IttSillltSS CARDS. RALPH L. MACLAY , A TTORNET-AT-LAW. — Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all lOgal business. Military claims collected. . inylo-dOnr-eod Thomas C. Mac':ilotvell, ALttorti•ey-at.- 'Law. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW P. - HARRISBURG, PA. LL marmer.of Military Claims promptly 1i attended to, and claims collected against the General or state Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un n and on moderate terms. a. .9-dem A. C. SMITH, ATTOIELNEIC • • icrAB removed ble Office from Third to Wel -11 cut street, next* the Prison. All business in trustedto him will yeceiye prompt and careful attention. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALERS GROCER.I_FAS, Ware, Queen's and Glass .ILL OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, tirAVE just opened a large and well selected j.j. stetk of goods at their stautt,NO. 3 MartcetSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite tltt attention of the public generally. noy-dly JUNES, ETU E , Corner of• Market street and Market Square, HAARISBURG PENNA. CJIAS. 11. MANN, Proprietor. not3.4ltf STATE CAPITAL HOTEL 'COMM Ok MEAD AND WALNUT t srituFrs, TrAiritisnunci., PENN'A. Truly, undersigned having purchased tins well known house has enlarged and thoroughly rent aced it.. The rooms have been re-pui laid, and papered, ttnd the entire estalishment elegantly, re-tarnished. Being plea santly aud eligibly located v anre - di:led with arel•y eon venlesee, it offers to the public tliCeornforts and luxu ries et a ti.rst class hotel. ' , Vasty and obliging se)r F itt! tilWays in. aitendanco. 'fiat well with :cAutc‘ liquors is attached to the stitabllafirdent. de26-tt ?1!4,,G. 11:101111t1N„ Propriptcr. TI4E UNFlEDinitg 'Aga '4 I IA, lIARRISAUMG, PA: .I.II;TC4ISON, Prcthrl;ctor. . • . frllll9 well knowh,Hoiel is now 'l.tPh ..4 , tton to accommodate - the traveling . "publidnifording the moat ample conveniences alike for the irancient guegt and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL.has been entirely refit ted thionitiout, and now has - accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. listocation is the beat in the Stele Crpitali being in easy access to ull the railroad depots, and 1r close proximity to all the public offices and business oalitles of the city.. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEV, and the Proprietor is- detered to spare neittuir on. pens°, time or labor ensure the comfort of the Vaesta. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. jell-dtt I%IIUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SUET MUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL IfERCHANDISA PICTURE FRAN,F,S, :LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AM SRO- TYPE GEMS, ENGR:AVINGS, PICTURES, &C., tits Remember the place; SILAS WARD, No. 1 Third , treet, the largest Musießtore this side of the gma jangEl-dtf MELODEONS AND CABINET 'ORGANS. tQTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL (over won by Instruments ,of this class) has.been awarded to . • • MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS.' A hill assortment of these instruments always on tpl, W. KNOCHE'S., Sole Agent, • p 3 Market street. Jet-2lawly] NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED ! BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store. Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS ) . • MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, • CALF SHIN POCKET -BOOKS, , • BUCKSKIN_ PURSES, • • •. • FORTMONNAM4 acc. at prices to suit all circumstances. . f POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of a tine assortment of Westenholm's Sive Pocket Knives. PIEIN from Newton's celebrated manutamory. Every 'Pal - • with a guarantee. PORT FOLIOS, • , • - • WRITING CASES, . 6 • • ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETERIES, /so Together with every article usually found in. a nisi Book and 'Stateonery establishment, at • • •'• myl2l " BERGNER'S, -51 Market roe' DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT F the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in ky .rormli the public that this Old Daily Transilettation (the only !alluvia , ' Line note iii existence in this city,) is in successful operation and prepared to oniry freight as low as aciT,lither individaal line between Phila. detp Ida, 'Harrisburg, Sunbury; LeWiiiburg, Jere ey Shore, Leek Haven and all'other points Northern Central'Philadelphia and Erie and Williitnigpoit and Elmira Railf&ida. • DANTIrr , A. MUNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn's. Ocala sent to the Warehouse'of Messrs. Peacock, Zel & Illnohman, NoS. 808 'end 810' Market a treet, above Bth Philadelphia, by 4 et., will arrive at Harris burg, ready for delivery, next morning. [ap3o•edmyl PLAIN ©S. ALBRECHT, RIEKEB-A BC MIBT'S., EXOFXKOR PIANOS: .ygPLE AGM - CY-AT W. ENOC.III°S, - Autos street, Harrisburg. VOR :REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MIABIta I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. T4epitbdtc is invited to come nrid ex amine for themselves. A few Schomackes & Co's Pianos on hand yeti will be dsol low. - • mar2s-tf PHOTOG-RAPIL ALA tMS. Photograph Albulus.' Photograph Albums. Photograph Albuitts. Photograph AJ.btunk MEE largest and cheapest variety': of{ l PHI J. '`?G RAPHMATINS in the city are constantly ker t o (marl2] BERGNER'S GRRAP BOOKSTORE. FINE FAMILY FLOUR.--SHISLFIt nu m Vivien:Cap prikikeinerits with and of the bestmillis in the mistily to supply the families °t Harris burg with choice FLOPFt, :Every barrel warranfeil, and: delivered to any part of the city free of charge. &DISLER & FRAZER, Dealers in Fine Faniily brocaries, opposite the Court SQPICEIPOYSTABExtra fine Baltimore °yam, spiced,j4fiapived at , kis • BOYE.RA KOEPER. JUST RECEIVED-44 - gallons pure eurraot eJ 'fie, from a Lancahter county farmer tble fluest made domestics wine In this city. Price $$ 004 gallon. For sale at r SRISLER 81F Ja9 limmeaso,:o wm. D00k.dr..,260. PTCED, pYs • 13.'ig a t a ic Fi ne Bi o Chotersomiced, and. foi -q prat, or los .BHALFA , ,13 ,8 -rsorowmro to W. bookrdr., 1:11rAltU31 HAMSI—A fresh suppl , oners.'sFaqpbatifilamt-TADried Beef at Jan 2 - BOYER KoE moLADIT. yqu-wieti good Paper,SineldPell t h ll o ool , ( "MftingelPeill tAe miaow itr t 'VOW/a at , ME iffiliffl 1tA311.2R0 - ADSI . . , . Penn§ylvania Rail 'Road ! AT ----; - -- -t------7—rue „ ~,l EE_ ..w. a a .....,...a.. \ :T"' E r AILLT, ,_ Eg.2lau.a.m,w FMB 74.13,11. FIVE TitAllqS DA_IIiY TO AND FM:l# F ROM pFITT, OD Mal MrTBR MUNDAY, May 16th, 1864, rePassenger Trains of the'Pennsylvania ilroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia al follows • • • , THROUGH. EXPOSS TRAlltleavesllarriaburg daily at 2.45 A. _ ,_ar. and arrives at West Philadelphia 4_6.55 .k. st. FAs.p.p.htH leaves Harrisburg dailyjeadept 'MondansAt 8.00 A. N., and arriVei at West Philadelphia at. PaeSengers take breakfast at Lancaster. . • MOUNT OVICACCOHMODATION, leaves garriabtir.B ut - 7.20 A. M. coMiectiat Lancaster with Lancastar aseffiTh7,.. modation and and arrives at West ,PallaaelPhlsat • 12.25 . „ COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, l'eav,ek Harris., burg at 12.20 r„ ati Columbia 155 P.M:, and arrives at Lancaster 2.80 P. connecting with Fag Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Rhlladel.: phia at 5.30 P.M. . MATT. TRAIN le0;311 Harrisburg at 1:20 P. N. ; LancarOr at 2.47 P. X, and arrives at West Philadelphia , at 00 r, ri . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION , TRAIN, ird Cohn& bia, leavea - Hanii3burk at 5.25 r. at.,. ,and arrives Weis. Philadelphia at 10.50 P. N. • WESTWARD: - - BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN lettitis Harrisburg daily (except Monddy)-at %le a. at ; A1t. , 666; 7f35' •x„ take breakfast., and arriv es at Pittsburg at•IlOdy: Dr, PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAttfleirveS 'Harrisburg daily at ala'; Altoona at 8.20 A. m., , take breakfast, and arrives at , Pittsbarg at 1.00 • ...i.A..lLlit4NleaVesHarrisbarg at 1.30 r. wit Altoona at 7.15 P. N., take st)per, and arrives at littkbargat. 12.30 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at Altoona at 9.35 P. take 'supper, and arrives .at , PAttaburg at 1.00 MOUNT Mr. :AckIOHHODATION leaves Larialuder at 9.30 A. in, drives at 'Harrisburg at ILIO A.. N. HARRISBURG A:CCOH.MODATION ' R IN9Beyes West .Philadelphbeit2.4s.N. x, and arrives at Harrisburguat 8.10 . • ~ MOUNT Jar ACCOMMODATION No. 2, Jeanie. Lanctuk, ter at 615 p. ar.; connecting there with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. x. and arrives at Harrisbu.rg at 8.20 P. at., • . Lir.; W; ,; SAMUEL D. Y0U,17, Supt Middle Div. Penn'a R. HatTisburg, May 13e1804::-dtt • ' • r • • : • t-va-r Northern • ' Cie,ittral Rapiway • .. • T 661- wAlin , u•ss.i•amui.ti ininowia n n r sunianrat TIME TABL - pz - T'IIRRR TRAINS r•Arty TO AND 1 4 710 M • ; BA L gr•M axn WASIIINOTO,IV.C.I Y. Cohneotionimdde3*it'tiidimmita*l4iNa ilroad, to and froth Pittsburg and tlie'•Waste: I THREE TRAINS and from thtt-Notth and West Bianeli.'Suatjuehanna, Elmira, and all of Nrthern N e w y o rk, , .• • : • ,•J~ O N and-attia MONDAY •mAy 1601,. 1864. tkie: 'fridna of' bid,Noorti4 iCentrid Railway Will errivelat . kid d'epa'rtbirg and . Baltimore as Pelle* • ICITEwk it II; \ MAIL TRAIN, Mayes .Sunbury daily'? (except Sunday); ...... ..........10.25 A. n. • "` : )eaves figarja6arg....t...,;i4.. 1.20 P. x. arrives at 6.0 P. X' EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury didly:(4cept. . - Sunday) 1145 P. X. loam Harrisburg (except Monday) ' ' ' ' 2.50 A. X arrives Baltimore . (exCesd. Itinifday) 7.111 a. la lIARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION, leaves Ha SIDTBURY ACCOMMODATION' teimea. . . `bury Gaily (except, Sus- day) at. 7.80 A. it NORTHWIL-RD.A , ..) 3U.IL TRAIN Waves Baltimore daft, (S .- NOO I A ' , , • i;•. Sunday) ................... g:go ...leaves .Harrtsburg....... 1;05 - arrives at Sunbury 4.05 P. X. EXPRZBS.MX.Ieitpes Baltimore daily 9130 P. X. l 6 . arrives at -Harri/ure • - . 180 A. X - . l!tit * i ' . leavesHarrisbli (i , • 'cept Moridayr:. 8.15 A. X. arriveaatSunbury. . 5453 A. Y. HABBISHITRG ACCOMMODATION leavarßal, . timore daily. (=rapt Atui.w 1 ; • 4. 3.430 P.. su arrives at Harrisburg ' 7;50 r. dit it. SIINTIIIHY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at - - TOO Ph X. For farther information apply ' at the 00100,0 Pennsyl. vania Railroad Depot. ' H:„DuRARRY, Harrisburg, May 16, ' Gen. Supt. CUMBJEALL.AM) VALLEY F B -•N 1k 'L.: 01 _ •••notatorißial • R - A , 0 S`. ORANGE Or ROPRS.,-4 ti,and after Mon dayk) April 4th, IBSC Paitseiger 'tratun will run as 4°1 03" 4 (85 - Id fn e ro*1 1 1;* i . ; FOE :0010310X873,81 . 16 1 4.ND Leate Hagerestswn • • ; 7.00 2.45 Greencastle. • 7.117 8.35 /4 Arrive ....... 8. 1 7 4.20 Chambersburg" f - Leave 8.80 12.55 Leave Shippenseurg / ri 9.00 1.28 " Nwarvi r lie •.4 4 ...... 1•• •••• •a. L:, , '9.02 2.00 •`, iiii - I 1 " Carlitle. '' .. '.,. . . ... .. .1: ~..:.6.55 .1.9.40 2.42 " Mecbanlesburg 625 10 42 3.12 Arrive at Harrlsburg• • . - 865 ,-11.6 3.40 P624 1 00.4.402915441041.12i73.;HAG i fk0WN: a. P.1.4 r. at. Leave Harrisburg • ' - 8.05 . 1.1.32 420 " Mechanicsburg •. • 8.47 ,, 2.15 454 " Carlisle • . . , 9.27. '2:50 6.29 " ,Newville ... . . ..... , .....10.2.9 '. 8429 - " Shippensburg • ," J 10.3.3 400 Arrive at .- ": 1.1.00! 4:30 Charabersburg, {Leave at 11.10 4.40 Leave Greecastle .. - .tt,i'"?.' l `..• i Ntt ' 5 ' 3D - Arriveut Hagerstown .. : ..... :........ -alp IMIIM Malldng dose cionnectlons at Harrisburg wi4h trains for Philadelphia, New , Y4rk and rit , talburg Old with . 'rains for all polnts , West. Atierhe Train leaving, NalTisbuzg at 4.20, P. lc , runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LIILL, Supt. R. R. Office, Chainbetsburg, April 4, 11364-ly , NEW I - 9 ArteLtNE ROUTE. THREE 4.ICAINN : IiAiLi 'l 4 O NEW FORK • • -, PHIL A. CV ' IND — LEVER' iz:epiember 19th, 1864;the Passettgerlialits will lintie the Phila delphia . and Reading Railioad DePot,;:st IL:uisb'arg, for New York and . Philadelphia, as follotn,'vlit " • • E A O r . R D. • EMPRESS' LINE leaves' Harrisburg at & 004, x on ar livid of the ,Penosylyanis RailrolutExpress Sta e forn the Was anitn in New York pt / 1 10.0. a. "M. "fog ping car is attach d ed. to the train, thsgugh from Pittsburg iwithout change. : , • tt MAIL TRAIN taw Harrisburg at 7.30. a: x., Lrriving In New York at 4.40 P. M.,.and Philadelphia at 12-50 P. rs. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.48 , r; Isi,oarrlving is w Yorkat9.oo" P lc, and Philadelphia at 0.00 *. k SOO ACCOMMODATION TRAINdo Reading ledieS at 0.00. P, M. ; _ _ SUNDAY TRAIN for New York andYhiLldiilptda leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. at -- - I iv. l, - , s)ie w I FAST LINE leaves New 'lark at 9.00 A. L, iutiving at Harriaburg.'at 3.30 P. w. : 1 • if • HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 120011, and Philadhlphia 0.19 it K., Anil :dug at Harrisburg at 8.30 EMPRESS TRAM leaves pep York at 7.00 P. N., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00'..t. aL and connectingwith the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. ale¢ pingcar is also attached to thiirtrain... ;" - HAIL TRAIN leavei,Phlladelfilida at 8.00 A. at. and ar rteintit-Harrisbitreat 12.40 P:'111'. rionoeo49 l l B Ilariarebuig. - .1011.1ir on the HersaffllvArgeti Northernand , Onmbe Valley .i n0 z ,0 4 ,4 01 0 . at Redin g for Philadelphia, P . Ravine, Omni, ...Z e r l,g t eh - marough ,-- - - between Nn`w York and 1 ,ss,44ietween Harrisburg and Thiladel phis, $8 05 in 10.1 and sg No CforlioketotlVionfe ftttdraklllif . . , • ,/i4.444 jolkitat laniard Agiati imore art and R, & Co. MI6 = ; . 1 . ';'721i,r;,'_;77.HMX401:)M30 4 Ta." , 1864.1'y a l 1864 Philauteiptda and 'Erie RAI 4t . ad. rap, gre a t t r av e rses theAVthern i as l'iortnweit counties or Pennsyliinia the city 4' Erie, on Lake Ithas beeirelenSed' by the:Piantwermasa.k,Haunoo reav, andonntlerl Half anspicet-18Lheing rapidly open, d throughout its wake length.. It is now In use for Passenger _and-Freight: ,bnsiness from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 Adler), en the Eastern .Division, and from Sheffield to Erle.(76, Telles) oti 1.1:o3 Western Division. _ •: . • . . • TERN OF rAMSIOITIER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG Letive'Eastward: ••• • Mall Train.... Express Matt 1.20 P. N. 2.60 A. N. Leave Northward. Mall Trai_, .1.36 P. x. ..... 8.15: A. Carsintiegoogh wrrifoirir roWAsral tioth ways on . these rtria'netietifekii-Phlisdelphilokik Lock Hayes, and bei Sleititnerciks , ori • Exiateil traits both ways be tween Williaaesport and. Baltimore„ and Wpiamsport %ad • irbi r istoinisttointspeOthig-Tiumenebilidslaets apply at 'Op tfoihor 11th'-and Market Stkeikw • puff rbiFreigtil linsth6sicilltaltortipasi's Agenti: S. B. Hkgstoi'ds';i-asriter 18th ; aVO' 'Market Istreetv, Phitadelphis. • • ,” • FteYn'olclaiEriis ' ' Drill, .agetit N 6. It R.; Balttmoie. H. H. HOHBtON; " ! • LEWIS HOW General .2 2 tiiiiat Agent, I'l4llo. • L, I F, tkrierql'iicket Agent Plata: JOB, roTra, _• General .iiersaiter,,,WalioorPora my2o•cllyJ READITiG RAILR.OAP. S 4 , IIIIEIVARRA , Di IIifrEMENT ~.... .."•.:i. .11.!. 1.:1!..1"... .-1' h. V;I:' , ELE10.:1 1. 'MUNK - LINE ' 1 FROM 'IRE UV IV= giff:Northwestitii.ll4sliflplita;New York,- Readiitt•FidOttille;Tebmical; Aileatowit, litaetork; Mc. , 4m: ' Trains, ledrilfar, reburg' ite Philadelphia, New! York, Read' Ptrlle and all intermediate - Oath:ire, itt 8.00 A. C . . 2 ; . . ! ' New:, rk' a leaves Harrisburg at eitto a. a. , trifOng WEAL at L 45 the sable day ; •' - :.- V I ''' .li2eieo VT 4 . 0 745 - 406iiit4 retariteroni H arrisburg at si. a. • rotokirdia•Harritiburg: To NeW • orlc,- 25 15; to Phtia-: de1i)14281.5 E 0,12 80. Baggage oldkked throtigh. Reteruti7g i : Sityew York at BA. IC; 12 noon; and 9 r. it.:,..Mtlabpr . :Owings arriving: at BitirlebutT ate a., at.) Letqlftihtd,... e t 8 15a: ii.lVirad COO r. a . , . SlesPintotis e New VoitzWitiat Tral ea ,tbicyagb Iti ll to airi ,aliliiiii tftelf g without cOfjo i l -- • • • Pislentlit tr i y;tie Catawba*. riaid'leave Tamaqua ittVso..‹' - lc • ' 0 '4O r. 2., 1'9 , / - htladelphia; New York, liiii r l! . .. armidli:, ,. . , e f FT sri.Nftliville at 9.15 A i IV and ISO . P. .li., for tlt ade tl4, Harrisburg and New YOrk. .- • - - Aqcoinmedatien Faaaeagetltralit leaved Reading at 00 i. w.;', and returns from Philadelphia at-5:00 1.. mr.- Eieli.lltitie above trains run ditly i Sunday excepted. kifctitdny: friiii , leaves Pottatille at 7;30 4. x.,, and Phil adelPhlir at.,8164. v. , , Commutation . ; Mileage, Season and Emanate* tldlt r eis al 11.1064.T 1 40= 1 from . allpotate.. !, . - SO dui e allowed to each *soli: O Greer.? 80perlateni400. . A F ;116;7'.11!.'110,,t-dii‘rti 4FIEDICAIt DR. WRIGHT'S • RF FVENATI,Gc RLINTR, OF az; tro °R'll'B"N • Prepred • lharit Vegetable , niebi, 'eon taining not! . _ InjUrions to the Meet Dellcatu -14-The ItettlVertating Elixir Itt t4lliestat of modern disodirorles in the vegetable kingdoi , rt; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irreepectiye all the old and worn-out vete= • • , ,I This medichm has been tested by theineat eminent , medical Men of the day, and by them •Prolienneelu to be one eniigretiltit; medical dfsobyeriestef.the.age *9"bai4e*dll cure Ge 6 rl4 - PliPtlltY: airtA feaf limit-cures Hysterics brieroalea *9ne bottle Cures Palpitation of the Heart. fplyid*...reatores thq,organWef generation. late-Frormene to:three bottles . restMes:the .mazdineas iniffo viior' of youth. • - ' Ar. 4 firi '44°B restores the appetite. . : airKluee bottles cures the. orst moot Impotency. 'Jeri feW dosei tures tee low spirited. 40H:ine,bottlerestors mental . , • .11-A ftwdoseif bring the rosette the rhea:: niedltine restoreite Mgei - "494 mime health the PPM debtlitat , * *.40-dowel.ACiPsPalrinfl devotee or. tensurikplerware... ,• . AtirTtie enertateitypserit(etver-taitk!ed man business, .the.victiniof erwirrous i hdeP4irien, the in- . divldual suffering Prom general debility, - .Or front weakness of a'atigyirgot, *ill all Ond'liiinediateand;pqmanent theuse of this Elisiroiltisente yflife._ als , Pritis, $2 per bottleore.t,tiithi hies " , $5, and forwarded by express, on riseelPi'df nefiney, 'tdi r ny ad- Plot" • 5 1 ' It: a 4) sit-Sold by all druggists everywhere. i • , . 1 . , DR. W„. R. MERVIN . Ar. • Sole . Proprietors, eq. No. 59 Liberty street, Ne*Yorkk CMEERONP.P. prikT,p suGuiz-GOAT E ED • . Timms REGULATOi; , 13:i4TEL rßEszitymt C,ER,TAIN lirrem.* . .]*Aod of Obgructioni awl Inturance • of .Itvukarity in the litecka7rsoe: of . the Hai Monthly Periods, aaricist L c* or obviate thoEol4*tpa 'Betimes that spring: rom -iivegalarity, by rencuititiar '` the : i!.regularityitself. . r. 7 . , . -;!; 11 .$ 1 Apirr.tteyiKe s uppressed, ; a and POnf al Men etruatiebi: ; •, • r„ lair They cure qteen Sickness (Ohlerosb9.. . - ,WirThey Mirii,Nervous and Splisti;AffectiM* ,pains in the back and lower parts of the bodY, Heti** Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the cieart, Lowness of Elystetits'Aick Headache ) Giddineice,'„ !kill &c. In a word, by remoVittg the irregularity ) , 41 1 0Y]reMove the cause,. end wit it!ALL the effects that sPringllom it , . ; larCOMptieedOf simple vegetable tracts ,, they con tain nothing .: to any coastitatiOn, ;however delieate, 'theirriniction being to:abbititrite strength for weakness, .4019N. when properly Peed; they fan to do fie safely used' • l aity agqln4A at any per*, XXOSM:DIMENO TEE FIRST 4811811_, M1D3 . 17 . which"the iinfauting nature of their action wtottidlloo* . rasv iT 1.# 40 40. isara tettep ;sooting informalort-,0r:,4 i will be promptty,r fteetY and discreetly anefwsYbd , .1. ' 7 marina directions accompany each box. , Aga-Price, $l.-nor box, or six boxeS Air $6.. ' OrSOnt .by mail, flee of postage, 'oh xoceipi et pride.' ii4: 4 Bold by all respectable druggists: & CO.; Bole Proprietors. ;marll.LeddlYd' , . , No. 59 Liberty street, , Na* York. hod ettle•iii Efairiisbnig iv :BRO., 118 Market street; IFTL G LIN OUT LOW!' OUR .'STOCK OF' LIQUORS 1 - k - Ti intend' to diddohtinue glit p,gdo ,of ia v v (~43Perel get Offer_our stook i veirY ealladvancr` from oasts; 7We have Pureenage.o o,llrlAciltors be fore Aha,hist- rise apd have a large stoacjt outland for three 0 4 0 4. Fol l r4,.wkloh are guaranteed cannot be : purchased now. at.emyyrice from the importers.„ i , 1 Clutz' F4 o ,9)&citilaleta of , •,-- -s . 1 1Pir ;XI. ISK.I. VA S 1 of eill.graires. , • • -..,, Jegir"We have parts of three barrebt pure RYE, not colored, Nut 10 degrees above priXif, 2X years sid won qt. al Grades, Domestic A O hvorted. 13DIEL A. 14 3:1 1 I .E. lg. I We Ttimilefti'of 3( cask mmoncssmy EItAIDDY, to which we bivitti the particular aitteißtbeu 'of fires for medicinal Purpose* . .. ' , The 11whitly Minnot be bought . 05 -day ' tmui i porumr, leattludt sl,p pet gallon., 'Full* eall ! i/lor N. , 4per gal • ” ' - TO/ 1 0 1 4 Q EKG r iv r I , '. ' I ,rr . ,; ,kte A.GIViI , _ ..; t. , .. , :t 'A. 11 C , (AlGLika ETS , &O. Ws iiiiitetlistion of Hotal !tee m ' r a k i j, L i quor 3ferulleth, ifillry, as we intend , . to , sall ' out 're. serra yig. er.liiitins, and this , will abe , icood loppoitu. nity fit 4 4 0. '': wit : ~k,. 0. , el. - . , u1,. 081Brityt I,'; .*I • ww,r.. ._ .. :.—;l. I r '44 ~... ' S - .. i, . 11"PgRINKSWOIX:1EgI) • Vittert" litopnlar and the p pal*. 1 Abel** and for rl b •••=-.: 4 of tt , It it -41ipti feblitk 2E t '2157 .%(,0114100 ' 4910/47/; MEDICAL. OR. JOANSON, ifflll lIVIATIMOBE LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, Apeedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOU NO YEROURY'OR Noncirs DRUGS A Cure Wanytnied, or No Charge,- in from One Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, GeneralDe bilityi Nervotisuestr• Dy s pepsia,' Langtior,'Lbw - Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Tunidity Trembßogs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Hesd,.Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the• Liver. Lungs, 'Stomach or Bowels—these terrible disorders arising Dom the Solitary - Habits of Youtlt—thoie secret and solitary mactices more fatal to their victims than tire song of Syrenff to the Mariners of. Ulysses, blighting their moSt brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, 'EsivciaHy, who lurve-Imeorne the victims of Solitat7 fir" that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweetie to an untimely grave thouaands 'of 'Young Mat of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the than; dere of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, nipi. ,call with Nil col:Ltda.= Married persons, or Young. Men contemPlatmg marriage, being aware of physical wealinese, organic debility, defer untie; dm, speedily cued. • • He who places himself under tie ears of Dr. J.may re liglously confide in him honor as a gentleman, and mid *nay rely upon his skill as a rhyaleian. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmi3diately cared, and full vigor restored. This distressing lifitetionwhicli 'fondant life mlsecable and marrtagehiposiible—is the penalty paid by the vie. tinis of improper indulgence. 'Young persons are too apt commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that ,may_ enema. Now, 'who .that under stands the 'added' will 'pretend to' deny that the 'power of procreation Is lost Sootier by those' fmlling into improper habits tbanhy the prudent, Besides being deprived the ploseures of healthy oirs.p.the moat serious and des- StructiVe 'symptoms to both body and mind Brian The systein becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakkene loss. of procreative power, ; nervous irritability,,eyspe. palpitation of the heart, indigestion, .nenititutional debility - a wasting of the flame, cough, non aumPtion, decay' ad death. 017107 No. ; Sotya .Irasinuoic &rim, Left lama Bide going from Baltimore street, a raw dtxelit from the corner, Fail not to observe name and number. , tottersmustibe paid and contain a stamp. The Rooter% ihilltnidisliang in his °Sloe. . ' DR: JOHNSON, . wogief of the 'Hopi College of Surgeons, Leaden, grad. essedrem one of the mastrendnent-bolleges in the United Shin* and theveater part it; whose life hat - been spent in the hospitals of. London,„Paris, Philadelphia and else where, his effected some of the most astonishing Safes that Were ever . knoWn• view - troubled withvinging in the head and ems when Asleep, great nervousness, being: alarmed at sadden BOWS, bilablnineni i with .frequent bin - Shins, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured Immediately._ TAKE . P . III,TIODIAAR NO'llOE. ELIXIR. These are some of the sad and Melancholy - effects raleJ &wed by early habits of youth, via.: weakness of the bit& and limbs, pains in - the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, you irritability, symptoms of consumption, &o. itasters.v.—The fearful erects on the mind are -much. to be dreaded—lose of memory, confusion of ideal', 4e. presslo'n of spirits, evil fo Be , aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude ti m idity, &c., are some tif the evils produced. ' • . • - YOUNG MEN Who have injgred themselves by a certain .pmetice in dulged ia,when alone, a habit frequently' learned from evil compankine, or at school, the effects of which. are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage ewes Bible, and destroys both mind and body, shonldapplyi mmediately. ••• ' • !: Whits ctr t hat a young man, the hope of his °menu, the harling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the oonseOnence of deviatlng from thit path of nature and indulging in a llefrfet,habit. Such persons nun, before content plating MARRIAGE, gefteo 'theta sound mind and body are the most nticessarY requisites to promote donnubialhappiness. Indedd; erith out these; thejournay through life becomes 'a weary , P11"-• -grbriageirtheprospect hourly darkens to the view vibe: mind.besames shadowed With, despair Ind Mad w 1 the melancholy reflection that the . Itappiness of anoilter7bit;' erns' blighted with our own. - • • DISRAEM OF .131PFaJDENOK.' - When the'tideginded and imprudent votary of Pleas* finds he has' imbibed the semis , of this paieal top often happens that awilltimed sense of amine or dread ef,disomvery deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriendlilio. He faits IMO the hands of ignorant and designing Peetend‘ ers, who, itablis Of miring, filch ids pecuniary sub+ stance, keeta trifiing.month after month, or as lunges the smallest fee can be obtained, and deep* leave WM with ruined h health to lizigh L over hisgathng disappoistm , inek • or, bylaw use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptom sof this terrible disofuleome4tasallec .lions: of_the' Read, ! hroat, Nook Skin,. etc;: progiessing With rrightful rapidity till death puts, a period to his droadhil sufferings by, sending him, to that undiscovered country fret' whence no trarkt risbirns. INDORSEMENT OF ME PREWI The many thousands oared . tlys trisLittition year after year, and 'the nusoellnie iMportant surgical operations performed by Dr: Johnson; witneetted by, the rerprtesa_ the Sus (Nipper and many other paPere abases pf ThicV have appeared again and again before the public!, besideil his standing ap a gentleman of character And seeponst hffitt,•`ht a sufficient parasite° to the aftftetist . ) I-, SKIN DIRRAREI3 SPEED= cum. 01111 e. No. 7 South rrodorlok littrasit. i gmcpatiL4 No sum WORD AB ?` Thautars . 00keipliND F.rritaityto4r, CUBEBS AND COPA.TbA. Thbt preparation le particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for this, prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, HID., NETS, MINARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on ea the best mode for the admlnistm lien if these remedies; in the' large elite of diseemeolboth eines, to whith-they are applicable. It never Interkrea witlithe digestion;. arab/ its concentration, .the :44100 much radioed. . N. B.,—PUrebuseros are advised to ask for ttatiNtil _ . &amino p.rrasor or CIIBICIIS AND 00FAIGA, and take nothing else,aiimitatlons and worthlea v i . rationkOader..tdmilar namet,.antin the meta: z a $1 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Nan tend ' only -by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New York, and Jbr. dale, . . Drigaifit igfiliallr. 0014-4117.: For Bale by B. _ d..KUNKLE 6 BRO., and by rig!** g el . . 16 1 11 . / 7:7 .! •:i , . Grays Patent Molded Collars Are not simply liat Feces of paper cut In thial4Of a collar, but are Molded and Skived refit Ois wady haying a perfect' carve free firms angles er breaks, which la dbl . tallied by oar patented process, whkda also brines tinotber edvantagepossessed by BO ofter conar,—vis v:-.19)* At* Cresea in tbe Tani-down style, the =reit oriwns9a FIRMITLY sneers elm non nom 19/OEIRES IWllting eollar,•fer, ein, neatness, and durability, arterial*, They are niade In . Torn-down style In sixes tiom 311 0 17, and to Garrotte from 18 to 17 Mace:, and iintedirb mot Nue boxes of 100 each; also, to smaller oboaM) Q. cock—the tatter a very hands , rab*age for travelers,' imy and navy oftlcem Sr riIeKrOOLLAn 113 stamped., ~ . ;.,. • . i gli (4IXAT's Patent lliailided, Soldl4 ill retail dealers t o itia'S itirSigdglig Goods- The trade supplied by 1 VAN DEUSIEN BOER:WM, dtoo, -' ..02.7_ st•-• P .- 4 1.646 2,. t 14 )4 0 46 M - _, , 41 , r---- °UM . -- AR 768 P OYSTERS, • lie - 1 rilifffi V(.l ro si i; , gaPrt• th a t i . a. --- E , -._.:., -. .-----. ..._ ..' • •A• Ff . '' ' B' ••,-... i . i c,, i I.lslFAMBltu:HADlESll,llfichecipecramewor., ~.141.414.04041. WBOlNOPltiutitr lit 03 ' -2:2 i.:).- MV to the _~~C~ . _ , to Two Daps YOUNG MEN IVEikMkiGN. 1 PO. , HEM D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL P.:R.E..,.G.G.15....T - Sj' • NO. 19 MAIIKET STREET, 4,4211151117138, PA D.RU9G4M, - - PHYBRIL4NS, STORE- SEIRPERS AHD COB - 21111Ella • We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and-would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in this cdtt- . . . CHEMICALS 01) PAINTS, fllM, Varniebea and Glues, pyestist, plass and Putty, Af colo . ra and Tools, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Laird, Sperm and rine 041 e, Bottle% Thu glad /amp GloOn, Cast& Sosip, Sponges and Corks, With a poietil. ydriety of PRDNIDARRY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected: from the beat masturers and Perfumer, b dlhie coots.tey. • • • - ),Ig very Jars,' dealere m P4l TB, WHIrR LW), grirszim on, reiontureft, WINDOW. GLABS, ARTlfira ARELIM BRUSHES hN a-ar. *KIR YAAIRTnair COLORS. AND BRONZES We reepeetully levins a dill, feeling confident that we Onn the moats of stll on terms to their sallitso• • TEETH TEETS.: JOICILT,AXD WHIMS FOROBLIThr rizra, __( is , atronons gt AND Of IMMride, cilroat from theqiiroprlotors NAPOIWPRI AND !XINTDENTRATED !AN, Wholaud° Agents eaellipaiiitei, /hid' we Neil aii tow. le - Itesh he Perehmed4 the hillee MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS. COAL tail CARBON OM I Heing pirohasers thee° Oils , we can offer In dUcomet t,l cloep tapen Coal 01 1 lam v . , or the most isiptovod rat( 4 1 1 1161 tots : Cheap. Med! of Lamps !thine& to limit Coil OIL. MEE PARWThi AND GRAZIERS. MORO Or you who Imo not, given= NO AND CAT ..174 41 0W0ME a 10411P/0F not thfPir imPeriorith and the Ktv nod 404 aia in keepinfigonal and Cattle iindthy and iii god candidon. • Thotliaads Can testify to the melt they have derived &opt the use of eeriCettle Powders, by the tedreeeett glen. " 4 .i !.11417.4r milk, beatitell Inkrwing the gourd eza*p ! si.alevrotthig F cattle. bas Im i eteepeetenee to the Nahum gives wpm outran stave of a - thorough intneledge .o[ the lade, ant etu , ar melgeoneata la the Gilles are each that we em, lin a very Wert time ; ruialeltargthleg appertaltangto oar bullion, on the.tipe; ct temt: , . " . fbr "the liberal pat 'Widowed on our lidti4 n we hove brattlot, attantioa'to butane s • dreftd P ORB •D'R U 0 if pti ilk Pilgem luxt the deilre to plane 1111, to Inca a con Hnnaaeo of ihe favot of 1' ,minath~pnLNU apisai : : 01A.CF,LVAT POWDER, "BMW * zig" 'WO PitiMMINO Nora Praffill.wts wyji 441 111 0*nd of pyiablee m.•singedribilithef.deetkitik lei Imwas — a , r buta Fonfireir **Allow roze, Ntooles 4 1:= 2:ii i r MY 1 9f lailli!Litri h ea. aelatalee iteii tiej arm i ;ibrilisgracie it will imp . 6a;• wit 'A a wag and Plailunt odor. V Ia I VO Capfat be othuottar Atase. laid at d mum so; mu ieiret s " trees. Llar /LiE TABLE im a s l / 2 _40 boxes SS total 3411144 the; 'Torok wheiemierena AVAlkbr „ , lark .1, 41 ;0 rtrf O.2OIOSED MOM- -A ohoioe lot o! SVitatiotita l lf t - lAG . 1 7h hail it PAM " ansegLLANtotrs: DvFA-ork - Ews MARBLE - YARD, woo W wALITOT AND bIITHS:TREm Harrisburg ; Pa. • - T HE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their frien4 and the public in general, that they are prepared to far. nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUCH AB Monument • : - Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone, Give nu a call andwe will guarantee saLisfaCtton. M'FADDILN k Co, N. G.—Lettering neatly none in English or German roar2O-dly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLEs voituc 310TITNAIE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT The best Morocco TRAVELING SieTt-R ELS, And a general variety. of FANCY GOOI,S, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marlOtf No. 91 Market street Pare Ground SPIdeN &a, &o, &a, &C., &O . COLORS, PAINT AND OF ALL KWh& t: 01 / . . Tombs. POCKET BOOKS, PURSES KELIEJEIVS Drug and Faneylqoods Store, No. 91 Market street. PHOTOGRAPH ALM] M S. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photo graph A.lbiunip. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—pauelk d . Olt and mounted with two heavy gilt clai . 0 3 ALBUMS WITH 80 Pictures for ' . 13 63 'go tt tt 3 n 0 60 CI .4 Ou together with verions other styles of binding, slue nil prices, which will be sold Or:1T. Soldier,a you cannot buy a prettier, tne•re dur,ble cheaper album anywhere. Cal land see at marl2-dtf SCELEXPEIV:i Harribturg, Pt,. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS THE 'FARMER BOY, and how he became Comm THE PIONEER BOY, and how ho became President, $1 5 VIE FERRY ROY, sad the Finruicirr, THE PF.LNTEtIit 3301 r, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, t 1 THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Licata, ant General.. In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, than Fort Sumter to Roanoke • elegantly illustrated. $1 At BEHGSER'6 BOOR STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Pioi 51321 Walnut Street, South Side, East of Third Street, 'Phila.delyihia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS-- .. 50 INOOPRORATED 1794, CABINAL $500,61.1J CHAIIT:ER PERPETUA!. Marine, Fire and Inland Transprirtslicn sarame. ARM ES. G. COFFIN, CHARMS PLATT, secretary: WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Offiet Veinal .Bt, near Wand Hariisbur Pa M • $lll ' , JUST RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A FRFalif ENVOICE OE MICHENER 84 . CO.'S - CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED 171431 S AN - D 13131STMR & FRAZER'S my3l THE NEW BOOKS QV:TREBLING BLOOKS, by Gail Haul ilton. Rice $l5 IL HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author or the Lug. lighter- 01) DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by 'Mrs. HoLmee. $1 iu BARBARA'S EMMY.; a novel, by Amelia EdwarL. V SEM SHAYS, HOUSE OF AILLING'IOS, I;iy Troilope. gl 25 SEVER' STORIES, by lk M,rvel x aAtakur "Rever....: of a Bachelor."sl. 55 /RENE'S JOITRN:tj, of the Discovery of the sources ci the Nile. $3 50 THE ,WOMAN IN BLAC4, by author; of "Man in Gray." ' . v. 50 NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, liov.'Bl to Ang.'63, CO X. MIME OF THE SEA,' for - boys; from Cooper's writings. $1 co METES OF THE WOOD, for bops; from Coofef , wrEinga. $1 00 All new books received as soon as 'published at BERGNER'S BQOK. STORE, 51 Market street vativALLED ARAI N.R. FURNITURE POLISH does not affect the varnish, but restates the original lustre. It'does not discolor. It will restore, with very little labor, every finished surface. either hies! sr wood, A ll manufacturers and dealers in lurniturc &mild use it for cleaning furniture that bra been Rand- In& covered with dust. A touch and rah hoe and there will mike it bright and fresh. For sale by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., ju4-dtf • 11S Market street, Harrisburg. IrCLINTOUIVB PECTORAL STRIIP. . . , ITBeINVALRABLII:ambur, -winch io en ely .vegetabl in Ate compasition hag baa Lea ployed with wonderful IMCCOSEI for ixtany Years le theme of diseases for the A3R PASSAGES and LUNGS. For arS formef the disease, aunh as COUGH,TTCIiLIN G of TEEROAT G OF BLOOD DIFFICULT BREATFiVa. , ROARS MSS OF 'VOICE and HECTIC FEVERz, RD will be attended with the happiest results. It is of the best and safest medicines for ail forms of Eitif: , d CONSUMPTION. /to /madmen or pma. tionofDpitmi in any shape *MO syrup. PRICE $l.OO PEA BOTTLE. For 'sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. lIM PECTORALS are.useftil to Boothe ILA cough, allay Tickling:in She Throat, to red ,, ; , Hoarseness, Catarrh, Sore nordit, &c. They sonts:L Coltefoot, Horehound, Irmactumba, Senega and (the most reliable expectorants known,) are the chief sx sive coxistituenta, so blended with Gum Arabic and SWF , that each lozenge comas= a mild and very pleasant Manufacaurect solely by S. A. KUNKEL & 5E0., jar' Aseibeautea, Market street, Barnzburg. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI- L TOTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 10 Arch street. ROTARLARIM A. MUTH, D. D. E. CLAR.ECC E swim A.. ~„ Princtpals. - • 'Math TAur. Three tigertments: Primary, Aca demic ' lead Collegiate. Full college course In Classir,, Mahe. maths!, higher English and Natural Science for thos d e Fhotraduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painti22 an Vocation by the beat *masters. For clirculars apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., Phil 2ttfoxiadelphia aps BiTiNth • WEDDING,. DIVTIATION AND ATICOMIt OARDS.—By a , special arrangement with:GILIE of the beat engravers td li thetvtuktrY cm* °E any Atecriptian win be exeelited hisbest style of eat, confertnable with ttle West fglhLQ, and saPPLO ptetiptlf, at lower prime than areckb,j the station ens in Now York or Philadelphia. Inrsainpke and pricer %Oath 3 , 4 . 11 . 90 X STORE. A NEW invoice of- krichener's celebrated gangs Julareceived sae at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers