a afig He iißlbitefia, SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 11, 1854 FOR UR DIENDMENT OF TOA tONSTFFUIIat THZ • SOLDIERS' BIGLIT TO VO'rE, Election Tuesday, Aug. 2,1804. NATIONAL. FOR .PRESIBENT; - n Abr6,ham Uncol* or umsa inc,F,RREAIDEFt, -„ Andrfliir i•OV TENtntgliZlM limgL State C e ntral VpiFir inittee. The members of the 'Union State Central QommittyeFg►iiltvgemble,in the • city pf risburg on the 6th diy of July, ensuing. A punctual a_ttp . pdance of the members earnestliieftirefi irforder to iffedtrri thOr: ongh organization. SI,II ON CAMERON, Wieliroirmr; =Ea*: . diaiatin.l:st Telegraphie Diepatotaes—•Fals_ty of the AssoclitiTae' as Riports. The tiertapettiiirecfre4iiently denounced for palliating telegraphic • dispatches 1%101; afterwardkfturrrout to: be greatly exaggerated or eritirelyftilse.. The facts are simply theae: Dispatches thus publiabed are ftirnisiled by the so:called "Associated Press" and seat-. tered• over-the, country tO the-different 'papers for ray; -but •the journals `;publishing= the reports are not in the least responsible - for • • their genuineness. On the 1.1 day of June we received the:fol. lowing from the Associated Press, viz: ' . "At 3 o'clock this morning a rebel irOn clad'came down the James river and attacked our monitors. The engagement cont:,inued' upWarda of two tours;: ,with heavi and'COn! tinnonecannonaclin,,,ft The rebel iron-clad was then driven u )• the river."' ' - This same dispatch, was. published all i o?Ter . the country, and of course had the desired effect of influencing the gold , market. Gold ro e on that dwx.i-Mtb 2114 cefuti; Thettlexttit however, the gold market was to be affected the tlthhrVay and in Order to:limit:4:4Mb* this purpose we raeiried felleirin,s , grati fying dispatch: "The‘ , sbsamer Georgek Washington; front White House at 643V811- CFCIOCk has arrived. It is reported that—Geml4l6k Hugh Leesand 500 ettliis:' cavalryvwereitChp tured last night, while attempting to make a raid in the direction of White House. Gen. Smith made the captUre. s':;3 This, dispatch had'again the desired effect and .lnoughtgold , down to 90, a. declinez.o.fs2 per , cent, , L Both these . dispatches,..lalthb Imoim4b he'ui..k.N.3lLY yews, yviaia TRA PM7 ED t.f;. ~.aT9i3l 9 eyv. the so-called Associated Press agentsou,l :\4u 3 We received. however, a :bpecial.dip 4hi from a reliable, gentleman c,ontrlictA t g ,ythe Brael.Ram Itoif; on the auttiori'ty..,9l c. „tlie , Navibeia* . ent, which was,cl4laid t bisfoirc our readers,. After the :publication of that contradiCtiontheiOntliminly operator here handed us the folibWing, 'viz: , , "Mr. 3. M Ftartma:—You. will plOguie gide. Mr. -Bergner,.of the orar..sontrur,' notioe . thato. we stall not send him .reports.exeept :at full: rates rmless he stops advertising:the -qnland% Company' through hisumws 'columns.. lonra i r (Signed) -. BROOKS." Mr.Btboke is' the idatieir,ei! Of tiiti'irnillit° Philadelphia; while John H. -Berryhill, Esq., a resident of this oity,!is the President_of the Atlantic and Ohio 1 , elegraph.ootittygiit c #Y# whose lines We lave received 'the - diePatelieS for years past, and to VTilOalrffifklikaTe paid THOUSANDSrOIO Dolmans forvery inaccurate and imperfect reports, althoith we have a Stitni late4 contkact for.f4llXelierts. wad sAivAYS nzaitzinsi Ala ) *IDE. even if tl. )- 14.0 , notasceivealine ofne n. wl Inehort, hillthas been very Punetttal inf,depianding fall! pay, while we have'leela defrincled news , f or which 1 4 081. et'vf )l 7ll. l 4 3'.-. We intend to:submit it ito,a in ly of . OUZOQUtts trymen whether such frind can do*tittnish. ed—and hetiedwe decline f~irt%es to discuss this point in the issue involved.. .1 Berr3rhill IMs'neyer giverrus notl'Ae that we cyd'uoi, - 60,mply. with our.:tar{. of tlte contract between the,Zelegraphis..c9A-4. paripmtltanneives;- noriliatt-herintended—to_ stop the grape*, ' His 4 oPeTatori hared how ever; actettnrider orders, no . doubt, from his snponiiints;cendritOhave: tlieriatiettietionae.' nonce to:the public that Since,thisliol,tion of a .contract the 'Tizsitiaii iivenniore tell - ilia' and fuller reports 'than • 4 were` ever receivltd under the trryitill cientvmt. We haTe nothiP& th 7 3 x1pk's, and never heard of 'him as having any control over die ' Berryhill has acted`as the PieSident.' BixiAelsseinpii4 - 43 control the Tansonapn; by notifying ne that, unless—we stop advertising for the Inland:ann pang he 'toil/ charge us full' rates; is abanidsuid. redicalons. Neitheiltir-*604 • CF:ktik...olo: associates in extortion, :can control 4liestl:mx= °Benz with threats. It is able :toiaitC4 l4 l7 itself, and Will never hesitate'to &l a. e-Ptith". The simple fact is these: We hay e Atlantic and Ohio . Telegraph coniPthiyYor to Berryhill, Esq., about mun.Tii:ei, prat TZAR fOryartions of the reports, while, we 'had etintracted , with;him =wig's; whenever: pleated to SIM - about the_nen-fulfdlme n t o f his contract; idie,alwaysanitde:the blouse tligtelhq G t h overnmenad posseSajolgi of the. 1 - 1 : 1 ?-e l s, Vaght we have since discovered not to have.been.the ease. It was only iiionsito int VOrts for which we VAVOI, A l Me t ti promptly-whenever,thebili-wasirgodereda We believe, f:6t' . this sViigabilWar Colis pimyeVrtiatuf , g" - 0 6 4 4. FB_Vvi= their eaxamandaMidrefraintrows,43l for appotM&TArg i glritittlfilaffiilitti 11- RINE they expected to make nice bills against the tif.I4OBATH establishment by supplying us with soaps DISPATCHILS at extravagant rates. But this thidg is playe4 out. We have paid them already thousands otdollurs,jor whiclOhey rendered cl T:, o servicoe . * ` d pte ;)" ".$ i- - 1,: im#fiets. Our column* h . e!,r t + : last ;:ek %.or? evillencilhaf,pugre :', erspriteen".. afri y • beneitteii by" the •ar , 4 , ,,,,.. - .: i: 4 ( who wish , to , communicate by Teleg =filikto any A.4„4.440,00.4.YAM1gerk-tRegPVII7i, the; Itillizia*TeTegi•Ctrin &. C6iniatity: — Their over: -ators are obliging and prompt business men. ThaLtheittlantie end.o4iojalegraph_QOUtn_ pang hay.e.- 1 3e,en ; doing : , a molt extensive husi .4l .138 8, anik thEit iheY 'have ixfOrted from the emnititiEMMlrit*liir'ffprfelerT!Wlfen- -we menti , e faVnetin.l Farr is' onl liA4O ' lla TS re, n - .. thai darfelAkias sold m reg. 4u ti-. a few cfsis since for sevkiAx rlotlaT.s per shaire. It thisis i liio , nrpoEoly; won,4l ; :like too] now a aimildf, comp . y_. that makes.. ike profits. OE The Aa.l4.:Sptitier . The workings,vat a puret-Dereemttae govr:. eminent are desigifed to seett:re'ihfi of the massis"`.`"" t`'is'uut 13;41i64h4riOlifeli *does not in its broadest Reflect s - airx4.,' akthie, result. The improieraent;44elevatii:#4 , i , 'Pros. : anfirl•efirietnent - of the itAisica ' be the aim of all gcite#6;noi4iSpeilihatet. Othity,a4glo;y,q goyenatherits,laitabl these objects, they_naturally,become,?,Rpr,es-, sive, seekiiwin „tirOny that ,a }tkGr whielaitthoyfr shoixld , ifuld in , the-tee/will? art.& calin acquiescence of a free people; whole history of our Cciiiittii'Atlicitate and' greatness, the: -woring pare Democracy-, was never more I snblimely exhibited than in . the nominations,' at Daltimo . rp' this the two, highest; offices in thegift;of,,,the man people. Abraham Lincoln, the raiLsplit 'ter'? and Andrew Jolnietin:uthe l '-before the America i n l peoPle: ‘ 'es ,canAi4alteit f4r.. 'Eite l Presidency and Vice Presidncy. There a beautiful lesson iii theS/3"ooitions , .heart of every working man in : the country, / By the light of the' truth which iS:thus'inchlj ,gated; every department of honest in' difStryis illiminated, and all who labor animated to look forward to likwiewards.L Such: is.ihe' 'Democracy which cri`tkiloneMyerfrrigtli'anif" en4uranb'elb - 6ilx. t gTOt is :it, too, from the Demo,cmy !A:ash, ,seelie , the enslavement .and. demdation:poflabor; ttal Democracy Ariked rebellion to,l44roz,th6,,Pgastige and glory , onfree.dnstitittionsnthat r.theabarbarisre. of slavery may Atli'-4 'ill, chi+ers, then for '''the..T.s4BCia j ci li 'O' Mi* . 101. .117 e.: spjitter and the tailor! IThe Climax of Ftlifr.olaief444**Oliked. • . '..-- It is adniittediqinvalicssidt.slfr thiiretunrim- iiiy, and - freeittiolitiOsrledged -wherever the 7ery Owe. is patronized i t ie: 44 ; , :t -w, ; eo:; : efliontery, impertinent treason and reckless 1 falehood, those whbebridtic:fthitif .iigiiid i ll'; ' . . - _ , FIAt it was / 1 9t...1/ 1 4 1 : :70(eWilii5 1 * ' 1;i41.P 3 .1. 1 i il. .15f ;ill these Was reached_in ,the eoltunrof the. ' , Tory Organ, by the pubheaticinmatz tiAletter , tilc`nn canada, - 'foiitieii4#'a , edeto* YIQA, "At. Nited 1* gt 4l4 tri ... a , Aii thtiti Igifei , ilie.%iittif ti - " ot Itrie Woven:Lin entVE.ls"Srairty — it - is "tb - pirate '''. .1. ...• , and ar , miti eite ; . , i i ti- , eZas ''' t-1 I 'den ' ( hl it . : z ji 1 • t sp 1. i i 863 . d,le fa iously .' • Xbribed as "a great .• d. The Tr•g 7 Organ-is - fast running its round:. first,. .aslthe./cOl . OlO kifilkiiititi, Wiltystiatgitt . te holder of rebellion, and nosy as the medium 1 7., hrou.h ( lurns:Versdrnkunica. a Ir.iLlx , LAIJr eifli n s. fi.E.L.I. fl ..6. ot fey g7 -r, MINN 4CLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH tR .+ , 3 4( 11011MIT8 •D - L gs From Nei AV leans. , r JAI &WI:I . & A= Wit li,dlV-111f 4i: ,:i i --.,11111 , ,.=. ..J?!.,:z 1'i 11%2 01&,10.,^4%)4; ARV .120 k b , .711:ii Nrs% Yoitx, June'll.. , 4The steamship ,GeorgeWashingto!b,.whie.h ' -I t New Orleans i:n - the 4th inst,arrived. here . .t a Jake hoar last , i eve9fitigfi ~ Li , -, : -.1 :i ;The True ASt4 P 1 1 )11 5hild nti ,-., ? RT9 6 4Faoi?li. of the, rehid, qovertlor,gbLpokslmn., genri Sy, , Allen, lAraiing #44,(l,:Shieve,BorAdkpiitgi cOR-. ' ~twining the,sstiatr,,rebekdoly 91 wigdpoipnw-; 1 itii.thq 'Rixting . ;a,itio.eilegacA97X9ll.4efFgb.ll,4: 11 .0.4 6 1),f 4 1adAhe it 4 ' 4 q ill.Peet4ic:o o :9 l : ll AlAP 1 . to tfte scratch. ' t;4:,is F..3t' 1 The Ninth New York s reginaent, is- exile / sten 14 arrive home to-rnbiiicii, itaViniqrstiVict . havindbpired. The ie .- ginikeiif liksiliii'e 441: - Ilintservice`: 'Of - ,mofditlihn - at t eiti - Piiaikaine ortifKihr" - Officers'inatikliferrrilare'd-aYirag-- 1 cOrrimissioned officers,remai in the riiikk-:: !The - fOiribkhli' Guaid' 14fitf=iiiiAlr:Niiir Yoili voinifeer' reOnYelit; t WieogilsTalig ) /thorre* tgaturdayYtil-the'TielfiliePeiiinclity 1 su 1 skis ir). PA) ' • s iiirairdit i • r vitito irront l iii ~ • 1 ...._ _ -Lan littotritur sal .41rrival .44 4540iImded Pennsylvania- 011acers. ; 'J.W tmc allpiNlX i yfv}4 The following sick and , wounded officers be linignykitot- tha.T'enrisyla-4*nitenktir4-' ports at r. sell's oce as - t evening and `this Rp • 11,4. a Z raß4ig t , TgaArds„ ].BBtH Pewh -010,;•1Pif:71 loedertiriih'2l4 Penna. .tem.4,. Capt. J.. .1 $ 01rat.7 - .lsthdAiti:' ktcPpiW' gogi4a ; T. Clark, 21st Penn. Cti.1414;31"61134: . ! 13thdad M . Bell, pp. v a lz; ft.;.:l36oo:ta F t,', 23x4.13; troopo. `S'everid Cottlie'hir - offibiarg. iittt large number from other States, have 'lc)Cert" ordered to ri5P - Orl'atllSKPollertlfairsickness not being&f4hjeTikit9 - ..inslifY PABlitiewpf ab sence. Lieut. 4. C. Wells of 98th N. Y. lies )34418BEtereatkglikea , r.kikes ttoGrd,,rtiiiiittiaC napolis, and having returned again, will be ePort.e4: , 13e,ie re•PM7-#44.2s4eltiftigisiSt4v ests, deafness, Ace. The 1 3 44iden.t. to-dap'gre an audience of ireAt i on,AbAllen nvo • ,Extrv.r: A;a3o9fdt, , . , ' rSitei;lo4 Alfwgfcithwir e .r aim ow:wawa now.; cm( - .tori 1,11131 ...rua t jaim a d.al ealOcaera -41 ft gag `die UAW acir Gina art u ttcAlasei cwt Velar. trowitiitt IVE'W vonit; Runkared Death of,Generat Lee. Pante in thic Gold Marlipt. q P =MEE The rumor of the death of General Lee caused a temporary panic,i4gold,, -It ! is sell-_ ing down to ninety-five; on it - loans are inac tive.ana;feyerish ail 6@7: t ' • _ Itis''reported, - Upon atlthbiity" of - Captain - Powan; of - tire - :trarned:::steamer - :Berkshire, - that the number ••of hictli3a found, including persons known to be iost,sii tli>is far'l9: The -hulkof -the vesseldwas enrollmenttiet pf:, - 11.§ryland "has ob gAed tire giitiTedime f6l Vemor Bradford. • - FROM Till4ylgr9tl.llkyolgAo,l.. 1161 G-AA.XT 7 s:NLOS* - v:X. 'T#t.•Rt):), - t4S"' - ii 3 Oz,zi - ',sts Affairs at L hfte House. 711 h . REBELS DON'T' LlktAlt6Ro,-,Gtalltg. PILLOWREMpfIitERED l; MI tro I • . W i qMos rune 11 One of, the, niOning,-,papemo says ( Artnit''is , n'arrying':out ,too , new movements. uppfelifelinibrietvithcchai'abliii2ffig - liptivitte iteport!saygothatypkt . gebels, withflii row' days, .dtivarmbeen - oonaderah,ly,„•papled by . Grant's move eats: 41 i" They think l 'ilierftee reason to believe thtlt Grant ,propose . to,Al4k - ph4a s ,new ,has" . supplies on:/.449e 4 5..0.!_t y*retiji rAt the same tithe they notice that. a, strong line' entriniclftnerittwigo:bningoonstmcled by' us tit'the::White•H O Se; - : indieating. a:Spur pOLelio.lio/d,that point:,`, Thec, Master's departmene:has,beereplaced on, board_of. traplporte and the Heediraiters of , the eikine, n ,ihrehifis`h*WfOrj4 . llt y ttZehady. gri?tuid nearthia Whitelarose,tas now Oialibakil steamers These transports are lying in the ,stream Under' the':pro f tOtion of several gtinbeats, The railroad' track, wand:tithed :been • cow pleted' tnwitthin wmile, or two' of--tbe-army has been.' ,thin 'flop, brought •Fbaeli they are beingtplueed , on barges. • • . Seven hund?ed!iVeri - • )oro , llrst origagedlri:! repairing:44:gitowgimow 0 4 1 4 9 ; 11 3 * . , vcrz • • The, Prithineritr , disliked the idea of, being , guardedlirelddictErbbPig tried.to beF cOmatleri-Artt, lat.MlN)ago.W., , l l o,9tEso?../4Pt tiegroes, who significantly...spoke of . Fort I'4 'lots. TS:ll'4 TP-1 =',:"Xi. TRAK-Rife .lifatifilitiliktisfaction in riarding the prisonere'and‘watch them with jealous eye.' mElgt ..,'411M81491T. M lstnaw.ceyu 1 4 ° ' inilitora.,ol4l:kes,*: go-xi tc) a4,94Pi.-1 &nand of , agnigade'vitli,thatitle of a General. *ought up in the cordleeltiL , cut were all, bad ckses and, it was found ne .,aehsary ar gia ( vat °Stederate f 'One ca„lptati. - aria folirtecin.,privatefr_died nncthA'wp ward tOP'' 'IP aoravo lA.roang Y these wo,iiiided,..therkilvere eighty- Ift*:with, legs, m:,pute44,ioncktweptyle,vma with arms aimputatted..l., The followihg-fgw.partialclistogithe'vniind ed Offieerls'lironghto:o,Va'b`stri Maj A.:o_,Bxelste4.2.adle= R 4 . eap.i < O - f Rosevell, pad,fivti,c_iptiTmwil,j/ CPa TAipt A S ilArcling, Ptim.; cap - I,T S mod- ' - lett, 10th Vt; Caped•lwarril3th-N H; Capt H. I P-WbodbiliyiL2M:lMass3.,oapeN Shkekft/rdr 1, 4/th I . l4anduLieut Clark Sinith, aid-do , camp. On General MattindEdes stalk (Signed) , • , .a •,! O:nELNGRAFFEN.t. i Capture Of a".BiaCkalielilifieL, . Alts .AXIMENITION ON BOARD. • It Miff 77KIE!',1' , • ~, ... , t r v 1.3 7 1 - • r.: `, Tito - Ohio Militia Wont - to "See. - Fighting-,- - 1 ,1 gH , -“ r killatiqia " V .'. tI VI I n g P l i f i l 1, A '. 1 , 5 IibLIA 11 0 a 1 PAelr ca f al ,tnitilt ..rfvU 7 7771761i ,I#V101110ill•i T SS CS ..; ;1: liyigiEuitimalozpr.Me;.l.l. Acting Vo)uptdsogrAte*Ar l i;n:ilEatipy corn irtanding It b....6049/ff %Aqyfeeports to Atie Navy DeliattliiAt wit 41., ' tilted the nptorious bh-ekadefofte %la ' du, on the 28th of Mae FrShe;iiialßaNitYratitine "00,0,enter tlie port .ottGalveston,-,, Texas. N oShe l heamsadtk V upwarchar , pfltwen `- subeessfa ;:ttipsfAbeirareen. Ifti4;4l2d Moo g4Tii"NiT:#ll#47TfiT' ti) igt9 e, ll 4A(l4ioirAr eck OAk afiCluck9oill TA ' ', 4 ,; ralantEdid-nottsurrender untit.atterrcaiying two broadsides at short range7u.Cofteman, , Mil Eaton 043 s'eVetyi shorritit.eilvlitofteling owithe small arms from the .deolil of the Admiral drove the indrinftaffrigtUttel: Wheel of the Isabella One of her entOtwawwounded. . - I The l AtjtiVia:**SAtielittlibeb_steamerist? Rink rtulou l / 2 of Olalmeto.on. ttkeAigb49.th ,a.oecisa run 1 TlieltaglA r iffeaC6lVEPeoilakitfidlati)bik-- ,diar, arms, percustabarmitkiptivirdwares and merchandise, some portion of which was ~thrOlitt..jOverboat4odliti Jitheihabe.i.i ME A I !..pT I4 A'Comparty 43 ° L 1 A i r s?ss ' i9n ntiM i t al ta t tli ' e • el, • • T. • • garrisoning the defenczentei Washington, 'Tted yesterday that they disliked ? ,:jgan ty and would like to see sconfeftliting; ac aordingly they weradetßobodhlnd ordered to the front, andinelhile en route this morning t i lmodialted.Ait itheeßseillittio4l. 7 .lforgdonogd paid theirveapects tootrhealtresidesttnoa : '7lO Typg4:" . m4loll2l..sAppeartince in front of 09 IpanAloh" he waititniatislitill3PWeged - by ie Ohio boysr General -Ashley -in'frodUced. him. The isteaMMlthiark% a:rolofficers and ti:Len'foritheir&irid OlPrftaionik..towards 12 - ;+. Re' *.h§ i itdda l giVijtitelf 044.121. 1 3b.1.0 , dabble . no, thanked , f.theinaer7.l.i'l4.4Y; thesiiegkeii % this step; :;.he'' saidvanotocinly: iiintlie.alhenr of the nation:s..trial,Aut ki hM tkw - ghtd , tti4i.dit &the midst of. the Th e_OhiataYs. (Cheered thtiltesffitneitairkiroCtslAtitttily. tlicp4 Timffissouri lst•Congressional District' Blair - f/ -.Not. Jilintiutd:stokew P ear!, ty "1.1 • 10 ' 3.1, 4 14 . 9 .WAGT0 Thelicitgii:Ettii voted that Mr. Blair.issMot entifiedt9 it:ScfdliSpaTib4l:fOr r t.li%qiiip ; ,; lex riait'Ltleoided by a v ote of •tu ti.„ 6 .,sl . llilkafkag . teltlinox is entitled toßgt6tfit-11 ,LIT:1"4" AT 1" 1 .3. 7., rtynnostort. HLL . „A. Early this morning, a fire. o'kehn't AMA igaitY494 7 piesiebiASSOSie. o natAill RI. inesmr..24 ID XS 'DP 9.,; NEW YOUR, 4;tkne =ME 122WE1 == MEM EMOS rill=l22nl=l MM ... The building was near y .estroye , with a On motion, it was resolved that the Chair large assortment of cotton, flour and West man of the Committee be also Treasurer. India goods. The loss is estimated at $50,000 On motion of Senator Lane, it was resolved which is mostly insured. , that the Chairman be authorized and request to correspond with the President of the tional League in regard to the President nIRP,P. •Ft , '' • - ..e • :- .• •-..'• • . erste vommitteefithdd agiourne— ., ::: I: 1014,10 ORAYWAID, Cliairtaate._. !- . .NR.144".114,ty, WrOtart4 ,___ ~ TIIIIICTORY ON SUNDAY LAS riioX• RIUAI~ OF D ATIIASHIIOO e auners at' •H ouse bite The steameriConneetimit arrive 4, eveq incr from the Whife Hmise. `-'She 'brou'ght by .six.huntired-of•ottr wounded:: She, reports eleven kimadreitreb4, prisonerp, in our Custody at'thatt pcAntz - 1-4 n• Wr , iwPIPAAAI:I,OO- 11 reAla* at the White House awaitimlransportation. The larger portion of .th&l MAI ha removed 4 Among 4 Iteebe_l . Pritifme#att t tbe,Wkitf House'are a great number oeColonels, Maier's, 'Captains an fißlacipOrWirittLef 01) *Mee • The Monitor also arrived-bav_taß on board hundredVkirded. "' -4".":l`Yrn' . 0 Ai The,gighland Mghkeo.tAirethis morning., witblheMs44 , and.i.AsfAgqr.F.; She lat.! Me' White House iesterday. att.tsveave, orolock.-. Amovit her Passengers was 44nale'Ethertdge-i -weß`, • I,Ffx(',A; tl:mtr4ty::for the last ,tl4-e -iearso 113ar:oonannowie Oiee ul. , u 4 terestvof the Woundedß;oldiers, I bet , .fikstsb I•a, -., < u••<•<.; • <-‘2 . r neceverrof Bodies from thellk , • Fated Steamier MIN VO l Nfittl sairditifilasnaii,quii v , ' Fourteen-,b9d* ,of Abe. pt,setigers .on the ill-fatedsteimer Ber - shire havelhulfir tieen. tbhd. TRy "of obese , Rniril do from thu s Nviebr i -`-eittfillijf: -one irtlie'bocliiiii'Veing . coOlSeAliiihd.f)ciAi,d(*."ls:o4;.*.P4Aver town; i Piaumbis count-z. and,inother-ef Mies lijiletr• - • Who . " was also , lost. , The body of the. u4f: ,',.'iltilitlicdyie nindliAlifigvil t hy. Theta a. body 464 €b.o 4 a - ra4ll.o4AliA O. hit limbs burned7.ofittAtinctotherwiscr.so dis figaredoatrtd`LOSlOiif al 3ossibility . ,pf r&l . -- , cognition. Die.,se Ass° bodies ,wee securedby grappling., ii ii kt ,-, a '..ti 0 i. There is not a, vestige of the wood-work of f fl43l36ll4l;frelibovtir*attiqiraric.rthakkaa hot'', been destroyed with the:exception of 117 por- den of the„stagOoaro. wheel-house. Both stnoke-stnag liivii i fallfiii. 'the' 'Walking beam -Arid othefilwattimigoftlhe machinery are still 1 standing: Thdiffrei part of the boat from the 1 TaddlettentireLy.subinerged- ~ Wenty boctbey.r,9suppwj. tope them , They 1 aria evidently Ittiagrifteife 'sewn; Whe6 the , ladies' nabirt wasmituatepAllefetthe itretraged3 fiercely, and there was less. chance to escape. `Those who were nearest the bowl -Mita:haft ,•dikeetlf idiollietftealthie c ons hundred feet • frs ai'' higfilti'diP nfaik;"-' nearly`. 'ill - ' - 'es'Oti:pliaid i b' 4iit4Plii : 6 414. 6 a1d OYCivi4iLet'9:l4 .hose-rthonwatertrnett being 'more .tbarthee i -ettin depth at thp;teVpint.at the time of ..the 1. 4 3 t0te.t,...1 1-6 .. 3 et TOP* rfrQqAtii 4 !:** l l3bt . into....doe,per t ,AMer,„"arill many .were,,dgiivined. Mire Work of raking.nintdraggitig. for bodies Islglitn• g •.:iliVatid.'ittlerthodgtikt rt uat rtlany i; georer' wi1i14i119.3 . 0 tirgd this ikftelqual, I-. - -.. .:-.. : L , ,g,giggspialloCof the Berkshire. is highly ss ;r:, Lof-L , remainingoatt his dangerous ,pottt i I. thr" r ti k! b ttlfiu:Yelica**.dee4 6 4# .N . l ; r .049 ft aS4 s b l 2 iPi,imf4.PP aneater ussetlifimAstedi , o . hJ,...-., sr. !- The Fbeilite -tbaCquay be takeini. , lif' 1. ack.V4Srilstrttliegollagerei ynd itcogni ion. - tiS pt. i toll • the - natnnts of thtrmissing: - The e. ... . ri.. . • nf missing will reach . irehr4l..lintii4Obes. 4 I . itii iioßiGlNirOitril Kegraii , , . ~ , _, e ~.,,.., TILE REMV - MITYPED - 1T NT. 'MEETING.. i r.., a i .4_,. in s.-2 .), i, - , - CMCINIZATTI, Jutie - .10, - .taul.. A i One of3MargraValtmeii al lirsjin .,ville, reports that the •force in Kentucky is immediately _p4e.;, the cQ m and o General M .Morgan, Coles billiffel Smith; that the tptakftgetbithOOAtttreo.thusttnd,, a arge portion of l thgaAsmountetkcavalry. They entered - the Sta:ce * Uf*Pinind Gap, pre ceded by a scoutigg i pgtyomiler Everelle, to pick up horses ter th.Or g ,dispounted we dpas .B44Alluukhgl Amen., 0449 - 44 , vita, t Eliemingehtisg,: tend !Ittitile MsOnulle .imi ctuE.T resistance;-robbing its citizens of mong4ktitql , other "valuables, T.1:0,413.0iix,pf, Union men ,Acre strippectoPilories; while those of rebel ci,tiz&AS VA: If e fasteeteck.. lip '... q....P ,:r. .... Everelle ieft.lldaysvillecAn. Wednesday for 14. cunt I,4llW.'il'4.ifto4l:lo.Vlittif4t9„Mht organ s mtplere_coneinizatog g ivi.94 pie m tendon of Itteciing„teirtrgrr The position Ovicirlyri- lye ceptr t el, per.; l.ithiState tU-dly IsnOt Gown; as comintit ications are broken witirtLeTiegton. It is thought thaeth - Vinlatikhliinhe-rebiils is to,, Idestitty !Sallie railroadarriosaiblei; "'aridliitilie . 4 3 t,heifeiii ihixidigia.,Qegtral jiell.trAlgrv, and Mid dle Tennessee. H A .4.1.. e F. f 4. i..1 - f lt_ ! Theaeriinckykcentrallivead. igAsing ; re n ;Fialitedr trains ii , 41.,,,,.r . ,04yiiihituia tb morrow. "'"'' r: -.. '"f " Eleiteral ) HOWli.'-deft ov . Xelifrfrtii.:'-dafto,, dr0. t.v 5 4 104§1 8 4 ic i til#4, l 4l o .k: ip.a : on ::.... •.--, . :mum& pntrsttm., , -. ,,, ... ! .! ,,, .. , d ','.. : r .. ...1! Q, q n ic i PT A.2l, tT4I li 3 4 /, Afatt , ' , Galls' Biliblidge, who.beifbeblAbiroiiiit the_ rebels since they left Pound Gsp,..etilittt rirililhiferiiiitenisy., at ,Mpuit7Ski.pg t and•Wigedlhem liandsompy;',' -- -' ` r ' - ` , 0 i A portion of MorWaLcerarilidtilAilieied' - Lexington atkftd:ircliAlt thiVnioia,Witinnied then f .N' . 4l lll lentrataiallibuillePlpt, robbed ' a ziarrreFslA__.t.yir.44lW2!lo 4.19 9'ejoe. .. ar ' ' - u. Bf v ' cuu rt i l' l 4 ” 'Z I M.VIti3Si I i " 1 , il.riw*Anik. sfi*aL.','... , :iii tt.h4Eii, lEEE rilfaitaukowthat - okukoilig4o4 - P TEE CODEZETTEE-EZIATKITLETEES TO BE IN difrilin , NEW slam :!1.1.141/24RUMITi .01:131.V. I Wiiihtliio3lAlivelatiC4altrniW 040:11( tee was held in this pity to - - tiomafelkra Benton, of Ohio, it' wasxresolived IttOrtiiirdolt appointrinTiteettlive Omit! mittpsiVt?Pli 7 e„a44;at the,hefidiftitit:teia,of t11434em-irtill&Z-Sii in the'Cifi'of-New York. ' On motion of qatlay:kr iLane, of Kansas, it pas resolved that the Chairman of this com mittee bgaMagißlitairilfwAtt*?. Ex- Onive - Uom# Hon. E . 34.• d. 4 Vo,,,e,p i eept the oittati` - of- OpAr . p ... . was . .'r,r at gai r " .A.J. ; r 68 0 444 t t g . grfe:LME,ow,, anti that lie f also e evalm sau4AeorMary of. the mittee. .t...-.1.0cr,Jr., -,..., - L ''ClitMiloit a kif SeirritorriandforElaskir it, free-re147641--that an- advicommittee Of five be appliblititilbt" tiOat - 'to have ite:f4eo2. l ,4 B Tter! 4449. 16 37A% - . B 54ETIlik poses and with sueb 4.44 ,powerscas the Exeontile. .. p omftitteift linfit ideera "Cipedient to confer .._ The ChainnximAhamcappointed as the Ex ecutive Xilemmithearniessriuelliiiiii,LEElrat= 03 6 htiterdt4F-Wirriii ofthircr -.. Ef#l ,- -Sert!er" , , ii ,•tatealantlisk#lo;l4l44l4loolßA.kkifiaM 1 mitteriA;cartii Wake the resolution: Mess 3 I i anik 43flisitta IBPS O Besn '. of Miss° , ,B. .._ • •-••• 1•;‘ , :. 0 0 . 1 ,i9NIII I? 7 " V • . • brown plat ,wait be AMC, WM: `4l-:.= UM WASISMIGTON, Able 11 BE Capture of Cannon, Prisoners, Stores -- and Railroad Property. ' IROON*PIiRSUIT-01411E - itiENIYI ,Success of 'Da:lk, !inc. perill'; gumnotuds. OTAUNF ON/ 8 4,41111 Real VALUIVAJM • Our' inciteraen& L.ltare . .ha been an entire success. We have thoroughly whipped and driven back - Ahe - enemy, who is xtriidly retreating towards the Blue Ridge. tfortimeits+4l flifw4chavßLcatituredni 'one battery of six pieces, besides other cannon' of heavy calibre.-.ON:4lra miltyknolollarsfforth o stores fell into our halide: The of railroad property- which we lave.- destroyed id captured is large. We have taken'a large 'Aiiimber of prisoners. .Some of them are mere boys, and one or two I saw were so young that Fey couldvdtatilfylise a musket. ' Considering the extensive character of our k•mbinationt,' Mid . &it'. ihipcirtant iistitt we .tire attained, our loss is not large in either . 4 tilled or Yfon#4 l l4.sl&i; 4 li : .-:, i : ' i"- t.! -.' Crook's calumn ftlld.A:ieiall'seaininanil met with, dscided atjecesa. lii onfi' a`c&ori Whit•li l we had ihe t eie4ii i at-t l tempted a trick by trying to flank our left. In MIA end we tricked him, as we turned his left, and theryby- hfoughtiahoutis-drafes, . eolneli k . ; . .1 s.l id tt... ,- **l'hobtivh;s, bripde.of ii!!f!tiryVyAtt i ffercd,the :heaviest in killed - and weidele& -. Our forces are in,:hot_purst#of the enemy. ' Stahl's division of cavalry, and Sullivan's division were hotlyotlgagea..l::.- : '- ...,,, ~,, .LA he brigades commanded by r COI. Maley n dagOlhoißirst.:47oork, cgrarN and Col cl thNtr . nk bo o 4n op e , m o y f . t s h rci e tr T ea we t n ia tie u th lto P inp erly7 4 7 ll44 did e ir,VgliE. J.; . , . , • ....; ~,.,•, : - E ., -, ': ' *inc. , , -.K.::i.c... .. • - .' , t,. ;L . ~,. 7 , ~, rkt . agilti l-8 4 18 4:4;;.v'foliiid that . ' Overt in It andlioylidlifigniik,fikritijkae. 7 fence. pa '.cog we *OMNI; ..bukikklerprYi had'Onit fail - mined 'tdlioldtha - putca to the lai extremity we would have captured the Trhole rebel corritiaid;; 4 W - evit in: just such ,poiaitions as to secure that character of result. Aeoitie time our - coluMn warincirgreab-,xnes are in the rear of ,Teribil ind . liribOden and the . am 114S 1 1-R9!. i 4.11- 1 ,, • 70 The principal g V' ook pla on the luie'of 'the North river aa4kddle riw, - , , It is very difficult getting distiatchea-toitfiC rear, as we`4rei how over one hundria••ard .seventeen miles iif - - ..,tlgtr,43'nemy's country; or 'from MartingliPiejitiAlliPtilißC' 9ttlie tea. 'll+re and‘olllo railroaa j ,the nearestiii.gigg6T4: 4ictint of eordttlimicatlorc,•iind the road is.ifeed =all the way with grieiiilliS 'of every stripe, 'frinn the wild highwayman to the regular life- A k i ii...;.i n a,b6-06 3 ,, , ..,„,,,.. -- t:' , .!..k It :n.'4,...i t . i 111/1 'T''.l. ,-)_R"%foitTAir.Yirti'liiitii..',': /1011X40 g4l0WPW_ - 1 GEN. LEE TO THE SECRETARY I,I9?I°Inq OF WAR', , -....r ~. iHmix , i . ca,kilirtfik.fmcriosiTimpl,V,Lefit . 1 nanOraMs 64011etaRi at War: • TffeA r `khrtit.rth%EilfiiftiatillWirtlopg , the litisur , 1.,.,..36. e.e..; :t: : , t.t General Anderson a n d Gene ral H o ke a , 1 : eitilluripteinyeillA4eirkellslol=9S and drove Alva - to their initujeß449l :4 This afternoon the enemy attacks:id 'General Efetat,,,, and: werce.hermisomehs, , irePlawl- gNY. -, Cboke's- , actn iiirklandittabrigadEs., - I•Generids. eckinridg,irtifelredielikerdititre /the- enemy' frnm their e frmat,„ taking. ?iv* ona hundred atdfifti'prisetii3rh: • - • -41 hundr ed a force of infantry is reported to have ar rixeslAt TilaStal4. Staig - oni ...frSatrAlia- , White House, and to be-eirtendiw-up-Wa t tiik Elver ,railroad. They state that they belong to But "ler'szforces:Y. Respectfrdly_.4 ...-,- „,,,", -t& .T.f f' , ''' .' . '''' '' . • ' •'' It , B: LEN , Geneial.-- r -GEN. BELXABOA111), TS GEV. 3111100: ~,...„ ~ I ^ = -7:* 40061• 1 " Ape % 1804: To Gen. Braxton Bragg: -- - -Q1 • The enemy's advanced line of rifle pits, near Ware' Bottom ` dwell, ' t ir 6.6- - -talict this 4°Plinthilvi444l,,Tut •one hiF4Fe40.346T951 'oln'the mventh - Conneeticrit; 'V esti-Lial ingafk— -----,.. , gr, T. T - ti 11- 4ERAIP--.. diT TM.' ald7EO . 1 4Y,AtiCi , L*44iO7lEl3l isesz. arovears?rr EXEionm—ins Ain iiArr., narourgurgiulumMXP;*i:., , ii- '1 ' - rl'uf,.l.lll ttil, i [From the Richmond, Examiner Tune7.l 1 It W here,that - GrantX*4r* ' 'falling ,hack to the, House . A 7 ,, i A.- - dispatch - from raeehrargir ll dated4thiu;st.,. . Lestaverung theism:o*y ehandoneitcOrieft, ' ofiuitpariPoi our centre in great haste.- ,den. ; Early F followed theM ten miles to=day, captor-- " ir,six prisaliers; who eIY that:di:of is gone' the,Whiteollnuse bemuse his I, ritm.lllll zio4, .gIA The impression here, ficweveromis• that oniktk:mgking,fr„.*-04.7n" ll'rek o Ol i t !he gout' htsidi _, -.,-; wri '-! - -;.7:.;;'.1.y, ', ",,, ' ' --,'; ,',,„ cuari-Joletonnuronmozanno,,inimui. ::-- - ' ' ' ' 4 'o II ririzat 1 • l' - o sue . . . . To'firen. gitragO , - 10 1 L-.:. ..u..._ - . :-. _i ..T.P. , OaY th e WPIY..if movingmoving his fors@s ** 41s:right. teo.lllllleittiPi scliergo iiifC citizens • msent his , caValty and transportation - ani -. Male iirn-Mgning'nohditicin wev,ery respect 1 This" ;a .a im'''''''' 'health' . oOndition - In : ... . ~......Ikat. has .. ... . had Y 1. partial engagements it - great and the sum of all the engagements aniqpiti to iitAttle; ' ' - - - • ' . Ttep6itg;fioni,several soniiee.re*sauf re inforcements-of seven or eight thousand men on their lety &OM ;Decatur. 911 , 14..:Mcgeneral Sherman. They are said to be of the 17th army-AND:Es !rem t bs . :West...ll ill 4 ' IR E,-dDIEINSTON: - .- 1 0. ./1 4 kiiii“- 2 A iIIIPOOV I ALO.Wt - ilitx", .tntoss. -awqrsuii , , acCoirosagc, x , ia ATLAN TA,- : WiplifCES Auvanoz : lavu. - auras , Basr, O Tag 04 d2 i0 - * t : i oEq r Tfr t P i t r'. tild:ltPAN' . . Itlikeffae I;rjhmond, EiiiittAer, _ f , sue - 7.] 'Dga. t . 01 , 14° F the 7 t '"lkt 3r 4la , ;'' dated !4' ;Ara . tgt:g43o.4iftlxp mai 1 raakiniAzi.. w . ..iegaiiii,A , l4Skitti„ psi; aTellittnyshipheiziila betweeiiiiitek etee kk . , 7, Mitilli-: ' lllB i"rl'itteVPl 4 s,4lun Itaidamsdn. We 444 i400..t 4 1 : 1 0408W6F 1 EM146 - 11. r 'mpeded z4tFteii Emearefienta.,Aititaka y.,...; sekinilett ! . 'lcinrilehing..auetutred, - *eat; Lost F er i cim. "4 l ;i !, , " .., ...,t' ° 4 , P e , detbeeseeene‘saFtitlitWe fg.isii ai t 4hi . _ crossed the railroa&axtetilloAcktrorthivVoisa Hooker was said t.ippg . imiles east of it on tiM 3 4e.ll i ;-41 V., 1 124, Aroriaokal. ohn stkwels.Atia4SE.ivtii" . . Arit, ienedtbie idietrwingoltureest Monsioaq .aid ea , Polre then%• ma , '741:7: - • ..iso . .; • . &ea, e cagerin di fk i . ":+ lifiltilattereihredritp= • T . .... .; . 4 .i.''' .. - AP 1 ..ksbatun pialesdi) yreitd o koeua AU sloe At sagAl , MrSTV4 adik General SigePs Operations. Dzemontai rr or WEST Vngliamtk, dune B. A. detachment of the Tvrenty:second Pena-- sylvania regiment had a severe skirmish with the enemy yesterday in tbik neigborhood of Idoorfield - , Hardy county. - :In the company commanded by Captain Bait we lost four men killed and eighty-forf wounded, and eventu ally drove the enemy to the mounta ins, Genend Sigel has a four still in permit, from General Kelley's command. MI NEW YOBS, June u . The stock market opened strong, but the early quotations were not sustained Govern ments lira steady; 'batik shares quiet; State stocks strong; coal stocks advancing; railro a d bonds firm, and railroad shares active, with more disposition to bay than sell; Ohio and Wisconsin certificates 5314; disiton Company '42; etnabeirland fireferred 802;'''Paerifto mail 260; New York Central 1334; Erie preferred 1104; Reading 143; Michigan 964; Illinois Central 230; Cleveland . and Pittsburg 114; Cleveland and Toledo 148' 4 -; Chicago and Rock Island 1154. The market is depressed, with exaggerated and absurd rumors as to Mr. Chase's treasury negotiations.. *2.00 REWARD. - WAS stoleit from the de vinii pot of Permsyl- Railr o ad. on Thursday, a one half barrel of ale. The barrel bad.the name or the owner on it. Any information of it can be lettat ALI3I Ars SALORN; • Corner of Third and Walnut street A • SMALL FARM of silty-three acres, sit nolo on,,the Camberlithd Valley Railroad, Nu eat es went of Carlisle, t ear -goof Gr won. is of fered for sale at the moot reassemble t. rms. 3'4 further toormatlaw burtre or James A Dunbar, Attar, ey-at- Law. Office south of the . Court House, neat door to the Atrierfcaf Panting Office, Cirfirde, Pa, • .TETSTONE IiTtrRSERT. 2 .. LIARBISECRO, roam . June 11, Int ZIL at'PEESONS who have purchased trees from tit= above nnr,orywnd which .kaae failed u, o.44o,tworaismaancoxi, wail find it w tha.r. internal to at owe Wenn the proprietor, to that lie tray replace ttican,lamonac tholtrat planted to the: Tau or Spring of 1685eetihiterered. • N ,GlUtiountof money,will bo received without Fatten tion. J Keyetone ai' aiditrsory Harrisburg. ru.t • . ') -IT ißale o ft;i n a emu idy ea s r and Army Clothing, priOSPEPAL and Wall. Tents and Flys. snit a 1 1- -ablator awnings, wagrn corms, kr. , aal Eevend tult r drvd !;*ercoota, Pants, Teas' and Blouses, f om the eenmanusala at. Washington; now for sale at Barra , section Saiwat ' . The'hishest pricein cash paid for alt kc ds of Fecond ,thand clothing. fu nitur , iron , .Q pp,r, brass er pewter. Also, Wass of.,Fahbantos' viol*. m Salm, in gaud ord.-r, forsale. Weigh from 50 tto 1000 pounds AN 081. PA-NUE providing ior assuming the of the 00011 Will Eugne ..rd for rte pay meal of the same. Ssturntw 2 BAG .ordwine4 by the Colman Council of the city of Haeristnirg, ISA the inde to tent of the GoOd Will Fire Company to L. Button, for the par. base of toe Coot Will Engine amounting to one thousand tee hand, ed and fifty-nine dothus an sixty 4 even cents, to and the same is berebe as , -mem by the ci y of Ilanithere. Sac. 2. That $1 559 67 is hereby at.propriat d, pay ableasfdidt2: OW 67 OW the the passage 4' this°, di fiance, STITOnne yeafrnSlVilire, 1490 tutu years hoin date; anb $4OO ttr - ee years4Ociite six per cent. Ire veriest; and the yams be he d in accordance with resolu ta* mowed by Council, Febt•so, 14.54, In relation Is El. , t.T Fire Engine Couipany. fugal June 4, 1864. , - • • -‘, D. KIC6OIE, President of Common Council. ' Attest—Dsvm Boasts, Clerk. Apprey,d June 100664. =MI 4 11.011D/NANGEstor the to tettrietuat of a asfeuillikeuPkialmtet.4omYine street to Drkult r- ,. B e ad'egainelVai et ... 4 1 •Colmoon Coma of Ificaf*MilWaraabarth.Thatthe'amzeof nine ZuoulOd Oat /14140L49314thi1/. ' . " 4 0 4 4Y too tuxaoaotry, be and ,he sane ie_bereby apprpproitea for the einistruetion of . a' . Seivirt*eiltytllkettWahl - dhuneter,lek &wad street, froaraal Moot taLoacas skeet. , !==MM A.l: ROITMFORT, 'Mayor. A N ORDINANGE fliFifte contraction of a L. wirer in liven alley, from Strewheziy alley to thlOgithsa: , ordaine4,bg Clonewon Coma of eke efht itt-Harrisbwrg,,Thst toe sent of duce butdred 41 Dray dollars, or so nitiel therSof a.sniity be necessary ; be Ala theiaihe is heiebjraptivnoriattki for the construe tisk of it sewer eighteen inches in diameter, in River Riley. from.kgrawperry-atley 4:Op/Anti street sewer. 'Pas* June - 4, A N O.4DINANCE . providing for the pay . . la. merit: of expenses incarred in" - procuring inform :4 on and the tiebessitry'pevrs is rehttiOn to the quota of the city of, Harriaburg‘,under the late call for troops. Saorttut , L .Efe . .ordtrined by the Coleman Comeil of he 444.6- • . M l 4 44 . 51 JW.,0 4 136 forty - dollarats hereby appropriated tor the mmeot of the .-xpenses incurred is prOcurbiz ifigormati n and the necessary papertin.relatiep„ to the wmta of, the city of Harrisbure m oar the:proclamation of tbeitrasident of the United Staten, %mud in OctoballB63, and January :1864 rolling ter ;96,000 men—to be paid out of any morel in the treasury- nit ‘dherwiee appropilated.. - named June 4, 1864: „.. . • W. O. 111 . CKOS, , prvikds or compifc#lo: 'Attest i—Darto Haim, - Clerk. Approved June 10, /864. „ • ia =RIIIwORT, Mayor. GOOD MUSIC _AiVI). NEW. THE WAG'S COMEBACK TO TENNESSEE, 25 con!-. "Gud and Uniqdpf(Wwatchaptrd." . . . Just received wall Urge lot °rue* music, at tiraItD i MEMBIIIEITEEECE, Third Et. Bole acevt for 0. Ditson 8 C the largest music haus, in United States. Constanttjeigt. of nevi an, best meek- ally piece Eitatieirdie'receept of publish. r's price jet t-dlt. NEV 1 - o , 4ty mos. MISS 111,.3 7 .„,W1L50N, N. CONNER -Egbikii liii` .- .*Awarr snail /THE attention of tideliidies is invited to the _lar on*Gplic r iittisock e ., t.prfta Tnmmings and Fancy Gldid lab reoeiveci nitastae4astira sides. Ado ; a flee sie,ectio.. 01 Toilet article-, S In e s, Combn an I Bi US"., Call and examine belbre pirchasing elsewhere. r - -}rOnlitoarm;' - • 'STORE,Rtiblit in an excellent location, analk Dig lake'bititi•,ehs stand. .For further par: liefiLere apply at ijell:til THIS OFfICK THE FERRY BEFf • , - andAh.o . riibuk • THE :PUNTER ! 130 y, or how &a Frankl - Ins& . - • - f 126 htc • - - •••,••,. trarilitrEE'BOY, and hove Anneser77.4, , YOUTH'S zusToilikomm iisaw-uoupfrom !off SO Itadatkii elegantly itlasoated. f/ 2. 1 II • I • BOOK , . axiav_ - ) J,H7 OVA 71 - .altuatut azyoa WON •ht E:MI New York, Stock Ms rkett. =M== - SELLL.L.,VARDI FOR SALE I4°, one of Singer's extra large Seiene 'Machine; eost 130, in perfect order, with stand and table n mj lan for e loin. • ICEI W. b. HICROK, -Premien of-Vow:non Council , 1124104-41AVIO Ham, Cleft Opp:ired ..bar lose* W. 0. HICKOK, k. Prudent e of Conunon Attest:—Deno HARRIS, Approved 44.n° ROUMFORT, GRANT'S THE MAN, , , "For. Gpaßps the** to. lead the tan." KINDLY WO DS AND srticora F'ACQ, 30 coati "Dm ag kis-es and embraces liver wait as at the door.' MOTHER, WHEN THE WAR Ii OVER, "Hoe my betirt wilt beat eatayePttire, When thy tonng smile I see." fIEISS MY MOTHER DEAR FOR MR, . "Far the Stars and Saipan rve fal.fen." EIFYPLdyYItEFT. A.-110 tH, A g ents wanted to sell We will gi ve $75 - Sewing Machines a • commix igen On an iN3 sold, eir employ agents whowill work Tornio some wages arid all expenses ino. Address, D. Theaanfanw & Cq. ; Detroit, *ch. jelo 2w5 BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. • THE FARMIM.BOY, and how he beatme Comprrid sr-taxi:Her, . #.l 25 Taw PIONEER BOY, and how be beconierresident, it :25 Orty, 30 cans. 30 Cass cenur, EE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers