TEE TELEGRA.,PH so mossEsED 'llO/OUNG AND,ETABING, • BY GE9-4GE OF , B,;(3NER OFFICE THIRD 21W4R, frottarrii zings OP SUBSORIPTIOII. EaNGLE sunscitimoN.. I'iLEGMAPII is served. to !subscribers in the city at 12 Genic per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 26 00 in advance. Those parse= who negiecttsi ply in advance will be charged $7 ,00. WEEKLY TELEGRAM. Tat ysixo>:erats also published weelrly,and is furnished subscribers at the following casliretes dingle copies, weekly.... Three copies to one . Post °Mee Ten copies to one Post OffiCe. NEW ADYPRTISEMENTS4 When will Wonders: THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE . WORLD DE. McBREDE'S KT! -OF WILL cure anSiche,of pain iii friiiii'`one to sixty minutes I It soli like magic upon the alosorbant and' glandulaf systeml a reduelog swellings and regulating the sec t retiokis sa d excretions. Aot is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centr& of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entiMi system, restoring the circit" !sting fluids and cheek:Mg 'disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF; PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what thelialn, apply the medicine and you will find 'lnstant Mlief. It is an internal and external . cure, THE ,KING OF PAIN Cures almost. instanninebusly, - Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia„ Deafness, Sate Throat,'Cold%ronchial Affections; „D i anna, Dyspesia, Diarrlicea, Dysente /B ry or Bloody'Flux; Liver Complain; Kidney Disease, piseasen of thelnedder and Clemtal Organs, .Cramp, Otigre dud all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague,-Burinr,.Bnittes, Cnts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of thousands prove ilk Meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. ICUNKEL, druggists, Solo Agents, 118 Market street, Harrislmrg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR. Re- BRIDE'S RIND OF PAIN, speaks for itself NEWVILLE, CII/EBERLAND COMPTYLI Sept. 14,.1864. f ifusrs. S. A. ittinket &Bro:, druggists, Harrraburg..t'ai' Gans would inform you that I received the bottlEs of Mcßride's,Great Pain 'Killer, and enclosed please find Ore dollars more for which send me five bottles addition. al to-morrow, :I* leave for camp tomorrow. Let me know whether yoihan supply me with It in the mink. , am in Company „H, 202 d ttogiment P. V. I have been ;in' very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and hive made me feel like a man. - ftesides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases' incident to camp life, and can. recommend it to be the best medicine, the soldier can provide for himself.- Yours respectfully, JCS. E. WIIITE..„ fro- All orders from a distance promptly attended to lty S. A. ICUNIIAL & JIRO. • A HOME CERTIFICATE. The folletvitig'eertificate *Tram a well-kaoarn Harrisburg : . . Mums:twin, Aug. 30,1564. To rat Primo :—lt gives me „great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. MoBRIDE, which he calls the " ,SING OF PAIN.' ; '-" was induced to use it as an external remedifer alga*, Whiett' It relieved immediately, and sult49oemly,epr . ed ent*ly . 7., Its success induced me to use itinternally for Diarlum with which I was afflicted in a . chronielbtin'fbe,riearly eighteen months, and to such an extentibat:ii . irkiarMys, wereseriouhly deranged. The medicine Ims , ,purtid,,me.; ) and certainly that is saying a great deal Mita favor, when. reflect how many other remedies I tried withent . e*Peri. encing anything but temporary relict. For My part,l" shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as' I do that it is a moat invaluable family medicine. • ' DANIEL E. WILT . . The unexampled sale of this medicine proves it to, l?e the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. . - . The undersigned are the sole agents for • the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail., •i' S. A. XUNKEL & 8R0.,' BrualSts, 118 ;Starke; street, ,Harrishnrg,, a epls] COS TAR lg" VERMIN ,:XTExMiNATot: "COSTAR'S" gSTERMILIATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. -COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' ErrtamINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. FOR RATA MICE ROACHES, ANTS BED-BUGS FLEAS, morirdir Fula, FrooLzzir s, INSEOTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS, etc. .14 years established in Y. City." "Wy : lnfallible remedies knowt.;" "Fine from Poisons" '• *: "Not dangerous to the gum= Family." "Rata come out of their. boles to die." , . 1x3'5414 by nil Druggists everywhere. . . ,0.11.1 31Bwmar. I I 1 of all worthless lantarions., fifirk 4 costar's Depot, No. 982 Broadway, N. Y," ,Sold by 1). W. GROSS /a CO:,' Wholesale and retail - gobts, And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa. , •qiejoin,,asailra PE IPHER'S DAILY _LINE BETWEEN PHILADJEJLIPH.IA, Lotk flavou r Jersey Shore, WilliarasporAsOu . !!.lialontown, bowisburg, Northumberland,; bury, TrovertOn, GiorgetoiVii; • • • Lykonstowrk, Ellersktri, - • ' Dauphin; . AND .1.0,11:0011 - 02.0. • The Philadeliftla Depot tieing cest i cally. located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The ..C'iMiluelor koaa through with each train to attend to, the rafe•delivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. 'Geo& Aelitrelied. Dot of WILLIAM E. BURG, - 612 ,--- Market •-street t ; Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock. P. L wilt-be-"delivered' fir lifer detain the neat morning. • ; liOnight Always as .Low guilty Any tither this.. • . . , • SOS. MONTGOMERY &.00., • • Philadelphia and ,Bdeadhhil)epot r i • oat2l-tf Foot of Market streetilEiiileberg. NEW LIQUOR STOB.E 4 . • -.; IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS ~ A NP: OTHEHEL—The undersigned offers at'.2shiffesale,lo the trade, a choice lot Of the best liquors ever brought to. Harrisburg, viz: Prench Itivandia Holland Gins, ..:1&dols Irish Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; Foriemi and Wines, such as Champagne, Caret, Catawba, die.. Ali liquors warranted, as represented., Landlords and others will flag It to their advantage to call and vap:: amine the assortment of the store, oh I S - Otth Seeottil street, two dab% below Clhestuut. • - mr27lein , GEORGE MINTERS CANNED OF EVERY DF.soRIP of all the celebrated iaanntacturera. ANN TION ED . SAUGES SARDINES, .OLII7X OILS, 0 every. description: MUSTARDS,- BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COFFER, SUGAR and STRUP of ad grades and, Price% 44. 4 ,8 b eel , Beleuted stook outside of Philadelphi a. ~. • An g° o4 B guaranteed as representea: - - Pa tel:der attention paid to all orders Croat .a.aistanoe- Goodatarefully peeked and,dellteredb_alli=f the inty Nola' FLharD. BILLBLER•k F • - ate , reltgelSgr Wittigera9444 . . ...,.,, ,; ,.,, \\ , iA 7 ,,,,„,„, ;/ . , , 4. I 633VERTIEONG RATIDEI—DAILY "... .. . . ...,.....‹,,,, % l. lit .... : .. e following ere the rated, for adyertn - maw* • Then having eelvtir,ling "plc ). ‘1 I A-- \N, ,114# 7 e,p-, --- —.-:,.- :. , . . nt,for Ix:bream Il i t 1 , I ' , - I : \7-4? -g - ' ":- y , / ---.--- . ..- , ' . ' ~ lupe .ralif lines or gees !oiliis co t nst aW itni Eightlfartii,nr more than four, l ie_ -4--r / tt.4 avr,i .:......_z0da,54.y....„.6--......t.—...4.4,05eirw0dadarci., 1,......,..._Liff..„.4 ...,..;...,......._ _. .:.,7... ---ft....:....,.,---- . . day., 7.3 Th reede., One week ... ..... 1 '25 Ontrweela One month . , .'8 00 4111, m i nt , .., .- - • , Irmo mos_tha . ... .. .. 4V) rwo. asiat 1 Three mont6a ti fill • sassostms ';• Amrsamitilsollismommok '' sail:maths. ..... .. 8 X Six mint _mot • , ..., . _ 43n year-- ...... 15 06 One year . . ' 4 inistra 44 — " " MIIIII $l6O 4 00 10,00. BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL DYSPRPSIA.. A Cirt - ee` ;Warr 'anted. Dysiepsia. has the ;foaming Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 241. Flatalenee and Acklity. 3d. 'Costiveness and Loss,of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. bth. Diarrhcea with griping. 6th. Pain in a ll parts of. the. System.o... ft 1 7th. Consumptive Sympt oms tion: of the Heart. - - . . Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the 'irliroßt. 9th. Nervous Affection, .and 'want of: Sleep at night.• ", , • m 10th. Loss of Appetite' and Vomiting. • 11th '- Diz2iness , Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. • • 12th..lEfeaclaohe and Staggering in walking, With . greet weakness:, 'Oat of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia. that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American DYspepsia Pills, not one of • them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years! standing. . Sold by all droggis' ts everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's. office,. No: 10. N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations andoim sultagons free of _Cherie.. Send for a ciren far, Priee, $1 Per boi. Bertt by mail, free of chat em receipt of money.. 'I[Ot;E;SIA, : DYSPEPSIA, 1/1; gPEVSLi. ~ B e : , !.1, RTIVTEPI :Anson, of Brandywhie Del., formerly of Old Chester, Dol., do certif.; that, for one - year and hall ',suffered every thing but:death:from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. i3lfYirbole'Systf3m. was prostrated with wbakriegOnd'nutt,Ona'Aebility; I could not digesiMY foocki Al li'ate even a cracker or the smallest:amotmt •of, food, .:it. would return' just es I swellowed. it; 'ltedune - go 'oestiVe in' my bpWele that I would not have a passage, in less than;frem four and,often eight days; un der thistimMense suffering, my mind seemed mitirC4 to give Way. ' 'lltad a dreadful horror and evil forebodings.' • / thonght everybody hated me,.'and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my omi children, every ~thing appeared te 'be"horlor -stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anYtbing; I lost all My love%:of family and home; I would ramble and Wander from placiS to place, but could net be contented; I felt that I was doomed .to . hell; and that there was...no heaven for mew and was. often tempted to commit suicide, so neer war:My 'whole nervous system de stroyed; sitd, - elsb my:Mind from that awful, , ccimplaint,lDyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me plod in Dr. • Kirk - bride's hospital,- +Vest; PhiTadelpllia; I remained' there nine weeks, and thraight I was a little bette „but in a , few.' ..days my dreadful com p was raging'as bad as ever. Hearing' of e wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis url .harrs Great American Dyspepsia Pills and - hle treatment for Dyspepsia, my, husband called on Dr. Wishart ?aid stated may ease to him. He said he had no doubt he could ours Mo. ' So in threw days after r Oietten - afict ki.isl myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in • two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my-disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, ..and at the present time I enjoy perfect health asicL of bo'dy Mink and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great AMerican Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree - T4fordial that saved me from an Insane Asyhim'and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing :to do all thegood I can for suffering hu .manity. ~. VT TZABETH BRANSON, ' 3 BilindYwine, Del., formerly of Old - Phester, Lielitivere county, Pa. Da. WISHABT'S Offfee, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia: DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! Da, Wittutar.--I have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for t,he last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There. were times when the . symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief to die. I had at'all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly My Sufferings so much increased that I became airridstorat for butiness of any kind; my mind was continually tilled with gloomy thoughts and 'fore boding% and if I attemptedto change their current. by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead - weight, as it were, rested upon my brabt; also, a haling of sickness would emir at the stomach,. and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by , day or sleep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of' a number of eminent . physicians of various schools, nattily came to the conclusion that, for. this disease at my present age (45 years) there was no cure in existence, But, 4hrough the interference of Divine -Providence, to' whoni r devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign, remedy in your llyspepsla Pills and :Tar Cordial, which seem to-have effectually removed al- Most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and is their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday companions. JAMES M. SAUNDERS, No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr Wiabart's Offide No. 10 North Second' street, Phila- A POSITIVE OUSE' FOR DYSPEPSIA. HEAR *HAT lalt. lORIC It HAIM= MY& No. 1028 Omrs Smarr, - Philadelphia, Annary 22d,1863. • DR. Wismism—Sir:—lt is with flinch pleasure that I am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great .rcrie,an Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of at most distressing complairit, Dyapepsia. I had been grievionsly. afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time haveinot been free from its path one week at a time. I have had it in its worst form and have dragged on a mostmiserable existence.--in pain day and night. Every kind:of food that I ate tilled me 4 6 - ith wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity: AT continued belching wits sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kindi of meats what eVer and my distrera was so great for several monthi be fore I heard of your Pills; thatl frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving .any benefit; but en your Pills being recommended! to - me by' one who had been cured by them, I concluded: to: give them a trial, although I had no faith .in them-,To my astonishment, I found Mytelf getting betturibetrei.T. had taken one.fourth of, tog,, and after takinglialf a box, .I am a well man, and cattOt Miring tout, and enjoy a hearty meal, three Line e a oa . i-iarithent inconvenience from anything I .eat Or drink.!_ll.7o4 think Pr0Per,..2931 are at liberty to:make_ this Da benit, refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de oirablebifoitatick to ey oneVhci - May can on - me • yo:nrWresPeetfully, JOHN H. BABCock:' • For sole at Dr. Wishams Medical Depot, No. 10 Notth Second' t re et, Philadelphia, Pa. Rice One Dollar per tics sent by mill, free of charge, on receipt of price. DTP I4 ' l VISPERBILI, • I, Samuel D. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Ohronic Dyspepsia and heirompation pr. the Kidneys for three 7 I employed (hie° oifour of the most emi Gent p Oahe of Phlisclelphla;.altio of Burlington county N. J. rae_thdy could, but all to HO pur. Pose.. -Imes constantly fillect-with awful pain and dia trete,. andmigi Constant belching of wind and, sour , sold, lily tongue was covered With a white coating or 'mucus until tvAraskod 1 4 AV funeWoi' woo' fireadlUY g ore ! Ohl - vantimea r wlehed for dmth to relieve moo t _ my su iy er i n i za . forrhia . lost all hope of ever being well again. I madeit,a iiir*t of prayer to God that.he vroutd direck.me itM:e''itiVeletitin or medicine lbat Worainnint_ Tilir fill 4 14vOmmialif "TIIB UNION—NOW AND POREVER,"—Websteir. lETI lIARRISBURG, , PA., FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEATER t 864. MEDICAL. Wishar's in the Philadelphia Ledger s of- a ,great core made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 Olive street; Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went the Doctor's 011ie% and placed myself raider b treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it would be the last effort I waned maka It has been slx weeks since I commenced the use of his medloin#, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and oan at three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly welL IDr. Wishart, I want you to publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, tocail on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have receivedirom your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corner .tenango and Lanabert streets near RiChmond street, tenderly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, ` the above are a few among the, thousands which. this *hat remedy - has saved from an untimely grave.. , , "naithousimileffif letters from physicians and drag "gip w o prescribed and sold the Tar Oordial, saying hat theyiOnn never need or sold ,a medical which gave Oh; linty - 61sta satisfaction. • - Preparth only by the proprietor, ...„ • DP.. L. Q. 0 'WISHART, • No. 10 North Second street, Sold by Druggists everywhere BmjylSreod-ddcw NEW AD VERTISEIMION TS. MEDICAL DEP .A.13,-4" . M:EN UNIVERSITY OF IIiAItYLAND. The FIFIR-SEvENTH SESSION OF THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE in the rftn - vEnerrr OP MARYLAND mill coin menee on MONDAY, the lith of Oetober, 1864, and end the Ist of March, 1865. • A PULL . COUIZSILOI , ''LEtTETZES WILL ' BE GIVES .11 . t.itEC#4r8 AS 3 °MAWS (h; guiwery—By Prof. N. R. Smith. On Chemistry and Pharmacy—Bk Prof. Win. E. A akin.. _ Cm Obstetrics and Diseased of Women and Children—By Piof. G. W. Miltenberger. ifhl•PeinciPies and "Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Medicine anti ifysdene4By Prof.; lichard 10Bherry. - On Anatomy anpl':etirtiotogi--.13y: Prot Christopher On Mat eria dfedicaanti Tiieiaperiiii—PP Prof: Salt!. 0: Practical Anatomy will tie taught by James.g, Butler, M. D., Demonstriaor. During, the continuance of :Die bar, Hiliiary.Surgery .and Military Hygiene wilrbairitroduced as a regular part blithe course. • • ' : • : Matriadates of this School ha.ye.access at all timee to The Wards of the, Beltimdris - Inflimiry,,who're they can witness he performance of all the principal operations in Surgery, tuid can observethe =numerous forms Of disease' under treatment. The Infirmary ig. a, spacious .hospital! attached to the Medical School, and it i§ open to the Stu-, dents daily throughout the entire year, without any addi tional charge. • • The fees for.. t 4 fqll. Cprze of Lectures $9Ol for 3fatriculatfoxi,ls ; and for Practibal AiLatoiay, $lO. GEORGE ti%)3I.LLTENBERGEIt, sep9A.oo.w4t . ..-• ; • . . VOTICE: •The • -atiaisigned,, . air 11 pointed the Orphina' - teusit gt.ls p county to, distribule!thWbalance in the handeAf'thertiedutor of Charlotte•McCilatighltn, demised; Fluniehy gives notice that he will . atiend for that purpose at bla,ollice on SATURDAY, thelstherely Oct.beehez,..c, at 10 o'clock A. l ns All Parties interested aro Invited tO attend and'ex liit their chime: • . .1 b. FLEMING, Auditor:. griaburg, Sept..El,-1.864 ;-1-[e,ep2l-oalv3t, , • . 'l\7" OTICE. —The 'auditor app elated 'by the .1,1 Orphans' Court of the coulity of Dauphin, to make custribu non sr thelunds. Dio hands AI John Strickler, guardian of Amelia and..annio Mumina, deceased; minor children! of Minn MtirrithaOrite. of Swatara township, de. °easel, hereby gives'noticlaxliistr,tic add l iaoes the,pardes interested, at his office in Il darsisburg, top.. • •fH(D.Atri 1.4 - de day of Weber neat, lao'cloqic • D. FLAMIN G ; Auditor:` Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 1664e.-qoaw.4o - - - rtaIfVNTVPIR4O4O .1012,1*Slemtiak.. " Wltcreas letters of adwirdstration have this day been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Cornelius•lti. Shell, late of Harnsonm, Dadylkin' county, Pennsylvania, deceased, all persons knowing tnerimelves indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment, and all these having claims against said estate, will please present diem for settlementwithout delay, to . • , • sep23=dotiwetj JACOB D. BOAS, Administrator. ADM'NISTAATIIX'S 140'110E, • , • . Whereas letters of administration have thii day been granted to the subscriber on. the estate or 'Henry Reel, late or the city of Hiwrisbarg Diupuin county, Penna.. deceased, all persons knowing themselves Indebted. to said estate r will please make immediate payment, and all those having claims against Said estate will please present them tor Settlement without delay, to PHOEBE HANNAH REEL, • Admlnlstratik of-said deceased, Qr to Eugene Snyder, Esq., her attorney., Harrisburg Pa Sept...l9 1884. [sepl9-Btlawd I N the Common Pie is' of Dauphin: Contity: Joseph Welker and Susanna Welker, 1 : .his wife, now for use of Shintel I Do 17. Keiser. , " ;.August Term, 1864 ' 'us. ' I Ven. Ex. Solomon Loudenslager. . J The undersigned, auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, to distribute the money made by the Sheriff on the above stated suit, will attend to the duties of his Appointment at his oitce in Harrisburg, on Friday, the 14th day of October nest, at va o'clock, A.. ot.,.when and where all parties interested are notified to appear. RALFII L. MACLAY, fepl9-3taw2w] Auditor. , 'STREET DA.BIAGES—NOTICE. IT is ordered by the Court that all persons having claims, by lien or otherwise; against any of tue sums of. money aosessed as damages done by opennig the streets in the city, of Harrisburg, or having adverse claims to the property Injured,. make eke Stine known roy . petition or otlirwiito to' the Court of Quarter Sessions oh or before the first day . Of um 'tens, at. which time the . money, when the assessment is otherwise legal, will be awarded io the parties named in the report as owners of the property. And, also, that alPeadeptions to the r, port of the viewers be filed (mew before the first, day,of Novem ber neat. By . order of the Court. ._,.._ sepa-dataw-4w] J. C.: YOUNtt, Clerk. Brown's Baby Tender. A VERTICAL AND. NOISET FS'S SPRING pßADLE—eastly.coimerted into O. BABY-JUMPER, BABY-HORSE, BABY-WALKER, OTTOMAN OR HOBBY-HORSE The whole designed to relieve liothers, cOmfort and/01111Se children, obviate the evils - of rocking them, and save the expense of a Nurse motion'. ' perfectly healthy and charming. Price $2O to $B5. .Bend for illustrated circu lar. BROWN Sr CO., 483 Broadway, N. Y. . An - enterprising Agent wanted for Harrisburg.. seps-lmeod AUDITOR'S NOTICE • In the matter of the settlement of John Lentz, Jr., Ad ministrator, &c., of John Lentz, Sr., late of Upper Paxton township, Dauphin county, deceased, the Orphans' Court of said county has appointed the subscriber Auditor, to make distribution of the estate of said deceased to and among his heirs and creditors ; and the Auditor has ap pOinted MONDAY, the 17th, day of October next, at his office in Harrisburg, ht ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, for the purpose of making said distribution, when and where all persons interested are no tified to make .known their claims. JPIO, gOBEEM'fi, Auditor. Septeniber 7, 1884i—ttep8-dOstr4w • A II D I . T OR's , NO TIC DI . In the matter of the settlement of Peter Weed., Jr., Ad. .minharator, of Peter Reed, Senior late, .of Suave biome township, Dauphin county, dece;sed,tani Orphan' Court of said county has appointed the subsririber Audit or, to Make distribution of the estate of said deceased to and among his heirs and creditors ; and the Auditor has apPointed MONDAY, the 10th day of Odder next, at his, office in Harrisburg, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, for the purpose of making ettio"distrib Mien, when and where all persons interested are nett& to make known their claims. JNO. ROBERTS, Auditor, September 7, 1804.--(sepB..doewtsr NOTICE. T „EWERS TESTAMENTARY on ale estate. .1.4 of John Alien, deed, late of Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, renneylvauDS having been growled to the undersigned, notice thereof is hereby - silent. All per- sons having claims or demands_ sgairet the witate.Orilla mid decedent are reiriesiiid to make khown the mine Without delay, and those who' are hulet4ed to said estate are requested to melte . 4.4****. , . . rue NEW ADVERTISEAENTS. Soldiers" - Orphans. THE firkarigitrileritS .fctr, „the 'educitio4 aid maintenance of the derititoteOrphans of the' Soldiem and Sailors of Urn State; under thrfreat , telating to the sub ject, being now 'sufficiently completed to enable the un dersigned to receive ,applicatione, notice is hereby.given that blank. Torino Or: applidgion, With, the necessary in structions, hav&.been deposited : trial ttie following gentle men, from whom the:relativee or friends the orphans: can obtain them. i . When the,application-and statement in, eagle case shall be properly filled and sworn 4 ..1 - 14 certified by the Beard of Common Fchocil Directera of the district in which the orphan resides; it is to bi 3 rettirnedio the gentleman from whom it was received, or -to some other member of the county supeftfending committee, by whom it will be forwarded to the undersigned. In a short time after the receipt of the application by the undersigned, it it : be 'in due form, had :the orphan be entitled to the benefits of the act, an order Ter the admis sion to the proper school will be sent by mail to the m4her; or other applying relative Or Trldnd, With nixes liry instructions. It is expected Olathe schoole , selecy k ior these or- Plums will tie reaitylor theirreception dur ninthe menthef October. Their friends villithereforeWielhe nitrating steps and-have them reedir, for aft.itsioh by the :-ISt of November at the latest. ,The State. will provkle.•elothing, -- boarding, washing, mending, instruction books, dm, for the orphans while, in the schools providetfor them, but-the relatives or friends are expected to send them thither without cost to the State, and also to send with them; in as good order as possible, such clothing as they may, then have, to be worn tjl; others can be provided for them: • • ` • The following is the list of gentlemen to whom applica tions can be made : Adams county, Georgelol4l4litad,Gettysburg Allegheny " le Bifida, TlM:shun A4nstrong " Col J B Finlay, Kittanning Beaver " Michael Weyand, Beaver BWord • .J W•Lingenfelter, 4edford Berke " Hon Win M Helmer Reading Blair " Hoe Stung S Blair,. Hollidaysburg Idford " B S Russel, Towanda Becks J D Mendenhall, Doylestown B tler. " John H N egley , , Better ' Cambria 'Edward Shohmaker,CEbensbutg Carbon " M M Dimmick, Xaunch Chunk Comeron " Edward' Yostiekg, Shippen Centre " Hon Saml_Linia, Bellefonte Chester " Addison May, Weet Chester Clarion ' -! "• Son Cautpbeh, Clarion Clearfield " James B Graham 'Clearfield Clinton " L A Mackey, Loc k Haven Columbia • " • .Robert•F Clark,Rolosburg Crawford " John RhYnolds,'Meadville • :Cumberland " Thomas Paxton, Carlisle lkiuphia " Dr George Bailey, Harrisburg Pelawain " . Isaac Haldeman, Chester • Elk " Rory Souther,. Ridgway, , Jonas. Gunnison, Erie ~r . Fayette " JOU H EWinKtfnlinatoWn Forest: • " George W Rd*, Mationville Franklin . -• Hon Tatnealllatk,•Chrimbersburg Fitton ; M Edgar Xing, hicConneLsburg Greene " prof M E Garrihori, Waynesburg' Huntington Wm B Orbison, Huntington • Indiana " Robert C Taylor, Indiana • Jefferson " ' Isaac G Gordon. Brookville ; 1 .• Juniata " Edwin Sutton, McAllistervipe ; Lancaster " • Daniel Heitelter, Lancaster 'Llimsnoe " DD Morris, New Castle ••- Lebanon " -George Atici?..Labaniat • • Lehigh • .r " .E-T Saeger,_ enton • Ltizerne •• ~ Stewart Pee eekesharre , Lycoming Abraham trpd , Williamsport 'McKean mlin,"Smetliport • MSrcer • , " John R Hanna, !Mercer, . . • Mißia " Andrew Reed, Lewistown,,' Monroe . •Wm Davis, Stroudsburg - • , Montgomery •"- ' B.M Beyer, "lonistowit Montour . • Gideon , ShOop; Banditti • NinthaMpt.on " Rev John•Yunderveer, Easton . Northumberl'd " Wm J Greenough, Sunbury Perry ." Hon B F Junkin t Bjoonaileld • Pike " t' • •• EirwardHiSideY,i Milford - • Potter •Mimfitonotiondersriort • . t. =till 4 ' Hon E OParry, Pottsville • CoT Win H Wagenseller, SelinsgrOre. Sullivan • 4, Walter !Venter, Laporte Susequalmnria 't • • L Fatch,ltiOntrose Tloga , - • 4 • Them -Allen, Wellsboro' Union , " cant John'Owens.:Lowisbnr Venango; • " XE Lytle, Franklin Warren fion.Lowi,Aniett Washington Q Acheson, Washington 'Wayne" ~ B Smith, Honesdale Westmoreland - ..Jolin'Artualthfig,'Jr, Greenabtug Wycinfing • " •TUnkhannock York • .". . • Henry-L , Fisher, York Philadelphia..- . Betty liallowell, • •Secretary Board • of Controllem j Athencum buildings, " • • THOMAS - IN..BUKROVVES, • ••••Saperinfendent . of Soldiers' Orphans.' Lancaster, Sept'lB, 1864.-4sep2o-ddtw.6t, : , . LIQUID RENNET: LIQUID RENNET. yields with milk the most luscious of all deaerta for thtitable; the light. eat and most grateful .diet for invalids and 'children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet It is always light and easy o f dig ,ation, nudaupportathe system leith the least possible eaciternent. When sti l gteatir liutrittvepower is desired, cream and sugar may be added.--A teaspoonful converti a quart of milk ; into .a, Arm curd. Prepared and sold. wholesale and - fetall'hy • " . S. A KUNKEL, jels-tf : ••• •i • • 118 liarket street. 11.. • 0 R,T ' 76achey, of the...P4Fio, ffe/*/.l?)“Y;i9lin and • . • • - SingOg r ' . • No 16, fungejraivir, Riapi!ii.4s.mr.: • Sepß-a6M* , • . Steam Weekly to Liverpool. 'POUCHING at QIIREN6I9WIT, .(Cork Har i bor.) The well - knotrii Stesinerti'or 'the - Liverpool, New York and rhilaidelphs4. - Bteemabip Company, are in tended gall 113 ib./.1. ( .1P.: ; • ; • - Ott of Mancheiltor, Batuoilay, September 24; City or London, Saturday,'Cictilberl:;Oß7 of Baltimore, Satur day, October 8; and overt 664st:ding :Sataidly; Noob, from Pier 44, North River..-.F. /14.TE8 PifJPASNWE. • . MAUI ID GOLD, on In iguivitLiOrr tM orrarintros. YOST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE ' ...930 00 do to London 85..09_ 4 .11 A. t# _L0nd0n...... 34 00 do to Palle 96 00 do to Faris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90'00 Ida no , iiimburg.... 87 00 Passengers also .forward .to Harm, Bremen:Rotter dam, Antwerp - dc.`•akeqkally lOw rates." ' Fares from. Live*ool=Br QuiertstiMii let Cabin, $7B, $B5, $lOB. . Stamm sBl4...Thcoro who winh , to genii fey their friends can bny tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agentid6 Broadway, N. Y. _or O. 0 9[01111210101.N. liarrietrarg... . [OB-dly. , , • . VERN INENNED: O . our fine and eitiziraerri stock of PhOto - Tgraph 'Affiances , and: PhOtogniph Card Pictifrekire have added a RNAITTIPUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. ,They most be s p fmund will be admired gorillotogmpbers supplied at tbe yeil,lowest *OM ", sale Price, and:their earn printed upon themferAl • ' thousand; vihdletaluandietaiL it • m'ay24 • L. .; '..,SOBEF.Efft:tIXX). FlOO FLOUR ! Flonii— j: :100 barrels or the 4ist. 'briid bellow in thie city.' Every barrel warranted or' oney returned, and delivered to all Darts or.the city [tee of charge. For sale at seP l 6 ISALSILEIt & FReZEIVS. ASSO ri! E D BEREA GRIND -le, O STONES for isle. A. K. FARNESTOOK.. aug24-dlw of I,ooo la3 bra ff eed 5 1 ) .PErePrge ll i jel l : e T le7 ava for sale by • ' • & FAZEA • fabl otuareasora to Wm. Docl4,ir. & Co.) • ICIIOKLESt Plear k LESTl By the banll; bar barro4,lor or dozen, at n 026) - Boy= k °Lamm. N W4k) Q K OILOULDFA DAYS OF SHODDY &ogees:salved at pain, SWIEFFER,S.DOORSTORS. OAP SAGOtthiEWA small tattresh lot otchoice SAP . SAIHVOREESE, just - received - this =raw, at.. !:i• - • SHISLER ac FRAZER'S. IS for adle.on the corner of Third aid IBrirad Itreeta Hngclre of WY.' Q Ifar.inpNir inaray: . .. MIURE SWEET OLDER received to-day at BOYERA NERPER'S F4i 3 h8;1)& 1 :211.7 ..'Et.enym *V. ois l Ina ,ouil. is . : - meek . , ~,, PRICE TH144.. .6MS: .1 Mgroleitrian') n . ... .. r. DISEASES RESIJIATKG FSOM DISORDERS , OF THE LIVER Lincoln's majority On. the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad vote was taken which resulted aslollows: ' Lincoln 'lO5 21401ellan • - 1100FLAND$8 .! Lincoln's majority ' 78 N D DIGISTffisORMS, OURitD /BY fiEllilAN BITTERS; THE: GREAT TrIELEBB Bittern linyff perfOite&MOOseareS; have and degive better-satisfactlengmve..naare, tes timony; have more respectable people to touch for them: than any other article In the market. _ We defy any one to contandictthis , rdW - ittd,liont pay 1090 to eni.Paelnat , Prothice* ft• Pah.: imbed: us that iatiot stamina ,Hatiand'a„ Di' cure every case of O&M° .- OrArOtat3o4l.l4 9 seases of the Kidneys, and diseaseamts&g• dis-: ordered stomach: Observe the. following= witriPtfaintkor& suiting (nun the disorders pf the digestive roggatisz stinatiph, thward-Pllaci, Fullness of Olood to the netik Acidity ofthe Stomach, Nausea, Heartharn, fr for Food, Fullness or weighthithe &meek Sour ' Sinking or Ilutteringlit the pit of the atomacV ' Minim Of th e nett; Buried and difficult breatntnif, .41*ering:14 the heart, 'Choking or suffocating seniatynisWhen lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webk,lthhia sight, Fever and dull pain in the head,'Dabliihey otters.' pirationObliownees of the skin and eyes, Fein hat the aide, back, chest, limbs, &C., Sudden flushes of Aunt,. Doming: In the flesh, Constant imaginations Or Sri!, gel goat. de,, premien of spirits. • - • Remember that this Bittent is not alciohrolle, cwittaioa Thk: rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is the. beat Xenia In the world. • awrwao soi , From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. . . • - * * * * * * . *.- .4"• - I haiWknoln Hootiand'a °gimlet Bitters fltvorably..Bk a number of years. I have used them in. my own faWilyl and have been so pleased with their effects dud I in a .tri4. duced to.re,commend them to many others, and know that they have operated' lnc strikingly beneficial,manner, T. take &eat pleasure" in thus publicly prooldnime We' fait, and ealling.tha attention of those ;.a.111161e4t with the diSessea for , whirdi ,they are pcommended Ito Amin ten t knowing frani ozpoilSinf!' t 1 , 4 1: will be sustained .' / 'dethis •rdore cheerfully onf'-' land's Bitters is intended to bandit 00; malioldic and' id "not a pug , 'Yount taldr. ' . LEVI LEPi4. BKVL ail Fro m .! Rev. 3. Neirtonilegsm, tits, ,crelvep!Of laver :or twommerui , Patlnt. Ifehichms in mind, tlnvigh distrust Of theirlngedients and effects, 1 . yet bum , ',of no ,•Aniacient; Teillialti/ why a' man nmy not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have 'received teem any dmple prat:Stratton,' in - ate hoist that he may thus contributero the Wasik of .othera; Ido tilts the more readily In 'regard - hi 'llbafiend's man Bitters, prepared by Dr. 0. fiLlackisol; oflthli. city because I was prejudicect agunul *pm, _ ll 4 PerN under the impersaiorrthat they' Vrere'ehrenyisr alcoholic mixture.. em indebted. ta MY Mend, .4 01 .4014 0 14 31 0-• ker, tor the removal ; this, prqpiichee. by. proper. tests, mitt for encountelueidletr4r theinlthelf:kulf6ring from . great and bug elrfetinued detillAy ": The -vie , of three bottles of thestrrilitteid. atiabb:heitnnirm Aftthe present year '..tras followed breviderit mallet% Kul .refant. tion to a ileired of Wilily acd,"reeMoi "Vhfor which. I had not for att months' tielbriNikkid had;almost detudred - of regaining.' I' therefore tlatulttleipindmY4ritrati ter • di: reethig me to.the need. them. ' - J. szymos BitowN r riaboa.,- Item Rev. "," Warren Ran d olph, of" Bap Church, Coln:throw* limit.— • • ' • • • It.: C.' Sir:.4-Personal eomerionce •eatages amtofifflhat , /re/m . 441m Gentian Minna, Pre-, Ppared , SIA, pa most excellent meAMMe.- Id oases of severe' cold and debility tom' bftti:greatly bone; fitted byltliew3" °tot the Bitters ; arid fiotikti-not they pmdaneMmilskelfaralitm others. Yopx." 4 1 4:: w,guligiz - Glormanfonm FL - . . - From Rev. J. IL Turner, Pastor or'lleildfng M. E thureh, Philadelphia. • , . 1 .'. Dr. G. IL Jackaon:—Dear gir:—Having used . your Ger ,. IMtteriviziliv freqUentlyl am prepared • tit has beeri of 1: 101 4Pers1 0 1. • ; PPli 4 " ';'hat moat maes of general debility of the system - It is the safest arid melt valuable remedy of which havenny imoriledge; • yffirk,yespeoltpy T.I;TENES, • • flieteeath street. MEI iiiMME From the Rev. J. M. . Lyons, formerly' Pastor of tha. Ciolumbus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa) NaliPE - ChErfal9B. : • - NEW ROOXIIWI, ; Dr, jaokson:--Rear Su -ISeel(tLSfe,lttethetk• of my'olvii accdrd; to bear testimony `to the - excelfeneeer the German. ESittera Reme.Yeafejnot*:heilla:PlONk;# Bided with Dyspepsia, Lused then; with very beneficial results. I have often recbiiitueildial thied Wii•fakitoMr; feebled by that tormentingdisesseoand-hava-beard from them the most flattering . teativyrods4naalgasirr great Dketheii orgeneratdebuO4rbete ir:ta - 115 torderthat Cannot be inupowistn e•Tr 71/I.TONR. , - • From the Rev Thomas Whiter, Faith? of:Rosborough ' aptis Church Dr, Jackson:--Dertrfelt a due to y our excel ,. lent preparation, Roofland ( airman •Bitterk-to add -my testimony to the deserved reputation.ii,has obtained.. : I h&j,* for years, ai Mime; been trochledinlth - great disorder utY head and nervous isyntem:•"l`._nar advised by a friend to try a bottle of yowl:Wiled Bitten; - did so, .and: have experienced great and onespected relief, my health has been very materially benelltted. I confidently recom mend the article where I meet; ith cases iriniftli to t i n it y own, and have been armored by many of their good fecta. impeotfally Younk T. prINTSR, Roxborwagh, Pa. From Rev. J . S. Berman,' or the German .Reformed Kutzlown,aerks county. Pa. • • ' • Dr. C. Jackson:—Respected have. been houbled with Dyspepsia 'nearly twenty years; 'mid have never heed any medicine that did me as much good an Itooetwel'a Inters.: I ant very much liaPr" l4 / 121 Walk atter having What Ave boltilU. Tout with romped, J, mileaug#K rgicEa Large Sire (holding nearly quantkail 00 • •*_ per bottle—halides $ lll 0 0 Smelt Stse-76 cents per britti*—balf dot 4 up BEW,MOr. OF 00 See that the signature of "0. i7=gp the; WRAPPER of each 'bottle. - • • .; Should your neared tiniggire aot futter;Me•artage, do, not be put off by say of the intoxicating preparationsihat• may be Mitred in ita plambut staff to rut, anti ire will fermatkatotu'ely pmkat, st but_ • Ittneipsi•Oillee Awl Ifiatilliatory, • 881 41:11'1111_,`ST It4l • r"Pir% •Pa i - ' - • - 0 & Min • " • - • ' B 4oooioo.s o t4C Aufkolf.# Oyu .; 4 4 1111 0 3' &WOO lel DWI , II WOW lowa .% tit- • VELEGRA.PIEL ising in tbe to will tind it , con i. onejialf rte a.tquare. 027. 1!,41,t , ..1:RZ .... .. / Lys' • 1 25 Dk 2 25 ith • .s Go - , 06 intbs- vo—a ths k. r 15,00. 25 VO Adilditistnition Notices 2 M 75 arriage N0tice5....,„;.;4: . • , 75 .litor's Notices T.;4 1 .50 • g „ eral, Notices, eachlisrt e i ; ;7 . , , v - D. Business n o t ices"ose, tie Local Cobra's, or— before Marriages and Deaths, Siam Canis PER LINE for eke* nsertlon. EVENINGIDITIOW, 7 The Voide of the People. Mr. Editor.—Cpraing:AA - 4 on the NArthe Central to-day tile* vias, vote,titipn •41Eh the folloWing remit; Liticoln M'Plellan „,, - Yesterday morning a vote wag taken on the Snlibtiry, AcoorrungdationArain, between that ,phice and this city, on __tile Presidency.. No p,eisoas but egialified electors Noted. The rol/owing was ble • • • .Lincoln 101 -4. - Y 39 .t is said that "straws_ show which way the :wihd blows.” . 1 Markets by Telegraph. PHILAIMEMISA, Sept. 2 . 4.. Trade continues very dul ; cotton nominal At $1 25@1 30; cloverseed has declined to -SL) 50®11; - timothy sells at $7, and 'flaxseed at $3 30®3 35;lzkreadstuffs move slowly, and the sales of flour are only in a small way at 'sll/®lO 25 for superfine; $lO 75R11 for extra, imil i 11 25®12 for fandy, the receipts trifling; ry flour steady 'at 810'2501V 50,' - and - Corn irr al at $7 25; wheat drooping and cannot be 'doted over $2 25®2 - 30-for red, mid $2 .:55® 2 P 5 for white; rye sells at $1 8041 83; corn o er, sales of-3,000 bushels mixed at Si 65 ; 1).- = are in better request and 5,000 bushels is. d at-88c; in groceries : and provisious the =, es are =important ~ rpetroleum unsettled a 6r46nominal sales of crude at 38c; refitted at 6c in bond, and 80®85c for free; whisky dif :at $1 80®1 82; the coal trade has been completely unsettled by 'the auction sale' in New York. . • NEW Yorat, Sept. 29. Flour unsettled; sales 8,000 bbls et $8 30C4 _9 for State, $lO 75@11 75 for Ohio, 810 90@ 14 for Southern. , Wheat dull; sales unimport arit. Corn quiet; 28,000. bush sold at 8160. -ef quiet. Pork •steady; sales 1,400 bbl S -at I®4o 50 for mess.. Lard steady at 1.9@ 2 .. Whisky doll. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .. . , .. . Millinery a nd Fancy Goeds. 'IS. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market'Square, nerl door to relix'sConteotionery, keeps constant 'R iy on hand the latest styles el Bonnets, Hats, Ruches, . Flowers, Ribbons, &0., together with a fine assortment of .Thissu TFinimings, paces, Enproldertes, goliar.s, Cuffs, "Handkerchief's, Hosiery, Gloves anti Yariety Gociis in 11 N. _ tbelategt il;:itigtul uilres¢Patterns direct from the Tollaggitf ir ai4BinigNiatetilllfiblittrillitE NW. opining, she trusts, by &strict. attention to business ane -het endeatbis to give general sati:sfaction, to continue te , va a ewe fyl or the public patronage, Ciiipb-: ___— . . . .i - ll : : •:' - - POE. 'RENT, -- , - , - ,, -O , T ex.frensive and finely , located _HOTEL `-, sTiND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue an: • 'Wept, Hairisburg. It is entirely new, and in Die midst of themost thriving portion of the pity, and front:: 0 otiboth of the above named • streets. It contains sixty rooms and all of the Most improved modern liolei . a lianc,es—coaing-ranges, hot and cold water for .Daths, Sic. • ' p i e he basement is large, commodimm, and one of the 1 , ..: t In the city for a,Restau.rant. For information, address or a ly to OLIVER EDWARDS, Agent, pt. 3, 1864.--{sepa-13n) for Gco. G. Emeasx. . . ILL S. A. Kintirm.. :-.4lake pleasure In stating that your "DIA_RITIREA !MIXTURE" exceeds anything Of. thet kind that I' evep innagined:' I. was, very much troubled with diarrha, and. catild lind nothing to help me in titte least, until I took your "MIXTURE." . give you this otrti Cicala, hoping that, if you see Fmk-' lojune it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge, ofttliematchleas.'value of your medicine. , Very resneelfiilly Tourec H. B. JEFFRIES.! • . Fallen Timber, Cambnia:Co., Aug. 27 18411.—fau30-dif TEN-HOBSE- power Steam' engine - -aid Ak boiler; steam, pipes, water pipes, pumps and boater complete; oscillating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac txtred by .loelMreldman, patent improved =War en gill° builder. May imams at Canal shops, foot of Walnut • or tonne, enquire at Canal -piece, Market street, near United States Hotel. . .... ... St_ iIE 'AGENOI.:FOR -THIS CPS V' . . _ ....._ , • ... ; i s ) Am happy to offe r . to the public a lerga, _,- and apiOndidessortnkent, of :UPERIOR . •GOA.D PEN , by , . r • • , likaitlY*; FAIRCE0111). iniese.reaeareliatatadabed, elastic, and . :Will give am -Life 3 a t i . 17 " . . 4" PLEASE TRy THEM. SCIEFFER.i . N. M . S.D _ R, A Second stioet y Oppogite'Preabyterlan Church Hrris . :A .. • 1i • - " ?Pa— - - a . - • ~. • 1 . ap2B -- - ' ifMa= CLOAK o _ . D: GROBS" YEW BLOCS, - Markt , t , Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES ctir reiaao.wastaz =JEMEIE BM AI*1:1) CI I H 0 :AIL Alt.l* .; FINE SPHING SHAWLS. ". '" 4 ' WIIL open on the bg. of April. IkIESS BEEF. and XESS PORK, artiqe of . Mope Beef and Pork_ at SHLSXER k FRA7.I.I{ (eneeeeedde io:WmDoelr, & Co.) 11M sittomm uuwox.—Prta smoßin - 1 a,SLI[ON, jwa received at El VitEEF TONGUES. —Fine large beef tongieh, -lUP emit byJi. /11chenei& OA and for sale by SITISLER Ar FRAZER, iveoemors to W. Dodk, Jr., Ai Co, ~G EESE—solnilie new crop Cheerio,. ,jus — ; - • reoirived et . SHRUM Ai FRAZILR, 1 17. . 18-1- BENCH CHALK. AND PENGIIAN Suitable for Banks, Offices, &e„ At Scherer% Bookstore, Harritburg, Pti. • IA FRESH supply:9f lititthener's petebratea, AM. Sugar Cured Hama and brief! Beat, pool , BOWS .4; Komuiza. rRIME LARD. , ;-.Fifty firkins 'fine= kettleL'. rendered LARD, pi "In bg ihe rutin ort i ogied eed at -- gtrysi Boras 4t_Kti , V] BEARBIVED I—A fins) lot of. ',CANBII6I, , "RUCH= snit TOMATOES., Also, S; 4 ; MUM O RESir-PlAA'groi, just revolved. by . 111111131 M 141 Woo, bur - . • - A . FOR SATAR, alq ;3. 1884 NEW PHILADELPHIA SECIBLER & .FRAKER, ' fitiaseemors to Pack jr. & ('o.) 13 4 4hicieletoz laNd4 etAs bisi9. bill oirbi* 'mit received and for rile by L!! . ICEEINLER &TRA7d7X- - (1110110esoce—b 7 Ifia.-Peckt 0 FY MI. 2:3 SIM . 95 r 18 EMI EIESti -A choice
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers