THE TELEGRAPH IB PtIBLISIIIM • • MORMKG AND EVENMG, y GE ORGE BERGNER. 7 OFF/CE THIRD BT., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SLBSCRiPTIOE• Tm:l)ahsTßts6aarn is served:to subscribers in tkin-, city at 8 reins 'per reek... Yearly siibeeribera will charged ss' DO In advance. Those person:: who, negier4•o4, pay in advance will be charged $6 90, WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. • Tali 'TEM:RAPTI Is also published weekly, ancgisi o subscribers at the following cash rates,' .• •mi Single copies, weekly... • 41 Three copies to onel l itst Wick. :1.1•::"1 • Ten colas to 011 e, rOSt Office. _ . • MEDI-c/ ELIXIR: ..Dlt. :wmpwrp. RV - UV:ERA:PING 'ELTSLIRi . ESsEiya OF • Prephred Pure Vegetable Extracte,tentaeiPg ing Infailous to the'rebit'pellente - - iliGrThe .Rginvenatitig..4lix!r.ig, , the :1 - o;i:riY i i:"1 . 04i: : 1 diseevories in the vegetable ilcingdorn; being. , 412034 1 4 . now and abstract ; method of cure, irrespective of•all the old and worn-out usteins. zarThis medicine medieal men of the day s endby .: lnom prpotinco one of the, greatest nedica,i iiiscoveiiii of Aar-One tiotile 'iiilll4ii'Gerkeiar 136110. 15 - ha-A few do* cures ti!yeleyies In".:fekadek' i: far Ond bottle cures Paipitatiotioi di' ,I"e‘` clones' reatores 'the organs of geziertitiiini ~*-Freue one, to three bottles restbreitheqiiartllif and fullivigor of. youth. - grir it few:doses restores the appetite.: - Ail—Three bottles,pures tlAe.worst eds'e . of ggrA few doses ddres tee low spirited. , -One betide kailid l oiental power. .ffirA few doses .bm:.% tlie rose u?,l,lle i cheek; —This Medicine restores-tomaaly , slier: 80; retool,• health the _peer,_ debilitate worn-dtiwn .and , despairing:: devotee of sensual pleasure. 7 -. 7 i ,gam The listless, enervated youth, the 6'4f-tasked este of business, the victim of te,ffegvenirdepresstoni the In dividual suffering from gpteratAelifhty; or Vern weakness of a oingfe organ, wilif4X4ri - litrOditAF* l / . .:Arlanent Tolle by 1.4.13 use oc.l l iLOAtriiittgatituklPate* siN Zsd - Priaff;S 2 Pir bottrer#l;#4o.:4o4*Tor.:s s ,. forw,,d , ,cl by expreetr-enleeelpt.o) any ad_ dreg. • -\4T- 44-Sold by all drugeStsetieWarlteriiii'..- - -.4, - .. , DR. W. .15AiliRWIN & CO., rguirtevrta No. 59 Liberty street, New York. LtIRTI 1- codly PW I- ".f . 4 2 1i '"• u u.A..2OOAiED' ' ...lir .13.1 1r~FAL7 I P VTOBc:ii I , • , r " i Eupz - • • • ,1 C „.11 g' .1 4ND SAFA. .10/-For A hemoval of . oA.*tictions of Regularity in the Recurrence of thi TheT9l ll Aqr sprinkarbitt irregularity, by, removing. Mee,ltvogalority% • ; t. , t . ,'They cure §uPt.i.o74iC.F4Peasivk suil l;ali{?Yty,lN-tt s t rua tk u y • • Witirviy Cure Gieen'Slekoese (blhortaiLs.)' - 1, .1 1 ' 111 /jai-They onre licrvuus.isna ProCtinignin.sM . the ottca.and lower varts.of the body, I:Leavitt/ass,: Fatigulw on slightexerttok Palpitation of We' ssari, .LoWaestroP: AY'sugul, 4fekLEtel l o l lci.lfS, 41, a word; by.removing .thts.:irtegulartty, ;they removik i thei cause, * ad 'With ' the e*talhat 4 E .tie - cump9A4 01 ' , 4 3 W.M44 5 :4474444.:4 1 0 ,1 0* ' ain nothing („deleterious to any constitution, however elicate, their function being to 4 7 1 4ateLktly. • p weakness, which when properly y-Ve ; do. Age They may3 - a4 aitt 1 11 3 3LI elk :Ell, any e, as any. periuc, EXCEPT' DliflNl4-T.4111,Y411613. MONTILS, during which the%nhtilbaignattie theirictillwould infallibly plusvca-r pregratcy„ .1,1; r Atareu letters sealag_iiitofinatiliiilcit.siailie will be promptLy, freely and diadfeetiy answera N ogrFull directions accompany each box. =Ku , ' ,l Price, $1 pey , lio'sr ciy:l7s ,—Sent by mail,-' /or ,40m. all-tosifeetabindr446l'. It'll.ElliV.lN torn marll44dlV " 'T4I). 52 1,2.44 iieb.); 1; 4 0ff. --- IH'Efft,“ - 7 For sale in Harrislw.ro7 ,55.1.,4,13/10., 118 ~... : . .•• 1 .., , L air.r. , L vornc..ha 1.A14, q 11-41.---11{,--S .. . . ~, it t . .... '...v . : L5 . . t.. ', T . ).. r . ' fY IT. )11.A F.) ti • . S. sit 1 , ..4 . „Li. .. r z. r,,,, 1 .. r.,,, (fiuscesetra:So ISL.,tri.• Dock, Jr,, 410Q. 7 ),n 74 ;..,,,j( ' ' il .. 'ki EAT ARS - 'IN • - FIN - Eft IFAtirnill 13-310.0Ett . 4 , biipositelbe.43oiatillouse;lhatreort , .', .. ect io t tori ~ i ~,,,. ; I: LI . , JifF .-. ,, E ,t. 1 •, iilimottit A 11,7-. .. w. ion; 9.0 rd b ~ ~,,,.1L,..,..•• _ ,..' ~.......-1. /,1 1 , Y/:': ~ q 1..i. ,, ,' - , I , 'r ''''' ."`"Nli ut ttrtYt ' ' .5M- ti`7J: 1 ..-.., '' ' .. ' , 1,1 ,,, • I ;:i lit '...... aliWriii firF Alv7) COMMO:er,Wii , .ir - _I: .iait' : h i Ja i ~r, 10;.,.., r. 517 , : - ..c./...1.1 .0 - 1)166i, Description. 11,41 r —__ moxamsufrEz i S et .c.r. VAC 411 T# ifFfls.:4o.geO feTti. ..1..), V. 1., a , t ~• a skys. The best eyor brought to this parks:v.4 ••• : - : , -k. •P(, ii t ' •fri' 1 c' I , 151 .' ~,... ~ . ... -1.,...F. ~.. ..., 3 , ~. '' .. .+ ' ' Ana ow: c#l , .tibraw. ~7 - I :,,. ~F t itifi, iLi CEL.AIIiPAGNIV WINiE. "!: 131 - 1 '4lll CGS JOHANN ADE% ii.. 31 t. .1. ~.t . '.. .-', .i, •,1,.1 icifs.RET SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. „, . LI ,rs": l 4xx.ri t rtpith 444., . -. 4 - 1. IX wrap chi lE a ß i‘•;:._ r ..; I: ~ i i , r IViji I,7,(rITZ' ::fl.. . : .. •L. piiksii,4TioN;; ,. , „I: snt :1,10 -.,!.. ..' '. I • ~.-, • • ', 2 VVIOIVA3f T IN. id 'Erfttl2.7l ( . • • - - : ...,.... —I. , , .'„,r , r , ~ .T1:.:,h0 1 With a %#l-10,t. stockof ',:- ... ~ ...7 . - : : ; 1.—.....,-.:::.i-R,1,...:•,, RN WASH A.NDADLEILIGALN , P.T.,O I FEIMS 5 . ).. And Ci2nannents . 9f eVeig 'ffhic,ription.novir bi, the.biiirlr.g. - '7,l3cE 40.00 4. :16iy . :th: , , ......V. 0.1 'a(43l.:b mottr I .• 01;:i SA.CI-1-Eir .PoWcroW/E4l;'"4 • ••• -...thauLlt•ao PERW.WiTE LINEN AND.PRERENT.IN4 2ii(Orkf T H's rOWDER.--la . compound, :01f•Nalnaubl : gildlias , 46r the destruction of hisectg-:-Aistrignitig3 among or dusted over Furs, woolens, Carpets, Clothind", - ,kc., packed away for ,itairtmlin will grpetmißly prevent moth. Beiv i do.odotibtrorditroabr f tr a kttok- A g ,trur preguate clothing, fiic , with a lasting and pleasant, odor. The tindit fablictittlllokbffl.tninrOdgiy.ila urea;;, 7 i; OA PrePtlred4l4,§o/d.At Kpa,LF;ul,3 ap2DrugivitlgalicY , Rftwipro,./ .7 ?—fillarXec 3 A; 'Pi TELC ,_ RE OFFICE AT Regvienco: ThlTd.Bt ALARGE asst. Genends stud p4r dozen, 44. "' mr4o . „ - 101" A, 1 48 1 /ELMS r! ti.Auiiter's :Eidersior. l Jost"ctired. Received and for sale at," ,SRISLER fi FRAZER, " ~•, ' (Successorrio,W, Dock. Jr., & Co A IVaL l7:i - XTY PAgts;B.• )1 ortment of ings,tookin g gw.Ep t . 8 ;pl.:Tigre tram-s and gas pipes, 15GRZR,15.R,T.4304.11 T. atE,d Harrisburg, Pa. mar2B my2O SUPERIOR RIO AND LAGUIRA COFFEE at 1n1Y 4 7 BOYER & BURP= FIZIE3 -.4.V1244422. , .. , VVY14,15 _ _ ______ _ _ :5: : 01 "T" ",-'! " . ' •' '; .; -, , .1. fir,-,,: t it - " crt,j,••L i 4 * - 4 ... 46 "• a r i,,,bistn(3 . ••••••.tv N ~.,.• • • , k 3 i :*1 •trt: Tn., *fa ,. 4 ' •J - - ' .t • t 3 : •-• --''• - -- • ".• • - ' "- -' " r "... 7. -LT 4.1 !.. , v,:, ~" : ?0 i, J ; - , I ,i,,,.,- ~ trl4/!.0.5f.5. P 1. , i.. hti VI frc 1 I ;DIAN, , 7 4 , 0 11 ir , ... :a : , _.; a ? 4 j , . , 5 , k,.. 1 .1:_. :. ..,.., '; ~ -, . :,.1 , - - ti ' l t', iy KA-) i ,: ',I, I ,":, ) : 1 —.. I) f 'I i' - . '• ~ , 1 , . , .....: ~, Vi ,i i ,/ , I ' ' 1- - - •••••.. '; '' I Ifir 4 ;• if,_„,./I"Ydi, _. rd .- - ',' _Li 1 1 1 '.. , -it.t . 'n Y $ ' '''' ~.' - i " 't ' , trl. ' '' ' -' Th° 441 ° ' ge'llaN ming l i r eGthaie rate " 11:8-1 " DillildirTZLInKAPH.1811411112 • a " - ''' I ' • • il.:-.. •-•,, •1 . • .• n r ,io , ~ 1.. ) ingra. vewen tro Thoo r referen itonto o. AlrettilitW g (•r4.10 . , I m ,v• aliT 1 ) - . • -•'-- - ,* N. ,_„,,..**, 0 J.,, „ec .- , i..,,zr , • 1 - 3 itzr Four lines or law constitffrOtie-half NO . It Air 1 ~, --, ',,'",.. :12 , :; , =_ -. - 4. ; '`'‘ ' l. - V 1 ' V 1),,..) , -- )4) . - II- it .;.. " :, ` 4 ' - titles C ' nwre *O l niAr it. utOk:4***l Tit •i . ~,. r _ , 0n .: 0y ... ELL? 11Q ELM 202 fro saws— fie, - P 4 ------- ~ ',. ---. , $ -n; ~ n nevy-,•••,,,,•pf5.,, ..1 - I .., •?: ; ' s ° .."•,VE I T I -..: • - Y . ,- 4 /2 I eg, 1 I r i •-' ~ 1 1:- . 1t •iC f- - Vt -, rat fs a (Jr _ 4 r, ta1 ,„, ,i,,,,,:_. ee , e , -- -- -. , .T.O da.,..2. . ~.. i. I Three rfgo da n yt .,.4x.a.4 ? Ist .11 i 2 26 1111 'A' ' • ',l 9. 'f! 1 - .4. '.i•i . -1 ! ' '---4..- " 1 - 1 0.-1:, A J 1 ~.. ,rnowtti.4 4. ~...0 1 ,0 25 1 ViiiiiniekNlP • -*elks it 4,10, 1 ..k , . , , , - •ocrill 't - .1.:1 - 1 -- , - "4 .1 . IFllirl/Za. I P. ,tial :mil:" -1 • s - 15ito'thitalis ' " 4 fio ~, n' - ' . ' '' . l'. '.--/- --1 1 . ?is_ '' l 1 " ..-f ". f " '"--- - - - "'"i' "rifti,t t i 01 :fiJlllolllLti N.. -- • u, , _ , ‘.O. -rf •.) .rt ' " ' i • . 1 t fata : , -1.1 .:t fisirmiari , Ff . V , 17 , . { irt o month e ~. : 60 r it , E10gara.....7 . 7 .... - 11 _ 4l ammumemmommr_voesp,k ,,, ,,,,,,,..,,,,:mowommliAllimtwfutrroatml‘t-4ts?. ? t, ve_tpt-t. .. . ~,..:.:,,,...,..",...„,...,,,. 4....---,-,===....•••••••• ..,...... .•• ~ •.• -I) . ~.., . ... t , - 4.9fieit rye '' :1-'l.! 11 00 thie4. l lll l .kl l l . 9WW • r • 4 •' it ',.; ':.l ":...!.ta a/.oi, ', : . ' . . i re...L ).._i —7-11- '' - .'' ' ' .l.-1-.1 ' .11-1- " ri : / ',' '.,. ' : -- ,. 1/ . t , , 4 .._ ra $2 22 : -r. +fad :i I '' , J _l'. .;.1111 . ,,- 1!I T ICE` 13 -` II;-2.:_tsr-01r . -4; .pi i to if= - --- buil TA . it ti It 4 0 1-k WI/ker. -..e.-7 0: :rrt Pil f.).30 .- • .J.1.11 J itliti tIP‘• /I .r.'l?; •Ilt e Nolitain /4°"96 ona ****** ' 4 "-''-"` t --- , '(""' g ic r - i L_ t, I ,.. ,p •tridr a es tio N ti o v iices sich ... um .a. 4l 6l. o . .i...1:::. -- 1u...F.c0..... 1. Et , r 1 . • -4,. 4i Ig4eiciaAw Al I Nintatainittcrit ~ iilVilitOitttihttlllBl :To .;:. i IN : .;'ED 'S$; . . 11 , 11l 10 - 'll 8 I-„ 1 _ ' '.• -"''."' - 2esotiftr...42. ' u , 6 i i ttlilltlt)7. , llli - i•:!.: * ','-::". ti• -- , (t•I'.1.:::!:. -- s:;.i •• f 111,014 j 'l', 1 ill Lta 1 aritit'aMrPTOIIATIGNS...__YIZ: . -.":1 6.,-,46-4fflivieD Extratar.,l*. k aguin, ..,,, ~ , ~,„,„,•: ..... ~..„„ .., ~.,,, 8„..,,,,,,,, xd .1....1:: , /,:riii iirlAralßOLD ETTRAOP•SARZAPARAL'A,2• ,:',: ' • ~,.. i -nil ji1..,;,,, , . ...a . . .: %Cr 1.4 pz) . ), 5 .1411ift ,': :11101, 'in l•• • •t 1 5' 42 . elidtaib: 13124itff.D. ' .giSt 1 *.e 1 I ', ' I ' . i 1,..1 .' DLL .01,11: ~,, LI / 1 11, ,r 1 1, . ../ 0f,,:,1 0 ~,,,, jf, 1., , . •, ' (1 .•. 11, •L :J. .1 f...., .t. / 11. : r li • T , ~,l iinti_ .1.k.N11.11. ..t II f..1, , ,.11 1 -OEstIITN,F, PRRAVAllattlgt;" ....... :,;v1„-.., ; ~, 41.,..c.,..03.....z.F..> ~.1 3 11IG lit COAICENTRA.T r ED,,'' , •::. : it:: , :acti?,-yin, 71.1:,...10‘t , 4,:t f : , •:.)11:4,11.tititift A '. ?f.I ?itf ;.,,s .i...m.tra.f,tl o 4.cithi n i,, ,1G.:,.•.,r,..r , 11 tt:Li cht :tt.f4 4, , c), k, ..,5,k1,,,, tt , g” .7 , 1a1t11.. , t t) , ) , ...); • i . t - ) itaai 'to 1 ,; 24 ..... i11tz1iki . tra .... 01 6. 4,,44 , 1 ligitoliftr o ittP• . ! - .,11,1!- , ..i1 ..,i , l I.4..ttlitytkilgAlft , „:fla It .19 - .) I ) ' ? .we -I. / %. , ..)1. `f .ptt ,, vt, i " ..,,- • ' , , , ,t; ! , ,! ,, r.n 1 ):-. It,rfglikA.MPßlG-7#211111T,-"4 .. _ tt 1i...) ~.10t ,t , ..).0.atu,!..R. 7.!.c 7,ltie..q utr,it); ,-, - ,) - t lam ;2111 . FOR DIR/RAREROFFRFO ' i':,•,, , , ~.. _PO, / :I' . ___ - . —. ----...-... 1 Orl,hrlitZl+l" ,I. BT. DDER, 1CT11N : E"W . ..4. , 4 y- EA-U ' i . ....:i -.: .trlii t. r + ii...rel/..(1. .11 -UM! rt ~ .. , i , '.% • I ..:. Li ',l ntall.l9 1.'.0 ~ • i.. : • ••.°, 111 •••!•. KIS Medicine increases ;the; 'power z.ofiDi-- .T nfVl:%'iln:da, i . 741.iterar.i8Mnutcs'":hde'dzbeposr .0.., and silt UNNATURAL :ENhARGEMBNTS - atitintg• ducd, iis'witaas pain and inflammation v and' is good Ifni , ' ME , WOMEN or CIILLDRENZ ---- .L. -- - IiF e LIEBONISI - EITRA.Or BUCITO, „,,, ,i-Cist oil!::*. Dant anolt: 71 . 11.1 Mu”: if ; ~:„.', /..i.ingAii :;I';' , m yli . e ,„ ..,...., 20 a k r,D .. '7 l . DSSEs ;1i - v.; L-H , ; r 7. 1. 14.;; lI,A- , a,,, C. "..o -ostac e t•1;-q49 - 1 -,,,,.,...,:•., .4- . 5.,-“: leH etrtdt , seeiste:lbaidovinkimpktfas; , gov.l4:. .. .1,1. ' ,.ghli°,l,:it b use , ~., : ,-..t i r. ...., • .a 1•11,Oh-1 , • .11 t ..•-o A. A MS WITS TIM7OI,PONYING 5111CMQ14114 t , , o „qt. .: “, t 0 ,1'... 1 . All 6 ..F t i .1% .14 tudi sition to 'Riertioti,? filkykiess of the Ski& i , -:- 'zi ,X 0 of blemory;- , , ;', , - -11switof Power' o.till'•Ve. • '., - ' W Nerves, .creuiv , rolffieulty of Breathing, .z ;' ,- ' Yietir of DisinukTAGS 4. Trertibling, , C • ess of V 151004 ° .. 1.01 •I- ' , Wakefulness., .1... ' •'• • 'ittnivoraal Lassitude: of:lhePaidin the Pack, , :.ii '. "'Macular System, ~ ~, I .:Flitting of the Body; , i .--, '' Tim t Hands, •'‘. 0 '''. Eruptions on the Few: i • 4 • 3. • ;Thelisi 4 COunnlitioe, .' ; .., ..;' , i ito. 11. ,ii' 41 `..• ..1. 0 !.:,.. it.e4det. :i 't ail: u.l These toms, it allowed to go on, which thiskateith ,Itkiie Inver movakeeen4Wew------- ----- fn. !JIFF/LA.l'l LtitTe___LJlq !,-:', TVI A. /IDE:R4;Sa .•! , VIT- 1 4..W4 1 4[1 WT,NEANSC •P. :hod :•.., ••., a ha, ,0,. oftedtich4lls petfenkftwatmesiphite,Who,mtzt gar 4AtlthwarenogOequently.iiollanegmbr4se;-ftinecol , . . , „ 11 ~,,,,1 ..,,,,, a ~, , f ,i 4,1 file:.. 1.• ..”11.1.:LJ . ..Mil. .1.0 0 , T a. OJOI . Vul tl , l. 001 isti ,litt ao ,Si,:.: : bemin 11 , 7 0 0.1‘ ilma . m ... INSANITP . ': ' ,9 O I3 2Iffitr7P.TTIPX.'f':I ) ..II ( I 0 L nl 'NI/ 0 1ft .....Ftwq, c.:•.ezol •••• ott., - M.,:1 M . itte4iNiX9 ,961 , 41usAttA urii.gltir:. , molsonggo kum, none Will s citufts..ol'he records of The insane asylums, au& the inelaptiliolhtles4mby r ctuniaimptipthikw ample wit ness to the lath of-the assertiim. VITI PAPP '4li ' YVICIP__ , ,i 'rill:. CONSTITMOIT ' ONCE A....,' CTED =MI EEO g ~IT73'~J'~~<~ANIa ~~NLS6 iresittaaftedicial acian g tiLi ; • stem, which Helmbold's Extract Buchu•juvariably.. A trial will potorMce,the most itkepticaL LFErLtritfig-L.ttittlitiltitat4:l;l•; Meg the lq&L;1. r`l :400 II e.*A - 21' , ..4:4fri0... efiroffIOTRAVANGLIVKARRIED,;'OEtrieCEMEIto PLATflia - mlir I .7AI e t CI kr - 0 ;14 3 71 alTaaectiolus perm iar ernalestlie "Extract n a un.equallOtmooyother riffilyiy„aAiß.Chtyro§is or Irrega,MAPtilnirfAeso, or gtimeksiowar the .wary Evacuations, "(Reuniter, or Schirrons state of the A t L e urtiea,or_Whites, Eterility, funi,lor, all corn-, t tihethei.arisiggifitia: Indlikreo 4 1 4b4. 1 1A.tiP 0 0.09P vihrisild avad rut J,l. •;; ;11,i1., ~P 'ROMPUrtO/4 Rall2Wgi O,I?!LLEX: 1,(141 Dli rAxer,z gtgpwr, anitaffirg IT. tico 10,;41fau scw; lonia s 1 2114=Z r e a T i l liTt t rif e riraftil assent ..1;11 14 ionsfr.:.scbui door; r4nu ac I,9lt,f(sltrAMlT I lthu Re eats its I:34°' , lIE LIMIBOLD'S ter v sm, 144 / ,222.:::530 cu.= ,ana //Oil gut Beore,tqlffitenkslinfall,eittltstageo; at little expense; , I -kit ed or no change in diet;,4ffilinclinvbidencbatitErfoihrfpfail sur e It causes freiplettti 'clealte,:ited9giverleg 1 te, therffirprideennginbetruotiOrdMilitErkiditS4lland 1 016iPttleeDrittilf,E1W~illarronionallidil in dam t ri, 60 frequent in this class OS theemesncluexpobßing . nous, Dic..qed, and Wornout Alft 9.`lik.ffililiguitit. . pci thousands who have been the vie ..., i onalesopd 'Who ve paid heavy fees to be 4:. .1171411, It'have I$ nai, they were deceived, and t . 1 , '- , -.IV has by -the use of "powerful Asw*Mibi,l'irOgafried up in the sylun, to brealy.nynAaplgrazated form, and perhaps afte Use m"i ilßE a li g laitiliO*A"CT BpCIITI for all AR ctions ,and ratha s eg i bt-41&Urithiry"OrgattsiMPetherbtistiiit in. Afal ortPaciiio, ffehAvlia!ever'causennginalint;fanKntr il ge-tibvi king.tta l ithu g . piseasimg , cer tliete - ChVIIS rikqcare the aid of a Diuretic. , lIELATBOWS' iIMTtACT ~DRCIIEFIAIre Great Diurefid,, Ltd , It la coerlairi to %f' Elie ` desitello , effecttiff , bar Meenses -fotivrtlich . It'' is' - p ant i e de eiii 1- A. , ~.s. -La., ~! ..Y.i n. trii.: cth. via , . - gt 11. mo ßlood—Blood—Blood. Heimbold 'a Highly ConcerMill dwi camitionat6TAßDSrTßAG? SASS.NPATtte.4WIII-r -.LIS. : This is an iffectliiioc*the - iniffiiP,WPWitalkiii,tli6l ,illexual Organs „,..1446 ‘Cii r llht , gm:llf Ears- Tfirtiat,MinGD ,pipeand otgefelliffiturtus, making its appearance in -the libiiiiiif Ws. -Helmliolall-ExtractSarsaparilla_pu rifiei ,toSl3(ol)dfilmile voffilleasl Eflipgoni t otibi I, giving - to the, RP aim ear and Rgalthy l color. I being prepared y-To his class 'of tthiapflints, r, -Blood-PurifyingPropertiell kno:Preseared to a greater wit than T 1.4 9441 P..T2Pii 9 ffitPff 14 . 1 Z Mid/ ' f l •l 4 (it B ig - 46 1 V, *A.A. 0 r .A4. 1 .t. t , , *•i I - 17 ti i . 1..0_, o l i . WI Intiti citi l? tt . ...2 c: •..•; — " l s egcelt r,ptfon i fo,L gewmg ra. yprittiFir t _f i, roit r and aribi . llKW.tioioil in , di , -..a l ef e Urinary wrgans; arising rone ha&its ofidiaslitatiotOuldfi:ltgWonnectilon with , tike Extracts Buchu and SHISEIPWII* 4 n Iii . 1.1 1 03:041 - Seti6e6 WI I%.ommenakd."l'VettliffiChlo6 tliiiiViot. l I..,isiblh tintrigil • le character will accompany the ined . ..' , Ch4tllll l * 1n T XIX CARES from tO tWebtyoliyarsi - ertindifig 0 '''' h names knpwn to ACIWICO . Flad Varne r , 4T,,,Aleigi • r ,„,„ raga oreßuchu i lieelThipemeary of•the-Ditinile-Sta - ;See Profetatir‘DElFEWSWalhible works on the Ptiten . telOP Pliy lc. ( Bee .reinarksAhadol by .tbe..latooicelebmted DEE , PEItE PILL i elphla:loc. ,tomntka„lnOdO fiX 1 : ) e. L r ' lil w. Wi t` lVafikiiclitegfolied-Wystcloiwinatiii , . 9f the Royal College of Surgeatualiandtiubliatibil lblb alone roa.the -11 R -fer n -nib Queen's Journal. See it e droo - Chirurgicalßeview,ffitblishethbytELEN.l. TRAVERS; Fellow of, the Royal College of Surgeorks.,:Thp - Vo t -, tege lbutratindardiWorke chi Medicine. liEktdotfrift n .Buch t ea I:lobper rttottle, or six , bottles for ,$6 Ott' r.Extriust , of Sarstiparulapsl.o6 pen bottle, _or six for $6 00. itm-, 1 proved Base.Fash,6oeents per bottle,•or mix for $2 fa, oortalf a dozen.each for $l2 00, which .will be sufficient ‘tia core,she pest qbahtge C aSfn, ir , 4k{neciOn6 adhered) 0- Efesi t ,(P} allY. tal4rea Sethiraly " • - Irian nervation., Metibe ciymptona hi' all alininitlinicalicas. Goias gua r *I: " v ier , V at's ''' . TL.,Bj ----. ;;.0 7 . 1 —.; 0 4).'.41 1 1.1 - ;.a . i ~, .4",..1 --Pirsonaisr:Wielea . ”WibiAinkilan Alderman of the city pr PtotAlorldfias aoltnaeinit": l ;, , wiwi , bolog duly swork note say, hia-prepiTlGOna-COOLLID- no -narcotic ; no-iner.- g: 21i8VATTITP .169gegivargri i diii ... , ,, , ,,,, t ow,ife t tibvihßtaiiiiotsas dap - di*. &mums wm. P. HIBBARD jest; l o lv a i d - -- - irmaiownit swim Race, Phila. A le for information in confidence. H. T. RELMBOLD, Mende, Depot M • ath s 10th street, below Chestnut, Philadel- Phill. -4 4 DROIMA =SEM = _ . 'GRE . AT ' MEE it — ol\ l l n u 'll 1. "v :1401 1 - , . " .!:,,iTHE UNITKR,STATER V4EI , A . :3f , ~, .1 1,.1;. , .`,.,. . 111:f , J: ; . 1., ,?,/ •J'r " ' f ' r} FARRISBVROVit. i “ 7 .. 1.." 1 AI - 7 C . :3:11,ht.,,i'l 5,1 ' ~ i b - P.NR - •.l.c l MliVignt-Yi.rIr.RPAPPRX•i .ii, c. 7 . .. irt rtriu., 911.; 10. ill 14,....-iiii 4 1 .c.upwr..twp Ap 3 7 AL 1, 1 tiiiiis ld tatiii‘ eAiuvsll4g- - 646; aff0r . 414 3 gat. .t . , a2p.telAmmategoemalteLret4 leilinsieixt46,-w. !11, 42RLstitivait&iii .1 Pct ,kro I -1; ,; f. to , - - w r /' f .. V • P 1 PTAVY• t. I . 4I I 4 - Aed i'• e . irk uaa it rernolla ens /V% • e'rVfiiii - -iiii lftiEti& tit iii±O'fi th a tia Wick 'del - , iyln i db-l'ultterg. eepy.ltsa. locat cees toionjulieei.raliteaUthrel.lati i ' lli7nre i ty, Y,,,, tligg;tri§ ad4 l "At'fard''hr ,; 1 -.44 , :41.Ft , , 5t , t , Le ,- .4- - A , :44 -it'd', ivti,t, ',. / •" 4 . f. 4 il. :: , "1! . e: - ...., •:andi tie l'ioAiiiir ' iLt i ileli(isalfied' to 'Rare Dallier, ,4-;,.. '011ie; Ihrie - oriabei - hePeitairtiVicii aimfori - .6f-' the inaut : • Mei P•l4 - 04age of 04 AraTeling.poblic Di ftpectraityrsou. Pitel- i .1; ,i : ,:p.l .11,.. ,1 , 11 7al tit 11. , 11.14,61,11.4tfat MEE rt t 2... 4 ' " " .;" 1717 IL A A C P IT U tiATlgt oaßNEßTowiTanin '.prD lititizart4rierxesV ElttiLad'eigikiLed vi likraitts;k bt4 , rPomstittaireibaert3 revittittniud , basreitAiiiVtlich 6 Mi al e t ir i EJAWA3III O- Lurgiitiled pro y' e the or 'tkelasailitite).l vrtura4thenu • otimic Xll e tfiis s:li-Vantb! (43411keit44iut8fi4 - Aabgt sidakistuifithichnioe,. 18 24110lkft %Ikfit` t I,IDI ,i•Lto • ri LH / .1, rOlO r ietor • • ••- ,j 2 , • .1,1 vx.ti ,gan 3F,91 NWts Y ) 1 1 „ yrs ifyiNp.i . R Roi,,vptrt . sf , .., t. h .,.. , ~.1„,„„..., , t ,- ,.... -, yri ~, trl. d':•••AILE . ./ ..: *1 ,' .t. ~ t . 'it nt In, c I C144126i:0r Mriiketii,strleClitellfirkeeNormi&N ..... , i _. _ 1 ~.."), 1-,rff: ,:-., tic tcla.l ,+ E.. -. .. .i i , P 7 43 4 4 ,#. 1' #:.#l V: 40 , - PAN:A . -4k '.,_ • ~I lin:2CMA.Si . :4l . ll , •'(, 1.1 , :) 4.... . ,:: ' 11; ; ,1 t:illic Ai o ;I'. ~ ...: 3. .. !I ,"•ti_: , 5 ; ', ~ ..4 - Proprietor... l a6,ritf, .-,:ci a a *cl ;_ok.i? , )7`i - '.,:1.7 Ic. ~,;,:,, , L.,-(,•,, ~0; I. I, r. , 4,4 r, .. -r . i 1 - 1 ;'44 ,1 4 ) . - K.KV.fiEliGg'"A ' a ' - Irj' 4 ,Ril.t) 1 7 1'f - kf t "l:r; F(PI P / 4F14 . L X UM PI *ft: . '''' I V 4: fc .x . . k fitil s kiti: , r,tlb.f.: , : s7. Evlirit! , ; pi, A. - Dz.'. , l• , IA :AS Mal& . .roont AsT . 1 , • selgvEtateztrieliagijaidtilfiiolll` 4 .l , nienilisitrabliiii‘funthig itndalifiTn&fif7 fitudiflia . , l '"l ' Aieyireitiden:o o l4 , 4. 3 Jumbii, datialtay; new:shag the , i' . faet , secretions of the mohth,,(thv.m4y;:selooyilhg-419 ,prpp,... cato,-.9t, decay) ,Dz i thekdatetstysooturtjun the n py,e4tirAi4 tha teitulill.esabarld , the 'Teeth; vitttolib' th, the least degn3i%isitiiigi the:eiutietedotogrei tuffip , Ta i i.w , tv. ;k l A o),, grytpiaiinwepplActomly , ,igrotAlV:cfaiatEpleiassintz.-ti In 't they ard;ereEgMtp i riusefor thapp. ,aii:ia sliabibii a 'tell:Wit ! , y `dhpuliitrit f rafa,' Affia t ary afilialffen:utidkn i qy:: l Ldi by r_ * • ellexteiiilL 7 salbl i 3 o, l3 .t‘lii oussugunityAbOgthc e usidgiyeksil a jgrivaiith ) ,Azi • " ( F4 l}l, TTfti 4 )Pd_, -ti'fil MallV4l olo .4. l oY@ROPeakkil,,Y [ uig ittho rennutor to sti tomer gs,tend WO att r tepid. .'"' ttiriieilauLTfiby - Naii ihif m e icPtErti - ue.' , ltA itids. • • s ritatlimiActats itgrch.stormluinitipilothitgatiiiiY tuirrilMo.2 o l4-atslPrgsent•OELYielgailiredaniirsoid '' .6. Etfy• I I I": ar tr illol lo Itoar.q.iagßaWdr uu tp,ll or sale also by the peneipal Druggists of thalfiWZlOti a P 2i-dtt : irti 01161 al; fr7lll - 1-it hic.Lie.4l ( l tut i ~ ,~ . I V ie Avf*;* , e i t c P. ao c) il. - 1 . 1 7 0 .t .T 1 : 0 47 1. 7.4 4,u, , ..14 .4 5: vitlpior , 101.11tl i r .6 1 ,40,e-roxittti ~,, ..,... - 771,, ,41-1., “ OJ ). tar. It;: .:ti ioc( al/II 5H.A1196..1 ir,noitike.. 9 , 11. r]ri I SIPOOKEtIigiBOOKS.7.I9ORNIES - 1 is; 5.4 !JP:lit:a •.•;1.1. - :e..cfct 7.4l.fiautr 651:3 7 3 - T, eddl . It ri P 24 0 i ,i 31 to irdrrlog ILEUM A ind 1 tth Ql - 1:10,70:14-A;efx,pi r 4lxe . wctik. rfficirii-uf f aq 1 - A l ny - .. iti.,,p, II ft, i . r . Tit 207 , -: J.tri.E ridi Ito 7791 V *151.1711L VrfATC - Giiiii_a; 'l.l. 1 ;ID Lrol .tw:l;,:frc 51191 - :t vli tufo.) efli 'to :. I•A I.,i,il i EE L i fps „• - 172iLli to i l -14 , 1 , ;., •., a : WI ; i ' • utiii•squ'lr i •::11 1.-;a: f i li l I P 8 . 40 ar.4'fbilfir . I r t $ 1,51% r19:1 ...1.5 4 1 if 9 rliff o ...cr3 to miff I,l3auttiti a itk f:lt% e 6rl ' ,I 0 It i!7IL. l s l LlalV, P ? 1 lll p 4 .Tr afrliai l l I p i!hr mll Itt t7 roll= 4 a 1 9 , 0 L r.A.G. l . q 9 9 a ng.trill .tr 9 tarcil 9 l rtm 4,,Atmi d u b hifi6 t 7l , • .-, .. 7 n d U. ... ~ 1.1. 1 . . , , 1 , ... , .; C. .., . - J .1145;././.144 li " hifFEWILIMBIUMPTEPRIAb . t4liaTl:ll li wj eici , jektiwTasi frond iv* ...v ' ..: /N.D. W. GROSS', NEW, , 8199.Xbr . - , ii I . I.' ji , 4. '1.1 . f0j1i i'1...1,ti i J.:P. 1( •, .. , ff 44 r ° At , LI M1 1 51:MW 1 1 .1 ,114 1 4 Th: ! . : Lb l e 1 'OOO D "Fhwilsmiewast ii .fn. Ed.0.41i liitA/400 A T SP:itil& SHAWLS. tlizbAamiliteriarltAppatA. rasa • • 1.1 . :111.7:' , 7; • W 111414 eif.l rt , 10141#1ZIAEFPW.M.P4V I M I P40 —'''s lt BARRISBURG :h C WWI ft , I.lntagajgrietailitatillt'Pen r adrit: 13}2411&3340 KS" it' the Sixth ward, whltigAgetiialgtfACW' JitlIAl,l,Al9 Ciat p. ills r 6 w r sli T el sell his bre,: td at thtilfatitYatiAt !MA ROO PRAT ArOG.:4;IO4ISM! Sig: dr etlIZAPP_Ladj cal►l l:64 l s.4iNitift err..# fl'3 •'l: i. , , - r CM if • ....Liavveluc4.l fl'OtV‘MlVft a° 4 ll P i r - ----- t tigr t, - , I vy, urns. - _pm, 1' .' .in *lblums. [marl2l ' - 'l4 ;' , 10 . V.:.:,.... ; •• • ••• ' na la, al an !a la 3•141 i no • . . - -S .uf z 4. ELM • ',00P,. I;:ifZ3 io felt deAr , otha— - - R auw"' o lt-t BROW rl TV ' giNE 'VIIO4iPV, sel.qtficrad and SYRUP of all grades and priclq4o4l l . r • Aititside of Philadelphia, A goods guaranteedAs 'toktielaratlifi ICA lA* cular u 5 : 414741W el T 4 ;rip ,Serfiv ' A'S to'alifil a = 434 recjefinhaFgri: 8131gMA I &V RgE- 7 ' 111 :5" 4 1. 1 7i -3Ell.sterateralr) if.laxat,iJr.tileoogn- - 7.L P4llc ll ti 11, i c, rj a. _._APP- 3 1 - fr i i Ps ,- 1 , 4 lExcioLn vidi je' okeios. !. 1 . ,: :, 1 1 15:158 A -8( - Avtzlop o r. ~ op v. vp,.. - .: 1 1 1 .`. „ '"'"it'l l 4 4 ' 'rr hut1419iy,...':". '' r :'t :. 1 * 6 .IAWN . 43e4:64i iatigiQttijii-IN, i utt-iPAll.k. , liiaen the :kg.P.iiif ibii aWstAiii*; ' _kciiien,t4i fi no,s., A me public 18 mined to come and o±- it Alfew Sctetkag42Ao - 4 0 0KanirdWitainALIN ,low inar i ff e :::: 7--..' 'R:IR '.: .. * . 1 - 1 4 1[Cti 1 / 4 1 4 6g17 i f T A:t r eit. f ii. , ,13AUTIFILL assortztren,t of, TlitliSQM 0440 . 0a9t te e m i ii i d :thi„, T ed , ,1 ihtf. . (.....1. i, 1.1 /, , J . b scHEm - avp BOOR STORg I / 2 TnlYio 1' -3 - .11 , ! t• ~,a , ,,w r„ r ietii. ::: , treet ~hee 7 ar:o,llPo?te,ftrl,l(sw .71 ERAL7t North Az'r LO 44- ral ßUu la f t AWP r eM e a cormfor of NoffiCind invirstron, I rtu .. '2 ite , ,! e .1. . - riEV...I ' ' " SI 4 - 08t AR RIVED !—A, II tie lot of CANNED el PEACHES and TONATI 3RS. Also, SUPERIOR PINE APPLES, FRESH PEAS, - .ke., just myl4.dif JOHN WISA . 3d street, near Walnut. MIMI - (% - tttbmr.:Jr .111. r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOINT RESOLUTION preposing certain ML amendments to the Coiliiiiiti*ft Beitresolved by the Senate and Rouse of I'lepresentatives qf the Commonwealth of Pennsyteemia in General Assent- Y ithepualtritatzmdr, tmer74t.r. tali the provisions of the tenth article thereof: .liPerc shall be an additional section to the third article of tbe.Q(sufftfUg tiDei t sbrit---areadciteikiElr, 651 car: 11 ' or 4. lirlienever enrol - the qualified electors of .AttlsComigimAtalthAhilli,fttn i sitty actual military ser itfils,tejriPirgeurliolVi; olectint iaaykelelii tfki /Jaffa Win itecarni .by thenitment, unuersuillizemilitionirstme,ior 'dual nig W e l e rr d -bYJ 44' , vt P s t l ii- `a ° ifittiuqum74.lPlDV , l9l.4 .. ., • thew n Lace Nt eler.` ion;' , ' bblwd adeftigaiAthatiiill ielecienttratitortyarabef Constibitidrytti ibislidersigriatbd -- madams eight and nine , as follows:10, .11 N,newif , I ,PSEre 8r r 1 , 10. Lbe,passed cionta:t intWe ti . tan tie silbjabctrhly , h sham Ifti ? ace* L'ep , kegAini In thobtin, Wet* opieptisflonlblißr. , " SECTION 9. No bill shail be fidestit•bmMie: LegligafirEti , g r • ant 'r E l-YPRF l ui s t a cr REIPPPFEstIPIPW,oLLK • - trattLP_ frtwY4YieWbb ~.4•Y‘.llfliiiigrigsTstWtY tenftootivittay,['i • , fIK) 1..1 - go+, ,; ' Ttla ft,r MlEN[Ftra TOttiZtaft f..2S f iett4Arllite T l VlE tli " T rent' :Yre r 1 k24 - Ai w a IA sq )407 1:1-a.J; ;ft I3U M'PLVeloti TsiteSsentsrintlf al' ma! solifolaitirks, y If a a GA1P444314.G01gq44y01c11 1 ., In Te t i l Fcersaig ra sTt 4 : 1 y P I clitima • 11 *Oka xeisiem*t embiuntistl &Artist cti lestiotnliviß gi tykotin,i 4#pigietnt 3y- , r h. l tita”94 i li& as- the l9 iP ' ' nini'PsErnatokttwaeroup4 ldve;'hel+Miitlti itaOt in r ft. a.l liana-4;mi•cataaat i ttre seal or the. DedretaWs oi -1 . 1 ' 1 •Y,L914 Peat alawavvii. Dni yr t•:1 -3t4 t '.c . w o h koy , tigh?ti r A n i n iimi t urn vte'stbortiredobstionAsavanFeekujeAelto tiGlasei a nitiF. , uorY of .thP4 , 4V1913 o.l9*littkoArvaittaMAlnt sosinins VW ; aasetnr,t . .innwtynatejtlt .. . 111 ,°iPrtlix ) ..nd 6 ha& vftiP sub 10 ti to tile IS [ ter uleir3kftlratt flit onthalinairlintanilit '°F IigPSA tlnt Pc faNtr otolor 'l4ht , one attrausaml ;eight , 3 nentired and Bitty-four, in accordance with the tenth, AFtla. ,cle ktir tptec t onstitution,md clikant y pintitied "41:t Aar- Acripingithis tuba atc.flinknifet.lit gablnittli[it the fa, [irek. Unita apprtnreitintiniuditatiow tit( rilMotlOrt; ate rifel ItcostVgllVl, i5141.1/*A(1 136 0 4 1 30 .,NiseramOmtdbia Y VF,VPS 4 .V.l%ollqcli v ili ind 4tt . • 'e4 • ~ , 1 .t7. . ..ittigem-fgaty 4frtlhe a2s v rk it icto b : 0 . 10 , * Nds- • -41) term') ANyEir,r)rt4.A. POST! PI S • .4, 5 ,1 - als \YrA_lE -4 ' 841"1 1 1 t c- 1.1.1 c %I._( MIX GOLD MEDAL (ever won by iff4liiiikint4i dr Mt .[lltitA[2l4l.o l 4Bs/sixiodtkerewenitellite Edw . r:Tri - rr 1 4 B, ONAYKRUMEDTR3A) ;„.a: full assortment of us instruments sivatymp l w , ; 111 ; .ti E r). Y 4 iRV I RW I 4 -4 ' P AQH g Ije4-26Tirfli- IL a etl -I , 1,0.4 tkt +.0.4 ttri Thomas C. Iliavothmteily 115 ' 1 L 11 eLE `l3lAl9lifatlft . . eloti .611/0/1 ilLi'.l9-7 g g..4 . 44*14/ I ,ONY, CiA l 4l wISB . URG, PA. cairn I. .ILTARewf MilEtary Claims pr ;21 atteralbartlf d nenat collected against thi • n. - r .[ `ti late Governeourt of ; 04 lontaitzamit.zigteop=4 .39N I MN,WV) s fiv HIS hotel will be ofienettiTune 15th. The lintisVallamt o:opirfugh sppaizzegd_lneark hundred new and greatly improved BATH HOUSES be redfo l r the h afeemmodiniol lfg uestkWileh 4141MeliVIM14,6 n il3k rior, to any Hotel upon GAPR MT AND. I V G OV a Yit a rr o t r j ard e gr, 4 51 Proprietor, taxi. knoiorfiel.,9l pENNIsoN ! Merchant's Hotel, linlada. CM BETWV.NAIfiIi.ADELP lA, Or Hivphqerse OrriV i tr' , l Ti '-11;4 1 9 t y' ..litit "s; g . " 11 4 f ial I Aiiiktabillgrshrtiiinibtriiii4 - Lew bury Tmulou,(urgitel gilsgir ''' - ' ll l4rliiil -- a Apia 87 ,ng l . PI: 1 .• - tip l at:Lif fq s ;I.:MID dthaißliiSlitiSinGge ,Islicr The Philadelphia Depot. being oeatrally to 9 liW. dr l olol6ilt t 4949 1 4181 Weal through, kablittOrtga* l taioll at e porf FREED, WAR. Fri[ „ Ph ?by itatdookosup bleMit rtie _ l ei g the ' 113 0) , 1 1 .9144-aorl laorodelfus lo ra.thi do 'rt i chlkWrAtfillAßßNOlvtlmtlbgAritirl ' 1 -1. oar' ,olfAtaffl.e - tob w oemo , slow tau o IJO,SoIdtIeiriMMEINY,AIVO. Irr( , vd foßrlibt•aßlitikdotptou arthlteadinkikliot e tir t "le ''tV-114 %Irmo giFlt44l .004491.03unkt0. „Dity.t oti-41144: I to* OMPPM:iikiSPISIErAgq , A,I s -i, If ' I te2,ltoLaß 70,W=AsPurg,-fR.,a4Jr:4 .4)lit Lau dunx. r immin§igvhichEßWoopoodikatart. Yard in Chu city i l 2 fa l jg A r t ,m.Atvp ) tliA t jege 4 "" l ab b "alaanfiM l PlTTAlliVinfk Jfitgi itaitglOttleSElanDltraltillit gritriloar F 'A Oa rag O.; id7T ed! antuirdikligArio ".11 -- IV 8 -Add House House Work in Mwrhlaand Brown Stone. GinV i t l e i sly,s.V . t . " guarantee B.—Letter:4 - '' neatly none in English or German. mar29-dly • Li ' lffir4Es34 r I 0 our fine and extensive-stock of Photo t i.grajp4tAlPyna. tuiM'alMitOOtir tt„Uptpgraphi Card PigiNps,,ye df atetEd tAitiVlkktillNeU4sionl e. ar d pictures. They must be seen and will be admired. fl tor- Photographers supplied at fEe very rawest whole sap I 2 tSoi.VP 4 Onin - Inftllt Shg# s .4l/114) thousand, wholesale and rata!). at r may 24 gogiltlimvs. BOOR STORE. H4Y!III[A,WMAyIII 1 - ff AY of ith l enjl ill 6'60 tahke. Call at NUCOILIIICK'S COALOFFICE on the Canal YK risbw P k , •ci..t 4VAluodlttezklioppeitivfabSimie. tk jA, ' 1 - ENe*V-VviSka:yrifkAMßlEOUSEicivithirif 1 ciaosicnui...Stcris •-ittioni_-`in alt;colithe)Popier.of ling , sttqlsg a S i t§ t F a , ) lrXrAlleY, 340?, 4)1 Fran?P W'Reftal - :. •finpig,,,: p; tilither pArticalwAnqgireai Lcedniliffoo, StoieThi Vit Ltriet; dronitregtemisPA ''' _.' - - to2Blfellw :11 ', '.s , l`i ' • , • ' , l - ' . DANTEinaMMt. 9 ~ii SO' (3" ygil* 4 r X3 • ATP 11 .12 o f ". 4 . ' . .1.1, • . e 7 W I A N t v /Aft: grimr' lz i v ,-,;) s N sci • "- 39 .tiiinal468641111aalt t6LWrDndarr , ; in r& Gef • + • diWT TrAr . _ • AU 011181 r a.fl7 n- A rn ItB Ahtiges*wiricir,Mlol.itt iinharion ,ny.thiareamensitnEWlttiokilkgr,,VaDvaia 9EIEL 1W t 9 • s yme 6110 itll3llll7llOX to uo/ miolui ot tW3 22 e have just received a tine selection of APPLES, in prime order. • For sale by the barrel, bushel or small quantity at SHISLER & feb3 (successorsto Wm..,,Doelc,rl=4 P CE: TWD .GENWE. ENING EDITME LAIVELY OR THE DAILY TELagt 1I XAXIMIANEZI sgcEsll RUVES. CONTRApIIXB6IO I 7.,r.E 1 e Gover m ent' ls' Determineidi .rrtc,irk '' A :-) 1 to takrDPereare.uf cliary.: • I ' -- r ' ' Om; Wounded. .910,3311 t V4.IIW Upon .... r-Mala-M.ty . tialla . o7 .I,L. :NOiliations inthii4rOstikAlir. ROOlvr, , 3cr. . - . a _--i-a-a-t- °barn , THE NESIDENT—ENDORSES THE PLATFOR s N tr uIER Mt- , la :0 14111411Ne idi 4.41ifi Li fRONb i llisa FRONT 4 „ J .1 , 4 r 4rl :Writ 'di r^ NS ---va Mg 1.3 Valley Isis knl I -,..d - to nvirl , ,walli o f t flatiargflt t yfpuml as ~, .'. d. ' 1 080 - hatohadidizkindsrofTruinixfs. &ht... 'gfr et this attern9,ouLau,cl n Amegirkg# bu . .th§y, , n ar not worthAepeating and need no - denial; , iii 4 r4kga@ ko Tp,ailut - k.okx: wounded at the „vox', Hong° kndanillgiing vontcal:Pads here, an'efplaitationiisaeQ3ssary , "E -?... , ,:-, The dlriernmfinthan decied that the ,w — onrided shall : be brought upon boats cape '4 of accommbdainglhein, and where they ill riot'be subjected tokuctinvenienees arlsin: siii transpertment uplutrpas' nt boat el`'''. Thh President' was IpaFed n'this . aftl . trans . cni by the - repteienpldies thi? 1104 liteS delegated to the Tate co veutott.""4 eited • them - all'courteouslyOnd c yeptied.,4 W.' congratulations in II yea lotopy-*. t. ' • There was much pie an alidtliineff It ;he e' Ilintend''' 1 4' some of• the complintenUthAt7 passed: ' , 'he President was told f thgillioisr fi. 'oh that - they had beet pr e ted 7.4 , 4 ladelphian, with'r vary 16ete • pt . At 's Excellency'.• He .wvely atis*.Ared; l #4,.t Aeliing ttiniy prineiples iltit not to nalrp t atifiC. .I? . cauty i The nominaOrshave been eht *S tickily received'hythW friends of thpia 'NW Astidn • 'here, - and the . complimen‘tel - AnAri - pahtoff istonsidered ajutirknobledgin* of 1 . Ids' 'Veld 'services - In a e' cause of rito4, .. .. ... .. . .. ..irt.,. ! 0 - .. __4 w f.. + tILISE(O7.; ag _ zi, . B. o lL r Y it ;O w f; t u h ic e d d a tega v te et ri ca ll e e 4310 1 e b. ve il , f li o 4 r .n a. : o ra ii t idly Of' the 'reatilt: • • .;:' :.' `' - ` . .'`, - "T m „.• he rresidefit in. ()newt& • 'his' replied nittpf . mi t 7 0 his entire' approved of one of the 011 Iry Pr+ilibiting . slavery." ile;, - sa . i : - it gr ce had been freelrofthiqd d d °lid-, ~. „,,, herd 'has been 'no 'arrival -dal by - ' 4 t" . 1 i I . :. later intelligence Was - gained ; from 41 : t fr t.' * - . • • - - — 0: 11. GRX.FFEIt " it Aoy/N9PAAIA esc.444AfEigN4 cH rr as IEtZ7I b9L{3E.SI ACT S 1 Irma eat Las ,ztoste 'A. STEAMBOAT BURNg * IN: stileti.eli .nostenfol 4:outdo% .. ozate ..iire . s...lLosistsi Forty I .... .. 01 ..sti.dßipneld 77 r: . . ' sTON; ' ano l g °lf " k. ..- , •r 1g The - prize steataer ThistY, ft oal - er v i.d,_ 4or Wilmington, ±t. C., wit . 'gen lel li" , q Bet s ; arrived. She 'was cap ed 'orCl4l4l ~. inst. by the gunboat Fort . ckson; aft'e Er :base of six hours.' - Most k her beiTgi t • thlrown - overboard . during tlik Chad.' !lee aniiron•side-wheel: steamer I 250' tonS; ~'""i - WeszcsoxoN, Juno 9. arge - rnanielt s i de egatea 'from the late Bed ore Con A - ~ , L ., anived - here to-day. They.'repaired • A.% Aildst roma of the•Executheeplansion; o: fth y were introdneed to tri ,—,, a Pre tidefq P AW t „ fa e thema corditllrecepti tizlH car ptiike ofii:Olockad6. Riitine mai r 01 ELI.. TRIES () . iff . THE hump 1 510 .6 C 1 4 ! • fourteen cases pros Anted- rrndotialliti l tabOscation act of-July 17, 882; theL- . ,llnijir Stpes- .Court yesterday p ed. •d•gefeßM o t ohpfiscation, and ordered early sale,-Afffe Ale advertisement,-of all Tight; title,•anVE 9 , ate in-the estates of the gespectiveroadW ' • o and-during the- -natuf all lives; • except i. • • ege - in whicXtha propM p was peong, id tffe- forfeiturWthereforetirbsolute: -Jai'; t 1 1 ,r) Among these-a . re-are- John -Letcher, 1 ?m.., O AILT -1 9:0,1? 1 ,•• Sft.PPAC ,` ' • ..a . i 1 J , lci t WeAsaa_yo i tu, '4 , ,, a_onn; , k • el . -; . tdrf u , • !Or Alit' ofifffi,- 1 1 ' ll f i t„late.a4 elevwxfitcrstp• : S . • tifelliaisnsitaird= Pr l rnAkagpFNell. hikv.r. l 4 l llEttltstedlikt 1 Ao WilA r i l at l igqlBl-M e k9la (410aCer it4 • it nfi t Waylat ti briTakta StadtbeffiliiidelMiD ' siats=dfP traliabledlirwtstitttaiypcwirichLiclom - plisMaißimiataitto , XVlEl.44•3 l l*:.Y.4llll.a.kikkiac ~pnvate study. xim .,„ 6 ,, A,, 11,:1 1 .1 , rs. 1 The personal propeV - 0 •Ttlitie"dampbeli, • late of the - 11 -- & - Supretiaretrurt,-was- confis ..gated and sold somer-ntentbsegow..,lio real es t,,inittV ' "_.,,..0 hts pee, found in the Di e _ t • ct, I 5 ,'.. - ma. --- ' A I, ( 6lW9 . ititlitjigkaZtip.Citilifigteriiiiril lbi fIIPMdFe. ra-iiiAtililifEWllielfiS4S'lllielled'. asi 1110W0Plitr•din t G r ehreP r jAustbit,' ~ "siexiikk, ftw i l iy . . 7 , t..1 ic.. nary.? ~, , p- i iii) z4vlield Ciof,, p 3 ' ' kifoitatriliq -, E4Acti s - , Wiight- tic tliii ndtie "of tfifFMtite7plOiva • talkisitin;tilbit A4:; l4,ll 3' l &abeikigg ilffifOthintighoutT trouble. On the motion of thEilffiistiititr rxibyptlfe aibetwilissffispended indefinitely. 1 i A —l,sriPik•isioillstliari dl, ,w ouNnotrr, N. Y., June 9.—Tli•Mildrld . Brkaire , runnin . g - bgtwatsr}ludsorr and New York, and b.4lllMitlit tf).4* stil.o s 4P,Atean i- A, uls i t Cos:R . was destroyed 17 fire,la.!t 'it igtf, L it i Es • - TOsieid , tik•laii rikileathiy- thier . 'place'- ) Skiir • ‘-Aol.firci - Ont'Or, likifi4 l -'9 . ted 6 fr ik,atpillgoinf-ilf is' , -, Pr"tiikiiiltiO6,44 . -; B ,e 7 ll36a;crt ' ' 'tAnito lre 'yet - ha: - 1 . aopr . tafeatu.biwiti thbilita *rig iiiit ttrilei•sgaiiigte4 inc t • • `leirT r b . ) 11 V a•"Afi l litWa't . ; ittitltilitTA , . r i . b o ;t: a;-1 i toquorl ; t r oms. a- ___.........._ 31 , , pmt.arg o ,,pb eist o n .ric7rne sunrVia arir Y—==-...--.- - X ; be•-ronvbs asst sintifugill as loAorcp si - - - "jr.b si me!) . antis ~,> a : 1 ~ • ,•:, WA M Branclegorei. :.#l:. ' •.. ; ; lect Committee on the subject o reported a bill providing for the construction of a line of railway cortununinatif m between the cities of =1 =I tt. ZrfaserUoa. ,ilty York and,WashingkaVit,„ - axxa_to annAfittite ithelsame a lotiblib - hiktilt*iniilltaii-idild and tt l g i "ttle h atif " Vi t t tliat. ai : day be fixed for ipl_ consideration. ! sliClbjection waasnadiaollha . Ciairseproposed. ;Add ri, i1e1419 lifillii*ad, sit "rinjr7: — winch lir. r.auldkVtit-rvrialaty pfatai 1164116 mi o! S;' l ' eke Select Committee M::o 3 iegi the bill, and ,ef it tlii_rdesifefititt4i/ki patted, to.aiiretaily' A . : , i y t wit:, co b: ten & iii. E,r4.1%, , .. ~..; ~, <. .- , ~,,, ---, i . Xtzt Bandegte atiktkiliriZatill (itdd., , Ywho: - :- dad *posedithb ccillsiteriticar.,of the ..billitto . , ggosati daysiiihea: itl,uglat tolbe-taken 14:e.. • -. Ma 2 ffirli ilifchis Mr. Davis declined doing considering Oat the boidtitnents were in- iteltkimfidposed nevt%ail. ”IrOtr. Webster-Mid the qtemmittee had in istructed its clatitfttianvilizi-ltrattlekere;torriake Jag! mbtionlie!did :an'd t. ziofhing , qmsare. frirei..! •Istill 3rcm141;44 h#YO,4e94 , TRVAb fctr the 1 t ea onto that the f yilesired,it t ot e printe dand re.: l a - ' "heti; - It.had lietreita.aqbad andloif-' - " Ate red by - ail' of tliatct;tireittee.r , ' • e ' .1.. r-.:., 6') , tikandegeasaid* TsPlef Ato. :his . etatter. -, Mei Wed , Orxr't Wfaeltar) . , wh o had ~ b rought, _ balk with him the.' spent of the • Beltirnoie . ' - I Convention, that he had done exactly '-'' I thd committee had irtstraektifhim . to der , s,oill.`: l i r the HouseNsiibureirttifise to designiftwa, - : .. 4 for the consideiatianathiibillihesheadti i a that it be! timit: batitspilisage:l? , :m:- ..-.-. it /.., . Webster 111dir matearthattleiebm4o - . I lii tee had not antltalilatigbigaittlelbauto - ' I Ibi e that courseinf arr+ :f. . L P . f- , 1 - 1- ...-.7 a-,' . Brandegee re:marled. thathe male was going offhailieodiced4 Alie-tioumfbad- no yet said whether its-witsdesiiinate alb*: toil the consideration - rdfoltleibilllernot.i -If thi House declined -to fcil a dayithey,conld'l e the bill oat of hisliandti.• , .;f.)--- att,L ,-, : , ..I . 11 ur ther proceedingivini diliesartject7AvereL vented by Mr. Jenks litc.'iff-- - rt kiallingParil ' Bankrupt bilipivitidiliiviir-yasterdnrairaT f el ed to be engrossed - ff. P'lliir A :ri- 1.4,:m• .J. a ' ' `he Bankrupt bill was tele othilfibas-(64,0 II s 65. - ,:...,-11:.;(L (I.i. J.:-.1,1: i . Cravens moved tolrec:ensideiithemoto I .. lay that motion ort.:thei,itable i -agiainget zir•ch question the morninirvii i' la ~........ ..r,c.,.: , 1 , :i a a- - .67,-. - : I .n.lO .• :: 1 -t.ial.ilii:•9 iii Markets bpfrAlietgalP-141-- , !(.. =SA (lilt nI l • .;_wrintailicpnw Itinz4,l(J he market isiSaigix§,`droArthseeitnncY MIT demand at $7 50 1264rIbk_K Smalk-saissati L.' nothy at $2 62401 . ,;Efaaseeddean-thianand) $3 40. The flour,matfeellllhis • tt t prices are steadily maintailiedl Balhatteviiii ore inquiry for shipnigntnithni" . thecialina uprise 150 barrels extrarltilaWairsB- ; 500: rrels Penna. do. at 4/EVSO(Y ldarralawaitiiihW textra at $6 70, .I;aooo.7tareke !Iv-playa omas' extra, 500 basredataiceentfa-fanxilyi, 1 1,000 barrels Annarnaklrmilliii t made public. T-laaretailers 1.. I,llolgettofataitcolgolg#93lE9Peittt.,.. e, *7 50 775 for extras $7 874(48 . 50 for_ 41 4 iiPla - iNA'itt Sibl#Weidifoi-04 - miatali Mtn' igquakitydadi*e Ito ' qua& - d _ 1 matt a%i irm - 114140a .tWaitftiteniAistukistatiT-- ' ' estifilftifAterilflßXile_fftJ TA ; atre y's pres t ;al ssle.s 0n:5 4 bye : g 61:41q0V - Inalkaint ( 9, iinkber'it 86 - Ml4lB;cvaloil,9Ml Mix: a - ,ther.4l Ikkitg el? 92 krefillitalreWEEP artif d 2 i tlipC4 9 l7. °1 5 4 -t4P 3 1.fQ1PFIllit nup o „vv. OK zg _Tx so a St 59 afloat; attitlilt . MlNlVelfsthlA 111 -`) Tia*Beti brie. bi Atzgkgs3!) , LOistlo st - eAdylattt eft sirQw-:-.11 'idol .5_t.1,•:5r...r.i • - - fri r retted iL-3 • ! ow Es&l 338 Wainnt Strect Sonth Side. 11-I F . fiinW ',al o'Wo o b l iiiiifibi z inzs.n..: es tiJairr .. ft fq it I Ni; To SZLEABVERateggiriTAgglit Lector - lig io iftrittiN EirstNia:WP44. MEP. slcalq c•74fB riV7 1111:17.P1: 3d "•4 .T et b. 631 71 nalnisillconatir, itekideatail , o ti Egrt'SecleMVO/ • ^• ^ olc aiL)4,-;1 Er, v.! _omvogilmis...opasKetvpist.±, , ,s q pcoolirauaAtonarAoond r ihuwiskurub w ili! -, nnit,,l ! :4114-M'11141411 giralikftaihttAFfiPTlVera*Aimipit- - - eidisiminitsestportsitsm ratty, Te a ltagi i iatii - tfat4VlT ActXlll47 de Ida, ' burg, us.brury, Lewisburg, • tiumeport, Je ' WSW the -% Plittlare l o4Ms L A c igli d . 4 ..-:1 an lr sd _ _ Harradau r t. reams. 06,Yes4 tiwintitrog ofistiiiitmratia ;Gym , IOTA", . .319€149A,N,, $ lO Abitke/d3 TN inakuptsota, ex 4 0:SIOCIV. arrive a ris nilg,-mturforsateraart, next moralig.,4~ ; DE .... OW3: I I DA. 4 , 44 444 ARAVR: I tbilitoEßlDE R3 l • L ' t AX.MD E -* l r A L , :7) 41 , ; 0 CLaßelitmi .E--14!) 1- 4,llletivesnand'OlasErWaiey?icr.: , . 1.:f , 31; 20 fu::, vialW.3t,„ tf u tf pinata large an walla ee, ja. L atotticit /6.t. Read; 174Mkeilt /IL w ici c h y ievikathasAtePti°l4444oo.a. marrollEr4s:l4-,4!:! one • -,-410 4 11 bli6 eenettaily. ISITING,- - retttirbgeZMA Y t i =4 - • iniyabscriptext irahteteiettetalteigtotbsiugkekgpiongi je4,.ecncormahle 10. the la tApit or, and . ppiim pipoittay,-iti leit4 rteetlitraifi'y ifießieef e rp;', att . /ANITA''' / SPA W i ffita t eft7o2l4l4 eall PIBR sroait :01i.htkItft:rier2 S frtßitr n a 71. 1, i 'u ; eatik c l P lßlMAttarao§e?iJ'to'tieothiric ,l Iljtoough,trAgayer ickt* ficamextess,Rdigyb, Rork Throat &c. 05 , 4 1 10. r ift); 4d.atUralr,s,... 2 .MktgAmmplii i(ess.--waciaifferitnewit,3l, 1 0Saidteddlitaliia mild Mid yea , : ptemitit-f,l urilciagestmlo by KElNV rani i ' 'AVdtbari.a;llB licatickMilidt; 114:_rn, FAA 'AT PAM= ;31115 v i'YR Zia several properties or the Estate of WEUILLAL,.. N, deceased, In the cityAlLSlTisburg, consisft6e o Houses on Frontal -50 'enraricild user tr i f i tt i r l a srOlirfamt . r 8 t, Nino &did biatithlteendiduottkottetgotamiimalaCit Er2jloZperWrzt•he,. 541.2 BE EA. & PRE/HE'S Wlt ilittanikati ti the moist poplar the puresa ever oderedro n i e public, Jost received and for sole by BHISIER & FRAM, febl (secceraora to Wm. Dock, jr, & Go, IMMM/1 Mist of ffl
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