ID. brass $ so., Di W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS di . PAINTS OIL, varnishes and Glues. DyaStuart, Maas and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pars Ground Soleil* Burning, inuld and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pins Oils. Wails., Vials and Casale Soap, Sponge and Corks, #‘3., d c., Acc., Aue,filris., die With a general variety of PRWOM/Y & TOILET LETIOLESi selected from the best manufacturers and Po tamers of Europe and tide country. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, TANsyrn OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW (HASS, /min , COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, We respectituly invite a call, feeling, coi& dent that we can supply the manta . of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH 11 rOzoli , :rAZnivi:o4loDcll3;Lo;(oNFAviorcioni PATENT MEDICINES AND BAIR RESTORATIVES Of kinds, direct from the Proprietore Saponifier and Ooneentrated Lye Wholegal° Agenta for Saponifier, which we sel as low is it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I Being largo purchasers in these Oita, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved pattorns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to bunt Ooal Oil. FARAIERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE IiND OAT ['LSI POW DHSS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle health/ and in god condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us theldwantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our badness, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowe em our house, we hope by strict attention to busboy, II careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. apl6-dly FISHING TACKLE! OF ALL KINDS. Three, four and five johnoTrout Rods. Bilk and Hair Trout lines, from 10 to 60 yards long. London Patont 'bout Linos, " " " Twisted Mt front floes, - " " China isross Lines, a u i 14 Lineo on , Cotton Linos, 41 41 45 root Lines furnished with Rooks, Corks, &c. Brass Multiplying seers, 10 to 60 Ydrds. A lot of Choice Trost Finn. Silk Worm Gut Lealers bottom lines, kto 9 feet. S tran ds: II .14 64 &rode, Limerick Hooke, ain't., No. lit° B 'bout Baskots,-Ktrlit LrtiltAti6 Sorer Books, lAmor itsk,riont and Myer BS SlOa s' Fillies and Drinking Cups. KELLAR'S DOUG AND FANG t sTORII, -- mytt 91 Market &req. IMP EMIIINT IN DEN Y . DR. P. H. ALLAZADH, surgeon Den tist, llanumeture r et Mineral Plate Teeth, the only isettmid that obviates every widectlen to the use of art, *dal teem., embracing partial, half and whole seta of on , : piece only, of pureaca nitlestructi• le mineral, there are, no crevices for tbe soccumwsuso orsron parrioies of coo sail therefOre, nO Ofleustve oiler from the breath. se 110 me. tat is oat is their construction, there Call be ntiralvaulc m e m or umaling tote. Bence the tmitv idol is not ao seyed with ilartraroat, headache, &e. Office No. 48 North Second street, Brastiburg ootlLl-Sly ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, NEW BKNEDY AIN A NEW REMEDY A CERTAIN EDDY, j ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC • RHEUHATISEt • RIMUMATLAM OS EVERY KIND; HOW STUBBORN, No KAMM HOW LONG NTANDING, PROPYLAIMINI WILL CONQUER IT, wila, CURE IT, WHAT IT HAS DIM, IT WILL DO AGAIN. DOCTORS READ DOCTORS EXAMINE, DOCTORS TRY IT. MC HEST TESTIMONY, BUT lIKDIOAL AUTHORTY. DOCTORS HNOWAT, • - PATIENTS MIEVE IT, TRIND AND TRUK MAT 19, 1860,—Ellen S., mt. 28, single, never Was very strong. Two years ago she bad an attack of acute rbeuma tism,from which she wasconlined to her bed Per two weeks and subsetiently from a relapse bar four more. &ohms been well since then till last Saturday, while engaged in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain In her back, felt cold, hot bad so decided chill. Two days later her ankles be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pain in her shoulder*, and her knuckles are very tender, red and mantel ; both bands are affected, but the right Is meat so. This, then, is a ease of acute rheumatism, or, as it Is now fashionably called, rhatunatio fever. Ills a well remarked typical ease. We will carefully watch the ease, and from time to time call your attention to the vari ous ymptoms which present themselves. Iffy chief object in bringing her before you now, le to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mean pm/laming . Dr. Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, haying derived great benefit from its use In 250 cases which came under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting II have appeared in our journals,- and I propose therefore to give It another trial. I must confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies ; but thii comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. liar 23,1880.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine,and wa S then labor, log under an attack of acute rheumatism. Bhe has steadily taken It In doses of three grains every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attack. (The patient now walked Into the room.) The improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot fall to notice a marked ohitnge in the appearance of her mints, which aro new nearly all of their natural size.— Thar far our experiment would have seemed very sac. coastal q but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be fore we can give a decided opinion as to , what is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of .as name medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been suffering from e hronic rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affection.. The wrists and knuckles wore much swollen and twee. She took the chloride of Propyle mine in throe grain doom every two hours, and you will pismire that the awelhug of the joints hie much dindn lobed. MAY 28,1860.—Thiii is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylaadne, the first of those to which I called your attention at our lasCelledo. She Is still very comfortable, and is now taking threegrains thrice daily. In This ease it has seemed to be followed by very eat lefactory realm. The second cum to which your atten tion Wall celled at our, last lecture has also centitudid to do wol r I will now bring before?you a very character istic case of acute ihsumatism, and if the result be sat, factory, I think, as good jurymen, we snail justly render our verdict in favor of propylamln • He is seaman, set. 26 who was admitted a few days Mr , - UPS has ocaastona i rheumatic pains, bat not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began In his right knee, subsequently alfeetedthb left knee, and later the Mium of the upper extremities. These Joints are all swollen, tense anti tender. His tongue la furred ; his skin, at present dry, though there has been much sweating. His pulse is full and strong, and about CM.— Ile has now user] propylarnine far twenty-four hours. SAL This gentleman Is what may be called a strictly typical case of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the loweriolnts. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally eidendtuit on acute rheumatism . I did not bring this patient before you with the I uten. lion of giving you a lecture on all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as I have called it, than which there on old not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine In question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all ether medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no misgivings ss to which Was the etlideut remedy. You ;hail see the case of a future clinic. 1860.—The next of our convalescents is the Case of acute rheumatism before yen at our clkdo of May 28th, which I then called a typical ease„ and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth el our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given in three grain doses every two hours for hair days. The patient has got along very nicely, and la now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to aty that I have nerves seen as severe a case of acute rheumatism So soon restored to health as this man haa been, and without being prepared to decide positive by as to the val. oe of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to sta to that in the eases In which we have tried the Chloride o Propylamine, the pedants have regained their health much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur- sued. I wish gentlemen; you would yourselves try it, and report the results. Fora full report*, which the above is eondensed extract, see the Philadelphia Mafiosi and Surgical He— porter. It is the report afters Lair trial by the best med ical authority in this country, and makes tt unnecessary to give numerous bartnicates Axon a±isonlahell doctors end rejoicing patients. - A SPEEDY CURE, All 01.11CTUAL 01:111Z THE SAKE RaRULT WHAT IT &&2 DONE, Bullock & Crenshaw, a firm well known to moat medi- cal men, by whom the Elixir propylamlne ham been in troduced, have mold to us the exclusive right to mantas• tare B accotding to the origlind recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst offering humanity. if you prefer to use the mane emedy In another forth we Invite your atlontlon to the PORR Oarerateme Omonmi PROPTLXIBM PURI PROPTUMISM Lewin, Puss PROTTUIOMM Ckeicaorramo, PURR 'ODIUM PROIIILLIRTMS, of which we are the sole manufacturers. Any-We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propylamme than la contained in Pere Crystalized Chloride of Props , . amine. Dig ELIXIR La MORE CONV ANC ALWAYS REA.DIr FUR INGIEGLATII USX, AND RAT BE TAREN, ACCORDING TO, DIMMONE. Wbo!esale Ape d& aim BIWA= & CRENSHAW, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO, JOHN M. hi AXIS &03 880. wirresuu. & co., PETER T. WRHIGT me= SMITH, T. YOSHIO & PEROT & 00,1 11191417 Pumiuminui elttrical RHEIIMAVISM; PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Mom Oman HOSPITAL Or me.) SAIIII CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I THREE DAYS LATER I I THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT . IN EVERY OA S T__, WHENEVER TRIED, WHENEVER TRIED. A WORD TO DOCTORS BY ANY ONE,' BY EVERY ONE, WHO HAFIRHEUNAHSICOP ANY RIND. Sold in Hantiburi , by AT 75 OTT. A DOM.& Orders may be addressed to ISOPYLAMINE MANUIAG2I7.II.IN9 CO., OMea, Boom No. 4, 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Chesnut streets, pnitadelphta, Ur to either of thefbnowing pennfrpluallia featly (telegraph., irittap itlorning, line 20, lzica PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY MAY sth, 1862. Ths Passenger Trains of the Pennayimuna Railroad Company will depart frOM and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH WRNS TRAIN leave Harrisburg 6417 at 1.15 a. m, and arrives at Weal Eibllmlelpbia al 6.10 11. 111. FART LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Mondapi at 6.80 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.0 A. m. PAST MAIL. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg. dap)' (except , Sunday) at 1.20 p. m , and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.26 p. m. AMON/lODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves „Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 12.26 p. m. HARREEPSDRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mum- Ma, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and arrives at West Madolphia at 926 p. m. THROUGH EXPRltins TRAIN leaves Philadelphia M 10.85 p. m., Harrisburg atB.oo a. at., Altoona 8.10, a. to. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.85 p. m. HAM TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 a.m., and ar rlvesid,Harrisburg atl2.Bop. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.15 st. tn. - FAST L/NR. Wm* PbUadelpbta at 11.30 a. m., Earns. burg 8.45 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. m. , and arriving at Pittsburg at 12.95 a. m. 'HARRISEttiRG ACOOIIMODATION TRAIN loam Phil. delphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p.m. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.60 a. m., arrhres at Harrisburg at 12.40 p. m • SAMUEL D. Y= 4 Supt. Mast, Dly.Penna. Harrisburg, May 1802 —dtf SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEW AM LINE HOUK THRNI TRAINS DULY TO NNW TORY, AND PHILADELPHIA 9N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leavo the Phila. bla *no Reeding Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, u follows, viz IMPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. in., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 8.16 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping Car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leave/ Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arriving in New York at 6.80 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival or Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.60 p. m, and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. n). WESTWARD. FAST LINE leave' Now York at' Ba. in. and PbUade pots at Ba. m. arriving at Harrisburg s 1 p. m: MAIL TRAIN lama Now York at 12.00 00014 and Phil. adolpida at 8. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 P m. EXPRESS LIM!! leaves New lurk at 8 p. m„ arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., and oonneWng with the Pennsylvania Express True for Pittaborg. A sleeping ear Is also tautened to this train . %linedlom are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Glottal and Cumberland Valley Ballroada, and at Reading for Philadelphia; Pottsville, Wllkasbarre, Allentown, &talon, Az. Baggage thanked through. Faro between H4York and Harrisburg, 36 00; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, S 3 26 In No. I oars, and $2 TO in No. R. For tickets or other information apply to J.T. GLIM, my&dtf General Agent, Harrisburg. IT WILL DO AGAIN 1862. SLIMIER 1862. ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN ORANGE OF HOURS.—On and , after Monday, M y MOM Passenger Trains will ran daily, as follows, (Sundays fllacepted For Chambersburg and Harrisburg : 114, LeaveX P. Itagerstown. 700 245 7 87 8 85 {l 490 at 8 17 Chamboreburg, Newville " ..... Leave at ..... ..8 30 12 66 Bhippeasberg ..9 00 127 ...Carlisle ... 982 200 10 240 " Mechanicsburg 10 42 312 Arrive al Harrisburg ..... ... .... 840 For Chambersbnrg and Hagerstown: P. X, Leave tiarnsburg ...8 4. 06 X 1 86 Mechanicsburg 847 216 Carlisle ............. ...9 17 2: 66 " Hewitt,. .......... 02 2 0 ..Bhippeasbarg. 10 83 400 Chambersbarg . 00 480 Chameerabarg Leave..ll. 10 490 " Greencastle 11 65 53Q . Arrive at Hagerstown .12 86 610 0 tau, avec R. R. Office, flttatiereburg, bray 1,1862.41 y U TRIPOLI, S• Indio, andßl%tisßin side giuliampag NICHOLS h BOWMAN, ooruar front sAkNuitek sireeft. Nem 2lbutrtistmtnts ON AND AIM WESTWARD. EASTWARD. RAIL ROADS I elisullantotts 2b I/am-41a* Roaches, &c. 7o Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants. 2b TAstme----Bed-Rugs. 76 Demv--hioths in Furs, Clothes, &c. 2b Deoroy---Mosquiloes and Fleas. lb Etrthroy-----Insects on Plants and Fowls. lb Distroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. 7b Ltwiroy---Every form and specie of Vermin. 166%-<::o6itina.PlEOP VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. THIN "ONLY INFAT LITITZ REMEDIES KNOWN.'i DaI!MM EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. These Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Bata do not die on the remises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are 'the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York city." That by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. pa by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, &a; Vateirby—theCity Hatels—‘Astor'—'St.Nieho• las,' timi. Dedby—Ole Boarding Howes, &a., &o. Used by—mord`than 60,000 Private Families. yid" Bee one or two Spielman of what is everywhere wadby the People—liktitore—Deakrs, HOUBEKEEFEIRB—tronbIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they sBe "Ooerse's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Coarse's" article knocks the breath out of Bats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Medina (0.) Chreette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually io Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tone of this Rat and Insect killer. Lomeasks (Wu.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Bate, slice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Earn & lirmirraa, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Bat, Bosch, &c. Exterminator. " Costar's " "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. "Costar's" " Clostalli" Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. Is 260. 500. a= 11,00 Boxy& 9orms AND ham, $3 $5 81333 Pak lhartistom. him, BOATS, 802118, &0., /141, OkIITION I I ToNF o rt the public from being imposed upon by ' and Highly Pernicious haigationr, a new la 1 has beenprepared, bear ing a foe rip& of the Proprietor's signature.— Rumble each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, end fake nothing but " COS tars." or Sad likerroliere—by All Wataxima Dammam; in the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. 13chieffelin Brothers & Co. - B. A. Fahneetook, Hall & Co. A. B. &D. Sands Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. AsphiwalL Morgan & Hall, Racked & On. Thomas & Faller. P. D. Orvis. Hanal, Risley & Kitchen. Bosh, Gale & Robinson. M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Bobbins. D. S. Barnes & Co: P. O. Wells & Co. Lasalle, Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox—sirn maw. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & CO. B. A. Fahnestoc.k & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & Co.,—AND mums. AID BY DRUGGISTS, GROGISS, Stoimmopxes and Ewan au generally in all Comintr Town and Vinson in the 'UNITED STATES. H:ARRIBBITY.,G. PENNA. or &id by • D. W. Gross Sr, Co:, AND. C. K. Keller • Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, and by the Dasamms, STORM KIEPBAS and lisranass generally. COrurpter Drums can order as above. Or address orders direct--[or if Price, Terms, &c., is desired, VW send for [1862] Circular, giving reduced Prices] : to HENRY B. COSTAL . Pinitateal .Da No. - 612 Bioadway--(Oppo.' site the St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. 1612416 a 30ipts Cgrooltns SOXETEING FOR THE TIKES 1 I grA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & MOSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE BTEGNOIRIT GLUE IN THE WORLD. ME CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE 1108 T MARIA GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY EXLIABLEGLUR IN THY 'cORLD. THE HEST OLLIE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE I. the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Fernflare. IT WILL MEND LEgiTRE.R, Wend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Hoots, trc IT WILL MEND GLASS, Savo the pieeee of that expenalve Cat Olese Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away last broken Ivory 1 1 / 4 it tf toady; re paired. IT VaLL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cape and &men MA be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, Tharideoe knocked out of your Marble /fatale earn* pat OR 141 IltTOUg as over. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter If that. broken Pitcher did not coot but &tuba. ling, t stalling saved its shilling foamed. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase s broken and you can't thatch it, Wind it, It will never show wbea pin together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and d in feet everything but Metals. Any sttinie Osnumted with LIIKRICAN CEMENT ;GLUM will not show whets It is mended. EXTRACT& "Suety Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crosiers Amerkan Dement Glue."—N. "It le so convenient to have in tae house."—N. Y. ren "lt is always reedy ; Ibis commands itself to ever y body."—huiseendang. "We have tried it, and and It as useful to oar homes as water."—wake , arra of Ow Meek ECONOMY TS WEALTH. 510,00 per year loved to emery &gutty by. Coo. Bottle of AMEEIOAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Prim 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Lateral Redoetioess to Wholesale TERMS CASH. ,q►Yor sale by all Druggists, and Storekeepers general ly throng oat the country. JOHNS & CROBLEY, (Soto Manutheturersji qg WpIJAM STREET, Omer of Liberty strimk., NNW Y ORK Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Bail Bowl Companies. Important to Farmers. 46 aid whom this way co?ort, and ateconama way =I JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IIIePROYBD GOTTA PERCELit CEMENT ROOFING , The Cliespeet' and moat durable Booting in rule IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It Can be "PAW to maw and me woes of all kinds, steep or 114, and to Mee Roora wltboat - removing the Etbinglea. The Coatis only. about Onn.Thlrd tluit of Tin ANDET IS TWICE AS DURABLE. Ebb artkde has been thoroughly' tested In Nert York any and ail other parts of the United States, Ciuutda, West Indies Central and South America, on buildings of all kinds, such as rammtn, irdOXDIUIa, Onanllnale, ELM Row Durant, Cass, and on NailJO BIZOLDINGB generally Ilovnionsuer SMlTandla &a., by the pewit* Builders, Architects and Wien, during UI4I pest four years. and ba g proved to be the CHEAPEST and man DORA BLE. ROOFING in use; it Le in every respect A EIRE WAtltit, 'WEATHER and TULE PROO. covering for SOWN Or ALL lune Die is Ow ONLYsiattriat lawletraigured in the United Bats which cumbinee the very desirable, properties of /Stutitily and Durability, wbioh are 'universally_ acknow ledged to be possessed by 60711 PARMA AND LNDIA .1? mime. No Heat is required in making application. The Tense of applying It is trilling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and ihtlehed the saute day. It can be applied by any one, and when thaisked forms a perfect/1F Flee Pimp ear Ewe With SA elastic body, which cannot be *lured. by Hut, COLD or groom, itinciitinew of Roar BOARDS, am any ex Waal *Woo wlLMovar. LIQUID - CRITTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed Ixo the Action'of the Weather, and FOB PRIMERVING AND IMPEABING METAL ROOFS OF ALL IpMM. This Is the wily Clompositkm twee yrlllmmeen. fully reitat extreme *Lunges of all climate', for any l eng th of time, when applied to metals, to which It ad heres firmly, forming a body 0141 to dente of ordinary paint, costa mush lees and will MOH Taftla TIMES AS LANG ; =Chan its elasticity le not Injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Meta I Boob, consequent won sudden changes of the weather Dioai not GRACE IN COLD OR R4IN IN WARM WELIHEB, AND WILL NOT WASJEr'OPF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roe% can be readily repair eil with GOTTA PhRCHA CEMENT, and prevented from further ,cawrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per. recUy tight root for many years. This Cement la peculiarly adapted for the preearsation of-IRON RAILING 8, 13T01112, RANGE, sem, AGRI CULTURAL IMPLELME, he.; also for general manu facturers am. GUPTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repaint; Ytu and other Metal Roofs of every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Yews, and will not crack in cold or nth in warm weather. These matartalt are mama TO au. CLIMATIO4 and we are prepared to Supply orden from any part of the coun try, at short 11106 X, for °lnf.& PERMS ROOFING In rolls, ready prepared for nee, and KIM PERGRA CE MENT In barrels, with MI printed directions' for spell eatka. AGENTS WANTED. Wrwlil mate liberal and amigo:dory arrangemouta with responsible parries who would hlce to establish theta- IlelYoll in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE LASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim In faro r of oar Improved Hoofing having applied them to several thousand Roo in New York Ow and vicinity. JOHNS & CROBLEY, SOLE ILLNITFAMORICILS, 'Wholesald Warehouse 78 William St., Corner of Übe .7 Area. NEW YORK.. Ire, descriptive arculars and Prices will be, rurnished on application. oc3-dly QIIGARS Crtulited, Pulverized and Re- Ibtad, far sae by NICMO. SLa BOW MAN, lab2l Owner Front and Market streets. . PORT FOLIOS--WRMNO , RESILS. A N entire new araortment of 'these useful ar 21, tides just opened at BERONIR'S Chew Bookstore. tbitaL AYER'S S FOR, PITRIFYING TH E BLOOD _ 1 A ND for the speedy lili , joined variant:a or Diseases ` l, t ) . ni,z„ Scrofula and Scrofulous Ali Ect, ot , as Tamors, Ulcers, Pimples, Pastulea, Blabs, and all Skin ni sed. , es u.KLA L J. Q. Aran & Co., limns : I •t • edge what your Sarsaparilla has 1,, inherited a tkvornious infect. , , - in various ways for years. EL Ulcers on my hands and aris. • - ward and distressed me at the ston,a. it bro.i-o out on my head and' , ." with one sore, which ul ic '- description. I tried meuy ILE: • clans, but without mue.. re. , the disorder grew w. , rse. At , read in the Gospel Y easehger that y , alternative (gareaparillao Itr I utation that anything you ma . r „, to Onc neat! and got It„ and Wok. it, as you advise, , over a mouth, and used aln,,t healthy skin soon began to , urn u - after a while fell oil, my tk . my feelings that the disoatv hs- • You can well behove that I I tell you , that I hold you tt. t • age, and remain ever gralelLuy, , St. Anthony's Fire, Rose Of tri . Tette: and Salt Eheure 4r^ t Ringworm, Sore Eyes, b r ' Dr. Robert M. 1,„ Sep., 1869, that he ba• t.urt,l ay, which threatened to, arenas this of oar hrtratpar , lack of Malignant u, says he cures tho common r Bronchooele, Goitre or bwt—c,. Zebulon Sloan of Pr tbea of your Sarsaparilla SOUS swelling ou the uo.s, .11 over two yearg Leneorrhom or Whites, Ovar.ah Uterine Ulceration,Fem 4 , Dr. J. S. S. Chaut.iug, of " moat cheertully cutup* I, In saying 1 have loam], your , Illtertillliire It] the neaeru4r tuWi :,a.;- ploy Such a rentost but 1,1. t the Scrufulues Otallast,r, t. MUM Of fottucorrhou u) ti 1,1 • plaint was CStiotti i , Oration Ittlelt 111. S elrou r . irr .l. knowledge equal., t r &lwanl S. Marrow ,t,l N. A,o a t grotto ovarian tfria.,r 1/11 wilt 1. Wbial bail de1:2,1 all the r. ,::,,L.•.. ..... . . as length been cumptetely • u , . gisiarilla, our rhy, .t.. , tkas °wild aticrd tcitcl , out t,, Sarsaparilla as the Last rL proved edectuaJ Allot ta,,i+,,r, J I 1 I no symptom of the Syphilis and eressi,l Nrw ocr ir : Dr. 3. C. ATIR : Sir, quoit of your agent, old 1 bare rmlised With bave Clifv4l i• au .t, In w illa , nte. (Or which It ~ r c .1. effects truiy worsierlui asrial &leases. in bt thro.t, lop of his mouth.. V.. .r cured him iu titre A_ oudnry sytootorn, .c en awry a Aar.ander.... , •.• v" disorder wousi ..00L yielded to my 114121:1...• , .., ulcers Maid, au4 :,t• 4 soine tiatligurV . 4 treat.. for the .• . from this pat,. r..r - „ sensitive tA.) tan 11,41 a 11, t Cared enLraly I.y. , , know 'root 4 4 'd:a , pe, this r. A.. 1.1. m.... b. 44- With tt LA 7:` I. me. Frll44tLiiiii =NM =MORI Rheamatiam, Clout, Liver t. omplaint mara= ful chrome ish.unat sal ltal the setll of pc, +:11 r • relnedlea ; . 7 Chia bottlo ire-lore oral hoaith so mu, r. tt..l. 1 ,t.11.7 Kam attacked. I tc:rr i; a Jules Y. teetchelt, . ILIMOUId for years • . destroyed my haulm. l c thing !shed to Tell, Va • _ , down mall for aura ;, g • mall ,` for Ltro Y, ; . ; . _ Ihipb advised me to try your aeld Oa knew you, anJ an, trying. try the lifts: L young again . Th, ot:st It good thou4o." &Wirt's, Cancer Tumors, I.thar‘ra, Ulceration, Canes Fuld - the Bones. A great vanoty of aa.o . . where cures of LOW. , form . . form tho usu 01 thti rcmod,,, . . admit them. Som , of them tn • j • Can AlMlina.,, watch the 110,12, Dr • • 03 furnish gratin to all whJ,;,,, Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, F.ti sy, hielancholy, 1ie1u341.4, Many remarkable cone of ta,r. . made by the pow,r - elates the vital lute:twee jut, ;,„ OVOrcembe disorder! . Its royal. Such a remedy r. • • 0118Billts of the people, and • do for them all that med:ed].. Ayer's Cherry r'eccor'' hUH THE • r Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Bronchitis, incipient C ii suniption, and for the of Consumptive in advanced otag - ei • of the Disease Thts lea remedy so no:ver.-s .. L. •-: • other ter the cure of thr6at , useless hate to publish It.o ev, - unrivalled excellence fur cuu. wonderlul cures of puimoi,ry known throughout tip. CI7II /Ad tti • ' Few are the corm:nannies off • who have not some net , Dome living trophy their itt..tol L subtle and dangerous &sower- 6 toe ". o• • Al all know the drea hal tai.thty r, as they know, IoG, lb 0. eile.l, ,6 r : • do more than to assure them th t tow that it did have WOOL] Uhl. 11, tb • . - - won otruogly Upool: 1 toe • o • Prepared by Dr. J. C. iER Lowell tlai r i *Sold by C. A. Bannvart, C Co., J. M. Lutz, .tiCo., Armiitto4. u. every wberu. ou.l443radmv C . BANKING STOCK, BILL AND Ras been removed from to NU. 130 AlArtlihi imniuseurzo, IA. TREASURY NOTES lAKEN Al' PAL , sep24-dti RUBBER GO I I a ftabbe BallB, Rubber Watchea, liubbvr Zi CNE I BERGisrEttpAir P Fresh Ground and J_ Pepper, Alspiee, Giumenon, Nui:o NICE( IL S AC Caner k'rout awl thtt,. Pow.oi 12t15 lited ELEBRATED DANDLION t°l,F. glxids for Mar Pool and Ilarot woo. i I_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers