MEDICAL. •! S CONSTITIITXON WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER GREAT REMEDY , • FOR THE COATS TITUTION, AND THE :ONLY: KNOWN RENFKIIY ,t . FOR DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION' WATER Has been pronounced by the- Medical . Faculty and the pulfile, to be the most wonderful remedy for the..perma nent :curer orall diiha:ses of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever been offered. It is not a MINERALWATER.. It is from experienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no' man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent In this country has failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it is now used by the-most scientific practitioners in this city. It is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the butter Skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the phy sician Increases as his knowledge pfr different remedies enables him to-produce a cure; whileltithere fail= in the Id tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. . : • Give Constitution Water a fair trial—We mean you wlio are under some specialists's care frouf year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all sorts of local applications for diseases, with as much chance of success as there would be from local - abplications to thee throat for diseases of the brain. We have; been. always careful to use language in our circular that could not shock the most delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many_ communications from per sons for which Constitution Water is adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that We have come to the conclusion that if the remedy is capable of producing a cure, no matter what the 'disease, it ehould be made imown. The medicine is. Put, up' for the public, and there should be no exceptions . We wouldsay, Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, Made towel the eye and Mate; it 1s a , medicine in every aentio of the term, placedin'the hands . ' of the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the direc tions it will, in every case, produce a 'radical Cure. We would say that the directions in regard to diet, eta,, re late only to the Maces° under which they occur. DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, Life most obstinate disease, except consumption, that affects the hunnui constitution.. We have no space for discussing causes, but will State that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the Tood) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion or water. Many persons suffer front this disease who are ignorant of it; that is, they pass. largo -quantities during the day,"and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is: the great thirst, which, when the disease is fully estab lished, is intolerable—the patient:drinks constantly 'without being ustiVred; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient grade aly sinks from exhaustion. CONSTPTUTION WATER is, without doubt li the only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as muc confidence that it is a specific as we have that opluM will produce sleep, and truthfully say that lit= cured ovary case in which it has been used. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRIG'S DUST DEPOSIT, ETC.; ETC., Diseases arising from a faulty secretion—in the OSA case being toolittle, and accompanied by, severe pailn, and the other alowprofuse secretion—whlch Will. be speeily cured by the • ' • commune* WATER. • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER' CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN EZNEDy FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONL KNOWN REMEDY FOR ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE. okux KNOWN REMEDY' FOR GNU KNOWN REMEDY FOR na ONLY KNOWM REMEDY FOR VIE ONLY KNOWN REODY' FOR . DIA.BETES. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEY; CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. STRANGUART AND BURNING, OR SAINFUL URI- NATI:NG. For these diseases It is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said Mils praise. A single dose has been Ictiown to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Arti you troubled with that distressing pain in the small or theback and through, the hips? A - teaspoonful a day of tlae Qoustitutigut Water will relieve you illte magic. •, • • • PHYSICIAN'S Have long since given up the usW buchu, cubobs anal juniper in the treatment of those diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy, CONSTiTurION WATER has proved itself equal to the task that has devolved upon DIURETICS initate and drench the kidneys, antkb3r- coni3tant use soon lead to chronic degenevtion and.mdh3lied disease. - - We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has ne cmial in relieving the clam of diseases for which it has been found so eminently sue cetaful for curing ; anti we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts lanlacing' so valuable a remedy in a form tamest the requirements of patient and physician. READ 1 READ ! 1 READ ! ! ! Dsarvuss, Pa., June 2,1862.—Dr. Wm. IL Gregg-- Dear Sir: In February,lB6l, I was affected with sugar diabetes, and for five mouths I passed more than two gallons_of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to , got up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, . ant in Ave months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. During the month of Ju1y,1861., I procured •two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it le* porienced relief, and after taking two bottles I, was. en tirely cured, soon after regaining my usual, good lwaltb, Yours truly. J. 7 4 /-). .11C WITT Boum Census, N. Y., Dec. 2Z., 1 , 1364„—Wim. H. Gregg e Co.—Gents: I freely give 3 Fiberty to makeuse of the fOIIOwNI certificate " T N" Constitution , Water, which I can recommits& mitheliighost manner t My wife war. attacked witb,,pain'in the:shoulders Nittple length of the back, fiYhbr ninbs, with , Ralpa t tio n , o f th e Heee k wa y qf the Eladder;,..l . called a physician, who atilindiSd'hiielibout three months, when he left her worse than he had found her.. I then employed ono of the best physicians I could find, who attended her for about nine months, and while she was staler, his care she did not suf fkie Tate as much Pain. liedirially. gave her up, and said Iss. case was incurable.," said he, "she has such 'a ocabilustion of compictiski,acd medicine given for one ope rates against some other qf her difficulties" About this lime she commenced,the uke of Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost tho first dose seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends en tirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced a permanent cure. WM. M. VAN BF.NSCHOTEN. 1g. 2 " 33111. UnD, COWL, March 2, 1868.—Dr: W. H 6iiim7 7 ,12e,0r,. Bir:—Raving seen your advertisement' ' V., aillitatlen Water," recommended for Inflammation al the Rilineystind Irritation of the Bladderhaving f tllts pastAree Yalta imd , tided.the si ota numb s er 04. Una wiq: 0.13 4" teniPorary, relief, I was induced to b .3r 0 'lnidlcirie...." bottle of • . ord, getern,Lee„Simon.& Co., and ~lo e u n r aga/la fr, at I had zu ed bine it; tolny surprise". found a gre a t e b„,,,.„„ ;,,,. hiniltii; " I hie used tWo bottles of it,and --- . - , _'' " . my am Waa, -0. I never, in my life, well, and in good sni ;iit a. I mina amp itiSiO - nciy, gintitude for it; I feel that it - • in and mime than you recommend yto be. May the bb l %; at God Sr attend you in your labors of love. ' -.. - EoUrs truIy,LEONARD RIGEI4 OW. POR . SALE BY ALI D RUGGISTS., 'IIZICZ si . WM. IL GREGG & CO4. Emptier t om MORGAN & ALLEN. GenemLAge.,,r,ta, JanSO-dikwthn-eod No. 48 Mina:reek New york. .... SOLD BY JOHN . STON,ITOLLOWAT& COWEN, ; - KITATICEL & BRU).; -118 Marketatreesb urg, AND ALL JF).-JUIT GLAD'NEWS FOR, _THE DITFORTUNATE! THE LONGZOUGITT-FOR DLSOOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEEE REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic. cures al/ diseases of the urinary organs, such as Inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Adam =lion of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glest, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of fluor algbv ‘ i (or Whiles in females) where all the oldneautous medicines have failed. Sir It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose 00r -being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. • fa— It. Is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleinsieg the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes whieh have Induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used In conjunction with that medicine in all nasal of Gonorrhea, Meet, Fulor Afts or Mites. Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent ; removing all scalding, heat, chordeo and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is ;experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. sierßy the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE DIJECTION--the two suedichiusint the.same time--all Improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs are' speedily restored to full vigor and strength. /os-For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write us, and we will mail free, to any address, a full treatise /Or Price, inte.MOKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for ss._ 41G2r' ; 'Priee, CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or threo bottles for $5. .ea f- Sent "by 'ekpr-s to any address ,on receipt ,of price. gar Sold by all druggistieverywhere. . . IQ W. R. KERWIN & CO., . . ' Sole Proprietors, marl.o-codly No. 59.,Liberty street, Now York. CHEROKEE CURE! .INDT A N MEDICINE, ItOOTS;At.ARILS, AND LEAVES An unfailing cueefor?gpecinatersited, Seminal Weak ness, lirodurtal'Entissio4Mudall diseases causerLby self pollution; suave as toss oellesnory, Universal iassilude, Pains inthe itacki,/*lS"is Vision, Premature Old Age Weak Nerves, 11(fiteutly qf Riidathgt, Trembling, Wakeful ness, Eruptions on the Face, Pale 'Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de parting from the path of-ltiature. - .ifarThis medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and ono on whith all can rely, as it hes been used in our practice for many years, and with .thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. stii-To those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid, we would say, Despair not I the CIIKROKBEI Cane will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack del tors have failed I ..tkirFor full partiCultum, get a Circular 'from any Drug Store in the country, or write the Proprietor ; who will mall free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. Jar Prices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by opressto all parts of the world. gtar Seld by all respectable drugglets everywhere. • :DR. W. R. WERWIN & CO., SOLE PROPRTETORS, marlo way No. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale In 'Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. • _____ • . ANOTHER 'LARGE ASSORTMENT ' OF Photograph A. lb - aara 6. 111QOADID in PINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mountedwith two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for • $3 00 40 a u 3 00 50 . . 400 together with NITROUS other — styles of binding, sizes 'and prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere... Cull QM and see at SCHEFFER'S BooYstore, marl2-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. P.LHARE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." p&RRANT'S COXPOIDTD EXTRACT OF CIJBEISS AND COPAIIIA. This preparation le Particularly recommended to the 'MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ORGANS,, ETC. It may be relied on ' s the best:mode for the administra tion of these remedieslii the 'Mite dais of dis Ass of both sexes, to Which they are ,applitable.. interteies with the digestion, and by its concentration, the dose 1.4 much reduced. N. R —Purchasers are adviled to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CIIBERS AND ' COPAIRA, and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless preps rations, under similar names, aro in the market. Price $1 00. Sent by express on receipt Of price: 'Higuifac lured only, by, _TARRANT & 'CQ., No. 278" GreenwiCh street, corner 'of Matren street, New York, and for sale Dnegins geardiMi. , 0ct224.1.f, • ' For sale by S. A. KUNKLE & 311RO: and by Dinggisty generally. A N ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 _STYLE OF • POCKET BOOKS, PURSES ronw F 01;, LADIES AND' . GENTLEMEN, Ax , - , IEELLEWS Drug:. and Faney.Goods Store, 80. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAIrELING BATCH ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, raarlo-tt, _ N0..Q1 Market street. rEAVANA ORANGES, just received at SHISLEF. & FRAZER, no2o (anooessors to Wm. Dock, Jr., Sr, co.) °BOSSE t - .BLACKWELL'S - ENGLIS# PICKLES, a rare, articled for table use, Just recetsall and for sale by SHISLER St.IIIA.ZEB:„ febl - (successors to Win. Dock, jr., .StiCo..); SUPERIOR. . --:. :. . O§TEEN . ' • :- -• . BONER - FOR TABLE USE, Just received at SHISLER kritAZSR.S, (Successors to Wrn. Dock, Jr., -- & Co.) ENGLISH. DAIRY and . •- - • - NEW YORK STATE . CHEESES At rim] BUYER & KOERrIP.- AA PPLES ! APPLES ! 1-150 bblia. of Yo State Apples of _every variety. Alao, 'fork. St ab Butter; for aisle at ja29 BOVER &-KOERPER.: I:JPUCKY +MEAT ! BUCKWHEAT !—A sulfa lot but . Saporior Buckwheat dkriot.trtera. Towanda, Aa., for sale by the sack or quart, at, Jan 29 BOYER. Ss NOERTIPL',' AVAIi rA ORANGES, just reoieved at - H zio2lk. .. • isoYartB: liOERP}EIt. mom XRDIC_AL. TIIE - 'GREAT COMPOUNDED FROM D. W. GROSS-4k. -CCL„ D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Leave Hagerestown.. ...... Greencastle /Arrive at Chamberaburg, Leave at. MARKET STREET, r e ippe u ns e burg • NO. 19 HAS.RIS.TIURG, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS' We are daily adding to our assortment or goods all such articles as are desirable; and would respectfully call your attention to 'the langest and best aeleQted 'stock in this city, of '' "- . • . DRUGS, CIIEKICAIS AND PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes and Dye -Stank Glass and Putty, Artist's Colors , and Tools, Burning Fluid and Alnoholi Lard,lparzs , Snd Pine Oils, icitt* Vida and Lamp mok Cosine Sosp,.Bpongemond Corks, &c., .&c., .&a., With: a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, . selooted from thO best manufacturers- and Perfumers of Europe 'and tAisigowilry. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD glyillED : Oltr, VARNISHES; WINDOW GLASS, 4RTISP3 ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN THEIR VARIETIES, !COLORS AND,-,DRONZAS We retiectrully Invite a call, feeling confident that we can supply the wan* of all on terms to their , satierac- TEETH TEETH JONES' AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES, AND Weill kinds, direct from the Proprietors SAPONIFIER AND CONCENTRATED LYE: Wholesale gents forSapouifier, whlbh we sell as low as it can be purchased In the cities THAYER'S ArA:pjq t tr., FLUID EXTRACTS. COAL =OIL! :CARBON OIL ! Being large ialrohasPia JP thew; ) *re oar °Mt in diceinitts to close buyers. Coal Oit s Larepo of the roost IpproTed . pottente, very eheap, .41.1 kinds of Lamps changed to huin Coal AL • • FAEMERS AND GWI:ERS Those of you. ho iiMie notliven our IfOREIE.AND CAT- TLE POWDERS a trill know not'thcdr superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping liereeeand Cattle healthy and in , a ;good condition. l'housanda ean . WaifY to' the 'profit • they have derived from the.l*- , ()f onr Cattle Powders, by:the indrruumr quan ty, and titn4ity of taft, ;herlitii *roving the general .twattli and appearanw:ortbair.cattle. Ourjong experienee in the business gives 1/5 the advsui U 1 16 3, '0f ithOrtiugh kaolirtaiige of'pietrad,a mid our ar- tvwraentshi,thi3 ; cities are such that we can, In, a very abort:time rurnish anything our beldneas, on the bmt of tep!nr. ' Ttuudrlikl .for :tkke bend patronage -bestowed on our house, we hope bratriet attention to business, a careful selection or . . • . " P,U ED R URA at fair price anti.the desire to.Pittese all, to merit a °on tittuanee'of the favor of a lisoritehlatieg publla &PIA-MT ; ,. ' ' • • AttorneY-0-Liw . Third rx...._street,llatrisbnwPa. . busineo ontgwited to him.w.i.ll , bn. promptly: attended to. , , . : •BountiekTexusionwand . Back Pay of olcere collected. AAssoirarismivr Fr" PORT 'raps I FORT FOLIOS I CHESSMEN I „BACKGAMMON BOARDS I Race Ived:4 F r E WS, IB°°/CST°RE* NGLISH DATA I'La NEW YORK STATE SEXES& At [no2o]' EMI, JR., eco: P , ICIMPS !PICKT. • By the barter, halt - ban*, Jar o r d ow. , ! at : V 2 5 1 • • ~B OYERINKOBBPER. AFRESX_Tigimi•and Dried Bee; at : Sugar top . .lq . 7 .141:370hyERener,:s"KC0-Beßpbilld oTIRD B ' A CROICIC LOT' • At pen} • Dom, jp,„ DO . ' 011 -wish a good Gold _pen 7_ f. clots IMEaril l rall3 BOokfter Thilltithit o r•inola ' , ~ CUMBERLAND VALLEY CHANGE OF HOURS.—On end after Men day, April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted:) ..._ A. 3r " Carlisle 6.56 10.10 3.12 . Mechanicsburg 625 10 42 2.42 Arrive at Harrisburg - -6 55* 11.15 3.40 FOR CHAMBERSITUDG AND EtAGERSTY)WN: A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave Harrisburg ~. ', 805 1.32 420 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 4.54 " Carlisle ~ . 9.27 2.55 5.29 " Nevrville 10.22 3.29 - g" - Shippensburg...: .. . ....... .....10:33 4.00 l i mb b {ve 'Ch ers urg at 1..00 4.40 , Arrive, Leave at.. ... . : ... ...11.10 4.40 . Leiive'Greecastle .1155' 5.30" Arrive at Hagerstown 1g.55 0.10 sa- Making close connection's at Harrfsburg withirains for Philadelphia, Now York and Pittsburg and with trains for all.points West ,The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20, P. id., runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N.'1, 1 0L1,, Supt. It R. Office, Cliambersbu.rg, April 4; 1804-ly WINTER .ARRANGEMENT. fIREAT TRUNK LINE . FROM' THE . k.," NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton,kc, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading •Pattaville and all intermediate stations at 8.00 A.M., and 2.00 r. ai New York ,'Express leaves Harrisburg at 6:80 A. x., arriving-at Rent York at 145 the same day. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, $5 15; to Phila. dlphia $3, 06 and $3 00: Baggage clieelied through. RefliMiing,leaVe New York at 6 A. 'w. , 12 noon ' and 7 r: x, 'Pittsburg Porno.) • Leave Philadelphia at 81.5. t. it, an 8.30 r. m.. Bleeping ears in the New York Express Trains, through to and from kiitiburg Witholit change, Passengera by the Catairissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 and 2.15 P. is., for Philadelphia, :New York, and all way.pointa. , . rum Ground Spices, . Trainsleave Pottsville at 9.16 A. Sr., and 2.80 P. M. ? for Philadelphia, Earrisbdrg and Kear York. An AcciSidmocialloil Passenger train loaves Reading at 6.00 :vit.,' and returns from Philadelphia at 6.00:r. m. , 4117 All;the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves 'Pottsville at 7.30 A. Sr., and-Phil adelphia at 3.15 P. M. Contingtatiott,likilettge, Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates lb and from G;° A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. , November 14, 1803—d&mtr • -rpHis well known Hotel is now in a condi- J. to accommodate the traveling public, iffording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES.HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxitry to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital; being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and is closeproxitnity O'er the public wanes and .business lo calities of the city. lt has now. all the conveniencea'of COLORS, PAINT AND 'A ..PI.RST -CLAS-S HOTZL, and • the Proprietor •is determined to spare neither ex pense, tine or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests The patronage of the 'traveling public. la respectfully sell ' jell-dtf OF ALL ECINDS, STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREErS, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. 111 undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated it. 'The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire istalishment elegantly refurnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with every con venience, it offers to GM publiCall the comforts and luxu ries of a first, class hMeL Trusty and obliging servants' always in attendano A him well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment. de2d-dly "'lr. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor, HAIR RgsrozaTlVEB J 0 N E.S H - 0 Ir S..E , Corner of Market street and Market Square, HAR:Eirißra PENX4 'CHAS. H. M.A3711 - , _ Proprietor. noe-df LILLIE'S . SAFES. CHILLED 4 AND WROUGHT IRON. IMMIE 1- 4 • t'x/ o. 1- 4 p:1 v.. CUT—Showing the Net Work • of Wrought Iron Bars. TEE attention. of business men generally is invited to the supertor advantages of this Safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities. They are all secured by a Combination Lock, vrithont "key or keyhole, and the Whole outside of the, Safe is-CIIILLED IRON, (from 134 inches to Brinches thick,)'and is proof against the punch or drill and the use or. powder,: as fre quently employed by burglars in their operations. De scriptive cireulars furnished by GEO. W. PARSONS . • 110 Market street, Harrisbuir m , _ , Agent . for Central Penna. Every-description of Dormant and Portable; Platform gordes,llay, Dottl'and:Stopk Scales, Railroad Depot and 'Track Scales, Charging Scales, Army Scales and counter Scales.? . These Sadeihavei neverId'IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES. They receive the wear aid friction always on chilled iron , balls under the platform, _instead of _receiving it upon, the . knife pivots and dulling them. No Jarring of the' plat, form affects the working of the scale. Have no check rodsle ainflnii,thisi "platform. Will, weigh when out 'of level. Large icaldsieeeire'llio'deep'plt and nest' le& for foundation, &c., then-any other Scales. • • ' Full information furnished - by the- subscriber, who is agent for Central' Pennsylvania, . and sells, at =nese turer's :GEO. W. PARSONS, feb94l3m ; 110 Market street,. Harrisburg. Ilroad Stiet,'lttwepn 40nd and Third; . _ . TrEF., undersigned has opened a news BA KERY, in the_ ward, where he is prepared to supply . BREAD ARV CAREW at a reasonable rate. He warrants satisfaction to - Sll whowill eve him .'n"lealT..l He will seal las:breadAt. Weave of• Nl' .4 ...1" .P.01:1 .1);., and full.weightlaaranteed.. JOHN ALCORN. Shade Trees. •• • !..A : ritig_Wortment of • • - Silver Miple, gorway. Maple , • TaSer'Ash, 'Horse Chestnut, European Linden,. Cataldpa, magnolia or :Cucumber Tree, kc., at . ' 2 . REYSTONE NURSERY. . Harrisburg, March 18,1884. • „ OUPERIOIt Wit ANVIMANDIES ever offered tn, ttitti a In ' d f en :41toprom il%%ti, Deol93a RA r I MOADS. EMI FRANKE I N RAIL ROADS. POE CHAMBERSBEIRG AND HARRISBURG RIEA.DYNG RAILROAD. HOTELS. TIM UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA... D, H. nirrcausoN, Proprietor. HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES. NEW BAKERY, A.M. Y. It 7.00 2.45 7.37 3.35 8.17 4.20 8.30 12.55 9.00 1.28 9.32 2.00 DR JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Are thaonly known remedy that will aueeessinny and invariably realer° and ratelatethetenudosySbna, remov ing ell. Irregularities, and , traducing .health, vigor and strong* LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS An a duld preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in•this country, and acts directly on the. parts affected, whilst plat and powders inn only mach, them as they work through sympathy, but not at` ' a 8 direct • .positive. • Are you suffering from a constant anilidj the rega in' return of unture's prescribed laws ? . faeivt: yourself no Islamises; for Lyon's Periodkil Drops, Oaken a duty or two beforethe expected period, will posi tively and invariablyvegniate Its coming, se sere as effect follows, caw's, as certain as daylight follows darkness. Are yoa'sick,' enfeebledby dissaae, nnabkrt6 bit* the labor o,4l.4apgar ofincroase . LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, for Is not preventhinbetter then cure ? If regularly taken, it Is a certain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of miffering. Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident to the.aex, that have' twilled the skill of phyla. clans, and are, hurrying yon on to an early grave? LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS , Are the moat reliable regulaler ever known,- aaikeare, like magic, all those trregulatities that have defied the.doetor's, Will you waste away with Buffering from Leueordiree, Prolapeus,.Dynnenoirlitea, and a thousand , other Mihail ties, all summed ttO under the iiiMteof aippreasettamd obstructed nature, when an investment of one dcillar JO. LYON'S PritIODICAL DROPS will surely save you. TM not use the drops when forblddMa in the direetkous, for although - a'positive• Sure, and harmless at all Other times, they are so powerful and finely ealculated to adjust and govern the functions of the sexual against; that, if taken at improperrime; they would produce moats con tnuy to nature, -against which all, Porta:Willy Unmet who would reproduce, should carefully guant - • LYON'S PENIODIOLL DROPS Cannot harm the - moat delicitte constitution at any time' yet the proprietorswish -to guard * awn iti , hoping that a thoestuut bottles will be. sed for. a good pal. pose where one is used forint illegitimate ono, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, . . the never-failing Female Regulator, Is for sale _by every Druggist, in the city and country, and do not, it Yon value your health and wish for a reliable medicine, boy any other. Take no other, but it the Druggist to whom you apply has not got it, make hini send and get It for you. C..G. CL4kiklc, St: -e(i, • At Wholesale, ZOHNsTON, HOLLOWAY as COWDEN, -; : 7. * •• MEDICAL. N o°. P;w• THE GREAT P1511.311:1TON3, Xeto'Hition. Conn. 23 North• Stith Stn*3l, PhilaAlelphls, o . x o t 1 x ti s. .8 t4p. hi ti MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS--JUST OPENED! AT BERGNER'S Book and Stationery sto re. Embracing , every new and Improved style or POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SEM POCKET BOOBS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, P ORTMONNAIM, go at prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of a tine assortment of Westenholne2 2aperisT Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS, .I%nna Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every po i with a guasaatee. PORT FOLIOS, WRITING CLEW, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETERIES ke Together with every article molly found in a drat Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2) BERGNER'S, ID Market street PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, lino. ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton Georgetown, Lykenstown, Halifax,Dauphin, AND JIARISEURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, th e drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor gee: through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line.. Goods delivered at 1118 pet of FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 Market street, Thiladelphia, by 5 o'clock P. x ,, will be delivered in HO. debug the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot or Market street, Harrisburg. 0ct.21-t[ BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND ER - lamr.p,ss, BURLAP AND GUNNY .A. 4Gr S , FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BATLEY k. CO., No. 113, North Front SE.; Philadelphia. feb264l3m APCLINTOCIVA PECTORAL STRLI'. TErINVALUABLE SYRUP, which is es. reig vegetable In its composition has beta ent played with wanderfal success for many }lean in theatre of diseases for the AIR 1',41...R1LGE3 and LUNGS. For any limn" of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT SPITTENG OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATHING, BOARSDIESS, LOI OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, Re use will be attended with the happiest results. It is one of Ake best and Sakti medicines ibr all forms of 13BON CHRIS and CONSUMPTION. /no laudanum or pre/taxa. Non 9f Opium in, any sluizwinthis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap:Book Store. DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT Oit the Old Wallower Lice, respectfully in- Ignas the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line (the only Wallower Line now in existence in the city,) in successfil operation' and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line betweinPhils dolphin, Harrisburg, Siinbitry, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Store, Lock Haven and all - other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. DAME:LA. mun Ten, Agent. Harrisburg, Pewee Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, 7aii & Hl:Lehman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Stb, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r it, will arrive at Hardt. b , ready for delivery, neat toornleg. lapBo-rdmyl • PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL; IRVING CO 510 MINOR sTREEr, PHILADELPHIA, PA., MANUFACTURERS of DOUBLE STRENGTH MANILLA. PAPER OF ALL SIZE. ROLL WRAPPERS on hand or made, to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or small pan ties. marl-dm PIMiIE CONCENTRATED . COFFEE, SUGAR., AND MILL PERSONS making.up boxes to send to their Mende in he army, Will find this an elegant article; one box making forty cups of coffee, equal to any Jars coffee, and with little labor. For tale at sITTSLER & FRAZER, (sueinsssont to Win. Dock, jr., & Co.) no St CIITM PEOT — PRALS are useful to soothe a XX' cough, ' allay Tickling in the Throat, to relieve I : lol r B egieEN_ Calash, Sore Throat, &c. They contain Coltedbot, Borehound, Ipecactutnha, Senega and Sad]. (the taxa reliable eacpectoranta knowa,) are the chief ac tive constituents, so blended with Gem Arabic and Seger. that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dote. Manufactured solely by S.- d KIINKFA. & BRO., Apothecariee, US Market meet, Harrisburg. A. C. SMITH, - AMTCOTUNFiIit. - rips removed Ids Office faith Third to U m not street, next to the 'Prison. All business limited So him will receive prompt- and careful attention . . • JUST `OPENED, AN ASSOMTIENNT OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY WRITING: DESKS, IN different sizes,_ for ode at noI9SCEMFFEWS BoossruKr. ORTON.I3 GOLD PENS. .•.- Another lot of Morton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, Jest readved at &heifer% Bookstore. Al! pens warranted for one year. yuBLIa 60.11001 AS 711 1 3M00L BUTES of .different wises, Willson's excellent serifs of Spellers and Readeris, published by Harper Brothers, together with-elf otherSchtiol Boots and Wilt ing Materials are offered; wholesatis sad retail, at deer • . SUBEFFERtS 'BOOKSTORE- MORTON'S G 0.1.11! PENS Another ; lot of Morton's Unrivalled Gold Pens for WS SCHEMER'S BOOKSrOn All Per warrintad formic year. Ede 6 IVORFOLIt 0 1 1STRIleal Salts, ane l lr the Jones House. York River Orrice, a tine arts% . ander the Jones Howe: Also, Terrapins, which willbe served up in tine AVM 11 Short sot* U thevJones Hones, by no a° JOSEPH VITELT. PIDELES PICKt. RS I—By the Barra HIE DMA Jor or Dozen, at satstss. & FRAZER'S, , (Successors to Wm Dock. Jr., .A PPM HEINtatED • of the best PEAR TREES, pf variabllending varieties, ever offered lending fermis 'animists' erg, are now on hand at the Eleye.doe ..Kurise l 9. • [spl) JACOB 3lla- CUDERI CIDER !—Two Barrels of sweet and pure CIDER just reentml at 111°218 • BOYER & NOERPER IVTIMENFeit'S Oicelsior 'him, of We sea' oon'scoriog. Nutt reoebbed'and For elle by MAWR & FRAZER, Ortmeassors t 0 Wm. bock., 7.ret" decls LOCKET BOOKS, Sticgsgui FITBOS POIMIXONNAiId3; and &gene& of pOOl/8, just maw' ed BKR.G.Nift'S BOOS STO FINE ROMANO STERRRY, imrrte! au' JAL Warranted the Meg Sherry me °pantry. /merle at. - :...ASH ER. & FRAISt i retnt (*mega' irs to wm. Dock. Jr, - - APPLESI . APPLES! I- 7 4*A OW of G reen ' 4 , 11 .1 8 1fileit Sffibti>as r:- - 1 - = 'T M= '• - " 3t r .' R1, 1 ./47 1 : 4 A 1 • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers