TILE TELEGRAPH IS ruzir.Tsmrn NORNING AND EVENING, 13 GEORGE BERGNER OTICE THIRD ST., NE-4R WALNUT. TER IS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSeRTPTION. TELEGRAYII. IS served to subscribers in the ay at s cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be .-hargo.l $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to I ,,ky in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tog TELEGRAPH iS also published weekly,aud layarhished to subscribers at the folluw•ing cash rates Single copies, , Three copies to one Post Office feu copies to one Post Office MEDICAL. DR WRIGHT'S NATIIsIG ELIXIR, OR; ESSEIVCar Frepared from Pure VegetablWx . tracts, containing noth ing ,Iniuritiue to the most Delicate. /Wile Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern 11:,cove;ies in the 'vegetable kingdom; being an entirely Remand abstract method of cure, irrespective of all. the and worn-out system& wThis medicine has been tested by the Most eminent Medical men of, the day, and b j , them pronounced to :me of the greatetit'medicaldlscoveries of the age . girOne bottler will cure General Debility. ear A few doses cures Hyshiiries in females:- . AsrOne bottle tures Palpitation of the Heart. , oy-A few doses restores the organs of generation. ,From one. or three : bottles restores the manliness; Ind full vigor of youth... - e.r•A few doses restores the appetite. eari-Three. bottles cures the ivorst case of Impotency, la-A few doses cures tee ldw spirited. ,WOne bottle restore mental power. Lt .A. few doses bring the rose to the cheek. ,This medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus , lean the poor, debilitated, worn-down add despairiht . ievotee of sensual pleasure. erThe listless, enervated youth, the .over-tasked: man if business, the victim of nervous depression, Kindest suffering froth gime r ialr: ; debillty, if a single organ, will all find;linmediate arid permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence offLlfe. :", ,Price, $2 per botble, or three bottles 'for $5, and bnvarded by express, on receipt of meney, to any ad , Irons. . efirSuld by all druggists oyeuwhere. DR W. - R. MERVIN & CO.; Solo Proprtetors, suull-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS. SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER 0 RTAI . IT AND S.A re r For the Reniovai of Obstructions ccimi the itisuraneel of •Resrutruity in the Recurrence of till . Monthly, Period& WThey cure or obviate'tti,xse uumerouss that piing from irregulonty , by, removing thEiOrrOgUlurti.i. /Kir Therqtrre Stpprelled,'Excessive truation. • to -They cure GreertSicknets (Chlorests.) tdir - They 'dire 'Nervous and ; Spinal AffeCtirlds, 30 back,aud. lower parts of the body, Heaviness,,'Pitiffei a slight.exertien, Palpitation of tne Heart, Lowness of ptrits, Hysterlic Sick Headache, Giddint*Lkc., word, by removing the irregularity, they,. remove the= ease, and with It ALL the effects that spring from it .Q-Comgosed of sitnite vegetable extracts they Oig , fain nothingdeleteriouS to any constitution, lioweVer e!lcate, beinel - teseibstitiiieir for realises, which; when Properly mad they Ai*. fail.4ol to. . . 4a-They may be safely. used at any age, andjakepy. /21100, SIM= DIOXING TES FIRST TESTS 310 , 111:113i , d.1111 . 11:A Finch the unthihnsMithre tit:theft:action Would 'REV ENT pregnancy. Gall-letters seekOng -information or advice , romptly, freely and discreetly answered. treFull directions accompany each box. e ,t4TPrico, slpor !Nix; or 'dr boxes for $5 Aar -Sent byanail,„fro° of lipping°, on receipt of pricy illarSold by all,roilectabla druggists. DR. W. R. 1F,R391.14* CO., Sole Proptieteli '".' marli-eodly Liberty street; Now York: - For sale In Harrisburg by .S.*A.. KUNKEL & BRQ:,-'4lB larkel guest - - tsettii and Valualble Discovery: - . riTUrOVS taxer DIAOOVEn INSOLUBLE CEMENT Ie of more general p ' racilOal' thanuny 'invention now beforealtbe. public. It has been tboroughly.tuated duribirilie last two years by practical nten,:and.pronounced.by all to: be .817PBBIOR ipplioabla to all useful Arta lAdheilve Preparations kniirur Hn.ronle IrmomonsCeram 4s te new ttring, ! and the remit •of yam of Ludy.;, its .combination is on .., A new thing. ,Soient Prow/pies; under no circumattuic o n or get: ot temperature ; - Aom , wine ixirrtipt or omit any offenoWn itmelL• . Ili Combination BOOT AND SHOE' - - Manufacturers, limit biactitueiViiill ,find it the best article knriyin - leenientink for the Channebs, Iv-worts without delay, is not affect-id .tiflin3r , change of temperature; n boat and Shot; If= utticturers; •-• • 'TRW/ff./MS' ' ' l4 Will find it sufficiently adheslife . for their -use, as has been preyed.-- ' , Jeweleis, iR it- lispecially Ada#afi , k- Zeather, And wki - clabn as an aspaciaPnalaic; Wet ft atiaka Patches tot SAW and della satlidently striont.lovNioit ftxfflielt LIQUID CEMEIV . itlia a liquid. Extiint that is a sure thing , ery EtOiA -• Andreateles of Rousehold use REISER-SER. . .. .. .. Humores broom:Fru-1z Canceler la M. alionid...„- form and as eaaily-401. - ' plied as paste, - "HILTON'S INSOLUNLB eithuert - ' ' - 13;insoluole in water or oil, '.. Vsater's IxsouraLa Cpairki - . -- "' - i.diMres oily substan9ok . ... _..,. 8400, in Family or' .11milaa turfie.pagbges from 2 ftli . Ccil..(s 1( eti . ... 1 HILTON BROS.:'.&, . „:„ Prapilet . 9ra,-•.., ProvideziK?„ ,1.r...... Remember, Finis agents in Philad ]elB•dly =1 DR. R. M.-QILDEA, . DENTIST, illlkl ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of -11,1 1 Harrisburg and vicitaty that he has remorod.AMOrz atm froffildirket street all lo:Thiff alreet,neit door to the Leda te Patriot and Union office, Where he lame:pared to accom aprt y:: lhay desire his probgasional- Servied* A . -LARGE INVOICE ORREW, OITRON, PR iseßQj , - . • • .-- .STlLSl..Ttaagslm' (Successors to Win. Dock, Jr., it to) • • . - - - . ilt, - . . . I/, .. • . . .. .• . , _ , • - . :,, -1. ' •. ; 47, --________..-' ' ( Let retail'," . _ p i p e k..."7:1"•,,,.-•;' - .01*'(.i--;;; ; 2' : ';.."-: -V.,,c's t e. ,. *. - , , -.. ?4,.. - --- . . •••• ' , 1 --.:„."-'-' -.-.- - - C.• „, __,,,,,; • - ~.,.. ;;,, - , 01 .•:._ ..- 7 ,- - -:- . .' . ....-.-*-..::::::' • . ' 7 .- - .... . .-....- --_ • - , . . . . . • ... . $l. 60 400 10 00 Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations ELIXIR. • GRANULAR DENTIFRICE I AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! THESE elegant. pTeporations combine the most, clesitaltrle cleansing and astringent "qtialities. They render the Gums hard and healthy; neutralise the - acid secretions of the-Mouth,' (thereby rentoving the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive properties they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without in the least degree Injuring the enamel, while they Impart to the breath a fragrancepeculi eilybromatie and pleasant In fact they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the ppr- Posea named, - ea a fair trial will • fully demonstrate, anti as has been abundantly proved by their extensive sale in this community during the last 14 years; and which will 'be readily testified to by many who have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend:their salii and usefulness. They are warranted to be, free from those destructive, acids which - 56 Treenentlytontiuninate many of the ()reparations of -thripresent day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Room's of the Proprietor, cornet - Of 'Second and Walnut streets. ' • • - JOHN - P. SELLER, ' • ' Surgeon Dentist: • For sale also by the principal Druggists . or the thy. ap2l-dtf ' • - - - Steam we ekly. to Liverpool: , 91 * OIICHING at QUEENSTOWN;. (Col*. Mr 1. bor.)) The well known Steamers of the' •Lii , eillo6l, - , New'York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, i ere in -p tended to7eall f011OWS: •:* ' • '•' - " EDINIURG; SatOrthiy, M a y 7; CITY OF WAstuNGTON, SaitidAt.livalfiTlTT , 'OP MANCHESTp4 Satarrily, MartVlM! every -eocOk'Steurasi,"" 'from Pier 44; Noidt RATES OF PASSAGE, • PAIELIia - De(10I,D; .OR' riititutmiltaacr'm othiamor. FIEST.,CABIN• * $B4 00 .. STEERAGE - $3O 00 'do ,t0,Leard0n.......... 4609 London .::.-.:: 34:00 do to L0nd0n....... 34:00 do to .Paris... - ..;. .. 96 . 0 0 do to Paris -40 00 do to.Hamtairg. - ... 90 00 do to Ifambarg....:. 37 00 passengets also forward to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, ant.werPt&s,Za.a carla9,7law We* 4 . :fl• A t)'''' .- -1 " . : rata:froin ,, tvorreoi-er , Queensttown Is t' Cabin,' $76, $B5; •$105: Steerifte,.; $36: 4'Those AIM ci: wiahqli Wad for their friends Can .99Y.1 4 9 1 (9(4 1 1137e.0t:theite rates.:...:., ,t': • For further Mfarial949aaPPly-at the CompaZlVg Offices JOAN G. Ti.A.14 , -,,}6 Broadway, N.Y.., or C. 0.. zIKARI.WAN, Harrisburg . - ir23-ddir4 . . NO :EXCUSE :FOR EXPLOSIONS. ~,ASHORetrt 'S:LOW,NVATER DETECTOR VANINFAILTIBIXPROTgeTIOONiainst 1 any possible MAl"steam boilers, from a. lack 'o! Water, winch is the great source of so many sad catastro phes, and so much damage.from the burning of boilers. We warrant this instrument to ; be a ,perfect insuranc,- itgainsttsuch - conthigeneies;"Perfedt.'Sitikfittlon guniWni teed or no pap. 'Prior $5O. • - Send.for an instrumentmid *try it; tit not sittikacttitr You may return it. Circulars with references sent to any one desihttigithenti... Addreksiyceirreonimlinit4tidilit t 0,.. A niy4--ddtwtf r Pittsburg, i'a. REMOVAL; - T FFREDERICKWEAFER, , ,iIierchant tailor, would inform Lis friends and the public generally, that ha'' has.rectioveithisastablishment from Fourth street to '''''''''''''''''''''''''' bylhels; F. Schiffer . ; hi 'Mar ket street, rwherivhbAs)prepared to. 'tapply all who may ltivorlimwith a afilliAvith she best fitting clothing in the Market: Having Julia returned , frtim 'the eastern cities with a tine stock of French Cloths and Cassimbres 'and a fresh snit:ay - of everything In Lis litre; he would invite the pub,ticip,exlublne his bailee gatahlisitig obtowltere. lte&enatlaritlie blued: SChill'er's.bld•bobli'dtand;o6posite gross & Co.'s dryg store. , z. 7 intr2-2w* 4 ALr C. SAUTE(' 4 A.7Ca`C:VELN - Elr - pips removed:Ws:Office:from Third to Wal .nat..atreet, next to the Prison. All business In tresterlto him will receive promrit.:andnareful attention:. JUST OpENED,- • AN ASSORTMENT OF • I'IOBEIV-00a AND MAHOGANY G•• WRATIN OFSKS, •- , of iniero64l - 08, tor git:. • ' ' non "SCE= . lr'SR'S BOOKSTORE.. SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS' TO PURCHASES. : . . NO ADVANCE; IN VICE PRICE 03P: 1151- ' • • PPROD acoas. Having purchased heavily befox..e . tha ftmt of wehave,not whammed our .prieewsinee the new tax of 50 per 0 .,14 (NI all imPorieg. goods g I••• ,I; •-• “CATIIPA.K't BROTIEER ipqr, to ale : Harrisburg ; Back.: , . .pittss , ticomosildmi IN -.LA.A , p ,AsBo - 47:pup4iz THE AKERTOAN SKELETON SKIRT, •; P: l 7. • • THE BEST MATERIAL, • 't . . . , ' *EST iIADE • • AISTD THE MOST FASHICWABLE SKIRT OUT. An other .41.4, of the same style is only - a . SUMMER' UNDER' WEAR. • Genie Marine :Under-Shirts tind-Drawers, Cashmere . d 0 ;.,. -do Dorset Flannel . :rdo. do -do . Cotton Lisle Thread Finish do do Pure Lisle Thread Under Shirts ALL ST 'ANS AND QUALITIE9:O: - - • - ' Nest bank "r-1 It ia the only"---- 111ROPOSALS, received by -ihe.tui _iL dersigned: for Ibe "delliaty and _apreading of SQO perchei othroken stone, tin dishict of the city 'of .Harrisburg - Proposals resets:od lanai the 20th of MaY.l.-- JoHNIV. RAIL,. L.:BERNIImuj, i BtteetCommittee. y . Harrisburg, May 9:-4.1.5r EN LADIG & Si“G - . - 1 - .;EA PERINE'S WORCESTER SAUCE% themosqopubit and the purest ever offered lathe public, jbWrboeivrid and for sale by __B4ISLER & FRAZE Tati&iiisors 4 1 Wax Dock, jr., a, !"fobT - II Bi, IC S 0 '4O O . L S.. IkHOOTALATIES of difitrentiesegiMlLlon'a excellent erierarsonrnargren=kii, published- by Harper, 4- : tethers, together ialtif iilf Other Schoolilioktand li'fiik. L t og masnintialkii °MailFlail:l°l6We and retail, at dec.7---- ---- - ----- - : - SeBEFFER'43IOOI32FORF,. 1F... 4. _...... 4----.4 INgliii. i 3,lo.BRaril'ili,inttsrjusti4 cefrlidittTz a F r ~: , ,? -, E HEMLF.Xt ft . FRAZER., imamsl ~ t', jt(eiceligeiligfeliffilinlock, Jr., it 0 - ir . 2" BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1864. EVENING EDITION. From our, Extrii - '6f Yditeiday. Atkocisied Repo'rts. LATEST MOM TN BOIT GEN; MEADE'S AbDRESS''TO-iHE ARMY THE hkRIBLE BATTLE ON i3ltiltsDAT FIGHTING ALL DAY AND NIGHT Heaviest Battle Ever Reeorded The Dead and Dying - Lying in Piles , of Three and Four Deep. 39 Cannons and Many Colors-. Captured. Partial 4ll9lalties LATER. FROM GIMBAL SHERMAN! GENERAL GCHOFIELD ACHIEVES` A VICTORY The - Rebels Pursued into • ;Noxih • CarcdiOa. ciripts op :b ,006 PRISONERS AND n'ops No General Engagement on Friday. Geherai • Sigel---at. AVicigadstock. _ . The Railroadßetween Lynchhurg and Char iottesville hot Cut: -- GeneiraTlo6.46 , srAlltares. . Dispatches dated headijiatiAs Army of,,the Potomac, May IA ..1.2, ni., ,have - been 'recethd. The Askociated Press' nresieicigei'btirigs the foll lleaLouilrrnai*Ainty or THE Thyreatia, ' - 44-13, 1861. " moment has arrived 11:1.11 your4omintiiiding general "feels anthorize&fo addreis you in terms of cOrigratalation. For eight days and nights almost •Ivithbrit' inter Midden, innilit and sunihhie you lave' been gallittlyfighting a desperate foe' Itipbsitzions 4tiftiratirstroi*Euia rendered donlily so by entrenchme4ts.- conktelled hiniV abaiidoir trielbitifleithina:on the'liapidan; liire . ind'iltterapt to stopyeur,'OnlifdYro anirnb - Whdhaeaband.oned'llis laatentreiiched positibn so 'tenaciously yEhif, 'suff' ing .2i - loss,. 11::(11l, of efghteen twenty-t4o col Ors, • and thonsand prisii,nem, including two ; general Officers. Yourheroio'detedi and ',en durance of fatigue and ever ,be memorable. ' Let us return thanks to God for: the mercy thus shown, arid ask earnestly tar its contin uance: ' - Soldiers! tchir work is not . yet Oyer. The enemy . lejuis4ed; "fHid, if possible; overcome The 'oetirige and tortitUde you have die playeit',ieria.e.4( Your cOMManding general othilident - tVir . )-ur efforts will crowned With success. . • • ' ' " loia s • f • gad — 1 Whil,e we moil/m.4hp ,s o many au comrades, let uS tdpember the enemy must have suffered :equal; not greater, losses. We shall, soon 'ri3aiova. reinforcements which hEi.calintit . 43440 E. • Leans then.,, to , Continue vigor onsly kr welt begun.' , Under Gqd's blessiok; in short Cite,' the object of on; labor ivill be accomplished: • (Sigaetl) Major' General Comnaandmg.., Vir,ILTTA MR, A. A. G. • The Battle at Thursday..., Wesuiwow* iday.l4L-9.r. The Army of the'Potd.rwie)has.achieved the greatest victorrof•the Urar,4lftellisoine of the severest ever recorded history. The battle:of yesterday; isarcknowledged: to . be the44ntviett of all, lasting from di e ylight till ifter:dark;'and.renewed about-9-o'clock ar.; and Continued till nearly-34. 44:both parties • during the night far+ the possession of a line of rifle 'pits from which 'oar mewled , driven - themnerayirrthe•morninv- , -.-- - The rebels felltinckietkl,_ tblemorning, and skirmishing is now-going-on—our troops are following^ thetictlWougle:llte woods The scene . :pieh'lnted' . hi,iiiitfret4beyoxid de deriptiom.;aikeTiteed4ind-iVing-nreAw-the- breastworks on each t side- pi piles three and four deep, and many of:them pierced in dif forent parts of the body. The enemy hed.remoyed !.1,- large portiOnloi their dead and wounded during the might-from some portions! Of the lines,, but- there Were pits where they could: lot - reach; in these places•th-y-lay as thick as-our own: , • It was Birney's division of the 2d corps that clfittgeirtherfitisition,. Lind 'in: - 17OSC70D' men,', r • Every regiment in the division distinguished itself, and cone liciie , a , gieater; pail than the 334 New, York. -• , • CoL Ottrroll's brigade. aided this division in the= -charge; and as usual - performed their share ti ith. marked gallantry. : Colonel Carroll NEW wounded a second- time, but still was'on duty. Smneof the rebel Cais-i• , sons-are now-being brought M; ' which could, not; beforetime. • . Themumber of guns captured is thirty-nine. Many colors have been taken, but the captors still retain th.2 ll l l ts.trPhies; • .: 1 s 7 j Colonel Carroll's - brigade took a number al prisoners and • -a stand of colors this morning from a regiment,• which they - surpTiesd: in a ,piec6Of Woad- LATER-2 O'CLOCK, P.ISIL. The enemy are found to have fallen back to a ajew line, abandoning their works on 'the right, and apparently .getting-into positioii j for another contest - = - - General Meade has iiiiiiedguk eloquent con= gratidefory address , _ Among this- castalties:W• offiffers yesterday are the, follawingFKilleg, 'Major Trnefoot, Capt C. P IFsmei,, Lieut. Todd, all - of the `Jl9tli Pa.; ands ICapt. Ayres, Assistant Adju tant, Ganeral,opfteugriil Mott's - it - at:l • Thnihiidbiwade; 6th corps, ' lost ,but one field &rider' • on _duty Major HiClFmart. " - , ;Walla:mm.ox, May 14.. Gen., Schofield lies achieved a victory, and pursued the enemy into North Carolina. Gen: Thomas has ! gobbled up five thousand rebels and capturedl2 guns. Pamunim.nr4, May 14. The Bulletin has a specialL diapateh from Washington, that Grant's wholearmy is south of the Po river in pursuit of. Lee. Dispatc)ll from_the Seeretary "of The following dispatch has heart' received from the Secretary of- War:.: - .. ' • WisIZINGToN, May 14, 4 at.—To Mcdor, Cieneratatatoailader, Philadelphia: Dispatches from Gen. Grant dated yesterday evening.at a o'clock have reached this department: The advance of Hancock yesterday devel oped that' the enemy had fallen back four miles where they remained in position. There:-was no engagement-yesterday. -- - We e have no account ,of ..General 0ffi0,.... beinff bile& in„the . batt2.l,--gf th,l3 prep , day ; . aeg cstrollviirl peyerervgoundictil 1 t A;disi4teagjulit bled-I%4ol*mm Gene , Sherman; - dated n4lßesaca, May 14. ' It states that by the flank movement on Itegepai Johnson hadtkeericfrged to evactiatv Dalton, andOui foresee were in his rear and flank. .The,weatlfer was:idle amid the troOpairufwe order, all working well and as fast as possi- Nofitfethgthici hai been received from Gen eral Butler. QueFrillae Any°, broken the telegraph ..lines betweenftlittra§bitrd and Olc Jamestown. , This is believed to be the reason why no re porthas been,receiyed.from him. Diipataies trona General 'Sigel report him to beat Wißidifteek. The rumor that he had broken the ,raiLrolid between . Lytichbfirg ',and Charlottesville - is not true. , " ' Oui , 'Wciunded , 'coming in Ei•oin Plain 'as fist as the - transports can bring them. ME Grant's artaji , is well : supplied. . ' •Epinxia..orltltioN; -Secretary of War LATER A FROK GENERA DUMB, 0 .# 51. y , 0 s. A.TT4q , C,:IMOTsi ',l } pAqrS: BLUFF, LINE O . OH 14,01110:CAPTITIREII: ; • 11144414§7,114.111tRANn0 tee.-.Alditunits:w.Loss , of ao.;000-ineit GENERAL"WiLIihn, OF.; VIRGINIA,. citti:L. -A;,.-014.filig45,.,,Kt,iiER. FURTHER DESTAyp.Tpfit.OE ••RAILROADS, DUBLIN DEPOT AND SUPPLIES DESTROYED. ; 1' ti A O T _ The Central Railroad at Beaver Dam Destroyed. Lisfof Rebel Gen erals -Killed & Wounded. 1 1 # 1 4 I'AIiRsFARE.I)tiTLYIII. eqPtPN .Q 1: 4,140 0 Courier. RINFOIgEMENTS SENT 40413EAIIREGARD, )€KK , \i; I - 41 , r"*. Ix) 1 . • HEY ARE ; ATTACKED AND DRIVEN OFF, , Reh& at Drury's;l3lati Not Disposed to Fight Without Reinforcements. Confirmation 14 Gen. Sherir 1401'§4410ratiOns;• Three Trains °fears tivo,Lo cOntotives, 200;000 Umi. Alaeon Destroyed. • Full Particulars of Gen. Sheridan's Bril liant Lebidtettents - . lie Adv - ances- to Richmond. ••• - : The First Line of - I - ntrenchnients , Attacked. They Are Too Fopmhighlts to be Taken by: Cavalry.- The Rebels Defeated In Two' The :Virginia Central Railroad Cut at All Points, DEATH OF REBEL—DENA-E. 11-BTUART. STllNlATUt'kablit _ Another Adranee on. Friday. THE REBELS RETREAT DURING - THE NIGHT, No Battle. SuppOsid to be. Fought Siam Thursday General Sherridan, ga,kes a junctinti . :With lintlefs:Forans... WLAcr-Torn, 7 7.- 311 3 - 157-40 R. The 'ro;Ma'tz'nkaf§i.j.ti :'3- l• •: tve De tit just risci i # trOm ngral FrOno No.rih War. REWBEI t }Z: • t =M= Engiwg*enU. —Webster. No other official retairts have been received since-My dispateh.ofthis afternoon. ,-EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary, of War. _ .11.ALFWAY .O.OIISE, May 14, 8 A. 3,t, Hon: Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: :We are still before the base of the enemy S works at Drury's 131n11, Fort Darling. - The enemy are still here in force. Gen. Gilmore by a flank Movement' with. a portion of his corps and abrigade of 'the 18th' corps, assulted and took the enotays works on their right at, dnalt.la!rt evening It was gal lantly done. (signed) IiFNJAMIN F. BUTEER. HEADQuARTERs, T.V-WAY lousF, .t• ; May 14; 10 o'clock, A. • ToJion. E. M. Stanton,.Secsetary of War: General Smith cafried,the enemy's first line t on the right; this morning, - moving at eight o'clock.. The kiss- was small. The enemy have retired into three, square redoubts upon which we are now bringing our artillery to bear - with effect. Signed, BEND. F. 'BUTLER, Maj, Gen. Commanding NAVAL - ENGAGE ENT. WmmixoTpx, May 9. The- iron clad Albemarle - engaged nine of the enemy's Gunboats and sunk-one". • RE REL: NEW S, FOUT M0•1et0,17., May 14. Notking_lafer frointhe'fient to-day. Yankee raiders have binned' the bridge over New river, on the Virginia and Tennes see railroad, and have destroyed the Dublin depot, with all the Suppliewstored therein. This is Averill's worn. The Central Eailroad, is destroyed by the enemy at Beaver Dam,' in Hanover county: General:Jeitkins,-S.'o.-, killed; ;General S. M. Jones, killed; Get_ Pegram, seriously Wound ed; Gen. Benning, seriously wounded; Gem Raiford, died of wounds; Colonelrances, S. C., killed. - ' The Petersburg Register, "of the 13th, gives an,additional list of killed.and' wounded cat eklp=gere]?ty-tive rktnber. - Mr. Britton, ,who exploded .the torpedo in. him& river, was instantly killed' by the en emy. • , • _ • AtajorrA. W. Starks, of, the artillery, sunk the."Vankee Gunboat Shawsheen on Saturday in the Jaines river. Bushrod Johnson has coinitiatunn Petersburg. Tne exchange of prisoners is recommended, Aiken' Landing has been agreed upon as the Place of delivery. , Later , :iota, G e n. tuner. - . • BMW:MA H ,1713:DILED, May 18th, 8 , P. M. , via Visdiass blezmoz, May 1-I.—At an early honi Gen. Butler renewed'hisithanceloward l'o•rt Darling, and reached .11.ingsliMd. Creek at noon. Formed in line of hattlepn the south side., of the creek, with, the right on James fileroiith the moat or s` and 'gunheats the tenth of the creek, iiithin thiee , miles-of - • t ;;3 X. M. Gen. Bgtler supci*tended the . , Concentrating of . Tuesday atteihOmi th 6 'ad - fit:nee 4iickets cap , tared a rebel Cotther — lrath "ii - chs' patch from Beauregard to the 'offi - Odi in 'command of Dru ry's Bluffs, which qmicl.•, hold your position- - wili-reintorce you this, riAtting. two hours ,the rebel reinfOicements came. General Butler had sent a force: to the turn pike' and attacked and drove them back:.. Our loss was alight. Gen- Ames is in a po sition to keep Beauregardin Petersburg. The rebels at 'Drury's Miff evidently are not disposed to fight vie:Lent reinfereements. Riga9MA. Rins'DEF.l)3, May . --via Foarußv..4.4uNrioa, May Rebel prisoners, captured last night say Lee admits a loss of thirtrthoitsand`men and wOmidecl The - Petersburg Register of May 12th says: Gen. IValker, oflra. was wounded.yester cts. y.. Gen. L. A. SEk . afford, die 4. yesterday*Richmond.' - ' - 'in SHERIDAN'S OPERATIONS , WASHINGTON, May 1.4---MIDNIGHT. Ittajor-General Codtaalader—Philadelphia: An. official dispatch from. General Sheridan, dated at Bottom Bridge, 'via Nit Monroe, May l 3 states that on the 9th instant, 'he Marched around the enemy's right flank, and On the eveningi of that day, reached the North Anna river, without serious opposition. DurMg that night Ito destroyed the enemy's depot at BeaSer Dana, ' , three large trains of oars, and one hundred Tim, two tine locomo tives, two htfudred thousatfd pounds of ba con and other.stores, amounting ,in all to a inaliOn and a half of rations. Also the telegraph and railroad track for about ten miles embraaiiig several culverts, and-.recaptured three hundred and seventy , eight of our men, incliding two Colonels,one major and several ether oftfeere. On the morning of the fob he reunited operations, crossing the'bouth Amite at Grand . Squirrel bridge and-went,bito. ;camp about.day ht. The 11th he captured IshlsrOgtittion; at that point he destroyed brie bkomotiie, a train of cars,an engine• house and two.or three Government buildings ; containing a , large amount of stores. . - . 'He also destroyed six Mires - Of railroad, em bracinosix - culvertkivii''trestie bridges, and the telegraph wires.. At about 7 o'clock A. M., of -the 11th, he renewed the advance, on Richmond. He found the rebel' Stuart with "his Caalry concentrated at Yellow Taverni-and irate= direly attacked him:- After , an obstinate , contest :lie tairied poi- Session of the Brockle "Turnpike, capturing two pieces of artillery, and drilling the ene m,y's,forcosbacktowards Ashiand,and across the north - fork of the Ohickahominy, a dis tance of four miles: At the same time a party-charged down the 1 Brock :Road, and raptured the ..first line of the enemy's works around.Biehmond. , During the night he marclied ate - whole of his command between - the first and second' lines of the enemy's works on-the bluffs over- I looking the line of the Virginia Central:ma n:tad, and then on MechanuNville turnpike, af* demonatrating against` tie works e 4 findin4thern. very strong, he gavd Up the in-, tent:lon: of 'assault4ig, and deteminred to . rez cross the Chickshominy at Meadow Bridge, It had been partially destroyed by the eng 7 my, but was repaired in aboat three hotrelnn der a heavy artil l 9 l 7 A re fr r a a*Febel.bidt46% Ge - Merritt _ ma4etle . 4taq ed. the areßyanl4rav , nil:ollPmelYAe. F** c 42 # 4 / 1 ?g 4;4 r asßaliPie 3 .44" ,The enemy phasrvizeKthq.secrmshig orloie, Chickaii*AßY falne. 4 4 .9Ta..4w. see9r4fliline. of works; • • A. - '6 14404 1 ' - :flt 112irAntiy7N4 aftig nilvai 3 S4% of &mounted: cavalry attached the Div on PRICE TWO CENTS. sitAt The fegoArizig are tilk4tee: . hitylitzipiy• ~W en trete' teterbrice. Folir lines ofli ”?,, eon iiilCB trtuote,Milui . P9uratas FORA HA Lir „IQ - CA-IR . . . FOR- 0373 NC-UM. One day - $ .80 4dao dny ./. .. •.' .. :'......$ • I.: Two days 50 Two dat s ...... ...... 1 0 Three days .- • -75Thrgellityli... - .....4 : . 1 - ...5 One week... ....... .. 125 One Tell` ' ' 225 One month 3 00 -One month -.-r:.16-* 0 Two months 450 Twoompotikti.,...., &WOO Three months 6 50 Three months. : ... .. 11 00 Six months s OD Sia-months 15 0 One year__ ....15 00 Otryear —. l '4 .4, -.4 ..ts. - k4f . Administration N0tice5..."...... .. ... :.. ~ ... ...... 25 r Marriage Notices AutTOor's Notices... . '- - .„.;..i!. ? :_j,. ;C.A.; ;4. 4m il Funeral Notieis each insertiori '' - ' - 10 .wr Business noticew.insertedln the' -Local Cokonti, or before Marriages and. Deaths, Ewer ; Cana ES PIER) eitch insenton. ; ,i . , .. ( :--. t * of Generals Gregg , and Wileori,' ut after a severe 'contest were repulsed and driven be- hindtheir works. - • • Gregg and Wilson's diiisions, after collect, ing the wounded, recrossed "the Cidckahorniny on the afternoon of iliel2th. The Corps en camped at Walnut Grove and Gaines" Mills. At 9 o'clock,- A. M., of .the.l3th, _the march .was resumed, and our forces encamped at • - 'Bottom Bridge. • The command is in' fait 'spirits. The loss cif horses wille,notc.exceed one- , hundred. = , Alt the wounded' Werel broiled off except'about thirty_cases of mortally wounded, and those were well cared for in..theSarm houses of the country. The wounded` Will not exceed 250, and the total losses nctt over 350. The Virginia Central Railroad bridges over the Chickahominy, and other trestle,briclges, • one, sixty feet in length i one thirty feet, twenty feet, and the railroad bridges for' a Jong'' distance distance south of the' Chicliahominy were des- troyed. • '• • Great praise issiven to the (;.'ivision menders Gens. Gregg,' Wilson and Mertitt and Gens. Custer and Davids, Cols. Gregg, Divine, Chapman; M'lntosh and Gibbs, bri-' gade commanders. 'All the officers and .men = behaved splendidly. 12:30 P. M. -In a dispatch this raomet4 re delved from Admiral Lee, he reperffi 'to the Secietary of the Naty Unit the Riohincindr•pte-l• pers of yesterdaymention the death of Grener-:,= id J. E. B.... Stuart—shot in Little. This no doubt hapiie34d in the battle with Cletieral Sliendan.• (Signed) STANTON; Secretary of War LATER FROM. GEN. GRANT WASHINGTON, May 15, - 8-50. Maj. Gen. Cadwallader, Philaclelphis;,, An official "dispatch from the battle field at Spottsylvania yesterdtty l Morning at 6-30, - states that during the proceeding night day) . a movement was made by the fifth and sixth corps to our left, and an at , was to havii been made at daylight butno sound of battle had been heard frOm that quarter. " This manoeuvre, kis sit .successftd; would place our forces in Lee's rear, anilcom pel him to retreat towards Lynchburg. . Nbcannon or any sound of battle Was heard yesterday at Belle" Plain 'or Fredericksburg;'` whioh:affords ground for the inference that' Leehad retreated during Friday night, and P. before the advance of .the Fifth and Sixth, •• 4cvs• `'Nothing later than 6.30 31. of yesterday-- tau been received from ,the army by this De--cf , ' All our wounded that : had reached, polfa . Plain yesterdaievening, have arrived The surgical repOrt frimi the headipartera - of the army'states that the condition' of the Supplies is satisfeetou, exhi.that the wounded are doing well. • • the Medical Director at Celle Plain repo to that everything-atthat - point is satisfactory. Thefintrgical arrangetnents have never- been 40 -comPlett? as . ; - Gen. Sheridan:a command haa.p . achedthe lett bank'of - Turkey' island'. at TbreSi' o'el 'oak yesterday-afternoon dialf have'fi!rrined ti .qinze; tion with the forces: of 'Gen. Butler. : (Sjgned) WL.V DI, STAIQY ; ON . 1 Secretary of W,-ar. From Baltimore. Art:qv it 1 of`'W • " • Baranirara, Ma.y'ls. Eight hundred wounded arrivadhere tioni • Washington,mostly slight, distriblited:aroXina various hospitals here., Col. Charles E. Philips, of the 7th Mary= land; who was Wounded 'and taken prisoner - last. Sunday at the: battle of Spottaylvania, was among the five hundred men recapturedl* Gen. Sheridan at Beaver Dam on Mond last, and has arrived at Fort, 1,16.nr0e.' 'lll.arketg Telejiaph. • PlCEDElatail 31- V l4 -- Trades moves slowly in - all depts. Small sales of colon at 5486.. Flour dull 'and: Only 600 bbls. extra_ family sold at $ 8 ,9 ,a 8 50, and fancy at $9 60. Rye,flour.'stcady_ at $7 00; and corn meal at So De wand for wheat is limited ancritricei ti serf maintained—Sale :4,000 biisliels--redL - at:: $1 75@1: 80, and white. at $1 ppro comes forward slowly and command $l 60. Corn advanced to $1 35g1 38 for Yelldw.' Oats steady at 90c; _ No Cliatio , e iii r,offe'c; autir or inolaßsaa. Petrokium ste:dy at 35 for crnde;_ 5757-a- for refined, and 63 for free. (inlet at $1 25 and drudge at s'l 23.. ' - Stocks firm. PennsYlvania t r 's 97; Iteti• railroad 654; 'Morris canal 80; , Long Island 46; Pennsylvania-railroad 68f; .GOkl $1.714, ex, Change on New Ydrk..par. New: :York Stock Market. s _ . NEw Yon t 11143.2..4 ' Stocks' better, - Closing "'Chicago and Rhode Island 111; - Cuniberland prefered - 72;' - ' Illinois • Central' 126 . 4; Mulligan Sonthern.4 93 5-8; - New York Central 1321; Canton company 39; Vi!sinias 43 : Alissol 3 V l 71; Erie 110$; - Galena and .Chicago::i2.; Cleveland and-Cincirmatti 164;-Clevehenclnde Toledo 47; Michigan Central 1991; f lEfixteare 436; Cleveland and Pittsburg 1104;:olie..off.„ ertificates 981; Trea!ery, 1111; five-twenties Registered 6's , * llfli co L iwens 115; Gold 172. ' "-- ''''' MISCELLANEOUS; JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, f w - Hous u r ß [ CONFECTIONERY; - FRUITS, Bar, _ Paste, Moss Paste, Fig Paste, Woos— nflis; pit** Prunes, AlictontlicWaleitta, Filberts, Cieate Nuts, ,Grounci.Nots, Pet= Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, - GranberriFs, HomisF, and 'Oskat'and tre&ers, Sweet and IrisitNiatoedi. r Greenanri:Dried .444 , e f at i_OirY: 4e34911. Wash Mallow Gum Drew Cream ,Chocolate Drops, Plain °milks:, tea ; Oranges and Zealous, Canned Fruits, elliee, • Teanami„§pires, all kinds, Papnraiao, CuterlMegar, • - - fresh add Salt Fish is sea Vegetables In season, Raisins, purtilts, ' • ..TIF .01 1 Whitja :1; .V. 4 aid* 81174444 t. ap9 (memo MILT leadwitura t i ter e#ertithigybi the thri.zr , Lifte demeltthp#4 , stitur: oar ';: - .1:q•ir,:tr.e., Fie Mute a. square_ ' 4 . t - ,tJA' BEI ISE BIM CM Joff4Aimitiew to Wm. Dock, Jr., it Co.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers