THE TELEGRAPH 111 PUBLISHES) MORNING - AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER ()mars THIRD ST., HEAR WALNUT. rEEms OF ST:I36CRIPTION SINGI,E ME DAILY TUEGRAFIL or vvti StlbSgriberS in the city at 8 cents per week. Yeaaly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY. TELEGRAPH. THE TBLEGRAPH is also published Weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.... Throe copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office,. MEDICAL. ELIXIR. DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OP LIFE. Frepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing .notb bag Injurious to the most Delicate.. ' ,The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of 'modern discoveries In the; vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of aura, irrespective of all - the old and worniut systso3s. so-This mpg - eine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of and by them pronounced to be one of the greitest medical diseniericS of the age ,—One bottle will . cure General Debility. WA few doses cures Hysterics in fermdea narOne bottle cures Palpitation of the'lLeart. WA few doses restores the organs of generation. grFrom one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite. .t Three bottles cures ;le worst case of impotency:, . sera few doses cures tee low spirited. • - WOne bottle resters mental power. -. gar A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. a-This medicine restores to manly vigor and robes health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and. dcepalrini devotee of sensual pleasure. iifif-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked of business, the victim of a nervous depression; the-' dividnal suffering from general debility, or from weaknesi of a single organ, will all find Immediate - and permanent relief by the use of this or EsdenCti'of Life.' sirPriee, $2 per bottle, or three bOttles for ss,' ,and forrarded by express, on receipt of meney, to any ad: dress. WSold by all dnsggists everywhere. DR..*. R MEAWIN & CO. , Solo. ProPrieoM No. 59 Liberty st reet,Novi: CHERORTIP. SUGAR-COATED FEMALE F.EauLATo4, HEALTH PRESERVER. CERTAIN AND SAFI, s -Far the Removal of Obstructions and the Insurance • qf Regularity in the Rerarrence of the • Mir They cure of 'obviate those tremorous &Seal*: that spring from' irregularity, -by' semi - Mug the ixilik:slaritv Melt u-They cnre*Salipressed, Excessive and Painful Melt strustiOn. - Whey cure Citroen. Sickness (Clildrobli.); • aiy-They" cure Nervous and Spinal Affections; In thh back and loWer parts of the body, HeaVinesa, Fatiguo on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart,. LowniSS . , Spirits,:kysteria, Sick lioadhOhe, Giddiness, kc.,/Cc. w9rd,. by removing the itraFgeriiii 4 4eY cause, and with it 41.4. the epots . that spring. fw_mt„it . n'a-Composed. of simple vegetible extraottik,tlitty; lain nothing dOteterious to any constitution, nowever elicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, Which, when_pxoperly used, they. never JArneXigiar-* , ittifetir welt et:- any. age, and'At °AT, perioe, EXCEPT DURING THE Fran THREE D1011'4 1 4•43 , F1e1k which the unfailing nature of their action woulihitir PREVENT pregnancy. IfirAll letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered_ Zi - Full directions accompany each box. . itifrnice, sl4per:box,, , Or tlx boxes for g6.s - '.Sent flee' of postage, on receipt of price.' *Sold: by aiFreenentabiWdruggists. • • • • DR.ßWlN`Ac CO.,,SoloProprietors. - •. No. '69 Liberty street; -- For sale in-Harrisburg by S. A. 1117NkAL Market street. ._• • • Useful- and.- V alb:Mile Discolvry: - lIILTONIS Ga DumicomitY,l INSOLtBLE,:CEMENT more general ,practicel. utility, than any Lnvention rid* 'before' the public. It has been thoroughly tooted during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY MP2S I j AQesive Preparatiolus known. rON'a INBO4IIBLIS ceinaortia anew thing, and: lila result of years of study; its'edinbiriation Soientific' Principlie r And under no Oiniurneuidiode Or change 'of temperature, will dt: be! 'me corrupt or- •Mcktt • !MY , titfenutfe new 00 nibili al 4e# ' BOOT AND SHOE • Manufacturers, using itaallities, will find ,tha best article.. known. as Cementing tor tboebiouiela, it : work thout delay, is not abet:P:l'lsY 'an,' ebony of temperature. Eck' Shile MI4I JEWELERS , t'ffl find if: fnullelentlY adheiitie for dr use; as has been proved. Jevielow B is Especially Adapted to Leather, And we claim as an especial merit, that it stio4 :Patches to Boots and Shoes 'auldF4elltir- .4r oll B - wiyhdtit tohing. ..• Famal ea LIQUID E:,af lf 2 It is a liquid, Extant that is a sure thing for mend. ing Furniture, Crockery, Top Bone, And articles of Efousokoliitige _ REMERKBEIt HILTON'S bisoLtrma Cams?l.l.": l is in a liquid form and, es.eituni spa plied ea pAste. Hitsom'a ItisomnswCioiszti. , lainsoluole in water or oiL' ' ThistsT'S .Inrsatanuz Commer Adheres oily'subatanona Remember ; • Elitppßed ' In Fardlii or Montalto' firer% . f4iCirages from* ounce tr. iod Boa & c 0.,. • PrPPriOarar -? -.. pioiitf.j.pnce, R. L - - - - Agents In Philadelphia, .I , SIB-41.Y • 1411441 DR. B. M. GILDEA, DENTIST, RtSPECTFIJLLY informs the.oitizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has removed his of- firs from Market street to Third street, next - ttoor to, : the: Pittiotnnd .Onion ceee, whets lee-ialpfewiied— modate all irho may desire his profess:Mimi TIFT tiIItniLPECTORALS are useful tor. aixothe a kA cough, allay Tickling In the Throat,' , :tV,Velleve Hoarseness,, Catarrh, Bore Throat, ikc, They contain Ooltalbef,.Hoyehomul, Immactianha, ,Senaga and Squill, (the moetVellableexpectommis Imown,) are' the chief ac tive cenatittlenta, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each leaeageporilaina a mild laid very, pleasant dose. __ 1 041L1UC144 1 49).V., HITIVIEL & iipc,4lxsatigi, ue garketjareet,': • t. . .. . . ... .. .-... . . , .. . ..... . . . .... \ . ' * , % d .i, , --•__,.,\ V\lll, -,-e_;------" ..11 • ; . E V I .. -.....-. . .. . ' . ~. . amif „._„ ii ,...., i70 L_____.._,..„,,. t .. r . t ., . 41 . . . . . . . . _ •. . . ... . $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. ELIXIR. DISORDERS OF THE LIVER OERAATif BITTERS, 311E...:GREATATANTHENINGJONIC. ;T ' SB Bitters hitve performed more cures; have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes-- timeny; have more: roppectable people-to vouch for them Iran any other article in the market. -Weidefy- any. one lei: contradict this. assertion, • and will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a certificate pub liiihed by us that is hot genuine. 'Hofland's' 'Getman Bit tors;-will cure every.; case. of Gbronio or Nervous .Debility, Diseases of the Kidney; and diseases arising'-from:a dis-. ordered stomach. Observe' the' folloWing • symptoms, le gulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Com itipation, -Inward Piles,.• Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food; Fullness or weight in the Stomach; Sour Eructations, fluttering at the pit bflhe stomach, SwiMining of the' bead, Hurried and difficult breathing, Flutraing`at .the heart, Choking or suffocating .sermatious when in a lying posture, Dimness Of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, FeVer pain in the head; Deticienby, of pers piration, YelliivineWorthesliVuldtyes, Pain in the side, back,-chest , linabs,4M.i'Slidden. - quakes of heat; Burning in the flesh, Constant imaginations of evil, and great de pression of spirits. _ ...„ i Remember that, this litters is not alcoholic, contains no 'rum or whiskl; - and' can't: Make drunkards, but is the lie6Toitic in:thii • . ME '• From the Rev. Levi- a, • Beek, Pastor of the Baptist •schiirch,-Pembeittori,N.7.; formerly of the North Baptist 'Church, Philadelphia: , • ; I haVe knoiislloofband's German-Bitters favorably for :a number of years' -I have used them in my own family :and have begin:SOL pleased'with their effects that I was in duced to recommend them to many others, and know that •they have operated in a a . ' kingly . beneficial , manner.., 'great- .pleasare ' in 'thug :publicly.. ProcLalmini i this ifact, and calling the attention of those alilictial with the ;di for which .they are recommended to these goiciating aiperience that my,rat onviiendiitlen SuStaktied.- do'` this more cheerfully . as Roof ilancVs:Bittiers is intencled to. bandit.. the afflicted, and. le "not a rum drink." Fours . BRCS. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia or Relillona Knowledge and Christiah.,Chroni cle, Philahelphia. Although not disposed to favor or redommend 'Patent Mehiciries in general, through distrust of their ingredients ;and, effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons, why, a -man`lnay not testily tiithe benefits he believes himself to, from any simple preparation, in the hope r- thatAranisy Gibs contribute to the benefit of others': ' do this the more readily in regard to Hoofiand'a Ger : Mari Rittere,:forepaied by Dr. C. H. Jackson, of _tkia city lieattSe E was prejtiliced against them for many years, under thwimpression that they . were chiefly an, aloeholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert. Shoema ker, Esq ,, for tilt) removal of this prejudice by proper tests,' auidTor encouragement to try - Allem when Suffering ;from great and long :continued debility. The :imp of ' three bottles of these'-Bitters 'at . the beginning of-the present:year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which. I bad not for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them*. . • • - J. NEWTON BROWNO'hilada. From Rev. , Warren- Randolph, :Pastor of • Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. • IcAPP: =- DCar Siri=Pernotior lfirgiirlortee enables megOily that I regard the German : Bitters, Pre- Pared by you, as a moat excellent ' a cases of severe cold and general debility I nave been greatly bene litted bylttna iiao of:the Bitters.'and doubt not- they will produce leafs's. abets On: others- . ... _• . - -• • Yours. Wily WARREN RANDOLPH,: Germantown, PEL From Rev. J IL Turner, ..Pastor of Hedding Church 1141adelSda. Sir:-Having used yobr Ger man Dr . • .11..Tielmfill›,Paex ng - o say BitteM yr,lbeilly freenent4 lam prepared _ t that it`liekbeen of greet. service. I Wiley , : tha i L est most tin came of-general debility of the system it " the most valuably remedy offtvhleh.l. have any lnrowledge Yours, respectfulli _ . : _ _ . Na TWIT: Nineteenth From the ReV. J. N. Lyons, formerly Pastor. of - the Columbus (N. J.) and Ifilestown (Pa.) Baptist:Churches: Nay Rocastax, N. Y. Dr. C. IL - Jite,kson:—Dear Sir:—l feelh a pleasure thus, of my own accbrd,"to tear testimony tothe excellence of the German Enters. .Some years since .being . much at (tided with Dyspepsta,'l used theme with very .betieflolal results.%:. I antre often recommended them to persons en feebled brthat tormenting disease, and have heard from them the most flaneimg Atisthalonlala as to their great value. In cases of general-debility, I believe it to be'n toile utt cannot be summed. • . JAL LYONS. it hi thtvonli :. From .tlae, goy! Tlinmai Winter Pastor of Roxborough Baptise Church. ' ' ' Dr: Jackoir•.•,Dortr.Sii. felt it Ike to your excel lout ,preparntion, Bitter .to add-my terilmtmy.l.o the ddiatv.W." reputation' it has obtained. have for years,.at tiniSS; Veen troubled with great disorder in my head, and ziervUWi system. I PM advised by. a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so,..and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially benefitted. , I confidently recom mend the article where I 'meet with'citses slog* to my own, and have been assured by many of their good et faas: .Respectfully yours, • T. W.0_1311, Roxboroma Pa. _ or, , Yriara Rev. J. q. , of the Glruhli? Church, Kutztown; 'Berke 'county, Dr. C.• M. Jar.lrabit:Rmgaidted Sir :—I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty yeariv and have never . used anymedioine that did me as much good as Hutdbiini's Ditterk• • I am very mach imprOvcd:lnli*th, ether having taken Ave bottlai Touia with - respect, J. 8. HERMAN.IIII PRICES. Large Size (holding nearly double quentityo $1 00 per bottle—half do; 00 s wa n Size—fs mute per battle—half do: 1 00 BEWAaE OF. COUNTERFEITS! si ta. tb a L thaa signature of _"0. M. JACKSON" Ls on the . WRAFFE4 eanit, ' • Sholibrkohy nears*. drugghrt not have the aitiole ' do 4.l4:PelPutOP)7 the ultoxleaßlei preparations that: 'aesy,baLoKfired in ita place, but send to us, and zed will forward, *cooly packed, by expreas. ..; ; Ornsia and Manufactory, NO. 6 Bi-:4 ; 1601i STREET, PairAPOLPHIA. Micatani to (1. Ar. Jackson& %. VOI•sol,b; bY ±01400464)01444 1 0 11 1 :0VVi soma *g V0,W4M411. mylOglttriy ivy J,zcAL. DYS P S DISEASES RESULTING 'ROM BD DIGESTIVE 'ORGANS, . kRB OUR= BY 11.0-O.FL A:N D' S READ WHO SAYS SO "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREVERV!,-Webem HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY DVENING, MAY 19; 64 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M I FA DDEN , S MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened a Marble ; Yard in this city, beg leave to Inform their tilends and. the pubila In general, that they are prepared to fur- MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EIO:i3M Monuments, Tombs, •'• • •Head Stones, • Mantles, And House Work in Marble and-Brown Stone. Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfactton. ' M'F&DDEN & CO. N. B.—Lettering neatly none in. English or German. mar29-dly Steam Weekly to Liverpool. • TUC CHING at QUEENSTOWN . , (Cork Har bor.) The'well knoWn Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: EDINBURG; Saturday,May T, L•frY 'OF WASRLNGTON, Saturday, May 14, CITY ,01:' . MANCHESTER, Saturday, May 11, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, how Pier 44, North River...; ` • MATES OF PASSAGE, , , PAYABLE GOLD, OR rrB RatrIVALIINT Dr etrannlCOY. FIRST CABIN— 90 STEERAGE ' • i '.s3o 00 do to London 85 .00 do to London 34 00 do to Paris . 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Ramlmrg... 90 00 ,do to llamlwrgi 6!T 00 Passengersalad forwardedto Havre, Bremen': Rotter, :dam, Antwerp, 85&, at , wmally-lourraterG2 J.: .. [ , . Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown.: let Cabin, - $7 . 15 6 $B6, $lO5. Steerage, '585 . 2 Those' who wish hi - Send •-for ;their friends can burtickW9 here at, those. WWI ' For further information apply at. the COmpany:s offices JOAN Agent; 15 Broadway, N.Y., or C. 0 • ZPPIERKAN , riarrisOrg• - . ; V2:3-dIY REMOVAL. FREDERICK, WEAVER, merchant tailor, would inform his friends and the public generally,. that he has removed his establishment frijol Fourth street to the stand lately oocupied by Theo. P. - Schetfer, in rar ket street,, where he is prepared to -supply all who may. favor him with a with the best fitting clothing in the' market. Having just. returned front . the, .eastern; cities . With a fine 'stock of French Cloths, and 'Caslmeres and a fresh supply of everything Mhis line; kg -would invitnthe public to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place: Schelter's old book stand, Opposite' Gross & Co.'s drug store. 'roy'2_2wl. A., ,C. ATTORNEY A.7' IDICAS removed his Oftke frourrhirdlWWTil -1 I nut .streeynext r tp Otto Prison.. .A.ll busirtosa In trusted to lititetvill r6e;e33evtioilt,:gid careful tittention t apt . . , JUST OPENED, . . A SSO.R7I.IE - N i rOF R OS.E*`;:o iEt aL,N't • WRITING DESKS; '•.• ;brew, 'Edit*" for sale at' • - nol9'' • , ' SC#EFFEA'S., BOOKSTORE., SPLENDID INDIXIIIIIENTSI O.IIJRCHASEHS, NO ADVANCE TEES PRICE OF IM FORTED agoDs.: Having purchasedleavily before , the first of May, we have not adiranced our prices since the new tax of 50 perimported goods. . . CATHCART Sr: BROTHER, Next floor to the Harrisburg Bank. _ DRESS (3i431;0DS IN LARG-E ASSORTMENT:' TEE AIYIE,RIOAN SKELETON SKIRT, THE "BEST -NEW STYLE, TEE 13EST DIAIERIAI4; THE BEST MADE, THE MOST FASHIONABIig, SSW OUT Any other ekirt of the same "style is only. an LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SUIiMER UNDER WEAR. 3 Gauze Marino Under Shirts and Drawers, Cashmere do . do do Donut flannel do • .do do Cotton - Lisile Thread Finish do ' do Pure Idale Thre4d'UndeOlitits do ALL , SIZES AND QUALITIES. CAMIALCARIE 8c BROTHER, • , , • • • , Nipit door tii.theHarrieburg Bank. Harrislitrg,:iday.2, 1864. d2w NOTICE: .! • • Rorosizswill be received by't4e P Sd fay 'Hie: tieliniretY and stirending . or 500 perchns of brolcerestone, in the Third distrid - orthe city of. Harrisburg. Proposals received until the 20th of 1ia37.1 JOHNW. HALL, - Li BERNHARD, Street,Conunitlee. C. HENS, ~Harrisburg, Hay,9.-Cw i for 1 000 LBS. S.C:lG.gorge Codfish, Weld • SEMLER-A: FR.AZfiKk‘ feb2 ' (Successors to-Wm.Ltukk. Jr.. k CO.) 1 0001A38' CODED3ll,:lot:theCae* 9•• Witted GeozgebriUtd, Just reCiel"red end for sale by • • SIDSVO &'FFLAZER, row • .• (successors to Wm. Dock; jr; k CO.) •ed E NGLISH "DAIRY and . _ VIEW YORE STATE CREWE. W 31.. DOCK, ATIL, &POT No2o] A' LARGE invoice 61 fresh tees, new raisins, prunes and figs at BoYER & ICOESPER. . LEA: SG TEAM . th e mosppopular and the purest ever. °forest was pubiiq ;O. ved and'Sro7sal°WebyEST" SAUCE'S: . .• SMSLEit & FIILZEr fepl , - . Affuccessors to, Wm. Dock, jr., & Co. , • P B LI.O • S IA - B. • eOHOO.L SLATES of Attrorent slzes,.Willson's excellent Aeries or Spellers and :Rehders,• _ published by Harper Sr Brothers, togethormitti'all other Salmi Sooksand fag : Materials aro .olicred,,wholcsale and retail, at : WHILFFEIVS 800 :' fORE. : VENET•l44s4'l)Abit'Ritl L Lititi, just ra .SIIISIAR & FRAZER; unutl , isuccesedre to Wm:lDobk,-- , Jr, &Co-) T"' i3OOKS, GABS,. dco —A sottniant TortimAtictlanies:qt,o. ati w ag 51E1IE1 BOOKSTOIIS, AND imitation NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GREAT BARGAINS N, JEWELRY t:; • . W. -.V 4-7 -Tr H& • • , . , ' 42 iND 44 NASSAU STREIT;AikIitIfORK. • , (Adjotritng the PostWoej ; Offei• for sale the folfoirAg-hiegiAldent list of WA.TOHES; CHAINS JEWELRY, &C., • VALUED IT 4300;000.. EACH ARTICLE ONE 4:10L.LA8.,; , .k.N7) NOT TO R$ RAID FOR rhyrrz. Tau KNOW WHAT • • YOU aptii.E.TO,G&T. 150. Gold and Silver Woichils: '415 00 to 211114 00 each. 200 Ladies' Gold Watches.. 00 each .500 Ladies' di Genial Silyer:do 99_ 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils....... 4 00. to . -COO eae.o. 5,000 'Wild-baud Bricoletn...... 3 to bireach 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings.' 2 50 . to ' 600 each 8,000 'Cameo Mosaic and Jet Brooches , 6,00 Coral and 2 - lorentino Mar- 10,000 Gents'-Breast Phis 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and. Ikision • .... 50 to • 6.00 each 10.000. Sets Ladies' 500 to - 00 each 6.000 Lava and Florentine Sets.'. - 4`oo - to' 6 011ekeli . 10,000 Gold Pens, Silver'-inoented • • • .............. 4.09 to 5 00 each • 5,000 Gold Pens, with. Silver Ex- . tension Cases and Pen- • • oils -- • ' 4:00 to .6 00 pack Tile articles in ttils• stock of •Jewelry are of the neatest :and most fashionable styles. Certlilooks of nil . ;Ile vs, ;Ideas articles are , put in sealed envelopes and mixed, bilis' , giiingall'a fair •chtinee, and :sent, by, malf,',for :25 - cents eachl efid'on'tlie-receint of they-ci3itilleatey Wisp ad • year optionto Bond .02648011.01. and SiVers giEriztorexamw in It or not. Five certificates for eleven for $2; thirty for $5; sixty for $10; _one hundred for $l5. Certificate • Jmoney 'to be - enclosed wish order. Correspondence proreptly misweked:: . • z -;• • • Anvrs ,Wasr69- In everyj town and:regiment. Send 'or a cireular.`, Address .IV. ,FORSYTH..ik CO., - • • ' '42 and 441.1'issaiistraet, New York. mar2s-dwss3maw3m THIRD STREET; NEAR WALNUT, HAILICISBITIVG - , PA., 7.laim4LE 411,4 :TAU. D .V.A.4ERr CONP CTIONERY,' 'FRUITS; &C., Jujuboyaste, , . . Citrons, Moscßaste,i. : ...7 ; : - ,F" . algir,Dfites; Fig Paste, Prunes, i f Marsh Mallow Gum Drops, -- Almonds, Walnuts, Cream : Chocolate Drops„ ; . „Filberts; , Plain' Candice; &it , &c. - ' 'Ore:hilints Oranges and Lemons, Ground Nuts, Canned Fruits, : Pecan Nuts, . Jellies,;.,.k , F . isi : ~:, . ,PIEKAL-Nutiy.: - '1 Teas and Spices; Nlrkiilds, " Ci'anberrles; ' ' Paper Bags, . : : - Hominy. and Beans, Cider Vinegar, • ' 2 —-. • Cakes and Crackers, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea- I Sweet and Irish Potatoes, son. Green and Dried Fruits, VOliretablEgls:APASl:trb ) •', 1 4AlticouitArY . Product; • !u Currants, ()MIS PEIPI-LER'S ::DAILY LINE • BETWEEN- PEILA.DEtTiriA4 • - Lock Wet lersOr"Shure , - ' Uniontown 'Witsonttitirit N.ooktikifitilit!idiSitli - • • - •-bnty,-,• Tr . everton;:korittowni •LykonSoivn;lllllleisbarg, - • —AND..,:-.}IAILKISBATRo. • • The Philadelphia Depot being centrally ~locatedi the drayage will be, at the t&weirt rates. -The Conductor, pea thinugti with each train to attend' to' tie 'mil - delivery of *all golds , Ininisted; the Rae:. Dithits'delliere o d 'at , the de pot of FItIED, WARD , & FREED; kir Market street, Philadelphia, by o,o'clookr. be,Oeliyged In Mar:. the neat morning, ii'relitit A:twain as "Low as by Aity Other ... • JOS..IIONIVTO343Itt Jr 00., Plaitimic4pip ,a- 22 4; -- B-NPlig:PePc 4 l :00P1,41". . :, l ?4 , lr4'AE°9 44FriOulT1 PIANOS. - -01410.0 YikBo 1'; Sr, §pRIIIIDT% ' - " !! .itakbai p E . SOLE AGENCY . AT TV., KNOCILgS, • 93 Market stiait; Hiiitiabtirg: 4 , : 7 4'; FOR REASONS'spettbeily. satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. The public Is invited to come and ex amine for themselves., • ; A fe* Schiiivacktr hand yet,' will be dsol low. mar2s-tt BT,TrtLxzroToN ;HERRING.. TEE fitet of the. 6.04 803 4 fhke large: Burling tot.HFring, juat.reoqivedg a . sixß. Fic ; zEß. spA(suctesioro !,oWm. Dock, jr; & Co.): , . , A lAX4A-19INVOIOE OF NEW:. CITRON, • , . . CURRANTS . PIarN ES RIGS, ha.,. , SEM LER & FRAZER'S (Succoseors m Wm. pock, Jr.,.Jir Co.) AL rno2Cll RALPH L. MA:CLAY, A T_TORINTEY-AT-LA.W.—. .Patrict rfikion, • ..,bUilding, triet.attention' all iegfil business. ;::Military clgin*Oollected.. ,:m916-dem.eod DIGICLFS PICKT , RSII By the barrel; half barrel, jar or 'di:wait& no2s] BoyEle & OEWRER. SITD NirZ IG, titiINer t ';,'IIsTVIJATION F l aso HONE OARDS.--Bta4uieciii.l'exiangemolt with one of the best engravers in.dhia country, cards of any description will be executed In the highest style of art, conformable - with — tlitiAltbit 'TO Mon, and supplied promptly, at lowerpricea than are charged byldiwsfation enaltilNeW York or Philadelphia-IL FOr saiaplei and-pilccs call atERGNE R'S BOOR STORE. mch6-dtf • ORN MEAL--A fine article. Just re C celced at : sHISLER & FRAZEI mar3l zauccessont to Wm. Dock. Jr.i-& =Superiorsweet 8 a just ipyat r' ed: l Fai sale" by , ' 'th's burs' I or' small quantity: ' • • -330YER Eli IRUCKWHEAT hist received. A very tissual Fine,qllaice BKCILWELEJLToit SHLSLER & F . BAZER, (successors to WICL DOck,'„tf.;liCo.)` I=l3 VINE OILS.--Eine salad oib3..just ' , received at -,.BILISLER.& FR/4E p3O , a. ..5544:115prs to !W. Dock, Jr:, 4,00. FINE •ASSOATNfENT OF PORVFOLIOS I PORT FOLIOS! ONESSMENU BACKGAMMON BOARDS I Received at SCREFFER'S. BOOKSTORE. SJUOKED , BREV, • 141314 -W. D0CK: T a i .,43,41,1 AFRESH supply of Miehener's Celebrated Sugar Cirred:Hams and Dried Bee; n 02 51 - KOERPE.R. UTTER, BU R, TTE—Frest 'toll butter. B-froin 'Snyder eaunty ittelaid 'every week: 'Also [aipi] BOYER& HOERPER. -4,Yrs tor 'saie-pii I,ll4'cliKek "Of 'lthicrazi4 jj Broad atieeta. Enquire Of WIC icaDDEN. - . BOXES. SPEIIMIU.OTDLES,. a very 24 'jug, locefylid and tor , eale by • -•— ' '"-' • SHISLER te• - Mane, febl (succeesera to Win. Dock. Jr, • 4 " y • AND SAL 246*E.14'1' EM4V NON a 1 t • niyar" - ig`rojatririt;-, 4 0 0, 0 . 6 00 each 4Op to B . ooi:itch 2'60 to 8 00 each KUNKEL'S BITTER ;VINE OF IRON. A. PURE and powerful TONIC, COrreetive and: Alterative,or.wonderfq.l,efficacy ia,4116 of. ; the STOMACH ,, LIVER and BOWELS. aurPa . : • DYs,,paPgai ••• • - Liver complaints . ....Headache, General NerVousuess - De- ' . preardomof Spirits, Constipition Intermittent Fever, Acidity, of the. ,• &orate:lt, Naiisen,"•-Meartburh ' Dispittot • Food, Pullness or Weight in We Stomach,- - sinking or Fluttering at the Pic ortlce Stbraach, Swimming'of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of •,tne Skin. and. Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest will cure every, cake of Chronic or _Nervous . Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male ' " 'or Female Old ' Young:or The meet heneEl9ls medicine 'known; glues! better Batts &Mien and cures more diaeasei than, any other prebark timg oinked to the Public: zPrepakbisolelybya A. Kw BEL dr, 8R0.,.1.18 latu,ket street,. harrieburg. FOr'sale'by Druggists awl dealers everywh4e. = *a' Counterfeits -)ty .As.Ku4el3.s Bitter Wine of. Iron is A S only sure and tiffe'CiUttl remedy, in the knosin world for' the permanent cure Dyspepsia and Debi Sty. and as there are.a.number of imitations offered to the-public, we would caution the community to' purchase none • bid the 'genuine article; manufactured by S. A.',lfonntat. ; Sao., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that•cahers axe attempting to imitate this valuable remedy proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. JOHN WISE. The• Bitter Witted Into is put up in 75 cent and sl'6o bottles,. and t old'hy . respectable 4lrttggLsta, throughout tui c. try. lEte`pitrtldular that - every bottle hears - the . tiatimile of- the proprietor's signature.: • -- ; This Wine includes .the Most agreeable and efficient Saltvf Iron we parnsestr; ;Citrate of hiragnetie Oxide cern bined, with,th.e moat eactrgotic -o f vegetable tonics,. Yellow Perlivhiii haft. "The effect in many tisel of debility, law or aPpinlte, and gene*Prostritlon, of an eittOjent - Saito;it Iron, oombined,,witti our, valuable, Nerve Tonic, ; is most happy. It-iugtdentiJheiaPpetfte, 'raises the pulse, - fakes off moonier flohbines; .removes the Riley .of and gives a &nit!.vigor to tountenance. ' . . • For- sale by: Atli ; i respeictable dealers, throughout the icuutry. - E4t. Eli's . . Book 'and' • Statiotte'ry, Store'. ..Emiwacing every pew ind-improved style of POCKET BOOKS, RABIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, - - RIICKSKIN PURSES, ' • :POBTKONNAIES, &o. at priw to suit all elremnettumea. — .POCKET CUTLERY, ; Consistininf a floe assor t of Weetennolm's Saps ; I. r_Pocketanfiv(Nt: , GOLD PENS ,cileliratoi manufactory. .k.ery Peri with a:gtiovinter, TORT. FOLIOS, - , MIMING CASES, ROSEWOOD .DESKS, PA.PETERLES, Ar,o Together every tirade, twaally found itt a- Hist Book aftd p4tkonery establisimep% - }!FINtN4.II:B, 51 . 1./ar*et street AG ' ! BAGS! 13A9-$ _ . NEW - AND •SECOND-HAND SEAMLESS, BURLAP AND GUNNY - FLOUR AM, SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, BRI;NTED TO ORDAII,, BY' JOHN T. BA CO., No. 213, North Primt IFULINTOCIPS PECTORAL • SYRUP. • : • ITIBIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is pit - vegetable. in its Composition his been em ployed with wonderful success for manyiears in tlte cure of dh3eases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. • Foil aay form of the disease such -as COUGH, TICKLING of the: VI ,RQATSPIFI3NdOFAitP 3O ,D, .DIFFICULT BREATHING, , 'HOARSMiiM, 1.064 . 0 F VOIC E and HECTIC FEV,ERS, its use WM be iitterided , wi tlr thei happiest ' see • of the beat and safest: . --medicines: for, all:forms of BRUN ' Win& and CONSUNFTION: ' Taiflamini of preiriitie tiog qf Cipitan in any Aiwa int/Li:syrup: • • PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For salskat BERG-NEWS Cheap Book Store. . NEW 'GROCERY. B R PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, E 84,LE A.ND RF.TAII4 G 0 CE:11 IE S , - Awipen9s and dlass•Ware,. AND. ALL KINDS OF • COUNTRY PRODUCE trASE just opened a large and well selected 11_ stock of gxsts at their .stand, N 0.3 ItarketSquare,: Harrisbk to whitlittiefTtlnt9the attention of the; public, • • 71. % - _ at01441.y .^4 , .: ,- , . , z-', —FOR SALE, - 1 HE wf -, operty, corner of Second. T a nd• i' ,_ ,i, 'Nr ..... „,,r' ,. .. aft? - two and' a baltfeet on Se; coed' aid' o ~, )1' (Witaty4ighti feat dn'Tthe etreet,f . ranning - backiland ten feet to Barbara alley,3 slkere Wog ReeleZ itif. dirStlota, eadameardei gablesite fPr a .ff! sit. üblfp btadrelli% Por'litiftictiars— , • t-ceriter build Eei .1 coed and Pinut reet& ', zomEB4l" I -PRICE TWO CENTS. ME , BEWARE . 'OF PEPOT, lifill'AßKET STREET NEW GUUDS'-JUST OPENED! DJ 4I I' in SIAM PRINTING - 01F1 JE., ADVERTISING .16.41 M—DAILY TFIEVRitra. followingare the fetes for advertienk in the Pm.. OR-%PE. Those i ia Ning7s4xskir to In will fine .11 , ear. 'Mb jell tfor referd in ie. F oar lines 0; cooe lines mere titan f•sir c: FOR A HALF NrAnr.", One day g $.l Two days 50 Three One week .. 1 25 One month 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months 5 50 Six months 8 00 Otte year - 15 00 administration Notices.... Haulage Notices axialior's 'Notices ' Funeral Noticesesch insertil mai - Business notices 1 before Mapiages and D issichlgairgOn. 9 EVENING EDITION. TRENTON. 15.17ay 18. The Democratic State Convention to appoint delegates to Chicago, assembled here to-day, and is largely attended. Pie Hon. J. R..)Vurtendike was chosen for •temporary- chairman, with one secretary frOm each Congressional district. A'committee of one from each county was appointed on permanent organization, and 'similar committees on resolutions, credentials, to arrange seats, &c. All resolutions are to be referred to the -committees. ' The convention then adjourned 'to 2:30 P. M. Rumor of a Call for Troops. IV : Astaiicirox; May 18. Although this morning there was no official promulgation of the tact, it is confidently as serted by leading Congressional friends of the administration that i s t has been determined to .call for'three hundred thousand troops. Congress---First Session. Mr. Wilson, (Mass.,) from the ConiMittee on Military Affairs, reported the House NH defining the pay of officers on the•staff of the Lieuteramt-General.. It was passed. ; • . The bill places them on a footing with the 'stab officers of the corps. Mr. Wilson presented a joint resolution to :encourage enlistments and promote enlist ments in the army. Referred to the Commit- . tee on Military Affairs. Mr. Harlan (Iowa) introduced a bill giant . ing land to Michigan to aid in the constran tion of certain railroads. Passed. • • The bill to expedite the public printing was taken tip; ,and an amendment adopted sus pending. the planting of the report of offers received:and contracts: made for carrying the mail. The , bill was then passed. HOUSE OF. It EPRESENTATIVES. • WasanTarox, May 18. A resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediencrof providing for the promo tion of non-commissioned officers and-pri vate.s, distinguished for ,good conduct- and bravery in the field, as officers of the line. -'The Speaker laid before the Honse a reply from the Secretary of the TrcasurY, to inquiry relative to a Mr. Garnett. He says. weh a person was employed in his deparutient, but that he had no kuowledge of his ever having been in the rebel service. On receiving such charges againstinm they were investigated and the man dismissed.— He was appointed on the recomMendation 9f Hon. J. U. Underwood, of the 'gastern • trice of Virginia. Mr. Grarfield (Ohio) asked leaf° to intro duce a bill for the more speedy ipunishment of guerillas so as to protect otir wounded_ soldiers. Mr. Eldridge, (Wis.,kand Mr. Ross, (UL,) objected. • • Mr. Julian, (Ind.,) from the Committee on Public 'Lands, reported a bill provifling for the issue of patents to the- bona fide holders of, floats, issued in pursuance :of- the act of Congress of 1862, relative to Sp -nish i grantiii in Louisiana. The number . Of acieg covered by these floats is only about 15,000; and the act "of 1862-allowing them to be Ideated upon, any public lands subject to private entry_ and kale r a,large• portion of them have been loCated in Michigan. The bill simply authorizes the General Land office to issue patents as the proper-evidence of title. The bill passed. 1-h9 .flouse :pro- Opeded to the consideration of a Joint resolu tion, heretofore, reported from the Committee on Commerce, proposing'such action as will insure more perfect reciprocity of verde be tween the United States and the British North American Provinces. Mr. Ward addressed the - House in a lengthy speech: - /Luziusmwi , , Pr The advance in gold and exchange has caused a falling lit breadstuffs, but - there is not much doing. Sales of 2,000 bbls. "flour at $7 12k for superfine, $7 5207.75-for extras and $8 ®8 06A: for: family. Small sales of rye flour at $7 and coin meal at $5 69. Wheat is firm; sales of red at $1 75e1 80 and white at $1'90. , Rye sells at $1 55. Glo m ism good request, and 5,000 bush. yellowsold at $1.40. Oats are steady at 90c. Uloverseed is steady and commands _56:5006.75, and flaxseed $3 3503 40. Provisions aro dull, and for green meat and lard prices are drooping.— Whisky has advanced; sales. of 300 : 14b1s. at $1 27®1 30; the latter for Oio, - and c=adge at $1 24. •-• Stocks firm. Pennsylvania Fives, 97; Read ing Railroad, 71; Morris Canal, 84i; Long Island, 47; Pennsylvania Railroad, 6S; Gold, 181; Exchange on'New York, par. Flour-has advanced 5010 c.; sales of • 9,000 bbls at-$6 9507 10 for state, s7'4x®7 60 for Ohio, and S 7 60®7 95. for Southern- Wheat advanced:looc.; sales of 50,000 bushels at $1 56®1 62 for Ohio spring, - and $1 5841'62 Ibr Milwankie club. Beef steady. Pork trxd. Lard firm at 131®14u. Whisky firni: and holders demand an advance to .$l.. buyers demand a reduction to $1 2:7.": Peiro lertun is unsettled; the'receipts'- *ant 'to 6,824 bbls. and crude sells at 371®383 !• NEW YOrfY4.lllqp- 1 8. Stocks better. Cumberland preferred,' 82; Michigan Sciuthern, 991 Yoik Central, 134 i; Pennsyliania Coal, 105; Reading, - 1384; Hudson River,- 156; Canton Company, 474; Virginia Siaes„.49; Missouri Sixes, 72; Vie , 1154;, Gold, 1314; Treasurys 112; one yerg certificates, '984; Stocks were better at the regular: board. Chicago and Rock Island, 119; Cumberland preferred, 81.4- Illinois Central Scr i p ,133; Illinois Central Bonds, 118; Michigan South ern, 904; do. g uaranteed, '140; "NeW = York Central. 134; Pennsylvania Usittl,-206; -"Read ing, 1404; Blidson River, 1554;. C ez ton.c om . .pany, 474; Missouri Sixes, 7 4l:Rai.e, 4. 1 0.4; Galena & Chicago, . 1364;,, Michigan gang*, 1454; Harlem, '281; 181, FiyeAssr4hily Coupons, 1064i,Ceupori. DINE ARELE7f OFTFlRsbituaele . ArP:dest ; s I , 3 ELERAtr 3icao -- , > - -watiftsol to win! Docks • ti:utr iquarp. ht itute a i‘quare. 01[13 MVARIZ. One dm $ et. Two days .. 1 i 0 Three cisys • • - 125 One week 2.2! , .. One month 6 e Two months 9 00 Three months. .... 11 00 Sl3 ,months I.k" 0 0 i14 3- Yew? Vd 25 In the Local Cohens, GT Ewan Cram its Lac fa, New Jersey Politics. SENATE WASECpcGTOII, May 18 Illarbete by Telegraph.. PHICADELFgrA, May 18. NEw Yosx, MaylB. New York StoOk Riczkeit. 111:1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers