; 'ELEkijtAP L+ Pt - 311441M '1 . 7) ETEII7NI.I, Gy :.1-4 RERGNE it 7'lll= ,7T., NEAR frALIVET ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION z.^,2;GLE ."‘f1.5.:. , 1?..APP: 13 F. , ....7ved to Eubscrth . rs in tilt t“. 3 cel:l3 per subscribers Will br 00 to cols - a:me. 1-303,,, who negleztt4 ;.: bech3.rF , ....1 $6 61 V. ht , SLY TELEGEATEL TELIZS....ra it also rni!.3kwi we.r..gly,n ,, disfurrnghed subscribeshx• t cash rtskel acrd: :brew :r ore YO.le Ota": rea to oar PCI.I ()ke ciLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE rr LUNQ•9Oi3GHU'-FOB DISCOVERED AT T,P,ST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! %IFOCNTrED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVER CIIEIIOKEEE REMEDY, qtt great Indian Diuretic, v.-es all diseases ef t:hetirinarp organs ; suck as Incenti of the Urine, bajlanar.atio . n of the Bladder, inf.am ,a.,q of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Oonnorhea, and is especially recommended c of Fluor ellms or Whites in females) where waawats mEdicines have /aged- It it. prepared in a highly concentrated fora; the .7 belt% tram one to two teatToonfaL3 three time inlrCtic and aiterativ iii; action; purifying r.m..-121g the Wood, nattoing it t•i flow in ail of its .1 pority and vigor; thus removing from the .system ilern!ciuuS causes whteh have md.uced disease. CdEItoREE L1'4E1:110;4 is intended as an (Lily or assist tat 1, OREP.OREE REMEDY and should be osodc in tact a.iri with that medicine in all cases of Gonorr?,e — a, Aaus or IP'hitar. It, effects are healing, mid demulcent ; removing all scalding, heat, and pain, instead of the burning and almost on pain that is experienced with nearly all the ,;,op tha fir By the US° of the CHEROKEE REMEDY end EE INJECTION—the two tee:nines at the sumo Imprdper diEcharges are removed, and the weak 12,1 c.igatii: are apt•edily restored to full vigor 'cud 7 ' t • l• t d.q. 01 le u,u.,trs, get ear pamphlet from any et-,,re In the country, or write 118, and we will mail to rnt aci tress , Fl run treatise, CIiEROKEF. REDIEDY, $2 p..r bottle, or k.it;li..-; for $6. CHEROKEE INJECTION. $.2 per bottle, or L.: bottle; fur $5. Sout by exprom to auy attire.Sl ou cooeipt of e;, , ....5c0l a 3 drtlggist3 everyntere. DR W. R. MERWIN & CO., Bole. Proprietors, 271:".11¢-r1r41y in,. 459 Liberty street, New York:- CERROKEE CUIIE THE GrtgatT M DIAN MEDICIIrz.; COI(I . OI'NTZL) FR472t HOOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES AA unfisaing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Wm/4- M3s, Ettißeko73, and all du...cases caused by ;elf .A.l.Etztion; gad: as L , 15.7 of Illmory, Unira-sa/ Laszitude Paigm in ti.e Back, Dimness of Premature Old Age Y7eak [Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembitny, Reit; grkptione on the Fact; Pale Countenance, insanity, Consumption., and all the Direful complaints caused by de -farfinvfVoin. the path of feature. ..ra - ThIN medicine is a simple vegetable extract, line.one u all can rely, &sit has [Jaen must in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, It has net :slier in a single Instance. Its curative powers have been ,:iathcient to gain victory Over the most stubborn MSS., gar-To these who have trifled with their eonstitution, snit they think themselves beyond the roach of medical wo would say,' Despair net t the CAERORRY. Cuss wil l :ono you to health and vigor, and after all qur.ck doc have failed ag-For full particulars, got a Circular from any Diu; e4oro io the c"uutry, -or write tho Proprietor, who will mail froo to any one desiring tho Hama, a full treaiito lts pamphlet form. ,g4-prices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express it; all parts of the workL air - Sold by all rOspeetable aruggiets everywhere. DR. W. It. .4LERWIN & 00., Noss PHOilarroas, No. 69 Liberty street, New YOrk. marl(' mdly FINE ittms. Sitissier .s= - ; Pritzek•, Mt:tee:more to W m. Pock, Jr., k. CO.) 11)EALERS I FINE F,AALTLY GROCE RIFs' opposite the Court Reuse, have Do handafinf BR A.N.DIE' alflereut vhatages. PLYR AND CVOINON WHISKY S. .80 CrADO.N. MONONGAHELA FINE ißrsai AND SCOTCEI fi'tilttys The beat ever brought to this market. OLP WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR., And the celebrated CU - MTN:UT GROVE WHISKY. CHAIIIPAGNE WINES. tilLttaS JOLIANN.WBURG, SCOTCH AND IRISH ALBS. Lo% - TON BROWN STOUT. WILD („7-JiRRY, PLANTATION', WIGV, - Aat Ti4:,IC MITERS. 'WILL a a. - ,mplet6 stook' or C' QLt5[L &ND PICKLES CAAntimeatn of eTery dzscription now La the market, and at TEE LowEsT RAMS. MOTH l'ONV)D.k.;ft, GM PERFUNIZM ELVEN AND PREVSNTi MOTII r POWDER—a compound of valuable articles for the destruction insect.--diarluuted among or dusted over Furs,. Wooleu...s Cw'Pet4. CloLbin4, :4a, pecked away for summer, wilt effectually present ;twat. acing also adelightfril, ditinaab4o Perfume will itn triguate clothing, &c , with a lasting and pleasant odor. ' The Guest fabric cannot tifi injured by its tee. Ptepared and sold at, Drug and Palley Gobiastore, No. 93 Market street, • • ap23 A. P. TkU-PSER, TEACHER : OF DI US.IO. Ormuz •T WARD'S tirSIC STORE, 12 N Third Street. - Itratdenee: Third street, above North. di". 'SITING, WEDDING, INVITATION V ...ND'AT HOME CARDS.—By a special amingement with one Of the liiva engrarerc in . the country, cards a tiny dos - Oriptiou will be exc-ztrted is the highest style of art, conformable with the lateet fasmon, and euppliod PrOmptly, at tower prieec th,to are charged by tin station ers in New,Tork or Philadelphia. Fur sautples.and.prkies BERGNER'S BOOR STORE 101'8 for sato on the corner of r thir4' and 4../ Broad szieete. Enquire or wx gerADDgm,, Inaa4Att , , • ,1 .... \ \ 40 •:...,,, rs; .. DI, 1,, ' '. tall - k 4 .....41,4* 10 /c, ~.... ellift w ie 'r :::...';:3z.--W‘ 1 1. 4 ----,-.... ' ..., 41° ,- # \ !',4 ;It'.• !) i ',......:`,. I,Z 9 ; -..., 2,1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN 63 "lIELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD EYT.ZiOr SARSAPARILLA, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHV, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL THIS Alecheine increases the power of Di -1 geation, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALOEROUS deposi tiouS, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEhIENTS are re duced, as well as pain and Inflaminatiion, and is good for biEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, .irLslng from Excesses, Habits of Dizsipation„ Early In discretion or Abuse, ILIM= jaItIULIM.=aI)MiI.M=I2US Indizposition to Exertion. Dryness of the Sktn, Loss at Memory, Loss of Power, weak Din - Minty of ISSre,Mblng, ea, nire,Mblng, Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Wakoruinans, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back. Muscular §ystein, Flushing ar. the Qty, Rot Rands, Eruptions . on the Face, Pallid iiiob.menace, These syraptonas, if allowed to go oa t which this ;mad! tine Invariably reinevea, soon follow TMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who on my that they , are not frequently followed by those odireful diseases, ' MSAITITY AND CONSUKeIION. Many are 'aware of the cause of their sufferings, but none will confess. The records of the insene asylutrts and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear amp le wit ness to the truth of the aseerrion. TEE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • Requires the aid of methane to strengthen and invigorate the system, which delmbolit's iiiistract Bimini invariably does A trial will convince the most skepticaL FEMALES---FEJAAMES-PENTALP.S, OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, ILIRRIED, Olt CONTEM- In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bu chu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlurosia or Retention, irregularity, Painfulness, or suppression of the ctistomary Evacuations UlCANaleti or Schirrous slate of the Uterus, Leueorrhen or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sea. Wt*lthor arising from Indisere: Lion ; Habits of Dirsipation or in :,Lie NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WiniOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases B=BOLD'S EXTRACT BI7CH[J, Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; tittle or no change in diet; no inconvenience and co expo sure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Ulethra, allaying pain and Milani =lion, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornout Mauer. Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be eared in a short time, bare found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has - by the use of "powerful Astnngents," been dried up in the •system, to break out in en aggravated. farm, and perhaps after marriage... 'Ude lIIILIDIOLD'S =UM TrUCEM for all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mate or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. IiELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to have the desired elect in all Diseases _ for which It is recom• mended. . Qi tic y Datrription. .Blood—Blooel—Blood. Rehab° Wighly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SASSAPARILLASYPHI LIS. Thin is an attention or the Blood, and attacks tlie Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Eats, Throat, Wind pipe and other hitietts Surfaces, making itv appearance in the form of Dicers. ' HelniNald's Ectraot Sarsaparilla pu rities the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparits. An excellent Lotion fcir dLqoaseS of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in ditreases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used In connection with the.Extracis Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and re liable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATE,S OF CORES from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to- Science and Fame. For Medical Propertita of Buchu see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DEWEE'S Valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PRYSIOE, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPIiRAIM MaDOWELL, a celebrated Physician and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, and published le the Transactions of the Eintes and Queen's Journal. See Medico.Chirurecal Revimi,published by BENJ. TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of Buchu, $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. Extract of -Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottlo, or six for $5 00. Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for $2 50. of half *dozen each for 512 00, which will be &aliment to cure the most obstinate case., if directions are adhered to: Delivered to any address, securely packed from eb• i mr ation. Describe symptoms in all coluranalcationa Duras guaranteed. Advice gratis. • AFFIDAVIT. KELLER'S Personally appeared before roe an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Heimbold, wbo, being duly morn, Both say, tus preparations contain no narcotic, no iner eery, or other indurlotut drugs, and are purely vegetable. •H. T HP.LSIBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me this Tad day of No . verdber, 1.864. 'WIG P. HIBBARD, • Alderman, Ninth street, ab. Race, Phil& - Addroos letters for information In confidence. EL- T.- - HELMBOLD, Chemist, C.PirlepOt Eanth 10th afiesc below Pttiladel. Litll4, ; Varin4Y. MEDICAL. THE GREAT HELMBOLD ILY.TBAOT "BUCHU," HELMI3OLD IMPROVED ROSE WARS. RELMBOLD'S UENUINE PREPARATIONS. ulk:arPOL'lt7u A ?cksrriv - E AND SPECIFIC REMEDY rca DISX.MIitS TA'S AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS: FOR WkI,MESSEt3 PLATING lII.A.RRIAGE DECLINE' OR MANCE OF LIFE HELMBOLD!S ROSE WASH THE UNION—NOW AND FORE,TER."=--Webster. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, JUNE: . 27; 1864. NE W AD VE RTIS E ENTS. SOLE AGEACY FOR. THIS CITY lAU happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment a • SUPERIOR 'GOLD PENS; manufactured by • LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pura are well finished, elAstie, and will give en tire satiathotiun. PLEASE TRY TREK. SCHEFFEWS 8001 C. STORE, Second street, opposite Pre.byterlari Oburch, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 o ftiST RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, - A FRESH INVOICE OF 31ICHENER & Co.'s CELEBRATED SUGAR, CURED FlA:llfgre AND 33.V.V.F, SIUSLER & FRAZER'S. my3l. PRIVATE SALE. ©NE of the best leeittiorts for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser iCtIO will Improve it, situated with- in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, 'about Ave hundred feet wide, and alongside of the bast limestone quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fitly years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID HUliildA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No 24 North Second street; marl6-citt Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press insert three times and send bill' to this office.] NEw LIQUOR STORE. I TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS —The undersigned Were at wholesale, to the trade, choice lot of the Ipsl liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and OW. Rye Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines, such as Champagne, Card, Catawba, dc. Al liquors warranted, as represented. Imadlords and others will dad it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below GLlCstaut. nuy271.1.6m . GEORGE WINTERS. 117EILLADELPHTA COLLEGIATE INSTI- L TETE POR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. Si., Principals, Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Fud college course CIELBSIa, Mathe matic..., higher English and Natural. Science for those who graduate. Modern Languagee, Music, Painting and Elocuthm by the best masters. For cißcuLare apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 0., Philadelplata Pa ap2o-ana* NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED ! BERGNER'S Book 4nd Statioixery. Store. Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET MONKS, sq4szcar , - PORTMONNAIRS, at prices to suit all eireionstanoes ' , JPOICILECT • CUTLERY, Cansieting or a rine assortment of Wei:decide/Ws Sape 7, Pocket Knives. • • fAILILiD PENS. From Newton's celebrated manufecteri: -.Every Poi witirt guttniete. PORT FOLIOS, WRITING OASES, ' ' • • ROSEWOOD •DEBES„ PAPETERIES, Together with every article ezually found in a find • Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2l BERGNER'S, 51 Market Areal ?MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-Br% MIST PREMDDIS, • TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won.by Instruments of this class) .has been awarded to MASON &. HAITUN'S , INSTRUMENTS. . A ruu s.s-...ortment of the Instruments always on hand et W. KNOCHE'S, Sete Agent, je4-2tawly] 93 Market street. Thomas C. MacDowell, Attorney-at-Law. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. .. HARRISBURG, PA. A LL manner of Military Claims promptly „Cl. attended to, and claims collectNAgainst the General or State Governments, either in Congreas, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without on= necetoary delay, and on moderato terms. ap2cadBm. WALNUTS, CREAMNUTS, FILBERTS. For solo wholesale at SEESLER & ruy6 successors to W. lock, Jr., & Co. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE., BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS . A.. 01 GROCAERIES, Quesean's and Glass Ware, Argo ail swim OF. OUNTIVY 1 3 110DU(3.E, RAVE just opened a large and well: selected stock of goo& at their stand, N 0.3 Markbt,Equare, Harrisburg, l'a., to - which they hivite the attention of the public generally. . • : nolo-dly. A. C. 'SMITH' AL'InCORN — JE:Te" Ty AS removed hie Office from Third to Wel xl nut street, next to, the Prison. AU bnainene in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. ap4 CUT. FLY PAPER, A NICE assortment of Cut Paper fpr .Ci bags, looking gimes. picture frames aud-gas pipe; at SCH.EFFER'S BOOK STuRE, my'A..llurriaborg, Pa. . , . Soldiers' Po. trolled. A LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, marlS Sold at Wholesale or. retail at low, priceo STOCK 110 GS FOR SALE. SIXTY HEAD of Stock Hogs are for sale at the HARRISBURG DROVE YARDS. Jel4-d3t* ip NUL LSII 13.11.EAKN'AS1 TEA. —Just re -1.`.4 calved, a tine chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SHISLER az FRAZER'S, tater...as.* to wre noel( Jr.) TrU (115. S I'ERS' .13ASK.E' ---15hisler Yrs- JLJL z -r, uece-sors to W. Dock, Jr, & Co., have ou hand 34 uZt•ti hickOry 141-ketS. Prise $5 de Per dozen. RP RELINE LARD. FINE Kettle Rettdered LARD, just, itecelypd . at • • saisua & FRI,ZER, • rnnr3 (gaccessors to WM. peek, J r &Co.) AFIiESE suppl ‘ y of blichotier's Celebrapc4 sugar Cared .13.. , and Dried Bee[; at ao.Sa] BOYER & /WIMP= riORN -1- CrPAT4--A fine article. Jest - re k.) calved at SIEMER & successors to Wm. Dock,,lll.lTtic T_TAjsist FIAMS!--A fresh krapply of ;Mir 4L - 1, 0.110841 Excelsior Hem and Dried st - zleal BOYER i 4 ictsgrza, - - EVENING EDITION. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH Br THE INLAND LINES. FROM WASHINGTON. Later from Gen. Hunter. SUCCESSFUL DESTRUCTION OF RAILROADS. He is Moving on to Another Point. ICIS LOSSES, VERY SMALL. THE THIRTEENTH ARMY - CORPS. Gen. Gilmore in Washington. The' - Whisky Tax. 'WLSICENGTON, June 25 The war department we learn to-day re received information : from Gen. Hunters com mand, which, •having fulfilled the mission upon which it was—the destruction of the Cen tral railroad in the vicinity of Stanton, and of the Gordonsville and Lynchburg railroad, and an important portion of the James river canal —is successfully pushing forward to the point in Western Virginia, which Hunter was or dered to make for, after having done the work in the valley assigned to him. His losses have been smaller than was anticipated when he set out. The services his little army have rendered are of great importance indeed and his losses of comparative insignificence. The steamer Keyport brought up two rebel officers from City Point, who were captured a few days ago, one a Colonel Baker, who com mands a cavalry regiment, and the 'other a rebel major who belonged to Gen. Lee's staff. He wale caught in our lines, having in mistase enquired of our pickets for a rebel brigade. He was a bearer of dispatches from Lee to Beauregard. By direction of -the President; the 13th Army Corps hits been temporarily discon tinued. The General commanding the division of West Miisissippi has been ordered to assign the troops of this corps.-- ' General Gilmore, who is now in the city awaiting orders, had an interview with the President this morning which lasted for some time. The steamer Key• Port arrived, bringing up the Ist excelsior Vermont, numbering, 127 men. The sth. Maine also4arrived this morn ing.on the Oitgla,Albany, they haring served their. full Aerm. The thermometer attiod.to-dayat one o'clock 84 in the shade and 118 in the sun. The weatherto4layiis decidedly. hot., The report Of the conference committee on the tax bill was made to the two houses to day. Whisky on hand :is not to be taxed. Whisky manufactured from July Ist to Febru ary Ist next, is to be taxed one dollar and a half per gallon, atter that time two dollars per gallon. : C GRAFFEN. GRAND CAVALRY RAID BY WILSON, ILEBEL •REPORT OP • ITS OPERITIONB. Destruction of Portions of Two Railroads, WABSIONGTON, June 25. A dispatch from deneral Grant's headquar ters, received this forenoon, states :that yes terday's Richmond papers say that a Union cavalry force under Gen. Wilson; after tearing Some miles of the Petersbnrg and Weldon railroad track, a considerable distance below Peteraburg, moved next for the South,Side railroad connecting Petersburg with Lynch-, burg, and were, on Thursday last, tearing that up aldo. W, take it for granted that he was operating in the immediate vicinity of the junction or crossing, of the 'Smith, Side railroad and Rich mood and Danville railroad, so that he may be able .at. the 'Bathe time to tear up both roads as far as posSible. A Question of"neornes”, Under the Internal Revenue Law. The following correspondence explains it self: INQTIIIII - OF THE ABSESSOIt Dear have a case of this kind in my district, and several other casee, involving the same principle, among our most intelli gent and responsible citizens. A person. some twenty years ago,,purchased a piece of land at'a cost of . $l,OOO. and sold about one. fifth of it (that of the heist value) last year for $20,000. He and others claim this as their capital,' and that the la.never contem plated taxing as iuccitim operations of this kind, or transfers of capital kora one form of investment to another. That, if this property had been exchanged for other real estate or for railroad or other stooks, no income - tax would have been asses sed and collected, and that the fact of its hay tag sold for money, and that money reinvested in other unproductive real estate, buildings stocks, or any other kind of property, amounts simply to a change of investment of capital, and does not render any part of it HE ble to be treated as income. He contends that in any event all that could be claimed by the Government would be the appreciation of the property after the law went into erect. to the time of sale. He says it will be impossible for him to make a correct statement of what he has paid out for taxes and other expenset since he purchased to this time. As, these cases are of considerable magni bide, and likely to be contested if proceeded against, I would like full and complete in structions in regard to them. Yours truly, PETER PAGE, Assessor First District Illinois. Hon. Joseph . J. Lewis _Commissioner 4,c., Washinoton, D.,. C. • VIZ IMPLY, OR THE .0133,11303810NER. id/BTM DZPV, 017103 i INT'L RErmirz, WAsurtrolotOßine 6,1864. Sin—ln reply to-144:104W=tagilleth" al I have to say that where . real estate has risen in value since its purchase, the incise must be considered income to the owner. - The only qUestion is, shall this appreciation be taxed as tucome each year of its accruement, or shall: the Assessor wait until the-property be sold and the absolute profit realized; bj fore he considers it income? .To assess she nominal. appreciation of property year by yearwouicl be to assess an amount vague and uncertain, and frequently valueless to the owner. Such a course would be fruitful of bickering and dissatisfaction, to say nothing more. It is found more equitable by this office to assess the appreciation of property only when realized by a sale, when the sane at once be comes tangible, and therefore reasonably as sessible. It is immaterial for purposes of taxation whether the consideration for property sold as above consist in money or stocks, or other representatives of value, as the same is of a nature that adroit& of the. profits of the sale being even apprOximatedy estimated. In view of the above, you will assess the profits realized by the party whom you men tion, according to rules , by this office hereto fore provided. Very respectfully, E. A. ROLLINS, Dep'r Cotter. ' .. PETE.P. PAGE, E$Q., Assessor First District, Chicago, Illinois. • IMPORTANT FROM THE SOUTH. Posit ion of the Alin ies . News up to Tuesday. Sherridan to be Captured. Rebel Accounts from Georgia. The enemy made a demonstration this morning Iran Big Shanty towards Canton, on our right, and were met by a-division of ours, when they precipitately withdrew. Our army is being daily reinforced by slightly wounded and convalescent troops. There is no croak &ism or criticism in the armY, but the greatest confidence is Manifested - by both 'of ficers and men in the capacity and ultimate success of Gem Johnston. THE POSITION OF THE CONTENDIN( ARMIES. From the Atlanta Regist r, June 17. There has been no material change in the position of the two armies within tam last,two days, owing probably to the incessant rains, which renatred the movement of artillery and wagon trains a rather serums affair. ErerY thing has been more (Inlet tlumnsual for sev eral days. The roadie will rapidly improve,. Under the influence of such weatheriis we now,have, and active operations will no doubt. be resumed very Speilligy. • The two armies seem to be drifting slowly to oar right; for whaCpurpcitie is perhaps heat known:to Geneal Sherman; the' dance 'being a thing of his getting up, He has moved from Dallas around to the railroad, and a lit-, he to the east of it, his line of breastworks between the two points, some twenty-five or thirty miles in length, describing the arc of a circle. The Army of Tennessee, confident of its own strength and prowess, keeps pace with his movements, and confronts linikwith au impenetrable hedge of bayorea at every The particular object ho has in view, in run- ' ning Wand iro across the country, like a lea floex of sheep, even the carpet generals, whose 133gis reposes so benignly - above the woman and children, and - who are - peciiliarly sup posed to know everything, cannot tell as. If ,Sherman felt that he cantata whip the Army of Tennessee in one county, it is dillicult to .conceive how any material change in his !eel ings can be made by moving across a second county into a third. To reach Atlanta, if that be his object, he must abandon his circle, which would carry him entirely around "it, and come straight ahead. It is true 'General Johnston might claim a sort of pre-emption right to the latter route; but these is no doubt in the world he Would be willing to " fight it out," a method of settling the question which ought to be sat isfactory to Sherman, as .lie led tile publ c to believe that to tight" was his chief object in coming to Georgia. MATTERS ABOUT PETERSBURG TO ALONDAT NIGHT, . NIKE O'CLOCK. : [From the Petersburg Register, June 21.) To-day, about one tile longest in the year, passed over Petersburg unbroken by scarcely an incident worthyot note. • Im-,tead of being a stormy day, it was one of almost unbroken repose. A iew shells were tired in to the town, and fell, without doing any damage, in different localities, without much regard to the points of the compass. Itumors even were less plenty than usual, and met with much less credit than usual, for everybody seemed impre:ssed linty •wi h the belief that the defence of thii vital point was in the kiands of those who, by the litessing..of God, will hold it against the vandal host, now threatening, to tun- it by the throat. With the little thing going on, of either artillery or small arms, there must have been but a tnnal . list of casualities to.day. May 10, 1864. From the Petersburg tiegister June 21. It is with sorrow and regret that we are called upon to record the death of another of the gallant defender: of Petersburg. Doctor William Bellingham, who was wounded in the hip in the entrenchments near this city, on the memorable 9th, expired at 1 o'clock r. M. yesterday.. Dr. Bellingham was .a native of Delawarhad live 9 in Petersburg since 1852, and had ° gathered about him .a troop of fnends. Front the Petersburg Registers RICHMOND, June 20.—Slieridart is reported at Hanover to-day. moving towards James river, with the remnant of his command. Tfi t i , capture of the entire party va_contichntly ticidated. _ . XXXVBIth Congress—First Session. WainitimeN, Aim 26. SOUSE OF. REPEES.EN.TATIVES. The HOLI.IO passed-the bill ateendatery- of PRICE TWO CENTS. [From the Peter:burg Register.] MammiTA, Georgia, June 19. A REBEL DOCTOR XIUSE.D ow...2Rax, SEEZEDLI4fI3 moirraimas IiTEAI PRINTING MICE, ADVERTISENQ RAM-DAILY TKI.BI2SIIPEL _'. The fallowing ere the rates tor advertising in the 73es. "mum Those laving advertising to do will Mad , 't con. cosign tfor rethreatee. Four lines orierr constitute one-half - square "-lab' lines ci zume than ter constitute a square. . POP., ii, HUY alarartit II " an S C. 0:11 . 7. 4 1 One day $ 80 One day - $ 02 Two days .. 50 Two days .. 1(0 Three days 76 Three dare. .. ll* One week 1 26 Onilweek 1 -35 One manta 300 One month.. 0 - 00 Two months 450 Two maths.. T•T, 90 0 tt Three months 660 Three'nxiithig.......,l.l 09 BLa mamba 8 00 &intik:MlS - lb it One year... ... .- Ai 00 One year administration ....................... ~. - -112 55 Marriage Notices - ' - ... '.. '7"ZI. I s auditor's Notices . 1 CQ Funeral Noticeseach insertion. ...la - . _ 6, Ifir-Businesd ncnom• inaerted_ - in tar' Twat' (Johann, id' before -Marriages and- Death* Elam- elms ran - laci - ftr: each I.o.9ertion, . ... the Pacific Railroad act—yees 70, • ays 37. It removes some of the restrictions in the or:gi nsl statute, with a. vi struction of the road . ; The House resumed the consideration of. the House bill further regulating and provid ing for the enrolling and calling out of the national tomes and for other purposes. Mr. Schenck (Ohio) offered a substitute for the bill which he explained. it dispensisd with the come utation clause entirely, leaving - the law in relation to substitutes as it now stands. It proposes that the President, in his discretion, may order a draft for not more than three nor less than one year. Any person volunteering or offering as a substitue for a drafted man mus tered into the service for the term of one year, unless sooner discharged, shall receive a. bounty of $lOO, and if for a trm of two years a bounty of $2OO, and if for a term, of three. years a bounty of $3OO, one-halt of Which bounty shall be paid to the soldier at the fret.' of his being mustered into the service; one- • fourth at the expiration of one-half of his term of service and one-fourth at the end of the termed service; =din ease of his death, when in the service, the residue of his bounty shall be paid to his - legal. -rep resentative, and, in case he is honorably dill,. charged, from wounds or sickness incurred in :the service, he shall receive the fail 'bounty. Ainong other provisions it peimits drafted men, substitutes or volunteers to select die companies or corps of their re spective States into which they will go; The Secretary of War is required to dits; charge any minor who entered without the consent of his parents or guardians as a sub stitute; permits soldiers to be obtained from States in rebellion, to be incorporated with regiments of the loyal States procuring them. ftlarlcets y Telegraph. PHILS.DELPHIL, June 25.. Trade /110:VirS slowly in all departments, but there is not much change to record in prices. The stock of quercition bark is small. .Sales of et/ hhds No. i at $43(544 per ton-:-an= ad ranee of a,2. There is very little cloverseed coming for ward, and it is wanted at *B®B 75 per 64 lbs. Timothy ranges from $2 25 'to Sa 25, as in quality. small sales of flaxseed at S 3 40. There is a firm feeling in flour, but the de mand is not so active, and tae only sales, re ported are 1,2 t 0 bbls low grade and clioice Ohio extra family at 88 50®9 25 per bbl, and 500 Ibis Indiana fancy at 40. The sales to the retailers and bakers take a wide range. say from S 7 5u for superfine up to $lO for lancy lots. Nothing doing in rye hour or oorn meat, and little or no stock here to operate bin The offeriii,g,s of Wheat are small and it is held with much firmness, with a very moder ate inquiry. Sales of 2,800 bushels good Red at a 2 07€42 10 14 bushel, and 3,000 bushels Kentucky White at a price keptprivate. Rye scarce and worth r 1 57(1 60 Corn is dull and lower, 1,700 bushels yellow sold at $1 57 IR bushel, but buyers now refuse taPay this figure. Oats are very du/4 2000 bushels prime Delaware sold at 85 cents. .NEW YqBx..tltuffs 241. Flour is 5 to ten cents lower.; 7000Sariers sold ; State sB@,sB 90 ; Ohio $8 .400$1 - 0, 'Southern :9 95b511. Wheat has a tte . erulz ' ing ttndeney ; sales unimportant. Cora quiet ; sales trifling. Beef film. Pork fink.; _Ness :40 75(841. Lard dull. Whisky Brit at SI ;50$1 85 Grain receipts--Flour, 30,000 bbls. - Wheat,• Iso,ooo bushels. Born 40,000 bushels. Stocks better. Chicago and Rock Island, 11sq;• Cumberland Preferred 72i: Wino*, 131-;1 - ; Michigan Southern, 08; New York Ce ntral, 131; Pennsylvania Coal, 113; Reading, 141; Hudson. River, 140; Michigan Cantial, I;i9 k; Chicago and Noathwestern, 54; One Tear Certificates, 004; Treasury 7 3-10's 106 k; Five-Twenty Coupons, 105; Guld, 21/ • T., r. WATO2I,, - MASTIC CEMENT MANUFACTURER, PlrrrinSl3lf.Jßor, . Ts PItEPA_RED to tarnish and coat the es- Wrier of Buildings with the MASTIC Cgti3NT, on AC' nets- system. This material is entirety difterent other cements used heretofore, and is the only ratable, imperishable coating for outside wale. Milted witb.pro.. per proportions of pure Linseed On it forms a solid, dura ble e.dhesivenese to Brick or :Anne Wale, making a &ilk; iiful, tine water proof surface and Vnl , vt equal to Brown . _ Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ct . meat, E refer to the following gentlemen: 3. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsbarg% .1 D. hi'Cord, J. a Shoenberger rmidenee - Lawnenotiville. A. Hoevelor; a _ Jarnes M'Candless, " Allegheny city. . Calvin Adams, ' Third street, Pitte:huri; James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel,- " Wilßam Volta, Girard Game, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildinfa, John B. Cox, residence, Preen street, iianuturg, A. J. Jones, Ploaso address T. F. WATSON,- P. O. Box 1,306, Pittsburg, Pa., or. Penne, House, Harrisburg, 'Pei feblB4l6m COLUMBIA HOUSE. CAPE DI AY. rrms hotel nil' be opened Smite 15th. The house has bten put in thorough repairi.,and heFiy two hundred, new and greatly impnavol BATH SOUSES will be reedy ter the accommodation of .guests. Its capacity mid each department will be equal, If net superior, to any lima upon OAPS. ISLAND. Birgfleld'a Band has been secured for the season. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor ) Cam Ist.a.ani, J. H. DENNISON, Merchant's Betel, Phikida. Or, my 23-tlsj PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums.• Photograph Albtims. Photograph AUGIIIIO. • Photograph Annum- TELE largest and cheapest variety of rHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the any areconstentiy hear72l BERGNER'S CRS.AP A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMOKED 1 - 1. HAMS, Just received this Jaunting, at Jail sum.ps,..,Sll..l7ll.r.ratiloo‘s 1 4 -1 .1. NE TABLE OILS.— 4U boxes fine table.. oils or the best importations tor sale, wholesale and retail, by SHLSLER & FRAZER- r ruyb successors to W. Dock, Jt, , & 441033E1) SALMON. — FLt v:F ',smoßEl L. 7 SALMON, just received at SHLSLER & :MAZER, (successors to WI. Dock, :V., &Co.) febS HAY'. HAY!! BAY'.'.! Ay of the best quality is altered flit' sari. g Gill ua M'CORUICK'S CUALOFFlClfon.thestand• tm vaburg. • Arml-At 11;•kial..161 - .1. plata aua ,r je a NEW YORK STATE tiltiCKFr Eadg ' WM" - D° l2 . "41154 V MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers