Ettegrap It HARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. — AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, Ate., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be 'mown par+ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY; RAIL, of the size of guinea eggs, fell in West Chester, on Monday. Tns office of the West Chester Republican is offered , for sale, in consequence of the death of its late proprietor. I=l Aw up-country editor pays his respects to "Newspaper borrowers—may theirs be a life of single blessedness; may their paths be car peted with cross-eyed snakes, and their nights be haunted with knock-kneed tom cats." ANOTHER—The Eintracht Singing Association, of this city, will hold their an nnal pio-nic in Haehnlen's woods, on Monday next. A. good band of music will be in attend ance, and a pleasant time is anticipate& FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Monday Sergt. Green awalt, of Lancaster county, of the 9th Pa. Cavalry, home on furlough, was killed .near the borough of Elizabethtown. In endeatFor ing to jump from the cars, while in motion, he fell, and the train passed over him, killing him instantly. I:=1 Gov: Curnm returned from Washington last night. He reports the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals in that vicinity, to be well cared for, and as improving rapidly. Too much credit cannot be awarded to Gov. Curtin for the zeal which he displays for the soldiers in the hospitals. THEODORE F. Anams, late a resident of Har risburg, but now a citizen of . - Philadelphia,, was in town to-day. We understand that Mr. A. is at present extensively , engaged in the magnetic telegraph enterprise, having con nected himself with the new inland line 'now stretching its wires over the country. I=l2=l FUNERAL OF SOLDrER. --the' members. of Company G, Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, are requeOted to attend the funeral of theiy late brother in arms, Sergeant Franke Greenawalt, at Elizabethlavrn, .Lancaster County, - this (Wednesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. The members of the Ninth cavalry, generally, are invited to &tend. RAIN s GRari CROP. —The indications are that we will not have more than half a grain crop in Pennsylvania the coming harvest. The cold weather of last winter, with the ab sence of snow to protect the crop, in the ground, is given as a reason for the failure. ~ In, all the land lying high, the seven, winds froke . the grain. TICE CAPITOL EXTENSION.—The.Commis- . sione:rs, composed of the Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer, to superintend the Capitol extension, are now preParing the speJ Ofications, and proposals will Shortly be in vited for plans and bids to do the work. It ii,hoped that the•work of extension will be far advanced during the present year. CC= A: WEFX OF SHOWERS.—The past week- bas been remarkable for its heavy showere. On Monday a week the rain fell in torrents, 'and from day to day it rained moat profusely. The ground is thoroughly saturated. The ef fect upon the grain and grass has been most beneficial—as well as upon the newly planted corn and oats. The latter have started merely. A Bimn-FA.cao NUISANCE is presented in the habit of some of the guests of certain ,hotels; along Market street, who line the side walk mediately in front ofthese hotels, each evening, with chairs, to the obstruction of the same, and the great annoyance of pedestrians. fihis is a matter for the immediate attention of the police, as in the present crowded condition of thecity, the side walks should be free from all pbstruetions. Drama of a. CLERGYMAN. —Rev. John Rey . nolds, kefergyman of . the Episcopal Church, died on FriilaY last, the 18th inst., at the res idence of his brother-in-law, Charles H. Clay, Esq., in the 72d year of his age. The de ceased was some v thirty years 'ago rector of St. James Episcopal Church at Evanslinrg, and during his residence there alSo oinCiatid for one year as pastor of the congregation at Pottstown. Mr. Reynolds was father ; in-law to General Slemmer, the hero . of Fort Pick:. ens. Tin Arms Hoserreis.—Durnig the poet week the number of admissions to the Array Hospitals of this Department were 2,554; re turned to duty, 87; died, 12; remaining, 6,243. The latter are distributed as followi: YorlC, 314; Turner's Lane 279; Pittsburg, 380; Cop ier, 331; South st, 153; Summit House; 425; Satterlee,34s7s; Harrisburg, 31; Citizens' -Vol unteer, 45;.Fort Mifflin,-12; Filbert st., 298; Christian at t .,. 156; chainliersburg, 8; Cheft nut Bill, 1518; PirClellan, 553; Broad. and Cherry, 51; Cameo's 'Woods, :11; Islington Lane, 19; Haddington; 124-4- Tan EXECUTIVE. MARMON t—ThO ,:xnansio# purchased by the City-15f Harrisbnrg, and p;r4"- sented to the State for the use of the , G7f9 l 77 is now occupied by Governor Cumin's . Some improvements were made in the 4ckpse, with•several - additions, and -the furniture is now being arranged, so that in a fewd4s tlfe Executive Mansion will be in a conditiciiiibi Hie reception of visitova - , Thiy - E - eva -- grete; with its location, grounds, and iriternid arraighments, is far superior to the old niail sion. We congratulate His said his imily, on the comforts d,COn's;enienct of the duipga. FOUND.—A lot of papers in a large envelope, Donor TELEGItAPHIG communication about marked Sergeant William M'Nally, were to be established between Columbia, Lances found at the depot this afternoon. They are ter county, and the city of Reading. 1 )0 oh- of great value to the owner, and can tamed at this office. =:=01 MEaTncG OF ASSFACEITAF 4 4. --The General As semblies of the Presbyterian church convene to-morrow—the Old School in the city of New ark, New Jersey, and the New School in Day ton, Ohio. These bodies embrace delegates from all the Presbyteries in the loyal States, and in the Old School Assembly it is probable that a part of Tennessee will also be repre sented. Among the commissioners appointed by the respective presbyteries is a ruling elder from each of the churches of this city—one going to Newark and the other to Dayton. -~---- LAST NIGHT Or TRH OCTOHOON.—This eve ning that beautiful drama, the Octoroon, will be presented for the last time, at Brant's Hall, by Dubois' excellent combination com pany. This great play is worthy the patron age of everybody, and we are pleased to learn that it has been witnessed by large and appre ciative audiences. The troupe is highly spo ken of, and comprises some of the best per formers that ever appeared here. Do not fail to see the Octoroon, the best picture of South ern life ever placed upon the boards. Secure your seats at Bannvart's. SUPREME CoußT—Middle District.—May 18, 1864.—Court met at 9 o'clock this morning. Present—Woodward, Chief Justice; Thomp son, Strong, Read and Agnew. Bedford railroad company vs. Bowser.-- Bedford county. 'Argued. .Ring for plaintiff in error; Cessna for defendant in error. - Bedford vs. Saro2ter. Somerset county. Ar gnea.:::.HugusprOlanstiff in error; GuntNer for defendant in error. Smith, et. al. vs. Weidman. Lebanon. Ar gued. Itrlgurtaie for plaintiff in error; Punch for defendant in error: Strickler vs. Landis. Lebanon. Argued. Boughtor for plaintiff in error; Kunkel for deferidantfin :error.. . : Al t Orees' appeal. Lebanon. Argued.— Funek for appellant; Boughter for appellee. Adjourned. Aczninannouxxx.--The ladies , superin tending the forwarding of hospital stores, for the relief and comfort of our sick and wounded soldiers, desire most gratefully to acknowl edge the liberality of our citizens, and trust the donors sill be,Him who said, " inasmuch as ye have done it unto these, ye have done it unto 'me." The call for contributions, vies moat ,cheerfully and prOmPtly answered; and the supplies will soon be nonrialibag and strengtheningroui suffering heroes. We are under . especial obligations to the . Pennsylvania Hospital for a very! gener ous contribution:Of winee„pickles and canned fruit; ale°, tomeiribere of the 'Paxton church, for a large•supply of canned fruit; •and to Mr Wm. Haehnlen for half barrel of prime Water crackers. We are permitted to insert part of a letter just received from Rev. T. H. Robin son, dated Washington: "I have time to write but a word, as I exmjust of . rfor the front. The boxes arrived safely, and are in store. They are greatly needed, and will be used immedi ately. Send any more you can to Christian -oOnimisSiOn, Washington. I -preached ;list might in a•large Hospital in the city: Lam in the, best of health and Will-Write' froni the front." -! We will continue to send supplies as re ceived, and beg the community not to weary in well doing, but willingly continue contrib uting for the comfort of those who have fought and fallen, that our homes may' bilPreserved from war's desolations. Again, in behalf of our brave countrymen, we thank you for the past, and solicit for the future. Please send to Mrs. J. IL -Briggs,• Front :street. Su - Plow; Poinrr---iliddle District—May I'6, 1864.---The Court convened at 3 .o'clock this afternoon. l're.sent',:.—Thompson,Aating Chief Justice ; Justices Strong, Read and Agnew. On motion of EL Alricks, Mr. H. Murray Graydon was admitted as a member of this Trial list for Lebanon. Somerset, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton and Bedford called over. Gehr et al.Ts.Creager et al., Franklin county, argued. Brewer for appellants ;. -Sharpe for appellees: Per Decree affrmed. argued. .bliarPe:for ; appellants . ; Cessna for appellees. CountrofqVulton YeeTate, Bedfcird county. -Submitted. ' ' ' Commonwealth of Pennsylvinia vs.WeiSer. Dauphin county. Submitted. Borough of North Lebanon vs. Arnold. Lebanon county. Fun* for appellant ; Kun kel for appellees. Hughes vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia. Dauphin county. Continued till next Thursday. Hurstcvs. Commonwealth of PenniMyi:On. Dariphin .40. 1 2tV: FooniianAik; Allease. ." ;Dauphin._ county. Non. 'pros. Demmy's appeal. Dauphin county. Ap peal demurred. _1- • - Weiting vs. Miesse. Dauphin county. Ap peal demurred.. -11 - gion is. Linkle, Franklin county. •Con WAY 17.—Cotgt Met ; at .9 (*lock. , Present, Woodward, C. J Ratio& Tbbnipion, Strong, Read and Agnew. Walker visi.Benfilfili Somerset county. Sub mitted. Musser eL vs. county of Dauphin, Dau phin county. •Aigifed. J. A. Fisher for plain tiff in errorPluirwut wad Hawn for defendant in error. Brooks vs. Smyty3i,--Dmiphin county. Ar gued. Hubbell and,Alricks fqr plaintM in error, Larabirtoit i 'Fislier 'for defeiidar' its in error. • Benford Ts: Somerset county. Argued. Hugua for plaintiff in error, Gaither for defendant in error. Wolfersberger vs. jiound. Somerset county Submitted. T. Trusty vs. Jos. Neverpay. Somerset county. Non. pros.-- , Bancord vs. Walker: Somerset county. Argued. Hugus for, plaintiff in error; Baer for defendant in error. Bender vs. Aumart. Somerset county. Sub mated. Boyer vs. Landis.: Somerset county. Sub 'flitted. Barter vs. St. lifrolissi's Lutheran church Somerset county. :Subirtitted. Dennison vs. - Wells, nte of Gallagher. Sub mined. Spahr's appeal. :Somerset county. Sub mitred. Court adjourned . §2l nine o'cicook to-anorrow morning. THE HOTEL KEEPERS of Lancaster city have advanced their rates for the. entertainment of "man and beast" fifty per cent. This increase includes the price of tangle-foot whisky, which has gone up largely. I=l Tun 184va ftuanutzrr.—By a private letter received to-day, we learn that the 184th regi ment is now at Bell Plain, Virginia, where it is doing guard duty. On their way to Wash ington a member of company B—name not given—was knocked off the top of a car by a bridge on the e Northern Central Railroad, and Instantly killed. The seventh company of the regiment was mustered yesterday and left for the front to-day under the following officers— Captain, Joseph Jenkins ; *let Lieutenant Walter.S. Johnson; 2d Lieutenant, Wm. R. BelL The!eighth company is very nearly filled, and stragglers are rapidly arriving. COMPLIXENTARY TESTIMONIAL.-By the fol lowing correspondence it will be, observed that the gentlemen composing Sanford's troupe have unanimously tendered the inde fatigable manager of the Opera House a com plimentary benefit. The past season_ as been 'One unparalleled in the history of Harris burg—over one hundred entertainments having'been given. It is in commemoration of this successful season that the benefit has been tendered the pioneer manager. Satur day evening has been set apart as the time for the entertainment. The mere announcement will insure the Hall to be filled to overflow ing: HARRISBURG, Kay 17, 1864. To SAILTEL S. SANFORD, EEQ. —Dear Sir: Learning that a complimentary benefit is about being tendered you by your friends, and wishing to testify as far as possible to the strict integrity with which you have fulfilled and continued your engagements throughout a lengthy season, we, the undersigned, mem bers of your company, respectfully tender you our services, to be used for a complimentary benefit to yourself, and request you to name such a you may deem most conveni ent. . Respectfully yours, do., Frank Schaefer,leader,A. Asche, R. F. Myers,' A. Shwager, F. H. Diardon.a, F. W. Haas, H. Egle, Jos. M. Mortimer, John Oar, John Williams, Together with the attachees of the establish ment. - Ossze.-House,-May 18-2 s. az GENTS :—Your favor is received. In reply I would say that a'Complimentaxy Benefit has been suggested to -me, but as you proffer it unanimously, I cordially accept your compli ments, and would• suggest Saturday evening, May 21st, as tfie night: Remaining respectfully, your obedient, etc., SPJI'L. S. SANFORD. To S. Scipisams, F. H p Maalox'', W'iii.A'ats, Mvsas and others. _. • THE - Rims FASHIONS. —" It is a little singu lar that the only articles imported from France which have not risen in proportion to the rise in gold, or the depreciation of paper money, are cloaks, mantillas and, bonnets. These in dispensable articles of ladies' wear, although made of MA& 'and more costly material than ever, coat but atrifle more than they did three years ago, so that there is no .excuse on the score of economy for any lady to wear an un fashionable bonnet, or a worn-out sack or mantilla."—Ladies' Gazette of Fashion. In Paris lives the devil, the Frenchmen say, Hence there the devil often is to pay; He originates all fashions in the twinkling of an eye, • And puts lip bonnets to a fabulous "high." But this is one of the ills that husbands must bear, In pity for those who have "nothing to'wear." But, reader, let me ask you, good lack, Do you fancy an ancient bonnet or sack? Can you. complacently look upon Fashion's outraged laws, Without any - just or unreasonable cause ? Or can you abide anything of - slatternly wear, By those.who have plenty, and money to spare? Never! Hence America the gauntlet of fashion has hurled. At London, at Paris, and the whole fashiona ble world! Go look in at Mrs. Mayer's, No. 13zMarket street, And feast your eyes on a fancifetreat— For it is there that Fashion holds her regal sway, Where much can be bought with but little to Tay- Bonnets from "four fifty" to the gems at "fif- - • • 'teen," .; And hats from ‘,,sevehtyrfLyne to Ave" may be seen, Decorated with feathers, ribbons and flowers, To remind one of rural groves and shady bowers. Fine silk mantillas at the little figure "four," Cloaks and Circulars, seven dollars to nearly two score. Gore and trail skirts at'any price you choose, And ribbons which.rival the rainbow's hues. All intermediate shades, from mourning black to bridal whites, ' . Which knock all other stores higher than so many kites. Head dresses ruches, ornaments, nets and lace, To give , to the contour an elegant and finished ,a•r grace, To lend additional charms to every beauty's face,-7 In - ever3r private home or public . plade. Caps, Hosiery, Collaxs, Corsets Cuffs and Gloves, . - . Of all shades in tan,-as.vrell ,as turtle doves. Hansiterchiefs„bordered; -hemstitched and . _ . lain At prices you may never see them again. Parasols and'Sunshades made in various ways, To guard against. Old Sol's fiercest fiery rays. Silks, yelyets, Scarfs - , Ties, Steel Clasps and , Pine, • , Together with A - thousand - other useful things; No one of which can be had as cheap this' day In this city—or even far-fanied Broadway. Her system is the one - which never fails— Multiplying small profits by quick and ready sales. .„ Then ho fol. the Grand Bazaar, !darks street 13,. . Where all' that' 'I have written can be. seen; A store that credit to any city's marts, A shade or two ahead of any in, these rural • Partfi , Where sales of Bonnets' nd Mantillas are made At prides Which Teally defy the trade. Remember,. Mrs. Mayer's, No. 13 Market street; 4here all the Paris; - London and New -York--fashions are received• with uniform regularity, and where it is no trouble to show geode, whether ladies -are • prepared to pur chase or not. . • • my18.413t tWo IttOcilig.lll4eived.aAlne •salection..of .APPLEf3„1 1 wpm ,orcler. .1 - br ;sale Air the: bard, • boatel or. Ana, quaiitarp4:l SEMLER & FR AZIA fO3 orillAck:WALLDock, ik.oo SPECIAL NOTICES To all who •have Corm This week is a good timUto cut and trim your corns, and to get some of Ball's Corn Salve that has cured so ve.ry many. Al. sJ'o have corns just try for your selves. Can be had for 15 cents a box, at No. 21', South Plea street. MRS. L. BALL ' . - . N. B.—Orders from a distance - promptly attended to, as this can be sent by mall. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! ALL sizes, kinds and styles at very low prices. The best quality of Hoop skirts from 75 cents to $2.00. A superior article of white muslin at 25 cents. A good article of ladles' stocking, 25 cents per pair. Also, a large and beautiful assortment of spring and summer dress . goods, ladles' and gentlemen's handker chiefs, hemmed and plain, cambric and Swiss , muslin, cambric and Swiss edging, andlt full and complete as sortment of other goods, to which we Welke attention' of purchasers • S. LEWY, Rhoads' old stand, corner Market and Second eta RAAB. DYE t Batehetoes Celebrated Ilair7Dye IS THE REST IN THE WORLD. The only Harahan, This grul iteffebk Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dyti ji.yerfect—changes Red, Rpety or Gray Hair instantly to a ' Black or li r -Hroum without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin,' leaving the Hair soft and beautiful; thwarts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its priitine color, and' recti fi es the . effects of bad Dyes The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, dto Factory-81 BAR. CLAY sr, N. Y. SAIVEMLOR'S SEW 'MIXT CALM FOR MUSROZIO TICS RAM APHYSIOLOGICAL view of MARRIAGE, containing nearly 300 pages-, and 130 One plates and hngravinge of the Anatoiny of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the . Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of sure, as shown by the re port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 23 cents, in stamps or postal cur rency, by addikaing Dr. LA.CROIX, No. 21 Malden Lane Albany, N. Y. marl-dawBm COLGATE•S HONEY SOAP. This ceieliratedVoilet Soap, in 'such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient is Its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon tho akin, For sale by 'all Druggists and Fancy. Goods Denim jan2s-dawly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , OPPION PROYOEIT kuasnu., Ikrs.DLSTRICi, PKNNSYLVANIA, klAlullsßlL 6 A . //ay l O, lBO E TO the end that all persons interested may have notice, and the object in view, a complete and accurate revised enrollment, be promoted, the following, in accordance with circular oillet No. 46, A. A. Provost Ma rshal General's office, iwhereby published. 1. The different Boards of Enrollment, Western Di vision, Pa., are requested to immediately proceed to exe cute the said section of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to amend an act ler enrolling and calling out tho na tional forces, and for otherpttrposes," approved February PE 064. • IL They will at once • appoint the necessary enrolling officers for.their respective districts, with instructions, Ist. To enroll all persons whose names have been omit ted by the proper.enrell bag officers, precious enrollment. 2nd. AU persons who shall arrive at the age of 20 years before the draft. W. All aliens whe shall have declared their intentions to become citizens. 4th. All persons discharged from the military or naval service of the United States who have not been in such' for two years during the present war. sth. And all•persons exempted under the provisions of the second section of the enrolling act, approved March sd, 1863, but not exempted under the provisions of the act approved February 24,-1884. lIL The Board of Enro'intent will also at once proceed to strike from the enrollment, upon satisfactory proof• Ist The names of all persons who have arrived at the age of forty-live yeark 2d. The names of all persons manifestly, physically or mentally unfit for the service. 3d. The names of such persons as are at this time ao tually and legally in the military or naval service of the United. States. 4th. The names of such persons as have served in the military or naval service two years or more, during the present war ; and have been honorably discharged there from JNO. FAY CLEMENT, mylo-2w Cap'. and . Pro. Mar., 14th Dist. Penna. mcorri> ARRIVAL: LATEST STYLES! M. MRS. IIAYEII No.: n Market Street IS PLEASED to announce to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity, (who have ao liberally patron ized her since her arrival in this city,) that she has jest received, direct from the manufacturers and importers, a SECOND SUPPLY of the finest goods the market could afford In the line of FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY, and is now prepared to offer great inducements to mir chasers. Her stock consists in part or BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES . ,- CAPS, ORNAMENTS, &O. SILKS-VELVETS, LACES, RUCHES, 11.60 P SKIRTS. CORSETS, HOSIERY, • HANDKERCHIEFS, ULOVS,..rOOLLABS, CUFFS, BELTS, ITETS,:YA OY 1300440. Also, a splendid assortment of Ufa WRA.PRINGS SILK COATS CrEELCUWS, MANTILLAS LACE POINTS. Also, Ties Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte Honnales and Purses, elegant Steel and Jet Pins and Brooobes, Belts and Belt Buckles, and a full line of Trimming. and Fancy Goods, as cheep as the cheapest,' Special care has'beenhxercised in the selection of these goods, with a view to the wants of this community, and the ladles generallysate-invited to call and examine the as sortment. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Don't. forget the place: No. 18 Market stilt AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DZPARTIOLVT j CAVALRY BURBAU,I • OFFIOB OF ono , QIIARTHEYLEITIR, WABEINGTON, D. C., , April 25, 1864. WELL be sold at public andtion," to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be• low. viz: Penn's, Thursday. Mayl9ll. Reading, Penn a, Thursday, - May 56th. Lebanon, Penn's, Thutbday, June 2d. Northumberland, Penn'a, Thursday, June 9th. • Scranton, Penn's, Thursday, June 16th. Williamsport, Peon's, Thursday, June 23d. One Hundred (100 i horses at Gettysburg, and Two Him dred and Flay (250) at each of the other places. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United - States Army. For road and hum purposes many good bargains may be had. _ Horsei r vii . 11 — he eild singly. Sales begin at 3.0 a. ar.., and continue daily till all .are sold. TESMS: CASE in :Milted States Treasury notes only. • JAMES A. EILLN. ap2B-dtd . Lt. co. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. Notico to Contractors. Nom : num; Canna. RAILWAY CO., Orme OP THE CHEW Excuses; ll i EAmusnuact, Pa, May 9, 1864'. b w e ho r l e e c o e r ive y d; a ar t t ! i lua r. . the o g ,: d e . pTILYITy 2510 r ' the nation and ballasting for the second track of the Northern Central railway between Dauphin and Sunbury. Work to be commencedlmmediately: Full information may be had by applying to F. C. Arms, Eat, Principal - Assistant Engmeer r at Sunbnry,Pa., or to the undersigned. The company reserve the right to reject any or all pro posals made. 51. STANLEY GOODWIN, mpg-chm 2 6 Chief Engineer. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Another lot of Morton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS', Jut received at Scheffer's Bookstore. .‘ All pens warranted for one year. VINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes fine table oils or the best importations for• sale, wholesale and retail, by ' RIMER dfsazza, my 6 successors to W. Nick, Jr., & Co. 10 culgrEALFltmiletrl4.T.t-r i FRENCH . . SHIM= 4k FRAZER, Irlyi , successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, comprising Fissility, Chow . Chow, cualtßower, ..litied• Picklek Gerkins, Walnuts su .oriions7 For' sale wholetge Sh 4 ..,, WIDMER & FRAZER, ' 1. , siy6- :',- ,----- - -' , 9l;taxesces to W. Dook, Jr., 4:0". liVANTED—Several Laboring men; also, a reliable man that can come Well recommende to take charge of horses. Apply at the Eagle Works. mylB-2t* NXTANTED—By a Young Girl, a Situation v y in a small private family to do general housework. mylB-10 WANTE D—lmmediately, Six or eigh good Carpenters, to whom steady employ ment and the highest wages will be given. Apply to P. BERNAEISEL, Ja., Harrisburg, Pa. mytl.3o_ WANTED—A Barkeeper. Apply at the EUROPEAN HOTEL, Market street, Harrisburg, P. mylB-3L* ARESPECTABLE WOMAN 'to take care of a young ctdld. Good reference required. Inquire corner of Front and Pine streets. myl63t* . . ANTkIiTED-A situation byn",miiidle-aged man In a dry goods store or office as clerk. Reference even. Address D. H E., Front street, near Arco, Esrrisburg myl4-dlw* WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a goodlgteat Coo:k. Inquire at the ap.3o-dif BRADY BOMB. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard .His tory of the War. Tare chance to make' money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. -Addling -JONES .BROS. de 30 . _ Publighera. Baltimore, Md. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS! 1600 YARDS FANCY SILKS, At the old prices from $l.OO I. SL2S. 1000 YARDS BEREZR,_ At 20, 25 and 31 cents. ORGANDIES; GRENADINES, and the largest stock of ._ _ DRESS GOODS IN THE CITY. CLOAKS, ' '- CIRCULARS, SHAWLS, LACE POINTS. CARPETS! - CARPETS! at 1L WILKFt No. 4 Market Square, Harnabarg. myl4-d4t PROPOSALS FOR HAY. ASSISTANT QUARTRRHASTRRN OFFICE, 1 HARRISBURG, Pa., May 13,1864. f SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., Thursday, May 19th, 1804, for ruinishing this department. with (200) twb hun dred tons of baled hay, ("4,000) two thousand pounds per ton, all to be of the best merchantable qUality, subject to such inspection as I. may direct, (150) one hundred and any tons to be delivered at Hummelstown, Penna., (on the line of the Lebanon Valley Railroad,) and (50) filly tong at Harrisburg'. Proposals for any turionnti say over (50) tonskt hay, on this contract will be received. • ' Each party obtaining a contract will be required to en ter into bonds, with approved sureties, Ear its faithful execution. The department reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bids, if not deemed satisfactory. -. . • 'Proposals will be adctressed.:to Captain E. G. Riechen- Mach, Assistant Quartermaster Volunteers, Harrisburg, and will be endorsed 'Proposals to:famish Hay.' By order of. CAPT. J. G. JOHNSON, Chief Q. IL Department Susquehanna. E. C. cirminacii,'Capt. and A. Q. IL" MILLINERY GOODS: PEERS. J. HIBBS . , HAS °PENTAD AT • - • NO. S MARKET SQUARE,. (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) . . WITRRE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper prices than any house in the city. Thequality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplS-dtjyll REMOVED. SOILEFFER'S BOOKSTORE ANIS JOB PRINTEVO OFFICE ) SOUTH SECOND STREET, Two Door Helow , Kelker'.a Hardware Store, OPPOSITE THE PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH. marBo-tt Ovvics Caw Comassaar ov Sussmiataw., DZPARTIMST OF THE SUSQUEHANNA, . ILLItR/13817Ra, Penna., May tr., 1884. QEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, are tj respectfully invited by the undersigned, until 3 e. Saturday,-May 21st, 1864, for furnishing the United States Subsistence Department, delivered In Harrisburg, .Pa,, with "Fresh Beef, of a good and marketable quality, in. proportions of Fore and Hind Quarters Meat, • (Neck, Shanks. and Kidney Tallow to be excluded,) in such quan tities as may be required, and on such days as shall be designated at this office, commencing May 23, 1864, for a period of four months. The ability of the bidder to fulfill the agreement must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whoae signa turea must be appended to' the guarantee. In case of fail ure, the United States reserves the right of purchase else where, to make up the deficiency, charging the advance paid over the contract price to the party failing to deliver. Bids must be,legible, the numbers written, as Well at expressed by figures; and no member of. Congress, officer or agent of the Government service, shall be admitted to any share therein, or to any benefit Which may arise therefrom. PARASOLS, &O The proposals will be opened at three P. - X. Saturday, May 21st, 1864 , and bidders are invited to attend.. BROWNELL GRANGER, Capt. and C. S. I. S. V., Chief Dept. Susquehanna. MELODEONS AND CARINET ORdAVS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREEMIE, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, ONLY GOLD. MEDAL (ever won by Instruments a this dam) ha 3 beenlwarded to MASON 4t HAMLIN'S- EKSTROM:ENT& A full assortment of these: instruments always on band st - 19. - BNOCHE'S, Sale Agent,' je4,2tayrly] os Market street. JOAN A. BIGLER & C 0 .5 . . _ 13_ XL 01K: ; e. MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, , A.R.L118, - 1331X1p . p3E1 - on . i . rraa A u G. - Warrants, Claims, Government Securities,Checks Vouchers, &c., cashed. V! mar2Sd2me Attorney„a;t_-Law OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA A LL manner of Military Claims promptly 11 attended to, and claims collected against the General or State Covenunonts; either in Gongrees, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisbufg, without,un necessary deSty, and on moderate terms.. . aii29-d6na COFFEE, S!J GAR ' ANDA WELK. .., , "DEMONS -making,ttp boxes to semi bytheir .. ..L, friends hi he army, 'find this an elegant article; one boa making forty min .. : of coffee, equal to any Java coffee, and with little laboy„, For aide at , a ~0113Sf.,ER & I'ILAZDIS 4 ' no 24 tnuccefenrOo Win. Dock, jr., & Co.) ORANGES! ORANGES! 1-20 boxes in prime order. Just, received wholessliand retail SBISLED. FRA.ZER, fb2 successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., .4 Co I ~ . . tilcauctm MUSTARD, the best; imported. just received•and for sale by • SEMLER it, FRA.ZW, febl (successom to Wm Dock, jr, k Co.) TIMED FRUIT of all kinds at • Dayt] BOYER 3 ICOERPER. SWEET CIDER—A anion. Imp very lino lot of SweaCider, pm!, recei s v ms 434l it FRarzik• _ um eits ' (SUCCOSOISte W. Dock, Tr ) Soldiers' Poi* A LARGE assortment at . BERGNER , S.VHEAP BOOtlareiiit i Wltokotretail at low-pricey PitiltrEf LAMY. FINE Kettleitencleyed-TlAlt.D4tutt received at. < --,stiorsura si.rmaleg .. to Wm. Dockar.# &lAA, WANTS NURSE WANTED. PROPOSALS. Thomas C. MacDowell, PIIIM CONCENTRATED - USE/MMil'rS BRA.N-T 9, ,S HALL. • Manager.... S C. DIIBOIS. Third and last night of the greatAmerlcan Drama of the . . OCTOROON, CROWDED HOUSES I ,CROWDED. ROM= ! ThESIPZISE SUCCESS OP TSB DRAMATIC COMBINATION:- WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY • Is, 1864. Will be presented for the third and fast time, the beautiful picture of Southern life, THE " OCTOROON , - WITH ITS Zr.CITMO TABLEAUX, MAGNIFICENT SCENERY, AND FTh'R ACTING. Seats may be secured at Bannvart's Drug store. - PRICES OP Amass:tore Reserved seats 50 cents. Seats not reserved 25 cents. Doors open at 7/. Curtain rises at B. myl6 SANFORD'S HALE. THIRD STREET, BELOW. MARKET, REAR OF ITERWE HOTEL. S. S. SANFORD ....Proprietor and Manager WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18. JOHNNY IS GONE FOR A SOLDIER JACK. AND JIM RAGS WALE-AROUNDir Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance allartit van's Drug Store. Doors open at 63(. Commence 3 to S. ; • • Police always in attendance to preserve order. —-- Admittance 25 cents. - Orchestra enable, 50 cents. Private boxes. entire. $5 each; single seats, eitedr. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL . WALNUT ST., BELOW TIMM. ' p lIINIZI 3 A i OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a first-class Company of '" SINGERS,;DANCERS, CONEEDIALIV,thot, &a. Seats in Boxes . ........, 2& NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RATS, Roecams, &c. As Spring approaches AMS and ROACHES Ehontheir dodo some out; And MICE and RATS, .ms spite of curs, Gaily skip about. COSTAR'S - EXTERMINATORS. Porßots, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Med Biggs, Mosquitos, Moth in Fors, Woolens, site., Insects on Rituals, Poloist, nitinusis, etc. "A years established in N. Y. Clty.'2 "Only infallible remedies known. , "Free from Poisoas." • - "Not dangerous to,She Homan ramht..” die": coma out of their bola .t -Sold by all Druggists everywhere • . WI I Beeves I I I of all worthless imltationa *ie. , Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway, garßald by . D. W. GROSS .4•Clit, Wholesale and retail Howls/Haw Aa marle-d&wtint SCHOMACKER CO.'S PIANOS SOUR GRAPES pOO well known in this oil tot:104:09m- A_ mendation. In use by . PRESIDENT LINCOLN . . GOVERNOR CURTIN .11315 GE And many-other distinguished citizens. Ths, • offers these superb instruments at prices that san* . :o, to command public patronage. • N. s.—No OLD stock on hand. Also, Soli Agent for the unrivalled STEINWAY PIANO., BRADBURY'S c:ELEitnArE.D PiAstos. Cteckering's and several other of the very best t tnakeS None but perfect instruments 501 d..„ Call and seelargest stock, out of great cities. maatt-tf S. 'WARD Third.etreet Mimic Stoic, OR SALE X.. The subscriber offers for sale the stock and Warn of his well known. WROJir-q.ti,E LIQUOR. STORE - AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He w . ill,sen die what or part of the stock, and the entire IstUres.• the tini ness has been carried on about fifteen yearorand is Wen established. With the store is connected a Good "COPPER STILL It'is situated on Canal street, between Pennsyl vania railroad and tonal, and has u private siding suitable tor forwiteding purposes. Posseidon given immediately and lease given theft= one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasem For further information apply on the re mises to ' [mar24-ti) GEO_ G. gUNSEL PRIVATE SALE. NF. of the best loCations for' IRON O WOID,IS in the State , for sale, at a very reason able price, to anypurcbaser who will improve it, situatediwltt in a abort distance of,the city of limrbaburg, betw4njhe Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about live him!** Sii wide, and, alongside of the best limestone quarries in =fife State and close to a good turnpike, road; - Aso, roan for w aste cinders for fifty years„withontpsyirig for the, Lirki Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., AttorneyiaaW, No. 24 North Second marld-dtt , Harrisl:& tre nr c l'a. [Philadelphia Press insert three times and =send; bid - to this office.] REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATESALIL The several properties of the Bettie of *IA.• \PAZ LISON, deceased, in the city of Harrisbdrg, conalithic cd Houses on Front street and Chestnut Street, at and near the corner-of Wont and Chaste ut streets; a-vacant lot on Mulberry street, near Third street, and 19% acres of land at the ea stern terminus of Market streecare of fered for sale. For terms of Bitleapply tolhe undonsigned, .Seventliand Noble streets, Philadelphia' ' de2.1.-dtti THOMAS COCHRAN.: CIANNET) FRUITS OF EV,ERTDF.SORIE 1 - TION SAUCES or all the celebriited niarinfaditAik SARDINES, OLIVE OILS, Of every descriptim Also, BROWN STOUT,FENE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all gradasAnd prima, and tbaZitstiiiteined. stock outside of Philadalphki. All goods guaranteed as represenied. Particular attention paid to all orders front ,a distance. Goods carefully packed and deftverect tb a/Iberia of the city free of charge. SIRSLER & FR mY S , .5 55 5 555 MPC!-5 1 " , DP 5 lr.; =- - DBMADELPHIA. ,COLLEGJATE INSTI L.TUTS - FOR YOUNG. li/110 Arch street Rev.CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Xrincipals. Ninth Tear. Three departments: PriMary, Academia, and Collegiate. Full collegecoarse in Classics, Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science for those mho graduate. Modem Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution hype best masters. For °Mauler...randy at tbe Institute, or address BOX 2611 E 0., ai9 rtinadiiph o is 94. MAGNOLIA BALM. T.MS , is the most delightful and extraordi nary artiele ever disc - were& It einsaigeSscithisatrisis burn and Face and Hand* to S.: pe arly , satin texture, or nzvishi . g be,,,ty, imparting the . " - m arble purity of youth, and the dittitelY e VRea ranc t so,inVEting ill - Iktillfili. dif dation. It removes tan, freckles, plmp r.anwm neater the skin, haavhig the conapiexien f traospit. rent and smootk. 'lt afintilnisinauttierial iniurions to the akin. ravottiza by ! **2llltl and Operta, atngent it i s what every huh should Dike. 'Sold 'wlfolestae and re el 1 4 41 0. E a) ;.) 3 .1-Ri mlrkE LL ______le*lbrang-A tail by ,- - - • - 8:A 1 / 4 :KUNKEL & BRO., 1e• 864 'siu~r`.~sns,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers