THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. 9FRICE TRIED AST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION• rHe DAILY TsmEGlteill Is Served to SubSCriberS In the city at A. cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $6 00 in advance. These person; who negleette pay in advance will be charged $8 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Die Tr m .solikpli is also published weekly, and is furnished • o Subscribers at the follosiqug cash rates Single copies, , Three copies to one Post °Mee Ten copies to one PoSt 011100 MEDIC ELIXIR DP. WRIGRT'S RETUVENATMIG ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing not r trig Injurion.s to the most Delicate. ,gar-The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, Irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. ra-ThiS. medicine has been tested, by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age sarOne bottle will cure . General Debility. frirA few doses cures Hysterics in females. WOno bottle cures Palpitation of the-Heao. WA few doms restores the organs of generation.- WNYOm one to three bottles restores the manliness and Fell vigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite.' greThree bottles cures the worst case of Impotency ; .1- WA few doses cures tee low spoiled. ' ja-One bottle restore mental power. WA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. ' joy-This melleine resteree to manly vigor aid robes health the boor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure.' AR-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked nit* of business, the victim of a nervous depre ss ion, the In dividual suffering from general debility, or from Weakneis of a single organ, will all * lied immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Au-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, -and forwarded by express, on reeeipt of money, to- any. ad dress • 44- Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. if. R. MERWINA CO., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty street, New York. tuall-eodly CIESIIORRIA PILLS. suGAR-co.ATED MULE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER OERTA AND WFor the IlemovatAf Obaevetions and the insurance . of Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Peziat Mir The y cure or obviate those numerous ; diseasf!s,that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregalariti itself. • oirThoy cure Suppressed, Excessive and Piu'iful Muni struation. AwThey cure Green Sickness (Uk!pros's.) Jew-They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, ou slight exertion, Palpitation , of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, llyEasna, Sick Headache, Giddiness, &c., &c in a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the. cause, and with it •LL the effects that spring froth lb 44-Composed of simple vegetable attracts, _ they 64 sin nothing deleterious, to any constitution, hoydo4 - enema, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never to do. 45y-They may be saltily used at any age, and-at any pones, EXCEPT DURUM THE FIRST TER= ELHNISH,: during which the unfailing nature of their action would iu falllbl7' PH.HVICHT pregnancy. well letters seeking information or. advice will be promptly, freely anti,discreetly answered. • .6EirFull directions accompany each box.: .(w-Price, Si per box, or Ma boasts for $6 gar Sent by mail, tree or postage, on iectipt`of . sKiir.Sold by all respectable druggists. • • • DR W. R DERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors. maul-Midly No. b 9 Liberty street, Now York For sale in Daridsbrirg by S. KUNKEL & Markel street, F 1 N . .Liquo RS siiis_sler,& - Frazer,' (Successors toW tn. Dock, Jr., Sc Co.) • DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROOE RIES opposite the Court House„.eiFeen handeltee selection of • BRANDIES • of different vintages. HIVE AND COMMON WLNES, • , Of Ntieril Ehksqriptiera: IVIIISKYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, + Fi t VE MISS AMM ;SCOTCH . Whiskys, The best ever brought to thismares ' OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR; ••,.. And the celebrated . . CHESTNUT GROVE •Wri_ib.RYl ' ' •-' CHAMPAG'NE, WINES, 8 HLOSS JOHANNESBURG, •t•; CLARET , SODTCH - AND IRISH ALES: : a ; LONDON BROWN STOUT.. WILD MORT, • PLANTATION, WIGWAM TOW BrITEW With a complete stock of ENGLI.kI4 AND AIItERICAN POWILLES And Condiments of every description now tnr ; gm:market ( and at THE LOWEST RATES. Da( 4 , MOTH SACHET POWt*Tc,i, CM PERFUMING LINEN" AND PREVSNTIN. G :MOTH THIS POWDER—a compound_of 7aidatde artistes for the destruction insets—distribEK among_ or: dusted over Furs, woolens, Carpets, ClothtUr h &a, pack e d away for ,summer, will effectually prevent moth. Beinralacy& delightful, diffusable• per.tentelt—sclri-tin pregnate clothing, kc , With a lasting and pleasant odor,. The linest fabric cannot be injured lay its use. Prepared and sold•ta KELLEIt' Drug and .Fancy .ismsts Store, Ne, 91 Market street. rip 23 . . . , P..TEIIPSER, TEAOHER:OF, M USIC OFFICZ WARD'S IRMO STORX 12. N mird Reguienee: Third street, above North. dl5-tf GUM PECTORALS tire weal to 800 ther - a cough, allay Tickling 'the Throat, to renal!! Hoarseness, Catarrh, Sane Throat t &c. They nonillion , Culterma, Florehuand, Ipacacuanha, Senega and ,Sgetll, (the must reliable experterttuta known,) are the chief ; ac tive voustalleow, ea blended with Gum Arabic arid - Sbigai,l that each lozenge euntaine a mild and very pfeasaiiikt . dOel Manufactured Adel). by S. A. SUNK . EL & . jan2? Aillltheraries. 118 Market attedt, ' atiablirg• A - LARGE assortment of Pkiotwraphaaa Raney..La and fancy pictures for sate CHEAP , 453-s.l* . per dolma, ut SORSTFER'S BuOR STO 1.- 1 .. nay2o , .1 Rarrlkti _ iIIErAKS .. .14MS 1 .1 Jut_ Juin caret. Received and for sale at r- SHLSLER nuu2S ginocesaOra to W. Dick. Jr.. . '-- - - —77- :: ' - ' -: " .--.7-- . ° ,7 : "- ' • - -I*--- ; 1 !; - • T T -- ..f. i: _l l-77 .'45 - `;T;. - . - 7- : - .4 - . F , -'.. '''', • ' .-" • ' • -777: :- . 777-- :--- -• ' . • . . .. . ,:. .. , ~.„. ...: ..; _-... „ 7, -..:, : ,.., ,: . , - :.:...,, , 4 ,,, ‘...r t , ' „ir ; .l . l:'' . / . c,. , .;.•::)i: “V.-', - - -'• :_. ~, . .:,,'...• - -..„ .. ... - ..f , -: - - :•• -. • - ' - .' 4l .' r " '--Y-"lllikil.4. ... ...- ... .. -.-..,.. - , -•......- ,-••• . • ' ' ' ... . r' ' • girt • : ritlll.ll6 ....._... ... . . tiail t : 2 -v in 4 - 4. I I • . -'— .r t , : .., " -,, 4 oneweek A ., • ,::: _ : _. . . .. ... ,‘6..Ti... ....,.• 1,,.. A 7r.:.,,1i.:4,11.hiti, , ,e:,,, ,.., „4_e_ ~....,,,._:,: T i _, ~ :.., ~ .... . .., ..,. .... ~..: . b: ... : .... ineThr.. „ . , :xiceri e .c4y i rrrubii i,... y.:r....7. .„ : „ ...,.......;:: ... 7r. ... „ ... ari.H: rit e.g0 . „7:thiriti...;: ad m.....T, . :.„, : r :;... •-. ~... ;,, _ DaTti ....,„ 4 „... ~,,,,,,.,,,..,_ • ..... ..... • ..,..,.......•_...ZlGArryll,. ... _,z.,, -, ~ ... , r. - i:'... 4? , , ~i, . , fJe - , . . 1 ,: . ' . ' ... .. . '‘... .). ' Two months 450 'Tot Mc - i Three months 5Zd Thies mom - - ' llix months seo ft moo, ~ t.:- ::- :. ~, ..v , .-,;',!: : : , !•1 ,::!-:,.,, ,, .-14.,.! 4 , ,,tit ; :„... , . One year 15 00 °mutter . , . - .. r r HA "U N -: AA F 0 II .E2V - --E R ." Webster... . - . - - . - . • • Nora:ea '- , - $1 /SO 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE GREAT Omewill "AMERICAN 11E11E1)1E817 rivoNA Aff, E M R - 06164)- 1 : S" . , GENUINE PREARATIORA,* 11.ELAWLD Ern3Aal ,utucag,,, HgLACBOLD-BrTRACT' SARSAPAZILLA, 11:ELMBOLD rmpßp i veD ROSE T 1 71101 . -: HELM-SOL'ID'S GENUINE TIREPARATIONS. H AT.E D ' IFLIAD, EXTRACT' RUCITIT, A POSITIVE RBMEDY 808 Dyjemags OF THE ELADDER, MONEYS, GRAVEL AND tiItONIOAL SWELLINGS. HEms Medielne . hter&ses the pewei - ' of Di:, gestion,takiai,eitiiiitie , Assoxszprrs iritetulapi action, by which tile t .,wAtKßY or CALONROUE:dIIgibeI-, {ions, and all UNNAVTGEAL ,ENLLEGEmEmm'Are re duced, ea well as . pain and inflainmatiory arid liiimittl4or KEN, WOMEN rn:9II2,DEEN.- .., 1E01:001)." : 8:,.EXiIRACT' F 21 1.- 4 1 § *§.. Arbil ng from xraavw Habits or piatipstion, Early In discietkozi-iir Abase, v. ••t . w• • 4TTENDED NYtiu TIEN 'iv WING STNLPTOICS. Traisi.oaltion toDDr'yne'ssttio f Loss of Memory, •,! - ;,Loseptftwer, Wook.Nerveis, . Dllll 4 9ulty orpottlitreg, fiorrirV-Disease; "Trembl , a . Dimness of , ViAton, , Wakefilnet c l iinivereal .Lassitlide of , the Pain tn,tthe 14. , • f Muscular System-' Flashing off..theaody, Hot Efoo t da, : Eruptions or. Otoiracei Pallid , -Cooutorace, . These simptoras, if allowed to go on; which this :medi cine Invariably removes, somurollow' • • taeo.wcy,AvroiTY, ExuzaTicFriWi' . in one or wtdob the. patient • may. expire.' . Who tan .Iny that they ere not pequently folloWed by thus "direful dbmises,, z 7 , INSANITY AND colirsulumoic Many are aware Of AIM cause of their sagimininrit p o n e w in eonrene; . ,.. - The Moores of the Insane iistliums aid the melancholy lejiths 4 hy Conaurtption, .bear ',Mi. rims to the truth orthe assertion. • • THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE APYBOTED WITH ORGANIC" WEAKNESS, . itequlree the aid of teedlethe'te *Mitten and lin*hittif ate stethylehlehltelatheld , striniet Aldebiiinvferteltbi , deem A .IFial wll .convince the most ikeiitteitt - • • -• • • - • FENA !1`;'1 OR YOUNG; SINGLE, WARM:* ON COMER - . PLATING MARRIAGE , miT3flyfr 4RiPePillar Wftilwilegii* raa rcx 4Bu ehu Wants; Sd. by any other rtinfiedyots le' ":or Retention, Irregujazity,,Painfidni4 or suppression of the. customary evacuatiotiVUleeridsLbr Sehirrlkii State of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites,Sterllity, and for ail com plaints incident to the sex, 15thepher arising from hidi t9 re r , Lion,' Habits of Dissipition or itAbe _; • DEMME OR ClaN"0.11 OF LaPp,„, iTO FAMILY SHOULD: BE 1u:111.01:IT IT. _Take no Balzam,Mercury of trupieasant Medicine for Detileasant and Dangerous DieelBoB.• ," '••••• • HELLEBOLD'S,EXtRACT BUCHU ; - Cures Secret Diseases in all thatr stages• at little expense; tittle or no change in diet; no Inconvenience and no.expo. sure. it causes frequent desire, and gives strength, to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curingStricturesirif the•UreUutavallayingpaln and' Mem. Indio; so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling. Poisonous, Diseased, and Woruout Matter. 'Thousands Upon. thousands who heve,beest theTictattutottusekNitud ishb have paid heavy fees to be cured In a short time, have rrid they were deceived, ands that the "Poison" has by "tuSe of ”powertukAstrusgeritain bean dried" up zirt:the eystem, to tire:sk out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after martian's, • • • Use HELNIBOLD'S Einticr BiIICHII for all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or .Female; from whatever, cause originating, end J no inatte.r,of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs; require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACI' fIUCHIJ is-the Great - Diuretic, and it is.cerbtin te UNA the desiredz.edect,in all, Diseases for.viltigh it recom.. Mended. Hehnbold is Highly.Poncentra 7 ted Conipound:FLUlD EXTItACT.SARRAPARILLA SYPHI LIS. • This Is an atiection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexed Organs, Linings of. the Nose, Extu,Throat,.Wind pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, makingdts appearance In the form of Ulcers. ' Edrtict Sarsaparilla pu rities the IBlood,and remove" all Scaly; :Eruptions "Maw, Skin,siving to the Complexion a Clear and Healtim,Colon; It being prepared expressly for this cliee of complaints; its Blood-fitrify,ingproporties rtropresarved to aßester extent thannitYPthkPieP.l4 l / 4 4 4 9 110 ; Se l 4 l oo*'4 , B]ci]mmuss WASH. An excellent Lotion for diseases of a HYphilitinSatd*" and as an injection in diseased Af the'. UriAry, - Onistike, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts' Biachiz BaiatiParilia, aiteb"ditiediee as recommended. • Evideneitiif the moat i . esliadddhle Ind fa liable character will accompany'he Medicines:" CERTIFI CATES OF cuss trowel's* . to twenty years atanding, with manes known - to' Science and 'Fame.' For Medical Pro United erties of Buchit,' ewe S cience Sr - gie See Professor DEWEPS :vtlluable WOW on the , PrordidiOr Physic. Sce 'remarks made -by - ihe lareAfelebtata,, Did.. PHYSICS, "See 'ir 'remaik . mi2l; =, bi, EPHRAIM MoTOWELL, a celebrated Physician iind ber of the Royal Cellege of Sageoiii,'and' &Wetted In the Transactions of the King's and Queen'e Jotting: Sea : Medico-Chirurgimi Review,published BEbrJ. TRAVERV Fellow of the Royal College of Rurgeona.:.Nnie' intim o thdlati_slandard works on Medioine. Extract of `Bnchit i $ll 00 per bottle, or six trollies, for . $0 sd. Extreet,,o Sarsaparilla,- $1 oo per • bottler' or✓air tor - SF OF Im proved Rtate Wash, 60 ce n ts per bottle; or or half tt.gozeo each Rif 'S).2 00, whfelr will"be'-aufficient,. to cure the bast obstinate cases, it directions lie ai lltir&V, `Delivered to any address, eiterely'*ejled 'Miro serration: : Describe akmpionne to all agadauhaticiiii , ei re s:gthas Advice !podia. • - bora. tae an.Aldernnui - of the city of of Philsdettib t io:i;ltt.ll#3,`no.s . -beitieddij , titts i i is io maroons, no ton' ery "j:ll244&*.A lerVILl7lOl.D e. „ SFeeks and Sullixtbad Itelbrin M I MA - 1 1 g *A. , APri- 1 / 4 . l A' ' " r .s ans W A MP I V et iI 4 P I4: V ti c , "I , Ada Depot, 104 IMO 10th street, below Cliesinut, Amadei. ‘.• POO* MEDICAL. aigioariny IIIIMIIIII141?1;1 W=M = lON-NOW - - -I:l.4.ggtOv'g.o,-,., , ....k:, :. ,Tus-sbxY, gvgNTI:N . q:;. - ,'1,17.Ng, x4,,,-i15.044.;, • THE; UNITED, STATES HOTEL, HARIWEFURG, PA / • • -=—• • proliakietOr. 'known 161-is'riovti in 'a -.9 .. „ di . trod ciraCtiitaimodate 4 1 4,C:raveling Pli , nt guest TBlSliien .U O . . . 6 „ ; affording the most. ample oenveuiermeti alike for the trawhe , tad the ERA boarder- A 4 * 't .!, ~, _ , n entirely ;refit: THE ITED BTATES 110TEL,4aF b_ft oflatlona equal an Led throughout, and , . now lulls accomm between ~,,.....ei_ extpnt,_comfort " 11 . _d• ..,luxuryi !trifi tp,i I, lb tturratl . pllati.alid 1111, 4 1.1 44. s" to all' 'Uri 't•aOtaii dePots,:fw . 17 P cl ital' osp;p lie ro m M g ra n it7WalTA , pub ali tio Oulftlecea. ctialafriekibe44.6caliFelgot. is oallibil ar tia'ait,T.' lt„bfirw .• : ~ . A .1 , 1 84.1 . „, c -r , .4-4s -IEO r, „1,,. and. the Proprietor :le ..detensitted uw ... veew..: ex. pe ;time or l sneers oo .. 1 f th e truuy son_ The',patronage or the terrolizig , publlo a , reepec leu4ti , ~.. • S FATE CAPITAL HOTEL . : •• • 130it'NF4t'OF TaTBD .- 4.bihr wA.120 - .1. STREBTS, ' THE undersigned having purchased this well saciarn UWl6'lllll4' imbsygedvollicitimikhOi renovated 2 TM:in:Mina have. ean reAlainteditd&Papered;and the entiiC;entalfAliment elegantly ':iii-toiniaboC Being plea santly and eligibly liica*elf; and proidded••iiithevery cop: . ffenienct, it Cnbriionithe Dahlia all the ccinifinis dad'ittta ries:of b. 'Mat class' wait , • Trim* and - obligit;feseti-anto MOrtiya inoattendance: Mocked 'with: Choice liquors IS attached to the establishment • ' Ptoprtefa. , JA - N Oomerni Market street and Idarket*** . , . r • • • • " JT A8RI•48 If ILO .P.EI NAV AM" 4 Propriet,or. : nor t litt •-- • • • . d. PliC.Ektilkaßti , ID et 'sx it a.l P.,x",e4 p r,a.. i n. cpuiqui4kup .pinnascia • - • 145 „ , oIijORIOAN L YCiar WASHI ./11=1 , , BE ' elegant,ligeparations combine ;the at_ must desirable eldammag- arid astringent qualities. Tlieydrender the Gumsbard gad healthy; neutralize the acid secretions ,of the mouth, (thO - reny removing the fat= causootilecay .) deteitive prime:Mies they preserve themanirainolor of the Teeth', without in the lean degree injuring the enamel, while they , impart to the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatic: and pleasant.z.: In factitheyrare THE BEST ARTICLE , S nse for the pur poses named, as a lair trial will fully 'demo:dame, land , as has been abundantly proved by , thelr extensive /sale , Iri this community.dering the lest Ft years ;rand which will tie readily. rastitled to by many who have repeatedly ,arged - the Proprietor to still further ex s tend tneir eale and µserfdom:. They are-wifiranted to qree from those destruct : we acids ap•ch.sp frequently eciateannate, minty of Ihe'prepiiiiiinns of the present day, Prepared ands* at the Dental Exionti3 of the Proprietor, corner of voi:Cond #St ala ulart4VWll-3., .14E0 1 kAric4 I 4•EIV Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the priheini'd Drutguste of the city. i ap2l-dtf '~7 • l. tit:, ' i ....t: i.s i ~ - :: 2+,4. A vr 4. e..:''" .. W9YP 1 0 4. 4 . .Y....FF . Lt "- 4 .. V 4 ' a. ri,' 1 nli' ' f, ER lv:Or''ST YLE.S TOUKET_ROOKS PURSES - , Po itli Xc 51±7, S?) A— .i l E 1 POE LADIE S AND GENTLEMEN, 4 4 .: KE L .i. Avr,, •;'.'C1......i' k` .:..• • - .4. Ltit*. , i . .r ' ' ig anI A#V I C I A DC"III : I # 9 I e ‘ i f U . k: • ; ' 1 •. . . :Aro.,94rAectk4.4Q,.::::::;i7 .; .., ~. :, . . : 111640.1tHmorce6,1. ::, .. , i TRAVELING SATAgG•ELS,..- , ' Ands general variety of PANCY• GOODS, mutable 'lnv Presentivlnow on nand at 7 lIELLEIVS'Drug*.i.; . 1 iiiatlO4f • y I - - ' ', : 14iritet 'Or*. 1 . law piTTLADELPHLi „ C=I:OAK BYOB, IN D. W. GEM' 41 - EW BLOCS, Market Street, Harrisburg. 'I,OOOMFF74 II7 4et STYLES OP PASMONABLES ' 4 , OLCOAKit, N.D ,GIROUL AR'S, ; • ' Aim. - • FINE; SPRING MOMS. 4 wlll 014111 . : 411 . the of April *tat-4r ~~GV BAKERY, Broad Street lietweea lecoitil and Thirji , • . .„.!..rzArtßisairta '' ' • - --.. T''' . undersigned has opened a. fie*" ,BA KHRY ' , ln the'StxthrWiinkahere he Is pleated* te uxiblil3READ - 2.ITD - C2Mirracifeliiiiairiable . rate He arraata eenefactant toliCwhii 10114:1;v01m a lira _ HO IR sell his bread at the rate of IVE CR 1yj , 74 I lf EPF OU . IV lad fall F weightliTuutte , r:1 :-:,., ....:Jct i Efil ; a4,oop , at Janelat " " " PH OT OGIIMPti DALB U M S. PhotolgralikElAtbisitts. -7 0 11: .1 Photograph, Albums. Photograph Albums. ,_1? hologrh Albums. HE largest and * dliaapesr " variety of PHO.- p t c TOGRAPH-ALB iF MS in:the oitr i ar t e . censtantlikept [maz l2 ) IRTFR.9 A .pm aooKsroaz. G"t4El5 ;kit:1111'8;0' 1 ' EIfERY DESORTEki ttiort: B.9.llCEBOridltigt *obliged manufactigers. iattn, •• • OLIVE OILS,. -; MUSW DBE. everrthescriptiond . BROWN :SMUT; FINE TEAS, corksv, ;SHSAR and 8 rRU.Kof all.grens4 ancLprices, and thirbest•setebted stock Tatatde o f >'hllndelpht All goods iptainurteed!as represented. , Partioularetttentionrpsid - teall ordossfrorn at:patinae. . tlockfiCeiVitunipdtiked`sind delivered to all parts oil tbA Ity the of charge. - SHISLER FRAERR, my 6 : summers to W. `Dock, Jr., & Co. Pp,iNpS„ ILBREOId ..Exop.Taloß - prAns. . SOLE AGEhrc't AT, Fr; SNORE:ES, • 91144arketvarieti frArrteloitti , - OR BAW 3 ONS. , Rerfeatly,satiaftiotcitY to rbevoitoker-tbe agency of the above moot ;Orient Pianos. ...The public le invited to come and es fontnemselves. A:fejactkomacker & Coif! rtenooon band yet_will be deol mar2s,4l TRANSOIII PAPER. A BEAUTIFUL assorlia of TRAIT' sO)4 :x pArR,R. Call alikEee it at Actox v2O —}4lollsbatfl, ?fa :039tit:k 4 Ali.. EVratokti . l,o"Ts amt, Agar tiarattparafor aide laqatre at *ALTERS Store. cornet etteratiefidtTßlOlALreeta.- .2. ," . 111 .17-E" OILS.-fv,Fine salad oils just relayed Pe w wart: l 49..F.l Ptver j -„ Artfr o,,,,,. fins lot of CANNR L D ''tdidi'Venrkrtits. - " All5O, SUPERIOR "PINE Arms, FRESH PEAS, Ere., jose resolved by myl44lK JOHN WISR, UMW., mu' Walnut. MCWW)=9 N .k A JOIN,MESOLIJTIONfproposing certain o , rendments-to the Conatitutionrof , , ; ; Be itresoited by the Settateired Rouse of RepreselitegiMet ofAka, Parom,veglaof l'arzfeytßenife fitment,/ 0 1.perroc hry the* That the' folrowing' aintindirvx, ` prdpdaed r dr the , Constitution ofdb.e •• Comnionweidthi . in uccordance) witluth:e prqvisiOnsp, .the argots thereof; . Them tio ar Miditicsull.spetion t o the third, article , (if the Coliatitatiotr, - tri he' deli seetion four, as follows: "Snormic_4„ Whenever any of the qualified ele,st4)!a of hb anyleotual 'military •= -r vice; under a reciumition frau the President of the Uni States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may essrptsc the ,right of suffragirin all elections, by thgrititifus, undepsuall'ttigullOotWas are, or, shall:: be, presuribedby law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election." Segues 2. ,Therpf hall be,two additionalseetionsto the, 41evetWarticio 11,1 tliefOonitliiitiOn,:tii .deefunatedkinr: sections eight and nine, as follows: : "Ssortos 8. No bill shall bei passed by the Legislature, Oontaipingliumr k thernonelmbjsct, which sheik, nisetriy Oxined , iriftite.titielekielptiapproprhiuMibilla.P. "Swims 9. No bill shall Inapnased by the Legislature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the, fmthcifityttrgranalifich powelfaibr priVileges, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth.", „ HENIpf JOHN SON, speaker of the Ileuee of Reprerentattem JOHN P. PLNNEY, ' : _ ' Npeaknr qf the Senate. &net! OF TRH SlitiirlßS!' OF an 1 0011126NWRILLTH, :.tiusraissuita;Apri! 1864, , • - • ,r d fibrehy certify that theforegointilse roil true and carrect copy of the original Joint Veablution; of the General Assembly, entitled A Joint Resolution' proposing, certain Amendments . .tb the Constitution,,'as,tttesole reinuincua tilp in this offioo Is Tilexuaosr Whereori' -I have ifterellitt set 'my [L. a.] hand and caused the seal or the Secretary's el fine to, kaallined, the dayand year Wiese written. ELI SLIFER, •, ' Secretary ?If ' the Commonwealth.. The above resolution having been agreed 'by it ma jority of - the member et each Rouse at two eneceasisre 5ee.610118,9f the peuesslillseemtgy Of, this Copitrionwealth, theiiioncrsed, amidia i tnenta will nnbmitted to the pee- . pie,'for their `adopti o n or itijeotien; kin the ifisi TURODAIr OF. AnOtteT,L , in the year or our Lard , otte 4 11tOusatid eight' hundred and sixty-four, in acconlitticuwittithe tenth arti, ele or the qmsdtution, and the act, entitled ',;;An Act ,pre. scribing um tithe and mariner of itiptOtting to the pep " pie r fur theirltptorb4.ll riamdion , re)ection, the. pre.' , tceed,amendmente: to the:Conatitutilx4). , *proved the! twenty-third day of April, one thousond 'eight hundred and sixty-fur, -r ,; ; - . ELI-§kr,t;k. • ap2l' • ' ' ;V I ilia Copia2neratlLV l . Ilk MELODEONS AND OLB.L.NET WIG/CM:- 1.11 - • T WEWT Y4LX. FLECST E I EP,AMMIS, • TWELVE . SILVER MEDALS, _ . l . , ~,. ONLY GOLD'KEDAT.: Inver won by instruments of this 1. --..01a50) --, . 11.401 i AJIAMLINS Xstieli bon ap74 4 . , d ti l A hilt t rtnietskif Waiialnitirtlinimus oft W KNOCHE'S Sole Agent, 1 Jet-2tawly7 " 4 . 93 Markel. street. , - if s ? Thomas C. Pallwriiitirell ) A. t, o i r e y -.a —a, -for OFFICERiTHWIMSIX.,BELOW,PINE. 'ialticiaseka A LiArianteittatiwizoi &tomato to, aid claims ataidtVd‘VOLinis,theagaiWid or Stntejeloferpsnenta t eltko ,ll k:OcuPaT4 .tkopeowt.lor quumNat,WasMagunieity, or al Hgrisurg,-witnout un necessary &Ant and on mcidiatarietOiHrat -apnictifin"' 11017SV,:' C ARE,II Y . 47'i.1118 hotel-wilhle - opened June-I6th. The': IL • houeslass been.putoinAttorough retutlr, and 'nearly. (we. loutdredjurg and: greatly BATH Roljt3B% wUlto,readefor the. accommodation orguests. Its caintoityand-each departroentaillf bie•equal,-Itnet . . iluperlori - toaiipHiptel upon , Band has been secured for the season; * - • Address • • O. J.' BOLTON,. ~• v: • • • - o-Pioprieter, . CaraasiiisniT.N. •..: - ?, 1 0:;c7g 5 J : ;Philada. LisL.ltken,..Jerief,Shore,Willituaspor.t r Watsont4pw::, Dlitteni: Lewisburg;'NotthiiiitiOtintid bury, Thiveztol6 l targettM, • ;Lykens E,Daaphino : AND HARRISBURG. • The PhiladeltildirDefig * Wiedetitially located, the draYakezta-bliAllP 14 1- 1 !J!. RMS.:, Pe' ctill.4 01 ?!. througaswith'each train to attend to the safe dohrery of allrEtoda•tritniateittetitit9 Doods , delivewidAkthe pot of FREED, WARD,..R. ?REED, Al Market street, Philadelphia, hy 6 O'Cltialei.'it, wilt be 'delivered In Hat fishing thoneat I l'rO6l4tiAAYrAYl, OMICX !.-!'.l • Waft., .2. • • , ...dOB.II4.ONTGONERT. • - • etiligde phis and Depo , , 0ct21.4t ; ; root of• Market atreet, tfarrisharg nvF.A:DrkENls.giAostr. 1301a*tilt WALNUT AND itrra - Orispe,. - • Harrisburg,. Pa. t t,TI aiiiderldgnefiJaaTilig opened a, Marble,- 'Void in thisoity . ,l,4,,foove to inform their frioriai ‘ addlhepubliii goacrid , " 141 ttiey s Plfa. prepared 10. fur-, MARBLE WOIWOFEVERY DESCRIPtION Monuments,.. • _ • Tombs, • f ; • , liead. Stones, Mantlear • ' • And House Wicorilin Maiblezand Brown Stone. Givagaa can -mat snietragum , r , r 'I/TAWS &613. 1-4:atoi:lng , neittly no . 'Jig neigh or German. • • -- flibiDkix irlD4* - QLt.11.4 /7 JO~Qitx fine and eXtellsllla.B.,, pf.cturea,ve mum% Card on Albrmq mpg tor J. graph the reception added a BEAUTIFUL araz d„ w ill b e admired. vher 91,e, lowest whole- haver•pictures. --- n o d at tuaiy."TF ' $125 per PhotesreAters BALM*, ap oact , thr E'Lo7pria a , and their 004 at , • , L lid, wholesale and .„ Fetal' EIFS'BOOIt R A:Y.of. the beat qualityis offered for sale. H COI at, NOORMICK'S COAL OF.F.ACHaet the Canal Rtterisbulg , • 43 0 -if , . , A-- New Two Story FRAME HOUSE, with a 2-3z-firemratelltom ,, E(KwrinNowthecornerot Mgr , street and Strawberry alley.,..;Alsq, the Frame Houee red`: joining. For fUrriter partlealarstatquire at Isedy's Shoe Store, Market street, uron the premises. mF23-tf . DANIEL LErDY.. QAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Atple,.. petagd New York State chime, just received at ' • ' 4 IIIHISLEIt a'FgAZSR.' Y 6 • - &Cgs -el, CREAMNIITS • —P...P li - E r . • - ...- • - -- . .4 ~ alialjustrecoiebd'a tine' election' 01V4111.04.tut trime . For male by thebarrol, buster 'or' eentity at EIBILSLEX & FRAZEE, ltbit (eaccteeore to Wso.poolt, jr., h Co.) -' ~ 'm ..'~... rrme+-d ~ . ~scr , ~w"k~'~~. - : 38 .~5~':~ , 'i.;: 5 ~..~...~:» ~ _~, ~ .~. ::~::,....._ HAY! Alt UAY:II3 Valikable.Property for Rale. " AIMEE SPVRAgat'= • 4:R./S.4lmrsi•Pik • PRICE • TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITION. tp(cLusIVELV FcalitiMil.:TT,El.EGßAjw INLAND LINES. • From Nemr, York. (The , ".3Vozirld" :.and “J,ournal of Com goite:4,lll The ease ofjMurray vs. Petrie. wdsjEw To - AK, Tana 13: The draftin the Seqund f ,cougressicaud dia &let ( Brooklyn] to ok - place to-day. There was no excitement, and ever passed ore qu ietly: • - - • At the:- 00110iIISiOW of the Hunter=Watder, ease to-day, a Uraud , jury was etupanelletL Judge Ituasell charged chiefly in renitence to Woiqd and Jearitat-Com merde, arduipg that if the.-hews bk this . State ham j .lseAlti.2.w:dated. by the Yresideut of any other ()Meer, the parties.eaforcing that viola lation are responathle, and Charged that the officers and studitai who - seized tuese offices are punishable for hot. Marshal , Murray, :in; ; the, .matter of A. ; W. Petrie, who lately reoeimed •judginent in his favor of $9,000 againat'hiin, deinei that Pe trie was held in taistedt - longer than three days denies that he Was placed in a cell at all, and denies that T he was required to pay any of Judge Murray's friends any sum what ever foi'drii*iiig a bond. Later News from Europe, ARRIVAL OF:THE OIEAMER DELGIAN. : • DEFEAT. OF THE BRI•TISE AELEISTRY. JUGB,- Jane /3 The steamer, .Belgian; from Liverpool on the 2d : inst., and, Londonderry, on. the , 351, paSsed . thia Place for 1/u:4:l4e,.yesterday. The'lsortli AM - el-lean arrived out 0/1 the gal' 'Toe giotoraltiows ariimportant, • On a division, in a fult,...uuuse of Commons, the government wao defeated by 1U niajoilty. • 14v.ki2oobCorrOitl nkss.,----Cotton bteany. Sales 45,000 bales fOr week. likukerietut Sundutugt ..Other descriptions ' id- and Id. • ' Weitilikufis tniri and tending upward, Ctinatils cliised"on the Scl al 911a914 money eX;dividend. • • .• - /Butois Central sharesp-29a27 per cent. die count.,, Brie, ,55427. . • ,• • Lincoln Ratillcationßleeting in s Indiana.;` -- - ' INDIANAPOLIS, June 12. kmass meeting to ratify' the nominations of the Baltimore Convention was last eight andisrgelrattendeen—Addree made. by (lov. Morton-tuid other prominent sPeft4. 3 4 . r u 'L!t 'srti Gov:Alka*oja, lefnrriiigto .; ChM. Frdrhoiirs lettetaZtirttirng tlieF;riofdfhatibh'%f thiteliViVa land CocAntion, - And the silence of Frimont, in . regsrdto tye . prosecution'of the war and Suppreasion-of the rebellion , ,gave rise to most pauaul apprehensions of his true position.— ,(2d0r,t0i.4, had cintied his standard ,in)56,. and:lnidiov/ifed,to a:ensile him as a politiOimi eifd:thilitaftellieftant,and-heverNuitiehei saw' that letter had cause' to regret what he had ..11 The letter gave joy to his enemies and pain to his friends; and, omitting one or two sea._ wilco% !i_guiTeehilllothin*iipit Bat might - not have heen Written arersa&cribed to without inconsistency by Mr. - Valhoidigham. %-7,;: Death of Hon. Francis ! ie tow:' _ Loonivnzu, June 12' Zion. Francis M. .iristolr, member of the Tldri#4llitli-Congressi- died' at -Elkton, Ky., on Friday, of heart disease. .:j 1 XXXYfflth Congress---First: Session. WASHINGTON, JAILS 13. ,Hooss.—Mr. Dawes (Mass. ),from" the Com mittee on EleCtions,:to 44U message of the President in reiation,tpxlOtaly: appoint ments was", referred,' made' .a report:thereon, concluding with a series - of rem:4l44one de claring that Robert C. SoliCend4" haying re- signed his .cominissiOn. as ,Majoi*eneral of. Volunteers °lithe 21st of Ncciember, to take effect on the,, sth . of PeOember; was not by reason of ' having held such office disqualified from occupying :n: seat in the Thirty-eighth - Congress as representative from Ohio, the Session haVing commencedd on the 7th of December • 'butthat P. P. Blair by continuing to hold the offiCe of Major-Gener al:of Volunteers and discharging the duties thereof , from NOvember 29 . ,..1803„ tiltjanuary, 1664„„thusdiscpalified himucif from holding in a f seatthe . `„fhirty-eightli, CongresS "which met Peceoiher, 7,.1863. - The report was for the westint laid - on the table, and ordered -to be prinfed; ' On motion of Mr. Schenck, a committee of conference was asked of the Senate on the disagreeing . ainen:dmentato the bill to increase the .pay,of sold era,. • _ Mr. Stevens (Pa.) made a from t h e Oomniitteelon.,Oonfererice on_the, disagreeing to. the Senate'. amendments to the ,Military Appropriationbill. _They were principallY in regard to_making the , pay of negro Soldiers the same OS that of white soldiers frchn the Ist of. January last,. so as to incbide.the_back pay of the two Massachnietts negro regiments, and_ itajust,raieed in. South carotins and Louis. an . 1 910,report.of the Conference Commit tee cc:adage ; • _ "All persons of color who were free on the 19ta k , 9 f Aprti, j lB6l, and who have , been bead' &MI - mustered into themilltary Se vice' of the United States; - shall, front the time of their enlisfanenti be ..entitled to receive the Pay, bslisAW othpag,,allowedto,suchper. $404 sopsby Wt5t33 2 c1414: - . at the pine; of 2 firel l ! l 44. question • i s leav au w oi r ; l ap provision, r a34-71:rthe Attorney 'General shall decide that any such, enlisted peanuts .tea..: ~.•~-~ .~'~'=_. .-. 'half taineie. Jere. C 4) I 20; - 7. • 6 (0 9 f 1 1.- 101/018.;.C.1:11•W'' 16 0 Marriage Itenean relgik. - - Auditor's Notices... 1 Ibuteeal Notieeseseh insertion 40' ..„ ggirisusinere equate ineerted in the Loci dig;l4s„ or -before Mlnsertion.arriages and Deaths, Kum Cerra PEN Los ftz reach are entitled to r e any pay, BUM" or clothing in addition to what they have al ready received, the Secretary of War shall make all necessary regulation to enable the .pay department to make payment in accord ance with such determination." The report was 'concurred in ; yegs 2Q p4ys 58. The genate hai alteady adopted it. - Mstakets by Telegraph. • . • EVIGADELPIITA, dune 13. Theri?..l2l . less doing in breadstuffs, but the mar.ket44 §t.cie.,ks of all descriptions continue small; and. ,prreen remain without essential change. •- ( There is a firm Meting in flour, but not muclidoing for export. ' Sales of 200 bble. imperfine.ratc k 7 25 per barrel; 1,000 barrels goodOltio,..extra family at $8 50; 250 barrels may :113 75; .600 barreli choice extra at 4808 12f,"'itiid 1,000 barrels Delaware- mills extra on.terms itc,t made public. The sales' to 'the retallers and bakersrange.from our lowest quotations . up to *lO 25 for common and. .tancy feta,' according to quality: Rye flour ii scarce kid firm at $7. In cornmeal nothing rioing,,quA .there is but little here to operate There is firm feeling in wheat and a steady Mqtdry. - 'Sales 01.2,500 bushels red on psi- Vete terms, 1,500 bushels Southern dO. at $1 90®1 91, and 3.000' bushels Penna. at $.1'8701 88 busleL 'White ranges fioni' $1 95 to $2 10. Rye commands $1 56@1 57. Corn is' dull and - the only sales reported are small lots of yellow in store. at f 1 5601 57.. Oats are steady at 87®88 cents VI Wane!. Whisky is rather quiet. Sales of Penna. and Ohio barrels at $l. 32@1 34, and dradge at $1 30®.1 31. NOW York Marktto. New Yeas Juno 13 Flour quiet; sales of 10,500 barrels; State, $7 60@8 10; Ohio $8 35(0,8 40; Southern $815(®1. Wheat Brain; sales 12,500 bushelS; Chicago Spring $1 73®1 80; Ililwaukie`Club $1.7501 81; Red western *1.85®1 90. Corn declining; sales of 13,000 bushels .at $1 52 155. Beef steady. Pork firm at 533 87.414 4 34. 'Lard quiet at 15®154e. ' Whisky' fuin at 32t.-i.Receipts• flour 20,000 brirrels; Wheat 132;000 bushels; corn 97,000 bushels. • 'New York Stock. Market.. Stocks lower; C. L 114 l; Crasherland dreferred 78; Illinois Central 129; Miehig - aa . Southern 1941; New York t eentral Sylvania Centralllo; Reading 1411; Erie 1181; Chicago; Poniington kquincey 144; Cleve land& Pittsburg 112.- Gold 1951; one year • certificateia's 971; treasury 7,3-10 s 1071; Prvi,z twenty coupons 1058; conpons Beralcsoas, June 13.; Flour active at $7 7507 871 for stipeillne.-.,. WIRMit firm at *2 I.o.tqr.,white. Corn. at.., $l - 54 fof white. Whisky didl and notarial at $l3ll. Groceries quiet. NE K' A:DTERT ISE atENirs: , . . NEW GROCERY_ AND MORRO* STORE. .0 .- OYER & HOERP.VR -; w H 4 5:7.4k 8 A Lk,. AND gETAIL, GROCERVE Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF 'OOIIIiT.RY PRODUOE 4 . HAVE just opened a Lugs and well selecte d stock of goods at their mond, No. 3 Market Svaie, liorrisbarg, Pa., to Which they Write the atteutioo• of the Out?* generall.Y. nolo-cily A. P. ZrAIMF.R I AIAN, Practical Wvitcli • Ko. 6.1 Market Street, Karrist!tirg; Pa. -DRA.I.ISAt IN ?DM WATCHEA. 011.1M8, iTLIK SILVER WANK, PLATED !WARE, TEA , SKRTICKS - < AND ALL KINDS OF Hes constantly on hied a well selected and elegantly assorted stock of PINE WATCHES. CHAL4B, . . FINE SILVER WARM AMERICAN, ENGLISH 'AND SWISS WATCHES, • Both in Gold end" Silver Cesea Also, a dna assortment of . C Ilt.F. S (35m..tivally on hand: . • LIEGE VARIETY OF CL°4CITIS.I Of alt deporiptiensi all of whielk will be sold ac 1.4. LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mr Call'sud examine ttle, gooits Parnadarattention pahrxis repairing of fine Watches% Mich as Chronometer% Duplex and other eeinbratea Watches; and - oll' 'kinds of Jewelry neatly - repaired. None but the moist competent_; workmen eniployed, and. the whole matter under my own PersetudauperviMon. • - • A_ F. 211151.MMAN, • mar2B] Nu. 52 Market street, adjoining Brani'aikaLL • NO - EXCUSE - FOR EXPLONIONS?- ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR,: I .7, Is AIN INFA TALTBLE PROTEOTION asainat .- , any powible injury to steam baiers, frdiu 'ai lack water, which is the great source of so many sad coitastr o_ phes, and - so much damage from the bunuiut of:bow'. • We warrant this instrument to be a perfect fiklwripic i _ itipanst such contingencies; perfect satisfaction '-iilSant.l teed -uo O. - Pried' $5O. - • ur Ito pay. Send for an instrument and try it; if not natisfh*iii ' , on may return It Oitrotdara with . referattees searto taw - Quo at( uttrttug them. Address . your 001IIMUltiq409M D :C. Ifs.A.Dzw. 'car, • Pittsburg . Pat- my4Alhrtf • 1 --- n srvNG WEDDING, v ITATTOM V Ain) AT HOME CARDEL.:—BY it *Mid firringaiienC yitti one of the, beet engravers-in the' .country,. canbi any description Will be executed in - the highest 'styli of art, conformable with the latest - fitadoli„ and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the gallop ers in New York er,Ftilladalptda. For samples and PrimeP call at - ; BERGNgItS BOOK !CORY., me.h6-dtf EAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SA* The several properties of the Estate of AL-. I.lKlif 'deceased, in the clef of Harrisburg, cothisktinga/ 'Houses on Front street and Chestnut street, at and mem 'the c o r ner o r F r ont an Clients at streets ' a vacant heist! Italherry street, ThM" , St*, .9.1:1C491, " Res of itindnethedasternitiusltallitirket sEraeL Aral Tor sale. For4ermitaLiAleapay.p,their.ign...t , Sevint;ft and Noble streeti;rdifferplia: ufeHt.dtll-: • • -,tITHWEASAXIHEMS IP- a ' ? El4 ; 4* rorularZ• l °td f ) .* C -P: r oatr, ^ :paw, Jos t received and ror le b t ysnot" febl feneeemeon to Wm. Dock, Jr , 4r. `ca. 01 1 141 1 e vertlehig in the Thiza-: do-wth4ll44t-treek---- _ squi MI /nth /021./ 1 mo lIIT NEw YoBK, June 13 DEALERS ar BETS OF JEWELRY.., RING% • - AND SET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers