paiig Etitgrapil HARRISBURG, PA SITURDAY EVENING, APRIL 16, 1861. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, dm., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably betaccom patv'ell with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. APPOINTMENT, —D. A. Kepner has this day been appointed Asiistant Assessor of Division No. 2, Fourteenth Collection District, in p1:09 of WilliaH H Carlow, resigned. DANIEL KENDIG, :Assessor 14th District. Heraunntraa, Aprill6, 1884. WANTED—Tyro 'active young . Mere ,to act in the capacitras-alerks, must writq good hand and come well recommended. Address Clerks, Harrisburg, EPa: • . RArrs piss here daily in large numbers, en route for thetailein 'lumber Market& The river is in fine rafting order. =MEI Arreerrobi is.diroted to, the app'eal of 'Goy. Curtin in behalf of the great Sanitary pair to be held in Philadelphia. gyer3r..reader should peruse the appeal. I=nEZI THE= will be preaching in the 0. S. Pres - , . byterian Church, 10-morrow morning and evening, by Rev. S. S. Mitchell;-ot Prin:Caon . Theological Seminary,. ! , : ---4,--- . . MAYOR ' S Cotrax.=Police affairs have been somewhat dull Shiel our lasi report. Yester day moring there vasbut a single case before the Mayor, and that the :offender. yas dis charged. SALEM Crtuncu.—There will be English , preaching in Salem -Church, '(EVtiligelical As aociation,) on bTo'rth street, ritpin ing at - ten o'clock, by Bev. Ms.:Miles; also, German preaching, by lley. Mr. Deisher. Go to Sanford's to-night, if you • deSireto "laugh and grow fat." He• will £IMUSe, you, in spite of' "all your effortSlO maintain a straight face. There is a great ...variety of funny things on Ake bill for this evening. Go to the Opera Ifonse. On Monday, night the singing-log *lll apPear.' ; s; SortAisne are at work in different porticins ),f. the city, scraping up:the mud And filth, hat have accumulated in nthe streets during the past feW months. It is hoped that the dirt wilf not'be allowed to remain in. heaps until it is again scattered broad cast over the streets. be removed. • • A LARGE number xd'•soldieis have been in town the.preeent week. . Mapy .of them were en route for the army. In a Week or two the brave men, who'have 'enlisted in their coun try's service, will be, in the field, and our t streets will restune their former state, of E=! SAD Accirmrr;—On Thursda - y 'evening of last week, :Corson, of Northumber laud, accidently fell -off a train• of cars on the Lackawanna' arid Bloomsburg railroad, -and Was Inangled and crushed by the cars in such a manlier aSlO'Cau4e his death in a few hours afterward's. " - - - . „ Htmassnr.-Mrs. Jane Wagner, coinei. of Fourth and Marirst streets, has' received and opened-a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods—such as Bonnets, Ladies' and Misses' Rats, std.; all of thecv)ry latest styles. The attention of the ladies is invited to thfisstablishment sef Mre..W., 'where bargains may be had. •' ~2t . s-..MII"I".IMBITRG, April 15, .1864 Editor of - 11? . e , DEAR Sta:---Has there been , -for• 360,- 000 militia frani the State oePenn o yl; o , v ia, whose time of service is ninety'days?' 'Stich a rumor is afloat and by your giving tre - ne cessary information, you will oblige many of the patrons of the TELEawrt. Our "patrone are informed that no such call as the above has been issued; neithbrias there been a call of 'any deserlPtion for the State militia since the summer of 1863. RELIEVED. -Ail Orderr - from the War Depart ment relieving. Major D. 11. Hastings from command of 'Confide Barracks, irast-received on Tuesday last. " The ' order 'separate's' the drafted camp here from itS' former connection with the post and places Captain:4T P.,‘lfan cock, 7th V. S. Infantry, in command. ,r,ieut. H. T. McClean, Oth U. S. Cavalry, is by-virtue of his being ranlang officer, at .prOent command of Carlisle 'Barracks. Majorbiast-: ings was sometime since placed on the retired list, and his being , relieved is, we: presume, in Accordance with the'rale of the , War Re partment in relation to officers on that Bit • Iton oFr -- Sinasii-up—Deatruction of"'Pea . nu t % millinery, &c.—This afternoon a :corm trYi:Laii left-his team, consisting of twOhOises and a wagon, in.-the vicinity of the depot, The; animals became frightened and ran off, up Market' street n'front of the City Hotel they upset a Peatiiit stand, and scattered the contents of the table in every direction; on the route a pillar vas kiiockedciirthof :place in the building of Bev. Janies Colder; the clothing hanging in front of a, Jew. store was taking down gratuitously; :tilti,:tillow_case , of ; Mrs. Jane Wagner, corner, of Market and .Fpnith streets, w as smashed, its,:con pirhs, consisting of naillinOm'aiods;.sad ly damaged. Il'hen last heaid':<-froin: the horseS .and wagon were still "wending.-their : way" , up street: The owner of the''teltinivas following his runaway Property, and. the own ers-of the damaged goods were in put. Eniit of OA owner of the team; doubtless look:1. 1 'i for remuneration for their loss. Persons in elmi l ige of hofietielind *Tons 'should not leivit their THERE will be Sabbath school exercises in the Locust street M. E. Church to-morrow afternoon. THERE was a - great throng at market this morning. The supply of produce, provisions, etc., was equal to the demand. Prices had slightly declined since last market day. SWORN IN.—Mr. M. S. Boyer, recently elected Alderman of the Fifth ward, was sworn into office this morning, and is now prepared to transact business. His office is in Third street, four doors above North. THEATRE.—Splendid Saturday Hight Bill.— To-night that thrilling and favorite drama, THE CARPENTER or ROUEN, will be repeated at the theatre. It is decidedly the most in teresting play ever placed upon the boards in Harrisburg, and has giVen entite satisfaction to the large audiences that have witnessed its production here. It will cause the hall to be crowded. Every' one should see it. Go to Bannvart's at once, and secure your seat. Look out for a jam at the hall to-night. SURPRISE PARTY. —The newly appointed pastor of St. Paul's M. E. Church (Rev. J, Owen Sypherd) was favored with a surprise party, by some of the members of said church, the first evening after taking possession of the parsonage, at which time the company made his lady (Mrs. Sypherd) a very liberal donation of the necessaries of life, all of which was thankfully received by Mr. and Mrs. S. Be: fore separating the .friends united with- the family in religious services, Rev. J. E. -'Ness ler (the former pastor) and Mr. James Porter• conducting ithe service ;. after:: which - • t friends retired to their respective homes, With the prayer of their pastorand his lady, that their Heavenly Father will lavish upon them the bread of this life, and not only so, but the bread of eternal life, and, eventually, a home in Heaven. Piri'Anniata THIED Fors Hoi+rialrtE ar Clam 11XESBURG.—Morgan It. Bryan, of Pittsburg, was tried for murder, at Chambersburg, Franklilt . county,'the present week. He was `first Lieutenant of •Co. A, 7th Penna. tegt., three months' men, at Camp Slifer, in June, 1861, and while there he went to Cham bersburg,. a mile or two distant, in command of a squad of men, for the purpose of picking up straggle:ra from camp: His company was called the " Scott Legion," and there was a Philadelphia regiment so called encamped in the, vicinity. A difficulty occurred between some members of the Scott ;Legion of Phila delPhiai came to the ears' of Bryan, who, thinking the men belonged to his eom . •, party, went to the spoL A soldier had been Shot, it Was alleged by . a negro named Frank Jones; whom Bryan attacked,•first -shooting hint once or twice revolver and then piercing him through' the bOdy with' is sword. Bryan avoided arrest at the time, but the ex citement concerning the affair subsiding, he surrendered himself to the authorities and admitted to bail, it being conceded that the homicidewas •notof the highest grade. His case was taken up on Monday, and con cluded on Thursday, the jury rendering a ver dict of guilty of manslaughter. The District Attorney and Geo. Eyster, Esq., appeared for the 'Commonwealth, and Messrs. M'Lellan, Eimmell and Sharpe - were retained for the prisoner. PERSONS sendinglette rs to cities in which . there is a free delivery by carriers, should particularly observe the first of the following rules, and all should carefully observe the others: Ist. ` Direct letters plainly to the street and number, as well as the post-office and State. 2d. Head. letters with the writer's post office and State, street and number ; sign them plainly with full name, and request that answers be directed accordingly. 3d. Letters to strangers or transient visitors in a_town or city; whose special address. may be unknown, should be marked in the lower gleftliaiid s corner with the word "Transient." 4th.' Place the pbstage stamp on the 'upper right hand corner, and leave space between the stamp and direction for post marking without interfering with the writing. N. B.—A request for the return of a letter to the writer. if unclaimed within thirty days, or less, written or• printed with the writer's name, post-tOce and Slate, across the left hand end of the envelope, on the face side, will be 'complied with, at the usual' pre-paid rate of postage, payable when the letter is delivered to the writer. • • Almest one million of letters annually fail to be delivered,-in consequence of the neglect of the writers to direct their letters rightly, or according to the rules above laid down. Two-thirdi.of these, the department is ena bled to return to the writers by the discovery of their names or address inside of the letters. But the other third is lost entirely to the per.- sons for,whorn they were intended, or to the writers, because of improper 'direction, and the letters having no indication where the writers could be found, so as to be returned to thern. The rules laid down by the depart ment, if faithfully followed, will insure a cer tain deliverY nearly.every case. 13Ook Notice. LIFE, SPEECHES AND POBLIC SERVICES OF ARRA: Ram LINCOLN We have just received this book from the extensive publishing house of Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 306, Chesnut street. It• is decidedly the best "life" of the series. It is full, concise publish.. _and reliable. The ers deserve the thanks of . the public, for their great energy and enterprise in thus - presenting the lives of. ow 'distinguished men in such rapid succession, and at such critical times, when we should know all about our great leaders. Every one should have this book. THREE hundred thousand dollars worth of watches and jewelry. See W. Forsyth '& Co.'s advertisement, in another column. mar26-d3mwfrsarw C. L. Bow lax, No 4 1, corner of Front and Market streets, has the pleasure of announcing to the public that he Will open on Friday and Saturday of this week, and on Monday of next week, a very large "and carefully selected stock of spring and arinamer dry goods, bought under the most favorable circumstances, in the city of New ;York; and in the opening of the spring trade, lie returns his kind thanks for the very libel* patronage received, and' assures his patzroris that notwithstanding the very high price ztof goods, he will always :4 MEMO Bannvart's Troches. Por the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Diaz eases, &c., are specially _recommended to ministers, singers and persons who vocation calls them to speak in public. 3ffa,nufactured only b't C. A. Bannvart & Co.; Harrisburg, Pa-, t 3 whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Hanussuao, Feb. Bth, 1864- C. A. Bausysirr—Dear Sir: I have used. Brown's Bronchial Troches, WistaVs Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own: as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. igin.ligvee with Mr. Robinson, as to the value of pannvares Trachea. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. HLII3IIIBI7AG, Jan., 1864. To C. A. B.tiorvesx—Dear Sir: Li the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have fotmd the need of some gentle expecto rant,•and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. -• I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever , used;'in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &c:,, JNO. WT.RIIIR'JACKSCiN. Pastor. of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To O. A. Ruarmar—Dear Sir: Havingised Your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending thein to all persons afflicted with sore throat .or huskiness of 'voice arising from public. speaking or singing. Yours; &c., ' G. G. R.9IIPISTRAW; Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Dna= *motNxes OFFICE, If_Amnssima, Feb. 29; 1864. To C. A. BetuTvarrr—Dea'r Sir; I. have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of ,grest bene fit to all public% speakers. A. J. HERR Hoop Skirts! Hopp, Skirts! The Cheapest:l-loop Skirts i z liarrTsbrirg. A„aplandid• skirt for 75 cts. A much better skirt for $l. Calicos., a fine _assortment for:Airing. : . French ginghams, Manchester &shame. Bleached and unbleached muslin from New York Auc. lion. I,oooyards plaid silks,•worth-$1 50. ' •200iyhrds plaimbrownsilk'at.fa; 87;.worth $l. 75. 200 yards. black silkat Black silk at all prices. - .' A very large assortment of now dress goods . 800 dozen stOCkings and. socks, all priced The best stockings in the city at 25 cents. V.R..imeres for men.and boys wear. Cloaks for spring. , Wishing to reduce our stock, which is very large now we will offer great inducements to buyers. B. LEVY. APHYSIOLOGICAL,view of MARRIAGE, containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 One plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Selma' .Organs in a state of. Health and Disease, 'with a 'Treatise on Self its Deplorable Consequenee upon:. the Mind and- Body,, with the Author'a Plan of Tritsitnien bnly rational and succesilltil mode of dure, is shown by the re port of cases treated. , A truthful adviser to Hes married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent 'free of poataguice any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or ruistaLcur rency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany N. Y. a marLdaw§m THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN LITVAT,ID.. Published for, the benefit, and as - -it CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Neriona De bility, Premature Decay of Manhood, fte., supplying at the same time 'DIU MEANS OF SELF-CORE. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By inclosing a post paid addressed enveldpe, single copies may be had of the author. • NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, feb3-3mdtcw Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y. Mrs. Balls Remedies. . . I take Ilia method of cheerfUlly .thanklng the public for past favors, and still solicit their kind attention to my medicines .. , To tell of all the wonderful . eures I have been able to perform would bo impossib le ,, 1 would call the attention of the lathes particularly So his valuable modt: eine. I think:Lean safely say. it lathe very best offered to thona: • It, will regulate +the whole system; can be taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re gard' to it I have also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This has healed sores that have bin 20. y eats My Dysentery DroW In fant cordiatand Cough Drops ; have. been well tried. I need say nothing In disk ;favor, ' j 'have ilitinigntly on hand those Nledicines and Salves. MRS. L. ALL, merle No. 27 South Pine street, Harrisburg, Ra PIANOS. , ALBRECHT MEIER , & SC,HMIDT'S ExcELsioß.:***. • SOLE AGENCY 4,T W 'ICH° CRWS, 93 Market eitlitet"Manfidil; FOR REASONS peifebtlk:isitisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agenty Of, the above most excellent. Pianos. The public is invited to come- and ox -amine for themselvea. A few Schomacker & Co's Pianos on hand yet will be sold low. mar2s-tf ....... DR. B. M. GILDER , -- • DENTIST,'.' shr• . . R . . ESPEOTFULLY .informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has removed his of. nee from Market:street tolllrd street, next. door to the Patriot and:Union office, where he Ls prepared to accom, modate all wio may desire his professional services., • aprl4 MILLINERY GOODS. LAMEST STYLES. JusT OPENED. No.. 8 batikOt Square, next door to Fellx's Confeettonaiy: apll-d3m Mrs. T. HIBBS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. •Oast= or THE c ' COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R R., _ Com:Emma, Pa., April (1th,"1861., JJ SEALED PROPOSALS for the Gradation and Masonry of that portion of the COLINBLi AND PORT DEPOSIT RAILROAD between Columbia and the head of the.,Oid Maryland Canal, a distance of 29 miles, (in sections;of one: mile,) will be received at the oflicein Front street; belew I•uoust . , untilnoon of the 25th inst Plans and Profiles of the work-will there be exhibited for one week - previous to that date. C. S. KAUFFMAN, President. J. A. SIIRM, Chic! Engineer. - - apB-dta26 nultraNGToN HERRING. . • Vllfirst of the season, find bite Briihng- Herring, just received at . SHISLER k FRAZER, ap9 (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & CO.) FOR SALE; mEre, valuable. property, corner of:Seoond _it_ and Fine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet•on Se cond and one hundrednnd sixty-eight feet Winne street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space for four full building lots, and a most de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings For,particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se cond and Pinett roots. , . „y„, Insp . -tt" IIF;AVIC litlUillHG a... MOSES FLECK respectfully announces to' the Public that he Is prepared to do all kinds of HEAVY HAULING at reasonable rates. Horses and carts furnished by the day or single load. All orders bey at the Second Ward House, corner of Chestnut and, Second streete,:will liapromptly . atteildbill4 . ; itATEgS BRA . Paild MiES'S POEM,- •=ahoiee artidie or meal Beet.anchFork at 0411 , A SEMLER & FRAZER ' NEW ADVEIt t' flioltlegiOF NOTICE IS T-IFREBY GIVEN to the otch ers of the following named articles, The Adams Express Company, claiming to list - o alien thereon for the costs and expenses of transportation and storage thereof, will proceed to sell the same to pay said costs and charges, at the expiration of thirty days from this date, March W.d, 156; unless sooner . called for. Lidut 0 Anglin lificix . ' , ...7i R A Einsicie, 1 pekge .• A Alleman,"l bOxl -- • .' W Kosher,' 1 phkge Wm Anklin, 1 box Dan'l Kohn, 1 " Wm P Anderson, 1 pkge T L Lindsay, 1 box Lt Sam'! Adams, 1 box N Leavenworth, I box Capt Breckenridge j 1 box F Lewis, 1 box A L Bachofer, 1 boX . ' 7.11: - .P Liney, 1 box W Bordenhart, ria 1 box" "HgEhrey, / box. DI 11 Brown, 1 box 31 Liabtrue, 1 bps Dan'! Bash, 1 box Rio Lehman, 1 p box Win, A Barton, 2 boxes .., A C Leidy, 1 b bag .. WE:Boyer, l'bbit ; r. WAIYors;'l box W Borger, 1 box P laanrose, 1 box 0 B Boyer, 1 box C Maurer, 1 box J ABuckley, 1 box H Miller, 1 " H Bennis, 2 trunks H S Miller, 1 box R Brown, 1 box .... ._ • H T.ldadill; 1 trunk A H Bums, 2 page ' Nancy Moyer, 1 trunk N Bordley, 1 " J H Mumma, 1. casting D Bolton, I " A Mosier, 1 b bag .. Win Boyles, 1 " Miss Id Mills, I b bag D A Bartlett, 1 pckge. - - • • C Myers, 1 valise and bdle Dr Bennett, 1 " Jno Morgan, 1 pckge L Bane, 1 pckge C Miller, 1 J Bretz, I 11 J W Marshall, 1 pckge D L Baumgardner, 1 pekoe 1.,t TA. Martin, 1 1; G W P Beatty, .1 pckgo- '. . Fred 3frer, 3., . 5l • . James Bird, I pckgo A Miller, 1 bund le castings Mrs E Burgett, 1 pckge L Miller, 1 pckge Surgeon Cuyler, 2 boxes Lt A C Mensb, 1 empty boa. James Carmichael, 1 box . ket . - S Childs, Isteini gunge -: Jno"Maine,l box W E Conrad, 1 box H C Messer, 1 pckge JA. Conway, lzbox, • Jas Mitchell, l• ' 4 - - Mrs Joa.Crisswell, 1 bundle) Millard, 1-piece iron , M Clark s 1 bag - 0 11111'Curdy,•1 box ••• C G Callow; I box l' P la'Elratia, 2 pckges . C B Campbell, 1 box Prof M'Coy, 1 " •, 1 ' Jno Cadnell, 1 c bag Collin ll'Curdy, 1 pckge F Clay, 1 b bag H K M'Clure, 1 lot castings Rev A A Castleman, 1 pkge A 11 Nelson, I box .1: 1 carpeoler,„l pckge , 7 , ; G ;P Naugle, 1 box J CUntter, lip6kke ~ : )(Orgill Nash, 1 box - • W S Cart, I pckge Alia a M Norris, 1 trunk Daniel Cohen, 1 pckge 8 . , G,Olcott, 1 pckge K A Compretos, 1 pckge •19 - nal'age, 1 box - • Chas Conner, 1 box A B Pickel, " .;.. P Gain, 1 p Vox .' .. , :•Goorge W Phillips, 1 box J .31 Donn, 1 box H K Parsons ,1 casting Slt Davis, I box . C Bauch, I box A c'DitSworth, 1 bOi ' James Powell, 1 pckge J W Deal, 1 wheel Wm Pool ,1 pckge M. Dickionr, l l , Vbag 31 Quite, 1. " J S Davis,l pckge J H Resler, 1 box 31 Dugan, 1 pckge . D,Reyster, I box John L Dawson, 1 box ' Serg't Rose, 1 " ' JII Honker, 1 box _ Robert Renshaw, 1 box Jno Dean,l pckge H Reple4l. box A C Dexter, 1 pckge H Reichard, 1 box Mrs J Diffenbaugh, 1 pokge Capt J Rohrer, 1 pckge G B DeCtiart,'l l Pckge • - - J K•Rinehau, 1 box C 11 Donnough,• 1 bag Thos Reechorf, 1 box W. Eaatien,./Ifbass; ~ - 7 Copt 1) II Rose, 1 box Thos Eaton, 1 p box Wm Ruport, 1 k sack H Ells, 1 pokge • . Reese & Co, 1 bundle Ensign R IrEvani; 1 pekge Jas Robertson, 1 pckge R A Follett, I. b bag H P Rodermal, 1 " Jau Fritz, 1 ti bag- Fred Rifle, I b bag J 31 Furnath, 1 keg J Emery Round, 1 pekoe G J Flick, 1 pekoe J G Swank, 1 box S E Flitch, 1 pckge W Smith, 1 box • Geo Funk,l pate? ± , :::.T.Swineford,a. box l; . . J 1 Freeman,l saddle " 31 W Sherbondy, 1 box Jacob Fleming, 1 pokge j Sassaman, 1 box H Faulk, 1 bdle trees Miss It.. SO:pokey, I , trunk - 31 A'Fielderi,•2 pckges "--J M. Strube, I box -'• •• 11 Guipe, 1 box Jon Sheets, 1 box 31 Good, 1 bundle F E SWIM .1 box '' • G W Griswold, 1 box Henry Shroyer, 1 box S Gross, 1 box. Gee Smith, 1 box • 31 Gutsworth 1 box Capt Siillwoll,l box J Greenly, 1 sack - ME Sturgeon, 1 h trunk C Gregg, 1 pckge Peter Sharpe, 1 c bag - Lt W Garret,-1 pc kge '. .I,Snyder,tl.pckge A Gibbony, 1 pckge A T Smith, 1 pckge A Gibbon, 1 bdle . ~ - 7 , ~ G Shays, 1 pckgo S Gorden, 1 pckge N Stoned , 1 pckge , Capt 1 box . • R N Short, 1 pckge Chas Hagan, 1 " Mrs J H Sullivan, 1 pckge J Hoffer, 1 lint Nich•Schilllng; 1 pckge , J Herr, 1 box Burgeon in Charge Hospital, J H Hock, 2..boxiis ". 4 '.....-.VlAPckge . . , F W Haas, 1 bdle Henry Trger, 1 box A Honer, leastingi, ,r.',...1.r.c.12bD Tingley, 1 " Goo Hines, 1 bdle Jas Taylor, 1 box C lia.ber, I pckge R A.Tallet, 1 c bag J N Hick, 1 '' J S Thomas, 1 pckge J.N.Halmi I. . 1 ' • . . S Tilonnis, 1 pckge. '.'• H•C Hickex, 1 pckge C P Tboinas, 1 pckge Sam'l Haines, l• ." • . Wll H Thomas, I,pckge Lizzie Hoene, 1 pckge John Underwood, 1 pckge A B Hamilton, 1 " Lt. T 111 Utley, 1 sword._ , : M C Hallowell, 1 " Capt Van Swatara, 1 box G Hanover,7ll • .0, ~. . HiVal, entitle, 1 box Jas P Hotvil',l. - ' - ' 11 ' 1 " ' Col J 171" Wells, 1 box R B Hays, 1 " Jno A Whiner, 1" .., Serg't It Ilaeml, 1 box Peter Wagner, 1 pckge Jacob liuxall;.l pckge . J A Wendworth,l pckge . A M Halberstadt, 1 gun Maj Jas Wren, 1 box A J Handerson,'l'package Hon David Wilmot, 1 box J M. Jordon, I,package 0 H Wheeler, 1 box •W J jorteaclz• . *“.. ..., John Wailace,l box J Jones, 1 pckge Capt Watmough, 1 stove Serg'tA , L Jones , 1 box ' BF Work," I.pckge W W Jackson, 1 box White & Sutton, 1 pckge't •T V Johnson Jr, IT H Wilson, 1 Pekoe pokge . „ , , 0. N Warden, 1 pckge Surgeon J King,'l box '' ' Chas Wallace, le bag • Dr King, 1 pckge W Witmer, 1 keg Jas Knox, 1 box Lt F A Whiting, 1 page • Win Keeuarti . .Wm Weish,l pckge , , Abo•Kisler, 1 box Louisa Young, 1 pckge :•:, Dr Rlt Kelm, I pckge.:. ,M E Zochman, 1 pckge ' : Quo A Knox, 1 box Four black bags, 1 carpet A King, 1 bundle hoops bag, one box and several P Kaue, 1 r„ckge_ . packages without marks. '•' • ''• T HOMAS BINGIIAM,' Agent. March 22, 1864.—d2ta4w ELECTRICITY: DRS. WYETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic physicians, respectfully, offer theirprofesSlonai seryices in all the various branches of the profession, for the treatment of all acute and chronic forms of disease: , The remedial means they employ in the ereatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism, Electro. Magne tism, the Swedish method of Localized movement cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, 'and in fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They do .not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves nnYeuPerlority of prOfessional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of Ws . ease far anterior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing ao ; controlling the human system. To* this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par-' titular poi,hy,erspitern, they attribute their success in controlling disease.' The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderful in its phenomena and powerful Mita effects for good or ill It is an ever present.; all-pervrding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles ,of.gassetrua matter.. We see, it in the lightaineatiash and hear the Manifestations Of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, recompo-, sltion and transforination. It excites allinotion. This the exciting cause of life, growth, decay and. death. It causes secretion, excretion; digestion. It lays.hold of the credo food lathe stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it , on its important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities.of ,thehody. It is the. nerve . vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the body: - It is the cause of all causes except the first great, cause, the - Infinite Mind which' reated it and brought it into uSe. These may appear like mere assertiops, but they are facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it - then, to be wondered at that art agent so wonderful in its phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate ly connected with all the operations of the human sys tem, shonld be almost absolute in its power of controlling disease? 'Certainly not. It is a - natural sequence and follows as surely as day follows night.- Among the diseeses which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may be mentioned* the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, ElPiliptio, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuematism; inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system ;.Dyspep aia cured,in.a,fqwArgatarents; all .fliseases,oLthe urinary and genitalprgans; Female Diseases, Asthma, Pll7 and 'Tiolaprais amanrosis and a 'all kindred affecti ns of the-eye; Aural:is, Strictures, all skin diseases, arc. Persons calling will be told whether they can be bend- fitted and no case. taken where some relief nannotrbe af forded. Consultation free. Office, South Second - street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Et, Office hours from Bto 12 A. N. 1 „4 , ." to &and 7 to 9 - - . • . ' ' • ALEX. R. WYETW I . e. apl3 - • p.I g. . MILTON C M2O. 440:NES) ROW. Min UNDERSlGNEDrespectfallyinfoirms 4. the public that he has purchased the nA.T AND. CAP STOKE Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the:business at the old stand, where he wilteenstantly keep - on.hantra general assortment of HAT S , - CAPS • & 3 OF THE LATEkT STYLES which will be sold: at rwonehlerates. liberar,phazc of patgonage its:respectfully solicited pEtr2B4l2m - - NOR BEA/TE. — sitioleViAjtall re oeivedd at -stifsiza NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company. OFFICE, 227 s. rOVII7II STREET, 1 PHILADELMIA, April 4th, 18d4. J MEIE annual meeting of the Stockholders of Ihig Company and att eleCtitin for President amd Six Ilanagers will take place at the 011 ice of the Company on Monday, the 25 day of May next, at 12 o'clock, st. ap6.dtm2 W. H. WEBs, Secretary. Open Market for Cavalry Horses. ASST. QVARTBAXASTER'S OFFICE, ILLATLISDLIM, Penna., April sth, 1864. TTNTII_, further orders, HORSES, fit for Cavalry Service, will be purcbased at this place _in open market. None will be received underftve, nar over nine years of age. Una not be tinder 15 beads in height. Far particulars apply to' E. C. :11.RICHENTIACII, aps-dtf Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster. RECRUITLNG OFFICE, 11. S. INVALID CORPS, HARRISBURG, Pe., March 1, 1864. THE attention of Soldiers who have been Holiarabiy discharged:the United Stateiservice; on account of disability contracted while in the-line of duty, and who may wish to enlist in the . Invalid Corps, in re spectfully calleil telhe following letter from the Provost Marshal General's Office, from which it appears that they may receive the bounty altered by . the ward, borough or tow; to which they may wish to be credited: (LETTER) WAR DkPARTIrOp, • PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S OFFICE, BUREAU OP INVALID CORPS, WAR/MOTOR, _February 23, 1861. The Provost Marshal General 'directs me to say, that men enlisted for the First Battalion Companies of - the In valid Corps, in accordance with the provision of General Orders; Nos. 105 and 212, Adjutant General's Office, 1863, and the instructions of the Provost Marshal General, (see Circulars Nos. 14 and 108, of 1863, Provost Marshal Gen eral's Office,) will be credited to the quota to be furnished under the draft, of the ward, borough, towO, or city and State from which they enlist. AL N. WISEWELL, Colonel, and Assistant to the Provost Marshal General, in charge of .Invalid Corps Bureau. For the particulars relative to enlistment in that Corps, apply at the Recruiting Office, Invalid Corps, in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg, 'Pa. E. L BARITES, marl7-If Ist Lieut. 11. S. L.C„ Wcting OfScer. ' NEN pFnm ADELPILT_A. C L'O A K S T O T , IND. W. GROSS' NEW" BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OP FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AN - 1) CIE C TJL AR,S, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist of Aprtl. [mar2l-dly JULIUS ROSENDA LE, 29 O P T IC I AN , BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that he has removed to. No. 29 Borth Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronege bestowed on me during my stay an Market Square, I hope:to merit a continuance of the same at my new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which 'claim the undermentioned advantages: let. That from the peculiar construction of 'the Glasses, they assist and preserve ..the sigh; rendering frequent change quite unneceary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vi sion, with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto en joyedby spectacle wearers: . 3d. That tho material from which the Lenges are ground, is manufactured specially for optical purposes, and is pteril, BARD AND BRILLIANT, and no liable to beeoMo 4th. Tnet the.frnmes in which they are set, whether in gold, silver or steel, are of the finest Anality and. finish, and twat-ammo estiparrin every respect ' ' sth. That:Mord their peculiar color, they prevent a su perfluity of .light- affecting the retina, and therefore stiengthlning the optic nerve and rendering . it less liable to Ainaurosis. . • Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Achromatic Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Opera, Marine and Field 'Glass ee• Stereoscopes and Views, ,, Magic-I,anterns e Basometers Thermometers, Ma,,,nets, c. & Repaertitiek that Rosendell64 liblitute will , bc'permanent at No. 29 igurth Second street, five doors from the Bueh ler Bourn. cr• apT-datv3m GREAT 1324 GAINS ;IN.:JEWELRY FORSYTH & CO . 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW (AdjOining the Fait Office ) Offer for sale the-followin.• magnificent list of • . WATCHES, ar-rkrNs, JEWELRY, &C.; • VALUED AT $300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE,,DOE'L t, AND.NOT TO RE PAID FOR UNTIL.YOU ICNO it WHAT YOU ARE TO. GET: 150 Gold and SilVer Waches.. $l5 00 to $l6O 00 each 200 Ladier Goal Watches ' . 35 00. each 500 Ladies' & Gents' Silver do' 15 00 each 5,000 Ladies' Goal Pencils ..... . 400 to. :6 00 each 5.000 bold-baud. Bracelets...... • 3 00. to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockett, Chains nitd • Rings. 250 to 603 each 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic , and Jet , Brodches .. 4.00 to- • . 6 00 each 6,000 Coral and Florentine Ear drops ~. 4 00 - to 8 00 each 10,000 Gents' 'Breast: Pins ' '2 50 'to 8 00 each 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom • 'Studs 2 50 to 6 00 each 10,000 Sets Ladies' Jeweliy 500 to 10 00 each 6.000 Lava and Florentine sets.: . 4 00 to 6 00 - each each 10000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted Holders... " . 400 'to 5 00 each 5,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex: • tension Cates and Fen- • ells ... 400th..000 each The articles avails stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. Certificates of all toe va rious articles are pat in sealed envelopes and afixed, thus giving all a lair chance, and sent by mail, for 25 cents each; and on the receipt of the certificate, it is at your 'option to send Omt Dow.t.a and take the article named in it or not. Five certificates for $1; eleven' for $2; thirty for $5; sixty . for $10; one hundred for $l5. Certifidate money to be enclosed with order. Correspondence promptly answered. Aasyrs Wawrzn in every town and regiment. Bead or a circular. Address ' FORKT.CH _ 42 and 44 Nassau street, New York. • mar2.s-dwai3maw3m NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORE. (LOS ? " MANTILLAS, CIRCULARS. 1,000 CLOAKS from $7 00 to $25 00, AT THE NEW CLOAK STORE, DIA.REET STREET, D. W. GROSS) NEW- 13LOCIK, HARRISBURG Rill .GRAND, OPENING!. HE undersigned take the pleasure to:in fornethe Ladies , off this city and vicinity that she will have, this - week, her GRAND OPENING of the latest styles Bonnets, Lathes' Misses' and Children's Hats, to whie4 she respectfully invites one and all to come and examine her new styles. dat Mrs. MINER. To THE PUBLIC .— SINGE R 'S Sewing lff.a chanines, Machine Silk, Linen Thread, Cotton ; ,&c., Machine Needles, 011, Union Galloons, B Long Thread, Eyelets, Snoe Lacers and Stationery. (Alice, Front, above Market street, Harrisburg.- • • . apil-o3w . G. D:WOODWARD, Agent. IZEIP4IO VAL ! S WARI", 3tAItEE, ht ; EE, Distil lers and Dealers in FOREIGNand DONt EsTIC WINED and LIQUORS,' have removed to Fourth street, between Market and Walnut. . , • a. p9-a/W434,v SPERDi'Q~NDL,E9, first .ittality, all SIVE. mu:ea Ega , TE smnioA lanrnartannx to Bock. jr.. • i sEmENTaw BILANT'S 0 BR sEroiArriTH OP ME GRAND. STAR Combination Dramatic Company,: Combination Dramatic Company, Combination branniiic Company. CROWDS TURNED FROM THE - ;DOORS UNABLE TO GALN ADIGSSToi The Great Protean Actress and Cantatrice RISS FANNY DUMAN. FANNITENIII3I.-, KISS FLINT DENIIOI CARPENTER OP Rou-EN, CARPENTER OF ROUEN, CARPENTER OF RODENT OE D ` ' ' THE MASSACRE OF ST.HARTHOLOALEW. The whole company in the bill, ' Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small bills. SANFORD'S. BALL. • _____ THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR OF ICERR'S HOTEL. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 16. FIIN FOR THE lIIILLIONI MI AND JACK RAGS' STATUES. orwci BRAVE RI~ALi. THE STRANGER ; ". • To conclude with . MEET HIGH DADDY •IN THE . MORNING. SAN - NORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be procured in -advance. at Bann vatt's Drug Store. Doors open at 83‘. Commence Xto S. .- • Police always In attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. , Orchestra crmirs, 50 cents. • Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single , seats, $l , each. lan2l-dst National Bali, CORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STS., HOLMES & HIHANS Fftprietor s NEW FACES, , NEW ENTERTALNMENTS. AND • SMP•O COME. Admission, 25 cents. Private Boxes, 25 00. Single Seats in Boxes, $1 00. Doors open at 7. Commence at S. 29 CANTERBURY MUSIC .14A I.L. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. OPEN EVERYEVERY EVE.VETG, With a First-class CompAny' SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDUES, Ac., Admission. ....... ... .................... .... 15 - cents -teats in Boxes MISCELLANEOUS. TIESTRABLE -PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SAI:R.—The Subseriber, residing ,rix. ~miles above Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna river otters at private sale the following desirable property, allot' which is con venient to both the Canal and Radrowl,.and,ohe of4he best markets in the State, the city of Harrisburg:, No. L A TAVERN STAND .wlth tour aores of land, more or loess, on.which is erected a substantial Stone and Plastered 11011Rri,Containing•eleven ‘ rooms; a large Stone Stable, capable of holding 20 horses; Carriage House, Smoke House, and one of the Mit Springs in the country, Spring House alis other neeeSpallr.Ann buildings. No. 2. A TRACT containinrl4.acms, more or less, on whi , ll is erected a Grist J1E1484%93/ Reuse, four Dwelling Hott,:s, with ont-buildings., TherGriatittill is in good run ning—vitler, with plenty of, nostom , work, good water power: and a line hartior:for timber. , The Canal and Rail road p.iss through this Muperty.: I No. S. A TRACT 01 - LAND containing 150 acres, more or less, part tillable, the. • balance timber,. on which is erected two Dwelling HOUSES, with Siatiles,"-the frame of a Saw 3,14 head and fall of 21% feet, within 400 yards of Canal and Railroad. , This is a splendid_ location for a forge, furnace, or factory.- - No 4. A MALT containing 10 acres, with HOUSE and Stable, (the Railroad and Canal pass through,) on which is a good Stone Quarry, a large quantity of brink „clay, agood seat for"an anthracite furnatie,An steanAhvV4filL No. ft. A TRACT containing 455 k acres of *bedlam!, a large quantity of which is chttnut mil umber, oak; hick ory, &c., on which there is about four acres 'Cleared, with HOUSE and Stable thereon. The tract is 34 mile from Canal and Railroad. , The above property will be sold on terms to snit pur chasers. It can be seen by calling on the subscriber, on the property, or any information can he given by ad dressing JOIN C. Iit!ALLI6TEII; Suseuetvoiria; KOl 7 Dauphin tinnily, reiinta. mar 22 tf Gaeta Dr..; •.a:yr Usend and V alnable • Dis,covery. iIIiLTOIVS II SOLUBLE CEMENT Applicable to of more general practical utility useful Arts. than any invention now before the public. It bus Men thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and proubunced by al; CO be . SUPERIOR' TO A dr r Adhesive .Prepanations known. d new thing. Its Combination Boo Land Shoe Man nfactarern Jewelers. liee. It is a liquid. Remember .Agents to Fbilat. WS-ay - B , OKWELEAT Just reeeivd:- • very small lot. Flatoice-BUCKWHEAT, at ISHSLER Fkua . ISRcaMB.-4!..9;#1!',i1)94e.....bc mail3l IMITARAM. MUBTARD,4 the best imported, 1-7 jurt'""i ral a r g Va Y s t 6 t i A. rRAZER ofeeeessors to Wm Dock. Jr., o Co febi haianne Tivadrse PEDLER WAGON cheap for cash Dirett letter to BOX No. 313, Ilantisburg, Pa. marll-tf CM NEW ACTS, and a Ell Hrians's kvsoinims Csyswr is new thing, and the n!Sult of years' of study; its combination is on Scientific Princip Under nu .circumstances or change or -tempeiature, will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive smelt BOOT AND SHOE =, Manufacturers, using Meet:tines, will And lt the best article known as Cementing for the Chan :it wog without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature ' JEWELERS will find It sufficiently silitegve for their use, as bus been proved: It is Especially Adap t ed Leesther, And we claim as an especial mend, that it sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without taring. • It is the 'only LIQUID CEMENT Etrtaot that is a mire thing for mood tog - . Furnitn rockery, Toys,. Bone, And articles of Household use REMEMBER • HILION'A INSOLUBLE CKEKit IN ill a liquid:Ton:li *kid is easily ap • - plted_ap paste; Hu.rolsoB istiottrot:a PM= Is insolaolfirim waxer or oil: Ruscires'hismosis Crarucr Adheres oily /1;0E1.: sneer.. Supplied in Family or Itfanufec Carer's Packages Prom 2 ounce?. tol.oo the. HILTON . BROS. & Propriertrin% providence, WE' LAIN6sk 111
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