coate aro by no means bus Mess habits, and all habits aro not good hab its, but the elotbing sold by F. 11. Broinig, No. 11 East Hamilton street, aro such habits as . ehopld adsrn archly man, because they aro bumming. . FLANNELB.—Do not remove your under olothing too early in the spring. Wait unti warm weather fairly Am in, then sobstituu light flannels for your heavy ones. Fianna should bo worn next the akin during the en tiro summer. • PR Oar former townsman, Rev. John II Sykes. has removed to Somerset, &menet • county. Pd. lie has received and accepted a call to be come the• pastor of four eongroptions of the German Reformed church in that county. ftir Recoipt No. I—A teoeipt for instan taneously removing superfluous hair. Under take to kiss a spunky woman against her will Receipt No 2-17 t) got everything you wan at a low price, go to the cheap etore of R Shuman, corner of 7th and tiordon streets. A NEW Flan —James S. Bicry, who for several years plat has been one of the moe successful teachers inothis county, has auan doped the • profession, and entered into co Partnership with S. E Aierta. in the boo• and shoe business, on fiamilton, 2 doors below street. ODD• FELLOWS' PA RADE.--Tho Odd Fellows of Reading intend having a gra , parade. in full regalia, on Tuesday. the 22nd of May next. A large number of Lodger from etwoad are expected to participate Oee of the finest parades ever witnessed may be anticipated. . , Itia Wan do well let klador kaura wit dor sn zum Weies, No. 51, die nokeqta doer' aim Col Good Beim wertzlotas. Dor forkau wolfler %via aner in donna Scutt. Du kunst o gonoy Built kuufa dot tar $lO. CITASAUQUA IVENIS —On . Metinesda , last, of 00118 , 1 wpm was corn mitt d to jail for abusing his family. Intern rennet" was the 0111186 00 Saturday. Mrs. Kane, an Irish worn' fr in ilokendauqua, , wh;le walking on th, railroad witalni eked down by the tender of locomotive and was con.i i.r.blv injured. tom The Counoul 01 he 13orough of Ai Ipntown hare numbered the hose and fir. Companiem, a. fulbtarg • AmPrica none Co No. 2 • • • Goal will Fire Co No 3. Columbia Fire Co No 4 This arrangement has been approve., 11 O. a pveral comrades. The Vigilant Fir. Cu. t ill bi Nu. 5. Strictly in Advance ser The place to Inly Var teal islik J. Linde!.! .4 corner of eatentb and Linde!. .4 meets. Ile keeps none bus the beet, nod sell,. it impheap as the cheapest.- inlay 8.-203: CAVCOES, MtWine, Silks, Delsines";DO. cabs, PoAim Organdies, Ohintsee, Nansoides Swiss, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, do'. cheap or than ever, at [Libor Bro 'a, 3 doors above the Eagle Hotel. (Wilson's old stand.) tta.. The b at lawny flour, grain, feed of ail kinds. can be -had at J. W. Ole• well's, corner of Seventh and Linden streets He keeps an excellent article, and sells at th, lowest market price. [may 8-2 w A public. Tomporanco m , oting will be held in Temperance Ha% on Friday evening next, at 8 o'clock . . Go id speakers will addrest. rho meeting, and good memo will be . given 1)1 the independent choir. The public is invited to attend. 1r von wish to sod the largest assortment of Dress Goods ever brought to Al , entown such as Poplins, Mohairs, Fancy Silks, Al camas. Plaids, Jo., call at Hubpr 13ro.'s, three doors above Eagle Hotel: (Wilson's old stand. • s Tho Catosaugu & Fogeleville Rail road Co., will put a, k ew locomotive on their road, and build n new Scale near Cataeauque, calculated to weigh eleven or twelve ore carp at a time, which will be according to our knowledge, the largest scale in this country THE LIMITATIONS BUIBNESB, or the manifest duty of confining worldly employ ments within reasonable hours. This will be the topic of a discourse by the Rev J. H. Ap. pleton at the Itaptivt Chun:lion next Lord's day ovenina, May 13th. Clerks, Employers and all interested aro invited. am, The Rat Penna. Railroad Company will commence, on Sunday, May 13, ti tun their Sunday Ezeuraion train, leaving ltml ing at 7.30 A. M, and returning from Allen town at 4 10 P. M. arrivinz, at Reading at 0 P. N. stir The Secretary of the Treasury ha decided that farmers are not required, in mak ing their income returns, to include the vain'. of their farm produ:its consumed by themselveq and th-ir families. This will make a mater ial reduction in the taxes of farmers. terDean mitt said with much truth. "It ie useless for us to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he has net•or been reason ed into " Very true, but this does not appl . , , to the feet that you cannot reason the lathe out of the idea that M. J. Kramer, upposit. the Eagle Hotel, has act the best and cheap• est stook of Dress Goods in this county. tgEOF An Irish editor, in spenking of the miseries of Ireland says: "Iler cup of miser has beep for ages overfhwing, and is not NI vet I" Well, wuether it is full or not, w. don't know, but one thing wo do know, an , . that is Shimer Bros., st,re two doors ahoy. the Bade Hotel is full of a choice and we. neleeted st.ok-qf go which they are very•cheicp. Ca I early to get the bargains Au, THE Go.—Anothor large arrival o new goods at the Lion MU— the meet etylieh of the Realm:. An early call will be an al vantage to the buyer. Our readers will re, member that Miaere: Breinig A [Alt, at 411. Lion Hall, have the reputation fir rurninz 0.1 the beet fits. Also the largoet etock of reit I. made clothing in town. Call nod see th • -trtide that are." all the go " tJ ehean clothing at Weiss' olothirg Afore, at No 51 Emit Hamilton street. Coat vest mid pants for SlO.OO. tom. A man out West says that ho moved so often during one year. that whenever a coy erect wagon stopped at his gate. his chicken would fall on their backs and hold up th e i, feet, in order to be tied acid thrown in. Speak. ing.of chickens reminds UN of the fact that J. Gosieer & Co , Grocers. have colatantly hand a supply of chickens, groceries, frost. and dried fruits, vegetables &0., at the market prices. g Gen. Uonrad Shialer, an aged and much respected citizen of Habover 'Township, Northampton county, died very suddenly near his reeidence on Monday the 30th ult. lii• was in a field giving hie workmen some dine, done, when ho tell forward and died withoul a groan. ,Ho was in hie 69th year. Gen. Shimer was a prominent county politician, at one time was a member of the State Senate, and was a very influential man in his party DEATH OF A PROMINENT (ATI:M.—We regret to announce the death of Thomas Craig. E-q., who died at his residence in Allentown, on Friday morning, after lingering for a long time with consumption, aged about 42 years Mr. Craig represented Lehigh and Carbon counties for four years in the lower house of the State Legislature, and the Carbon district for threw years in the Senate. There was much in the character of the deceased to ad mire. le / Speaking of the "undeveloped wealth of the 'country,". a loafer said' that was ,exactly his position ; he posessed vast resoureestwas very rich—but his wealth was _undeveloped Respecting the loafer's wealth it may be 'true • but as regards the immense stock of new anti cheap goods at Lawler S 5 Steckel's store, No. 20 East flatnilton street, it is not true.' for they are fully developed, and the proves and quail. ty duly appreciated by their daily crowds of customers. Meo and Boys' clothing made to order at Weiss' (Meal; store. Mr Reiser, cutter. ACCIDENT ON THE AST I'ENN. R R.- Che freight train on the bast 1 3, 4nn. Railroad. was thrown from the track, on Wednesday of ternonn, about 4 o'clock, near Lyons Station. to consequence of a cow getting under the ears seventeen cars were thn,w• from the frock and eleven smashed to pie^es. Geo. Leeds. the cooduutor, had hie arm broken, and 1' Wagnor and henry Frey, brokesmen, were also injured. They escape by jumping from the ears or they would probably have been ,crushed to Dath.—News. Uttl'About two wfoks ago, R ev. Cyrus Becker, of Catasauqua, while on his way to preach a funeral sermon at Shaffner's church ,vas smoking-a pipe while riding along, 'Ar riving at the church, he knocked the burning °lntents from the pipe, by striking it on th osm part of the dasher, the lire falling. upon a rope which lay ,in the carriage. The tire communicated to the rope and from the 'o the carriage, and consumed the entire ye aicle, with the exception of the running gear, oefore it was disuover. , ll and extinguished. ORGANIIZXTION OF A SOLDIERS UNTON.— locating at returned soldiers was held ut iterwit & Crater's saloon, on Friday evening last, to organize a Soldiers' anti Ssilors' Unio , '.se eiation• An election for permanent otfi a•tra resulted in the choice of Gil 'flighty' it- G id. as Presi lent ; 3I dor A , 13 Schwartz Vice President: Nlajar Walter H. Selo. Trott. o'er ; and Charles B.tchin to, Secretory. A lininittee of fifteen way appointed, three from sae , ' Ward, to solicit subscriptions for a in in anent to be erected oa the lOch of October lest. Thit committee consist of: First Ward: 'apt Bend 0. gun, tout lle.try 11.1timaa and / Hee Troller ; Second Ward : Capt Win. Kleckner. J W, Rebsr, Franklin Iteiptr ; NOM Ward: Capt Ilehry %Yowler, Charles B tohman Frank G sod ; F mirth Wird : llwnry 0. Kaiper. Thlton U. M.rtz, P•ter If terns; Filth .. Ward • Cant. U. airy harts lharlee II ' Knauss; Alien P Rhoads A committee o twisting of ‘lajor Walter 11. 'sip. M dor A. B warts. Peter B•rnds. P Rhoads and Dimel o.Gerhard, were ap olitts4 to ascertain thebosr Nod malPas a cult. able looatlon for the proposed monument. LUTDID AND -114. n EFoRMATIoN.— A leuturcenlogistio of tho great derman and MR .cork. will be deliiiered by Rey. Win. Cath cart of Philadelphia,"in the, Court House on next Tuesday evening, at 71} o'olook. Adrait, ranee for_adults 25 amts ; children 15 cents. 'Proceed?' for benefit , of Allentown Baptist Sunday School. FATAL itTOK.-ci, lad numed Herman Ratchel, aged 14 yearn, a etep•son cf Henry Oressler, residing on North Tenth street;"wan so severely kicked by a mule:on the towing oath of the Lehigh Canal, neat Lehighton, on Thursday last, an to cause his death. Young Ratobel was prnployed as driver by a boatman .ind in walking too near the mule, received kick in .a ruptured spot, and died bi four noun afterwards. ear The man h o; improvement is still mward the daily improvements in all branch es of neecheniee are sufficient to astonish the staid old inhabitants who have passed a large *p rtion of their- lives in peaceable pursuits. .rhe times in which wo live have stimulated inventors to now exertions. :and in nothing hae'the inventive genius of the country been more exorcised than that of , the pen. The latest and best is the Keystone, to be had at the book store of Troller, tisrlaoher & Weiser. LEHIGH LYCEUM.—By special invitation wo attended a meeting of .the Lyceum last week. This society meets in Temperance Hall every Thursday evening. We aro pleas ed to see that many of our young men hale beao s tne members of the Lyceum and manifest an interest in its success. From the manner in which tho meetings are conducted they can not fail to bo interesting and profitable to its members. Their object—intellootual improve ment—is a laudable ono, and should receive every 'possible encouragement from our citi• zene. HOW TO DISPJBE of MUTILATED CDR.. lIIINCY.—A great many persons are at a lots to know how to'dispose of ragged and mutila• red currency that accumulates on their hands It is the easiest thing in the world. When you z,et three dollars' worth on hand, put it in a smahl package, pin a paper Land around it with r your name post of fi ce address and amount: then put in an dpvel me and address it to th , Treasury of the United States, Washington U. C." In a few days you will receive nee currency in return. It goes rad returns free of postage: CLOSING OUT,—B.lrlains at Audioth— Great bargains are now offered at the store of the lute Samuel Weaver, at lbreaversville, in N wthatnpton county, comprising a large stock of Dry Goode, Groceries, Queensvrare, Hard ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes; h , all of which are now sold at a sacrifice h order to ul the business ol the, estate. A public nuctio. viii ho held at the store on Monday afternoon Lod evening. May 21st., when the entire stock vill be closed out, giving an excellent opp o r unity to th , . so who desire to purchase good, cheap. CONOERT —On to-morrow evening, Ma' 9th, the Rev. 11. Wendt, of Germantown till, with sixty of his orphan children, visi kllentown, and hold concerts in both th' English and G-eman Lutheran Churches. 0 .Vednesday evening in St. Paul's (German n fore the scholars of both Sunday Schools nn Thursday morning, at Oi o'clock, at th .ntme placo, before, tae member/1 of the con .tra ation, and on Thursday evening, at 7 .'clock, in St. John's (English) before tin n 'miners of the congreg won Collection' ill be taken each tim• for tho benefit of ill )rrimns' dome. at rmanown. PITRENOLPOY *.eslrb Fowler & Welln 380 Broadway, have just issued a new am'. inproved Poronologeral Bust. showing th , rt , st clasificati in and ozact location of the Organs of the Brain, designed for learner,. 111 the newly discovered organs are given. I is divided FM as .to show each Organ and ad 'he other groups—Social. Ex , cuiive, Intense mai, and Moral—classified. It is now ester - ripely used in Europe, and ie almost the only me in use here. 'I here are two siz e s —thi largest near the size of life—is sold at $2.00 rho smaller ono, which is not more than six riches high. an I may be carried in the pock sr, is only $l.OO. May he sent by Express, or as freight. Address, Fowler & Wells; 380 Broadway, New Y wk. CONVENTION Or Sc HOOT, DIRECTORS.— The school direc ore of the county met at the Court Muse, in this borough, at 1 u'e!ock. russday afternoon, to elect n superintendent tf puha schools for the ensuing three years Abraham Ziegen fuss, E4q., of Emaus, selected to act as Chairman, and J. S. Dillinger and 15 1 , C. Liehtenwallnor as Secretaries. The °leaden being in order, the names of 11. J Young and IV. G. Souders were place I in 'nomination. On motion, a ballot was held when E. J. Young reoeived.7s votes W. 0. Souders " 12 " E. J. You - ng , having received a majority of the votes polled, the Chair declared him eleoted The salary of the Superintendent was filed at $l,OOO por annum. Tau REOORDINO o' DF Kos.—Many of our readers, perhaps, are not aware that there is a stringent law respecting the prop-r r - cording of deeds in the Register's office, and from - that ignorance may sometime be pltieed in t an embarrassing and disastrous position We copy the Act that all may see and govern themselves accordingly : • "All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the offers for recording deeds in the county where the lauds lie, within tix months alter Ile execution of such deed•', and conveyances , n it recorded as aforsairi. shall be adjudged raudulent and void against any subsequent purchase fir a valuable Consideration. unless deeds be recorded before the regarding it the deeds or conveyance under which such absequent puruhasa or mirtgrtgar shall claim.. ' TUE FIREMEN'S PARADE —Upon the trrival of the new carriage of the America :Live Co• No 2, and in accordance with the request of that Company, quite an imp oared° came off in our borough last Tuesday. Although the weather was disagreeable, the ',recession was large and presented a fine ap pearance, The Good Will Fire Company, with their apparatus, came -first in order, accompanied by the Ringgold-Band, of Reading, who die.- .nursed fine music for the occasion. The [look and Ladder CO and the Good Will's old hand engine followed by the Columbia Eire Co. it,nd apparatus. The Columbia engine was , nounted by two characters. representing the (Jodtless of Liberty nod American. Indian Viol Lehigh Cornet 131nd. followed by Ameri ca Bose Co. wound up the procession. The Lehigh Band also performed some fine airs Notwithstanding thn rain the sneers were oretty well tilled with people. The America made a floe appearance with their new cor n age. u rty Y t hit kl)3111311N. co Cater.—Jonas User, Lonthill; Paul Brown. N firth Waitohall; A Iron Doha. lower Mil ford; Rtvid Danner. Lower Nlautingie; Rich ard Dynr, Snitington; It.tubon Ill'tert, Lynn; Henry (1 irr. Lewnr MacantEie; Charlet; U mg. swore, Upper Swoon; Henry Ilammol. Han ov,r; Onriitian Genning-r. Upper Milford; Levi Kresely. 41eidedhurz; Kline. Sal isburg. Jam .s K.ok, A lontnwn; D mica K 1 , .; John La.z Lynn; J 'sap!' Ltubaolt. Lynn; tVillinm LantLe. Upper S inc inn; Abraham \lover' Lnwer NLlf D tvid Peter, Wei.en ham Slum Reichert, S mth Wfwellall; Will km ROD lor, Lever Mica .g e; (I.origo R ab. [lnner Swoon; R.e Der. Upper Mil fnrd; Pater N trth Wnitehall; Jacob Scherer, Smith .Wh t Wall; Samuel Snyder. F 43.11,14; Henry Stntnnyer, Lower Utoungie; Oilieort Steno 4. Catesauqual John•Seinerling,, Upper Henry tithe: J mph Trekler. Squat Wattehall; nueb Uebetrotb. Wetly , trit*ohl l ll 1 M Jn.eph Wette r A n ll i in t P o e w te N r Elinund Yog i Humor. PANSION TO SOLDIERS or 1812 —The bill' granting gratuities and annuities diens of the war of 1812 and their AidotrAhar passed the Senate and Ilottse, dud no doubt has the siitiabtre of the Governor': It , pro video for •thespayinent of a gratuity of $4O, and a thereafter yearly pension of $4O, to al' a *l dlers who served at leastltwo months In thr vh , ar of 1812, or were disabled id the service ' or the widows of the same. Application to 1)P made to the Auditor-General, by affidavit of the applicant te) the fact of service or die,' bili t,v, verified by two witnesses ; and in the ett•a , widows,• affidavit of the widow as to the time of "service of her husband, rind the fact of her lawful marriage. . Tux Citora.—Last week we took a trit through a portion of this county and made frequent inquiries about the prospect cf thr amps, and were assured that winter grain looks remarkably well and bids fair to yield ahead. ant harvest. GiaSe though backward, owing to tho oold weather that prevailed during the month of April is very thick and bids fair to be a heavy crop, corn planting has just coin menced, cherries and small fruits generally bid fair to be an average yield, the cold weather having not injured them. Apples we cannot expect to have a supply off until the practice of procuring trees and grafts from western New York and other places is aban doned, and our farmers raise the trees from the *end. MACHINE Pr ETRY.-:—During our absence from home last week ono of our boys took hold .of our poetry machine, and by a few turns of the crank brought out the following. which by the way is not a fair specimen of what the machine can do, if properly ran : 'ion who in business would rise, Should in the Register advertise. they who a massive stock would see, Should examine Massey's jewelry. In selling goods, Christ and Sauer Dealers that "Panic rules the hour." Of shoe dealers, Wm. 11. Seip Co make a trade is always ripe. Cheap Goods aro'proolaimed in thunder tones At the cash store of Burdge ft Jones. If ufflicted with fleshly ills, •lonsult the card of Ayer's pills, But if you want a healing halm, ;3o and consult Dr. P. R. p a :6 l . t. 4 for alms and china ware, With Mr. Walker none e,n compare. In to Mrs Rogers is our advise eo get Spring and Surranok. bonnets nice. For stationery and books, ." rhe (tart' of Rhoads it viting looks. Co purchase cheap many others raise the advise of Shitner Brothers But we give as °login. advice Boy of those who advertise. CosviCrED ham li. 13,ush, of Low or Saucon township. was convicted in th. )curt of Q carter Sessions of Nortlisruptot aiunty, for embezzlement. lievollected set. •ral thonsand (toilers and pa d over al th. money ho had collected except $1,205.52 He was found guilty and sentenced to an im orisontnent in the Penitentiary for one year GENERA 4 NEWS ITEM. Thera are sixteen iron clads now in cours f oonetruetime. The small-pox it prevailing in IVasiiingto uu alarming extent. The apron crap in lJ mieinna will hevo b • replanted, on ace Out of defective seed An 'titer bond robbery, to the a•nnunt n $1.9 000, Imo been ootnmitted in AN ck• York The thievea an the rklissigsipni steamers or , very active. They secured nearly $ll,OOl , rom passengers on two steamers vieJk before ast. Some of the Ocorgiu planters have been Ibliged to plant a second crop of cotton. owing o a loes of vitality in the seed, caused by too ong storage. A little girl was acaidentally killed in Dutchess county, N Y., a few days sineo, b) her father firing at a dowhoneo in which ehe way playing. ' 'lt is stated that the Mormons in Utah are rebelliona. They have recently assassinated sight Gentiles, and have p . tsted up placards warning all Gmtiles to leave the Territory. The remains of Philip Embury,.the founder of Methodism in the United States, interred near Cambridge, N. Y.. have been removed to a more oonspietios burying ground at that place. A man iu jail at icarrhoryprt, has made a statemont in relation to the murder of Dr. Burden, some years ag,), Ile says Mrs. Cunnirgham offarod him $25,000 and her daughter in marriage if he would kill the Doctor Henry C. IVltenler, of New York, n relative of the rebel General Wheeler, was arrested on board the steamer Asia for attempting to skedaddle with $200,000 worth of bowie be longing to the Brunswiols &Elmira and Atch ison & Pike's Peak 11 IL. Companies, and committed to jail. The owner.of.e. large dog at Grand rapids, Mich., h few weeks ago placed a one hundred dollar looking gloss before hie canine to worry him. The dog flew around, barking and growling. The owner was delighted and cried "Sick 'em ;" the dog . "sicked ;" the mirror and the "other dug" disappeared at .the same time. The joke rather turned on the owner Tho Spanish fleet bombarded Valparaiso on the 31st of March, destroying prverty to the value of $20,000,000, principally that of foreigners. 1t is reported that ordure have been given by the government of Spain to destroy, burn and desolate all the Chilian and Peruvian towns on the coast. This is the greatest outrage that has been perpetrated On The American continent. • The debt of the United States on the Istdsv of May, P 66, amounted t► $2 827,076 871.60. Ljes amount of cash in the Treasury to wit: Coin, $80.679 407 02 CUrrency, 61,310 621,80 Onine. whiah a Saar ago were in deman at $2 21 per bUghlii, are now isellinz at Brim tel Rhode Island, for two cent., a bushel. The highest price that can be gut is ten ciente. SOLDIERS or rue WAR or 1812. SAliers of the war of 18[2. Soldier@ of the war of 1812. Widows of the soldiers el ISI2 Widows df the eoldiers of 1812 Widows of the soldiers of 1812 Are entitled to a pension and gratuity from the State of Ponnsyivania. Porwms interest ed aim receive the same orlon application in minion, or by mail. to .ho Military and Naval Agency. JoSEPII E. DF.VITT & Co No 427 Walnut street, Pisiladelphia. 51urnonism IN TUE UNITED STATEB.-s—The Centennial anniversary of the introduction of Methodism into the United States was appro. priatoly colebroted two vrssks ago by' the re intermont. at Cauribridgo, Washington county, New York; of the remains of Poihpbury, the founder of the Methodist Cottrell in this country. Ile comment), d twor.thip oco trding to the Nleth3 fist forms in 176). at his wit) house. but erahlisho I the first churoh in 1760, in the city tit New York. From the small no -ginning of tho chow) and the 1 teal preach-r, Methodism tae grown. in a century to such an extent that it now numbers sixty conferences. six thousand eight hundred end twenty one itinerant and eight thousand two bandied find five local prcatiners, and its communicants are • numerated by hcridrods of thousands. •No Ither ebat . hae inereaead with such rapidity, a foot which has 'by Jenny Lopn ascribed to the theory that Methodism is in perfect harmony with repablician inetitatione. • . . "One? Eta ronutsti You eon make. Slit Dollars. frAin Fifty 1 0 62 1 0 4 . . Oall nmPesnmine an Invention urgently need •:leierybadyt Or a *_*male sent tree hv mill for "aentt that resins *tally for $O, bit 11. L. Wolcott 170 Ohatbam Square' New Yorks Antnn Probst. the: mnrderer of the ,Eleering w.ts list S:iturilay 4 10:t11( 'nifty of the murder' of Mr. Christian Deering, the qnly indictment 'on Whieh .ho was tried, on lilondiy morning hi %site tigain brought into Court,and after Matthias to .p new trial and in arrest of judgment, had beitn made by his couniel and disposed of by the Court. lie mi. as sentenced to be hunft• A copy of the record of conviction and nen tence has been eont to Gov. Curtin who alone hne pone' to fix the day of Execution, Rrant pardons Lt., otherwise this demon might have nopes. .A . M CSISAO6. —The President seat to the Rouse of Representatives on Tuesday last accompanied with the propositions of the hold Mors of the rebel cot on loan residing in Eng land, for the payment of the bonds. They' propose to cancel - the whole amount of the rebel loan made in England, upon condition that the President will consent that they make a loan to the cotton and tobacco State. of £2O 000 000,.sterling 'for which they will pay an average of 62 per cent , for which they ask the moral support of the'Govornment of the United States, which is equivalent to an en dorsement of the bonds. Secretary Sewer save that none of their propositions are °rait nd to consideration. Tnv IND Now—The old Demacratio party were in favor of slavery and free trade the lat ter for the reason that it kept the working men poor and nearer on a level with .their property, and they could Toint to the laboring men and tell their alavee they were better off than the poor whites. Now they advocate free trade in order to prove the truth.of their old theory that agriculture or meinufactories could not prDepor unless they owned their laborers. By free trade they hope to cripple the resourc es of the i!ountry the better to enable them to use the laborer to accomplish their purpose in again grtting amiseneion of the Government. Imo Special Not4ices Robert , and Noble. DT nig DADD OF TOWLII DALE. My fair one, do not weep end fret For your canary dead: Let Robert hence be your pet, • In that lost songster's stead. song was sweet, bot mine shall be Yet sweeter, when it tells of thee; Ills plumage was of golden hue, lint richer shall be mine— Before thine eyes, in garments new From Tower Mall, I'll shine! WE 11 1 .VE— All wool Fancy Cassimere Coats, as low as $5 00 11 Pants, 4 00 Veete, " 269 Making an entire all-wool fancy suit for 11 50 All-wool black Sack Coats, as low as 11 00 Cassimere Pante, Below a5...a.... 5 00 " Cloth Vests, 4 00 Making an entire a I-wool black suitfor .........20 00 All-wool good styloVancy Caesimere Suits, to-- - matolz ler . 14 50 Astoniiiibing as these prices may seem.compared with those u' which we have bean accustomed for t.or ..nil years, they are ”otflefilinfm—tan have the goods gusiditivv, a , thepricev mi aliened. We maize up no trash—they aro all serviceable goods. Advanc ing from these rates we have goods of all grades, up to the very finest fabrics. comprising by f. r the lay ai A and most. c imu!ete assortment of Clothing in Philadelpin (men's yonibs' and beys'). suipassed by one, and, equal ed by f w in sty e, make and fit, at prices gut-indeed over than the ioweet a eewhere, r the money retunded. - ts,..To CLOTHIERS. -sz . our purchases fn. this season having been de'ayed, vatting the expected decline in goods, we have now in hand the argest and best assorted stock of C oth ng in Philadelphia purchased for c .on exclusively, it the Vera (01004 rates of the seivon, which enables us to realize a fair profit and sell at prices less than :hi cost of same goods in most other estab ishmouts. We eon supply Caoluers doing aline city trails with _coeds adapted to their sales, at prices so much lower hen the cost of their present stocks, that by making An'average of the whole, they will be enabled to die posa of their goods at prices covering the average, cat, and even payin; a profit. TOIVER Ilezz, No. 518 t Street; 13E M N'NE arke TT t CO. SPECIAL NOTICE. • "Great Oaks lion Little Acorns Grow," The worst diseases known to rue tiurn^n nee spring from causes so small as to almost defy detection. The +(flumes of scientific lore that fill the' able. • 11 shelvee of the medical fraternity only go to prove arid elabo rate these facts. Then guard yourselves while you nie.y. The small o:' ' , donde on tho skin is a tell-tale and indicator, of disefo , e. It may fade and die away from the surface bod, but it will reach the 'vitals perhaps, at last, m and de y ath be the result and final (Am. MAO. MEL'S -BILLIOUS DYBPr.l'llO and DIARI I IICA PILL 9 cure where all others ' fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, Meta- OM'S SALV n is infallible. Sold by J. MAnotm, 43 Fulton street, Now York, and all Druggists, at 25 cents or box ~ kleel2-ly ['he Great English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, N. D. Physician Extraordinary So the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfaililg in the ewe if all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the o rs „ oye s ory Button is obstsubject. It moderates all exam ra • ores all ruction!, and a speedy cure nay o, re'ied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is r artionlarly suited.' It will, In a short time, hr.rig on tho monthly period with regularity. h.:aolt bottle, pries Ono Dollar, bears tho Goverm ent Stamp of Great Britain o to prevent counter °efts. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, °eine in the Baok and Limbs. Fatigue on slight ex irtion, Polpitalion of the •Ileart, ITystorics, and trhites, these Fills will effect a cure when all other cleans have failed; and although a powerful reme ly, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any hing hurtful to the constitution. Fulldirections in the pamphlet around each pack. whioh should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. sle Agent for the Unitod States & Can OSß ada, JOB MS, `2l' Cortlandt Street, New York. N. 8.-111.00 and 0 postage stamps enclosed to .cy authorised Agent, will ensure a bottle. oantaln .l2 50 Pille, by return mail.. if UN NEW ELL'S P.CLRICTIO 1 The claims for this,valued idmi7y PILLS. Pill nit] beyond that of an'y other U9O. A test of them will 'not .nly prose this, hut the greater error of •Gripia.g vhich has heretofore boon canned Character. The VICLECTIO PILLL n.vor require ova Iwo, and oldnin but one for the does, act on that bowels with 'at the etighteit griping, a point of the greatest ira done:loot particularly in (Chronic Constipation, 'or which rake a Single Pill, every, or every ether liarbt. They never produce debility and Cure lola. godion. Dyepepoia, Mead Ache. Liver and Kidney Co n aphiba, Piles, Worm. torso! or iinpuraties of the Blood, Lose of Appetite,and al' Derangements of Boierbi or St mind& Sold by all wh alesale a d retail dealers in medicine. 4011'4 L. , 1% DWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist, Commercial Wharf, Boston. Mass. Physicians, or Dealers supplied in Bulk For nul and full Testitnonlals to this Great Moine DO vernpmerat den , on &owl.] Soil by ail.datilers in Allentown, Pa April 10, S-T-1860-5. DRAICITS PL 4,rvreTlON BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and Invigorate: They create a healthy appetite. They am an antidote to ehange or water aradiet. They overrome cffeets of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the systeru'and enliven the mind. They preveut miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath anti acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and constipation. • .' They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera orbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They.are the beat ifitteprlu the world. , They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature's Veit re storm They are made of pure St: Croix Bum, the celebrated Calisaya• Bark, roote.aed herbs, apd aro taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without re ago Or time of day. Particularly reeercureud ed to &Boats persons requiting a petit:, stimulant.— Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, hotels and Saloons. Only genuine when Cork is coveted by captivate D. B. Biecdp. 'lletratemfoountsrfolte audreUlledra r. P. IL DRAM: 6.0 91 Park Row ) New orkd Raphtabor 49, -1m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers