.• 1 Lotter from California. Shameful Scene in the U. S. Senate. The Committee of Thirteen. I Legislative l' i roceedittr'S l• 79 _• i Gleaning's.. Mr. John Buchman, of Easton ; says MO Ar- i, A most disgraceful affray neon in the Thedullowitig is a classification of the Coto- I HARRISBURG, April 23, 1950. I Cr . Mr. James Powers, of Cincitinati, a I us, reccii,,cd a letter from his son, John l' • . , Senate on Wednesday afternoon, the 17th lush mine° of Thirteen, elected it(the United Stales I SENATE. absence of about a year in Ca . ilifornia, n. Bachman, dated Sari Fi.ourisi.O, March Ist, ! The following account of it, is taken hom the Senate ml Fiiday, according to Meir polities and r, On' motion of Mr•Shimer, the Senate proceed-', week before last with over 90,000 d o lh irs ' from which tee make the lullowitig c.xtraet : 1 Baltimore Clipper: their localities: ! eil to the consideration of the motion made soin f g e : oold. -I ant getting along %pry well and eejoyiog ; ‘V.ointiNa.r.e.r, April 17, 1850. Soe'thrrn Senn;/,.r. . A',,akern 5 t .„, 1 1 0 ,..v • lia a ago, to reconsider the vote upon the first 1 t:2' There is iron ehough in the bl oo d good health, but nano \sly escaped lo r nig loy i IN t h e Setime this ;Memnon, while a diseus• :" . r• (* .hi) s'' ..l )*•, Chaint Al r. Cass. AI eillidan. 1 section of the bill to erect an aripteduct or bridge men to make 50 hor s e shoes, ea c h we i g hh lilt on the evening of the GM gm, while iii the ; slot' ..e,li g0111 :4 011 111 reference to an appeal :, 1 . 1 ".: . ' , 1 11 ‘ '! 1 ' 41 . 1 ". l. •:• I.) " • kin'tnt.N• lOil . .• over the river Delaware, at or near the town of I a pound. 1 liti. , lo India:el ' ~ ---- ..-,-- ' dim:l:m . .2e ol my duties as iineoliee of-' horn the decision of the Vice President, :Mr. o !)owns'. L i , ' ,,i ' ., 1 , 1 1 ' ,., t , • ,.. ~ ",,7 1 , „ ,,,,. ,*.NL ,.. , ' ,a . „. Ii• 1 , 1111)•1 :7e -.. 1 . 11e debt of the State of Connecm -=.. /jeers of this city,he follim he l Foote leas M teplying to r. Benton, when the " Alatigitiii,*N. Carr, . i. ph„1, , ,,, , 5. v,,,,„,„,,. I Mr. Crab( ohjected lo the motion, upon the , only ......",:1,000. • . Tr, extract from Conk ground that (me of the gentlemen who moved to I CO- IVtien a man Inilihn7, an argnmen one of our pain:v...give:l a partial aceiond of the latter riom and advanced towards Mr. Foote.— “ 11011 . * Tetit.e , • ,. .”.• " . transaction : I, Mr. F. rcirmited through the aisles of the Simi " Uelliv " ,* " `" 4id. ' i icemi oder hail not V01...1 in the Ilel.I'111111!.. • . I ruts a ii,e,siiiii,his words ate doubted, and II i‘ lii ~t.,., thus •r.; Southern Senators 7: :...iirth• .llr. I.h.tnn innrcil 10 r , eoll,l,ler thu vote upon I truth 11...1 011 his Silk, Ile gets Wo r s te d in il t:. - "IVe beg the itidulg,enee of our numerous ...ilkiiip to .‘leir.d ini Q/Lci . —le , Mitlay morn- : me ch:inther to t 111: area, awl while doing. so 0111 ." .. i.!l:;t:,ii , G , Southern . \\*ltig,i I ; .Sl/1111ir r i l 1 the 111101 pa,!••; , ..,I ; l: tithe ball 10 revive the tnifitia ! counter. Coolness in such noses is al l Inc! readers fora few week, more, until the, crowd •„. i ,1. .. • , • I'. T I . ..•a •I • • 11 i. 1. 1 nut' , 1.1 , 11l I .ell ation took p.am. IN 11l to street' l 14_,5 lel,/ 10r• I ll,10 10111 hi:, bosom ;int i . 1 of advertisements Will Eilak en off, when we will • h ct .y ee „ 1 „.„, „,,,,,,, ,„,.. d John S. Batik led • • - - -- ' —...eits :1; N ... . • —1:17 - •"77 . 1". itC h; r . ' tteisi,-itcr. El !I , CirctsEation lacar "2000. Allentotwn, Pa. THURSDAY, APRIL 2i, 1,50, . icm aril.; .lir. Benton. A scene of ,t.,•.it again beable t o give the 1 ,,,,, a 1 ,• ;00e •ily of Ink. and the ot h er o:iver IL Liewy, har-keep e r of confutdon immediately klliiweil ; chair., %%eii• cellaneous matter. In the 1:121`. S dill:111111CM the El . Dorado. Tile 1ar.,1 kneehed lidtik,i tNolielt, tdl , ldt.i ovcrlut I I ni!, , iii:l. I ; . .i1.`,13, :lila:11 - We are always ahead of our culempurinies. • down with a billy, whereupon ollievr.l3.ifolittitin ed—:.lr. Bunt o n in the IIIC:011% 1 ,100 $llOll iiIIL! 'O.l ' ititetlered. anti arie,t e d I)e wey, mid while nu the :i.:ylvaolly mts.i.-,ill totilo,:l and ittlettipme,; Cr Our townsman Mr. E. Foote, will deliver a looturo on 6 , o010;zy, at the Odd Folio „. m . fiat', hi.s way to the Pollee otliee he made his es- I to take all lii.: e m u ; m o te ,ii m i va n y to t • xi „,...„ ,i,ipt...111),n iiin 0111 , ..er, who 'nsued him him hi:: 0e,,,,t. on Thursday evening, the :.!' , ..11 of April. 11'e advise all to attend : as the lecture will prove highly interesting. Appointment by the l'ustmash r C. r ut 'r.; Linthaell, ET, Ita4 been appointed I'o - ,inia4 , .et at Cata. , sauqua, Lehigh county, ill place 01 Na than Pegely. A new Pest ',ern (yelled at IVeiss Port, Craton Co., a:.ki min:. 1/m1: : Esq., appointed Post Ala•ter. The Evil of Intemperance Intemperance or Into‘ieatioa is in 01 , at , ly the greatest evil thtit ever afflicted inankiwl. It is the eaUse of wally evils by il‘eili;4 worst pasFionq of our na'titc. It is de , quotive to health and life, and it e , lunis it viutirls myriads. it, perideiouq clFL:ets un to tit rt, ly drew, and it nhe't ami hero ditary iti=nnity, too frequetol aser;bc.l to ut!,er causee. The last is tun .i. , eertalaeLl to bo now denied, that the tht• dtunkard poisons the blood of his innocent children.— This can be plainly VUt'll It liVreil Italy w s ont, and it is equally true in many other di-orders. The law will in vain attempt 10 oth er evils, while it tolerates thie 6-reatcst of all. A drunken man is a maniac, who visit, hi- , fury on every person he meets. It i- dreadful to seo the wife and children t.hrinking . it!) fear and horror from the drun hen ho abuses the authority of a hu:hand nod fichur. and, as frequently happens, en:nu:its winder in his helplessfamily. Rather thin expnse the parent, they frequently conceal hi; I. and sutler in silence and Nye:ly at hone, while he wastes their money fur liquor. Hotels or Taverns ale nere,,nry for the comma:n:lot: of the itar.diun.! i,uhlir , and am licensed for that purpose, but when _ faro xvith the iticluAt ions pori , iiits of a class of the eoniititmity : they become a trio r RUC:: and ought to be alvdi-had, not what the law intended thew to ;old ilto public have a rit r ,rla to complain to the looper authoritie to xvithhold tho'd coosont !or continuanee. The Jud 4 es of ou r c o u,t s ahe the guardians of public ,alely, and tort tue looked to fur redress. At the opetliolz, of the Court of Qualo,.l pions of NorthaOipton ii; 14.! took occasion to charre the Con,talde, of the county upon the which the law and thin obligation:: belonging to their office enjoin opoit them. Wo copy iron) the Easton Argt), the following brief notice of the cliaige: "In the course of this charge, the laid it down as the dolt• of the Coit,iable, t en Irmo into and ascertain the charamere . SOS, as to whether gaining, driiiikentic,s i i ity disorderly conduct was pennitted at suet' sett. He reminded the Constable , , of the nature of the oath they take when making their re turns—that there was no dith.renee between their official eyes and natural eyes. Ilitu what ever they knew they were hound to rep)l, whether they came by their kliowledge t h rough the medium of their senses, or through the common rumor of their districts. 'l hey %vele told that if they suspected oi had teasen to be- Hey° that liquor was being sokd without lireuse. that gaining was allowed and practi.ed, orthat houses were in an • wa • ke a in a (11,,ordvilv manner, it was their duty as, dicers of tle• Law, arid they violated their oiclis it they did not attempt to ferret them out and pioniptly rclunt them to the Cont.' It is an unusual occurrence, at this thy, fo r our Courts to addiess Constables upon lie tie. ties appertaining to their official station; but when we consider that the Constables ate the minor police of a county, and aro into close contact with the people daily, and cogni zant of both public, and private events Within their respective districts, we may 'cattily appre ciate the importance of having their duties clearly defined and =lteratively trt before them ; and at the same time realize the im mense moral influence which a body iii laid:fill officers may exercise, not o n ly i n tivt, c ii„.• 1. 1 11 in suppressing mime. Business Men of Allontown. We ittVite the attention el lite Lug iwg pill.lie to the Advertisometits of our merchant., and :.7.1111 1.1 i Ind. , a Mile child on a vi-ii busi " ss men.. 11(*e "."o tuivcillse ngi flout l'a., t„ „ 111• show a liberality in giving then local paper a 1.9. I . ' 9 Mg. me to death 11111i1•1 business aspect, but appreciate the advantages , • „ tne Meowing itielsnu ca lily eitenni sta l i ce ,.. The of fainiliarizing the pu bli c w i nd „ill, their In. child tvas :II and :111s. 'Miller, intendlng to give calmly and desbc to accommodate its wants.— it soine medwnie, adminisleied ft au established fact that adyertisers goner- ' ally' three lea•spouns lull of laudanum in mistakal l y'sell cheaper than w h e du not. ••.‘ t'. 4 lll` 11i,r11% ere.' the sad error the 111.:11 moment, this day the publin appreci a t e , this weans of uud hastimcd to proem., the best medical ad intercommunication between sellers and buy- vicni A hill was soon hi attendance: ern. EVery one eau feel at home it: calling but all Ohms that uNpelietice and skill could upon those alto address them through tile newspaper to eNamine their goods. If they di, devise prated Thc„ child died in four hours. The sudden and halal result of the not find themselves better suited with them , ortnr, may be au:it:wed to the stomach of the than anybody else, we am mistaken, that:salt child beim; empty, trwit to„ of appetite exist. Liberal advertisers urn liberal dealers, and the . public ore the gainers by the liberal spirit. This iiig previously. The tinnily, as :night well be are deeply afiected on account of the is demonstrated in some, old stands that make t the most Money by doing a smaller business ' ad occurienco. than milers. 11'hore. the gains come from is I per - Petitions for the pardon of Dr. ll'ehsler obvious. are being el:calmed in Ueorgia. • • the El Dwit.lo, tell,e.i Dcwry plueartt lit pi-tul .Ifier the _treate-d cllutt, , o:dor \ra.; ut the: H.HlQ\%ll . .i.t r•toletl dui; • tho voice of Ile Vice l'ic-itlen; race. The doors 61 the hurt \vele jut- vuuld Lu !ward. :\ Ir. Beiitult lepeatedly called medixely • The officer Illt! SCII:I . .! lo t take 121 111 the 11 , 1•Ity he had it to assas,itiate luu. .lli. Ilalc itio:ed the tio• Rita alone, • immediately til ' pitieeetle,l to, the l'aliett affair. 31r. (Jay cadet! utt built Soliattirs' 'and \rhea lie at. to iileil;2t.t tlt,etriselve that holier sliiiii!d Here the affair rested moil about is lake placeliettveen them. o'clock %dive it', (drivers atzttin ittereeded to the lint.-c, ut I.h.‘vey tva.i [tut tut tuned. ''he ited had ce t t;ii i i.w I no \vhttle 1%.)2,; lai.l t,efore Lon e y peace, and kvetittl tot in pit below Lu will itt , trte( ti, ar t , e,o L:l , tte hint ; att.l tywi o N, a ihe peeve :oat. ;It , y do:jet! a!! litotwle,l4o of the .tiTttititttoatt of a cut I; •.% • 11 - !::!11 ;1 , 1•1•:%11.1ell that 1)e \yey at- due to the to du• c,tttatt v Ito I , ect , ..•,1 in otuut it] 119t1-e ted tital the ctt tttult.e•• e • ^ll ;1 ❑ i , •:- , el v.lti ikel•• a ' ly tr: th, :•11, , 11.• The 33115 y Body. to ..!1(: loom !Ot1:1,1 111 !it/ti I \O;( , 611,1 W ;1 bed. I.r. nla,ll h4l 11: p;,Weedl'a nit 4.!, ~ .1 11:.! p .\ ih•l an 1. 1,c in„,..1 Ju,'ige (4..0 v. he • a.l 6.11;-.. e•V C.elll, •Il lllltted t.. 111 in the ••1111 111 (it he ei 11:e ri 1%'ell: 1!111.11,Ihie : have thcffi. Co Lill t,) I:cci) C:ii• 'Wile(' le. the :WI! rlv, troll a k o, o i; i t „ iv 1 . 1 , ) . 11,0. I. "'' (" that !hey to d..—:[l;l; torline • linalis ,iipoort a lop,,rt baNed 1.. ..t• I :1;u hat of ;t nialt tv!to o , t re- . • 1„ ;ital 134. i ari• USN irrr--ii 111 , y Olt principit,. • OE :t tt tit !!,..t ir:u•l.l . . pir1,111: 11p; !1 . ..0 WII.I thil'L . .VI 11`1,‘. Ila%e plitt•e, ,L) :1,1 10 Vet 1!,. • .ti the vvitipheo . 1 . !“• ' ' • •St•lt! 011 t ❑ mtil I‘Vo don'. ;111,1 (•0111t1 ht p! it, ‘.., ~ ; it iiiitttit;_,lt Ili,: Ity ity 11110 11a, IICIV lo 111. C.ollllly So 111.• 11,‘,1 Nl'.l! 1l1•11 7 1 ill I.lVor '' '' ••• „f Is v kt itlot I'loll2lll 1,1.„ b ,„ iv+wr t „ :In. -AO " " t'L it 7 . .. tv:•lciy ix! ~ 1,1•.- I ,•0,1 1 , 1z;:c c••11,1;ey 111 •1:1.•1.! • ••• BIDE MEE ~:• it, .•iti,y ...‘ L ) .. ILL 111...11;c1' L:,C. ,- ,11 1111 :LlL,ti!!!2 , art! 1% ill 1•11 UNt OM -I 1.,,11.; t•.l -,,Av I I. t:t.•:,•yv •tc,•'..v. II C, C.:1 , 1;111i il.t121:11,11 ITCII bill L.Ol II bait kid.' -Dui 1", i;;; th.tt a laic ullirc iii . - `,lll Fhl!XizeU. I uiII 1111;l1 tti 'WO lo•N: Hall Dedication Wc ;Ire h.10:111:•,1 tlGa i,te Ctmaniißee ul .1r kl (1111cl . ..tit 1..14e thi- ;I•4le.ed a l um Aioliday 1ea1i,.61 .1 the (),t,l New ILI:. The ("1:1 tt couLl not litre no upon a tome ali and bt.,itits it hollittay, will A thil:lVe I'Vt't twin 11011.! Lchnu \VC 1•111111 have mote to ;ay LI Rot 0/16 iittli've =I Shocking Accident 11' c Ivano that on Z.\ ituiday last, a girl al , oot 7 of Slr. Jac,,b - 1 1cillca, of I, new \lacuo _a 10 %% 11,11 11 , , thl, couniy, calm. 1,, that the l:n;t• girl 11..1 Lct it mitt t•II fur z•onic hilt' li%.•.1111C CIU111 . • t,. 1;1c ul•tnt zloty, .11,41 ul.llc the moil!, t 11:1,1 Icu I r • 11-r screau.ing huriir l ilrc ii„,,hcr lu i h e hu, and tv o liiic he ra,scil in una• the cltil,l had otit the i llrcr , and beii.re th rt.nhcc could extinguddi die cluldc‘t as t -o choch• A New Lodge hew o,ltl opened al Cllopiyibul''',..oll : 4 ;L:iittl.ty et tit.M. A very 11;111th-owe twildihg has bee:i electe(l, un Ilie }awl lit Ali. (.I..;lt i .e,Cmper,E,(l.. tt II11:11 iS ing Lu,l c ;ire inviiedi to attend Sad DrilLitake. Ve.leiday 11101111'1g, rays the Mil 11!IIMM1111111 =MEI =MEM t n:•cl Ilt•IItIi11 ,;(1.1 tl MIMES alt' It 11U \I ill) CO:II !-.1) it 1 . 1 V.111.1!1: . y i•„rV ' - ..••• , iry, 11111 1 ,!1,1!11 1)11.1y rvir ;10,11, ti.!l ; It, I,n prAticts,,f hay , • arid 1110 11'.11tIrt . , N.. I..•ricCl [ll,O 1 , (•1"..,,i1S I !iyy liluu A rus . cti • tp,..a1t,1 a.!,1 , 1, , Ili , our •;.r,..1 ii.v- Nrwi.ati IlilVt! 1,, ;1„, ht p..rti.n I:0 i ,•xc.1.1 tl\ll. ,!.,y'.„ E h,. si;ih ,. • l'Y 1 1. ,, v•IVC11111 , lir2 1:11.` II 1 . 0 , 1:IIICtl 111 , ".I11 . 11:4111 ,;t1 ;1!•‘ ' , ,1 1.1 :It'll 'I 111, .111i1 ~•,, ~,,,, Wanting an Office. t h e 1),,i,:,.1 of I!II I. I , • - • grave was open it \vas lull of teller. ' File wi and lii ' ! suppose held the cal thy particles in solli!! Ettdc selt..tili awl ehtiruable insult:nom. EI lie h and they true deposiittEl tritad.ili/J/ as the unit bars tit , he honer of the •tate, Eve cannot but inatter was Clint. The body Ev.is hew : - ;ecretaiy or lie tumid of I'll 1 pto•itit ii, ;n..1 trel 'truly gratetul it gietinil some days before redmiial; and I ‘et passed l'ont4tc,-E. I ~„„„,); „„,„•,., i . ~,. „ 1 ,, the 'I) ra , llly , Illin , dit , :l /I'4liir,. I:,:ei ~•/:Iy; „kite. 1•,1. I ' ..Egine..tittralde social and itol.tie.El blessuggs ; 0.1.1 the surface, when ex;Eitsed, bicarne sot point tuitti the LEE% es, ii! El lbw, I t .,,,,,, 0 1 : men! ftien Di. 1 . . i. 11. It.•: , billg , , I.t . 11,,,t0kh in le- it coelt rs. _... ........__ ; Ev1....t sotwhed, but trite,) lies!, taken from . gr . t . tund it was literally :Is 11.1 . 1 ti ;IS it rock. ' 1 a i '' !”' i: '" lli 111 ' . 'llTlit•w''st It w"L ' l ' l 2l '" if Y " I ” la:” It lii the Valli""i lie. %""I"g"ving inn test 11l Where Dr. Webster got his Money. 1 “ . ii.iii. imi ca n so much :du . that the danoli to he altie to tlEi su , fur it is to! l.eliol that Most, II”' c"""/I Y • Th'.. a"""31 v""s"1" i 'll ' •” "r "• ''' 'l . , 1 EEtiter in ilw 1;,./.111..r.:1,1 4.o . :llotultiv makes it 1110. , ; ii . ;;I i i ,R , 0i . , i; 11;. ai, , , ,iii , „ iiiii ,,,,,, li ml d I/1 !lie s United :Intuits is estiinand at litimiy intl • • s ! ' earl Tine spectilatitig . li t tllow intglit , s i te , al 1 , the r E. l lEtiving, statelni tit: - 1,,,i,,,,,1 ; II the , 1,i„,, ; ,,, i ,i iy „ J. ' ~,, , ,,,tp iiel„ , u f hittis of luttllitht 4 E :Intl the Uutither of sheep recii• • It will he reniilkeinit that no nint s,) baldly ~: 11 1 4 a ,r rE i g i u n g; i1 it t l i t p lit i ln , a c i c. E q l , E i t i Et i l l i nir g i ::: i us i : t t i t i l: ,, , ,l m i . n oiled to Ut. Irvin lit villy•;ive 1.. tinily millions.— etteli shall bil rutted iiiv,stc,/ lii siiii.vp iiip.t.anary i.. sup. . pressed die l'iorcs,ol. in his mai, as that he Evas otithouse• in her yard ! The story was told • 1"'• • " 1 I t, he ,f.1:10.000,twil, which iE greater Ity quite Inrille to I'll e•t ' nee came the "1 '"'• . l. liv 11r. Stunt., a l ' resbytel la 11 111/111S1Cr, 11110 The Nashville Conventioh. eigh t een.lnillion, that. was inve.dttil in . 1 5',36 in , ‘vilh ‘vh'eh he paid lir' Pari"nah' 'That fact is i well aviiiiit inlet( with the ( um dy, %rho are Pali it js very apparmit limn the returns tecei vv.!, ' land , f te ' llio ' cotton culture. ' l ' he actual age re- • I".'w "Plaii'ed! 1 "' ‘Veb't•er h".•' g l v"" Ilic . loners of his:' that the peonies 1,1 Ci•oigia have not responded , „ wield a clue It , 11: It tray as folloWN : Dr. I',Et li tre pro !net ol !..2 top hitsbat.,l.y is estituated at , i \ I ' itliin a year or eighteen months past, 1 (vit ' a cordiality. to the call of the I..egi , latture. ! ~...:j.,./ ; c; Low) ; •• man went to I:multi - id:4e 411E1 dunned and alms( d magazine ire wonders has I , l_,ii Cline hell it• I:I 1 . 01.1. /I'd ' lll 01://,111 . 4 thde:3lll, It/ OW la-:1• ; . DI% 11 ' r/:/ ter in the pre , ence of! is %vire, a short tiii .:,,, a il e. ,,,d i h,,, over i es i;t • ihis hind, —olie . . ' '• ' — lit •• gilled cIEE.,I of seng is alum! time before the Elav of the alleg,ed minder. It . Ohl., a secolid, if we are not mistake!), in LE :t.itt is it native of tsittE • kholin, %vas the first. lootu ledge she had ever lEad lb it • : Ism:Ea, and the dull, brit:; the above desertl). ,lonr:1;11 /u ti •ilt. I ;I•to:1-thc:i : 14. p.i• , inns in It . terrltel: it) It. ' (.1 thv rouil Ilit. mils cre Poi rdtvi o I _ llt ( ullrii !it) cowity 01:1; \vo 1).1% vow, , , been ens!. We glom' Ow fsill , m ing FC 1111'11. , 110111 .1111 Gt . 0r,..;'..1 \ t'hllgt`S : lu li:C11111.111.1 ittp)iit il, Iwo V(i!i• \{ .1) I'llw. ylovitici) mil of Diu imt ,Cootit Cobb. It'26 out of Etonl.l.in, the wa , '27 ten of 1.:;o Baker, 1.t.; 111 l Newton Hanci,rk \\ own, .1\ IL:121 , !1 . 1?, (hi l'I.nl:, t Itielottouti, Ju In Lee county the dele; 7 •.•tles received 11:1 voles, were potted a ain> the voles ‘VVIC ca.,t tor a thictim Courts : coo:wilt:mill)* 46 men %di() wcre lit Itte• pnll4, reinf:cti ii) vote iegartl to 11 CIJIIICII tiOV. In Ole 4/110't% ing comities there \vas 110 eke. tion l‘'illiee,llladisolf, Biddy in, Alm. gan, Patilditi4 Emanuel, De Kalb, Columbia, Marion and `.junto. lo Cherokee thine was a majority of 20 for the Convention, out of a vote of 63, and a like majority in l‘lacon In %Vitt:insult 1113 vutes were east, 17 or! which «•ere against a Convention. t,ll that Ito w,k, g,ti;'c ul :\ 1.41,1:,t2 I' 11:11( i UME IBM=== Hird CUE-. Lill 'Phil:- I'l'l.'.i 1.1 .I'l SE= V ;a. cv' r paisimo tos cemors, ono sac icaritti al tier . , ci.iii , s id d isi ,„ vi , ri , — , l hi.i,i , i , i, ii,,it., Leon w .11, ,, 11 tir:dentl.—'l'lle .onagers of Mt ri.ts- ' , : , that me social standing of herself nail family ' . . , 't• , . ton Delaware Ilraht,e Ciduminy, on the IA inst., • i ii ~,,, . , ~ ink '''''Y PallellltY lee their cenfirmitti tit, :v i %veldt' be el"Pe'ell'e"• "er n°In "" 1 . ' lt ' iiiii iiiiVlll4 y et titecived it. declared a Di% :demi id' 'llt.) per sharn nn Me rap- , •, , • i , 1 :natty a tempo. impression up o n tei mint . - ---.- iii•-• U! :doe!: for the last :tax months. A 'livid: tal of ;lot molt her husband soot) after, stud ti.l.l him . 1 1.rawri , 41Suit.r.—In purstrunte of an fil l of t ;'_it 1 0.. r mo ot in on stoclr that iti :,•ttaally cost -" Inn that she had in a drawer in her room nearly t;701) Legislature of New Volk, Mist.ied it: li;t,l ' S, aNI a :•h lie, is (I , ilii;.; a pretty go t il Ittistoes.:. that she had accumulated during the ten years is now in progress at llitikon. in that Btate, 01:t. (%./. I ::erni--,1 politic illi . Clilig of Viiili'li •id lasi pas t arena small smut: she had received test the validity of the tole or Harman Livin g .m,t,i , ,,, was held ita the %id iii.t., to iNte. c i'ton h er liiclds ;t Fayal and plaees• ton to a great estate to Columbia county, it I '.l ii f citlet mined it) that common:iv f the ilcath she told him t o tali, thi, and liquidate iris debt the view of settling. the mobil:lit difficulties whit r nil . Mr. ('illicit:. . I.;iiii A. ( ... iiiiphill, 1 ...... ii., wit:‘ : a , , l iititibly as pm...slide. UM how witoilunale have prevailed fur Millie years in that re,gion.- . ' t Met was not ilevelopcil on his Ilia!! , ''l'his is the b ginning. of several such spit Nobody but his wife 'mew it, to be sure, but it 1 among which that 'of the Van Rensellea; esta , might at least have he s t ate d by Dr. Webster. figures conspicuously. The deepest interest a Wel-I': J'idie Ctmett'it't . teb—Thle Anlerleml Out the feeling id pride which led his wife 1 0 ' tactics to Mein, and the prosecution in II Itittice :s.iciely has eilliSeil it, ri s i * : , iiienti Jild;> l. ' male over the money -to her husband, caused Livingston iiinir is conducted by Attorney (let .I.'r, of New Vorli, :tadli.:r. Cliarit., Brooks, of i ih eitt b ot h to i t ,,', l , b ack the ittiet, relying c,,,ifi. i era! chatliebb who is a hitter stud open mien) It tst to, to repress tit it in the Peace Congress to dettily as they did, upon an acquittal front the 'to the tnanittial rightis t assisted-by John Van lit he livid, In Atli:lett. it F eal l l‘Cell'on"lhe'Main• wealruess tif the Goverment's case. ' reit and Theodore Miller. 'l'lle defendant M r•,,:.tit.,i• ,y . ll,fit. D.lit. 11'..1 , ittr.—The Boston pa- What Mrs. Nl'eltvder had this money and did Livingston, is represented by Killian Miller, a: . . 1.,..r., c„niaiii a kitty Isom 110 a. I.Liiii...l ‘voi,ii. . i . , not come forward to testify to the fact, is even ski e d by Josiah Ntitlierlatitl and Robert NleCle iii relos , to the 1t ,, tit „,,„,„ 1 „ of lii., friends to flint mere Peelete'heu'll' 111 0 die a''''erili'll Of Dr• I • land. The case was opened on Baturday last I', city. Mr. ebster also clich :y(1 a letter, sent 11'ekter, that lie . v had saved it tip in small stuns, ;the prosecution, by Mt. Van Buren, with an eta! W e unknown to every body but himself. Thc: stale- orate review of the whole subject of manori, Lim by Mr. Smith, the delegate who asserts the impo-sibility of slay, ry e v er from New Iles.meat :l that Dr. Palk:nn was at Cambridge the t rights and tenures. Mo . , obtaiiiin2, a foothold in that country. day before the murder is true as we are well in- 1 MED 1(10 EMI IMO ,;t, ino appoint:, 1 illl 1 ' GO do 1.300 tit. Lloo J„ '.1•Ilio do 1,100 I J„ 1 . 5u0 ' forined ; Dr. W.'was not at home, and the . I llehigan,—The Legislature m i c h i g aa ha wilocr's Fanid q .--Th, recent calamity i cites., creditorsaw his wile, and to her enlarged made an appropriation (be a block of native col' ,that has occurred to this interesting family, has in chat acteristie terms upon the raseitlity of her per I . rom Lake Bnperior mines, Mr the ‘Vashiug incited their old It lends in Boston to raise. for husband. 'rho enpon he was invited to that fatal ton Alonument, :3 feet lung by 13 feet wide and! them a -handsome donation„ as a testimonial of meeting at the College froth which he never feet deep, polished, and bearing this ineription continued friendship. The Widow of the late I came away. -From Michigan; an emblem of let trust it Dr. Parknum heads the list with ssoo;lyhich the Union." has already reached above t-,20,000. Lurraliv glfire.—The Mike of post-master at . • , sal t Francisco is probably the most lucrative one . hopm tan! chnstioq.-:-The Question whethe: Jenny Lind.—lt is stated that, on Tuesday last tin the gilt of the government.. There are about a minister may charge from the pulpit one of do Mi. Barnum deposited in the hands of the agent 1 100 n boxes, which are rented at' tf. , ,,t per month church <lll.'llll-WIS with Clint,. and read the indi in New Tort:, of Baring, Brothers & Co., the I for each occupant; some of them being held by victual out church , without king lialdd pt the large sum Of money demanded as a deposit by six or eight different individuals. The rent, a te • eli it haw, • ha~ been decided in the affirmative II) his : greement with Jenny Lind. I estimated at $J5,000 peratintun. the Sitpreint rvol MassachuSetts. , _ .iii theta Whig-,t; Nottlicrit Jew- i.ysti 111, IVniell Wit , seconded and lies oy,:r une hlc quality of great value to its possessor. tit rats 3. ilar, under thc rule. f.:2.P . ..1 Lomli,n newspaper says there a, The `trout ti ill ecriaiitly have no catisu t o The orders were called lay Mr. Packer, when 000 gin drinker, in that coy. conyl a in of ii,i, i',, iiiiii iii cc, s i nce seven o f the Bank Hills were taken up on final reading, ..7.. 7 ".1 gentleman in Pvt ry orontle; Pa., c Writ Lii,:t meet ill!! 111 , 011 it. There are great I and pas<aal as folltiw•i: to extend the charter of in one day latcly, 5,078 wild lii;eons, whi ii „ i i,,., „i 1,,.(1, parties on i i i „ c,„„„ i i iii , e __ ifit , i , the Exchange Batik of Pitt,l , ttru, ; to extend the siild at gri cents per doziiii, yielding it;los 7 ic ,_ si , e: i iiiia l „ ii „,.h iiiews, k it, we i„,ii t ,,,,. ; charter of tliii F.triner,' 1 . 3 ,i,;( of I,trica,ter ;to t.-a;•A distinguished gentleman iii the St. . . . . ... . •• a:m{.llmoms ti , il ie l e I:- to the w, Ilion. we extend thecharterof the Lancaster roam. Bank; New Jersey being asked t o s i gn a p et i t h ; h ope touch f ront the deliberations of such a to - extend the charter of the Miners' Bank.at ' the parden of Prof. Webster, replied that Is Commit:el!. Pottsedle; to extent the charter of the Harris'. so touch business of own to attend to th • • bure, - Bank, to extend - the charter of thellank of ' had no time to interfere with that of the a .' News frous liaslaington. Pinsbure . ; to incorporate the Partners' and Me. Hio'r or Massachusetts. NVe learn that Mr. Clay laid a proposition For ehanics' Bald; at Easton; to recharter the Lobs- , 7 .1-7:s .crates being asked What Was the t h e , ( 10 e ,,, e ,,, „ r ; h e ;sl avery w 0.,,,,,, ,, h e r o " t h e non B u ilt, of Lebanon Counts; is (.MI1(1111, ' mode of gaining a light reputation, said, "1 ColaprOllll,l2 C(!littlillt , `C oat MotilLlV, and that ar• charter of ih” West Branch Hank, at William:.. what you appear to tie." ter a 4. ,„,,d ,i,„l ~,- , h.,,,,„,,„; ;, , e ,,, fi„,,,i v „ gr ,„.,l port ;to incorporate the .Nuthraeite Bank at 'l'u. • : 7 .::" . Bat num, the showman, it is said, ; arid Utah art• L. lilt., It'll V t I. 7 . 1111 , 1.-1 . 11.. I 1,_:11t 1.0 d. 1.1•1 ;:tld H . '!" I I Ycl " : 1 , 111, t•I (Thltaart, , . . ' 11, • ,!!`tin,. IV. htt` r •! Ittt, nn 111.. 1 - 4 L.! Fein ttary F.tttrth.--;11.t. 'l .. tx,t • aft! L II 1"' "1 e `" " ":' P " .." ""' !" \`" Netv )f••;;;,-tt ttp. 1.,• ti t .J•te.t.•!) . "" ttthrt 1 , 2 p.0tt1 , 1 , . l'rtity well for old 10.0 (,: res. it•ctatitt t“ the ha. !,..1"01,!! .:11 11..•:.•..•1 MEE I, !II!!1* rc ttltt:!_t!..:a! , . 1,1,, I,•av, , th,,i t, , wi, t, , t.:, , by the, t "1pi1,110,11,1' :;t ..,11..ki. ' ''' ' il"'"' ": Ill' """'"• 1..""r:'..'" Y'''''' ''," 111 ' ',,,t1,1 14 Ili , . \lll4l Lliil. SlaVeS With 01 , 11). NX.1 . .;.-1 . :1 • •.!:,„. tr. ,,!, m m e 1i,, , ,r , ,zi, ~i. . (2,0. I:rte Canal 1', , ri11!•,1 tl 111 . 111 eit . lllol/11 , 1 it. pc, , ,per- ; f. - :; --- 7' , !:!..11,11a N. l ' lln'l.lllC.l . , the prt! , ellt : W1A1 ,. .'l 1.. 1.1 ht . :11h.1t.11 . !. I , 1“... ;111.1 Opel,(11 a lute ot • co:await', a!i, , it frith tf (; ,, 1 ,.., al ~i ~,,,, ~,,,,,, d , cimc., Erin; c,, s ~,,,,. 0 ri „ ,.,, , , ,. , w,„,,..x.;,, ~.,. ~,, , .0 „,.,,,,,,,,,,,„. ii 11,, ! VA,. ,11 , ,, , , 4,1 111, 1, ,, ii1h..t0 1u4,..: , . '.1 . 0 chi, ha. ‘ . 1, . 0 ~,, ,11„01,,,:,,,i fur ~,,,,,i tiali, ,,, i ,, the 1. \tr. \\.,,,..,,.,. ~,,, \ i r 1,, ,,,,i,„. ~,,,.. , ~ , ~. .. :wen are al, ,, Wer very hat! ,, ,:mit t•;t•tatn: 111 ... • • ed, hu.crccr, Illitt they Hill 1 , /fir It.. ip Vtr,.., .111 11..1',111 4 (1: . : , •ri11111.1 , i , 11 lo lot two v OHM went ef New York, trid(r Flagg and Pre,...;,!• ct.:,, , lritEly cirruh:!rvz or IS othcr _. tr,~i~'. ~~~ n_r are a:,l,e, in n.rsv an tin lit.. liti• alit] I WEED =Ell I"l l, rt,.‘kreillll,,, =ME , , our I.nports ;Jut re on the top of a liuu•stonu r‘dge, au I ‘t hen here. \4•lten Ive e;0e.1.1..0 the cinp:o went nhuch ; .„!rave was d 0 ,4, the rock was lound at a lets• ae; LJ•:u cla, , e!‘, froth the ,urface. This not hein4 ct uy hard, ME =I I ry, 110' 1 , 21V, t I'd r d I, tho uiih %%I,.tt seveitly 11.. Pa:l:mail ME tipp.t.m..illary.t“ ptAM.Us. .1 lew years since lie w s:t. I) , p.tslt L.l.titk, at NVlll;esbar. etliittr ttra nra•paper, and liatlbut a comp er,al l,a. la•rn disc The Coinnaerco cf New York. c , t n I)..1,•;2,5•1( r, Not aTr a V Wm •11.1.•:ly nl • ar,l„ 1,g!:,1 burn. I'L L l'H•11 i•Oy. /I pot a r."[ attierdat 11,1 va,;••ru Wu (To , . p,w ot die coal ti 1., ,Ille 11 . • 111;11,1 for 111 , 1 fill' 111'1111tra11 , 11 . 1 . 12, I.t11.•1 1 , 1111‘4150,, ;:! , d Wiliell z:veti a I , ..wei ;IN CI 0111 11/LITVC The elm .truction u. rulirt.:t,:, ako .11' I, 11, :\ •i i/. ~•(.ip.~i~lc.cc. ty dt,0,.•410. 0,1.1 ;,,i;;;1 kycd: ... I 1111 h 1 , !11:!..:. retlo,vc \ C./ I: , 1 , 1/r 1,1•: -r. iii • 11.. i.•,••• the a inn t.t . a cotiip :my MIME ME =I MEI ap.4: ft ::1.1.••,11., that =I ;lVt! i Le IMO 1;11:1 pound, urns. and ;,!: La i iln , pcall:ll'4 .1 being fi amiailiwed ui piaci', 'very (al . distant 1).0111 EIB9 ( 'lmmoll MMUS t . tl ttifaction rnl Ti., won.. ,v;is Lu I: 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers