1 • 73 ~:, ... ~..___ PROCLAMATION. ii a 111 . 1erS and Aleellanies • NEW GOODS 1111111 it D 'l'lll . '1,1'3 A 'o' '-' 1 117L -s-'s ' ' 'il h el lgt3 3 ' ...1 - ..; .I.ldl ii v ji - , I - 'ti si ,:e‘.i ..4 4- 4 WHERE/IS, the lion. J. Prinoie Jones s ..! . - ( - 0 '.4 1- i ‘-ri 4 K` ; .„_,4 ...d 44 , ,1 . 4.4 1 Lita 9 . i. Aq.' A new House and a new Landlord, , The hits.- ss cheapest, bust and most ele- President of the several Courts nt Collor - Inn . ~t sr --,....,Ew PUBLIC I.I.OUsE Is TUE Bonoroti or ; JetTi...V., Cm' et ila iii.'i' Co' s . St ore 44",.._. j ,,,,,(,,,t4v,,.„;,,,.t,,L.,7\5:\ f .I.i , - , l l :l t l i e s a s i t i t , l l ) , L c h r t t ., l , t e , t r i h t i *r i : cram • ssrt nt •It 1 Pleas of the Third Judicial District, catty! o_ l spectfolly informs hi- ' ALLENTOliiiikl, Pa. . The subscribers have the pleasure of an sed of the counties of Northampton and Le . :.tt:'••9l.l.l'S ••-•-- s-..,.,-,t'ils----g•--,----?----717-4.''-ii• high. Sfate of Pennsylvania, and Justice •ir IT e h . notinCing to their customers and the public ~‘S. i .,•sA,,,- •;• .._ _. • fil Lien'. I , • have jest returned from rf - A. 1 111,•;-_ , 11•41::. e gtait•raily. ;sat he has in t:;. :: • litti•-il 'ler. s, can alissii - s he iber, Citizens Daily Line of Staats of the several Courts of Oyer and l'ertniner , ,0914 . ' i 4 7 ,••,,, Informs his friends and . genewilY, that they ' Phil•idel illia and are tiny busily engaged :''" I TT ''''.: lake " I lw I" w: \ •'rec- foin..l al '!..• •vo.• snir , .. • , I the subset b L and general Jail delivery, and Peter Ilnas. 1 „.,„1„,,, * , %- •1g,reiv.,. , :& 113 ...- - :, the public in general, ••.1 . - . • . - - E . ...: .if , d three story brick and JOhn F. Dote, F.F.qrs., Judges of the , : :',30,5lill, 1 111" , .1011S'' 0 that Mr. 'fruit . ) , Miller : ' l '. ""P' -.1 ` : " a ri.r Y bli. . ll ' mill ac'-il."lde lot i's t ..Y!-a,,,,/t/ "'I . , 4 . 4 • • •••••s: .\\D of Spring . and Slimmer t:ostis. consisting in - - ).-r../..-... ---.ai ern et .It•sse grim. , I; I trier ••ti• • ,ti . ,-;/. niso.i. ri , ssii. , L'llt WIT Courts if Gyro. and l'erniiner and g - eneral te:!•Fg171 1 11;pa .„ ,...., - . , lips erected a large ani • nt 111,. i • - ,,, r''' - iiiw,...,,, (.1.,,,,i , ~i. A1„,.1.., I ~,,,:: ..,:\ ' ;t• Il; : ."•'•;;;;; •;•0!•1;•i , 0,, , ;• 010 a I hirli PITILADELPEI'I.a. oniou 0 ,,.. , _ .7 . ,.,14 ,.. x f commodious R ine!, i ll part ) of the Imlniving. viz : , lit ~, ~ ( . .n.hry ~* %Ir I ii : .. 'iZl;l*: IVII.1.1(l, Jail delivery, for . the trial of all capital of. 1 - c Laines, Linen I twins , . figured Iltiliair i n III" bur " i wd" "I •\ li. "!'"''''' ''''l;c" 11,111, i ;11, i,lpr. • fenders in the said county of Lehigh. B,'• 1 ''''' •`"--' ' - ' - ••:' --- • -- i. - •`'.----•••••' /1 Hen street, nearly op- :, • - Mad, and ((I nu Sol,: „ fall birds 'Tii.E' E, ..: i; LE ii.' )Y7: L. PI 1 \'‘ • -•,s- et - T•- lz their preCepts to nit. directed, have ordered posite! his "old Stand" and that he will occu- I 'l l' ", thiscouirt of 01•er and Terniiiter and Gene- ;_pytlie same _frodrctlie_first...cif.April-noxt. ''inch., dt' s erirlions 0 .• gl.ssi , „ 1 .'IWI4', .te Th e ; hot, i s limo \ nas ;toe ;•! Iho nos. de .slagnolia, a fitshionithle artich. for Lalrel• , ieleilios and ettlereilisto in . tbs. Set,, -u, rat - jail Delivery; to• billfold - eh - dt - AllentoWn, I Ile - further informs his old customers, that dresses. L'ritisli and A Illerican Pf 1111;:, Mb. mo t s. so out a pi t i, a s. l i :ud5.._.0,,1 tenuous county of Lehigh. on the ' he has a great many rooms ready to accom -4.1 r.mills.• He therefore Wel: , as, tried Ilia! Fiflll . lllonday in April 15.50, inoditte such who tray think proper to favor ton', , Slinwl , s ; • Sea rfs, GIOVOS, kk.... - C. 1,11 . 1 ": Vl . ° cannot vlllici , orat" an li' tit!'- lie can accommodate stilishtemrily :ill \vim , him with their calls. which is the 29th day of said month, and will continue one week. •• • - lie has furoished his house ss•ith net ,- Led- !treed( k i w is of 2th'd - •• Ilia' ire receive.: in may favor him With a call. t.lir dress line; hot event! our invitation to Dis • I' 1 MX. shal at, ail times he • iipi 11. l ding and all other necessary inateritds, and NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the will always keep his bar. Intehen and eel- .\'''" all, I° ern" : 11111 I.: ( \:; at 'Wan- \‘'.' with the hest the seas. -m and :Ito mark. !- Justices of the Peace and Constables of the ler filled with the best the . toarl:ct atkonk, , l "' crmli ' kill that such a ('')6t.'-:' cannothilt I Me i al. root the I ;sit with lII , ' Cilllie.e.ta \l ire :- county of Lehigh, that they are by the said b ot h f, ), ,. t h e T a bl e , as ~,„.,;1 as f,,,. the h ) , ,,,.. itts'• he mo-t salisfactory 1. , 0,11 to ..I,e buyer a , :Hi d ktr i u srs , precepts commanded to lie there at I 0 o'clock Ills Stabling' and Sheding, are till new, Iv " as :II " '''' IiI•r. : The 13tals and Bedding. together with all in the forenoon, of said day, with their rolls. large and (\olive:M.lllly art.:owed. the 11l- Gent/oar./ ! \S . (' also have received a his furniture to m , entirey 111'W. lilt• If;it records, inquisitions, examinations, and till ,1 srant water is twat at hand, noel al/ accoin lar.st.' lot of . The Inn:1 111,11101111hIe ;Toll', in roll,: or this 1,0 1 ,, t , runt' rely anon (indite ,- other remembrances, to do these things „„• tt i m; 0 5 , t 1,,,. „1„.„„ :,,, waiti,,, your line of dress, such as Cietlts, ('a: -i-rho,• two great essentials-cleatilincss and which to their offices appertain to be done, I .'i nail to his• old rustointrs. : - .:ocli who m0r...... V.-lii: , ..s. Silk Cravats and 1 lamb root fort. and all those who are bound by recogniziol- I have favored him with „their colk ;It his old kerchiefs, 1 'as loneret, s-c. We do not pre- The sltabliter is burnt and commodious. and ces to prosecute against the prisoners that i stand, w in ; s t ar i n w i n d, th at t h e tac,,,,,, 5 u. tend 111 ;:,,,', 1.11: n e e • , I•11 ( 1r,i, , 1 , cheaper th.ti; 11 , 110 will 11'1V0 11(1110 11:11 Lin,! and attentive are or then shall be in the jail of said coon- ante: so often contended with. ha we all been our neM Mods, leit We iiil V ; li!.II :ill tile I ):••11;'. a due ros..rd w 1!: Inn ! l all to OW I'r°- ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there to I 1 ctetinal away and the delie Mint and con ve- shove ems's , will 1:0 I: prosecute of I . ; IV Clitilp lel!' 011100:1111:110111 1;1 ;hie limes. as. well as prosecute them as shall be just. nient rooms, we trust will make no former for ('unit or approved credit• his master. Given under my hand in Allentown. the disadvantages. Ili; hitcher returns Ids sin-. I 'ni:•r 7 , i ' , Tit .c, (:'o. ; In short. the -inb:orih, q • int-nd.... to .p;.;;• / , 4th day of April, in the year of our Lord one core thanks for the many favors lie hens far, March `.2.1. • . 7-1 . ,‘ neither pain< 119 r expenf.,. 10 11, ep his luaLsi thousand eight hundred and fifty. enjoyed and 'toper) by shim rittentimi tobn- : - -' '- ill the hest man tier, and he the • •fore rt•- ....... I HA Al - 31 ot• 1 ,v 1 ,r,"- r.r L-,.. 6.1 God save flu. Commonwealth.. sine: , s.l 0 deserve a continuation adieu) Irmo 4 • 1,41 n•si, vi , 4 t• if ' . 4 o - 46".e kr. , ol• sportfully in vitos the pnblicieqrive I,tn call. ! C'H.IRLES 111 111 E, tV/irr?//. his Old as well as from his . 1 ;u/. friends. . „ A•vt..::.r..- The Subset 'liters have just t . : - BC).1 11 I )1:: HS ‘vi! ,1' hi , A'aic t m\ on rani- Sheriff's Office Allentown, ? • 1 1 I.:Nlzy LEI I. , 117" - (T . 1 - 1, , , c if - !-- 1 -7 - J1 r'•oeiv.'d a lar':" ,- +lpply o f , the ...„ - mal,i.. 1, , m,,,, :Ind li , Ir.. rooms ,••,, spaci 2 y l April 41h, ISSO. S i tl--tc z . - . 7.- r i le „Eii,,,,ii., Line' ~, ., . : 1,, . . • •;, ei . 4' 4 i•e:A. 111111.. V Syy ; ; ;; Aj ;; ;, ; , ; •-• ~. .. , 1 .11 , 1 . , 1 ; , . , .).. 1 , - • I 1 ,_Ol- 1 111110:11.7 SI. .: , 1..1.-...4,./. , , , , •,. 1. ,; , ~ .. , . Oil, •1111 l nil II ;HI 1,Ilei; to ill( 11 ls;1( 1 11:•,, they : (1. IN from Allentown to Philadellillia, it 1(1 his , -••• ----'" ''''' - ; - •"" I ss • 1 " Il L l"' '''' l •'• can be accommodated in a smisfactory man. I N. P. Alagistratesare desired to font - ilia] . 10 , 1 - , • also the hes! Ne\v 01 lean:. in La rr e l s . that 11 , • • • • 1 se every .. 1 1onilay,41-eclionalav and 1. rt- cr. I. ;undies from town or country ay their returns in ernninal cases to tlw Deploy i oily it; `' o'clock in tlle inorninos. t tul re t urn , ' they can alli.r.l to sell I \Andy: ade at Phila.- rommo‘ht , cl with Boardions Attorney I ,..leneral al once, and to request ~,, , .,I ' . , , j , i ,„„ ii ,„ . 1 . 1,11 ... d. .. ,-,,,,,`. , ~ , , , delphia pi ices. • ,\ Inn ,tava and Izio Ceff.t., F. 1,1 STECKF.T., prosecutors to call at his ()dice before court. , 1 , 3 t •• ' ' • h .1 . 3.• tlint . ...,..ttertimi, d, ~.,.‘,„ mid wi l i ii. , s s, i , iir. ,..- ifirlisi - iiTdr„ i d-tit„,, is., ; .. ~, • -- - --- -- ,-- 6 o yl.4"km - tire IittYriTLIOD - , --- Pare !: 7 ,4 Liu. . ;',".' 111 •ntown, Mai . :3, I's 19. - and - thus - a -1 1: I II ; T; t sort. sui..c.ent nle ,0 prepalr!ille M., ', I, 0. 4. ' ' l , lll , ins, I Inner ,( li.Priila Et% I Zw.., Slat c I'o\7 c. • s , -Its ~ ,•t • t indictments, and other inioters necessary for ' I.' _ - . _ .•• all iti • \solicit will he sole! very It w. Q 7. - 1 - 3 0 artncrciliip - Notice. trial. The amount of unsettled business 4 C• aft. icr•graVAT, Pura z, 1 ;tern tk Co . 1. renders this at present abselutely neeessar3 - . larch :I. ~: -Iry Tile subscribers have entered into (.'ci-part- A pril 4, ISSO. 'lt- liv ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, .:\ .r. nership oil the •Ith of April P.-i:io, in the 1 fa* taken the t lfiice of the law. Samuel ' Dried i"ea,ches. Ab.,,,„„ i n,. 1,„,,i„,.,„, and are h . :l,lbn; tinder Ilunk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all Drie d rec ., i,,,d ip . -„ . . I„,,i„,1 ; 1 1 l •,, d 1 , ,. ; ,,h,..„ ' ihe th in of Nnia,, m , I rn , nre- 1 . CO:, an the busmen; entrusted to his care in this and ton told James streets. in in halves, 0(1 . reel fir sale at their Store al a ; ( - mini . of 1 lamil the adjoining, counties. very low price. :do. b oro u g h of .I.llentowu, directly opposite Air. IZ.I•NR may be consulted in the Ger- I ~ ,,,.I . z , t• ;,••,•„ & c o , ! 1 lagenhuelts I hind. As they are tisw be• man; as well as Eiwlish. March 21. , - ___.l w • gitiners 01 the business, they trust that by !Wier to lion. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. : punctual attendance• awl small Profits, they . 1 tine I:1. 11 ,', -- I is• .J1.1(1 WA,' f i r EL, 6.1) .. e. - will be. um, to reedit' it lihmal share in - -- The subscriber:4 hats. jitst receivetl : pohlic Foreman.% . C. 11. Senses, SIDNEY W. 11111lCAIY, ,o barrels. halves and quarters, No's. 1, A. A. \VAC:NI:It, 13ailiter $. iiapct - -I)tinger ! ,..! „:I 3 Aind,,,,p. i 2 bari•els No. I Salmon. I. 51' . . Aliciat:v, J. s . l7coLisn, .. __ ~ , *\ ll ' HI ' ) " .11, A Pill 1 .1S51)• 4r, -.4i w '.1 . 10 , siilwerilier adopts this Method to in- I :31 ,t () 1: 1 1 ",.., :is (• “, dll ' ll ,' _ form his friends and the public, in general. , , 71 , ‘,.. a: "‘'' '' "I"";"' L'n'.l'''''' - ; I 0; which wilt be dispose:l of at the very 11/ 21 . 1 Y1.31f il 11:1111.g that he has lately removed into the braise 3 . formerly occupied by :11r. Nathan Schaller, 1 d'"'''t't pr i es'' 'l'lll. ( :intril Life Insurance Antinity awl in I lamilton Street, Allentown, nearly op-, Purez, (:ern Lk. i ' 0. Tru s t ( sa t ipai t y 01 PhilaLlClpliin, ( )11ii,i , No. 1/o::ite the (termini Ile(orined Church, where ' ' arc " 2/ ' -/. lilt/ Chestnut Street, Charter Teri ettial, , , ---- • - - - he will always be found ready to amain to • f rit •• r i tiT• ' ' firer 6 # 0 e tie o lls !I Seed. 4L'AS'llll'A L :141)0 04)0. . , calk , ill the Jiff rent branches of his business:, • • Cotillio. to ina l ie A/wow/wry on 1 . iin ni t - [ The sobserils.r.; have on lentil a large - " ' - • Which are i nt iii. !,elute ( .1 ,i ,, , , r , thii Tini,div ~.....,.., 11, the most favorable terms. Boast tree! Sign Paintiolr, Oronin4::, . , which 1 ' 1t,..y olh;r fur sale cheap. The capital being paid up and int.-sled. G/aziti".,-, Prii;ri . ./.‘ungin . , ./,, ,S r •, teLrether With the neva:mil:nett premium hind Poi:Tx, ( li nn & 1 'o. During his travels he has made himself. . March "1. ___.l„. affords apc yi.cl security to the insured.muster in the above branches, particularly, _ The premium may be paid ill yearly, half Paper-Ilanging, the panel work of which is s ec - A, ". r, 1, , t s, "is its, s; yA.A. ,11 ', p•-• now all the litshion. Ile will warrant his 5!..!....3) 4..1..,1' •.,V.l-: ''s..l.-5 ‘av ~ .1;...k . ..1a a i yearly, or quarterly payment:). work to be well I\ xecuted, and his _prices .: .Fi ll , dersig Ilie compani . add a BON CS at stated pe un netl takes the liberty of in- rinds to the insurance for life. The first will at the same time he moderate. . furnutir his friends mid customers Oyu he boons was a ino iri. te I • 1)" . 1 " P-. 11 r.:7? - ITt constantly keeps on hand a hirmi I ~.' c , ' ~ , ~,• ,• , . . •111 . 1 ' 11l '' '"I'11. ' ' ' 1 ; '''' r fell - 101'1Ni lII'S 0101'e from .No. :, - .l..Norlit i St. atrionntmg to 111 percent. (no lII,' , 11111 in from Supply of l'rolcctinp. Letters varying in size , , , , , -,', ; from 2to It' inches; they are used for signs, : 1. " N ' - '• ' lt) . ` 1 l ` K ET STREET' , noted under the oldest policies, to l".•! 111.1* Imo" have become very fashionable of late, between •I and :,th e 1111111 he has for sale, at c ' Ill ' 7l s lh ' t. I'clit ,... ' S'•'•` • • • ' t t ' n tttiw t r ''' in 1"."1 : t " r " , ion to toe Hine of statione , toanitc , •;it a;;.;1- i During the dine he has located himself very low prices, an extensive assortment of t . . _ - - non of 8 lOU. '....- 1 7. 50, :7 - 475. &c , on crest .. lin Allentown, he has enjoyed a very liberal . • A./cAdvio . Mass c $ low uri,i,,,,ily ii,, , ,,,, , ,1, ~, ~, 11 1.• :111 aver . `support, for which he returns his sincere In e.,, ii -,,, i - ,1) ,„,,,- ~,,,, ,-,„ ,I, „.,•.„, in Gilt, Mahogany, and tl'ommon Frames. ItIl " u1.11 " 11. ' '` I . ' I ' 'thanks, and trusts that his work will further well adapted to to tlit! Southern and \Vest- -". ”•••`'''''••:'''' ' t ''' ;ll • lffl insure him a liberal share of public patron 13. IV. 13 L'IZCA te. • ' ern Marti " - /I. ___ min Large French 1 'late Mirrors flamed to or, _ I der, of approved Style either plain or ormo rich ly ntaited. ~ t •i Toilet, Fires:4lm. and Swim , filasses, in . • nose, now in ti-te. Col•N•ril yitl IS liti. , wick, par z; I rott sitssex bank !Treat varit•ty : (lilt and Vann. NN'ood Por . I weld(' Alen recommend it to commnitity at In c „ii.•,l //// ,,,b„ / •,i,„,• 4 1 I 2750 trait and picture F'iltines, also L'otinnon 4.1n0 latv, a, a sam and powerfol remedy where In c o f th. u3 .,1„„. g • I I ; III" 11 bald; Frames without lilt: ses. 21i5 ile:i el,no g rarest ! fever in all the above dise,ts• 1 . 11, ~/ • p/ //, / , / //. ,4 - z Trenton batik. co. par es lo he ['self 11ot:1y:11111 If, counicnutt mildulati..ll 11k „ I . s„, / r ,/// / . 85 Vardlo.vville bridge LOld illlg - glilSSPillieShyl l telMN,ol'illit'SS(lolllllllieS, , _._ 5 , 1:1 - / . _ .._ ___ in a remarkable manner. In moist, noon, s .1 . • I it • l• '' ' 3 ' 25 III , V1 . III , : ••wt Hole and consequent sonnies., in 1 1 1 1 1 1 , '' , 1 i.:1 :1 ,,T.:‘,.:: . ,, U ,,,':: 111 P ,:: c i) DI T I I : IP I, 3 :!\ ) I ' vARE . A I.St IPt ill S.X I.E, I Pamphlets containing; lables or rates. and Eras: and („Itil Curtaiit Cornice: and I ir- . explanations Of the subject ; forms olappli- 11"1 14 v o ' ;; T i l :e r. •ctiliar ti t of thi •11 11, ' rld tln. 111( of Lewistown failed The Banks of the state Ilk of Dela Wit t . c Co. par of Delaware ate :ill at naments, Lloiss .111dt/ens awl Veini e r..., sh e _ • cation ; and fut•ther information can he had tinparalieted P s i tteuess it has met na ‘ thin th ' e t • hands ' „,,k, and 'Taus;„,., „„d ;.;, ; ,,,,!,,,d,.,.1..i i „, t ;,„ . tit the oak,e in l'hiladolpltia, 1/1* 011 allpliea- 0: the Ilk of Middletown I Tar . Ilk olont; , . Co. par this T ea T ra y, :1 , 1 ,1 iNs i tt ers , 1 5,,,• ‘ • aw l s e lf' dim to A. L. Num:. Anent in A Ilentown. !tort v ', /4coter and Sirt,erc i'ropricSor, Bk of North - trather. anti . 'NEW TURK. Tip Handle IC.iiivc.; and Folks. in setts and 11. NV. Iflcn.tans, l'rez•itlelit. it k but jit.die. , .. to say, that or the seen! I ruble ( .. ; ‘ ,/ /m/ b /// , B atik & Next' furl; City bks .f. iiof.eti. , , Moe plated un l'until 0 Slll'l.l . .1 . :4) , p.. - 1. 5)11 .. 5 ., .1 e t z ,,;,.. v. octitedicnie: which have been,,,lfep,l, lthe . have , B r id, j ,, Com p. p,, r Chelsea. bank 80 been Sc tel II Iliial ; led 1.0 Ole 1/01111111 'l, I'e - &di,- ' Carlisle Bank I Clinton bath( 50 Spotnis, Fork:. and 13etter IS • Mit . t.. Fine ✓ and D,,„„,j„,,. 13 . gfr-ly elllie, ;hi Willell horses sure hahle ;it ha. I.cei, Iloylestown Ilank - par Commercial bank in . I .atei. .St..tors, Common I.lrittattnizi 11 - arm I I 1 i very jii,ily culled a r l oinpltse PlS‘rEt rill Tat; Flasion Bank par. I atrayette hank 50 , - -.-- - i Canillt.:4iclir, Cake Baskets, Simile's; and silt e p ri 0. 'lilt( ;„ I t., ' Tu rin 0' (I " h (tit it ii„,,,, E . r m . „static, ~,...1 the following •: I Exchange Bank '/, IVa , liingion bank in Trays, &c., &c., ' "n To owner., 0/ Borst's. ; Erie Bank . This may certify that 1 lia'e had for many years; Partners & Brovcrs 2 ' Coeseritv BANKS. A =en, fiat of Clochsfor Salm CtritED Y. ihe care els iiimi 100 hi 200 Horses and having : Bank Alleghany county I bank 70, -/, ' , "Lillr''''.` l3 '''''' l'achl'd di" safest ln front FiVe to Ttvetif y illitnnes. mad, ~,,, ~l Merchant's Gargling Oil for 2' Franklin Pank I Batik of America :35 manner, and insured anninst brealnew. hat forge!! Meths ! ll'i • e•s I.r I. . /II 1E Undersiontal Wolllll resliecifullv an- i v ...:';',..‘ i l l l l ' l " ifil e " sare ' lY ‘").• I ' ' ..' 11"I. 1 " 1 ' ' I do or Commerce 40 .10i.ilit:,Ii. 1.1../IVPI,A N 1). at horses arc liable to, 1 never saw its Bucks Colllll% , par equal. I use about one bottle per inumll, and , Fanners Bank - of • I .nounce to the citizens- of Lt' (t and the i December, ti 11---1 . • • ail:joining counties, that la , has located him- recommemi 11 to the public, as the best medicine . : I I:: . : 1 11 . i li ,( l. , i i i i e i lif,Or t 3 . 5 25 Lancnster . :11 !NOB. Fanners Batik or p"r do of Clean 35 ' self in New York for the purpose of 31_,IND IL‘ NU FA (Xf 011 - ir • ''' ' ' .EFFEC'7'I'.II,I,I" C'Clif.VG ' for horses trow in use. • Cantion to l'arch( 1 11 : ; etc); • Beading do orTonawanda sot pal• ;to Or 1..e11115 Beware of uoUNIFEB 1 0 E11'8, and be sure the Farmers' Bank of do .d 11'estern 2 ; X-1. CLAB.H. • i persons alto al*V troubled with name of the Suit' Proliriclor•“E 0. W. MERCII: Schuylkill roe par Ilit N i g e l i i ; % ;n l l - p o t r o l t r i ban lc 4 3 ( o l• I • l'enitian Mind Illanufaefory. • i STUTTERING 011 sTA:H ERING, ANT, Lockport, N. Y:, is blown in the side or liarrisburg Bank I - the bottle, and ill his hand writim..l over the cork 11 0In'sdale llalili IC• I • Sign 01 the. Golden Eogle, No. 1:39 ,S. III) iSo confidant is he of stiecess, that no ply * Dont be pet - stunted tu take anythin.., ,, el - e ' with * Lancaster Bank par t',', ll'a , l , ' ; ` , 1 , 1 , 1 1/ „ e. ,.,,,,,,„ 5. South Ne cum l Stre e t, hr/we D oc k, i . will . be required until the Utmost satisfaction the promise it is just as good &e. This ins prim- Italic - aster Co• Bank n ' ar (' 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 11 . ; ( 1 ' -- ----" 35, . ; 1 1 1 l EI 'i l l 'i r t :o (0: 2 0 1 .1 s 11,1 V 1-r D b r a o l i, I • t e r ; s- fit. I'ILIL.IDL'LPIII.I. . !ls given. Ibis InethOd is so easy, that any used by those unprincipled dealers whose con- Lebanon Batik an d 1- 11 ,1 1 1 ;.child fivo years old may understand it, and science will stretett . " like : India Rubber, and who Lehigh C:o. Bank 5( li - cep:. always on hand a large /TN, „ I d N (11 . 1 . 01 „ , yet so efficient, that he willforfeit One Thom ( a . i r i c ie ( s ri t il I ,s it a tat i e!t i 'spirit of . tli . o . s ,e, to our large •Lep...,1 . 1 5i. r ) - i igatiiiii ••(.)• hank f.,••• hatable assortment of ; sand Dollars to any person who will stain- r it ,. o .s re• i Farmers bank of 8e- Mtn Illmlow Blinds. manufactured in the centi; tics i -11 ' exp i t i .s . e t t r l t ( t ' t u t s be P , r l . : , , c lll l : - 11 t . : . ,r have (. l inro Miller ' s jlairk of nets county 30. 1 best manner, of the best materials and at the All orders addressed to the proprietor will be' l'ottsville • p ar liamilton bank 3(1 , trier and apply it. Alerchants & Manaf, Lewis r..,/,/,.//„ bat i k Imi.o..,t'calt rrici , :. No. 3 7 LlDltiaLinjb..e r l s r. S l l. l , 7 N y( e 'i n -r o ' r . k. I prt(lolp,tll.vpatiensppi,i.iTtlet(l.it.o.ille A,ent, zent, and sec what Bank, Pittsburg. ; ~11 ee l la i - i ii s - 11 . 1 1111 i,; 1 4 'i This establishment has just 'received a wonders are accomplished by the use of this Monongahela Batik, 1 . 11 . .. e ussorttnent of holey sill/ and worsterd : t , , P. S. For further testimonies as to the weil/c/11 ,. 1 , /iot,e iii wont 1 efficacy of his method ;he refers to the s a id by respectable dealers generally in the Taljyrk°n‘.‘s"visilvieitilf)Cl. • Buffalo ,I Merchants hank at 45 IVindoW Blind triminings. 1 tr lleilical Faculty of New 'l' ork, who Witness- United states and Canada. Also by Simon Rau Bridge Company, 25 of Blinds can he suited with a varlet./ of Stilton liti a ' nlc of New 40 ! ni the application upon a gentleman, who Bethlehem, Pomp & Kensy, , E3aston, Amos Rog. West Branch Bank, 1 • colors and paterns, by culling at his Starr. ter and had been ers, South Easton, I'M'S 6noth & co.,Afientown 14'yornit , Bank • 1• - °I c :I 11) an ill VCie l'llte staintrie Orders from a distance carefully packed, C. Francs- 0r wigsburg, J. U, U. I 1 righes, Potts- ]'ark Bank, ' lI OSw c go bank 20 I o11(1 steel upon b otherl'l '• .• sician . s, without and sent to any part of the city free Of por- 1 tl i le vu lea - t benell Y t. atd 1Y vine. M. A ' tillelloy, Northumberland,l I. J. Shea- 'l r - - , . Phenix hank 35 Ithront.lting as it NE, 11 .1 EIiSE Y. 'S i li t Island bank 50 terage. fu, Milton. Henry Ila ,, scr.Btittburv.:. , G• & J. ti Ii State bank orN Y 80 • . ; may seem, Dr. I Vyckofrcured him iii 20 Allen Jersey Shore, S. 11 - usitt VIT ljz •pi .. Be lvidere Bald/ April 4. st. Lawrence bank 75 , 11-5113 I minutes, that he tuns able to spcidt mid.read C. W:shz . lllle.Leivis ' littr ' s-,, ,i. tie ' chold i New llfiis l3: r r i . ' ; Durlinslon Cutml v T. u , i,. • .) , a aSillllntoll 1 i lilting I i ess s , Bank ; with ease, without hesitancy or semblance lin, Huston & Porter, Towanda, C. If. Ifernick j iiiininei.ing. Athens, smith & Gray, Bellconte, W. NI liicklev, I Commercial 11;ink ' Union hank par . • • ' • ' 25 i i .Iblincot.ttits Liana. :30 N l'ork bank. Co. 70 & Challonte & lituhes. Danville, (.; m Eb e i / .1 Cumberland Bank par . : , • ipt9,ll , s c ., ff . i r . , lE. , of 'Phi Doctor alSo har over, One Hundred p ar . 1 mph Nark bank, 2.1 , • Mauch hunk, A. nitre!!, Montrose W. T,, Partners Bank ASupurior iron printing- press. Washing- , Certificates of cu res performed, atnong which' .11. It , Jones,... C hunk, Cl , wctursporl, B. hi. T 3 •I • 'ii i Eli - niers & Mcchan- ' 55111 te "'hum- hank •5 1 1, • • Bat ey, oar( I • ton's patent, with a bed 22 by 34 inches, in : are several medical gentlemen. , & Beach, Mansfield, R. Roy, Willsbore, G. I'.• I icsfiank,Hahway 3; cil•All other ban.ksnot first Tide order, for sale at this office, nu ac s I N. B. All letters of inquiry, (post-paid) t ' l "nylor.Covinglon, C. S. Newcomb & Co., & PartncrN&Merehaills i mentioned in the above \ commodatitig 4:rms.-Address A. L. Rube, will be 3 romptly - answered by raining the • Tr ' ligh . & .. lIIIE4' Lawrenceville, Dr. A. lima- _ flank, .Mill.P l oint, 3 list t a d ce irony to 2 per post paid. ' 1 Post Office and State whereth ~ • ? PhrPY I Ineas J. e,. s resit e. .If. Gulick, Blossburg, E. 1.. itorrls County tank 11, Ceti [scout) . ! Shillze, Lock !Liven. srsj•The notes on nII Banks marked withn dash July 25. . #,.-4ty I, March 7. 11-cr. i Deeember 13. et --4 y, • (-) are inn purchased by the.brokers. ILJST, APRIL TERM, 1850: 1 Benjamin Fogel vs. Jacob Hart, 2 Fogel and Schlauch vs. Jacob Hart, 3 Same vs. Same, 4 Same vs. Same, 5 George Wasson' vs. George Kern tun others, David Remely vs. Geo. Kern & others 7 Wright & Stern vs. George Wenner, 8 William M. Betz vs. flenry Peter, 9 George McKinly vs. Peter Sheidy, 10 Levi Fry vs. Stephen l3alliet, 11 George S. Eisenhart vs. David and Henry Metzgar, 12 Reuben Steckel vs. Chfistian ‘Veaver, 13 George Meitzler vs. George Breinig, 14 David Schmoyer and others vs. Jacob Schmoyer, 15 Godfrey Peter vs. Charles Stopp, 1(1 William Stahr vs. And. E. McCarty, 17 Jonas Peter vs. John Boyer, 18 Michael Uhler vs. Walter P. Huber, 19 Peter Sell and wife vs. Jacob and Abra ham Schmoyer, 20 Siegfried & Yost vs. Lewis Siegfried, 21 Walter P. Huber vs. John Wagner, 22 George Kemmerei vs.C. and W. Edel. man, 23 Christian Fisher vs. Abra. Hibbard, 24 Nathan Rex vs. Lauchner & Snyder,. NATHAN MILLER, Pt°MO/Wary. April 4, Paper Ilanginis TIIE Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse n Phi& delph hi, Is in sixru STREET, one door below Race, where purchasers and dealers can se lect from New Style Garland .S'ailn Paprr for parlors, with Velvet and Cold Seollord Borders, as well as Hall or Entry, Chamber and Din ing -room wall papers, which will compete in style and quality, with any in Philadel phia, or any other city in the United 'States, and al a saving of 25 per cent. Will. 11. PArl'ON, • Manufacturer of Wall &Curtail! l'aper: , , No. 93 North 6th 1 door below Race. December, 6th ¶-1 v INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, OFFICE, No. 163 A CHESS CT :STREET near. Fifth street. Directors Charles N. Bancker, Geo. IV. Bich:ink, Thomas I tart, Mord. 1). Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Dune, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Pattert•on, CONTINUE to make Insnrance, permanent and limited, on every description ol'pmpertt•, Own and country, at rates a:, low as are cunsi_,• au with security• The Company have reserved alarge gent Fund, a•hiah with their Capital and Premi ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January lr,t, 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of A:. scmbly, were as follows, viz': • Mortgages, Real Estate, Temporary Loans, Stocks, Cash, &c., $1,220,097 67 • Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards Of' one million Iwo hundecdthousaitil dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of ins a ranee, as well as 'The ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CIARLES N. BANCKER, President CHARLES.G. BACKER, Sec'y. The Subscribers are the ax , ,pointerlagents et the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip• lion of property, at the lowest rates. ABMISITTYS L.•RIJHE, Allentown. C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown,;une 1.9;1818. 11-1 y IBM it( s) Cheap and Good Wzticliti:,, ;,C-•-•, ; 'Jewell). & Silver-tvare, wh01e (......../ '1 1 .• ; sale mid retail, at No. !Pi North ,4...i , ,,,i. Second mreet, corner of Omar ut7 ~•th...,„....,.,-,-,,t01i ry, Philadelphia. Gold. Lever 11 :itches, full Jett oiled, 1?:3 caret rare`, $3O and over Silver Li ver Wiiiclie s , full jewelled, - Silv e r Lepitie Watche,:•,juw tilled, $ll mid over. Silver Quattier Watches, . *5,00 to 10 Gold Pencil. •$1,50 to 7 Fine Gold Rings, ;17.' i its. to SO Other articles in proyortimi. All (foods warranted to be what they nre sold for. Constataly on lomd, a full assoruncnt Of fi ne GULL) JEWELRY nod Sll,l - Ell. WAVE. Also, nn assortment of Al. J. To bias & Co.. E. Simpson, Samuel I Broth ers, E. S. rates & Co., John Harrison, O. B. Beesley, and other superior Patcot Lcver Noecinents, which Will be cm:ed iu any ~ t yle desired. Arrang,tnents have been :wick with all the above celebrated makers, the licf:t man ufacturers of Liverpool, to •furnii,h at short notice any required style of IVatelt, for which orders will be taken and tholptime and residence of the person ordering put 011 if requested. 0. CONRAD ; No. 91i North 21111. Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, Nov. 29. y $890,558 65 . 728,358 00 205,459 00 15,583 15 46,581 87 MACKEREL, • 1 Constantly on hand SHAD, . CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, • PORK, HAMS ANp SHOULDERS, LARD& CHEESE, March 21, JOB PRINTING, Of every desciiption neatly executed at the . "Register" office. • Aiarch 2S FASHIONABLE Jewelry Establishment ! and fur salt] by J.P.IL:IIEI? tg•Co iktarl:ct St. Wharf • T, uoLlear AND Guimx; 16 and 0 Ver 1.a . V114 , 111 10 A tii:lip!! p,•;:cy sum 'olicy Itt,to,(l nr Itnhlt , p Addition. party', N. , . 10110 100 " 3500 250 - " 205 .1000 1011- " "711 1 2 , '00 121 113:1 5000 437 50 iF.01,1.\ 0;:t trmil 111,. !o,' ccicbratpil N•ly IpHa. an,i pia tvl.re. Sold. Avho!osale !aii. at tlio inalicr's rash pricvs. ()SC.% R 11:14.:12, 171 ,troot, 1:',1,1•11; , r,- I I. a _ IV r!t Lrivon, that 11aniel - 1141 .1Zody. and 1),,, : r (irons, havt taken ant 111 e E•into of Rrolll. lato of IVa,bioolon comity of 1.,0hi.._ ! h. All porsows. indolitod to anal tvlo.ther in Howls, o r ';,) ,, ;.-arer'.lll''', aro 1,1 nest ,nnte hy the lir,t thy ofinne next. 211 i per son,: havitqf just claims aLlainst paid Estate, are litiewise requested to present the samv Well anthiTtirlii.(l, by said time to DAVID TiUDY. IST? \EI, RI. DY. /111m . .sleg PETER (MusS, larch 27 CELEBIZ.VI EtII _ R <-1 r • . r 1 3-s. , UNPARALLELLED in THE HISTORVoL MEDICIN As THE )141ST Kileritt,/ rrrr red Facts are tit til)boi•ft 11'11 AT AS BEEN Hu .\I: CAN BE 11Ws AII.IIS. 1:4101'a!lco ~r nels and ptillrisophy, .tart ,i 1 11).0 aiir IMO I , iiiedy cai ‘1•11111i1 t1 , 121f the vlrlllo etiriti.2, :11:1111.0.111c, , ri p•ar. 111, lieV , r l ll ,. l , •••• ,,, taldt•h, .1 Ow lacl 11E11 .Th.r,.11 , 1111 ' .• ,rl,'l.ralv,i vcrNal !lc Eal'w..t.alimi, Cr 1111.'1 altd I:vve all such as Sierun 11, •,•rrrl,',el lif "'llls of ,//L•i Pre, l l ••1 1 Fl,l lad • .~'burin. LOOM ?OWN, S.:wl Ce4e.k.s., Fr , &red rlee:s G 111 fuze. • It ",•1111111• bAlli • Al AI L ' "MIS. Edit ruilil.;.,l lB , I r ninfir! .if/i FIIIBI It.V • . m arta Se., lds, r't el "(Ix CnempA, lii.: ()I. 111 I ill ;..Jl, u•L'•r,.y 1,1111,1, in.ll s . 11,•, • ••••• ; ;i11,1,v0,00 .11 111. :1,1 ;Ire tivet ,, ary. A. a ,11,•atunt have case; it ilie • • ,I.IVES W. 1. 13indi's Merchants' house, 4 .‘0. 237 North :Id street, between WO ' low and Callowhill, Philadelphia, every morning at o'clock ; passes through Ger m itilown, Flowertown, Montgomeryville, Sellersville, Winker -town, Coopersburg, to, A Iloinown and Bethlehf. , m. L,eaye Eli Steckers Engle Hotel, Allen town, every morning at GI n'tdcbk, and Ca- Irb Yoln.'..s: Eagle [lntel, Bethich4H, every morning- nt ti o'clock, passing, throtif_Th tl ei alnive named -placesio Philadelphia. Fare from Philadelphia to Allentown or Bthlehem. Two DollurN. ;e - A II Pal:eels or Baggage left in charge . of the Agents, at either points of the line, will be• promptly attended to. 111 - su, Cass, & I; —I W. \larch 2 Othi Pellow' Saloon. STETTLER & GEORGE Take this method of infortraing•the pub lic, that they are now in the oceupancy of the Saloon of the.t Pellous Hall, Allen town, and having fitted it up in a superior manner, are prepared to serve up all kinds of IZt•freshownts, in a style fully equal to the host City Restaurants. The reputation they have hitherto acquired in the `Oyster 1, - is regarded as a sufficient guarrantee to the public, that everything prepared by them u ill inect with the approbation of their cus tomers. DEE Connected with this Establishmeht is a private L.IIDIES splendidly fitted 'up, where parties of ladks and gentle men alone, can be accoinmodated with all the delicacies of the season.' is a call. 1 studiously cater ing to th s of our customers, by assid uous at 0 1../tt to business, and with a de tt,rtninution to render oeneral satisfaction, we hope to merit a continnance of the pffironwre with which we have heretofore peen favored. FRANKLIN STl:rn.r.n. :;~~~_ ' JaHtla I•\• `Atli U.:ED IT J. 17 OIN nz, . vrroitNuy ux suitz.wt <r ft,? rlf,ol, ?rest Ihr Co wl lboyAr. entt 1)r toil, tilted 'both it! the Ger tie! .I.;:igltsli .1 Llalik Ott` i li3t it. (Corri.c4rtl .rei;111 Courns and I)•lector.) 131; N nicrwa par :1.1 , .11:1mes hank 01 131( nt p,,• Newark Alrelian les hank at late par lurlinginn par Ilk yl'N 141.1 p.ll' Alvehanle., & Man uractlir,r. nin , r, Alvellan.par N. \l 6 & K1 . 11 , 111U11,11 pit l' Ills. Colnpa Dy liiilll II r. & i1I , •••11:111 pall' NC \l' ill pi & Ih'la -11,1•ilil II ICS 11:1r Ira 1 v 131.. Comp. failed (lir:ail par (Iva iv:i. ha li li - A ME I'lol..l.•:pilia par Peoples bank ft sf.l,,, , ,kiii par Plainfield hank t-to , i !II wa rk p a r Princeton hank par We ifi•rn ' par 8 :11fuil banking (do. par I.' , ontorreiat Bank t 4 tate hank it Eliza or Penti,vlv. par heilitown, Newark, =BEM 4A+ A . ~~~ Jo\ As Up:onco. 111 ir -3111 I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers