1,., c, egrq EtABBI,SBURG, PA. 71111HRSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29;1864 NATIONAL UNION•TICKET • • • FOB PRESIDENT, -'Abraham Lincoln, OF r4LINOIS. • TOE PRESPDM I TM Andrew _,..11-Qhnsons, TENNEMPA COUNTY -. TICKET. GEOAGR , F;_ MILLER, of Uunmisoluity. '13o1; O: . ALLEBIAN, Harriburg. DANIEL'RAISER, - WiconiSco: PROTHOTAILY, JOSIAH C. YOUNG, Harrisburg. IS CiEfirkGE MARK, Union Deposit. COUNTY ooiumrssrozan, HENRY HARTMAN, Waslunginki;. ...• ~ • , DIRECTOR OF - THE POOR, -"PHILIP MOYER, Upper Paxton. •: • . 1 ' • Anima", '--ALPREDAL'ENTZ, Harrisburg. . • . the !Doniviiiiinnni Contest in the Porky ' teenth' District. We have devoted little space to the contest far Congress in this District, simply becauSe i r e - -iiiifitot consider that it"was lecessaillb urg*tlie great majority of the'peoplo, in tile see kce l acities composing the DiseriClN inige44 th'ange which thdy wrought,, had they had the power, one month after the opening . of the . rust session of the Thirty-eighth Congress.• Rut, in order to satisfy. a large portion of our readers, we are *cbiStrained to refey, if only 'briefly, to, the votes and speeches of Mr. William. H. Miller, ,as a Representative of this CougressionalDis- trict. Ice 'constituency in the country, have' suffered similarly in. disgrace, misrepresenta l a4ford treason, to those which have iniPair-i -ed v for thejimo the reputation of the, peOple AMIE; District, by Miller's representation in flongriess. • I William H. Miller voted against' the law. providing-for the conscription of negroes, by which'enactment thousands of white men have enabled to remain at , home, and contrib . lite to ,tbe,.material wealth of their country by the.frnita.pf their labor. In fact, hadiMiljer's volley prevailed, THIRTY-ONE MORE WEXTE MEN tecir.v.,D ' ruvi been drafted in the city of Hal,i risburg; ..:William, H. Miller voted. against tlie of whiskyl hand, by which the' treasury irakt6bbed Of 'a revenue of more than 'a Mil lion of dollars, yearly. The,, distillers and liqUor dealers in the country expended a lame .suitt:of morazty•to procure the defeat of the 11w axing their merchandise.' We do' not • ":• ' assert that Mailer was - bought thus elp I o but it is part of the legislative. history ef u thei country that William H. Miller voted for; al Measure exempting a certain article from taxl ; ahon.„ the , men intereste winchspen d ing hundreds of.thousands- of dollars to secure tts ‘64.eMptiOn. " • 1 l lVittiank H.: l Miller voted against emancipa tion because:he believed in the institution of tdavery as othe normal and true condition of labor, and because he feared that the measure woill,d,affeA the, revolutionary projects of his political allies in the South. William H. Miller strongly and persistently opposed the confiscation of ithe property of "trait:era : in arms, charadtefiiing the' efforts to destroy the resources of the enemies of the anvernment as unconstitutional, unwise.and ~,i thpracticable. • ' •'•• •••• t „- 2 rWi hiam tf...Miller voted steadily and, Per abitently against all the measures, .prePoSedd t'Cbi the Govern& ent to crush rebellionintei- I posing his voice nd Votes to defeat the 4- 1 , 1 forts to replenish tha'treiant-i, in order that _ the service Jii?ight be replarlY, • ,;;;:•,"1. i'9s Ff. Miller sided inbonjuildtion w4h Fenle.49 Wood:•,41, Rll , that atell-trait6i'S , _se4eakes to rain thanational securities, Wold is the stool pigeon of the New York Board of *Ottani; whilb litialertiete as William EL Mil ler were btit cre'r?Y?irt f" "Food, who made Rae of thiiir votes I to create distrust in the money market-l-toarouse, • alarm in businElss o wand afford , -the speculators,o.AU conutrY opportunities to , roll, the poofman; and drive AS mecticsnic'Vricl lai?ciiroilolthll' verge Y qtralao4. star rNulP - --We shall retyinf*atii to flits subject and this man. For the' itneict it Will ardfice boldly and . without .the featF f successful contradi c. tion to _are at no man sofou y aisrep-, rosfated his district in Congress, as did Wil-. Al= H. Miller. He insulted the loyal feeling 1 -11 his constituents; by conjunetion i with armed traitors. ' He'aiirOgarded the+, siness and laboring interests of that constityp. finch, by Suffering himself to be used by the' , • :agents of the country's enemies. iHe inter : c. posed to einbarrass the Government by voting. to min resonrces of - support _Of couise' there "lane earthly prospect of the re-electi3n ) William Miller, to Congress,. But we . ask in All candor and honesty, whether 'the.patriotic and goOdmenaf the district not unite to peke his defeat a . reprliati'pn whit* will be zemembeFed in the politics of tike 2 ,1 t whole Commonweal,il),•..as • a „preeedeni, acid , •1: judgment against -tritation. and faithle'ssnessT . . ! . • ilnt!.l' , • &....? loaxamits YIITZSG:4>•What. Democratic Leg . ijolature has ever given the' soldiers a righti to vote? NaYt ifie : *a?: . P1:9 ) :: o*igif l 9°#' IV i *AA lias , not been . oppose} by T , , votes ? :Where is thecUnion-,Connty that . : tea / ever given a majorit*-tigeinet 'this righte us' ~ -gopostticaq444 - where have maj9Alths b 4 ' 'ettiii:aloirieil,t. •itiVePt in , Deincieratielstro i , 2, s liolds•likkOld Berke exisiAortharepttho., : : kliiiitit member the Ineitiy r ho •wtiuVft)i;i ',.rFu kjAieOielteitutse,y4 ilft:i:iaiir4 . lls4q T r Aft-tratikliouloiy.o; " i,t'i,,, Daniel Dougherty, Esq It will be highly gratifying to the friends of law and order, the devoted supporters of the Government in this part of the Common wealth, to learn that Daniel Dougherty, Esq., has Xonhent address - the 'people of -DEM phiiiectintyro4Eriday, the 41).October: Mr.' Dotigherty,hi 1860 consistent ' ' and ably opposed the .. election of Abrahafif Lincoln, supportingjwith great force and zeal the claims of the, lamentel.,Syphen.A., Douglas. On wit nessing the boldness with which the crime cf treason was encouraged by the old leaders of the.Democratip party--and being cognizant, too, of the part which , a Democratic National Administration took in hurrying forward the slaYelholders' relmalionFAlr:-.D..at ; once sec- erect himself .frinp " 41 9iition wip.oh threatimie# IA d ' iihit he 4 it &Waked his l aeareWiltitt a ' liiettini/Viiiiri , pies, ranging himself on the side orhis conii *, an4hitiling' ' tisritli•: . those •Ailio 'Wide stF i m.l . 4tg i l ci *lend 'O. 'n those It is fooDipao4ais as 'ban. Donliherty who will some daybe rewarded with the highest honors ota 'grateful people. Wettromise him a hearty welcome l when he appears before the pciople ~; ofPaTtithin county- Alf,;.li MB] The Prospect in Dauphin Noussty,,, Our Orginitation was never bettbr tbari iVis to-day in 3)auplun oanntY.- A'#ere is libtAt iownship where loyal. illort ,- art.3 - ,:nat'sbctogrely and Bto:UM - 1r WZlBltaiderstood thaiihe _result of the bfeeiziOri ilibibslsol will have4.cont i rplling influence on ths . coAcat, of Novembep.:_ It is frankly,,admittod ,that the; laiiger..rdajnfity we give our county and distriet Aernbibee,"ftj ii.orPertAl'Te illef,elle'th l3 '79te I 145 r Old Abe. Thus is tbat our frieiyls . arel inp and at work -. in every election district Dauphin county. 'But if pessible,.'WO shotildl like to see their enthuslappa'o4ooo l ed. Our! enemies are crafty , and,n,To' egy/Pefelle.l 4 / *4 1 4e1 wears fighting 0 faii%baltle—they are litegketly, resorting to the baelegi tifekija4fit lia,•YiC4 naelitefr; thenAliel activemen in meLevieri. OwAta. l .ip, ) 9,PreeBll)o wardln Dauphin coniatyrt4louble their labors.l , 'lf a briiver f effdrtlo mado,lksitOlii county ca be nae 4 P:i.liP berqiST, wealth. a. , ne;:vr , tafi.Atdnir ortualPottrintioilirill 'Vote ••1 , 0 , :',., ej 20 , Il'J. • . r , c•;..... Eton•J , An attillcry t oWer, wr,ites,pcin , tne ofßetersburg,A, follows_ : ksA,nr., wished ;m to write[You cOncerning..the opinion, of ..thq ariny j t tyith:iefer'ence to Idklellan f ' , l ln!riaW would say tiritmarcry of the 'offiCers44 legnittr army favOri him ; though by no In* opmujirrity. Among the regiments who. sex* - 4 -4-6, , laiiia dnring hid camptrign r ;be'StiMitt .1:... r • , ,-: ~2. ica - ‘n• , ,11-i many friends, but not as maw R : far' as To - .merly., AU•ofTecer while;c.onring ch:Nur:on lilt `.beat with Me; remarked Liht;V:heiVnis has 'an enthirSiiistfc'WOrshippcl'6f ifiirdclellatr*t , il . his letter - 4:J'Ailge Wi4dWarti appeared d ii4ll t reference to the gubernatorial election in l'eur 'sylvania; but that Opened. , his eyes: - I .tliin that there is very littlC doubt that the pari - of ti the army—the old Army of the Potomao-4-oncf . such wora liipp....-0-or-,nr.‘,oastron, --- Wlll . gni: inajoiity for th i e 'Lincoln tieket:i 7. l lfititi , ulajoity . iiir theaigiinchv , o i l Atin fr e 'again -Rielmiordl will I . 3 wPPPrt , Mr:: , ingctlll:.-tl4t no doubt: As •a sample of what , troclierfro the West, serving in this army- thinelWcitil State in' my battery, numbeifirii,l.4tHrig _only two_will vote for McClellan v i_un:l Ara i. _ same with reference to other Ohio orgstifirl ti9ns." ' " ' " ~ ' : EVERY intelligent man, North and South, knows for a certainty that the rebels haveheeto ST. LOUIS, Sept. 29. pushed. to the;r 16611 and that to effect'the coin r, ,. ~t.J 1 , •,! , Mt. Brown; telegraph operator, who left plete overthrow ,of,tke rebellion „nothing i 1 Pilot Knob,:' disguised,,at• 40011, ' Yesterday , wanting butthe dew more well-directed:l)lls arrived at ,Desota to . and reports that Gen. Ewing,' has concentrated his troop for which' preparations are being-made." . Mel - ' ~., ••, t ,• .• r ~- .. a t front of the rebels' noidtien.' '••• - I yet at ken a moment, the Democrats II The enemy, had planiedal) , a4ers,. at.11..e 1 . entered the Presidential canvass prsip94i .. •herd-Mount, and were throwing , shells into "an imiciedintiinessatiOn of hostilities". leix tll4i• the Pert: ' - '' ''--''"- '' ' 'J. " sake 9f ,P 66;; that cannot ;be obtainedAiiis • A fedo4 t 1 709 e under. d 617.: 7a 4 :!: --. ._ . thr9 l l ~ * tacked at Mineral Point lastaight„bya ajar e 1 1 ) _.ctrPY t_c' ourselves d'ol°M.T; 1 o• body of rebels:' , - 'ill A '' l, .thelirevomenzwho: have,i'allen, (148f...icomit 0 . The enemy:were repulsed, but' Aron s the starrytag; , coucessionlotindependence o ilubsecpiently-withdrew to Desoto. ' "' . . the r '''SAth 'and the 'ex tiiieficiii oPtili'iLikneriaim Potosi , Nfati , captured by the rebels list i ' - '. .• . " - -..--... • ~ i 1 night:' -, " k. •• • , ;Republic.- . • No" P4l: ilk "4",_ 4 1 : A44,-tt,iniac i. 8 ' ald General Smitles ' headquarters are still 'at lets his•honest ;convictions •rute.iiimovill.prk- Desoto ; where he is receiving reintbrcements. tend fora-. single instant that :the -ehicato Gen. Ewing was ordered to evacuate Pilot Platform ineiiiis , `iia this; anti - the train' a Kuck buta4lie rekels had cut;his oonniniiita ti!ms.befoxe-helsonldie.A*Kf*Y..„. 444..?•% 1 44 , Pu° disaster anddiskon, or which. *mild_ in' evltAb y - m 4 i t an a v e , now,un. 4„ aims which, in n . t ensue •• ' . ii . 1 ~_i i n; • pendent citilen,companies, make: quite al' r • ~_ -__,., . . . .... •,. , ...,.,. . midable force. wi6 2,OCI6I3TEr n7 Njfj‘irapicsAor."—Gen. I ;Si zrr Cass, four. fortpor 'fight". calls the Ohicago: plate° 'en , ignominious suriendeittB the rebehti .d says he cannot support it. gen. - Mool; in addiedsing.whodir of recruits who were , on their way to.the front ; remar ked 'that ' they' were needed there "to ,puediin rebells in arms as well as to ft:J:l4l.oe the scatellies.of the, traitors who had assephVecl!at, . ••• -r 4 fil"." • , 7ft)r).i.• • • . tlietafillElAtee , "apPQUlte4 I)3r the OhidEo 4 ortYcint:43l3 ! - .40140X114 itbc oAnllifiates o .t • tixiair troxpinatidi r l have not - . l'et) tlerforniccl., tii i r Ati*,ll i 'rogaid - r ti . * r - 11 :qtifP14 6 ,9?, 1 9 '9 ll .- Yd4iii . Tex, i 4, ir.iie.ig' 6 3i , , 1 6 3Ab3,•__ - DQe a n ilbc'PY ;. ,wonlietwl4Z .The.great Windier requires t at Pendleton; the ' Unconditional Peace distuai n• fit shall he 'kept silent, ' MU 1 -4_!- -. lmporteirEi'-'ol . ek ' • i linßin rost.3i; tiVcan `Kvost: Mar ~. jz, 13/ 4 11 ,9f 14*.Ag,g0. 4 4; has,';'o49'4,4 the 1.17 lowing order from thi3Siztoratany cif MAIL. n. °culling draffinAltien limit& thelitit drall, ho have paio3oo•cotomutationt-'2 ' ; [r; Circulai• 'No. ' 122. —lst. .. V}R t ;tsemoteryl of War orders that if any person drafted sliall claiinntiiiinption on the ground of having paid - Ulan fientlrea , &Barn commutation -inenes, to prof ure a iiiil?Stitute''Undii : acts op & la and j . ' • 24 prove , arch 3d, 186 . ebruary, th, 1864, upon proof of such payment having been lade, he willbe entitled to exemrin ion'fro 1 :1 4 0: 0,4 q: • • .... •:, r , .r.;',+ . 9.•• . i''• iu_• - •••••- IEI, ;A:uaL„ SHAW:,•.II' 111e4on,g and pecirniifealova thiriiiecrat,'frifep a letter hy'itirlitiit "-he Can r .y,qt,iigt-tAfpf,3ol44-tn: .chicag° . kilktrange ,A 117 41;:r;', Au Eel* SORIDAN OCCUPIES SAMTIViii PIIOBABLE DESTRItiON OF A RAMPAP LATER FROM SHERII)4IC _ News From Nashville. Official Dispatch of Secretary Ftaaton . . WAtinmoyon,.Sept. 29, 7.45 A. n. - To 314. Veit., A. Y. A dispatoli , just received from Gen.= Grant, gives a - telogr_am - contained _in yesterday's Richmortrlr - TVAVN.Tated - Charlottsrille, 4 - 71 rich states •thaf our cavalry entered Btriun. on Monday' at. 8 o'cloblr i and that, &ices were also at Waynesborongh that WO damage- had been done up to 4 o'clock but that smoke indicated thatwe:were burn.: ing the+railroad track between' Christiana Creek and Staunton. No direet, communication has been had with Gen. Sheridan for several days. ..Couriers to and front hint are, 'knOWn to have been captured by the guerrilhts that infest the try in his rear. . . Dispatches to 9:40 last evening -have been received from Gen-Sherman, at Atlanta, but no movements at that point are_reported. Trom Nashville our dispatehmarele•s:3o last evening. The enemy 'did ;O l t .hack cus at Pulaski, but took the, pike toWardiiFakette- Ville, and: was pursued mine miles, by 'our eav,' Gen." RousSeatt 'is retimang#ith• finitrY to Nashville. . •• The draft is quietly progressing in all, the States, but a desPerallireflCrt - *lll,tie made by ] the enemy, to force Sherman from Atlanta by destroying his communications. •.• Volunteer enlistments being' more 'speedy than the draft, all loyal and patriotic people, should urge forward „rapid enlistments in or der to re-enforce. Sherman; and enable him; not only tci'lield'grOO . sitiOn, but also vaithout delay to pus cri l ,Wcanipalgn. tg M. STANTON,' - ' • ;Secretary of Warr • FROM PORI' '• ROYAL. Runii'e'] ) r; The Effects of Oni_Firini upon Charlestoni ; YOICK, Sept. 29. ; The steamer Fulton has • arrived with Port Royal, Sc advices of the 26th inst. < She luta on board the ,34 Rhode Artillery. '• On her passage honks she chased a large blockade runner, but gave ~up the pursuit' at , night, leaving the gunboat Gettysburg to taki) care of theiebel. • th4rleston has suffered ' considerably,. Ist; terly, from the fire ,of • our 100 pounden4 which are More effectual than our 30 pounddsl 2,500 men are' engaged in strengthening the defences of itlharleston. The Palmbtto Herald says that a. Goverl i ment Hilton Head has been arrested for selling passes to go North. The 54. th ..Massachusetts regiment is; s'izM' guarding. the rebel'officers under fire on Dilorrib Island. The rebehi:at For ureter have been latel4r stationing shatmahooters . among the debris of the fort, hat lid as.gtatisit - T e suiting from their_ nre, they"WPM 156.641,wi14drawn. Importanti:toin Missouri Altairg Tinot;,. Atta,ek ' :Mineral Point REPULSE OP' ~ T HE REBEL POTOSI CAPTURED BY THE ENEMY THE PTOPLE ARMING ' ItelikslrPlß:Rebel -eaPers." 1 . Emirritchm, , Sept. , /9.1 . • The Richmond"papenr of Monday contain the followhigitems : ' u '',, Vii'SatintleY; an l ceri4eaterday . , Ikvibart- i monading was hear at Staunton, lathe dirge- ' tion of HarrisonlinW cOeueral Early resched KeesetoWn M 11 o'clOnk' TeEiterdaf '(SuudaY.) ,Opinions aniaivided Whether he will ;lake a stand at Keesetowrt, orlalidurther bank, i There is' . considerahli .dieitement among the,citizens of:Staiiiii&i,- and 'many argleiv, ing.t All the sick and - Wounded and Gatein'-' went stores, ,had . heeu r remoyed to a piss of . _ _. safety. -, .. , ...,,_ ,-,., taunt° - but "''.' .„ ; Sheridan . may take S ,ll ,!Lac p 7, Lure -will avail him nothingi:iii A The valley; Si4eo; the beginning-ef the war, has been ' a • raee ; i grOliiid, .:Slietidaii , havirig reached the othertend ofthe.inOtii, ii4a lithe does riotuall tig of his own accorkklit will be 111. 1 1 1 0/ l i l gl.-'• -fin • fL:lO,l%r ' I , Fmairi,O4rippgr tie learn:that, the pie tine = enemydrithat eewitrysexcipt - the, avian 0,; plat htiviiid the, bridge at Rapidan Station. , 1 ''' President"' Davis arrived at Macoi, : 5i.,.. .September 2311, and modell speeh at fier.B4Pf tist Church. - . 4 Me is,going to Hood!wiwy.: No movements of the enemy are 'leported. • up tothe latfetacosant. ,- 4 , t , I 1110 :00 013 A 04, :j 4 the citizens of Mapta has e rlkl i,coaa . plmeg.,-„, It was reported x3sterday that-/Lood'slantay was in Sherman's ;ear, and between him aildr , Ohattanooga. , 1 ; 1 A large forc% of - Aim:piled iranicegi ark col--• leeting at :Pound Slap with the intintibn of making - F a rakl c on the Virgirda,sslorke, This, vielpr&ioline, is the same for*, Was at Lexington, Ky.,,ttwo weeks tip; an it is said to be 12,000 strong. MEIN . .12 , rikliaorkiistov , k Akarkets ' t . .. 1 r - A 3 ' ' '' Nriv Yortic, S 1: 29. Stdcli. ti.re betier; Chicago and 'Co - 'lsland 97; Oninbeirig.ndlieferred 61; .111 i is gen , tral nta ; , 'Whil g aii•Sonthein. 74; w•Y'ork ge S trii,l- -117;- : Ateading 1234 : Hud xi river 11/f; i Cafit0 .Co. /9; Virginia 6' 62111ife i 97; Gold 200; One year certificates s;_ ear Bury 7 3110's 108; Ten-Ostia-96; F €4l 6 Antri 1 tquppik 4911 i couPon tatrit ' ' '. • (..„2 4, , ,-.,,,,,, .„(w r: irtwAgetloiti =1 .aYI Missouri. TgE THREATENED ATTACK OF PRICE'S ARMY-IN TERBUPTION OF COMMUNICATIONS-CAPTURE OF ' PASSENGER TRAIN - UNION SOLDIERS MULE -71.15H8E1/ BY BUSHWHACKERS. . -- • - - 4" -- ; •-' . •, • -287....L0tmg,1. 28. tlothifig ias been lien from otKnat 42 i1t105,--=-1.1-jo'dlock yesterday i it g t, Yi•he4 Mg-I•AVer_bridge, about fifty letip*onsihere; ~ aopirte4 by, the rebels, a 124 ofinettkuipittioa, . .. .. , , as'Out off ' ' ' ~,,_.:l4k_ick.,- t hat time General Ewing successfully repulsed the attacks of the enemy, and suc -ceededin Sending two trains of commissary stores away. At the last accounts it was believed that Ewing could maintain his position, unless as-_ sailed by overwhelming numbers, or by the enemy planting cannon upon Sheilid4dMpun tain and other eminences in the vicinity which commantrbileforfificatiffa' sZ. Me - Ibis 'plenty of provisions and a good supply of water. General Smith, of the infantry advance, has been withdrawn from NlimprelPoint to Presdo. trains of frftyserapty wagons, whiol were sent from - Pilot Knotryesterday ninet.s l o',f o T. piers' POint,' had not reached that place` be fore" tbe communication "was cut. It is sup pose&thatthey were captured. It is now latqlieved that the demonstration on'Pilot Knob 'and , the Iron Mountain rail-. road weie feints to cover the movement of Price's main force in another direction, 'prob ably against . llo4, andtllenen,to the dpntral part of the State. ". It is believed that Shelby's cavalry will make a desperate . effort to dash into St. Louis after the fashiCiii Of ,Forrest into Memphis. Thepassengei;train,Whieh left .here ,yester day morning for NorthMissonri, was Captured at Centralia, by INV Aildbrson's 'bnshwack ers. Twenty.one•holdiets were taken out and murdered— -Lrr. r. _ CHEYENNE AND ARAPAHO INDIANS- °FIBBING ma :11EiNEL , FIRACD , --rEEtDEN Or-Fiji:YE Niridalt, DEIS CHEW. 1 a -:Datiorra CAT, 0.-0, -Sept. 28. ' Mier' Wynkoop; of the , .1:4:C010i5.5.1-oav-; f~lrp; lies krrivea.fronfPcirt tyea with seven of the principal Chiefs of the ,Cheyennes Arapahoes, undicturiwhite prisOners delivered up by them—Nirn Laura.. Ropert, Isabella IJbanks, Ambrose Ashley, all • caPhired 'at Oak' Grebe; Ktins'a6 2 -and. Dan Marble, taken from a train:a:tear Plum creek. All these are children;. except Miss Roper; young laclr*Tl,othre. % The IndiansWa Mrs.Ubanks, and Mrs. Marble and children, but-have promised to give them up: • -•-- • These chiefs come here to make a treaty of 'peace withGoVeinor'Evans:and °ger ta send their warriors with. the. white..troops to fight the Motes and Camanches. •‘• „ The semeity of food and the prospec t hardi viiniter; it is tlaought, have ,eonipelled there to thii• step. DIED:'', ` On:the .29th instant, 'ieueao GRANT JONES, son of ichird andEmma , Jonea aged €l, weeks The funeral will take place on. Friday afternoon, at four o'clock, frem Cranben^y.alley, below Second street. * . . Oh the 29th histant, - atarat. T. titrzeost t , sea of Daniel T.; andiEstliet..H Willson, In the 4th: Te#ir arOlnvited. neral.on Friday Aftignolap,it 1 NE W '*VY.ERTI.S.ENIENTS. . ~ . ~. ..- 0., ,, i , /..t , . . LOSTS:,. ~_,...._ • , - - . . ON 'TFOi I :NIOrgT OF .TH_F. '2BTH INST., '. :its Unpposed in Third street; a ItiGISi'ER c0n ....4, v ...... i ...,niennizr tv_v ' d_thetames of the hattlen n which he partictpa . , gnuer- r.,n obligegthehiser by leaving-it at Geoige Bell's. Grocery,, corner of seetind and Chestnut streets. 5e.294t,*: 111[71 .. 14DEIWASH FOR WM. 7 -168 lighti, V 9x14, well seasoned. Inquire of, 3 G. . BEND 1 At Ziegler's Liquor store, Marknt- se29-8t , . r ksALE, , joeTORY WARD. pears. In " 43°ArrED ' 115 er of ROBERTS 4 +,4 6 . . 1 P1 ." (se29-lwal EXECUTRIX NOTICE I\TOTIOE is hereby given- that-letters *sti-; mentary on the ostate of . Anne Finney, late , .of. , the city of Narrisburg, deceasedthave , been granted to tte subscriber, residing in'ssid•City„- (Ali persons indebted to the estate are reimasted tdtiakii iiiiiitediate payment, and those havingalahila 'agaitibt , theiMma , will present them for 'settlement. ' • '-'" 1 SUSAN E. ENGLE., te2goawd6t 4o •• . . . . . , „. . .. t .. ,AiroxioN. ~ i TIT . BARR will'Sq . 11 at .Public, Atictioh, T V •witimut reservi,lit' thci,Lo:wer'ikarkbf,', Oh Sifl'- 11RDAY'146XT, October 16,1 i Valli:idle aSacirtment kw ,1094,Trorcester Porrelafn, Rohmad - a and ,Chilks, Parlar intirriitanile , Orr:awful', sold tor trefglit , boliti'ar-W. Co, . This ware is by far the most costly and handsome.fevissf offered for sale in this eity, and is well worthy the atten tion of levers of fancyJornaments. - At the same time an& place *HI bettold several handsome bedsteads, hair mit, rases, glass and silver plate ware, chairs, wardrobe, sofas, and three sewing machined-: , one , of-Singer's large ; cost .s l3o—all in ; perfect older. Sale •.to 'commencet.. a two o'clock, P 1 M.... . - .':'` ' . '4 . W . :INARB: 60294 i. .r....: :-.' .: . :!. , ;' ,, 1'.1 .. . 'Auctioneer) . . •• • -- -' BUILDX.ry eif XOTS'FO.B. SA4E., ' • , • (11HT., BEST CHANCE to get Cheap . Hbris l es 11itAt• OFFERED rbT THE CITt. —Tho subserlber offers .:flaleL 72 Building , Lots, situate in the ' Stalh Ward," betolieOAFOr ffft,d• tioll streets, ; 4, Onting on SuNe 1/44n4tladlartiLaltall,ep teood atteeta Moot of th em' f s tinvov Me imat'aiid ap 'the's - 4(0611;1)V* th e Bhoietikiliinfa;*lecOli by, Col . John Roberte - tb ago, Ithii"rbit':O•ratieh, will pay-rid gbj nd.l a- short tinib!. I • There is alao • en'tepOrtl - RAO' dr.* e idad biiil",. beirei itka•mife orthe'sttCeikientaining ' a °Vibe:beat' a lai ,I• *net( will Iniga than #4 . for She' grinitd'Th °bleat ton is such that' ho draMagit Is re 'T:greite...-the Cellars will 'always be berfeetly dry. T hese lefs'iiiittiO•stild below the torrent pike 'ground is now brkuging - in'tlits city , and ih ' fact Lad low as to afford lin O i bdtbinty fiieanytkraeii to secure a home, ' A PAill Via „gcound - can be aeon at -the °Mee of the sitsctitier,__.n.::".4_l,i_orth SECOND Stied. AVID MUMMA HifitAkikal l eplie'fabitol9, 1864:= 4 ei : , rE R :T I o-it-EAAN T. ritkia&fotte P*.thi• • - . . Pt ilicAcrroltWs.‘./few4f4a. -1 The beat pook forholing Ptipils'Of Piano stuos fi'lti'igikttleeti,'s New MethOd. totqritYlobiblitd Leta sasili* - :'fliarotighly Xs todtair4on,'s Neutlifeijkoft.':y The llobk ibat mikes pianos446s Attractive '• New f ketltoct The o6ii'Mott'of Exercises for Piano litaCti'c'o Is Richardson's New Method, The Book:that rs given to Pupils byTeachprs Is htclaitr i dson 4 iNew Method. The Book that contains - no Dry and Tedious Lessens - h Richarlhent's New Meth d. ' ' - The Think interostS both Young and Old "Filiitithrdscnt's IfeloAreaddi.: l 1'14.800k of which 10;000 00;1E014 aurhilly , • ! ' 1 - „Ts .Gichard,son's Netolgth.64: ' • jtieherilson's New Method for the Plato. reekKiEt OLIVER DITSOI:7 &CO., Publishers, Bos ton. Ifient , by mail, post-paid.. For sale by J. E. GOULDI ) [se2o.l,ch]' A. .11011.011 SALE OF CONDEMNED 1108 , „) 1 I ) Qt'Af .ftASTER urENKRAL S ungoll 2 f ?2 FIRBT DIVLSICL.T,. , i r dgELINGTON CITY , September 28, 1804. tiQtl~ to told al.pithltennction, to the, highest bladder, fit GiesliOrojt.;, on- 6 FRIDAY F,AFTENDRR, %1864, ONE li - ONDEEP -- AND FIFTY OIVATIVY' • L ' !FRIDAY, OCTOBERI,•2IO4, ' ONE E . ENDBED AND Pq'T CAVALRY .6r.1.3-14 HORSES , These Horses have beellt,Sondetmlectna unfit for the cav alry service - of the army„ For road and fikeglanirrposes many good bargains may be had. i ,'/I PhiglY- • , rency 'Hale hzop.e,pr„ 40..ty90. sta t 9. ur ~ente 10 the_guarlernMstV Hlaerit4 xicni } 6:4ooll7iNggiP: ti*4oaiti43l%)4",O.Rei'l 1 5011 40);.fygt4 4s.gr , ca t • ,),14 „ _ ----- - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Almanacs 1 . V Almanacs! 4 13 A F.. 11, 'S . - ,4 - Englisla and German natter % • , g4..lnxaxiaqiwc, 4. - 1 .- 1 ~ t; 17; 4 . i i for the ie.2 . 6 i i„ '''. 16 ~. 1 . 17 4 rt-salrf imihe gross, , Dozin 6. , single, at Sebiar's 1114 1 :1:dcafore, ?I. South Second street, Harrisburg . , pi. -se29 IIIGHTEEN PIECES OF MUSIC p , GIVEN AWAY, As Specimens of the Contents of The -Harp of Judah. Sent free of Postage: qmpl your address to COWER DITSON k CO., PablishomtDoston, For sale by- pe29,4ll]__ . J.E. GOULD, PbtlAdelpbia A PLEASANT - ROOM, WITH BOARD, by a Gentian - an and Wife, petmanently. Address "COMFOliT,gffix - se2B-301 executors' Cale .. BV, SOLD. AT PIJBLIO SALE, ON, NV;:ttetSDAY,-Ifictoltier 20th, at two o'clook•P. St., At'thittCeitrt Hottsci.in the city Of Harritburg, that -prop erty situated on the corner of FrontandWalnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stewart, deceased. ..xche ,above property fronts on Front street 110 feet, and' do Walnut 70 feet, mOrtiorliess: ' • - • ' • For further Information . call on W. J. Slees, at the premises. J. C. STEWART, • HENRY 'STEWART; Execators. El sets-dtsl SOMETHING NEW"! .MYEli f TitrtikAg ; . Y'A7%IT Ariz TIGHT ,--•• For sale at Hpheffer's.Boolratore, Harrisburg, Flo se2S nous Est N747Tt. ' • : EtitEE:NFAv FR UStg; T ATE' opyoster street; abOVe North Enquire T r e t ilv rd of , se2Bdif r! Corner of Third and hforth streets. P. .ittgriANTIAL CAMPAIGN. MEDAL'S, of Lincoliii - Jo . linson - and McCiellah krendletiin.: single' Medal Trade orders solicited .and' promptly filled at a liberal discount.-,4ddrnea, , 8. H. gum, Manufacturer, sr2Eld3l: COMMISo s TO D Tlig XL e ctions in the Army. ,Ther t 4lowi t ig is an: official list of the Commissioners aipointedl3Y,Gottrhor Curtin; to:proceed the army ittr the perpose of - holding the elections. , therein, ender tlluaet extending the.elective franchise td the Penn.sylva .nia aoldlers ln•the service of. the. United States,, Those Commissioners-who, have received no other flake than this publicittlon; as well as thosS.who have lieen'regularly nOtifiedi 4411146ptirt at that office of the, Secretary of the leonthlthriThalthion TrasbAir, October 4tlr, , et; 3 o'clock, ,to relpive,their commissinnsand file their oath of office. . • ',rattles Efoliate, Philadelphia, Department of the Cum- ' J R Dutiglidoti, Philadelphia, Department of the Cum , gclward S Jones, PhiladeMbla, Department of the Cum Jbhn R Tankusley, Franklin, bepartmeiii of the Cam bedand.. Col Wm McCandless, Philadelphia, Departinent. of the thimbarland. W Woiidford, Allegheny, kiddie Department. William Bintlek, Dauphin, Middle Department. Fulton, York, Middle DeMietment. Franklin Bunco, Venango, Middlo.D.epartment, Lniel Thicapher, Westmoreland, Middle Department Jolla Bedford, Middle Department, Sainuel Lloyd, Philadelphia, Middle Thinartment. Lfgniy C Gilmer, Philadelphia, Middle Department. Joseph Ely, Bucks, Middle Department. Joshua Wright, Washington, Middlo'Department Miles Jacobs, Lucerne,' Middle Department_ :Joseph °Smith, 'Philadelphia,. Middle 'Department G L Morgan, Lawrence, Northern Departnient.: Jos A Bonham, Philadelphia, Northern Depaitment. John Jacobs, Montgomery, Northein Department. 'J Merril Linn, Union, Department' of the South, (Nor ris Tilaitl.) , . : ' ' . C,ol p C'Ellmaker, Philadelphia Army, of the Potomac Tovuriettd Yearsley, Philadelphia; 4:rmy of the Potomac ilndeelleade: Wm Y McGrath, Philadelphia, Army .o the Potomac under Meade; • • . • , Cbambei! - D albs, IclauphM, Army of-the POomme . 313 Stackhouse. Philadelphia,; Army of the Potothic tinder Nead,e. - . " ; t•',., i l : " " ..r .:: * ' Col F G Morehead, Philadelphia, Arip of the Potomac thiderlfeade. ' • . . . . Thos Ashton, Phdadolphia, Army of the Potomac under . . ;Meade': ' •: • _ ' Sand AY - Morgan; Allegheny; Army of the Potomac under Meade. Col .Jna W Cain, Allegheny, Army of the Potomac rider Meade. Wro. - J , Galbraith, Armstrong, Army of the Potomac o ingt.", Am* P otomac under HugliVatrithell; Peiry, Army ..of the Potomac under Meadc..al.c. . ' • , ' • GeolVyrOcer, Franklin ! Array of the Potomac under IdeadO.. . , . Jno B Hinds, Bradford, Army'. of the Potato . ; under D W Patterson, Erie, Army of the Potomac under fir fY C Rebel ts, Luzerne, Army Of the Potomac - under • -• • • ' Meade. Samuel Jauriseui , Xenagninery aim) , tx. the Potomac under Mead - A • Gel WeilingtatuntEnt,,Coilumbiri, nrmytorthe Potomac under Meader. . : G H Wood:wand, Philadelphia, Philadelphia and Mester :...Jaraeaddatperd Phitaidelphts, Philadelphia and Chester Hospitals': ; ,; . . . • : I,WhiP Hibbardi Philadelphia, Philadelphia and. • Ciiter Hoepitabr . . liaaiilliaNelbg,'.Warron, Virginia and North (hrolina. JnoHShanon,Juniata ; Virginianna North.eartilina. .InaL Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, ' , Virginia and North . Capt. James... Dyke, Virginia,. and Noyth. Cavolina.. . • • . di'Clintock, Allegheny, Virginia. and iqdrth Carolina `: Yyoli Johii A 'Danks,. Allqgheny, Virginia. and North • Dante Flick, ;Somerset, Virginia and North 'Carolina. -Joseph Miller Cambria, Virginia and .Norila Carolina. • Col WmCeoper Tally, 'Delaware Virginia and North Capt4 , o Id2Clary, Northumberland,. Department of the Susquehanna::.. . • - • • • Col SnahleriAdams, DepartMent irttize Susquehanna. Charles Dteralt-; Philadelphia, Der artnient of the Sns quehanna.:, : . Samuel Daeiels, Itiladelphia; Departreent of the Sus quehinne. . - :•,:•••• • • R Plteed,lntiorrDeparimixtt of the Susguehatum. CaptiSsimuel Wrigley, Philadelphia, Department of the Susquelfaina'.. - Jno C Allen, Philadelphia, Department of the South West JOlttifffia•yerd Woi Chester, Hospitals •in New York and ' • Jacop•Ltir.uppkT4ri ca ster, detached Regiments and Respltals, in Tehnesgoe: "Addison Leehh, Armstrong, dttached, Regiments and Rospitals in Tennessee." . TA - Pester, Allegheny, detached Reginients Mid H 05.... .... littalsin.Tennessee. • 1' Rottinson,'Allegheny, detachog_ Regiments and Hos itt Tennessee. • Jno Paul,,,Westraoreyold, dotacTLed' Regiment l s pitals in Teniiimsee. • : James, Leech aerco Hospitals Washington and Jno B compton; Craiford, 'Hospitals Washington and , scp2itcL 4ty r .... ; :w A r N3s 4,..l, A. sb GVE Cni e_d l 'in . ' ' , one to three . can at ilia ', i tr u e s.l4. Bcr# M. Ste es , AGUE .I', - % .7.4.as 0 ' ,' '.l. , ' ''' ''''' ' le "' rout: . :Ne cure no Saie'cit Cfnidenulederoternment „.. 471:chAsguarrANI,Q112urin4A925a, V. s. A-, Hanates,tans la., Sept. 26 WILL BB BOLDAT , rumacaUCTION, at GoVerndient , Cdrininear Hummelstown, (on line of •Lebanoki. Valle,T Rallidakt,) on.THURSDAY, OCTO BER 6th, pal eta° (25) ii,vrENzir, ' - (Boo) plalrr irtfismittri GRAnr sOks. Thß kYo .hele,roett.t•il€MUNllainfit for Goren', "sent service, but for private use good bargains am trine •..............--. , +•,• Holmes to be•sold singly ; sale to meitinue.aintil all are ,TEuS :a Cash in Govertonent'ltinda. _ _ • _ '• • - E. O. REICHENBACH,V "- sept.27.dtocB • Rapt/ill:rand•Assistant Quersterniaster. r A( fulo:4:l44lC*.Gauk 'exlazed Duck 3 v s Pciwlerliasks, Shot.lllt; On , , r i k nourgskinslitet i prieop,, ,'" L 613 1 401 41 18 AO* , 0P:t11474 ..Nxel of few M!,ortlire' NEW a Drg Proposals for htationery. EAIRIMATERS PENNA., Sftuh) ilvAktrsamitsvga GENERAL'S OFFICE, HAwaßuf , a, rA Sept. 24,1584 LiELLED PROPOS AT S - (Endorsed Provo_ sale for Stationery) will be received at this office, up to Saturday, October Ist, 3 r. 31., for furnishing the fol lowing articles, delivered at this Office, free of charges for freight, boxes and cartage,. "under act of Assembly, ap proved August 22, 5 reams Note Paper, faint line, white tint, with no len than 5 pounds per ream.. . --- 4 reams Letter Paper, faint line, white tint, with not less thattio peunds per ream. 6 reams Letter Paper; same, in 3-1 sheets 'with not lees than 10 pounds per ream, put up in paper bores, ream each. 5 reams Cap Paper, faint hue, white tint, with not less than 12 pounds per ream. • 3,000 Legal Envelopes, white, size 4by inches, wish 12 pounds per 1,00 1 1 2,000 Legal Envelopes, white butt; same size, with 12 iiounds per 1,000 19;800-- - Lettes , Envelopes, white, size 34-4 by 5%. inobex. with 6y o ; pounds per 1,000 2. dozen Itticilage, in bottles, with cap and Crush, 2 oz. and 4 oz. .- - 12 dozen Lead Pencils, fist quality. . 10 gross Steel Pens, first quality. .18 Blotting Cards, good, by 13 inches. il2 Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints or quarts. .15. Blank Books, assorted, 2, 3 and 4 quire, J.; bound, good faint line, white tint, size 834 by 13 inches. Samples to , accompany each bid, - and delivery in ten (10) days „after awarded. Namesef two good sureties to aceompany'prciposal. The right is reserved to accept part of any bids or reject all, if deemed for the interest the State to do so. AXES L: REYNOLDS, 04i27 : 5t, Quarternasster'General, Penn's. ‘I- 5 • • PRovoitr bLozsaAL's OFnca, ; 14TH DISTRICT 08 PRNNSYLVANL&,. litauussund, - September 3,1664. , •ilheablloning notice is published for the information or ttlliritete. l 3.le4 l . TO VOLUNTERRS Volunteers will be accepted and counted on the quotas of the present call, up to the last practical moment before the drafted men are accepted and sent to the rendezvous. Townshipnaniiiuti-districts which have not filled their quotas. are iirged t.o do so at once. Alltimo•tbat can be given, will be altos - el. but the drift will commence as soon after the sth of Sep *Aber ai,Practicable. . Credits wilt be given; and Hovertnient bptmty paid to volunteers until further orderty ' By order of Capt. RICILARD DODGE, A: A= P. AL General WILLIAM SCHEITLER, Captain and A. A. A. General. JOHN RAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Marshal 14th District of Penna. Harrisburg, Augwit 31,'1864. - sept 5 25- cents fIIIARTERIKASTER GENERAL'S OF ‘qe, FICA HORSES ! 'HORSES I HORSES ! Horses suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service will be purchased* Giesboro Depot, in open market, till October 1, 1864. Horses, wilt De delivered to Captain -L. Lowry Moore A. Q: M., and tie subjected to the . usual Government inspec tion before being accepled. Price of Cavalry Horses, .8175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, 8180 each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. Ja MFG A. EKIN, Colonel First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. seps-tdi SPECIAL Di oTicE. • TO THE SHOE BUYING PUBLIC. SELLING OFFI SELLING OFF ! ! subscriber ; intending to make a change in his basiness,3a2 close , out his immense stink of • Pit BOOTS AD SHOES. ha Of , every desenption now Oa 'nand at much Isla dmu market prices. Persons in want of Boots and Shoes will do well -to-call, as I am determln.ed to close out at reducea prices. • Give us u call J. C. KIMBALL, SEig Market street, next to Me. Calla's jewelry store, Hatrlsburg, Pa. • sep29. Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, S pleasure to inform his friends and T A a i tZmers., and the public in general, that he has opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Notion and Jew elry Store, No. 10514 Market street, akar Eby cb Kunkel'.; Building, Harrisburg, .Pa. II !Reid oalanny = sr...lamella of space to enumerate the composing my stock. 'rue purchaser will and, through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that 1 can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern sept26-d6m* THE stoie of -the-undersigned having beeu broken into on the night of September 20th, and robbed of oilr entire stock of black and fancy dress silks, black alpacwis-Irish linens, kid gloves, a large number of Waterloo end 'other shands,-basides fine dress patterns of various styles, we offer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for Stich Information as will lead to the detec tion of the thieves and the recovery of the goats, sept26-d4t . IL,EPPIEY A. CO. NEW STORY BOOK FOR C X-If. I 13 'Xi, N ; ~ BY FANNY FERN. For sale at Robe Rees Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B Campaign-Medals and Cam , a pign Songs. • ANOTHER large lot of Campaign Medals, Pins abil , :aiings. just received this day from New York, and for stile. at: Xi H.:S'S.Variety and Military Trimming•storThird street, between Market and Walnut. Orders front conntrY dealers solicited. sept27-3t5 D B ArtrANEMen.titled to exemption can bavol4ir paper Properly prepared by •1; GOREN, Attorney at Law, Late of ilgiki . fgrwrs ,tailarshaPs Office. Office in Third street„ . fourdporaaboue Market, Harrisburg, Pa. sep27-ti FOR RE&T, STORE WON AND, THIRD FLOOR of the building adjoining J: M. LuTz , s Drug Store. Inquire on the premises , - .. sep27 if GRAPES. AFINE tiyx o>~ CATANSTAL AND ISABELLS GRAPES are for _sale at:.._Wlee n s s . fruit and course tionery store, Third street,.near Wainnt:, Mr. Wise will keep a supply on hind dazing the sea Son.. sep27-tf Window Sbades :and Blinds. A SPLENDID assortment of Liiien shqdeq JCL and Paper Blinds, at • ' SCREFFERTS BookEtore. • .seo2B 21 South Second street, Ha7i4nirg, Kuria Selling Off! Selling Off!. As I intend to remove alKirit'iliemiddle,of, October, I am desiroua or closing oat my Dry Geeds at greatly reduced . ices 44UST. LOWMAN, sept26.d2w* Next door to Kelkere 4 Nardwirc Store. Wall Paper! Walt:Paper!! ALarge and splendid .stock of Wall Paper WWI styles and Nines; for gale..cheap at SOAP.S.FEit'S Book Lore, • sep26 .21 South Sectiox% street, Harrisburg, Penna. SHIVER AND SHAKE NO MORE. WIEVER and AGUE cured in one day. Cure 1 only one dollar, sent by mail on receipt of money Address Dr. STEPHENS, Ann street, Iliddletowu, County, Pa. READ ! READ.! ! . " 1 „ WLSSAHICKON STATION, rdepulo,..ise-i. Dr. SvEvE24.—The pills I got from r you mod toy son of a severe fit of Ague. He is now cured two knontbs, and had no return since. icheerfally - raminmentryour pills sepl26-2t* - Mrs. HANNAH WEBSTER. L L P E RUN S indebted to the undo 2111_, signed, will please call on M. a BoweV, Alderman or the Fifth ward, Harrisburg, and in,ake settlement, im I have placed my accounts in his hands for collection. sepls-d2ivirgi .1.5.A.A.0 F. t 4 TROII . . _ , . RA-Gs I RAQS 11 R:4,.GW, II . , i WIVE terits per lb. cask:paid forgo - W ile " Rags. : SCREFFEWS Bookstore, sept 26 21 Sduth Second street,. ILessisbarg, Penna. FOR. •: CA .w., ; ONEgood two horse Carriage or Hack, 0 11 reasonable terms. The above Hack, witti..s good team, will be offered for hire until sold, on very reason able • rres. Apply at -- . '. -6 ' 413 t 4 .. . ' R. J. HOG_-11,Filliotelf-Paxton st. . ...... . . . TO THE LADIES. OUR attention is called to the splendid assortment of Extra, Note Paper, Envel opes, .Btationgpr at and tine SCHEFSET,'S 136ekstore, •itAnistl Pena sept2B: Soults.Aceottd street, 1111., kerel, -bats' j us t rs - Na 1 and En d for gtleials4 , Geis* slagrAlknAZE:a t Z: 0.) 'fiCi r . 4l #7fl /IENIVr" ItZEME= FIP.ST DIVISION, City, August 31, 1864.) $5OO Reward Dian! Draft!! NOTICE. 0
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