-, • . . , .. vii" . -.... /. - - IZ ; .. a a . .a. A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. ------- Ocuotcb to Nctv.c.i, fitcrattac, pocttl) tl)c Qiflusion of tioeful Ilforplatiou, (Niteroi Itteltiticitce, 7.kwatocnicitt, &c. VOLUME IV . THE LEHIGH REGISTER, I published,tn the Borough of Allenthwn,Lehigh eintrzty, Pa.,every 7'hursday BY AUGUSTUS L. BUIIIE, At $1 50 per annum, payable'in advance, and $2 00 if not paid until the, end of the year. No paper disemitinued, Ontil all arrearages are paid except at the option of the propr.ietor. ADVERTISEMENTS, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar. `and-for-ever_y_subsequent insertion t menty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged in the !trifle proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, 'charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines less, three inscrtions for 50 cents. VirA liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by tli'e year. Ogiec in Hamilton St., one door Ea;t of' the German Pcjiamed Church. ?len rig opposite the "FricdenNbothe (Ver." BUILDERS I LOOK HERE!! A NEW LOT OF HARD NV A R E! ! ! The undersi,:ned announce to the public, that they have just retuined from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of L irt,s.,fit. House I' arn i B hio r w/Ir;th..,y, -- $4ll - :`\' l e„„ Cutlery,- Coach Irimnan_gs, Saaillerg and Shoe-finding.y, all of which will be sold at extremely low prices. Thee ask the public to give iixEmia's Ilmrowxm: sign 01 the Ili order to convince the iiiselvcsof the fact, that a 'peony saved is a penny made.' 0 & J SAEGEIZ. At tw•aity•otie, after having graduate.] at Yale College, and been admitted to the bar, 1 fUlillel myself very comfortable established in a small. but hatidsoute, suit of rooms in one of our leading southern cities. 1 soon lit••:Iii lii feel quite at Inane among, die warm le.;:rttitlCaromilaies., and became well known ii, a las•ver acid a pi il. ate indivi•lital. I .observed that ttootit nine o'clock, every ,morning, a youtig la•ly passed my office. She was sometimes attended by a young EDWARD STETTL'ER, man. WIIOSt.: fare was 'Azinipi..l w ith d ie tin .. inistaheable i•ii_m ul Comtiniption. She Ibis aeitin openi,l shoji, and lo•lehy an- wa-') as I ""ll'l" , ''' l, hi" ivll°; h" 14" 1 "'"Iir nomices to the public and his ol•I custuon•rs, . held live ttriii, or relieved her of a roll of that he eau be mond in I liiinilt.al:trei•t, lie- : inin•te, that she always curried. She wits tweet) the -.Vire York" :ithl the -1',11,/,,' , ..:.,.t , not at ;ill :alibi:ie . , but, on CN:1111111:ition, Stoce" in the 111111ilill , l'i'ecialy areal nett 1.. y pro...A extremely .pretty—vtry lovely—of \\' n u I S. W e il, as a V a tit•ty Store. where . •,. ; • that: t,,•1.: wittaily denoillinated blonde. F u r lie will be happy to receive calls in his line more than a year she passed regularly. of business. As he is admitted to tie the I (ince I Vs'Zi, shunt ing at illy door, when a equal of heart Braw?ael, the ontele of lash- t!' 4 •,4ti - whit] . of a:) . blown's , away her 111.1- ic, she butt; he can safely proclaim his motto, -)t, stoop••. 1 ill pieli it el), hilt I saved her lit Alicillo' . trouble, and wo-: rattan , a liV it ~Weisi. s Illite. Such win Wi , li if', Lipp, nr in the . late::; •y i1ic,,,,., Auer Lid:, whein.i•l I wa,.. la V loW, ,t, sh e N; w Yorl. am! Philadelphia I Iross hash- . its vic•ii••• passed, sii•• liewed. ,At be l her walks taw . , will do tv••II to gi ve I d ni an •••. i ly e n d. :•,:ti t he li ceased lot it iv. uk, and 1:-.aw liothin , ol bur Hi• is receiying the latest Fashion :elates, 4ilditig, fore till one twirl:ling, as 1 win: ;nix iiaiiiy watch and cuts after the most api.rovi•l system. ~, ..2,i . i„ ..‘v log tor her, she a;;Itill appealed. I ler cheek Ills workmen are of the best that can be oppesio... deinown lb+ w as p a ler, her step slower than usual. and obtained, and hi.; jobs for taste and dullibili- (10114. 1111,-liii,, ... . Slit' Wili: a rvf,, , , •I in deep mourning . . I 110.Vcr _ taboo; the lasitionithlii 13 , cannot be excelled by any in the county. that he has e‘..talilislied it i•aw the young luau accompany le•r'tigaiti. E. 61'1;1'11,1:It. 'lVaillt)iiiaa; - ..,.. Itt;N:II.9.!SS, - Seilli-iveckly 'ream Line, tiow anttly sturies I invented for her his- April 18. ii;_4l,„ in all its various brit millet:. Ile gill he reit ' -dvto r• s i eve .er.leis from his truants. and To rhiladelphia,; tory ! First, she Wil:i II p..!1'l r'liillg 1.0 school, and !ICI' C01111)1.1111Ull and admirer what school-ends laid ever :a serene a brow such who may raver him Willi their custom, Centre i r all ifit ; Elotel• for which he will ever feel demi:nil. which arrives; reeillarly in Allentown, every .i . Next a ftmlie willow—but why did she s•-) I ` iv I'lle untlersigneil • bees leave to inform has niadv iirrallg,einents to receive the latleitt.t• Thursday and Saturday in each week. his friends and the public in general, that lashion . Plato': Ir"n; 1);;;!;"li' ins Lo lai ! what il fessmaker :. Persons who trusts their blivi , i, to him ~,,g „ i„,.(3 . r .,,,.'„, if ~,,,,,,,,, ~, ,p /uvin, i ii , Ipiii. and NeiV Cull rip 111)011 it being, punctual tninsar- • I • lieli, a he has rented and now occupies the new Vial., which will enable hint tUdrt'Se . : i.i. 1111111 Wit, :es In alo.•;tys makes it a point, to eill- • ....,„, ~,,,,. ~, ..,.„ •• „ t ~, i. 1 ~,,„, . . , hued , am, no. accr...) it lot i her ri.iil of nol-•ic mid her birmer attendant! Mi . in tile latest style. Centre V:klley Illotel, ploy none but sobef and careful teamsters. He trusts that tie qual ity of 1ii , ... N o ds, and 'No ! I only perploiced and provokl,i iliV• ~..... _ i i , Upper Saticon township, I.e. Ilia prices Will be moderate, tind Ile trivq.s , Al i t. ii P . high eutitity, lately held Ity Geo. dial by punctual attendance to I.usiness to self to,• eialemiritig to assertain who :mil Vill r i• \veilielhold. ' ti ed .„, li ' bli •) t • let r • I liaise is merit a share of pu „ t., iaia , 6k.. the c heapoi•J.s of their prices, wit) convince ii dle public, that it is to their ad vatituge. to deal , what she wets. .111 unexpi•cb.d incident 4 - 4.- -272;;•: • '"' * ' - Jetititiftitly situated, large and • 41kItt( " 11 ' Ma rell 128- 11 -1 " , Willi Ilinl. • JESSE 611A-CFEit- ' discle.,Cd :ill tilts to air. 01 le liiilililig, _ _.— --- _---------_ . . roomy, with first rate stabling and WaWr A• Aril lit+. . t--I ia ' about a year utter her assuming black, she close at hand. Being somewhat e x - ..N CAN C. 011,f.c . tl,tl oil a.ty I _—_-_-- ---------- -- ~s p.,,,,,, , di.... ~.,,,h,.i. fu,t, LIEU' 11,41111 ed in keeping plablic house,he thitters him- -.a • tt.liariCS 4. V Odi. l'OGEli, 1311,01VN'S . , it , turd tiipping.mer a i•toite, tell to the ground __._—_.—_,.—____________ ._ sell` to be able to gi:e. full batisfaction La rfriAli.ES this method to inform his friends %VINE , & 141111.;011. S'filiftllß, with a 'CkCatit 111 run. I ricdied aril, raised 1V IIIIS LEAril.—`2 , tons of Wlnte Lead those who may think proper to favor him ja, and the public in general, that- he has No. ZI;:.I. M:ll.l.Klii'l' STIZEL 1, .. , . her, und.as!,ed whl could do for her. , . ; just receni'ed, Pure and Extra, and for sale witli•their custom. . , opened it ..1. fear my mot l it praned," she replied, Butt; Eighth and Ninth Strs,North side, „ . .„ t i • ..„„d . s ,„ are . by U& 1 SAEGER. Ile will furnish his bar with the best of NF ‘V CONFECTIONARY STORE . Philadelphia. 6 .) a LI so kind iii, 10 ask liquors, and his table with the choicest the ` •-• tic; I will be much obliged . il you trill (tall LOOKING GLASSES.—A splendid lot market allords. Ills bedding are all new, in Cinder street. in the village of Catasau- All kinds of Foreign 11'tites and Liquors '' a chaise." ~, %.,. .• • ~Cli: , r , of Looking, Cilasses Plates, and and cleanliness Will be observed throughout qua', ll:waver toy:7:1;111p, Lehigh county,and suc h a,— . "Certttinly, madam." I replied. In the , 7“"0',.i4;' , " Frames of all sizes for sale by his establishment. . directly opposite James Lacky's New *Store, :, • t_. full Old t'ugnac I,lnnitlies, I)ark : meantime, pray, come into my office." 0& J SAL:CLL. z: • • -4-“? - --ffrr Ile iiives such of his friends who pass iv here he will alvvily,s keep on hand a lar!!e ' f _ .!}-. ant Pale, 1. lodand Gin, .l u- As she was unable to walk', I lifted her - and rt.-pass Ins house, to give him a call. i ;1*•••• 0111 nont of cubes and confectionary artic- c j l' - . ;It a . aatea Spirits,ll ishand Scotch in, and laid her ill a solo us gently as possi ,l.4.llL'S 1111,7'. fps, fresh beer. In the evening . he will be .titlait Whiskey of the • very lilt; lint 'she ..titilil not repress a movement' il—...tv prepared •witli soap, ice-cream, becr, nii•ad, lie.,, qua iti v• • •of pail). ------ mineral water, .. e., &c. ,__. ; IX L'iti 11V,s.—l•-'taill ••ai; :11;e1; it's, I'm t, . -Pray, rt•natin Iteri.," said I; .tl will sitin 11e hopes that Iry strict attention 1.111111,i- Slierry,:reileVilre, Street Nlitlana, Altselit,'l nulti illy how e•kei , per, and eall a carriage" mess, he -will rect•ivir a full' share of-ittl•lic • (''hi ;mil ('ltailipiole, very ,hairs and When the:surgeon arrived, he pronounced pill tonally. . old. I the allele not to be sprained, but brolcen. ( 'masa uqua, A pril -I. 11'i7,0 1 , ,__..1 ‘ , / • Also, :\ I nnil far..turer of I - I,irnei tic I li,tilleil ,She st ,, ,heil, and said, ...I am sorry for that, Brandy kind t lin. l'ore Spirits, 1:4 odorizr d as it will prevent my teaching for some time. Alcohol, Peach brandy, Lavender 13randy, Is the chaise tit the door t" Nviia.cherry Brandy, and Fine ('ordiats, • She could not rise wit bout assistance, Raspberry B ra ndy, New England limn, and was evidently in great pain. 'l'lle sor &c., &c., also a large supply of tine old geon and I accompanied her to her board t\lonongalrela ,Whiskey on hand. ing-house', and I was made glad to have an The above Liquors will be sold nt the ve- invitation to call the next day. I did call, ry lowest prices. Country Merchants an t i and repeated my visits again and again. 'ravern-kcepers, will-do welfto give the un- WheYi more familiarly acipininted.l learned dersigned a call before purchasing eisewere, from her o*n lips her history. and examine the Liquors, Which be vouch- I Alice 1-lastipgs,, even when I first knew es, will bear the closest scrutiny, recollect lie 4 was but twenty, ~tet she had been ttinr- No. 323 iillarU.elStreet. tie 7 nearly three.. yeur., I ler lather, ti itch ROGER BROWN. merchant, had suddenly failed, and she had Philadelphia, Dec 6 - .'ll—lye •. been compelled to seek her livelihood as • To iloetse-KCeper'9• A great umsortinent of llotre furnishing artiele!7; such as . .e.1.n.r0ix.0...331),,,..1 • o } vessels, sauce stud stew pans, preservt:. het tles, fiAi and barn Iconle.:, Irvin!! paw, I-rid irons. waffle iron::, TEA TRAYS and ‘Vaiter , , from Cm mon to tine, in sets and do;:ens. A !so, goth ic form, in sets. and in variety of paw-rims. li:NIVES and FORK sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers. steels, cool: mid butcher knives, with a variety of other ma nu (tient res. POCK ET a nd PEN IC N I V ES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers ; one, two, three, and -I blade hnives. SHOVELS, spades, hues, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothinghtons &c., and fur sale by 0 & J SAEGI•iIt. IRON.—,t lot of I lammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet iron, American and Ea:tit:lt Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Czntt and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just revolved with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of U & J SA lit; ER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla:•s,ti by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 1.1, ID by IS, 12, by 10, and various other seizes, fur sale by 0 &J SAEGEII. TO NIECLIANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Eland, Pauael, and Back Saws, Braco and Bias, Auger Buts, ['Abets, Sipa.res, &c., fur sale by 0 & J SAE(JER. - - TO SLIOENIAKERS.—JuSt received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French llubers, and numerous Other artic les belonging to the shoeinaliing ba,:inesa O & J N A uuraz. NAILS.-300 Kegs of the Lest Nails, Brads and Spike, jabt received and for sale by , 0 & J SAEGER. . ------------ --- SCratES--`3O doz. genuine Gritlinh's Grain Scythes, also a large assortment of genuine Steiermark Grass Scythes, chump and for sale by U &J SAILIGER. ---- OILS & VAHNISIL--(.tits dull kinds ; boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue & c.,--ll old cheap by 0 & J SAILGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best makef also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for solo cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. • 110L,LOWARE.-500 ILen Pots arid Kettles, just received and for, sato at very reduced prices at the store of 0 & 7 SAEGER. I—tut April 1i 7--:: i . * • -,C.:;1:-: . ~ 0 . / . ::•- -,,, -=-_ 1 21' .g. '1 7 ,1 ..f. :;;;,-. •••,., _- .. 'Ac i - a - 0: '' 1- i , 1 - ' t 141. ; ; , -1 .. ..,‘ g:' ' - • i • I ..; ;% , t, ' ;.• 0...1 -,. - -,.. . ...7 - .” - a... 1 / 4 - --, -- -- - .... e-A ~.: i LADIES ! TO F - 771 7 ' L ..mi V Allentown Selnigiary ' . - AD - I ' S • ' 130NN14, 1 't SI. iiON NETS !I. Listen To The Call!! FOit YOUNG MEN AM) BOYS. -- , Me% The 5t,,,,m, I t , 1011 Of till . 111 , 101.1tt , trill L. hemmerer, Fashionable Millinery Store! com,,,,net. till Oil. Ist of \lay nest, and colt " Ie e tfull \ ii foi ins thel adt•s of 11 t 11- --- Bair11) , 5 Bic til i (or% ti au,l the I I; a i iit 4 t. Mill t', that she ern MRS. M• BROWN, _I I .111 1 , , tllttlt , leer ll , lllollllbit In announcing to the public the r ce ntl etition,r,,,,d ani ‘1 Ishii'r, fur:, 1//// / \ ~/,' , ll .1 L S .i ' ./ /I/ /Sirlit: 1 7 ' , change of lot anon in leer I months, (compo In ; 24141,,inii 1 ~) I , il nit )11 L. tit t t third di oi holow Pi, 12, lIIILI INDRI EV .1'.1111,151131.1:\T, tt II at I each,j '' '5 (10 Go 1&C o •• -en , t here he trill be hap 1 1 .. i ) li t e then tall Intl e t t itiee hi t t xl, From East, to West 11 undton street, h,, 1 onion lot pupils otti 10 tear; tween the New Yullt and 11e r/ & handl,' 01 ago, - -1; 00 _„ , %it i intorre r ham itwc t lent e I nolo the Stole, has also the. s ersflcr un of • tatlng that 1. ninon tut pupils ut dt rl3 years eat teed has low, iII li:lnd, the I tie( t and she has just returned :rein l'hiltdclph a of at,e, 10 00 eons t en d a ,aitni tit of with a I lige variety of l ' ot (oak' portte idol upplN to tl i 1' in 1 R I , .1. ss i I , a _ , Ladies and Misses IiONNETS. 1 1 ,,i \ Ito ti itilllS th nth . , to the rld utc ft. ll a n d 11"e4 in 4"lillel"(5 he 1 ,, „ ii h, to I, fo , ond , to ‘ 11, tam\ o ‘ 11,1 stock the la%• (A t), loch On ‘• hate ••• t% Inch , lit is satisfied slit call snit ( I n tin r, , L l OOl, imi,,,),,. at ~,,, I( time, all :hose 1)1 i.‘, tnt..tate se !tier, it , ‘..ticti a•, thou tint'other' t ',VIM' 111111•11 I. 01 tilt. L.111(1 111 41 I t . tufted Lace, who m it, desire it, to 1, t-it the In titution Ihu ß arian, _e..cian, \ 1, • ,, (mu at x‘ii,t,,,d, 0, retail'• v-4 \n 1 toe trill t I illt 11. 1.111101 1 0 I 10tt k Cm 0111 I ' II 111 Ii l if eit 1, q ' iSt /tr tt- r Hit ..... nt, i,t 5, .1/1)2/1//1', l egil Wil, 1141 tee re 11, I !t) I I till( lI It 1 11, 11 , ernl It (I ) SI•ls of Vain, SI/ (tti , ti‘ C , A t i %Twit /f„ / . Ric , -,1/bo ii ' twin 7 ' ir- 1 ' l' ' ( ''' 11 '' ' ' 11' 'll 1' • 1 'ln " ''' 1 , t 1 i h Ili can title it ) sell sited, turf to v tit n i 'hen I I I 1111 I lilt, I teltp ',lli' m, il e Ile (,trip, ii‘h 0. 4 ( 4ate ea • 74*4 AT. AP i, it tm.Li, N ail I Ilt II tii l tit need a l i tre'l Int i) of other l i litinithi ••4‘ I - i It h i ,....... 1 Lit, 1,, 1, ~ ,•, ,•t, ,i, a. al, \•oilier d ol l,. 1 • I R IL LH L I ( nut Inc intuited She has preparel herself %%id , a large and \ I' lli II —lt, - elcg tilt assert tine ut of 1* r i t ge t fancy It' zbbons, ToSs. I on , h and AIALL,II I Ok. - .1 .- Ai AD.3.11. .bile arm .1)•Wu ial,, ,y t 1:31:111',11. 5E..!‘10: 4 4 1S:)9. j , f'.h: ill'. St p Ittnti,,:tint il .) an a -.own la 01 ')ltit- tilt 1 I hi _ : „,,,,,,,,,• r ~ .,•„i mi , 0 , , I , , th , , \l on . Lt l j met Ilk I t(ltt, tee e le she wri t h tit 11 t tie 111 lit\ , \ 1 111 1001, to 4'1111410t 15 late 1,, ( r/ aml .I . ' etl7 , lfilL leer S'OL I , I\D 01 1 HAI IA) \\ E I .-, 7 /,/? Ii '. • be to e put i; i t -e t%•lit t nt c , and ontin ntii t tea-I I' it hu triton , tunnel, t!..c , fur tie 1N it le site lc also Pre I h e el to Illakc (•• 1 1 1 t i ', I I I , -1 5 - 00 Ir.a -L:ntvu- t it-tit, , Ind 1 am% _l' elm t-, it 9 'tut tbt 1 ul. L . anti Ull lilt nits. reason- She has Lawns, WI C.l Sl'N(.i al-the- shoat:s:2. :Amiable terms. 01d Bouncts, dyed to any color desirable, and shaped and made up in the latest and inost Ltshionable styles. liiners from the Contitr\ - , will do well to give her a call before they purchase elsewhere, as she has prepared herself an assortment of Panc); Hoods never before equalled in Alletitow'n, and will dispose of them at the loweti4 Philadelphia prices. Thankful fur past favors, she trusts that the reasonable prices she disposes of her ar lllirn, ,gut ..... t•lhr rn 161111•1: 10 hi:r April Tailors! Clear the 'frac!" ! My Motto lq —"No Fit no Pay :" April 1 Paper Hangings P eitcainst Manufacturing Warchouße lea Philadelphia, • Is in .SIKTII STREET, one door below Race, where pure and dealers can se lect front New •S'tyle Gold and Satin I'apr,• for parlors, with a t Velvet and ColirSeollop , d Borders. as well as Hall or-Entry, Chamber and Din ing-room wall papers, which will compete in ::tylo and quality, with any in Philadel phia, or any other city in the United States, and at:a saving of 21 per Cent. WNI. H. PATTON, Manufacturer of Wall &Curtain Papers, No. 03 North 6th 1 door below Race. ,December•, Oth ALLENTOWN, LEItIGH COUNTY, PA., MAX 2, 1850, All necc..,.!:ary information ran be obtaili ed on nryliention tht..l(tatitin,-. 11. C. CHA.NDI.EIZ, Principal. \piil 1 tr , ; D 4511 • -1- FOlt lOUN'si LIMES. -- 4. $ 1 - , ~ •••0„ t .;•,o`.Vi . • .N. 'llw sixth term uI this In s titution, kill 1 4.4 , Z , -.,“ ....iic:-..), ‘,...,=7 4 .:.. - -.A ~,f, - .l* a commence on do: I day 4if May noxt. A-II ', The stihscrilier announces to his friitiat• parents .rho - weir clithicon ;tad tior public in gent. ral, that he hash:Lei) , lit ~,,,, . ,„„ i „„.. ~ e... 1.1 .i.. —..n• ~. ta iiot- !hem • II V.1.1‘i . ,1 his ;il. l / 1 '.2 :',:hiiii..llo . ill•fl i ~1 tho • i , -,iutl. !. tin: .61+ ' 0 47,..1.1.PC IV $ . .4"2 . '(; . !' .T.l. ll:.%, . .. E:'.?,:.:lll!;..it',Oti 4 .4.111;;V.01'1.'.:, to \1 ' 1 . ,1.)1 . 1 '. ..i rt.hicr, Oil 1 • r b,,,,1;•.‘..,1.1,iwe, k ' s... , 1)01 , .1 ,, (( 8 i..., ! .‘11:1 1 ... i ii;.ii. ;-:, ..:11....iii,,,..i . ,,..Ci.ti;• . :i Ai- • sirt.l'll'; 3 A • :t wf•v:a ..I,.wi, ~v ere we has t,...c0w1y ad-; p oi . t h w „, iiiit k i . t. i . ,! .t y ... u . 3 i. i li ,, , : 2 4 1 d.• ,1 It 1at , .•., , H11.1..1 , t , ) hi' ....irt.:l•ly t.i..!(•ii:iiry , . i - , ..1 ;i i'et.iii7i/ (i't . iet r:i 3. / . .',.61, an./ Ctirt- '., 1 7 i , r11,0 , .; hi.twocii i. i ; ),)tilt.' 1ii. ... ri. t,i•i,(.i., I. !;wlk 4.;;;.1,i2ts 01 . V.I. t1i....,...1. - :•tt.•;•21i 1,1 . 1 ;to , : t \%;;;!., (~ FM' llo'l.-X ov,r 1.(...,.1,,,, 1, f,e , ,,.. 1•' ,_ i ..\ 1..)!'1“...'..., 1.1011t....,',(:011.....,5i1(1-;(1( \• r. '/' (. I t ::\` I : • k.. 1 ,: ; ' 4; l . 1 . r /: ' : ~, .1 t ` , t. . ! ...'l.i,:er. t...1..u..iii..•iti . , .i. i: ... .%ii i....“•;. 1 . 1 0. lit ti .irio.r in Altr..; , . :111.! i.-_--'.:-!..i,p,; •".•'.: 1 •. , o• 1 . 1 - . ,11 , 1 11, t...;111.11,. :,,11r, nia\\'llq , hit., Lira:ci . itri.,l, ;mil tl: ~... ;.\ il,. :,. i.t• trill. d P. i'cly • A 1.1. 1 0:, (_;tirtaiit.i, way %‘1:-.1) 11) rct t•i% 0 iiitutt..it ill mlic:.,.. '•';''' l''';'..: , (11 '''''''''' ... "'' . Vutitl'''"' v a :. ‘ 2 • 6 :-C• ',ranches. eau ul.miti it :t t 1,,.. tr.-iial ti ..1.1:. ; I .'.....,ii.---.,.)rntillc:, I,eiLionz.;. L,.. IILQ I_lo, \l)ril -I ' . y :_.l„. : ,1,..z0ii. or :-.iii;; ; lt.; I.'rtine. , .. Pi.... 3, li:6-ins, h.; . .. the Lis i,l ti,itilid. . • 1 deW :4 Cl ; 1 1 1 i . Q 44- . i-- t 1..) ! I . t,Nl'l.: ililN.‘ltir.S.--A ii,, L ..i • ith.l. cxteii , ~1 1 . i...:., iti.....,it Id (.'atillit...., ‘viiirli will lie sold Fashloitta)le ::I',l , :tre its ..I.lt t".1',0;111. ; 1i.',.;,i, , ..,/ ~,t1 i;vlti/.I.:;.;;1 P;;;6......;•1,-- Ala. Cal:pz.r, 1.... 1 ,-. :!full ) ;;;(,,,,:• 1.;,;. ;:,;_ (... , 1 ii. k...);.1., C ' ...11i :111.1 0011 L. Vi.,•,!.,ttitt . ~,i , he Iyill ;I‘vays ... li,•pt a uil limit;) ior Lille a'. the 1.,,5„, ii , \ l l t ,,,,,,,, ..,„.1w%,,,,,. 1 ti.‘v.:l iirlie lime ililo.t ailord,. ('ratio), .'laird in d ~i'l i,„ i iiw i ,.. l ,L\prii ;ll: die barrel, i t:,leli, ices rplaitity, ‘‘ ill 1 . 0 , :en ”. 0„. 1. ; . ,I„, g , ~ \, ,„,j b y l fur Charie.s is:_t't 1,.. :`;,.)...2.'. io ..\V o")i i 'm, it u‘v ," , ukv . .iy , l'.. I. IA fur Lille. • • 1 ... .\ 11,111„,vii 11,1(.1, ,vl ( crel„, will '.. .C . :.1 5 f h• iiii,,ro.is .Carr ,...‘4iliolit lit. lets 1. .1.. • ..1.. t , ;,ii,..i..1,1,1,,:!ifil cl.A:wlicre MI . , 0:0-Patt11C1:01)11) NOtire. • The subscribers will enter into Co-Part nership in the Mercantile business, in the Uorough of Allentown, on the 15th instant, and will conduct' the . business under the Firm of Kern and Kline, at the old ;Amid of the New York Store. They bone that by strict attention to business, and low pro ' fits they will continue to receive the support so liberally bestowed heretofore. 1 • WILLIAM KERN. JAMES F. KLINE Allentown, Marsh 14 Mil TEEM =I wt.ll ;;Ittl :t11,.,t1) has ' ABS AND FLOWEIZS, She would eSpe- -AI of I al I,- tet cos. sr 1;1..E..1 CHING dom.: in a superior and at muck rvdtict.-il prices. 4..i0ui.1 iikvitys v 11110.0 7 ,41. t:t,tuary trade supplit d. : . 1.7 April 11. Ir .-6, • ~. / ) Ji :•,. .6. , ' • 4:," 4& k . d Vii'Y . _,,,,i, ;Va.f. x 4. t, e F '.l l 4 ,1 C id 4 2 . , i ,:i 7 , 14, , ‘,l ri, :4 . '4l'; 4 • ''' i . 4. i • ~ ..k-to t - •., i,- :,,.. A s 4. , • ---, ' • . • 4 ..), 4•:. 1 $t . . %'' / Fi • -'' i 1• / "?' e ;. ?'. '..b),- ; • .'1 1. 4:•,,, NEUTRAL IN POWTICS, Pocticcti ticpartment. Thou 'erin'A not p ii e I entitili.l And call it all thine own, The beautiful given for all .. 1 .11(1 not for one alone ; i s hive tnac!, Ai F,aitlwanii sca, and A wide as titn , and space --~~~~r-i~-Herq-liuinan cs,~,-- 'l•he f,pam that err<i the Oeean•tva , ve. dud sparkles to the light, The star that L!,V1113 thr. itiow of morn And glorifies the bight, The brook, the [lower, the leaf, the bird, 11•hatever Flails the flod's own lovlng g:it to all, 'lsla beautiful and bright. Ana blessed )11(1 th.• cro,.! pincer For, :Tito of clittitot, the alacr cart Noe God's love is with him here, twaloy's 11;411t, in beauty's. joy, And beantc's blessed cheer. \t d t.'oM I praked ! forevermore, For MI boom an illay share, Alta nuuc ten ,hart luu sumo; ' LANltittitil,_xt Anil 1i:oil, its tip In Jilin, \Vitt. is its source, l'te ;I , ld light, . 4 .lli , ZicetitlilCoil . Ei "ZiCiCCtiol.l9; [From 111 New Yotk Tribune.] The Deautifut That iiii uegllt at I..ast, \ 01,v1c1,4,1 Frt]lli thil7t'r io si•:ai.iuol The Music Teacher. NUATBER 20. !she best might—her parent. having died of a broken heart soon after hiS failure. She had finally itlan'i , f a 1 oor author, to whom the had been very mach attached. She bellied fibril,' ottpoeit themselves by teach- Inv mesie, ana that was what carried liar past my mike su re:4(11(111y. [kr husband, naturally delicatp, !.‘ as continually writing, and it was with difficulty she could prevail 'IP" him to tluii. Ill'. pen at midnight. tier first and only child died, nd her husband, by ((vertasking his strength, beame a victim to consumption. Ili's book was at last fin- SliLsaid_that_she_h new_thatit_wtts imperfect, but that there was so much beau ty and originality in the plot, so Bauch deli cacy and vivacity in the stile, that its defecti were more than compensated by its beauties. Ile sent to the publishers; after a week of painful suspense, it was returned, accom panied by a note, pointing out its Worst de fects, and entirely passith -, ,ever the 'merits. When he had finished' this cruel letter, he fell with a deep groan to the ground, the dark blood flowing front his parted lips. Ile had broken a blood-.vessel. In a few hours he WEIS no more. "As you know, Mr. Mervale," she said, when she had concluded her story, con firmed giving music lessons till this aceideitt put it out of coy power." After some tune, the fair patient begid to recover, and at the•end of six weeks thii splints were removed front the delicate foot. Alice was noW able to walk. She expreseml a desire to resume her lotssons at once. I felt that the moment had come. "I cannot see anynecestsiq fur this, I said, "awl it grieves me to think that yoU ! are thus rt.:mired to toil for your &Ay l bread."' "Hut I hare no other reconrces—l adt from imperative duty," she replied, slightly blushing. "Ilut will you trust this to me, and alkintr me to make an arrant ement more satisfircroL• rr to tnysell at least." She tumult away her face, which Vrai suffused with blushes. I gained ccumge., I think I can. May I try ? I continued; "V s,'' she resumed, hiding her fate. I eltight h-r hand, and proceeded. "You giv(i ulr inn rums:atm !" "I do," still faintly speaking. •"And you will not retract!" "Nu—never." .All was ever—l caught her in my arm's; and kissed her more than since, assuring . her that I knew but one way, and that was by accepting me in marriage. In a few months we were united, Courting. An old paper says :—"Courtitur is a Sub: Ject Which, always important, is m b_tcoming p•eculiarly so anti we dcsign tweed he. ift tendon td young people to it ..occasi 'natty, is hope of arre,iing lot alarminll.4u deS mien ve evil. Young ladies are bound fq fall in love as 50011 its possible, turd hound partner for life as soon as the tietes sary preliminaries arc trtade-L-sirth tis gettz Mg a lover, fascinating hint thoroughly: being courted, having the question popped, getting tin wedding garments in array, and inviting friend , to sic hint prettily married. Ti ß i young in',ol is bound to be gallant mid politr, atm to admire, without any stint; all the pretty young girls known and un-; • known-, to doll the beaver, ofliq his arm, in; y ite to ride, plesstnit saunter in short, to all I and sundrie•z, indeed to -show his devotion and L alI ti try towards the sex until some en chantress throws her spell around hint, rind he sinks, subdued into a com Mon place,in ditferent careless Benedict. Now out of !those things grow dilliculties A young man admires a pretty girl, and must moot-• fest it ; li.• elimot help'doing so for the life of him. The t•itnt•• Ia 1,, has a tender heart; reachimi out idat for..Folile.thing to cling to ; she set., , tit admiration, is fiat- Lewd, Snr:ll to hive, expeCts some avowal, and put Laps gets so file us to decide that she Will ch 0 0 ,,, it iv hi le satin tin d er El . thin . I:,•airze, at the very inonwnt the gallant that she love, is popping the question (good ! ! l) to another damsel ten miles Now the difficulty is,' not precisely under. standing the difference between polite at; tentions and the tender tonnife.statiOns ' sighing love. Admiring a beautiful girl, and wishing to make a wife of her, are net* ! always the same ; and, therefore, it is tie- • cessary that a girl should be on the alert le discover to which class the attentions paid' her by a handsome and gay young gentle; man belong. First, then—if a young fel- . 1 low gteets you in a loud, free, hearty voice —if ho knows precisely where to hat. - or his hands—if he stares yeti straight' iv the eye with his own wide open—if he tells you who made hid coat--4f ho squeezed your baud—if he eats heartily in your phi: sence—if he fails to talk very kindly to your motheril lie sneezes wirett you are sing; ing, or criticises your curls, or fails to be very foolish in fi fty Ways in every hour,' 'then don't fall in love with hint for. the world ; he only admires you, let him' do or' say what he will." • Alrinthus, or Tree of Heaven, is snid, during its flowering season, to be dole•' ,terioue to health. ,V „
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers