ID D IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST, NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION srNcLF. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. THE TELEGRAPH is also published weekly,nt4is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, week1y.... ..... Three copies to one Post Mee Ten copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTITSEMENS. TEL Cr It A. - 1 7 ' - 111. Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, TBIIID STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. HAVING recently added to our Jobbing Department a large amount of now type, several new fast steam presses or the most improved machinery, and other material, we are new prepared to execute at short notice, and in the most approved style, ALL KINDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SKEET lIDADINGS, CIRCULARS BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, • RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTERS, in one or more colors, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANK JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly. marlo•d&wtf A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Pradtical Watch Maker, No. 52 Market Street, Itarrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES 6E.AINS SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a well selected and elegantly assorted stock of FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, AND SETS. FINE SILVER WARES. A NERrcAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gold and Silver Cases. ' Also, a line assortment of LADIES' W AVC HES Constantly on hand 1 LARGE VARIETY OF ELEGANT'CLOCI S, Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the LO py.gsr CASH PRICES. Atar Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. AI P. ZIMMERMAN, learn . ; No. 52 Market street, adjoining Brant's HalL T. F. 'WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT UFACTVAER, Pa. TS PREPARED to furnish - and coat the ex terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This material is entirely difierent from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, One water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen T. Bissell residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. M'Cord, " J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. Hoeveler, 44 James M'Candlcss, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, " Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, 44, • William Vohel, Girard House, • .. . 44, Barr k Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, Please address T. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box 1206, Pittsburg, Pa., House, or, Penna. Harrisburg, Pa. feblB.dOm TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, MUSTER ROLLS A.P7D RECRUITING ACCOUNTS .MADE OUT T' undersigned, having been in the em ploymentof the United States during the last 'eighteen munthS, as Clerk in the Iluatering and DisbureingOffice and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylvania, respectfully inforffis thn public thathe has upeued an office In the DAILY TILLEGILLYIE Building'for the purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. novl-dtf . SULLIVAN S. CELLID. M'FADDEN'S MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. '9IHE undersigned having . opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I=l 'onuments, Tombs Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and. Brown Stone Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. m , FADOEN & CO. N. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German. naar29-dly • • • VISITING, WEDDING, INVITATION, AND AT HOUR CARDS.—By a special arrangement With one of the best engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the Latest fashion, and Supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station ers in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices call at ' BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, mch6-dtf ALARGE INVOICE OF NEW RAISLNS, •- • CITRON, CURRANT'o,". • . PRUNES, • FIGS, &a, At SHISLER k FRAZER , s, too2ol (Successors to Wm.. Dock, Jr., Ac Co.) Soldiers' Portfolios.. ® LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, Sold at Wholesale or retail at low prices. CM! LBS. St. George Codfish, for 1 3 0 0 0 sale at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, f eb2. . (SUOCCSSOra to Wm. Deck,. Jr.... 4K-PN) LBS. CODFISH, of 'thir'.:cele_ 1_ 0.00. brated St. George brand 'jloat: *eived 3 _ . „ and for sale by SHISLER st: FRAZER,: ' febl (successors to=mDoak, jr, at.GO.) IQ %MET CEDER.---A small but Tory fine lot t„,) of Sweet Cider, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, nutr2.B (Shocessors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co.y , iii, eilb., I • -,...- -''\ vippe _ - 1 0.1-' ---- T , : - .).0:;;;• - __, 111 I, 1 1 tillitso a 7: 7 :2: ------ 7_, --- ...0 $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. APURE and powerful TONIC,.. Corrective 'l' and 'Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the 'STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS,: :; Cures Dyspepsia,. Liver Complainta Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, De= pression or Spirits, Constipation Intermitterit Fever, Acidity of the Stdmach; nausea, Heartburn Disgust for Food, Tullneas or Weight in 'Lila 'Sunned], -Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stoinach,. Swimming of the'llead, Difficult Breathing, Yellow, ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and,Dull pains in the Head, Pain in. the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every', case of, Chronic or' Netrobs Debility,Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered.,. • "Stomach, Good for Male ' - or Female, Old : . or Young. The most beneficial medicine knoth.; gives better satis faction and cures more diseases than any other prepare tion offered tallie Public. Prepared solely byS.,* RUN EEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg: For sale by•DrtiggiSis and Dealers everywhere. • BEWARE OF 111 Counterfeits .ift , As Kunkel's Bitter 'Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in lite known world for the, permanent cure of Dyspepsia: aid Debility, and as there area duinber of imitations offered to the public, we would cautlon the community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S A. KUNKEL & 'and' hai their stamp on the top of the cork of every brittle. Oa veiy fact that othera are attempting to 'imitate' this - ivalaable remedy, pro , ns its worth and speaksvoltunes'in it's favor. The Bitter:Wine orlron is put up in 75, cent and $1 00' bottles, add sold by all respectable druggists' thicieghout the country. Be particular that every bottle „.beara the fac simile of the , proprietor's signature, . . , This Wine includes the roost agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with tho most energetic of vegetable tonics Yellow Peruvian barli. The effect in many cases of .debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable ...Nerve Tonic, is most happy, It at the appetite,:raises the pulse, takes off muscelor gabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives . a ficeid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, . . For sale by all respectable dealers throughout the reentry. REMOVED. SCHEFFER'S BoolcsToßE D JOB PRINTING OFFICE ) - TO ,s 6 UTH - SECOND STREET, Two Boori Below lielker's liaidittre Store, OPPOSITE- TIELE PRESBYTERIAN tilußa. mar3o-tf, SCH.OMACK'Efi & CO.'S PIANOS SOUR GRAPES. Tjloo well •known. in this ciiy to need.eom . mendatiom; use by PRESIDENT, - LINCOLN, GOVERNOR CURTIN, . . JUDGE - PEARSON, And many other distinguished" citizens': Theunder4igned offers these superb instruments at pricei eiti#ipt rail _ . to command public patronage. N. li—No OLD stock on hand. Also, Sote ,Ageitt for the unrivalled ~ Y PIANO.::- BRADBIIp.Vi CELEBRATED. PIANOS. Chickering's,and several other of the -very, best maikes. None but perfect instruments sold. , - ' Call and see largest stock out of great cities. mar2B-tf S. WARD, Third street !dusk) Store . JOl-IA,A. . BIGLER CO., ABOVEFO.U.B.TH, (NEXT TO ADAMS 3illl2.llEiS OFFIOE, HA:,HRISBURG - . Warrants, Claims, : Government Securities; Checks Vouchers, &c„cpshed. nku-213d2m* PHOTOQRAPH ALBUMS. Photograpli , Albums. • PlfpticiAiaph AlbUMia. liAotograph Albums. Photograph Albums. THE largestiincl -cheapest variety of PHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are 'constantly. 'kap. at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. DIARIES DIARIES ANOTELER; assortment of Podket'arA Desk Diaries for 1864, Just received and for sale cheap at ten SCEIEFFER'S BOOK.SrOßEpgaritsfzurg. o RANGES! ORANGES!. I-20.'bones: in prime order. ..Just received wholesale and retail. SIIISLER & - FRAZER; feh2 . {successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., 8; Co.) FOR RENT. A BRICK HOUSE on Seventh street, 'above LI. the Round House: Rent, $9 per month.:.. Enquire of APAU apil-d2t ' State street, above Fitbett. iIIfAMS! - HAMS !!—Michetier'i N I Just aged.. Received and for sale at . - • SRISLER & FRAZER, mar2B :(SaCpes.sors to W. Dock. Jr . & Co ) - - LEA tt PERU E'S WORCESTER SAUCES, the most , popuhir and the purest ever offered to the public, just received and,for sale by SHISLER'FRAZ febl (successors to Wm. Dock, : jr., ER, . dr. Co.) n BOXES SPERM CANDLES, of a very xnakeoma Tee . end and for tale ."x . BEILSaR i t FrAZEII, - -rMiceeesors to Wm. boa, Jr., a; EDICAL 118 MARICESOTREU HARR . TSBI7IIO,. "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." lIAR,RISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 18, 1864. FOR SALE. FOR SALE-. The subscriber offers for sale the stock and fixtures of his well known WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He will sell the whole or part of the stock, and the entire fixtures. The busi ness haS been carried on about fifteen years, and is well established. With the store is connected a Good "COPPER STILL It issituated on - Canal street, between Pennsyl vania railroad and canal, .and has a private siding suitable for forwarding purposes. Possession given Immediately, and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers. For further information apply on the pre mises to [mar24-0.1 GEO. G. KUNKEL PRIVATE SALE. (IRE of the best locations for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will Impro*e it, situated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, b,:tiv.en the Pennsylvania rillroari and canal, altatt live hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best: Wootton° quarries in the State and: close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying foethe land Apply to DAVID MAMMA, ..Tr., Attorney-at-Low, No. 24 North Second street, marls-dtf aarrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press cr insert-threo.times and senbill to this office.] REAL - ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE Tte. several properties of the Estate of WILLIAM AL- I ISOM, deceased, in the city of Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Chestnut street, at and near the corner of Front and' Chestnut streets, a vacant lot oD Mulberry street,- near Third street, and 19% acres of land at the eastern Serutinfis of Market street, are of fered for,sale. For terms of sale apply, to the undersigned, Seventh, and Noble streets, Philadelphia, de2l-dtf] THOMAS COCHRAN., GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND 11,ETAIL DEALERS ur GROCERIES, Queens ALL JND3 o and Glass F Ware, COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAYE just opened a large and well selected stock of . gooda at, their stand, N 0.3 Market Square, liarriaburg, Pa., to whietithey invite the attention of the publio generally. nolo-dly .17N E . . s Sr. 'Frazer, ,(Successors to * m. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DEALERS IN FLU FAMILY . GROOE RIES opposite the'Court House, have on hlutda fine selection of • .• BRANDIES,. - of different vintages. • • - PINE AND COMMON WINES, gr Bakery Detail:giros. • WiIISKY.S. • PLO BOVREON N 4f.--"Ar. ' ILA IELSH AND SCOTCH Whiskys. The best over brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, _. • . yi„ T,y N=ECTAR, •• deteiviited‘ • • CHE . :STNITTGB.OyE WH SKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES.- SHLOSS JORAiNNESBITRG, CLARET • SCOTCH AND : IRISH ALES.' LONDON BROWN. STODT. WILD CHERRY, - • ' • PLANTATION, . • WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS. With a complete stock of • ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES - And-CondiMents of every description now in the market, and at . ' • . . THE LOWEST RATES. Vag. JOHN WISE," THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISp.TJRG, PA., WITOLESALE AYD RETAIL DitlLElt CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., Jujube Paste,, Moss Paste, Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow Gum Drops, Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain Candies, &a, &c. Oranges and Lemons, Canned Fruits, • ; Jellies, Teas and Spices, all kinds , • Paper ,Bags, Cider :Vinegar; Fresh and Salt Fish in sea- son. Vegetables in season, Raisins, ' Currants, ruttl3 To Railroad Contractors. PROPOSALS are invited -for the Gradna tiop, :Niasonyy, Bridge Superstructure, Ballast, Cross-Ties and Track Laying of the PLTTSBURG AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, between Connellorilla and Cumberland, Embracing a distance of about EIGHTY-SEVEN MILES, in sections of about one mile each. Specifications will be ready at the Company's Office inPittaburg, on and after the Ist of APRIL current, and proposals will be re ceived until the 28th of APRIL ensuing. BENJ. B. LATROBE, President niarl9-td Office P & C. R. R Co. Pittsburg; March 15, 1884. °OK'S SPARKLING GELATIN, the best manufactured, Jun received and for sale by • - ' - SHISLER dr. FRAZER 1111 (successors to Wm. Pock. jr. & ('o.) GRAPE VINES Of all kinds, principally Concont,,Delaware, - Dittnit; Iluscadine Louisa, Ise belle, Catawba, o_yoorto, Clinton, Creveling Taylor or Bur ke. &e„ at Keystone Nursery. ".. N . AT I y w I FINK BLACKBERRY• and ELDERBERRY WDTE. — Warranted pure. For sale at SBISLER & FRAZER, 4 1125 (successors to W.• Dock, jr., & Co.) 15,000 LBS. RAMS.—Fifteen thou sand 113 s. Ilichener's Excelsior Hams cured expressly for family' use and for O mirket le . . . sale at • ' SHISLER k FRAZER, feb2 (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., Si- Co.)_ P _ .. Me have just received a fine selection of APPLES,. in prime order.,For We_ y the barrel, bushel or small quantity at " - SHISLER de FRAZER, Jr.)febT - (successors to Wm. Dock, .&Co 4 4ct BOXES .OROGES, good order ; ‘.17 also, 100" Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for sale at febs JOHN WISE Frnit Store. riA.TUMS AND,SKINES,,of the most ea.- ALI/ ' 'perter choiceliikakfilieokelieit and _for sale by. . • SHLSLER & FRAZEA • fot?1. • .(succmors to Wm... Dock, jr.,ez-Co.) . .. ... 20 -• BOXE S ; ORANGES selected . from late , , .. importations, and the most superior ever • ypkocmoricot a this season, jiist rec eived. arid* forEB ,tiule SHLSLER & StAEy " (ea (soocosaors to Wm. Do*, jr 631 , & tig./' Citrons, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds ,Waluuts, Filberts, - Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries, Hominy and Beans, Cakes and Crackers, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Green and Dried Fruits, And Country Produce in season, JOIIN wisE. An excellent Lotion for diseases of ..a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection . in dimes& of the — Urinary Organs, arising prom hahita of dissipation, need-iti connection with the Extracts Mucha and . Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as - re Commended. Evidence of this most .reSponsible.and re liable character will accompanythe.medicinea . OF.RTIFI - OF CURES from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame.: For Medical Properties of 13utlan. see Dispensary of the United States. See Proferser DEW E'S valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made , by the late the . Dr. PHYSICS., Philadelphia. See remarks..rnade .by Dr. EPHRAIM. MoDOWELL, a celebrattzt , Physiciangurd mem= ber of the'Royal-College Of Surgeons, and published inthe Transactions of the :King's and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Chirurgical Review,publlshed by BENJ. TRAVERS; Fellow of, the Royal College' of Surgeons.. The most of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract or, kuoho, $1 00 per bottle, or Six bottles for' $5 DO. Extract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for. $5 00. Inf..' proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for , $2 50, or half a dozen ea& for $l2 00, wimp. will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if directions are adhered . to. - -Deliiered to any- address, securely packed:from eb servation; Deleoribe . symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. • . AFFIDAVIT. • . J. =MIS& • Personally appeared before me an Alderman. of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold; who, being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations Contain no narcotic, no mer cury, or other injurlots".drugs, and are purely vegetable. H. T. HELSOOLD. Sworn and subscribed, before m ,e this 23d. day of, ho vember, 1854. • ' . : .P. HISBARP,' Alderman, Ninth. ; 'street, ab: Bare; Phila. .Address s lettersfor_information in confidence. • Ch Depot 10 South 19tItiklet; NOW eliiiitaut; Piton*, KW% P 720174 MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS "ll E B 0 1.4 D 599 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ HELJBOLD EXTBA6"T "BUCHU," HELMBOLD EYTRACT S.4IZSAPARILLA, HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRA-TED" COMPOUIVD FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND :SPECIFIC REMEDY you Dines= OP Ins . . BLADDER, NTTINRYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS THIS Medicine increases the power of - Di gestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Into healthy mitten, by which the WATERY or CALCEROUS deposi tions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, as'well as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from 'Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse, I4MYDY:I~)M~IIYYY: i~Y:~ , ~i a:5 ^~'l'll'/q`Ct=_i'l ~~~k~}~ , t=~ Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Loss of Ideinory, Low of Tower, Weak Nerves, Dilnoi l t Breathing, Horror of Disease, . trembling, • Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness, Universal Lassitude of the Pain In the Back, Muscular System, flushing of the Body, Est Hands, • . Eruptions on the Face, rallid Conntenace These symptoms, it allowed to go on, which this _mein nine invariably retires soon follow ntEionNeY, RA:x u Y., EPILEPTIC PITS, In one of which the patient may 'expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION Many are aware or the .caase of their indferings, but none will confess:_ The tedords of ftus Insane asylums and the melancholy deittiihy Vonsutription, tools ample wit ness to the truth of the assertion._ • THE CONATITIITIOtf, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires tho aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Heimbold's Extrict Buehu invariably does. A trial' will convince the most skeptical. FEW A IFS -F.E3f:EMMS--..FEDI.ALES, OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONITM- i'LATING 'ILARAIAGE In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bu chu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or suppression of the' customary Evacuations, Ulcerated-or Schirrous state of the, Uterus, Leucorrbea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscre. Lion, Habits of Dissipation or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE 'WITHOUT IT. Talee nolialsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and . Dangerdus Diseases. HELDEBOLD'S EXTRACTI3I3C.III3, Cures Secret Diseases hi all their stages; at . little expense; little or no change in diet; no Inconvenience and no expo sure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to !Trieste, thereby removing onstructions, preventing and curing Strictures orthe Urethra, 'asking pain and ittliam-; motion, so frequent In this class of diseases, and expelline Poisonous, Diseased, , and Womout .Ratter. Thousands upon thousands who have bean the victirevof qimcks, and who have paid heavy foes to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has by the use of "powerful iistaingents," been dried up in the system, to breds. out in, an aggravated forni, and perhtps lifter marriage. • , Use HEIALBOaPS EXTRACT BUCHU for all 'Adbctions . and Diseases of. the Urinary Organs, whether existing In Male or Femalei.froinwhatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs refit ire the' aid 'of a Efluretic.- HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCRII is the Great Diuretic, 'and' 'Vie certain to havd the desired etlect in all Diseases for which it .is recom mended.." . - . Blood—Blood-Blood.• Helmbold's Highly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRA.CT SABSAYARILLASYPHI LIS. This. is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat,:Wind pipe and other Mucus SurfaCes, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Hehnbold's Extract Sarsaparilia'pu rifles the Blood., and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin t giving to the Complexiona Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class or complaints, its Blood-PurifyingProperties are preserved to a greater extent,than any otherpruparationof Santaparila. HEW:BOLDS ROSE WASH. —Webster NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ELECTRICITY. DRS. WYETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic physitians, respectfully i offer Inexprofessioual services 11l ad the various branches of the profession ; for the treatment of all acute and chronic forms of disease. , . The remedial means they employ In the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Gatvauism, Electra Magne tism, me Swedish method of Localized movement clue, a few Eclectia medicines when deemed necessary, and in tact all the natural curative agents that may sukees . ntully he brought to bear upon the disease. - They utt not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of proftssionai skill, hut they behave the remedies they employ nitric treatment 61 dis ease tar superior to those genet any employed byphysaaans, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony' with the laws governing and .ountrolling the huunut system:. To this, and the fact that they confine 111 , 4111SeLVCSAU no par ticular potty or system,' they attribute their " success In contrulltug disease. , Ttie principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, hiecti icily, Is an agent wondermi M its phenomena and powerful wits effects for good or ill, It Is an ever present, all-perirding principle, governing all things, from ruling yvorids down to the levied:de particles of. gasseous matter. We see am the lightning's mash end hear the Mimitestalions of its - power in. the tuntt,ring thunder. - It is the cause of all decrimptiaittoiVrecompo sitionaudtransionnalion. It excut.iith mown_ It is the exulting cause of tile, growth, dein) , and deatli. causes secretion, excretion, digestion. &t lays bold of the crude food in.tue stomach, couveits it mw a state of transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on its important ounce of supplying nutriment according, to the necessities of the bouy.. It is the nerve vital fluid, the gteat agent through witch the mind acts upon the body. "It lathe cause of ail causes esc,pt, the tirst, great cause, the Infinite Mind which created ii and brotight it into use. Tries° May appear like mere assertionti, bin they are facts admitting of strong and wee.sisulne proof; Is itrthen, to helv,ondered at that en agent so wunuerful in its phe nomena, scipowelful In its manifaitatious and so intimate ly cOnnectedtwith alt the• operations of the human sys tem, stioald be almost ansolute in its power of COntr,ollina, disease? Certainly not.. It is a natural sequence and felloWs as surely as day follows night. Among the diseeses which are found to yield, readily Co Electricity, conjunction with-proper adjunct lreatment, may be mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis. 'Elpiliptic, Hysteric and outer Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst form; Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous System; Dyspep sia cured iu a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma,. Piles and Prolapses Ani; Amaurosis and all kindred solutions of the e; Auretus, strictures, ail skin di A &c. Persons calling will oe Loud whether they can be bone fitted and no case taken where some relief 'cannot be af forded. Consultation free: Otlic.l .Saittl Second street, btnow Che.tnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Onice thews fr.m Bto 1,44 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. ALEX. ihrfu, N. D., .apl3 • Jilt. J. MILTON tIttEAMER. IVO. 4. JONES) ROW:. frm UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs T the public that he tuts purchased the MAT AND CAP STORE Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the businegs at the old stand, where he will constantly, keep on hans a general assortment of ' HATS, GAPS . . &c.„ • OF THE LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. ' A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited mar.234l4ca EL LONG Market Strieet Property riAltßxs,iscß6 AV PEIVAV-4:SAL.E. • . Tif!HOUSE and LOT, on.. Market street• ween Fourth and Fifth streets, —in the city of Harrisburg, known as No, 96 Market street, and laZely od cupied by Dr. Gee. Ba.ley, is offered at private sale, until the Ist of Mai. The Lot is 29. feet on Market street, run ning back 210 feet. to Strawberry alley. The House is a first-case Mansion, with all the modern improvements. • ALSO Ei k .,ht. shares of Harrisburg Gas For terms and information apply to . " ap7 , d2w Lyliens Valley Coal.. Company. NOTICE: The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the, Lykens Valley Coal Compady will be held at, the office .of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, on Monday, the 2d day of May next, at 12 &Clock, fur the election of Seven Directors to serve for the ensiling year. , apl dim Lykens Valley Railr.Oad and Coal Com- • pang. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the StocklVers of the Lykens Valley Railroad. and Coat Company will be held at the office of Edward. Gratz,. Esq., No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, on Non day, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, CM The eine tion -of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Seven Man agers, to serve for trio ensuing year. apldlm Ititittra.ailes S Spalartg-Ateds S S Conarekts , .T.P4 TOP MATT 44.SSEE. P ALM ' .Palm Leif cditonTnp, SlAufasses.? ? Conißuikkatinisseti: " *4. r , ~ •Pitent Spring, Slat Beds. Feather Pillows and Bolster& Cotton Comforts and Spreads. •••• Lathes , Willow Work Stands. :V • • ; Carpet CamP stikirs. ' • Door Rugs, "Carpet Batsmen. Iron Bedsteads, Must pattern, Sm., N. B.—Sofas, Lounges, Cushionse .Chatr&and Mattrass repaired. Bair and Sitting I , tattrasies;madci ord*. Noy 109 ifitiket stmet,"Rarrisbilig, - • - tnarkd3m J. T. BARNITZ. 1 11 W A RAY" - 'DEALER or PIANO.FORTES, LUDEONS, SWEET MUSIC, - VIOLINS, Flutes, Guitars, Banjos; Strings', • r Drunis, Fifes, Mat all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Picture 'Frames, Looking Ghia*, Photoitniili Cards and Albums,. Ambrotypeuems, Engravings; natures; &0., &O. Rememoer the place, No. .12 Third street, the larges Music Store, this side o tie-great jan2B=dtf • A. MAR'.EIN • . . . 10LIE„SPE. CTFULLT informs,the citizens of _LAP tiarnsburg and vicinity that he has removed his ulnae from the Union Buildings, to his residence in, Third street, doorsbelow Tine, where he will be happy to receive the calls of his old patientwand those of the com munity vibe, may desire his pretensions' services.- April i5t,;.1.864-d2W _ , • - • PlinkEE LARD.. I ,• • VINE Kettle Reridered`LAßD, jukt received at • *SIIIIBI.EIB & -91iAZER, mar3l . (successors •10.W111.. Dock, jr ,CL'Oo.) . _ UK SALE. —A Five-horsd-poWer STF.AI4I F ENGINE and,,llol.4Eß,in good order. Apply to F. GEM, fbb2341.. , NWalnti.t street; belay srz b. , PORTFOLIOS .PORTFOLIOS ! ! CHESSMEN and Backgammon Boards, aflneassort: moot, just received ' at SCRIZITEWS BOOKSTORE. QMOKED SALMON.- FINE SMOKED 1,0 SALMON, jest received at ' • ' ' - S RIMER & FRAZER, feb3 Jsoceesseasio Vfm. Dock, jr, & Co.) A PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOK. OUR CONSTIPOTION;'GOVERNMENT AND 'UNION. . "Our Government," an exposition of the Constitution, &c.; for miller um. By M. M'Kurairr: Price $l. For tale at ' ' • dela 'BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE • raOFJ_;EITRATEb 13,(ifiVA 7.0113 OP , and Day do Martin's London Blacking„ JIM re ceived and for sale by : SEISLER dx FRAZER, fel (successors to Wm. Dock, jr, Co.) , ).TGLLSH 33 7 1F4RIPAST TEA.-Just re cved, a lea chest of • Englltslj Breakfast Taa l at • ` MISTER & FRAZEE : . (aulx;essor, 'Win. Dook, r.)'J T.—A fret% lot just reoei 14 - ThitkiegA. *abil Atmai gag for PO by IdeN BOYER if Rozarme, PRICE TWO CENTS. STOCK Mr. JNO. B. SIMON, Harrisburg, or to -BAWL A.. HOLM AN, Altoona, Blair county, Penna GEO. E. IEOFFMAN t Frost L Y. C. Co, STEAM PRTNTIN:k. OFFICE LialftlelMNG RATES-02.1LY:TtLaREL The tend w itii are the rates MTI adv§rliblijg iu the Tea. „ Ra i ff. maga attvertiao to dt) Will tact t can - .venien tforreference. Kr• Four lines or less constituto ono-half square. Eigii tines amore than four constitute a square. FOE A HMS SQUARJr. , One day $ 30 Two days... • 60 Three days 25 One week... ... 1 25 One month 3 00 Two months 4 60 Three months 6 50 Six months 8 00 One year.. 15'00 Administration Notices.... Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices each insertio 44 - Business notices lute before Marriages and Deaths, each insertion. EVENING EDITION. THE CAPTURE OF FORT PILLOW. OFFICIAL DISPATCH FROM GEN. SHERMAN. Further- Particulars of the Massacre. THE REBELS REPULSED AT COLUMBUS. TIXE DAIiEdGEAT PAD UCAH TRIFLLVG ASHINGTON, April IG. Yesterday- afternoon about 5 o'ciock, des patches were received heretromGenera Sher man confirming the news ,of the.surrender of Fort Pillow and the brutal conduct of the reb els immediately afterwards, which bids lair to be amply retaliated in that quarter in due time. The Star says according to Greneral, Sher man's report, oar lose was 50 white troops killed and 100 wounded, and 300 black troops murdered in cold blood alter the surrender. Fort Pillow is an isolated•podt oVnbr value whatever to the defence of Cultimbusy and ut terly untenable by the rebels, who have no doubt left that vicinity ere'this, having been disappointed, with considerable loss, in the object of their raid thither; which was the capture of Columbus,. whence they were promptly and severely repulsed, with no loss to ns. We are satisfied that due investigation will show that the loss.of Fort Pillow.was the result of a mistake of a, local comp:Januar, who occupied it against direct orders, a con tingency incident to all wars. " _ The rebels, according to the official dispatch received here-last evening, effected nothing at Paducah, losing a soldier killed and wounded for every horse, they succeeded in stealing, and doing us no other damage than by a few thefts. - - - It is believed that Forest's raiders will neat appear in. the vicinity of Memphis where they can effect no more than they did at Columbus and Paducah, and stand it'very fair_channe, in deed, of finding themselves surrounded by overwhelming superior forces. FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, Unsuccessful Attempt to Capture Gen. grant, WAR D:Norm, April 16. Despatches from the headquarters of the Amy of the Potomac state that yesterday noon a party of rebel cavalry made an attack on the pickets at Bristoe Station, but were dri riven off after a 'brisk Skirmish. One than was killed andtwo were wounded, beloning to the I.Sth l'enlikylvania. Several of the mounded were carried off by their com rades. - _ . The mail train . with Gen. drant aboard had just passed a few ' minute's - 'before the attack was made, and it is supposed the intention was to capture him. - . The body of Capt. 11/.'K ee, of the 31st In fantry, who was killed by guerrillas on Mon day last, was forwarded to Washington to day. • The man who shot him was named . W. Flan ders, and ha, with three others, .ina .e• -an at tack on a picket post near Catlett's, on Wed nesday, when he was shot dead by a soldier of the 2d Infantry. . From Indiana. • ensciamerr, -April 16. An Indianapolis special dispatch represents military matters very active. A large number of recruits leave for the front daily. Govs. Brough, Yates and Morton were in consulta tion with General Heititzelvaan yesterday. A colored regiment leaves on Monday to report to Burnside at Annapolis. The new Indiana regiments are being rapidly organized for the field. It is thought that Gen. 'Mansfield will - be a candidate for Lieutenant-Governor in place of Gen: Kimball, declined. The Soldiers' Vote in Ohio. CLEVIIbaiD, April 16. The Supreme Court of Ohio has decided that the law allowing soldiers to - cote is can stitutionaL Re.lea.e of a Prisoner. Emzenziar. N. J. April 16. .The effoxts of Captain F' P. Hill's ;friends to secure his pardon having proved : successful, he was met last night at the depot by hun dreds of his fellow citizens' who met te wel come home one whom they all believe to be an innocent and persecuted man. STEEL ENGRAVING OF The Most Rev. J. HUGHES, FIRST ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YOBS. InMs most excellent engraving is, now of fared for sale at -W. KNOCK - Et, ap2.1111 93 Market street, Me 4glett ' HEADQUARTERS, - HARRISBURG, 3larch.3l, isorzu rpEIE following. will be observ e d _Aw„pftlee Hours at these Headquariers t . during' Which licit all business connected with this Post,wilrhe Attended to: From. 9 4. a. to 1 P. a. . 2 r. at. to 5%. P. X. - er 6;4 P.r. S P x. By order, Lieut. - Col. :Com mandig Post : il E. L 1 . 34/LNEi lst,Lt.. V B. C. Past Adjutant. apl•d2w TIME NO. 1*A.C11t33,F,1.:, #k -Kitts, just re reived at ' SIIibLERW FRAZER; mar3l XSOCCefisollt,to Wia. Dixk, jr, & Co.) 0011 - • M - F:ATA • fine article: Rik' re ceivedat.yy, SHISLER & FRAZZA, mar3r litCceseors to Wm. Pock, Jr_ . A PPLES.-200 barrels of New., Xo:4*. State lON. Apples, of a choice variety, Jdet receive aeid sold 1 91 ,,,* Say quan titieja, to ;ate ie. new grocery of [deal . -1 4 °YE gat K.OWAR. - , . rtniexit of Toy Bisdo, Games, kq., just received at - n ag SCAEFTEIMISOOKSTORE, HarrisUutg 0 4.•Si—LTILE"'; StiCilAirtEß NBw' ri at 414 16 /N,SO , Y-447-4?"-549.MIVIE Just reoeiv: F.I3BNCH.:.BBANIS—_ A ,teingartideplati re _ paved at RHISLER & FRAZER, . (succeisors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) FOR ON SQuARR. ORO day $ 60 Twe dWys . 100 Three days .. 1 25 One week 2 25 One month • 8 t 0 Two months' 9 00 Three months. 11 00 Six atonths 15 0 One year .. 25 CO - $2 25 • in the Local Coluntri, or EIGHT CMS MR UM far
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers