giaik Etitgrap4 HARRISBURG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, ENE 14, 1864. FOR - TIIE AMENDMENT OF TILE CONSTITUTION OHANTTNG THE SOLDIERS' RIGHT TO VOTE. Election Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1864. NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, Abraham Lincoln, OP 3LLTh.'OI3. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Andrew itiohnson, As EXPLANATION.—John•H. Berryhill, Esq., President of the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph company, desires us to say that we did him injustice in stating that we paid him for the dispatches. We had no idea to convey , .the impression that he received our money per', sonally, but we paid the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph company, of which he was and is to this day President and chief manager, We have no personal quarrel with Mr. Bekryhill or any one connected with that corporatiun; but we have a great deal more to say about the manner ih which they have imposed on the public, taking their money without render ing service therefor, &c., &c. Have patience, gentlemen, you shall all be satisfied. What the Copperheads are Figuring .to Prove. The Copperhead journalists of the country have a hard task before them—one of their own choosing, too, out of which to figure mischief. Li the first place, they, Have set themselves to work to extol the good qnalities of John C. Fremont, assorting for him the possession of rare merits as it statesman and glorious advantages as a soldier. Indeed, it is even hinted in the inner circles of Copper headisin, that it would be good policy for the leaders of that faction to forego a nomination for the Presidency, and rally their deluded followers in support of Fremont As if to tempt these adventurers, Fremont, MIAs let . _ accepting .the Cleveland nomination; does not vouchsafe a word in support of the Akar to crush rebellion—does not convey a single reproof to those who are engaged in a wicked conspiracy to destroy the Government. Thus far the " Wooly Horse" meets the approval of the Copperheads. But the leaders of that faction cannot harmonize their feelings with those lately entertained by Fremont on the subject of the inevitable African. The fight ing qualities of Sainbo were first recognized by Fremont He it was who insisted on the arming and enlisting of negroes, and now, lei such sheets as the'Tory Orgali are act ing as the mouth-piece of Fremont, lauding his-Ah_ttleter and-exaggerating his " suffer- ings " at the hands of the Administration, they find it -extremely difficult to reconcile their opinions with those of Fremont on the fighting qualities of the negro. This morn ing the 7'ory Organ Maituffictures a lie to the effect that Lieutenant Geneial Grant does not trust the negro:troops, and refuses to use them for any other work but that of the drudgery of the camp. When the conductors of the organ in question lack falsehoods, the rebel lion will want vigor. Here is the paragraph .which the Toiy Organ manufactured to create a misapprehen sion of General Grant'S estimation of the fighting qualities of the negro : "General Grant, it is said, has little c;onfi deuce in the colored troops, and will not trust them in battle. They are used solely for do ing guard duty' and the menial duties of the camp." It is a fact well estOlished in the annals of the army that .negro troops have fought brave ly in all the actions in which they have par• tioipated, and that General Grant is too good a soldier and too true a man to depreciate the merits of those honestly fighting for the safety of the Government. What bothers 'the tories is the success of the negioes. This is what itches these rascals. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES TERASITEER.-4 New York exchange states that the visit of Mr. Chase has probably something to do with the selection of an Assistant Treasurer for New York. The position is cur where valua ble serike - cau be performed; btit tbe Officer omit work hard for lesi pay thsn could be got elsewhere. In the opinion of competent judges, the transfer of Mr. McCollongh from the Bank Department at Washington to New York would give Mr. Chase an officer possess ing not only his, confidence, but one having financial ability of no ordinarY character.— He has,thus, far filled every position to the adVantage of his'elients, and has all the quAi: fications -necessary to success in this most re sponsible , . position. Tax Hos. AARON H. Os. mars, of Lebanon, N. H., who will succeed the Hon. John:P. Hale, as United States Senator on the 4th of March next, was fast chosen to. the House from the Third District of that State in 1855-.—suoceed ing a, Democrat—and was re-elected in 1857. He retired at the close of his second term. die prime of life, solid, practical and ulyuasuming, and a devoted Unionist • NEW Tons, June 11.—A report prevailed on the Stock Board this afternoon that General Lee died in Riohmond on Thursday. It sent gold down with .a rush to 93 i. —Telegraphic sPa.tPh-, . - If it had sent the gold speculators down id hell, it would have accomplished a good pur pose. . . . GUSTA-V l 7B W. Slant, the former coliperhead street commissioner of New York city, now :a vagabond traitor in the South, has. been made - cirmniandiSi 7 ofthli Georgia. His 'career as a General bas 'hot The Confederate - Pram - 1W Pehem- Some of the Peace Democratio papers are making a great handle of that portion of Jeff. Davis' letter to Governor Vance, in which it is implied that the mission of Vice President Stephens was for the purpose of extending peace propositions. In reference to it we will only copy the following letter: Comrostura Swam STELIEEM Tospino, In James River, July 4, 1863. Su:: As Military Commissioner, I am the bearer of a communication in writing from Jeffeiscin Davis, Commander-in-Chief of the land and naval forces of the Confederate States, to Abraham Lincoln, Commander-in chief of the land and naval forceant.the United States. The Hon. Robert Ould, - Confederate States agent of exchange, accompanies me as secretary, for the purpose of delivering the cothrennimatfort in-person and conferring upon the subjectlo which it relates. I desire proceed to Washington in the steamer To#,e 7 do, commanded bY Lieut. Hurnier -Davidson, of the Confederate States _Navy, no person beingnn board but the Hon. Mr. Ould, myself, and'the boat's officers and crew. • Yours,- most respectfully, ALEX. H. STEPHENS. TO S. a Lax; Admiral. Acting Rear Admiral S. H. Lie, ifampton Roads: The request of Alex. 411. Stephens-is inad missible. The customary agents and chan nels are adequate for all needful military com munications and conference betireen the United States forces and the insurgents. GIDEON WELLS, Seet'Of the Navy. We do not find in this any intimation as to proposals for peace. Further, we .see ne ,reason, and have even denied the right of a :legislative government, to treat with insurg ents while they liave armed organized armies in the flea If the rebels desire pedde, they should have it by returning to their allegiance to the Government and upon na.other terms. A Rtvortrrn way with the Copperheads this, season, in holding Conventions, is to dodge all platforms and adjourn without enunciation of any principle& This has been done at Indianapolis a few days since in the Slaine State Convention... They .are waiting for the Chicago Conventibi3 to pitch the UMW, and say whether it will tie Democratic to op , pose or to sustain the war. But the party is no more ready to speak out through. the Chi cago Convention than through its Slate Con ventions ; and 'milt is going to Postpone the Chicago Convention till September. Perhaps it won't get ready to tell 4 stands until atieitlieeleetim is Over. OLD - Aisia's Catioa.—A gentleman in.conl versation remarked to President Lincoln on Friday, that'nothing could • defeat him but' Grant's captut'e of Richmond; to be followed by his nomination'at Chicago and acceptauco.-- ~ Well," said the President, "I feel very much like the man whd said he didn't want to die particularly, but if he had got to die, that was precisely the disease he would like to die of." A PAIR of rebel shoes taken by one of Crook's command are this :described : The soles and hesla of tits. shoes arcof wocd,And appear to have been sawed out by machinery. The uppe're, very beavyilstifr and badly tanned isatber, upon, the wooden soles with large tacks andmaltlL "I smarm not," said the President,. "return' to slavery any peison 7ho is free by th terms of linfoclanititigri, or ey: any act o Con gress." And yet.this man, according to Wen dell Phillips and his Cleveland friends,is false to freedom. J3t) Teregraill). EXCLUSIVELYfOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH Eria= INLAND LINES. FROM TiENTITC4i,V. Gen. Morgan Defeated • His Forces Routell_and Scattered OUR TROOPS IN PURSUIT. Prieoners Taken it 'Cynthiana Ite-eaptaied: - Thrs.rwrolr, June 13 A dispatch from _ Capt. Dickson:- to ` (den. Garrington, says Gen. ..13nrbridge gave the rebels a total defeat at Gynthiana, yesterday morning. , . The rebel loss waa:3oo killed and 400 pris oners, besides the wounded. ' Their force exceeded ours. Morgans com mand is divided and utterly deporalized and trying to get off in small squails. Colonels Hanson and Garrard• are pursuing Morgan himself, with a fevr hundred men, northeast from Cynthiana. General Burbridge, with a part of his force, has.returned here. A dispatch from Governor Bramlette 'to "General Carrington, dated Franktbri 'June 13th, P. m. , says there - are no rebels farce moving towards Loui.ville. A gentlethan from Georgetown reports that a few hours after Unties:ill's surrender at yn thiana, Gen Burbridge attacked the enemy, killing and capturing half the for6e: The re naainder fled in confusion, crossing railroad yesterday at Pagnesville. We had 'repulsed' the enemy before our reinforceniei2ls arrived, but felt insecure until they tu - rived. a1Pt (4 1 . 3 1 . DiPkson to Gen•- Carrington: LEXINGTON,' June 1.1, Gin. Burbridge is now here and reports the rebel force out of ammunition, scattered and utterly demoralized in the fight at Cynthiana. A dispatch from Falmouth, Ky:, this after noon, says' after the Cynthiana detest General Hobson and part of his staff were sent under guard to . Falmouth, but the whole were re captured: by a scouting party, and are Falmo'uth. , • The Great Central - Fair. President * Lincoln Will Visit "-on.`Thuriditi. PNCLADEtrtaiti` dune -14. The Conlmittee appoinied:l6 the President s to Visit the . Cetitial Fair have •-re ;4:Ores:ye-telegraphic answer. .:Thet Pivddent expects to be able to visit , A4,-.Faiy EMI* day 'next, the EU MEE FrothCenfral and South THE TROUBLE BETWEEN BIM AND PERU. PERU ARMING- FOR RESISTANCE. Great Excitement in all the South American States. ThEir CovernmenTh ?Tepidly to Help Peru. The steamer Northern Light, from Aspin wall, with dates to the sth, has arrived. An unsuccessful attempt was made to assas sinate Momper& The assassins were ttr rested at Valparaiso. Dates to the 17th ult. state that the whole Chilian and Peruvian coast was highly ev cited at the recent occupation of the Chines. Islands. The.ministers of state and finance of Chili were compelled to resign on account of pro posing a settlement of the difficulties by di plomacy, and new ministers were appointed. OFFICIAL GAZETTE, TOTAL DEFEAT OF lORGAN BY BUBBRIDGE. 300 Rebels Killed and 400 Prisoners. RECOVERY OF COL HOBSON'S COMMAND. Morgan:Oa Voiotia *licilly,.beanoialized. No ;Change. in Virg,-inia. WASHINGTON, June 13—Midnight. To Major General Dix, Nap Yo , k : We have diapatches from the Army of the Potomac as late as eight o'clock this morning. A movement at that hour' was in successful progresi3. • • No reports to-day from Geis. Sherman. The following dispatch from General Bur bridge,,commanding, has just reached here: • , "I attacked Morgan at Cynthiana' at• day lightyesterday morning, and, after an hour's hard fighting, completely routed him, killing 300, wounding.nearly as many more, and cap turing nearly 400 prisoner§;;betides rec'aptur ink nearly ,ell of Gen. ,Thibilaki's command. and - over 1.000 hOrses. Our loss in killedand wounded is about 160. . "Morgati's scattered forces are flying in all directions,,havg Ihrowia away their _arms; they are out ot ammunition andkre .wholly demoralized." • Dispatches from General Butler 'at 'nine O'cleek this evening indioate no change in his Command. ' 1 • ' No further intelligance - luis been ; received from General Hunter. ' • EDWIN . IL STANTON,- Secretary of War. FirOw Washington. The Three Hundred Dollar Exemption Clouse. . -- a.t --.-. • . "ffmistritaicbr, 'June 23. • • The ,Senate Pqmiuttee fevey„the propOseitabolishmerit of the, - 1-300. , commutag' tion feature oftthe , enrollmentlaw, ivithithe eireeptidits - of thii T COirman, Mr. W4304'410 hempveri..rioticZof. hi . intention to liNer.d.e4, tan amendments. The effect-is to.give..sloo Bounty to 'dra ft ed . inelkat the end of a`year's service, and pr oportiorial.bOnrity tor less time, if-honorably discharged,-,befOre the expirtitioik of the year. He alsoliroposes to engraft it a provision for- voluntary enlistments into regiments of other States from. States in in surrection, and for. securing the freedom of the wives and,ohildren of colored soldiers thus enlisted. . TUE CASE OP SYLVERTIR MOWRY. The War Department, in reply to a resolu tion of the Senate; has transmitted a commu nication, from whichit appears that Sylvester Mowry .was arreated, and his silver mine In Arizona seized under Gen. Carleton's order, in June, 1862. Re wearied upon the charge Of aiding and abetting the . reballion, by a boird converted 13y Gen.' CirEetion; and'having heenfound an-enemy of; the ;United :states. was confined a.tliort Yuma, :in California. His property was PliiCedin the heads As, receiver, under the order" confiscating 'the property of persons aidingj tte rebellion, 'issued by Gen. Wright, commanding .the Pepextment of the Horrible Domestic Tragedy. AN MUTE MOTICER IrclapFtt) H15VTW0:941:41.11,721 AND iwzx azasiEr. ' POIIGHKEEpt3III; .711118 13. -• - A Mrs. Marylliller, Of New York,'who has been residing for several( weeks 'at Fiahkill Landing, committed a bloody'deed at an early hour this morning, by cutting the throat of her two children, (girls, aged. respeCtively Bayou and two year%) and then putting her own. .Thipnct waedoininittod at the of Mr. John Carnes. Her - husband: Mr: Alex ander Miller, is engaged in an oil house in New York city. Mrs. Miller has been subject to slight Spells of insanity since last'Fall, and had been sent by her liffsband to` Fish Landing for quiet and repose with the hope that the effect , would be beneficial both mental- and bodily: She ilipp;iseddO have bgeli suffering from one of thbse Attacks when the above bloody deed was committed. Her hus band was in the habit of visiting: her every Sunday. Yesterday . he remarked to a friend that his wife was improving . considerably, and hoped: that.- she :roninldlsoorille re-. stored. r They were-much respected bra large circle of friends,. and had always lived hap pily together. At 10:40 it.; the hour at which our informant left the, seene, Mrs. Mil ler still survived, but wad near - her hist. At Mileabnig, Centre conntk,:onr the 7th !wt., R wife of George R . Balk, [tied:27l , ms . . Botten.menthit have , clapie4 since we announce!' the marriage of the subject of thettbote notice. The deceased was admired and beloved by-a large rirole of 'acquaintan ces, for her many:hoble gualitle.!, and it is Witlx 'regret ; : that we are donmelled to record the fact that she . is:no !lmre. May "He who tempera the winds to the 'shorn jamb" sustain the surviving , companion in his 'bereave ment. • - . • _ • At Locost Grovorarm. near this city, at the_ risirieriee o' hereon, Mrs. E LE,AaOB FREDERICK, In the 80th ye . ar of herage. • Her,triernte-atat relativp. are invited to attend hia fu ;Ira! at I.C!Velt ll s:f l tl l prtidaT7n . o . nting the 16th iht-t ,: withou!'-furlk?! ./101iY VS. CURRENCY—For sale A t a b lOonitdoubtodtindSt*tgtotslnformatiotu t hew, ing the gradual depreelationmordhly froutJanuarr.o777, to June, 1781, when $lOO gold became erbdialent to otuTet t oy, Atobnoy 4 1 !t04144p, ,, Post QOI4VI Saltiatere,l4l; ' • elpdateo . A:- . do • . 2 - ••• America. Xzw YOBS, June 13 . `DIED: DIED. =ES NEW lit3letittred6liti - ----- STOCK HUGS FOR SA.LR. - SIXTY HEAD of Stock Hogs are for sale a the HARRISBURG DROVE YARDS. jel4-d3c4. QIIEENSWARE AT COST, No. 28, Second stre•4, above cuesant. We will mimic until the balance of our stock le disposed of. • jel.l-10 FRENT—A small house on Herr stteet. j: Apply to C. Smith, Attorney at Law, Walnut, woo.: iel44St • INDEPENDENCE ISLAND AND WITCE, FERRY. T HE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer Resort would most respectfully tnnounCe to the citizens of Harrisburg thaXthe Island hi mow. open for visitors. Accommodations wilt be thridahel to parties and plc-nice on reasonable terms, a dancing platform !Living b en erected for their special use. &meow - tickets for fam4s,.good for one year, 5I 50. • No iniproper chew:nth admitted,lift-no intoxicated persona will be permitted to visit the fident Agir No intoxicating liquor) , sod MrSanday. A Wire Ferry, with - a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Brawl - street, West Harris burg. - - r ICENtelf Etzercat jet4-dim Sole Proprietor. EXTRAORDIiNARY .DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HYBRO BAROMETER, Natural Weather. Indicator WITH A BEAUTIFUL THERHONETER ATTACHED. Tgcssimide and useful instrument is now uttered for ale for the, first time to the State of Pa., thd underalgned liaiing secured :the tight of„aale in and for the iolldwing;., °unties: Dauphin e Cumberland, Adams, Franklin. Yerritid.Perry , of Frleber, Cook & Co., agents lot the State, and are now prepared to Sell the instruitient at-wholesale and•rmati. Thelnstrumt nt will tell with un failing accuracy..the,hygromcdmil condition entitle atmos phere, thus loretelbuir the chatgesrit the weather from i 2 io 411 Wears in advance. The acting moving principle is the piatule - of a Bower, found In :syria, near Damascus; and ig so highly nal/Viva that.k is acted upon by the least ohm& of the lank:sphere. Persons familiar with neutral acietve kom that it cannot until the air is filled with agneous vapor, which mu-t condense to cause rain to fall; title moisture 11117syvaist In thatamosphete several hours in advance of the coining storm. other„Banolmater manufactured will foretell 'with accuracy Vie approach of .810: But that NATUBSLIJOHOSCOPE,.the work of NA: TCREB thWN RAND, alls tip the void which man could 114,ac"ompl:sh, endpoints its unerring finger to all changes of the.wo 4-tier, rind tuts never been known to fall. DI, valuable to the Fe mer,the Physician , the Clergy man; the: Navigator, the TraAlai, the. Merchant, ' and everybody. It is very simple to understand,. and never requires any" fbnairing. They are cheap, durable and reliable. - For sale only by, agents, aad at lr i nocheta Music store, lie, 93 Blarltet.nlreet. Prise $8 ' - - One of the Instruments will be sent by express, on re ceipt of-$3 55. - • ' Aents . wanted in every town in above named Counties. Apply asntiove, to - . • - jel4.d2waßnt MA.4WELL, Agents. . . rro ADOPT: -A RESPECTABLE family J. desiring to ADOPT a_healtly FEMALE CHILD, (now about *4 irionths ohm oan hoar acne by applying at je1430 „ THIS OFr ICE.- $l,OOO 'REWARD. 1. HE l thicieraiined will pay the aboiPti'rewara for the detection of tho thief and the recovery of the following articles stolen from hie-yesidencenn the night. Or the Ilith inst. viz:: ONE G .iliD-CASE CiiRON,OME IRA WATCH, with name of the anitscriber engraved &full on the outside of the. watch.. The Manner the maonfacturers; Patek,Phillippe d. Co . ;, A'Geneva, lirengraved on the inside. Thel3vittit is No. 18,403, and winds without a key. Also, ONi DLAMOND BREASTPIN, with cha.n, and a small DIAHOHD:PIN attached thereto. Name or Henry Thomas engraved.on bark of .pin. Weight of Diamond 3 and 3-16 karats. , dim?, one Y.LA.II.i GOLD,RINQ, with an unusually large CarbiAncl4..set 6berein. . • - 'For further pFtioularmaddress lelS-dif kitrBLIC SALE OF fifty young modern mares and horses. The subeeriber will eel! ' - Fifty lititingt Western Mares and Horses _. at public sale; on FRIDAT, - .Mbrg. 17 , 864 . AT THE STABLES OF llefeif.A.RD HO. GAN in start-moor& Pa. Farmers Aked others will and It to their interest to attend the vale and secure good bargains. Harrriabnl JUnel3 1884:—dia - j B. pngits. GREAT CENTRALSANITART FAIR EXCURSION' "RACKETS , .11i , PENNSYLVOIA'RAIIAOAD COMPANY TO VlSlTOttalk) THE SANITARY'FAIR„ 1012OPir Harrisburg, Columbia, Lancaster, Parkesburg, Pkill; and litteratediate stations, to Philadelphia and return. From Harrisburg, by. the Mount Joy AOOOM- modition reaping at .... ;20 A. Cofunitna'Accomitodatfon leaVing at " 12:29 And by.lliii`ltarliaburg Accommodation, leaving at • 6:25 r. x. From Columbia, by train at . : . . 810 A. X " ' , . . 1:55 F. tc it " . ... r. From Lancaster, by traitrit . 9:00 A- X- From Parkeaburg, liy tra.Ket. Lil 7:00 A. X phi& only, at — 3:00 r. It. From Paoli, by train at 7:00 . 1 ' "•- " di west - only, at... 4:18 P. X. EXOCIRSIoNqIi44II - -will helped for a, return trip on either of the accommodation trains which leave Philadel phia Passeng.r Station at 19 : 00'a. at.,1:00 r. at.. 2:80 r. 4:ou P. x. arid weal, MO vie phis Sta ion at 6:00 r. x. . Excußsiupil wir.T.d.tril nut be add by Conductors In the cars, and Will not be good upun any other than the trait% specified.,. 4 EXCIIRsIoN TIC TEN will bo,nold from June 6th to 18th inclusive, and each '• ticket mill be GOOD FUR FOUR DAYS ONLY. 1151..0i1 LEWIS.. ,04.2 w General Superintendent. JIIi4T REIEIVED; TRIG MORNING. • A FRESH INVOICE OF MIGRENER k CO•'S CELEBRATED' ': • . HAMS AT: IHISLEW PRIME LARD. _ F P'l7- KOtle*p.dered,LAßD r just recOvea at • & 'FRAZER, mar 3 (cuccecions'ior Win Dock, yr kern.) FttEBl:l supply - of Michtweed Celebrated Supr Cured Hams and Dried Beef, it uo2s] BOY dr•ILDICEPEIL • • 101 WA Tr--A. . • v l aiz ast Eß, re- ILI calved at aHy9EER di mar3l BUCCIIBIIO 19 to Wm: DOCkAr... Co: ) OASES, FINE impv,RT r, P E N CE lA/ MUSTARD, for sale by • SBTSLER & FRAZER, mys "' successors to W. Dock. Jr., &Co. FINE TABLE 'OILS.-4(1 boxes fine table oils of the ben% iropoFations for sale, wholesale and retail, by _ FSEUSLE.R. my 6 snecessors to W. Dockdr. & to " CUB V.ILY , P4i.PERe A. NICE assortment of.; Cat Paperfor 'eel ! tugs, lookingtlatts.s. picture frames and gas pipes, at • - -!, 813HEFFER.I . BOOK FORE, my2o Barrisbutg Picrrowr brarianat's 0.171 a, 14ra Durnuor, RA/WWI:MN Pa.. Juan 6. 1864. • j rib DRAFTED' MEN. I "am. airecteti by j Limit. Col. J. Bomford, A. -A! Pro'coat bkarshai General, byb;aci calor, No. 69, of June 4, 1864, to pub: mil "That draftedinen 'are not allowed to enlist Revco un toot s aftbrbeinidnifted; and that the croons for drafted Ti men will enTiln - fdriblOiiNaliceribta - Wool they were drafted. Ito matter. whether ... lQ afbonnty, has Or has not been paid Wanotifinen, titan ;saw emigr a nt. o • • ' JNO. KAY cr,gmErr, .• Captain and Provostliaralial, lath'Dhet, _ . QZIO KEP IiMIMON.-- FINE SMOKED' -Luxcernifitesaivea • _ Aba PuTl4#29,lrstlikkkil- CITIZEN FIRE ENGINE IND ROSE QUINT AT • 110V1r.11 1 1.A1 1 014 WOODS, bN Wi'DNESDA.T, JUNE 22, 1864. TN asking the patronage of the publio, the Contattkee give net es that it is-their it:Victim/ to make this pie me in keving with old time omit, and that they will not permit any lady to be present that has not received a printed invitation. Cards of invitation to be had of the Committee. Tickets of admission to the grounds 25 cents. Cars will run to the grounds. viz: Leave at 9 s_ m. 2 r. m_ Riturn at 7 P. Y. Railroad tickets to be had.of the Committee on day of Verde. _ . _ Fare, round trip, taranwasp gepts. William J Lawreice, • • George Fager, Bernard FrlSch, George W Oster, Charles Osmin, _ Samuel Gutter, John Reese, - D G Krause, John Whitioyer, • George Shatter, John Ca-ey,- ; • JosephßtXauler• George`Kranie„ • • • - MiLa:er orteoremontm B Mach. fel4dtd SUNDAY-SCHOOL PIC-NIC. T HE simut-SCHOOL of. the Pine Street . , 111, E. Church c witl hold a pic-nic to DERRY woomws ON THUESDAX, JUNE, 23, 1864, for the benefit of the School. This ;labile are- invited to attend. No improper characters will be admitted. Cal., will leave the I"bation Valley raihned depdrat o'cld k • N. Tickets tan bo bad at the following plac a: John gdwardal, Minket Square; Hants , Tin hop, Market. Anon; Wm Jack, Third and Market; J Ti He s, Third kiwi. Jel4 . . GRAND PI C-NIC "03E' rrIXV. .PWA. - SON?' ON INDR IP PENDENCE ISLAND, ' WEDNESDAY, TUNE 15, 1864. THE Hotel Keepers of the city of Harris -1 burg, desirous allaying a little recreation, wilt hold a Ple-Nic ottjudepoudence bland,- on the above day. Be nj Buck, James Ilayanond, John Shultz, Win moldy Henry Boeigen, P El Rlart, J D Hoffman, Glibert Herr, Richt! Hogan, Dan Wagner, Dan Spar', IR Weaver , John Whitler, B O Peters, C J Jame ,' ~.. . Jacob Ponta, Sohn Brady, ', ' Bernard Fritsch, L Boeing, Jerry Jacks. n, Geo Hickman, Items Cress, .... no if..e ~ ~ Therhaelfichohron, .. l'ilere Grainger,. Martin . HAS, ' Wirt Ukri Jos W Stone, , , Wm' H ale , Alexander M'Clinteck,.. J P Dicker Win bleelerman,' '' ° George Shalihelig, I. Barnhart, Win rHukhal, L P Yerkesen, Jas Walton. Matter or Cetemonieta,Col . . JohnlL Zeigler% . ' -•- HKVILY BECKIIIIt, ' June 13, 1864-21 Proprietor Indepeedenee Island. H THU'RSDA'Y, 0 GRAND. PIO-NIC Fog pThr, ..!jianiEm or TEES HOPE FIRE COMPANY, NO. 2, TOAzMELDAT 110 - FIrlerA.N?S; WOODS, ON THIIII&DAY, JIINF. 16, 1864. Tickets 25 cents FLOOR. DIANA GERM. D. R. MARTIN, R. R. BARR, WM: CARSON, r . THEO. THOMAS. MOIST THOMAS, Rani4burg, Pa An adequate police force will be on the ground to pro em-re order, and the committee refer to former geeesiuna do rioting or disorderly 0011d1/01. of any kind win be It hi the Intention at the so . mmlstee In make %MI the pic-nlo of the season. Cara will le/re the foot of Market street at 8 sr., and 2 ILL; Itettlall.l4l; .101113 the woods at 73i M. Fare for round t•ip 2% ceota Carriages wig- leave the Hine House every hour during Wed ip'. C t om:tairnlK. SLR Mart* Ed. Bayne, Cartufa Barr, Wax. IdToy, ; HerulrApyder, Fronkorn; ' --" FillDlgaa, Matthias Huttima, Samuel Kllna, Theo. Thereto, Ed,Clay, L K.-Fought; .' &wee Dunlap,. .D: C. - Nett The following gentlemen have brim appoiteed to act as ipecial policemen on.the ground during the day: Charles Bartle, : neat- Putt, I.lrlobbitetn, Samuel igtietly, H. Banff, Benjamin Putt, Charlie Oemer, W. Believe; 11. Gervrir it, R. J nee, R. Kohler, IL Cole dlockt Thomas rmit6 , John havie, Charles Jacobs: It is the intention of the ChMituittes to present° order it all lumards. .TUNE 16T1i. E myrt-deallAMtd oW. Amy r. RTISEM.EI,I7, THE'- - BOOKS. , I . I - • TUMBLING BLOCKS,b 37 Gail Ham- 10 Mon. Price $l5O HA.IINTED HEARTS, by the author it the Lamp 414er- DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. by Max Holmes. $1 50 . , BARBARA'S lILSTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. .60 cents. THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLINGTOITi by Tro $1 25 sz.vsNorortazz ; by Br Marvel, author of "Reveries Ora Bachelor." , • $1 60 3PEHE'S JOURNAL of Il es Discovery of the sources of the Nile. -- 4 • ' -$3 60 vra: THE WO HAWIN BLACK, by author of. "Man in Gray." $1 60 NOTES OFROSPITAX, LIFE, Nov.'6l to Ang.'o3, $l. 00 X ROE= OF THE SEA, for . boys ; from. Cooper's writings. $1 00 STORIES ii3F -THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's writni,gs. $1 00 OUR DAILY FARE, a daily journal of the Great Sant tary Fair at Philadelphia; illuetratid; subaeriptions re ceived at $1 00 Ali new beoka rse,elved soon as published at BERGNER'S BOOR STORE, 61 Market street. MICE subscribers invite the attention of persons visiting the city, to their very extensive as sortmenvot FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, purchased for CASH before the late advance, and which they are selling a the: Lowest market priors . Their includes a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz; thixructic Table Meths, Napkins' and Doilies. 1 Table the yard, qualities) Chamber and Bath Turrets, white and cut'd borders. Hackaback and fancy Towel Big by - the yard. .ILarael lus Quilts. Blankets, Toher Covers. . . great variety, Linen Cambric Iten2i — erf.)telli, for Lidles and Gents. SAS, Merino and Guase.Shicts and Draweni. Sw/Se and French Muslin; Nansooka,' Ceinbries, Bril- Baiit9, Pique' 1 4 edies' Collar& Sleeves, ano Code. b * eer tio, L azes , !CI:I6I%I*AT, tfie *West styles of Hoop Skirts . . . -, - And the best description of Ladles', Gentlenien's and child, en's Cotton Threadand Merino Hosiery: SIIRITARD, 'TAN ITARLINGRIT & ARRISON, jag-412w 1008 Chestnut strut Philadelphia. TO A_H,CHETECTS AND ntrr!.nizats. By the Act of May Bth, an appropriation of Fifty Thou sand Dollen was made for the:Extension of the Capit Artiaborg„ " Architects and Builders are hereby requestig,tooltsent plans for said extension, and propesals for .buildfug the same, to the undersigned, by the fifteenth day of June: The main abloci, to be at tained by the proposed extension is to firuish additional mmittee Room for tWenLesitdature.and the exteheiee is to conform as ,facat possible to the architecture of the PresentsA.TE 001M.K.Grivernor, , • ISAAC BT4ENKER., Auditor GittraL JAMISSI , :aosa. ftrrer#' general, HENRY 101100RE,RtAteTreiluren ' , " egeri Afflt4t.-Yay 19. 1864 litlgtiao: ITEMS :PF,_OO - Sitme zoLL--zwittiabAcirato. cotaw; -- out at juiiiiiiirgsbotatore; Mirka iiti4V'inViiiitt PIC-NICS. ANNUAL l'It;-IN It', TO BE OMEN BT TRH Er= 'A. CARD. MINI2I ERE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY WFORSYTH. 41-, Co., • 42 ALND 44 NASSAU STREET. NEW yogi-, (Adjoining the n•st Off.ce,) Offer For site the following maguilicesit list of WATCHE S , CRATNS, JEWELRY, &C., VALUED AT 5300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU KING {Y WHAT YOU ARE TO GET. 150 Gold and Silver Watches..sls 00 to 510,) co eac h 200 Ladies' Gold Watches 85 00 each 500 Ladies' & Gents' Silver do 16 00 each 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils ' 4 00 to ' a so e ac h 5.000 Gold-band Bracelets 300 to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings. 250 to 600 tacit 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Brooches . . 6,000 Coral and Florentine Ear dr0p5........ 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins 16,000 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom Studs 10000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry 6.000 Lava and Florentine Sets.. 10,000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted Homers 15,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex- tension Cases and Pen oils . 400 to 600 earn The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. Certiticat , s of all dons articles are put in sealed ertvea.pes and ial:rett, thus giving all a fair chance, and sent by mail, for 25 terns each; and on the receipt of the certifamte, it is at your option to send Osa Dottart and take the article named is it or not. Five certilicates for ; eleven fer [hi. ty for $5; sixty for $10; one bundr,d for CartiEente money to be enclosed with order. Corresponde nce promptly answered. lootivis Mr:4st= in every town and regiment. Send or a circular. Address W FORSYTH kCO 42 and 44 Nassau street, New York. mar2s-dwas3mairam T. F. WATSON, HA_STIC CEMENT MANUFACTURER, Pl.7raltiLBURG-, TS PREPARED to tarnish slid eur.t the a tinier of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a now system. This Material is entirely ilitierrut from all other oements used heretofore, and is the Fluty reliable, imperishable cowing for outside wort. Shred u-111 per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a redid, dura ble adhersivenems to Brick or :lone Walls, making a hese- MIA . fine water proof surface and finish eqiuti ii. Ly.ot t u Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the limtic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Peon street, Pittsburg. 1. D. M'Cord, " o .7. H. Shoenberger residence Lawrenceville. Hoeveler, rt James M'Candless, U Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, Third street, Ettsleirg James Rood, owner S.t. Charles Hotel, William Vohel, Girard House, Barr at' Moser, architects Dispatch Building?, John B. Cox, residence, Front ;tract, fbirm:t.urg . pa A. J. Jones, Please address T. F. wArsoN, P. 0. Box 1.306, Poe.burg, or, Penna. House. ilftrri,..l.oog. Pa feblll.4l6m PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph Albums, B OUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt cliiEsE, ALBUMS WITH 80 Pictures for 10 4t 41. 80 It la _ together with orrious othor styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be Soldier,a you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at marl2-dtf SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. xcnricE OF LIEN. -NOTICE is hereby given to the owners of Ole following named artfcles, THE HOWARD AND HOPE EXPRESS COMPANIES claiming to have a lien thereon for the costs and expanses of transportation and storage thereof, will proceed to gen the same to pay said cons and charges. at the expn of thhty days from this date: 1 pkge, Samuel C. Gallaher: 1 box, Andrew Turley . 1 box,' Wm. Case. '1 box, Fah Medina pkge, Sergi. J. P. Kohler. 1 pkge, Henry it Anthony. 1 box, Mrs. Margarett Coy- 1 pkge, Jona t Juta.”3o2. shell. 1 pkge, Geo F.Ti.h,tumx. I box, Joseph Burggs. 1 Ago, (leueittie InAione. 1 box, Henry 0. WolE 1 pkge, Capt W A Dentin. pkge, D. Decide, agent. 1 box, Sargt I Ingrahvin. 1. pkge, C. W. Willis. 1 pk E G S H Laney. 1 pkge. Peter Gaivty. 1 pkge, Mrs Catharli , I bale, Jacob :moth. Carty. 1 box, Dr. Jacob liarlacher. 1 ; kge, Sargt H W Wood. 1 box, Capt. J. Kern. hull box, Capt. L. IL Burnell. 1 pkge, Adam Wolfinger. 1 no; John W. IPECnab. 1 pkge, Lieut A Stains. 1 0. bag, Wm. H. H. Peter. 1 bo n, J A Newcomb. 1 pkge, Robert F. Christian. 1 bale, W n. 1 box, J. C. Spaldwing. 1 trunk, James Bougliter . I pkge, Charles H Wertz. Iha e, John H Deinciler. 1 pkge, Geo Bec,btle. 1 pkge, Tiltottsou v Nixon 1 pkge, Franklin S Good 1 On; Samuel H lie. 1 pkge, Aaron H Soh:ors. 3 boxes, Geo ii Hardwick. 1 pkge, Dr R Langhworthef. I box, l4enry Muninck. I pkge, William Carlisle. I box, Jacob llosenkramer 1 pkge, Wm J Patrerion. 1 box, W tl.Steward. 1 pkge, Wm Harch. 1 beg, R H Patch. 1 pkge. David M'Donough. I pkge, tv R Moser. L pkge, John Gleimer. 1 pkge, William Dornworib 1 pkge, Sophia Boxier. 1 box, Peter J. W.ites. 1 pkge, Carle Mayer. 1 nog. Capt 11 J ShvalTer. 1 pkge, Henry F Barnhard. 1 box, William Pother. I page, Jane Stotler. 1 beetle, Charles Bucher. 1 pkge, James freeborn. 4 tent poles, 11 Clymer. 1 pkge, W U Koppenhatfer. 1 pkge ' rt Elbe McMinn. L.pkge, J Nixlens. 1 box, Capt. Jos HULubiIISOLL pkge, Ttiornastiooden. 1 Hone. R 0 Bailey. 1 pt.% Dallas leinteich, 1 bale, Caps Hunt. 1 box, Jones Home. 1 box, J C Deppen. pkge, Henry Stiehl 1 pkge, Dr J Forney. 1 pkge, John Dame. I c bg, Geo t Haider. 1 pkge. H L Harris. 1 box, Ca t W Har and. 1 pkge, Patrick Flanagan. 1 box, lewd H n.iger. L pkge, David Pepper. 1 pkge, Geo EI Rnsvell. 1 box, Wm L Erie. 1 pkge, John Vogel. 1 pkge, W S King. 1 box, J R Growl pkge, Lout N J Boyer. 1 box, A F Pennypacker. pkge, Theodore Upchurch. 1 pkge, A 1-tewitt4 L pkge, G Brooks. 1 box, Peter hen haw. 1 pkge, Jobe A Ilintriek. 1 pkge, Louis Edhan.. May 28, 18 —d2taw4t GEO. BERGNER, Agent. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, auditors to make distribnti. I/ among Creditors of the balance in ohe hands of A. U. Hies ter and C. F. Muench, avignaes of John Wallower is r on, as aroarn by th -ir a. Col.llt, COUIII med May 15th, Iridr, will attend to the dude- of said apuerniment at the 00ze of ./ W Simontd.., in Harrisburg, on Thursday, the 234 day of June. 1864, at la o'clock 4. a , wit n w.d when all persona intyrusted may attend and present their chmus DAVID FLEMING, J. W. SIMUNTi iN, Auditor._ NOT/CE. Jul-dlaw3wt Whereas. Letters of Administration upon the esta's of Henry IL Lanka t, decea-ed. late of Halifax township. Dauphin county, h •ve been granted to Cliramm of Halifax township, in said county, Administrator of sa d deceaaid, all persons in ebted to. tlie said e-tatc are re triested to make immediate payment, and all th se Lav ing claims or demanis against the same all make them known without delay to CHRISTIAN torrEß, myl6kloaw6 Administr .tor. F RESH PINE APPLES just received at SEEL-SLER & FRAZER, 14 "crea' ,,,, E , W Pni•k. Jr.. k GS ISM 11.11.11, litlTTEß,.—iresh roll butter I) roam Snyder county received every we fc. Also eStrO • [niy4] BOYER u KuERPER. Soldiers' po.rfolios. A. LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, Sold at icholesa - la or retail ar. 'ow prices. suarlB - lAn/vas. CODFISH, of the cele. ,I...ruriur braced 'St. George brand, 1/161. received and for sale by SEMLER & FRAZ ER, febl (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) E NGLLSH DAMY and NEW YORK STATE CHEESE. WE. DOG'S, JR., A CO- [l/o2o] LOTS for sale on the corner of Third an Broad street& Enquire of WM C. Mt:FADDEN. nuari-eltf BA - LP.II L. M4CLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union budding; Harticburg. Strict attention paid to all legal businega cLalnts collected. - mylo-,416m-rxwl BIIBIJNGTON HERRING. —The first of • the swoon. Just received at ley4 BOYER & YOUP.IO. 400 to 600 et,-;.; 4 00 to 2 50 to" 8 00 each 3 CO ft,h 250 to 600 each 500 to 10 00 each 400 to 606 each 4V) tO SCO ezzli £3 0 , 1 35 4 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers