gi 4 itp trL ttegtap HARRTSBUIie, PA THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1814. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.--All Adver usements, Business Notices, m a ths, tile., to secure' insertion' in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom paused with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular ttivening Edition are inserted in th e Morn ing .161dition without extra charge. TOWN AND CO UN r,r V. One More Rally for-the talon! GENERAL S. F. CARY, of Ohio, will address the people of Harrisburg, ou the, great issues involved in the struggle to put down the Slave-hilder's rebellion, On Thursday Evening, Sept. 29, IN THE COURT HOUSE. It is expected that every wan who regards the safety of the Government as the present and only object of the political campaign, will be present. By order of the Union County Committee. J. J. SHOEMAKER, Chairman. J. M. WErsmtuo, Secretary. =ME= Go and hear Gen. Carey, at 'the Court House, this evening. 1=13:=I JOSEPH BROUGHT, of Lewistown, had a por tion of one of his hands blown off by the ex plosion of a pistol, a few days since. BITFORE the discovery of oil in Venango county, Pa., land soldfor $3O per acre which now commands $2,000 per acre. THE Post Office at Sharon was broken into on the night of the 12th, but the thieyes did not succeed in securing any plunder. The Erie Dispatch says there are three min isters in that city whose aggregate height is 18 feet and 11 inches. Tall times among the pastors I=l AN inhuman mother visited Indiana last week, stopped over night at a hotel, - and the nest morning went away in the ears, deaving behind her son, one year old, to be•oared for by strangers. =CUM THE gallant old 111th Pennsylvania - was the first regiment to enter Atlanta land with the 60th New York hoisted the stars and stripes over the captured city. The two regiments were detailed as provost guard of the city as a post of honor. A OnA:Nor., TO SECIIRE A HOW.: -•-A. large. number of excellent building lots are offered for sale by David Mumma, Esq. 1 3 ers'ons desiring to secure a home would do well to give the advertisement attention, as bargains may be obtained. MIMI CONING DOWN. —Day before yesterday eigh teen hundred bags of prime Rio coffee sold at auction, in New York, at 35} cents per ponnd, on four months' credit. A. month ago the same article could not be bought at less than 5C cents cash. Quite a change EDUCATIONAL.—To-day and to-morrow the pupils of Miss Woodward's school will review the lessons of the closing month. The parents of the pupils, and the friends of the school are cordially invited to attend. ' ARRESTED AS A DESERTER. —L. W. Ten Eyck, former proprietor of the U. S. Hotel, Was ar rested to-day as a deserter. He was drafted last year, and failing to report, the Provost Marshal arrested him, and we suppose he will be sent to some regiment. CAN CAB FARE BE COLLECTED FROM A PAS SENGER IMO IS COMPELLED TO STAND 7-A. de cision will shortly be given on this question. Recently a passenger purchased a, ticket on one of our railroads; but, the care being crowded, he was compelled to stand on the platform. 'When the conductor passed around, the passenger refused to hand over his tictet, on the ground that he had not been supplied with a seat. He was put off of the train at the next station, and has since entered snit against the railroad company, in one of'our eastern counties. This matter should- be defi nitely settled, as some of the railroads scarcely ever run a sufficient number of cars to accom modate travelers. THE PENNSYLVANIA. MAILEOAD.—Prior to the late accident on the Pennsylvania, Railroad, the conductors were in the habit of locking the doors between the way and through oars, to prevent the passengers for local stations from annoying the through ones, who are only required to show their tickets three times between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Since the accident the conductors have beeu*stru at ed to lock no doors while the train is in mo tion, and to accomplish the Salile object, hitherto attained by locking the &Ors, the doors are all to be so arranged they open only from the inside. This prevents passen gers from running through, the cars. The travel is now so heavy that . another fast ex press train will be put on, to leave Philtidel-: phia for Pittsburg at 8 P. M. WE had the pleasure of a visikto our sanc tum from our young friend, Lieut.. J. B Rife, of the Sixth U. S. Infantry, who is now sta tioned at Fort Wool, in New York, Harbor. Lieut. Rife is a citizen +2l . Middletown, in this county, and has been, until recently, in ac tive service since the breaking out of - the re bellion. The Lieut. brought ourfellow towns man, Lieut. John Elliott, of the 2d U. S. Ar. finery, to his home. It will be recollected that Lieut. Elliott was a cadet at West 'Point from this city, and graduated in Junt last. fie was immediately appointed a second Lieu. tenant in the Second U. S. Artillery, and. at once joined his command in the field before Petersburg. After an experience of but lour weeks in the field, he was wounded in the leg, in the recent Weldon railroad fight,' and his foot has since been amputated above the an kle. Wears pleased to learn that he behaved gallantly, and is now doing well. We -tebder him a hearty welcome to-his home, 110 wish him a speedy recoVery.L , A Rim JOKE.--A§ a soldier. train ,waS pas sing through this borough on Wednesda.ylast,, it stopped at the Depot time, when a hoary-headed old copperhead • concluded to try his hand on to see how McClellan would go down with the soldiers. _He. accordingly 'sent a little niece of his, WAG train with MG.,. Clellan's portrait, tO Suit Vo* well pleased thn• soldiers would be to Wok Xince..more on Ilia pleasing features of the would be President. As soon as they saw who the picture• repre sented they yelled, ' , Bring him here to hang him," "Break the thing to Pieges,7 and' many other expressions peculiar to soldiers. The little girl, with better - sense than the old man, ran back into the hones, rather disap pointed no doubt with the "picturc.`" As a closing scene, just as the train started; the soldiers gave three cheers for "Abey,'4'as they called him, saying "4 0 is the Inau.". We advise the old man never to send out Mc Clellan portrait when soldiers are about - Blikonian, . t ..,,Fssaßnor Boum . Jumrus.§..--Fom• bounty jumporETWo m tareil-41—CtiptADiitritlfitir-'4l, company, - ...Camp Curtin, last night. They were uniformed, and had re ceived their local bounty. „lams _4103 GmrizzlimitLaxe particularly re quested to bear in mind the great sale of Royal Worcester Porcelain, Bohemian and China or naments at auction in the lower market on Saturday afternoon neat, by W. Barr. See his,adyer i tiAe,ment in, another column of this paper. A MEETING of the Union men of the Sixth wat•Awaol held last evening a p t the pul4ic house of 01ward Birmingham. , • —"• Ann Zimnie,rnian presided. George B. Patterson, Captain Foley, John Raymond, Jesse Wingart and Josiah McFar land acted as Vice Presidents. Elias Mumma,' H. Raddhaugh and Samuel Rank were chosen Secretaries. Spirited addresses were delivered by Messrs. Robert Snodgrass, Dr. Hower, A. C. Smith, Seibert and David Mumma, Esq. After which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we, the Union citizens of the Sixth ward, will use every exertion in our: power to secure a decided majority for the. l Union County ticket at the' October election.. Resolved further, • That we will leave no honorable means unused to secure the trium phant election of Abraham Lincoln and An drew Johnson at the November election. Three rousing• cheers were given for the Union party, liberty and for Lincoln and Johnson, when the meeting adjourned. REFORM IN VIE , SUBSTITUTE When we alluded to the frauds and mal-praci tices which , disgraced the substitute business, in a former issue <' we scarcely expected to have the pleasure of writing and printing th 6 fact that the great reform has already been effected in this connection. Capt. Hunt, who is now acting Provost Marshal, vice Capt. Clement, (absent on "sick leave, . ) is reducing the brokerage business to a principle which protects the service from imposters and af fords protection to hondst men desiring to enter the army as substitutes, Immediately on the muster of a substitute, Capt. Hunt compels the party drafted to pay the bounty at once to the party mustered for substitution. .The -old practice was to pay the substitute a nominal sum, subordinate officers in the Pro vost Marshal's office reserving the balance until such time as they thought it was safe to pay it over, in tAO, meantime, permitting the substitute to go at large. We do not pretend to write, that the system induced desertion, but the facts of the case r do show that under the old.regulation bounty jumpers made up largely the class who offered themselves as substitutes, and that by the frauds and villainiera of these rascals, the service suffered great em barrassment and loss. Capt. Hunt is doing : all in his power to put an end to these fraudi. He is indefatigable in his efforts to protect the substitute from imposition and robbery, and preserve the service from the rascals who have heretofore lurked around recruiting sta tions, to act as the stool-pigeons of bounty brokers. All that is needed to insure the suc cess of Capt. Hunt, is for the men who de sire to go as substitutes to be true to them selves, true to the country they are anxious to serve, and acting Provost Marshal Hunt will be true to them. If we can assist in dispers ing the gang of bounty brokers who have dis graced Harrisburg, at the recurrence of every draft, we will have a just claim to having done a good thing in this war. HARRISBURG, Sept. 28, 1864. llitss - Bzuut GOLDEN—Dear Miss :—A few of .the many of your admirers desirous of an op portunity to manifest their high appreciation of your• worth as a lady, and admiration of your talent and genius as an actress and vo calist, take occasion in this note to tender to you a Complimentary Benefit, to take place at Binh a timei as shall be most agreeable to yourself, • • Most Respectfully, J L Hammer, John H Brant, W G. Thompsop, P J Nichols, Lieut W W Gibson, J G Coburn, J . Charles Mercur, H Fertig, Wm Phillips, Jos D Baker( Win Brady, J E Ford, 13 S A F Zimmerman, James M'Clay, Robert Vaughn, Limit Thos A Wilkes, Shisler Sr, Frazer, D Bensinger, Joseph Kahnweiler, J M Miller, D H Hutchinson, G W Ramsey, W H Emminger, W H Brown, - Charles H Mann, C A Bannvart, W H H Sieg, Wm Knoche, Geo W Hoffman, J R Hite, and 27 others. TAENTRE, Sept. 28, 1864. Messrs. J. L. Hammer, John IL Brant, W. E. Thompson and others. GIELITFRMTRi--YOLLT favor of this date is just received. Allow me to thank you most sin cerely for your kind offer of a complimentary benefit, and believe me, I shall ever regard this as one of the greatest compliments of my life. With the kind permission of the man ager,lappoint Friday evening, Sept. 30th, for the occasion. With high regard, I remain your obedient servant, 2t BELLA. GOLDEN. At Home and Abroad. Sateen years makes a min in Dixie. belie Golden, will take a benefdat 4rant's • Hall, to-morrow evening. - An exhibition of cats. is contemplated in London. A monster Union mass:meeting will be 4eld at Lancaster on Wednesday next. A number of able speakers will be present. "J. C. Sash" is the name upon the sign of a loyal trader in Pittsburg. Canterbury Music Hall has been closed.— It will be re-opened in about two weeks. At the Chicago Convention the Democratic party was a party of peace. Now it is a party of pieces. Let no Union man fail to be assessed. To morrow is the last day on which it can be at tended to. There are now thirty-eight tobacco manu facturers in Pittsburg, employing eight •thin dred and seventy hands. A large number of persons who were drafted, this week, are putting substitutes into the service.' MartkAo'n't know how to drop an acquaint ance. How hard it is for some people to get out of a-room after the visits are really over. The Lehigh County Agricultural Fair at Allentown, was attended by thirty thousand ..people.g Thurday. We see it itatid . that the Franklin tianch of the A. & G: W. Railway is to be extended pilpity at one.. , THE CHICAGO Itaxsourd IN VERSE, JfkPre- was 4 11.0 / 41 ;nan who said: "How halt X;flee fibre the horrible cow ? " sit on the 'stile .And continue to smile ,11,Which may soften the heart of the cOw." An old man named Wooleater was run over .itn,d,,lille‹ . on the Hollidaysburg Brandi, at Eldoraile station, on Friday. The Cleveland Plaindegler says that the to bacco 6n the lake shore, - in'Ohio, is very fine this year. Many fields, ;it t is thought, will yield fromsl,soo to.2,looporinds per acre: A Nevada editor, who made a trip to mother part of ..the country, says the air was so pure and,cleg in that section that he "could see the ears of the, j*kass'rabbits sporting among th.rgiutobisbon too wiles off.' - - : • 01, '::?-, ~,) S i... ~.. -1.U).A.,_(U:4;1‘. !.. .' ,,, ;_tf)..Y 4, c'.3':.% it Correspondence ~. ::~"; Ova friend Rouse has prepared a grand bill for this evening,mhen la . :paKtiqpiler• request: the musical comedy entitled THE CHILD OF THE REGIMENT will be repeated for the last time. bliss Bella Golden will appear as Jose phine. We predict .a tremendous jam on this occasion, as the play is attractive, and the dis tribution of characters admirable. We are pleased to notice that our citizens continue to patronize Mr. Rouse in a most liberal man ner, in return for his earnest efforts to please. 111=2:1121 Ix Town—Brig. Gm. John R. Brooke, of Montgomery county, this State, was in town yesterday on his way to Carlisle, where a General court-martial is about .to assemble, of which he has been appointed the President. Gen. Brooke has made himself a record of which he may well feel proud, and has en deared himself to every Pennsylvanian, and every pure lover of his country. He belongs to the noble Second Army Corps, and has won his well-earned laurels under the gallant Hancock. He recruited, and was Colonel of the Fifty-third regiment of Pennsylvania vol unteers, but has for nearly three years com manded a brigade in the Army of the Potomac. His command assisted in covering the retreat of McClellan's army in the Seven Days' Fight before Richmond. While at Savage Station Gen. McClellan ordered Capt. Martin, of the Fifth U. S. Artillery, commanding a battery, to spike his guns, and abandon every thing but his horses, with which he and his men should retreat. Captain Martin, who was neither a coward or a traitor, refused in a solemn oath to comply with the order. Gen. —then Colonel—Brooke, who was present, complimented the Captain upon his determi nation, and tendered his command to cover the retreat of the battery. The offer was ac cepted, and most gallantly did the valiant Brooke save that battery from capture and the guns from being spiked.. We cite this as a single instance of his heroism, as well as his patriotism. His gallantry and superior skill as an officer during the recent fights before Richmond under the indomitable Grant, won the confideno and adnuration of that chief tain, and as a consequeme he was made a Brigadier General, and unanimously confirm ed by the U. S. Senate. In one of those battles he was unfortunately severely wounded, from which he has not yet recovered; and although totally unfit to take the field, yet he applied to be placed upon duty, and the position to which he has been assigned he will fill as honorably and as creditably as the hero in the field. BUSINESS ITEMS. REDUCED PRICES. —The unprecedented rush at Bowman's cheap dry goods store, can only be accounted for from the fact, that he is sell ing goodlYcheaper than any other merchant in Ifaiiisbirg, and was the first and only man, perhaps,tbat has reduced the price of goods undet . the,limited decline. The lancer tain condition' of things, we think, permits us to say, now is the time to purchase at No. 4, corner of Front and Market streets. LATEST AnarvAL.—The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity—of CLOAKS and CIRCU LARS, ranging'in:Price 4om $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline - in. gold, and are offered at lower rate's than they oan be sold for by any other establishment in the city. MRS. M. MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No. 1.3 Market street sept2B-tf Matron's KXNG OF PAIN has received hurl-. dreds of voluntary testimonials from grateful men who by the use of his medicine have re ceived that most inestimable of all blessings, health. To publish all of them would require an extended volume, so he merely selects the following as evidence of the virtues possessed by the Ring of Pain : We, the undersigned citizens of Harrisbuig, having seen the, magic influence of Dr. M'Bride's King of Pain," can cheerfully re commend it to strangers or citizens in the city, as we; think it no norimoo, and worthy the patronage of all afflicted persons who aie diseased or in pain. Kunkel St Brother sole agents for said medidine. _ Jacob Zarger, J. F. Shaffer, John Weaver, H. B. Painter, John Rice, Alm Ratner, , D. E. Wilt,_ J.. 8. Stewart, P. H. Dougherty,' Joseph Lawrence, • t Luther Reese, O. B. Franklin, B. 0. Whitcomb, R. L. Breyer, W. T. Jones, Remember, Kunkel & Bro., sole agents, 103 Market street, Harrisburg. I=l • , To mit Dm:um. —Every lady should have a package of the Workl's Boverewn Balm, for the teeth. No toilet table is complete without I will remain this week at the White Hall Ho tel, where you can send for it. (Circul4rs free.) DR. a .ROGERW sep26-dlw I The Greatest Invention of the A, Is the Pearl Cemen g t, e manufactured by S. Rogers, 608 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.,— It is truly wonderful. Mr. Rogers is now in ciur city, and will remain a few days at, the White Hall Hotel. Our citizens should avail them selves of this oportunity to. call on .hittl apd procure a supply of it. (Circulars free.) : sep26-Imck Dn. , .M.l3sins's King of Pain should be .kapt in evegf family,. 'Will cure Headache, Tooth ache,Aarache in three minutes. Diarrhok, Bloody Fitt, pain in the Back and Side, in fi =lion of the Kidneys and Liver Comphit and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent or , the State, S. A. KUNKEL ez . BHA:, , 118 Market street, Harrisliii±g/ All orders from a distance promitlkattelided to. sePtgo4 =5 pa - Intermittent Fever is a cop mon form of billions diseate. The usual mode of treating it has been with tonics, with the view of breaking the chill, but nothing is' done to remove the disease of the liver and otter organs on which the chill and fever depeid. Relapses are the consequence .. Thep - - is only - cured for the time . ; $f a a syniptori of disease; not. Of the disease .elf. OSGOOD'S INDIA OHMAGOgOL - W not simPly.break* l 9 ohills'-*t`16046 - Vs re storing inkieniq-upon thiftver, reiAS* the cause on which it depends, 2d tlierebY:effepts a permanent cure. .' ,Y • Sold by all druggists and' medicitie dealeirs, Cloaks and 'Furs ! Cloaks and Furs! . We will open next week the cheapest 'and largest assortment' of Cloaks and Furs in iHar risburg, all bought at greatly reduced pi s. Beautiful niuffs at 450 and 5 dollars. Spl n did cloaks as.lowns. 9 and 10 dollars. 131 ck cloth for :cloaks as.low as $2 50: - White All wool flannels as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, black l paccas, black bombazines, all at • se:: ed prices.. 500. 500 doz of woolen and cotton stoc ' S,I children's wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cassimereforboy'swear. The greatest bawls in black silks. We have now in store a very t) large stook of goods, and will sell at less an wholesale prices, in order to reduce arirsto k. Bargains in Irish linen bought at aneti n; Call and judge for yourself, S., LE iv i , SPECIAL NOTICES. - - - Ma celebrated Tette tatereptjjt Mph universal de mand; is made-from the choicest., material; is ..tollet end emollient in its nature, tragrantly . scenteii, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the titin. 702 shii3 by all Druggists and Fancy Geode Dealers . EDITOR OF TELEGRAPH Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I .l l Will send, by retard-road, to all who wish it - (Ned) itHtedipd, with full directians..for making and using a simple Vegetable Maim, that:will ef fectually,' retnove in -ten days; Pimples ' ' noteli ea r . Tan, Freekles,'and alllmpurities of tile Skin, leaving the same soft, Clear, smooth and bcaat,ifaU , •• I will also mail free to-tModblialing Bald.Reatheor Bare MILTS, simple direetionS:etribeismation thtit ecillcnablb them to start a full groorth luxuriant fidir, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty-days.t:.- All applicatiOnto_ AdeWered- bY.ZlAtttfn • Mail, without eharg.. Ft , ,lpent.faltir YAM, TEipS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,• tylo.deerV;lo3 , AroMlway, New-York. SOLDIERS, TAKE IT MITI' YOU f'" The greatest trouble to persons In the &My, %nodally' in this season, is Dl • seVery,tAle,ll.. (by death or 4 by, tlisa bility) weakens the service, .hi•Zi than Alio .7.6be13,A0.: Very many 4aye.founk*pcift:l4.ial,ftlio'.l2lYSAhlTEßll DROPS are among the Yer7-?lfFree's:"“ng,PArr.: that are to bh had . Eirhfy 0 cer anti'' evety, cfldt should cagy it wlth,,him,:and thereby reasonahlrhuthre hbritelf against a greiddange . r. It, is prepare4' iS Ittpti,s burg by MRS. li r stre t el,,boW chict een,Set and, Front. Tao a {Alia with you. •Prlee,2* cents:,' A CARD TO TOE !viI.IO.FICRINO: Swallow two• or three hhgelidads of "Buchu,"l "Tonle Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," -Nervous Antklotes," &c., &n, and after yocrare satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH. SPECI FIC PlLLS—and 1)e/1'i:stored to health and vigor In less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage... Imported and sold,,in the. Uniteel States only by- •.f • JAS. S. VITTLEII,' No. 427 Broadway, New York. ' AilikAgintffor thpUnited,States. P. S.—A Box of the:Pills,. seemely packed shill Ue mailed to any address o,n rec , eipt. of price, which. is ONE. DOLLAR, podt-paid=bleney rofUncled by --- 3he`AtenVif entire satisfaction Is hot given. , - - '.151.5-d&,,sqtrei • PLRE VEGETABLE TONIC TELE most healthy, persons feel . moretot less weak this extrerdeWarni weather; and lose their ap. Petite. They 'feed a good strong Touter-one, ib'kewill strengthen nervous system Mid - stomach. 'lids' they can get at 50 cents pet tiottle, at 'Mrs. South Pine street; HarrishOrg. brders from ,C4luge promptly attended to. To Consumptives.. ' Consumptive sufferers will :receive's valuable.proscrip lion for ;ha Mire of Consumption, 'Asthma, Bronchitis, and all• throat and Lung affectiolA (free of charge,} by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD• A. WILSON, Williamsburg, ; Rings county, New York • , [sepl9,4.twam "A Slight Cold- 51 " Uotigh.s. Few are aware of the importinee of checking a Cough or "BLITHT COLD" in its Past stage; that whichin:th'e-be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected,' soon attacks the lungs. "Brown's Brottehfsd Troches" live sure and almest itidnediate relief. Military Officers and Soldiers shou2d have them, as they can be carried in the pocket mid taken as occasion requires. angle-dart-Ire HAIR DIEN: HAIR DYE S i Batchelor's; Celebrstted Hair Dye lerar: aim nv; TOR WORLD:I The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Blade or Nateiral Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful iniparts treat yltality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAX WAR, . All :otherit age mere .thritet ! enterevitotim be avoided. Sold by all Drnggists, Arc BA.R 14LAY ST, 14. Y. ILLTOATXI.treiI AM . 10,11.311` D7l.lBrge 11.1,1• HAIL jefilly Militdry Business attended To Bounty, Pension; Bank PaY, Subsistence and Military and War Clafins, generally, made out and ecillecied. Per sons residing at a distance can have. their business trans acted by mail, by addressing , EUGENESNYDER;;Attorney-tit-Law, 017-dly Third'atinei,'Harrlsbarl. Pa • DO YOU WISH TO BB CURED: DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cue, in' less than 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS,,, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weaknesi, ity, andail 'Urinary, Sexual • and. Norvous 'Affections, po matter from what cause . priaduec4.',. Price,,One Del* per_ box.. Sent, pest-paid, by . mail, on recei pt,BUTLE of One BOx . petit:et - the cure in moirosso S. f.;- Ad . . JAMES R,. , Jyls;d&w3m ; General Agent ` 429 Broadway ,; N. V. .11are.wtart's Troches: For the cure of Hoarseness, „Throat .bis•f eases, ere specKli reco*ictidek to ministers, singers and persona vocation calls them to speak in public. 'llfanufactured only bv C. A. ,Aarmvart Co., Ilairiebiirg, Pa.,, to whom' all - Orders should be addressed. Sold kiy druggist where: Read the folloiviMg test:bum:dais fitni hoine of our eminent clergymen: • HAmusßUßG,,tlyarel„: A. BANsvarr--Dear 'hilArThaso _ Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wiiter'sliozenges and other prepWibils •fornikailiefiegs and throat troubles; afidlin comp on With-them all, can cheerfully commend oWn a. moat adrnirable speciide foil- public. ispeakers and singers, in cases of hoayseness,- tong and colds. I have :found< them serving Y. time of need, most effectually. Yours truly ? • T. H. di3OEMSOI% j ' PasOr of I.T. 2 B:Presbyterian Oburch,l garlagree llobin'sou as to dm' value of Dannvart'o Troche& W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of O.. 8: Presbyterian Church.' ; . !riflastitinstrlik eTEtII., 1864 To C.A. Bsiogrem--Dear Sir: In the haliiL of speaking 'very frequently, and in places where the,vold _organs are veq, much tax ti' I havelound the-need of some gentle expecto ot, ' rant and tIi6C*434Aa!IP'SII)WP/i94 in ToPr eicellerit . Treh4cht , ,-.•\s, I consider :them very, far, sup9tiet eny nokeng,es that I lava: ever;used, • m *.movipg 'speedily that husianeSo the';',72l'6s:' axiaipg from its too frequaat.',Use, 1 4.X; 1 1 3 aPaitbig ,th effeetivenetm...of the delivesyLef dresses.: :lours, Sta.;,; - J." MO: WAXIMMOKISON:f.; Pastor Otthibpouski%)talitool,4 ChlP'o4q, To 0: : A. RtinvyAnr---DezWS'r ciliarhat neat year:l , ool4 - .1 am' free' k,s'fiy they y e the mit I have ever tried ; and Lake'-girt Ideaanre inrecommending: then to mil ponlions afflicted_ lith'throat.'iw. l o*4los! 3 voice aria* from publiakrpe . G. ki...ICAKE • , Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist cOareh.' , Dumb= Arroaszr's 01 1 7/OE, E.A.IIIIISBITB9, Feb. 29,18641, , I e To Q. A. • Bammtsr—Dear Sir: ----.l—hcOe found,rmrroches to be invaluable in se ileVhig hoarseness and in strengthenizg muscles of the throat. They impart alecirrion to the voice, and are certainly of gmatetfeue fit to all public speakers. -A. J 4, HZEJA • Three Blaeksmithay: , ••• TO LEARN A.XE-MAIONS,'AVDSLX OR AHOM *Elcia HELPERS, - I • AIIE-WANTED IDI USD rit. TEL Y AT Mann's Axe Factory, near Lewistown. :Blacksmslls viii realize ,frota. $2 50 to 43 00,. and helpers" from $ 00 to $2.50 per day., • , : • -• ' • • se24-10, PHOTOGRIPHS. • A rittgaVagiorifitent, of. Photographs of Genersis. apd fancy pictures for eale cilE,Ar, atl, $1- .pergmea s et - . . SORF,FFER'S BOOK STORE, m 92 Rarriaburs, CANOA.IGIT TORCILES, • • . Manufactured and for sale by J. HALL ROHIMAN, eif4i4t L • 3 3806 Chgrzy stre,et P,hdadelphl*. MEW •• I and • VINE NEW XMAS,. I:ll4jut Veceive" ROM ig 0141 i. SALES OF REAL ESTATE. P. C S HE undersigned will offer at public sale, T otiiranes . gfin,:irothe-City.or Harrtiln* on EAT. I.IRDA._ PAR! Sth: day °Mkt:ober . - at 2 o'clock, than, valua- WU PARA! or - TRACT ONqal.Np.,4itairOar„ . gtiiiqes and 2 1 rptrblieVigitstafed Stisiiiiesannti -. fownitit*Bauthin county, adjoining SalAkcity, IMP C,F. Ilactothen, Jacob Fisler,,Wm :COW& stpt otters, aiurreortting on theßead ing,turnpilto, 'kith a. , Publieivaii ranting, thiough. the whole tract, agbnding Iconveniel;t, Iparesa and egress to all parts of the farm. The improvements are or the best and most substan tial character, and. the land is iu the. highest state of cui tivation. • , , Tbiz kOpertp,vill. Dahl In one e4titb piece; or in four Uev'ere parts, as' say be deemed nrosi: advisable, as fol lows, viz : No. I—Containing 1S acres and Izq perches , more or ittiLtin On the Turnpikeroad. - litt.l23.l•Vont6iating 19 acres and isicl4, Mora .or ..icatatuliAnins Nod and lands ofiN,..f o .fitiOnten and lir-, cata4M l =4 l6 east side of the puhliq t iond i rnmihroitlinsitih the tract. h124,i-COrttalning 16 acres - and;.l4,6jmtchea r more or inik . ..,sdininingifo. - 1 and locatied cm: _thasegst side,96,the wauftigt,aloppeaid t on ,which asp nmeteit . th 6 various buildings belonging to the farm. „NA .i...,Vontinnlng 28 acres, aprlAo92.peria*.inoie or. , Je ss ,,, o o joiaing, hie and lauds . of.f &CO Fader, Wra, ,der.ardAhe Rutile road on the east. . - A isiorrectedonryey. and. dsaftef the, said can; be seen at any time before the day of side afilhe,offica of Jno:.#4 Briggs Tszumiaitalii—One-thir4!fatileLP . money to be peldr.4 Abe Arno; (to wit, ,A_pr,ttl.glB6B,:kactlen, a deed of cenvoyagioe,will Po made la the parelowerAind possession given, and the two-thirds to be.paid - inli„ve_equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, payable semi-annually and secured by &ands and mortgage on the property; but AileSeteima Of payment will be: nit parches ••• 9 3 - No. E.-Bittacs, sep23-dtmtth2tiol . Leal i.Etate-Salo; • ; TAIMIS4AY::OC - TORER I3 ABK," WILEO BiB.SOLD: AT PUBLIC the premise; late the Real Estate of George' Heft flebower deceased, situated in 15 , est Peniasbero tewifthip; Cunibedand ebb= two mlles setitheast of -New ville, near . the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and .&bout dbree-fottitheOFDmile . Itorth of the - Anil:Take, adjiiiining lands of Brice;ll ) B6eiTtf!t, Geo: Rei!, Hamner liefflepoweri John Myers, Cidaige .Davidson, anddands or 'the help 3 'of said decedent,. a triletof Good . . Liinestono Land containingloB licreso 31 perches-88 'acres of which are cleared,. and Inn.good state of cultivation the remain der is covered with excellent timber. There is erected on the premises a " ''NBiO'BRICK DWILLLVG HOUSE, a new and large BANK BARN, with all the necessary, out. buildings to make a comfortable home. Also a YOUNR APPLI4 BROBARD, iwith a variety of other cholok fruit trees on the premises. Any person wishing to ,view the propertyheforpthe day of sale, will be shortsßY - name hrolVagyonAuiLttie Iletilebower, residing tile gilikto.cozepencis at 12 O'clock, 3E., on said . _ , when SA U.N./. lIEFELEBOWER, -,•`; 'ADAM . FLSEIBURN, . Agents for ,the heirs of said deceased. , 011 4 %Sa6iecia,g, - October' 'l, 1864, r " - Mari, subseriber offeis for sale, on the preni ;.L.l ises , .a VALUABLN. TRACT OF LAND containing six acres; more Cr teas, lqualled.,by lands of L. Koenig, Wenrich, A. NinengerPhstothers, situated in Sesquehan liaLtownship, Daupttinocaturty, Pennsylvania, one half mile Dem the city Jim.' The improvements consist of a TWO-STORY 'FRAME HOUSE, , Frei* barn,'a large Carpenter:shop, -Carriage-house, , tuld oilier necessary out buildings . The buildings are , , , nearly new, having been built within 'a few years; abioo well of essellennneyerifailing , water at the door, and stream of running water through the-place.: The Landis MI. der good cultivation and good paielag. All kinds of choike fruit—appleS, peaches, wars, plunis„ grapes and rast3.- beizjee. Persons desiring pi view the property.previous to,. the sale, will pleas ;: .. ... the. undersigned, residing on the promiies. Sale to co:Ai:notice at 2 c'eloek,g. tr., when terms of sale will be niale known by JOSEPH SHEESLEY., sep2l-dlw Fall and, Winter Trade! CLOAKS, •, IRCULARS CLOAKS': rzF~. •, 44; : l4 ,• Orr , -.,` • ANT):IIOITANING „, BALMORAta-uiAND SCARFS! • Rs T' IF , URs• The Largest and best seleeted.titock this;eiiy ! at the -- ".1 IN D. W. OROMS' NEW BLOCK, HAWSWItIap, f6p2-tf Aithlet-0 T. 3' -7 1' 7 i3 1- E - 1 - 11$1 ! ME . . •.; • -' • No: InsiARICKr S'ilE ri. ' v: Z.l Has just opened her new PALL STOCK of • ' pQNNBTS, •LADIES' ift.ND „ 111SSE' HAS,-- " • 411,i • • F-E4TRWIS" AND PLoW.EB3.• • ;-• r . -- ' "LATE7T STYLES,. C tOS kt* AND CIRCULARS! II . And .ct flag assortmentof • WOO.4E:N . , HOODS, Nual4s, dc. - M. r ACClUStallt* en band, besides eirerViiitig-'uSualty ttiund in fuinishing estab) uteitkin , the, country. sep2o'o r "" L ' • Steam Engine anal_ .111,chtit; _Shop, '2...six= ST., BETWEEN 'Z./114 , 8 A.ANDI4.TUKET, iIHE tinaersignia; ,having taken the above tespootfollpastioputirtptre of the public pa .trontige: . . • ' Particular attention e palcillo,rePairmg of Steam Engines; and all kinds of intichintiry:' ,A.ll. work will re ceiveloy personal attention, : an 4 sank/action' guaranteed seplo dly E. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 'ooaies is Truett Maar, ABOVE MARKET. Bo,unties, Pankow and Back Pay collectedat legal 111t6S: _ . faepa-dam*. ~ : i- i '• • - ..PUBLI.O LETTING. • • . , Tag Vientoffi •of the Poor of Dap:Phil). ~ - offer . . county will at public letting, on the preiniaes, - the 111.14, belonging to said., county, on TuzspAr, the - 4th Of Oetober next, for the term of i oneyeir; t o efunweitee on the first day of April, 065; seid,,letting to commence at 1 o'clock P. 24- on. Old day, , when attendance yolqbe given and terms made known. by-, ii ,- , , - • , , 1 WII.T.T Ala ENDERS - , ' ' ,„.: i .e : . 1:' , , DANrEt sIntEALY,- Directors. .. •,% • • - ' JOHN ERAMDII,.. Attest—Amos FISLE; Clerk, u --. • ',Sept. 19th; I&—Esep - 22-dac*td - - . : _ . . LEPERS:. HE HOTEL PROPERTY knoali as the BIIk~HLEH HOUSE, T • In OAS city, : is oil - erect pi private saw on accommodating .4 11 / 1 1 3 - APPY 1 0 : , .G. IF- BUEHLER; sep2l-lawlm , • Pa. WIA - 9C-mbire salt tulnion, 14:1 augi , • 6a18141154 PEN L. sue:: sur , rt; e~-'l~~e~~ste" "= ~~~ . r3,{fi~l:s~,~~: Coverly. Public Sale. NiOW OPENING FOR BIM it-ENiar REGVANYS IMEI Eit'Wkituk -- BRANT's mit THIETTEIGHTII Nl9lll' OF llobso's Star. Combiptigt Company, itonse's Star Combination-Company, Rouses Star Combination Company, Be-engagement of - MISS BErpLE GOLDEN: THURSDAY EVEN - Mb, SEPT. 29, 1.80.1 Will be repeated, by particular recitieSt:,A 4 3 musical comedy, entitled = THE CHILD.OF THE REGIMENt MISS BEtLA GOLDEN En her great, character of , J Q E.. 15-11 Alto, the Butlatti - of the Youth Who Never_ Saw a Woman FRIDAY EVENING, Benefit of MISS BELLA GOLDEN. per For farther partieuLsrs see programme augg-dtf „ SANFORD'S HALL. THecompany consists of the best star pet . rmers, consisting.of SINGERS, „ DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY Possum, Business Agent. au29d V. S. 7-30 .LOAN: Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three ydars from August 15th, 18..4, - with semi-annualintest at the rate of seven and three-tenthe per cent. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertibles . t•the option of the holder at maturity into sit per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than-five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They Will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, sl,ooo' and $5,000, and all subscriptiOns must be for fifty dollars or. some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation. charges as soon 'after the receipt of the original. Certificstes of ?e -posit as they can be prepared.. As the notes draw interest fro* August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. - Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent. Special Advantages of this-Loan. . - IT .T,S A NATIONAL, Sarnms Bum, o "wain; a higher rate of interest than anyiother and the best security. Any savings bank which pays its depositorsm U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medittm el the Country, and it eannotpay in anything better, for" its own assets are either in government Securities or in notes or bonds payable in gov ernment paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permatient investment. The notes can • al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are/the best security with baaaks_u collaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent, i-20 . Gold Bond. In addition to the very, liberal interest .on the notes for three years, rthis privilege of •coiiversion is now Worth about three pericent. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds .uot less time nineper cent. prerOon„.audbe .fore. the war the premium con4nat-per-oent.„ U. S. stocks was over twenty per ; cent; It will be seen that the achial profit on limn, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. ' -- Its Exemption froML' State - or trunitipal • State or But aside from all fhe advautages we have enumerated, a speeittlaceof CongteSS exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, accordinetto'the rate of taxation inVarione parts of the country. It is believed • that no securities oll'er so great inducenients to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other foims of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is ,he4d to secure the discharge of all the ,obligaiitiis of the United. States.' ,; While the Government" - offers - 11a - e"inost „liberal terms for its loins, if i belieyes'thatrthe very strongest appeal will be ty +3, 4 lpyalty *lid patriotism of the people' k Up to the 24th of September, the subsirip- Sons to this loan amounted to over - Sunscarmous wrtz BB BECRIVBD by the Treasurer of the United States, at • Washing ton. the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries,. and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MIBINBJERIL ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND MANKRR-R throughout the country will give further in- AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO EUBSCRIBERS. [se2B-cT&*:toctl9) JUST ARRIVED !—A fine. lot of CANNED PEADHIIS and TOMATOIS. also, semi Idols riNz AftLFS FB.ESH PEAS, &a., just myl44itf JOHN WISP..Bd gmet_ n tVcimit. CROME & BLACKWELL'S ERGLISa PICKLES, a rare article for table use, just received and for sale by SIIISLER febi isuccemore to Wm. Duck, jr., Mk I FESE CRACKERS . Boston Wine Bis cultii, Boston Milk Bilieuita,..BOsion Butter Bis cuits, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston. ;Pic-nic 9,rackers, Trenton Butter Croke's, just recelirea Bag ' ROYEA-1* OITERMIc. Honey. ASMATJ4 but superioi lot of 'HONEY, just received, at BELISLE/1 BrERAZEIt'a.' auglB • BE 8, Prayer - Peeks, Hymn. Books, of all denominations, in different styiertand at different prices, at SCHEFFEIVS Bookstore, Sept!2 21 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Penna. POCKER BOOBS, Wallets and Purses for sale cheap at SCI METER'S Bookstore, . TOY BOOKS, Toy Books in endless've riety, at , searixsEitNAriAraore • - • - - CALT SALMON. . IJ A new invoice of fine salt salinos, just rezeived and for sale by " SaLSLER.i.F.RiZER, sept 26 (ftecessor to W &Igo.) , EXTRA FAMILY notE, ithd.: N MEAL always on band, ot -tho best quality,-et IS " ' 130.1911t1s103110Yrrat lUTTERI BITITER.--Fresh balter W $ D 4" 0 06 r county receivedßOYFlß evOrsr' 1101qk&NR.. %is° am FINE GROCERIES-OfkallrlindiOidalduced Prices* , . mamma kleaAshtais aitY GROCERY, opposite the CottaiGeoase. • - ` BEEF AND ToNGUAktoyesh .111ia voiaa at Dna] • SELlW4ll4lavoix . • .pail twalb.:Lia EMI =I AMUSEMENTS. WITH Taxatiu. $40,000,000. formation and ESE EMS CETI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers