THE TELEGRAPH IS PrIILISICED MORNING AHD EVEICLYG, BY GEORGE BERGNER. DFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUP.,,C'REPTION THE DAILY TELEGRAPH IC Forret! to subscribrs in the city at 8 cents per week. Vearly subscriber e s will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those person:who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. 'WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tits Trisonirs is also published weekly and Is twins bed o subscribers at the following cash rates - Single copies, weekly—, Three copies to one Post Office Ten conies to one Post Office MEDICAL. ELIXIR • DR. WRIGITT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, ore, ESSENCE OP LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the must Delicate. AGrThe Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective oT alt the old and worn-out systems. AißrThis medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age , WOnft bottle will cure General Debility. A. few doses cures Hysterics in females. Woes bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. sif-A few doses restores the organs of generation. Jagje-From one to three , bottles restores the manliness and full, vigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite. ar-Three bottles cures the worst case of ImpOteney., .WA few doses cures tee low spirited. sjsrOne bottle reams mental power. WA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. Jar This medicine restores to manly vigor and robes health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. ../V -The listless, enervated youth, the.over-tasked reitn. of business; the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from Weaknesii of a single organ, will all flnd immediate add permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. .-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt of meney,i to any ad dress, 43-Nold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. KERWIN & CO., Sole Propriecors, marll-eodly No. 09 Liberty meet, New York. CBERUICRF. PILLS. • SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, BE9IOTII PRESERVER. • CERTAIN AND SAIII. srior the Removal' of Obstructions and the insurance ' of liegularity in the Recurrent.* of the Monthly Periods. sir They pure or obviatethose numerous diseases that spring from. irregularity, by remmug, the irregularity itself. - . . . r ear They cure Suppressed, Excessive andTainful Men struation. Choy cure.Sreen Sickness (ChloroMa.) ,They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains; in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness,; Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick. Headache, Giddiness, ike. Tn a word, by removing the irmgularity, .04 remove the' cause, and with it ALL the °firms that spring from it AwComposed 'of simple vegetable extracts, they cou sin nothing deleterious to any constitution, however t'elleato, their function being to- substitute strength lot weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to , . .ARrthey may be safely used at any age, an¢ at any perlo,—Exoset.pcsom THE FIRST THANE 'MONTH.* during whiolt tile unfailing nature of their action would infallibly garAllletterd seeking information or advice will be prornitly; steely and discreetly answered. . Wren directions accompany ,pach lioz . ,Price, $1 per be; or siir.boxes . for $5. OrSent;liz mail, free of postige, on receipt of price. Nfirdold byalt respectable druggists. DR W. R. BIERWIN & C 0.., Sole Proprietors. ratarll-eigHy No. 59 Liberty street, Now York. _For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street. JL N E .I[4i quo US. -Shissler. It Frazer, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr & Coe) 7111EA_LE.E8 IN FINE FA hi ILY GROCE- J-1 MIS opposite the Court House, have on banda fine seleu! , ion of• BRANDLEN of ditrermAyinuigea. FINE AND COMMON WINES, I ffHISKYS. OLD BOURBON, .MONONGAHELA FL YS IRISH AND SCOTOR Whifikya The best ever brought to this market, OLD WHEAT; FAMILY NECTAR, ABA the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY: 2 CHADIPAG-NE JOHANNESBURG, • 7Rwr 4 SOOTC'Ef:AND LUSH AL A • •. LONDON BROWN STOUT PLANTAT"4 AM TONIC BurzEts- With a conVete stook of • FaliGtl4lsll.AND PAMIR/CAN PICKLES . Aintd Condiments or , ,ery. description now in the • and at' ,rAus LOWEST RATES. : [ lol' MOTH i'ERFI7M/i.VG LINEN /AT PREVIAATING. MOTH T' ' POWDER—a compound of valuable articles for the destrucgon of insects—distributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Clothing,. i•acc.., packed away for summer, will effectually prevOnt moth. Being also &delightful, diffusable perfume it will lin , pregnate clothing,. &c , with a lasting and pleasant odor. _The fluent fabric cannot be injured by its (lea. Preluded and sold at . KELLER'S Dr,ug and Fancy Goods Store,:No. 91 Market Street; spy . • A. P. TEUPSER, Tle A.O ILE R. OF MUSIC. : - Orrias.S.r.WAßD'S MUSIC STORS, - • "- 'l2 dir Third Street. . diersdenee: Third street, above North. , WEDDING, INVITATION r .6 AT HOME OARDS.By a special grangemont with one of the best engravers , in - tho conntry,.. cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with tbeT latest fashion, and -supplied promptly, at tower prices than are charged by the steam ers In New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices call at BERGNER'S Etool STORE.. mcba-dtf QM PECTORALS use useful to soothe cough, allay Tickling In the Throat, to r°/le SCiarsentain Catarrh, Sure Throat, gth Tney con Coltaloot, Horehound, Ipacacuanha, &mega :and 3 4the most reliable expectorants knotvn,ysire the chi k Live constituents, so blended with Gumm - Arabic and Alsti each lozenge contains a mild and very pi elgeoursatuted moiety by S. A. KUNKEL & - Jaren 4pothecarlea, lib Market street, T_TA.MS 1 RA MS L—Hichener's , '..11J1.: Just cured. - Received and for mle at BRISLER ds mar2B" (Successors to W. .• • " 111 // / ,•• . • , ...x IIIII/////7///' ;:. \ ..,-...,,...,.... ,x , \ h 17 t 1 / 2 .. - -......,5, -, v, , ~ iff, , •-..............,',....<---,::....---.-_:-._-,- -. • "ft . . . ) I tik, 1: .• . - tit utbititta,= - =-__-szi,;, ilir ......, 4,......._. .7,.%.!.., ~. :, ..„.t ,-.,-, .....4 -, ,----,7 _;.=,--5.4.--3.3 - -.- - ( - - -, 4,.... ...., . .. - . .., - $l6O 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. F r►' T M' "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Kfforir AS "HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ MELMBOLD ZYTRACT SARSAPARILLA, EIELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLDIs' GENUINE PREI4ItATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTgA.T4ED' FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, BLADDER, RLONWS. GRAVEL . .•• AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS TELLS Medicine increases the power of Di gestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into, healthy action, by-which the WATERY or CALCEROUS , deposi tions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced,as will as pain and Inflammation, and 41 good for HEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN, ' P HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITHU, Aiising Prom Excesses, Habits of- Dbmipation, ° C r Early In discretion or Abup; ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING STNEPTOME Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, . . Difficulty of Breath Horror of Disease, Trembling, ' . Dimness of Nislos, Wakefulness, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in " Muscular System, Flushint Hot Hands, Eruption Pallid Gountenk Theenaymptoms, if allowed to go tine invariably removes, scion follow DEPOTEXCY, FATuiTY, E In'one of strhloh•the patient may m that theyare not frequently follow themes," INSANITYAND CONS neeS. r sale, ;Many: are aware of the • cause of Ahalr inn ••bi e none:will confess. The records of the JIMMIE the melancholy deaths by Oonsumption, bear :in the wee tp the truth of the aseertlon. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AF I WITEVORGANIC WEASNEktestion; much Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen Zothers the system, which Halinbold'h Extract Buati does. A trial will convince the moat 'cos of FENALEs7EI4I T,T isiLFE azu ... adopted - • baying . . OL OR YOUNG SINGLE , MARRIED , Gt.. PLATING MARRIAGE . Pne - ' l4 " . • . • • • , up for In many affections peculiar femetes the, chu tit:magi:tilled by any other remedi; as in Retention, Irregularity, Painfhiness, or suppr ittn in customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrou Uterus, Leucorrhoa or Whites, Sterility, and f for: an plaints incident to the sex, whether arising fro of-this tion, Habits of Dissipation or in the • • • to the DECLINE OR MANOR OF pl" • vege- NVFAMILY SKOULD BE AN:FtlillheaPer Take to *sana, Mercury or Unpleasant Mc b ieGasm Unpleasant and Dangerous o3banOrk Of Beery -mscHPtio& BMIEBOLD'S EXTII,4Ca BPI of laat • ~ t. 4.• at litti of age, Cures Secret Diseases ia f 4 Vtr,s,, mi leuce 5 r ,.,,,,.,. little or no change invent i l ep a, and gives .-.4,,Li -- i. Butt It mums %S w in. instructions, pra y s dug and Urinate, thetrellni• th e D ann', allaying path ' s d inner°. a ai cura,,cB , 8 11 i frer1;ent 144 in clam'of M atte r :. '-dng ...Maf' .. ,_ 01 3143", Dimmed and Wornont aousanda t rYdEi thousands wan have been Ike victims of q , ka, mid :, who havePaia biavy feee, to be cured in a short, time, have found they wore deceived, and that the "Peison"' has by the use of "powerftl Astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an , aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use HELMBOLD'S EXTR‘ter BUCHU,for all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, frdin whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of Ouse Organs require the aid Of a, Diuretic. HIELMBOLD'S ErfRACT BUCHU is the Great DiUretic, and it Is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for &UM it is, reruns'. mended. Blood-13loott—Blorel. ilelmbold's Highly Concentra_ -ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SA RSAPARILIASYFEU IJS. This' is an affection .of tlii Rhea" ;and` attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose gimp Throat, Wind_ pipe and other Mucus Surfaces; malting its appearance in the form of Ulcers. ilelmbenPs Extract Sareapatilla pu filen the Bleed, and removes ail Scaly Eruptions of the `Sarin be in to the Complexion ' , Clear and Healthy Color. inggvplnrgepared expressly fo/ this class of-q;omplaints,' I its 1310 ° 4-Purif y in gPMPertiea are oon of e S a s e t r e v a e p d a PI a. a greater extent than any other Ore Our HEIM:BOLD' ROSE WASTE. An excellent Lotion fo ufa Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection •in of t he i Urinary Organs, arising rr . habits or Ipation, used Meennection with the Extracts - Blida' roi SarnPartila , in' such du , n.seli as recommended. Evilaue ol UN wont. responsible and re liable character willTriPuq.the medicines m , CERTi. CATES OF CUM' w eight to twenty Years Standing, -' with names m in w to Science and Fame. Tar mama . proriertiesr eg u ~. see Dispensary of the United . States. See . profeimi .-D /IX'S valuable works on the Pructiceof Physic. See made by the late 'Celebrated Dr. pHysierk p delphia. Soo remarks made by Dr. KI , RRAI r ocitvELL, &celebrated Phy'siclan t and mem ber of the E/ al, College of Surgeons, and published in the Transactun of the King's and . Queen's :Journal See m e d,,,,,targical Review, published by BENI TRAVERS, Fellow e Royal College of Surgeons. iThe most of mew te. lard works on Medicine. ~E Xtratit/Of Bimini, $1 00 , " bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. Extract of pro .oeßoseilloaz,zsmleirhsreocer cents a u rie le ir bo or in si e, x or fo ox r $ 5 5 01. 00. 52 '1 50 7 r, d e most : bat ty' /, $l2 00,. which will 0(411111mM : Delltered to any ad d r ess ,4 cases, ' directions adhered ,e stion., . Describ e ____.secu re y packed f rom ieb *r..Pu'res in all conizmnications. guaranteed. Advice gratis. _ Earl , • - AFFIDAVIT. - Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, IL T. Helmbold, who, being duly swore, doth nay, his preparationscontain no narcotic, no ' mer cury, or othorhaluriOns drugs, and are purely veviable.,„.. a T. linidtOLD:"!?. 'Sworn andsubseribed velure me, this 23d day of NO: verabeoB64. • , Win- P. Ef.II3BARD,'. AlOnnaN. ab: ~an Pbala .. 4411onnL#Ws for hifonilaji T on is in • unnoLD, Chemist. Depot 104 South 10th street, Wow Chestnut, • 1nr417. • MEDICAL. THE GREAT HELMBOLD EXTRACT "RUCHE'," COMPOUND At•PGS3ITah AND SPECIFIC REMEDY TOE DISIL&P_Eff OW TEM FOR WEAIiNESSES "THE UNION—NOW AN F R ET,ER ."-.—Webster HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1864 THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. El, H. HUTCH/SON, Proprietor. T HIS well knowi:k Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanentbuarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL Vs been entirely refit• tedihroughout, and now has accommodations equal to extent, comfort and luxury, to any hotel between Philadel 'phia and „Pittsburg. Its location is the beat In the State Capital, being in, easy access to'all thi railroad depots, and la elosaproximity to all the public olliaes and business militias of the city. It has now all the conveniences of 'A.'"FIEST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex pense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling publio is respectfully soli cited. jell-dtf ..12ATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF THIRD AND wAuitrr smErrs, HARRISBURG,. PENN'A. THE undersigned having purchased this well Known house hue enlarged and thoroughly renovated u. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estalishinent elegantly re-furnished. Being plea atunly and eligibly located, and provided with every con venience, it otters to thu public all the commas and luxu ries of a first Wass huteL Trusty and: obliging servant always in attendance. A bar well stocked, with choice liquors is attached to the establishment de2Rdly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. JONES 110 USE, Corner of 'Market end and Market Square, HARRISBURG-PENNA. CHAS. Jl.. MANN, • Proprietor. Dr. J. P. KELLEIVS Dental Prepar"a,tions. GRANULAR DENTIFRICE AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! THESS elegant preparations combine the most desirable cleansmg and astringent qualities They render the Gums hard and healthy; neuttsrze the acid secretions , of the mouth, (thereby reveryig the 'prime cause of deeay ..),. By their detersive pret/ is they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, wf,,./..initga the liin l iegtilillTit" .- ' Itei:TLENKYVARDJ(RECRER. rt to "The Troe..hes area Staff of life to me." • • Pros. EDWARD NORTH, 'Our . Pies. Hamilton Collegi., Libation; N. Y. ;and "For Throat Trousles they are a specific." t in N. P. WILLIS. ,will ~ , "Too favorably known to need commendation." idly , ti• ' Hon. CHAS. A. PHELPS; Pres. Mass. Senate. and "Contain . no bpi im nor any•hing injurious " • !ose Ds A A. HAYES; Cthrai.ti• } Ymt° ll "Y "An elegant combination for coughs," . fetid Dr. G. F. BLGF..LOW, Boston. tint . . "I recommend their usa to public'epeakers H. " • .140 v. CHAPIN . . "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis." Rev. S. SElGti RIND Morristown, Ohio. i "Very beneficial when suffering from Coldii." ' Rev. SJ. I'. ANDERSON St.'Lonis. 1 i "Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of breath,: Lug peculiar to Asthma." • Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New '7l' irk. I "They have suited my case exactly, rel. evinii my thro so that Ico ad. slug with ease." T. D al U UCHARE, Chorister French Parish, Atwell, Montreal. As there are imitations be sure to u the GENUINE jan2i-diktv ... . • the 1 in HAIR DYES HAIR DYE Batcheloes Celebrated Hair Dye L IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. . r, The only flarmledi, True and Reliable Dye Known, This. splendid Hair Dye is pertbia—changes Red, RustC, -or Gray 'Hair instantly to a Glossy Mark or Naturalßrowa without injuribg the Hair or staining the. Skin, leaving tbn Hair soil and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frecuentr c " restoring its pristine. color, and , rectifies the lii eflects c i a „. bad Dyes. The genuibe .is signed WILLIAM A. BAT s'a ELQB. ail others. are -mere imitations, and should avoided. - 'Sold by all Druggists, &o Factori—Sl 84 - 1 II AY ST, N.-Y.' AIORRLORN .7 . 0111 T 'OMAN' FOR DRESSING VTR I jel3l , Pate - Vesta:table . Medicine. NE of the very best Vegetable Medic • • . 0 is now offered. to the citizens 'and strangers o city. It will. pur,fy - the blood, and leave the live bowels in a good healthy co..ditiou. Operates whin., i least pain. Old and young, male ancifemale, ail . 1 of IL . As to the truth of this hundreds can testify , has been well tried for the last tea years. outh It ri ne is prl only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27,.z itarrisburg, ra... (-• • ..r.: - ,,, ,~ 1 LARGE ARRIVAL OF : GOO NEW YORKAkQe'rxt,%v—y, ;.+4i N lLes.E w JiER 5 Brood Street between - Second a nd, 'Third, '11.4.1TR18447EG., , THE- , ed ha's' optioned 'a now BA KERY, In thelgisth ward, whore - ho is prepared to supply, BREAD AND CAKES at -a reasonable ram He warrants altivho.ivill give him a calL. He will sell his bread at the rate of PIPE DENS'II PER POUND and fell , weight guardliteed. JOHN AIZORN. tanft-Atf ANNEDTRUM OF EVE,ta DEsuRIP TION.. SAUCES of all thecelebisiedmanttflioturen. SARDINES, ry .1 MUSTARDS,. o every description. _ Also, BROWN SIGHT, FINE TEAS,TOFFEE, SUGAR and d r RUr of all grades and prices, and 'tfie best selected stock outside of Philado.phia. Ad goons guaranteed as represented. • Particular attention paid to all oi dare from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. SHISLER it FRAZER, ' mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., '& Co. • PHOTOGRA.PR ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. `Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. THE largest, and cheapest variety of MO TOGRAPE ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept at [marl2l BERGNER'S CHEAP BitOKSTORE. PIANOS. ALBRECHT, RIERES senors EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCEES, 93 Market street s Harrisburg. FOR perfectly eatisfactory to MYSELF I have taken t4R "gimpy 0: flit) above most excellent Pianos. Thenubliatis'itriMdltrcoriie and ex . amine for themselves. - A - (ew Schomacker & Co's Pianos on" band yet will be deal Low: -•• mar2sll , . TRANSOM.PAPER.' BEAUTIFUL assortment of TRANSOM ,PaPER. Call and see it. at &CREEPER'S BOOK STORE, 'mySo Rar.lsb 'g. Pa. - LOTS FOE SALE. - -- EVERAL LOTS on Third street, near S ;North, are for sale. laquire at WALTERS' Store, corner of North and %lid streets, myl74f OlLS.—Fine salad oils just rueelYed BEtISLER &-raezEß, Sumatoors to yr.-ness,.fr z , k Co, SH . PINIE APL 'S just received a SEI!SLER k FRAZER, Sucooosors tow, Cook s JA Co. C 1 HOTELS. NEW ADVF,RTISEMENTS. Rarris.biirg, Tueso4y,June , 28. POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY, AT 2 .12;13,7 Y. NA DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. A. TRIPLE OOMBINA.TION lst—Dan Rice's great Show. 2d—Henry:-Cook's wonderful Troupe of Acting Dogs and Monkeys 3d—Barclay's perfoming Buffaloes and Casnauel*e Ponies HRS. DAN RICE Will make her first appearance here in her beautiful menage scenes, introducnig the highly trained War Charger TORNADO. MRS. EMMA. STOKE, And her. Troupe of Performing Horses. THE GREAT BLIND HORSE EXCELSIOR, Sc., &c. All under the- personal direction of the great - HUMORIST, 13)-AN RICE.: Admission—Box 25 ; Reserved"Seate 50. Location on Second street, near Factori. je2otd Gray's Patent Molded_ Collars " ire not 'simply flat Mike's or paper cut in thii , term of a collar, but are Molded and Shaped tojlt the 'neck, having peirect curve free from angles or brealii, which is ob tained by - our patented proCess, itbt , :4stlsonecurea another advantage passeised by no other coliar r iz : Space for the dr' emit in the Turn-down style, the mSWE OF IFBIC'H IEI PERFECTLY sitoom AND FREE FRONPUTIKERS, cilelll3l/. collar, for ease, neatness, antl.durability, unequailedr, . They are•made Tiirn-down style In sizes frinn 12 to 17,_ and in - Garrotte from 13 to 17 Inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, smalla ones of 10 each,-the latter a _very handy, package for. travelers, army, and navy officers..., , . EVERY COLLAR. is -stamped Gray , sl Patent.Dlolded Collar," - each each each • Sold by all remit dealers in Ideies Furnishing Goods. The trade supplied by • 1p . - VAN DEUSHN BeFEHHEI & CO., lel;eod6na . CHESTNUT Si., Philadelphia. each teat e va. thus Cents your .ed in thirty treats once MELUDEONS_AND CALUMET OEUANS TWENTY-SIX FIRST PRESITIMS, TWELVE SILVER ffiEDA S, ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments: of this • class) has beetrawszded to MASON &,11AMLIN'S, INSTBITMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on band et - W. KtfOcßE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. lend Thomas C. MaoDowell; t 1 • 4 1. 3":- OFFIOE IN THIRD ST., BELOW. PINE: JELARB,IB4I7PI, PA . A LL manner of - Military Claims, promptly .1"l attended to; and &aims collected against the General `Or State qoveniment% either' in Congress, the' Court of Claims at'Washington City, or at Harrisburg, without an necessary delay, and op moderate terms. ap29-.16m; WAL TITS; CREAMNII . T.I,' _FILBERTS. For rialO 'wholesale at • • - • 8131SLERA FRAZER, mys quimelpro to W. I ock, Jr ,' & Co NEW GROC'ER'Y AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, W.H•OLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Av. . GMOCERICES Queen's and Gllass"VirlFiel AND ALL MIMS OF _ COUNTRY PRODUCE, • HAAT, just!veiled a large 114 well selected stool of goons itteir stand, NO. tlttarketSytutrr, Harrisburg, Pa., to•ornictilliey invite the attention of the aonerally, _ ttolo-tily A. C. sAirrib * A.TTORNETe • A.T" LAW, LTAS removed his Ofttee Enka Third_to Wal -11 nut ,atreet, next._to _the Prison., All-business In trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Soldiers' Portfolios. • A LARGE assortment at . :- BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKVOBE, ' marlB Sold at Wholesale or retail at IoW Kips. STOCK HOGS FOR SALE. S ir°. ' HELD of Stook Hogs are for sale'at the HARRISBURG DROVE YARDS, Jel4-t1361, HUCKSTERS' ASKETS. —Slnsler& Fra zer, succoAiors to W. Dock, , & Co., have on hand So uzen 'hickory ba•kets. Price $.5,50 per dozen. jen PRIME Lamp. .. 1 . . FINE Kettle Rendered LARD, justreeepsed at . - . SHISLER & FRAZER; mar 3 (anecteaom to Wm. Dook; Jr, &Col A FL ESH , supply_of Michener's Uelebrated Sugar Cured-Hams and Dried; Beet; at no2s] - BOYER di KDERPER. CORN MEAL—A- fine article. just 01. calved at SEMLER & FRAZEI mar3l • ' successors flock;Jr.." & (341) HAMS! HAMS !—A fresh supp ly of Mich mews Excolaiar Hams and Dried Beef at jan29 Bona es JZOISRPER, PRICE TWO CENTS. MORNING EDITION. TJEGE Solcliers of the war of 1812 are request ed to meet at Brant's. Hall this evening at half past seven o'clock, to make the necessary arrangements for the celebration of the com ing Fourth of July. At) q:efenrapo. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH zot THE INLAND LINES. UTE FIE THE MIT OFFICIAL ItULLETIN PARTICULARS OF THEILATE MOVEMENTS. The Attack on Petersburg. Petersburg Still pecupipl by the Rebels. . . LITER FRON -GE N, SHERIDAN, VICTORY OVER A. FIG-HT NEAR GORDONSVILLE. Detaps:. -11 b. Operations. Gilgit of i 0 Officers. 600 Hen and 300 Horses. DESTRUCTION . OiI''IUAGINIAL CENTRAL RAILROAD AT LOUISA C. H. OFFICIAL REPORT. OF GYNERIL SHERIDAN. • WAR DEPARMENT, WASHINGTON; June 18, 10 P. • M. To Major General Dix, New Teork : The following dispat:h from Gen. Grant, dated yesterday at 11 o'clock A. M., at City Point has been received by this department. The Ninth carps this morning carried two redoubts formino , a part of the detences of Petersburg; capturing 450 prisoners and lour gans. Our suc,cesses r are being followed up —...0111 forces drew: ant from within fifty 'yams of the entreliehinenaat 'Cold Harbor, made a flank movement, average of about fifty miles march, crossing the Chickahominy and James river, the latter being 2,000 feet wide and 84 feet deep at the point of crossing and surprised the enemy's rear at Petersburg. This was done without. the loss of a wagon or,piece of artillery,. and only about one hun dred and, fiftY-straggler,s were picked; up by . fifty, ' stragglers enemy. • ! In covering this move, Warren's Corps and Wilson's cavalry. • had - frequent skirmishing with the enemy, each -haring :from fifty to sixty killed arid - womided, but inflicting an equal if not greater lesson the cinemy.! - The Eighteenth corps, Smith's; were trans ferred from White House to Bermuda Hun dred by water. It.-moved out near to Peters burg in the night, and captared the very strong workanortbeast of Petersburg before sufficient; foree could heigot them by the enmity to. hold them--; He was joined the night following this cap ture by-the second corps, which, in turn cap:- tared more of the enemy% redoubts further south, and 'this • corps was followed by-the Ninth with the result above stated. , . - 4111.4ie troops are.novr . l.lP except twe dici sionS iiagoii trains, 'and they will be up tp-night. The enemy ,in their endgewrifto reinforce Zsete± brig , abandoned their intrenchments in front of Bermuda Hundred. They no; doubt expected troops from the north side of James river to take their they were dis covered. Butler took advantage of this and moped a force at once upon the railroad and plank road between .ttichmond and Peterspurg, which I hope to retain possession of. Too much credit cannot be given the troops and their commander fOr the energy and for titude displayed dining" the last live days. Day'and night.has .lieen all the same, no de lays being allowcd ori" any account. Later unofficial dispatches show that at eight o'clock this morning the enemy still occupied Peters burg. Major Merton was killed in an assault yesterday. Nothing ha-s been received to-clay from 14ierraan or hunter. (Signed) EDWLN M. STANTON, Secretary of War LATER. SECOND DISPATCH OFFICIAL REPORT OF GENERAL SHERMAN - WOHINGTON,Ste 18 , —ll BL Dispatched froni Gem Sheridan have , just been received. He reports a victory - oVer the enemy at Trevillian station on the Virginia Central railviad afew miles south of Gordons ville,'whare Gen. Lee a few days ago reported a rebel victory. The official report is as fol lows: “I have the honor to report to you the ar rival of my command'at this point, and also to report its oyerations • since , leaving New Castle Ferry. I crossed tke Pamunky river on the. 7th inst., marching via Aylett's, and encamping an Herring Creek. On the morning of the Bth I. restrmed the march via Polecat Station, and einaimped three miles west of the station.,, Cu the 9th I marched through Chilcsburg and near Mitchetk - encamping on E. N. E. Creek, near Young's 'bridge. on the;loth I Marched via Andrews' Tav ern and Teviman s Store; croSeing both onoiches of the North - Ainistifd encthuped at Buchchilds, aboutiliree miles north of Tre vilian Station. My intention was to brettk the railroad at this station, march through Me- STEAM PRINTINC.orFIum I ADInERTISTNO RsTaa-4141L1T - TLEAlitaPii. The - following are the rates for advertising in the ,Al;:- Ia.APII. Those having advertising to do will 6r.-1 '1 :-,-,-; venien (for reference. Lel-Tour lines or less constittite'enelu.ii erviare. t. 4 t. , Les crmore than four constitute a squar , .. VOlit A HALF wens. POE ONI: SQVA23- One day $ 30 One day ..$ at fwo days • 50 Two days -. 110 Three days 75 Three days 1 2.5 One week 125 One week... • 225 Ine month 300 One month .. 6to Two months 4 50 Two. Tonthe. , 9 00 three months 5 50 Three mondfsr...... 11 10 17. months .. 5 50 Six months 15 0 One year —.15 00 One 'ear l .. 4 . —.... 25 I 0 Wininistnition Notices ' ' 'r ' - ' $2 25 %ferriage Notices Auditor's Notices - "•-• .... 110 Funeral Noticeseach insertion.......,. ' 7 ile -Business notice.. inserted in the Load Column. or before Marriages and Deaths, &GET Casts FEZ Lutz for , acb Mamie% chanicsville, cut the Gordonsville and Char lottsville road near Lindsay's House and then to march on Charlottsville. But on o'nr ar rival at Buchchild's House I found the ene my's cavalry in my immediate front. Omthe morning of the 11th, General Tor bert with his division and olonel Gregg's Brigade of General Geary's division attacked the enemy and after an obstinate contest drove him from the successive lines of breast works through an almost impassable forrest back on Trevillian Station. In the meantime General Custer was ordered with his brigade to proceed by a country road so as to reach the station in the rear of the enemy's cavalry. On his arrival at this point the-enemy broke into a complete rout, leaving twenty officers, five hundred men and three hundred horses. These operatio• s occupied the whole of the day—at night I encamped at Trevillian Station and on the morning of the"l2th commenced destroying the railroad from this point to Louisa courthouse. This has thoroughly been executed, the ties burned and the rails rend ered nnservicable. The destruction of the railroad occupied until 3 o'clock of this day. I directed General Torbert to advance with his division and General Davis' brigade of General Gregg's division in the direction of Gordonsville, and attack the enemy, who had concentrated and been reinforced by infantry during the night, and had also constructed rifle-pits at a point five milca frora ;Gordons ville. The advance was made, but as the en emy's position was too strong to assault no general attack was made. On the extreme right of our• lines a portion of the Reserve brigade carried, the enemy's forts twice, and was twice driven therefrom by infantry. Night closed the contest. I found on the examination of the command that there was not a sufficiency of ammuni tion left to continue the engagement next day. Trains of cars also came down to where we were engaged with the enemy.. '- The reports of prisoners and citizens were that Picketts' old division, or a portion of it, were coming to prevent the taking of Gor donsville. I therefore, during the night -and nev.t morning withdrew my command over the North Anna, via Carpenters Ford, near Miners Bridge. In addition, the animals were for the entire days in which we were engaged without forage.. The surrounding country afforded nothing but grazing of a very inferior quality, and generally. at such points as were inaccessi ble to ns. The cavalry eiagagment of the 12th was by far the most brilliant one of the present cam paign. The enemy's loss is very heavy. They lost the following named officers in killed and wounded: Col. McAlister, commanding a iment, killed; Brig. Gen. Roa.sar, comma:c.a.- ing a brigade, wounded; Col. Aken, commiuid ing a regiment, wounded; CoL Caster, com manding a regiment, wounded. My loss in killed 'and wounded will be about five hundred and seventy-fire;, of this number four hundred and ninety were wound - ed. I brought off in my arnbulances three hundred and seventy-seven, fiR that 'could transported. The remainder. With a number of rebel wounded that fellinto my hands, were left, behind. Surgeons and; attendants were detailed and - remained in charge of them. , I captured, and, have now with ttie three hundred and,seveuty prisoners of war, incln ding tsventy commissioned officers,,,_ My loss in captured will not ~excised one hundred and sixty; they were principally from this fifth Michigan avalry. This t riegiment gal lantly charger' down 'the Gordansville road capturing 1.500 horses and about 800 men but were finally surrrounded " and made to give their up. When the enemy broke they hurried be tween Gen.Guster's command and CoL.Gregg's brigade, capturing 5 caissons of Pennington's battery, three of which were afterwards re-cap tured, leaving in'their hands two cai ' s'sons. A more detailed repbrt will be made here after." • (Signed) EDWIN M. STANTON, . . Secretary of War Fromm. Washington. Funeral of the Victims of the Lite 2;iplosion. IMPOSING CEREII6NIES. WASUMG4'ON, June 19 The victims of the late melancholy accident were buried this afternoon. Their remains were conveyed to the tomb in seventeen hearses, and were preceded , by two of temperance, and a file otyoung women, asso ciates of the deceased • • . The'President and Secretary of State, Gea. Augur and the Commandant of 'the Navy Yard followed the remains in carriages of which there was over one hundred; in the procesaion. Adams & Co. had .large ei press wagon, suitably dressed,, in' the - line of procession. The police supported the car riages as a guard. of honor. - There was an immense concourse of people assembled on the side walks and at many places along the route. Habiliments orivoe were xery conspicuous.. The section of the city in which the accident occurred is literally drenched with grief. ThecereMates were the most solemn ever witneased- acid had a marked effect which was visible friArywhere. C. G4AFFEN. T. F WAT-014tYt.i MASTIC CriALUNT MANUFACTURYR,' pi'rrrs.JEFtJitp-, Pft., IS 'PRg.PARED to tornish and coat the ex - tenor of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system: This material is' entirely dinerent from all other cements , used heretofore, and is the . . only reliable, imperisnablei'eriating for outside work. Mtied with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it fon= a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, i king a beau tiful; . fine water proof surface and dnish .4rui to Brown Stene or any color desired. Anaong others for whom I have apphad; Mastic Ce ment:3;lE6 .ti following gentielll . ' J -residence, Pena street, Pittelittfg.- J. id' " . • J. li Shoenbenter mid? (.4 4 A. Moeveler, " James lirCandlitesi " Alleghcnrettr .Adams, Third ifilti h T-Itbliteirg j am „,, Wood, oilier St. Charles gaff, William voted, Ward Howse- - , t ales.'.: Barr &Moser, atelMeets Dispatch.B etL U ,yobri B_Cott, - rtisideaCe, Front attpes la ~ , ph. A. Jr. Jones, . Please address T. F. WATSON, P. O. Box 1,806, Pittsburg, Pa., teblB-dilm or, Penna. House, lianisburg, Pa. t~ Li
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