IMMDICAL. L=2 LIFE SYRITp., COITTOSED OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VAT UADLE MEDICINAL ROES AND HERBS, ' " ' =I WM. H. GREGG, M. D., Gsaduate College of Physicrans and Surgeims, N. Y., for wetly M tatant llOYakaan Blackwell'alalstnd Hos pitals, late Medical Inspector Naw,,York P State VolootedriDepota, ender ' Gov. Edward D. Morgan. CONSTMnIcRi LIFE fratuF "Risknonirctstr" " 4 R.EVOLUTI pAr pV" MEDICINE. - . What mayseem almost incredible, is, that 'Lanny 7dis eases IlltheTW considered - hopelessly incurable` are fro. quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we chearfully invite the investigations of theliberial minded and scien tific to cures which have no parallel at - the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any ditease is directly,reached, and the equillbrium,ree - tored. Those Who hinS suffered long frOM - Painful and obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from aitieriised niedkiines,lhose who cannot be cured by other physichme- - - ARE INVITED TO USE CONTITTIMON 'LIE STEEP. During the past five years we have contended with csl - and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered bp any Reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE' Some say, "Your cures are too . quick'," while others th - eif permanence, and think that disease can. only be cured by the "slow recuperative process of nature." r This is our reply In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale," is In a state:of Equilibrium. r, Eats when, fronr.ang , capseAown gdetiaxidliside.ortite weilhaie the elftota‘ °rakes°. What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the scale. • • CONSTITUTION LIFE S=', A positiveand*heittc remedy for all dineases originating from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all tereditiu7) BNRA transmitted from PARENT TO .. PARA.LYSIS. , . Gemlpieglis' - Paresis. - -TariplegiS. Paralysis Agltans It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup var'ouS meansof. restoration ii the; ~,--1 ie ftitht ;ll244 ci ni l l iaittl effec y ti sZihic we' need hot rritoratl3 that It if emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. L• , e-. Li ..,.. Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Constipation _ Want of Appetite. Flatulente Ba Weight, iit Atepaeh-Bill d olt stletst -‘ ~ , , , , •Breath..`. . SCRO-FULA I:MUM& R ~ :G landular swellings.. Ulceration. Ring's Evil: Erysipelas. Salt Rheum; This taint (mcssnrreav and aootar.un,.) tilling life with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM. ,• [ArtinitialNturalgia . . Gout. • Lumbago, . Sciatica. . Tie Doulourous. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred affictiomi. The most intense pains are tilidost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings, are reduced.. Cases; chroide or vicarious, of 20 or 80 yeariP standing, have hem/ cured by us. NERF6USNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattiri:d Nerves. SL Vitus' Dance. Loss of Power. ConfuSion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Theasands'whyhave suffered ter yearKnill bless Um day on which they"road these lines. Partiatiarly . to, weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an merit - linable • a'"a"V ,4l inc.ting.their fooistoPE tO.a.Rope..which nimbi more than'it promises. . 1: ii.Rb&izzAz/bislictsw. Salivation. Rotting of Bones. • Wesion. Aches in Bonsao-,, f vp Aarines&.• Depression firSpkl lON LIFE'SYRUP 'purges the regent Atul tirely from all the, 41,Nrects o licrcury, removing thC Bad Breath, and dining tholfeak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of. Caloiani is 'sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, .and secures the Teeth as firmly; as ever. CONSTITUY'ION LIFE EFEUP Eradicates, Hoot and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the IM like Ulcers',,Pimples, Blotches, and all other dbl . :ital.. ties Of this kind, Which So Much disfigure the outward ap. pearense ophoitt males and females, ot}en making thsm litekusting'Objeotio theinselVes and their friends.' t . -uok.*Trr „ . 'coutILVAT. WE OF 3 Either of the face,..Neck,OFFemale Breast, and should bel taken as soon as the sWellieris detected. Chas ,preventing their breaking, and producing the trontileinMe Discharg. lug Sores, which disfigure so - litany orthe • younger port tion of dee oilitirmmity; from six'to 'twenty years of age. Young children - 'are very subject to Discharges train the Ears, which depends upon - a scrofulous constitution.—: These cases soon recover by • taking a few doses of. the Life Street :: . Al! se,rofillous persons suffering-from" general Debility; Fnm ficef i , Dyspepsia , and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomeni aratin the 'female, Dropsy the ovaries and womb, gong enilly accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life, fft-up. I.The disease known as Goitre ;Swelled: Keck, tlibldfeßyrup - Will remove nntirelY. - Thirreinedi be taken fordsomevtime, ; as the disea se is exceedingly' chronic and tiling:al - nil an& will not be' removed without extra effort kirittint of the Ovaries, Tillllolll . of the Breast,' and swelling of other glands of the' bodywill be cietripletely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of , any kind. - Epileptic sits, sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the' , H6eirt4' as rialpitatio Dibecises - of. the Valves, producing a grating or filing sound;Dropsy of 'the 'Heart Case, and all the affections of this important organ, Ipersons suffering; from any acute pain in, the region' of the heart,) will he , greatly relieved by Constitution Llfeßyrup. BROSILIVDOirN ca ONLICATE CONSTITUTIONS sureititiliourtnatsriositiou to Exertion; Paid In the Beek,' Liisirdr , klemory, Forebodings, :Horror of Calamity, Fear, of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Ei tremltiee, Wint of Sleep, 'Restlessness, Pale, • Haggard CoUhtenance, and Lassitude of the kluseular System' all, . require the aid of the Uoutitution Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS Chk ULCERATIVE DISEASES , ,Ether of the Nose, Throat, ;Tongue, Spine,Forehead or Scalp, ruiromedylas ever proved its ega. MUM PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon • a dis e ased action of thelAver, are very unpleasarrt,ro th e . .iciangerifeand mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life grim correct the secretion, • and remove the de- , kola Which , is directly under the skin: , ' If Diseases of the Liver; giving die :La'nguor, Dint runes,lsialgestion; Wekik:Storrutph, or 'ulcerated or can cerou# condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other Unpleasant symptoms, will be relieved by the Mrs' of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. to r AB A 130/...428.A.L.,8L00D-PURIPYLIG r.AGENT, TaE LIFE' SYRD7 URDFIVILLIA . D' PREPARL - ' TION DO WORLD. 7' 7 . . Diseases of the Spine, an usually developed to the 3a3ung . Elp•thstuute, Neuralgia,.and blerv . oue Lisenses, , and Wettish° are suffering from Diaelvies.tbr which they are ttv *lose *hut to do via Would 'Midge the use bf CONST . I- "TYPHON. LIPS SYRUP. It "Alt restore their l pallid coun-' strengthen- their-iveak back and side, give theist new energy, nor , happineas:.' • • • ANDoPOOR Are liable te the same diseases. Nature and science has _made the.Cousaltation Life. Syrup for.the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD PrOdapelpilealdly men and women; and if the constitution' la neiledted in youth, disease' and early death is tht se cpiG. Do not, delay wheat the means are so near at Eand, and withlnlne reach of all. • TO 11f01-EMRS AND MARBLED LADIES . . letheeafest and most effectual medicine ev,er. &Lacey eredfdr purifylng. the system, and relieving the mutlitring attendant upon childbirth. it strengttiena both the mutherand.the Child; prevents pain and disease, and in creasea.andmariches the food—those .who have used it think, it indispensal4e. .4 is Jeighly useful.both before taafidter &MlL:Lemont; 'salt' prey - Oita . disea se etterieakt uponMhlldbirtit, ' CONSTITUTION 'LIFE SYRUP IS THPFOOR ILLY'SWIE2O3 AND TBE RICH MAN'S BLES'SINGI BUY IT, TiliE IT, AN;I : pR -oußp. .....ATISTNIVEESAL IN -ITS EFFEOTS. 3Te - 11; . WM.. H. GREGG WTI' 1 ann. raoranirox:lair 4 - 011.11: ligab ' OratOnc Bi P9lar) , i - p7..130717..F.5 . F0.1t. $5. - .41iiitiativf express to ali.parta of.. the country • 11.111 4,-G iggr iW S G . .41:410114todaweat ,“ • • - -1 4 ania) By. : • . . . • IDESTON, 1101:LOWAY &MIA 1 4 ' • BRO 4 •a d .:-.!:118/Market street, Harrisburg e ,PE... u G G ',EPPS NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. ^ F.4 xr., A. 1:1 Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, . THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT. ILIERiSBVI.G, ra lIAVfNia recently added to oni• Jobbing Departments large amount of new _typo, several new fast steam presses of the most improved machinery, and other material,ire are now Prepared. to execute at short notice, and the most approved'style, ' All EDIDS OF MILITARY BLAMES, LETTER SHEET HEADINGS, CIRCULAR& , SILL . BUS ,SS CARDS, • RAILROAD BLANES, POSTERS 'in one or more colon% 13IIJS OF lADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, - LEGAL B L ANK JOB WORK - OP - ALL DESCRIPTIONS, - P,LATN. OR ORNAMENTAL. Oideis from a distance attended to promptly, A. F. ZIMMERMAN . Pi actipal Watch AlLaker, Market, Street, garrisburg, DEALER• I N FINE WATOn iums itING43, spTs OF JEWELRY. FMB SILVER *Alm, -.t .S WARE, YYA. SEE JT S :KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand alvelk , selected and elegantly assorted stock of FINE WATCH_ES, • •. . , GRAINS, • ' ' RINGS, AND SETS. s a etl FINE ,811,,E,R;WARESI AMERICAN , ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both ia:Golitand Silver Cases. Also, a fine assortment of .IqIIIiVAF.S I 1.V t AT,C E t S„ Conasitii.on . hairtez - -$ , . • • - • A kOliOr. Vasil= or. 3M - 1-4EGr.A_NTR' Of ail descriptiens . all ,of which sold at the .. • . 144:ST • .. • , • .Lo' CASH PZICES. ..,„ so- Call and examine the goods , • . Particular attairtion*:d to repairing of ant Walphis, snob:, as Chronometers, poplex ,and other Celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly: rnpaired. Nonn,but,the most competent ,Nrorkmen employed, and the whole matter under my own perSonal, supervision. , A. P, ZIII.ILERIIAP4 , •mar2l3l 'No. .52 Market Street, adjoining Brant's Rail T..F. WATSON, MA STIC z CE 1 1 11 E N T 31:41iTUFAVMER, P-rrrrA-Esuit,G-, TS PREPAREDt4SIIIMISh and coat the es terior of Buildings with'thb - MASTIC CEMENT, on a nen' system. - This material-iventirely different fronts/I 'Other cements used beretefOrot and is 'the only reliable, imperishable &sting-for outside work. aliind with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness p Brick' or Stone-Walls, making a beau ; tiful, line water proof surface and flinch equal to Brown atone oesnydblor desired. . , _ Among otheVrefor wheel I have' applied' the 3taistic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen:; Y J. Breech, residence, Penn street, 'Pittsburg. J. D. M' , J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. A. Hoeveler James M'C t o,ndess,‘,‘, Allegheny, city.. Calvin Adams, Thirst etreet.,.Plttiburg.,. . Jamos Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, - William_Vohel, Girard ltimise, Barr & Moser„alunitects Dispatch. Buildings, " John B. Cox, .reehlincie, ,, Pront And, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, 6, Pleaseliddress ' T. F. WATSON P. 0. Box L 306, Pittsburg, Pa., .2 .l lfehl.S-d6ni _ JoriPeruut. goupv: Itt.rvisbprgi yst„ PHOTOcirRAPO ALBUM s. • ANOTHER LARK ASSORTMENT Photograph A_liattiii."s..! BEINE, ,MClRONCl—pauelled; giltjuid mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. AtBIIMS.-WITH 80 Pictures fet • ' • • . $3 00 40 , 3g• • ••;.; ... .• . •••• . • ..... ••• .. ......... Bpd ao 6 - • po together with yrrkeets ether. styles of biudiag, sizes ptioes, which soldcheap. _ , _ Soldier,e you.cennot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper Wham anywhere. Call and see at , SCHEFF.K.R'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf , , Harrisburg, h. "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL" c93ri, , c) - 1::mp EXTRAm OF CUBEBg AM COPArIiA. ORM This preriartition is partibularly reeoindiended .to the HBOICAL'PROFESSION and the I'ILIBLIErfor the prompt anil certain cure cif DISEASES OF THN:BiikODER, KID NETS, ITRENARY ORGANS, ETO.. • It may berelied on as the best mode for the administm, tion of these remedies in the large class of diseasesof both: sexes, to which they are applicable. It never interferes, with the digestioi; and bylts concentration; the.ilose hose-' much ieduc;xL z. • •- , •• • N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask fOr TARRANT'S CO,KPOLIND EXTRACT CE .CUBEB3 AND cor.4ntA., .auttake nothing o , * , as imitations and Akirthloss rations, under similar name!, are in the market. -Price; $1 00. Sent by •aipiess 'on. receipt of price. lii.anufac- Lured only by TARRANT .& CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren slitet',New York, and for solo ! "Aar/gigs generally. ~. . oct22-44, For sale by R.l. KII7ILrk,. & „ BRO., by Draggists: , generally. - • ; • • AN ASSORIpaTT , OVER' 100 STY-L-ES . • • . or POGKE'r BooKs 4 , PURSES I" 0 Et a" -IVI 0 N 1 4 41zrA. S FOR LADIES AND OJIRNTIMTvrFN, . . KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, 91 Market i • : • • • . • • . • The beatlforocco TitAVELING-'iATC - H:EL-S', . And a general 'yariely Of FANCY 'GOODS; anitata-- fbr Presants, pow on hand at 'KELLER'S firt* Sor,e, mar).4-tf ' street. SI.LAS "WARD DELL= ' - Naililtg 2 .11'0. 10E0MS' Magi Rile , AT' [OWNS; Flutes; etliteis oelffaiical Merchandble. Picture - Frames, Lookuig , Olaatiee, Photograph Garda -and Albums,, Engravings, Plotarea,lio.;&c. Remember the Place""No. 12 Third street, the larger Musie , S tore this 'side , or thi‘great "cities. jan2.B-dif :IMPORTANT TO'ALL.—It will restotafthe hetilthithelMetaperate to temperance...i.Tliel Rhubarb - Wine Will delimit Don't think the reading of, the edvertisement , will do; -we don't' claim that. Bin if, you will go to D. r E. KEL4XR'.S Dreg, Stiire and get - s oae] of the Wine itiid , examilin ilAdr - lourselt; it will setybul right; I will warrant yoirOn that.---i Orders -for wine Mid] wine plefits taketi--andilled by our authorized agent, a K. KKLLKR,;jN6: 913firketi streetrHarrisburg, , Vorl fall particulars applyte'cirelldferMtlse Ogee. JAMES It Milford, Pike county, Pa.; Wholesale Denier in Wine Plants. , mar2Q dtf • F ' a° '"- Ikrag•miscql.tpJfm. Doc • r.,,SccoN) 'PROBST 43s - - BLAOR - WELIY4 .— EINGIASEL VV PICHI23, a idie' &rale firliti)fe% abe t just received and for sale by A - RELStint & 4gAZEt il i feb/ - -fgettssisisloMisz LA.9 0 41:, A .I PPLEB-t-ABRLEBta * drib& 11 State Appleseffrox., Also, York State fg,TgltftrlOr OPPA XogR.F.FR, ©RANGES, just reciffied4t c., 2 & ICOERZER: EIZEZZEM 4tA ±1 OADS. Pelinkytiretilia - it hil it glut ,y-. -- -,---, e..._ ~, g .1r 17.:::L '__ _ i _ - ' Z 3 SPRING TINE TABLE FIRE .TRAINS. 15.1 Y TO AND FO - R FROM ITEILADEDEtPTITA. • O'S ea* Arm& MONDAY, May 18th, 'lBBl . . THE Passenger -Trains of. the Pelneultraltia Railroad o)mi:wrywill depart from and - arrive at : Ear rtsburg and Philadelphia as.follows: • . ' Eit.S - TWA.RD;. • • EXPREP TRIM 'Kari dall y eaveS urg Y 42.45 . .4. Di., and'arkiveg!'at.iftest PhUadelphid at 6.05 FAST UNE blames Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at cod ;C . a., and arrives. at West Philadelphia at. 10.10 A. N. Passedts hike breakfast Stlmi6ister. MOt&T JOYARCO3IOII3TIOR,fIeaves Harrisburg at 7.20 A. 2r., connects at caster" whit 'Uneasier accom modation train,-and and arrives at West ,Philadelphia at . coLUMIIIi SCOOMMOHATION TRAIN; leaves Harris burk at 12 20 n.';C,oittinliii-1.015 . P.)C, and • arrives at Lanclitter 2.31 Y ediltieetlige 'with . Fast Mall east at c Lancaster for Phlladelphi and- arrives at Weit Philidel phla at 5.30 P.n.' • -MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30'i. 'lf ; I.enuaSter at• 2.47 P. 24 Ind avriveitit'West Philadelphit'at 5.3101 c ILIRRI.SIiffRGA.CHOMMODATION TRAIN, ;via leaves Hartisburg at 525 P xl; - . and arrives at Mit Philadelphia at 10.50- P. at• • WE s,Tw A BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.1c1 Altoona, _7.35 A. m., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg app u. . ITHIADELPHIA.EXPRiIB.S TRAlN'tentti Harrisburg dilly' at 3.10•, Altoona at 820 A. faire breakfast, ind'arrives at Pittsbu.rg at 1.00i7 27c. ' .11...4.11: TRAIN leaves HzuTisburg at 1.30 P, n,; - Alteena at 7.15 v. a t ; take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg it i 2; 30 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg it 8.50 P. DC ; Altoona at 8 st., take supper, and arriveinV Pittsburg at 1.00 11101DI7JOY AitO3[IEQDATIVN leaves ' , Lancaster at 9.3041ir:, arriveilt,Harridlinrgat ILIO e. HAI iitlStii - RITIA6COiIBIOI)ATIUN'TRAV leiveslVeli Prilladelphia'at 2.45 P. it., and arrives at Harrisburg at 810 P. M. MOUNI.JOY-. ACCOMMODATION No. , leaves laneae tor at 6,2o„r..x.„counectiog.theromithgarrisbucg AaCOBI- TootlatioirlTest, leaves:brou)ll 4 Joy 7.00 r t tta iafrives . . . . ••'• • saisvuEr. .S u pt Xidd2e Ihn Rapl'a IL 12. Harristill . ii,'Ditii 19 1864:1 - tf' • •" ' !. t oy ti iii: ,summE 3 . -1 1-L!ro T.4,REE - VItA.INS DAILY AIM "FROM 113 A 14 T I_ 0 It 1E VG' A H I 1 ; !4 - '6-4 CITY? Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to andiron Pittsburg and the Week.'.. •TDRER TRAINS DAILY to .and , from nt , tite North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and, all of Northern New York. - - -ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the -, l7orthern Ceram! Raft Way will arrivelat and depart from Harrisburg anti 'Baltimore aft followsi viz: • . - • , _ S IJ 'lt WA. R , MAIL ,T11.41.:0, leaves Sunbury (tally. (=opt Sunday). . .. . L.. .14125 leaves Harrisburg 120 P. ay arrives at. littllinaere.... 5.40 r. EXPRESS RA.114.1 leaves Sunizary daily (except , . -.Suislay) . 4, • ./1-40 r. 2 ,4 leaves HEutistorg (oxcepir.. it .50 ri. arrives , .Bsitimore „Oa& : I (except Monday) -7 00 If.A.B.RISSURG ..k.dei0111110DATIO); but • • -7,00 t,,•ti SMIBURY AccogApp.A.T4p.s•. icavv4 by ry (except Sun, .•: , • • )daily at.,•,•• .... .7,80 A. NORTHWARD. MAIL yfuni leaves i Battipir*digy i (except Sundnyl. .. 9,20 Ilgifeerliar4 . 3l;ul;"^ . .. 'l•:gt 4 arrives at Sunbury 4.05 P. DC EMPRESS TBADAteayes Baltimore . 9.30 P. Jr. Arrives at Erarrisiourg. 150 s nr; loaves Harrisburg daily (cs, • cept' Monday) 3.15 A. k ariivosat,Sunbury. ... 5.58 : ar HARHIStititH 'ACCOMMODATION lorries —• ! . timer° daily- (et dePt' , Sun.::' 3.00 ex. arrivosan Harrisburg.• . ;7.50 .StibiftDßY ACCOMMODATION . Mecca Harris- I' , E; byrig,dally . (except §uptley) - 1 •:Itt ) -• ' '- " 400 r. x. I:or:further information apply at the Oihrennayl, can* Railroad Depot. : .. , N. De Apar, Hthrlsbiliktedy nl Supt. 1804•, •-• :1804. - . . Philadelphia and' =Erie, • Roadi =-0 TH'sgreat line tvivevi_es'the'Northern and . Northwest, countiesC4' l ,oninlylvania to the city of Erie ' on Isske . nhaCtoen by the Pcsirart.vsma Rat:moan Cox: eaxvuld,unde;, their . auspip o s, is being rapidly .opened throughout its inOrelengtt4,. • It is now in, use tor ,Passenger and .Freight bi;slnesi from liarrlsburg to Emporium. (196 intlea„).• on the Eastern Division, and .frozeSheilleld to Erie 17;9. tnile4 on the Wasters Div:lEo44,l , . ; • • BASSENGER TRAINS :AT HARRISBURG. Mail Train leaves-North... 45 'eV IL +Express 1ea376.415i0rth.... 3,25:1A. au, Can ruirthrough wrraour. owns both ways on, theas trains between Philadelphia—and Lock' Haven,' and be l tvreen:BaltitnoteatadZock Haven. Elegant Sleeping - cars on Exviess, trains both ways be , ;. tween WilliWidorkadd Blain and,Nilliamsport and Philadelphia. , For information respecting Passenger business apply at theA . R. (ornurntb futd Market stitetar , • ,;.`'. ~ Andtor higkhVbnaiiiesa of the Obinpaily's Atent: S. B. Kingslotf, J.r.. corner 18th and lianket streeta,'. Philadelphia. k A., 4.. 1) • a t W.. '. . 0 ; J. W. Reynolds, Erie. . _.. - -, ... li • J. M. Drill; Agent tiii l l isa .,E4 1 . 1,, Ikdßmore. , --, ff H. EC.'BQ Is!, ' ~ it i --denerai Fitithi Ageht, Pht'a. LEWLS.L. RouPr, . ~.-I';'s. . '' anterai Tip.. 7. cdifgent Phil' a, JO D 7 POTTB, GenercirMiliager,' Trilliainvt. , . .. nole-dlyl Ngw-- AIR LINE ;ROUTE. - . a•as•ciat.til • Elslalmiavllll.ll.l. . pa- "-AV jU ni ;.I=k..=al=W.LAu! • `MONDAY,Nttirviniiberi O 'l LADEL'PATA. N .- AND : .. / AIVER 16th, 1861, the PassengerTralns vtall leave thiPthla-' delphia and4readirrtißsilrolizi , Depot,:zi alatiisburg, for, New Yeti: and rhiladelphia, as foLlowe, viz A' S_T.SV A - R D, leaves. Harrisburg at 6.30 A. M. on ar- i rival of. 1.4 Peardy.lyarda Rallnkaid-Expme.Train. , 6re win, arriving . in New lcork at 1.45 attached, to AZ:aleamng gar Itittadjia, 9.6;tirsdn ; through" front Ilttslnkrvivithdnt hnge. TRAIN" loaves 'Harrislinri at 8.00 iii NniV.YOrk at 5.30 F. and Philsalphia - at 1.50 • FAST,LLVE.lalivelllarriaburg at ZOO p "axviting in ;Se* Yorltlitici.2s nt.; axidTtulgcl4lll.hla at 7.00 P. WESTWARD. FAST LINE Wives New York at 6.00 A. le.clend - ' Phila delphTa at arriving at Harrisburrat,Lls MAIL TRAIN leaves. New: York' at 1-2.00 *So d Philadelphia at 3.30 P. ar.,-arriving at Harrisburg i .20 P. M. EXPRESS TRAlNileaves Now.iitirk ar-• riving at Harrisburg at 2.00.1.. x., and ottioneetingivittinhe Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburga A sleeping ear is also attached to this train, . Connection are made at Harrisburg with Aralns.onale , Peddesy.lvarda,,obtorthern , CentraLmad .Cumberland Ve,oy raflroadsi_arallit , ..,for" Philadelphia, potprsdlle, Wilkesbazte,Alleotwxv, , aston, &a ohq o ed — tArortg4: --- Atro ,between: - Newir Narrtsburg i $,5'16 , ,. between Ifirristiorg - and I phia, 13 35 in No. 1 cars_ , and fsB in' N 0.1.1 Fertriketii 04 . other Information apply to 2. , • -- j.J. cLyD'E i ti 0 .39.14 4gmtAik:u= l. .a - wit'"Vseg. Sausi :zecopeedig A NSANIRMW F • -`. s '• • RAILRO/k:Df6 CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1353 FRANKE I N RAIL RO/DS. riFIANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Man i,. j day, April 4th, 1864, 'Passenger trains will run as follows, (Sundays excepted;) FOB Cif.A.AfORSBB/02 Ai HA.12.818131713p: A.' if.' 11 7.00 2.46 7.87 9.36 8.1.7 - 4.20 Leaf Hagen:M.lw: Groxurn AkH ve at Obsm • berfrybuM iLeavo at shillpftablitg Leave NewtUe. 0 " = e mwtoulti t 1 0 0 • 1 1 1 1 41 An/rtat Rarrith"rg 866 17.16 &40 FOR 0114111BEREBUI?G AND EfAGERSTOWN r: r. p. Y. Leave HarrisburgB.os 1.32 420 11 Miziobanlesburgi.•...•:. ••• 8.47. 2.15 ' 4.54 Carlisle . 9.27 2.55 5.29 . , - -• • •'• 10.22' 312 ------ .Klll ) l l 944burb" • 10.33 4.00 (Arrive at 11.00 4.30 ' P b ft ml)er O ur g>" Lell,Vß at 11.10 4.40 Leave Greeoestle. .11.54 5.30 . Arrive at Hagerstown 12.35 8.1.0 D~afcing close coniaedione et HarrisburgbOltbrtialns for .ybilefielplopa i , , New York and, Pittaburg , i and with rains for all pOints Wezt. Or The Truitt leaving Harrisburg at 4.20, r. nc, rune only safer as Carlisle. , N. L #iupg. R. R. Mee, Chainbersburg, Apr 114,186443; Rt.;ADING RAILROAD. -WINTER ARRAN-GEMENT. ••BEATG TWINE' UWE - "EOM TIIE NORTH anti North West forYllibedelphrti,Newtiark, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Eastenote.,&c. Tvtins leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New Mirk; Reading, Pottsidfle and - ill Intermediate stations, at 8.06 44 x., and 200x:6. • Now York .Express , leave. iiatrisourg at , 6.36 f . p 'arriving at New'Y'ork'sll 1:45 the same day. 1. Fares fiat ThitrisbliVg: To New" rotk;:ss'l9 ; 10`PAIll* delphia $9 35, and $3.,96, •- g@ uttenke4.. through. Returning, leave New York at 6.+..x.,12 arran t aod gaPitt_slitir`g ExpreSs.) Leave philadblphbt at 9 15'sr, M., and 3.30 . • • Sleeping carotin' the New:Yoric Express Treins,:througli .tatartd from Pittsburg without change..-,. ,Pasaeugers by firs7Cate,ivisse Aldiroad leave' Taniartna • itl 82501. w., and 216 P. IL for P,ltiladolphia, New York: arid 'all Way points. .. • I I Trains leave. Pottsville at 9.15 'Lat., and 2.30 r. 6i., for Philadelphia,, Harrisburg and New York. L . An ACcommodatiori - Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. x. and relluisi from 'Philadelphia at 5.60 r. ,-Ail the above pains run daily, Sunday,excepted. A Sunday' train leaves Pottsville at 1.84 and All adelpltia at 3.15 P: at.' Comnititiition, Mireage,ilesson and Excursion reduced rates to and Vet all points. . , • A. NICOLIS, ' • Genera/ Superintendent. November 14, 1863—d.kwir 'HOTELS; THE UIsTITM.,STATES,IIOTEL, LIAIUUSBURt PA.. D, H. nutclusoNProprietor. rpEfo,w(gi.klipwp. Adiel is now in a condi; Hon to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample cenceiderden alike, for tlie transient gam!. and the permanent boarder. • • • • THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely rat ted throughout, and .now has accommodations, equal in extent, borefort and luxury to any hotel betiireen•Phllaffet 'Pnin• inad•Pittidant ,, ltelocation b‘ the best. In the Sate (3apitali bang inmusytaccessito all4dwraiirpaddepotts and a mom proximity:443AS the pcylc,olnces and becianess lo catien of the city. It now alldoncenlenoes of fit ST. C i,d q( - 0 L tut the _proprietor is determined spare neither. • Penne; tinitiorlabor ;to ensure the 'ccmiterre 'of the gamut The. patinipigaof the' traveling public is respectfully soli cued: • J • .' JellAttr •AVE,J. CAPITAL 110T3M, CORNER OF THEItirANU WALNUT STRUtiI, • tIARRISBUIL6I, PEPTPA. J.HE tuadfirSigned havin tpliMhar3 ed this well tiitimaniotbuar- bag enlarged. And thoroughlyrenovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and popererl,,and the entire qatalistrutent elegantly,..returnishell.,,Hentg,plear sadly and eligibly located , ' and provided *Mt everytqn ventenceOt offers to.iliepublie all the'etentorts luta; ries of a lirst class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in .attendruice.. A bar. well.stoclted with choice liquors is attached - to the eitablisliment: de26-dly • 7 W.G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. • J S if;is Corner of **AO street allA.Xo4l*, B4 l ll Larei itAlut I RD' R.G ItZt N N • • en - AIK pooroor. no6.dtt - , New aud Popular 13001t5... THEWIFE'S EVIDENCE, a rai*el, $y the author of "Xoti643 to Olt." Piper ' ' 50 cts. TILE WIFE'S SECRET, by Mrs. Stephens, INDUSTRIAL' iIIOGRAktr, by Salt or" Self Help." $1 25. ANNIS WARLEIGH'S FORTUNE, a novel 50 eta IN WAR and'ot er Poems, by Tirhlt l ter i i OUDJOiS OAtE,,the most popalar_be6k of the day. LES MISERABLES, Victor Hugo's groat book. . TEN ACRES ENOUGH, showing how a,very large ram. ily may live on a very small farm. Dtf.' : 'Jr: - • . • . LIFE„ . OF. LINDOLH,i Containing all speeches: proehv pastiona t ,ita l; t9 data... P.aper'oovar. Wets; leo 'uditorm with the above, LIFE OF GENERAL M'CLELLAN, .50.ets. ; a ,-;- - -14•BuTLEN. 25 MEADE, - 25 " ' - BERGNER'S cimAiroificiok=*toß.E. aprlB, - PH GT topitApn ALBUMS PhOttigrapik Photograph Albums. Photograph 'AO - lain& • • • ; '" -- `4' 'Photograph' Altiunii THE largest and cheapest variety• of THO TOGRAPH. ,, ALBUida ia . ttre city are constantly key ac CiliVo 2 ] : PR IGN W S cuPtli? -1359_KsP[. - - _ - VR.giqCH P;PV , NS A rare artiati; Ce6et at - gifISL I ER rotin (successors to Wm. Dock, fr.'; tai- Co. 1% 0 .11,T;t3,.,N•f - 8 91113,' EIT - S •.' . Another iota Morton's Unrivalled .Gold l Vans for sate at,sauxviat , p,l349YßE. All pima wirranied for.eae year. . ; fad): NA - NY, BroadSteeet, betweenSecond' 140 -11#(1, „ ; . 0.44.11,1513118 G. _ - • MEP, widefsigriad'has • 'opened a new , BA KERY, in the Sixth ward, where he is•-iireptired to . •„inipilly rat: a olasonable, raw; Me. warrants setiefactionte ail who willgive Nina He. will sell Ws - bread at tid-rate of • ' 1 , • i-FX r .4” R.r.P . and fall weight F ...t .teed. . ,JOHNOink Shady , .Trrea FRO ia',Eiffialtra of "' ")••:: - Silyerildapiesittorwssl,3diple,. - Taft Mh, Horse Chestnut_ 4 European Linden, Cidda•g -- at KEYHTO P.,1 , 1 • rr Harrisburg, March 16, 1864. gO.WERIORAKINES;AND , BRAWDENS 44 — er Hv....ofibrad 1u‘ab,10:66611164 lir6ioUlasifandl*Ktheilal lon diiiitar“ =-Mtila SEMLER & "tdeol6 '. -togoiletige Dock, jr., MEDICAL. - • 8.30 12.55 0.00 1.28 8.32' 200 =I _ DR..: dOgN L LYONS PRINOII PERIONCAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the deli' known remedy that will imeeetuntaiy and Invariably restore and mutt° the femalesptem„, remov. iug .trregnjarttles,: and produoing hea "Igor and strength. LYON'S PILRIODI DROPS .. It . . . ..i. -- .. , '.:_. •i. - 7.4. .. - Ire illuld priipiration,.the *MI, of the Unilever :.discovered in tine country; on tho puts &aged, whlist:pUla and po cot ' 'reit&%hem u 'aivork. through /wroth* ~, * .all direct and . ve. • ,- ,-. , • yea Milker's lithill Ecnigith r t i ArtAty' fbr the ree- Jar tuißcr Wourees p 1 . - ' ' L . .., 3fourself nn !immanent, for r'. serinduai. Drop; IF. nvitdity orAvro . befbrelhit ~• -; - will post and. invariably replete. its .. . - - urn as effect 'WI gauss; is certain as agij . liglk • , , t'' adman : younick; enfeebled by:dintenki . . . to bear the .labor land danger qinareaut . LYOI S-PREtIODR3AL DROPS Ape lila NeaMpi c tfq.hi BOtpreVelitUDA Chre.? Zdtpdarly talA It certain premakitva, sod Will nave„vott ,maeh. and raw ham antrartig, Hera you baen . affildUdtde snit 'jest's adtb complatata incident to the sex, that have baffled the skill of pima dam, and are hurrying you on to ear l y grave . . , WOWS PERIODWILL.,DEOPS Are the most.rellable regulator. ever known, sid acre,like =e, irrisiukwittathatlave dotted the doctor's 4 I Will You Zvi ite away- wttle'sulfering filentlemxtrrhees, Prolapses, Dysmenorrhoea, atet a thousan d other itntired lies,an summed Up Under the' tuna , of suppressedsad o batructed . -zunint, wheat an hrrestaitentAit onii &Mita isYC4I3 D . RCiPti cr $1 50. WM * iLerttlY save You.:: • Dona nantbe drops when forbidden in the directiona, Ibr aklidaglen'iwaltlve, cure, vid - "barn:lnn at_ ,411; *lust tail; theriiiii ad posierfol land indlidateintaijust and. govectutbe Amnions tif the? nezinfi pligiarSUCllll4lf taken el*EMPT:Proefi;:ltheY.weuld:Painteee:Keeiltie.o oll -. trait to nature, againia which all, partandistr .: ttlnantto: would reproduce, libienid eangugymud. , . • LYON'S PERIODICAL 'DROPS' Ca.nnot ham the wad, delicate ,cenatitutlon Wow glee; hot W 4010904 pita .6 name, ping Wit' titetWaM Kies be eviodput potgivitiere oneititila , Tor se LYON'S iSRIODIOAL.itIROPt3, ; the never -failing Female Aegtdator, br'lbr vale by every . Draggle-4, , the Mty.and country, and not,do tryout value your health and wish for a reliable medicine, boy any other. Take no other; bet if the Druggist. twerttem you apply Mie not gotig'tenhe bizelosid andget C. C:CLARK: & 00.1 • ' - ; Pnanwitonis; r • 1- 2reta HaVen t 4104 1 e 8 1 118 0ff •' .704141 S TON; HOLLOWAY & W I NDEX V.T't stroec, r. • • • • :: , 1%.... - •;; J : - - 1 51. .4 2 7, Li. .111.1.itraf.. , Ibir • jd :14 • ;Tx • G • _ .1111'4 . ; ; P 7 , 3 41 ki '20.-71 , 4".iTi .111,41 .S. Lit 1,- IMI CP /I= t3tl 6a . 1;;:- 6:_. El THE GREAT 11!IM=E1 MN MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSO N , BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL , As discovered the most certain, seed andy effectual remedies in the world for p y DISEASE'S OF 134:PADDENCE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE 11012R3 NO NEROMY OR NOXIOUR DRUM A acre Warranted, er Bo Oh ante, in from ont to Two Days Weakliest' of the Bark, Affections of the Kidneys ant Bladder, Involuntazy Di....charipes, Impotency, Ge t i m a lierrousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Loa- spi n . ; Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tumbling* Dianness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of thii Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of U Lir Lungs, 'Stomach or Bowels—those terrible dimZ arising from the Solitary Habits of youth_th me and solitary practices more fatal to their victims Una the song of Hymns to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their llama brilliant hopes or eatkapations, ,rendering marriage, Ern, impossible. YOUNG MEN apectally, - who have become the Maims of Solitary Vie, that dreadful and destructive NUM which annually creel . ; to an - unlimely grave thousands of Yousq ken of no most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lisuming Santee with the Min ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the tictiag Lyre, nay eitwith MI confidence. MARRIAGE. Yarded: persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aurae of physical weakness, organic debility, dew. &m, speedily cured. He witoylacts himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiousty Confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a Physician. *.,ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmodiatear cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers life Miserable isid'marrlage Impoesibld—is the penalty paid by the rle tints of improper indulgence. Young pertains are too apt to commit eitmges from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under. strakels,.. the subject will pretend to deny that the power or iiinars'. it" tion is lost souther by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived t h e pleasures of healthy oflSpring, the most senous and de. amain.) symptoms to both body and mind arise. The sista= becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, iLigestion, ,00nstitutional debility, a wasting of the frame , cough, coa , eumition, decay and death. Os,Ws No. 7, SOUTH Faxnalucx Snuum, Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few deers from the corner. Fail not to oixerre name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a .ramp. The Doctor's Diplomas bang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, Yamhei of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Etat. ustafrom one of the most eminent colfeges in the United States, end the treater pareof whose life has been spent la the hospitals of Lop:tonal/04 Philadelphia and else where, has effected some itt the most astonishing cares that were ever known;;. Many troubled with ringing in the head and eats when asleep great nerrouaneffi, being altirmdcl it Madden sounds, b ashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes; with derangement of mind were cured Immediately. TAKE., PARTICULAR NOTICE. - - - These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of yiiiiith; via tvreakriess of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss or muscular power, palpitation or the heart, dyspepsia, tier vookirritability, symptoms of consumption, Lo. ldsuraux.—The fearful effects on the mind are mach to be dreaded—loss of menmay, toninsion or ideas, de pression of spirits, evil_ forebeditwaversion to eiczety, self Wahl:Mt, love of solitude , Lc., are some of thketla prefillsed. ; - YOITNG ALEN Who have Injured thentitlYos Ity a certain practice is dulged in when alogeo habit frequently learned trim eviler:mm.lllo(es, or atischool,the effects of Which ere nightly fa% oyeulehen, Wool), anti If not cured renders Inarriego InAstible, astirdieritroys both mind and body, shouldijAyt atmediately. . • Wbal4 t hat a youug man, the hope of LOi: emunry, the derlint-ef , hiliPtideots; should be suatcbed l'rem Prps_ Peo, 41 ~AIK er4orzteots of life, by the measequeace of • aevfitoog . trom the lierth . of nature and inuuigixig in a aiertaln_teeret tidbit Such peratnes amer, before =tem • Pbmi,ng MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound multi and body are the most necessary requisites to pruFautetamnubialbappluess. Intieed,wlth• out these, the journey through life becomes a weary pli ,grtmage • the prospect hourly darkens to the clew; the 'MEd be comes shadowed with despair and ailed with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another lro conies blighted with our own. DISEAn OF IMPB.IIDENCE. . When the misguided and imprudent notary or pleasure ands he bas inkbibed the seeds of mogul disease, too open happeis thatan illtimed sense of shame or the dread or discoVety deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can slate Minuet him. Re falls WM the hands of Ignorant and designing pretend. ars, who, incapable of curing, inch his pecuniary suh stance,, keep him ti dilingracindi alter month, or as hag as the smallest foe ten be obtainmi, and In despair leave gm With mined health to--high over Wage/log disappointment, qr, by toe use of t h e: deadly poison, Mercury, hasten tea bonstituttonalsymptoresorsbiu terribleth6m6;suchafartec lions of the Head, Throid,ENade, Skin. etc., Programing with _frightful rapidity till death pets /a purled to his dreadfil sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered country from whence no traveler Minn. . , 3LMX)R,S=MT OF TtLE The many thousands cued at this institution year after yesr,„ arid the numerous tmportant surgical *meridiem performed. by Dr. Johnson, wiuteeseti by the reporters of the kihrs, Obitper , andineny otherpapers, notices of which havenppearud_again and again before the public, bottles his standing as a gentle Man of chameter and tamale. bility, Is a sufficient guarantee to the aßilioa4 SHIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUBED, Office N 0.7 Smith Frederick Street aP 26 -dIY = ; ; YEW PHILADRLPILT_A. C 0 A. IN D. W. GROSS , NEW BLOCK, :Market Street, Harrisburg. 1;600 toIIegERENT STYLES - • - - or FASHIONED= CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AHD . FINE. SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Lst of April [mal2.l-.41.i OBTFOLIOS I POWITOLIOS LI CHESSMEN ind - Hackgei' nelieni Boards, a finesigen went, just received ati _ 2 'ECHEIg — FEIVS BOOBSTOEF- MOKED SALMON.--TEHE SMOKED SALKON...itoft licoived at SmSLER & FRAZER, feb3 (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr, LADEF.S..4If good Lette Paper, Envelopes, hilc, Powlor•anyttung else tobe otatidnery line, you will well bY'Calling ec BClisEFEws smarm& Harnsucre. EM • IVOILFOLK OYSTK its, =ter JOI 'the AnierHoluix York invereysters, ad° e a ts e ' under the Jonaqi9pse„ , • , 'Akio; .53 1 r aping which will served up in fine etYle shins notice Muter:me House; by 119 • KOMI ' • • . _ .6111. P l°lr r 3 1 , it#l4l9 th e Barrel. ,Ilsill_ 4 puirrei tar ot Di;rten, at -Timoss.Bl, FRAZER'S, r—. ; • Successors w Wm_ Dock. Jr, "4) FEW . liIINDEED of the best PEAR -OHL TREES, of valuable leading yariernni, ever ogerol formals In Harrisburg, aro" now on hand at the Keprope Nursery. - JACOB Idinß CI'DBB ' QUAKE r!—Tiro of week sold pare CIDER just.readired at E g .130YER& . .„. WOBEFLNEWS excelsior h a ms, oi ads tiiar aan'ainninr, 'Just received and Forsile by . - SW§ .W&FRAZ E •. 1 1 tow„ co-) LOCKET .001.8,; rt) T alfiet Y Y tibf"' OILTEMONIGUM,- alai genfirli of L EIk. GOOD. regal as . , .BERG. I • tit • IMIO - 81Mitut - litiliort ed • 040. marrguibid:llie Finest. Sherry eTuIP7.- - For p4O at. masa at YaalEk , ilk/ •' - ( • to Wm. Door. at" l 418: 'AigrotAUCES, Pi the and zirst ~tea fo.r Sata.E;FAt.47.l.l. OtigcallOnl to Wm. DMVE.a T~TORE~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers