THE TELEGRAPH ra rormasnan ifOlilalfG 410 EV4NING, BY GEORGE BE.RG.NER. CiTIPION THIXD ST, NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. EED/any 'Manua is served to tsebscribers is the sty at 12 Genic per week. Yearly anbscribers will be c hargedadvance. ThoSe persOns who neglecito pay in advance will be charged $7 lA. • WPLIf; TELEGRAPH., IE2I T132:110811 alsopubbahadsweekly t atid %furnished subscribers at the following cash rates single copies, weekly Three copies to one Post Offict , To copies to ono Post Office NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. when will. Wonders Cease 1 THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, reduclrg swellingSandregulating the secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre or the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power Ls felt throughont. the entire syetcre restoring the circu lating fluids and cheCiting disdase yr,itbt inetuetblearrellgth• THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! ,No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you 'will and instant relief. It is an Internal and external cure. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu. *Oa, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Dlarrbc e a, Dykentery or Bloody Flux, filter Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chadic and all spasmodic pains, lever and Ague„ Burnis,i_Bruises, Cute, Sprains and, wounds of every description.. It proves itself the mastery,' astir , ' testimony of thousandaProve its meritoriouswortn. i Sold, wholesale and retail, by . S. A, KUNKEL, druggists, Solo Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. ' SOLMERS READ ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR. Mo-, BRIDE'S KINe, OF PAIN, speaks for itself : NEWVILLS, CUMBERLAND COUNT; 1 Sept. 14, 1864. : 7 7 Messrs. S. A. XthskeL & Bro., druggists, Harrisburg, Pa.: GENTS :--I would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pgin Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars more, for which: send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. .I leave for camp 'to-morrow. Let mo know whether you can supply me with it in the'army. I am in Company H, 202 d itegiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber or my comrades of various diseases incident to camp lite, and can recommend it to be the bast medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE, 12/- All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL, & BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg : HARRISBURG, Aug:30,1.864. To VIE PUBLIC :—lt gives me great . p l easure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by J. NoBRIDE, whidh he calls the " KING OP PAIN." TWas induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise,' which It relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its successindileed me to use it Internally. for Diarrhoea,' with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for mearly eighteen mouths, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal hilts favor, when I reflecit.tiow many other remedies I tried without.mmi eneing anything but temporary relief. For . my pare, 'I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believip"g as I do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. The unexampled sale of this medicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the trielical art, and willundersigned are the solo agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. 8. EL KUNKEL & BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Elattiablirg seplb] COSTAR'S' ) VERMIN EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTER%thNATORs. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. 'EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINAMIS. EXTEMINATOSS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" =TERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTSRMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S , EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. . •TOSTARPS" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. .00STAIOS" , EXIVARALINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. FOE RATS, MICE ROACHES, ANTS BED-BUGS FLEAS, MOTHS IN iP_UES, WOOLENS, INSECTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS, etc. . . "15 years edabUshed in N. Y. City. 7 "Only Infallible remedies knowo." "Free from Folsom" "Not daageroul td the sill:ruin Pamlly." "Bata come out of their holes to die ." goy -Sold by all Druggists everywhere; sr! I I BEw ARAI of , all worthless imitations. Agra Costar's Depot, 4 82,131 , alidWaY, 4:1. -Sold by D. W. GEtoSS iir. CO., Wholesale and retail agents, And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa. Delb.claw3m PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE t BETWEEN PHILADF I LRBIA, Lock liven, 'Jersey Shore, Williaitsport, lim ey, Uniontown, -Watsontown, lortharnberland . ' bnry, Tieverton, , Gliargetown, Lykenstown,'Hillersburg, • ilaMai Dauphin, AND . EIARRIB.I4I7AG. The Philadelphia' Depot nein centrally • locate:4' the drayage will be at the loweetsatea- • The Conductor goes through with each train ,to attend ,to , the safe delivery.of ul gooda iteristed Mike Fibede delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM 812. Market street, Philadelphia, by fi orolpek tie delivered in Har risburg tho next morning. Prelight Always as LpyK as b' Arty Other JOS. MONTGOMERY It CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct2l-tt loot of Market Area, Harrisburg. NEW LIQUOtt STOkk. MPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS.The undersigned °frets at asharsafe, to the trade, choice lot of the - beirtiiitiorrir:ever brought to linniaburg, .viz: French Brandied , gi Gins , Scotch, Nen; pourbon, wheat and ea *FT 0431Porietr BmpidAye Stich as Chaanixigni v i lure; ifjatiiwba, 40. :Aif 'fedora warranted, ge. reffilfe , anteek. :m" ri.l B and others will Rad it to their- adraratage tt call ax" "- amine :the' iinciitment at the store,, on South Seeoq street, tato' afire beiovi"Ohestnut.". . tny*7-dam GEORGE WINTERS:, CIA.NNIID'rittIiTO OF FATEIVI DEsolin , - Jmitt. 'swum of an tliLecelebrated mailaractuiers. LICA • `" _ OLIVE 0/LS, SIUSTARDed o every description. • and S Also; BROWN STOUT, PUB TNt a tudArAR, MOAB; YRUP of 11 grades and prib, bestaeleotod afoot outside of Ptilladeirritia, !• , ' To • - • AU. goods guaranteed as reprassuitod,. ..- Partlaular attention paid tcrsilt Orders Ti'r ita'a * dhltrorce. , t olirana, packed arid iteffieYet Paitidf the 4.0" tilsirrge. SHNUAR - ds 1 4 7,1241kr_ . enomagorglio ' . , . ----"—"-- 1 ; a — -.... 1 - ze . •. . , , • • . is.- \ , A. , it,,N e ...., , .6 - I ~,.... .., ........ -.,- .....- Air Ili , 1 iie , • '• A- _ _ __ . , 1 7 ...;..„- ..41 50 400 ..10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. 31EDICA.I. A Cure Warranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. .A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3cL Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the. System. 7th. Consumptive Symptdms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th.. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. • 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, With great weakness. Out: of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed .of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case,: no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per boi. Sent by mail, free of charge, on teCeipti of money. • DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. BravABETE BRANSON, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as .I awalloWed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my, mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost ail my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to; lace, bat'could - not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there Was no heaven for me, and. was often tempted to commit suicide, So near was my whole nervous system. de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful Complitint,,Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best - to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hotital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in 'a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures. performed by Dr. Wis lifitlititetit American DySpep - ala Pins nd" his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the, present time I enjoy perfect health of body'and Mind, and I most sincerely return my ttatuks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart,' and to, his great American Dyspepsia Pills mid pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all'. the !good I can for suffering hu ;inanity. ' ".." ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandprine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Didaware county, Pa. Da. Wisnarr's Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DANIEL E. WILT - DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! r Ds Wean/ay—l have been a constant sufferer with' Dyspepsia for the last' eighteen years, during • which tithe I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, andthen it seemed irwould be a great re lief to die. I had stall times as unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost unlit for business of any kind; my mind was continually filled, with gloomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became verse to' Society, and disposed ., only to 'tteelu,Sion, and aving tried the skill of a number of eminent physicians of various schools, finally came to the conclusion that, for this disease ate my present age (45 years) there was no cure in existeuce.. But, through the interference of .Divine PrOtld'enee; to Whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I hi last found a sovereign 'remedy in your Dyspepsia 'Pills and Tar. Cordial, which seem to -have effectually removed al. most the lasttraes of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure and content, merit are my everyday companions. • JAMES H. B.IIIINDERai No. 453 North Second street Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr Wishart's Office No. 10 North Second - street Phila. delphia. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. , • HEAR WHAT ER, JOHN H. HIROO= BAYS. No. 1028 OLIVE STREET, 1 Philadelphia, January 22d, 1803. I On. WISHART—Sir:It is with much pleasure .that ./ are now able:to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I had been goaNdouriy afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and tar ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time. I bare had it in its worst form and have dragged on a Most miserable existence—in pain day and ni g ht pr_cry:irind:Of food that ; I ate me wit h ydn4 an d .po A isiXfqk'ail not hair' light, or, how whir the 'Olialitity7 - 'corittnned belching was sure to follow. I bad no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my distzers was to great for several months be fore I.iieerd of yo,lir pills; that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had beard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I bad no Nth in them.. To my astonishment, I found myaelf aOtilk better before I had taken onefourth of a box; an 'after taking Valf 'a ' boa, oast soca man,' and cao :ernaiaithing I wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything 1.01 or drink.: If you think proper, you ale atliberty to wake this pdblic and refer to In' I will cheerfutireve Mitt - bit e - iiiforinal a kinto any one who may call air the . y ourv impeotrguy,, • •• JOHN LBABcoax. l'or see at. Dr; Mlahutes Medical Depot; No. 10 North Second Street, Thiladehliia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box. Seat by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. . I, Samuel D. Hawn , hive been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys for three; gem. , revroiciyiiiiittiree or four Of the most emi neat physicians of Phhadsdphikalso r Burlington county T.TheyrditAll for rne,they could, but all to so ;par. X - )14 t Wed. with meal pain and Alb tosia ' fog Wadi:a botching of wind and. sour iadd: Ky tcsigiefhafreloirgred.*fth . a whit, coating . 4 :or gthous untittoiteekuit 411. POP _Amin' and was. dregs:Kb/4 sofa', ,Irm a yilabed for relieve .me of m7_o4lbringri _ all hope of ever' belng well again . .Mad a subject' of prayer to God' UM he would direct ma to some phyelolan or medicine that wild MO me, I was Sobtlei reid 1 :lidralemenetc et DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA ! "THE VNION----NOW AND FOREVER."—Webster 11A.RRISBURG, PA., SATITItDAY EVENING, OGTOBER 1 1864 MEDICAL. Dr. Wishar's in the Philadelphia Ledger. of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia. Pills. I went to the Doctor's Office, and placed myself under b treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it would bathe last effort I weetd make. It hasheen six weeks since I commenced the use of Ails medicine, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and dietrese, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my case, as I want d every pooryseptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. RAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington , county, J. The above are a few among the thousands which thii great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug 'gists who have prescribed and solittherTar Cordial, saying that they have never used ors Old a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the propirletor, DR. L. Q. 0: WISHART, No. 10 North Second' street, PhiladelPhia, Pa, Sold by Druggists everywhere BnoylB-eod-dAcw NEWAI) V ERTISEMEN TS TOTIOE.—The updersigned, auditor, ap jA pointed by the Orphans , 'Court of Dkuphirt county to distribute the balance in the hands of the executor of Charlotte McGlaughlin, dk,eaSed, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that,purpose at his Mike in Harrisburg, on SA TITRDAY,- the "ifith day of Octobekitext, at 10 o'clock ar. Ail parties interested ale invited to attend and ex hibit their claims. - D. FLEbIING, Auditor. Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 1861.,-(eep2l-eaw3t NOlt RENT. rpHAT extensive and finely located HOTEL J. STAND, nt . the corner. of Pennsylvania avenue.'and Boas street, Harrisburg. It ,is ,ssitirely new. and in the midst of the most thriving portion of the city, and fronts on both of the above timed streets. It contains sixty spare rooms and all of Llso most improVed modern thotel• appliances—cooking-riuirs,liot and cold wafer for baths, gas, Sic. The basement is large, commodious, and one of the best in the city for a Restaurant: For Information, address or apply to OLIVERAIDWARDS, Agost, Sept. 3, 1864..—{5ep3-Ini for Giro G, Kamm.? Ha. S. A. KIINE.IiL Sir :—I take pleasure in stating that your "DIARIME.i. MIXTURE" exceeds, anything of the kind that I over. imagined. I was very much troubled with diarrhoea, and could find nothing to help mein the least, until I took your "MIXTURE." • I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see propel to use it, it may be the means of, extending a knowledge of the inatehloss Vlllll}i of ; your ardieine. • Very respectfully yours, H. B. JEFFRIES. Fallen Timber, atimMia CU., Aug. 27, 1864.1—fau30-dtt SOLE AGENOY FOR THIS' CITY lAN happy to .offer to the public a large A. and splendid assortment of • • . SUPERIOR'• GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD,: These Pens are well finiehed elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. . PLEASE TRY TELETh E. SCHEFFER'S so* STORE, Setiond street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap2B. NEW PHILADELPHIA CI,O A. its rx ait , nr.p. IV: gams; - Market Street, .11arristourg. t 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES or FASIIIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Wili open on the ist of April. 1, [tuar2l-ray LIQUID RENNE7i. IQUID RENNET: yields with milk the la most luscious. of all deserts for the table; the light est and moat grateful diet for invalids and children: Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution' when coagulated with rennet It Is always light and easyed digestion, and supports the system with the least po ssi ble esoitement. *hen still greater nutritive power Isdestred, .cream. and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful converb a quart of milk into a ffrm card. Prepared and sold' wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKEL., • • 118 Market street. H. v. oHTH, • • .7,u.:htr of the Priv°, Helodeon,„ Violin criut Singmg, No. 15, Timm Errurr, osiorr MARKET. sopa-darn* • • .1 . VLOT.IIO ! Fine Family Flour!- _iv 100 barrels of the best brand of flour in this city. Very barrel warrauted or money returned, and delivered to all parts of the city free of. charge. For sale at sepl6 SH ISWER & FRAZER'S. lei ASSORTED BEREA GRIND .9Ij STONES for Baia A. K FAHNESTOOIC aug24-dlw 100011 S CVDETEH of the c?it raim% Georgejust rve and ter sale by • SHLSLER Ac*FRA.Zit reel ' {successors to Wm. Dock, jr. &o 11)10ICKTAIS I PICKLESII By the barrel, half barrel, jar or YE dozeh„ at no2s] BOR & EORRPER: N' P _ BOOR& -THE SHOULDER STRAS DAYS OF SHODDY RIM , waived at idelSl SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. OAP,. SAGO CHEESE A. small brit "fresh, lot of choice SAP SAGO WEEMS,' just received this morning, at - SEMLER 'Lic FRAZER'S. TUST ARRIVED !—A fine lot of OANNED t 1 PEACHES and TOMATOES. Alan, SUPERWR PINE APPLES, PRFAH PEAS, An, Putt received by 0104.4ur 7our:l[m, ad strent..nenr Wninptt LOTS for sale on _the _corner of Third and Broad streetta, FaLqi.pre of _IYIL Q 310FADDPI. %nerd-der - f • • ' • PURE SWEET CIDER received to-day at BOYER & KERPER'S 101101 /iiI2ANO nuponea A. 3.84 S, Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in this ^.curtry Tor sale at SHISLER & Mesa, east foosooraora to Wm. Dock, tr h Ca.l MESS BEEF and MESS PORK.--A choice article of Mess Beef and Pork at • SBISLER & FRAZER ap9 (successors to Wmnock, Jr., & Co.) ciATOTCET) SALMON.-.FINE SMOKED SALMON, Just received at SEMLER & FRAZER, fet,2 (sumasaars to Wm. Dock. jr, 0.) ... . . . ... BEEF TONGI74B.7.Fine large beef Ongues, ourOd'by . ,I.lC,Xiqienei Ai 'Co. and for sate by ' •'. BEISLER A: FRAZER, , - . t ; ...- ~. o cessorito W. bock. 7r, & C 0..: CHEESE:-iChokO crop': Cheese, ittet received st • ERISLER & FRAZER. - ,Sifemoyfp . s Ic W: Dock : A:Az CO "LIEENCH CHALK AND PENCILS,' JIL! • Suitable fortinks,AUNA&c., At Schetrer's Bookstoro, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 A. FRESH supply of Mioheiter's Celebrated A psiar Cured liaceo and Dried Beef, at t 0251 ' • - BOYER & RBERPER. ./.IA.I/4,;- 7 .141 - ty &Mrs, )Eettle I_, rendered LARD, for sale by the firkin, or pounkjust eceived at [JAS] BOYER ar -ROBR/4/E - mICIKENER'S Moel, og. hams, of lhie e,ear. .A.V.L. eon's curing. Just recele i dai r tz el% dem finiocossitts SolVra. 'MTN MACkEligill4 PaitlNG AND'SAIi A .: l mos it inkva ROYMR,k, QALMON.--Fine salt Salmon, at ) . ..7 sage BRIOUR is /ILONA MEDICAL. is _DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESIJLTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER Y D DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ABE CUBED BY • 1-100 . ,FLAND.!S (F.,IitiVIALN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, . iiBBE Bitters have performed =Lace cures; • have and do give better patisfactie,n; have more les -3 cniy ; taw more respectable pCpple to yoiach for them 1l thartiny other artkcle in the 'Mirka. ' ' , We defr any one . to contradict this assertion, and will peay $1;00 to ally °MAl:tat will kednce a certiikate pub: iii nett by:,us . thavin not gumlike. Ennead's German Ba rs, wi ll cure every, case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, seastif6f4he Wadneys, and diseases arising from' a dite Ming lilteldltrrlsVitt)efligoewge s ymptoms, bgi: i ipdmod i ph.dpikw, Fun.....f.ziood to the head, Giddy' o the . . Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for odd. Fullne ss &freight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinkingpr fluttering at thoplt of.the stomach, Swimming ' cif he uelid, Hurried and ditAcult breathing, Fluttering at ehdr.ileark Choking or sulbcating•sensations when in a lking pdsture r Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dell pain in' the head, Deficiency of pers piration,. Yellowitims of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side, back, sliest, limbs, dro, Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the fliiith, , Conistaiat ' Imaginations of evil, and great de preseion.of spirits, Remember that this Bitters Is not alcoholic, contains no r iumfor whisky, and can't make drunkards, but Is the best Tonic in the world. , READ WllO SAYS 80 . FrOM Levi". G. Beek; Pastor of the Baptist Church, Peroberton, N. 4.; formerly of the North Baptist Church, .Philadelphia. * * * * * * * * * Lhave IFP.O . Wallobilatid'il Garnet; Bitters favorably for a number of years. I have used them in my own family] and have been so pleased with their effects that I was in duced ecommead them to many oth.ers, and know that epeinted In a ittiikingly.o beneficial manner. I Fie great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this act, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the disessesidor which .they tup moometended to these Bit ters; kJ/Wing froth niptitiened:thaVitY recommendation kill be sustained. I do:this more eheerfally as Hoof hind's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is 4 , not a ram drink." Yours truly. ' A ' ' LEVI G. BEM. =I • From Rai. J. Newton Brown,D. 11.4 Editor of the En cyclopedia of Religious.Rnowlege and Christian Chroni cle, Philakelphia. , Although not ffiegiosed to favor or recommend Patent. Mehlefnes in general, through distil/et of their ingredients and Ilifecte r l yet know of no sufficient reasons- why a man ileaStlibt teatify, to the beßelite.he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may. thins ocintiffilite to tliff . benefit - of other& I do that} the mote readily in Yegaid, to Roeffiend's ,Ger man Bitters; prepared by Dr. Jackson, of• this city because I was.proju . dieed against them • for many - years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my „friend, Robert Ehoema kev Ese',• ror4he removal of this prej u dice by proper tests, and rot' try them when suffering from great and long, continued .debility. The use of three,potties of these" Bitters At - the beginning of the present year, 'Was folloired by tividetit • relief end restore- Bon to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had mot-for six rqoptlis• before,. and had almOst despaired of :regaining.", 1 .therefore thank Gad and my friend for di 4ecting and 03, the use of them. " • ' • • J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. From Rev. -Warren Rudolph, Pastor of Baptist Church Gerrhantown; Penn. . Dr. 0. IL Jacklionrllear Sit:—Personal experience !enables:me to.xxythat krotpdd:the German Bitters, pro `pared by yo3a, as ,a misitescellest toodieine., la oases of severe cold and Iteneral debility,l have' been greatly ' bene fitted,by the use.of.thil. Bittern gird doubt :not they will : pronoun aindlarellixda on other*. WARRFX, Front Rev: .J 1 R. Tamer, Pastor of Redding M. E Church, Philadcdphia. . . Dr. 0, M. Jaeimon:--Dear dlr r Haain6 used your Der- Man Bitteri in my:ftunikt frequently .1 am prepared to say that it hat been'nf 'great miles, :Ifielleve that in most cases of general debility' f the'aystena it islhe safest and most:valuable reined" SAC White Chave any knowledge. , Yews,. reapT i tcally H. TURNER, Ninetsefith street. From the BAY; 31 .Id. - Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. /) aad Milostovm (Pa) Baptist Churches. New Rocatta, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir :—I feel it a pleasure thus, of , my Own accord, to_beer testimony to the excellence of the Perinaufßitters; . Some yeara since being much at meted Kith Dyspepsia, T need them with very beaficial results. Ihave ofkon recommended them to persona . ea' feadedby that torn:tenting ,disease 4 and have heard from them the *at :fiatta:ring toftlatotals as 10 their great value. lu cases of general debility, I believe It to be a tanks the eax9tot be sa,Rapaell„. . J. X LYONS, . . J Saii From tile" key Whiter; relator of Roxivroggh Baptist Church:' ' Dr. Jakson:—Dear felt , it due to your excel lent preparation, Hoofland Gernum Bitters, to add my testimony to the dorierveci reputaticii It obtained. I have for years, at times,. -bee; tr*Mled with great disorder in my bid arid nervatur system - 1 was advised by a friend to try a bottle,ol,your Herman Bitters; did so, and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially *mantled. I confidently recom mend tin article-m*oo.i : Meer with mum. Muslim to: my own, anl have been assured by. 'navy of their good ef fects Itespectfulfy yours, • • ' WINTER, Roxborough, Pq Front . Rat' :EL -Barnum, Of. the German Reformed Chu*, Xutztorni,..Berkis cerruty„ Ya . Dr. • iiankson:-. 7 .Reappeted Sir: --I have been troubled witlimepsia nearly twenty Years; Mid.hive never uuuiiied any nuidielle that did me as much' geed as Ifooflant , s Bitters. lam very much improved in health, after baring taken live bfoeg. Yoire s wlth respect, L a BERMAN. rig-fora • . ''l ' 'rib * Largo 0 (holding Deafly do—lo quanta%) $3. 00 per b ttle—balf. dos • 'ss 00 Small aset.46 cents per bottle—half don:— :.:'.. .... 4 00 'BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! l it See the L instating or . g‘a M. JACKSON' , •is on the WRAY Elt of each, bottle. . , • ' pho , 7tltur lemma drutgist ' not have th e OttiCh?;'llo not be oir by any of into x icat i ng pliqiarationß that may Aced lit lie ' :bat paid- to. tie, • and we will i10rw1ut , 1 90 4 51 7 warm . •, rlbiel ' 4 15 6 5 5 asidlnitudiciar 'SO. 68 1 AIICH STREET, Pg/L.ApELP/11.4. as • - • ' ~.' •-: JONla EVAN S, Eima, -Aticoeffer4,lo a df. Jackson 4 CO. „,,, ' litor by Drttabila iraillealimi in every town in th 4'l,Vr7 !•:all' .. . ip1040117 PRICE THREE, GENTS. EVENING EDITION. From the 201st Regiment. CAMDEN STATION, WASHINGTON DEPOT, BALTIMORE, Sept. 30, 1864. Editor Telegraph: —We lett Camp Couch at a moment's notice on Wednesday evening, and during a smart shower marched into Chambersburg, arriving there at about eight o'clock, but were obliged to lie in the street, near the depot, till almost twelve o'clock P. M. before we started down the vEdley, en .route for Pittsburg, as we understood. At daybreak we crossed the Susquehanna and stopped at the depot of 4he Pennsylvania railroad, just long enough to chat a few min utes with our friends, hook on a fresh steamer and head up the Pennsylvania railroad bound for Allegheny city as we supposed. It was a "bitter pill" to manyof ns on learning that we could not leave the train, run home and kiss our wives and little ones, take a cup of warm coffee, and then go back to our regi ment like men and soldiers ought to do, and feel much benefitted by it. But . such. Chris tian treatment was not, in store for us ; and we know it was not our Colones fault; for he is considerate and charitable so far as he can use his influence. . . Well, we ran up the Pennsylvania railroad as far as Huntingdon, (96 to 100 miles, I pre sume,) when Col.. Awl received orders to turn round and report at Washington immediately. It took-but a sliort time, owing to the prompt management of affairs on the above road, to fasten a locomotive to the (Air end of the train, "right about face," following the regu lar passenger train at about 28-miles-to-the hour-speed, reaching Bridgeport at 7 o'clock, when we met many of our friends, who had been advised by telegraph by some of our party of our change or route. Quite a number of the burghers belonging to the regiment took French leave, skedaddled through the old bridge, ran home, and follow ing up in the Express train leaving Harris burg at 2:15, and they overtook the train con veying our regiment at Bolton Station, Balti more, having passed half a dozen hours in the family circle at home, partook of good warm suppers (which were quickly and cheer fully prepared,) and felt a trifle better in their spirits, and much easier in their stomachs, (tor we had no way of preparing rations on the train,) and had subsisted on hard tack since the evening before. From Bolton btation.we were marehed over herer-partook of some breakfast prepared by that 'indispensable and Samaritan-like institu tion, the Relief Committee, at the union Re lief Rooms, on Eutaw street, near Camden station, and, are now, at this writing, awaiting transportation to Washington City; what to do' there, or where to go from thence, time alone will develope. As circumstances will occur I will jot them down. More anon. Tss Jotai Baowx FAtntrx.—Mrs. John Brown, widow of him "whose soul is march ing on," with her son Salmon and his wife and three daughters, have left their home among the Adirondack mountains, where John's "body lies mouldering, in the dust," together with those of his sons who• were shot at Harper's Ferry, to seek a new home in California. They, undertook the journey by way, of the overland route, taking with them some cattle and Vermont fine-wooled sheep. There is a painful rumor, not yet confirmed, that after leaving Missouri (it having been ascertained that they were John Brown's family) they were pursued by Missouri guerrillas, captured, robbed and murdered.. The homestead is now occupied by Mrs. Browies brother. --Burling ton (Vt.) Times. ROBERT C. Wismaop, who, in Emend Hall Boston, in 1848, claimed the: authorship of the Wilmot Proviso, and , indorsed its principles, was nominated by the Copperheads of Massa chusetts, on Wednesday, an elector at large of that State. He has fallen considerable in sixteen years. 339 EciegrapQ. From Gra,wri Army. Details of the Movement To wards Richmond. =MI The Attack on the Enemy's 'Lines r.O Capture of 300 to 4.00 Prisoners • . and 15, Gnu?... ; ~~ Withdiawal of lOW Troops Unsuccessful Attack. Upon Our Advance Earth Works. Wapreforrox,- Sept. 30. Passeng,ers from City ,Point report that early on Wednesday night Gen. Ord's corps (the 10th) began to move from their position to Jones' Neck, on the. James river, where a pon toon bridge had been thrown ,across the river, and immediately began to cross. By midnight the advance guard suce ceded in effecting the crossing in safety, and before daylight the whole corps was over. An advance was immediately ordered and the entrenchments at Chapin's farm were carried, 'with but little show of resistance on the:part of the rebels. There appeared to be but few rebel. troops in the entrenchments, and it is thought they had been previously withdrawn, either to be sent up the Valley to cheek Gen. Sheridan, , or to the -Weldon rail road, fearing a blow flout Gen. Grant in that direction. . We, ho'wever,caphired between 300 and 400 prisoners and 15 guns, as already stated. The 18th corps, under Gene Birney, ad vanced from Deep Bottom.. About the same time that ten. Ord moved forward,' Gen. Birney movedup to the New Market road' and carried' the. entrenchments with ease—the rebels , showing but : little dis position to egntest the grounds. They ap peared to - be compietely . surprised- by the appearance of adz. 'troops 111 that:direction. Of 'the subaequenkraorementa of our fgroes nothing was known at City Point when the expreas left there ' - and 'there was 'nothing to indicate that the ardratico of Ord of Birney Is 4 been checked. ' - STgaPIINTIING OFFICL • , . The following are the ratfe for advertising in the TELE GRAPH. Those having advertlinng to do will and it con venient for reference: - - Four lines or less constitute one-half square. light Boas; or snore than four, - ,:constitute a square. FORA HALF WARN. FOR ONE WARE. One day $ 301 One day $ 60 Two days 5O Two days. F..... ..... 100 Three days 75 I Three day 5......... 125 Ono week .... ..... 1 25 One week . ..... .. - - 223 One month 3-00 One month 600 Two months 450 Two months aoa Three months.— ... . 5 50 Three months.. ... • • ii 00 Six months 8 00 Six months 16 00 One year 15 00 One year 25 00 Administration Notices 2 73 Marriage Notices - . 74 Auditor's Notices 150 Funeral Notices, each insertion 60 - Jo- Business notices inserted in the Local Coboan, or before Marriages and Deaths, Emirs Caters PBB Luta for each nsertion. It is confidently believed at City Point that the rebels have withdrawn large numbers of troops from the defences of Richmond, and have sent them up the valley to aid Early.— This being the case, Ord and Birney can make considerable progress before the rebels can cdncentrate their forces. On Wednesday the rebels made a furious attack on our advance earthworks in front of Fort Sedgewick, on the Jerusalem plank road. These entrenchments were held by a portion of the second brigade, 3d division, 9th corps, and the rebels were handsomely repulsed with considerable loss. These are the works which were captured from the rebels several weeks ago by our troops, and this is the second un successful attempt the enemy has made to retake them. The troops attacked were commanded by Col. Russell, of' the 28th 11. S. colored troops. Tort Sedgewick opened fire on the rebels and accelerated their movements on their retreat :Russell had his men in line of battle in ten Minutes after the attack. Grant's Whole Army in Motion. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Passengers by the boat from the front this Morning, state that Grant's whole army is in motion. He has been in readiness for some time, and only awaited the development of Sheridan's operations, to proceed. Thanks to rebel enlightenmenthe was enabled to seize the favorable opportunity, and is now execu ting his plans. Gen. John Cochrane to Speak in Philadelphia. PIIILADELPIIIA, Sept. 30. General John Cochrane will speak for Lin coln and the Union, at the Union League Hall, to-morrow evening. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE arrangements for the education and maintenance of the destitute Orphansor the Soldiers and Sailors of the &ate, under the am, relating to the sub ject, being now sufficimtly completed to enable the un dersigned to receive applications, notice is hereby given that Kara forms of application, witn the necessary in structions, have been deposited with the following gentle men, from whom the relatives or friends of the orphans %in obtain them. : When the application and statement in each case shall be properly filled end sworn to, and certified by the Board of Common Pcheol Directors of the district in which the orphan resides, it is to be returned to the gentleman from whom it was received, or to some other member of the county superintending committee, by whom it will be forwarded to the undersigned. In a short time after the receipt of the application by the undersigned, it it be in due form, and the orphan be entitled to the benefits of the act, an ord: r for the admis sion to the proper school will be sent by mail to the mother, or other applying relative or friend, with neces sary instructions. it is expected that the schools selected for these or 'thane will be ready for their reception during the month of October.' Their friends will therefore take the necessary Steps and have ; them ready for admission by the Ist of November at te latest. 8... The State will provide clothing, boarding, washing, mending, instruction boolts,,*a, for the orphans while in the schools provided for them, but the relatives or friends are expected to send them thither, without cost to the State, and also to send wick them, in as good order as possible, such clothing as they may thou have, to be worn till others can be provided for them. The following is the list of geudemen to whom applies tiOns can be made : Adams county, George McClelland, Gettysburg Allegheny " F R Brunot, Pittsburg Armstrong " Col J B Finlay, Kittanning Beaver " Michael Weyand, Beaver Bedford " J W Lingenle her, Bedford ' Perks " Ron Wm At Roister, Reading Blair " Hon Sam'l S Hair, Hollidayeburg Bradford " B S Russel, Towanda Backs " J D Mendenhall, Doylestown Butler 4 ' John H Healey, RuDer Cambria " Ed. ant Shoemaker, Ebensburg Carbon " Mld Dimmick, Maunch Chunk Comeron " Edward Vosburg, Nhippen Centre " Hon SaM3l Linn, Bellefonte .Chester " Addison May, West Chester Clarion " Hon Campbell, Clarion Clearfield " James B Graham, Clearfie.d. Clinton ' L A Mackey, Lock Haven Columbia " Robert F Clark, Bohrsburg Crawford " John Reynolds, Meadville Cumberland " Thomas Paxton, Carlisle Dauphin " Dr George Bailey, Harrisburg Delaware 44 Isaac Haldeman, Chester Elk " Henry Souther, Ridgway • Erie " Jonas Gunnison, E. ie Fayette - " John K Ewit g, Uniontown Forest- " George W ese, Martinville 'Franklin " Hon James' Black. Chambersburg Fulton " M Fdgar King, MeConuelsburg -Greene " Prof M. E Gurnson, Waynesburg Huntington " Wm B Orb - son, Huntington Indiana " Robert C Taylor, Indiana Jefferson " Isaac G Go' don Brookville Juniata 44 Edwin Sutton, McAllisterville Lancaster " Itaniellleirsher Lancaster Lawrence " D Morris, New Castle Lebanon 44 ":George Atkin 9, Lebanon Lehigh " . E T Saeger, Allentown Lucerne Stewart Pearce, Wilkesbarre Lycoming ' , Abraham Updegraff, Williamsport McKean . ' Hon Byron D Hamlin, Smethport Mercer " John R Hanna," Mercer ' ; Mifflin " Andrew Reed, Lewistown Monroe " Win Davis, Stroudsburg Montgomery " Bld Boyer, Norristown Montour " Gideon Shoop, Danville Nortbampton " Rev John vanderveer, Easton . Norttrurnberl'd " Wm J Greenough, Sunbury Perry " lion B F Junein, Bloomfield Pike 44 Edward Holiday, 'Milford Potter " John M Hami ton, Coudersport Schuylkill " Hon E. ()Parry, Pottsvi le Snyder . " 001 Wm F Wagenseller, Selinsgrove Somerset 4s , Sullivan " Walter, Spencer, Laporte • • Susegnehantut " , L;F 1 i tch. Montrose ; Tioga 44 'Thomas Allen; Wellsboro' Union it Capt John Owens. Lewlshur ''. • . Venango " E E Lytle, Franklin Warren " Hon Lewis Arnett . . Washington " James C Acheson, Washington.: Wayne " B B smith, flOnesdale . ' Westmoreland " • - John Armstrong, Jr, Greensburg Wyoming " P M. Osterhout, Tunkhannock York • " . Henry L Fisher, York - - Philadelphia ' 4 ;Henry Hallowell, Setretary Board of Controllers, Atheneum buildings. TEICOLAS 11. BURROW ES, Superintendeavt of Soldiers' Orptirum. Lancaster, Sept. 16 ,1664. - --46420-dltwat, . , Steam Weekly to lAverpool. 910130111:Mat QITELENSTOWN, (Cork Har. bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are In. tended to sail as follows: City Of 'Manchester, Saturday, Septembor 21; City of London, Saturday, October 1; City of Baltimore, Satur• day, October. ; and every succeeding'Saturday, ht Noon, from Pier 44 North River. • • : : RATES or PASSAGE, kyAßLar oa ITS sorrriltatrar 3N cuimarror. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE __.530 00 do to London 86 00 do to 'London 34 00 do to Paris 96 00 do to Paris 40 645 do to Hamburg.— 90 00 do to.Eambuil.... B 7 00 Passeogft Mao' fonvaid Bremen, aam, Antworp„ . 9:c., at equidly low,rp,t,e!„ Fares from Cluverpool or Queenstown:'} C a bi n, pi, $36, $lO5. Steerage, $BB. Those who wish to send.' their friends can buy tickets here at these rates.. _ • For farther information apply at the Company's Oillc JOAN G.; BALE . Agegt.lB oxiu umvxmalr; ilirrion n e - • fha-dIY • VERY FMB INDEED! 910 our fine and extensive stock of Photo Mpll - Aherne and Photeitrapli Cert-neturee, we have Wed s .13E4IITIVIL ,E.NVEWPE for reoepaea of out _picture. They nraft - b 73 seOn ar.4 wHIPO adlOred sarftotographerifirupplteit .the tram „rook 4 W.ceuc l i e Fab) pricey-end then pars 4, 1 9n!f 01 ; ; 5.1 ' therieene, Nei:ape:eland Men. nt Atet724 BaTILITIZI 11001 E. *TOIL Soldiers' Orphans.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers