Human • Remains Discovered. In excavating the walls of an old building erected in 1770, on the south side of Wal nut street, below Third, yesterday morning, the workmen discovered a much decayed coffin, containing a portion of the skeleton of a human body; so far decomposed, how ever, that no one could tell whether it was a male or a female. The coffin was of ma hogany. On the top was a copper breast plate, that had been silvered over, but it was so much corroded that nothing as to the identity of the remains could be gained by extimination of it. , The coffin was in a perpendicular position, embedded iu an arch in the middle wall of-the cellar, and walled- -tip -in front -with- soft -brick. --The inner wall was roughly put up, but there was another wall on the outside,. which en tirely closed the whole from view. The exterior wall was build by -a master hand. 'The space in the coffin, around the bode, Was filled with quick lime, and it had eaten away thetkull, spine, and most of the A thigh bone was in a remarkable state of preservation. The lower extremities were almost entirely reduced to blackened dust, mixed with the lime. It nits rather lamen table to see the morbid curiosity of the crowd, in digging, and fitmering, and smel ling the remains of what was supposed to be the most perishable portions of poor hu manity. A woman who, front appearances, iillowed the roving profession of gathering chips, carefully wrapped up some of the dusty remains and putting it in her pocket, made a "bee line," fur home, to show the curiosity to her acquaintences, little drea ming that perhaps site was carrying - away the decomposed remnant (tithe yellow fever of 179:3. A crowd of people soon collected around. and various speculations, doubts, misgivings. and suggestions beeitine rile among the spectators. The coffin was much decayed and crumbled to pieces in removing it away. -Several small bones where obtained by as ;many people, and one sedate looking young, man, in ptity_ilq; a_part- -of a rib into his pocket, cooly remarked that he would con .sider the propriety of - having it made into a. knife handle. Some of the bystanders gravely argued that somebody must have been murdered, whilst others contended that such was improbable, and instanced the fact of the coffin being mahogany, the breastplate, &c.. Au aged gcntlemaii, after duly examining the litre and dirt, supposed that the body must have been there for at least fifteen years; atiother contended that it must have been there for fifty yi ars. There is all incident connected with this nhair as billows : Tim owner of the build lag had often viewed the wa!l in front with suspicion. lie Ml:mined that the had buried gold there, during- the ‘vitit the sous of Jollity full. and lie gave orders to the workmen. [MA when they came to that place to setal for hint. 1./11 ri - moving the wall. he found tits air built caste, once into thin air, leav ing behind it die wreck . of There is a statement that at on;; time the vicinity of the site of this house. was infes ted with 'desperadoes of the worst Lind, whose midnight marauding excur-ions'z•tiii led the people of the young city of Philo delphia.—This era must have been prier to the erection of the building in question. There was a story sem.• twenty-lire years ago, that a house in the vicinity of Third and Walnut streets was strAmsed to lie haunted, Irmo vat ion's "mysterious knock ings" heard there at unseasonable Mow; generally about two or ihrl'e In the morning. :liter this a firm of cabinet mak ers occupied the building, and they retired from business, having made a fortune iu the making of coffins. It may prohably lake nothmg slam. of Divine power to solve what seems at present to be a IllySt , ry. What odds to the unaccountable strange ness of the allitir is the tact, that the coilin was head downward.s, so the wtirkinen in form us, and this posture, to say die least, is rather an inhuman one, to bury a friend or acquaintance. II ti inanity and frit:tolship would at least dictate a th cent burial, tinder any circuinstances. Even iti a heavy storm at sea, "poor Jack" is still cared for by his companions, and a decent burial, under cir cumstances that might well appal the hearts of many. is generally given to his frail re mains by his surviving companions. If the body was victimized by the yellowLayer.] it is really somewhat stratme that not the surviving relatives of any of the "old inhabitants" ever heard of it. The follow ing statement seems to be the most rational and charitable. It is said that the family of the geatleman alto lived in that hoWse in the time of the yellow lever, did not escape the epidemic. A person who lived there died %kith the disease,•and was buried in the place where Mund. The burial was altogether priVate and there were litany in stances of the Lind in thaw days of terror. As it would not be prWIL'Ill 1111d0r all dr- CUIIISIMICVSIO del:III all the little particulars, we close the : . CVlll', with a full assurance 'that the frail emblems of humanity. were ',Wept from the fare of existence hy the yellow fever, as above :stated.— Phi/. S//// The hiatus or California. Near each rancho is generally a villag” of Indians. They are rovert.d with dust, liv ing upon acorns, wild fruit,and fish. They have nothin ,, t - of the imble heariog of the In n they dians east of the Rock} Nlountais; seem to be only . a few degrees removed front brutes. Their dwellingS resemble almost exactly large coal pits where wood is charred. A pit is dug in the. ground ; u circular. frame work is built, and this is covered with dirt six or eight. feet high, with a small hole at the base to creep in and out of, and another at the top to let out the smoke. You will always see numbers of men sitting on the tops of their hives, sunning themselves while the squaws are generally engaged in preparing their corn flour. or in weaving baskets and pans. in which , they are very ingenious. They make them perfectly Water-tight. Their acorns are dried, then pounded fine, and mixed with 501{e kind of berries, making a kind of bread, which is by no means im- I Tie DOULOUREUX OR NEURALGIA.—JOIIII - but it requires a man with the ' na Lynchburg; of Clarence N. Y., states courage of a rattle-snake went or taste it. In that for twelve years she was severely af fact, a man must cross the plains before he flicted with Tic Duuloureux or painful atil ic- Can summon resolution to eat'it, especially don of the nerves of the face, attended with after seeing them prepare it. The men I great swelling and much pain, so that she are very expert in spearing salmon, of which was unable to attend to her work. That there is the finest here I ever saw, and very the only sure remedy she had foultd 4 was in abundant. They are now freqnently the use of that celebrated inedicinlickitown pluyecbin the mines for a mere trifle, and as ;c.o. Alercham's Gargling Oil : by such generally contrive to get a shirt, and taking it and by apply 'log it to the parts al a few get rich enough to buy a coat and tested. She also states that she has been af pantaloons ; but since the rains have set iii, i Ilicted with bleeding at the lungs add weak -1 have seen hundreds of them wading the uess of the breast,—that of ail the above dis strtatns fur fish, or travelling on the plains ease she had been cured by the internal mid naked, and paying no inure regard to the external use of this oil ; and has since been wet chilly_saorm than dumb beasts._ In the. Able to attend to, herAyork- She_ has_ulso valley they are now inoffensive, as the num- used it with great success in burns. Lair of whites overawe them ; but in the j :,TSee advertisement in this paper and mountains they sometimes give the miners call on the -agent fur a pamphlet which trouble,"and some collisions had taken place. gives a full description of this .remarkable Those in the 'maintains are treacherous and i remedy. unsafe. an d „ii) become ac- • r rrrisisi; .—The re is no fact better tlii yelitiled with the power and strength , d than .that excellence of any kind their Anglo-Saxon neighbors. ) derstoo in any business %%ill not be rewarded unless How to Raise Indian Corm j it is advertised, whik by a liberal system of advertising, the Wilk: are soon enabled A filmier , reisidi"giii Wt'stchister Cinin - to test a nian's merits and reward them ac ty, New Turk, offers the follow in., as his cordingly. A avail-known instance of this experience in raising . corn the petit three is to be found at Shepherd's cheap and years. sit tioulus (rout " I "'lie"' "um' fashionable clothing store, in Chestnut street am! details only what he actually tlid, it' -,L u ce tviii c l t i s nu , un i versally a dice di'Liw" of iuterrst, awl win as the best establishment of the be cu estimated by the readers of th e kia:l in p iiihdcl; , liia. • ',•Register." 1 have trinl nearly iffi the NV•IVS recont- 31,1 ill de 6 E.:1319. mended for raising Indian Coin:and h a v e ' /it:4l.lllday last, by the Rev. Joseph Diffis, fuytid the following to be the best. In the Ali-. Entanttd of lintztowo, to Miss sprit;, I haul all the inatiort.• I can spare Van( I • 1 00 sOOl,. I,leCt. of ground, and 'put it in he a ps. defer pl wing till neat. the M • " r "'' of Vit the 1-Ith ;list., the 11... v. :11r. I tubs, olio_ of phintino:, %Own ;12r ,.,„1 Mr. !;/1115!,! /it./,', to .Miss Cu/latrine Ruth, 111111 1 / 1 0.11•1' with much care. then r ,d; " I , it with a }wavy ro:t.r I,.iigthwit..t. of the fr. ()it the Ist hy the same, :11.r. Geo. rows and harrow it well the WilV. 1 -A.. ' ti " (/ ' of North to Lkij ocuh tihuu 1 , of ;South mark it out both ways, three feet and four o.:mainunicated by the Rev. Mr. Sliindel. inch,:, plat thecorn about an inch d'''ill, and use the cultivotcr three tiank.both ways. Alt. I 1 'adman, to Miss ...S'arith At the second time of ••i.iter ih rolv d, itv. Somli the cultivator, I follow with the. hoe mid Ilir" 1 " to Miss Fianna 117')/z -clean out all the grass and weeds in the Q of Ali 1 " 1 "1-liu• • h i ll, but lurver b old : dirt to ti„, corn. . .11r, .10n(1.i ...lieu, to Mks Clara Al. Dora wake no hill, as I think it does more hurt bia`cr• .Imirts S'chnriler, to Miss Mary Bii than good ;nod at the lino of o•atheriter v crop, the ground is its smooth and levi . d 11( ih )t hi of ‘Vvisi'liburgr• Mr. , S7cplicit Ohl, to Aliss Julia Gang.- nuarly Os all oat or rye field. I have pursued the above method for wet% both of North three Fuses, and have usually reaped ohotit \I r. Enos iSliumacher, to Miss Laseila fifty bushels of shelled cunt to the a c t ., Ircal•cr, both of Macungie. The last sea-on 1 raised it least 15 bushels \lr. Ciiie‘ ) " of Lower shelled corn to the ricre, by rte die, to Miss ...Vary Schantz, of South method. I Call 110%,' raf,c 11'0111 r)i) to 75 Lusher, to theeasily as I loriner:‘• Mr. .Dirt•itt L'iyonitard, to Miss Eiiza could 15 to 2U, and it i< all through the M.. Pidirin!. ; •it, built of Al:icon:de. lormatiou I have 1.•,•0a inv Comity 'Mr. Jo/in hurl;, to Miss .17nelia Gar don, of \Veisenbur.r. Mr. L'phiaim Irtancr, of South \\Mite- ItlarriagQs Creolcs at the South, hail. to Mi.'' , Larimt Iluvsr, of Upper Ala- NVlam staving iit Orleans, Mrs. cti°L 'J c • 100,1011, in her .. 11,p . cros, or , I , r;tyt.: io Mr. '.s7eplicpt to Miss Relnecti( the \Vest," relates that she -heats eald a mar- ' S'rhirar/7 •' limil of :\ facto„ ie. ri,04,. of awhiteto:ol •S'icp/trit /:bert, to Aliss creole, tvliich she tli•scribes . thus :—"lt err th Lit"‘vtl that tin rria , es between a ivhit Crue/es Salisbury, to 111;111 and the descendant of a negro, in butt- Miss L ' icrelia ' l/I " .i g ht ' liactlit g ie ' 111.JohnB artz, of Sa'd,lith.y, to Aliss Irut ever remote a dogree, is not L• al the slave status. Lt rt'llit)llS It - 1'01(01S parr (".kr""Ch. of' 1 . 0.11111 Ifni; this '4l„ . ; ;IS a Mr. leS-te "."(11.1.11 ' 4 ' linzurne county, to Miss .Ibbll Priizingtr, fill niploi•ment of such devices out 0111 V • ufj eels the l oth i do „, l so ‘‘ . tio , ~,r eztl. Of I kiklelberg. eon . uil t, hut also del rives him of is rights rrrl /ton " . "" ss :elll- 0,- , a thiv are s,•blont sorti.d to. it a mart is can hi. kir;d:v * 1....1 " 1 " r°ll°ty, to Miss Susan ,Schantz, of Upper between a white and a colored person; the former is required to malie oath that he has ill his veins. The •oi vvrning, at' the honsi. *of . ' colored or to bluer! sVilliam Craig. by the Joseph Dobbs. difficulty to a white twin taking this oat! • fits art 0111) . its absolute falsehood, but Asir' II ilriuur (7 ',",.`, / , / ,', of ' sl " it ' wil i to Miss .in the inehiticholy fact, that by achnou ludo- "" 1. " 1 " 8, t.. """" . '"?"'"; ill , . the eNi,lellec 01,11C11 111 S t.:- "" thou ' ;11111 ' " C " l " 2. ' °Y the 14 ' 1% j°s " - otit l:teger, :\ Ir. George to Miss Eliza ofpule , with his country- I Friel ' 11°111 or A Ihqii°w° met] lift' eve'. (lust howoyor, as i s t h e natural reptignanci• to this step, it l e as o nc e taken, and that not vi•ry long two, by a young .1. int•rieatt, who was a lesidellt in NctV rich tiferchant and stwor plan ter 01, 1 believe, Jeivish extraction, h a d a n only child, a datteliter, and moreover a quailrvit. of great beauty and accomplish ments. yoong 1:Oly teas the holl'or,) of 11c1' father's vast %%cold], but he refused to bestow either hi s f o ram,' o r his prett• quadroon on :toy but a white loan. and that in marl ta;;C. 111 :Tat' ( if the nti holy 10 - 11”,' Ilt-hd 1 . 011101 1.1.1 t 0110 t u tu tt 101 ‘lll, clioll .11 to the 11:11111U1 the lady in toad to be Wihllliyf 1,0 1,11. t.• lli.• oath which was necessary to 111:11i0 that marria••e. in NVith a vii iv in some sort, to satis fy his scruples of conscience, the suitor of the maiden, previons to his appearing hefore the authorities, pricked the linger of his fair fiancee, and inserted some of the blood ivhich trichled from the wound into a 0 11 ,1 1 ".1'4.11 he had previously iii"d" ill Lis "wit hand. After performing rho k delicate oper ation, lie learli,sly, mid with im opim front, tool; 0 sohmin Oath that withiii oivi; negro blood \vie: flowing, mid was then allowed in claim his bride. 1;t1t. after itch an avowal, America %vas no longer it COOOl - 101' !dill, so 110 10,1 110 tilne ill carrvinfr off his rich and lovely,bride to far-off (and, in this case, umre liberal) Europe, for there wealth alivays obtains consideration, and shades of color arc not too closely investiga led " Silent Orators \Vithin a circle of ten miles of I)uncan's Is land, the following iron establi-Innents have suspended operations: Alf:micelle furnace, ith niata furnace, Eineline ftireace, Victoria fur nace, Oak Grove furnace, tout Perry furnace. There remain.; it: operation in that vicinity, only the Caroline furnace and the Duncannott it no ‘vot Each one of these biro:lves, when in opera !ion, should be regatded, by every intelligent iniud, as yieldiog trans is red-hot tires, not o u. ly a certain prodiu.t'of iron ; but of something whose value is beyond comparison—a happy subsist:nice fur Many hundreds of workmen, and then fatrtilies. DLED. ;' (it, Saturday la,t, in Northampton town ,t,hip, of totation of the bowLds, Eliza Matilda irry, aged 11 years.- Owen O Holtman, ; Clock, Watchmalicr and Jew der, doars East t/ Btrij. Ithzrobqch'x Ilohl,a0;1 a Uoiniaz Mire." la Matillaa rya illcutoa a, Pa. The tilider:kti,tl retlicetfully informs his lrietals and the public in getter:ll,lll:a he Ita:s just Fruit - lied front ;New York and Philadel phia, with It very huge mid well .elected ~,.te.l; of fashionable GOLD AND SILVEIt ~ 140 •-• ) 11P(71egrit'S, / 1009 Eigitt Dad '& Aare (.Im./). [cow tv.-o to fifteen dollars, ;lad a hill tt:-.:,ortineta of .11r E IV E IL cil 'V others it comprises the fujowiag 1;t:,!iionall!e articles: Gold and Silver Levers, A tilior Lovers, Lapines. English, French and Siviss ‘vateli ' es, (Auld, Silver and Steel Spectacles, for• nil ages, Silver Combs, Gold 11r , iast-pins, Fair-rings and Finger-rings. Gold pens, Gold mid Silver pencils, Silver Tea and Table , spoons, and a large varit_ ty of articles in his line of business. Ile has nisi.) on hand a large and well se l•cted assortment of Accordeons. The above stuck is entirely new, and se lected with the greatest care, and of the lat est fashions and styles. lie invites the public to give him 'a particularly the Ladies, and to examine Ids stock of Jewelry ; tad he feels confident that he can satisfy !imn, that his goods are• not only us cheap as can be found in town, but will bear the strictest examination for their purity. Eft; is thankful fo - rpast favors and trusts that-his prices and his beautiful assortment will bring him many new customers, to whom he will ever feel grateful. Orßepairing done at the shortest. notice and on the most reasonable terms. 'Latest aslilous! ' Can be Seen at the New Fancy Millinery' Store. Mrs. MARY E. ECKERT, Takes pleasure to inform her old friends and customers, that she has again establish ed herself among them, and opened a new FANcv MILLINERY E:TABLISIIMENT. on the west side of Bouillon Street, a short distance :drove Ilan of Hotel. She has just returned from Philadelphia with a large assortment of f l l' , ~,?, . B & Suinnneir ) 1 .z , far , ~, P. V • eesiscis, v t tk ,v i • .if For Ladies, Misses and In - units, ALso an as.?ortment ' of fashionable Ilibbom.:, &c• I flerassortment of fashionable bonnets con • sists amour others of the hwst kyle s of SATIN TULIPS, TULIP 'AI !LON. Comae, FRENCH GIMP. 13IRD EVE STRAW, LEG RORN . I3RAID, STRAW, &O. ' A heautiftil varietti• of Silks of fanc;• col ors, alto &c. for Ooing Dolmas, with ties of the latest si Iler rtificials exceed in beauty and qual ity any before brought to this tom). Siw also keeps for sale a vet y handsome variety. of Ladies' Dress articles, such us P , Ile S, Q Which bare just been received, and are of fered at !he lowest•prices. Al,' Old Bowoos dvtl to any color do,iira ckaned, blcacin:d and mai, isp in do Inalto,t and ow,' I ler work will in point o! noatuess style and durahility colitiwt.., if not surpwrs ttny rut in this to‘vii. She leeks pouu the 1it.1.4 of 11:111.1.::. awl tro , ts . that her uld;tters and 1/1:111y ,iota ()//e8 11 ill rt.- lit•w for which .hr will c:r.:r feel April '25 Peter Wyckoff, k'rTUEZNEY AT LA 1V fins removed his I,nw Utiice, from the corner opposite the Courthouse to the new- Iv erected br.:l: buildtn r, one du , r east of Smith's Apothecary 'store, on the Lurid, ride of Hamilton street, between 11.,:• 1 acid the Courthouse. le el' be ima,a'Acki and give ad%i, the EtlL , , anti (;email lazigthi :; ,..s Allen:um', April 25 Builders, Look ere. Delaware Sand, The subscriber has made arrangements, to keep on hand at the .li/ciao/en BuAio and at Ilicryspowt, a large supply ui DEL AWARE SAND, of an exceilent quality, or building purposes, equal to the best Sil ver Sand, and for sale cheap. Allentowo call upon :11r. Thoinal U. Ginkinger, and at Bierysport, upon • JAMES PULLER. April 25. A ssitAnce, N cAlc e,. Notice is lwreby gi% en, that II illittm .11cendsci+, of .Nortlianytn township, Le high ilattity, has on 'Thursday the 1,`,111 of 1'.",51), toade a voluniary assignment, of a l his I roperty, real, persona', and uiise el, io the under,laned, for the benelit of tl!rir :7;tich, therefore, who are in any indebted to the said Il iliuuu Nleend sea. are called upon to inalie within six ‘veelis 'from the date hereof. Alitl those, who have any legal chilli,: ag - ainst the Assignor, will present thew well authenticated to the undersigned, within the above specified dim-. "V ILLIAM 11. BLI'311:1t, • /3Signee. -6 W Ipril ssiplee IN °tick. hereby given, that frilliam Meeii./Nen ('o. of Northampton township, I,elii L tli county, have On l'hursdav the P-,111 of April. 1550, made a voluntary assign ment, of nil their property, real, personal and to the undersiLtned, for the ben efit of crillitors. Such, then. fore, tvho are anywise indebted to the said \Villiinit Alecialscti & ore called upon to settlement within wedis from the date hereof. And those, who have illy ter al claims acainst tau Assirmurs, will present well authenticated to the the above Specified tiow. WILLIAM 11. 1.11.1:311.11, April :23. I:—Gxv atzcc. Cro is given, that Brojytill'ii I. h . lepin . ligrr, of Nortli;iiiipton. township; comity, , has off l'hursilay the lid] of April. 1`._ , 50, made a voluntary assign ment, of all his ploperty, real, personal and 'nixed, to the undersigned, or the ben efit of his creditors. Such, therefore, who are .M anywise indebted to the said I.3enjit initi P. liteppinger, are called upon to nialie settlement within six weeks fi mu the date hereof. And those, who haye any legal claims avail's:. the Assignor. eeid present them well authenticated to the tindersitied, within the above specified •• LuAm 11. 13 April 25 To Conti., F r i) E Commissioners will reed ve sealed -A proposals, to the :30th instant fur erecting and completing in South Bethlehem a stone Bridge of two arches, about 91 feet span each, 17 feet wide in the carriacfe way, about (3 feet high over ordinary water mark, with the necessary wing walls, well covered and tiding up complete, _ JOIIS LIOIITENWALNEII, BENJAMIN_ BIZEINIti, SAMUEL KNAUSS, Commissioners of Lehigh County A TTESI :-J. 17,'LLNE, Ckrk. • A Aril 11, The I'eaple's Daily Line of Staves be. tweet) Allentown and Philldelphia, leave Kalb'; American [lntel, Alleidown, ever arrives in-Phila delphia at I u'doCk in thr allernml. Leaves 1)1111k1 Dalby's Bald I:atzle Hotel, North :id street, above Callowhill, Philadelphia, every morning. at 6 o'cluCk, and afflves at Alit•llicoVa at t).C;odi. 4 r -'2lrl g _3lll mid NVaitors, from corn• mon to fine, in sots and dozons. Aism goilt iv form, in sms, mill in varimr of pattorits, lINIVES and FO 11. I sot's and doz ous also knivos only ; carvers, tmok mid `;e l .l,:r kulvts, tt itlt a rarirty of otlmr Maim !ado ros, P( (UK' El'and PEN VE:'.l—llazorz , , seiors. lino the best ; uric, two, throe, and •1 b:adt• picl;, axe!, &e. SI it r,f ,ti :11 ,d 'l'( )NI;S, Iran rind s"ts :t ,J ir,n • k\.(...f , nd ['or hy U & J 111()N.--A Int of I itt.:nner;•,l and ii iirtl Iron, Sheet Iron,•rican and Ent , ll,l, B an d (ma, 11 0 )i) Irm. ett , t and '..-d war Sn•ol. Frittart., 11,1 , nod wand, lust tt•rt•ivcd \yid] Anvil.; and Viet.s, and for :•ato chi. tit al the store at t) & J S.l Et ;[!:1Z, GLASS.-150 I. Obi•s,., by 10, 10 by 1:2, 10 by 1.1, 10 by 15, I by 10, and variow, other seizes, fur alu by NIECEIA:\;ICS.—TuuIs (if over\• do• scription, such as blench and Moulding, Planes, .1 land, Pantie!, and Bract! and Bats, .Aln 4 er Buts, 1 lig.clicts, 6:c., tor bale by . _ TO 61101.::\1ATEI1S.—Just Fccrived u new lat.:ern:lent ut Morocco and Lc;uher, Last:, 6110‘1•1111t1td, E'vp Prune!' and nunierc:;,-3 o:lier artic les belonging to the L'llueinaltin, , ba:Ino!-R -JA Et.:l7-R. IV Um: LEA 0.-2 tons of ite L ud just received, Pure and Estri, and for side by U & J LOOIiING GLASSES. --A Ni.1 , 1)(11(110t lA)Uklllir 1•42,`,,r : ,jth 1 101#21 . 13111,C:1S UI (or tali: by 'U & J 1LS.—:100 liegs ut tLe Litt Brads uad Sidkes, just received mid fur :ale by U& J Elt.i.Elt. SC 1"I't lES--;.0 tluz. g:eituille Crain Scythes, also a large ensure:tient e! genuine Sevier:nark Grass Sryther, ch t . o p and fur l oto by It & J SAEUEU. . .... . _ 011,S.& °loll !duds, boiled and Tozpvotiro., .Nt.wark Vor -111:111 of all [duds, Glue bo sold clii.op Icy 0 a, J SAEGER.. . assco town: of Mines of John Lirli's bimt nht I; uko a large assoi went. of rpuntcr's'foul, fur sale chimp by 0 J HOLLOWARE.-300 Iron Pots ur:d Kettles, lust received and for sate ut reduced prices at the stew of April IS A splendid assortment of Front and ParlOr Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety oi other building Hard ware just impachittg, and iir sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SAbliEll. April 16,--2rrt . . --. ." - ''C -. - Al 1 ~.,,,..,-..-___.---_- jsr. % 9 ------ iz ... : .....:_.:-C...::+.7te.a..: 77: -,_. - - -r-- "...-i.. -•-• :- Now is your Time to Travel ! avelleautea - THROUGH FROM Philadelphia to Allentown. For Sent; or other information apply at either of the above on,lned places, or at Lei be is Sun Hotel, in Bethlehem. ' Fare each way, 31 ,5 D. A pril••• - • COttoa Yarn Drietise. NIORMS & EAsTwook _Vorbsi Trod! .Suer!, Phi lade:plaa Cotton tnitl Linvn Chain, 11'arps, Rine Cover!ci Vain, Tie Yarn. Lanip Wick, Cotton Laps, &c. &c. &c. &c. ()Hers promptly' cxccut..d. :25 t'-0111—:34 BUILDTMEI I LOOK HERE!! NEW LOT OP EIAIIDWA 111 The undurz•i:ned a:l:iounce to the .public. that they have jo;-1. l'e!ll 1 Ned I . l'olll Philadel phia NeW - *Ai:, With a vvry large lot of Ilahlware, conz,i,tio l r of I.lo , wiicles, UL1 . 1.11 1 „,W Cuuch ?;iuttttltt, s, .Su lab rll 'and al: of which Will be ziold at extremely low prices. They ad; the public to girt SAEGEit's STORE, :sii.!ll of the I.l° elria it C.. 11, ui erder to e , l.vihe.• theite:t•lvez.. of the fl I.ettie.' 6.1DA:11. To .117oeLfse-Kreper4. A great tts , ifitillelit of 11011:e furnishing j such az: ENA EL1:1) and tinne,l insi ir, conking vessels, suur.e and stew bins, preserve ket tlys, li:•1) and ham kettles, frying puns, grid ironq. irons, SID IVELS, spadrs, hoes, cl:aius, .V:itiedeva. OM I,V 1. ••ti.t EMI ME Buckwht•nt I 'llAseed Clworseod '1 iatotliy:•ced . I i•Uj 2 75' '2 75 I 'otatoos •• • 05' 45 i 4 5 Salt 40: 45! 40 Butter I ,:t rd Revswax Ilant , . Flitch . Tow-varn Ea Rye \Vh!skeV Oatll Apido Whisicv Linseed Oil . ' b,51 135; i lickory .IVuu,i _Cord 4 50: 50i 600 ( - )nk Wood . . 56:t 50' 500 P.::g (".)al. Nut Cnal . Lump Coal Plaster . . Listen To The Call!! FAllOnable ?,lillinery Store! In ftnnoancing to the public the recent clianfle of location in 13,2 r .VILLINERF EST.IBLLS'ILVENT, from East, to West Hamilton be tween the New York and Mertz & Landis' Store, has also the satisfaction of stating that she has just returned from Philadelphia with a large variety of Ladies awl MissPs BONNETS, which she is satisfied she can sell oltaper. than any other establishment of the Lind in Allentown, at wholesale or retail. si,t 0/ ri InrLyt. viirioty of other fatihichntlile stylris not mentioned. SllO htl, prepared hcraelf kith a large and cleLrant assortment of Fancy Ribtali, Tuts, I'renc4 ani dnirriean Sh e h as a l so an aortinent of Silks t0.“.1 I.awn, , , which will ;mike up CASING AND OTHEIt i:,ONNA7,";:3 tit the notice, und somOde IL ram. ()Id ‘ 4 .1 ,d to :Inv r.'•• t..t• .t. Hi,l ,har , dHI 0 - '1" I 110 *t fr.tit r_ wi.ll rrivt• lwr a rail h. 1.. r tu• 1111 a.sortmclit u 1 r":„ y nevvr F.,• ~r•• I •.v 110yi1 at t!,t_. I for I,:ist thit pricos :Ow hor tic:t.s, will induct. 111/111' w LOOOll,lO rt'6,ll l .et; Cll:•triiiior: to licr 9 :Ipril • -- I tit New TosaceoStore. ' Between the Now York n h d Peoplu's Store in Hamilton Etreet, Allentown. 0 Lti.,..1 SAEGER rip IE Sub , criher must respectfully in -r 4-• fornirs Lis Iriends and the public in gen eral that be has recently opened a new in the burnt astrict, a few doors East of [lager, h %. 4 Maid. in the room lately occu• Died by Win. S. Weil, where he intends constantly to keep on hand, an msortment of I inportcd and American. Septa, such U 3 flara:tas, Regalia's Lanorma Yara, Ma- L:ura", .Vapolcon La Grand, Principe', Ile,Y Spanish and C'ornrnen. ALSO 0 & J SAEGER Snuff and other Tut•acco, Enud I ,, &A: &a. Ali of whickt Whcler,ale tt lid Retail it the 6-,aer,t pries. Lie calk up it Ole Sraulters of a gor,rl :o give kiln a call, as he has toavl.t s• ii t;r 3 per c en t Icwer Calla in 'lsysva. liecol'oct !h,• place to cl•t grk , d aud geti Nvith 11:c Allunto n, April Li rfailors ! Clear the Track 1 Hat; again opened .shop. and hereby an• nounce:.; to the public ittid his oh! custoinere-, that he: can be tound in I lanti!tutn,t;Tet, be tween the Perk" and the "Peeplt23' ,Sture" iu the'buildinvocently occupied by William S. Weil, as it Variety Store, where li, will he happy to receive calls iu his lints tS. .n.s he is ad.nitted to be the. etioL l of Beau firtwininci, ti! oracle cf lash ; het can safely proclaim his motto, • ' “.760 raT NO PAY" J f;;AEGER. Saah who wish to appear in tha late6t New York and Philadelphia Dre. Fash• will do well to give hint an early call. Ija is' receiving the latest :'ash!.-in Plate.a. and cats' alter the et, ' 114 workmen are of the hart thnt can tot obtain 1, and his jabs for:Nett: tip.l durabili ty cannot be met:lied by any in he county. E. • E ' T ER. April 19 prices Qtaricui. ARTICLES. I Per Allent.Eueto; Ba rrvi , 6 UO, 131ksti: 1 0( 1) ot;', our . " 0 1 64)1 GO Powr 1.11 II!' 15 r - • ..10;•• • I allow 22. 25j. 2'S - • ti Si 7 - i 7: Si SI Doz. lo: 12i 16 Tull 3 ?i0; 4 00! 50 :1 00 1 3 53; 3 1501 4 50 4 5W MEI LADIES! MRS. M. BROWN. Ilerthsortinent ainong other 'articles cou- Spani.)ll Edge, MangMuni, Sit! in Tu lip, Tulip Loa, !nate Chip, eililtenllon, Siao4Wra TOBACCO ESTABLISHMENT 11'11.1..1:131 ECKERT. Ny Motto Fit no Pay 1" EDWARD STETTLER. OEM 5 00 1 05 W• - I i 5 - 6 5 150 3 .2 - 51 :3 501 350 i •29": . , 25i 25 4 50 2 50 :3 60 2 GO :r.,. 14 1 ,lif EMI MU ~-~9i~s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers