TEM TELEGRAPH IS PU.BLIW ED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. BUNGLE SUBSCRIPTION. TIM DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents. per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who negleetto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. THE TELEGRAPH is alsopublishod weekly, and is Ihrnished to subscribers at the following cash rates: Single copies, weekly ..... ............ $1 50 Three copies to one Post Mike , Ten copies to one-Post Office lct 00 NEW ADVERTITSEMENR. !=i r r ."GrRAP II tga Steam. Job' Printing ..• . • ESTABLISHMENT . . . THIRD STREET,' NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. H AVING recently added to our Jobbing Department a large amount of new type, several new fast steam , presses of. the most improved machinery, and other materhd, we are new prepared to execute - at short notice and in tho,most, approved style, '' • ' ALL KINI)S'OP L MILITARY BLANKS, , - • EIT EK SHEET lIDADINGS CIRCULARS, • BILLHADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS,! POSTERS In ono or more colors, Pitopp4mmEs, :BILLS OF LADING, ••;• • PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANK JOB WO R K OF ALL 'DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL Orders from a distanee attended to promptly; , , • , marlo-dawlf A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Maker,? No. 5Q Market Street, llarrishurg, Pa. DBULLER. IN PINE WATCHES, -- CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF..JEWELtt PINE SILVER WARE, • PLATED. WARE, TEASERVICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand. &well selected . and elegantly assorted stock of , . FINE WATCWES miAno, i RINGS, AND SETS.' • .' FINE MINER WASIK, AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS TOATOHEM, i Both In Gold and Silver Cases. ' . • Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' W.AVVICII,ES . . . Constantly on hand. = 3T.1.01PG-ANT CLOCKS,; Of ail deserlpOpnr,..all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH . in—Call and examine the . goods. • Particular attention paid to ropairing' of tlne Watebbs, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly,. repaired None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN,' 1. adiOlaing‘ l 3P. , *' B l l ,a ll - 1 mar2Bl No. 52 **et atree T. F. VirARSON; MASTIC-GEMEgrt PITT a., IS PREPARED tiilurolgh 'and coat the ex terior of Buildiligs with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a now system. ThLS material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofbre and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside.workZ witl4pro per proPortions,of _pure pripedillilat.foima asnliditurte ble adhesiveness to Brie3Lorßtorm .inakirtg.l4- tiftil, fine water proof ,surface equaLllal Brown Stone or any color desired.. ..'; —3: AnigniTnAlloTa.fonvhfllltlilloYe:SPlßied the Meetly. Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell residenCe;lenn street, Pittsburg. J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. • A, Hoeveler, James zee:wawa, " 'Allegheny city. Cabin Adan* - Third'street, Pittsburg: James Wood, owner St:Cl:Myles Hotel; " " - • William Vohel, Gliardaotase, Barr grHosen.srobitects.Hispatch - : Buildings, • JOIMH Cox, resicllre, Front Street, PL.; A. A. J. Jones, • Please address T. F. WATSON, P. - 0. Doi 1,306, Pittsburg, Pa. or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa feblll-dBm TO OFFICERAND7SOED Colleetion. of. Back ;Pay and far Ctavna. , OFFICERS ( PAT ROLL ,S "MUSTER ROLLS, - *FD RECRUITING ( ACCUNTS MADE - OUT - - undersigned;'ha'iingrn been in the e- I rPo'yment of the - United States during the last eighteen months, as Clerk In the Mustering and Disbursing Office and Unice of Sum:intended. or Recruiting, Service of Ponogylvaiis, iespootfliklk infdrina - theßulillo-th*the has prifinoiltiltiAltoO in the•DAna c :Viii6P:thrlqihlikii ::the pintoisea'colleafrig'PensiS4, - . - Boinitlek - "Rack 'Pay 'arid War Ottinis 5 alsoilhoking out Moth? Pay:Rollifildn'Ster Rolfi*id'llteciiiiting Oceania. "" y • • Aft.orckeinV . mail'attoudegkiti.Promptijr. - ' ' SULLIVAN a CHAD. _ - 111 , FADDEN'S IVIARBLE YAIED • CORNER OF WALNUT 41. CD FIFTft. STREETS, Hnmshn Far_ a Marble THE und_ori.g4 • • be z lave t•PJ.,'•'"'• a167(11r .- i g Qp .s. e ; ned their friends Yse'd t h is • y' al/21—•:trPWfl - ; and the public in general, that the e MARBLE. WORK OF EVERY -DESCRNION SUCH AB Monuments, Totag Read Stenos, Mantles, And House Work in marbleand Brown StOne " Parith*Atilket#49‘ 0" N. B: neatly noie:bl4 l74l"S* gAh . or Gamow.. mar 29414 ' Yi'ING, :VTEDDiIIG„.INVITATION AT ROXE q:41BO9.:-:-By a special, arriumpOteilt iiitletitie of the liest enpnyere in . Gip ,countryt tom: of any description executed in the Wittiest style of art, conformable - with ther'atest • fashion, and suppliod promptly, a k lower 4irioes thin - 4re •Charged•ny Oki station ers in New York or PhiladelphiaL Ifor:sampleannd.paloes call at - —BERGNER'S BOOK STORK _ - AA LA.TIGNINVOIOE.OFITEw RAMA_ ,- - • At - SIIIBLER:Sr 7 FRAZER kg, [n0.201 (Sttc4a.cirplo'Wni:Vocle.;Jr.,-Ai"Cii.) ALAZGE asliortnietitat meatavEws piitti -- BopAsTOßtg, - spar]. sato at Who lowprlces 1 000 'LP!B.- § t..:17,/eorge Codfish, for 2 Al e at - gRISLO..&..FRAZEWP, I.;%lCc.."Elrs tq w.x. D0C4,41-Ar#tClifr—lL 11110 - 0 149- OnF ibliii e-, ; . biated St. George tu:EQA 4 idegi Tecovod . —ionfronsall, SEMLER & r t . toillock, WITEETt Cid 'small but very fuae-Rit. Sweeer jps rived at SEMLER ok FRAziga, maratt-i- (ilimi9isaktolt;l:llolr.„-N . i STEIN- PRIN INCE t h V. , N 9 A, I th iAll / The following ar e . the rates for adver' „ 1 1 „//// * / , 2 6 ,., ;. „,„.... , ' a ~. 4 .r t . • 4 ;r • . ; nalair. Those ba verttshig to 4'' t• ; '.. ', ' ' lfortrefeLenee. 4 0 1. '- 1 ...„.4 . 6 , E. ~. ;:, e ':-_ ,.. ,_ \ .. _ 4 , „..i, ,—"—'__..” -.:. " , .. ' . ... . ' I,ineyoiselliilit/r4 Two days .Y:e i..4i : ..s a po st t. , iOae d. :. . .,.. or;:/f,c11 1 - f - ...._--:, : ' 4 , Three daYS --- 7 - " . 77" 1: _,.... ~,,,,,,---- :mra.: ......_ . 1. ~, .. . . . week . . One month... -- - 8:00 f 3 O w nemonti . ... , . . . . . _ .. . . . __ . . . . ; Two months . 4 4 50 Twi . - _ ________ . - ' Three months .6 50 Three . . 'oseeswo."•-""-------- . . ' Six monthsB 00 Six - Inoh . i One year._ls t) Die Oar - , .... i Administration Notie BY GEORGE ,BERGNER. MEDICAL: ;H ..,..,:: KUNXEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON: . , . yi PURE and'powerful TONIC, .Corrective! and Altenaive.; of _wonderful efficaoyin•lHlliodaei of ,the STOMACH, pritEit and BOWELS. r - •t t7t:, • DYPPRAdar Ivor L: Complaints ' n • -,Neadaehe,.. Renerol Debility, Nervousness, De- . , Pressios of Spirits,. constipation Interreittent - Fuver Acidity Of die Stomach, : la, seartbum Disgust for Fo6d; * Fullynnei pr•Weiglit in the:Sy:meth, • Slaking or Flutteririg at. the Pit of . the •Stomaoh, Swimming.of. Breathing,,Nollow- ' near of the . SliM ;and•Eges,..rover and Valk pains. in sing ; Head, Pain" in. :the Side, }!Back, Chest and::Limbs, , , " will cure evert ; case of iChronio or Nervous Debility,. Diseases, of, tiro Kidnoye •and • Diseases . etiehig from a disordered St.ottigob,.. Good for ;gale . • .; • ' • • or: Female, Old • • or :Teller, .The most benolichil inddicbie - known; gltes , tiAtertix~ ri hiction and obits ttirtt'ilibefiii4itum any ottter i r 'prom. tibn otroretilOtie grepared EXEL & BRO:',l.T.C.MirlleOtr4Ot t Harrisburg, u r For sale by DrutOCiand f lioaters eve9re. 'I3EVARE OF . o ttaterfeats , ! rlig . . As Katikel'a Bitterilyine of Iron is the only Sairsi anh ' , effectual remedy-Mind knotirMworld for the permanent 'hare of Dir imatDanility; and as theraMe 'Smarr - Mei. "of imitations oft In trip 'Phblic, we wonld' =Mien the ennimunity tolairnliaidehe , but the genuine article, tinumfacturedhy'S. - .A,' trxil & BRO., • and' him" theft• stamp on the tqp, .-ths every bottle. . The, very fact that. °Mini nOtt4Mpfteto imitate this Vabtalsis Vemedy, proVetilti`wettri ax 4 Speaks velem* ip itiekytm. The BillerWhiloT,jlton,.4,,pa. up in 76,c9frit and S 1: 'bottles,ant:ols9:4*.i kvppoixstable druksisla I,binnsfOilt :the countiy.; , .B4usllopalq,skuit every tiolllitbehys ;Inc rimueorllWptopliegors,si.inensre. . . • This Winn; ihe most agreeable and. efelent Salt of Iron we,possess; Citrate of Magnetic. bilde cord hined, with the , inostenergetio of vegetablettoincaprelloiv -Peruvian barICI: The...egect in tansy cases of,doleility,liess pf appetioi .. axml.gentraf prostration, of an efficient Salt of - lion, coinbined.;yrkth!Parsvaluable. Nerve, Topici:lsiniost ?siiippy. atagmetals We ?appetite, raises the. pulse,'itakes . rausetaler Sabbink,. removes the pallor LoLdebilitt "and gives . a florid vigor to tiro countenance,,:,. GENERAL DEPOT, 118 KARI= s T ftE EAR/Ufgli, l ? P4' . . !; : . • • :For all. respectable dealers:. tbreugheiit , the country. ; •. . , X 8640. 64 RATS' 7 .It 3 6 , .8 .;04.plim &e. 1: 4 1:;7:1 !ft: ! Arta and IiQACHEg From their holes some•out; ' And • lila& ands RATS, In spite (if, CATS, • COSTAR'S - EXTERMINATORS. Forßats, Mi'ee;'li l sdolles, Ants,Mea Bug Mosquitos, Mothe;-1100tirs, Wooleus,'l4o,4 Insects on Plaitti,Uoitiils, Aninasilsi'iti: "15 years estatilkatiott Y. City." .. , "Only in(alllol44e4Odi - 0 known." `TieeV4 l -I . PIPons-Pi "Not ilagg4rpoi, lo the Homiui.-Fampy,! l . "RahlOopto, ou t pt their holes t0.010.:','• . .ti-Sold by alkDrif.ggists evdrywhere , airl 1 8icia.R.,413 of aillwortbless ; ; • SNP" Costar's. Depot, No. 483 , Broadway,,H.M.. ; ; • Sold by W. GROSS & {'- Wholesale and retail agents, mule-dement • " • Harrisburg, .Pa. PROCLAMATION. ' WlELEREASlthii s Hoitorable-to - Riu4.Peas SON, President of „tha Court of Cominon Pleas to the Twelfth JudicialDisti3at; ccnaiating of, the counttgs itf .:LERSanon and Dauphin,liPiWtlfe Honorable Se,nintr.,lirin_s and HonorablCYosis Associate JP60,3 Dan phin county hatinkiesued their precepktielkin — r. tethe 23d day of lebtuaryi 1864, to me direotedebr lfolding :a Court of Oyer and Terminer and GeneraNtill-DeliVety and Quarter Sessions of thuppapp pf Harrisburg, for the county or Dauphin, and to connnance mpg 4 - ra MONDAY or. a,r tut. arrr,being the 25th of A pril, 1884, and j tpottntlnqe *We weeki3. , , ..j ti • Notice iitheriforii hereby given to the Ckroner, us cols of the Peace, AldermeituraPCOnstables of the sakicounty of Dauphin, that they he.,then ,and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'cloch4M-thelorenoon of.,asid AAA With their records,iiiigtiisitions, emiMinations,Auditheir .own iemembranees:to do those things which to: theirtofficie appertains to be done, and. those who are bound in recog nisancea to prosecute against the prisoners that , are ; ir studi be In the Jail of Dauphin county be then and ; Were to Prosecute against them as shall be Just. Given under my hairf, - itt 'Harrisburg, the 28th day of Match, in the year ofi.doraordi , lB64, and In the eighty ninth year of .tha.intiepthidence of the..lliiitifd:States. , - , . • W. W. JENNlNllB;§hirlif. %UMW'S ANTres,,, Haffisburgc,March 1884. - .5 mitr2B-d,iwtd• Notice to lijigistrities. froseetttors; ,ThicOstel and,J,niprs. . - 10 - OTICE is hereby given that hereafter all partite or witnessesbound by recognimuiceto appear ih any criminal prosecution in this county,.. will he. Called On Monday aftensoon, at the meeting.of the Court,'and if not then in attendance, .their recognizaneeisilll4iefor rett:4 unless before that lime a sufflcientexcuselor non attendance be Bent to tee District AttorneY.''''Add: such parties and witnesses, under like penalty of forfeiture, must remain in court during. the session thereof, and answer when required, • and ' that CS forfeiture of a iketignizance will-be taken off by the .Conrk :ex cept on clear proof of the inability of the . - reccepdser to attend at the time. And the Magistrates' tbroughtsit-the county are respectfully.urged to require sufficient surety from all persona charged With :chine, and to bind over, all prosecutors and witnwisee brought before them; nisd'pat Alles will be imposaiinjOßJllXOTS falling toatteri,,e*ept when they havoisinffiderit .. lega'l excuses 'for: nontattenth anal. By order of the Cowl,. ap6-dawtc J. C. YOUNG, Clerk. WS — Sin ORANGES.--A small but ,13II ITL, prior invoicestatembaivDnus just rewind at nom x x.) 11 9 Y IMAM r-'II:NION—NOW AND FOREVER."—Webster. HARRISBURG,. yA., SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL - 16, 1864. 7, . , eft -s-ALE. FOE, SALE The subscriber offers for stile the stock, and 6sthres of his knowni WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He will sell the whole or-part , of_ the stook„ and the, entire fixtures. The, ,busi miss ties; been "denied ZoiAblittifteen years; and' Is well 'estiblidia; With the store le connected a GoraIICOPPER, STILL Wiesltualed.'on:Canallstreetihetfiyeen railroad and and has a'firtvate siding sulinble .genie i:r? for, rot.Wardhig p*oses. Passeastoa.glien rmmedistely, ind..lenSegtven Tor from' one to ten yeah': Termi snit, "purchasers. For, further information apply' oti"..the pre to; ..fmar244(l ; GEA. a -KUNKEL . . PRIVATE , . 17E a t beet. looatiorta for IRON i::) IVORlCSiiiil4 l :"State ;for , Balo, - at a veriMasenable 'pribe; toefilpeicliaier who will improve it, `situated nebort distance of the cltrOf•llarrhibityg, between the P.enneylvaniarailroad arid eanal;ialnalt. five hundred feet wide, and alongside of the heti ,Ilinesione.quariles in the Suite - and closelo a . kbod ttirVplke . road;" also, room for. Waste'andeMfoEfifty yearn, withoutpaying for•thes• Irind . 'Apply to; • DAV,llll4UldlifAi Attorney-at-Law, : hi0...24 North Second street, marl6.dtf• „ Palrilirdellif*.rsessinsett‘giree limes end' send bill to thin b eel, • . 7 1". ',,• •;•' • • itt 'AL The several protiertieriff the Estate of - WILLIAM L. LL'SOM, Wiceksediln thelotty of Harrisburg, consisting of Items ea sin Frontetreet:.ild Chestnut street, et end ;near 'the cornet of. Front and Chetlittlltstr.oets, vacant lot 9 1 E! litifhfirry :street', near - ' Third- stre e ts futd. '1.9% tierce 'cif 'kind at the,eaatern'terirtinA of Market 'street, are of fered-for sate::. For teriiii Of sareapplyto the undersigned, Seventh' ancl-Mbble streets; rhilfulelififift.. •• • • ' tle2l-dtf] . . • ..! , • . , :,.T.IPIA4S-01:0014a CLIICIC "ER-ItS: NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. KOEILPER ) . Q, 14 BA LE AND BETAIL . _D EALE RS uti ~ 1111;0' E S Queens • s:W L _a)re ? . 0,0 g5O ti bE, AYF, just ol3ened'a, large: Dad well selected 11 stock of goods at their stand,-No. 3 llar Harrisburg, Pa., to which ,they invite the attention ofthe nole-dly 'F I IV E Q 117 , O. . (Successorridirtn. Doak, Jr., it Co.) DEALERS - IN „FINE FAMILY; GROCE RLES opposite the Court HotAse,!have.on.hattdall+ gelection,of BRANDIES, ... , . of different vintages. • .n.Ar4z Hwy, Dpsersietime. - OLD BOURBON' , ;. W4 11 4%4C0 Andiorls. rxwit over bertightdo,this market. OLD'W • - 7 NEOTAA, ) And' the celebrated ..CHESTNUT GROVE MIME ' • CHAMPAGNE WLNES y 4 - um. JoatairmsßußG,-.1 k :SCOTCH , A.ND IRISH ALES. X9X1: 01 " 3 # l 9•Wbr MVP-- , •PLANTATION • • ; . ifONIC SUPERS: With 's hompiete stock of ENCtLISHAND.-41] !WEItiT , .S.lf PICKLES , Aid.dinatments description.now In: the market, end at THE LOWEST RATER J 0 H WI-S F, • • I - THIRD STRiBET, NEAR WALNUT,: • -s HARRISBURG, PA., 4 M I PintiRENUL MAWR CONFECTIONERY FRUITS ( ' - igjuiss-Paste;-- "-• : - .- ;.Citrons, ~ - .. - Moss'Paste, .- • ` • Figs, Dates ; ' • • I .Itir PaSta, , • ...Prunes • . ' ''' Marsh Mallon , Gum Drops, I Almonds, Walnuts , Cream chocolate Drops, Filberts, Plain Candies, & c., &c. Cream Nats, g i l r gg e d B gr i t79 l lif 1 .5„:.:. f, r 49 1 ,41. 163 1., 7 !. , I 'Jollies, 7._• ..._, -: -?:•.","-.{ ,Ci) cixt„ , _ .t art :.i t . -:'s This' and - opiess;all..k.lnus, ...kap...bait es, . 7 Paper Bags, -' " 'Holitharand' Beans, Cider Vinegar,. c - - Oak:es:9d Crackers, . Fresh and Salt Fish' In sea:: Street andirlah'Potabies, _ . . son. . VOgntabiai in etisien, Raisins, Currants, octl3 ' • To Railroad Contractors. POPOSALS are-invited for the Gradna- i OM, Masonry,- Bridge , SiMeistracsiure, Ballast, lles and Track Laying of the PITTSBURG AND. co.NNELLSVILLR RAILROAD, between . tiitnal#rlizu4, Embracing a distance °Cahoot, EIGHTY-SEVEN MILES, in secUons of &built -oneptile,each.;::.,figerciflcatlons will he , iiryily at the Company's-40e In EMashurg,--,con And after' the let of APRIL curnirritil,: ; and mMs %will he re - " calved until the 28th of ARBlL,ensalng.. BENJ. -IL LiTfrbilk, Office P & R President Pittsburg, March IS marl9-td - rIOVS-SRAILICIANG GELLATIN,IIO best manufactured, Just received anß for sale bif : .4HL.T.,ER & FRAZER ihl• n ta . 1 4 . Ffit . oak. Jr., Stt_ . 0.) Concord, Dale Asiii,xuscadink Louts , gaga; c.fAsyk . bgi c cportitioAln;on,,,CrimeliiNg,2ritylor or:Bur -14, Eitingone Ouruory. .utailC- N A T .N E PME -O,I4OKBERRY:Iuid" 'ELDERBERRY Menu' ited sale ' SHISLER & FRAZFA ns-tP 1Y .P9*. & C°.) Jaa2s 15..000438.: HAM . 1. Fifteen thou -740114-)llilierieing liCereler.ll4 o2 ram we antra this sitarkea sale at • SRISLIZR &17,117:ER, feldt. - : 46124:macre to Wm: Dock, jr.; & Co.) .: A _.. PPLE,s, X 11: ...: We . llnvo-Juntinneived. a tine nelottion of APPLY* in' prinie order. For isle by the barrel;- tinabol. ' small quantity at SHISLEft & VRA7.ER, reb3 ( . r e441 "r 1144 ! W 4 4.-Pqck, ir., & Co-) All EsSPLEs-: oluNerts.i in : order ; aS SO 3 - PA° Parrida of:CROWE, LES for eat f 4.5 . - , - JOHN. ME Fruit store. CIATSIVS . AND . 8413 r .c.Fa , 474 perioi'and clioica brantllN-Justracetved end for sale, • '' KILMER & FluzEß, (snoceMOM to Wm. Dock,Jr.;& Co.) • by febl selected f rom late BOXES QB4 a NGEA ev r brought l ey ley'_ ,mportat.op,i,i6 ai MI WI?WPiWW Y i trzsvt,„„tor t ... •-• • .. _ Eif 0 Trar ' 66 111 10,It aZ. D 9 599 FLUID; EXTRACT BUCHU, POsurVE 1 *NC BLADDER, RIDNEig, 4/14375L . 111.HIBilleili'aine increases the ...pow.e.r.,of gestion,tand e;cltesilbe AppRBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATEEtY :0:61:01.1t0M, deposi tions, and all lINNATURAWENIARGEMENTS' are re• duced, as well as pain and lafammatienranitls gold for KEN, - LWOMEN Or.OBILAp.EIt 1111,311101iD,'S -EXTRACT BUCHIT . -Arising from Ei:censiti,. Habits of ,Dlisifif4lon, Early In ' ' . illicretfon or Abuse,' — ' ' • ' ATTENDED wit& THE FOLLOWING{ - ammo nis.. . ~ i. • . . , InelspOsitloriio Exertion, Dryness of the 41tInt %Logs.ot. Memory, • . _Leas,:of. - P,ower, :,. ~- -. ',Weak-nye% . , , , , . A. , Djifioulti: of .firO ll B,, Horror of bisenee, . 'Treinbling, i cki Ditaness of Vision, - Wakefulnfn Universal Leasitude of . thernin In she , . duscular System, . -, FinelnUnt,gre inly, Hot Hands,, • . :Eruptions ori,tlio Face, Pallid CoOntenace, „gapy,,aie — ; Ilse tale cange rtiferinffl, ” The - Al:gm& Qinkneirayluipiuid .. • „ WO"' DIM EMI 'A n d ` ' Country Dried Fruits, 'Ad 'Country Prod.nce , in season. JOHN WIS& J. MISIL MEDICAL. SiEl !rut •r GREAT "111ElltCAN RENEDRS," MEI 43FEN1nRE PIWPAIUTIONS, VIZ HEL;KBQZ,DIUTOACT."IIU67I7I,", ozratsoz.o arnpigr sAizEfititßiga, igigliap.l4l92o,iw i artss: 'wow: 11 AO T 4. P• ' S GENUINE HIGHLY OONGENTRA;T-E*ll t'OMPOUND AND DROPSICAL SWEIaaNGS! MEI FOitNEARNFASES These sybiptonis, if allowcict to go on; *hid! this medi cine invariably removes, soon. follow, • - IMPOTEN.CIYi-Pkr u .4tx i-EPIrapPTIO PITS, . . UAW of iffhicti , the,patient- may expire). 'Who can my Allatthetate 110 t ftwillikkgY. , 49 ll 97.*• XtY the Se. 4 1 P'EltiPq.11: Lr.x ;1- .1_ i • ""trit cortu - sencirt • AS° . 4WrI n CCOAFIL: The ups L.. .dtf ehOiy I:oaths brCoadWthib; blikir ample' wit ness to the truth of the assertion. - -57 ,7 7; • THE - CONSTITIJTION`, ONCE AFFECTED WTH ORGANT,O 'WEAKNESS, , Requires the aid of medidne to strengthen and invigorate thoayatem, which Helmbold'a Extract Buohu invariably the FEMALESKISTAT;ER-FRICAttS • : Off . YOUNG - SINGLE, MARRIED , OR CONTEM, PLAITtsKi MABB GE In thanratectiohs pecullitto females •tho• 'Extract Ba • .Chn is•untkaalled tul any .otherlenrdn esb ghloroals or .Retention, Irregularity, Paiiirclacia;:of sllPPl;calcien .of the &skink - try EVacuations, 'Melina:ed. or Sellimus state of the • Motile, 'Lencorrliea or Whites; SterilltV mid' for MI com plaints incident to the sox, whether 'arising from Indiscre t.o4.• HOPE; OfThssti Dissipation *.in-the • . • lifdLlN4 OR (94.A. A r a . E OF LIFE. NO FAMILY Sifbtrai BE, WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, , Mercury, Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. - - BEIAIROLD'S EXTRACT BUORIT, Cures Secret Diseasei in all.their stageet at little expense; little or, no : change in diet; ,noinconventence and no expo ,sure It :ceases ,frequent 'desire, and gives strength to Vrinlite,lheretir 1131111017illg' obttnialtipEc prt*enting•juid curing Strictures of the Urethitic:illaymg pain' nd, inflam mation, so,freenent in.this:class of diseases, sad' ipelling :Poisonous,: Diseased, stud Wornout Matter. . Thousands . Upon thouratifda whb hatelkien the *Salina of quacks, and who have paid -betrioi fee. lithe cured ma short time,have foetid•they..wereslecalvedi aid that. the YPoLsonQ has by the use oft.`powerfulAmmgcuts,',l b een dyed sp, .the l i zteni, th break :cut in an amtvated fiirna,.-and. perhaps Use lIELMBOLTPS EIBTRACTIBUCHITIMLaII Affections and Diseases of the, - Urinary, Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, fromwhatever cause originating, and no ,lliattei-lithOWTorigzdfandlitt. ' Diseasa elf . these Organs !require' the idd of w'Dturettc.. -ITICIMBOLDS ' EXTRACT .BUCB.Udithe 'Great: Ditiretlo4 and' iris certititilo , .bavelbe desired l atittlet ,In,„141 Diseasee, . for which ic..ta recom ;Mended., • • BiOnttlilliod-Blood. Helmbeld's highly' Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SUM- This is en affee,:tioh of the Blood, and attacks the - SexuaLCirgana r , Llxdugs of the .Nos e' EMS, Throat; WIMI, pliie and other litifehe Surhices, making its appearance In the .fcirra titttllcertf; ffeldthold% - Extract•• Earsatorilla p,u 'vides the Blcod, and , remove; elf:Sealy ~E rtuitions of the Skin c ,giving to the,Complexione,geor, and thralthy:Coler. It being prepared expresalylor this class..aS, complaints, Its Blood-Purifying Properlleb atekewyo* a,greater extentthan any. otheitoperitlon Sartutfarila."-' trRT.MBOLD'S'IIOa VASIL An escellent Lotion for diseases of a Syptdiltic Nature, and ea an injection Cu diseases ~of, the Crinary . Organs, arising from habits Of diesipabion; used in couhection with the Extmcts.Such_u and; SariaPerille, truoh diseasesas recommended: ::Evidentie Of the moot -responsible-and re- - liable character millaccompsaistlielmedidioear. C f AFES OF CARES from eight to twenty Seats standitig, 'with names known 'to 'Science' arid 'Fable., For.„l4ettioal Properties of Buchu, see Dispensary : of the United 'States. Set) Professor DEWEV.Sivaluable works on the Practice of ,Physic: See remarks .matle , by. the late celetented,Dr. PICY_SICK, "PhilaitelPhle: remarks -- made by .Dr. EPDEAW*IfcROWELL, - a celebrated PhysiCLui aid mem; berofthe /royal College of Surgeons, and published lathe Transactions of the 'Xingbit, and. Queen's. Journal. Bee IfediCe-Chirurgicaillevl etv,l4 Fellow of the Royiar4Clegs ,p(' The most. of late.statidanfivoiliiiriti4Wcine. Extract of BuChu, 11 00:per bottlei'or six botiles for $4 00. Eitract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bot tle , r : or Nix' 'for $5 Im- JKoved Rose Wash, 50 coats per bottle,ar six - . for 42 50, or half a dozen each Tor $l2 'oo,Which trill be gutricient to cure the Most ebitinate eases, if directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely pecked - from eb serrnion. Describe 'ayorptonts in all 'conuannications. Cures guaranteed. Advice &atilt . . AFFIDAVIT. • Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city • of Philadelphia,cif., Ilehnbo whe, being - duly iworn, dot k say, lais preparations_ contain no 'narcotic, no mer- S93s 4 F°9l9 r :PkleriaS4MPN4ted arePinola=able: 'sworn and sulngribedliefore me, this - .."Z . d' — rtyof ,yember, 1854*._ •—• "WM. MBRARA , Aldernmp,,lfinth street, ib Mince, Mule. for Ad d letlels infonala t l . n:M confilm,,,,: PRICE TWO CENTS. '.EiVßilltG. - i :Firpli7-9-t AN APPEAL` -F1om: GOV. CURTIN,! 13r AID ijoro , %THE''•NOB!E EFFORTS TO SUCCOR= AND RELLEYEI THE SICK -AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS _ Oulu:ern, ITAinufSsifid, 18b4. f .P - To the eopie of Pennsyluaniti • • - 7 i I have been requested by-the o Orrespondencu to address, you. on the subjnp Qt the Fair, to be held - .in PhiladelPhia, `June next, for the benefit ethe Sanitary Omni z: It:givellineinuchpleasure to comply with this . l'etilieekAhd..t o m 1 ) 11 . 1 . 11 3 . . 1 4 01 of the oppor tunity____4 , Om ; of calling, your attention to um kair jl3 be had in the same,' week "ail& for 'the sand purpose tit Pittsbnig. • • . cannot, howeler, :speak of the relief of th _pica and wounded volunteers ,of, the Sta without saying a grateful word in their bof halt to you. ' Uharged by a joint resolution of the Legislature wituthe dety of caring. for client/ it has beein nay privuegetoprOvidefor their Com-, fort and loos. affer tueir welfare. - To 'this end the State Surgeon General hits at all times! . Subject to the regulaticine of the Umted StatBsi ' visited with corps of surgeons and nurses e: battle :fields, and. besides the General _Agency maintained at Washington, specs* agents have constantly been sent. to the c.anip4 to the armies- in the field, and to the he-so lids, and 'at all tunes when - the occasion re quired or admitted of such aid, the provisions made by the United States have-been supple mented by abundant supplies of bandages, ,clothing, delicate food, in fiict everything 'that could promote the comfort of our soldiers when suffering from wounds or digease. The compensation of the general agency and"he general 'staff, and the. expense of medicines and supplies'Of likezcheracter, Were' 'of course paid by the State. • • - • The special agents; men of standing and character, performed all their dutoss.wiui. dili gence, fidelity and alacrity, and in no instance_ received any compensation their "services. I have"never had to seek l'or such agenti. Only regret is that I have been' unable to ao cept the catered services of too many . men of the same kind, who being clisqualniedfai niili tary services, and having 'freely contributed of their means to every patriotic purpose, were still not contented untess..they could be stow their time, labor and persona! attendance on our disabled and sintering deienders. - The the clothing, the iood, the dupplids• of all sorts were furnished in kind -by .you individually: On every occas* when it -, has been mutts thro the State' that a • battle 1 3 / 4 .4 - been Pallet or was expected, or that froin'any other eats / e, our sick and , notihielljtileingeers were likely: to suffer, the eargetetraiiiiNm all quartets haie leedeTillipiilies.in - profit sion. Every . hospital -Within the State "has been,heset by ..individindso both sexes,• big. chiefly women, eager to nurse, to watch, to aid the inmates. Throughout the cities, towns, villages, hamlets,' farniAionises of - the Cemmonwealth,' are foilud:thelleiven-direct-. ed benefactors whose: mmiesrare. unrecorded; for whoSe `who no reward his 'been sought; but he who has' witnessed the results, as' I have, must have to heart of stone if it he not melted by' their true,' unpretend.: ring, gentle,. persistent, inexhaustible alacrity in this best and holiest of good works. The object of the proposed 'is - hi pre,- videm'eans for similar 'good-works, arid- it is one that commends _itself to every friend- of his country—to all who admire-the heroic de votion of the brave men who are bearing arms in its 'defence. It is understood that the man agers of these Fairs solicit donations in goods, saleable articles of every description of mann factuxe, AmeriCari glass, produce; fruits; flow ers, paintings, engravings, statuary ^ and the income of all the- people of the State for one day. Several similar l'airs have been recen.tly.. held, the proceeds'of which` are stated in the newspapers to exceed one' million of dollars. - Another is now being held in NeW York, and others in Baltimore and St. Louis are -to held in this and the next month, the, proceeds of till which will'no doubt belarge. The spirit, of emulation has been Stimulated; and Penn sylvania has bgien appealed to in the hope teat she, will rival-her neighbors. I cheerfully bear my personal testimony to; the Rrompt and beneficial efforts of the Stun-. tent Commission immediately after several battles, and especially after the battles - ofAilist- . . tysbu.rg, and to the abundance of .suriipgkss: then furnished -by-:it, Beyond this :I have. no..kno*fedge of its ac tual operations, nor of its internal struc - tnre or administrative arrangements..The-oppl-es sion of public duties has 'been too Meat to. al: low me to acquire or seek such knowledge. - is well: knew - a,: however,:that gentlemen f -If the highesteharacter participate in, its man• - agement; and that, its objects, are, patriotic, meritorious and charitable. • • The pnWeeds: of the Faith are to pass into the hands-of the:Sanitary Comiaission, as dared by the committee,, or the relief._of.siek amtwoundea :Soldiers:in anticipation of the opening campaign of our noble;:strides, and the object commends itself to eNei-3 , friend :of his country. . A. - G.- CURTIN, • Governor of Pennsylvania. PENNSYLVANIA. LEGISLATURE. ~:,:~.~):+~y:a ~~>rr ~;~:+v:f n ~ 1.7: ~ y:.:.~ u:,l ~,Tet:7.a P: A HOUSE OF REPRESENTA'rii(hS ' Furn Alt,: April 15, 1854.. In the afternoon, :the Muse, alter the pas sage of an act to: change : the location of -the Northumberland bank to Sunbury, took up the-revenue hill proposing increased taxation: on railroad 'companies, bankers, et& 'Pm consideration of: the bill in Committee of the whole, was continued at the ,evening sessicin. The bill passed committee of tie whole,' When, without farther action, .the House adjourned till Monday afternoon. O ?IC E 5 Whenia letters testamentary to the estate of . 19Mani peek, Jr_, lite of: the nit,* of .flairielbrirg,.deneasek have been gran iced to. the subscriber, all persons indebted to the 'said estate" are 'requested to mike immediate - pnyindot, :and shine haying obuitta er demands agoiii4..o4o.63Utte of 'the said decedent will knownthe,same without Or , by to ;)iIAR"Yr DOCK,.ExeeatAII Harriabarg;Xarcit.7 .1884, , Wir 9 .-doaw o l • 7° looll=' '.2o3ttipriff:477l4ol) ivertisl in the Tau-- ) do find ~RreAna . Njc Rio • / 00 125 •CO '• months..__ 11 LI) War - — l5 0 . . 25 GO $2. 25 Marriage Notices.. . •• 75 • Auditor's Notices::. , t 1 , 4 ••• Cv 150 Funeral Noticeseschinsertion,.. • sirlinsiness notices inserted inilia before Muria* end Deaths; Nieirr Vititilis - each insertion. 0=II!!!!! Eeregra* FrOM : New Oylealui.4 The Rebel Ram Tennessee Not Distroye,d. Destructive Fire. in New. o.deans. •The- Frea-' State -Convention- Nim Yo 1 April . . . The steamer George Washington arrived at this . 'port this alleinOn; bringing ',New Or leans papers of the 9th; containing oneilay's later news. . !• The reported qielrttla of the rebeLrarn Tep nessee, in Mobile hay, was iinforideit A disastiOus fire - occurred in Neic , Oiletra'S on the night of the Bth= •The 'stores of Yooke; Parsley &Williams, and A H. CoCh rane, were burned. . . The loss arnotulted... to several hundred tliousend dollars: - The free;StatecConventionAtad completed its organization. - It had voted 96 t0..21 that members shall take the iron aledoath.of Deeemlbor 1 ; 1863. The oath prescribed by the President's Am nesty proclamation. DIAEHBTS Bir.TELEGI3MPH. PrEmu)ia' April " The ' Al4 tfs excitement, in breadst , recorded yesterday, has materially subsided, and there is less doing. Flour held firmly, awl 3,000 bbls.:§old .at $8 for extra and $6.,0®9 for -family; small sales OE rye - .36 504 e, 6 75; and corn meal'at $5 75. • - There - is a fair inguirrfor wheat, and. 5,000 bushels fair red sold atsl. 4)301 85, and white; at. $1 95 02 08. -Rye is wanted at $1 40. _ Corn ac tive, and's,ooobiislield yellow sold ' at $l. 33. Oats is fair at 88®90 cts. Catkin 'advanced to 82®83 eta. • Cloverseed ..selbrat $7 25® 7 75. 2,000 bushels flexaeed:salct at ; $3 371. Provisions unsettled—sides mess Tork at $26 (28 for old and new." Lard at 15 eta Biala at 17018'cts; - 100,0001ifierces sides st $l3 .Bh, ea shoulders at 13 ets. :Inpetroleum - there is more firmness = satee of , crude. 31a36 cts.; refined in bond at 52 cts., and free at 60002 ets. Whisky steadyall- 25. Stocks irregular--Penn'a s's 101; Reading railread,.79; Morris canal; Long I - Plink railroad, 80i; Gold, 173; Exchange en New York, par. - New York Stock. Market: DECLINE IN GOLD. N iv Yoinc, Apnlls. Chicago and Ito* . Tslond,'-1.31; Ownbe'r land" preferred., Illinoiszentsalsztip,sl4B4; Miahigun,.Soutbgni , 11g; slitto v gteed, „ ,1501; Npi - „Yorkop4itnll. 141.} ,Beading { 159 1 ; Bliaoll - Iti;r6`; Pillelngaii,Central; • 159;'_ Ilaslept o l9o;z:Clave land and pittstiprg, 12,qi Terre Wuto-anil„ A1t0n,83.1; ton,83.1; Pittsburg and VOA Wakii4, 144 ; Toedo ' 'ant Wabash,' 74 Chicago sJitt Morth westein; 68;• one your ~ eertifietitet, 991 1 8120 Coupons, , 11a.L. Coupons, -1.8131ia16, gold:has sold at 172,k;1?n4 :is now 175,, :STEM DM-RAVIN The ,Illost -Atev. J. .1 - 004 s, ?akar ARCHBISHOP or NEW YORK: mats most excellent engraving Tip W Of fered for sale at , W. 10:001iPS, • ap2-Six 93 Market street, Sole Agent . . , .. Alarket Stre et , PitoVerty •. . ._;. • .HAIIRISBUNON ' "'OAS ' ' STOCK ... - AT PRIVATE SALE: . , . . TIEHOUSE and LOT, on Market - street, Ween Fourth and Fifth:street:SY in . the city of ir , Harrisb own as No. 96 Market strestould . lately o,i enpled . Geri. Bailey, is offered at private* 'sale, until tholst ay. .The Lot is 29 fee Con Market. street, run ning back 210 feet to Strawberry alley. The House is a iirst-ease Mansion with all the modern.inipnivettients. ALIO ,Eight Stares of Harrisburg Gas Sock. ....., For Or= and information apply to . - - . . - . : Mr_ MiCi.. B..SIBMN, . .. Harrisburg, or to • RAWL AYHGLIFAM, . ap7-d2w Aita9P; -1317.41#,ARATi..ge4tta I.ykens Valley Coe " Company. NdMIR —The annual • merilFixti- of :,The Stockholde_rs. of the .Lykens Coul,Couipaoy will tielel4iit the' office of Edwird Gratz; - MC; N . 9. 4 South thltolutai street, Philadelphia ,. on; Monday, the .2;1 day of May next, at 12 o'clock, forthe election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year: ' • GF.O. ROFFRAI3' PreaE sir. C. ho, .1-dlm 14ylrens Valley..Railroiul and. Coal lIKTOTIOR The .anneal- "meeting of the _MI Stockholders of_ the at Valley; Railroad and Coal.Cßintatny will be held at the offica of Edward 'Gratz, ail"; Oa. 4 South Salient& street, Philadelphia' ; on Mon day,. tizelid, day of May next, at 12 o'clock, for the rice tion.of aßrisidentSecretary, Measurer and scveleman agers,Ao.4erte for theiensaing year. , • GEO. E. HOFF.M.4I".f. Pres't L VI" R. R. WC. Co. aplam -. . tilsincluirrrnas, . - . • • ',ltim,rantriows March 31, 1864: following 4,b ?td As Cliffice Henrat. these Etenliouarton,:durfnevnidribie all titudimas Procne " 2 rt. it. 3Y A 3 4. P.Y... • " oyd P. al. AP PY. Hy order, Lien& .CaL.4.. V BOXPOILD,i(Ith VI COM 8.1:334A-NEklit*:ili:li . 0 " Outriding Post. • . ; apl-d2w - VINE NO. 1 11A0NRRELAiltfeeN•at re _ celved at -SH- 1 44.4R0k Es; marsi (Mocessoge to Wm. pock, jr., Co.) - , a —. l* Tt:L* l Qrk State •1 - 1 . Apples, of &choice variety, fine received, and sold low, in any quantitiee, tti,saitmnreinteet4, the' new grocer/ or . . BOYFA..& /5084PER _-- max •BOOKK..PAgEES, Ilarge• as siirtaOent`or Toy Boobs; Games kc Just Medved at n 01.9 • - 7. SCREFFBRILBOOKSTORS; _ N E 0 - 11. 13:"-TICE EfACTIPER DAYS 61P 74 SHOTiDY inyt recapred at fdelgl SCHEFFE.Wg)3Alpgasfam la. AMA! Wl!!—Michilheek :ExceLsior, 11. Just cur9d, .Bec9:7cd,.%difftat.i:l' mar2B A. - PERINVSPIACAVAgES, themes& Polmiar ilea& ifluxo4 l everuAlSolaiD the public, PO M*o7AliquiL:PrellaivOß7 .7r; 'SEMLER &- febl Oculasols EC 'tr .- IL I jr., Az Co.) BOXIIIBIO2IIIIk . • - very AAA. storictiturike, kusto Sit -`-` • 'l 4 3attejsorwto 1=1111:== Ell :_ :: ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers