THE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLISHED • MORNING AND EVENING,' GEORGE BERGNER. 9.F.F10.6 THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTI ON SINGLE ST. PSCEIPTION. rim DAILY TIUMGRAPO is served to subscribers In the city at S cents per week. Yearly subscribeti will be charged $5 00 in advance. MOs(' persona who neglect to pay in advance will be c harged 56 00. TELEGRAPFI. Tas TELFIGitAIII is also published weekly, and is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates • Single copies, weekly .. • • .• • Three copies to one Post Office Tea copies to one Past MEDICAL. ELIXIR oft. virmurrs REJUVENATING ELIXIR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the most Delicate. 4w- he Rejuvenating rAixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being en' entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective: of an the old and worn-out systems. This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the' day, and by them pronounend to be one of the greatestinuidical discoveries of tho ago Kir One begli cnire•General Debility. Or A few doses Cures Hysterics in fernples. ' ilDrOno bottle cures Palpitation of We -Heart. , Ziir4 few doses restores the organs of generation. ilirProm enepto tbree lioDles, restores *qr. manl4h es and full vigor of youth: eciy•A few doses restores the appetite. rrir-Three bottles cures the wort ctlits. of, Impotency. ... • . ,ta-.A few doses cures tee low . spirited. nar9ne bottle restors.niental'pewer. - • ' .fte7'A few doses bring . the,rese to the Cheek; ,per-This ruedicinerestores to manly Tiger and Irebus health the poor, debilitated,' worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pieatSOM. , ' ,The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked :rein of business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering frotia ierteall'ideliiiiiyi or from wealirt of a single. organ, will all find immediate and perm relief by the 'use - of. this Elixir firEssenee of l.ifp air Price, $2 per botlle y ,ox three lxdtles for $5, and forwarded by express,- . * receipt ituetiejr, to any ad dress. t .'t . s3-Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. • blarlteodly No. 59 LlVirty strek•NeW York. OECEROTeRA Tn . +TA! SUGAR-COATED FEWItEGULATOR . , HEALTH PRESERVER CERTAIN AND SAPI."' For the Removal of 'Obstructions and the. liiitercincei qt - Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Periods. , . , $31 -'they cure or obviate thnsexiiimeroua ditesiseti that spring from irregu Imity, by removing the irregularity , Anerboy dare Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men struation... •They cure Green Sickness (Chlorosis.) - zarThey cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in' the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of rno Heart, Lowness oft Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, - Giddiness, &0., &c.. 2 In a word, by reinoving• the irregularity, they remove'the! cause,,and with it ALL the ellbets that spring from It . .4arComposed of simple vegetable extracts, theylocin ain nothing deleterious, to any constitution, however; elicate, their funetion - being tb sabstititOrrebgth'for! Weakness which,wliten properly used, they never fliite d 'ziplhey may be safely need at ally age,and "thitnSt paill:W4-stecterrbratimmoritraseas.ruarfractag i , whip thy:tat:ailing aatoru, opthelr • Parmiarr pregnancy. ',4lgrAlkletters.aeoking informatiorifor : taltco ,be : prbratiGy, fieelY and discrectl4 itnaivertid. 3 Ati-Pull.directions accompany each box. Jar:Price; perbox, or six txrxes for $5: JurSent by mall, freoofrpostage, on receipt oil lfir Soh; by 'altreapectible . druggists. DR W. ii:;1&1;N & CO., SoiePropr r ietOnS2 ~,No."qiiLiberty street; NeW itOrk. Aar sele in Itailisbutg, by KUNKEL Er , BRO.; in& Harket street. . • FINE I. it IT 0 KS. Shissler F ft.z Olr (Successors to Wm. Dock, Ja.,,5C013.) IIEALERS IN .FINE. FENtILLY GROCE -1..." RIPS opposite the Court4iouse, have on hidtoaftne selection of - • • BRANDIES ' , of different vintages. 5 TEM AND COMMON WINES, • Of Avery Descript ion. W733SKYS '„ . .'• OLD BOURBON, • MONONGAHELA, - FIND IRISH AND SCOTCH • Whirikys. The best ever brought to this Market,. .:„OLD,WHEAT, vAkrlLy. NBerAR, , And the celebrated "*. CIVISTIfer - GROVE WIECISK7 ; , C.IIA.MPAGIN T E W 1124 ' I9IIANBURG ' 3,06.7vEr luo IRISH ALES: " LONDON BROWN STOUT., . • • WILD-CifE2E.l,;, „ 4 ?Lal47ll9liNV BITTERS 3 With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN .IPleks ila . I 1.: And Condiments of every description now in we martfiti and at THE Lowisr RATES * Ugs Mo'lll, WEI ItgffitrMlNG LINEN AND PRETiEIiItEND '.lforEi 'T HIS POWDER—a compound of valuable _ articles for the destrUction of insects—distributed aviting or dusted over Ftirs, Woolens," carpets; -- it :ltithiggi, packed away for summer, will effectually prevent Being also &delightful, dltrusable perfume 'it - oplir im pregnate clothing, &c., with a lasting andpleasant'odor. The finest fabric cannot be jujured by.its use. .DriSpared aid Sold at IiELLFIV'S Drug and Fancy (foods Store, No. 91 Market stieet. ap23 TEACUER4 OR.M C IT . Ours o~ ATlwARms MIISIO STORE„. . :: 18 Third Stmt. - • • kesadence: Thirdstreet, abovOtNortb. !.d. 44f GUM PECTORALS 'ire ' tlitifitil i ' o I soothe a cough,. allay .:Tickling In the lairour Mt itliev • gpaxrAnuali,: Catarrh, ••Sene . Throat, &c. They omit* Coltafoot, Itorehound, Ipacacuanha, Senega and S.quip, {the most. reliable expectorants- known,yare-the-oltief - tic. iMui constituents, so blended with_Gittniiitigik ankg r ' 'ttiat etichloiense contains a - mna and su .p, i. *siet liteuiVechised solely by .,"5..:4211:174,. . B' IA ''... Aitunin • an 27;",; : Apothecaries, 118 Strirkefitreit .: , t rtZ• - z - L, lath 1 1: 1 QTCJP:RAkatittIli. * 4 A LARGE agortmertt , of Phtito . 1 Of - 2 2 1 V-icev . &Tale andtancy , E4l3res for sale c • _t : Ferta 2 9 4 ! be#F.FF.4IO; B - mc,siv • , ! " 411 9 1 a' ' ' ) 1496 - 116,2rg, ; AMS! . • E6llllBll -2- mfalkikiV 4- fxbesio A.a. TWA eared. Received and for sale at S);{ISLE.It . _ ,„, ..... ~. . _ ~.. .. - . . . . . . . . .... . , . . • - , - - .. • • •,,, .„. ..„• A l. „ , : • .. f lit illittE GI . _ . . ..•:. • . , . : -: AbVignia l4 3 RATZB-:DAILY , • . . . GRAm The iblle th wing ose tivin are the a ri veru rr tag nd: •-7 , . • -.......:: : :•5% - ..... t)•• -;• .. • • wi - .11 :. .4\ylVt/- ., _.,.: • , venial 140 r rofeMos._ _ ,% - _ .. ' - `''',: ------ ;:-.,\I L ''•, , ,,_ , v..Y- ~:,. .__-_ -_ . f ._ , : ' ' . . . Kr IN= lin./ or lees Oonl if it u tO r io , O; . ›ip- • . a.. . : .‘ . ll..e. :A mor. tb. r . $., . !. , ,s--4 , ,,,.,- ii .,, r , .. T .,__,„ :: r . y r . r , • ~... ~,,..)'--'? - 4 0 70.. w m eef t : . 300. ,*1 . • . . • . Two,months t ) ;,, . . _ -- t v.,. t - -- 1 V r \L ,,,, ...L 4 3:0' - .. , . , .J.: - -_. b.„, , ", ~. .. • tx., l' ,i3--if. t T. ' - ' •• . s---.? - ' Three months 560 Ttiree Mi ' . • ' _ --_ . • Six months 800 Six mom . . . _ . , . . ' . 0.,. , . _iyeat . . 15 in Over sea: ---- - . - . Auniumratiou Notices $l-w 4 oo 10 oo -BY GEORGE BERG-M. THE GRkAT ELIXIR AMERICAN: RENEDIgif,' OEI ' 'lO7 - 640.44, 441111E1111 D. ,•• ' = GENETEn PREPARATIONS, VIZ: SIR:SA:AiRIL:Li NIMMBOED4IIff!,ROVED -216 SE 'WANE: Air-.l,‘m;OVl:l.AlXj:' . :o.:'‘;'::,"l GXNMNE: EREPAZA.TZ.NS: ' ' '' 4 .II GB, :Y AT E " FLUID; EXTRACT `;•BITCHY;1 A POSITIVE- ARE. SPECIFIC REMEDY BLADDER,• KIDNEYS. - GRAVEL ; • ' AND bIiDESICISL " SWELLINGS hiedioitte! increases the'. Ocrsr3r of :Di- AiestiOn f exeit es action, by lihichtthe WATERY , or‘ , CALCEIUSUS &peg tiona, and 'all -151 , TN. ATIIRAV . .t/ALMEMtNTS _ere re duced, aiNiell a s p in4i.ixi iliflannVittion, and 'la gamy for 1172.1, wommuoicHairaprat: " e • " '" • riEtAttlati!S' :EXTRACT BUCHU Arising fr n m:Elnassea,! -- Eabita dis'crofioa. U u lnek a tipti, Early In-; I " *keit, rigsio*reid 'sir/amour.. - -W ier • ' d Weak Nerves t 9rorltieattoik Horror 4POI Pt. -rut_ isepe, Dimness o f p Vision. . ; • ctik .P l ' s 's; • Universal Laiiiiincie;9tc4hlllavv 4 akt, 'Muscular Silits*, ; -p • "Xfutikione on like • • 'f.l` ; • Al - 4.11id •Coantenace, •.,, . Theae . syhApapa,,iTshowedto, go on, which thia eta. tavariao6" .I",tia)rea, I'o l 4w, DEPOWNWpftf.I -- *PI6EBTIAtfriS,: imfo, vitu ..rn I 11.313; - In one of which the patlerit' may expire. Who can say l i that thOY: arellq frcighell47l l. o llo .wfit biithas i 51dirlitti INSA4IT-X. AND ..00R3174EVION.If • Many 'are ikwanstot AM.—cause of their .sufferings,none *ilk azinfess:lThe'loopidliof , th - 0 insanevirylums'and the melancholy deaths by Consningitte* bear nmple'avlt-i nessrto theViith=of thwaspertion. - TEM C,ONSTMITION, ONCE' .AITECrItto Avila ORGANIC WRAIINESS, , . . Lite(ittifec The Md of medicine to'strenthen'etnt imigoritte LtheClCteni; which Helmbold's-Extmet'llnehii , invariably filthes.' , A trial•Will'oonvinoe the most , elteliticali: • • I TTAT FR T,!7,S=MAt*, OL. OR; COMEX.' In rattily: afrectiots pe . cullar to females tkoititertet 'RA c}iu is Ode:Malted by'any'other remedy, as to 9*Ore9be.or Retention, Irregularity, pahafelness, or anppreamon - of the Ceetomary FvappapiorisMon4ed or ScliitOus - sAtd opiAtie llterns,'l43uctitrhOi or Whl",es, fop all calm; &tints incident:lb the gea r efheyker arming., 2,171* 11241 Lion, Habits of plasipatlolt or ii,the' "; . • -IECLINW ithir, NO FILIEGGY`SHOULD"I3E 5i.4, 2 1 - m5ri,1411 1 7.4. - e ft 4 Unpleasant and - ; ttkilA-Ork . . • ' • • . : t t ; Cures Seeretaliseasea in. all:their. OUtgee little orl ito.rotaingetzr - ciMti nb inconvenseride : iind-so , °Obi - .sure.. oatiseeirrequentydadW 41.v.iiiLitienifthlo UrinatiViliettibyitutebving- obstedetlenOireventhigittlad curing gteictiireeteteArretbrathEitYing:paikandAnilam , Inationj diequent - lii'thienttissierdledink"athtearilielling ' , Poitottoes; Diseased,. and :Womciut.4* - ter, ,, AtioniMig upon thousands who have been the viettafkifif dulcka end paleheat , feee.alaUtiretitniAtiet•VtliniVhavo found they were deceived, and thatrthei"Poisonmiliektoy the use of "powerful AstrmgentNg bear &Jed' lip %Ili: the I systen affectditireaknrit to an aggravated form, and pezkape r. • - -- IIuoTIELISMOIMIIEXTRACE - EUTIVer -- all"Affebtionn and D fitiitifflkerthe tjorgansf,whiitlioVaisting id ti l , pp ortreinalb ; - frtenwliatet , fer ormite:Originating, and,ne "Abafter:orrbetw long standkie thosAliiriani 'xegaircAher.atd of a !Diuretic : HELMBOLTP&EXTESICT .-BUHEIN , Le the Groat DiureticOuld it kr certain tri.harvo the ' - desired !elect- hr-all Diseases:. for,whtelv. -I%A:b. - lab:du" Blooii'~Sloai: Blood , mended,l . -.llelmboldAt Highly Concentra: ted Comiunind,FLUMEXIILLeriASYPIEII LlS,":lThindwaliaiftietion.. of theAßloodi.and' '.attaokErthe BefilaWitatts;litdhgte - ef.the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind , pip - aMut tithet HuOus,Stwfitces;nutking:its,appearanee id the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Eltradtßarsapiirilln pu, rifles-the-Bioixl3-and-removesr all -Sealy-Eruptions 'of - the Skin, giving to thot<iniphitenfaVlank• and Healthy Color; rA -1 11 1 °K , Pr.eP.F O 4 , O4M 3 BA I YIFqi9I i gi cI P.P s . Of coPV4 1111 8; its filood-PurOttiglriepeFties aro PrekerVed — o - greeter extant Other pteparattoitof. Sarsaparlla,,. +. • . ... , i.,EtrOnof4' ' 'tteoffiriii j, : • ... -- An I. oiceellentrLotlon-for diseases ef- a Syphilitic ature And:ARO ilkialitian 'lli ..diggaglik lir, lihailjltliglXl9fililiggi arising from. habity k ltf-diiiipation, aid in so,sperAiensitb ute EgtralitlitglialAftial linu. .lil/ l ar„ in such 'OgglaPli, as iecouireerided.--nmeencereUtheraost responsible and-ref wilpscompany,the medichnikr i CEng 4 CATILSOP didßEHliom eight Id Wanty l yerap dui ' with names knosewte,Scielice And' 'Fame .' For - Medi , ProPeitles tif.Brichil,.ttee'PlliPligglilig of the United. Stated. -Swg Plating& DENMElSritalusitile works on the Pier.' 4. - lee et Pilrate. - , See. remarks numieitg . ; the - ,ititt , petelpted- Di. I'LIYSIVE, PiiiiklelPhla.. ; Sep remark peil9 - bilD 4 EPHRAIM nMeDO7I, 14 'iltelebiatedlitysibitih and Xdalll. 00 attic - ROO Nlote ot _Serpens, and publiged iiithe Transactions' of the Mng's ;and" Queen's- Jouriiht• Stir 11edico-J,151 rlirffilialip.liililitipcdPA. " I : . ,__PY Sffki.UMIC•WS. Fellow of the Royal College .01, g'iligli cina3 -4 13 err la. '" thadatc student works:on Mgicino. - Eitiars, o Eghti t A.VV . pisi lbottPN 4;.i. *xi bottles .for . $5 00. klikSOt a Sarsaparilla, $1 00per bottle, Or six for-$5 00. Ini. 1441,Y8d ?facia WA* I.? 0 liegiVa l Parrtlilagr oasts , for' t 2 ; 50 , ,or half a . dozap eachAor- $l2, 00, which ; *iii i po= to cuie - the - tooetObstieate eases, It dhoOttous ani to. lhilivOiOd.tO any attire:o, securely packed - trod sti r 41°1 guaran= c le *L Ad i rorg;o 4 lts. 4l 1511.‘ tcw"l4l l 4 Y . _ ~ .IqITDATIT. ~.I.,jobiali, a, ;.d. 3ca ppeaniwore toe go_ Al dernoortotAtit cdty - 0 • eaphia,_H-T-lielmtold, mit; boil= M.Hairion?, Welt say, his.preparittitinol 'Farce- aury, o!„o4WAAtuAM:driUdit Poi areP ,trA, tvat ... -mw a e f /Ifiit)sl. :t :ili'::4, R. T. LD. L .!I:Bwom.ritsistubsoilbmWore--1044-Aisp:flio. TeM*3loB64.3ii itiZaki, ha ;10 WM4. .21410.10.8 A $4/4101titn, Ninth street, filik i Address letters for information in confidence. IL T. NELILBOLD, Chemist. Depot 104 Booth 10th street, below (71iestaut, Philadol• - ._ • tangly, S lEDICAL. maim 108. Biac*was' itAIIRLAGN ',THE UNION—NOW AND FOREYEA."-I—Vabster HARlttißtatG, PA., WEDNESDAY . EVENING,-_' JUNE`. :15: 1864: HOTELS. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, itAßiushtTßG PA . . D, Proprietor. . trPrffi'4iv e ll klici*inotel iiitiow .in a -condi ' lion to aceratintodate 'tho traveling public; affording thonioat attifgd honVeniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent bearhe.r., , J . , . 'SITED STATES.II.OTEkbas been entirely refit thiboghont,-.and how has acaluuncslations eaual 'lb extent,jcoinforti and tia: any hotel between Philidel .phin-anil.ritiebnrg. - Its location is the beak in the State Capital, Opium . * paw accost to all the railroad depots, and . in close peoriality, to the pplilic,offipes and business lo p4litheilelhe city:, 'lt has now all tee conveniences of - ,t It 0 & and the PrOPrietor, spaie neither ex •ipenspi Cafe' or lehorita - eibi , the eiinifory- 'the'guests. -The jettronage of the:traveling pnblio respect:oAV soli cited- • ' • - , , • jell-dtf 'sTASC C.A.PITA44 'HOTEL T STREETA, TALAILRISIMRGi t 'PENN'A. ertingio4l - haVitigptirchatted this well! 'known" house has'ciilariallandtharOughly renovated At. The rooms havo beerrreTainted and papered, and the• entire estithateneat eAtigentiy, relirrnielied. Berg plea 'Sealy and eligibly located, and provided with every con `vindenoe, it off Ors to too public 'allthe cornlorts and luxu ries of a first class hoteL Trusty and obliging servants • alw,Wys:in ittteudancie. :A bar .well stocked with choice liquors is itthed to tytt establishment • de2B-dlir THOM'SON , Proprietor, Olt E.S Pomer of Market street and Market Scitiark /foli *is p efi „14iNk CHAS. H. MANN - Proprietor. - noo-ar 1 , _Dr,. J. .P. lig-LLER9B '6 ' 356 irtil. f Preparations. iirtAriptikti'D'tbinFitici,, ...' 1 AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! MHESE elegant preparationstombine the - mosrdestrabte cleansing and astringent qualities. They. render }he Gm* hardand healthy; neutralize the acid' se:gall:7ns' of the intinth; (thereby removing the prime cause of decay) By their;detersive properties they preserve the flair:nil-color a thecTeethi without in the - least. degree Nuring Ate, enatnet, while they iinpart_ to Ilia bomh a fragrance pecan ariy. aronialic and pleasant-- in tact they are patBEST.ILItTI,CLES in use for the iiiir -1,0643 timed, sa a fitik t ,trial will fatly," demonstrate, and as has been abUndantlylprovhd py their extensive sale in this'prinunOnity durttigthe last 14 Years' and which will be readily tostiSed . to by ' o a r Vitto-hirie repoqpity timed the Proprietor WSW' fiartheir attend their sale and ,iisefuldeat," Thij? are:warn/Med :to be free from those destruetitu acida *loch so frequently contaminate many of the proparations of the present day. Prepared and sold _at the_DentaLliaetits of the Proprietor, corner of Second sort Waknutala, ... .% • WGIGI , X. HELLER, E 3 , v.l. A.. 11 r. 1. " . .'449nrgEon Denost Per sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. I lEallig -' ' +liiitAitt:ENi . . ~... • OVER 400 . STYLE g ox POCKET' , BOOKS;“ PURSES AND PORTIII.IOI I 4TN.A.IIES ' ..PORAVADIES AND ,GERTLEMEN; : ' . . E . . ,' .: -• ' KELLIEWS ~ Drug and,Faney Groods Store, . , , , 'Ho Stl-ifirket street, - '' 4 . The best ?domed) TRAVELING SATLE ELS, '''' And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, ' merlo-tf , NO. ,SI ,garaet street. NE.W PRITYMAILVELIA ORE , pßosw NEW BLOCK, Markot,fiivet, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES pm4hiirtiinlic O,I,IOA . K ' S' AN D` It bEr L ARS, - . `• *PII;THA I!IPRING SHAWLS. 1 - Witt oron InOtteleit tatila . -•,.. • Bind Stied - , -between- Second and - •:_ rraa. tuidArsired has opened ai-xiew. BA ! ± • HHHT, , *tab is prepared to supply BREATIPAV .q.ARIBB at, k' Tate.`' He warrants will give biro: a "cal 'He •tain soirbuwe r awat.thetite or. • • • = PlrE POUN D"' lad Pall 'weight guaraat!ed„. JOHN AT,CORN. . jaz6.-dtt • • - "iPittOTOURAPH"ALIVITIIIB; Allautts. , i. - • ;Albums. Photalgrilph-Aprumns: f 11.116 , Ikutettiand. , eheittiett . • vax i; ety:'of PRO raiterif; dui city are 'corsiaittly kept at' 'Nutria] • • •BERGNEWS CHZ4IP•EiCiONSIORE. ..'CANNVii,FRItti% OF, EVERY DESCRIP 'MON SAUCES of alltheselebratedmanufacturers. SARDINES, • ; . : GLIVE•OILS, ' • ' :Y.!! - •.: • • • . bfUSTARDS, - .- • - •-.:AIsoi:BROWN.ISTOUT, FINE . TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR att SYRUitof all grades end prices, , end-the best selected ,steck:outside ofiThiladolphis2 • goods etesantsedlas represented. Hastidnlar attention.paid4o4ll orders !Toni it.dlstao ee- GoOdecarefully paokodlaidt4ilivered.totill'partfrof the . city free ofcborge:l • FRAZNE L • .olys r A.socceasors to.WI Dock,- Tr. r . . ..":111.13111Etli1e ED:3EI,BIOA 'EtibtoB: 'BOLE AGIENCI7 AT W. KNOCHE'S., . . .• ; titt'hiarket sire*, tfarrisbtFg. FOR REASol4lEPpdffecitlf.quitigactirY to I.IYSELF,I have taken tug agency . ' tottbe above moat expellant The publie is invited to come _and 04 , . amine for themselv j ea-.-_.; • . " ktew 891y0r9a4eir& co'a flahos on hand" yet tvpi: be ••dsoilow. • . TRANSOM PAPER. AVIIFUL assortment of TRANSOM PAPER. Call and see It at - • t 41011BEFER'S BOOR STORE, •my 20 .t. . gartisbq Pa. *1 ~ 1.1., ~ , , .. .T.LOTS 44011,53.111.1.E.' - . - A. '- . ),.% EVERAL - LOTS:. - ciii - Thikit.7 - streititA,.,:sieai alliiriAii:«3 it.V.ial6::, 4 1SSatinil',) at' *An i''S'• *re, bij ,f6f-Tioithliiid s Phirdrets: - - ') : 1- mylVtf cals.ilitt 43litgiteRi& cue d , reoe ea, 31,g, 0f.".1 .Sticce Orß 6 3 -11tv Da*, I . lnllOtt . . JIIST ARRIVED !—A fine la of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIOR PINE APPLES, FRESH PEAS. &a, Just rceelved by myl4.4ltf JOHN WISE, 3d street ) near Walnuk• NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ . . . AJOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain amendments to the Constitution-- , • lie it resdnedzit Seiviti.and House of Represelttatit'eS of t eleetommonweaftit of 'F'ennsylvania in General inet, That the fdl.lowtne amendments be proposceto . _the COnntitution , of the: Cominenwealth, in accordaiice with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: - There shall be an additional section to the third article: of the Constitution, 'to be .designated as nection -ibilr; as' follows: . . . . this"Szerlos 4. Whenever sny of tire qualified electors of Commonwealth 'actual ;military'sdr ' rice, Under requisitiorf ft oin the President cif the linked 'States, or bythe authOrity of this Commonwealth; Such electors may exerefle the right of suffrage in all eleetions by, the citizens, under such reguistionst as are, or, shall be prescribdit by law, as fully as if th'e)i . were lOreihiit at - their usual place or election."-'' Simmos 2. There shall be two additional sectionato the: eleventharticle.o the: Constitution, to be desigßateo , l as wahine eight in . 4 nine _As follows: , "Sadruix 8.• bill'ahall be passed by the Legislature, containing more than one inbjectovhich shall be clearly • expressed in the title, except, appropriation bills." „ • a' `'NfXblll shaft treLpassed,,Lthe Legtslinire granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereaite; be, conferred upon the courts of,thi& CommenwealthAl 1' ; ; •• ' HERR'S!' C. JOHNSON,. ' Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PLNNEY, , , • ,SPetticer of 0. ,. . 8 ,6 1 1(44e. Ctrica OF TRH SECRF'..ihT OF is 2 COSIXONWEALTH,I TTARRTAvira'April 25,1864. • l• 'Pennotixtnia, se: I do hereby certify-that the foregoing is a full, true; and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of 'the Gerferal Asseinbly, entitled "A Joint , . Heaolution ‘ prnposing , :certain ,Amendments to the ConstitutioN!!`its, the same remains on Ale in' iN Turernotrrwherbof; I have hereunto fiek, my flu n.) 'hand and canned. the, seal of the Secretary's Of , • fine tß.ppatlispdi,tlie day and year above written., ' . sLIIPER, Steretaire Ike Cointinttilerilth." The aboveresolvition havirigheen•Rcieed••• , by= a nia jorityfor fhemembers. rf eacktionlat, two successive sessions she ileneral,ASsemuly.Of lls Commonwealth, the ProPohei:•k r amendinfilita will be sub fitted. to the pao pie, for their idoptliii r eif rejection; on the FthST TO/SbAY OF AUGUST, in the year of our Lord oan..ttidusand:eighti hundred and six.y.four, in accordance with the terftluarti cle of the Constitution, and the act entitled'"An Act pre. Scribing the time and milliner of submitting to-the people,, for their approval andl ratification or rejection, the pro.' : posed amendments to .the Cotunttution 4 ?„ •ripprovieti, the twentY,Oird flay, of f April,; ime . thousond, - eight linnared and siAy-ttir. ' • ELI SLEIrSit; at;27 1-1; Secierrifylf the t*tmonii•;lia. MEL ODEOtiIS aidnicEt ObjAl4S. TVAN I TTFIROT I RRENMS, ,; TWELVE . 8111VRE, MEDALS: ONLY (TOLD; MEDAL lever wen by inEdrumenta.ek tide ' ' • ameba been awaided to MASON & .P.A.IvT.I434IS9:NSTRIMENTS. Cull assortment of itteW instruments always on hand at W. ..11140CRE'S, Bole Agent, 1 2taslyl 93 "' 41A.Itt Thonteive. MaeDowell, Attorney-at—Law., . . OFFICEIN TICEEMST.; BELOW PMEI i HAHHISBOHG, PA ALL mariner gof 11..illUrryri Claims promptly attended to, and elairmicollected against the General or State Governments, either-in Congress, the Court of Claims at. ctty ; in at Harrisburg, without un neeesstedlidO, and*Oh nitiderate terms. ap29-dam COLUMBIA -HOUSE. ' CAPE` MAY:- 114'skotel will be, opened June ,The house las, been pot in.t.horoOgli repair and. 'nearly ,two mpFov.e new hundred and greatly id BATH- 11004.3 guests.. will be ready for the accommodationof guet. , • • ;Its capacity and each, department will be ague if not superior, to any Hotol , upoa CAPE 1.51441?-: !,Birgilehl's Band. has imen Boomed ter the season. Address . .; ; . • z : GEO. J. BOLTON, . - - - , •; - P, o .- • " ' J ,Dr, . • .. J. H. DBNNIBON, .- • . MOrdhant's Hof9l, `DAILY .PHIL.O O AI4 I O-IA, - CocaHaien, 'jersey:ROM WilrfikluPor_ti NO' ryo -..Witsontowa,.: ;Milton, Lewisburg, Northiunberiand • Huai r •, " • . bury, Lewisburg AeOrgetowli, Lykenstown, Ilersburg, Halifax - Dolph* r, - HOLRISB:URGe: " ni c e Philadelphia Dtippi drayage will be at the lowan' fates." -The Conductor 'goes through with each train to attend: to:. gte• of ail goedo,lutrestod to the , Gowhydelivered - ap i the*e: pot et, PRELPD, WARD. r ic -P•ittEED; 411 maik - et *4.0, Philideliihk by r. bf . 'llelivetea In Rat *Wig themext-nqiript.-: • 9 ' , • WriiiiiiiiVAlWajno us - liOvv as by A:** 4;kb:el. - •line. ' morrdoghlttA do, - • Philadelphia'and Reading'Depots ; 0et211.-tf • •." root otidaiket Street, HaVrisburg; 111 , FALDDENPS MARBLE. YARD. cbßisnut OFt WATAItti , AND Finical - um), , =ME `THE undersigned hliting ened n""Marble s'• in this:city, liegrleatre to-inform their ~friend AsidlttLepublicsin goner* that they: are, prates,* to ,fui insh tr-; 'MARBLE 4 NORK-OF , EVERT DESCRIPTION fluor AS notniniente; • • ' ' Mantles, And llpuee*Olilfin Marble and Brown Stone. Give us kcall.:ftad 7itilll.guaranteo sitisfsiaton. WFAIMENA CO. Entligh.a/Gettrizin. mar29-dly • ' ED! VERY /PIPE , • ourextensive .:Phpici ri:lo. rule ..Card Pictures, * 40 1 4 1 1 iod 'PhotorP for the reception leave added a' BEAUTDITL'E!.IV LOPEof esid inetu'rea — , They seen and OM be *dm_ •.re q rarrrhototrapers i supplied at, the . very lowest whole sale price, and their o•ril.priatod !; ,2 ! .per 'thousand, wholesale' nd ietall; at ' • • t • SCIIPTER'S BO OK H - Axm AY Of the bed thity 06:red' kof : itilq. Call at ll' CORktie SVOAL OFFICE on the Canal klarrirOurg. , . • . ap304.1" • • Valuable Property;forSale. ' A t 'Nfiw Tiro. Story FRAME HOUSE, with a 11. first rate Store Room' in it, bn the•corner of: Fifth streetand Strawberq alley. Also, the Frame House ad joining. For'fiirther'partionlars enquire at Leedy's Shoe Store, Market street, ordh the premises. imy234td , • ' - .DANIEL LBPDY- ... • • A:00433k nit-- SAP i "e haceite g i at waeg and New il:taTicS! , ?.. te.Ch; SU ; L i tt my. 6, F . — . Eideeeseeralcilif- / 39 42; ‘" • T 7 bRENENT7I 4 4 A FILBERTS rpm: 3; • 17' ; c .dIXESLER l .4 eßibriat myrk , m :W icosisins to. pp!. ,--- - , x - ..... .Z 1 : 4 4 171 .7:;;e. CAI ,k: 'IV:. c' .1,71a1 i. We have just received a flue selection or APPLES, la prime order. For sale by the barrel, bushel or small riusatlty at SEMLER &FEAZE. &Mg (unmemors to Win.. Dock, Jr., lk Co.) PRICE TWO. CEA& EVENINi EDITION. .EXCLUSIVELY , FOk.,THEtAILi-lELEGRAIII ;BY.TSB•r 2LU 1. INLAND LIN_ES. FROM NEW -YORK. 7, he - ' 1r0ti01,0,4::,.01.6iat0f, The. Sp(mtvneh's,,Vonvetitioa. PASSAGE OF THE GOLD. SILL. EXCITHMEHT . AMONG ; THE 'BBOKEitS. FINANCIAL AFI&A.IELS. Arrest of a New York Nerehant„ far Shipping: Goods bgo Blockaded-Parts. M"UTIN , SF. A. Nsw 'lora, June 14. The iron-clad. Dictator has received her ar -mamma- of -Ericsson-guns, and upon trial the turrets are reported to work admirably. She, will. now be hurrieci„tacoMple . tion. , . , Another brilliantitiateb. to :the champion ship lumileesi; arranged. fietwien Childthweit aria Kavanagh, -take place duriniihe fall. The Sportsmen's convention met last even , iug and appointed-theusual committees. Mr.. - O. It. Gerald; of 'Niagara 'Falls'was ' - elected President; 601. Bowles and John L. Jewett,' yice'Pielfe4ts. iielkbnitentiiiii,'Wlll.l:le , Flield .NiagsaltEalls...liT.Fe. duitlists and pistol mooting take to-day, and - dur-i fag -to ; morroly end --Thurscley other sporting .cehteiM,Nvitti2a ;! t' A son of collet:ter Barney was rim over to day by an omnibus and *vied. llid igt4.l4 fit% kt diimat„ gold bill was to send gold down to 1954. .A. rumor ; pr n the capturvO r r i e4parliug 4so, assisted in - . 1 1 , / e. • The stock market was firmer at the last board, MI, 4riei ,lindson Rix,er and ligiposai but the birbince thl,'list Was dill and-hlightly; off in some respects. It is understood that 9 4Fgenulaber: if bids ior,t4e, loan, were sent ibiitrard kiotirlit to iOskY Gold closed at 196, after being down to P s tt• • ' "4 • itii'fcillo*inewaS I to-day's tensines4 et the office of the 11. S. Assistant Treasurer: Total reeeiPUV $5,908 19 48 Pliini‘lents; Balance $45,340,327 77. Uhtirleh commission mettbant doing business in Yearl.street, was to-day ar rested on, the, direction of a' Djx and ; oceti, initted tOYolfThilayette; charged - widt • being engaged in the besiness of running goods bito the-blockaded :Volts. '<= . The steamship Ocean Queen sailed hence on the, FOth inst t ; for .Aspinwe4.l, having on toard 21.7' sailors, inesily Ifrlig.stelrekltfrom the army to the navy,--and 500 passengers. On the third, day - outithir,tyl eft the:,; sailors attempted to _'seize: the ittfilOrier iter on their own account. They had made threati and the.officers of tbe,yep,s i el, we fully, ire- pared. 'After a short , sfiniggle WO of. thelnni tineers were shot and some thirty or more ironed, and the mutiny , quelled. . • - XXXVIIIth. Conerress---First Session. `HO - crst OF RtisitEStR I TATI gS. t ,Wearovarotr, ,Tune 14. Mr. Alley, plassachuSiti*, ) 'from the Conil mittee Plitti; Ofliges/ .. 032,P05t Roads, re= ported a joint resolution empowering the Post mastelGeneml,, his:discretion, to extend the inaibecintraeC „present contractor, commonly known as the OverlalA kcal Coin paw., for one year from the Ist of . .July. at ex isting rates. • Mr. Alley said it was considered best for the interests of all parties that the contract should be extended one year, as Mit& presentl State of the currency it was impossible to determine what the service may be w'bith. The Post-- master-General had--advertised for bids, and the time;:expires -to-morrowl hence the portanae of prompt action on the - raolutions. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) desired its postponement in order,tkat it might be L aseertained whatthe bid - Mr. Shannon (Cali- said, while the mail service from Salt • Lake to California is well performed, they service on, this, side of • Salt Laka is a -notoripwa failf4o3, -and outrage. There ought,,to be.mons efficiency and respon sibility. _ „!: , _ . . Mr. Alley ,B ass.)replied .ithat what the gentleman,last stated hail 3 .l4thin_o.dlog w:ith the pending proposition whichisprmided for continuing the contract only one year, where as, ilea eolitraot:uildisr,liiddin_g,was awarded for four years, the centractor.ndght, obtain a much larger sum. The passage of the resolution would save hundreds of thousands if not millions of dol lars to.the Government. _ _ _ The resoluffon was read twice,. but as objec tion was_made to the third reading„because it' had not been engrossed, it,wentto.the S,,Cte er's _ ~• _ The.liouse reconsidered the yore,hy which recently the Senate gold. :bill:was .laid. upoi, the table,. . i , • t . Mr. Fernando Wood 3;, , k Asked the .uneniutons'corisent of.. the. Hutesele, speak for .terk mitintesupOn the subject, tkutif_i. Spatdd ing :(Ohio)LObjected. , Itllo:lbitu3e;arat Y.oted on. the : amendment heretofore.: offered by; -Y,): namely: ;Provided Juarecixer,,Ahat,-, daring the. operation of the act the lewd. of tirade and, gra*itatioi,shall be and the same are hereby suspended:.:,- • This Walt Noted dow_n. :amid. much langhter. ,r3frolboper's•substitrite.for the fast section, ?of the Senate bill waiagreed ,to.„ • . The bill was then passed—yea?.l.6,92.andil- markes WrerAMltti. I .ri3mh.l3:*:n!thm_4,JiinEo There very , little: l olbveineed :Bier's 'mind pkitne-tpialitib9twattedtaf4l466l47Zippeki4 qbo2; vinik l l 4 alehrofVianotliriW4lsll.3!- iper. bushel and Flaxseed at i 3 35(0,3 40.wiN-. 44 letts'doiteingloiri lant-the anarke rj E r ve*Errni: .!Eher Nahtfotzahlopmeait:o64 prise 1000 barrels Ohio eartrafamily and fandy RR 5064,9 00 per. barrel and 500 barrels Spring Wheat extra at $7 25. The sales to Mintage Itniceo • • •--- • — 75 Abditbr'n %Ikea. ... . . A - ' /AO Itinbral Notices eaciiinnertion • EO Sir Butness notices Inserted in tba LOCIZI Co/Inm, or before Marri each insertion.agenend- • DeathAll.!OPtv. GISTS Pria fGT , _ the retailers and bakers range from 750 for superfine, *7 75(8 for extra, 88 124(58 50 for extra family, an $9(4.10 for fancy lots— according to quality. Small. sales of Rye Flour at $7. In Corn Meal nothing doing and prices nominal.; -, There is "a. firth feeling In 'whetti'lltit not much doing. Sales of 2,00 bushels fair aftd prime red at $1 8701 90.- White ranges from 42 to $.1.0,.Rye sells $145®15 7. . Corn is dUll; yellow i4,offex,ed at sl'sB allOkk'irithinit sales. Oats steady at 88c. Whisky is 'rather quiet. Small sills& of Perms. bbla. at $1 32®1 33, Ohio all' 34, and.dru - dge'sit $1 30@1 31 • . • Nr.w,Yosu,...Tuue Win heavy; sales of 1,000 barrels at $,7 50 ®il-for State, S 8 30@8 35 for Ohio . mad.o Octi-foi Smithern. Wheat 'thal; salea - Of120;- 000 bushels atfsl:73(4lBl for Chicago ring; $1 7601 82 for. Milwaukia Club, andltd 85@,, 1:9.0:for red western., Corn advanced 2c.; sales 0f,50;00i5 buslielg at $l5l. - -Beef roik firm; stiles of 1000 barrels at s24`for mess. Lard-firm. 'Whisky firm at Si 35. - Stocks steady; C. & IL L 115:; Cumberland preferred .78; Illinois Central 1291; Michigan Southern 964; New York Central 1324 Read ing:l4oi; Hudson River 1433; Erie 1113; }Tar im 185; Gold 1963 f one year -certificates 97; live:twenty Coupons 1051. Rualrawas,- June 14. The flour market is active at $8 25 for fresh ground Ohio eats. Wheat dull. Corn dull . and drooping; sales of white , at $l5OO 1 51- Whisky dull and heavy_at $1 32.: -Bn gar steady but inactive. ADVERTISESIENTg. T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT MANIIPAGrriZEB,.. ragrrilEgl3ll,Gr,** and soat tenor of Buildings wit}, the MASTIG ,CEMFiId, on a sFstetti: This material isASitirely different 'from all other consents need heretofore and ,the „QM)! rehab"; trope - Mixable coating for -.ta,l&' Work. MiSed pro liar: proportions of pure !Linseed Oil It forinea soli* dara. hie adhesiverkess to Brick or .I.oac WalL , making a beau tlfak, - Mae Water proof thrface and finish' eqthil to:Bitskot. &Bone or sprcalor deldred. . Among others for whom I have arMlica the Mastic Ge ient„,l'refoir to the following gentleiMen:- • ' .I.Alsselaresklence, Fenn street, Fittsbrum.,.. m, o t ic c iSi J. M. Shoenberger residence, lawrensemlbe.:: A. er," • Jalneirreandleak . " ABeflieng city . Calvin Adana; ,Thiritiotreet., Elt:LlkuTg.; James Wood, owner St. Charles Motel, Willikm Vohs!, Girard Butimi, • . , Barr & Moser, architectsEliepatch ,s; Arlin . B. Caa, residents,: Front 'treat; Haaarg, A. J. Jones, ti Please address . T. F. WATSON,. 0. - Box 1,806, PittEhlirg, , Pai . iyr y Penns. Mense,,flarkintsilM, febll3.dilm "NEHI ROCBRY PROYISft I STUBB. BOYER KOERAPERo.: :W=H OLES A.L .E; :AND. RBT2Szklo -DWl=p r G 11„ . 0 C - lE, • Queen's and _ Gloss VPl;ut. t • AND ALL Ml* 0 0 1:r R Y 'P Afft AVE juktVogenedwitirge and wnlizieJnoted stock of goods at theif.stand, 20. 3Naricet3quare, Ilarristitlig, ft., to which they invite the atthiltiOid i tirtho public getierafly. - 1,4410111tt. - A zuktmEßafitiV -act - teal Watch . -- Dradixer, ' 1 'lO. it MUM' Meet; ' ~arrisbuirg, Pay"` DEILI,EIL IN , • FINE WITOIEgI o WO. - • • SLR JEWELRY. 431i/ft:M/L7PI:WARFs. , • - - • TEll WA : t a l ky, CBN _ • ; AND,ALLICINDS JEWELRY. Ifaxcenstantly.on hand a well aelectedLand. elegantly agrorted stock of - PINE WATORFE.4 „ ;: us ' ,• • . : , • :1 , . • . ‘•• EWE SILVER WARES. AMERICAN, ENGLIS , H' AND 3178$ I V /LER, - Whrekcasai. - Also, a Ana asnortment of • constantly on hand. . ; - at A Lanais TABERIT 01: vi ; ELEGANT CLAOC,I/0 . 4. Of all descriptions; all of which will basatdairthe. • : LO WRS'Ir CASH: PRICE'S, - r.• sigs- Call and exarnine•the Ries. •• _ Particular attention paid to repairing of fineWatares, =chum.. Chronconetara r _Duplex „and other.jerdebraieJ Watches, and. all - kinds of- Jewelry neatly_ repaired , 'None bat the mcietacompetent - workmen eraployeft, end the whole nutter under AY: ownPOrsonalnillwlTßucal, F. ZIMMERMAN, mar2B] No: Si Ideiket'etiei3tiltdjotning NO EXCUSE FOR EIPLWONS , ASHORO'FTS LOW 'WATER DETECTOR' S AN INF ArLT - IBLE PROTACTION against any passible 'Warr to, steam :1 oilers, from a ,lacic water; which is the great source, Of no many sad =a g e , mitt so Much, damage from the burning of boilern. We uaryardthiginatrament to be a perfect insuraric against such contingohcies; perfect satiOactioti guaran teed or nopay._.krice $5O. . . Send for at Instrument and try it; if not satisfactory you.E4'return it. •Circiders with references sent Many niatileshing them. Address, your comminileaPona D. C. lIEEDE fr. Pittsburg . , Pa. my4-41&wtf , G; DDING IN VITATTOA N in AT HOXIDCARDS.-Ity it special:arrangement with one of the best, engravers in .the countly o .cards of any description will be 'Wed 'tied In the lilgfiest - style of Art, conformabko With. the , litest-Xasitionglandraupplmo prmptly, at ' er s ew prices thin ardchar g ed by the mation en in New Yorli or andisiczkr --- PERQFPirB . BOOISF9N. mahteltf Exiactm :kifys NUTICE. - - T.Prirf.., RS tflfAmPllntary 7estale - z 1 k`Pfluniah fornoy; ktto or salifaa fow nship , Dinpitin °Amin hiving. beiitegiatt e o t , ihe_ l u m b a rsi f ir l ee,. residing lolinksAiß, all pawn_ Indebted Jo.* 0 1 ,i t t . f ie requested` to mskelOinieditite payment; tense b tog ow fat mitkilwint. led %lad* SAMUEL LANDIS, isenot-5 Tra, RAIOZtAX IIUTATE BATA list .-:_lbeinevenal.propentles *Ulna Fatale or; WILLIAXILL iaI)nd*-asedi ikeoltY et Harrisburg , ui 'Smogs ia* - FiOnt ah4oVintt Ctiatinis krt.* at'airif-near near • 'van= .11 ea, 4 1 )=PAS IgdFr.94 41:114S.0 at -Peat x9jittres mulberry street. near un of land at the eastern terminus or thirkeVetreet.,469 of tered fornsia.- - theunderaignee , 'datum ; (014 fi s alyfyrift9 4 . _ liza a ppauNrs w 1 4,PUrcAS, the mash popular cad serer 'miffed to We public, jest received and for sale by SHISLF:ft k FRAZ.F.R, MIL Omen= to Wm. Dock, jr & Co. F: r . 'rug, • ti .--TitrAnwia! lvertlsing in the Um do witt - find 3t con. te-htiff vinare. raght aplare, or. do 4witiAta f spa:s - 80 . . 1 . C: 0 125 225 inth .. OIS VO*: MOidba: 11CU 4• E@ tonths 15 0 ti6t:-Sit§44,ll3Flo t 9 0 ir46
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers