• • • ! _ •> 1 )11: 4 . • • it . llllf • / • oyo , ki • ~,.. , • • • - IA-` • .‘• • • ' ••< - - 4- •-• • - •: .. ft - • , i •••••• • . - •.• 47i •- •"k 41 ;•••... 3 51•zi , , " . :1 4 1 .,1 1 :4 •'44;,'?„•2•;41,1•4,._ 4 ;f r • " - , •••`r: • r • irvlß; _ _ - _ _ - - _ • 440•,' NEUTRAL IN POI,ITICS, l'ER_ _ _ OCUOtO to NC11)5 ) Citerature, poetru, !Zanier, iltiecl)anics, 'agriculture, theCliffu,:iion of itieful iiiifornmtion, enteral Lintelligelice,"anmemeut, C. VOLUME IV. TILE LEIIII,III REGISTER, 4.,- I mlntiqe:Vin-Ilre-.l3r.rough of Allentravn,Lehigh 7t) nt . ti; Pa.,every Thursday Irf AUGUSTUS IL:MADE, At $l5O per annum, payable in advance, and $2 00 if not paid until the end of the, year. No paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. Anmurrismt esrs, making not more than one square, Nvill he inserted three times for one d o llar and for every subsequent inset tion t xentydive cents. Larger rtdvertisegients charged in the :mine prop - 116nm Those not exceeding ten lines, will be charged seventy•five cents, and ilinNe malting six lines or less, there insertions for 50 MEE ETA liberal deditetion %Oil be Made to those who advertise by the pent• EirOgire in Hamilton Sl—one door Ens, of the Germ a n Thfin-me(l Church, nearly opposite thrurriedensindhe (,Vier." AllentOWlD Seminary, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. The Summer Fl'riSlOn 01 this Institute, will commence' n the Ist of May next, and con tinue fur 5 months. TE .11S : Tuition, Board and Washing, for. months, (composin:2: 2(tuarters of II ‘veelis eitch,) Tui)ion for pupils over 10 years of amt, Tuition for pupils under 10 boars - of ago, 10 00 l•'or further particulars appl}• in the Prin cipal, who returns thatilis to the. Public for the favor which thet• have so far shown his school. 'll6l'lllg tit the same time, all those who may desire it, to t•isit the Institution and examine for themselves. No pains will be spared to inslrlia the I'll) ili entrusted to Ills care, I horotti2bly in all the branches de nitil to watch ovcr their morals tool manners ‘vitli internal care. C. It. Prbicipal, ,April 11 A LLENTOIVN ACADE I AIV. SUMMER SESSION 1850. 'Hie Summer Session commences Mon: dny, April 15th, to continue 15 weehs. TE/LUS: For hoarding, tuition, &c., for the w holr session, $l5 00 All necessary inforination can be obtain ed on application at the Academy. %.--B. C. CHANDLER, Prinripal. April 1 iillE1 1 10 1 .11S1..:3121111111 FOR YOUNG LIMES. 'l'he sixth term of this Institution, will commence on the Ist day of May next. All parents who intend to plan< their children at this school, would do well to bring tlwin at the commencement of the .session. • T Dt S. For board, washine., &c., per ses., SIS Turnox For those tinder eight years of age, $ For those between right and ten, 4 Por.those between ten and twelve, 5 Per those over twelve, 0 - irAn excellent teacher in Music and Drawing has been secured, and tho;o w h o may wish to receive instruction in these branches. can obtain it at the usual terms. April 1 COAL & LUMBER. YARD, In South Bethlehem. The undersigned adopt this irmlbod to inform their friends and tho public in general that they have now on hand, an excellent assortment of dry 'Lumber, consisting of Boards, Scantling and to the latter they wish to draw the attention of the public particularly.. They have at great trouble brought from the State of Alaine, a large supply of (Mar Shingles. In connection With the Iminber they have also an extensive COal: ] 01RD 9 where they will always keep, on hand, all kinds of Coal As the roads are now in good wheeling order, they hope to be atilt:to shake the hand of, many an old customer, and make acquaintance with many new ones, whom they will always treat With the greatest respect. B()1?ft" 15 . Nd tS S. April 11. m llrantlretll alltlWriotts Pills. , Country merchantsr h oul others, are ere , by notified, that the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brantlreth, are constantly kept for sale at the office of the "Lehigh Register" by the doz'n boxes, at Wholesale prices. Jule 5. A FAMILY NEWSPA The subscriber announces to his friends and the Oublic in gerftral, that he has lately removed his GROCERY STORE, from Gangwere's to Wilson's corner, on Maiket square, directly. opposite Craig's Al . li-ntown Hotel, where he has recently ad ded a large addition to his already extensive stock of Family Groceries, Frail, and Con fectionary, which consists of -;,z . ;— .4 ,-- i Molasses, Honey, Coffee, Sugar, i l tal Loaf Suerar, Spices, Chocalate, 1 .. c - i Rice, Gish,o 11 ~Cintl —, Snap, Salt, Dried Peaches, Apples, Currants, Crockery, Clueens-ware, Earthenware, &c. A I.S( ).--Oran ,,, s, Lemons, be the Box, dozen, or single; ['runes, Figs, Raisins, by the box or pound. CoN rEcTiosAims.--A large and exten sive a , tiortinent of Candies which will he sold Wholesale and Retail, to snit Purchasers-- Corn, Oats, Chop and other Feedstuff will always be kept On band for sale at the lowest price the market affords. Cement, by the barrel, bushel Or less (inanity, will always he kept for sale. F.? lie informs those for whom he has done business in Philadelphia and elsewhere that . he has established a Semi-weekly rrealllLlll. 4 . ollo - • ( 01/(__ `Ni:) 00 MEM which arrives rimularly in Allentown. every Thursday and Saturday in each week. Persons who trusts their business to him can depend upon it being punctual transac ted. as he always makes it a point,. to em ploy mime but sober and careful teamsters. I le trtiqs that the quality of hi< ,- mods, and the cheapne.4s of ,vill convince the public, that it is to their ad viiimoy,. to M. a l with him. JESSE SII.‘ VEER. April IR. t--lm 1,-1%1 TIlE.lll,' _VD° rs EX crrEAIENT ! NEWS! I'VerVilOdy 1110 . s neWS, and So it has been ever since the flood. Sprague CIZI •.The news! our morning, noon and evening cry Day after day repeats it till we die. For this the Mt, the critic and the fop, Dully the hour in Tonsiit's skip; For this the Dossip tidies he t da i ly route, And wears your patience and your thre•hold out ; For this we leave the parson in the Inrch. And pause to prattle on the way to church ; Even when some friend we gather round ash .what news l'—then lay him in the IVe frequently proclaim news. through our columns—our readers know it too--,and we are .nntv about to tell them what will cer tainly prove of the utmost importance to all classes of our citizens, especially to the la dies, the beautiful and intelligent creatures. 13tit what is it ! we thittli ive here one and all exclaim. then A 1,1.1:NTO AVN 5.1 .11 SON, 1 G CO. long and famliaril); known to the public a most excellent caterers to their tastes, hae• , ing just returned from a visit to Philadel phia, New York, &c„ and ate now ready to dispose of a most splendid and carefully se lected stock of entirely new goods, at their place of •business, A. E. YOUNG in the new building lately erected by John ffiwner, on the corner of Hamilton and James streets, immediately opposite lagen buch's tavern, where they are prepared to serve their friends and the public with a splendid assortment of _Very t'illicoes, :Mishits, 1)c banes, g hams, 1)« rues, Greitailiers, Silk 'Pis . sues, Organdic3, and respectfully invite the ladies to call and exainine their stock. 'lli' have also a beautiful assortment of EM BMA DER I ES, ‘vhicli include a splendid assortment of Nee dle work Collars, Capes, V i zetts, I lift Is, &c, together with a splendid assorunent of Buff, Salmon and Pink Merinos and Cashmeres (neu; style) of most superb quality and de lightful Shadei. They have also on hand frollen Blankets and Quills, Linens, Nuslins and Flannels, All of Avhich they have bowght at treat bar gains and will sell comparatively low, (not below nor at cost, though, as sotne profess to do.) They , have also on hand tt large as sortment of as Wool and Cotton Undershirts and Draw ers, •Scarfs, Cravats and Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, l3road Cloths Cassitneres, Vestings, &c., which thry will sun far below the kif , tial priers. Dr Lainvs at P2l Cents pre .am',l, of very beautiful nud thove who wnithl avail themselves of s.nch bargains, must in these Iluctuons times remember, that delays are dangerous, and unless they buy early they may lose the chaLce Allentown, April 11 OEM To Philadelphia, The People's Store, Ili rl~l~l Important Nrws! The Peoples Store, Gentlemen's Ftirnishings, ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., APRIL 23, I 8 ail. TO THE LADIES! BONNETS! BONNETS!! IVlrib 1E; Kemmerer, Respectfully informs the Ladi-s of Allen- • town and the adjacent country, that she con- • gh 6" Leh , • mars her fashio n able tz,,, ,, ,,Nridiv inform their friends and . 1 /iLL/NElli - ENT.IBLPilisli/LVT* piddle in m Hera!, that they have removed on Ilt u nilton Street, third door below l'r , •iz,4thi the house, one door East of the Aihm (Juth & Co's.. Store, where she n iii be hap- town I 101, I. 'war the INin diet Square, in pv to hnve them call and examine her stock. [l B milh,r, . s ir 4., 1. i n A lie n iown„ an d ioi Airs. Kemmerer has just returned from the ope Mal a m w Road V \ Ltdc CHtliiie.; Es city, and has now on hand, the largest and tablislnnimi, which thee trill the most varit id assortment of Ladies and Misses Bonnets, to be found in Allentown. I ler stock com prises the latest styles, such as Hungarian, SeHaan, Fluted Lacc, Lisertm ran nykts, :whums, Stain, Straw, A•ro which she can oll'er to sell IPholcsale'and as cheap as any other dealer, here or else ivhrre She has also a well selected and superb assortment of IZIBI3oNs, TAlls AND FLOWEits, of the latest patterns, and she would espe cially invite the ladies to Call and .E,rainine her .Stork, before purchasing elsewhere. She is also prepan•ti to make Crape, Sill and I.,awu Casing and b'ance at the shortest inflict:, and on the most ron.son able. terms. ;(% BLE.ACIIIN(I den in i ..ilperior manner, and a( much reduced hands always employed. 3. - u - (2o(lntry supplied. . 1%.".12 .; i .111: L 11. \pill Il xvv, A Avve s. I n.pursitance of an act of general assem bly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled -an Act relating to Comity Rat's and Levies,'' approved the 15th day of prib 1-5:11 \ tid the ;leis iif con current therewith. \Vi' ihr till rsiivied Commissioners of the county of Lehigh. lwre• by give notice to the taxable it luti•uauts, the owners and agents of real and per. aril property, tax,dile for the iise of the county of I,elligh. and the Commonwealth sylvania, the Inn keepers, Tavern lipiip,os, and all persons desirous: of, beeping an Inn or tavern, returned according to litsv, Within the county of Lehigh. that an appeal for the benefit of all perms interested, will he held at the several town ships and borough of Allentown within said county. to wit : (21'01111d. " For the totvri.diip of .the house o f p a nic' t:laus.4, on V; iday tho ..2 7th of April, at - 10 o'clock in the forenoon. For the township of South at tho houst. of A. NV. I.oder, on hi the .27th of April, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. ['or thr b0r0w.2.,11 of A Ilentown, ;it tit Coln rnis.iionors office on Thors.day May '2 1, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. . For the townshipof Northampton, at t h. Commissioners office at A Ilinnown on. day the :1(1 of . 1 / a y, at 10 o'clock in the lon 0000. Vor the township of Salsbure, at the house of John Yost, on Saturday the Ith of .llav, at 11) o'clock in the fort hoot). For the township of 1 1 "vise !Wu r at the botise of John Leiser, oti Monday ih i • o t h of May, at 10 o'clock in the Gorr noon. Por the township of Lynn, at the house of Jaynes Seiberling on Tuesday the ith of Jiny, at II) o'cloc:k in the forenoon. For the township of I leidellairg, at the house of Peter ildler, on Irednesday the Sth of May. at 10 o?cluch in the forenoon:l For the township of ilashinuton, at the house of D. & C. Peter on Tioir,sclay the 9th of May, at 11l &clod: in the forenoon. For the township of North Whitehall, at the house of Jesse I lldiffill 11, on Friday the 10th of :Way, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. For the township of Ilanover, at the house of Charles Ritter, on Saturday the 11th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. At which time and places the. Commis sioners will receive wrluen proposals for tho collection of the State and Comity Taxes for the present year. The bail must be mentioned in - the proposal at thesame time. Joum LICIITENWALNER, 13EEJANIN 131tEIN10, - SANUEI. KNAESS, Commissioners of Lehigh County AttestJ. M. LINE, Clerk Commissioners Office, Allentown, April 1, 18r)0. al 1 / 4 ) IP CO n 11,Joi?4,111 • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office one door ea. , :t of Kolb, Hotel. Al known, Lehigh county, Pa. Allentown, March 29. .7013 .r R LirG I Neatly executed at the "Register" Office MB TAXES. c 1 w Temple of .oa,slon 1 11 .4 CIAMin ESTIBUSIIMENT p Fr or l'er.vh dos:. They keep on hand a caries Cassimeres, &c., now and fash ionable Summer whit.ll 1111'V Wili 111;110 Illt In 1111100. 11s.n, all kinds Sring' NVonlen, (Aiwa' and Linen I)res: , (;nods. They will alwa)ti lil . 1 . 1) 011 hand a larQe assortment of IZeinly nide lothing of cve ry ile:icription for Alen and FloyN, at the very lowest prices. They are thankful fin past favorm and tru. , t that tlivir very low priCes, will lie die means of retaiiiinv; their old ett..tniiiiirs, and brin2, them ninny new outs A pril C i hrist, rasilional)le Tailor in Illmitolyi . mit.cilitisT,•r- , pcctirl!)• informs the cit izens of A Ileinnivii,aticl its vicinity that he has rented and wi.l front the first of April 111.51 " IT "Pr III" 1 , 11i1 , 110 , r, fill'Illt•Ely hn i I , l' Chi NE). '2.iii “kVil,ol . , Row." iil trit i •n•ltt• the Ilentown lottl, where lie v.. loitost; `E'n i/t)rirtg• ITziNitte ,- 4!4, in all its vatat.ti.-: le:inches. Ile ‘vt II be rea dy to rt.ci-vt• 0r,14s fr,.nt lids, and such \vim ;illy I . :Ivor Iwo \yid' tlwir co,itom. for xv!tich lie %vitt ever ((II titti•lliftfl. I it , lut. , nettle arr , tii rr, r ,- ; ,eits to !Tit. ivt• the latest itl.ttezz front and •Nrw V•tria, which ticill vol!);:. ttirt.,s a limn ill 1110 lag's! Ells prio,., will ho in anti lie trltF.t,4 lott;ciottl ottoodmico to hosiocss to tnrri :1,1,:m• 4 1 410. Flt• inttroong, Ahirt 2:tkev; ricu 011)(111: rg1.11.1.::-4, tl i mrthol to iiik , rm :111 , 1 thr plif.):l ' e in general, that he has opett..ti NEW I'uNVE..;("I . I()N.IIZY in ( r in the vithio;e oll'zit;ts;itt (lll,l. E lai w v..l.l,Avti!-Itii), I A•ltir2l) cotinty,atid . thr•Tily Netv store, rebore Ite will iikv;ts keep 111 Itutitl a large ti,, , q•ttnt•tit olcalo.: , cottlecti,ortry les, tv..:11 In the evening . lie will iti.• preit:ired nilL tttp, ieP-erettin, beer, tread, I%;:ter, • I Lr WI ws that I.v strict a:iontion to w;11 a ftdi situ of public Foronn ! zo. (.'nt;t•utoitnt, .11)rii I. LO-pattlierc - il)ip Noticc. I'hstill,vribors will rni r into ('n-l'a,rt to.i ., hip sot the Alereantile i the llorotozh of .\llentotvo, on the I.lth in-tint and will conduct die liti,ine, , s undcr tln Virtu of unit air! Kline. at the old :taint of LIP' NokV York S , ore. They hope that hy attention to lvdnes , „ ;Intl low Pro- Nvill continue to receiv, the support he,tuwc(l herciorm.e. W1. • JAMES Allentown, March I I l'OC1. 1 " 11 ) 0\1 1 ) WIVE & LEQPCON STORE, N. 2623 AL\ 1Z1.11:1' S'l Ei :Intl Ninth Str,,Nortli Philadelphia. Liimors \\*Hi" ill k Inds if ..'ort' such as— . .. Ohl ertvinr. 11r3tillies. D'art: ... (j i *rt.-- -7, , ,a,..t,„iii i.„1,.,11011.,„,i Jill, in -,,1r.,41. • . • • • 1 . • t - : :Mt" ,tticat-Tirit.:.11.1,1.11t.1:-.•cotelt ...- - Malt ‘VilltNlit'y 01 - the very fin-st quality. a 3; e,s.—Stich ns Maill Sweil Malaga. Nlu,cat, Claret tuid Champagne, very elo.itte a t.d oh/. Also, Manufacturer of Doniestic I)i: tilled Brandy and Gin. Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Wild-Cherry Brandy. and Fine Cordials, Raspberry 1 3randy, New England Bum, &c., also a large supply of fine Olt! Monongahela Whiskey on 'hand, The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Mei:chants and 'Pa vern4teepers. will do well to give the un dersigned a call before purchasing'els, were, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will hear the closest scrutiny, recollect No. 323 Market Street. ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia,,Dee 0 • 1!-"•IY a'anigation Opened I 5, 4 "; 4 1. - .••• , "77. .1177 t 1 % • If;', " higlaransport ation Comp. rillho proprietor, ttAthis old rbiabli`,lled liar Aid" give notice that they are now prepar ed to receive: Alerchandize of all description tit their old stand, Brock's Wharf, first he- Ituv Vine street, on the Delaware and for warded to Yardly‘ille, Tadorsville, New lope,Easton,Hethlehem. Allentown,Matich Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven and Witkesbarre. They are also prepared to skip goods to and from New York to Wilkes barre and all Mho mediate places, via Dela ware and I:mit:in, h lawaro acid Lehigh, Canal, and Lehigh eC Susquehanna Rail road. Merchants having, floods to ship from New York, will please call on Steward and Mettler, I; I Dey street, who will give all necessary inform:l:ion. (Mods ;hipped by tiii line will en In' A. S. Nvkani k\-.. Son's line of Sloops from New York to N. Ttiiuns wick by the Sl6op host ur C.reyhromd or Schooner 11. P. Stockton, %%Inch will be found nt the ,11liany Bisin, foot of Cedar street, Nmth 'river. The arrangements, are such that there will always be a sloop ready to receive frights. Merchants and others having otoods to -hip front New York to airy of the above flaunt(' places, will phrase have their LrOmIS, marked to the care of .gB 1.41171,.5YLV 4. 0. This line consists of I'utcniii-Into Fir,t ("hiss Deck 1/cots, and commanded by sober and oblicr ino Captains ; we trust ti,eir long experience in the forwarding business and by strict at tention to the interest of customers will se cure the continuance of their patron:tote. 4 1' - INN IL S. 31dnrcArail, Philadelphia ; John Opdyrkr,Ea'onn ; .letwoNtres .1. Ritz, AI ; /toihrr,/,. l7,ollllphem ; .1. If . Nlatich Chunk ; Pnr irr Pow' I Liven : 4. Williez,barre ; , 17t writ 4..1/cittri, New York. l'noiui:Tons.—frier S. Alichler, •John Opilycho, & NVflson. William Prolz & Sat. , zer, Nlch:vors. For man. I I '.llorelionil, Jacob A I)raki , and llulirh, Jbliti Rorniv; tradiniz under lirm & CO. April I. EMI wiurrE sIVAN 11(YrEL In Racelvect The l'inlersit/iied re pectfully informs trien& and the piddle in general, that he has lately taken tlw \\like Swan lintel, in Race Street, Philadelphia, (fornwily kept 1,3. 4eol, Peters.) The Swan Hotel, 1,1 , : i il i his lately undergone complete e - . - ..3.......: - irepairs and now stands second to none in the city in point of style and ac commodation. The TA 131. E is well sup ilied with the best the season alliirds,.the ll.\ ll with the choicest of Liquors, and prompt and obliging servants. Ile has sev eral , rivitte iarlors, in order to accommo- ME Woofnntili who may deem proper to fa vor him with their 1 1.! taken the hott,e ‘vith a determi nation !o :Taro 110 pains, or expeti:ie iu ovi hite,2 it conveiticut to his cit,toa,t'n•s. has 10 1.2 e ;11111 roatittudiout:stal,les, , Tonilsand attentive (),-,tlers who %yid at all times be ill attendance. I3y punctual attendance to his cli6totners, and a (112: -.ire to render them coatiorialtie in every respect, he expects a share of public patronage - w (W.01;1;1 - .111 A I IN. Ithiladt , lphin, Jon. 10, 1'.150. lI•JfO E I: CLOCK STORE. \'‘), .c'f., abort. 71b, mouth side, l'llll,.ll , lA.l'lkL\ ‘‘.. can :;co !rely estituntetheval uo e, tom wetily. yet hy calling at the alio). ; ,b:1-initent,./unus Barber u tlt furni.-h trie,Als. among u Man he incltiti,s ail who. duly ;),), , recutte its fleetness, with a benniilM.aed petl'ert /mita. for malting its prop-,s. of ).) i value they can judge. His extme.ive stock on hand, constantly Changing it) conformity to the improvements in taste and style of pattern and workman ship. con,ist of Eight-day and Thirty-lhtr 11rasss Countior, house, Parlor, flail, Church and :Worm (loam, French, Gothic and . other. fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive connection and correspondence with the manufactures he finds he can put at the lowest cash figure in any quantity from one to a thousand, of which lie Will warrant the accuracy. L.77er•Clocks repaired and warranted. Clock trimmings on hand. Call and see motunong them: • JAMES BARBER, 23. Market hilnd'a, August SO 1840. 11-Iy-8 A . C; EN 'I'S ; NUMBER 29. Cent re Valley Hotel. The undersi g ned begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has rented and now occupies the new Centre Valley Hotel, in Upper Saucon township, Le. Ica high county, lately held by Geo. E i! Wetherhold. The House is • beautifully situated, larg e and roomy, with fi rst rate stabling and water close at hand. Being somewhat experienc • cd in keeping public house, he - flatters him self to he able to give full satisfaction to those who may think proper to favor him with their custom. Ile will furnish his bum with the best of liquors, and his table with the choicest the market affords. fits bedding are all new. and cleanliness will be observed throughout his establishment. Ile invites such of his friends who pass and repass his house, to give him a call. 1[ W kpril •1 NORTHAMPTON . Beater Company. The stockholders of the Northampton Water Company, are hereby notified, that an election for live managers, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on Monday the lath of May next, between the hours of 10 A. Al. and 6 I'. M., at the house of Major Eli .S'icekel, in the borough of Allen town. By order of ihe Board, M. D. EfiERHARD, Secretary, 11-4 t April IS TitcrAntor)l2, The Ce-Partnership heretofore existing under the Firm of Kern and Samson, will be dissolved by mutual consent, on Friday the Irith instant. All persons having due bills, or other unsettled accounts, will please call at the earliest period and have them settled, and such who have demands against the firm will also present their accounts for settlement. WILLIAM KERN. • C. EL SAMSON Allentown, March 14 WILLIAM S.IIAMX, ATTORNEY & COITNSELLOR AT LAW• ( /like in the western front room of the huildinrr of .1011111). Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse Allentowa April .1, 1850 The Great China Store opiIitIII,ADELPHIA. Thanliful to the citizens of Allentown and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large .splendid assort anent of CI I ENA, GLASS & LarP,ENSWARE. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, anti single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than•they can be had elsewhere. In fact at less than Wholesale Prices. American and English Britannia Metal Goods, In greater variety than ever before offered in the city. FASCIA' CHINA in a great ea rifty terry cheap. would invite any person visiting the city to call and Nee us—they will at least he plczt:“.ll to , valk around our beautiful store :aid to view the finest China and i/ic cheap est the world produces. Very respectfully, I'Y DALE & 111TCHELL, No. 219 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, Sept. '2O, - Brandreth's )11 TIIE CURE OF Consumpt ion, Coughs, Colds, 4.c., TO TINE PUBLIC!! TIIOSE who are sufh•ring from remit ting or Intermitting Bilious Complaints, should read the following, and be guided thereby : Coose of Paid.— fain is the consequence of the exertion of the organ or part where it is iJn s..nt to throw oil morbid or corrurt ha w ot:n i!x•ist but f:cm the pre winrh srt el an un- IEIEI F ~'IiCO (1 n =IC (Ad We lin v e Brun in the lwad, bewri:., or in any other part of the body, it rad) . proves the presence of 'natters which the blood is trying to re-• move, and it is this slrtiagle which is the oc us,6„ „f pain, •To be bled, only removes the anguish in proport,on as the amount of life is reduced, and the same may be said of. a ll lulling or soothing remedies. " Not so with Brandreth's Pills ; they at once go td' the assistance of the blood in aiding it to' discharge bad humors, to conquer the Death Principle. To relieve pain in this way does not leave any bacl, effects, The Liftt Principle:i? not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but all the organs are cleansed and their health insured.. larT he above Pills are frr s ule• lv dozen or single box at the Register Offt in A lbmtnwo. January M.. Al lye ¶ -6 w EEO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers