__, BUSINESS UARDS. RALPH L. DIACLA'f, A TTORNEYAT-LilW.—Pcdriot arid iTnion banding, B ar b ! bum Strict attention ,paid to all legal busbies& Military claims collected. • 10-d6m-eod Thomas C. MacDowell, Attornegy.-at-Liaw. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. . . H.A.B.Rtsmpla, PA. ALL manner of Military Claims' proreptly attended to, and absinth dolleeted against the General or State Governments, either. 9n Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington el% or at Harrisburg, without un- A. C.:B4MM, / ATTORNEY - LAW, HAS removed to )f , 6i from Third to Wal -Atit ettoet, next- to All business treated. to him will receive prompt end careful attention.: NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WROLESA'LE AND RETAIL DEALERS is, GROCERIES,. Queens and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PROD . UCE, iIAVE just opened a large and well selected stock or , goods at their stand, No. 3 MarketSiinatei arrisburg, Pa., to which they invite tle attention °Piths . nol4diir_, • JONES, ROUSE, Corner of Market street and Market Square HARRISBURG PENNA. +CHAS. H. MANN, tf. Proprietor. STATE. CAPITAL HOTEL; &G UM OF THERD AND 'WALNUT sTRIZEIS; • HARRISBURG; PENN'S.. • ; MICE Giadersigned having purchased this*reli ± known house has enlarged and thoroughlyrendvafed it. The rooms have been.ralminted and papered, amdshb entire estallshment elegantly, re-furnished. Being OW. aantly and eligibly located, and, proVided with every cint venience; it Offer* to - the public all the comforts and' luxu ries of a first clasti.hotel; . Trusty :and obliging servantr always in attendance, A bar well stocked with clacim. liquors is attached to the.dstablishment, o*d:ly ' ' 'V. G. THO.37sOX, . . THE UNITED-RATES °HOTEL,. 1. ISRtIR HARR G PA. I 1), H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. 1111118 well known Hotel is now in a condi -11 lion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample cenveniensins alike for the transient guest • and the permanent boarder. - i THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely redt tad throughout, and now has accommodations equal* na (latent, comlort and luxury Many hotel between Pbiledel-' phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Oapital, being in easy assess to alrihtiallroad &Pits; and' to (nose proximity to all the public offices and business, le oalities ofthe city. It has now: all the conveniences of ; t RT 4:11.3 _FLO 2' and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ria-: parse, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the gratist- The patronage:of the traveling , public is respectfelltio - cited. jell-dtf. MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SDEETJERIC, iTIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, VV STRINGS, DRUMS, 11.FES, and all km& of R . CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, no G GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, .AMAR - TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., , '0 Remember the place, SILAS WARD, 1•10. 12 Third treat, the largest Music Store this side of the groat °Welt jan2S-dtf • 'MELODEONS AND CABINET. ORGANS. Ptiftwursr_snar.:, PEEWIT '1'16.7.11111711X6, - TWELVE. SILVER METALS, OHLIUGOLD , MEDAL Over won by instruments of tile • ~ ohm) has been awarded to MASON. 45,ff.A.W.LIDTS .INSTRUMENTS.I A fall assortment. of these instruments always on,ha It . ' 'W. KNOCHE'S, Sal* Agent, Je4,2tawlyl • • 93 Market, street. NEW GOODS-4UST OPENED f; DERG A RER'S • Book and. Stationery Store. KmbraCing evny, ne*"..etnd improved style of POCKET' BOOKS MA Gio CURRENCY HOLIOIS, CALF' SKIN' SOCKET . BOOKS, BUCKSKIN :PURSES, PORTMONNAIES, &o. at prises to suit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, - Conalating of a fine assortment of Weetenholm's Sage Pocket Knives. GOLD PARR, Rola Newton's celebrated manufactory. Eueropm • with a ituarcratee. ' - • PORT FOLIOS • : wiarruza CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, . , PAYETERIES; &o Together with every article pallidly found In a first' - Book and Stationery establishment, at - ' 4„ . 12 BERMIEW4e M OA-840a! DANIEL-A.. MIJENCH •AGEN4 07 the Old - WaHoweT . Line, respectfully in forms the public thitthis Old Daily Transportation Line (the only Wallower ~Line .now in . existence in this eity,is In successful , operation and prepared 'to carry freight as low as any 'other Mdividaal line betweenPhda delptda, Ei Hai* ,lant4, Siplfoiry,•Lewisturg, Williamspy, Jersey Shore, Lock luverf arid , . alt - other points on e Northern OentritlyTbiladelphia and Erie and' Wilhelm , port and hiliolra Railroads. , , - • , ! ! DANIEL A. H U NCH, Agent, : ' ' ' -' - . Harrisburg, Penn's' Goods sent:to the. Wirehonsebt Messrs; 'Penceekt & Hinohman, Nos. 88 and 81?,,Stark.et woe!, above 8 , Philadelphia', by 4 Vi,foCki r:lid','Will arrive at Harris. burg, ready for delivery, next,morning. EapBofrdinyl 14A11~0S. • LIAIRECHT, RIEKES & SCIEIELDT'S -'EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT , W. .E.NOCPTPTS, I 03 Market street, Harrisburg. - LlOll REASONS perfectly satisfactory to .j: MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. The public hi : invited to come and ex- amine for themselves. - ' • A few Sehomacker & Co's Pianos .011 tuarel yet will he Mel low. mar2s4l NOTICE TO SILIPPEII i S BY ; Philadelphia and Reading Ra oad.._ INaccordance with the - pkovisions of the Ifew Internal Revenue Law, all goods delivered at the above railroad for shipment must have a Two Cent. Stamp Milted to the receipt demanded therefor, said stamp to be at the bapense of the shipper tor all receipts taken by the above CoMpany, said stamps will be furnished and paid for by theCtimpanyi anglo4lteePSo JOHN J. CLYDE -Agent, FINE FAMILY FLOUR.-sEusta I lt, FRAZIER have =do arrangements with one of the beet.mills In the country to supply the families of Harris bulk with choice FLOUR. , Evory barrel warranted, and delivered to any part of the eity free of charge, • • • , Si ISTAIR & FRAZER, Dealers In Ffne Family. Groceries, opposite the , Court Reuse. _ aul3 SPICED OYSTERS:—Extra fine Baltiingre organs, apicect, just received at e-IXtrER & Kowg,rf, . TUBT RECEIVED-44 gallons pure ourrsOtt 0.. wine, from a Lancaster county farmer; the tintet made domestic wine In this city.. Price as 00 per gene's. For sale at ,• ,„ :SHISLER is FILAZXII,_ As . , . . 1 ,. . Successlore to Wm. Dock: jr ~talc- Z o. §TPI - 02.15 alST.R4lit3.—,Extra-Fine Baltimilre Oysters, gaped, end for.Alat _t4o,l2Slipt,„fAst, id nt. or leas quilt* ~ - , . e4iStalt St y I OS , ~ Successors ,to",.w.D oc k: ~.., _ HAMS 1 RAMS 1,-4A teriah Onare's Excelsior Hama and DrieMßeef, . BOYER ALHOERPE4 - - - -LADIES.—Ifyin pod- mega iholgopes, 1111, Yen; Oetuijilblag aw n la, sodomy ills, rat will AvA)&aalliag at ROOKST(IB4 1/4740110 RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road VABZIC .• • 14 **G, • ME TRAMS D±tirj 1 1 0 ASV VOlOll 4'ItOM ON AND AYES MONDAY, May lath, 1864, 11311 Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania ELad_copny will depart from and mays at Har risburg and Phila del phia so follows: EASTWARD. THROI7GH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harriaberg_ daily at 46 A. mould arrives at Wait PhlLdelphia at-666A. ac FAST LINE leaved Harrialmfg daily (accept Monday) at 'GOO A. x., and arrives at West Phibdelphia at 10;10 4. 1. take breaklhat at Lancaster. I[~OIINT JOY Ao3OIO4ODAT/ON, leaves Ifarriebarg at 7.20 a. ix, calumets at Lancaster with Lancaster -actuall-: =dation Train; and and 'arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.26P.L OOLIIMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, termite Berri* bung' at 12.20 ' P. IL ; Columbia L 66 r. tr.„ and • arrives' at Lancaster 2.80 P. X. ; connecting with Past Mall east at Imamate foe Philadelphia, and arrives at -West Philadel phia at 4180 r.w. ' • MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. ;-Linaaster it 2.47 P. It4laild arthree at West Philadelphia'ati7.3o P.ll • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, tla Wom b* leaves Barriabirg at 6.25 r. at, and 'arrives at West -PMladelphinsa 10.50 • WESTWARD. ,•,. BALTIMORE;EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hantatunididly (except Monday) at 2.10 A. M. ; Altot i :7.Bs A. x., take breakfast, and arrives at Marring at -110 P. L PRILADELPHbi EXPRESS TRAM- eaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 4.11.; AltoenttAt 81 A. 0 - ?Lipka breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg it - 1:00 HAIL TRAIN leaves Miiiiberg at 110 IL ; Altoone 'at 7.16 takelaupper, Mel arritekabltittsburg at 12.30 ;FAST LlN Eteallostibtreliburg At 850 Altoona at 1 . 85 P. n, take suPPerOutd.taltinea at PAltebing at LOO MOONY 'JOY_ AOOOMILODATION: leaves Lancaster ritt x.,.arrivea at Harrisburg atll.lo.a. ru,• JIARRISBURS ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Weak Philadelphia at 2.45 P. Y., and arrives at Harisburg at 8.10 P.Y. Mann JOY ACCOMMODATION No. '2,:leaVes Lancas. .ter at 4.25 P. 1‘. 7 connecting there with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy atl,oo P. x. and arrival, atHarrisburg at 8.20. r. x. SAMIIII, 111.. YO'JNO, : Bunt. Middle Dtx,Perin's R. B. , Harrisburg, May 13, 1854...dtf '„ , „ ,Northern Cent - ral Rtillway SITBALIMIG TJKIG TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO Asco,nre BA.IA,T 310 R E W —Connections made with indictee Ponnspiranla Rallyoad, 4 o and froMPittsburg andlhollrest. THREE TRAINS DALLY - to and frOm the Northja d West Branch Susquehanna, Ehlers, and all of Northern New York. -- N and after Y DIQNPA dY 1 6 th, 186 i. lA_ Othe Panaungei Trairw, of the Northern Ofinttal Railway, will anive fiat and depart hom Rarrisburl and Baltimore aii. Wows, vii; 13011THIVARD. MAIL TRAIN tieing; -Banbury datly (except' . 'Sunday) ..10.25 ." . leaves "Harrisburg 1.20 it arrives at Baltimore 5.40 Y. ILICPBEI24III4.IN leaves Sunbury . dally(except • • Sunday) .11.46 t. it . . . ay) leaves Harrisburg (except ' Mouday) ' 2.50 A. sc. arrives at italtimore daily (except Monday). 7.00 A. 31. VARIUSBITREI ACCOMMODATION leairbe burg 7.00 L SOMBORT ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (except Sun - day) at..-. ....... ..... 4.80 A. ■ MALL TRAIN leaver! Beltbscre daily (except . 9.20 A. is. ° Satires Harrisburg 1.315 r. arrive! atllunbury %LOA P. N. IMPRESS TRAIN lemma RAlM.more 4.30 P. I. _Rsogburg ... 1.30 a. x - - leaveWllarilibtm,„ (mpg Monday) 1.0,r4.4a1A6 )91. .g arrivesatSunbuq . ... .". 4 a. g. HARRISBURMAOOO.IIMODATION • I :..tiFOre 1 44 1 7 (exonlit S.OO P. g. arrive' at Harriebtutr. 44. ago r. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves "Hi&W • burg dailY (eieePt Sarich 0 ! ' • at •• • 4 00 r. Fqr farther Information apply at the Claim,in Penneyl vania Railroad Depot. ,Y.N.; , DirBARRY, Harrisburg, May 18, 11164.-dif • • Gen. Sap CVMBERI I AND VALLEY ,AND FR-ANKL I Ni . . RAILROADS. EUTS—Onand afterld ii‘ ORANGE OF HO . . 0 iv day, Aprll • 4th, 1884, Passenger trains will. daily, as follow; (Seam excepted:) 1 , 012 01L4,11111,458177117 LAW HARRISBURG: : a, st. r. jai Leave Ha5e144n.....' 1'..:.'... 7.00 248 " Gitakaire,:. ... ..-,. :Willa. p ..'L 7.87 ataa vleg_ 2 lAntife4a.:.;:/1: k41.',.. 8 ./T 1 20 Onamberebsst , ... ~ ~.., .I..eaife at....':.41V14. 8.80 12 1 .55 Leave Shlppeedenult ' ' - . 4 ..' - e.;.. 9.00 1;28 " Newv180,.:.......i; ~... .... ... . . ..... 9.88 9,00 . . • ... t a. x. ' t " Carlisle 566 10.10 2 4 42 " Mechanicsburg: • 6.25--1042 Bl2 Arrive at g.F1ifib1ut..........6.56 ILIS 5 40 , . , FOR eIIiaIifIZESITURG INS .11,16 , 11.42P0WN4; . A. m. P. .M. P.M. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.22 tie!, " Meebanlasbtorg ' ' 5.47 2415 4i54 " Carlisle 9.27 2.55 6.29 Ne7ille ... lo.xii &29- . 1 Shippensbuig • • '1.0.3a 4.00 f Arrive at 11.00 430 P iamb g liblir g , Leave at ' 11:10 4:40 I i Leave GreecasUe ' .11.55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown • 12.86 0.10 I. Jam- Making close connections at Harrisburg with tralns for Philadelphia, New. York and Pittsburg ; and with raffle for all points Medi ' ... 1 1 I 40-The Train leaving Narrigiring ad only all far all carpal% O. N, , L 14114 114Pc B. R. Office, Chamberaburg, April 4, 1864-Iy, j NF A W . AIR t LIMN . ;ROUTE PifitLADELPECIA•::: (IN AND 47E4. MONDAY, September A.. 1 19th, 1864 tho,PosamepTlikkui will iggiv.4 and . Heading: 'Railroad Depoi,,,s t Xfapisburg, for New York and PlilladelOhla, as follows, vigp r EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leavei Harrisburg at SOO A. m. , On ar rival of the Pennsylvarila Railroad _Express Train from he West, arriving in New York at 10.00 An. A 'sleeping is attached ,to the train through , from Plashing with rat Change._ • ._za, . MAIL TRAM loam! Harrisburg at 7.30 A. x v ,arriving 'in New York at 4.40 r. M. and Ph il adelphia at 12.60 p. FAST LINE leaves Har risburg at 1.46 P. IL, arriving New York at 2.00 P a. and Philadelphia, at 7.00 r. In. HARRISBURG ACC 3 BIMODATION TRAIN to /444 11 g leaves at 6.80 P. nt. 1 SUNDAY TRAIN for New York and Phlladtlyhtal Ott Harrisburg at 0.80 A. WESTWARD. ' EAST LINE leaveaNew York at 9.00 a.i , arri at Harrisburg at a I. . MAIL TRAIN .Imm* New• York at 12.00 noon,cud Philadelphia at 3.7104.. x., arriving at Harrisburg at 80 P. 11. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at, .7.00 P. ar, riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A IL, and connecting with (the Pennsylvania Express Train fcit Plttiaburg. A sleeping:ear is also attached to this train. r • , • MAIL TRAIN leaves'Pliiladelphia at it.ooa. , a Indian. riving at Harrisburg at 12.40 r. a. Connections are made at 'Hamburg with trains on the '.Pennsylvania, Northern °antral and. Calm - berhuid ' Va l ley railroads, and at 'Reading for Philadtilphla„ , Pottsville, 19ilkaaharre, Allentown, Easton, arL•P . - - Dein! chocked through; - Eft* between rk and Rarriahurgi_gs l l.6 l % InArreen Harris Ong 1. :Oda,' $BB6 lit Rea auk and =Bln No. 8. For tickets or other Information apply to J. I. OLTDX, 1101044 f Omni AMR MiTlOrug, Mir!.Ml7l . , • I 1864) 1864. • Philadelphia_ and Erie REdi fIIMS great line traverses the'Northern Northwest counties of Pennsylvashi to the city rit Erie, on Lake Erie. _ It has been leased by the Piandiiriyissa F.arcnOso Cc ;- PANT, and under their auspices is being rapidly open.4l throughout its entire length. It is now in use for pawner and Freight - basin( vi from Harrisburg to St. Mary'sA2l6 miles) on ttie Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division. . • TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARIUSBURG. Leave Eastward. Mall Train 1.20 P. m. Express Train 2.50 s. at. Leave Northward. Mail Train ..1.35 P. a. Express Train ' 1 • ' 215 & at. Vara run tturough.wrrsoor cruses both ways on these keine between Philadelphia and Look Raven, and be- Avian Baltimore and Loot Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cll2ll on Express trains both ways be tweetWillbunsport and Baltimore; and Williamsport and PbSadelphia. ' • , For Information respeckbig Passeliger bludllear apply at the S. E. Corner nth and Market streets.' And for Freight business of the Company's 'Agents; & B. Shipton, Jr. , corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. ICliteynolis, Erie J. IL Drill, Agent N. O. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Frei& Agent,, Phil's. LEWIS L. ROUPT, • General Tiokel Apra Pawa. JOS. D. POTTS, my2o-dly] General Manager, WeSomixori REARING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARAANGEMENT (1 BEAT TRUNK - LINE FROM THE Ut NORM and NOrthwes t for Philadelphia, NeW York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton ,&c., &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New Yorlc6 Reading, Pettivilleand all intermediate Onions, at 8.04 A. w.,and 2.005. r.. New York Enrols loaves Harrisburg ,at 6.80 A: 4., striving at New York at 1.45 the Seine day. . A special Acconimodation Passenger 'train leaves Read ng at 8.15 A. w., and returns fromMarrisburg at 6 P. N. r&IW from H arrisburg; To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $8 86 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 8 A. Y. ,12 noon, ant P. r., (Pittsburg Express arriving at. Harrisburg all A. u.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 itis. ay, and 3 . 8 P Sleeping Carotin thelleW York• Express Trains ,throu gh to and from Pittsburg without change. . . . . - Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad. 1 1 3 liveiTaniaqui 'at 8.50 x, 2.; and 210:r. at., for Pbiladelpbist,,Now Ypr4, and all way points. Train! leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. outd 280 /L tar pldladelphla, Harrisburg and New York, . An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at ILO° A. 2., And returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. 2. Aar Au ilte above trains ran daily, Sunday .31r.ceptsti, A Sunday train leaveirottsville at 7;,80 a. 16, adelpbbt at 8.16 P. N. Commutation, Mllme, Season and.lksonrsion ticireta 4t reduced Mee to and from allpoints. • 80 pounds baggage allowed to each person. 11. A. NIMILS, General Superintinideet , L MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE THE LONG-801JGHT-FOR ' DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy, AND CECEROKEE INJECTION 1 coil:mum= FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEE& REMEDY, thereat Indian Diuretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, such as hand name of MS Urine, Inflansmallon of ME Bladder, Adam. viatica of MP Kidneys, Mons in dia Biadder, Stricture, Graad, Gleet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in Moss oases of //Nor 41/bus (or Mute' sin females) where all Use old natiscatis making have sir It prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only , lming from one to two teaspoonfuls throe times A ir Ilia diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying, and cleansing the blood, causing It to flow , in all of to original purity and vigor; thus removing from the sygtem all pernicious causes whieh have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJEGTION is intended as totally ores* ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conlmotion with that medicine in all cases of Gonerrh ' ea, Meet; rigor Anna or Whites.lts effects are Kozliap, log *4 and densulcoa ; removing all scaldint, het ehordee and pain, instead of the burning and abnost Un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cite 4 quack /ajectiona , . ' Jar By the use of the cassozzr. REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicinesat the same time--all improper discharges are removed, and the weak tined organs are speedily restored to Bill vigor and strength. : „ WTor full Falb:mites, get our pamphlet from Joy rug store in, Abe, country, or write Us, and we will mail free, k) any addrima, a hill treatise., fl. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three battik' for $6. s3l.Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bOttle„ or three bottles for $6. RM.:Sent by express to any address on receipt of price. lei... Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. KERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, marlo-sadly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CHEROKEE 017 RE. THE GREAT p INIDAVIEJ n9)0004 OOMPOUNDXD FROM ROOTS, BARNS AND Lgort3 , An unfa il ing, cure for Sperinatorrhea, Seminal Weak nesi, Nocturna/ Dmissions, 'and at/ 'diseases - caused by' self-. podutioni such as loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude Pains in the Deck, D imnes s Vision, Prenature.Oht 410 - Weak Nerves DlSlcutyizfßreathisth Trento:km w,4 4 ••" nen,. Award , . on the Pace, Pala Cewitentsnoe, COnsraption, and all the Diriiful complaints caused ki Idt• paZzli a nn the path cf nature. , -'-Z ; medicine la a simple vegetable extract, and'oxie n which all can rely, as It bas:been need in our prponiee. for many years, and with thousands treated, it has hot failed in aelugle imitilhee, Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the meet stubborn cake. sairTo those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond She reach or medical Id , we would say, Despair not I the Cainnais Crum Will rodent yon to health and vigor, sod after" afl quack dee tors have failed I • agrror fall particulars, get a Cintedor from say, Drug Store lathe country,, on write the .4oprietor, who Wig Mail; it " il° Vsijiny one tringthelmnue, a Dill treatise In $2 peror three tattles for $5, mid ~forpmedildhy exprespee,allparts of the world. . I sedold by all respectable druggists everywhore, L ;, . DR, W. R. MERWIN & CO., I SOLe Pirormeross, ggails.imay . No. 19 Liberty. Week New Yort, SELLING OUT . ONV • QITi STOCK OF, LIQUORS TiTE intend to;disoontinue the sale of Li vim and offer our stock at a very small advancr fronrocengnien: • We have purchased all our Liquors he fore the last rise and have a large stock , op hand for three or fourointy which ane guaranteed Cannot be purohised now at any price from.* importers • our itOok s Tt . q*We have parts of three barrels-pure.BY Wet colored, and 10 degrees above proof, *Klaus old. WINES of all Grad's', Doniestit and Imported,. , _ in it 41‘. El , D. I Sy We have part of try' cask HEITNISSEY: to which we invite the particular attention of fanillien for medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought toalay, - , Tret t ,i am yt er s, lees than $l6 per gallon. 'We Will sellitlor $lO per gal - SOOTOH AND ENGWS*I ALES, „ OHAPRAGNE.WEett•% ImAgt f ikCi We i nv it e A t e ion of Hotel Kitelidiee*Pd or y, es we intend to sell, withbut re- OB serve, all oer Lisnoit, and this will be a good opportu. lbe WWI& allga# nags. »t 401iNSON, „. EAL4timonE LOCK - HOSPITAL, ions discovered the most certain, speedy .1.1. and eff i ectaal remedies n tho world for DISEASES OF EIMPRITDENCIE. incurs &Bi% Tp 7vnirE HOURS. J. NO NEIROURY OR NOXIOUS DAM 1 A Cure Warranted, or No Charge,,!iit from One to Two Days, 1 Weakness of the Back, Affectione of the Kidneys and Bladderjhvoluntau Discharges, Impotency, Goiter:aDe bi ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low SPirits, Confasion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the' Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the ' Liver Lungs,. Stomach or Bowels—those terrible ; disorders i arising from the Solitary Habits of Yonth—those secre t' and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the, song of Syrens to the:Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most, brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &0., impossible. YOUNG MEN. Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice,i that dreadful and destructive' habit which annually sweepn to en untimely grave thOusands . of 'Yoting Men of the most exalted talents and . brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lista:dug Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to f ectaly qie liv34,lyra, may , Call,Wlth - fall confidence: NLABMGA , ' Married persons, or Young Ken tedtemplating marriage; being'aware of physical *Ve..Witg-rorganio debility, defor mities, Arc., speedily cured.' • • He who places himself under the care of Dr. 3. may ro ligibusly confide in his hoimi, as a .gaitlemity and cone dently rely, upon his'skikatta Physic ian. • ~ ORGANICt r NMIrdint3 mmediately cared, ind'fall vigotirlstdred.. • • This distressing alleotion-whiCh- renders Dili miserable and marriage impoitsiblel—is thelmnaky paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence.: Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that Snap ensue. Now, who that under- Asada the subject , will pretextd.to deny that the power of procreation le lost Benner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent., ..Besidea being deprived the pleasures of he a lthy - ofthprlitg, the most serious and de ' structive Symptoms to both 'body and Mind. seise. The system becomes deranged, the.: physical and, ;mental functions weakened loss of procreative power, nervour. irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigisti , m, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame , cough ; cam. gumption; decay and death:. • • On .= No. 1, Boom Faarozazoi Nam, • ; • Left hand aide going . from Baltimore street, a few doote from the corium Fail not ; to obserje .1 . 111:114113 . and, number.i Lettere must be paid and eoritak a OFR., ._'pie:l? o (xitors tiiplcimme Oise ' " • • DR. JQRI+IBV.PAti'.. Ifeniiiik of the:Royal College ' l ei . Aar' gee* .I„Pado,l, grad • uateltion:Cone of themost neeltbahages igt flip Mittel BMW, and the greater part of 'whoie life' has been spent in the hospitals of Uindon, Paris, most and else where, has effeM sd Seale of the astonishing cures that were ever known ; Many troubled with ringing in the head and. ears when asleep, great nervousness, being' alarmed at sudden soimda, bashfolness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were'cured immediatolf• " ' TAKE PARnt'UIiAR ICYTIGE. - - - - , Theaeare some Of. the Wiff efidt hifithidtbly effects pril dosed by early habits of,youth,.v . fs,: weakness of the back and'limte, pates, in the -head, damns of eight , loss of Muiciffiii.power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous irritability symptoms of consumption, &o. ItsarreLLy.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded--,loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de pression o 2 spirits, evil .forebodings, aversion to society, " self' distrust, love of sblitode , timidity, Le., are some of the evils produced: • . YOUNG MEN • Who have injured themselves by a iLortaiu practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frefinentlY learned from .evil compantens; or at school, line - effectS of which are nightly fell, even when &sloop, and if not cured renders marriage Lopossible,-and destroys both mind and body, shouldapplyt in modiately, . . Nhata Uty• 't hat wYounrman, the hope of his country, the darling of Ms • parents; should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the, cOmeipalgiCe of deviating from the path of nature and indulging. l a cer latingtain secret habit Such persons minsr, before contem p MARRIAGE, • Beam ithat a sound mind and:body aro theliostnecessaiy requisites to promote connubialhappiness.' Indeed, with out these, the journey throughlife hecomOs a weary gritting° ; thoprOspeet hourlydarkens" to the view; the 'mind becomes sit dotted' with despatt and filled with the melancholy relleotieh that the lowliness of. another bo comes blighted with our , ownf ; • DISBAS.V. OF IMPRUDENCE. . . When the inisguided it . imprndent votary of pleasure Ands he has imbibed the seeds of t his painfuldisease too often happens that an illtimed sense of 'shame the dread of discovery deteri him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend hiin. Re fails into the Panda of ignorant and designing pretend. era, who, incapable or curing, filch' his sett dance, keep him trilling month after rcionth, , 'orlong as the smallest fee can be obtained, and 'in despair leave him with rained health , tomigh overhisgalling disappointment., or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, harden. Vaii constitutionalsymptoresofthisteniblediSease,suckanatir ,e _ Mout of the Head, boat, Nose, Skin, etc., progrer 'A g with frightful rapidity till death puts a Relied dreadful sufferings by sending him tOttud nadir J o v ared country from whence no traveler retains,. • • I 'ThimiEstmENT" cei Vim. RP,Ess, . . . . . . The tinny thous* cured at this instit , A w n you aft er year; !Ad -tbe nmnerods important au , g t o l. epera i our ,yperformed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed 1. , the reports ;of the Ron, Clipper, and many other pap, notices of w oh have appeared again and again befor .1 the. pnblavbetlides his standi u ng le a gentleman . of ci' utor and . tuomi. bility, is a sufficient gaarantee to' .h e u thotul. • SKIN DlFtw. z R Eir BEDMY (RTRap. 01 nce Ito* 7 /# 011 . 113171 2Pr - 4da rimiLlitritst.l orEfEItEM smoir ORD 41i iAli4" TAINIANTF•3 O f 4EEPOUND EriIiAOTIOF CITBAOFF AND VOVA;n3A. orerthitM,i , iecessitencial - the NEDIGAL PRONSADON and the PUBLIC the theprompt • . 1 5 1 j.certtAove tir M3F4BBS TEM BL4IO - 0 1 V, X ''!' ''U S' l '' lR A 7 .)sW alllS i/IM• r«L.' , .0 ;71 naybe robe!! on aft the best mace for ths adeleistrn tior,of Wee resettle th the Wre t ches. of diseasesef both stp(Wkth ice applicable . It never interferes lotl. o -4 1 gemziozor and by its cesnentration, the dote is piped. • a %MI 'l3..Pciitbasere are' advised to ask for TARRA.NT i COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CMOS AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under Winner names, are in the market. Price $1 041 • Sent hY ress 'en -Viribelpf of price. Mannfic ared WY% aocta b No. NS Greenwich One, corner of Warren street, Now york, and for eau r sale gently*: • oct22-dly lEDNRIX & BRO., and by Draggles gatiorti/lyl' • :.•• c' • - --'-- • Gray's ,iatent bide Collars Are no 'simply hat pm ow of paper out in the form of a collar, but are Afolgedos id Shirai taist Ate taeci, having a perfect move free „Mai ongla or breaks, whi eh la ob tained by our paten . tei; promo, whichabso secures another aihangarrnsaaad by aft , oftereaksr,—vhs apace Artie Ctianfig ita , Tnali-dOWn ilt"le, the MUM or tromp Muinvig alnlart. say mat tam PraXiati, Makin tkitt ;collar, for Ma i nestasaii and dirability, unequalled, are Mole in, ttion-dowleiitylain siase train 12 to 17, sail in 'Garrotte. bon 3.1.8 to 'Manatee, an& peaked in neat. blue , biles 'or 100 sack; oleo, in smaller ones of 10' each—the. , latter a imp = handy package • for tiartlalai army mid airy Mown I .• • • sr "RIMY COLLAR is !stamped tt Gray's Patent Molded Cotter- 9 ! • I sold by all retail 4tios4e , es r la VOWS Fainkiking Gonda: The trade supplied by ••• - , • '-• „, veer .f a v o?3 , s =En; 4 , 0 6 4 031:6665W:1 Cala' .; St. , Philadel • Ilia. TEN CASES • '••• &tied at .I,,jeen 7 .,RetD , caTTIP. i , Jwit re ," soootiors to Doeft s lM • 114 EMS I HA11717-tatoionier's Ri c a : d m Jut mead. Received, and for WO at fN 'WWII % Deek•Trtakt • ' D 2 W.:6ROSS-It. CO. D. W. GROSS & VOA, • • WHOLESALE • AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, O. 19 ' MARKET STREET, HAgarisuße, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- IrEE.P4B2 AID CONSITHYBS. We we daily , addirig to our aisiiiteent of ggoods all sea articles as are durable, ands would' call your ,attenticon to the hugest walk bask:Waded stock - in ,this clty,•ot . • : . DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, OA Varnishes sad Wies, Dye436uf hi Glass and Patty, Artist's Colors and Toela Burning Fluid rod Alcohol, BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. TICIVI'ABMEE BOY, and how he became Comm and cr4n•ChieK, $1 26 TEE PIONEER BOY, and how he becamePrealdent, $3. WNW Soap, Iffnigni And Cori; THE faillibilrßOd r y and the Financier,. El 26 Laid„ ilperm mid Flue Oita; • • boWeseVittis 4dtami6labos, Mb a general variety or PERFUMERY AND TOILET Aanows, Selected from the eel manufacturers and Perfumers' of Europe and Ude cow dry. Being von?' !Inn sib:4lthto PAINTS, Wart, LAW, LnaIEEID ou, TARrizaus, 117IWOW °LABS, ARriars COLORS, PA rir AND 4dillVB2"B BRagREII IN rzare rAzeurnws, GOLORS AND BROX.9re ,We respectfully invite a call, feeling confident that we oak 'supply the wants of all on toy= to theft sattafao lion. TEETH! TEETH! ! , JORSB' AND WHITE'S poscpAiiirEgem, pArzxr AIEDICILD77I2I, .42W Of all kinds, direct iron the Proprietors tiVhi',(,MTLFIKR AND CONMinUTKD LYE. WLoloaale Agents for eaponifler, which we sell at low co it can be inirched 2 h the cities. InFIA FLUID EXTRACTB. COAL OIL! OABBON Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oirer in duksemeiti'to close buyers. Coal On Lamps of the Most Improved patterns, very cheap, All kW! O Lampe aimed to burn Cot on. kl 5. Xll 1 There at pin who have not glyeneur HORSE AND CAT- Inn-Ritvitard a trial knosknot their nsperiariry, andlhe advantage they are In keeping Home and Cattle healthy and Ina good;oonetion. Thousanda,oa iamtify_ to the profit thtiy have dextved. from the use of our Cattle Powders, by the 'mines* quan- ty and quality of milk, besides humming : the general health and appearance of their cattle. Our long exPerienal in the btu3inees evee tnfthe tage of a thorough lcuwwledge of the trade ‘ Arid our rangementa in the office ure such that we CPA to a; very short, time, !brash anythlio; appertaining to our Man, collie best of term •.. • • Thankful for the liberal patrohme tlestowed, house, we hope by strict attention to . a iTefga selection of ' 4' 1711 4' DR fl , g, at Nl' PrioWSE the device , tolgOoliol9l, to. meth Ircon =mace of ;he favor of a disarlrolnitt,nepoblio. aplB.4lly • MOTH SA.CI-IVir VbiarbErk4 PiRFTIMISOLLATO 1N t 141 4 4111P MOTH rims POWDRIV-4 'Oempouri of valuable mtiolea for ' th e deattaction of inototo—diatrlbuted among or dotted owl! , Miro, Woble ' ns, pet , Clothing, ( titO, 1 111 9 1 legATIAYAVI Aloulsoor. y prom el 4 aim ttia, dimmitd• kaolin it will ha pfe) pate olothirit alk with a bating stPlealMai oder* The finest falai° Cannot be injured b'Y Prewed mod.ookl ot, 3.wasotaka,.. BOW DMI,Bn4 gepay pima stem No. 0. 0 1 . Amt. - NNE TAXPLA 0143.,-40 box**. ' oils of the NM Inglirtaitlops foc sale, o tr. 1 x.. 7 4 organ, by • . - - ' 'IIOOIMII3 11; Any a_ • 1600001% tO Dbok, J r • AU° WED/Mb 11.1Mt . ::•11- Ka , ,50r41/ 10- I Jetl7 Ektooeisors 30k. 7.• citirinUOU RIO AND LAGIII I 24I lad NM WM I • * 11USCELLANEOUIS. iIIMADDEN ) S MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STRUTS, Harrisburg, Pa. TETundersigned having opened a Marble .rld in this city. beg leave to: balm tbeir frienea and, the public in general, that they are prepared to far. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Monumentg,_ Uombs, Head Stones, Mantles, And Howie Work in Marble and Brown Stone, Give as a all and we will guarantee aatisfactton. W FADDEN & CO. N. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German. nar29-aly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER'.. 100, STYLI -is POItrrItIONNA_IH, FOR LADIES AND GENTTNISVN, AT Pure Ground Oploes, ME ikm,:.&a, Jai Aga, &o, OF AUL' 1217Dif. HAJR iurarraurinrs, 61:108 AS POCKET- -BOOISr PURSES .TELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The beet Morocco . TRAVELING SATL , R ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable tot Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, merle-if No. 91 Market street PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasp& • ' ALBUMS WITH 80 Pkrttiretifor. 40 it • go .., ~... 4 OS ether with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and which will be sold cheap. So tir,s yon caw,' buy a prettier, mote durable aid 01naper album anywhere. Cal land see at SCHEITSIt'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. • ! . • THE piuN't ; BOY, or how Sem' Franklin made • his mark,' I 1 `46 THE FARMER. BOY, anti how he heroine Lietaea not General. In press A YOUTH'S HISTORY OE THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly illustrated. $1 At BERGNER's BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No X 32 Walnut. Stieet, South Side, East ot Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS WOOPROFATED CABITAL CIZABTRIZ PEAPICTUAL. Marine s Fire and Inland. firinieportation 0111211 CO. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presideut CHARLES PLATT, *ecretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Second, Harrisburg, Pa JUST RECEIVED, THIS moirlan, A 17111311 INVOICE OF ILICHENER & CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR, CURED HAMS AND 33310-10, sEasyMit &FitAZER'S myBl VILE NEW BOOKS. QTIIIIBILtid BLOCKS, by Gail Ham , uton. Price $1 6 HAHNTESI HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp. lighter. m $2 00 pmuENEss AND DAYLIGHT, by MM. Holmes, $1 as BARBARA'S EIBTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards 60 cents THE wars. HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by Trollop $1 26 SEVEN STORMS, by ELldarvel, abAbur uP "Reveries °fa Bathebir." 11. 50 SPEKE'S .701115144. L otthe Discovery of the sources of the Nile. , $3 50 THE WOMAN IN by. author of "Man ID g ray ." $1 50 NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIF;E , Nov2Bl to Aug. 'B3, V. 00 STI:OlIES OF THE SEA, for poye; from Cooper's writ 11 OS %I. 'STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys;. from Cooper's writings. • ... • $1 00 XIL All new books received as Won as published at BBROKSWB BOOK STORK • • t Market street. PELAYALER 'FURNITURE W it pousaleesiiiiit affect the varnish, but cascaras the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will re.itore, with very little labor, every finished surface, either metal .or wood. All manufacturers and dealers iii furiuttim Wie it for cleaning furniture that has been Ete.nd. bt,g, covered with dust. A touch and- rub here sad tliere Will make it bright and fresh. For sale.by S. A. ICUIsIKEL & BRa , just-dif 118 Market street, Harrisburg. . IirCLINTOOR PECTORAL STEEL Ta'sINVALUABLE SYRITP, which is eat- Ura ti .ft eta s composition has been e played wi thwonderthl sweets for many Years m them?. et dimmest for the AIR PAAIAGEB and LUNGS. For any form of the diaeaae, inch as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT SPITTING OF ItLOOD;DIFFICULT 'BREATBLIG, LOSS OF VOICE end HECTIC FEVERS, it net will be attended with the happiest results. It is 005 Of therbeat and safest medicines for all forma of BRON. MINIS and CONSUMPTION. Die laudanum or prepata. Lion of °Ours is cosy shape Whit ottroP• WOE $l.OO PER BOTTLE ' , For,site it BERGNEE'S Cheap Book Store. • G UM PECTORALS ere to soothe a cough, allay Tickling in the. Throat, w relieve Roarsences,<_ Catarrh , Thrdat, & c. They coniar , Col [afoot, horehound; Ipacacuanha, Senega and Saudi, (the moat reliable expectoMnta known,) are the chief a liVe consZimeate§ no *aided with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each lozenge containta mild and very pleasant doe Manufactered (alertly .9.• A. .ICIJNKEL it BRO., _ ApetheCariek, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. - pp iniaDmollA coutdmiE 11, TM Iva WIEN LADIES. No. 100 Arch ;treat. Eev.coususa.,smiril, D.. D., E. ClAfatICE koant m.,'Prinotpdi ' MAN 'LW, • 'Mares departments: Primary- ,""ue" AcEd_o," , and Collegiate. - obllege ems, Classtea, nutticia , .highor.3lololll. end Natural Science for thew who graduate. /Worn Linguagea , m u sic, p a i n ting arid Elocution I, the beet . thaatern For e aroalara apply at the hastitnt44;lo Wpm BOY 9811 . 0., Philadelphia - .„ sprotms - • • ATIE,IITENAL_WEDDINE3, INVITATION yOARDs—By a spacial anengemeat witlranichr the beet engravers in the country, cards or ask deocription will be the in the highest style of efseilheenable with the latest ftshlon, and supplied rutpe, iii_liswer prices then. tee charged . , the a pplied ers - sirork or Philadelphia, Fbr samples and p _ce BESONEWS TEEK STORE, A NEW invoice of Attiohereilo , Oebbr a Nam Nat maim' tide morning at 81/liiLES & liasl.o ll l 19 Dosagoir4. $3 00 a 50 ..$1,6643,6e.9 66 $600,W4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers