ittlE TELEGRAPH • II ORYING AND EVENING, 11y GEORGE BERGNER. 9FFICE THIRD ST; NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE Dra DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers 11 the tny at a cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be oberzed $5 00 in advance. Those pernoto who neglectLa ; Ay to advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPFL "ins TSLE6nAIni IS alSn publisher: weekly, and is tuntisitr.d u subscribers at the foliesviug cash rates Single 'copies, weekly Three copies to one Pest Office fen conics to one PoST Office MEDICAL. ELIXIR ' Diz WRIGHT'S RE31.3 V ENATING Euxn - t, . OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. ?repsred from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing nett' leg Injurious to the most Delicate. .4g-The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of- inodern iiscov ,, riea in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely and abstract method of Cure, lirespective of all the and worn-out systems. PA.-, This medicine has been tested by the most eminent toadies' man of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age vi-One bottle will cure General Debility. girA few doses cures Hysterics in females. 4One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. g7-El feW doses restores the organs of generation. Algr - from one to three bottles restores the manliness -aari full vigor of youth. 4a.-it few doses restores the appetite. 47-Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. .4;ra few doses bores tee low spirited. 4.7-One bottle restore mental power. • IWA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus health tlio poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing teroter of sensual pleasure. —The listless; enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the Victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from vrealuteis of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent aiicf by the use of this Elixir or Esionce of Life. Awn-we, S 2 per bottle, or three bottles for' Sr., and forwtirded by etwess, on•receipt or meney . , to any ad dress. g.4-Sold by all drr.gesteeverywhero. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, tuarl.l-eodly No. 69 Liberty street, Now York., CT -1 ItaKRE PILL& SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, Wio. LTIE PRESERVER. t7EkTAIN AND SAFE. ga-Fur Me:Rem:mai of Obeructiems and the insurance 4f .Ream in the Recurrence of the Afontlsky Pertcds. ar-They cure or 'obviate those numerous flisease4 that spring from irregularity, by removing the Irregularity 4arr-They' cure Suppremed, Excessive and. Painful Men straation. • They 'cute Green Sickness (Cialorosis.) gar They cure Hervuus and Spinal Affections, pains in the bacleitiei lower parts of the body, Heavinew,' Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, ize. * ln a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it ALL the eflacts that spring from it — Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they con aln nothing delet s erious to any constitution, however. elicate, their function being to substitute strengtla for weakness, which, When: prepdrly used, , do. . . 45W - They may be safely used at any age, and at Mt' pertoo, EXCEPT D6E.ViG THE SIRES THREE ....I . CDITEr* during wolch the malting nature of Moir acrion would infallibly ritavicm• pregnancy. .I:firs l l letters seeking information or advic'e will be' promptly; freely:and discreetly. answered. . . /or Full directions accompany each box. . ,gam-Price;l..l'per box, or six boxes for $5. far Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. .ev.Sold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R. DERWIN er. CO., Sole Proprietors. • marll.eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. Vol* sale in D'arrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street. • .. •- I A Li quo its. Shissier & Frazer;' (Sutmossors toW ta. Dock; Jr..-AE Co.) - 11EA-I;FXS . FINE FAMILY GROCE- M A li RI opposite tie Court House, have on handatitie eefeedun of BILANDIF.SV of different vintages. FiNT, AND COMMON WINES; Of Everi Draiription. " „:4,.floußßoy, • NONONGAITEDA FINEIRISH AND SCOTCH wh-skys. ; , Eue best eyervought thieniarket. A T, L W - NECTAR, And tbs. celebrated atE3TNDT GROVE WILISEY. . . GHAAPA.6 -.NE WINES. • saLOSS JOILANNE , ..VUE LI, CLARET . SCOTaff if.. 69) IRISH ALES, towndii , sitoWN STOUT WILD CEEREY, PL.4NTATMIC, WIGWAM' TONIC BITTERS' complete stock of ENGLISH AND AIMEE/IVAN PICKLES and Condiments of every description now in the market, and at ' • THE LOWEST RATES! GE' MOTH • . • A_CIErVAC POWDER, • FOP. PgaPUMINV L/NRFT AND PitiVENTING MOTH THIS POWDER----a compound of v4luable. articles for the destruction of insects—distributed among or duated over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Clothini, dm. packed away for, will effectually provent Being slim a delightful, diffusable perfume it will prekmate clothing; tcc . ., with lasting and pleasant &for. The tlze".44,tabric.iirinot beirkihred by its use. Prepared, ,und - sr),ld at KELLER'S Druk tud' , Fandy' Goode Store,- Nb. 91 Market street. sp23 _ A. P. TEVP'SEIt, TEA . C - Elt --;OF SIC Or_ er WARD'S.A/liEllo STOII4 /2 N rair4 Astra,- • iksldenoo: Third sheet, ahove North. : dls4f - - - VISITING AVEDDING ,INtITATIPN VV Asa AT HOME CARDS.—By a , :special arrangement with one of the bast engravers In the country, cards of any description will he-executed in--the highest , style of art, conformable with the latest fashion; - and supplied promptly,, at lower prices than are chargpd,by ,4110 Station ers to New York or Philadelphia. For`sinples mad'prices Call at BERG.NER'S BOOK STORE.' e l UM PECTORALS are tteethl . to. soothe a r coney,' allay , Tickling In the 'to - eikaa l a—Catarr.k;_Sare...lkrcatt,_'..te,...2MeY--9QfkMOP- Hoe,. flambeau!, lpecacuan ha, Benega ei:peetnrants 'ktinvrn,) are Up" ctiviar",9;t (the most - tV,„ - 7* far Mended with . Outo 'Arable and Begs Live conatltueA Domains a wild and very ploWint that each lozpigt. -by S. EUNKEL, & BRO., ' Manufactured *US Market etreetOiarrietrura. jan27 :Apotheettrit- - "TAMS r . . - Mk r ir= it. Tut cured. Received an, SHE.. ELM .. 4 00 .10 00 ELIXIR "AIERICAN RENEDIES," "II E IL, 21 IS 0 iDI S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: FLUID, EXTRACT BU,CR BLADDER; IMNEYS, 613AVEL hiereases the power of IX , gustion, and excites•theAl3SOßßENTS into healthy stilton; by Which the .WATERLor-.CALCEROUS -deposi tions, and all . UNNATURAL •ENLARGEMENTS are re: duced, as well as pain andinllammation, and is good for MT, WOMEN or CRILDREN::%. • • • ITELMBOLD'S EXTRACT PUCIIIJ, Arising from Exec:Roca: Habits of 'Dissipation, Early In• discretion. or Abuse, • . . . AT3RbDED WITH . THE . FOLLOIorSo. BMPT.OMB. Indisposition to Exertion, .01391eSS of the Elkin; Logi of Memory; •• Leas of Power, Weak Nerves, .' '' Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease;': Trembling, Dimness of Vision,. •- • Wakefulness, Universal lassitude of the Pain is the Back, Muscular Systemi • ,;Ftughing of the Body, Het Sands Eruptions on the Face. ( 111 .. 6 .-e synaptrnspif.allowo4lto go-on, which this raedl olni invariably removes, soon follow •M POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In:one:of which the patient- may. expire. Who can': say, that they are not fremtently followed try those "direful diseases," zany are aware of thii, tarie th ir sufferings,b t none.w,ill confess The recordscorthe insane asylums tint qiientelancholy deaths by,CoosuMPtion, bear ample wit sees to the truth of the asseitliin. 111EICONSI'i'itimiON: ONCE AFFECTED` Requires the aid of thedieltee to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helliehelit's 44tract Becht/ invariahry dhea.- 'A trial will coailiice the.Mo3l Skeptical OL ,DR YOUNG, SING,' MARRIED, OR CONTIIM . . lu many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bei. unequalled by any Paler remedy, as in Ghlorosis or Retention, irregularity,-PAisfulness, or suppression of the onatomary Evacuations, _Vicomte/or kcchirrous state fifth° .Uterus, Leueorrhea or W.bitos„Sierility, and for all coni plain's incident to the aes, whether arising from Ludlow& tlitin, Habits of Dissipation the NO FAMILY SHOULD` BE WITHOUT IT.. . • Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for. Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases.. . Cures Secret Diseases in all thelr.StUges at little elpense; little or no change in diet; no. inconvenience and ub expo -I sate, It causes frequent desire, , and gives strength,' AO Drinate, thereby removing ,obstructions, preventing and, curing Stricturee of thaUrethii;-allaying pain and innerly, =don, so frequent in this class of diseases , and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, Matter. Thousands' .upon thousands who heia*orhe victims of quacks, and: - *ha have paid heavr fees:toi be wiled in a abort time, have found they were deceliradiOnd, that "Poison" haA L by the use of "powerfulastringents?' been dried up in the system, to break out aggi•Ayited form, and pertiaps , _ . after marriage. ,Use SEI...MBOLD , B EXTRACT:BLOM for all Affections„ -Aildr,Diseasiz of the Urinary Organs, whether existing In' ?Me or Female, from whatavet cause originating, and -no Matter of how long atanifing,, Diseases of these Orme reSpi ire the aid of a Diuretic,., RELNIBOLIPS EXTRACI BUCHU is the Great Dhfietie, and it is curtain to have the, dealied effect in all "Ttiseasee . - n fer_ which it is record , . mended. Blood—Blood—Blood.Elelmbold's Highly Concentra, • ted compound FLUID nE:PRACT SAFtSAYARILLASYPILL. This is an affection ..otthe Blood, and attacks the- Selmal.Organs, Linings of 'the Nose, Ears, Throat, - Wind• , .pipeand other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance_ in thatarin of Ulcers. Ilelmbold?s.Lktraet Sursaplirfint.pu. rifles the Blood, and remoSas aA Roaly Eruptions. of the Skin, giving to the expresslylexion a Clear and Healthy Color It being prepared expres for thiS class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are' preserved to a greater extent than any other preparatiiinef Sorsaparila, An excellent Lotion for disease? , fir a Syphilitic Nature.. and' as an injection in : diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Roche and Sarwaparilla, in suet. diseases as recommended. Evidence of.the must responsible and re liable character sill abcortip ttiy the Medicines .CEIPMI - OF CURE§ from,eight to twenty years mapding, with names kriown to .Scienee.and Fame. For Idedieal Properties of Bache see - Dispensary of the United States.' see Professor MIME'S On Ale Practiceof Physic. See remarks made by 44 late 'celebrated Dr. PIFYSICE, PhilitifelphlCUSees snake Dr. SP 'L-Rn-M'MoDOWELL, efflabrated Mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, and published in Me Transactions, of the •kingls and queeitis Journah See &lodico-Ohlrurgical Review,published by , SENJ. TEA PEAS% Fellow, of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most ot theism standard works en-Medicine - Extract-of Buchu, $1 00 per bottle, or 04_ bottles Tor $5 90. lEatract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or. as for ,$5 00. im plei,ed itt*e WaSll, 50 cone- per Sortie, or els for $2 50, or Ulf a l iMzeo each for 512 00, 7 Which will be sufficient to mire the most obstinate cases, if directious are adhered tizt. Delivered to any odcl . rass, securely packed from eb servatfoa: 7 l:Tiserlbe - symptoms In all comAiimicatiMin. Cures gutiiiiffeed. Advice gratis. 1,. '_Eereonattypettrnt. 1 Bail mei an iihienniut of city' •ofraireljihin, B. 'Helnibillcsworn,:; being duly' nwoin, do ei,ty, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mer -OF.Ty, or ophnn.ltpritittatirtiga, and nit, runty vezeutble. .... HELDIBpI.D .. . __§i‘:'OraluiTita-lialfatiiii*riLLOA__thiii IX. de.x.:of No. vomuelv.l/15‘4.l ',., ._ ,F , ..) 'l.O --: wAlliillll3ffAßD I.r . a dieurit, 'Alderman, Ninth elmety,l4ll.',RnSte, Phi*,.' for . 4forinntkii 4ll . o Q lifiagnce. ._, IL T. HEl2ittiOta, Chemist; Depot 104 South 10th Huge; below Chestnut, Philadel. Lis WAN . laohener's 4 Or Sale at 123 EL .._ . . • • ,i 1 'l' -' • . ""''' ' • ' . . ' - • . . r lei . I Nr ---..."••••:" %la% ~„,,,,,,___ _. ...„....„.....,,,„ ..,.....„ ..: . 7 . ... , . :, ,: . „- - ', , Tig i v e lhanip,i,,,,-4-,-.4 7 1 - -;, " ,_ „ ..,,-„ , . : -. 1 : ,-i, - ----- : ,_,...-,,, , - : ::-,..7 .. ,, ..:.: ' t .. 1 ; __!'-r ap -: i _ It _...,.._....*..,4„.„ .4 ... ~.._:•,,,,w.,.., ._.0,..,,....,,,........„4.,,,,.,..., .__,,,...„.......,41.„...v:;..„..„::. •,. , . . . A l li' ' rwile ..........„ BY GEORGE BERGNER. MJEDICA.L. THE GREAT KNOWN AB HEimpoip EXTBACT "BUCHU," lISLMSOL.I), S' TRACT SARSAPARILLA, MELMBOLD IM.F'SOVED ROSE WASH. HELIVIBOLD'S GENUINE. I'REPEtATIONS, HIGHLY CO.NOENTRATED" -COMPOUND A POSTITTE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY Iron !Asia' 3 . is'67+:xing AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS FOR WEARMSSES , INSANITY AND= CONSUMI"TION WITH oßaemp WEAKNESS, FEMALES---FEITATNA-FEMALES, PLATINGMAp t i4GE DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. ECELNEBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, HELM:BOWS ROSE wiss ASFMATIT THE . 'IINION-NOW AND FORE-1:ER" HIMIUS - BITECTA.. MONar EVENING, ESE 20, 1864 = F- ' • TILE UNITED STATE S HOTEL HAICRISBVI,W 7 PA D, H. HUTCHISON,'PrOprietar. HIS well kainion . Hotel . * now in a' . tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike ter the - transient 'guest and die permanent boardea::. f THE ITNITED'SATES'HOTEthatia been Zntirgy refit ted throughout,. and now has accommodations :equal inr .extent, comfort and Luxury to any hotel between ?hand& phia and Pittsburg. Its locatienis the beat. In the State Capital, being In 'access ti3Ashei railreadAipote, and is close proximity to all the public oftlees and business lo calities of the city.' It has now all thenonvebienceS Of. FrENT CL.A 8 and .the Proprietor, is, determined to spare neither ex panse; time or labor to enaure,thouomfort of the- guests. The patronage of the traveling pubho is respectfully will. .CAPITALL Hortm, CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, . . HARRISBUAG, PENN 9 A. THE underkagtied having pureluesed this well "'mown house has enlarged. and thoroughly renovated ft. The rooms have been .re-paihted and papered ,'and the lull estaliatiment elegantly-re-furnished. Being plea. saidlY, and eligibly located, 144 provided with every con vet:donee, it offers to the public all the comiorts and luxu ries et a first class hotel. Trusty , ; and obliging , fiervkatt. alWays in attendance. A bar well stocked 'with choi& liquors is attached to the establishment. .de:26-dly W. G. THOMPSON", Proprietor. • JUNE S' H 0 - 1 J S,E , corner of Market street and Market Square, 4.1 ?RIS tt - AG PENN CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor: no64ltf _Dr. J. P. KELLJH:IVS Dental Preparations. GRANULAR DENI7FHICE I ' ", - , .1 ' ' ..,. • AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! elegant preptiiktions' , ecimbine.: the i cleansing and astringent qualities desirable ... They render the Gum haul and health; neutral* the aCid secretions of .the month, (thereby removing r the prinie cause of decay..) BY their detersive properties. they ,preSerVe the natural color of the. Teeth, without the le4degitiO,injuring the enamel , while .they., i mpart_ to a the breath fragrance irecullarly aromatic .and pieasanC--: In'ffct they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the liur taiSea named, es a fair trial will fully demonstrito, and as:has - been abundantly :tamed by.tilSir extensive able In this ommunity during the last 1.4 years-, and which will be readily tostMed to by ~tuany who . , have, repentedly : urged the Proprietor to 'still further extend: neir sale usetignogs. They are warranted' to ,bo free from:, those; .destructivelacids hhichati DeduentlY colitaMitiatic Many. of the, prep,aratiorts qf the pregoqt day. „ Prepared andsold at the Dental Rectos - Cr the ltoprretoe, corner 'lit Second ith.a . Walnut streets. • •• . ;;JOHN P. KELLKR, . Surgeon Dentist. For vaie ale by the priacipol Druggists - of the city.. GREAT BARGAIN A lli JEWELRY ! F 01tS 9t 7.1 E; .0' . , MEW, NLIV YORK. : - • tAdjoirfitigqiukf..4A Office,) eirei•ftif ategiilaccut Ilst of WA.TeIIEB,`CRA.Ms;' - lENVELRY, Fes, AT : $300,000. RADE' ARTidEE_DIVEDDELAit,' . AND NOT- TO BE PAID FOR Ulf711,1"OU KED 1 . 13: W 4 ll4 2? rYOUARB -TO OBT. . 150 Gold and Silver Watches. .$l5 - 00 to $lOO 00 each 200 Ladies' God Watches •" 1 . 85 00 each 500 Ladies' Gents Sayer do - „ 15. 00 each 5,060' Ladies' Gold Penc i ls ;'..-.. op. - sjocKaul 5000 : bold-band Bracelets— 800 to lO 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chaine t and Rings.- .LBOO to -; •• ; 13. 00 each 6,006 : Cameo , MoOm: and .Tet• Brooches':.., - 4.00 to ';0.00 each 6,006,C0ral and FlOreatine ". drops -.,4-00 to,: 800 each :10;000 , Gents" Breast,so to 800 each 15,006:Sleeve •Buttoria; and 13tieom to 6 00 each 10.0001 Sets Ladies' .leviretry...—:::,:t (10 to '10:00 each - 6;000 'Lava and Flordsitine.Sotai.4 00 to 600 each 10,000 'Gold Pens, Siiirey:_rieal.pit*l, , • H01der5...;..-Ltt.... ? ..A'00 to 500 each 5,000 ,Gold NUS, with SOX' Tx - : 2 tension Cases cila ......... 4 . 00 to. .640 each The articles bi Sack' of -iewelti..pre of the neatest and most fashionable stYles.. tirtiilcat.s of all , toe va. Goes articles are pat in sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giving all a fair chanee,', and . 'sent mail, for :05 „cents each; and on the receipt of gi, ' e perttficate, it is at your option to send O:.E Etota f ea atid"take the article named in it or not. Five certitioites for VI; eleven for $2; thirty for4s; sixty for $ rti4e. hundred, for : $15.. L„, certificate money to be enet4l34 ) .,*kth. , _prcipr. Correspondence AGE:,TS WANVED In every; and regiment. Send or.n"ciicillar. Address, • . & - •,P 4 1, ,•., 42 .444 Nessau,sereet, New York. mar2s-ds - as3m4wBln ,•../ • • • li VY 1 1KEi Y Binad Street, betwe6n " Second and Third, 41ABEISBVEG.t • nridetsitidedheti opened ; a:nii* - ,BA; , IL- EERY in the Sixth ward, where he Ls prepared to eupplyi BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable rate. Re wealanta satisfaction to all who will 0011111 h a calL „, He wlll Bell hN bread at the rate of ?PI VB CENTS PEE;i',IO.VA T L,D.' and guaranteed :JOH:r emooßN. • Jan64l tf , C'TioAN NED FRUITS - .OF EVERY , x. SA , TIORSoIaR thleelebratednianefeeturers.. SARDINES, - 'OLIVE OILS, ' MUSTARDS, o every. .description. . ' , Aleo, BROWN SPOUT, FEVE TP 48, - OOFFER, - SUGAR _and S YRUP of all grades and prices, and...the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia. All gookte guaranteed 'as-repreSented. Pattioular attilatiair - paid th all orders froin a diiitance: GoOdavarefolly pneked and - delivered to all parts of the city free otcharge. SR ISLER & FRAZER, znyb Aucceasorilip yvr. pock, Jr., &Po. PHOTOGRAPHz ALBUMS,Photoktaph Albums. • .],' PhOttkrapb PhotogTaßa-Albuno.., 3 t,;,; Photograph "Alfi inns. ripTTP. largest and cheapest - variety 'et GRAPH ALBUMS to chu city are cunstantly ay [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. M. ALBRECHT, ILIEKES IACHEIBT 1 8:- 'EXCELSIOR PIANos _ . •SOLE 4(iEJJY AT W. KNO(I.IIE'S, P • 14 Market, street, Harrisburg. - VOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to ..JU MYSELF I tava taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. 'The public is invited to wino and - ex . amine for themselves. 4. few'Seb — omitenTSi..Coll Ilithosorflband yet dsaf low::. , MiteZ:lfy, ,—. TRANSOM PAPER SEAUTIFIIL assortment of TRANSOM. PAPER. Oau and Roo ic at. . - . SCHEFFERM:BOOK groRE, navlo Harqiibfrg, Pa: § ,et, •i ru a IrAfi skLE. . VERADkI4OTB" Ott - Vhirdr, street, near NoribTaro forsle, WALTERS' Sioie; corner of North - and Ai retm a 7„),, 014,8:ItsEk,itisidast oils ;just: • ad -11 :'•• Lnr* 'SHISLER &:FRAZEW ;111ii;: - WeimffeloiWilDimk. Jr., Fe Go riES PLES just received at SEMSLEB & FRAZER I aptO Successors to W. Doak, Jr., & Co. NEW ADVERTXSENIEN TS; SOLE. AGENCY FOR. THIS - ~CITY':;' AMiliappy to 'Offer , to tho public Aar& i and splendid assortment of •. • • ' SUPERIOR, , GOLD RCA S, mauufactnied by - . LEROY TV., FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well flnishaid, elastic, and will .gice en . tire satisfaction. PLEASE TM' . • . SOIIEiiTER'S BOOS STOKE, • Second Etreei, opposite P.e.,hyteritut Church, Harrisourg Pa. . ati23 JUST :RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A FRESH INVOICE OF MICHENER &AD.'S CELEBRATED S CJGAR CURED lIAMS Ar D 133E3E10 , ,sllisixn & FR/zEn's MB PRIVATE SALE. ONE of .. the beet . locations for IRON WORKS In the State for sale, eta very reasonable. price, teeny purchaser who will improve it, situated with , in a shortldistahoe of the city of Harrisburg, tictwi•en the Pennsylvania railroad and carail,•ab•mt •dve hundred .feet..F wide, and alongside .of the beat limestone quarries in the• State and.close to a good turnpike roadi, also: room tbr waste cindersfor fifty yetWs, ,. without paying for the land Apply to . . DAVID MUMMA, Jr., • r . • Attorneytit-et •N0.:24 Nor th:Secenclirtreet, -.LpuirlB,dtf • , Harrisburg, Pa. [PhllaitelPh*Prtgil insert tbree times and send bill to this office.] •• •• • NEW LIQUOR STORE., TTIPORTANT TO LANDLORDS . „ AND . , •()TSERS —The undersigned °Wert'at udroLesizia, to the trade, .vholco lot of, the Mat Liquors rvor btritight to .ilarrolOurg, viz: French Brandisr, Girut, Scotch. Bourbon, Wheat aid Obi eye- Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines i 'such as Clunnyamte, Claret, Catawba, 'AI Liquor. warranted, as represeeted. Landlords and other's win dad it tOtheir advidpil4re to call and' ex, amine the assortment` at the store, un South Second street, two doors” below Chestnut. • ' "- • rny2246m. • GEORGE WINTERS. . irgiguLWP:LiEra. c0m1,4 - 1-An TOTE - VOA • YtiIING LAW* ' , NO . . 1530 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A. smITH,IS.:D., .E.TLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. , Thine departments; Primary, Academic, .and - Collegiate,' Fed college' course' in Gipsies, Maihe tr.atica, highel• -Paiglish and Natural Science for 'Mopie , who graduate. Modern Languages.. Music, Painting .and Elocution by the, best musters.. For caccuhrs apply, at the Institute„ or or address 'MOS; 2611 P. 0., philadeipWa •ap2o-6ta* Grays Patent Molded Collars Are not simply flatipiecas of - paper cut In the form of a collar, but are #:9141,a, and slame.i fo feu 171 e neck, having a perfect curve Wee' from: angles or breaks, which is ob tained by oniltitenteti: prOceis, Which also secures another .advantage possessed by wo - otherW : Npace for the in tit?) StYle, the4alginaotwnicaus* 141.11PESITLT SXOOIII. AND rim raceutrersits, making this collar,, for . ease, neatness, 'Mid durability, unequalled. They are' isiadeln. Turn4own style in sizes ftom 12 to 17, and in . Garsette.:Crom to . l7ittelma, and, peeked in_ neat blne•nqxee , 9 l : 3 - 0 9:nftPli4 - aliAlin On eB Pf, / I `. l . eilellthe latter a Ivery liendy packago,fer travelers, army and navy officers. sirpliEßY coLLAR !stamped : , • Sold by - all.nitall dealers in .IdOn'ssParnisliingGooda. The trade sapplleil!by - - • • 'VAN DEIISEN iiOEITAIER; & GO.; ,- Jel-ebdanz .', • • ,ClihSTKUTtSt.,,Mtiladellittlar, ELODEONS AND CABINET .ORGANS: : • TWENTtS/1:F1git43341M141,13,).' , -; TeRTiVAISTIAVRE. ONLY GOL,VIIEIIiA4IOI4 wo me n by.'insininnonds this blaas)-tiaa been awarded 314V.20N it-412111:ISYS INSTRUMENTS. • A full assOrtmontiof thinerinacrinnenta:alwaya on hand at W. K.NOCH.E , S, Sfle AgNit„ J: 1; je4-2tawlyl . 93 .Maikot street, TUotnas C. AlacDowelli A. t t ovr a 7sv.• OFFICE IN THIRD. agulfassutt PA ALL manner of Military- Olaintal,pnnaptlyl attended .toy and claims colleetetkezeinat gin Genera or State bovernmenta, either in - dringretay the :Cour of. Claims' at Washington city, er:tit - Etirriibarg; without 'an netwagary deli.", and on. tarrieratie . tends. 'ap29,dem WALNuTs, dtEAM:4; ror sale _ 0' ERRMAR & FRAZER, * ,, r mys successors to W. cork, Jr , k Co. NEW liocat fu'OVINON' BOYER SLIKOERPER, :HOSES ktk,:4I.OI) , :AN.T L DEAL C Queen% ALL,KLANDELOF• -, 7 r. -'• • : olr RT , D•.. 15 4 rr AVE juatkpened a .laige and well selected stuck of gouda at their etentktio..3 krarket§quare, am-riot:n, Pa., to which they the attention. of the pohlte gporrally. - -.• • .A. Valli .. 7 a, ATTORNEY 1.4.116. W, littS removeid-kdieriee from Third to Wal nut •areetiwt o We , Prison. All bullies% In trusted co Win wßgeceyekroirLpt. ant =nit attnntion. - C.LET FLY , PAP assortment of Cut Peer fot ceil- A i lga; looking g )1411: picture freie‘u and gas pip , el3, at . • . in acglifigß. BOORs 800 STVRE;r: rY) Harrisburg,-pu. • i •So Pottiolios.- A LARGE assortinent at • BEttGNER'4CEIEAP BopgsToßF, ,rusrl.B AA at Wholesilker retail ititoiv prices. STOCK JIOGS - FOR SAME. SIXTY HEAD of Stock Hbga are for sale - at the-EIARRISBUhO DROVE YARDS. jel4-dBO , _ 101f13 . 0118TEW , BAKK.F,T$,--SktittlerAYTa- J r il_ ►ueee+spre to I.lo*, jr & Co., have ou hand ezen toekorytni:'Price $0 . 50 per o.oaen. ..le9 FINE llcttle Rendered, LA_RD, just received at fi t • • -811iSLEft at. FRAZER,- . mar 3 Win Doe' k 'Jr , &133.) _NU • • 'ts_tteleb.rated. A FRESH sue—a -8u8" Cur 62. '¢ e s IA: "?.'" a 5 s n 0251 • ft?:L — e - -;Llrdole. Just, re cetied at• • 1141iSMiark-BiBUFIN , eancessffishlogifm. Dackai—.2.4l.oo3 HCMS ! HAMS ofte encm's Excelsior Hams end Dried Beef, at jaa29 • BD UR & MEMEL :—Webeer. DIME EDITION, EXCLEISIVELYfOR THEDAILY TELEGRAPH INLAND LINES., IiTET PROM Till OFFICIAL 'BULLLTIN. PARTICULARS OF TH,EILATE MOVEMENTS. The Attack'on Petersburg. Petersburg Still Occupied by the Rebels. LITER FROM REX. SHERIDAN. VICTOR'S OVER LEE. A. 'FIGHT NEAR GORDONSVILLE. Details of Operations. CaPture of 20 Ogieeri. - 600 lien and 000 ilorses. DESTRUCTION OF VIRGINIA. CENTRAL IteilLßOAti'A.T LOVISA. C. II OFFICIAL REPORT OF GENERAL SHERIDAN. ' Wen DEranunrr, # - Aerinuirrow, Jui1618;10 p. 3i. f To Major General Dix, New York : The following , clispaton from Gen. Orant, dated yesterday at 11 o'clock_ A. m, at City, • Point has been received by this department. The Ninth env this morning' carried two redoubts forming a part of the defences of Petersburg, capturing.46o prisoners and Jour 'guns. , Our successes are being followed up —,ourforces drew out from within . fifty .yards Of the entrenchments at Cold Harbor, _made a Zink movement, average of about fifty miles march; crossing the Chickahomin.y and, J - J unds river, the latter being 0500 feet4gde and, 84 feet deep at - the point of crossinaVrid . surprised the enerciy's'reartit'Peteraburg. li .ftbiq was done without they loss of a wagon ar Viectrof 'artillery, -and only about eme,tam dred and fifty stragglers were . picked up by the- enemy. . In covering this make, Vairen's Oorps and Wilson'4 •cavalrY had frequent skirinishing with ithe . - - ertemy." - eachhuvinirfronefiftjonto. pixtylrilled and wounded, but inagilig an equal if stort.greler llyirerrea+4aleor. re 1 The Eightein feorris„Whiith'si were tram I v ferred from th W' &Haig V Seinnida Rept dred by watee. 4. It moied out near to Retersg burg in the night, , and captured the very, •strongiforlei•northeist of Thifershiirg befort sufficient force could be OA. a .them by the enemy tp hold them. Re wasrjoi4ectilieralift fftwirig qi,is,eNci.. : tare bf the se - cond•cOrp , - wliieh fn. - tarn--cap tured more of the enemy's .redoubts further south, arid this ; eorpit was .followe,cl by the, Ninth with theresffit'fabove Slated. ' ' ' - :lithe troops are now up ,except twe sions;eoverjng the wagon trail" and they will be up to-right'. ' • 7 Tlie Gamily in their endeavors to reinforce Petersburg, abandoned their intrenehments in front of 14eriniida - Hundred: - They no doubt expected troops from the north side_of James firer to. take their places befortitbermere•dia" _ Bailer took advantage of .this atictnicivetta , 'forge at orieet , upon the railroad and-platkrded between Itiehrumill and ~ Petersburg, •Ohich hope to retain possession of. Too much credit cannot be-given the troops and their commander foi the energy end cork titude -drsplayedF during the. last tive_da;isa, Day and night haatsam , all the same, ,tioAe 'lays being allowed on; any riccormh- -Litter unofficial dispatches show that at eight o'clock "this morning the enemy still occupied Peters: burg., Major Morton . was killed iu an assault yesterday. No .- thing has; been received to-dey from bherman or .11unter. ' (Signed). • SECOND DISPATCH: OFFICIAL REPORT OF GENERAL SHERIDAN Dispatches from Gen. Sheridan have :just been received. ` He , reports, a victory over the enemy - atTreVillian. - station -On tlie, Virginia Central railroad a few Mlles sonth'of GOrdons;' ville, where Gen. Lee a level:lays, ago reported a rebel totOky. official - report i s as_fdl- have, ke, honor to, report. to youthe , ar rival of my command" at point, and. aiae to report, its operations since leaving New 'Castle Ferry. I crossed the Panninky river on the 7th, - inst., marching via Aylett's, and. encamping on Herring Creek. Ontne morning of the Bth r resumed the March via Polecat Station, and encamped -three Miles west of the . Eaation . .. "On the 9th I. marched' through ohilesburg and near 191atehetc, encamping -on E.. N. E. Cieektnear. Youngs bridge. On the 10th I marched via Ariapyks? Tar ern'. and Tevintan s Stprii„ crossing- both brafiches of tile 'North-Anna and encamped at. Buchchildi; abopt three nules north. or: Tie.: vilian Station. ...14.intentionsvas tiibiait.,k the railroad - it this station, ,march ", ibrengli chaniceiffe; cut the Gordonsville and Char lottsvillergad near LindsaYs,Houseaang,thigt to march on en, our ar rival at Bualicbild'e fleas ene my'S caildrY" in my in:meal:Rein:Mit' 7 On; the morning of thel.ll - thi Gene! al Tor.: 'Vert witlt‘his :division and iz.oldnei.%Greggrat Brigade , of :General e.taidivisionLiittackeAl rthe eneniyand afte - irarw,ohhthiate.Leontest :draws bin/ Irom thcf.lsnecessivellinesalbri3ast works throalth: alindetrinipassabbtSrirrest back km. Trevillian Station. In the meantime General Cuter was ordered PRICE TWO - CENTS, BY TEM" ` DE' STANTON; - ''=Secretary of War.. LATER Wesiiiier * Tox, June 18-11 STEAM Pill mkt. _ ADVE:lrniglia SATO...DAILY_ TELEGRA#H! - The fellowing are the rails for advertising to the TEM WWII. Those having advertising to do will find 't .. rett. venion tfor_rottrenne.--. .11Qr- Four lines or.less constitute oncaulf square. _Eigh lines amore than four constitute s. Count*. "MO xis SWAB& Eke Qty. 'EP Tiro days . Ica Three OP. One Week 225 One month 6 10 Two months 9 00 Three months. ' 11.re0 . 'l5 0 One year .. 26 0 ib in the Lora( mt..-77 1 / 2 'or oweCEv. r. Lisa for _FOR A HALF SQUARE. One day $ 80 Two days..., ..... 60 Three cIaYS 76 One week... I , 26 One Swath 800 Two months 4 50 Three months 6 60 Six months 8 00 One year 16 00 Adtainiatrailen Notices.... Narriige Notices • • Anditees - Notices Funeral Moticeseasti insert(' mar Silliness notices before Marriages and Des • each insertion. viEh his brigade Npropeed by . a - ot . m so tts; to `reach ilie station in the rear of the eneray's cavalry. On his. arrival at this point the enemy broke into a complete rout, leaving tcienty officers, five hundred men and three Ettmared horses. ;The oratratio , :s occupied thetwheilek Of the day : -,at encamped TreVillian Sfitti6 and (Srt the morning of : the.l2th commenced debtrioyincr the railroad from this point to Louisa court house. This has thoroughly been executed; the ties hurried and the rails rend= ered uniervicable. The 'destruction' of the railroad occupied until 3 o'clock of this day. - T directed. General Torbert to advance with his division and General Davis' brigade of General Giugg's division' in. the direction of Gordonsville, and attack the enemy, who had concentrated and been reinforced by infantry during,the night, and had also- constructed rifle-pits at a point five milts from Gordons ville.. The advance was made, but as the en emy's position was too strong to assault no general attack was made. On, the extreme right-of our lines a portion of dila Reserve brigade carried the enemy's forts twice, and was twice driven therefrom by infantry. Night closed the contest. I found on the examination of the Command that there was not a sufficiency of ammuni tion left to continue the engagement next day. Trains of cars also paste down to where we were 'engaged with the enemy. The reports of prisoners and citizens were that I'icketts' old division, or a portion of it, were'coming to prevent thd taking of Gor donsville. therefore, during the night and next morning withdrew my.. command over the North Anna, via Carpenters Ford, near Miners Bridge. In addition, the animals were for the • entire days in ivhich we were engaged without forage. The surrounding country afforded nothing but grazing of a very inferior quality, and generally at such points as Were inaccessi ble to us. The - cavalry engagement of the 12th was by .far the most brilliant one of the piesent cam- The enemy's loss is very heavy. They lest the following named officers in killed and wounded: Col. McAlister, commanding a reg inient, killed; Brig. Gen. Rosser, command ing a;brigade, wounded; CoL Aken, cm mand ing 'regiment, wounded; Col. Caner, com mending a regiment, wounded. My loss in killed and wounded will be . about five hundred and seventy-five; of this number four hundred and ninety were wound= ed. .1 brought' off hi my ambulances three hundred and seventy-seven, all that cohld he transported. The remainder. with a number of rebel wounded. that fell into my hands, were: left behind. Surgeons and attendants were detailed and remained in 'charge 'of them. I captured, amd have now with nee three • -- hundred and. seventy prisoners of war, - din,g . twenty commissioned Officers. , r 'My loss in ea - Pt - flied will not exceed. 'one • hundred and sixty;•they - weiSprincipilly from the firth Michigan avalry. This rogiment gal dantly charged down. therGordiuisville -road capturing 1,500 horses and shoal 800.*.mer(but kwere • u surrionded 'land 4. -made to give :- iem up. • • "Actheri the enemy broke \ they -hurried tween Gen. Custer's command and Col. Gregg's brigade, capturing 15 caissons of l'eunington's iliatterh :three of which were afterwards re=cap Lured, leaving in their lands caiesons. A more detailed report will be made here keen" M (Signed) EDWINET. STANTON, Secretary of War El •• +I From N4a,sh n,g iton. Fuer:lld tileVietims of the Ilte Expinion IMPOSING CERRAIONIE-, ASH:MOTO , : 'Line 19, • i . .. • • .The victims of the late raelanchblY accident' were .buried thissifternoon. Their "remains were , the tomb • _ seventeen hearses, and...were. preceded by-two lodge.ssof • temperance, - and a file of young women, asaq ,ciates of the deceased - The President and Secretary of -Stater-otr-:1'-' -•• Att,,wir: and the. Commandant _of % -the :Navy l'ard , followed the over ,garxiages of • , • which there was over dim hundred in the, procession. Adams CO. had' a - large'h: press; wagon, suitably dreised, in theilineknf. ,Rropession, The polieer supported. the' car, , Wages as a guard of honor. . !There was an iinraense concourse of people :assembled on 'the side "Walks and at many !places along the route. Habiliments of woe were very conspicuous. The section of the .eity .f in which theaccfdent oceifiredislitendlY.' drenched with grief. Thecetemofinieew .r_...1 the solemn ever wit.i.saed,: . had a -- marked effect - Was visible eTqywherp. C. li e G s RAFFEN. T 1 - %-wATsoN MASTIC CR-Mt - ENT , ira 11A.NUFACTITBE2i, F . 1 4 4V srrurnAG-; IPREPAIErifo tarnish and coat the ex writs. of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMBNT, on rt - =`-. new system. _Thu, material is entimiy &Buren!. eon. .rde - t. other Cements ex.& heretofore, and is the only rehatilu, imperishable coating for outside work.. Ithadd ivittimre-`-• .pekproportions of pure Linseed Oil it*foirms a solid em ble aiihesiveuess to Brick or: tOr.Ze Wans, eitaklng Ural, fine water'proof stuface and tiniMs :equal -'Brown. • L.. Stone or any color desired. ,„ Among others for whom I have Limited the itrk-c mem, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bi.%e %o resiaence, Penn sweet, Pituhurg. td u -J. H. Shoennerger residence. Lawromoville r Hoeveler, ' tt James M'Candlen, _l' • Allegheny city; Calvin Adams, . ,Third.srseet, Pllt.shurg James Wood, owner St: Cluirles Rae], - William Vol*, Guard Hcou3N - , Barr It Moser, architects Dispeta Bulldinca, John B. Cos, resktence, rent street, Halitstaug, PC- A J. Jones, u. . / 14,880 addrein T. wASSISO , T. ' _._sA liittshitrBs-r - fehlß-dam - Penna. HOoSe, HEIETISMIrg.. • or. BEEF. —A-choice hat of Aliche: '"lr Dried Beef, just reCetfed at -" . efueLER&S - RADmv• - 7 , p; Suceemov to P:4••li:Pßuk , • k• 4 ...-. • - lfreak . ot %.Y•Witli 2 K*AttfriVD 3 Cl3] ZNI • 1 • J Vie meet pup azd the palm?, eyR. offelrea to tha yuhiiq,itecleaAved forkiele•VP:i - vagni t'llacerthislo '324"1201 baleth,a, fimp,4 a z i s l, 24 , v r bastrefsia. Eniuirt' ot •" 1 : 11 • 11-dtf • 4 . . U FALIOR RIO AND LA.GOIIa CUFF S at Etay4l ROYER & /WEEPER. BEE ME lEEE ME
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