TELEGRAPH IB FCBLIBILM 3101i2MCG AND EVENING, u ' 4 . GEORGE BERGNER. .4TICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SLNGLE StakCRIPTION ji;;;T:AILY TELEusern Vs served to subscribers in the at o cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be _; ; arced $4 00 in advance. Those person: who neglectto lu advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPII. ras TELFasicarel Is also publlsbed weekly, acid Is tbruished. subscribers at the tbllowiug casb rates: ?;ale copies, weekly.— • ;tree envies to one P 032 Office :en conies to one Post Office., aLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED. AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, . AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! t ;,,:iPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. GEIEROKEES REMEDY, thegrcat /radian Diuretic, ..!:res al diseases of t9u , urinary organs, such as rnoonti ranee of elle Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Affava ,Latitti of tha Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Crawl. Gied, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended those cases of Fluor elbus (or Whites in females) .where the ohl nauseous medicines have failed. gr It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dor- , only h -, ing from one to two teaspoonfuls three times rt day: tlir It is diuretic and alterative In RS action; purifying sad c.caushez, the blood, causing :it to ilow in all of Its arigivA purity and vigor; COM removing from the system pernicious causes which have induced disease. ell KRoKEE INJECITON is latetidedas an ally or assist the CHEROKEE RKIIEDY and should be used in Conic act:on with that medicine in all cases of Oonorrhea, Eider Albus or Whites • Its erects are heading, tfai i iitp and demulcent; removing, all scalding, heat, cbr.rdee and pain, instead of the burning and almost .un er,darable rain that is experienced with nearly all the ,heap quack Injections. By the use of -the. CHEROKEE 'REMEDY and INJECTION---the two medicinesat the same vire--;111 improper discharges are removed, and the weak enod organs are speedily restored to full vigor and ga-Fur full particulars, get our pamphlet from any rug More in the country„ or write tie, and we will mail any address, a full treatise. tn.. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY. $2 per bottle, .or .ree bottles for $5. • tf..,.1 rice CHEROKEE 11 , 73ECTION, $2 per bottle, or lottles i for $5. to.i.Sent by oxpress to any address on receipt of as, sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. AV. P.. 3IERIVIN ik CO., Sole Proprietors, marle-eodly No. 59 Liberty. street, New• York CHEROKEE - CURE 'THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE Coiutomm) FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES.. An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseasia caused by sell gait:dim; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitudel Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Obi Age Weak Nem:s', Diftculty of Breathing, trembling, Wake , nest, Eruptions' on the Fare, Pule .1 - CA4I44(O=C; Cor-sumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de , yarting from the path of nature. igirThis meilicine is a simple vegetable extract, andone a which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many yeais, and with' thousands treated, it has 'not hided In a single instance. Its curative powess have been . sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case: ETo those who have trifled with their constlitdloii;* . unlit they think ihenxsolvee beyond the reach , of medical w would say, Despair not / theCHELROKBE CUttIV.V4II rcstoro you to health and vigor, and after Mt tindok don tors hove failed I ' 4y-Fo: furl] particulars, got a;Circular from any Vrig . :lire in the country, or write the Proprietor, who Will odd free to any one defining the same, a full treatise in fisuiptilet form. ; /Er tric.:s $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and efirwardod by caprees to all parts of the world. . by all respectable druggists everrrhere.. " • DR. W. R. KERWIN As CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, marlo way No: 59 Liberty street, New York.. FINE 14 tvu 0R S . Shissler & Frazer, .(Sitomt3ilors toW - m. Dpck, Jr., & Ca) nEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROG-R -AJ filbS - - opposite the Court House, have on bandanna eekction of BRANDIES of diflerent vintages. PLTE AND COMMON IFLYES, - • • - Of Every Deseriptiew. WMSKYS. - - CALD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA FINE 'Faso ANDscorea whisk-ye. The best over brought to this market . L D WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, ' And the celebrated. CHESTNUT GROVE - WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. IS - LOSS JOILANNESBLIEG, CLARET . SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. - LONDON BROWN STOUT. iii MERRY, PLANTATION, IGN"AM TONIC Bl' ERS With a complete stock of ' ENGLISH AND AIWERICA_N And Condiments of every description now in the market, end at THE LOWEST RATES. MOTH POWl3§Eli, GM PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING MOTH' rpirts POWD.EIta Compound of valuable articles foi the dwtruction of insects-41istributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, pecked away 'for 'summer, will effectually prevent being also a delightflil, dliinsablo perfume it will itn prcznate clothing, &c., with a lasting and pleasant odor. finest fabric cannot be injured by its use. Prepared and sold tit SELLER'S • Dreg and Fancy' Goods Stem, NO: 01 Market street. uP23 - A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC firms AT WARD'S IrOSIC STORE, 3; 'IV Third Stmt.. • Residence: Third street, above North. 4116-tf LSITDIG, WEDDMG; ThrviTAVON V AHD aT HONE CARDS.—By a Special arrangement With one of the'best'etigrareng in the country, _Garda of any desexipnon will be executed In the highest style `of urt„ ounformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station. els in New York la Philadelphia. For samples and prices mil at BMW:NW:I3I3OOK NOEL& inch. T OTB for sale on the corner of Third- and Brnad streets. :Enquired ynd, C. Moral/DEN. /.. t - I"rt P 1 ,4 - 1 4 ) ocr 4 s off '1 $1 GO 400 .10 00 Bit GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL: ISZZMIZ THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES," “IiELIMBOILD 9 S 99 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ SEMIBOLD EXTBACT "BrICHI1;" HELMBOLD-EITRART SARSAPARILLA, BELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WARM TIELMBOLD9S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HI6HIY .CONC-ENTRATED" FLU4D, EXTRACT' BUCRU, IPo rrwE SPE:CLOD, imam-sr = BLADDER, UDNE'ES.• GRAVEL AND. DROPSICAL S'WELLINCIS. • 1 ig iliedicine increases the power of Di ation. and eatoites the:AWO3B g, 45'4 into healthy action, by which !fa ArATERY or, CALCEROUS deposi tions, and all' lINITATCRAL , t )IINIiiiRGEIitiOTTS are .re duced, esiwell as.pain and indaniaiation, and'-bi good 'Tot. ALEN, WOMEN or OEfILDREN. HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BIJOU, FOA' Yn!ViVEPSEB Arising from Exoesies, of Dloqicatlon, Itbuiy In 'disorttioti or Apuset LTTENOED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. Imilspost to Exertion, Dryness of the. Skin, Loss:of mazy, - Loss of Power, Weak Ne - ea, • - Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Orsease, ' Trembling, . . Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness, Universal Vassitude' of the Pain in the Back, Muroulix Syistem„ rushing of, the WHIP; Deplane% ' - Eruption§ onn the rime, ' ":" • Counter:lace; - .These isgmptoms, if allowed to go on, which this wed& eine hivariably removes,. aoon.follow IhII?OTENOY. FATUITY, EPYLEFTIO In one.of rhlch the.palient may expire. Who can say that ilfey are not, frequently followed by those "direful 4 10 .eliseN" 1 • - nid,sxriv AND coNst:w'rioN • !deny are aware of the - mink thhlr teakerldie; bud 'node' will confess. The records of the leihne asylums tad fholliehOMhply deatlus by Criosamption,:bear ample -wit nerse'hrthe truth of the , . TRE.CQNSTITIITION,_ .01• ICE AFFECTNE, , WITH ORGANIC WRARNESS, iteikitiree the ea of Medicine tO'strengthen and insider:eat Ifs , iitenl, tettich itelmbold , e.Eitsect:Beeltu invariably A, trial will ainvinee the.most ekeptical. • FEIkiATY.S . -FEM - kr,ES-FE!LAI.ES, 011 OR ;YOUNG, SINGLE, .R.ARRIRD, OR COMBO& PLATING 2afiltßl.44.GE In many, affections pecuEar telemales the. Extract Ba ohu n 4e4Willisd t* any. other remedy, as in Chloomis or Retention,lrreguMrily, Peinfiiineaa, or suppression of the custoruarrEvacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of th e Uterus, Letacorrhea.cir Whites;Sterility, and for ell cool. plaints: incident-to the se; whether arising from Indiscre tion, Habits qf Dissipation or In the. - i4?-CLIZO - Oit CHANGE OF L IFL NO FAMILY BIEGOLD BE wniiOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Bincases. itELMBIZiLIYiii:ATRACT BIJOHTS, Gores Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; little or no change in diet; no inconvenience and no expe ller& - It causes frequent desire,' ana gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions; • preventing and curing Strictures of the. Urethra, allaying pain-and inflam mation, so frequent In this class of Wise , ree, and exnelling ' Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornottt Matter. Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks,' . and who have paid heavy fees to be oureffin a short timeictia*e; found they were deosived i and that the "Poison' , - has by , ' the waif !'powerful Aatringents,i , been dried up - In the' • system, to lama. out in an aggravated form, and perhaps . after,mairiage. .Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs,.whether existing in Male or Female from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of, these Organic min ire the ald of a Diuretic. ' REussoix , B - EtraAor BUCHU is the Great Diuretic, and .it IS certain:to have the desired- effect In all Diseases fur which it is recom mended. ' ' Blood—Blood—hood. Helmbead's Highly Concentra ted ConiPoand FLUID ExTRAcr saßsArlan.Lasyrin. ~g biwis an affection of the Blood, and attacks the - Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose Ears, Throfi4 , W ind= pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appliarance in thelbrinof Ulcers. 'Efelmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla pa rifle& theßlood, and removes ell Scaly Eruptionc.of the. Skin, gividg to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy. Color. It being prepared extressly for this vases of lamnplaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are Preserved to' a greater extent than ady'cithorlfivarattloi or Sarsaparile. ' '''''' • • 1113bizet3']xkti,w , uk. . Au`biloi3lient Lotion for diseaSerl•of Nitige; and rut in injection In' diseases of' the Urinary Omen, arliting from habitelardisitipatiertraiffi-in connection with- the Extracts Bichu . and . Sarittettirßia, in .' such diseases recommended. Evidence`of the most responsible and re liable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CURES Dom eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and FRIO& For Medical Properties of Buchu, see Dispensary of the United States.- Bee_Professor DENVEE'S valuable works'on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr.. PRYSICK, Philadelphia. See remarks niade' by .. Dr. F.PILRAIM McDOWELL, a celebrated Physician anameni._ ber of the Royal. College of Surgeon, and published In the Transactions of the I:trig's' and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Chirurgical Review, published by BENJ. TRAVERS' Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the Wit - standard t . Torks on Idedicina. Extract ot , Bucfiu, $l. 004er bottle, or six -bottles. for -$6.00. -Extract .of Sarsaparilla,, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $6 00 Int pnvved;Rorie7ash, 50 cents per bottle, orsix„ for $2 /50, or half a.desen each for $l2 00, 'which will be stifficient to cure the most obstinate eases, if 'directions are adhered to. Delivered CO any address, securely *inked from eb ,servittyto., Describe symptoms in ail oommuniaationm omermateed, .; Advice smut ...Xlineelleny appeared before me an Alderman of the cityy of Philadelphia, 11.'VHehntiold, who, being -duly sworn, dab asp, hie proprOons 43004111. no . na.rakio,.. no men buit orothor ismnpr,i dPiefi t and ate riaainable. LD Sworn and iitillirillie4,l4 . ore; mo le thus .day of No , AideneeP, /144:161,101- LD; 4 - biteeibr Leta A ormatioit.l4.4l_ ggenco. Chemistlo Dept 16 godidotkirkeec*XSteeti Philadel. - . 110111 y. KNOWN AS. co_y.zv,uffl:o AFFIDAVIT. THE UN I 0 OIV AND _F 0 ,. 4 . 4. V „"771Ve4tel:, RAXIIISI3URG, PA., TUES D AY EVENING, JUNE 'lBl ir .1' F.VENING EDITION. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH BY TIM INLAND LINES. Froin WaskingtOn. Later Fr , orim. the Front. ARRIVAL OF VETERANS. AT IVISRINEtTON. SKIRMISHING-' CANNONADING The R e bels. Attac k But , ler, but are Driien 113ae,k. Attack upon Sheridan's' Rear. TB] RAILROAD . 'IA . , MIT,RISBURG, AVTACILUPON OIUFtPICICE44-140 LOSS. WILSON ON ANOTHER AtAID The Rebels Coming into our Lilbleg. The steamer Highland Light arrived' here at 11 o'clock strorn - City Ebm%, _ eliel.eft at 10 o'clock yeeterdaY , ntaining. The Highland Light brought ..up the Bth Ohio Volunteers, commanded by Idajor.Wins low, whose term of Service :has expired. The regiment numbers offteers'arid•Men._ There has been' no -very "heavy figlitAg Within the last few days. Skirinishing is kept up all aiiong ,the' . line. 'The cannonading at times is heavy, • ' Firing was heard about five :Miles froth Bermuda Ilindred on 'Sauilinti,;:tieia Butler As . entrenched.' ' . • , ' - The Einisiny made an attack - .upon Butler a entrenchments, bdt did na:f,3l:l:Crblid - hi,eireet=. ing anithing, and: were driven plr: Qn buturday the rebela attached Sheridan's rear at !Wilcox's Landing, and Captured a few of`his Men. A brigade of infantry was at once.dispatch-' ed to protect Shefidau's rear,•and the: - ,enerny was kept back till. Sheridan, had aneeeeded,iu crossing the river.With,hilatrain: The railroad is!,advaneed"fiye'milea from City Point towitids'Peterendrg. YestArday,, just before the,Efighlaxid Light`, left, . hdaVy firing was heardlin the direction' of Peteirshurg. - '9b. WatOslayVght`, the: ii#els made en attMle`on. Vitt_ prqXetlo`,' algiut centre ef ourline as they Were 64-itig . Both were repulsed, with hiss to our troops. On the heights re bels lia;ve an eighteeri l gun „bpttery bearing uponAie centre of our hues, in front , of that places ; This battery has been'iiiry' trouble some,' and, so' far; lias r proiedibo any arti:lleky that'we have:brought against: it' Wilscin has gone on another 'cavalry"expel dition, and good news from ii be ex pected Soon:' A Tebel captain' and four piiiiites`canie into Putier's, lines on Friday andiook 2 Oath' of allegiance. Two nundred rebel prisOners - irint- at City Point yesterday morning-. Aniither, KepoitedMOvenioiit of Gen. Foster. Co-Operation forithe Ca4itnre Port Darling , ..4 • , T03 . 1;.41ine 27. . The bouintercial Aduenisei's arniyletter of June 25, says that Gen. .FosOr:ii force the 10th Corps, has.probably, ere ibis, attacked Chapin's Bluff' and perhaps captured ; This would perrnit the erection of a strong counterwork to operate against Fort. Darling. FrOm Cairo, tk.c Cuso, June 26. The steamer Patridt brings Menwhis dstee of the 25th. ' ' ' • • A train on the Memphis and' Charlestini railroad - was attacked -by guerrillas near COP liersville on the -23 d. Two soldiers were killed and two worinded. Si - T. 'Soldiers who . jumped Irina the train during 'the attack were captured and taken to the •Woods. One of them who escaped reports that his compan ions were-murdered by theguerrill' as. - The Irrioonditional - Union men at , Memphis are - arranging for-a grand meeting On the 4th of July, to ratify the nomination of the ,Bal timore Convention. - • The cotton znailiet4e , uneliariged The steamer DrOdrabs was died into yester day by guerrillas from the KentuukY shore; near Shawneetown. The.captain of the boat Was seriously wounded: . Brigadier : General Mafredith Assumed com mand 9f the postof Cairn t.O.:day; Brigadier-Generali °h& was: assigned , to" the. duty of- taking chaige coloied troops in Kentucky, ItndregiruilpigneW. trolOs.: . Ho will continue to . hot spherEiinTpn'-' nessee,. with" headquarters removed to mitt- . , n . Frain SheriAiith; Ariork; id ? tri4vl'.ux,.June 26 Ira B. Tuttle, - chief of :the scouts of the Army of the Cumberland, on' 'the 11th with four men, made'a daring descent' a forage post, 14 miles southwest Of Atlanta.. He captured a rebel- LieutenanColonel, a Captain and others, inclnding sergetuit; burnt a store house, containing 50,000 bushels of corn and a large lot of bacon.. The Governor of Georgia says that if, it is' necessary he will call out the Georgia militia, : and withdraw the Georgia troops 'from the Confideracy to carry out the purposes of his proclamation... Cedar Bluffs havle been thorotighly fortified .y_t,he rebels, and by _thera:are considered impregnable. _ While is garrisoned by two small brigaldif of rebel troops, the_ remainder been sent to riaipicirbe Jalipostcin: , • • Impala Outrages in the West. _ . - Oman Cut N. T., Jane 26. A-party of Sioux Indians yesterday killed two aid wounded Jour men Mayfield, 1 5 uill4-I"6l7:Pif::,..tAig Piace.:J',44%detaolunent :of cavalry , li s t • • Aleir vt14:06 zdur3 darer% • , A • • / WASHINGTON, June 27. ME Department of the Southwest. • FRO3L.GEN. 'SHERMAN'S A.1151T-Srr&A.T/ON OF THE 7 ,. ‘,9 19,3324 : 61 ; • • • The Cincinnati drnmerciaztlas details from Gen. Sherman's army lc! the 11th. They are uninap or te4, we3fei,,as th6Pgiire :the iesrll skirmishes for position, in which our troop were nniformily successful. Follow ing-Mtheliitization as given LiY the cornisPond 2 ent; who writes from Big Shanty, Ge.orgia: "Joe Johnstou holds steadi/y, on his posi tion, twenty-six iuiles north. of - Atlanta. line is now closly circumierihed by ours. • In no place are the hostile parallels - more than a musket shot apart. rebel. right ieats'on Kines4v blouritain; on the railroad;'fourniiles north of- lorArietta,: their.-left ortliost - Monn; tabk," sOms - six Miles "we'sf, of Kinekii*.'"'Be tween these - two forinichtble-ridges , the rebels. hive gradually been forced back from a •tri angle, with the apizoi towards usi 4 until .their lipe is but a faint crescent,' their centre still being slightly aNanced. Right; lcift an&cen tre., their position 'A :Closely ^ invested. • Our `troops have , shed* p . inalleVafter parallel; •until the country in thert='rew is.-fiiti6Wed with riffle, pits and abattis , arid scored with a laby .ririth of roads. • '24 country is 'covered With ptiniitive forpsts, •and veil fe - WASIaCts- , ate- there elegred. sparia'snifficientiflarge to displaY' the movement's of a brigade. There is an abund ance of - dorubbriundargrowth which hides everytliing fa* • yarifer distant Tram view, and *Vein Oils anspecte'tthe difficult - fa hardly ,credibl though stick tfit, easb; that ,have fully developed tlie•e4eitny'S:positiola with two daYVskiimish enteittisbin'' The'NeWOIX Per enk P)an, - Wesurbtorov, June 27. Astgeneml,answer a 11... applicants who desire to know ,whai rate'tho.Government will dis.P*..of.A.,he remainder of the six,per, cent. $75,000;00Q,10an of 1881, the, Secretary, Of the Treasury an.nounees.thati .bida will be rentnied for this remainder; amounting to. about fro, Oiler will :be entertained at a less'rate,of premium than four per ennt.,,nud all Aws,rds will, he:mada to the highest , bidclers ; aboye .that rate. Grti!itls - Cariipaign. ike_ikcisi.idrs OF THE , • critont; We cannot too energeticalli , oppose the fulse, -- Aetisavidoh. certain organs ;of opinion have accredited .on- this hubjeet among the Rrench',public: It 0 nosarity tri:ineet PeOple,. liiorbugn. wito;'4 , ejoicfetaVetetlie• :triumph of the South, wheatrioraphigthere atelti. who would :be Puzzled ;to - explain their reference. Iffe -Omsk:repeat. ig ever,le,Southdson .the pcisitioni which- Our provinces in the South or the' West Etdouldzoa , i, <tupy w,ere. they" toafevolt:*iirist Rrs,nce and . Frenchiunity. the,:frioitr.daterthined''pertizatis 01. ,tile:"Sgiith dare in.that 'case to justify such in somnia? The North is fighting- for country, for the Unpibof,the l Statps ,toh,ch form it; it is . fighting; nioreotiergaia, , &ecit prim/0, theabo-. titign of Slavery. Each. forward step of he .Federal army strikes. to the heart this ,monatreniti: i tind institrition, which the South declares it cannott live without. Ihp kitimph cf,the South,ollhe, contrary, ?could , Othier..Y, I,id jitatifyi,Werk!despotism. ,Generat Grant is the representative of the two yraruleit and holie4thilgs in i thiiworld--country qn4 04140 .et• • 'lib . . lagneral Lee, en the contrary; despite his uAdoubted i qualities, his : lndlitwitalents and hisuchiartible '0 merely's, rebel leader who preaches with arms in hirr'hands, in the middle of thgtiitfeteenthbfnitury, the slavery w4teh Christi cbtidernned,' DoAhe partizans, of the South-know' that? In- lamenting-the successes' of ;Giant and =llO anny', , do they reallylinowthat'ehey are opposing the -prin ,ciple of national ,Unity,' liberty , and litiman frateralty? Fot-ouYsef*es, : , .ours'aYmpathieit .could not be doubted ,- for an instant ;- we are for; the North, as we =should be for' Frande ,against Itt Vendee or Brittany, if they Wanted to sayer tile which: binds T -them , to rench unity , ; tirdifor the-North- bisicatise• fib& her . • •", if P-I)4 ' Death ugs Tom illyer, the :well khown pugilist and athletic= of former years, died at his reSidenee;. in, this city, yesterday morning:- Per , beveral years past belied been complaining,-but most of .the time had notj biten confine& to his. home. Hyer's ;first.- fight itt the : l:wise-ring was, with .oeruitry '.ll,'Clusikey; tip the Worth' river. ' He was .:whipped; afterwar& fought: him again,and came • off-victorions:—. At this time Yanee: Sullivan was, lulls fame; and" nobody -stiPposeil coul&blikvhipPelr livan wanted to fight Hyer, but the latter did not care to, Finally, however, they hapliened to meet at Sherwood's bir-room, near Phrk Place, on BroadwayA rind 54:14e: taraits',Weire : tlitivk ont„ : a whit& restated in quarrel hetWeen the two Men; and in Hyer giving Sullivan a thrashing. This Ted to a forthal challenge; and fatally the n „great. eVentftheik'-i'jilaCe Deb:wire Bay, where:Oyer, Whipped'Srillivan easily in six teen iOttAii: • ThiglikliViiriyated an intense excitement • in circles, and 'many thonsancls of dollars Were lost' and won upoO' the event. • • ' •Of course it made flyer ero, but although he was in splendid health frcim that time forth he keritAlVEg from the prise-ring. In his day he was regarded as one of '• the handsoineot men, that' walked Broadway, a perfect model df , He had a mariner and bear ing,. too, entirely unlike that of a flash, sports man,.and a large etrcle' of friends regarded him:highly for generous and chivalric person al qualities:of character, that these who only kneW - of him as - being a pugillit 'could give liim no credit for. Lately he had become very i riauch broken down by disease, and 'hie business enterprises, ouch as they were, hav ing miscarried, he had -beconieffulteindigent, and Was compelled - to aceept - Orri benefit froth his everting friends a - few eveninga ago. .On Saturday last he was out 'until between .12 or.l o'clock: yesterday :Morning, when - be • returned in a - wagortlaccontwutied by a friend. Ha sat on his trout stoop - about fifteen rain.. woo, Whenliti ;complained - of being ill, and askeillor ioe.wittorti which:was furnished him: after this he Was aidedin getting to bed; nndilcontintted t, to' giOW Jivoitii. !breathing :hhOrtgr and with more dilliculo;,....niitir.:sl,z o'clock as., when he expired. INIEREn Reber News fpip Itichniond Papers. of . ' s ViitiffaY - -• "I • ; Their CdoliOUS V i elorips Devast4t l on by . ,Puter iufeitern [From the Richmond' Enifttirir,of June 224.1 We learned last night ihat our troops en gaged th'e enemy yeeteiditY 'near the Weldon road, toad-after &Short Ina Sharp' fight repulted - them ,handsamely. Mite ene-: my's movements were watched by our, scouts, who, firstdiscovered them about 12 o'clock, nearlf.r. - Richaid William's farm in Dinwid , die half : a mile west:of the J - ernsalem plank , rOad, and some _three miles from the-Weldon. rod. They consisted of Hancock's 2dCorps and a brigade of cavalry_.WeAtiltuiiaLieu.t. Cbl. Homer R. Stoughton. of the U. Sharp , 'Shooters, a captain and fen or fweVe pri4ate.s. Col. Stoughton was' Oundect in the Wilder - nabs fight, but has reeoveied. A batch of prisoners taken near the 'Weldon Railroad yesterday afternoon were broiight at Maj. Ker's hea4quarters last , night, Auld by hira-turned over to Provost Marshal Hawes. They state that they 'belong to the '2d Army Corps, Hancock's, and had been in the trenched' 'round ^. Petersburg uP to Monday' xi - light. They were then "'relieved by a nete Army Corps, the number of which they did' not• lea)m. It only arrived Orilloriday.night, and was four hours in passing:'' An intelli: 'gent sergeant, from Philadelphia, attached• to the 2cl U. S. Sharpshooters states. mat it was reported in camp that a very heavy bOdy of Cavalry had gone down to the rear of Pe tersbritg and intended to cut the railroad at some point between. this city and Weldon . . We:give his statement for what it is 'worth. The privates in'this batch are all foreigners, suer toe most Ordirtary;illiterate, ragged, dirty, cutlthrbat looking creatures we have ever seen. One, a raw Patlander, says he only landed iii thiaconntry last February,_whnia -he was im •niediately well plied with whisky, and enlist ed to tight under the Stars and Stripes and thew sent to the army. Such is 'the material our.galiant soldiers'are now lighting. ,E11.13D1 PETERSI3I7II.I3-LATEB 1 1 ..--43ii.0E1 . 01:T§ NEWS. Notwithstanding the =seeming quiet whiiih prevailed'up to the time °Mho departure of .he train, events had. begrurdei'elopment about ,two miles.south , of thcreity-early-or the after noon which resulted in a glorious.victory to our anis. lashorie's.-biigad& 30th *the Whose napae w a s ' tut@ Intlearit, ila&m a t tar* uP i ontHart B'kto Irra it - ationt'2 — r. u., aod,drove them Call twelines of breastworks and captured nearly 2,000 prisoners, io l ltiding .iiityiseyep, i .rieunni Wormed Jaffirensll togethkir , with four pieces of artillery and eight stands of (wrote? , '.l."ttefi,glit Was- ; men 4: last tven ingi but tOi l elnij . its cpp fielohc: hid attacks - Ip' l l istlteoants. tie enemy a picketwinformedpur pickets -during the day that oia Abe was,on a (gent: ri: 111-,...-17 1 '.. If ill ,The only intelligence from this quAter on yeSterday , ,Vtta to theeffect fliat eneiny were still there, but in what force did not ~waarumored that, anti,?iptilig! a renewied . itiack Om them Un'TtieAday, they withdrew before dawn, toward James River. Tl4s r4port/ doe it not ,aceo,rd' , l Othitri r viliibh would lead to the conclusion that the White House is still an object "of" some irn portaii4e to ttie enerny.:. • - • Ntw You; lane 27 PRICE TWO CENTS. ARESTAL THE riIisONEBS Dispatches received at half-past 10 o-clock laSt night-fully confirm.the above. Thefightit ing had - ceased'; 'with 'the exception of occa sional sharpshooting and artillery firing. The repulse of the.enemy's: as hAving been easy. Our loss *US oompara- Lively very small. _ . . FROM THE WHITE HOUSE. mum Tits Ma& "r l We was Mithirig of imiooittincif.rirb- . grei - ,d - 'en yesterday. The affair of the bat teriel and gunboats at and,. on „ Howlett's Hointe Ofiluesd4 ainckulited:to lit aiice;•' In the progress of affairs, the iron .Cl4llll,ifginia yefusmg to work, an investiga liOn revealed a: chisel _ iii one`of „her cylinders, contact with Whidh hail slightly injured the ; "and disabled her for • the time; 'whether this was the work . of treachery or of criminal `carelessness remains to be seen. FROM LINCHDURG Passengers from Lynchburg on yesterday state that the last heard. from= the Madcee raider Hunter. _was when 118, hact arrived at Liberty: He is. gone kiting:.soritewhOre,,92int nobody :knows where: • . The Eepublican says.that the battle-field of Sundayjlaet presented a ghastly spectacle. A oirettre*ance cOnnected .vdtb,...t.the:r enemy's dead -is worthy. of:otice, as Showing.tlie ac curacy of the aim of our SharpshOote&Li A gentleman: undertook to count.ltheedeadas they' lay on the field, and to note the place where each waa.shot:, ,OLforty-seven so count ed, forty r two ,were.,sfnick inztlie.fiend, and death appeareltO kaire been instantaneous -4- a meet and, proper: tate .for theizaless in- a The enemy thieve away ti,..:largEnziumber of . arms, pistols, andisWords, both-on - the:Katt • field - and Om the _route:of their retreat. sacks,• liaVersacks, . canteens, &e., Were also ; profusely strewed about, and_ many were. picked tip by citizens wbo' visited the:. field. and passed along the roads. many localities on both aides the. Salem and forest roads trees were felled; and blbek...• ades of ferice , rails_ and: stones were impede !Pursuit. In removing these some hours were lost by our men. The scene of desolation- arid. ruin in the neighborhood of this city, near where the; enemy Made their tine of battle, is. positively , appalling.. The people were stripped of every thing:; Fences were torn down, drops trampled: upon, and every species• of vandalism that savages could.think of was practiced. Hogs, -sheep, cattle and poultry were stolen, ried off, and, •whquliot needed for food, were wantonly slaughtered,. and /eft to rot on the_ ground4'•; , YAMS Tao VAGttEY.; . A gentleinan who arrived from iltAttritiM eg yesterday, statee:that rho Yankees are no longer seen or heard in that 'vicinity,' nor at Harristown Lexington , and< their' reepeetiegi neighborhoods:: -The daniege dent; by Hunter • Mee very extenave;-nnitiy '6f-the - hoiden' ha* ing=been dattle randtotbe , ` itailla*Eiq* eithiblibAnhent.- <of generalintility was destroyed along their route. ... STIII , PRINTING':.OFVtifi Aptiantroo RAiIIII•4.4LY illtsnß.arEC. 1 _ The fallowingare the rata tbr advertising iii ills Tail, GRAFIL IThamieaving tutrbrtisin,g to do will end '1 rrio venien Mor ratbrenoo. 2;:r Four liner& hirecciiiitibito one-halfsquare. elglii lines cc more than four constitute a square. ChileMS A. HALT eQUARIL POR-02711 SWAM . CO Two daysday $ 50 Two days - ..$ 1 0 Three days , 76 Three Ws .. 1 fib One week 125 One week...., .2 20 . One month 300 One mouth. • .. 6 TO - Two months 4 50 Two months .9- CO Three months 5 60 Three montha -..... 11 tO Six months .5.00 siaiagdths - , 15.0 - .......7 One year 16 00 One Year .. 26 0 Administration Notices $2 25 Marriage Notices, • - - - • - - FE., .ITr.:3 Auditor's Mottoes " Amend Noticeseach Insertion Oa-Business notices : inserted in the Lesai dbiernise, or , ' et before Meninges and Deaths; EMIT OtarrokatfLian' t - f r ' ch It-martian. Reception of the 71st Pa. Valun .ol.l.oXs. Partansprlus, June 27. • The 71st Regiment, P. V., better known as the California regiment, arrived in this city • unexpectedly, and had no public reception. The, reception by the , city authorities was given this morning, however. The retetumt. of the fine regiment, under command of Rich ard Penn Smith, marched to National Guard's Hall, in. Raft street, where the Committee of City,Cormeils _was in waiting., The Phila delphia Band was stationed on the,platform and performed the national airs. The regi inent wag weleorhed in behalf of the city court, oils -by Mr. Y. A. Wolbert, chairman of the - reception committee, and was replied to by CoL R. Penn Smith, of the 71st. A procession, , was formed. and after marching through sev eral of the principal streets arrived at the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons, Where an en tertainment was given the brave veterans: =I nis!* * 2ets .Ib . y. Telegraph. Clovorseedia scarce and worth $q 2508 7 641bs. Small sales of Timothy at $2 50 to x 3 25 andrhomeed at $3 40. There is, &steady export and home consura.p. tion - amand for 'Fleur and the market is very . fund Bales of 500 barrels good Perinsylvanht, at $8 75 barrel: , 500 barrels at Blue Ridge at $9, 500 barrels•Obio at $9 and LOOO - barrels Jenny Lind. do. on terms not made public. The sales to The trade ranges. .frank 57 50 to 18 25 for 'common and extra -brands!; .58 50 to 89 for extra family and s9t 25 to $lO. for fancy lots—according tp quality. Rye Flour -is scarce and firm at aim :tied. nothing doing. • -The offerings of - Wheat continue small and it is steady, with sales of 5,600 bushels at 52 05142 10V• bushel for fair and prime Red. •In White nothing doing. Rye is scarce and worth $1 SIX Corn is dull, and Yellow, afloat, is efler'ed at $1 57 "ft bushel. with. mks of 3,- 5011 bushels at this figure and 1,000 bushels at $1 51 Oats are firm at 85 cents. NEW YORK June 27. Cotton quiKat $1 45. Flour atan advance of 35e; stiles 17,000 bbls at S 8 10@8 50 for for Statot $9 10(49 15 for Ohio, and $9 50® 9 60 for Southern. Wheat advanced 2@3c; sates of 100,9011 bus Chicago Spring $1 90(5k 2 05; kfiliankie Club $1 966T12 05; red, $2 a @2 12. --Corn quiet: Beef firin: -Pork buoy- Ant; new loess $ 7 41®41 25. ' Lard heavy at' ,h5r 4 1 64., Whisky dull at $1 78. ecepta - Flour 30,000 barrels. Wheat 180, 000 bus. - Corn 75,000 bus. ;law York. Sta . ,ellc • illarkets. s „StoCks are better. Chicago and. 'took is qari / col 11f.; Cumberland preferred 73; Illinois icidi 1 acriP - 1.3t V; Michigan Senthern.97i: I New <irk Central 1341; Reading . l4ol; Hod son_.River 141; Erie 115 i; Treastiry Notes „19§,i; One Year,Certifleates 96; Coupons 6-26 s 104.; , _ & NAM:IV:PA DV NIRTISEM NTS: OLE : AGENCY . FOR THIS CITY 4:lllaappy to offer' to the- public a barge spl9pll4:assortmrnt of SuPER I / 4 1 - OR. GOLD PENS, TalPiraPtiu b,Y • 'LEROY W. FAIACELTCD. • . These Pens are well finished; elastic; and will gtro ' en": tirefinlisfar.4. Pt • 1 , 0 ... A e,E 71 . .••1'. • ..- SCHEFFER'S BOOK SifollE, - Seeeud street; ecetionite Presbyterhui Church, Harkkeburgi iiP 2 3 . jIIS`T , II . .CEIVF.,?, )IQRFING, .iL FiltSEt DIVOMTE OF XIcgENER CELEETATED A:DiT AMBLER . 456 FRAZER'S myBl ! PRIVATE SALE. 0 NE of the _best locations for IRON woftris, in, the , State for,,gale, at a very reasonable. price. to any'purchaser who will - improve it, situated with: - in a shell. distance of the city of Harriebueg..betweem the Permsylvaniirailrond aiidcsnal, about ifs% hundred feet wide, andalongside of ths Wet limestone ontwririe is the State and-close to a good turnpike -road; also. mom. Sot . waste cinders forfLity years, without paying for tlie ienf - Apply to • .DAVID Alritibid, Jr., Attorney-it-Law, No. 44 North Second street, • • Harrisburg. Ph. (Ph lLSdelphia Pro . so insert limo times and .send bill to this 'NEW 1.14,1701 t STORE. . . pORTA - NT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS4LThe undersigned offers at whoes:de, to the trade,, 4, choice lot of the best Liquors ever braughtSo Harrisburg; French Brandies, Harland 'Gins, Scotch, frith,' Balaban, Wheat and Okt Rye • Wkisky;. Fe'riign and Asstegic Wines, such as Champagne, Caret, Coeereem., liquors warranted, es represented Laddlorde tirebthers will find it to their advantage - to call and es.- initiate"the assortment at the store, ~ on South Geroonn. 'Moat two doors below Chestnut Fig7-d6m .1 GEORGE Vi'Dt - TEES • - - .10111111 AD ELPILTA COLLEGIATE INST/- 41 : .TrtE .FOR YOUNG „LADIES, N0.„1.530. Arch street, - Rev. CHARLES A. SMITM, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITE, A. M, Principals - "2' . . ,• - Nfinh Tear. Three departments: Primary, Academie, and Collegiate. ''Full college comae in Classics, 'Matte mattes,- Ittgber :EnglEh ,and . Natural Science for. these. who% . 1911.nate. Xodetn Languages.. Mnsi6 Painting and Elonnikn'-by the aunt:Mane& v.4* dlrculars apply af'. the I.ite,,or,address RTC. son P. 0,; Philadetpine, _ptvi.:. , .- - ." I ''' .- '.. • - '-' ''— ' ap29-9m* A r - DEONS :ANT) . CABENtiOrtGth: liiMo )1 —.„ . : - - E,• • IV y.six .FIRST PRENERWS., TWELVE SIVEB,IEEDA.:I4 I .: ONLY. G;OU) MEDAL (ever won by instruments !of ibis . class) hes been awarded to . . 'MASON it "HANCLIN'S INSTRITSI:PTS. ' A full atiBOrtaleet, of these instinnenin alivays on hand it: _._ :, .W. KNOCHVS, &de Aiginat,-. , jipa-269W1Y1 • 93 Market Thomas P. DI4W-130.w04 A. ttora y -, a I, a- w TELIRDST., BELOW PINE. • , HARRISBURG, PA. A. LL manner of Military Claims promptly ZA - ,4 attendesl.3.o, and claims collected against the General Or lltatnAmmartoents, sillier in Congress, the Criart P t tllilltnant Washington city, or at EnuTtsburg, mtlmut un delay, and on moderate term's.' mr29-dOm g. . 41:1Ab.--- 'hte 'Mesa r.;fitui Ut the.bo2.- * 3 . aaci, in bait' barrels and kilts just, received kt - :it • : ,-, • • SEILILO or FRAZER, d - 4 1 tiluddissora to W. Dock, Jr.. & Co. - —.--- ;WINTGLI.Str BJECFaiIiFAST TEA.- 4ttst re • .1 . sa_ mE R . .it , k l R.44P'S, 14 1 ' .fievood., - n lino cheat of &unlit's& Breaktain Teo, at - - - 0t0r......... eta Wr. 11,,fc -- , jt.) ir (Tots r.. s BAstivra.—..;lnslet Fia:. • E z .abolosirsto lrocli, jr . ; 'gave l:1 r u ija:: -op*. ick(49.lW lietg• Ta 50 Per 4llslr ! HAMS I—A treat supply of idieb,- 4: _; BILCaIiOT BEM and Dried Beer at BoYER & CLI PIOI.UDEIXHU, June 27 SUGAR CUBED EOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers