THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE 13ERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF StiB6CRIPTION ELNGLE SULt,CRIrTION. 'NE DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who noglectto pay in advance will be charged 88 00. WEMT Y TELEGRAPH. THE Tsiscatara is also published weekly, and Is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Three coplAhto one Post Office Ten enpieglo one-Post Office MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! THE LONG-HOHGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, .AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEE& REMEDY, the grsa fln4ia n Diuretic. cures all ditkisis of thistrinary'orgaas, such as Inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, nation of tha Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Strictury, &crock Meet, qonitti:,_ aid it especially' icio:nt' in those . cases of Floor Itpus (or Whiles is females) where 4 11 the old nauseous . mecheines hare talk& sir It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being rprione to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. K i t is !Mirage. and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the' blood, causing to flow in all, _fif its original purity and vigor ;; thus removing;fromthu4stem all pernicious causes whieh have induced disease, .".." CHEROKEE INJECTION is intendedas tinnily or assist.. ant to the CIihROKEE - ftEKElilf and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases'of Gonorrhea, Meek Fulor dibur or Whites - Its . etiecis are .healing, soothing and gemuleinf ;. removing all scalding, - heat, cliordee and pain, Instead of the burning and almost : nn endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. gar-By the use of the CHEROKEE 'REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time—ell improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength, aw-For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write un, aid ye will ,uta4 free, to any address, a full treatise. - !kg... Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per. bottle,tor tbreo bottles for $5. . Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottle; ' • $3.-Sen6 by express.' to. any .arblreas on receipt 'of price% tom`.. Sold by all druggists" everywhere. DR. W. MERWIN & CO., • Sole Proprietors, marlo-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York CHEROKEE. CURE THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE oomibuia6S BOOTS, BARKS .AND LEA-Y-43., An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak nun, Nocturnal Emissions, and all J. 441; cgunAZ by' gollueUm; such as Lora of Memory, disinersat Lassi,. Pains its the •t•, Dimness qf ru-lon,"Pronaturn Old Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing,. Tramtaing, :Waksirsed WM, Eruptions on tho,Face, Pale' anentenance, InsaMity, Oonsumption, and ad the Direful - complaints caused by de parting/rem the path qf nature. &' • simple vegetablaextraet, and OEO n whichmll can. rely, as it has been used in our :practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has , tiot failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. • ..,itjero those who have trifled with their constitution, until.they-think iheroselves beyond the reach-of medical would say, .Despair not the Cannon= .Corm will restore you, fo health and vigor, and-after all quack doc fors have felled 1. Arir For full particulars, get a Circular ,from any.. Drug &ore* the country, or write the Proprietor, who. will mall free to any one desiring the same, a full, treatise in pamphlet.fenn. Wirl"rices s2.per bottle, or three bottles for $6, and forwarded by express to all!parts of • tne world. atif-Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. IdEitNyytiiFCo., • &La raossurrous, Marl° godly No. 69 Liberty street, Now York Usetal 'and Valuable Discovery. ,-. ElazAT Mumma* f . HILTON'S. INSOLUBLE CEMENT or more4exthte . prat:With tidbit) , tin an 'invention now bcdote, : ttte Oblie. tois boon thorodghWeeto durthe the Witt* years, by meal* men, and pionounced by ante be aUPERIOR To',6lgx" Adhesive Preparations .knoizt, . _ Applicable to esaftil ItMt HILTON'S braoLuma Cs IT I awl* thing, and. the 'midi: of • ye* of atudy l ; 'its ccanbiliallohja on.. uew thhig. .d under no .circumstances or change of :temperature; will it. be- Come , corrupt Or 'omit any offensive Its Oion3bination BOOT .61 1 111 BICOB Manufacturers, using. . Machines, .will find the..beet •artiole known as Cementing for the.Channelk it works without delay,JS nol . afFeeta by any change of temperature::. r. ,:.:1 33eot and Shoe Man iittLetufflin,. • JEWBLEXT • • Will find it sartleiently" adhesive f or their use, as has benproved. Jewelers. It is • Bssaiiay tor Leagier' And we cialon as an especial' inetit, that it sticks_ Patohes .to Boots :and Shoes inandently, :strong without It Is the only • '• LIQUID' CEMIVS4 Extant that is a sure thing for mend nioeisoly, ' • e Toys And Sitteles Of Household use Its k nqvild. EA WALLTS4OYir I r ""4 ' SOL BLS - KM= lain a gip' : plietas"ptsigit • ThIsTON , B INSOLUBLE CSIOUIT Is Insoluble tviirerr Adheres oily substances_ EMM Supplied. - Family or . Menufac• turer'■ Packages from 2 ounces to larroN SBO3 , & co . Proii(moe;'lC - igrPbtlad =I • D -!••• - • VITEILLY 'informs the citizeniti tr a mit,' erg and vidinity that he has removed tia of kite from Market street to Third street, neat door 14 . 10 heat and Mittop "office, . where he ktpiepinarto modate whimsy. desire his sisteinianid services • ._ ._ . . . . . . . , . .. N 1 1 4‘11 4.41.;- eillik/.. .. ♦ .N.,,.. V' T 17t , v), ~ , •......._ --.. ~..., ., , , w , //,;..e . _ Q iii - riteto , , b 4 .. .. . ~. ' .re $1 60 BY GEORGE BERGNER. HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1864 ' 10 00 DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES_RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER IND 'mum ARGOS, 11.00FLAN - IP - S k • GER itILA:I - BiTTERS, , THE GfIEAT-STgENGTHENING ITIMSE Bitters have performed more cures; A: • have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for theth Limn any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this issertion, and will pay $1;000 to'any one-that will produce;a cOrtilleate pub lisheftbrus.that is not genuine. Ho:feed's German- Bit ters, wilt cure every case_of Chronic or - Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a- dis ordered stomach. Observe the rouuwing . symptinns, re sulting firm the-disorders of the digestive:organs: 'Con- Istipatioty Inward-Piles, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity eGthe Shimach, Nausea, Heartburn, •Ditigatt , for Food, :Fullness orweight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking ortuttering at the, pit of the stomach, Swim:ding of the bead, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying:posturepinanani; Of - vision, Dots orwebs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of ths.sltin and eyes, Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, Ate. Sudden - flushes of heat, Burning in the flesh , Consbutrisointorevil, and great de pression of spirits.: . Bit4Wais notelet:thong contains no tell*friehinittel make *4l" bui the AtEill) , WHO - BAYS:So: From the Rev. Levi G:Ff-Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J.; formerly .of the North Baptist „. Church,PhiladelPhia. .* * * * * a * * .* I have , known.Hoofland's German Bitters favorably._ for a number of year . * I have used them in my own family and have been so .pleaSed with their effects that was In duced tomeoommend,thern to many others, and kn,ow that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus „publicly proclaiming; this fact, and calling the attention of Shore atifictod with the clisiumes for which they are recommended to these Bit tore, knowing-Mtn eerpertexere mitt pry recommendition will be meta/tie& I 'do. this more cheerfully as Roof land's Bitters i 9 intended to benefit the Addicted; and' is "not a rum drink” Yount truly. ' LEYI . G.' BEM. From Rev. J. , Newton Brown, D. D.., Editor of the En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Fhinihelphis. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Mehicines In general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet 'knob of no • sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the lope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. Ido this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's Ger man Bitters, prepared by. Dr. C. H. Jackson, of this city because I was prejudicedagainst them , for. many years, under the impression that they were , chiefly an- alcoholic mixture. Ittm Indebted to my friend,-=Robert Shoema ker, Esiv; for the • removal of this prejudice • by. proper tests, and for encouragement to try theca when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use Of three bottles of these Mitten at the: beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodilY and mental vigor which E had not forsix months before arid had almost despaired Of regaining. I therefore thinit"God and my friend' for,di rooting me to thense of them • • •• J. NEWTON BROWl!,Thllstla. Front Reiv: Wkrein Randolph, Pastor of. Baptist Church, Germintowiti, Penn. Dr. C. IL Sir :—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most excellent Medicine. In oases of severe cold and general debility I naid, been greatly berie fltted by the tie' of'thei BittMe. Raiff doubt 'not 'they will produce sinallariiitects other's."' Your - a:frilly ' WARREN HARDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of . Redding IL P. Church, Philadelphia. - • • Dr. C. M.: Jacksonl- , Dear Sli:—Having.used4your Gor man Bitters in my famlly.frequentlyi atn.prepared to say that h has boon-art great serolm .that in most cases of general debility of the systeM. his tlvasiitest and most valuable remedy - of;.which 1 hivelkny knowledge. You respootfullyJ. H. TURNER, - No. 726 H. Nineteenth street. From the Rev. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of-. tho Columbus (N. J.) and Kileetown (Pi.) Baptist Churchws. MAW Rocast.ue, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jacksoro. , L-Dear Sir:—lfeel it &pleasure thus, of my, own accord, to bear testimony to tbp excelbinbe of tile 0 ertruut Mittera Sortie years,-since being mieb. af With-Dyspepelic I 'wed thent. with. reiy..benetteial ro4initig - ,I have ultoh regonimended them persons en feebled. by that dr**, and have hoard frqm them mo.f:,llitteriug insdimenlida as to ,their, great value lii &Selo( general debility, I, believe it to `tgnio:that Oaungt, be suiptietxd. la. LYONS. Front ,the Rev . Thomas Winter,: Paster of Roxborotigh Baptist dinirch, . - • Dr. Jackson:—Dear due_ to your ...aced lent PrePetwilon, :German.Rittors, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained: have. for years,. atones, been troubled with great disorder in mi . . head -and..ttertious .avetent I was -advised by a friend. to try a .. bottie of,your German Bitters ; _did-Jtey and have.exParieuced.gre, atandunexpoctedrelief;.: my health has very materially benelitted. I confidently recom mend-the article where .meet with cases similar to -my own, and have been asatired by many of their good ef fects. • 2-; Reeppotfally yours, • .• • T. WINTER, Itorborough,.Pa. From. Rev. 1- S..—Reirman, of -the German — Reformed Church, KiitztAwni, Bet* Ountk. Dr. C. IL Jacktion:—.Respected,ol have. been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly timEnty 'Years,' and' have never used any medicine that did : as much good as Hoolland's Bitters.- , I am very much improved in health, after having tali:oll4We bottles. • ' _ Yours With respect; J. a aramix.s . . PRICES L Large Slze(holdlag nearly double quantity,) $1 00 is 00 per bottle—half doe Small Size—lC cants per bottis—bodf d 05..... .. 4 00 • • L . .:IBEWARE OF COUNTERFEITSI • • See ‘tthe .signature of N. M. J4CICSON!). is .os, the WRAPPER of each battle. . - • . . , . Should your nearest druggte net have the - i article,; not b4'put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that ivor-be-ogerodip:itcpKe—bt. 'but seed 114 itayrini tll hirma, ageuriirPick*TW I PstitelpiillYffide lidanatactory, Skt'*.Xt cli STEEN - % rprafgAtiMlT.4. •JONES & EVANS, " ' 'Sitecidisteri to" 0. - Af. - A:clam& 'Co - par siileiin't'Deileee fu overt townja ,tha mylo44wir ' MEDICAL. *BiOUBED BY "THE I,T N 0 N—N W AN.D F.O V E T;F:ebger NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIWA DDEN I S - M ARRLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTR STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. TEE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, bog leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are Fettered to.fur nish . : MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CEMIMI Monuments, Tombs, . Head Stones, Mantles, And HouseVor4 in Marble and Brown Stone Grixe eta csA wa kuarioitieo satiaficticin. WrADDEN & CO. N. a—Lettering neatly none in English or German. Steam. W e ekly ; Lwerpool. TOUCH:Et% at s r atikEliSTOVM, (Cork Har bor.) The well known *Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia ,Steamaltip Company, are in tended to Bail as follifiwril . . . EDINBUSG; SaturdayibTay 7, CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, May ; 14,-CITY MANCIEUASTER, Saturday, May 11, and every ,atiocerating Saiutitay," at Noon,' from Pier 44, North River.' - - " ' RATES or PAS&A.GM,, PAYABLE' IN GOLD, . OS ITS SQUIVALI.IIST 44IIRRENCT. FIRST CABIN... .. - .580.00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London '85'09 do to London...—. 84 00 do to Paris 95 00 do 'to Paris 40' 00 do to Hamburg—. 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Rayrei , Bremen, Rotter dam, AntwerP, 'Re., at equally . low rates. . Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35: This% who wish to send for their friends win - Sur tickets hbii at these ram. • For furtherfinformatieu apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway,. N. Y. or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Rirrisburg. • ' 1f23-dly REMOVAL. FREDEIIICKWEAVER, - Merchant - tailor, would Inforin his friends and the public generally, that he hss reti:wed his establishment from Fourth street to the stand lately oocupied by Theo. F. Scheilifer, in Abu ket street, where he is prepared to, 'who 'May favor him with a' call; with the best fitting clothing in the Market. HaVing•'just returned from the eastern cities with a fine stock:or French Clothsleid , assimeres and a frealistipply of eyeiFyti44l in his line; he would invite tie Public toexaminehis stock. befoin intichasing elsewhere. ftemeMbeirlhe . Schieflbr'S old book stand, opposite Gross* Co.'s drug:store:. my2-2w* A. C. ,SMITH , • ATTORNEY - AT - lIAS removed'his Office froth Third to Wal nut street., nett to the Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive.prompt and careful attention. JAI ST OPENED, A'N; As . s O'R N T 0 ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY WRITING DESKS - Of dElt&entidiea r tor sale at- . . _ n 01.9 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. SPLENDID 4paptOwnis.po rugclitsßßs. NO ADVANCE. IN THE PRICE OF IM PORTED GOODS. Having purchased heavily before th; first of May, we have not advanced our prices since the new tax of 50 per cent. on all imported goods. CATITCART. , BROTHER, Next door. to the Thyrisburg.Bank. • DRESS. GOODS , . IN LARGE.. ASSORTMENT. THE AMERICAN SKELETON SKIRT, • THE BEST NEW STYLE, THE BEST MATERIAL, THE BEST MADE, ' AND " THE MOST EASBIONABLE SKIRT OUT. Any other skirt of the same style is only an • - imitation: . • _ LADIES' -AND GENTLEMEN'S'- • STIVIIV4ER UNDER' :WEAR* .(lanze Marino Under Shirts and Drawers, Cashmere do do do DonetElannel do .. do do Cotton Lislo Thread Vinish . :do do -- blue Lisle Thread Under Shirts do . ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. CA.Ttic.A.RT ags BYtorliE!c, Next,door, to the Harrisburg Bank. Harrisbnrg,-May.9, 1864. d2w NOTICE. icOßOposAia , witi bp received :by the un dersiglied for tile' delivery and spreading of 600 perches of broken stone, in the Third district of the city of Harrisburg. Proposals received until the : 20th of blayj JOHN.W. HALL,.} L BERNHARD, Street Committee. Harrisburg,Stay 9,4l hr. LBS. pt. gems" Codfish, for ealeat SHISLER &FRAZER'S fAbi , (Stiocessimslo D0b1i,.. - Tr„Ar. CO) 9 3 LCtir o t e looo-,.ri received on , fOr sati by • ,AILISLER & FRAZEE, febl - 01i6C — kidigiii" fair& VOok, jr., k Co.) DAIRY F. 4 G U SH NEW YORK STATE CHEESE. At (uO2Ol -- W/L DOCK, Js, & CO. A.LARGE irtfoi63.o:fresiiteits,..necOrni6ins, prunes and flgsat _ESTER& KOERPER. my 4 'RA. PERII4E'S WORCESTER sAvpEs, the moat popular and the purest ever offered the tra ii; received and for Sale by , - . SHISLER & 'FUZE.% febi (snoceesorsto Wm. Dock,. jr., & Co . p upLio scHp.oLs.. :- .. . •LSCHOOL SLATES of different lases, Willson's excellent series of Spellers and Readers, published by Harper •& Brothers, together with all ol.ber. School ,Books.and Writ ltrifaternds are offered, cktoleekle add retail, at • des? . -., ' ,n SCIIEFI4:IVS BOOKSTO*. 11'N'A 16 ii KAtts t pis :re eet*ede4 ra4zsß, (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., &. "•• • - , • TrIOY-4100.K5,' 6ilitEl4l. ito - r-Lk . targe Boxionentoraortookii, oalii&ti.vinstatzeiftios 112)319 6-0 - FIER'S 800 RE, liarriotturg. NEW AD:V.EfeiCIBESEN'I4B., GREAT BARGAINS - .IN' JEWELRY 1 W FORSYTH -It 00., :2 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. - ( Adjoinin g th e PoSt Office!) Offer for pie the following magnineent lint of WATORES, MAINS, JEWELRY _, &a • , VAIXELI AT, $300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR4iAND NOT TO-BE 4 PAID FOR,UNTIL YOUTaVOW WHAT , YOU ARE TO GET.' • 150 Gold and Silver Watches.l..sl6 0010 $/00,00 eOOlll , . 200 Ladles' Gold Watches . - 86 00 each, 500 Ladies' & Gems' Sfiverle . • • 11.5- 00 each . ; 5,000 Ladles' Gold Pencils 4 00 to.. r 6.00 eaoht 5,000 Gold-band Bracelets 800 to 10 00 each? 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings, 260 to .6 00 each 0,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Broocliee .. .. 6,006 Coral luid,FlOretittibe drops 14:1000 Gents' 'Breast Pins - ' 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom Studs 260 to 600 each 10;000 Sets Ladies'. Jewelry...... 500 to 10.00 each. 6,000 ,Lava and Florentine Seta.. 400 to , 600 each 10;000 - Gold'Peerl; Silvermounted • . • ,.. . . 40 0 to 500 each 6,000 Gold Pens; With'ifiver Ex- . tension •csses and Pen- `• • • • ,• cils..„ 4 Ll* 6 66. ea o ll The articled id:Gila:stook of jewelry of neetestll and most fashionable styles. Certificatmii tee vs- , 1 rims articles are put insealed envelopes,and mixed, thus '; giving itlPn fair chnnee,- and sent by 'mail, for 26 cents each; and on the receipt of the certificate, it is at your it option to, send o.iis thiLLdli. and take the article Mimed in! it or not.: :Five oartificates for $11,;. eleven for.s2; thirty! for $5; sixty for $10; ,one hundred for $l5. Certificate i money to 'be enclosed with order. Correspondence promptly answered. AGENTS WANTED in every town and reglment.• Send or a circular. Address = W. FORSYTH &. CO., `V. 42 and 44 Maim— ' street,, New :York. mar2s4lwaiatrisidin - 4 - • r J 0 WISE, • • THIRII STiMET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA., WHOLESALE AND REEAIL DEALER 21 CONFECI'IONERY,' .- FRUITS; &C":, JuJubePast e , Moss Pastd,- • Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow Gum Drops, Cream Climplate Drops, Plain Cimdles, Oranges and Lemons, Canned Fruits, JelMes, • 'Teideand Spices,aß kinds, Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea ' - -Vegetables in season, Raisins, Currants, Citrons, Figs-,Dates, ' Prtues, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, - , • CresMuNnW, , • Ground Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, , • Cranherries; Hominy and Beans, Cakes and Crackers, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Greeliand Dried Fruits, And. Country Produce In seitson. .PEIPHER'S. _DAILY .:LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, LOA Raven, Jersey Shore,. W,iiljgaspgt, Sian cy, ' 1 400 1 49w49 1 44ontOvAit: 1 0494, Lewisliarg,, Au= .. Irury,„ 'Prev . ertpu, GeergeOwn, 'Lykenstowil .I)aciphin AND oAuttigsstrA,G. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally, locribrd, the drayage wilt be the-lowest; rates: The•ConductOr goes through with each train to attend to, the safe'delivery.of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivereA at the de pot of FREED,: WARD & FREED, 811 Market weer, Philadelphia, by 5 &Sock P. 31., will be delivered in Har risburg the next morninf. Freight . Always as Low us`by Any Other Line. - : _ . , JOS. ItIONTGOALCRY & CO., . Philadelphia.and Reading Depot, ' oet2l-tr Foot of Mirket aril* Harrisburg. PIANOS. .11LBRICHT RIEKHS -&,- SCHMIDT'S GELSIOR PIANOS. AGENCY . A.Z . ICNOCITES, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. V OR REASONS peifectly satisfactory to MYSELF I. have ttakeninengeney otthe above moat excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselves. ' ' A few Schomackor & Co's Pianos on hand yet will be dsol law. mar2s-tf BURLINGTON HERRING'. T HE first of the season, fine large Barring= vi,cia Herring, just receivett s u LEß manic ap9 (sacCessorittiMm. Dock, Jr., & Ce.) A liAittiE 6WOIOE . CiF`NEW .L 1 RAISINS. • • - CITRON, - p ~ g . • CURB S iIGS, &C., SEMLER & FRAZER'S, (Successors 1.17 1 14 4.: Dirr,k, Jr.,4 pork) At in 0291 RALPH L. MACLAY, • TORWEY-APTAVT..4—Patriot• thtion A building, Harrisburg Strict attention paid to all legal business. Military claims collected. <P 34 °7' l6 %*.e°d. • .. • -.. • . . PICKLES! PICKLE,SII • By the barrel, half barrel, Jar or Own,, at . n 025 . aoirERA ROERPER. WEDDING INVITATION AND AT HOME CARDS...I.:ay a • spiiiial:anangernesit with one, of thd beet engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed - in the highest style of art, epnforputhle with the •,latest fashion, and supplied promptly, pt lower prices than are charged by the-station ers in New Yoik or Philadelphia. For carnples and prices call at BKRGNER'S - BOOK STORK roclo34llf , CORN MEAL—A flue article. Just re ceived at • • StasiYa & /MAZE'S mar3l aucoesomf to WM. Dock:lr,' 'Co.) SWEET CIDER.--Superig meet cider' just received. For sale by the barrel . Or isniallquantityint my 4 ' BMW& KORAPJ6H. BBUCKWHEATt ftedei , ted. small lot. Fine choice BUCKWHEAT at SHLBLER df kitAKER; to IVEL Dsick, I¢co_) I=MI FOILLS.—.Fuse salad oils .just •reoeived .11' at , ..SELIBLER -ftAiElt, ap3o Successors to W. Dpolc,T.s., St Co., AFINE ASSORTMENT, OF:A' PORT FOLIOS! PORT FOLIOS! .ORESShiENI BACKGAMMON BOARDS! - Received at SCHKEFSR'S BCK)KSTORK SMOKED STIFF, ;11 A CHOICE I. fV l : At pai DOCK, JY., AL az FI3LBRI* supply of Mich 4 )49o Ceitlettirskii giugaF puied If.ami ! and Diied Peet, at • no2s] BOXER & ACRERPER IUTTER;: 13IITTER.-17.reiat roll. init6st :from Stlyiler oolitty resiivedaeorcri AvePk, -Able eggs at mpt] BOMA .ZOARPArk: • f_MS 1.:A. - sale the. oOnier-el Third and t nroectstreeta. rohnire of Wli. , o i iticIPADDEN.. _,__,.. , , 20 BOXESSPERM 'CADTEILES, of a very -- • aripezioiliaaki, just received• Goner ealelij - " , . ' : SRIBLEARTBCFRAZEA - - ii . ' ( 1311643686°W . t° Nir An• .0° . 01 ;0 1.- •* 7. rir! "XTEW MACKEREL, MIRRILItG. r AIfb Eat 111 MON [mpg BOYER 41; KOZEFER. EVENING EDITION, . . Special Dispatch to the PettneylvAnio, Telegeseph: ' • BY - THE INLAND LINE. Blair County Conventton. Speciat dispatch to the _Telegraph. ALTOONA, May 1:7 The Union Convention of_ .Blair colmty met to-day, at Hollidaysburg;fin.d instructed; conferees in favor of Hon. Lewis W. Hall 'for •Congress . . ; From Washington. 400 to 0'004:ail 400 io 800 esjohl 4.50 to 8 00 each' CONDITION= OF THE ROADSTO THE ARMY Gen. Graitt ,Reinibrced :ALL TILE REBEL: yORCES IN .THE FIELD THE SABBATH A DAY DF,,REST IN THE ARMY Opposing FOITO Witching''Eack Othei. Gen: Owens in a Dying Condition aformation . from the front describes the roads as in a frightful condition, delaying the progress of the reinforcements going tO Gen. Grant, very few of whom had reached Lim up to yesterday morning—but by this time they must have joined him in sufficient numbers to form a very handsome addition to, his army. It:isibelieved that some reinforcements are reaching Lee, - but'not in any degree commen surate with his needs, 'and there is no doubt, from the wcakness shown by the confederates atother points M. the Confederacy, when they are being pressed, that pretty nearly theeyltent of its resources in the way of fighting men had been hurried ,up to Lee's support previous to Grant's advance = leaving very little reserve for him. ' Advioes receivedfrom the Army o f the Po tomac to yesterday morning, speak of . the • extreme dillioulty of discovering the. exact po sition of the enemy, who are very cautious, and have availed theinselves of the cover of dense woods•to conceal their . operations, their pickets only being seen. We further learn that none of the prisoners in - passing from -the frOntlo Belle Plain, made their escape;so effectually were they guirded from headqu arters: _ .TORN WISE. Sunday was spent as a day of restthrough out-the arini, but a small skirmish tOOleplace befoie its close. • It is evident - , from all pecOnAte that , eaeli party is narrowly watching the other to ascer tain the position or-probable" movements of its opponent. • - Gen. Joshua T. Owens is again reporte. nigh unto death; this time by the falling of a horse. The original notice of his death came from Philadelphia, in a request to have his body embalmed. GItA.FFEN. Associated Press Reports. From South Carolina Appointment of Belegates 'to the 'Baltimore WecOnaliering Expeditions Ikl LIST OF THE KILLED =AND -W©UNDE I Engagement Between Our Fleet7ll hailostoff.' • . • ITaw Yoluc, May 13, The steamer Fulton frcim - Fort Royal on the 13th has arrived. - ; • Gen. Gordonhas .been orderid to Florida to relieve Gen. 13irnsy, • denoting, that the conit martial in his ease ; had resulted in Gor don's favor. • A Mass State Convention is called to meet at Beaufort, S. C. -on the 17th of May, to se lect delegates to-the Baltimore Convention. -A. similar movement : is reportedon foot in Florida. • - - An expeditiOri iEp May River; South Carolina, saw some rebel -pialrets• - who -skedaddled in--a great harry. • Another expedition to found no rebels:-: Another expedition- to Dawfuskie , Island captured 90 bales of cotton The enemY's picket fires , were still burning when our men landedil Oiowin_gl a hasty re treat. . • • The armed steam 'transport :Harriet A. Weed was blown up by the explosion of two torpedoes at once, - in_ St. J.ohn's,river,Florida. The second engineer, ;.cabin boy,. and one other of the crew were,lorit. The vessel was s total wreck. - _ : . A very A large ..nwnber.'of,Peitone .the vesse were wounded, some of them severely. /The steamer Kate got-aground in the Sa xanpah river, when , alarge - steamer, _ supposed to be a ram, came down from the direction of Savannah, but retPrired, after reconnoitering; An expedition fromßeaufcirt lad returned from a trip up Bull,river on a reconnoissance. The following is a correct list , of the killed and wounded on the Harriet A. Weed, blown up by torpedoes in St. John's river, Flat: Silted—C. L. Bell, lat assistant: engineer; Thomas Johnson and Abram Browni.firemen; W. Harding, waiter; Stephen Wilkinson, goal heaver: > . -'-Wcrandedt—Carit I. B. Swift, Chief Engil neer of the Department, Slightly; 'Capt. Gael). .ell, commander of:the :week slightly; Collins, leg brohPni Fred. -Ilawilt94l- ettitie injured; Richard /04 fractured; H enry Callback, thigh; Jacoli'litireiNtt, elig.Yrt iy. Also, some_ twenty' , oolored.'soldiers be= longing to the Third-11, regiment; all more or less injured. , • „ rassenlOrti by the Fxltpi state that the en gagenient off Charidaton Was: . of -'e, terrific character,.; , '' . ,61:1f ;• 'rho batteries ou Morris Island were direct- PRICE= TWO CENTS. WASHINGTON. May 18 -8 P. X Union Coniention. ;PftLnkney Island 81-1 114 TIN . Hitt :. 4 r ' ADVER r't ItAt6s-DAlLY4•Dljaistuir Pa..- ,-- Theloilliwing are the rates for advratislni in the Tiaa. GRAPH. Those having advertising to do will gad it venien tfor reference. Four hues . or less couptitute oat-ltaif squere. Orr.; Hues T more that! tbur .silastitut... a square. FOR A RALF SQL:dRit • One day,.. $ 30 Two days Three dap. One week 1 25 One month 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months 6 .60 Six months S 00 One year 15 00 Achnlniztratten Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notlceaeach insect tilir . Business notices before Marriages end each FOR ONE EIQUARS. One,. dny -..$ 1.0 Two days / CO Three days 126 One ... . 225 One montb. -. 6to Two months 900 Thies M011410....:•1411 0 0 16 0 One year,. . .. '25 CO 76 1 60 OM 'knead - 0001601,...07 Einar foe ed against Fort Sunater,also the fire of several monitors. Sumter had been..effectively re paired, audit was thori,glit . the strongest fire came front it. - The attack is believed to have been made under orders from the Navy de _partment. NEW YORK, May 17.—The steamer Fulton reports that on the 14th instant. when , off - Charleston bar, a general engagement was going on between our fleet under Admiral Dahlgren and the rebel forts and batteries on James and Sullivan Islands, All the monitors appeared to be engaged, as - also the new Ironsides. Fort Putnam and Gregg's Point teemed to be directing their fire principally on Sumter, which was replied. te by Fort Moultrie op Sullivan's Island, and battery Simpkirri on . James The contest seemed spirited and as general as lurs transpired since last autumn: The Fulton chased a blockade runner bound out froni,Wilmington, for five hours, on . the niornirigef the 15th instant, but gave up' the pursuit. - 10th District Coilventign—Lin coin Delegate Eleete:d. PorTsvEr-96 MAY 17 The Tenth r. ongressional DiStriet•convii tion has unanimously elected How lama' 01 Campbell delegate to the National Conventlon at Bradawl e. Strong resolutions in .fILIFOr of the renoinination of Abraham Lincoln were adopted. Resolutions against the posiPoner. ment of the National Convention -were also adopted. The Lonferees were Messrs. Clasen; 'Little and Fos. Proceeds of the New York. Sstni- tarp Fazr.• , - NEW YORK, May 17: The Chairman of the ,W'inancial Committee Metropolllan State Fair to-day handed one Million dollars to the Sanitary Conathission. There is more to come. FROM THE KANAWHA.- Citanawrow, Witir VA., May IC order of General Sigel, an expedition was last night dispatahed, in oonauiandof Lieutenant Cobb, to endeavor to ascertain - the whereabouts of General t rook, Who has been gone now two weeks. General Sigel =wait tieardifrom last night at I .ndar creek.l!l . - • XXXVIIIth Congress—First Ses3lol. SENATE. • WASHINGTON, May-17: Mr. Morgan presented resolutions of, the Chareber of c.l,ernreerce, Nevi York, prasringA reithssurii of the duties on foreign hnpores to theextent of tiny per cent. "-. The bill to amend the act eetablighing. a title to certain swamp and overflowed lands. and for other purposes - was passed. On ITNIOD, of ar t . G;:inur.s, it ,Was resolved that the Secretary of the Navy be, requested to communicate 'to the Senate the. prf:ArSied irigs and furdings of the Wilkes etritrhr rdei= The bill equalizing, the pay of soldiers in the army was taken up as unfinished business, and the amendments of the Military Com mittee to the - Rouse bill generally. -Adopted. An amend/gen:to to the amendment of the Senate Committee's amendment giiOng - the salary of the Jge Advocate General atPe thousand dollars, - and the Assistant J,'udoi Advocate at three thousand dollars, witraint any other rarely and pay, was adopted. , Mr. Powell offered an'amendmentprovlidiag that the soldiers shall be paid the equivalent ofitheir'fonner pay. - Rejected, ayes 6, ntIYS 23. " - • ' • Mr. Powell offered a-proviso that the- pro visions of the bill. shad not apply to - negro soldiers: Rejeeted ; yeas 5, nays 26.. 'rue bill then passed. Markets by Telegraph. , • • • Putzdnin,Pnii, Hay 17. Trade- continues very dormant :in all de partraents. One hundred tons No. ; 4. , querci-, tron bark sold at S4Q per ton „ 'The .flour market is inactive and only 2,000 bbls , Fibs faintly sold at $BOB-25; Superfine neonrinal'at S7®7 25; receipts and stocks light.; Rye flour steady at $7, and Corn- ineal_at ; $5,644; Wheat ranges fiom $1. 70 to 180 and-whit s from $1 99 to 2'00; rye 'dull at $l. 55, Co scarce and has again advanced; , seies - 1, - soe bushels yellow at sl4o:.:Oats -dull 'a,t Cloverseed nominal , at $6.59®,6 75, Flaxseed commands $3 40, - PrOvisiomi dull. and with .out change in' price es.dept, for lard, which is lower. , Crude 'Petroleum, Wes at 366! refined, in bond at 560574, and free at 63® 66. Whisky dull at $1 25(4127, per L barrel and $1 23 for drudge. Stocks inactive. Pennsylvania s's 97; Read ing, railroad 68i; Morris canal' Kt; -1 , 04 Island 46; lPennsylvania railroad 684; Gold $1 78; exchange, on New York par. • N - r.ur YOEB , lilay 17. Flourlias advancedloo.; inks 8,900 bbhi. at $6 85®7 00 for State and - $7 35g7 55 for Ohio and.s7 4507 90 for Southern. Wheat 1020. better; 79,000 bushels sold at $1 53® 1 62 for Chicago spring, $15701 62 for.** : Waukie, Club and $166@1 69 for rid..Wef3, tern. Corn advanced 1 ®2c. ; sales 14,009 hini: at $1 45®1 47 for:white.; Beef quiet. 1 4'oz* steady. Lard dull. Whisky ban at and holders demand an advance to ; -$i 38., Petroleum firm; wide,. 371 c. . • Few York Stock Market. NEw Yen]; Ray Stocks better. Cumberland preferred` - 81#; IIhook; Central scrip; 304; IllatigenSontheini 98i; FenPsYlvFLia, Coale - 43;::Itudana.itiver. 150; Canten conapefq T O: Miakaairi.„.s4o‘ 71i; Erie 114; "Galena Air '134:4; Cleveland and --- Toledo 4. soi'Verre Haute aril Alton,-111t; Cinid,..l77vone year e ortifiefiter, .481; Five-twenties Aegistered, 1064;•ConpnitE', 1144 • NEW Eta! '/LND PROVISIOX KRILL -BOYER- & kCOERP.PR --, WHOL E'SA LE AND RETAII . - .1 Dramitsu: :Zi . 431- it 0 1 c •E - 13r.1 WSJ . ' Quieeies - and ANip ALL'ithiniti 7 of - 1J N T.. 86 Y P,r111:0 lIDE briv, just openecl.a selettga atiSOk of goo is at their atancro. 3 Ihirkii&uari EtarriabargrP 3 4 lo laildftheihilite : theattelitair public g e nerally. ~ . ::.:-t -f: 4 PP :GETRRIMIVIttnaIte!? *law, it RIMER & FRAZEB„ nom(oaccesaors to Wm. Dock, jr., AgEo,)
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