TI - IL TELEGRAPH IB PITEMSELMCD • MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGEI3ERGNER. oFFICE wrap ET., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS 01,811BSCIRIPTIO N . SIIsTGLg SUBSCRIPTION. Tus Taisomarii is served to subserlbera.lft44; city at if cehts' per week. Yearly subscribers, will tie charged $5.110 irradvauce. Those parse= Who ileghieti6' pay lit advabce *ill be charged s6'oo, - .WENELY TELEGRATTE - - Tris.T.stsetrisTil is also publishs..,.. , WV, 'AIMS:,, h • u 'Subscribers at the following cash rates t liingla copies, weekly , . • • • •• .... mi. ! , copies to one .P.oet 01116 e • 4 col, Tedoopia a° 'III.E.INEOAIL ) :i. 11,11 . i.,. GLAD NEWS , FOIL , 4111:431170 — Ita:£ 1 14 ty,l • . •• , • thi* DISCOVERED EBB ClitO•ro,kee-. RemedyfT • IMEE •CAPOICAB i n,incnorn , coxpouNDED-rßcti iiittYrs; ' DADIeD AND LKAP*I. `72.ilabr;.- & t hyme touliiitglxuraic. aura allctiseulor i.Vs,wisibryinriati,.aicit - sa•ben 4 , ?Wi le:nos VitirtliefrfilpaneseatileP:f eat 'madder, I enadoi.toptip zioneit,i;skane*VlA , 4 ll #4_ (crawl;Greerta, tend is apostasy f osto4aie into/int. aissi of Asa. Arias (or Moiss in'fa , dasair adore di the oldnauseette medians: haw' frteTa. oar It is preßared., ityt highly concentrated fOrm, the dose only hang rsnitoato two tathixi didithirtliree times , SW It is diuretic and alterative in its act oi; • • and cleansing th e blood, causing it to flow in all of 1 ,, original purity aid i trigar; thus removing from thesymera all pernicious causes ishieh have inducedgisteam ' CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or . *filit ant tajlle CIELiROSE.E. REMEDY and should be used in contention with that inedfoirti`lit sill casorof Gliitorrhea, Oat, Fulor ditrus or. Whiten; Its effects are AM/4k 100thinp and "W1CA4 10641 ; 1 reign : lig ',PP4A I 4 14eict chortles er4liiaint tusuailAf thlrPunitilS and 10r914,,t endurable pain that is emperienced with , .neitrlY, au ' tl l . - irßy the use ofrtie' 6thitoia . ittFertrad CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two rnoehoineartt time disaharges retnovii4 indthe Naar I end organs are sPeERWY -restored . 4 ° 11./1 ,-For fallipsdtionisze, 'get our paripilei Ihoiu t aut' drug store in the eountrjl i , Mr,levite us,.itnd we /will free, to any address, a full treatise. "."..n. e' I M.Pvt'oe; 'CILEROILEg REMEDt Js 4 2: per battle, a' time bottles for EE, , v g,.. Frio, CHEROKEE DLTECTIQH4S Per, Iq, IHl6Seni , by exPries W, eP5',.r.100#4..e#.,1.t MEI prise. 1411°I i t1 4C,I i ( Ira*" }.'.ever~yfrt2iJ ere cfx, , .SlALYMPrietOrip 'rNd!' 59 /4 1 Skt t #, I ' ll6° l WOW York, t ' O.III3aOKEE.' 4 3IIItE. ti TEIZ, G4EAT I • INDIAN NIXENICANEw ;• v .04 A. L: 5 i,;.I;COALPIXOI.IO.BDL laro/4 !t .f --'-' El= ROOTS, .I.II.RKS LEAVEg. - *0 144 ,1 1 /!:" 0 4 9 .41isto toi!i4skiris,.(qtd•fizA 4 3 ** 4 "); 3(i '# ll77 ' pfiluttoop Melt , arlass Memotw ignitorsie * 01 4 -4 42 e Wiak Nava, Mfficultt neu, .16 1 41 ,i . lidig''nenJ di Face, Itai ooegisienign;3r, insan4, i72 : this I**.a . '&expiairits nomad by de parting from the paC?t of nature. , .INrnall td 4 ialeihe is atingle vegetable eitraci,agaii. n• which alt can WV? Pi!••biae hePlL.Peci 0 1 :PFF: trW i r for , niltirreare,:anti:4vitt , •• thonsands treat-040i •;• 1 41 2 .3Pt, nowerapitertieesP I. togain victory ov ! er the iiiFistiihihhom /011" 1-6 those who have trilled -with ,their conatitnlion,, 1111*** think ilioOlves id, we. /49 - $4 7 :.4411/ 1 restore you to health and vigor, an d atter .14.1545 -b• . • ,per - Fortall i ‘ g.4:9Pqi : i nt2P ru g Store in 1.10 county, or write thirdi'n?prietor%whO.,Will saine,_a treatise in pignphledifOna- •,krfiig •-+ ..-10,1PriauF $2 peOottle;:or three boyties, far-_b4, . aid 'Zi4bild by , ail .; 141 1"x‘i ' gi $1112641.4-W4.4ig " 14 -+ `15 I Rn1 11 }.R.++MERWINAGIX. 1 .),..1 ++.o4 p w itiiiibitic . 1 +++ marla amily • W.a.. 59 utteT4AP3o..so7 • i L I '411 ; 111:V R . Si" I , s Frazer, (3ncoessore tolAir m. Dir„ir, Jr., & Co.) ' • FADIMY (3ROCOF, 'oppeotte the'Court House r have en hancialina seLeotlonpf (14. i i• 13RAN3IIES oe different vinteg,cls- cr, r, FINE AND COMMON WINES, ••-..-.' '.wrasKys.: ~: a 1,; • OP . BOURBON es. • r- FLAW IRISH AND B'oo9 CS Whkikya The beet ever brought to this market. • - •ILA M T A It , fl• odebrated , creesnatr ElROirg wmrstcr , .( N r Yid eo.a. CHAIfII I 24::d.NE "VVIATES: . - SEIOM SORANNIWEITTIIO,4 4 . 411.A.RWT SCOTCH AND-TRISW-ArkSpil - W113) PI ANT ATION , F... R ' s 4 . wiaWgi T9i l /91..MERS3 With a complete Mock of /Cfiblinneltlifto Yalu iuoif Atdir.l6l3fs An - 'll - 03ruments or every delldrixitioi dine lii the market l a m / at ty • • • • La, THILO 4 E'ST,RAT,Z,T. dal MOl'll, IMIT . - KACFIEV riCYWIYJETCN 'av. 403. pritteeithrtisintEN 'Arei THIS 'POVIAR-- a compound of valuable; • So-t. - articles ior the destnictio . of inSiietiliatiitAtted among or dusted piptiLarltief,pploilis,. Carpets, Clothing,'; Are, paekml , !Tay, for . niFiniar t , 7111,41 . Trtudi . krevent! moth. " Being also ['delightful, diabsable perfume i(21.174. Prossate.clethingotc., with lasting entlacitsnt : , P r *. The anent fatryioMMincittielnKned. ny,lta use. ..„. harmed and siilditt - Drugand.4tutcy GoodsSiert; No. 91-Nark - :Ariel.: ap2a . • cf - a . A. P. :TEUPSERTri r TEACHER---OF . AT wAiews mum sircsitk-u 1 " , "-JJ •.4 4 4. 4 keet.. ; i;":1" 4- Residence: Third street,--above North. tf . PIIOI'OGRAP • ALARGE assortment of ,-Photowats of binerala and fancy pictures for par doscn, SCREFFER'I3I3OOfrift ANS:riiiELAME!..3fiehener's °xi Just cued. Received and for ode at SEMLER &FRAZER, alarm (stimeasors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co.' SUPER= RIO AND LAGITYRA COFFEE at bnyit] BOYER & KOBRPRIt. . . . . • _ . .. ~ \\ ' ' 1. ...,. .//7"-- s. , _ -, ,..,, ~.., ix. ut i ,;,./..):- . - . 4 "4 , \ 1 1 1 , wf/dAtfil...._-, -- ;- ' - --- '-'" ' '' :Li ' • .. ~... •. . J.. . tirliji V i 1 ant1.._,.,..i: 0 x. ,--- 4 ---- ;.; -- ---!,. . - 00 ..i. ,_,..., , ... - -, ..a.orrnal '''''' - ..- -4 -•.&• - •,T. - fe -;.,:?..4::;ti-,-- i ' ' ' . . . BY '4,ORGE 4 qlEltIC AN ling -LE& MII IZEIM r g •“: -GtNl7l242t,rittPoA.'l7oll3S,l.lrli:: Inihmaorxrpr i lf/PAor etzeuvavvy • HEMALVOLD 111713 A. &it S'ABSATAfi. • ui is' ~ ,01.1411.0iNrifkiecftg ',Mgr t ')- GE s EINPARATIONS.:,",! tid;.: is-itq! H I L - 11%,c 0 - Lalt 44 1 T - a A Tiii-P)7 MtMB 001111211 SYD •if -o• • • , 'FLUID RSTRACT BITCHU vg. AND spimic. mann. f -,. 10K ;OW TEM • • pitel)DELli,:iitbNEYS.,4l3,ATEt ..c;,..t i n..2,:-.IAND.pRorsveLL ,s:::tivr.,k ritHIS Medicine inglir.essilg thw,power of rgypnoptd t gxclos, the ARSORBENTS into healthi, eetion, by wbieli the WATERY or CA riCEROUS deposi tions, and all WATVRAL ENLARGEMENTS are re , dlidet4falASell as idtittand inthainnation, and. le good for I:CENOWOMEN,teIGEDIJNIEN. , ~:: • . HELPAROLD'S EXTRACT- . BIJCHU, , „„ ) +Y,.. 013 . 0 - • v -9 Y-!?,.c.193542,8, 111 Vr il " . 4 1 1 . 41 0 9f. 1?*/*?* kri " Ebtirkb inT . H THE•FOIZiriitNG WIPEPTOXI3: = . 11. Itidlipciiitlafto Exit:lion,. • Driaoss'af ithai akin, Laasi vcl , x• ,tien , s Didlcalty Pe ,Bfaa92,:* Honorforle, Dtf~Nrikoa, Waketakiess.;: , :: Tafacissli LasEatudelot ithePatulaAthe",flack, - ,,- •: i erti:i sfeelth l l3.:o• the BedY, Hotds, ' raidlOtar`orithtiFice; • Pallid Cottuteruic4 ' •-• . . These eYeeVolleikniV. ereSiZoNe4 this fltedt - Olua invariably remoras, gligt NOY;FAI EREGIIPTIOWITS; 'lt , 1.: ' : 1: A: • g' In one ot:100 the. Inktiant . may . expire. . Who can nay that they ant 1 I. notAikottentli follow W - thoee . "diriiht/ im e i ases; IV . +.k • . ' Man ~y swpmer the cause of their sufferings; but nand wilt Ohithisie . ; he en sof thihniane asilOttoi eM lhemel'aneliarflibsitiabTConedmditlotyaieer sunple.wlt hem to thetratkor thettoonthe*:' . • . TOLE MINSITTUODN; • ONbE -ATFOTEL! TAE 35TETLOWAXIQI(E 2 • ; tdrea the aid of priedialna to strengthen arid, invigo;ate e - --44tri.z sYsteni;*whiak Maibold , sVatfact InNiAlehly Atm. A trial will lonvince the marAcakeptieel..-f . . ,ca. OR YOUR°, SINGLIk 414RRIRD,_ OR 99.4114. gr FLUID( 44itautor, In mryilfeentiOneVeduliartolemeles the' Extract an chu BruzAtaigi l d.tot any; ghgr Attniedy, as 111 Chlorosts or Retention, Irregularity', Pe&fulness, or suppression of the (customary Ey:maxims, Uloetatest or Soblirouistate.orthe' betkotthelosot yrtAtei3 ; And, for all „golitt. i Mel* incipeitt to Air sea, shether arising from Incysge 7 an; gAiita:of Bihilpation o In the . : si fact nut on4ml.lNak or Lux p • I .Z) • ii NO 'FAMILY SHOULDBE WITHOUT., Take no Balsam, Kercatz r orlYnpletamini Medialner:Thr Unplemant andpangimvPs.-Dis9aaeL - • HEmlloriteKE=44kreTailmTi I •;1' r.ll . Cures &Malt — timbales intaildlielx.stitgesixitlittlewxiienle; little or no change in diet; no inconvenience and no expo sure. . It causes, grAuent givesui • triiiiaut;ilierepyemoiliwbstructichisi.pitymigng and oaring Stricttime otthatlYrethtmalilayingipain:and" matiop isp,freSumit indillitichwitut' disesaea, and eapelling•l poisoncus: Disceseal„ and. Viroxiwut Hatter, Thousands ntion - thonsaiiife' ;mho Wl+Bl3oll the vintinia of .qtiacke, and * ll 'o„Wofe paill heagYfeha -to-beam...xi:in a SliCuttinie ,, have AMA therweradeceivedoiad , thitt the Att'olsoiit! thy! IS4 DSe•of: " li.owellta AstAngentB,!''been dried` FLP in Uke.' system, to break mit aggravated than, and , perhaps after martiage. • Use 11L LI4BOLD'BIIIKTR&Dr BUCHU for arreAffeetiona and ;Dianarins of,tika DcMaxy. Organs, whether existing in Stale ofAmaret;frbraetibatbfer eanSo Originating, and no matter or how long standing. Diseases of these Organs . )IELMBIDLDI,S ha"I'IIACT BUCIIIIi is the drill. Diuretic,' and it Eft certain to have th e desired 'Cli.lidt s ite sitqlowepses fdr which IS is remm: theinded;'l3i,ll : Connentrit, teg cOmpolind EXID EIVESACTas.A.R4A SYP/31- airatfedien' 'or the - Blblid,'and slacks the Serial Organs; Linings of the , Noefe, Earn, a t, Wind- Mueus Surfaces =rim its appearance in M the form of eer& Helmbeld'a errant Sareapnrilla.pn rides the Blpal, and removes all Scaly Out:diens the Skll4 - glidrigle the qairgileren a Clear and ilealtlW Cofer. *t 2 lielngifrepar 4/.eritefelly4cir Ode elli.ss .of-ecnriplaintei itioSloodiPurlfying - Propyrtiengje pr,eseryecl to it greater . 11 /t4S 9 P itr6l'kert_lr el .MTIYETI4 „ , frETAIBOVit MAR *Mit • . , Aa t Villo disisanes of a Syphilitic Nature, ea semi injection' of the Urinary Organs, raining froai'luabits - of diesipiltlon,' need in connection with thivEnkacdp Socha and Samrapariila, s in; such ..diseases as recommended. kvidance of tho most responsible and re liable character will wsoompany the medicines CERTIFI CATES OF CURES,Ikom eight - , to twenty. years standing, wan Mimes knonm - io 'Seisms!, and Farms. For Medical "PrOperties:Of 11110E11, see Dispensary of. United States. iSee,Frofesizlor-DE,WEEIS vahuade•warks on the Pmetice Qf,. See; reinikke'intide by: tliniate - fielebriaed" PHYSICS, - Philadelphia. See remarks made.. bp .. EPHRAIM itlid*WELL,' &celebrated PhysicianandmieW b r ar .orthe.R o 94 Collegnot Iturgeoru; and published Watt) Tnunactioneref the Ellieeand Queen's Jounaal.- See, lliiajoiCtarutinitßeviek,published by SEX!. TRAVERS," Teitow of the Rapid College :of turgeezuf.. The Mast of the late etandard works on Medieine. . Extract of lincluk :il; 00 _per s bottle, or Mk - bottles for $5 00. 4ktreet Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for_ $5 be: . proved Roee Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or 'six for S 2 50, :or-half - a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient 1,0 cure the meet obatiliate_cases, if directions are`adhered Delivered.to guy address, severely packed from eb-. - nervation. Describe "symptoms in" anmennicationa bursa Isstrinteed.' Advice gratis • . AFFldAyrr. 1 1 13W 10 4b.rn:me Alderman et the airy of PhiLadelpfna, H. &kabala, who, being duly sworn , dott.L. waYt...44 P lions contain -110 =rank no ot,m•oar nFumf, eau are turely via hie u L. 1.0 :LW tstin&effeer y pitiLa 284 4 , & 1 1 aniS' - vensber, lia- Aiderman,inth street, eb. Race, Phila. Addreee Meta for infbrmatien in confidence. IL T. HELKBOLD, Chemist, Dept IN agent Mk elreel., below Obwitaux, ems. Learkliyi VESSIBIN MEDICAL. ILL E .GREAT iaN:4V4 - k • 1' r "THE UNION—Now A , N D F E-R 2i—weer. RAMOURG, PA, MONDAY, ZORNING, .11,rkt, 13, ,1864. . THE= UNITED STATES HOTEL HARRISBURG PA. gtprotiStilty ri11338• ,kamni - HotoliaMaiii 'in 'a oonill -tiotrtoitecomuladitte , the-traveling piblic, atforcling nidPlO.Conveniences alike for the transient gneet the permanent boarder. _ THE UNITED STATES HOTEL hag been entirely rent , - bell throughout, and now hes accomnoxbiticaut equal in 6Menti, comfort ; antlinzury to any, hotel between Philadek. Pitiotkireltifocittion is (ltd beet; iii - tlis State * stet beirtaaaitaislii.thattairOlit deijottli - ind tras proximity to au the public offices and business le. e ties of the city. It hag nourldl the conveniences of the Proprietor is datenainwi .to open neither es - 4singe, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The pationage:df the- tratighiessiblic is reepectfaily roll - n:,: :$O.ll-dtf CAPifAt: 110 EL, . OORWER (Mt TEM? AND WALNUT SHDZEIN, . , . . , PENN'A. 'WM tialohigkidlliis well kriol49l bowie has enlarged 'and thoroughly ‘anovated .The rooms have been re-ratnted and papered; and the entire estalishment elegantly, re furnished. Being plea.: slimly and eligibly located, and provided -with every con venienra, it oilers to the public allythe'comiorls and luitu alio' of 0. first olass'hoteL Trusty and obliging servants always itt attendance. A_ bar • well stocked , with choice liquors is attached to the establishment •1 • • 'de2S-dly YZ , W. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor.. , . • MEM JOS- U S E , Corner of pirkOt street and Market Square, saril .1317.8 G 1 0 7'2 1 i A. CHAS.' H. MAPiN . , ...Proprietor... 'nogdtt . , Dr. 3.-1 5 . KELLER'S ipienia,i,Prepara,tiou.s. ' Gqt411171.41t t . • AIf&RIOAN TOOTH TASHI elegant, preparations combine the ealiable cleansing and . astringent qualities7 7 l2i"SilA d They render thikbonitrfutoltiltd healthy; 'neutralize the leldl;secretions ;(thereliF ralhoYinif • the prima cause of deozr.). ,`Ay their detisraiye properties they preserra 111(11111MM coler,Lif "reati;',.'withcint in 'the least "degree While , they impart 'to the breath a fragrancapecullarly. aromatic'and plersant.., fact they fare..T.HI4;BASTARTICLE,in naelor the par= ' pliziM;niiined;aa fully debninitrate, and as has ' peep by their extensive' sale In litis.eornniantty.duriiiii the hurt 14 yeirigiiind' .tikich will bb oadily, A esiiwix o yby. i many, who.; liVrAtridly urged the Proprietor to . 4111 further extend their sale and uheininemThej'eanYvariiinted.''tn,be fine from ' dime destructive acids 'which aco' freqtjantlyCnistaininnia many o thlifireparations the: present ..Freparedandnold ah a 4 th st ts.=n u tal , st: t ts. init . cd tt,Fnianle jo to lti r izo p, in lß er . u ot z t3rnii. ; i• ri 9 " ' “"Siorkeozi Dinitlin: • ; For sale also briinsiiriziinina-Driggitts 'oithatity. • itCitTlitiNgraftittir p i g ,4L • YURSES i ,, co it, a , lvz co Dir. FOR LADIES , • ; ..:.:DrugiontlYaney. qconcla.Store, . • at Li 914fterkest-steeet. , ' z• • • :• I ,:.TltelbestAlorocca. ;IT N A 111. I N G,;: S u.lit L 6 , , • li.nd•afgeneril iarlitty 2df INOY GOOD , suitable:Di griltiVnigi I/51W M. 4 24. 44 .; ) XELLIMS:DrAgAr9I I 9 • maziO4f , g gary,f4.B ~ ; MALES, i t'- • "' • IikVioPHITILDELPEILI- • C., • X 3 - _V# 9 •• , ft, . , Market Street, Harrisburg. I ' 1000 DU/711W lithrfiES OY FiEInioNABLE" L 0 A M . S It ND . (). itlo l j,rl • • spgrffer win open on the let of April. ; Ln?tirxiraii • ••". BAKERY Broad= , street; between I Ititcond and HARyinistraisg. - • 91117., undersigned alm di :a a new BA LL BERT, ha the:Sixth. owlorhare ~ h e 18 prepared to auppli BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable . rate. He Warrants satisfactied Wa ll .whe'tylks!ie him a t eaR, He *in 101 l WI bread at thiiatd of : i yi'v B. cANTA PER PO U! (D Od fall weight itaim JOHN ALDORN. jim64if PHOTO[ RAPB: ALBUMS. Photograph Albums: PhOtograph'Atkums;„ t Pliotograph-Allittins. - Photograph Albuins: THE largest and cheapest variety of TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city an constantly . kept ; [Won] ' BUMMER'S CIULSPISOOKSTORB. CANNED FRUITS -OF EVERY DESCRIP TON. SAUCES of all the celebrated manufacturer& ha/0114E1S, ''.I.II2ISTA.RDS, iincery„description. • , • Alao . , BROWN BTOO,.VIINE TESS, CiO,F,PRe4. RT.TOSE aild'BYßUP.oraligradee and prices, and the beet selected stook :outside of Philadelphia'-'!' ALI, goods guaninteedLas represented. Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods oakefully ratiked'and dlieered to all parts of the pity freeref charge. • SHISLER,& FRSZER,_ myti. nor:user . s W. Dokik; Jr.; br.Co. - - ALBRECHT, - MEW & SCHIEPT'S.-4 -•.. EXCELSIOR' PIANOS. • BOLE ACIENOZ AT W ENOCIIE.B, —QS Maiket Area, ' tpi'Clß REASONS perfectly satisfactoryto At - INFIX I have taken the agency: of the above moat 'excellent :Pianoa Thepublio is invited to come and es amine,fcif,tienteelven . . ; . A few Behoteacker & Co's Pianos on haes yet wilt be dsol low.- • inar2s-tt A II , TRANSOM. PAPER. , A BEADTEVOL assortment of TRANSOM / WT I - I *: gall and e R'S BOOK STORE L Han Isbarg my2O sAyr • FOR BALM EVES ZOTS Jut Third strict., near S Narba, ere ra= site . 4quire at WALTERS' Stars, cotter a tharkkap.tt Thlrdfitreate. mirt.tt •- • rece ived c ;,.. stud OS i Jus t - • iwn— 15441.F7.11. pa aa,:gitl hue 4.4 TIIST ARRIVED !—A fine lot of CANNED el PEACHES aad TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIOR PINE APPLES, FRESH PEAR, &a, jest reaslvad by trql4.4li JOHN WISE, 941 Mast, wax Walnut myrims. man ors,- P ' Z A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain ,11.. amendments tothe Constituttoe. Be it resoged -by the BedatettuiCHouse: . o qf the Conteumwealth of Pennsyivania in General Assent -174. .That the followh3g amendments be proposed to / the o. l . l 4tnuLf o . l C .at the .Cortinaptfireadth," accordance With the provistonirbrthe tenth 'article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third stiticle eir es the Constitutioa, to be dfrouted as, section four, as "i l l °ll 4 4l" SorfO r ti49 eni;er titfte qualified electors or this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, uglier a reguLeitionfromAte President of the United SlatesilOilbYtholtuthaiity this Ponimonwenith, electors may exercise the right or suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescgiblii.by.lawlsaully .11W, if .ther were prrnt 4 .nts h'? 'f lare` ' 58C1703 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventhartiele of the p onathation, to be designated as sections eigheand adtrillowst "Smarm & •No hilt tp parsed by the Legislature, cantaltlinggiore than one sulgecti mail& shall be eleatly, expressed in the title; except appropriatiod'hala". • ,"Silt7Soll 9 . : No bill shall be passed brtlie 'Legislature granting any; powers; or privileges; in any case, where the nuthothrto grant such powers, or .privileges, has been,' Or May heceatter tie, Conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." HENRY O. JOENSON„ ' 'Apeaker of as Heise of Heiweeenteistee. AWN rk4NEY I *maker qf She sente. °writ% or mui Sicurraitir 07770 ".Commorwsk,rn 1 Ithtattotirea;Aptil 25, 1864. J Pineagivania, . forhereby true , and coFrect copy of the o ri ginal Joint Reeolutibn` of thh Geneva Aaaembly, entitled " A Joint Beaohnjon - proposing certain Anteadments to the Coostltution,' , as the same remains on file in thta °film . . . LY Tierhuoiti whereof, I have hereunto set my [4 - s.] hind and catuted the seal of the SeCretary's of fice to beaked, the depend year above SLIFER written. ELI • Secretary. the Commonwealth. The above resolutiohlaving been agreed to . by a ma jority of the member.. rffiach House, at two succeesive sessions of the (Athena Amenably of. this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the peo ple, for their adoption 01' rejection, on the 1/IRBT TUESDAY 01! AIIGILEIT,• ie the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred 'lnd sixty-four, in accordance with the tentit.arti .cle of the Constitution, and the act, entitled "An Act pre scribing the time and manner of submitting to the people,• for their approval and ratification .or rejection, the pro. posed itnendnients to the Constitution,"- approved the twenty-third:day of April, one thousond eight hundred and sixty-A.ur. . • ELI SLIFEE, o ap27 Secretary of the CoMmon •'? 4, MELODEONS AND CAJUN - ET ORGANS. I.VENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS. . _ ..TWELVE SILVER NEEDALISi ONLY GOLD SdliDli•keyer won by inatrunientS of 'Oil • •Olasaybasebein dwardedlo • MASON . HA.M..L.M'S INSTRUMENTS. A fill ihishisnimit , theta instruments always on hand at A , .1 WACNOCRE'S,:SoIa Agent; . Jc+ s , 2 taPar... • 9-ktarkßl sireet:. Thomali C. Alacpowell A., t o y. t . -Law. OFFICE DI TEMP 5T., BELOW PINE. :*. ASARRISBItitei Rsi -- • I A 144 simmer of atilitia7 -Maga • PromPtlY otteMetticr, anAbini#l64o44;ded &plug tue GAgenq or S tu ,Oanmr y - the , Ceart, of FOLIMEL OW, or 4 o7garriatinarly witttirat' un hammy delay, =eon saoderatithrait 14129,416ai COLUMBIA HOUSE. CAPE MAY: THIS hotel will be opened J 1.1120 15th. The house has been_put, intherugh repair, and nearly two hundred new and greatly improved BATH HOUSES '7 l/1 be rgii4Y.. For t.,01949050. 10 ;agua1ta.. : ;Its capacity and each department will ba equal; If not superior, to any Hotel upon CAPE' ISLAND. Mirelefilla BaS4 has haerdijaMiled. fix the,seeson. Address GAO. J. BOLTON, roprietor _i• t „ :, . •,• • • °ark; T ALAN NI N . J ., Or, .I. H. DENNISON, ,zny .1.3 .7 t14. Merchant's Hotel, Phdada. PEIPHER , S _DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey khore, Williamsport, Hu ey, Uniontown, 'Walsontown,.. Milton, Lewisburg, bury, Treverton, !Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, s D auphin, AND. nakmuLS.B !TIM. Thezglilladelphia .Depot being eentially lecitts4 tile dram* will be at the" lowest,nden The Conductor goes through wittCeitzli train to attend to the sallitlefifery of all goods intraited to the lilts. Goods deliveted at the de pot of FREED. WARD St• FREED,. 811 Market !taxa, Philadelphia, by ,b o'elook.r.. will be, delivered in Bar taYr; .918 aeu inPrnthr , • - • - _ . . Freight Always he - Lew as Any Other , PrJe• JOS. IiTONTGONWALY CO.; Philadelphia and Reading Depot s , ,Feet,er blarkastreet, Harriahurg. oct2l4l' BIaf,A...DDE.6I I BISI.ARBLE YARD. ooß*o of WALIITT. AND MYTH =3, Harrial:qtril,, Pa: r E_,tutdpmi r eil having o, o Yam In this city,, beg, leaveCo Wens theirjriends and tliepdbllo in gederalOhat they are prepared to Atr.' . MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 817.011 A Monuments, • . Tombs, Head Stones, • • Mantles, • And House Work in Marble and Brown 6toUs• glvensla suidwe itaswantee satiatactton. N. 8.-Lettering neatly none in 4 1 1f3h ° D r Germ. & • VEkY PIPE, INDEED Q our fine and extensiye stock of Photo graph 'Album , ' and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of Card Maim. They, must be seen and will oe admired: narPhotogiapheis supplied at the 'very lowest whole sale Price, and their c.rd printed upon them for $l. 28 per thousand,,,wholessle and retail. et. • - ..• , ma. 114 SCHEF .I I . I , 'HAY' , HAY!! HAY!!! gAir 'Of isief)bst 'quality is offered for sale. CaU at Id.'CORHICK'S COAL OFFICE on the Canal Harrisburg.. ROMS Valuable Property for Sale. , A ~New Two Story FRAME HOUSE, with a first rate Store Room in it, on the corner of Fifth street and Strawberry alley. Also, the Frame House ad joining. For further particulars enquire at. Leedy's Shoe Store, Market street, ur on the premlseis. my2B-tf DANIEL LEERY. SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg and New York State Meese just received at . SI:EISLER a m 6 so weapon to W. Doak, Jr., ALNUTS, OREAMNUTS, FILBERTS y y ,Yor salewbiya!aalf af at rit no .. .. i logitefoOrs t 9 TOCk, Jr, 1 ; l ac, co. We have Just received:W.4Mo selection of APPLES, in prime order. For . ealaryAtur barrel, bushel or mall quantity at & (priceafts to•Wza.))ock,o.) MORNING EDITION. •_EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH , . iNt. :.' - LINES.: LAVERN IMMIT News from Gen. Grant MoVenteuts. o iortabce Later From .. F. - Gen; Sherman HIS FORCES STILL ADVANCING Later from Gen.. Butler: Splendid Charge by Gen. lia.utz Rebel Works at Petersburg 'Carrie, I A Ono Flare of Artilhry and 40 Prisoneri Captured LATEST FROM . GENERAL ' CANBY ATTEMPTED ADVANCE OP THE ROM • . FRUSTRATED. CAPTURE OF COMMISSARY .STORES AND CLOTHING. NEWS FROM KENTUCKY . Gen; Burbridge Au:: Pur.uAt • APPXWt I F hither Nitety Miles bilifety-fourlouni • . . .• , run-44ittoat; Morgan Attacked and Defeated at M ' • Sterling: • NOTHING: LATER ,Fl,lOl • Wee Dizesemaratr, Washington,, - t lir, , ..- • _.liecurakra.une-lith,-10-21-ne..-- --...____ To Afajor General Dix: - , 4 , ‘....t.- sy. =7, Official reports /ma the hekdkeltu)sterrat :9 alloy of the Potosnaa ilOisillb,sl,c?cloc iiiiii- v. , terdatevening detail ho taiiireiniets of - "oft eilee. A dispatch from Oen.- Shermtui r dated, ;yes terday; states that' .otir baftilryi yesterday, Thursday, June 9th, developed the position of the , enemy in.a line alegftliek.hill% from San - ontw . :* tirtost,m l .oiunb*. , :andiWo are aw marching by the roads towards Kenesaw. otrg ~Gent9J,Bytler ds4eiCt. his mornilig 4 it dire VolOck, repotti all OM along our line. Yesterday General Lititz Abargeditherizie. mies works at Petersburg and carried them, penetrating,the town, but not being supported by : G f eneral Gillmore, who had withdrawn his torces withint a conflict, Geaeral.Sauts was, obliged:to withdraw without further effei6g.' General „Smits captured forty .tirisenerit 'and one piece oritatillery whiChlie 'brought away A dispatch `from GM: Canby, dated Vicks burg, Jane 4, states that,Gren. E mory reports that an attenipt Tayltir'li,force to croas"the Atchafalay'had been'frtu3tritial." The troop that had crossed were dispersed and a- ,lsrgp quantity of commissary :stores ;and clothing captured.,. General 'Burbridge, commanding .41,Xen tacky, in a dispatch' ated yeaterday at-Laic ington, reports that after" concentrating .a force at 'the - mouth of ,'the Beaver creek, en Big Bandy, I moved against "Mnigan.'s force Virginia westas far as G 144,0114: Morgan with 2500 men inOved"into'llen tacky via Whitesburg. ^II *trawl and march ing ninety allies .twen.q 7 tonr ho, came upon' - hith Mount *Steilint P yestirilif mg and defeated him. aned...al.lo.ble By stealing fresh horses. he reached Lezing- Uhl at tiro O'clock this a:. ' Our forces held the fort and the rebels did but little damage. He left here at 7a. in - . for Versailles. I start in pursuit with a fresh force this morning. • " No official report has yet been received from General Hunter. - • (signed) gDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. From,New York. REPORTED DEATH OF ,GENERAL NEW Your, June 12:. A report prevailed yesterday at the Stock Board that the rebel ,Gen. R. E.. Lee died in Richmond on Thursday. It sent gold down with a rash to 93i. • The . Second Pennhi Artillery. - The dd Pen,usylvreas, 'Artillery, add= left here some feW days since; has made its' debut. in battle, and accounts frail there' stile :that' its maiden 'effort - iaut characterized -14 . , =- daunted courage and coolness under ihe.=- Lient LotiothezePorted killed, and lowing damn wounded: Major Anderson; Capt: Jones, co. 1 4 mortally; Capt. Straw bridge, co. I; and great slaughter amongst the rank and filo. MEN FMB • TWO -CENTS., I=2=l Wen DEPa.arrceirr, Wean:mum, June, 12—Noon. 2 . 6 Maj. Dix; New York: A' dispatch iron' 'Gen. Hunter dated' at 6 o'iilock, on the 'morning , of the Bth !nat.,' at Staunton, reports that we met the enemynt Piedmont last Sundq the Sth inst., killing Win. R Jones their eOrinnanding General and totally routing them, after a battle of ten hours duration:. . . We, have oaptured.,l,6oo prisoners altogeth `er. One thouianden and over sixty olheers fwere left on the ~m held - of battle - also 3,00 U stand of , arras, three pieces of artillery and a - -•- k ylast ,WaVit3'..of.litores t•icl 17 , -- We have. i tc-dar effected .a, junction ,with. GEM* It arfother shited4V,Stionitory,. Jtine49th:. our= In.ismitry,is now engaged hi.burnizig thacund 'hendin,g rails east and west. - sae Uovernment and, railr4iid'buildings pave been' burned at Staunton. / 'We 'leave to-. , „ t' v : 142/0270*. • ••• ,• -r -•--- WesFaccvrox, 'llia" 11; STEAI ?MATING OFFICE, ADVERTISING RAMS—DAILY TELEGRAPFL The fallowing ate thirratis (Sr advertising iti the I*.a. MUM. Those having advertising to do win find it tee _ venten tfor reference. - ' ' •i ~..." ' ' '' '-'. '' ' ' frr Four lines or lest eonititute &trawl' square. Else lines ormore than fear constitute a - squgrc - .On 4 iMR . A RAZ" FIQII.A.ZIG. , ..{:, r ,....„,,,,; •iv , e day ' 's• 80 one iiy: .... ..... •3 - - 60 Two days se , 4......... 1 00 These daya . II .....s•-•••4,14 I ,-- .? One week.i...r.;........ G. $g . e ..;;;./.7...4.3 4 -. One month 300 Onnatonth .. 6( 0 Two months. .... .... 450 Two months,—...ft 011 . Three months; ' 5:50 ifbliiiimatithi.. fiti.kg'll ) ll; 's 81.S' months 800 Six - months...:::: - IVO . _ On, ___... _ ..0 Tear 15 00 Onetyear......„. . 26,0• aumunitureuen. Notices ' , .......).:.L.V.j:X432 1 2e Mairiage Notices 18 -Anditor's Notices 150 ,liiiiMeral Notteeseachlusertion . -• ' . ' ' 50 "or Business zioticei izoilried• hi the Local Coheswa or IstfOne Msurisges alid , . 1:411: . di. &aim. CniTia PEP. LESIL. , Thrk. lad hilleitßOL ... ...., ~. .. . ......:.... .- atilil Azi 44 •A E l THE WAR. OFrAQI.AL LEULLETM BATTLE AT PIE)DMOIV T. / ft • Dispatch front -Hunter. Irfn s Horn's' iitatdi Fighting. THE REBELS ROUTED. REBEL Capture of - 4500 Prisoners. Three Pieces of Artillery and 3,000 Stand :of • Arms Capturod. Alunetion Made With Generals Crook and Averill. Occupation •of Staunton. Later from Gen. ADVANCE OF OUR FORCES The First Line arßebel Intreitch- ments Penetrated. LLTER FROM GEN. SHERMAN. A.:BATTLE IMMINENT A dispatch from Gen. Grant'S.hea4tquagterer .. d i 'dated, yesterday, at 4P. nr., reports,tuat , e rebel cavalry having yesterday 'h& de 5h...., into Wiliitiiils lines, near the. Denny - 11* - 0 ,W,ilson thie morning sent out a portion , 'Of cv MellitOsli's brigade - to see where the . :wieniy '' ' wits '' Their" pickets were driven in liid 'their.''' outer line lorded, the cavalry passing Over the' entrenchments about a mile west,of tlethstaida, - , Church. .11 , 11ntosh came upon a field division, of, ixf- - flintry, and having Webrap r iisiled the purpose' " of his reconnoissauce,.reured. u:kle inneaaruf ' '. wounded a pumper: of rebels :in 16is progress„, ; and brought away four or live pnsoners. lie . . , r In 4 sixteen men killed 'and vioniided” Dispatches 'Mom Gen. Sherman, dated at his :headquarters, Big this mdrning, have been received. , • . , They 'state that our lines are Vathin four or five hundred yards' the iiimny; but no light ing yet:• (Signed,) lEDAVIN STANTOA. From Dibw York: . ; Nzw , Yozz. June 12 The day has been ,very April like. We .have showers and austshine all day. Local news is very scarce indeed.' The burial of CoL hieitis was attended to day, making a grand military. pageant. Mirka : fa ,by Telegraph: PHILADELPHIA, June 14. Trade - moves sluggishly m all departments, butprices have undergone but littte change. There isahrmfeellug in flour, but not meek • doing. The export demand very moderate, and - the only sales - reported are 4.0 U" barrebt 'superfine at $7 46 per barrel; .500 barrels ex,-:!= treat .11$7 87*, and WU barrels,Uhio extra lannly at $8 75. The sales to the retailers and baiteo range trom our lowest quotations Up to $lO -ter many lots, according to quality. There is very little rye flour here, and it is firm at $7, In corn meal nothing doing, and there is little here. The offerings of wheat are small and , it is held firmly. Sales of 3,009 bushels g oo and prime Penna. and Western red at *A 85a1.88 busheL White ranges from $1 95 to *2lO. Rye Commands 4.1 55a1 57. Corn is less ao. WM. Sales of yellow at $1 59, afloat, arid $157 in store. Oats are steady at 88 cents: Whisky is in better demand. Sales• of -580 Perms. and Ohio barrels *1 31a133; Ohio at $134, and drudge at $1 31. Nuw Tons, June 1L —Flour firm; sales 15,- 000 barrels; State, $7,6(48,10; Ohio, *8,35 ®,8,51.1; Southern, a8,15®!1,30. Wheat firin, sa l e s of 60,000 bushels Utifeage Spring, *1,72 ®1,79; Milwaukee Club, Western, .$1,84@i1,89. Corn dull; sales un important Beet steady. Pork firm. Lard, 15(6154 e. Whisky dull.. Receipts Flour, 13,600 barrels; Wheat,, 140,000 bushels; Corn; 50,000 bushels. • Bammaress, ' Jane 11. Flonrfirm; Howard- street, superfine $7 75 @7 871; wheat quiet; choice white sl:l3@ 1 5; cont. firm; white $1 53®163;.whisky duff sad neglected, nominally 4,1 31(ga 35. NEW ADVERTISWNTS. REAL ESTATE AT .PRIVATE SALE—"," . ) - The several preptuites or the estate of WILLIAM = ,el,;_ MON; detested, in thneht or lb .arist;argonsesienw , s - t Houses on Front street and,Chestnut street, at and near. thWirner of •Frent and Chattititisereeidj-n - Mipisitlob e 1 6 ,1 idulborry street, near Third street, sad 19x of land at the eastern terminus of Market street, are of fered for std.. For terms of saleapplyto the undersigned, Seventh and Noble streets, Philadelphia. dell dtfl THOMAS =MAIL n . :: Grant.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers