THE TELEGRAPH IS PIIBLISNED MORNING - AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR 'WALNUT. TERMS OF SITESCRIPTION. SINGLE Ter DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the cUi. at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be ebirged $5 00 in advance. Those persons whn neglect to pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. DIE TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, end is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates: Single copies, weekly $1 50 Three copies to one Post C0&..................4 60 Ten copies to one Post Office • 10 00 ANEW ADVERTITgEMENS. TELEGI Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, WI - MD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. n ft ,o d u d n e t d o r t o n ew o It t l y • pe J , Ob se b v i e % HADeparl Pmen r t e a ce la u rg tl e y a ' fast steam presses of the most improved machinery, and other material, we are new prepared to execute nt short notice, and in the most approved style, ALL KIN DS ER OF MILITARY BLANKS, LEll' SHEET HEADINGS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTERS, in one or more colors, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANKS MEM arawned in _ _T..O tin, •-• .131, XS. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly. marlo-daArt f A. F. ZIMMERMAN, practical , Watch. Make - r, No. 5'2 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. PINE SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, AND ALL WINDS OF JEWELRY. llas constantly on band a well selected and elegantly assorted stock of FINE WATCHES CHAINS,. RINGS, AND SETS. FINE SILVER WARES. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AM" SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gold and Silver Cases. Also. a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on band. = ELEGANT CLOCKS, Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches,. such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated' Watches, and all kinds or. Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, "and the matter under my own personal supervision. ' A. F. ZIMMURMAIS mar2Sl No. 62 Market street, adjoining Brant's T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT MANUFACTURER, PITTSBURG, IS PREPARED to furnish and coat the es icrior or Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This material is entirely diftereut from all other cements used heretofore, and. is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Steno Walls, making a 'beau -11101, fine water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Amorig others for whom Shave applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: J2Bissell residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. hi'dord, " " " J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. Hoeveler, • , " • James M'Candless, • ". . Allegheny . city. Calvin Adam; " Third street,. Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, " William Vobel, Girard House, i t Barr Si Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings:" John B. Co; residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, " 4, Please address T. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box 1,306, Pittsburg, Pa., or, Penna puse, Harrisburg, Pa. febl9 d6m TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, bounties, Back Pay and War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY' ROLLS, MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE OUT. . rr ' undersigned, having been in the, tun ploymuut of thellnitcd Statta during tholasteigitteem mouths as Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing Moe and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylvania, respectfully informs the public thathe has Opened an office in the DAILY TELEGRAPH Building for the purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties,..Back•Pay and, War Claims ; also, making out °dicers , Pay. Rolls, ILuster. Rolls and. Recruiting Accounts. . . • • All orders by mail attended to promptly. . novl,dtf. . • SULLIVAN S. CHILD. MTA.DDEN ) S MARBLE YARD. CORNER . or NtILNITT AND FIFTH STREETS; Harrisburg, Pa.• ' rpm undersigned liayin,,iv opened ~11farble Yard in this city, beg lea's to inform their friends and the public lu general, .that they are prepared MARBLE WORK OF EVERY . DESCRIPTION SUCH AS Aloniiments, Tombs, Read Stones, • • Mantles, And House Work in Marble andßrown ffton6 (live us a call andwe will guarantee satisfactton. 3ITADDEN & CO.• N. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or.Gertuan. mar29-dly . • • • ATISI.TING, WEDDING, INVITATION,. y AND AT HOME CARDS.—By a special arrangement with ono' of the best engravers in the country, cards of a ny descriptiovwill be executed in the highest style of art, conformable' with the latest fashion ' and supplied promptly, at lower prices than - are charged by the station ers in New York or PliiiidbljAtia: • For samples and prices call at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. A LARGE )INTOIQE OF NEW 1.3.. RAISINS, CITRON, - - CURRANTS, PRUNES-c. , &C., • At BnISLEIt ;k'FRAZER'S,, ' (no2o] (Successomfo Tin. Dock,. Jr., & Co.) Soldiers' Portfolio/.' A LARGE assortment at " BERGNER'S CHEAT' BOOKSTORE, snaTIB Sold at - Wholesale or retail atlow,priees, 1 r.„l, ft • LBS. St. George Codfish, for ,V 0 N„.l iatle at, SIIISLtJt & FUZERA - -(SucCossors toCo.)" 1;000L8: C?lF Vfl The.6 tt bmtedEG tra, just and for saluby SHISLER At FRAZER, • febl (successors to Wm. Dock, QWEET CIDER.—A small but very Maelot kJ ofiieb`t,.Ci - dei• just received at & FE mang (Successors to SHISL EII W, Dock, Jr., RAZ &Co.) o IS --- - . titot , - 4 co 0 usS> • - _ • 0 ` • - BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. KUNKEL'S BITTER VINE OF IRON. APLUM awl' powerful TONIC, Corrective and . Alteintlila, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH; LIVER and BOWELS. • . Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General • Debility, Nervousness, De pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the. Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn. Disgust for Food,. Fullness or Weight in 'the Stomachi -- Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest ana Limbs, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stoniach, Good for Male -or Female, Old or Young. The most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more diseases than any other prepara tion °tiered to the Public. Prepared solely by S. A. KUN KEL & BRO., 118 Marketstreet, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE OF 111...:Counterfeits As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Trott is the only sure and eifeetual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia audDe May; and as there are a number or imitations offered to the public, we would caution the: community to purchase none but the genuine article, , manufactured by S. A. KUNnZL & Bno., and ihas their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor.. The Bitter Wine Of Iron ls'put, up in 75 cent and $1 00' bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists thron•ghout the country. Be particular that every bottle beat-.; the fac simile'of the proprlenit's signature. This Wino includes the most_ agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we'possess - ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with' the-Most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effectin many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our l!aluattle Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augtnents the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off mnsculor fiabbineea, 'removes -the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor -to the countenance. GENERAL-DEPOT, 118 MARKET STREET ' For sale by ' all yespechble dealers throughout , the country. 1864 ROAtF A I T E S 3, &c. 1864 As Spring approaches ' ANIS and ROACHES From their holes come out; And NICE and RATS, In spite of CATS, Gaily skip aboat. OOSTARIB EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Anis, Bed BugS, Mosquitos, Moths in Vitt's, Woolens, etc., Insects on rinnts, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free fromiroisons." • "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out - of their holes to die." • .83-Sold by all Druggists everywhere Air!!! Bswenn I !I of all worthless imitations. .46r" Costar's' , Depot, No. 453 Broadway, N. Y. ilarSold by a W. GROSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agents, marl6..da.w6m - • - Harrisburg, Pa. PROCLAMATION. TITHEHEAS, the Honorable Joan J. PEAR • soN, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of the counties of tebanon kid Dauphin, and the Honorable &num, LANDIS and Honorable MOSES lt. Musa, Associate Judges in Pau- Olin county having issued their'precept, bearing date the 23d day of February, 1964, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terrdiner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence osTICE4ra 'MONDAY OF APRIL NEXT, being the 25th day of April, 1864, and to continue two weeks. Notice is-therefore herebygiven to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they beithen :and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said • day, with. their records, -inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are botind in recog !Andreas to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shalt be in the Jail of -Dauphin county,. be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Given .under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 28th dayof March, in the yearot our Lord, 1864, and in the eighty ninth year of the independence of the United States. • • W. W. JENNINGSi Sheriff. • &noun's OFFICE, " " Harrisburg; March 28, 1861. J • • mar2B-d&wtd Notice to Magistrates, Prosecutors, Witnesses and Jurors. NOTICE is hereby given that hereafter all parti.s or witnessesbound by recognisaace to appear in any critninal prosecution in this county, eill'be called' on Monday afternoon, at the meeting of the Court, and if not then in attendance, their revognizances wilt be for feited, unless before that tiine a sufficient excuse for non attendance be sent to the District Attorney. And such parties and witnesses, under like penalty of forfeiture, must remain in court during the session thereof, and answer when - required, and that no forfeiture of a recognizance will be taken off by the Court, ex cept on clear proof of the inability of the recognizer to attend at the time. And the Magistrates throughout the are respectfully urged to require sufficient surety charged with crime, and to bind over all -from county a persona ,prosecutors and witnesses brought before them; and that tines will be imposed on all furors failing to attend, except when: they have iufficient, legal excuses for non-attend ance. By order . at the Court, . 4p 6 . 4,1,, w t e , J. C. YOUNG, Clerk. IkrtlB.l:NA ORANGES.--A small but parlor invoice of Messina Orangei just received at marlB BOYER h KOERPER .11 . "THE UNION-NOW I • 11 -- FOE SALE The subscriber offers for sale the stock and fixtures of his well known WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He will sell the whole or part of the stock, and the entire- fLxtures.. The busb ness has been carried on aboutjifteen years, and is well established. With the store is connected a Good "COPPER, STILL It is situated on Canal street, between PeurisYV vania railroad and canal, and has a private siding suitable for forwarding purposes. - Possession given immediately, and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms to suit purchase's. For further information apply on the pre mises to finar24-tll GEO. G. KUNKEL. NE of the beat locationsfor IRON O WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short' istance of. the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about five hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries'in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 Nolith Second street, marlil.dtf Harrisburg, street [Philadelphia Press Insert three times and send bill to this office.' MMEMM= The several properties of the Estate of 'WILLIAM AL IJSON, deceased, in the city.of;Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Chestnut street f at -and.near the coiner. of Front and Chestnutntreets; avracant bit on Mulberry street, near Third street, and 193; acres of land at the eastern terminus of -Market street, are of fered for sale. For:terms of sale apply to the undersigned, Seventh and Noble streets, : • d e2l -d tfl THOMAS COCItftAN. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, W HOLE SA LE AND RETAIL DRAMS GROC-ERIES, Queens and Glass iVare l AND ALL KILVDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE,, RAVE . just opened a large'and well selected stock' of goods at their stand, No: 81farketSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to whisk they invite the attention of the public generally. ' ' ' ' nol.o-dly FINE LI QUO HS. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROUT.- MIN opposite the Court House, have on handafbm selection of BILANTS, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON F7,117.,5,, W - Emig .Deserisiabo. OLD BOURBON,MOONGAHELA FOTRIWSH ARD-SCOTCH : Whiskys. The beat over brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the colebmkal CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SHLOSS JOHANNESBURG, CLARET SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS. With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PIVIKLES And Condiments of , every , description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST RATER. [JaB HARSITSBITRO, PA. JOHN WISE, TEIGD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, lIARRISBIUIW, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY' FRUITS, &C., Jujube Paste, Moss l'aste, Figt, Dates, Fig Paste Piunes Marsh Mallow. Qum Drops,-1 Almonds; Walnuts, - • Cream Crm Chocolate Drops, Filberts, Plain Candies, &c., &o. - Cream Nus, Oranges and Lemons,. . Ground,Nuis, • Canned Fruits, I . PeosillTuts; • Jellies, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, . Fresh and SalrFish' iu sea- Vegetables in season, : • Raisins, Currants, - net - 13 , To 11,141 road VoWapttir.g. PROPOSALS 4ro invited tor the Gradua.- tion, Afitsonry, Bridge SuPerstructure, Ballast, Cross-Ties and Track Laying of the PITTSBURG AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, between --„ . Cunitbeni,".ll, • . Embracing a distance of about EIGHTY-SEVEN MILES, in sections of about one mile each. Specifications will be ready at the Company's (dice in Pittsburg, on and after the Ist of APRIL current, and proposes will be re ceived until the 28th-of APRIL 'ensuing,. BENJ. H. LA.T.ItOBE, i ptesitkent marls-id - Office P & C. R. R. - .CO. • Pittsburg, liarch . ls 1864. COB'S SPARKLING GELAITR.the best matnifactured, just received and for sale by • ' SEMLER & FR&ZEi fel (successors to Wm. hock; jr.;: ACC° -1 • CRAPE VINES of all kinds, principally VI Concgrd,'Delawkre, .Miarui, Muscadine, Louisa, The Willa, Catawba Oiforto . Olinton, CreVelintlayler orMur >. HU, &c., atMeystone Nursery.. ..• - ; t i; . • J..IO.SILf • N ATI y E_ INE FINE ; : Di.:AQKB ERRY•ind ELDERBERRY VINE.-- Witrranwd pure.. For !do a(, sinsLER , & jar. (successori to V; Dock, )r., &%.) jan2s • xi sand lba Idichener's HamS 159000 LBB. 17kair8.—Fift6e' th° cured expressly for family use and for this market, Bale at 'StagLER ,k.FRAZER, fob 9 - . (successerstoiWm. - Dock, Sr.;4:Co.); APPLES We have just reoeived a fine selection of APPLES, in prime order. For sale by the barrel, bushel Oi .small quantity at SHISLER & FRAZER; feb3 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr. , & Co.) 4(1 BOXES ORANGES, in good order ; 1,/ also, 100-Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for sale at (VW JOHN WISE rniit Store. CIATSIJPS AND SAUCES, of the most perior gind choice brie:ids; Just received and • for sale MISLED & FRAZEE, (successors to ,Win. Dock, Tr.,eg Cm) 125 BOXES OAANGES. selected fro . ) late - on impqrtationsclid the most =Orbit ever breUgAr 10 this market at this season, just 'waived and foe , ' eale; liy SHISLER & FRAZFA fahl hiturnetacwpa tn Wm 71nrar ir k Cal HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1864. FOR SALE. PRIVATE SALE. GROCERIES. P9cOallutsi Cranberries, Hominy and Beans, Cakes and Crackers, Sweet and Irish' Potatoes, Green and Dried Fruits; And, Country .Troduce in Pea/ 3 M 1 THE; "AMERICAN 4EMEDI-ES," ICATO.WN AB “IIIELM.BOLD 9 S I9 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: HELMBOLD EXTB4CT "BUCHU," HEI.M73OLD RY'TIZACT SAISLB2IPARLLLA, HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLIPS GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONOEITTRATED" comPOtiip FLUID, EXTRACT IBUCI-ilU' A Posrav - E AND, SPECNiq BEMEDY BLADDER,. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS' 111.110 Idtailieine increases, the, powerof 'tif- L gesti.on, anddieltel the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY—or CALCEROIIS deposi tions, and all ,UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, seven ii.psinaina inflaramation,. sad is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. . 11E1,1 1 11:BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, . Aris(nein& EitmeniSs, , Habitanf :Mind"' patio; Early In t discretion or Abuse, : : , ATTENDED WITH TEN FOLLOWIND , ,STAITTODD3. Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of .the Skin, Loss of Memory; . Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, • - Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease. ; Trembling, • Dimness or Vision, Wakefulness,. DniversalkLassitude of the Pain in the Back, MusCulaiSystem, Flushing OP the Body, Hot Hands, • Eruptions on the Face, These symptoms, if allowed tollye.on, which this medi ciao invariably removes; soon follow LEPOTE*OY, FATUIVC, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may °spina. Who can my that they arq not frequently followed by .Iliose 4S:lingo' INSANITY AND boxsummoN Many are aware. of the cause of :their sufferings, but none will confess. .yrht, recortioof the insenensytums and the mcianchOy , deaths by Consumption, boar ample wit, new to - the - truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED - wiTH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen , and invigorate Oho system, which Helmbold'allitract Buehu invariably does A trial will convince the most akepticaL F,Er4t,gm--VErsAt7.9---Imsukixs, 01, OR YOITNO, STOLE, MARRIRD, OR CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE In'inany affections peculiar to females the Extract En chit is unequalled brany other remedy, ai in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or suppression of the customary Evactiations,lßceratedor Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the se; whether'tuising from IndisOre tion, Habits of Dissipation or Etthe ,D4,O7,IITE ‘ OR CITAINE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Blisam, Hereun", or Unple.ssaitt Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. '• • ' HELREBOLD'S EXTIMOT BIJOHII,- Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; little,or no change in diet; no Mconveruence and go expo sure ..It causes frequent desire, and 'Oyes strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstrtictions,' 'preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, so frequent class of diseases, apd expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornont Matter. .Thousands upon thoustuads wffb have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees 'to bocuied in a. shint time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has by the use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in the system, 'to break out in an aggravated , fonn, and perhaps after marriage ' Use HELMI3OLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. for all. Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mile or Female, fromwhatever cause originating, and no matter of how lonestanding. Diseases of these Organs requ ir'e the aid of a Diuretic. I:MELMBOLD , S EXTRACT BUCHU is the'Great Diuretic, and ft is cartaMAO have the desired :elect in all Diseases,. for which it ,is recom mended: , JOHN WISH Blood-41loodBlood. Helmbold's Highly Concentra ted•Comfaxind-FLULD EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHI LIS. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of, the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe and other Mous Surfaces ; mating its appearance in the form of. Ulcers.; Helmbold's Extract /3,arsanarilla pu, rifles thS Blood, and removes all Sealy 7 Eriniti6ha of 'the Skin, giving to the Complexions Clear and Healthy Color. It being preprxed expressly 'OW this class of complaints, its alood-Purifyiiwrroperties arp_proserved Jt greater extent than - any other preparation of Saisapirila. IVAS 3 . I An excellent Lotion for ffiseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in, diseases of: tbe—Urin,ary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in cohneetionvith the Extracts Buchu and Sarsmierilla, In such diseases as recommended. Evidenbe oPle most responsible and re liablesbaracter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty years Mending, with names • lmown to -Science and Fame . For Medical Properties of Mucha, see Triepensary.orthe United States. See Professor DEWEE'S valuable works on the-Practice of Physic. See' remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICS., Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. ERW.AM MoDOWF.LL, a celebrated Physician and mow bet bf the Royal ;College of Surgeons, Ind published in the Transactions of the KiAg's end Queen's Journal. See Medico-Chiturgical Review, 'affiliated by BENJ. TRA.VERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. ' The Most of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of Bach; $1 00 per bottle r or,six bottles ,$5 00. Attract of Sarsaparilla, $l . OO per bottle, or six for $5 00. Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, Which will be sufficient to cute the most obstinate cases, if. directions are adhered to. .Delivered to any. address, securely packed from eb servation. bescribe' rommtoms in all communications Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philade IL , T. Heltabohl, whd, being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no ; narcotic no mer cury, or other injurious drags,, and are purely 'reelable. • ' H. T. HELMBOLD: Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No- • ueinlrr, 1854. ;thl Hirai W.°. 1.. F4l4llEll ' , - e.. 1 1 1 0 44 6, i -45' 6 4 lb- 1 34,3 5 ildaL , dad= letters 'for info tio=encei H. . Llilk Chemist, Depot 104 BOW/ 10th Street, below chestnut, Philadel hits2Blv. MEDICAL. ,oa aisicirdo or Tux FOR WEAKNESSES AFFIDAVIT: PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRST IN FASHIONS, CHEAPEST IN PRICES. THE subscriber has the pleasure to inform the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity that she is now opening at . No. 13 Market street, between Second and Front, at Boger's Old Stand, the most complete and fashionable stock of FRENCH AND AMERICAN. NIL' LEERY; every exhibited in this city. Having long connected with, and conducted one of the 'most extensive houses. in this country, she flatters herself to enjoy advantages and facilities to carry on a drat-class establishment not shared • by many, Having bought froni minufachirers and im porters only, and intending to sell at - small profits, she is confident to establish•a reputation not only for taste and fashion, but also that of selling at the most reasonable prices. In addition to a complete stock of Millinery, em bracing Hats, Bonnets, (made up in great variety and made to order at shortest notice,) alas • • • hums; FLOWERS, FEATHERS . LACES, • RIJOHES, &C.; she offers everything pertaining to • LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, such as Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Harulkerchiefs, Gloves, Collars; Cuffs, Belts, &c., &c. agrA magnificent stock of Hair-nets and Head-dresses, from 25 cents to $5 CO. . I most respectfully solicit • a liberal patronage. MRS'. M. MAYER, ap7-dly No. 13 Market street. Market, Street Property .111.1 D HARRISBURG AT PRIVATE SALE. Trry. HOUSE and LOT, on Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, in the city of Harrisburg, known as No. 96 Market street, and lately oc cupied by Dr. Oa Bailey, is offered at private sale, until the Ist of May. The Lot Is 29 feet on Market street, run ning back 210 feet to Strawberry alley. The House is a first-Wm Mansion, with'all the modern improvements. ALSO Eight shares of Harrisburg Gas Sock. ,For terms and information apply to Mr. JNO. B. SIMON, • Harrisburg, or to SAWL A. HOLMAN, ap7-d2w Altoona, Blair county, Deana LYkens Valley Coal Company. NOTICE. The annual meeting of ' the if Stockholders of the • Lykens Valley Coal Company will. be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South Seventh street,. Philadelphia, on Monday, tho 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, for the election of Seven Directors to serve for the'ensuing year. apl-dim. Lykerts'VallOy Railroad and Coal Coina • ' pany. NOTICE. The amnia]. meeting of the Stockholders of the Lykens Valley Railroad and Coal Company will be held at the office of Edward arat., Esq., MR, 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, on Mon day, the 2 4 So u uf May nsx - ty at 12 o'clock, for the elec tion of a President; Secretary, Treasurer and Seven Man agers, to serve for the ensuing year. aplgin HARRISBURG, March 3 , 1864. I quiz following will be observed as Office A. Honig at, these Headqusrters, during which time all business connected with this Post will be attended to; From 9 A: Y to 1 P. " 2P.R. tO Y. " 6,5 i P. Y. to BP. Y. By order, Lieut. CoL J. V. BOMPORD 160. Inf'ty, Com mending Post. E. L. BARNES, Ist 11, V. K apl-d2w • Post Adjutant REMOVED. • SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE Arras PRINTING OFFICE, T o SOUTH SECON.b - STILEET, Two Doors Below Helker's Hardware 'More l OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCE manOtt lIIMIE SCHOMACKER & CO,'S PIANOS SOUR GRAPES. MOO well known in this city to need com mendation. In use by PRESIDENT LINCOLN, GOVERNOR CIIRTIN, • ./1306E PEARSON, And many other distinguished citizens. Tile undersigned offers these superb instruments at prices • that'cannot fail to command public patronage. N. B.—No OLD stock on band. Also Sole Agent for the unrivalled STEINWAY PIANO. BRADBURY'S . CELEBRATED PIANOS. Chickering's and several other of the very -best makes. None but perfect instruments sold. Call and see largest stock out of great cities. mar2B-tf S. WARD, Third street Music Store: JOHN A. BIGLER & CO., 13 IC n S, MARKET STREET, ABOVE_ FOURTH", (NEXT "TO mums EximEBs ceriT6E, RA R R-I , u G . Warrants, Claims, Government gecurities, Checks Vouchers, &c., cashed. mar2Bd2m* PHOTOG R APfl ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. TECE.larcrest and efieapest variety of PHO TOGRAPH • ALBUMS in the city are constantly kap at [marl2].. 7BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. DIARIES ! DIARIES ! ! kNOTHER, assortment of Pocket and Desk 11 Diaries for 1864, just received and for sale cheap at feb2 SCHEFFEWS BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg. ORANGES! ORANGES! !-20 boxes in prime order. Jest received wholesale and retail. SEMLER & FRAZER, feb2 (successors to. Wm: Dock, Jr., & Co.) • - _ ___ FOR RENT. A BRICK HOUSE on Seventh street, above -.CA- the Round Rouse. Rent, $9 per month. Enquire or - ADAM REEL, apll-d2t • State street, above Filbert. PRIIIIPJ LARD. V/NE Kettle Rendered-LARD, just received 17 at SHISLER & FRAZER, • -learn (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) QMOE_ED SALMON.— FINE . NMOTIRT) AJ SALMON, just received. at sEasixii & FIiAZER; feb3 (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., "& Co.) A PATBIOTIO GIFT BOOK' , • OUR CONSTITUTION , GOVERNMENT AND UNION. ' "Our Government," an exposition of. the. Constitution, U., for popular use. By M. M'S.notar; Brim $L For sale at del4 , BERGNER'S BOOKSTONE /SHE cv.r,EBRA.TED' VIRGINIA. OIL .OF Apt, and Dar & Martin's Loudon Blacking, just. rea calved and for sake , by, SHISLER FRAEg..yi, fel ' ' (successorslo Wit.' Dock, jr r Co )` tIiTGLISH BRRA'RPAST - TEL—Just re ! cOvedi a Cane epeet of .Engliah Breakfast Tea, at . STABLERFRAZER'S, (Suoiaiseia to Wm. Dook; gr.) • Nr:NCE HEAT..--A fresh lot just received and for solo by • Roil DOTER & KOKRPER. Xi) TereorapQ. tATER NEWS FROM EUROPE. "Ff "UFA X, April 14. The steamer Asia. froni Liverpool on the 2nd inst., via Qu.enestown on. the 3rd inst., has arrived. The political news is unimportant. The report of the destruction - Of the= ship Corn. Crampton by the Georgia is yet tmcon famed. • The increase othbullion in the bank of Eng land. is reported at i 85,050 pounds, instead of 285,000. Breadstuffs dosed dull on Friday, and prices Were weak. :Provisions closed heavy, and all descriptions slightly lower. Consols closed on Friday at 91A®ora for money. Hopes were, entertained of floating the steamer City of New York. GAS STOCK GEO. E. HOFFMAN, Prost L. V. C. Co, GEO. R HOFFMAN. Pres't. L. V. R Sz C. Co. STEAM PRINTING 01,f,,LCE,' ADVERMING THLE(44.141. T h e r e a ming jireAtig ilifee for advertising" in the Trix onArn. Those 'milli' g advertising to do will find it eo:: stolen lfor reference. ir.:r Four lines or less constitute one-hair square. Eins• :in eS C 1 more than four constitute a square. . . FORA HALF ?QUARK ' ' FOR ONS BQrARF. One day $ 30 Ones day.. :. "i ..,... 4 cu Two days 50 Twe - days ' " 'I. 110 Three days 75 Three daysl 25 One week.. 1 25 Otie week ... - 2 2.5 One month 3.00 431 e m0nthii...:i..".... , 6 60 Two months 4 50 Two months 9 00 Three months 5.50 Three- menthe......... 11 60 Six months . Bse &x months ,• .; - 15 0 One year - 15 00 i One year ..... ....... 25 CO Administration Notices $2 25 Marriage Notices-75 Auditor's N0tice5....... .... Funeral Notices each insertioi larßlll3illEiS . S notices inner before Marriages and Meat ,- eicli insertion. 1 50 .rted in the Load theninn, or S, EIGHT CIINTHPKT. Lea for , 2010MIALIQrallIDiati RN 1112014 ILEPOETKD Y FOR THE Tzt,xe,gApir. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, April 14, 18G4 The afternoon and evening sessions were spent in the consideration of the appropria tion bill, which was not concluded. Adjourned. Arrival of the Asia. LATEST LivErsooL, April 2d —Evening.--Cotion quiet and unchanged; sales to-day 6000 bales; breadstuffs are active and drooping; provi sions dull and tending downward; produce quiet and steady. Losuox, April 2.—Consols 91{1091:1 for money; Erie shares 67i.068i; Illinois Central shares 16A017,4 discount The market for American securities is closing flat ' .Politics to-day unimportant A telegram announcing Garibaldi's arrival - at, Southampton is momentarily expected. Quzussrovrx, April 3—Evening.—There is no change in the position of the steamer City of New York. She still lies firmly embedded on Daunt's Rock. Preparations on a large scale are being made, and strong hopes are now entertained of being able to raise h'er. The Brazilian Government has accept4d the mediation of Portugal in the dispute with England. • XXXVIEnth Congress—First Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WASHINGTON, April 14. Mr. Rogers. of New' Jersey, continued, addressing 'he Republican side. "Dont' come here to, quote the example of des potism to be followed by more honest men, who have come here and sworn on the Roly Bible to stand by the Constitution and the country to the last. The men Who at mid night entered the domicil of Val :ndigham. and took him away from his wife and family are amongst those who •are destroying the people under the Constitution, and are sweep ing away public liberty. The nineties and despots like Burnside would go down to the grave into endless per dition and die worse than-'Napoleon when a wreck on a rock of the ocean:• There were men who would maintain their rights; they were not the representatives of Old Abe Lin coln but of the free 'people who sent them hither. Iruutro4ot contented: with Slandering Val landigham alinitherAkne patriots. [Hisses.] God bless the exile! Hoprayed the, arrow of heaven would pierce the heart of tiLe. despot. You are bringing soldiers herrtb keep Old Abraham, Bing of America, from being en croached upon by Jefferson Davis, of the South ern Confederacy. This is no longer a country of republican ism, but of a monarchy and a- despotism.' I go, he said,' for a dissolution of the Union in preference tO a war of extermination. This, fratricidal and ruitiouswar *sherild,terminate. He wanted the Union which gave'-us pros , perity and peace. Re wanted the Union with slavery if necessary or the liTti9 l l: 74 11 °.0 slavery. Mr. Colfax rose to demand the PreviOdi question. • Mr. Pendleton (Ohio) said three :or four gentleman on the opposition side desired to speak. The previous question ahofild not be brought to bear to curtail frefisppech. He therefore appealed to Mr. Colfox 'lotto make that motion until otherahadbeau heard. Mr. Colfax replied his heart was disposed :1;1 accede to the request but public duty de manded he should malok.the Motion. From San Francisca. Sex• Famrcisco, April 13 Sailed--ship Success, for • Balla° ; also, steamer &olden. City, for Panama, carrying 300 passengers, anti $787,000 An treasure for England, and $207010 for .New York-. .She also takes 270 chests of tea; and 3i200 ba":,q of wool for New York: Anaiar . r . g her-passen gers was Greathouse, the 94y.ateer of the schooner Chapman, who goes JOYFashAirgten in irons for trial, haring forfeited parole tfiepred.ationst. 2 . . • diteni, It is reported that the Indians, havoc torn down the telegraph line twice near the Junc tion Station, between. Jalesburg and Denver City. A fight is said to Inift taken pface at Fremont orchard, between the troops from Denver and the Indians, in, which five sol diers were wounded. -- From California. • • • NEW. Yoiw,,, April 14. The 'steamer Met hits arrived from. AsPinv wall with the California treasure' and mails of March 23d: • - 7 ; ' N F. T K W B 0 0 S.-TBA SHOULDER DAYS OF, SHODDY Jtist teceiveditt: Neill SOH:En:KIM BOOKSTORE. LEAPE -TUNE'S WORCEST ER SAL , sue Wl . oB4oj)Mar and the purest 'ever: 'offered 1.0 ttie pubtie, just received and for sale by - , SULU' _ER & „ :febt ' ' leimeasors to Wm. 00tk,...M4 • 2n BOXES BMW. CANDLES; of' 6'464 ' l / 4 - 1 Beller.* =OW just received and fer r Sale SEMLER & FRAZE,R, (rinas to Wm. Dock, jr; k tool 0 o choice - Catawba rapes for sale at Lama] JoHN WISE's. rebl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers