VIE TELEGRAPH IS PITELISHED MORSING ..411 7 D E VEINUNG, 3 V GroRGE BERGNER OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. FERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE StB,I-CRIPTION. I . +Aux TMEGRaen Is Served to subscribers in the tit 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be $5 00 in advance. Those persons who negleetto advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TIM TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, and is furniShed 0 subscribers at the following cash rates: S.ngle °epics; week1y........ n Ns copies to one Post Office lea copies to one Post office.: MEDICAL:. GLAD NEWS FOR THE lINFO-ICTITN-A-TEI THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR - DISCOVERED AT LAST CheroliOC Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! ouPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. NIEROKEEE REMEDY, the great Dalian piuretic, all diseases of the urinary Dryads ; such as Inconti no.ce of the Urine, inflammation of the Bladder, inflates „wion of the Kidneys, htone in the Bladder, Stricture; °ravel, Glad, Gonnorhea; and is especially recommended is those cases of Fluor Atints (or Whites in females) tohere al the old nauseous medicines have failed. IF It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dsse °sly being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times pa . day. It is diuretic and alterative in Its action;:purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its origins' purity and vigor; 'thus removing from the system all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as finally or assist: nut to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Ghd. Fulor Alhus or Whites. Its effeets are healing; 3o9thing and demulcent; removing all scalding; heat, chonl4.e and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is experienced with• nearly all the rl,eap quack lidectiofis.. .a-By the use of the CHEROKEE-REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines atthe same tune--all improper discharges are removed; and the weak cacd organs are speedily restored to full vigor and rerq,th For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write up,.and we will Mail free. to ally address, a hill treatise. ' Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. w.:6 Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. 11_, Sent. by express to any aq rem on reaelpt of . Sold by all druggists everywh'e're. - DR W. R MERWIS & CO., 3 . 61 e Proprietois,, No. 59 ihnity street, NowYilik. wa.lo-.eodly CHEROKEE CURE TAE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE CY. NiTOMIDED FROM 042% BARKS AND LEAVES se unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal W:eak.- nen, A'octurnai .13missions, and all diseases 'atiused•lty:- Self lallution; such as loss of Memory, Universal Lassitit4e, Poise in the rtnel , Direness'of Vi.Uon.,'RresnaiureOtd-.dge Weak serves, .Diffleulty of fireathiug; - Treinbling; Arcuireful,- nest Eruptions on the Faroe, Pale Countenance; insanity: Consumption, and ali Vie Direful complitints caused by de parting from the :pea of suture. Rai - This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one n which all can rely, as it has been used iu 'our practiCe, for many years,`and with thousands treated, .it c has not faded in a single instance.. Its curative powers have been._ rodficient to &in victory over the most,Stithboiri case. .r•To these rvho have trifled with; their con,stitution, until they think themselves beyond thd' reach of medical id, we would say, Despair not i the CMUMICEE Colts will restore you to health and vigor, and after' all quack doe tors have failed I A or F o particulars, get a Circular from any Drug More in the;cOuntrh or write thp*Proprietor, .who will mall free,to any one desiring the same, a full treatise pamphlet-Rum . oirTricii3 $2 perbottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express tonll parts of the world. SerSeld by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN 'it CO., • '3ots PlionaliTußk marlo eodiy No. 50 Libeity street, New torli. GREAT Usefuli and• Valuable Discovery. invroN,s SOLUBLE., CEIVIENI" b. of more" general practtCal titan any, invention now before 'the. pgblic., It, has been.thomugbly Amsted dirrillitlita bid . Rrac4ical• then, and!proacenaced by all in -.s.rrPLRIOR 'TO' A NT .±.l.plirable to all awful Arta. eeive Prepanitioxu3 known. Efugoo's Insevcons Csocearils a new thing, and • the. 'moult" of :pdfi.s, of study;. its combinatiel iii on tlawsthivg. Bcientifics• - And under, At!, Circumstances. or change of tcmperature, 7 4 1 It dome corrupt or omit Any offenOve. Uouiliiiiiitton BOOT .4ND SHOE Manufacture - re, "using Macninee will Ond if the beat artintti "Ictiown 'as Cementing tor the Chatinela, - it wotki without delay, IS:Tiot elected diy any change of temperiture.! Boot and Shoe Kan. ufaoturers, JNWELERS Will find it , sufficiently adheslbe tor their use as has beetprtiveit- J6W len, is It u EdieCiank 212aPe3. And we ciihri . as an- "etkliciall merit that it sticks Patches to Boots had Shoes sufficiently strong • without stitching- . Famtllea Alf& (LIQUID CEX-R.R2 Iris a 141..04, Extant that is a sure think for mend kery i. • • Toy; Bone, Ivory, Mid articles of Hoesehoal use REMEMBER HILTON'S INSOLUBLE PENENT is In a liquid- formand as easily' ap: Fdiedna.pasta.. . Halrones, Imapriorra Caarnav Is iniadarde in wirer or oil. RaTON'B liduiitrais: Csam Adhere oily aubstanmL- - '• Remember . . Supplied. in' Family. or Kam*: threes Packages rioziri 2 pl/zieo,io 190 HILTON BROS. & CO. , ' • ' P . . Propriet t ork.2.2 - ..Pro+AgLoat- • QM Agents =I mt.,t. ht. GILDEA DENTIST i R E SP E OPP lILL Y. informs the citizen's' HaniSbILTS and vicinity , ' that he has removed his of tice from Idarketestreet to Third street, next door to_the Patriot whereand-UnlNA,"9l:ficel_, I ?i> Pieliareld to accord ciodate oniedUsy . desire nds professional services " . -....... _. .. _.....,.._, *.. . • _ _ _ , . _ . 11 i -- , •44. -, , •* 4•.•-:',.r..,:`; . '.. : . 7 - .7-':•. -, .• ..': 'F• , :.:• •7 ' • ' - • • - • •- - - V\ , V l .l :- \ \ .., \ A, N_ ld c I * • . • . - sDit I , - . "•••.,,..., i r .‘__ • : 1 l i r '1:41,4('?:::*, :,( , , ---- -----= j- H r ; = • - s . ' 1 .; 1 . , ,: tH •••• t . - - a ... ... , .•_ • L .., .: . , - . . , T . V r•, - .,;_tt.:74 . ,,--.2;....i. ------,:. --- - EI P t - ~.., ''.--._ ----_,-,--_- -4 ,,, -- • r.,• , ,, , i1'Fit,... • ......., . ~... 3.. r.;. •.. .- L.,- . St BO 'BY GEORGE BERGNER. ... 4 DO ...10 00 NEW ADV:ERTiSEDLENT i S. ; Dr. J.,P. Delitalr'repviira;tions: .GRANULAR DENTIFRICE I • - • AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! rpHESS elegant 'preparations combine the . _L. most desirable cleansing and. astringenti.tplalhies.::. ' • They render tho DMus hard and.healthy; inertp*ize the acid • secretions ' of the mouth, (thereby removing 'the prime cause of decay .) By; their detersive Properties they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without: in the least degree injuring the enamel, while they . impost -to, the breath a. flagrance PeculiarlY aromatic, plecsant.— In:factfact they are THE-BEST ARTICLES lit uswfor the, pur pixies-named, as-a fair tied Will fully : :dernotistintel sand as has been libl*dantlY.:PreveSlThy their extensive i sale in this community Airing the last 14 years; and. which:, be readily testified 'to by many who have' repeatealy urged We:Proprietor to still further extend their sale and .usefultiess, They are warranted. to be .free-frOni. those -VehtThetiveacids .wh:ch framentiTconiaailtiatie Amoy of fhb prerarationi of tlieVreient; day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner Of 'Second and Walnut stre44 • JOHN P,ILELLER, - . .. • , - Surgeon Dentist . For sale also by the priosipallmwts,ccthe city. ap2l-dtf • , • • %,_l, Steairt to LiverpodEf VIICIIING at QUEENSTWN, (Cork Har- Am.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New YorkalmiXbilzailphis Steamship.. ;CompanyVare tendedM . Bail'as fell Owe: 'EDINBURG, Saturday May 7, CITY OF-WASHINGTON, Saturday, May 14, .GITY OF ,MANcHNSTER, .Sat i urday, May 11, aridllivary lauccektlrig Siteurdak,' iii,NOori; from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, , PAYABLE: oa crsi,intrrreffitpir, tti c younintlir.`2 , ' FIRST 0.4311 r.: sBo'ol3 , 'BTBERAGE ... 930' 06 `rdo to London 65 001 do to. L0nd0n...... 61. 00 dote Paris 95 00 do to Paris 40.00 ,dodo Hminburg:-..- 90-139- 'do r to -Hamburit.... , .3 . 1 Olt; ,Pissengers •ferwird "sto - Racia, trifileii; dam; 'Antwerp &c., at equally low rates.. Fares from Liverpool or Queenutown: let Cabin, $l5, $B6, $lO5.- Steerage,- , $35. -Thbbe , Vho a:ha-to sehd." ror their frionds can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent„l.6 Broadway, N. Y. or-a 0 M 'ZIMERMAN, Harrisburg.,,, . 02.5-dly Rg.m . TIREDERICK WEA.YE Mere ant tailor, . NOMId inform Ins&1On - do - and thi. public generally, that infhas removed his establishment' from - Fourth :str det s - to the standdately. , oocupied by Theo. :F.' . .9eneiler On Mar ket street, where he is.prepared - to supply - all Vrht may favor hinkwith a co, with - the . hest. fittingnlothini.ln:the marketi Having - just inturzed: from the eastern cities with a fine stork of-Vrench Clb - ths - and Cattaimeres — tuid a fresiinUppirof everything in his Mae; He wOilid incite tfia public to_examlue his stock before .purchasieg elsewher e: Remember the place tSehefier"s old book stand, opposite Gritia & Co.'s drug store. mv2-2w* ATTORNEY 12.LikW, AS.reinxiVealais Office 'froin. Third toWal nut sired ! nest the Piison All business Id trusted to him recortie prompt and careful attendant; • • JUST OPENED, AN..liB T M,E!IT 9F ROSEWOO_,b4,N. : D„ijitAk,HOGA . ,W : Y . I WRTINVr:DESg)S, ordifferent sizds,(cit*le at, nol9 SC'EIEFFR''IIOOI9TORE. - , `SPLENDID HinteigliENWtolitigitittns. ,140 ADVANCE IN THE PRICE OF IM PORTED GOODS. • Having purchased heavily before the flrstof may, we have advanced 4'.mr prices since the new;tax oISQ per cent. on all imported goods. - & BROTHER, Next 400 r to the Harrisburg 13anIti''',: .IjR;ESS 'GOODS . iN LOGg.:4ISSOATM.FeN,T. THE MOST "E'ASHIONkBLE SKIWX.OUT Any other skirt 9f-the siinie-style is only an, • SUMMER' lINDER WEAR. Gauze Narino Under Shirts and Drawers, .Cashn;Lere , do . . do":' Donk glannei. do do . do: : Cotton 'Lisle Thread Finish do . Pure ;Lisle Threadjlnder Shirts do • . . - AU. SIZES AND qUALITIES. . , - ' • EMP0W445,.34.1.14'1.e..1nceiyeA. ,byun the:: dersiOed for ttiOla.fiveiy spreading of 500 VO'rObes of broken stone t it. thethlfit dlstricrofild:city . of Ijaiii§barg. - Propeozds fenseiifiuntirkhd 20th of MayJ • • . JOHN L. BERNIL4KR, "SkreetCommittoe. C. REED,,* garrlsburg, May 9.4.14,vi -•- ' , It Is the only . WOO - 11138..5kGe°,..,..1T .C odfish,:forsale at R, Ac FRAZER'S frl 2, o , 9:Cessqrgt 6?,) LBS. CODFISH ; of the eet t.JV 10 . Witted St peo . rge brau' juat and for sale. - SHISLER Sr'..F.RAXER, • teal - (successors. to.WIEL.KIO9IS:in,AS).)- VNGLISEE DAIRY- and - 112 A . NEW YORK STATKOREESK. (no2o] WIL_DOCK, & CO. LARGE invoice of fresh teiis, new raisins, Trims and figs at BOYER & KOERPER. F9Y 4 i -FRA. PERINE'S WORCESTER SAUCES, jlj -7110 moat popular. and the purest *ever offered/4 MO .Idievjust . reoerred ood.forsaleby , - rf Oh LAING & MAG BL I 043 0:110:0•L S• • P oo ± , W , V*CaelVrent. stgas,*slison's excellent series of Spellers arid - Vogettler3ritlN:dl iaer , Sal%l'Bookl and wm.- risAirfre4dereit,wholesaleetutd:retall, at- .. • 74 -g ° • -• ' ; SAM : FP-W S : . _ . 17V•Y ler41:111ER2f' O , I AH - lA r"t t g , 0.4V1 Rll,-41142 OUCCONO/6 to Wm. DOCIE, fi r.,& Co.) A. C. SAATH, THE ,BEST NEW, STYLE, THE` BEST M.ApE, AND imitation kr.: LADIES', ,AND. GANTAgmEN s c.a.TacAivr & BROTHER, • Next door' id ihaHaiiisbnig Bank. Banishing, May 9; 1864. 412 w SHISLER • FRAZER, ISiigeassomto Win. Dock, Jr., & Co. =, 4! "TEE UNION-NOW AND . F 0 "-ICE- -E Webster.- JIARRISBURG, ritEbLlAt k " EVENT G, G, MAY 17, $ WiLingt 4 ,ll #4141, gypro:,N.-,,,,p)1TQ,tf,. "A)0 . 17P of COL'D ELM ' good doiter:by flee 'Eadids'Afkiieth of this <City'isgreateilliaii,nittny pefgOnsim 'agate; 'Th e e pOor soldiers 'Wha EOM received the" att'ention's of the ladies fullq appreciate` the'value of their ministiatiOnss :- Tlieir" good deeds willhitve their reward. ":214'-'ollowing teifFr addressed': Convey aii idOil of tli6°litiieit'Ari' .which thelabora cif=tlioie pieciated : " ' AIDERYTEmk . WAYNE Old Ri. e .'' . . • 115ty9,.1 - 1364 ` '. 'i DEAMMADATit: Many tunes have :I: resolved' to write my Mianks to : the 'benevolen t ladies of. Harrisburg ? but have neglected tp ,t do so . ..until, tliyresent. • A'.`darli; dark time - waalf inlay Al , . e tence whetil 1 •wati.' taken Zaitsk at Camp . , , Curtini:away, from every xme_ I ever. wily be fore. : If, one pan taste, of, Elides on this earth, J.,did 'then.' My.mind depressed by. sickness, alna P Odt 'on the 'vergeOf of eternitY, and What seemed worst of all ; far' away froin•the loved on'eti 'at' home,: whose presenceA4 so , dearly loved. ..I.With my usual , control _of . mind, I could - .have ruled down my feelings; bull was :weak and unnerved. I had been ill more than a Week s nand with theipoor 'regulations-in•the hospital at that,time;"lo.teeeived but little at- ,tention—sufferiug - . very much for 'water that I could not get, ,when, daY, some ladies visiting my tent, Peiffibmed. gavel* acts of kindriess for me which I can never forget. I" had read,ot..the i :blelsinAolied upen,the head, of the ienosviled Flor'enc,e;llightingaleVy sot= diers 'receiving' attentiond at - her hand, but_ never had I an ' idea" of - the ' 'feelings. prompting them until •. then: 1 I :..can. only'' say _,.that it seemed , that they Were angels, aidwhen,one sat: by my bed side aniffannAd nle, firfPlYing .cool water' to My fevered broW; I thought Heaven had sent One of her winged throngthAilleksiate-my suf ferings. Manylffrete. thevratelitienti'A. re-P ceived aftertgards4.n myitong ilhfliss. - 4 Would it Were niinVid reward itittiessiAi dm:iota I I raiii,laappy to believe that they will receive a recbtripense houtlfter,,,,7pplA Ihht, a ,j,krew. - their haru:eiKtAtjkicitt* e' - ',Kess walfluksii to each! Their forms and features are indeli- I blYiStamped on the tahlet „of . n,i . y. memory.- I To You,-; `e,speeifillY, dOI I: awe' mfilfii. ' , HOW Many, were the refreshing and nourishing ar i tiples 'that „I,receiyed.frem i y,opr-hamils I JifoTii many , kiAd'iordtheeiftrl'woilfit'bit. ytiir filisr Could you receive the thanks of - my dear mo ther, I thi#iyottlroplirettkasatiimotign'antl: happinesi such as only the good and de serving feel. To you and your beloved soci ety do I, through a:grfleidite 'Providence, owe my e. ' gl , refinnot . -lay- 610116E' to thyilk' yiSV , w words`are expressionless. Maypti . cotter" your kind etetireiti, - and bd , en'ecturagecl' 1 the thought thaetheny liiviinyeelf4llr Ile " with grateful hearts the -LresiiellibritnOe'exir your ;kind' - deeds : . iclatriaitrAbitiliik ' If '.yon' wilt add, to •"'thej afof , !"fatera "." 'that . -1 - have reeeived.-ficOln yofirthat of- 7 4.prefiaing my thanks to as many as may be ;convenient, Of your. 'then organized . society; .; lee then liSving - kindness to •a - fetal' and' und'eser'ving stranger at Camp Ottithi =Hospital; u 'the frill of 1:862,:I shall be, if pOssible, fribie‘indebtekl to YOU than I nowion:'' I' haVlYttfi thank add' ) that lam Still alive; and 4 in anidaeure,..:ie= stored to health: - ' , ''' , '' - ~ , am; with the Most pro f oundyour , pinch indebted friend, • , ". • • NM: , WAVARRISON, • ;,... - t •,,• of thielkii"P:',T. 10995# by. Telegraph, Rnataas. • Trade continues very , dull hi ; all de p a rt -.' ments, and cotton js , - unsettled. '.floor market continues very dull and"pftCes ,are drooping ;*small - sales at s7®7 25 for sliper. fine ; $7 50 50 Tor 'extra,''and'AT 871(0' 5:0; for extra 4tilkily. flour steady at s7;', corn, meal at $5:621. There is very little demand; wheat; and it,sells - plOwly,atX Tato„y gli„ for reds and $1 30®2'05 tor white . "ryeli, $155 ; corn is the same and6.4,at•s.l. 37 Air ! yellow; and sl'32 for white ; oats arc steady Pkeents. Coffee, sugar and molasses are. glected; mess pork is steady' , it423g28'50; mess beef at1.15®17; hams in PiPlF•bs .I.7c;.sides at 131, 'and shOulders. ' at,l2i; hird;is` held 14.1. PetrOlenials qu'let;salei of a'rnile at 46; 'refined at 57. in bond . ; ;pa,* ffill:-fr64.. ' 50128' Whisky is fi riner;, small ' l sales-atsl 2 a. : . gAitmrr.z--Them'atdii inarket i5.1;14/1,, but prices . are unchanged; atiOnt, - 12lnaieit'd arrived and sold, at fiviapound : for.extra, and 12@,15c, for,cominatLto gis6 m sheep are demand alid.pridea have iidvan.ced; 2,ooo.head sold at 10@104c per 'Pound gross; for wool sheep, and 6( . 2.174 torclipped; ,epws have adiariced;'l3o head sold. at s2kr e o4ol - i" sPringers and $3O, to,_s7o perhetta for cow. and calf... , Hogs;, 2,860 head, 9ativ.e4....4r0y i d301,4t; from $lO to $l2 50 the 100•Porinclii*ttilhat ket dull. '' -• Naw• Yoits, - • May 16:- Flour hAs advtmced - 10c1M14. 4 e8;000 Ails at s6' 70 ®6 ,85 - ;foxi§taxiiy ; I cllig ®,700114. to $7 350,7 80 for Ohio, Wheat advanced 2g3a; 70,000 bush sold at - srogl 55 for Chicago &s(l'foi;Milil4l4l cf,rib, and $1.64®1 67 for red western. Corn' ; quiet- at SA 40;,. l?pet; pork. ullL ard. quiet at:1.8ie.;101 1 .10-uSkY.Arffil a - te111 . 90 . 1 ; 30. Receipts of flour 20,953_bb15.; wheat 158,168 bush. • - if. BALTploup, May 16. •M ,flieat dull ancl„droeping; Kpntuqky,7l4te, $1.,98®2 'O3l flour 'dull Hewaid streeesn perfuie $7 62,1; corn firm; white $1 31® I'32;` whis lF y, firm apd. adtancim3r, phiß , '27.4,®1 28. " • • ---, Nen <Yor4lst4.4)/ttariee_ty 11.1 Stocks in the first call were. higher; Cum :bet-land preferred 794';')ficliigan Southern IT6W York Central - 434i' Tenntlyiada Ioal'166; Hudson River 1423 k; Canton company - 46; *54:7 sourrfis 701; Virginia 6s 59; Erie gold 1734; one fear certificates, 98 - 41 540'eregiitereif 107; Coupons 1061. li"Bc i t"-t 3 .1 1 .**P•mv...41.! 3,3 'Stocks are better; Chicaicrantdrockllalarair -11241 "Cumberkind,preferred 691-; teedl.3.6; New-York Clmikal.434;lteadkigll37lf Rudsion RiVer ,I:49;nCanOn.lcempariy,3l.46.l4 28a gold Intel% ~m itotE49o6o. ;imp Par,certificitealW coupons I-2us 1e • :tuft r'ut's Fi P"MtIVA f` y ffirl DX;riivoß *4- itißedrapht BY THE INLANB-LIBB. GEN,IRERIDAN'S GREAT iv I -thialL6l fißttriett 1 FULL PARTIOULARS OF HIS - OPERATIONS, - UU 4011 The Fight in the Richmond- Entrenchments, , - - Great - Akik •01,':, ; 41010. • -3 ltts' hot MARMittit Little or tk4ghti,ng:-.ou ridat. or Saturday. . -1•14,11, NOTI4tATER . FROM GENERALAUTLER, Rim Ors Cope:et:pg. Lee's MoVem6nts. Prisoners COntM*O-. Dash by Gen• Hondo& OF GUNS. Ler Will kijailio4 C,fi.PTURE ,REINFPR,MgIiaPIN,GiFORWARIk formerly of Rose erahs' EitaftlinOW 'General Slieifdan's, has just arrive &am S erxdarL s late great aronnd l4se!s,arn4Auld through the :opter defenees of Bioko:tem:VW Gen: antler:: Ofn addition forifeigilit of tlie'exil,editiOn . ready '.forwarded-, ke,•Nrnishos o:eirae ,frgthig• PafiticiliAral • - • They fought their way all.-the to e, being"- Tippled twelediittie!enpinf,a eavalry off of thefr front every ass. At ReavArz,RaM they_Tecaptured the 378 'irril'Onemiditlxthrekrelloloneadianctirien other officeis; - o'f-iikaPliiktiOn 4i,11 - :tair44itige:* et(l-1 once, ctrapcl_ Alth theyonsoompaiiiedOciorn I t aky fiom that on, efficiently co-OfferatiiiiP in twirer eitrnrsgley ii9ll- e&tranaes . ey.htld 'Veen eltivitried' in' `' . o:l : 6.llelttle of Sunday from the2ifth and Sixth co t or i api 4 / IT I - , Aft Weabiset fight the oliV'idry - was' at Yello* Tavern, ffix miles north of Richmond ariainsia*g-ti4 tiP 4- #3!Richmond • e Atefenos. ' , ‘'The battle .laated a.,11.. day,- Gen. Bragg, the Xdbel Cammandgr-in-Chief, having himaalf :came out frogn, the oityswith a divisioii,otnav- Alry and two brigadeirofirdariCiy. '; - :/tuawiCt4ege' c tT° o l ). 4' s iirii:P 2l 9 l Y taeii 'and fifteen'Yeara The Richiaonci , ivere Tinging all day, land. there were abandaiat -iiididatioW that 'the' . iriost fever '446 , Ne took betyeetrtOur and-,five hundred priAsners, and. lost about ‘two hrindred- and fifty iri killedrandlrotttederniVanrtlielittffl• -{ 'atlfeadow Bridge, where , afa'hitalto cross the , . chiCkahominy, ,We had , to advance :a ,quar ter of a *did both 'flanntbilinglable fronkthe palm% . , . of tegroryuLtamieplff-,--4040 , ,e n e A .myr_rho :o:l,Ter, did nf3tratviti*liaddihitid - X find fotee dashed triumphOlVW:c942..On arxivinga,at , :TuTliSrßquO, Sheridan , oh4Lined supplies across the r,ivf , l-fronti General Butler:---He-is still_-Tyro at h His work is by nck ~.nteaw over, •and the 9etwtry may . effeltly hear, fiom i hpx.?l,ttin ;before !long. A. 4 the reported capiiires of loeomitives, an4 * lli°n 1 1 #11WPDXatick**• ,* rgeS 41-1 Y Colonel„] ingsbury saw:: inv, the: RNme cortd :Miters; Zit' the fat a - 'dispac - from MaY6'4•!Slaughter, .oft , Frederteksbur6r-giciathig , over r ,:the 44--"he:had. treated-our wounded: -- Secretary Welles, Assistant Se r ert4iiii Captain Wise, chief 'of ordMance, oa mas r• leneral: plair; Senate* p4olittle; i :Gyinte4i and others 'vent dow Vii,Frederiekibirg yesier 414Vin thb nasal. 1144444 boat; .On a flying visit to thelospitabrthera.* 7 4 01e1 Goodrich; chief pf staff:to General whe,iarrived 'hireAhie g, haAug - left .ahont . seven -last niett, EV,/ Nere - ,10 little gr to fighting yesterday; , but that tewholds i ko his new position' with WretfatubbOrnness. It is atatpd 'that thp-''rqbe„la have heen, Sisikmg,tl;teir arrny from,oninea • Statiom•zand that they'llave several days' zationapri: hand.- Where is nothing later from 13ntler thmi the dispatches already forwarded:. limv" . Y(slix, May 16 Sheridi,M-14:1Mly 0105 there for foruge; and will ee-operate with General Butler tem 'VIII statement that late .official cliipfitches ••- • ... .hute been received.from denlvaisn't are crin- Hisiafist - dhji4telil wad. to the Pyeld, 'dent - yesterday, 440ek'friieffort to. dray,the, =piny into battle.. Rohe President, hove er , ~i¢s"a razor that M e ssinesnititOlithiluli:s , preisent .position.•=. Igo cionbtrtere will b@ A 4 ,1 reittiilif er I, s ,,f9Aers.frN A tk t fr ? ?ilinsiii that I.l4!iii3Orish -11:10glfthezeatfitkinuafand that Gin. Grant!az advanot is pressing upon his rear and flank. - 1864 11 111161 1, M=Ml . ,_ :- fisfc EIESI WAsanateroN, May 16 PRICE TWO CENTS. MEM 9tte#,TePeivS , 4*9 lll . Ilain say that 10131 # TR4 ithMatiut,,more, , :prioners were bronghkin.l •43410,,a1m 0 79‘ 1 iag .Is_fas heard ;this morning, but no report; f -it ints,ken received: The ; pottioxiS ,otdispatehes w eh Adied!to ge_tthrough htst night, - one: of the regubw preasFeorresixondents o r uriem ha,ye got Ithroughietifp-day, , .bilt IftAtvala : 1 )174113. tiOrN).o andAetiehedi fragnieubt r of -news tbat, mnstrbe Ashen- fox, 4wb e it timy may seem worth.., • , The ; latest ot, these, saysf,that- Mr- Friday. night Geri: Heunoook „made modish on the re ,roainingportioniot-the, puemy'Clines, otirit thezeietteerrguna,which, the ,rebels bad r abandq,ne4, ,ht4rivhigh,bad- , been so mounted, 1_13414 , huge breastrworks:,- that :under, the rebel:*e.7,.. 4 3,had-n@kbeen Able to bring,thera :13.eport:hasit t tha.t, five of the ‘ik:not all, WETO brought in, and thatlaeyond this there was no fighting onNriday.or Satur day morning, though nothing 'positive- is lthown. • =it is said that various indications Lelia. to `the belief in cpcial :circles, that lee will be &impelled to go towards lsnichburg rather ttgoi Richmond. .one reason for this belief, is, that,l.lee's, ttains are understood• to' be found airhaving gone towards OherlottesVille. "'Several tons of mail matter left Washington tilis morning, wider charge of a special mail agent; for the Arby of the Potomac. ' tiri. atratned.last night and this morning, and the roads axe understood to be in a bad cos. tdition. iteinforeements are still goilig, forsrdrd. Associated. recta 14,porte. FROM: , GEN. GRANT. PERATIONS 'TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. The Armin Along theilain Road .to Richmond. OfficialPispatch of Secretary Stanton. • oratiorox, May 16. Major-Geptei l / 4 4 Cadwallader, Philadelphia: We have,dispatches ,from general Grant at 8 it,• M this morning.: 'Efe 'etateslhat siyeOpeiatiiiite have been necessarily sus pended until-the roads become passable; arid that _the sow is in the-best.ofnpirits and has, tftefullest confidence - (4 'Meet*. The two armies are now coneeridate'd on the' main road dontiFrederickiburg toitichixtond:. - ,The operations of Gen.l3hermanlyeistesday, and 'two days, hard fighting forced Johnson to evacuate 'Resacs. at 1 . 2 o'clock kat night. general Sherman's "forces are- in vigorous pursuit:: • z No dispatcheshave been received from:Gen. Butler to 7 day. At thedatest report he was still, operating against Fort barling. • EDWIN M. STANT6N, , •:- • • - • Secretary of-AWai. fIION THE SOUTIPIVEST. FiGHT . AT-7:72785A-CA s Stie,e6sos of General Sherman. ME A ciisp4tch.,received,thy. General Hellenic from Gqneiral, Sherman sap ; that he lied fight at,Reseca in which we:is-ere suceesful; -No details are' giVeri, as lie saps Ike has' not liad.,:tirneto ibid. out, bull as near as can' :be pdged, our loss was - about 3,000 killed, wounded and • : , Everythink,was progressing favorebli, and -the Epi'lroad'hai been to within seven milq of the firmr. - . _ The Burial , Placeof Gen. Wads -Tsraith. • ' Wesznokrox, May 16. Information has.been received ,from Capt; Smith, ,Ohief fiemmissery = of : Gen. Warren 's staff, that _the place , 'of __Gen. Wadsworth's, burial is - tlLiee-fourths 'of' a, Mile south "ter's or Parker's-Eitore, nearthellattle on whfah the G‘ueial , - • information is derived from a rebel officer: _lmmedale.,,steps.....arbeing taken - here by ME - GebitE,TW: BliirkaiiTekeit - for the recoverypf the rem ' • y. • Art tplitipirb 4f 'Pk,e . Sie7a tier. -; - Wes oTOlli May. 16. The Navy Department -has received-' infer motion of the capture, bY the'Znited States schooner Fox, at sea, May Ist; :of .the sloop 9scax, cargo of 93 balesoK cotton : : he had no Opietty!or. flag, : they wed Shr*L'OierVocirdmdl44l4 ha watt boAnd froditt..ll.firka to Alavinie.l , .- • tt XXXVlffill Congregs---ENt ffeggon • SIINATE: WasaaNamox, May 16. Mr. Willey.KW. , Na.Yintroduhedia bill regu lating ,the Court of Claims. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Wilson (Mass.) submitted a joint reso lution providing for the taking of the census. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Davia.,(Ry.)_called up his resolution in .reference to the arrangement , made, by the President and Secretary. of War With - Generies Schenckquaßlair to resign temporarily their command of Major. Generals, with the diserei . tion on their part to resume them,, and „daring that this was in violation of the COrk. . wiloorcoffered an aniendmentdeolaiing , after striking , out the preamble ; that Mr-Blair. ceased, Biajor;General., : and was 'not , *titled to the-and pay , of .Major Gen ,--..cousideraltilailbate'etiliiieeoliuthe regain= tion and gunendment. Mai -1968IEITSGTON, May 16 TEA a. lf T r, - taft , bAit.‘„ Ap vs:sr EGO The Collo ' ' are thetsges for advertising site Tata - - imam ' ''Fitcee • laving evivert*ing to do will gag vrnien iforrefervin ,, Four lineur teem •',Bls4tia*,--104-lia;rP‘l9",'4; - in . inare than fl e - sistittite ix - square. FOE A Ef.All , BQII ;fat • 001340 - One day day s 3 U '~ t7up_'ti§y:..,;•:ii•••ls".:rbd Two ....... 50 1 e 0. - Three .• - • 1 : Oneureek 125 Onelreeltli.".. - ....4"..;', { . 7 4'416- 4 - One month... 3 00 One month 0 t 0 TwO months 4 50 . 9 IN Three months 5 60 :Threetrecnthfr..2!.l,. 11 as months B.OO Six.: m0nth5....... v. Ib-0 =7 - 2' One year. .... 1.8 00 - One year.,— • • - •' 2s di AdM111110246 ii 01.1069 • .1 r a4l:ll:igts2 76 Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices . •Faneral Nonoeseach inanition. -WA 3 Ulla Gl'e .ifirEtturimite - norices inserted fictlie Lka before .11Outilliatinor DraMirso3iiiscr - Carty( eaehinseCtion •" • rici tr.. ." s <vv.) wrigq-Erste , - HOUSE REPRESENTA.T.LVES. A.:report of the exploration of the Yelloivv'f': Stone river by.. Paßtain Eeytiolds way mitred to the IE,L - onse - by the ,Spealrer, and or hi - dered to e:printed. Mr rtSwes (Massachnsett4 presented - the credentials of. A. A. Cs Roger's,: membei-elect" ; from the Second Congressional district of Arkansas, Which were referred to the Com iitittee on Elections. Mx.; Dawson.(.l"a) . offered roluticiris to the effentithat .as iti had declared by Con greps zn1,861; ,f.hat,e.s war was eonductectimt, for'the ptapjsenrsulijugatiOia or conquest, bat td rests:ire-the sdpremaey" of the . Constitn tioit and the Union: r therefole , it•Nsitia' highly• propur, Ala, in. the hour of triumph . ultatiMi of victory,silould , t9n4er 'olive branch Of peace as exchange for sword, and that the President be reqinied l ib' :make a proclamation of anuiesty,to Any ;State -- which shall-layclOWn. its arms and: withdraws : froth the rebellion; with a guarantee tout snali Sta.telshould be left to reorganize, Mid mill° is own, Constitution without dietation; V , • • .or: interference from the Government of 'the;; 'tt United States. gm' Amos Mien (Pa) moved to lay the re-._ solutiOns on the table, .on ; which the stood: Yeas, 76;. nays, 63. ; .• : • _ Mr. Washburn (Ill.) offered .a •lesblution which was agreed to, providing . that, .in election of members of this House e. frOm .tha z State of the additiOnal fo i wliioli that State is entitled, may be 'elected' by the State at large matil it has bin: ;o'o trioted. Mr: Eldridge (Wisconsin) offered a resO,... lutimi, - which was agreed to, by which, the '- Judiciary Committee -is directed to itninire and report totha House by what • an.thority. in , the act relation to the collection of -aban, cloned property was approved, March 12th; 1853, and whether it is in force as a' valid ' Mr; Cos (Ohio) off6red the following, wbion was agreed. to : - . Ralolved, That the Judiciary Committe . i3, be„„ directed to take 'into qoasideration. the 'Rio, priety of reporting a bill proiidirigibr the - de , — claim. of any questions which may arise as - to the regularity and authenticity, of the returns --; _ of the eleolotal votes for President of the Uniteld'Statee. Th 4 right of the pinions who castthe'irofes, :the inbsuer in whielt•they ought to be minted, and that such law provide for the jurisdiction as well as the course of proceeding in a ease of reel•contioVersy. • ij Mri Farnsworth's resolution' offered Ma r y t 4, • ' - and vias laidtiniler the rifles, inquiring of the - -!--:-• Secretary of the • Treasury, whether -a person - named Garnett who ,formetly, helii t . aconsion . in the niiliterY 'service of the' tebel.4 is employed in the Treasury Departz' menl,}and upon whose _recommendation he_ waaappointed, was 9a3led.up. . ..; A Canard. NE.w.Yomr, Miry 16. - A special-Washington dispatch to the COM- nteitiql says thit7tinors from the,, that Lee has received heavy .reinforoefiie from North Carolina and georgia. IViEW A.OVE,RTISS*.NtS:'" NEW. GROCERY AR 1104 1 1,510 N STOLL BOYER & KOERPER; WHOLES/. LE4 - 14D T AFL Ge 0 •.0 E E S Queen's and Glass AV ; • 'AND ALL KINDS OF 00-UNTRY: PRODUCE; 11011 - AyE.ju# opened a large:and wall selegtestfi 111 stock of goods at then sswami,.N4-3,21144 . liatrishbrg, Pa:, to which `they invite the attentionOnhe public generally. .• . • _,:nital-aly ... ": JOAN 8 4 V I'g E - " ' ' '''' THIL i- D Sfill.F.E.T, ISTAR, , W4LNUT,:- :: ;-!: -- . I BARRI SHUlt r ia, PA. .. , '• ' - f WHOUIItaVA al;tii RETAIL DEAJIEIfIN •- • - - ' 'CONFECTIONER:it - i FRUITS, - Ste; , Jujabe Paste, .' • Otri - pis -•-- - • • - . Moss Paste,- ..Figs, Dates, ' • Flg , Paste, Prunes, I Marsh MallOW Cam. Drops, Alroonds,Watnuts, Cream Chocolate Drops, Iltbertsi . . Plain,Candiei, &c. :•& - e. •• • - :Cream - Nuts, , " Ortinges:und Lemons, • , -Ground liu.t.s, - Canned' initi; , Pecan Nuts . , - Jellies, ' - • .-.• .• ZefColl. Nets,- --• ' Teas and Spices, all kinp, Cranberries - • - ' . paper Bags,' ' -• • Itnnittly . a : 4 . Beans,_ . `Cider Vitsepir,, fresh anlgal . t risk in sea son. f• w - Vegetahjes in semen,. Raisinsi Turrante,. • . PIANOS: ALBRECHT, .RIBIES:- EXCRI:KOit PIANOS: . . SOLE AGENCY 'AT 14 7 : -- ENO C.l3:E'Si . ts," , . .93.6tarket street; Itarrisburi. - • 'OR REASONS- perfetetly satisfactory , to 'MYSELF I hitie taken ttie agency of the above moat , sane em .Pianos. The pitblie is invited to come amine for tnemselvea A fesigehomacker & • Co's Pianos on hand yet will be , dsoijow: '• • BIIIMINGTON - 11ERRING-..- • rrEE font of the season, finals/pa •Builing=nafrn 11 ton Herring, just received at • s • SHISLER k FRAZiR, 4 ' NCI csuommrs to Wm- D9 01 4 - jr4.k.0 44 4 0 , - . ac 'A i ' 4 IiARGE INVOICE OF lifF: W musu4s, CITR°N 'CURRANTS, - FI, _ SEMLER GS (Sire° E?"3,t,A IkPLAN.4• II :, fl. - • • At Ina% 111DITOICATILEAT -- Just ..t-tectile&l verb':' snolu. lot. Fine choice BUCK•WREAT„at • • • • ' ' " -q- SRIELER'ec FRAZER, - (enccessots -to-Wzni Dock- jr A.Co4 ' • . APPLE (IFIRSISR - Notton's" at „SAL-IER it, in , AgEn. . na° ••• • • • • 01111:63 ' 406 Nrni Dock. jr- VOX) mar3l Cil) 40 .• SPEXCANDIES , - CAMiLES,of v.q6Y • superioi niake; jusi rens:4 , 6d and rdr salebir SHISLER 1C FRAZER,.:d febi (successors 1.6 Wrc. flock. - Attunevy - otrigi)Y- li at Lbra. e A n beetheiii en street, EiarrisserS ' re' to. - --, •.; 1 P. 4 hits will be ir uiP'lY u al t e üßsellYS7, 5. -bt4t t;S'7 l . l l t ec ti — Bounties, eullf , ,n 2 . . t."O FOB BALE- ~4dcfibi se power S'la . 4 - 411 ,F e G aWatitileiti , '6&,- , Tvait: Istir W M_A: mim [my4] BOYER & ICOERPER ME MIMS BM D UM MI CHEM Cotten and.Cracketi, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Green and'Dried Frufts, And Country Produce season. MB ME !Keg . L. - ^ REZI Ern Et--$.11.1.4 EMS ~3~~ u+ys ~~~. El
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