THE TELEGRAPH TB PUBLLSEIXD MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEOROVf IiERGNEft• OFFICE rgrap TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE , SUBSCRIEMOIC Tax TWIN' WU:O6A PH is served to subscribers In ill be the city at 8 cents - Or ',reek. Yearly subscribers .w charged $5 00• In advance. Those persons who nogleetto pay in sAVS92Oe will he charged $6 00: : • TanUtsonaNtia also published week. li t eral is a e l . :#2* : o sutuseritiers _at the folOwlaz . einglakiples, - ;;• - • • tr; •• • • • Ibred:copies te,Ons,Post OtTate.„. Tea copies to ono Pest r 20 : 00 DigniCAL: GLAD NEWS FOR !ITU .N.EI,3IiTUNAZE4I TEE I.IIiNGSOUCEMFOR DtSCOVERRT) ,AT,T.M;iT CherOkee Remedyv CHEROKEE . murgriorn coxpouNit.D .FROM. ROOTS, BARKS ARO LTAY"ta, - CIIEROKEK.K KEHEDY, 'th,egrast .I)itirobk, corer all disaaa of Pie urinary crganel,' sueTi as fitcons,: r *ma of the Urine, Ingialitik! . 1 $ _of . ..the fygelder,./iXor. motion y,f the Kidneys: Stone in the ifftid*e'sirk i jore, Grave:‘ Gionnorheo;,itia is espeetdWg rscerr i r l ra ild s d j in then Oates of /*Pi dOttc Per;initc-trlt It+ 1. Acrs eR . thiroldrinialshines hatialtrOak. . • , •.. inr.p.,4l.ifisiiikre4: :in: a highly : concentrated Mae only being from inlets; two ivamin/Wats 1110 e ti*.ntt, per day. i • Are It is diuretioond alt e r a tive in its action Curifying end cleansing the.blood,.narting to flow In al of Rs original purity and vigor; the removing finmAtisTatma. all pernicious muses *Melt have induced diemssii ! . i ‘ Cl EROKEE INJECTION is intended kaarially or tot to the CHEAOHEN, REMEDY and should be *4 Air= con junction with that medicine Mill cases Of, ofiti;m00::: abet, Fedor .6ibue or Iyhitre. Ito 1 liffecti'aisAaabiasti . soothing and dernideeris reiineAmall.: melding, heat,. thordeo and pain, instead of the burning and almolitouti . endurable pain that, esgerteppedTsvtth nearly t the tok.r 1 the use - of tite CURROBlantirßlCkgreir i CEigitUREE 6:JECTIOLiii no ir t ediCiiiiessiTartritiist ttnie-sii improper dischMgmare rona4ed,and the,w4T. ened organs are, speedily restored to Nil yigor strength. 89-For fail particulars, get our pan'tniset Troia' Out' drugstore in the country, or write us,. and lase will his to any addmes, a full treatise. • - ea-Prim, CHEROKEE' **EDT $2 pile bottle, of three bottles for tp. 10,..yrice . CHEROKEE INJECTION, SE ppr ,birftte, or three bOttles for $5".. is. Sone 'by exproas to any , addeos3 rodolpVlot 11/...501d. by all druggisticev.arywhere. • . Da W. It, MERWIN k CO.; Solo Proprietors,'" blO.: liberty stre94•l4jw./44:,. . 10-eodl daßitc`rt")? , A, - abA'. 4.• • , 7 q. alaT MEDICINE. ' col/pow...tali mom T ;14 AVS,S Aft iihfa .curb-Efor Bpstmadkilik: BoaNnairer— e4*- xessc24:l444nia Dnitsi4ol4,,aaattiroaJiaerekateatipw, poil pea Gs zAwcf-Afavry,:iirrir 4 fsai Latti 4 4„ noion , tha , qr Viriorc ii)vwarm.4ol -i 9 r6 60 4* rre*Ebvl lo l zrupiknue Consomphon, and aft the Dirafid araniplawlsa . caw= sgmrti. P ertin gf m r -1 4 .4fir.e 4;•? ture ohm, AfGrtins , modkoiosits:st sitogit etruct, RuirPne n which all can reli t as it.havbeerrwidit :totr—praggige for many years, and withk thousands ii•etiieklie hihr , lllsl/ faded in a singhphptain ?nragNle.Power,h a v e been sufficient. to gaiiiviclia;cefOhriMeht4 4 o l . rygrTo those who have trifled with their aciAiAtyils until thy think itiedis'ibrid heiond:ths !tea of intediOrd;• id, we' vieilld eay, n od the Cilthiolle.ol".4 it i restOi*yon to hordth: and vigor:and toreifivtlailedt • •:'• ; 41 larFor•full particulars, get illeficitio . ftoni prq; Store in,the country; or write the Piciiiriater, whop ' matt iiixtaoithy one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. am-Prima g2 - per bottie, or three laittles' ss,' and 11:awarded by express to all par'!" rSeld by respectable ttivgcleht . :DR. W.:.B..liffil*g:itC 4 ;tod , • .r. C. • . ger : a peorsraibta,Vr , 9 marl° ethilY MMMIII . Sh i •g'ff; r at , (socwport, to m. Dock, Jr. & Zl. sr= FAMiIY GROCE jjEN~ 4111 14 .4n0 Belootiou of . . BRANDIES) FT.N74 001.{MOIV - W/Niti, .!.: {ji.) -73ve . 33 ! ram 11416 4 ": 'WHISKY 1.• OLD 4°I7I22°L.YONGAHELA I '1;1 FINE IRISH 13171 ROOMS WbbittfuATbe boot OrPr brought to 13W.-r OLD WHEAT, rAKILY NECTAR Mid . lll43,ciefe,brto 4 :4. ; uniasurue , Clto7lE.Wilffirrx . :! CHAMPXONt' WINES: " YEWS & lORANYEBBITiM, SCOTCH Alf1) - .1ISIt ALES . . WiEa) CITERRY, . ' . • '• :iiej WIGWA4III TONIC . ;IdTER43 With a complete stock. of GLISIitA.NIS 419Fpcipr1[S , 9[ 41 us And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at. v 7 : THE ..p01V65t,,4.479z.5r.'.„ Ili!! oz z MOTH, . z Po.7Arri,'EAA,l,l'l•s,' PgRATIMIITG.LEW 4II7 A.PIiiirIeNTIxG .I ,mot i zt 918 POWDERS.P.P I I. PQ of valua • e articles. for, lA, Aaatructisn of, hpents,Astribul among' r ;dlistarWFurlS 'Wooieaa, - `earpenr L PaakolOateie for 4auxurier -NT 'etricauelly- prey tii ' Being also a deliglatflorfume tt wlll itn PnruaLe clothing, ice, witts:lrtisfilfaraut odor., ~ The Caret falinc card:kW:at weW-ayilw__ nse __ Prepared an d 80 um14, 1[41 74 Drug and Fancy:Alo ol 4. 9 4 l 9rfh t ap23 - t.. 111 ttiona aA r, A. P. IrtV.PSER; --- T E H E .1 IT • • outs; AT WiairS'itSlo -'. STO/K II 7 1:1 N Turd stmt. Residence: Third street, aboveliorth: ;thavAltiftGri • PHOTOGRAPHS:•.^zs xi aria A LA4crp.assortment of pi 9 Generals and fancy pictures for wile • : Ver doss; at %021.S.FFER'd 8008 • * t : . • ~,na z iza or IGIAMS I HAMS 11—Micliener4 . a V.x . Just. sdread.' Itste lvierandlorisilead E trriOT : - • Dock. Raitnide a l. "aii,X.4l a. *cousin te W. Dock. CA' ZUPERIOR 810 AND LAGUYItA COFFEE • :,-, . -.: , . ; ...• , i ,;. ... :.' -'. :.!..:-.:' 1:7-4i; i 11/ . ~ . • . ' I , , , ', ' ' ',..''.. , . . ',' '0 I! . , , ~,,' ' :.;•,,,.., '' 'i i " „I/ . • • . , . • •• 1 4 , , J, ..- ir.... .. • e.... ; _., .. . „!. le g 1111111 . _ ";qp...... , .._: , ---:...`. - __.- - ..r.-' •_, '.‘ ..-i. . ) -__.....----- . -C- -- ------: - ~,) 4 , . ; f -.- , .. -.. .• . 1 . . , , 5 ' ' - 'J . . ,:, J.. '.. •. ' .. _ _ 4.-- ---- (.4' I 1[11 1. 1! -7 , f r • ...: 1”..', . , . -••=2 - :-. - , -7 - - - ... 1.L. . i g....." . .. ' .1.1,k1.. . ~. .•. A 1. 1- 4-- . • -- _ 40.1?_. >,:a VY GEORGE BERGIUR4 3r, 11 • IIEfE GREAT IN MIMI "AttlfiGlN 1111112118" 7' ' I ;;;`, .! 1.0701W1r,412 r 1:713 Iva . (;i 4. 6 111: E 0 Mil) , 'IW. - L aENVINIVPREP44.I7. 0, . • • " '4I7fiItBqI)Z27I3.iOT'IT7CIPM;,.- • RNI,MBODD =RAM SARSAPARIZZA; i. 1 . q 92c; f HELMI3OI . O IMPROYZD RegIUNARM;.;•-,; 1 , ..• , IFE Latilciliarl, P7S.: nda • GENUINE PRR4RATION& ..• •'• • ' gAIX:c . 0 NOE NIB , tp. , i .1101 IV. , -'cr q t' frvewp •:' ,. . -, ••••!, t -,,,: •:...; . . . .„, c. l , ,-- ,-----: , . . ... - .... , -,4III7TIif''EXTRACT - lIITCHILY ' 1 '"; ' 3 • A it&frivi 4 v iii , i4hiaii*n nt• : '..' Lir,.1., r ..,........' : • ' 3 ' 1 ''''' '''" roii ) rliiiisisiloi lint. •?.;' , = - - ..- -r= ~. 1 1 -:,!,--; ,Tf:- , !•,;11; ,v . - tirt:-.0 .0 ..":077-- , : i.: -.:.!:. - LB W:0131$, 1.1 - DNEtEk.GRAVEIi ''', ,'' -...• --. F. ,: i i• , u ." 2, ~,,i !,. np.....,t - hs ~......,- '•......_ : ....:a f 4 I .1- ' - ' 7) i"fANVOICOISNYAL . "•SNOMLINGSV ~. • • . _ -.- . f • Medicine increases the posrer.74:t- , DI. „" 1 neeitaitOakd itsfatea taelassoßitENTs'iatotteeher: ON by which the 'WATERY or CALCEROUS dew+ ` ilo riklA, all, WiltnlYALl2:44itinGW,NP, are .D.2re s us '.du .as welrantsikatidlnd ' 'lma is yoga foc - , OMEN' it cureasEuslat> E-aftr -ha .--. ; :..• • _. HRT.i Ii i Q'tzD4BI:rETERVT-7BIJCHIJ - • -,, --i • -,.. (jj 1.1 ,. . '•,. ' , 1 , 1!; 2 F 1 , I . i . I:7P 1e!T033, WifikKNESSZFr; . .3,41 ''.•,•: if!.t... , ....1r.Fi12:. , int.i. •:- :.• : , - . .. - rt.1.1.. Azidalacest=i l Prifft,,_..iThti ) o 6 4„...__ . • DifxdPat,lon. 1 3 4 1 ', 1 7. 1 a - .. ,„., 1 .-..; f , ...-. ~•,,:......- t tim.F.i... ~,, : .-... oi-MOIDND Amm,ro.... r —vizx4" ammoalts. .: • -. L.. :11taispoeition to McMillen,. ow the.Stin, Loaagif j Zia:torn '• -; - g Dag rt, po we r , ' : g Week Werke, . - .:. ._, 1:1101ealty.of reathing, i tqi...„..,,..,,..rvlrp'likgrwi: ro 7:- . -. '.:'. r.DI emu[ pion, ~.i ,IF uhu... ~ trJ . itiMPLabeltulai „of - ahelw - w i ra'tho- :':1. ,,,,, .• 1 - 'l4 linkilili'SAUPLlV; t : ' mughtnif ktithe 1.: 'TI: ,_ ',l !IL kiknaile± ii:,:l 1 bfii . lad"PtiOnz 0 4 thtF4t9 4 4 f) ivi ...,....-- i hr? yI y 1 : 1 4 11 1 1 . CCeimtgeit. •;. . . ;., -)lii 147.11""tr- .i.: oi 31:Ift t ff,:!:: , ill. j....,..77 ' ..' m. hose friutPlhitat, if allowed to ge oilltiWlL:,Wt t lia ° 4 1-- ei ..invariably removes, soon folio* • - ai ,a " a TENCY,IMV/024 EP 'IC FITS, * ' wilAktrit=.laar*lr- 11'314).= .t , t the ard t ittewb ' 'by 'thoVir - • - . -3, . 10 1 ' P.TSII rIE ft, ....: _..,." ',--- ' ' '' l I ptilikkii :.. 6 l jigitift i kki: !deny are aware of tho , Willa, at tbeArNialariireOthts nansmAcontlem„; Therreeortht,ofithetnienekarryAmos÷ a 4 the melancliefy`dmittri 67 - teestungicialbeir azoofeivlf-• n=th,f the resserpon. .‘,.•:;t.)- "in eiio g - it . ~.- ,: I f, i 3 :.. ;;) . _.. . .. . AirritrtiOXl'ONCrEi ffigrEol.o 1- 1 wlErfaitipak. ICTWEAdirIaSf3, i'', ! 1151 . 9114'0 11 - 19;T:31.-1' '::1...:: . ' • -:•`: , ...AT af t. 1 / Tilieslialiinteinifidiedik aa;atreakthen , andihreigoretw egisterocihichatilrelield'ezrAragllWOho. havarjah_fr. ' l d o:Agttgriolwt ll WiriFgok I ikSF I RT I Y EI PPP I 4 c4 I - r :lir ,: , .t.• ,ni ;.• .i -_ .. _•. ,! , ,-;, , i '..... , `",:...i . -, - j . ' ll ' "itifidat22lilEl4ATAlS--FERAIIES; ."? . . . ) • 3 1, • , l ; MEE - CELARET Ell MEDIGIkL. :11 , 1. li.1 i . YtttGkilallthin* ItA4LiaBO . , 01:662iVilto ' 'l'..`;, i _pirtifil.;q6 6Aavre.. , . ~ ~,: ir . 4crU 01 P.ii, -- 194.td1l ladt , ,.N.l.Je - . .',l - 071 !in many affections peoullaY„CO.NMllas stiO ExtraitotThel obit is ideegtwdleid bl:feiy etheeremody, as in Chlorosis or Re: tendon, Irrogularity, ralefulnem, or suppression of the ti , ornery Ziaduationa,-I:llcorated or•Schirrous Siatili of the `.oterus,, , Lencorrhea ov,A,Jsites, Steiiility, and for all eon:I- V:dote likideiit to'the mei, Whether arising from Indisore• llon, Habits of Dbadpation or itt,t4terf.',. ii , ',.. :.., .". ' 1 n ~ 1 I ,gliti ~ ;ti-t 1•: efli' I:;• .. ~.. , ; 1 ' -; id ArgAro 7 o qii ame.pßzE,O. , zdziii... . ~ ~,, 6;ir • • Az *Nun' , 1:i ?!:1; , ,- T ~, .:.:if,i. Take r Balatim,,, , _ ....or Uppbuttast, Mepablie'-rse -tlntlekßatitand - bileitigg. ''; - . . ,1 ' 1 %-x - 4,1; • 1 "..t. . 7 .t4.c L.T7-. ..re1.! , 7 . . , 7:::: , 1: . .. , roy . . - .7,.. , :r.,:m i HELMBOLD'SIiZTRACITIMORIV - •; - I._r .1' -A, -,,st'sgtr.viA „ , .. , .0 (10 , 11'2, . .'.i .im,.:? • t at Dikaupit• tn.s4 flyer, gen t at little eXpertef; 1/7ttr tinkhhihkwilii'diet-'Wnieriyenteiie In libel - pp.', ,sire. It causes froiniMadeish*:had gives : ittradmhAti. trri1L*51044605,-.vivosec-01341:uctio".1MAnt#18. • and curing otricturee of the urethra, alaynig pain aigLiatlam-. rratttion, so frequent in this Was of digeaseE4 - and - exitelliiig Pplitegotlii,°l3lsets , ed; and iniftailt"- - htittei , • 4-Itionilibdit uponittibusatshawholtave.oool l the Tictimsof 40adtsottitI, ,71uthagetlisi* heavy OAF*, stii be cured in t ahrktian ha" fowl Pier. vi o_4lepe, , iyeld, and Viiiclie - Ht' 'h as by tiltipYge "Outrfal asisgtnitti," been drci;4l- TV** I eystein,: to•bralabitHitia.Maggraeated•fornkrand pe •.. after inattiliagetoig‘i.;. .s• ,i , , - -:- .‘,., * 71 , t Use ANWQLEMICSTRAgf VV. :OW ibr all- MhC4 lOll Mid Diseases of titi 'Urinary Oivibm;ltettbtiiiir"%nt jii to or Female, from whatever cause originating, 41116: , (tor of hole. tdagitaadtrigzi.Diseasee. of thigaitOrgans 63q UCLIti uir.e ls e tt l etrlit a 14 Draris 'ae ttt'aid ll111444° it . is her ip tain 'S : XTßA have th CT e . mired effect in all -.Diseases for which, : it.; la recoin: L ,i,__,..,,.....„„,,,,i1igbi ilOgita. in di satimpittusvplip cum ii iikellgaeclacti or:the -111ixtd4 swot juttoullus ~tike, leXtudfrvii•WAS , tlt i Vt..,Tt, Fi,R 6 : • pipivii 0 if,M 0 1 1 .1 1 : wltefrac r - 4 M 1 4 1 9/9!On the l ter_tteti,.. _f WL - ,. Hylmola"SargaPtrilla Pn "Villeithillrßreett; And ' toward; at Sitalr'Sruptionk bUthe Sldatbstririp*the Cilinele s tiell a %ear An e 4 Healthy ,Color q. R. being prepared expressly For this g l ass 9.r ,90 1340+4.06- its kill- i t/ming Prmroca ,axeprmtefed . 4.o: a g reater nt 'anylitge:r•prelkatbm! or safficiikrthe ‘., cisi., , ...,. ~,L,,,.) ~ n ~... ~.,, :-..L.9rfry - - Is ...,. ,-.,taiVigillymv,7l,oo,l.,WAßEE 11- . • ; rt i ...) I:ii:L.: •rir , •'''.6:l' - • • ' An mama Lotion forkeeet ortlellitletNetettl, end an y wDliie - ktfilt. lll Sieetloo er the rinarY arinipicfrpinluddni.ofititzpneed In ponneetion,afit4 Extridninai in - d • r% in intoki &lentil's is • revaiiiliiended. Vridgioiki t inost'ffitilitinigible itiHtiß liable chanacterwiltannOMPWl 9C I E IM R. vriEli`CATSSPFAlNgfcm4l 4 44. l s9lA mt tl 1- 6 -9 1 th lul( 1 mines known io &Mhos and Fame. Tor Ve al Properties of Bnchu, nee Dispensary of the United Staten: See Prpiesser.DEWV.VS valutibieworks.on the.i.teeticts Physic. Site' Annelle tielifteted Dr. PlVlSlCK.,.Philedaphnot h fleptateasidin !ROUT 4# , trARADIYV , i,I a zplekpi t YWAlLAn ;Pu 9 1 0 7 #97olrege of putea c jitzWil antrAuee 'See Iteriess,pablishediby SPLUTIto rell2iTtoff*4 Acril Patel xt.f4 tneoira !The m °ll ` Fir Vr e triv=werk.itzt, (LB -P-a. 4; - 4Fdri;"si , 00-t. bi.iax for 46 Apt,. owed Root Wasl; 110 mats per kW* .tokt•tilit for ?la" POW .4 92 ,F.P .410k it PP Pi1i04 . 1.1141 12 9 5 0 1- Plentr o cure The most Obstinate cities, it pro?' lA's ad& tn. Delivered Wally_ address, 61604 - 011 1 DPernihe 11 3 1 4 4 arna -la- commodathai. WinaMPLOttrdiodil rod i[e ti J ./ a4iiirmorkr, ~4/41fakoreikijL Older} of the iffy jot[kS. r il 1 aliad.. 411 & 0 ; 16, 4 1 1 ) 04 0 Fertra,- 4(41,00' ttc,rimei I WOWNIMIW,IMAIS IT" 8 ,94T 1 kJ - MT' V i tt \ • Wa l gtirna ll .lts- aft.) . 4: o l4 l er theri lw Jil=r vrta llti tadeuifliAlcitfol, j; Upset. IM womb 101 h street, below Cereoaq, Pwiladel• 1:IMMla E" N - -:= - 4N OW AND F R i E E Waster SAITIMAX.,EV:ENING;'' 1864. MU TE133 , 1M S' ATED , IITES 'HOTEL; -', i •••.,,,,; ,:•.....„,,,, -• ,u - ~..•. •,, , ,,,T; ~•.• . , • lIARRISBURG - - PA. , I Di, H. llitrPrelllSON, Pre e*,.. -, . 1 i ., .1 . . - ut condi ' *ell' koOniilT, i d ~ , ,-11.. ittlit , 4neciintriodaterthe-travehng me !1 !the anent ample convenient= allittittirtha,tranalent gm= , r 'the permatientboarder... •,, •-• t i , , - ,-.( E . I , :d - • „TIM Mini) sulit4o:Yik.bis peen*tozix; AiAt- ; 44 pirideiout, and now ' tout ) accemitiodatidne . ieottai - in ,si reqboltifort and MiiiftirlitY•honiTbetvreen Plillidel 1 Iph and Pittsburg. Ita loaationte AM.:beet ln-the "State At tai , being In easy acmes to all the railroad depots, and to oes proximity to all the public offices and business la ' MS of: thO4dtYliAb..oo. *Ti4 l 3 ll o o .lv en01 , 4 0 . 11 ..g*•/ I. ''' T A r ...a.s 7 i0At.5...1,R,9,..v f*,.. - .i l ia, ' f li the Piopiiiar is iletermineil to"'spare netthei ex 'pe time or labor to ensure the comfort of l i miest& sell, r all..monagri - P r it4tvirl in g,rlMAimt ec . 4,(t... ATE:, i CAPITAL HOTEL, doratifteiritriti .., 91.10 alideisigtiijd•having pardniied:tias Wen house enlarged sail t ! lioriiiigillY reminded '111070:AC1i have'been reqiiisted arid papered r iiiid"the •ebtire.-estalishnient elegantly' re4bizilistted, ißeing:irles••• istitlyrapici eligibly, locited" , every cos, ATE,llei39britxdreril to ttici PAbilf4isll. the eel birid.luxu- Aies era ; flketebialehliter Trent' , ob bar Arbil scoot' bliob3o Briers is attackiedioShilditablislikens. rt -TP.R. l . l 4"4.oN,Yr9Prifstql% : „BONES .ll '8 and lir 111841.7.KRG!' ci= 11 , N r IVP*'.1 ,.. • , 11:111A1VPT ”- : r,l nod . . . . . Iv — lrkLikli* Oblivituttli! I.(iP'z 6 :etpft AMERICAN TOOTH WASIi! RES:elegant preparations combine . the ! 44 - 1 etea'asies awl qualifies '.' Ttufroii 4-th - di:keine ha hi neutrali s e the Amid • - setentions'i of the Itioitdi, (thereby -removing - thn flri*PADauFW oc.daqa: BP.,theirdeteWit." Prolionid* they , proserre Asnatnpif Geier or,the.2e44, : witpout in the. leest dearM htiatit*. 'the vcaink4hitethey 'impart ' the bramdficfraparani poem eimriittieriaidi ploy sat.— p l fataiilteti are TAE:BESTARTIPLEB use fon the putt: umanedriuka ' ttir :4 4l.44wial .dpAr...B"te, 104 - as 'be.' ati — ,Orilithor Ibis semi:nutty during . eLtait T 4 kears;"...tha ibo .00.42,owitirleit:ta.bfintaity atho titwo%rdidWitedlY- Argett;the:rhertsl9.ser:te eau further extetattheirAtehtrittlib ticeteinew They are warranted w ,h , e, free fire. t4oae elitructiiiiadida'wldoh lo'n%citterithi iSentimitiate- many tfieldfikaratioda of 'Present , day:. 'I (cared nee. dolds atjthe Ramat Roo 'nmatitsZiktic.Proplieter'icanuirAot lieband. jriatAFAF*l.464.':' 7i* g 4l4r, ' L ni ni ii , ; ll : joaw .:44:tite,;(1„Tewli, . te4.673171 - 3 . ••‘ Jr.!, -itE N ASSORPENNPar Eni uttt TT A tier Fi .1 t "e OC . KET BWKST - 7IIRSES. Irit Amp" -IP 4 E t T ,~M o rir - zi, A. I MI S Felt LADIES AND-GENTIS - MEN, . , 1 2 ,„ 1 . • ; 71.. , • d •IFT WNW . 11•7 121124 fi E •MIK- 11,11 - 14 -Ektilkr=“,. • fOrgiritud FluiartktrAt'S6)rit, 1 . li . ` . ° - -radvr- N ;sr* -V act ;E s: • IeIiASS, PitiiediAlk - otr do 4uid , 4- IXELLKIVS DrueStore; + • • z- :Meet r:9-• 40 IA ISE; Lie lErb:4o: GEossoriaw F ENT STYLES 01 '*****. - • Jo 44-10 A: i 9T :aJ:11 •-• • • 1 02 3 - E /3;PAM..%SHANV:4I4. * • --- ormthe..Bt of.iol 1 -ni3 , l I • li iT lVii.:_vi y , C4. 3 w4s i -0 1 ..i.7 - e ',.... *gel*, , b le r tiiteir ifiliirlfiC:llo, -e7 5;r0a..,..e.: ..- ___l. 4 ."...1t . )7. . ; Asiulßuiga I , • ~ Ke.,.-AndeFe t e4A-.ha4 • 0 11.104:_klieItulA , - 4 ICERY, tn, the ... ll44ird,ltiere he---1r prepaZed.o pply BREAD - AND `Citildiii ii' iiiaminable rate.' 'Thi arrant/ eatisfaction.Weßmlxo will - ent him a calL He • aell,bailmoill et the ratio[ . ... I lniV,W. 0.7441 . 2 1 4' PI/44i off N D an, ._... 4..... ( o l sfig4tAPYßa4 4 K 1 . ,,- ' ,,- : ^7 , 11MAL4 4 : 3 01A; ', L•rfiTin .a 5.4) h , 5: - . .f. Vi:fli :1f!...% 'T::::': '; PIikitOGII.A.PH, ;Slat: ..4**o ixth 4ibininks# m , r ' AthinW:=l , r PiuItPST4P I 4___INAM; cheikp#4o ,viteFtyl9 1 .rx - 111StilifS in 114 WV*. toitay IMO LmarLßl BERGNER'IIOO=ORS. (LYCIe sIOMVIZMiI,c 4 V..Twi ' • Z.r.a Ulf_zer.arirrOMW---Xj7...;• - ',.:) waz i , 1dP3741111:4 evacx drat lion.. Altai; BROW , ' STOUP, 71NR:41L16;VA71114, SUGAR afciMgir P r • al l , g rad " am P49".. l l4 ° . k ' e fkri socalisitle ' giliantaid hipremialeit i iy ti a r.7r tarGaular. atteatiocpaid to:iillordoratrala .GOOI, amorally. jpelko,d,,azgl: deilyerod to all paita ag tip; EAT frw jorf ll 4,L, - 44 111 40,&:RUARJR41..- : my 6 'aiiitaaiora to . - Doa k , MAL isr. =I .1. ~ ...,:, .:•1 • piAIFOI3; .; • • ..:1)i-I ~) ; -':-:•.•''' '.:., I • r.::....-..'..--f/ l‘z_!• •:4.t.'; f.,.. - . , !.: '- ifiBgEOHT, ' . 'Mat f , r x ! 49,440. A gx !' '' • ;PA, IT 4v.ii.4 4 o;iigirOliT4. Vilot, , ' BE txpoilootifsko f igitioto T y• to j 2 ..liiBgl3 . l -- -hive Miten'thtlagineiitUe sightlidolt: emietleritz.ThisilXf.Thepublikt St•lnviteil , hicolski Midi sm. amine for themselves. .4 . ::.:'. • A r5w•A54 4 1 6 ,1A..91' 6 ? . 1 ,,1it lalukt - TA .07 f i r j ajdi lbw ........_. -. : , , .4., ..2' .. .A.,-, ' TRANSOM: I PAPER.-4=; 13BATME r igi : , assiirtijAvit ot TRAM* rPAREE. seeritit ' ' L . . h • '• rs.. , • 3 beWrga'S MAX MM my2O Han Liba q:.! - [tea ':mall t . ntreat - near ; Xplib r izq. • 744111.00 WiraTBNIYPWri, -' • • 04 .. myllt „ ----- FLrathol—movonaolli :11,111D102',T ZEL tf aptari, , XAMORlOttikqf ,Ty. 4 Co , PLACRlGelfiSo4ol6lWarzilwe • ' INS APPIAN, nova PIM, Just received by M=:==i wm • HOTELS. EEO ~ W - JOINT BESOLIPAIONTrOposing- certain lit allign-Pez;bl the. in PIPAHVO*Ita: se ojfiliptusest f` • M &yak_ set Noiiestissip Os Cc4tiereonteseth of PiniutfiCeinits in Graisial dsisia bly vast, That the following amendments be proposed to the 100asdtutiost" . stutatonwerdth,- naccOrchatP o ,' 'with We firoilsions tie thilitentlfeirtible chorea% „There WWI be an additional.secarm to the third artiole of motion thngoptitation, tojandosignated 11 motion four, as jactisi .T NielleiMv6r crtheintdided electors et thui Commonwealth shah be in Any actual military Der- Ace, under a requisition front thOresident of the United Stateenr bythe authority, of -- 0/14 , Commonwealth, •sucti electors niiy` add& tan 'right - or stlfrage in all electicithr by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be Frescliibed hy, fully, ae.if they were present at their usintlipbne or blechooo. l • Sicriou 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleirenth article or the Constitution, - to be designated as sectienis'utgittvjkeniner,.,ras follows: - s s s •• • . varshill bb t.isiea ‘gontaining-more than ono subject, which shall be clearly emiressed in the title„ except{app ropriation Sy.clutur9. NC bill'seillbellaiatxl by the Legislature 1 gratutlittiliner iONVCIN oripzfriltipse, in:any one, where the' author/030 to grant such poweal, or •priyilegea, has been,- l or i 33 #3!lefeAner ComsaoawesttL. ,bli..9?4e upon,they a rts: 1494 '•• ' •JOHNSON,. :4pedfcsivie fehaZielase qf Repratestuardea. JOHN P. •PLIVNEY, • -Oiqe/iate - -• • ~_.: n . 11 OPYIOE o of Stbutkilir Tit tONI4OI:MILTN • . Rrtainsscestt,April 26, 1864. • • Petwityivaniaiss: , - , dAttteroY -0 0 1 0 -0 40. t h e rorerll4l4a.Pll true • _ and correct' copy of tuts original Joint .net. Wien ' I of 'the Genera Assembly, entitled -4 ' A.Joint •• Resolution propo sing certain Amendments :to. theConstltetioni , Jas.thesame remains bit tile M. • thie°49 o ". ; " • •-. • ; IS"Tia.rutosy have hereunto , get toy {L.hitiod'aird ciassecl'thb seal of. the Sonritary's of :. • flee tcrbeatiliedi the WY arid year above 'Written. • '• • - ELI SLIFER, . - Bear4sry of the Coll'inumwasUlL , The itboctircaidußonhaiiitg - been agreed to by a 'Ma jority of the members of each House, at two successive masking of the Genorallisbmbly or this Commonwealth, _ t the proposed amendments will benubmitted to the pee .piel for their adoption or rejection, on the l'IltST TOINDAI oiActiusr, In the' year of (int. • Lard one thousand eight h disdatid elk y-fdtir, inhicatirdance' *Rh the tenth arta .clei of the Coastitution, and the act,•entitled."An Act pre aciphing the . tinseand.manner of the people, for they and iattliCadon or ; rejeOtlet; the pro poSeiramendinents to *the CensiitutbSii," "aPproced •the wronty-third day of April, one - thoataind'eight. hundred PdlltzkY•tAtn 7 • 4 1 .LF E L_ i i g 2T .50;4•77.0.r, me. grip .nfrkr-Aa. . . Ii v IELOD,EONSANI) Gi!MENET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, . i ui ~ . ' , TWELVE SILVER FIiESDALki ' 1.;-' p- ~. ,' trf ', esni.„inir • ___-... --—-:- . , 1, . .; 180 D Y GOLD MEDAL (ever won by' instiniiTh.. 04. e te this , - .... • chise) has beenawarded to ' ~. ti" : 'it' ° . ',, il] ViStattIIENTEL. -vilitisaaiiiniticir Alielie tintirinnisithealwij4 on hand int ;...-: r.• ''; ..;'Wti ICNOCHKA.SoIivApnt, i .leiltavrin , . . . - i --- -, d .. 60 . 1,60 ket. - fitreet. 1 hoznag . ac oNve IA; ioqigykpi . THIRDM ST., BELOW PIP. 'H~RRIBBIIRQ,' I'X i A .14L.Initaiiief of 'limitary Olabna promptly attended to, and claims colleetedagabpst.ineGenend uol4ol34ll:o3l44PittAlgittOr . 17 1';99 1 :410 Court of Cl ums at WasidngtoikLoty,i o[ at pirelob9F. wletteski !necessary feu' Aldo , modeduis ininOL-• apz1141612 C()LFIVIBIA: 4.0 - 17 . f als:hotel 1611 ; be' opeluid ~ /tihe 15th. The; T house NW been Put fn thorn& MeirtnnititenrlY two hundred now and patty Unproted RCN MUSES Fill be. rbitilaantliolciafinnioclation of gueetin i Its capacity and each-department:will be-equal, if not riPerinr, to any INtel upon Cep; ISLAND. Flak Wei sideied `ter the isiaioti.' • :Addraea _9130. J. BOLTON, - . Proprietor, 23415,j , PEIPHER'S _DAILY LINE Shore; Williamsport, limp ry, Uniontown, Wationtown, Kilian, -Martiumnbrriand, • San bury, - . Trevertani Georgetown, RkottitP.* • 111141, kaphin j AND • The Philadelphia , Depet being otintrailp loaded, the - diayage•tvill - he at AO lowest • RAW' Tbh 0044 1 10 w pee :through win , sank train te,attend to a We, delivery of - all goode. Ihtruatedlo line. 'Good; delivered 'af,the de pot ofimmtb; WI.RD:IetioBRID, 811 Marker atreic Fligisdelphisiby 6 otharr. 1r.4 'will be Ablivaied in Nu- Adam the neat gionditg. , f t irreight,Always as.i.ew as by Any Other • Ala MONfrGOMERY: &CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, ; . 0 01 114 f -rook9lllla#M street, Harrisburg. BEE ME NPFA. MARBLE' AILD. _ coRNAR,apar, AND Firrn arum, . ' . .41$4 1 0 1 .Airgi • riIHE under fined r opened a. I Yard to this; city, .!•9g,- va Wilma Utak, fticildm aLd, the Dish ~ P} l l*, i ,Sg e r ma4 tler#P prepa red .W/nu; , NIARDLE.WORILOF6tVERt ,DESCRIPTION ilaresrAs • ig ott ument4,,i : liToo t twr i : 01 1.J15 , ...! =aktikull3tohes. . . ol ca ~ m antle/, *rid. HririaalVtorkireitiarble arid Broirn Stona. Give ass call maim:wilt ictuiracuee asties*•o4. wrariorix cp. it : j 3 l7 — Le' L itariniinei.irinii****l* - 'or Ger l 4": -- :- - • VEUX POW:44D*I/11" TO _ our fine atui. , ektennive . stock of - Photo' 1 .-..gope,.4btari4 and Pimalanquit thud rictores, we harem:W.4l,a Br i LIITIF,q, ENVEPOPE for the reception of card plant* TOrtapat be nee ad will on admired. Aiiirrllottigraiihers supplied ar,..tbri.tarp lowest whole age On* atatitheirAanUfainteil iap Ineisifer $l. 86 per etioueea6 ,toSetal . e tint roan. at . - .• . __ riiii.Y7tt „„ , ~ IMA.Y! HAZY!! : HAY!!! . efegi i ilB4).qt \ s ilty- 18 offeredfor Call at - WCORMICK'S Gem. OFFICE on the Canal RatrOildrit ii - atl 3o -11 . . . . . Valuable PrOiserty for Sale. • A... Ne w Two Story F - 11, - 001 ZOUSE, with rate Simi? Itaiiiilliail,feetheOorner of Fifth' street and Strawberry a11ek...„ Also, the Frame House ad joining, For 9:arther particulam enquire at Leedy's Shoe Store,lbfirliiiittatreUlitobtiltbeiremlses. I ` s '. • , , • lialtilEl.•LlCEDle. Si`A.l 4 SiAßY,Ellislilligrjr; Pixie Apple, Nut meg and New *Mt Stite*Ohtiese, Jut received - at • ' - 'HEISLER* FH*1114118,.. I,* ' • • W. • • Jr. ..k.Ctait- CREADINIITS, FILBEETt3.' Pormatirwitteiesam-stvot-1 , --- c • r .t o t a kiffiliti Ira . " m , 10 -1 ock, it tk . . 1 gik-PAL,RoI, - - -- — .. 2WaiefedAll Hai Weetke 'Or il7 1 0 2 ' 011102)*Wilon=boether... :..iiinalt nantity & A . feta famessors to Wia..Dodc,FM FARING WIN " *44 Alter 'Orsiiiiii' - f il l * : - '' ' ih/6ii - , Aid . disicix. iiirtuitaiiiita. ' --- I ~.-) See yonder poor old wife, _ ~,/it the furthest verge oflie: - . - . 'Still leanitigio'e'r heilwoilimitlfthiir*lti gray; 'Xhtee score and ten long year, — •:.i": • dhe‘has•txod thivtale ckUnsant. ,; : i: . ; : , -, • dnd.yet,tate labors through thelvea7.247 fice,:froni.herearliest youth, 1 ~ ::. 'l.l?Vithfetidt.fulness and truth, •: .•'.• • ; Sh_lnts r filied the plaoe allotted, het. helo7k . ~. UnciiniOhn . ,rditg, hoping on '' . •l'filrlierlietortask:bedone,' : : ": -" - Tilt thri'Maiitar-deindly;tellsilier Worthsit - go: . '... , The garments; that 'shit sonars' . .. Throughlth&Enong;:letikiiestrYlioniir -'? '' Pro4i all blanched:ill& pureas virtue froltifisir .-`,..intlid :- '-, . • - .:: - . here is not a lanndresa neat .. . . if i 1• . • she is in all our 'street; 'N , 'there's not a better laundress in the land, • triher younger days she.loved, 'im by trope like others rarived; Had - heir husband—had .her ohildran lour or Her companion, gong!, . • . And she is lett alone , Brit in her God her trtistis 1411 alive. ,' .01. H. DENNLION, litisrcdurit's 4c...01, Philad& MICA TWO cENTs. Her eliikimriphe had taught,,. To To be goOd in deed and thought, Before they left her home to earn their bread; A.rid:the blessings she then "gave ' . Will, upon life's stormy wave, Salve their. frail barks when wild breakers loom ahead. • She has saved a little mite, • ' Eby the cconnwof thenignt, And laid it ont.tu flax to make a stur'olid;, With her oinamictit was spun, Atter daily tail - Weis done, ' And of her spottess.gravb-dress sheds proud. Ea& returning Sunday morn, She her ieretin &tit - With this liohio:rnade remeinbrenoer offitte; Azid-she reel.s.4le gply Book Sitting in,heyChwittey nook, , VesirinittersQPia l her inthre state bh l how, Could I trustingly- as •shet - LOok forward to the day r twist dttpatt; : Could I wear t like her, .a shroud t , 'And of the dress be proud, Itiehug innoeent and harmless in my :heart': God bless, t4e poor old wife, flito4h - up long a life, Has faithfully fulftlied her heaVy taski And fnartolier be given, **MY* 'Tot* Heaven. Or any o ther blessing ,she May. ask. H~sats • June 14.,18K Ati ZeregrapQ. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH si Tas 7 • • xNLAND uNksi Frptisfort:BoTatik.•,, , AFFAIRS OFF VIBLESTON =I DESTRUCTION OF A BLOCKADE RUNNER Adir :1 11 if 1..11011441t°!1211-1:%11#51:;6;71.M311147:d:C1': -Nnw---Yonic, June 10. the 0 . 5 3 4 A1R-efg. .41%93 has 14 11 .ved 4 111 .g ort Royal, - with adiloes to the7th inst., and three hlindred peqsengerp, inhiding Gen. Gordon and eta • The new hhit, arrived Hiltcpi H ea d t t • • . • • The Arago was. oft Charleston bar on the, evening of the 7th, -end "learned, that tini United States 'steamer '‘);aein; ordniuice, stores, had arrived the preilatilk evening. On. the Weaning of the 6tb; Sullivas - Island battery firedtWo shells at the ilea of inxideri, vessels, but ranger was too long shells fell short. „. A bloclade runner attempted to come out on th'the6th • t: b t the 'night of , •audwas completely .knochid Ao,plecls, Admiral Dahlgren arriirt4 liirtorifiend on the IELt. ...14 f - - I The reported capture 0 1 114 6 : 11 ,41.Y.4.0g-bOtt ',Columbine,. with thirty . colored. troops on .1) , 13 40 , 44 - t# 44 #:+ 76l3 zeil coa9rmed rrOntr-- .j -Itenuesotee,..,: 4,.4.P.T, tz,•-:il. iiFi."l , ;':::_i: v4' Vi i! ',I ,- '.. ' The NatkopalNina.tions Rat lßit fin =Na3livitte. Effie ANDY. JOHNSON, MAKES A SPEECH Ohio Going 404te • . - . Thu nominslinizg of the Alltinkt?te'Coni)?l - . received with tiattoll"l9 l thnitiOtos and ishitea Were fired. Andilohrtinn `ll*e an .eldluent natinnil speech at the §t 7 Cloud' Hotel, and wasloudly The 6th Ohio voluntee rs will arrive - to-day,. on their way north, to he,maatered out of the service., . • . • . . , . ' 'FROIIIKENTIICKY. Attack .on an -- ONALtultace • Utt. a. .THETILRTIMAIMLITI!TOT VrpwN 'r • AP* l 4 5 ye T t the. 4. 3 34pf-ip - ;tvio• a . day men. MrS wee mtacki ctriiiiin mein -olt-AW4-4NALY.linians. himlnft#OCenr i ci ies= na, rura, the trainkiotUe tetuand safely kassaldort, se its augine was S.llll PRINIINCOFFIC4,:- .- ADirIaTMLNO SATES-DAILY ..• ELEORAIIL i . --. . ... The biwtrig are Writes for wire'rnsing - ht the nu../..". sum.. Those haying iilirertistng to do wiland it COL- - vegaiim tlize reference. 81 - roar hoes or less constitute one-half square. Ergt. Ones crmare than Sear oonatitute ssquale. fpm A. Kau , saws& .—.IN)R O KUM' Meta) , $ 80 900 AST , i• , - • •-•?-, 6 4; (19 Two;days g 075 T. ' 1 00 Throw day' Threarelays:.: - .....: - . 125 • thestreek 1.48 , 0newp01t.5.,..ii..,(.:.. 2146 • 'One amnia - 200 .One Backlit"' • - -1 ' -.. 'tvKt • • Two months 4 60 .Two caoathei 9 ill Three mouths 60 . TlOOp u l t k i —t , •+' A le . !Et inouttui aOO Stria .1e..4 . 1 48i0 i , _.,?: . Quo lyear 16 00 One.year .. 26 CI Adndulatnaten Notices Itarea4PMcans ~....,..7....Y4. :1' . Auditor's- Notices- - 1 to - _. frairal MoticeseachissertiOn • • ' . , BillinGEß 110tiCei tanned. ht the roma etrillik " Ar. ' ': bet Marriages and Death; Elm OUTS mut Los ftr esia/nserUon. . _ rivirsed iregkedietPlY neon the ettitekr,ll.. thetcatzlizweeded *wards Vranktort 4 car of armed soldiers which proceeded up iheiroad last night to learn the extent of the 'disaster, has not rettuned, - and we have had o Itelegraphie dOminnideation wittkl'ranit -fort sinee r xe- erday aftxamoom. -rp! ARMY OF MR POTOMAC. LiTtST FROM GlEk. GRADIT. More Fighting ::,.Reported. GEN.: HUNTER'S VIG , . Twizty Gwal and Many Moms &gavot INI [ O FEIc Frii.rri'ug - WAs Darairratrarr. ,I, WAsznicyros, June 1.0, T w ': "ii TOlaj. Gen. Dix, 'Nets York:' .. .- ' ' • ' " Owing to the break jri the telegraph - line, no dispatches were received yesterday from the Arniy.of he Potomac., . •., • L-.Dispatehes have arrived . tins' a;:at., With. i de to 9 o'clock laid' night. There wee no ' ' on Wednesday, except - by-pickets. An ixigmeent, has been effected, by.which the lilted and Wounded 'between the lines wee.. gathered in. There were no movements yes; . Largay -41. deserter who came into our lines' reptitts that Hunter's victory near Staunton was much .. mare complete than reported by the ltich mond papers. He says the. Hunter took • twenty cannon and many prisoners, and.'a large quantity of stores. The defeated force , web recently a part of Brec]nuldge acorn mend. niz i n.d. , i Vreneral Hunter's report has not yet been received.. ; '(Signed) EDWIN IL STANTON, i . - ' i • - . Secretary of War. ME From California. Itittitivailon of the Balttmoro Nominations. • .. Sex Faiarcisco,- June 9-- -..- . The News-of -the .fieurigettion of ~ Presideht Xiutiooliket:lNathflore, ivee - reeei-yed- here with . 1 gritt eXithesipszn. -- :: : - •<; ~ .ratification limes meeting , willtexhehl thie,..l: evinhig.. , J . • ;, .: -- ,, r, ,,- , , , • .7, .I , at, .• - . From Fort MoorOe—.l. 010 Delionstrattort, . . . -. , T,' 1 Potcrabarg. ' _ _ - : Formula Moon. Inns 9.* • 1 TheltifteamerJaat A: Warrieri.CiptaitiOmi, - In Boxmada anuclredians.4rtiveti.a . AU,WSS .. • fit;:lit „that_ place, ther9. had ,beftp„..L 'ln ieuzinit in the dir.iotion of Patirsburg, and lvo42"Ptiiiig Nvixr. hoard itkliatdireation: 7l- iik= , t not krnron. • :I: • - .- .-!. f: •;', Ligkilfelisiterraneivod from OW: atank, =RE lIIM • •• i i ion Victory In Oregnn: ,dispatch infonirs' us coinplettitrantripliloPtheljnidnlibEetaffi 3 OieV , gon: The , Urdbn "ciltdidate lot Ilon,grefacsi. r M. D. Henderson, is.ilected, .oyerr4sOnWX. Kelly, Opposition ; H. D. Pitfock n . _qf tv.nit; ncena, is chosen State Printer' ; and 'R." t". Stiatton., R. P. Boise and Joseph'o.2 Judges: in the Second, Third and Pifth,Dß-. - ,1 , r The. Legislature is Union, -and !Wilk aUnited!StatioS,Benator to •J.l Thirding's termlexpirinwin,Mar* 1865. ..Sit_oop • • ew Afampsbulrie, ApilitorgliP• • Coutonui• N. IL,- June.l.o -, ;..., The Republican - Legislative. •canna JbsQ nightonon:Linatexl.•.A..•• Ny. Ai ft.he sue john Rile. as U. B. Senator. MB ' ' !ri Briiketafty Telegraph. - 1 ' PlitrAngsvau., June There ; is a-oteady Oenuoini. for whe,at, and ii*ices are looking up; 68103,4 2,Boo,blshels ggood red' at $i 860188, and '8,300 ' Kentizekt iitite at $6lO-tini litter iiiiy:tid-;-Lv tviinoirotSc:_ 500 .bushels; Ptiniuorlveniw .r soldlaS 0,55. Corn ishpsteady du nand, sud B,ooo:bitshels yellow soldAt 5159 afloat, and 51 56,41 - 57 hi store. (hits are stead( at 874 . Mc. - A sale of shipstuffs at s3s'l9' Oki: - There :is a firm feeling in provisions, but not mulch • doing. Sales of hams in salt at 161;:pen,ta r de. in iiiCkle♦at 1 610-7 0, smoked- sides at-114 144 centi, and shouldeis' at 134@ i f4''eents: A 'sale of 50 tierces lord at 16 oeutik cash, now. - held -higher. In naval . arid..oilik no , ',Change. is rather quiet,n sales of Teituvliiinia and Qhio barrels at 51'33(y,1 ['and drudge at $1304,1.81. IBM f : NEW ADVERTISEMENWS. - , I]nv'4IO6iif,INVPROVNUOir:ST4II, BOYER At KoEgptte ti - *_Er. 0 I, ]r, SA LT_ , AII S D EVA,ITA, 41 RV' C-E R Queen's d Glass Ware,- .• • • AND AL RINDS OF T.., 11Y P D IL.O , , . 11Avgjust opened a .large and well Efet sated 11 Dik. of geode at their stand, Sao. 3 Market oars; - Uurrielosuir, Pa, to which they invite the attention !kat!, pehlic,geeerally. uelo.dli 1171SITENG, WEDDING - , • INVITATION. ; •• -Axx• AT HOME Ca.RDEL7-By, a. eller#l arraegement with I=o'a - the best engravers th the country, -cards of any deacriptian Will be executed ht, the .of art, antiormable with the latest resfiion, and supplfee promptly, at lower .priees thiutieu ebargei` sliestatiba-. • era in New Toth or Philadelphia. Fer„ , Hrauemsi priors call at 11EREINEWS Biladt srtes. • • racht4nf. .• •-• (1134 PECTORALS axe. limed ; is Roothe a ur cough, Abitfihrtait, to reeve - otr4twasr, Catarrh, Sere . Th roat, , itke:r..Taity contain Cotpracq, Horahatual, Itateacearkka, Secega and spa, moatiaffitibienaletarauts known:jars the chief ac ,- tits. ittiaaMtPeutai_sg.blendid G _ant ApiWt 4u:0 ,90 8 1 4, that each 'CUPP wiltional..a mild and very pleasant date. - A. KUNKM , '4 I E'BRO4 ja 1 1 2 1! saidis ecari es, lmt Market Hgtieburg, REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE. SATAI 'Thai;Toril - propeettee of the &tate of WltriEfal . OWN; dowsed, in the city of gartislient 91 , 05 1 04 Homo on Wont sweet and Citootnat ,atreet, at aittrnear thetairaw of Frobt,and Chasm Otiodete., a-teicent teL on Unlbirry int war Third la r =irk 4Whvfictql4 f • it; ; he t er* termintut t aticattfate Citr- Awed Air saki:. ler ,iorakkorsaliapsffir uzukkfl%Elw . =l/0111°MVr44 144=1 • AtMettkakT - . - itueniiirowisstrea %alai; -pargirke Albi (saccanora to Wm. Dock. Ce. MIMI BEIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers