FITE TELEGRAPH IS PUIIIIMED . KORNIS° 4.2771 EVEMG, C.: GEO GE BERGNER .1711. VD ST., fTEAF, VrAhriltri Vr.RIIS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE Stra,Cß . /MON. 'PIJC TELONLAPII is served to subscribers in the city at 5 cents per creek. Yearly subscribers will be $5 00 In advance. 'who negleotto p..y will be charged $6 00. SITERIA" TELEGIrAPEL Tiosot.kwwL atno publ Ls hod weekly, mot b. tall.lolP4 o sulzmcribers attho following co.r.ti rates Singio copies. weekly ........ Threo copies to Post Ofeco Teti copies to ono Pct Moe GLAD NEWS FOR UNFORTUNATE THE IMG.SOUGHT.FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remeolyi AND HEIIOKEE UsTJMION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CIiEItaKEES Ii.EMEDY, agoutis /adieus Dittretie. curet a4l diseases of the urinary . iryahi, rush as irsconti. nesse of the Urine, IMananation of the Bladder, lajtasn, 'nation of &a Kidneys, Stone tr..tho . Skp*tegr, Stricture, Orarct, Glee, Gonaorh.ea, and is.aspeeiatly icannmendal, in lho eases of Filar" iibus (or Whit 9 in fenita6B) Aire ell the oldnecusecess medicines hare fat7l4. he- It le prepsiro `ll a highly concentrated form, Me 'Joao 0111. kkdag frotn-one to two teaspoo nihls three times , r day ,say- Et is diuretfoluad alterative fu Its action; purifping and c:eausing the' blciott, causing it to tow in all of its Ong,u.'l purity anti :Vigor; thus reniorttidfrom the systetu an puma:At-ALS cruses !whist' have induced diacsae. Oil EROKEE INJECIION is kneaded as an ally or assist sot to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used la comm:that with that medicine in all cases of Gonurrlati v Met, Fulor .41but or Weifes. Its_ effects are healir4, twtiurip and demo/cent ; rerrieving all scalding, heat, cliordee and pant, instead of the bushing and almost ult. ends/at-le pain that. Le experienced with nearly all the cheep pack injections. . . ga- By the use of the CHEROKEE REILEDY and CHEROKEE pi::JECINN 7 —the two me seines at the same time--ail improper =charges ere removed, and the wealt oned organs : , arc 'ariooctily• restored full vigor and strength. AQ-Por full partiealara, get oar pamphlet from any' drug' storo iu the' country; or writte •WC, and we will mall' free, to any addreee a fell treatise. CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, _ or three bottles es... Price CII ; EROREE. q01.3,,Le, or three bottles for $5. o - 3..Sant by expre to any 'oiblre-m nn rooolgt bf prico. . , . . by all druggists everywhere.. • 1311. %P. It. Sale Proerietero t xrazlO-codly" No. 52 Liberty strepYkieWJ,.cdr. CITBROREE TlErs, CalEa: INDIAN xi:Exam:YE, com - rommo ROOTS, BARKS AND. t . ktES' An mufailing care for ,Spermatorrhea;4linittat : Abit, Nocturn'al i'mitaione, and alt &rates 6:tuied by' so{f peglution; such as Loss of Memory, Paine in. the Back, Otlonese of Vitt* Pratature Old dpi t Weak Serves, Difficulty of Breathistisigi Wateeftft-:: ups, Z . 7'4150113 on the Face, ..Pale: Cotiitettpattee, , fl re st,tstitA ConsumpNtot, and all the Direful eatoplainta. *- parting front the Rage of nature. ' This medicine is a simple v i erA4isitnei,*ton . e"" a which' all can rely, esti has been used in our practice' T<lr many years, and with thou - siaffis treiateAlt not, failed in a single instance. Its curative 'powers been sufficient to gain victory over the , most stubborn case, flErffio those who have trifled with thecr until they think themselves beyorid, th 2 - rosc4kot: si miallickl. 4 we would say, Daissir Rot./ the , thinaraSS Ceisn-will restore you topeallkand rigor, and after all .c .quaok dee tors have failed t r.g? For full particularly get a CirMibleTrdia s any Drag sore in the country, or write the Proprietor, who will mall Ike!" to any one desiring the same, a fall , treettle pampffiet form. • Bat-Prim $2 per bottle, or 'three bottles 'for Arapid renearded by express to all pacts of the world.. AI - Sold by all revealable drusgiata evomillerii. - DR. IV.' It MERVIN & Sour. Eaopantroas, marl° Nulty No. 59 tihoity iitrOet - ; New Tort 1 F I N .16 3i..14, -.1p: 01v,{4.4.7:.7,, Bit issle r 4 Fra;z eyr, (Successors toW ro. Dock, Jr., ts Oo• • rtEALEUS IN FINE FANECIA',,(ItOCE= L ,RILE °PP °2 ite the o) VO °l 4 3 : 4 l:kaivfi*AßMV ) 4° 591i14011 of - • B BANDIES, of different vintage& WPM AND COMMON MVO, WHISKY& ,INYPRZION. . tioNON4A.HELA, _ : FYNE FRIES ALOY.BO,T.O. Whisky& The best ever breught w this siteriet. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY biI4CTAA, And the oeleiiisied lailraNUT aBOAE CHAM.PA.G.NE WINW: SRIOS9 JOELLNNgiBLIRGI', SCOTCS AND rsir:AZES LONDON BROWN 8T04T t .., m WILD MERRY, '' S PLANITATIOM Y 3:'F',:tict yiNy,failkOlc BITTERS. Wrlb a complete steak of Araeinasn 4JiDAMERICAN PICKLES And couciimenis of ei-erramieriptioa-it4 and at [1,15 TITI? LOWEST R.:ATEe' :"7 .510T.11 - , 3AO 4. 1 10 /Mr JPO , I) Woe • e PERFUMLYG ZJIVEN HIS POW DElir---a einapotold- soluble T g agtiojait Er the tiesuuctiou or iusecta—dist.gibated m ugag og austed over, Fur, Wooloca, cArPetS: goatmg, - packed- away-for 7 - atunmer,lll effectua llyimega moat.. ; : • -. .`f Ror k e ulsp ailehghtful, dilrusable pogrom., lc vs. 4 aim. pregagi gt otosilog, ito., with a lasting arid pleasant odor. Tie flues* tabriooannot beiratued by Its use. Pfeporeil and sold at KELLER'S- , Drugad.F4ool3ooiikore,ll,TD.,9l/14rkitatmet.' A R. J OITA I SEit, TEAC .1VP . = . 1)17 T1F11:45-; . OPRICR ATWARD , 3 IifI7BICSINZA . I t, 22 ,4 i i*ii: I,3esee: Third street, atx!vg.Zi.fri::::„;acgir . , . VISITING, WEDGING D1V4TA•7112;4 _ e , -.. Aso AT non il-b1 "" 8. 1 3.1 ill e il l imn ono of the beet eograyero e'..l . _, ~," ait r aesurtptiou will be executed In-'tkeit ~** -. ei rt ion uE ti,courorthable eith the tweet *tau .., e, .... Et tfiptl z ,i i i knverpriow thou me . _ ,; ' - . ..... eni in 'Row York or Pbnadef ds. Air . . , '''Trr Ira • *dellatlrzto. i t r T--()TS for sale on the corner of Mid" *vial -- • i j woo vreetn u Enquire or n adwippgit4 411 : 101 4Ktura ,e't,-:,, ~ 4,„.. t SUN Ite -;..0 1....1 400 "AMERIMAN REMEDIES," ENO WN dS '9EI ,14 110 Lf D 710 GENUINE, • , 7 - • ITELI(I3O4D Zrrltitoßk BMIAP4RaL.4," HIGHLY 00NOENTRATED"" PLUM EXTRACT BUCIM OM iIIW-514',11 KID NEYS. RAF:EL AND EtRWSIOAL SWELLINGS. TIMIS Medicine iitareaseo the powdr cifjpt ,l &SU* gad exolt.l%xiio ABSORBENTS Into ifeilDiy actlob„.by which . th 4 WATERY Or =CALORROUS dß* 4.• tiaras and ail UIfNATLIRALZNUAIiGEMENTS'a're ro• duced,:ein.well nopnln - andzinflaoltmitlon, ; and. la good fok MEN, WOKEN or CHILDREN. lIEWBBp'S ',EXTRUT BUCIIU, Arlplug from • Er.oesses, =nablts of = DlEEdpatioi; -Ear?y.7lli : Abase, iTtMKDED Tiuma.mme roLLowlisa-srmi4qhlii. o.l l gPoidtt - ,_9p to-,F5p114014 ,-Dryness:o#4o-Slrip, • 65*- br memorys• • - Lbss bUfbwei, - Dltil6ilif tit'Breatbiii4- ittirVOi• of Dasesse, fira¢ibllnQ •11)thinekuidriTigOrt, 'lWitkofuluess,. lliilvereal 'lnnsitude- of the Pain 'hi the Back,- Flushing of the Body, Hot lisads , Eruptions on thu Fr ' 'Pallid Ikaintensco, , • , -;? , Theseolyrotonny ifvgiofed tozo-on, which this 'medi cine tnynxiabik removea, soon fidlow EPILEPTIO FITS, lb 'onset. 14%.theysationt' eipiro. cafeissi liollowed by those '9.LTIVI • of. - cause of ,their auneringo i . t. 'none wjll portfas. Theiecor& of the , trisaae. asylums arld ttia biebdiaiio - deatba tOci*J7:'4.tiori, bear ample wilt n4l6-t6"*.t-ofta-Pf ilii agseitlon . • TEM CONSTITUTION, ONCE 4AFRiIIkEI7 IkemgMlli t 6,:a/4:oo3'k*chie4o strengthen aud-invigorao4) altkvarelnioctiich He4nbijrd's . gitragt Bushu inuiriably &ea., txicinee the most skoittical, • FEMALTP.NKS--FEMATY, I / 4 %. OL OR TOMO, SINGLE,•MARRIgp, OR apriggit. .In Many,s.areCtlons Renner tolbuisisi the • Extremeohu Ja unequalled by any. Other remedy, as in.Chlatuals dr Rettnitiop, Irregularity, Ppinfulmlas, suppressiiiii mistommy Eiracnations,lficarated or Scliirrouustate alien" Uterus., Leucuritma-or Whites, Sterility, and for all cone plaltqa incident to the sea , whethor,arising from. Irv/Isom- Atori,.Manits of Dieelpatlen or in the PRIMA T E OR raPTGE 04 Lam', NO FAMILY.SHOULD BE FITHOET Take ae Baleamt - MeleerYi e'r , troPleasallt alocllairioj der PaP l 94Y4za DangereuB DiSciae& • REWBOLD'S EWMOT EtTO-1115, 'cures Sediet Diseases in airthe4Vtar et stile nrpni little or no chapsdin. diet; ':ndipaonvenl i; encis suit ajl.o- sins. lt causes (Yelp : Skin PN t AO- "and gives strength ,t Urinate, thereby removing ~nuttuns, preVoutiug i Ind curing Ecrietairen'of the UtefigsqullhAng pulp and-,Talla si , matten,'go this'elass dimaseii, t una 'B* . pealitig . ofigilialtc - and 'Wornotrt Thoutwi l ls upon pleuißnida•whb have boon the victima tiusldos, who hays:paid - heavy tees to be oared to x abort tinin, found-14pp emtyckepeleS, the ",PoisonY has kV, the use of apowerftd--4 been dried up in the syscem t to,tweakoiatli. 'an • vated fords . azA rritaps • Use RELMSOLIVS LA.MBUCHII.fer '4lffeotlons aka Diseases of , ttir ziinaryllrgaaa, •w hether'exietlug iu lisle or Foutalo r freitivrhateret-eatise otigisuiting, and no matter tovr long standing, !Diseases of Mead Dreans rectri tre the aid of a Diuretic. FISIMBUD'S FXTRACI . 111.1CHU is the Grew Diuretic., and it is certain tu - haiie the desired. efiect la all Diseases' for whist' it is retard- Blood~looa - Blood .: . • . Reimbold'sHighly,Conceitrii dea CoollidinidTUJlD Errß4Cr BARS&PARILLASYPIIf ; — Thiki ailafiectioil .the Bliwd , and attacks the deli's! pLiniftirs, of the Noce, Ears, Throat, Wind pipo.and otner,litieus Surfaces, maiming its lißplAirallGe in - real of-Ulcers: fleimbold'a Estrum Sarsaparilla pu -44eg-the.SlOrkk;and:rufnovAs all:§Lply:Eruptions tit 'the gltring . to . tho; t0n:06'34311i Oreir andf. Healthy Color: lf,:heteg,,prepattkektireiplytoi this dais , Orountulafidd, • its Blood,Ptirifyingrkopercieu,iii preserved "to a g reater .6440.'041,-any.o4e.f:Pre*all4oP.or.*Bill& Of NAM , Diljtll4oll, OEM ;"cidx~r. • " ndrt ex#E9/51:41.01.19 , 954! : u , m- of a Syphitttio Nature, itarlisandnalF 'vPti. et. the _Urinary, - Organs. 56 5 5 1* •habite.9fliblaltaltletlAlead , isi,connecsion with the glericaltalftf . and' StfraiparDlicilf_ahcb 'di op recommended. - 7611.1zeinoss rasponsible-iuld're liable cheractertz‘lls Prinloss medleineit OERTIFI - CinigifireaM:idaffillLrovZWittity years standing, wall names known to,_Seience and Fame. For Illedizel Propertiettot Rtzelp4, see. Dispensary of Ares United' ,States. See Professor„DENVES2,3 realizable works on the Practice Of s'hysic.' Sea : reptispra grade hyr . ,the late - calibrated PM_LLE/CII, L , Kinicab*. :Befe retnittin by, Dr. Phydi aim and 14133. Ott Or the*Rilyal :Celli* of Surgeoua, and publiplyed . in we .the..E.144. and. Queettl Vairioa Sedico•Chirutglcalitevlew,pitbilakiedpy BENI TRAVERS, Fellow- Of 'the qltriyal College -of Baritone. The most Of the late standard worka.on Medicine. -,Extract of , IWe, 51 00, per :bottle; 01 - * gouge Extra c t ttt Swattrafilla, $1 SO per bat/le t ; ce for.:.Sb 00: Ira proved Rees Wash, , so cerita.per bottle, or etc for 12 59 %orbitals dozen each for ;812'00, wttly-ti will he shilleiedi 10 re the moot olwainate caeca, Y. .ighwetloae are adhertai ; ! A Delivered to any, addrmt t , tleourolv peeitee. frOin agreegota Detail*, 'ln ntt Panunnaloaiorui _Ograia•O• • 'puttA ' AFETDAM Pereonalty appeared before me ea Aldennan PtbadeWe., T. G old , who bet e the-etty -A4E44;114 preixpetioes coutain swor . l/, dint Or OtheflaPlOacidniga, aad are 1 7W ' 4° Dl'l' .'• r vadv if.E.Taftorm atutaibeloe# , 6etkeine, ibis 23d P o . wm. MB/U.IW '6=1711 R."; rll6 ..,11.2...1111114A014 'AtimptsWepell .. 9blie: Owed, belpw lakestmiti , TstuatA -34 002847.1 BY GEORGE BERGNER. :MEDICAL. THE GREAT ' MM.MI3OLD.ESTBACT ."BUCHU," ZumffOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASE 1.1 B S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Co.VPOUND A POSITIVE AND SPEOiFIO In?M:NDY, POS' DIELEASBO wr Tax NEssEs INSANITY AN . D. CONSUM:MON. 'WITH °Ba : /`NIO NVEMMESB, PLATING LIZRIAGIg Eglia/LEX)MYS. EWE WAME. • In _ . • "THE U I4T. I 0 'AND FOR.ES E R ." Webster. atiRRISBURG,. TA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, RINE 29, 1864 • , 3140rn , , .._ . ' . . T A R- ., C - 0' R 6 A' IS Ilt - - I; vrr — A L r;tnic;ll..-ao;r-iii.E''—ilisl rad;L Obtained by a ,peoulior process in, the die [filiation of the_ tar, by which ita laigh.44 wed fcal-prOpertieu 06 rptp„in,l4 . ,L, `,., ' * t;biz4ii , 9 l ave 1102:150213 'ArOai 7 i ' 'gape you tt . „ , , - 4 . 116.0 k yon any of -theAß4fitoiyjstuptTill3 of 4hat most fatar - dietuf , e,;,Consu-tqPuo,n? . Those t :16 . .ihotilebetVartted by, th9sii syniptiiiiis iciterallY ' think iightly, of them until it't4 . too - late, Froto _Ulla, fact;, perl3l4 , worn - than ally'Other _ arises the sad preva lence mud fatality of ',.oea;se which'_sweeps to 17. the gravei4t least , 'Ohe-sixth" 0f,.. death's victims.' ' '" i.lonanniptlim 'has destroyed' mote ,of .the hymen family thin . ' any' other and the &mit ptlyBteittuS' LOP Many 'years despaired .vi ifurb, pr; a remedy Wef t ' "wbuki heal the itii!gs but fin' iuo're than twohundxcil,:ye,sni' the -whole medical world has bee'fi: ,impre,sseer there' was a Mysterious' 'pOWOr and effi- Me pay in the Pine Tree ,Tsr to 'heal lungs; 'the mime they have /*man:miffed the ime of Water,' Whiehin many casea had ; 4% . good , effect; hOW to:b6mhine the; Medical, prn piwri es so as,tiviao.Ctlieltings, haA'Ss,ier been a niy k liteiy , until disonstsriiiihy Dr. L. Q: ci...tviss4tT,'' of Philadelphia, rrprietoi''of Phis Tree ManT., o.fik3 people, b ,l at' every soh69 - 1 . iqikpraeclee, Ego dojiy 1/ 1 4 1 * .a. .41 . 11W I IU L O ci P ti iet,,Vr, 1 y success tin' the' tree. eht na7 anaumption..?" Tily,answer is this.: invigtro4o2, , of ithc ..digestiva oral the strifigthakinif die' detilituted 6 system-- , -, the purification altd. enrichment of the blood, inuet ex:Y9l'frPEct c ,•l 4,q.Y.kit , e lll 4 15 ., P94.7lPtioit whidiScrotlita•bretyla..•- - While this is effected by the ‘ go awful Arlt4ratiye f .(alkambz ; from disease to 111640 ogjtlo Tar : q 9.- di;d, 4 5 ° • 11 ‘44*.44-ilhe,ifrft 4 4o,:iiirfaces the tangs :and,ithroat,..o4 etirAing each. s9.l)Alguagi4i:W4r-ai thou, and resiqing.a.Yealthfal,teadency; , 1 14 t this 'twrO T t'eld: power,, -44 1 licaling • and o.l'e strongclien i inii„eoitinp.p to Actin conjunnUen with. Nature's ,constinq reOny,e•rativp te , 4.444/P cud• die-PAiktit.ll ;VP long' delayed - a . restirlio-We inettini .114 i cure t I assre4t l o - ibil& l sltig Theiy:ury,lrcxn zueu and' women,,Of.unque4- tionable woilia and rep4atio , • • • . . , Da. Virtsmdir--Peur Sir:---I had - 4/, very dreadful notigh - 'and . pArk tlii•bat for" One Year, ing t6 and t niy*keleiystina:*4 - fOt t e Noiy,l3Vd` I was - proaliatell on' inli fr 'bed.; 'brit • 'At 3 little hope'Orreeoierini''.l6 'dige°4,oll 44,e power" of all medicho'es;!and in ,a en, ,ort time 1. must have gone to my grave but thaabd, my daughter-in-law wOsalel netrest unit .ehe: went to yOur ttore,'lCp: d liff'T. Second: tillrWet, and related my case. M you purchaeeCnn.e, bottle ofsyour Pine Teas fiat Cordlar mid 'I" commenced to use it; 'andin one ardeli..T.:*4 ,much better, and after using, three' betties ) am perfectly ivcll, and 'a wonder 'to, all my, friencl§, - for they all pronounced me Past' mike. 'Publish My ease If you Wink 'pro qr. ' " •.' ' REBECCA liAMILTON, ' ' No. 1321 withystreet. Philadelphia. , t Da - WislArt4 Pitie'rrew-T4s , Oli*thalAik".- i 4lithtili s s Mire - for' Bi . O r n i eldtii, -% tlteditid of the Longs, Sore Throat and Breast, I.nflamma rtion,of "Wean says: ,- :..... .; .e ~,, • - ii. £ i Air. Wap:o says: 1 .- Da. tVisaharr--Siri--I had Bronohitht, Lit ilammation of the Lungs,' Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation - of:the Heart in their worst forms; 1 had been treated by several; of-the most eminent physiciana,in Philadelphia; bUt they could not atop:thel. Tepid . : course, o 1 ~my diaease„ and I,tipaired Of;3vet: being pe storedto health. I was tiuly on the Kt . g . ge oil, the graie. Your Pine Tree .Tar OW/B.IMo , .highly,rebommendCd to me .by .a ' friend; I treed 14,0 d any that.tkftil to aanthitt, after aoAiig4.o. large, axia , c140raft 1 4440 1 4?:1 Was perfect, health. , titt,can .giive.,,re fePluee-tO'InY houstAo:. 9 .0:11..8**1 B*d , , or..t my office ; ' of per of Tales,. tom 9 .L, as. to '2 P. K.; bornti Of ;OliesAlut f;n4 81#11 streets. • -' . - tUNEGT W 41 4 15 ' - Read the falCiabig L frointlfica; Ds.; VirrikorrD.Of . ta4 pleasure is inkrining "SbUrce,' ,that your• Pine 71 4 0 Mi. - C.4 411 A which wits 'Mended foil my daUghter by Dr. J. A. Ha; of this city, has cured her of .a: cough el . /acre than iWo rooliths'' had" tVciuglit 'her baytilid cure; emphiyed t40,, 1 1 2,e 81 Nf medical aid - Without .any benefit. can 'cheerfully recommend it to the public as It safe tnul 4-u;•erelaudy for those similarly a.tllicted, as 1 know lifiraij &sea besides that of my daughter' thlit eilrelitt 'long standing coughs...l-front-I respectfully, JOEIANI V. RAlllign, - Dsguerrean' Artist 120 Genessee street, Utica, N.. Y. 1` • ' • * 1 . :— . l rave uaod "Lir., Wialuirt's lt Pine Tree tar Corgis! in my fami1 y , 04,916 dorcliall;y!recolutueitd is its a Valuib e l arqk AO, Liiedicine' for bog 6, coughs load :to pee pie dispokied to conewaktiatz Dr. G: -- A. - 7Q,sTw,ii: tpo Citikratee,¢Pveto ''' ---/- '''" Utica, NOW York. Theabove iii 4-6, few among . the thousands whiehithis great - remedy fuis eavwrfrozn .an /. We! have thousandsliof lettere;' ,, frioitt•pAysi biaus-anil diaggists:wholitiVe presokbed and sold theTar:Cordial; --sayiligi that they have hevertueed. or,vold lictoadlohle wilich gavp each univeragAtiafactiowLis• n , '-' • The TariCordialv , when, takezt-itiNidig4etion with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills ; is , lixt fallible cure for Dyspepsia, - - The PINE Task : Tan - CORDIAL, will cure . Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Utlingi; Wh°9o# l 4 . 4 ° 11 8 1 . 1 : I4Ptherial R4 l4l ig also an..44llent, mined' for -sase ok ~ kidneys and feinsdi eoinplainta sEW LEE os,cov xlErrA k. The genuine tisa•thelteareorlhe proprietor and a pint trVe tame in:ttui , botttoii: All kittiera,,are ePirietisLiteita nrszaletorrreficThronTOArlaiee- 17 PT Pared er! okk!l3 4 ..Efr b. wishT4t;if No. /0 North Second St,rett, Philadelpti)* SoldleriDruggistaevenkat=W ole~htsby deheil and New Mutt • !maw% Ipiao MEDICAL; YEW ADVEMTISEMENTS. E T6I.:TIII.``CITY T happy,to offer to the yublie a ;large aniesplendid-assoitinentit--'"-ynanutuAt • P . E ,KW I R:I PA I L4 Y: rTlYts, t TircePens Acid will give st -r 4LEA9ittgL . i g 3f f." 4 :. -t> SOfiKFI'ER'S ROOK STORK., 5e01134 etrrq, opposite Pv.ll . tel tan Otturch, Harristung 'APR J UST REE L Ly;ED, THIS If ORVING, „, 41-y.RESEr.WO,I.9,E,OF , Jt t Alt d&'s tt t;i13.11/ATI UG.4.R CURED lifjAzke_l4l SEMLER & FRAZER'S. CM 0 YE.of , the, , beet... , .. , PRIVATE" ALE. .. cations for ,I 1 1 ,01: - • wOREB in di& Silty for silo. aiir , rerytreitionabli prt .4 . tie ii*liiiithaxer fedi& WILL ith prbmit,' sit gtiaGott with in welibrirdiacknoit :of E ilia wity...r,Erovik.,p 4 iP...,..4w ,t , e , 4„Lit Poo nay I varia railroad tied Lana, ali..w,t hr,e,liglidract, mot wide, sod allicikle of the befit " A Ilitiesviiim Quaiiidsln • thy Siite and close to * gotiti I tOnipikri - road, also, , roam to) waste'citidolit for hay! years, , Without.paying for ihtt,,laitid .• Apply we 1 . , , ',: ; i -DA VW MUMMA, ,jr. , „,, 1 Attor*eymi-14,w,, , NO:. 24 North:SeivtlilltrM t. : roar : l64hr - - ' . A ' ' ' ' •Elittilgburii:' : ' (Philaiteltibit'Presit istsesvulteelibioB. std Bend 1- bill 1.4 tittsiOrliiied I it.. 1.: 1.... ',' • . ..'", ......: . ' ' • 3.., ' • . • ', 'Ng IV LUZ 1 14 OKE• TlEvolrgiviy- TO t : :LANDLORDS - • ,WITD undertag` cied- - otieta ai 'to - holiaale, to' ..ttchAiddePeettili.;6 l l(it . of athitial tiquoct brouglicn llitnraot.cug,t OvedaßerciMics,H)Lasuld Gut, sopta. -frisk R.qurtm !,v . ./I.o4:and—ufd kr;bye •kisky; gcrfetim ,Ana.:Dom:.;l44 - "'rum, At' :ticiarilifitddt ati-ropiese:itedu and others wai find 4c u the advantage to calif 441, MOP fts4l o !tilaPut !IL° L'a P 94 41 sweptipFcCdopra-.lrioYf • • • a.Ebnint 0) .C? THIS hotel will be oioexied Rarel - 5 1 th: 1. house hatkeet,igut4l4,chlra , ugh repair, and Ile 13 two illl. ll CillifdineWtalagttagylinpiAd BATH 110 . 1.13 , 44 will bo ready for tho accontroodatiolet or ga.StS• GgtilswKo44y witeur*dympospeomka:-Pe.Nßox:ig 4°l Euperk s ., llfi y ir v i al.ek t i tt9 Fey. qt.E.PIP,- Birilloild'a '&l4 as been mitred ie`r , ' tio:Vakeson. ", -- GEO J BOLTON 1 • cr t r : :arlroaletoki CAT ,IGLAND, N. J., Or „ .1. H. UkVNitioN, ;ittY.44 - Cird ' ,IPI Mtir:c.ll.4s4l{Weg 13 WIADELPFEWCOLLEGIANE IPUCE lOtt. firtATNG LADIIS, No. /WO ititt - street Rev. CHAR.LES A. SMITH, D. D., .13:. CLAREN4 e trattYM.VpakufigitAtiriilusatiait • r 0, androlloginte. Rua college wurso In Classics, Ma es tuatlts, /Kner English — aizil Natural BeienCe for tatkt 0 paqlfilatefj 144u,Ne, Eld ki;by use nein' mit - eters: For ca.Vdo.". -- sPfoi.9 ' the Institute,or:whims BOX 2611 P. (31., I'hlhrdeipJritt ,Pa - AP *4511,4 " •:/,' • ' • T. F....WATSON NA: ipA ALE N. 1r ; t 111A1V.7FACTURER, - •.:EIiaIL 7 3:7*I34IETICASiv.;;--X!.m.f, 1•12.'; PRRPAR.2D to - tarnish and coat tenor.of Buishugu l kyith the At.4411.V . CEMENT, on. , now vsteni. This maternii "enure:) , diflorent from alp othentlmientasu-43iPhoratitbre, , SIM is the only- rehenli,, lemarisnailiv i ,sosohis tor tliatlll#Nnt.'):.24.l.lo(l:'wittvpro. por . proyertionktit . plate Linseed ; It forms - s son,derit Ole atlhesiiidiielisY6lsfibii , making'beim titu,f7 beeNviiiel• tinekif , to Brow. .Iteue ur any colordegred,! 1; • "-", AgiougftersTor wh9fll.l have applied meat, "1- Mine'!" fp the fonttitiAg genttvweo ' reslawiots PatuistFotic, pttsbutr. J broom, . .r; , „. J. H. Shommerger residence, Lawrenterille. . 4.,LionvelerJamos ; . • • - "QUI- • itaa:*; • • 'Ttu N ra swot, yittehFrej Junlba:mock; Partaat CEtadiai irotek;- V.oheidfaiantliklouaw ~z ••: • 4 , t ftiat a Itra., Arcauccta,vispatt,ta - BulidluAl; , Toon B . Co; oit - foao4 Frooestieef;‘•Erarna Da• .1 4 : 4 .. ji „, * -Alone address • • - • + • -• ' iatinaTSON,: , ,_„ • or 01 -Box.43 o so.Pßlsimr& Va 4 • .tepi,„o-ppla „repaa,:a‘iaap,. PELP:ISA,t• ,C • • rt e „490( 1 4Vefili ey, iitiontown,:i _li'atisontiwup%ltilten; i; 1:. .„ 10 . 1; "1' 7 •, ..dratica.iLy • $ UX18.41111:11 (1. ' • •l• ANWlTHA.:ltit.tßatittf§:. The atayake wilt be tiVtilit-ktiieet'ratee , Tho. Weductor . gtie !ctiredetovdth each.tralh; attpttd to:. the. safe delivery ii geddis hart/44.Lp thehhe....o49o . 44o4voced.vo ln Not ritro . , - „AVIRD 4.. FREED, 311: jorarket. etreet FtliiiikVos4a, by . Vit'cgtek • i. *34#l 'delireved.tkißtVi` nebkirg the mitt mOriikkg.' , zl: - .. =. - terev ax lky-.411.n1it",9, SZEI BlONTGO'lligitY &:(r.41;, Philadelphia aiita !taking Depot; oct2l-tt Foot of Markoit wt.rfaeVirrishittv = Pi= BERGNER,S'' Book - )Eitill .. 7Bl - tipiiner y : § toxe. 0 9iraig, racin g e ii r y: uninv ntd style or' PCIOO.I 'BOO . • KS ) KAorotta.RENc,v tlcatFus,. t! 27:4;,:PA44 1 09:N;jEAT ): s t i - z BU-RFSI j MC° 4: 11014 NAUP.,,,P: ier i dhia tbiiilfi ail Attitliattneeig ==l=Mrn Corolepag of a fine gesatrtalera or Wpstpallop?'s sfiye L6IP4- 11 1:-Tir From4ievyle re4.9Egebmed-,rass itac lo l9. ..!;oforY Pen mtae POET 'midi, • • :„ • -• • • • , wiarityofAik . . PAPETECItitS - ito 1 1 nothof yitti :article to fektei r Iroammi° • 3ook 'and Statkiierr eel : obi - 6hr Mit, at • - 111 9 12 1 ' ' -- REAT4 ftIYVSIT I vr , o 4 r.t enr. gl%Wi er re„OIL 1;41 tL - -”, Cita:,"t"i•LbsiV; iporguKsT4 aro , : bavA' 85 , Aien bv)et,p, y: r i6 e - se:voTernopp,- .le9 , 414:b.06ii fiegf.A., ly, htlet* eließM#B94oll4tokaaf i i /rfEßDthistkadoassoli EC= . . 7 -7 • , A_ IMMO PRICE • TWO. OEINIVS- EMUS EDITI EieIiMPIELY : toictIeDi I IPAEGWN `. TEOI " 7i; • . [ [,• 1 • . f • YR° M "WietiStWge IVO -The Preside/it VOID" rio* Summer mitthictenpo; " • RE 8 teS' . .tt:r.olst tits' 43,i50CE.1 • 4<Aioikt6AllsSZLt" Of!'till .greffS• • f),•• ~,PXd,E.S4""TP:I : *O Ii I4 KIM MEI V,owkwltitioni AbolfsheAl, . • •.- L ,PASSAGE. OP, TELO: J $N 4 (7,4MR$' WASECCKCOONtArigia g B f ..,preaideAt Lincoln will, to,morrAFT, enter. nport the 'km41611611 of his "bide 'summer re- sidence at the Soldiers' Home, fled' Irialfitig . It is reported:that- Maunsell B. Field 84... ceecks Mr, . Cisco i n,s Assiptarit Wreasurer is' . Neiv York, , 116 - hali resigned: ' "Engrossing Merits and Other offieieleof ton grass are• straining avery..nervi•-to have busi4 _nese finished.; by_ -Thursday, l but, it,is very doubtful if the adjournment can take plaCe, on that day. Rumors of a :"daltre)c... to ,Gen. Sherman's' movements are elaggeynted :here by seceidi sympathizeis, hut it iS evidarit that fheY con, cede' the' ultimate'sMicess Of Gen. Grosit's op eratiotxs'againat Itiehinand.h, . • The J l -(l 2 §, .4s , 'Pns#P I '..VMSAR# I , I- r.s!." - A,ifi reti.ealificl,e o .*#4# 62 , T.CP.4 f1 1 .81 4 0 -9 4e 'to - Seventy-five: - ' ' -"•• - , The Srailifers' Military bill "trill-pahaqhe liouab beforesuight. :claepisliii•the.6oo24ol4 . Ition clause, but gives , .PirtY daa. for volE4 l- leering n. before draft begins. • - • : ILLAITER: • • t r,. • • mi ILEDELB . • • • They areltejputaletly'and-ifour lllep. Ithilittiiin their (around.: :: fa. t as ' ' I: j W 45 1 94 402 1:1 4. r01iu/9, 24.• "batch da r ted oadquarters army ai - the Pkiternad4nne 2•7:t Br.: Efti.SV:' • t - attack .'de"ou ° ffsfdes. d- about aleveir.oWookorißiltuklayinight, w*h: th° 44YA494 2far ' nghaPk, aaartungßtati Whooßre engage alggngintAikents tovrtataYlii - etzeik, soar gdwifitio '4gion in Which to plate'gnns-tohnoreretlec&L, ally cover the worke front.; ',;)n - • _'The. , king: 3" 79fY nFink, fs about: One heui,,_resulting in ,bur. men Wiping S '4roxind aid' dentitlitir'theii'ltSoi - WthOus asyroei of , • •:: ,nanalPALO_ 4144 1 . g zto oraace yeeterdmi ;being alittle.uore, peruistyat ao front of the corpf th nat ' other I tag usual to rellewpiektaglittes•sheitik ter bat, atatirtioxtMet/111. being. generally: pp the tkmt•at ,t1:41 ; , time tie ; least uoise _ tme,tleA , .Ay c.wies ilium 0 ,opeu -- tire; id tlie 'Ito& L eif -*mg akte,to IM:it off iinee - men - while~ the is being mirde. , ildidEmeldem any harm -resulte.Mmi .4eLso ot . ttrAtrAw the - men Wive oecoaue .so. eartul to,lereoff f gtenueli.ep,thfit ii La pot t to ii:OfaietabletoNtioAllebel'Alarpthelet ays to get thwithigiiiiiP , t.beth: The health cif thstrimps considoetthfr the oPProtat*Y. hot.tteitiknatttleY dYiYA fr4, I3 WPaIng.,VA O fk4 l QS Ayer, he scarcity of water this seetrori.' -- The 18th corgis tiv'luiVe- the greatest atimber the host:staler sfroin . ithe.oireotil t lib• was tb er , •• ' , • The colored tioki@liferepresentedlisi3eing tniaffeiiited by'the heat' s4gbete r :Jaalsbit, charge of the -4-th 'ti,sion 44)4'4, lth'eofpe, , reportn thatitt , that .:thirty rif!* - 616 4 tit r moreothanfing `-,honsund 'wetkilimfit for duty mtittsn they , wet lint in Nriesitay laatio• ratty° the t 2d t: orpe ; This teric,te to show how' inhalt - better they can endure th, scorching rats of the aim sharrlhe white • •• I . Eliveariutces yeettitseatteit&ir 'indicated c h a e w „; s h or a t i•h a i l yii, alibAef'of rnitig-thick the •Weiit;.with a , ;;neat of thunder, bitt-" , 44s'•Wete••disap•-, poinled,.as the stornips sti:AliffeWthe north west, onlYa few citcnYal* falling in this • *• _ . Fa'o~ Cairo alfalsle* •Orleans. piOnai r June L 7. The steatiei 4 iiiil,4,twi*Weli Or leans dntes isf the Ust i : ,t; There a slightliviliceui autgar &id 1310- :a9SeS. Operatl Oain cOitori are 4imiteC and auotatiorni are riinitititt:— aL--I'llutDELPlWroltaie 28 : Thealour market is firm; and many holder's are indifferent about r a 'zing at present qnOtatibni. Salea'kif 1500 Tiirrels'teoeixtui:- taraily. and fancy, lotg froin $9. to: $lO. per bar, rel. : ) Superibie is .vgxy, ticaree ap.dranaes front $7 75 to ;58 25 ! , . 1 1 1 1.414.,- - *y* .fOurt serirefi and coinniluAti r $7 SA notTii3ig doingL The offerings •of *heat itiviitinall,4adlit is held. th inSresisa4l firmness :,Saleg• 5,0 0 0- Piullog,inte.Pentaguisl Ffasteila red . a t $2 10 per - Luis: iientnekx lit 14 ite is' held '2,32 20: - 400' bus Rye . sbld , •at.'4l 67: Conk' lir veil' . -quiet. groall. sales - of. yellow at $1 07 per , bus, afloat, and $l-00/ 54 , in slore•: axekdail; sales of g'enna., and polaiare* , 36,' -Whisky is niikttlect -tales of Penis: -` stud' Ohio bids at Si 8(41 90. ,Srocas -- of l7hcicagq inteitala fi44 ; "turntlerlandtf!Aterfek 7 , f r id.,.l3l4;"lllinohi - eittin 4 l3citas littishit ganontllP.l4.l42l-;.lieviA9gkstioutgal, 1314; XN1*.u44 1. . 1 9i3K 0 554..X 16. 4ea11ing - '/.494; ? I; VI; ch, l 9 A . Pat(7',44194e8,1 91i; Five Tway 4 CaliktB 4 ‘lo4 4 , BagWered; 1811. Gold opoiWgilditllBN4l424ggi STltit IMSI gajX 4 **./111114*VOIMiliY- All Qnjet Bernindallndeed on Monday. Statemiut Deserters. ' l l -4 1:14W bidoreil iiegtrir _Ube! crucrail..•• Win* Reported r Bick NHL. Rt- tam. Eater; from Gen. Sheridan. :-.Wmtarsoroa June 28. Tlie'ateamer Charlotte Vertderbilt a r rived ' here, bringing ttfit2.%.i. 12th Mess. - YOU.; Col. • ates,7lB3 offices;- and` mei, •whcitiff terinuf • servieo has. expired. ' • • The Vanderbiltleft lkwonds. Hundred at 7 yesterday; mornings At the. Ame„the 'Vanderbilt left Bermuda Hindred D ili` of Ihe night previous,:all was quiet in theitklh borhoud of Boner's command,-except sktr- Anishing,slotag tha.picket hue. No heavy firing was l$ eard iu any direction since Sunday night. Bebel deserters, many them_of officers of the ratatif Lieutemmts, continue cording They, universally,report more or latts - decim alization and dissatisfaction not: only among the ranks of the rebels but aniongr=ny of the - • • i member of the Ist South Carolina cav alry who came in on Sunday,reports that,Lee has sent two brigades , of ettralry, , among them the 1.4 t South Carolina cavalry, to Wont -Vir ginnt to act against our forces there: This 'deserter also.teinounced that aninfautiy force was sentrin the,ssine • The rebel General Winder is reported sick with typhoid fever arid hils recovery is MI Another deserteratates that an order was issued from headquarters a few days ago, stating that.the Ya.nkees had, with cluAracter ;lade, cruelty and a disreigardol usages of war alt civilized countries, Placed nunibers of helpless prisoners in 'conspieuous 'plaees in Charleston harbor, exposed to our (rebel) bat terkes, it, order -to prevent us (rebel(). from )oaeptag the randala away from Chtude.ston, while at the same time they (the Pcderals) ain'tatmdering thelielpless women and dal. .dren. of that city was..intendedi the flesertqr tieFff oPereto on the Sotttlr -Caro , ljoiatissin Lee's army, as appeals were .nuide to' to revenge' their friends. ' Sheridares force wait still crossing at:Wind mill Point yesterday . morning, but it Was ex pected that all . sateiy over Milt few hours. Among the prisoners cantered in front of 'P:etisrshurg within the last few days are sere ,ral gray-headed old men, over ai=ry years of 'age;' and boystrorn - fourteen to adteturlyears of 'age','liave beau - captured Witligttrisbn their shoulders. They say',- one and all, they Were impresieit into = the rebel Tl. shoNleg the desperate - state to-Vl:doh Lee has '4s6en reduCed Yo fill his nuthis. - ' klizieti:Gcneral Grant brat erdss""lydrthallapi ditn,' holias - 4.4nred (war thirty a of rebel. colors laid 'about ~seventeen-, tfabniiand (17,00°)TriEoriers not ineludhig tlioalF6sntur edWithix' r the liet 4 etrib ';days owe. less in= prisoners is less than cue-tom: that dumber. • The.ll/44 'Washington arriiird!tie4.'hbout 'one ki!Oloek witraboAt tili.:11:010red Irani ShericiatesOonbitaxict-?'' WciAthietiltrelnisily initagid fo'4l4,tiii• con veffethrnittire front - the• White Mut elizithe 011 - 1 'Soldiers' llome,,fhe roan.sion, of wiiiefi is bell* rated tit airksointheir resort •16t1Tresi dent Liztooln. •• • :(Signedi 0.7 E GIiFtEN. ~,r op Tyirk Int4Lirgr.-q2l/- ABWAISE44P4.-- itrio eir • MUT - The House passe4,the bid, to-day abolishing commutation .bill as it reads'. This is not Sol:witch's bill, and there are certain provi :slope, which; -if complied with *Ai enable thourdenring it to avoid thedraft.• • GRAittlS-- Gatont Defence o the . Garrison. , PEE REBELS REPULSED WILE LOSb , . Lourstru.r, June 2.7. Col. Wolfordlwas arrested at Lebtuicin this morning, by Order of General Buibridge, and brought to. this city to-night ' hattertooga advices .0 - the 25th say that yesterday (Priday) 5 o'clock a flag of tr,uce, was sent into Lafayette; the name of General PilloW; detifinding theltiiinethate surrender,' and threatening to burn . the• , town if .not complied. wttlr.,, • The rebels were 3,000 strong and had com phitt4y"surrounded the town. On the 'refuitid. , of Col. Watkins, who had only 400 meii,•. the rebels advanced from all direcgotut, and at 9 o'clock they occupid three fourthaof, the town,when Col, John T. Crox ton of the 4th Kentucky, came op arid cap tured about 70 of them.- Col. Watkins lost about 50 killed and as many wcanided: • - Clerk 0 1) . 11 1 0 W 14 100 dead ,and Nt - ntpt_dad. on Lb* , • ith Keutticky, : was , c . "'apiu l re d an anetnpt to make a charge.- • • Rebel ,Dieleat. oliti/White. River, :;.1; 4 3 131 4 26. XemPnAs APN's of Yester4ay sarthat on the liminitigsor the ffld a dehichment of Mar imidalie'tiaiidi-601) strong, attacked two coinpsniakof the332dlowabittultryi.stationed near the , month of Whiteriver. Afters severe Vat; they were repulsed with a loss of 24 killed' and woMided. Onr hiss• Was one killed and "five vonfided. .-The removal of tho gunboat Tyler:from-that station had probably emPoidtd , lhA t9 r.ebeigt, and hut for the forttuaste artivil:fix 'boatlAciticion, the result, tak7lt - hi AtnfaVorib hour: - - Cite forces fottght...desperately;r.-tepeNing ,ae t veral charges of thg 1 91 1 :01 4 .....an4A 1 M 14 141em .fi ca n the riPid- ri-er47,l°ffun'• ite e r;bodetal w 'Worths: . Inaving!ori tiltitiaiiciOtOraitikk , Gini;?B . ant ittpernibl*Capliare..ll,lo4* le g - P 11111111-111t1 ADvEgrumiItATIV,INULY 14:11G1Laki. Th e tatiroag are. the. rate. Iljr adhattaitaikf bat Tau iiitiatet.; 'Those are fp 44 *il spirt COE. YEate ret*r ) e . Four ur leas constitute nne•balf square. Up , hneig crmore than ibur constitute s.square- _ _ _ . ,ea A liiiii - eatfAHR OW day • $ Two dap 60 Thtee days 76 One yea. • v - TOR 011s - IPMNIL - 0 1 3 ei (IV S co TWO &MC . 160 ;Threw dna. 1 .0110weelt' 225 boamooth .. 600 One monta to Tv:o months ' gon SiriMaite — ' - to 0 Ana year 20 0 7C - I'7IMA: 6 1 50 r 50 Emmr Osamsmaslasor_lM Two menthe • 4 60 ,Three months, '6.66 Sit idontba 610 1 flue year - 16.00 Adtrustiossuon Ninitge . 6 Olken ... ; . . ‘;‘. Auditor's Notices.. - fungal NOtiCeS VlCki ineorti. • Se t •Basinestnettees -before Marriages and tasert36ti• Later 7 From the Front _..1L".- Froj Waslatnwtoil.. W.:4BrnloTeru, Jrt:tus:2B PILOW ATTWOLAFAYETTE =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers