aily ErleFapt HARRISBURG. PA. DIONDIY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1864. HEAR A LOYAL DEMOCRAT, IN SUPPORT OF LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. ONE MORE•RALLI: FOR THE 'UNION DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ESQ., OF PHILADELPHIA., One of the ablest, eloquent, and most consist ent Democrats in the Union—who has never swevered from the advocacy of sound Demo cratic principles, and who opposed the elec tion of Mr. Lincoln in 1860, will addrass the citizens of Harrisburg and the adjoining townships, en FRIDAY EVENING OCT. 7th, IN THE COURT HOUSE All who are in favor of establishing peace on the vindicated and enforced authority of the Governtment—all who are in favor of the re-election of Abraham Lincoln—all who are opposed to treason, in the north as well as in the south, are invited to be present and avow their allegiance to the Government, the Union and the Constitution. Rally, freemen! in support of the war to. crush treason, and the effort to maintain the power of the law. The ladies of Harrisburg, as well as those from Dauphin county, are respectfullyinvited to be present. Arrangements will be made for their accommodation with seats within - the bar. J. J. SHOEILA.KER, Chairmitn County Committee J. M. WLESTL/NG, Secretary. SOWN AND COUNTRY. OUR streets have presented an unusually lively appearance to-day. Large numbers of Uncle Sam's brave boys have been "circulat ing." Loos out for a rich treat on Friday evening. when Dan Dougherty will speak at tne Court House. He is pronounced the "silver trum pet of Democracy." THE funeral of Surgeon Coover took place to-day, at Mechanicsburg. •It was 'attended by a large concourse of citizens of - th 4 town and surrounding country. HORSES, suitable for cavalry and artillery purposes, are wanted by the'Gpveitraeiat—to be delivered at Giesboro Depet, C..; during the present month. $175 'will be paid for cavalry horses, and $lBO for artillery horses. See advertisement. Co ury Surznirtrzsnrtyr.--Daniel Item Esq., has been appointed Superintendent of Com mon Schools for Clinton county, in -place of. W. W. S. Snoddy, who was chosen Lieuten ant Colonel of the regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers recently organized under the lead ership of Col. Con. Ova attention has been Ana to the hattit, which has grown to great - exterit among cer; tain business men on Market street, who reg.; ularly scrub their pavements at the busiest hours of the day, when people are cOntinUally passing to and fro. This practice stiould.te abated. as it is a nuisance. Let thel pave ments be washed early in . the morning,; before they are crowded with people. I=l SALES OF GOVERNMENT HORSES.—Quarter master General Ekin advertises sales of con!' demned horses, to take place tas follows: Miffiintown, Oct. 13; Wilmington, (Del,.) Oct. 20; York, Oct. 27. Two hundred horses will be sold at each place. Farthers and! others would do well to give attention to these sales, as bargains may be had, and mans of the horses will be valuable for road firifftrming purposes ACCIDENT.—An accident occurred :at the Theatre on Saturday night, in - the drama of the Gunmaker of. _Moscow, by :whit Mr. Meeker received a severe cut in hi right hand, during the sword combat between him self (as Rorie Nevell and Count Demanoff. Dr. Dock was called in and dressed the wound. We are pleased to notice that Mr. Meeker's injuries will not prevent him froin appearing on the stage.. POLE RAISING AT HllMistElsTovaLL-Thero will be a Union meeting at linmmelatown," to-morrow evening. A splendid hickory pole, will be raised, and a national flag beating the inscription "Liscong Arm, Jouitsm " 'will be run up as a token of the loyalty 'of the people. In the evening eloquent speakers will address the meeting, upon the greatissiies of the day. Let there be a large turnout of the people of Old Derry, to hear the truth. Induce your Democratic neighbors to go along. • =ran Tan LADIES connected with the SeWing•CilL cle of the Free Baptist 'C r huroli,-7corner of Fourth and State streets, wilt, 4old a,festival on Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week. A fine collection of fancy article's, will be offered for sale. Ice Cream, OystArs, Grapes, and other refreshments will be served up in excellent style. The proceeds are to be appropriated to the fund for the furniihing of the Church with carpetk,o4 furnitiire. A general invitation is extended, to Vae members and friends of the congregationlpettliend, and aid in this praiseworthy cause, UNION IitIESTrNGs will,be held;in 'tbii county next week, as follows Conewago, Foltz' store, konday evening October 3. Derry, Hummelstown; Tnibclay evening October 4. Union Deposit, Tuesday, evening, October 4. Linglestown, Ammon's tavern, Thursday evening, October 6. ' Susquehanna township, Progress, Friday, evening October 7. , Millersburg, mass 'meeting Sat:Araby after noon, October 8, at 3. o'clbok o'clock. Able speakers well be - etteli of the places named, to address the people; on tile great questions of the day. - ; - • j Anarve.t.---Miss Safe Derain arid' Ryan have arived in this city, and. Will appear: at Rouse's Theatre to-night... Our citizeris)Oill' rejoice to learn of their retitm, tfiby special favorites here. We aroi:tO l kave, a se- ries of first class playa during the week. • To-• night the great sensation drama - of Foil. LYNNE will be performed, with Mimi Denin in the characters of:Lady /sabiland iikidame Vine; and Miss •Fannr.•Denham as Barbara Haro The whole company, is cast in the piecer,lia,! eluding Messrs. Meeker,.Crosseti, Fisher, M'- Auley, The entertainment will conclude Assurance and . Yankee itiodaity,--fx. Sam Ryan as •Pat.:.. GO, to the . theatre to-uightii. The bill is grand.. Thanks to hfl ;Botaio•tor a continuation of stars. .401 .`o • 1 • . 14 litoom 3116138,,,,riturr - 1.=4., stated eet ing of the Friendship Fire Company 'will lie held this evening, at the usual hour. iLet'l thteebe a full attendance. - - A ATTENTION, Fra.v.vux!—A stated meeting of the Citizen Fire Engine and Hoe company will be held at their Hall this (Monday) eiten.-, ing, at,7 o'clock.. Panpiimid attendance re= queste d; • . _ Oun telegraphic reports bring us the grati fying intelligence that Major Harry White has age/i, *nnd is Major wig elected StittegMenatzr last year, and his absence in the rebel dungeons was taken advantage of by the copperheads who endeavored to block the wheels of Legis lation, byrd in the on any measure in troduced the Senate. THE TIFF. FOE 1101.PINIZit THE t PEESIDENTIAL ELECTION.:---Many pdtiams 'entertain an erro neous impression in regard to the time -of holding the Presidential election. For the information of .all we,would state that the election willtake place - on the FIRST TUESDAY . AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMHER— being the Bth day of the month--not on.the first ?uesday, which will be thelst. Remem ber the time—Tuesday the Bth day of No vember. • SusgunnAnsATowssure Nowa.„—:Theilniori Meeting appointed for Friday evimrig at. Phi . - gress, is postponed, in order that the citizens of the township may have an opportuni i ty. to, ) ;1 atteidthe meeting in Harrisburg, to he 'r eloquent champions of the Union, Hon. an del. Dougherty and Gen, Ferry. --- l3Tor er of the County. Committee— . M. W=TI., - nrck, J J. SHOEHAJC.FeIt, Secretary WHAT HE WELL Do. —Says the Girard Vnion in regard to Dan Rice as State Seruttor:- r -!'Dan is; nothing' with'out mules and tritinkeii.! We suppose if he is elected he will take his "edu cated brutes" with him to Harrisburg: I His blind horse, Excelsior,_ will probably also no _ ,ompany him, andivill -doubtless• vote !neigh on all measures for. the support of the Ad ministration! • I)an himself would appear in striped tights and painted face, and when his name 'should be pronounced at roll; calf, would bound into the legislative arena with his "Here we are, master, what . will youi have neat?" THE VEST MAKERS OF HARRISHITEG.-We have 'received' wwell Written communication, (but which is too lengthy for publication) signed " The 'Vest makers of Harrisb*g"-4 the main facts stated in which are as follows: It appears'that - the vest makers of Harrisburg receive . one . dollar and twenty-five cents, for making an article fdr whiCh like work-Women: in New York and Philadelphia receive tWo dol- M f rs and two dollars and twenty-five °eta; It is:well known thif it Coats' as' much; if ,not more, in Harrisburg, to have a suit of ellithing manufactured as it does in New York or phpa , -' - clelphia. Is it fair, then-Zask thelidieOrlib • send us this communiteAgn—...that Abe profits of poor women's work should go kilo the• pockets of men• who only; stand between . this labor and the customer?_ We shall , viler: to this subject again; and`lit - the 'masinti ewe trust that these facts millybp carefully c ladd ered by the public at large. If there f s tiny right whiCh;ldeitertes -the vindication of him est men, it is the right to a fair remuneration of women honestly toiling for bread. ' _ GRAIR .A VT AT PAUVM-POLE R4I3ING, AND GA,Et NTiiddfAsm.-LThere was a =attendance at thafflnion meeting held at Cap tain Spcese's hotel, in Dauphin, on Saisirday *abetting, notwithstanding the inclemency of the, weather. ,A splendicLpole (cut dn the land of Daniel Rain, Esq., an old sioldier„ and hauled to 'town by COI. raeob Conrad% team of four splendid matched bays—the finest team in the township—driven by Mr. Peter Het rich,)mturraised'at o'clock, and the good old stars and stripes were unfurled to;; the breeze, amid the cheers of loyal men .turd -wkizitnen. At later hour ,the trneeti4g ,ganize,d, and . the large tussemblage lifgd'elelegticin onadies,) were addressed in .an _able manner by J. M. Weistling, Robert Snodgrass and J. C. Young, Eaqrs., ••Wlidse 'atiriingtenuirks were listened to with iitarired attention. The proceedings were elitimed' by the singing of a patriotic song, in which all present, iridluding the 'ladies, joined, and: and the effect produced by the melOdy-,'of 13eypralhpudredjoral y9i,ces cap c bct intagnyd, =but not described. Cheer' upon chee x ti,*ent, up for the - Unions and- the = Union:tno inees, and the enthusiasm was immense. The people , of Dauphin and vicinity are fully aroused, and we may`expect to hear a good report from that quarter at the close of each*electhin day. BYTSINSS' ITEMS. THE PEW/AT Imann. 7 -Thereader will please excuse the condensed shape in which.we 'are . , compelled to render this article. 'A. Man im-, mensely rich and bismeyolaut, wished one day to create the well-being of a prisoner. Xle gave him liberty, sayinglrc . m see that:ship iloaded with merchandise--it is y oda ; leave—y on are free; manage well that little fortune; itiwill be able toiender. you. appy.' The prisoiler-em barked, but when at some leagues et stance fromkthe shore , ha saw the clouds gathering, and he knew that it would not be long Ipeferea tempest ''would burat' forth; soon the i clouds seemed to. struggle against, each other, and the. ligheiiingee - inbraced then; the agitated waters , were followed by asleep . , obscurity,„and the noise of the thunder was repeated frohi afar, • and the vessel strirek.nwidenly against the ; rocks near to a desert island. He arrived alp the: island; the • whole , of Ails , eargo.Wasl. - t,41130' three companions., Despair was, beginning te .seize upon him, when siiddetily he perceived. a number, of strange looking Jaen. rep.dingti notice of C. L. Bowman,' No. 1, corner :fil: Front and Market, streets, out a eolt: z -:, Reader, is it necessary to explain to you the meaning of this fable?. .We wish you to ad: , mit that we have all been restrained in: the'; purchase of dry ••goOds, Troth' the' , very - high price which you have been warned, agapistfor the leaf - three years,-and` though the& ii. . ears now to be some abatement in the wit., g prices, which was fromthe fact some . ~ .y. speculators being compelled to throw: • ' es. stocilot.dieiliestic . goods into • auetioa4Vit days since, in New York. The ...sou r& must, howeyes bear invind that those ' oo ~ Pass . ; through : tY.K9, 9.1'3 three ;hands ' eagait l which*Qkp'bomelgoA, whichninstlie added to the priee before they reach the,:retailpur- . -chaser,,-.4 - 4,11,-Itewmatirfrera.the instability 9f things generally r the large stock of goods on hand, and ; fhb ' undeveloped future, id deter!. .Mined to ~ .clase taithiii.iteisliat - cost, and the chap that lost .22ds cargo, and arrived at the" r . ~01,"4kt0114§4ed /401 11 1 1 '0Ittlli, a. . i c,kg,f*at St gfiß , Prieos:&l.Firte cloth tit . :00,11 01 .01.2 Penland; eassimerelsl42'ind aka; per lyitril; skirt braid .I rte apredei- or sl'so per dOn; 'Alleles 200 yard'ipciolobtton, acts 4,,, spiigh rt , or $). QO per dos;.,Coates', spool .cotton; a spool,• or $1...50 per dos; madder aoloredcalicu, 25 lind-25ctsper- yard; 41aines .2;517, 3 . andso,qB per, g44;,..Arqtriaccdalico 40cts per yard: - .' . - ___......... .... • Aw 9,4 garpiria .1( 4 ) goon draught arses will , ••:11004GIEurant of use, on easy- tams), Apply ittlAlectiallAtelVin_the Sixth ivesd. t ockat a Jul seiwie • ' k g0...4ta 13.414. t cue wellrukti to call upon Sullivan .a; ;P I W •NiEM.4P I Fe , I tt arr i 'A , ljuldvregf 40441'0'.* =I Chaiiinan. I= Ocoroara ' - "Solemn, yet beautiful to Niece, Menth of my heart, thou dawnest here t"« So king the bard: yet ills will still pursue Even in the loveliest season of the year: And most with her who is herself the gem Of our humanity's great diadem -0 let her bid defiance to the ills, By turning, to the place Where in the briefest space Appears the heading of the Cherokee Pi.11:9 ! DA. Mamma's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL Sr, BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. sept2o-tf ClOaks and Furs! Cloaks and Furs.: We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful muffs at 450 and 5 dollars. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. • 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 Cents. French merinos, black al pacoas, black bombazines, all at reduced prices. 500 doz of 'woolen and cotton stockings, children's wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cassimereforboy'swear. The greatest barging in black silks. We have now in store a very large stoc,k bf goods, and will sell at less:than wholesale prices,.in order to reduee cnir stock. .Bargains in Irish linen bought at, auction. Call and judge for yourself. • • . S.. LEWY. LATEST' AintrvAL.—The undersigned takes the inform the ladies of 'this city and vicinity, that-she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and CIRCU LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest stYles and best qualities, all of which have .been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at Icier rates than they can be sold for by any other establishment- in the city. MRS. M. MAYER Boger's Old Stand, Ne: 13 Market street. sept2B-tf SPECIAL Kromer's (llphwvo Efiwpye 50 OENTS A 808. Boxes larger than 'Dyes that stator $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, REAIITIIFUL. WARBANTEDIA please. This article , has basil thoroughly tested by Dn CHILTON of' New 'York, and Profeisors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia; who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing, 'it will not injure the most delicate hair. , Sold byDruggists' and Fancy Goods ileater.s evelyWhere JNO.:J. KROMER, Sole PrOpnetor, 40a Chestnut St., Philadelphia Pa. Drunkenness Cured., The iriebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong. drink is a certain cure for drunkenneSs. 'lt creates a dislike for strong drink, and Oan be administered without the knowledge of the Piatierit Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Olanadas. per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. J, KROMER, Wholesale AgeUt, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand's Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure cf.Spermaorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loserof Power, do. This medicine htui stood the test•of over thirty years and has. 'always proved,a success. ~, , Dr. BAND'S SPACITIO exhibited in the form Of pilli, ;wade;wadeup entirely tirely of subStauces that have a specific effect upon the generative .organs.:; Most persons associate the idea of, operation§ upon the bowels froixi faking any 'kind of piils. ~The SpEoreto of ; Dr.'ltand is notintended , as an evacuating me,slieitie. Its f rai medicinal virtues are expended entirely on theAmpaired regenerative organs. The s ,are net : unPleasant to the taste, and any peiions masticate them with impunityhefore svallOWing ;them ; which plan we: would al vieyereopnimend; as affording tlie:sptediest way to get the effect of the remedy. - I .., , ,,TriCii:sl per box, or six boxes for $5. 1 Sold by druggists everywhere. - 1 11140.° J ' KRONER , Wholesale Agent,. 1 40iCh'eituitt St., Philadelphia Pa ifitiiitvartls Treckes. - Par . the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &a., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose venation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by Cl. - Rstvinvart Harrisbutg, Pa-, to whom orders•should be addkessed. Sold by druggist every where. , Head tlierfollbwing testimonials from some .of .our eminent clergymen: '- • Hennumnao, Feb. Bth, 1864. • o.'.'A. Bizerrks., z,„!jear Ar: I have used. Brown's Bronadal Troahes, Lozenges and other prepSrationk • for .hossiumess and throat troubles, siothi oomparisonith them 'all, can olmmrfiillY",ctenniend your ,oirn as , a most admirable specific' for public speakers and singers, in , gases of hoarseness, coughs d cads.•-Ig-1411‘,P,:fPul2,_„d them sersitig in" Aime:of Ipiek rwis Yours truly,.., T. IL -, 'BOBIN1SOP; Pastor &Presbyteriaiiohiroh. fislirl agree with Mr. Robinson as to, the value of Bannvart's Troches.' W. 0. okrraz, late Pastor of 0. B. Preal4terlan'Olinroh. . . -1 ,-, • .= - .tf.. ,7 .. 7 . ~: .. ~ - frAunvono2o4 list:, 18641 • . i'1‘_„.,,,,,,,,_,.,°'°-1•1141716141T---__,____-bear 80: - Iiihe habit df -epeeptusti-IT6l7l:ArfussitifizAulailitt plaoes iSit idie4 ll 4loSba t oliffaielail 1 1 41 . taxed, illavicional443 need a. oioniiitiOn ilexpect9 k.flzklitbi* *a*t , Liar been snip - in your ezdelltmlifftodbetref - _ '_' -' -,1,2-6tv I consider, them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedilyithat :huskiness of-.the voice 'arising „from its :too #equent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public , a‘ - .sea. Yours, ito., •. • . R - 01 11 WATA Paetoi of the Locust Bt. Meitioolist Church., To O. A. BAN - sum—Dear Sir: Having usu. your Troches, I am free to , say , they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending their' to All persons afflicted with sore throat or baldness of voice flesh* from public sOsa.• king& singing. 'Yours; ark, ,G. IaEBSTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist`Charoh. • - DISTBICri A'ITOBNEreO chinfOrqi4 , RAPIEOSIG,,Febr29, ,-- 180 , 1: . . To O. Ad Blimienr—Deei have loandleur Trochee to be invaluable t in re lad% hoinieness andln-etrengthening ..the ninaolee of the throat, Theimpartplearnese to the voice; and are'eerltddly of treat bone. 101 0 .#4%. b 0 , 9* tera • 4 , ph BBB*, , ICINI;EIt.TISEMENTB. LIST OF LETTIII.S. REMAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST OFFICE -MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1864. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAYING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LETTERS REMAINING I:FRET...WM IN THE POST OFFICE AT.IIA.RRISRLTRG. Atiiir"To obtain any of these letters; the applicant must call for 'advertised letters,' give the date of this list, and Pay one cent for advertising. .86F" If not 'called for within 'sue month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. . . . "FREE DELIVERY of letters by carriers, at the resi dences of owners, maybe. ,SECURED by observing the following RULES: , "1. DIRECT letters plainly to the Street and number,' as well as the pail:6llWe and State. HEAD letters with the writer's post office and State, street and number, sign them plainly with full name, and requeet thatmaileM &teed accordingly... "3, Letters to strangers or transient visitoriln, a 1 town! or city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked, in thilower left-hand coiner; with the word' Transient.'' • • 4. Place the postage stamp on the so* Mg/it-hand corner, and, hasp space between the stamp and direction for post-marking.without interfering with the Writing. "N. .13,-A REQUEST for the RETURN of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed withlla.3o days or less, written or printed with the writer's name, post offiee and State, across the left-hand end of the envelope, on the face side, will be complied with at the usual prepaid rate of postage, pay able when the letter is delivers 4to the writer.—Sso. 28, Law of 1883.". LADIES' LIST. Allison, Mrs John Keiser Catharine Andrews, Miss. Fannie Lee, hiss Lucy Andrews, Mrs Jane Ann Lane, Miss Lassie Ayers, Mrs Catharine , Levu, Mrs Mary Baird, Miss M W Lewis Eliza Barnes Miss Jennie Lily, Miss Maggie Bank, Miss Catharine;• ' Lambs, Mrs Ann Box Mrs Mary Ana Lanker, Mrs Ellen A Badrord . ; Veer Annie E ' , Lee, Mrs Elizabeth. Barret,. lira' MaryJ, Lave, Miss Little BelthowarMrs,Fannie Lanes, Miss Annie Berzano, Mnt Elizabeth Lienliach, Miss Lizzie Belt, SusaiM Longlgiecker, Miss Martha Beaty,' MriiMary Ann Lame, Miss Mary . - Beams, Miss Elizalseik, ,Lochnnut, Miss Nary A• - Black, law Mr, • . Mrs John Blew, Mil 0661 Mo• MeAdapt .: MissAnnsi (Ship) Brown; XisS Sarah Jane Mc O, Katie DroWni.Mis Ellen XeAllbter, kis - Deborah Bricker, Mrs Mary X Mcktferpit,MiiJohn Brubaker,,Mary;"Miller, Miss Sally , • , Brooks, -X* Eliza Lizzie' E Bradl4, Miss Blhuis Miller, Bias Sarah Bradley, Mrs Mari -.2 Madden, Miss Susan N Bryant, Mrs, ary MrmSe,'Mrs Mary Brennan, Miss Eliza , Mateer, Miss A E Brubaker, Miss Ellen Millard, Miss Eliiabeth Burns, Miss Mary A Meek, Miss Sarah ' Brough t Miss Angpi Mader, MU'S Lydia ' Burger, Mrs-Ellen Miller, Miss Carolina • Cortriglati Mrs Maul, Menargue, Miss Silky Chaae s .MissCarollno Mathews, Mrs Clarrissa _Clinetop, Miss Lucy Michaels, Misses Jane Christop Mien Lucy .Mlnnick, Mrs Jane Cook, Miss Clara E Michaels, Mrs Elizabeth Colemsn,Mrs Mary Mayer, Mrs Isaac Colbert, Mrs Susan Mowrer, Miss Leny Colds's, Mrs E . . Meyer , Miss Catharine pay, Mrs Minnie Murphy, Mrs Mary Dale, Julia A Murray, Mrs Annie E; Deckert, Miss Susan ,Murdock, Mrs Mollie , • ..., _Done,,MrsMargarett_ — Downy, Mrs Eliza Ann Dash, Miss Ida ; Eby, Mrs AMU& 7 :: ' • Nickedemus, Miss Sgssn Engle Mrs_Elliabith -oswalt, Ellen 2 Epbram, Miis Annie Ott, Miss Maggie 1' • , Erb, Mrs Ann Patten, Mrs Margaret E, Feeser, Mrs Matilda:';' t Peterson, Miss Jane j ' Fackler,, Miss Ritz*, s Pinkney, Mrs Margaret " Fagan," Miss Ida tr. 1 •: i Raid,. Mrs Mary , Faster, Miss. -Rattier, Miss Annie Foviest, Catharine , Re r, Miss Minnie E FranCis, Mrs Mary E ' Rinse], Miss Elizab eth Fuget, Mrs A M Roller, Mrs Jane 0 Garner,„ Mrs Drushey Sayford, Miss -Maggie Geis Miss ,E13113 . 28.1t Schlagel, Mrs Miry Giles; Mrs 'Susan ' Sabin, Mans D • Garman; Mni Elizabeth Santo, Mrs Mary . • Garriett, Miss Harriett Shadow, Mrs AVIA GOAISrt Miss ShIllt; Mrs Catharine J Garrain; Mies Ellen Sheahon, Margaret Garrett;ldra Katie . Belden, Mrs A • Guises, -Mrs Maryisne Shinto; Mrs Cate Goadwin,,Mrs,EC Shively Mrs Julia Groff Miss - Elizabeth Sheltiaus, Miss Lizzie Grassimyrq Miss klaty sr Slider, Mrs Maggie Greonwalt i Miss Mary. , tmall, Miss Mary Griffith, Miss Lizzie Snyder, Mrs Margaret A Gooden, Miss Maze Starr, Miss Margaret Hess Mrs Harriett M - .Sweney Mrs Jane Apn Henson, Miss Margaretta Taylor, Miss Louisa W Higgins, Mrs Annie E *ler, Miss Nancy Hinton, Mrs Mary A Tompsen, MrsElizatietb Koerner, Mrs Sarah :I •, Traup, Mntlistilda Holden, Miss, Sarah A, Tripe, Miss Clanla Rollin, Lucy ' Venolman, Miss Maggie; 3 Hoak, Miss &dish • Walter, Miss - Eliza Heaver, Miss Mary Walton, Miss Carrie ; gateman, Mira Mary Walace, Miss Louisa Ann garnisil, Miss Lydia Wagner, Mrs Jacob *. Johnson,' lira Martha' ' Washington, Mrs Elizab Jane Jenson, Miss Louisa.: . Walton, Miss Clarrie Johnsriti,lifiss• , . • „'Walton , Miss Carrie 4 , Johnson, Min Siiidli 2 Winger, Mrs Lydia E •'• • Miss Carrie Kain, tdmElizahoth • • Williams, Miss Maggie Keesamani Miss Mary , Miss Mary Kir)<, Miss Alines EWise Miss Rosa V ig4 "Rae tobit, Miss Kate asts•Elliataith,. ' . s . . , GENTLEMEN'S LIST. .Adinxis,. John : 1 2, 2 Hamel, Henry 0 • Adams; George Harley, D W Allen Wm ' .• Harris, James Allison, - John Harrison, B .7 Arnold,,Earquel- r 2 • Hauck, Jacob Biumett Wm, 7 . 2 '" ": Hatton, Francis M Barry, Jacob ' '•-2 ,• "Harty, Lewis Bair, 13enj f1.2.1. , j D:13: :: . Hays, David D Barken,-,Roht , -1 1 - r Aeck, George B Bar r; Win 'Herald, John Babnic,H 0. ' 2 i Heller, Geo, wJr Barr ; Alien. . . Heider A M Bentioltier“Jeteph '- • Boyers ; George Bou s Et v dr ,;,W anele -• Healy, Joshua T Feard, Jam .-. •• Heialer, C Bly, Harry ;,2 Hills,. Lieut. Gol I, M. Blank; Daiiel ' ' - 112h3; John C•• 2 Willliun -- F 'Hostler; Samuel Bisel, Serg't G W Hoopes, II 1, • • B ooser , J ose ph , Hoghogher,, o. Beadaley; 'Chaf .o es • Hogin,Daniel • Brightbill, Samuel Horn, William. Brooks ii john - A Roemer, Jno Byrl, eorge, Rocker, John Burling, • Hughes, G • , . 1 ' Ingraham, Dorman Carl, John • . ' . Alfred •.- Cairna,.Jobn, . jardain, Lient Thous' Carr y ßrgler' - 'Jacksda - .Boyd Gallia; Joseph : . JahnStall; Doctor = • CaMteld; Henry,J9Frey, Jeremy Casiel, Daniel 'Jordan, Edward. oainriell Lyile • ' • Jon . ea •Mr . • Kauffman, Jas Correll; Capt•A • • 2. Heather, Henry -C9,o,.capt Juhn Kauffman, Jacob. • oockley, David Kann, Andrew .Gupta, Alexander Karstett,er, Jerry ` Keer; John `CottereVlohn. r Kelly, Williams Crider,:Hairy M Kelly,; George . Cramer, Henry Xing, James Croffond, Jacob'Kerns, Lieut. 'Dawson; John - 'Xing, Smith. 2 Danner. Reuben,- 2 . John Davis, 0 Bsra : •• Kunkle, Samuel Dunn, William( • Kokenour, Oliver •Barnens, Henry • Komp, Andrew B Dean, John A ••, , • .Klein, Theo B Deemant; GW. , ; . Kuhn, A K Derr, , • . Hohlinan, Samuel • ;Donahue, Frank ; 3 Kline, Samuel Diveley, William C Kline, John Dices, Mr.: . .- . . L'Velle, X Doneley, Tervant T Lauderbauch, Jesse 'Dongtierty, 'TAW ' ' Laaghlen, Henteee John S r Lawson, Geo *. 2 Ladd, Mark Dan ' ~,,laraes Calvin Leiby, Jacob Hurts, Peter . Leiaher, John H . Eisaerliardt Samuel' 2 Lidigh, Jacob . ‘' Ri s ky; 'if ec t rge , • 2 Lyman, Frederick Eitlebush, Frank . • LyndaH, Brady • . Edinger., Thee 2 • Lonehern, Her.ekiah Ellis, Albert 2' Ludlow, akimnel ' Enwright, James McCallam i JIM Ellis,;Thos J McCurdy, Samuel Erney, W S McFarland, Gee H• Faller Alphanes 2 McAdiuns, John Tellerboorn;•lsaac moKeet A Fedler, Thonituf- " In ' tnn Y) " hn" .belly, , HcNaniere, John Ferry, Brig Gen 0 S 'Mut, Sameel A Fitzgeales, Joseph B Mains, Thomas Finland Owen; , Mascho, David Ford, WM ' ' Massy, Jeferise T Forrest,' John' ' Makinster, Charles Foley; Patrick . HAY, Prot ,E 1 Forrer, II) " " Heave/4Hr J2K Frost, Sergi. William H Marshal, 'Liebe Fragge l / 4 0hristion A Marlanthall , Frederick Free,George E "Maglaughlin; John 'H Gilbert; 1,4 g... ; :-• -„HeinckheinN T L fiiirret,`, 'JHohnu Meolien, cker Wm , Jo Codhn gh Melel ty,.14811t N . • - Joseph 2 • Ga uger, Jacob F • • Millerß Gardner, Aberelli MUNN Henn'. .011416 , William Michael, John:— Glenn:i v George • - --Moss, John It -•- , Geolhart Alentaipter: i•••• , - „MonderkShadixthan Gondy, . . Morris, Jr Gray, Samuel, Moffett, Benjamin CharlesW Xoctre, John F # ll llol9lidi 49 A A - Wen' It *WI,: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Murphy T Z H Snyder, Joseph Need, Wo Snyder, Mark Neibenger, Ass't Surg 15 B Salekenamer, 0 E Newcomer, Daniel B stillwagon, Col D Newberger, Louis • Stall, Harry Noel, James Henry Stephen, C Nord, Lieut It J . Stevenson Wm 31 Nolin, Charles M Sticker, H C O'Connor, William Strong, Samuel Oren, John 2 Stauffer, John - Ouens, John L Sullivan, Jeremiah Obryan, William &coffer; John W O'Neil, Peter Stein, James Cherry, Daniel • Stouffer, 11 O'Brien, James Thompson, Isaac Patton, William Tate, Daniel Parkhurst, P D Thomas, Amos Pinkerton, Henry C . 3 'raison, George S Percy, Ilax Tierey, James Peeler, James Harvey Tilleon, George Perry, James R • Trainor; John Peterson, George Tracy, John Powell Rev Walter • Terris, Michael, Price, John Vickers Lewis Price, George Walsh, 'Henry . Handlett, Capt N H Walton, Samuel B .Reintird, Isaac Walton, George Id • Iteed, John C Warrill, Amos Richert, John Ward, Charles Ritehison, Jar F Waream, Wm Buchan, George Watkins, Charles • HOP, Lemon W Watson, James B Robinson, Isaac 0 ' Warum, William P Rohrback, H A Weaver, John, 3 Ryan, John W - ' Wertz, Peter • ,Roades, Solomon • ' Whitmoyer, Jacob Roland; Abraham Wheeler, James Robison, Maj Gen Weaver, Amos Samuels, Hahn Wheeler, Isaac Sargent, 0 F . Willis, W F Schloge,l, John (ship) Wirestone, Mathias Semnaelter, Wm Winand Wm Shinn, Thomas • Wise, Emanuel Seiler, William • Wild, John Sheed, Harry 0 Wismer, Joel W Shaver, Joseph B 2 Williams, Beni Shear, Samuel Wilbur, C J Shand, F Wotiff, Jacob I - Sellers, A E Woodcock, Win Shriner, James Woods, J T Sheesley; Samuel W Wood, John .. : Shenk, H Wolf, Joseph A Sharp, Albert Yerrick; Alfred L• Shift ; Mathias. Young, H B Sipes, Wm . Young, Lt Col S•B Xi Sloard, George J Zigler, Peter Smith & Conde Zeigler, Peter Snyder, Frederick Zigler, Josiah GEO. BERGNER, P. hi Sale of Condemned Government • Property. • Oros Aeszewir QUASTICRNASTER, U. S. A., - Ithuusnuaa, PA., Sept 26, 1864. BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, Wilt! li Government Corral, near Hummelstown, (on line of Lebanon Valley Railroad,) on THURSDAY, OCTO SKR oth, 1864, at 10 o'clock ..(25) TWENTY-FIVE HORSES, -(800) EIGHT EILEITDRED GRAIN SACKS This_property has been condemned as unfit for Govern ment service,.but for private use good bargains are to be had. Horses to be sold singly ; sale to continue until all are sold. TERMS : Cash In Government funds. E. C. REICHENBACII, sept27-dtoc6 Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Window Shades and Blinds. AL SPLENDID assortment of Linen shvies and Paper Blinds, at SCHIFFER'S Bookstore, eep26 21 South Second street, Barrlsbill3,-Peuna, Selling OM Selling. 0111: Aglintend to remove about the middle of October, lam dealrous oloatog oat my Stock of Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices. GUST. LocHMAN, sept26-d2w* Next door to Kelker's Hardware Store. • Wall Papei ! Wall Paper! ! ALarge and splendid stock of Wall Paper of all styles and prices, for sale cheap at . SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, sep26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN MFDALS, of Lincoln `di Johnson and McClellan & Pendleton. thigle Medal 25 cents Trade orders' solicited and promptly filled at a liberal discount. Address S. H. ZARII, Manufacturer, ar2Bd6t Box 131 P. 0., Lancaster, Pa. SALT SALMON. A new invoke of fine salt salmon, just received 'and for sale by • • HEISLER a FRAZER, sent= (anmeecsor to W. Dock & Co.) TQ THE LADIES. YOUR attention is called to the splendid assortment of Extra Note Paper, &metopes, and fine Stationery at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, sept24l 21. Soutti Second street, Harrisburg, Penn. IVO. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in kitts, just re celved Oto triotning, and forzi t e I o NIZER'S, aueoessors to W. Dock, Tr., & Co ) riIECE BEST BOOR BY WHICH. TO LEARN A. Plano-forte Playing Is Richardson's New Method. The best Rook for Young Pupils of Piano. Music Is Richardson's New Method. The Book by which to Learn Easily and Thoroughly Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that makes yiano Studies Attractive /a Richardson s New Method. . The beat Book of Exercises for Piano Practice Is Richardson's New Method. The Book.that is given to Pupils by Teachers Ii Rihardson's New Method •, The Book tha ch t' contains no Dry and ToSOnajessons TiMianison'lNew The Book that Interests both . Young and Old /s RichardscOD New Method. The Book of which 10,00 are mid annually Is itiath* . dion!s orew .are Richardson s New_ Methodior the Piano. Price $3 75. OLIVER DITSON Ai CO., Publishers, Bos ton. Sent by mail, post-paid. For sale by J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia. [se29-tch] SP.EICIA.L .NOTICE. TO THE .SHOE BUYING PUBLIC. SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF !1 17Esubscriber, intending to make a change n his business will close. out his immense stock of lit BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every descnption now on hand at - much less than market pricea Persons in want of Boots and Shoes will do well to call, as I am determined to close out at reduced prices. Give us a call. . J. C. KIMBALL, 88% Market street, next to McCalla's jewelry store, Harrisburg, l'a. sep2B. Almanacs ! Almanacs ! A. Fo. ' English and German. Lancaster Almanacs, , • for.gielear . 1 8 - 6 IS • For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 . South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa se29 , EIGHTEEN PI ECES OF. MUSIC GI V F.... 15 AWAY, As Specimens of the Contents of The Harp of Judah. Beat free of Postage. Send your address to OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, Boston. For sate by [se29.teb] J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia. Executors' Sale BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON * THURSDAY October 20th at two o'clock F. at., at the Court House, in the city of .'Harrisburg, that prop erty situated on the corner of Front and Walnut street; late the estate of Henry Stewart., deceased. The above property fronts on Front street 110 feet, and on Walnut 70 feet, more or less. For further Information call on W. 3, Stees, at the premises. J. C. STEWART, HENRY STEWART, [se2S-dts] Executors. SOMETHING NEW ! MYER PIIINEAW PATENT AIR TlGrlifr - INK S TAID. For ude at Scheirer's lioolcstere, lierriebox&ra• se2S itous*s pan SALE. . tIIREEE NEW FRAME HOUSES, SITU AU on Foster street, above North.- Znquire of JACOB WALTERS, se2Bdtf Corner - of Third and North streets._ BAGS I BAGS I 1 RAGS !!! • WITTE cent., per lb. web ppai~d for good railed Bads SCEBFFBB'S Bookstore, ..041/011 21,Bouth Swami street, Satrlibarg,reknit AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL FORTY-FIRST NIGHT OF Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouge's Star Combination Company„ The great sensation Actress KATE EVENXN; . And the popular Irish cot4idian - : SANE Who will appear in two of their best characters THIS MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1864, Will be parrormed;the great moral sensation drama of EAST LYNNE! THE EARL'S DAUGHTER. To conclude with the laughable farce of IRISH ASSURANCE AND YANKEE MODESTY. {)::rFor further particulars see programme aug9-dtf SANFORD'S HALL rpHIS company consists of the best star per formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C.. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they Intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY PoirrEn, Business Agent. au29d NEW OPENING FOR Fall and Winter Trade ! CLOAKS, Circulars, BALMORALS AND SCARFS! FURS! FU R£!! The Largest and best selected stock in this city I at the NOW Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. eep2 tf HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, sari ST., BETWMI WALNUT AND MARKET. . (J. C. Moltz's Old Stand.) TIFF. undersigned having taken the above 1 Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will ro ceive my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed seplo dly Valuable Real Est Ute AT PUBLIC JHE undersigned, executors of General John Forster, deceased, will offer at public sale at tue Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, on TUR6DAY,. the 18th day of October, A. n. 1864, at 10 o'clock 1. M. or said, day, a portion of the real tstate of said deceased, as follows, viz . No. I—A three-story brick house and lot of ground situated on Front street, in the city aforesaid, now occu pied by Mrs. S. E. Dolt • Said property Is 23 feet 43; inches front and running back towards River alley 123 feet, with the privilege of using an alley between said house and the former red deuce of said deceased. The form and size of said pro perty are fully exhihitedhy a survey And draft of the same in the possession of the executors. No. 2—A certain tract or piece of land, containing ono acre and 153 perches, with a very valuable two-story brick house thereon erected, situated in Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, on the public road leading from Harrisburg to the mountain, and bounded by lands of lit'Kee,,lsaac Nisley, Herman Alricks, Esq., and others. This property is considered a very desirable country reA4 deuce, not only on account of its - beautiful location, but from the fact of its being convenient to the city otliartis burg. No. 3—Cortain lots of ground situated in said city of Harrisburg, fronting on Briggs street and: aambered re spectively from one to seventeen, inuluaivo: Lots No. 2 to 8, inclusive, are each 20 feet wide in front on said street and extend irack. 100 feet to Dubb'a alley. Lola No. 10 to 17, inclusive, are each 20 .feet wide in front on said street, and extend bank 106 feet 9 inches to Oliver alley, with Myrtle alley between them, as shown on the draft of said lots. • Lot No. 1 is 22 feet Cinches wide on - Bfiggs street and 100 feet deep, fronting on said street, andnxtending back to Dabbs' alley aforesaid. • - Lot No. 9 is 106 feet 9 inches deep and 19 {'eat front on said street, and extending back to Oliver all A. plot or draft of said lots is in possession of the under signed, which clearly exhibits the size, relative situation and boundaries of each of them, which can be examined by any person at any time before the day of sale. The terms or conditions of sale will be: One•third the purchase money to be paid in cash, when deed is made to the purchaser and possession of the property delivered; one-third part thereof payable at the termination of rive years, and the remaining third part at the end of ten years from the delivery of the deed and possession, with legal interest on the deferred payment% payable semi-annuauy. The payment of deferred instahnems and the interest thereon to be secured by the bonds of purchasers and mortgagee on the premises sold: Provided, however, if purchasers should desire to pay the whole, or any larger proportion than one-third of the price in hand, the terms may be varied in that respect by the undersigned, and as they may think proper.' Any information desired in relation to the above de scribed properties, or either- of them, can be had by ap plying to John 11 Briggs or Benjamin L. Forster Harris burg. MARGARET S. FORSTER, BENJAMIN L FORSTER, JOHN H. BRIGGS, Executors of General John Foriter, deceased. Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 1964—feep23-d3tawts Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, reaS pleasure to inform his friends and mers, and the public in 'general, that he has opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Notion and Jew elry Store, N 0.106% Afarkut street, above Eby cb EUrikel's Building, Harrisburg, Fa. It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will Cod, thrbugh my experience of thirteen years in the business, that 1 can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern sept26-dant* CICYSTAMIZEP CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, pa pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invulkis nava% fever or great thirst tsportability recommends it 10 travelers. • RS convenience at pic-nica will im fl.preciatgd t No sugar required; one table-spoonful einiply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it is done.' KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY (;00D STORE, No. 91, Market street. 10110IIBLIO NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of. assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, thestookholders of the Franklin Bank, - of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next send= of the Leglgi&tnre for a renewal of its char ter with an Ineretne of its capital tom ;150,000 to SOO,OOO. ' Y. REED, President '•Wennitenett, FA, .T 01024,1864: - .ic2f PATENT CLIPS! And Bill Holders, For sale at Moan' BookEtpre, EriFrrlsormio. se2B SP SAGO, Enui Dairy, PineAiple, Nut. meg and 1071194. State Monet:Wl meclaved at saimemorMiltirjr., , CLOAKS 1. BROCHE AND MOURNII±G SHAWLS ! SAL E .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers