THE TELEGRAPH la RIIBLIEMZD MORNING AND 11197INING, alf GEORGE BERGN,EII. OFFICE THIRD BT., NEAR WAL.iVRT, TERMS OF SUBS ORIPTIOI4 1: 11 :04Mluv=i0nroOlif UID.AILY TILIGRAPH 113 served to 'subscribers in the cup at 12 cents per, week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $6 001 n advance, Those persons who neglectte pay in advance will be charged $7 00. MIMY TELEGRAPH. tit TELNALAPNLII alsopublisbed weekly, and is furnished, subscriberS at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly,. Three copies . to one'Post Ot➢ce Ten copies to one Post Office NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. DIIRSIIANT to an act of the Genetal Ae= sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; eh titled "An Act relating to Elections in this Common-. wealth." approved the 2d day of July. A. D., one thou nand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, W. W . JENNINGS, Sheriff of the county or Dauphin,- Pennsylvania; do here by make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Dauphin, 014 TIM SECOND..TUESDAY OE OCTOBER, A. D.. 1864, (being the 11th day of Oetohoti at which time District and County Officers, as follows, are to be eleeleal, to wit : One person to represent the counties of Dauphin, Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Juniata, ecoppg.sittg the 14th Congressional District, in the Congress et-the United States. Two persons to represent the county of Dauphin in the. House of Representatives. Ono person as Prothonotary for the county of Dauphin. One person as Register fur the county of Dauphin: • One person , or ftountv commissioner. One person for Director of the Poor and:House' of Buil, ployment. One person for county Auditor. I ALSO HEREBY RARE KNOWN AND GIVE NOTICE' mat the places of holding the aforesaid genera election In the several wards, boroughs, aistricte and townships within the county of Dauphin, are as follows, to wit : Tbe election for the First Ward In the City of Harris burg, shall be held at the Public School House, at tne corner of. Mary's alley and Front street. , The election in the Second Ward, shall be held at the School House at the corner or Deuterry alley and Chestnut street The election for the Third Ward, shall be held at the &limit House in Walnut utr , et, becereen Second and Front streele. The election for the Fourth Ward, shall be'lield at the Public School Housi in State street, between Second and Third streets. The election fur the Firth Ward, sha'l be 110.: at the bon% belonging to General Jelin Forster, on he State read haling from tie reservoir grounds to the Pennsylvania Slate Luestic Hospital. The election in the Sixth Ward, s all be held at the Market Reese in West Harrisburg. For thetownship of Su•quchanna, at Miller's (now Nis; lay's) school house. Far the township of Lower Benitez', at the school house. No. 1, in Highspire. For the townshship of Swatara, at the Locust Grove Inn For the borough of Middletown, at the Brick School house, in Pine street, in said borough. For the township of Londonderry, at the Public Hoitse. of Joseph Keiper, in said township. For the township of West Londonderry, at the house of Christian Neff, in said township For the township of Conewago, erected out of, parts of the townships of Londonderry and Derry, at the house et Christian Foltz, (now Jno. S. Folte,) in said township. For the township of Derry, at the-put:die house of Dan. iel Baum, in Huhimelstown, in said'township. For the township of South Hanover,fat the public house of George Rocker, in said township. ;.• For the township of East Hanover, at. fhb .public hoses of Maj. Shell, (now Boyer'sd in said-township. For,the township of West Hanover, at the while house of Jacob Rudy, (now Suck's,) in said township., For the township of Lower Paxton, at Gm .public house of Robert Gilchrist, (now Sweigart's,) in,said tOwaship. For the township of Middle Paxton, at the,pubillie house of Joseph Cnckley, in said. township, ' ' For the township of Rush, at the htinee belonging to the estate of the late John McAllister, deck!, now occupied by David Rineal, in said township, . For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Christian Hoffman. in said township. For the township of Jac a <r n. at the house now oecn, pied by John Sister, at Bixler's mill, in said lowhahip. For the township of Halifax, at the - North Ward iichonl House, In the town of Halifax. For the township of Reed. at the new School House' oh Duncan's Island, in said township. For the borough of Millersburg, aitthe windotv next to the north-east corner on,tke eastoside of the new 'School • House, atuate on Middle street, in the borough of Mil; lersburs, In the county of Dauphin. , For the township of Upper Paxton, at the window next to the north-west corner on the west side of the New School House, situate on Middle street, in the Borough of Millersburg, in the, county of Dauphin. For the borough of Uniontown, at the public house of Jacob Hoffman. For the township of Mifflin, at the public house of Mit duel Enterline, (now Benj. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, in said township. For the township of Washington, at the public house now occupied by Matilda Wingert. in said township. For the township of Lykens, at the-public house of Sol omon Loudenalager, (now Kc iser,) in the borough of Gratz: • For the borough of Gratz, at the public house of Solo mon Loudenelager, (now Keiser,) in said - borough. For the township of Wiconisco, at the School House NO., In said township. . . I also, for the information of the electors of the county of Dauphin, publish the fotlowteg sections of acts of the General Assembly, enacted during the session of 1853, te . wit: WEST LONDONDERRY—PIace of Election _ . . Also, sections 1 and 3, page 104, pamphlet I laWs, ap proved the 18th day of March. 1857, viz:—"That the cid zees of the township of Londonderry, in the county of Dauphin, formerly embraced In the Portsmouth election district, together with such other citizens of said town ship residing west of the public road leading from 'Port Royal to bassley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter hold their general add special elections at the house of • Christian Neff, in said township," SEG. 3. That said district shall hereafter be known as West Londonderry election district. • RUSH TOWNSHIP— PIace of Elechon. Whereas the place of holding else elections in the town ship of Rush, Dauphin county,wasbylaW at School Ho use number three in said township: ''Acid - whereas, there is no such School house, thereforettoril. Be it =spied by the Senate and House of gepresentritivesie the Common wealth of Pennsylecinia in General Assevibly niet, and it is hereby enacted by the authority elf the sams, That the general and township elections of Rush Township, Dauphin County, shalt be held at the house belonging bathe estate of the late John McAllister, deceased; now *opted by David Rineal. Page S 3 pamphlet laws, 1858. I also snake known and give notice, as to and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act 1 am directed, " that every person, exceptiriF last:Med °rale peaco,•wtio shall hold any otUce or appotutatenthr - *ft oor trust under the government of the United States, or of this Stale,hr any city or incurporatetidistrict, whether a commissioned of ficer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislahveljudiciary . , or executive department of this State Or'tlielhilted States, or of any city or incorfiffirated district; anti 6,165, that every member of Congress and the State Leglilathre, and of the select and common council of any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, Is by law incapable of holding or exercising at, the same time the OffiCe or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of ally election of,this Com monwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or. other offi cer of any such electioo,. Shall be eligible to' any office then to be voted for-O Also, that in the fourth section of the act/of rleseratily, entitled "An Act;.relating executioni, 'and for other purposes," approved Apliti to, 1840; h. : isenacted that the aforesaid 13th section lshail not be so,construed as to prevent any militia officer or bbrough'oftfeer from serv ing as judge, iiis24ldr- - el t .:clorkfl top eral or special election in this coninleilweitith Also, thatlti the Gist seetion of said act, it is enacted, that eery geneial Spcdat elections shall be opened between the hours of : eight and ten the forenoon, and snail continua ivithaut • interfnptiob or adjourmont until seven olaLock in the evening, when the polls shall lie (dosed " No person shall he ,permitted to vote at the election, us aforesaid, but a white- - freeman of the age:of twenty oue years• or more,. wkit shaitilitVe resided in this State at least one year, and in tho;elestiot, district: where • be O p offers to vote' at least ton , Immediately', preceding, such election, and Within two years' paid' state or county'. tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days be fore the election. But a citizen hi the tinned States Who has previously been a gualitied doter of this State and re— moved therefrom and. returned; and who shall have re sided In the election;dlStr4aratid,PardtaSes as. aforesaid, shall be entitled to Vote - after residingln this State Six months : Provided: Tilat'- the white freemen. citizens AO • the United States, between the ages of 21 and 22 years. and - have resided in the election district ten days, as aforesal,d) shall be entitled ,to vote, although they shall nOt.havirpaid taxes. - , The general election shall be held and conducted by the, itnspactontandJudges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks appointed aa hereinafter provided. 4 ( No peirsOn shall be admitted to vote: whose name is not contained In the list of taxable inhabitants furnished hythecrittimissibitere, : tinless: First, he prbduces a receipt for he payment withitil.Wo" years, , of a state or county tax, : assessed agreeably to the constitution ; and give satis factorY evidence, either on is own sails or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation of "afiiiiher, that he lies paid such a tax, or on failure to produces, recent, shall make oath of the payment thereof ; or, Second; Write claim a votehy: being an elector hetereen the ages. or 21and 22 yeare,lo shall depoaean oath or affirmation that he has resided : ln the State at least OAS year before his application, and'ourke such proof of his naldence lathe district as is required by this act, and that he does. verily believe fr om the so, . .. . - ' ' -- i" --- - , '`. \ VOitir:l 4 - >.: - p''...'• '- ' ,-, .-- - • - 1 ----- H . . t II , ... '... • l l i .1 tiam ~ ~.,...,... „,..., ~,,t . ...•..t n, ,....,...„..._: , ~ ._... 4 , d e ~ .., r V . ..... . . ... . ... ...„_. ...._...., . . BM ~ . $1 50' .. 4 00 ..I0 00 RYL: GEORGE BERGNER. NEW, - IrEIt.TISEMENTS. . . . counts given' him Witte is of the age aforesaid,' and glve such other ovidenee as Is required bpthis act,.whereupon the name of the persowso namitted to vote, shallbe loser -fed in the alphabetical 110 by the inspectors and a note made opposite thereid by writing the word"'tax,': if'be shall be admitted to vote-by reason of having paid tax ,or the word loge,' if he shill be admitted to vote by reason of such age, and shall be called out to who the perks,' shall make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them. " In all cases where the name of the person claiming to vote is not found on the fist furnished by the commission ors and assessor, or his right to vote, whether feuild thereon or not, Ls objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be'the duty of the 'inspectors 'to examine such per son en oath: as to its qualifications, and if he 'claims to have resided.within the State for one year or More his oath writhe suiftcient proof thereof, but shall make proof 1.4 , at least One competent witness,, who shall be quali fied elector, that he has resided within the' district for more then ten days 'next trimandiately precedipg said election,,and shall also, himself swear that his bona fide residence iu pursuance of, his lawful calling is within the district, and.that he did net remove into said district for the purpose hf voting therein. Emery. Ramon qualified. as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, 'of his residence and pay ment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in thn township ward, or district in which he shall rleslde. If any Person shall prevent: , or attempt to :prevent any officer of-any election under this act from holding sniff . election, or use or threaten any violeoce to any inch off] cer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere -with him• in thc'execution of his duty, or shall Block - up the win dow or avenue to any window where- the. 'same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb ; the peace At such elec tion, or shall use or practice intimidating threats, ',force or violence, With - a design en infitienee overawe any elector, or to prevent him fromirotineer th !restrain the freedomi_of. ahoiCe, such a persoth• ou coeviction. shall be finedith iiny:sum not exceeding live ltundred i dollars, and imprisoned for any time not less than one mouth nor more'than twelve month ,'and If 'fisher!' be shown to the: Court where the 'trial of% such offence shall ho had, that the .person so offending was not a resident:M:lqm, City, ward, or district, or township,where 'the, said .odencewall Committed, and not entitled to vote therein,' llilmn ion' con viction, he shall be sentenced-to pay a' One; of thot less than•one hundred doliaraor morethan'one thousand and lie imprisoned not, loss- thr six months pr more than two years. • , , • _ ease the person.who shall have received the second ,highest number-4 votes for inapecter shall net attend on the day of eleetkin, then the person who shall have re ceived the next highest number of Votes for 'judge at the spring election shall , act as Inspector in his iplaeo.— and incase the person who shall,bave received tho high est number of votes for inspector shall not Ind, the person` elected judge shall appoint an tnipeet r in his place, and In case the person elected shalt not attend, then the inspector who received the highest number lel votes shall appoint is judge in his place, or U any, vacadcy shall continue in the board for the Space 01 . one hour 4fter the time fixed by law 'for the 'opining- ofthe eledtion, the qualified voters of the -township, • Ward,i 7 or difitriet for which said officer shall have been elected, present al the place of election, shall select one of-their nutabhr to fill such vacancy: ' " It shall be the duty of the several assessorsi respec tively to attend at the. place of bolding .every d i general, special or township election, ; the time sq.) election i is kept open , for the purP o s9 of giving nformatiqn . to the insisectorwand judges when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed-by them to vote at such elections, or such other matters in relation to the assess ment of voters as the said inspectors, or either Of them shall from [lmo to time require." • ..meirtiNd el . RETURN .lUDGES. Pursuant to the pro Visions contained in the 76 section' of the act aforesaid; the judges of the aforesaid dis tricts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective -distilcts, :and : produce them at a meeting of ono judge from Ouch dis trict: at. tlip city of Harrisburg, on. tils third„day after the day 'of the election, being FRIDAY, thca4th'clity ut October, then and there to do and perform 1 10.dt:ties required by law of said judges. Also, that where ajudgo by sickness or neaVo(dable an ,cidentvis unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be tairep charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties required of said judges unable to 'attend. The following is the bill allowing the soldiers to vote : AN ACT to regulate elections by soldiers in actual raillery service. - .- . 1 SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resented-ices qf the Cummonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Aisentbly met, and it is Aereby enacted by the:authority 42,f the.same,.. That whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual mill:tatty service, under. a requisition front the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, and as such, absent from their place of residence, oli the 'days appointed by law for holding the general or Presidential elections within this State, or on .the dajs .:foi. holding' special elections, to till vacancies, such electorli shall be entitled, at, such times, to .oXerCift3 the right ofl sulfrage;.. as fully as if they were present at their usual! places of • elections, in the manner; hereinafter. pfeauriSed, and • whether at the time of Voting, such elector 4 shall be • within the limas of this State or not ; and the right of \ oting shall not be affected, in any manlier, by the recta the voter having Leen credited to any ether locality than the place of his actual residence, by reason citthe payment to him of local bounty by such othei.decalq.' 1 . . See. 2. ' A poll shall be opened inliich . company, com ' posed, in whole or in part, of Pennsylvania soldiers, at the' qqarters of the captain, or other officer .thereof, and'ill cieetors, belonging to such company, who shall ibe within one mile of such - quarters, on the day of electiop, and not prevented by order of their commanders, or proximity of the enemy, from returning to their company), quartors, shall Vote at such poll, and at no other- placer,'. officers, other than those of a company, and other voters, detached and absent from their companies, or in any mditary or naval hospital, or in any vessel, or navy yard„ may may vote at such other polls as may be most convenient for them, and when there shall be ten, or more, voters Warty place, who shall bo unable to attend any tympany poll, ortheir proper place of election, as aforesaid, the electdrs present may open a poll, at such place as they imiyl elect,.and certify .in the poll-book, which shall be a nee rd et. the Proceedings at said election, substantially, in manner and term, as hereinafter directed.... : . . • Sac. 3. The polls be opened as ractitiable on said day, acid remain open at least throe . ho , rs,' mid, if the opinion of the judges of the iecll . necessary, in uon, in order to receive the votes of all the electors, they may keep the polls open until seven. o'clock in the a ternoon of said day ; proclamation thereof shall be made at, or be fore, the opening of the polls, and one hour before closing them. Sse. 4. Before opening the poll, on the day Of election, the electors present, at each - of the places aforesaid, shall elect, viva voce, three persons, present at the :time, and having the qualificitions of electors, for the ; judges of said election, and the judges so elected shall then appoint two of the persons present, who shall be titian:fled, to act as clerks of said election ; and the judges' ShAll prepare boxes, or other suitable receptacles, for theballota. Sze. 5. Before any votes shall be received, Said judges -and clerks shall each take an oath, or affirraatintt, that 'frill perforM the dale's iffjudge, or clerk, (aa the case may be,) of said election, according to law, and to the best of his abilities, and that he will Studiously eudeaVor to pre vent. fraud, deceit, or abuse, in conducting.pas same, which oath, or affirmation, any or the said judges,. clerks, so elected, or appointed, may administer to each other • and the same shall be in writing, or partly written and Partly printed; and'signed by said judges and clerks, and certified to by administering the same; and attached to, or entered upon, the'ptill-book, and there signed and err tified;tis aforesaid. San-. 6. All:elections , shall be by ballot, 'and ;the judges of elections niaf r anktipon .chalienge of shy voter, shall examine, wider oath; of affirrintion, the applicant to vote, (which:Oath; ~affirmation, any of said judges may ad m114.41.44 in respect to his right to vote, and Ids qualifica tions to vote in the particular ward, precinct, city, bo ,rougli,- township, or county of this State, in whicii claims residence ; and before receiving any vote, the judges, or a majority of them, shall be stalked, that such applicant is a qualified voter of such place. 1 'Sao. 7. Separate poll:books shall - be kept, mid separate returns made for the voters of each city, or county ; the poll-books shall name the company and regiment, andthe pace, pest, orlospitel, in which such election is held ; the c6finty and townahip city, borough, ward, precinct, or election district of each voter shall he endorsed oPPo sitella mune on the poll-books; each clerk slidll-keep one or said:pelt:books, so that, there may be a dduble list of sonars...:• :- , t3saiB,, _Each ticket shall have written, or Printed, or partly written and partly printed thereon, the, names of, all - the - officers which may properly be voted for, at said' election, for t whichthe said elector desires to vote. Sac. 9. That the judges, to whom any ticket alma be de livered, shall, - filion the receipt thereof, pronounce with an audible voice, toe name of the elector, and if no objection is made to him, and the judges are satisfied that said elector is a citizen of the United StitteS,.and legally entitled according to the . constitution " and Awe. Of ;this state, to -rote itteald.oloction„ shall immediately put Mid ticket in :the` sioildi other receptacle therefor, without! inspecting :iiiehanetailtpersints voted for ; and the clerks shall en ter the name of the elector on the poll-booliof Nraid; - preblitet; city, borough, or township; and countyer his residence, substanttidly, in pursuance -of the form hereimbiterim. . EWION-NOW XND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING„ OCTOBER 4, IS3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SEC .10. At the close of thepolls, thenumborof vote's shalt be counted and set down at the foot of the list of voters t and t ertitiod and signed by the judges, and attested by thb clerks. Sac. P. After the pollhafice tiro signed, the ballot-box shall be opened, and the tickets, therein contained, shall be taken oat, one at a time, by one of the judges, who shall read distinctly, while the ticket remans is his hand, the name, or names, therein contained, for the several officertvoted for, and then deliver ; it to the second judge, who shad examine the ,same, and pass it, to the third' judge, who shall string the vote for each county, Upon a separate threw', and carefully preserve the same ; the same method shall be pursued, as to each taken out, Until all the votes are counted. . . Sao. 12.' Whenever two or More tickets shall be found, deceitfully folded,or 'rolled together, neither Of. sAll, tickets shall be counted ; and. if a ticket shall contain more than the proper number of nameS, for the sane . ffi .oce, it shall be considered fraudulent, as. RI all of th names designated for that - office, but . no further. - Sze. 13,, As a check in'counting, - each clerk shall keep a tally Ilse - Mr each county, from which Votes shall have been received, which tally list shall - constitute a part of the poll-book. - - Sac. 14. After the examination of the tickets shall be completed, the number of votes for each person, in the county poll-books as aforesaid; shall be enumerated under, the inspection of the judges, and set down as hereinafter 'provided, in the form of the poll-book. Sac. lb . The following' shall be substantially the form of the poll-books, to be kept by the judged and clerks of the election, filling intim blanks 'carefully': , Poll-book of the election, held on the second Tuesday of October, one thousand eight hundred and , (or other election day, ;as the case may be,) by the 4ualitled electors of county; (or city,) State of Pennsylvania,: in company ,et the regiment of Pennliylvanat volunteers, (or as the case may be,) held at .(naming the place, post, or hospital,) AB, C D and E F, being duly elected asjudges of said election, and J II and L id, being duly appointed as clerks of as d election, were severally sworn, or affirmed, as per certillcates• herewith returned. Number and names of the electors voting, and their bounty, city, borough, tciwnship, ward; or precinct, of resi dence . .I,A B. • county of , township of ' . No. 2, CD, county of ' , township of It is hereby certified that the number of electors for county, Pennsylvania, voting at this election, amounts to ' • Attest—J K, LIE, Clerks. Form of certificate of oath of judges and clerki : , We, A B, C D and E F, judgeSef this election, and J K and L hi, clerks thereof, do each severally swear, (or affirm,) that we will duly perform the duties of judges and clerks of said election, severally acting as above set forth, according to law, and to the best of our abilities, and that we will studiously endeavor to prevent frpig", deceit, or abuse, in conducting the same , i • . . AB, '', i • i i , • Eli Judges. i . LM , Clerks. - • , • I hereby certify, that C El, EF, judges, and i e l . K .and. L 34, clerks, Were, before proceeding to take any, votes at -said election, first duly sworn, or affirmed, as afbresaid. Witness my head this ' ' :day of ' l , Auno Domini one thousand eight hundred•and . 1, : • i •- .- ;- , • A B, Judge'of election. i I certify that A B, judge aforesaid was also Et SWOrli (or affirmed) At me. Witness my hand the date before written. I - ' J K, Clerk of erection. :No. 16. A return, in writing, shall be made' in. each poll-sook, setting forth in words, at length, the whole it number of ballots cast for each o ffi ce, (except ib llots , re jected,) the name of each person voted for and he num ber of votes given to each person, for eachdilfer nt office; which return shall be certitlea as correct, signed hy.the judges, an& attested by the clerks ; such return shall be stibstantially as follows : - • . l, At an elention_hald lis• the electois.of-erannanit - , of the regiment of Pennsylvania tioldiers, ! at (nam ing the place where the election is held).there were (num-. ing the number in world; at length)/ irptda cast for the office of governor, of which A B had , - - ( votes; C Rhea . votes ; for Senator, i votes were cast, of which E F had votes, G M -had ; . ,i. .• votes; for Representatives, Votes i were east, of which J K had votes, L M had votes;; and in the same manner as to any other officers voted for: At the end of the return, the judges shall for: Io substance, as follows, giving; -if officers, their flank and number of their regiment, if private% the number of their regiment and company, viz: ' ' . ‘ ~A true' return of the election, held as aforesaid, on the day of Anno Domini one thriushnd eight hundred and . : A B, Captain company A r ena hiindred and t lilf:tyolrst regi , merit, Pennsylvania volunteers. C D, company A, one - hundred and thirty-first regiment, Pennsylvania:vpluntecra. B y, company A,one hundred and thirty-first 'regiment, Pennsylvania yoluiteeerg ,Attest .7 X, M Clerks. thee°. 17 , , After clamming the. votes, in manner afore- Attid,:the judges shall put, in an envelope,Afie or the poll books,-with its tally list, and return'of each city ' . or coun ty; together -with the tickets, and transmit lie Saban properly sealed up, and directed, through the a%rest Post office, or by express, .as soon as possible thereafter, to the prothonotary Or the court or common pleas, of the city, or county, in whiCh snob.. electors would have voted, If not in the military service aforesaid, (being the city or _countylor which:She poll-book was kept) and the other poll-book, of said:city - on county; enclosed in an envelope, and sealed as -Aforesaid, and: properly directed, shall be delivered to one of the commissioners, hereinafter pro vided for, if such, commissioned calls for the some in ten days, anti if not so called for, tH6 same: shall bq transmit ted by mail,, as soonaspOesible thereafter, to the Secretary uf..the Commonwealth, who Shall care fully preeervo .the same, and on demand of the proper prothonotary, .deliver to said prothonotary, under his hand and official seal, a certified copy of the return: of voles, so transmitted to, and received. by v him, for said city, or county, of which the demandant is prothonotary. Sec. 18..11 shall be the duty of the prothonotary of the county, to whom such returns shall be made to:deliver, to the retere judges of the same manly, a copjr, certified under .his lmad ant seat, of the return of votes, so trans mitted to him_ by, the judges. of the election, as aforesaid, or as ofllcially ceciitied brthe Secretary. of the common wealth, as atoecsaid, to said prothonotary. 550...19. The return judges„or the several couhties, shall adjourn to meet at the places, now directed by law, on the -third Friday, after any general -or Presidential election, for the purpose of counting the soldiers' vote ;land when two or more counties are connected in the election, the meeting oftliejudges,pom each county, Ehall be post poned, in suich'earre the Friday following; EEO. 20; ihe rettirn jodgcs,. so met, '‘dhall Include, In their enumeration; the vote's so returned; andthereupon shaliptreed, in all respects; is the like manner as is pro vided, in cases Where all the mates shalkhave been given at the usual place of election : Provided, That the several courts of this Commonwealth Shall have the same power and huthority to investigate, and determine, all questions of fraud or illegality, in relation to the voting of the soldiers, as are now vested in said courts, with regard to questions of fraud and illegality, arising fromthe voting of persons, not in military service, under the present lawa relating thereto: sae. 21. In electionslor electors of PresideM and Vice President of the United States, it shall be_the duty of the Secretary of the ; commonsiealth, to lay before 'the'Gov ernor all returns; received by him, from any election; as aforesald,.who shall. compare the same with o, e county returns, and add thereto a}l each returns as il sprieer, on such comparison, not to•be contained in id county returns, in, whom , Said Military r turns; for such ,c.aunties, shall have been received by sal secretary, at a - petted too .late for transmitting them to the proper prothonotary,-in time-for the action of the judges of the said_epuhtice. - :,, ;-: - • 1 Sac. 22. All said elections shall be subject to cordon, in tho same manaeras is now provided by law; and in all eases of. Contested elections, all legal returns, which shall have beenbowei/de forwarded by said judges, in the manner heretabefore prescribed, shall be counted and es timated, although the same loop. not havefirrived, or been received by the; proper officers, to be edunted and estimated, in the hammer , hereinbeforc/ direettedi before issuing the certihEaters of election, to the persons appear ing to have a majority of the votes then received, and the said returns shall be subject to all such objections, as, other returns are liable to, when received in.due time. Ssc. 23. It shall be the linty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to cause to be printed a uumcient dumber of copies of this act, with such Mara* from the general election law, es shall be deemed important to accompany the same, and blank forms or piilbtiooks,.with tally lists naneedessaryreturnposs, ut is se p s T am cr ps ill o in det t r his ay gt, penze whi s cir p th o6 ; ta tt e e ou returns, shall, in sufficient tithe, before any such elec tion be forwarded, by said secretary, at the expense of the bomratonWeeltbi by commierdonere/ or otherwise, us shall be dee m e d mist• certain to insure delivery thereof, se the :: oaptain ' Or erwarnarsi4 officer ..of each company, nr Meese of detached voters, to the oniceslhasing. amp of the mat.- or hondwat who shalltaken the 'Mae until the d xy lifiholen, sad Melt deliver the %MS t 9 tan JOAO . NEW A D VERTISEMENT elected, as proyided in this act: Prosided,'Tbat di teal shall be invalidated, by reason of the negli fallurk.of.the said secretary to cause the delivery ,i poll-books,to the proper persons, as aforesaid. . 1 Sec. 24. That for the purpose of more effeettially ear rying Inn' the proyisions of this act, the Govern r.shall have power to appoint and commission, under Lh great seal of the Commonwealth, such masher of coin ission; ers, haring the qualifications of an elector, in thi State, as he Shall deem necessary,_ not exceeding one each regiment of, Pennsylvania soldier... in the service of fthiS: State, or of the United States, and shall apport la the 'work among' the commissioners, and supply sac vitcan- t ies as msy occur intheir number, Such commissioners, before, they act, shall take and subscribe an oath hr affir- . minion, and cause the same to be filed with the Se i cretary of the Commonvelth,,to the following: "I—:----, itlidinted eonimissiOner, tinder the net to reguldte eleg i one by soldiers iii actual military service, dos lefitzdy - awear; (oi"..affirro,) that-I will supporkthe onstit non of .he United States, and the Commonwealth of Pe dyl.ra nia, and impartially, fully and without reference th-noliti, 1 :, Cal. preferences, or results, perform, to the bee ' of. my knowledge and ability, the duties imposed on m by the said Set eta that.l Will;Studitiusly endeattritti revent. fraud, deceit and abuse, not only, in the elections to be held, under the same, but in the returns thereof.?' And if any commissioner, appointed by, or under tis act, shall knewingly, violate hialthity; or knowingly nth* or fail, to dolts day:Under this act, or violate artsl . part of his oath, or affirmation, he shall be liable to indictment for perjury, in the proper county, and, upon coil - lotion, shall be punished by a line, not exceeding one . t ousand dollars, or imprisonment in the penitentiary, at'l er, not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of. - . the court. . / ~Rsc. 25. It shall he the.duty of such commissf flora to deliver,'as far aspraCticable, at least four , -of the copies of this act, and other extracts of laws published us here. inbefore directed, and at least two blank formsiof- poll. books; tallylists arid initinas,'entritsteir to them, ets, men.. .tioned in thOtwenty-third section of this act, to the emn neanding.officers of every company, or part of company,. or reartaylyania soldiers, in the actual military, or naval 'amide' of 'the pnlted • Stetei,' or of - this State; and to huakeenitable rotradgements and 'provision: for the open ing of poljk under this act; it shall also be time duty Of said commissioners, as soon as practicable, after :the , day of eleetban, to call upon the judges of the election, and procure one poll-book, containing the returns of the, elec . lion, and safely. to.preserve the sanie,..wst only from loss, but from alteration; and deliver the saute, without delay, to the Secretary of the Ozdhmentveahii. • ' A D B, Judges of F, , election: s . 4b . 20. 'Said- doturaiss' ionersshall 'rective, in it'll com pensation for their .services under this act, ten dents per mile; t?i gbibt thud returning froth their respeclive regi niente,l estimating the dietaiice of travel !by the usually traveled: route;. and: it is hereliy;made the, duty of the Auditor General and State Treasurer to audit and pay the aceounts.therefor,. in the same manner as other claims gra pow endlted and paid, by latt,; all commanding and other officers ate tequested •to aid the commiosioners, herein appohated, and to give them all proper facilities, to enable then ,to cirry out the design and intention of this a4t. , '' 550..27. •No mere informality in the manner of carry ing out,' or executing, ••any of the. provisions of this act, shell invalidate-any election held under the Same,, or au thorize the return thereof, to be, rejecied or set aside; nor shall iiit failure, on the part' of the - Commissioners, to reach or visit-any regiment Or &frumpy, or part of cora ,pany; or the failure.of any. company, Or part oe compa ny,* vote, *validate any. election which maybe hold udder this act, ' • - ., • .... ~.:., The . . 3:1; lc i'. 7 , 5ic,.2,11.r several °peers, authorized 'to ;conduct such election,' shall have - thc like 'powers, and !they, as well as other persons f •who may attend,' vote, or oiler to vote, at such election, shall be subject -to the_like penal ties' atul. restrictions as Arc - .declared or proyided in the case of 'elections, by the - citiz.ens, at their usual places of election; and alio(' the prdyisicins of;the gentul election laws of this State, so farV applicable, had not *consist ent with the provisions of this act, sot suppliedltheroby, shall apply to all elections held under,lles act. sac:29. No compensation. shall_ lid allowed; to , • any judge or clerk, under thisuct. •, / • : , . ' , sii;eltith When On ahnitir..,if =ady!nity'Or gooney r,ball issue bii proclamation for an election,' for a presidential,. eangrelaSiolliek district, hitY,Uounty, pr, Slall eleotion, un per the laws of, this StatgAe shall transmits imMediately, copies there4 - to Ihe Held olliderk and 4 benf r or captains in the -service; 'aforesaid, ilroiiiii.fd city ercotinty. • :Sze; Sl. The mire of , - fifteen thousand 'dollars, or so innthereof as may he necessary; is hereby ;appropria ted font the general revenue, to be paid upon the order or t - c Secretary of the Cop*Onwealch, to carry this law t Sec. 3d. When any of the electors, mentioned in the first section of thistact,lesit-than ten in number ; shall be members of companies of another State or Territory, or, for any "sufficient tind legal cause, than be separated from their proper company, or shall be in any hospital, navy • yard, vessel, er on recruiting, provost, or other ditty, whethermilthimerwitheut thisltutte, under Such endurm stances as shall render it probable that lie, or thoy, will. be unable to rejOiff" their proper company, or to be pre- ; sent at Ins, of election, on or before the day or the elections,, therein mentioned, said elector; or elec. tin*. - have a right - to vete in the folldwing - manner, Sec. 83 ::The voter, aforesaid; ledherebYanthorized, be. fore.theday of election, to deposit.bini ballot, or ballots, properly folds‘as remnred by the general election laws of tins State; or irthersiise, as the voter may choose, in a sealed envelope, together with a written or printed, : or partly written 'and partly priated,ntatement, containing' the came of the voter, the county, township, borough er ward, of `which he: len re , Siderd, and a Veritten or district, auilrority; to some qualified voter irrtier•eleetion district, of - which - said - voter Is tetealdeni, to cast-the ballots, con tained in said envelops, for him, on the day of said ele6 tion. Said . statement and authority to lie signed by the said voter, and attested by the commanding, or some commissioned, officer of ,the company, of winch he is a member, in the of tt . private, and of . some commis stoned officer of the regiment, in theowner an officer, if any of such officers are .convettiently accessible; and if otherwise, then by setae. other witness; .aftd Om shall also accompany said ballots, an affidavit of, said voter,' taken before 'some one or the einem% aferesaidoad in, • the absence of Such officers, before some • other, person duly authorized , to' administer oaths, by any laW : of thin. State, that he is a mutinied voter in the electioa,utstrict in which lie proposes to vote„ that" ha la in the actual military service of the United States, or of this:State,: describingilae Organizialeff he belongs, that, be has not sent his bailout Malay Other person or persons, than the one in such authority mentioned, thut lie will net offer to Vote at any poll, which may be opened on Said election day, at any place whatsoever . and that he is not a deserter, and has not. been . dishonorably dismissett from toe service, and thathe is now stationed at ~ in the State of„ . Said • sealed envelope, containing the ballots, statement ,: authority' and affidavit as afore, said, to be sent' '-the proper person, by mail or other wise, having printedion the ontside, acrose.the sealed part thereof, the-winds,. "soldier's ballot fOr township, (borough or.ward,), in the county of SWI.4. Thaelector,-to whom suchballot shall be sent, shalVon the day of elections and whilstthe polls of the proper *iiffitriet 'are , OPeb, deliver the envelope, as re ceived, unopened, to LIM prelim; election officer, who s h a ll open the came ,in theipresenee of theelection hoard, and deposit the ballots therein contained; together with the envelope, and accompanying papers, aseether ballots are deposited, and said board shall , count and canvass the game, in:he same manner:as other Toted cast at !Paid oleo /ion; and the, person delivering -: the same may, on the demand of any inecffir, be o;inipelled to testify, on oath, that the envelope, so delivered 'by *him, Is in the same state tee when received bylniaa, and that the same has not been opened, - or the affitentis , thereof changed, or altered, in anYl . yllyi ,l) Y . lone er any other per See. Judge of elation • . . . sac. 36 . The rlght.of any person, thesoffering to vote, at any such elictien, may be challenged, for the seine cau ses, that it could beehallenged, if he were personalty present, and for no other reason or cause Sac. go; „any °Meer effenYgenerai; or Special, election, in this state, a le , shall-refuse to receive any such cave', ope, and deposit such ballots, or to count and Canvass the same, and any elector who shall receive such envelope, sad neglect or refuse to present the same, to the ,officers of the election district, endorsed on the said envelope, shall he guillty of, a misdemeanor, and on conviction . thereof, 4411 be punished by Imprisonment in the State prison,' not exceeding one year, and by fine not exceeding live hundred dollars, or either, or both, in the y discretion of tit, court. Sac. 37. Any person, who shall wilfully and corruptly mike and subscribe any false affidavit, or Makg ;ins false. oath, touching any matter or _ ,thing provided In this act shall be damned guilty of tvilfur and corrupt perjury, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprison ment, in the State penitentiary, not exceeding five years, and by line not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by either, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sac.. a& That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare the necessary bank !bring, to Cam out the provisions of this act, and to furnish the same for the use of the per Eons so engaged in the military entice aforesaid:'" - . . . Bac. 2.8, la . oasehny qualified elector, in mania) , ea. lice .oton:said, .may he Ai any. hospital, military or naval, or in any weasel, or havy,fard, the statements and affi davits, in this act mentioned, may be witnessed by,and made before,:any officer of the vessel, navy yard.; !or other Place, in.wlnelf said voter is, for the. time being, en- Sae , Vl:listen be the duty of everjrasseesor, within this Commonwepith, annually, to istegt:;end return, pre artykrprE 20y required. by 1.97 a - gtopty tax bt. tots, --Wader. PRICE THREE -CENTS. - NEW ..ADVEI TXSE3IENTS. gvalp hpo.n'each and evetnn,on•co,mmissionert officer and private, and the usual taxes upon every 'firttnissioned , officer, known by them to be in the military Service of the United States, or of this State, in thearmy; and when any'omisslon 'shall occur, the emitted names shall be ,added, by ouch assessors, tO the essesichents.and lists of voters, on the application of any citizen of the election district, or yirecinet,• wherein each soldier might, or r would, have a right to vote, if not in such service, as aforesaid; and such non-commissioned officers, and pri •vates; shall be exempt Rhin all other personal taxes, dur ing their continuance in such service- and said assessors shalt; in each and every case,- of such assessed soldiers, or officent, witnont fee, or reward, therefor, give a icertifi 'cote, of such regular, or additional assessment, to any citizen of the election district, or precinct, who may. at at any time, demand the same; and upon the- .pritsenta tion thereof, to the tax collector of said district,lor the treasurer a the said county, it shall be the duty of Such officer to receive said assessed tax, of, and from, 'any'nerson offering to pay the same, for the soldier, or officer, therein named; andto endorse, upon Such certtli eate, a receipt - therefor; and it shall also be the ffaty of said collector or county treasurer, to receive said assessed tax, from any person who may offer to pay the same, for any of said officers, or Soldiers, without requiring a cer tificate Of assessment, when the name of Such persons shall have been.duly entered upon the assessment books, • and. tax duplicates, and give a receipt therefor, to such person.,-epticiallyfstating, therein, the nameof the soldier, or officer. whose tax is thus paid, the year for which it 1 Wah assessed, and the date of the payment thereof- which said certificate and receipt, or receipt, only, shall 'be pri ma/acts evidence, to any election board, provided for by this act, before which' the, same, may be offered, of the due assessment of said tax,. against, and ,the payment thereof by, the soldier, or.officer, therein named, offering the same, as aforesaid, but.said election board shall not he thereby precluded from requiring other proof, of the tight to vote, as specified by this act, or the genet* elec tion laws of this Commonwealth; and if any of said assessors, collectors, or treasurers, shah neglect,' or re fuse, to comply with the provisions of this section, or to pertorm any of the duties, therein enjoined upon them, or either of them, he, or they, so offending, shall ~ be con sidered and Adjudged ' guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and shall, on conviction, be lined, in any sum not less than; twenty, nor more than two humtred dollars; Pro vided, That the additional assessments, required to be made by the-above section, in the city of Philade'phia, shall be made, an application of any citizen of- the elec tion ,district, or Precinct., thereof, upon oath, or ffirma tis on, of such citizen, to be administered bylthetosser,t that such absent .soldier is n citizen of the election dis trict, or precinct, - wherein such assessment is required, by,Sicili citiSen,- to be made. • Hsc.,4l. This act shall pot apply to the' election of niembers of council, or to- ward and division . officers in the city of Philadelphia, • , f . .. ' HENRY C. JOHNSO'g, ' ' Speicher of The Snare of Representitires. ' JOHN P. PENNEY,. . ' . Speaker of the Senate. Arreovsh—The twenty-fifth day of August, Anne Domini one thousand eight hundred and; sixty-fonr, ,o °lac iest, o of said A. :CURTIN. Given under my hand, in my office in• Harristasirg, the thirteenth • day of September A. I). 1861. ' WILLIA3f W. JENNINGS, Sheriff of Dauphin Equally. Sanfurp's OFFICE, Harrisburg, Pa., September 13, 1364. f. . tepl3-te EVENING EDITION. FACTS AND QUESTIONS. Lee's array cheered when they heard.of Dl.'- Clellan's nomination, not when they heard of the fall of Atlanta. What was the cause of the difference ? The eopperbeads ran up the flags 4n City Hall, New - York, when they heard of M'Clel lan's Aoytiltation, not when they heard of the fall of Atlanta. Was the cause of the differ . ewe the same ? When news reached London that Pd'Clellan's nomination was certain, the rebel loan went up three per cent. Why was this? On the day when Sheridan's victory over Early was announc4za -.Union man asked a .111I'Clellanite if he heard the good newd. The reply, of the latter was: "D—n your' i news." Whatlnuikes him feel so? Rebel ifrigoners marching through Wash ington cheered Ai'Gianni and groaned for Lincoln. What was •the cause of th 4 differ .. once ? . When the news of Early's defeat was posted on theM . ls.- Journal of Gonimeree bulletin in Wall street i :the crowd 'that gathered; round it cheered.fgr ],'resident Linpoln. What made them do it, When tlieiewh . Of the fall of Atlanta teaches London, Ihe'reliel loan will go dovin, and when the )203WE1 Acif Sheridan's victory arrives there will, be a 'further fall. - Why should there be? Are we justified in ascribing like effects to like causes? If we find that M'Clellen's suc cess raises the. spirits of rebels at the South, and rebel sympathizers in England, and of the ,sham Democracy here, while a rebel defeat lOWers the hopes of these sympathizers, and that of the 'sham Democracy, is it riot clear .that the cause of the rebellion and that of thd copperheads are the same?. Are not the words of thtißichmond Exam ine# triie, when it says, "Every defeat, of Lin coln'sforces issues to the advantage ' of Mc- Clellan?" Are not the words of the Charleston Courier true, when it says that there is " an intimate connection" between the armies of the Con federacy and the 'McClellanites, and that the victory of the rebels "insures the . success of McClellan—their•feilure insures his defeat ?" Where should a . true . patriot stand—with those whose prospects of success grow bright er when the flag of their country is trailed in the dust, and Minter when rebellion grows weaker, or with those whose victory keeps even pace with the victorious progress, of their Country's banner?---with a party between whom and the rebels seeking to destroy their country, there is estimate connection," or with that on.O.which is hated by every rebel and every rcbe/A ally, at home or abrioad. , Soraccinrsu..,ltsawnplumu.--A remarkable subject for scientific men, says a WaShington dispatch, whiehikeeently came to light in the Patent•Offici3, is: exciting considerable atten tion. patent, issued many year since, which had laid in a safe during that time, upon being taken out was found' to have con tracted to nearly one-fourth of its original di inensions, leaving the letter-press and writing perfeetly clear and distinct, but also !reduced in size like a miniature photograph copy. Thie discovery suggests new and important developments in a peculiar branch of,science. Neiv' - York Stock Markets . NYlnv O. 3. Stocks' quiet; Chicago and Rock Island, 90k; Cumberland preferred, 59i; minois Can tral,lll3.l; New York Central, 1124; Reading, 122; Hudson River, .1091; Canton Co., 28k; Missouri 6s, 64; Erie, 90a; Orke fear certif.. cates, 95i; Five-twenty coupons, 106 i; Cou pon 6s, 106; Gold 1914. and since board, 189. Philkdelphia Stock . -I.Sarket. • , . PHTUDELPHLi, Oct. 3. Stocks heivy; PCnna. 55, 96; Reading raik road., 61$; `Morris Canal, 109;1,meg - island, 45; Penna. railroad, 69k; Gold, 191 ; Exchange on •New York , par • 1- ONCE. ADVERTISING RAnDit—DAILY TELEGRAPH. The following are therefor for advertising, in the Tomas exult Those wing advertiffing to do will find it GOO • yanient for referenCe: ,i , gar Fodr lines or • lc - a9 constitute one-half square. Mght lines, or more than - four,,d/rAtlitite h - squire. FOR A•IIALP SWABS. ''' FOR ORE 0 4 04 tx • One day $. 30 One day... ..... ....$ 60 Two days ~ 50 Two day 5........... 100 Three days 95 ,Three days I 25 One week 125 One week .... ...... 225 One month 300 One month 6 00 Two m0nth5...........m0nth5,... 450 Two months.. . . 9 00 Three m0nth5 ....... 5 50 Three months 11 00 Six months e 8 00 Six months One year. ... —l5 00 Orie year 15 00 25 00 Administration Notices 2 75 Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices, each !misers aw- Business notices -is before Marriages and Deal each nsertion / 60 60 • In the Local Column, or EIGHT CENTS PRR Lt IB for 331) Terentapq. The Repulse of the Rebels at Ironton. SEITEMBER 29, 1864. 21i Colonel John H. Dußois, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Department of the Missouri:—At daylight our outposts at Ironton were attacked and forced back to within half a mile of the Fort. The enemy made desperate efforts to get possession of Sheppard's Mountain, and at 2 P. M., they succeeded in driVing the bat talion• of the 14th lowa into rifle-pits, and getting two six-pounder guns into position on the mountain. The three mountain slopes overlooking the fort were filled with dis mounted cavalry. The south front was threatened by four lines of cavalry, extending across the valley between the fort and Iron ton, commanded by .General Marmaduke, while a column passed around the base of Sheppard's Mountain and formed at the South. Gen. Cabell commanded the dismounted cavalry on the slope of Pilot Knob. The rebel troops thus disposed, _a signal of two guns was fired from the mountain, and the assault in force moved on our works, came up in fine style to the ditches, and went back to the mountain in indecent haste, leaving 1,500 killed and wounded. Among the latter is General Cabell, one Lieutenant Colonel, two Captains and two Lieutenants. Our entire loss is nine killed and sixty wounded. Yesterday morning at four o'clock we left the fort and blew up the magazine. Price commanded in person. ..OHAS.,S HILLS. Capt. and Aet'g Ass't Adj't Gen. From the Army of the Potomac. Westirxcao,N, Oct. 3. The steamer Webster arrived here from City Point this morning, which place she left yes terday. She brought the body of General Burnham, and also as..PasSenger, General_Stannard, who has lost au arm. An intelligent young Pittaburger, Mr. Jacob Gibson, belonging to the Engineer Corps, who left Gen. Meade's headquarters on Saturday morning, states that there was no fighting on Saturday, and that along the whole line it was unusually quiet. He says there was no firing heard yesterday when they left City Point. Oar forces still hold their own; and have not changed their position since Frida'y night. To save trouble, loss of time and expense, your readers are informed that no passes are granted as yet, to the front, for the purpose of the removal of bodies of soldiers. The Secretary of War will grant permission as soon as the cold weather sets _ The Indian War. INDIAN ALTTACS ON CAPTAIN FIDE'S TRAIN— FEAT OF 5,000 =DEANS DY GEN. SULLY. NEW YORK, Oct. A special dispatch to Chicago, from Minne sota, dated Sept. 30, says a letter from Fort Rice, dated Sept. 10, states that CaPt. Fisk's Idaho train had been attacked by the Indians, and that several of his rear guard and four emigrants were killed.. , The Indians then attacked his Main body in such numbers that he was cbmPelled to entrench himself and send. back to.. General Sully for help. In this running fight twenty Indians were killed. The latter expresses tbe opinion that the whole train will have to return; but Captain Fisk does not think so. Another letter froth. General Sully's Com mand, dated August 21, sa)s that Sully had another battle with 5,000 Indians and defeat ed them. He is at Fort ;Union waiting orders to return home. Be.met three steamers loaded with supplies for. him. He had only nine men wounded, all with arrows except one. Tennessee. THE SURRENDER OF HUNTSVILLE DEMANDED BY I= Forrest, with his whole force, appeared be fore Huntsville this morning, and demanded its surrender. The commanding ofileer,. Col. G. N. L. Johnson, 12th Indiana cavalry, refused to com ply, and there has probably been heavy fight ing there to-day, but no fears are entertained of its capture. The total Federal loss in General Rous seau's expedition in killed and wounded was eighty-eight. Markets by Telegraph. PECELLDEU.HIA, Oct. 3 The dullness recorded for some days still continues, and in most departments there is hardly enough doing to fix quotatiens. There is no export demand for flour, and the sales are only in a small way at $9 25@..9 95 for superfine, $lO 00®10 20 tor extra and family, and $lO 75@,11 50 for fancy. .Small sales of rye flour at $9 25. In corn Meal nothing doing. Wheat dull and lower; small sales of red at $2 20 and white at $2 • 4.ug2 50. Eye commands $1 80(41 83. Corn :scarce; sales .of mixed Western at $1 68 and yellow at $1 70. Oats' steady; Sales of 3,000 bushels Pennsylvania at, 90c: 1.n. , groceries and pro visions nothing doirrg... Petroleum is at a stand; we quote crude at 37®39c; refined, in bond at 604,65 c, and free at 75@80c; these figures are nominal. Whisky dull at $1 81@ 1 82, and drudge at $1 80. Flour declined 250; sales 3,500 .barrels at $7 70018 25 for State, $9@,11 25 for Ohio. and $lO 25®13 for Southern. Wheat declined sc; sales unimportant. Coin I@2c lower. Beef dull. Pork firm; sales 5,000 barrels at $43 25 e 44 for mess. Lard steady at 19i@ 20. Whisky dull. BALTIMORE, Oct. 3. Grain scarce and dull prices are drooping. Flour very heavy. ; Hawnrd . street superfine $9 50®9 62. Whisky 'nonntial. Groceries neglected. . Ira received, this mornin, g,..Michener & ofx, Fresh Smoked Hams, Beef tad Tgagaes, at ang6 '- • snrailen* FRAY.F.II _ .• . OBOSSE & BLACXWELL'S ENGLLSIL IL,/ PICIRLSB, a rare *Aide for &Moose, Just reosivtti and for saki by - SHISLgft & FRAZFA febl ' ( enceell 9 cyri?.o 'WO- . D. 0.4.. 4. it- & Co.) PRIME LARD.--Filty , firkins fine kettle rendered LtatD, forsale AT the Man tir pound, just ecuivect at (Hui Bergs k /PERMS, EMI NASHWC,VE, Oct. 2 NEW Yons, Oct. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers