.... . i: . ; ; .. . •• • . • • ~.1 , ...!„ .. , ! :,, ,.. - 7 ,,_ ~ , ; 1 `, 1 . , GRA p HO , vir • _ . . _ • . .• , T-:--..: _. 7 _ 72 , - -- ---.--' .g.4.1-7-=---- 7 _ • I , , I .7.., . ~,;•,•,/ Ali A.. .4, BY GEORGE BERGNER. IH P; El, EC/ RAP PUBLISHED &VERY DAY, t iv OEURGE i3ERG-NER; rEitila---SINULA BUBSORLPTION. Ice DAILY TIONGILAND is served to subscribers in the city at 0 cents per, week Yearly subscribers Will be fcf•Ted 34 00, in advance %CURLY AND SICNI-VICNLY TALINDAPH. The TNLNORAND is aleo published twice a week during he session or the Legislature and weekly during the remainder or the year, and furnished to subscribers at ne 'Mowing cash rsteNetz : Single subscribers per year Stud- 4 Weekly..2l CA 60 Ten 41 1 —l2 Twenty 6. /6 64 ..22 00 1 Single subscriber, Weekly RATES Or ADVERTISING. mr- Four lines or lees constitute one-half square. Bight mss or more than fear constitute& square. DU Square, tmeday $026 61 one week 1 26 a one month :-.. 0: ..... i 60 fl three monthi •••• 41 00 1 If Al months.. ......... .......... 000 16 one year ..... ... . ... 10 00 One Square, ono day . . ..... ... .• • ........... 50 it one week 2 00 a one month ..... 5 00" II three months .... 10 00 if el months 16 00 44 one ye5e.z...... .. t .. ... —.20 00 Aar Business noticealiserted i . In the Lanai dislumn, or before Marriges and Deaths, EIGHT, CENTS PEE LINE for each inSertioni jar Marrigea and Deaths to be charged as regular ad vertisements Stitt tiisingutiii. POST OFFICE NOTICE- On and after May bth, 1862, the mails at this office will be closed as follows : NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. War Men—For all places between Harris burg, Lack Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.00 M. SOUTH. WAY Mn—For all places bet s ween Harria burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 12.00 M. For York, Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 900 P. M. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EMI. WAY Mau.—For all places between Harris burg and Reading, Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at ...... .7.00 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY MAIL—For all places between Harris burg and Philadelphia, at .6.80 A. N. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at -12.00 M. For Bainbridge, Mariet ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 8 16 P. M. For Lancaster, Philadel phia and New York, at 9.00 P. M. WAY Matt--For all places - -between-lfarrie burg and Altoona, at 12.00 M. For Johnstown and Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin nati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 245 P. M. For Lewistown, Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 900 P. M. !CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Oar lisle, Shippensburg, Chambersbarg, Pa., and Hagerstown; Md., at.. 7.00 A. M. WAY Marn—For all places between Harris burg and Chambereburg, at .12.80 EiIniLKILL AND SIJSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. For Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit Station, Au burn and Pottsville ' at 12.80 P. M. STAGE ROUTES. For Linglestown, Manada Hill, West Han over, Ono and Jones town, on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 7 A. M. For Lisburn and Lewis berry, on Saturday 200 P. M W'Office Hours—From 6.80 A. M. to 8 P. M., uday from 7i to 8.1 A. M., and from 8 to 4 M. GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster. WEST. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, priE attention of agriculturists is directed I_ to the followlng works, which will enable em to increase the quantity and value of eir crops by adding science and the expert ants of others to their experience : 'EPIIEN'S BOOK OF I.lltl FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way toperform them. Price....B 60 )I..EISILLN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy • 400 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 tiE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel.. 76 LEcTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 Iv. ERICAN FARMER'S new and nni- Nmwd handbook, with 400 engravings -2 60 AN EASY ItETEIOD OF MANAGING BEES, 1 1 Weeks 20 rhe Nature awl Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICU LTURALCHEHLSTRY 76 mull COWS ANL) DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter , cheese, by Flint . .. GRASSES AND FORAGE .. . 1 50 Lynch .................... . ...... .1 60 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containin g the Horse,.the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., & c ,..1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner .......... 1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS .. .... 75 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATI ON THE HORSE 1 26 BIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of llorses• 75 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at CHEAP BOOK STORE. SUGAR CURED HAMS. DRIED BEEF,SHOULDE% • BOLIRTA A USAGE: rA and bah irappinuat reeelvad S by WM. DOCK Jr., & Co. ifttbicaL DR. JOHNSON 13ALIATITVICOE1.10 LOCK HOSPITAL I, [Jr AS discovered the most certain, speedy j 1 and effetourd remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Timm IN Fax To Twlrms um& No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or,Litubs, Strictures, Affestiona of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousnese, Dyspepsy, Do pler, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pa Ipitalien of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, Di BMW of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skirt, Affec tions of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those WORST and solitary practices more fatal to the it victims then the song of :yrens to the Ifariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. Young Men &specially, who have bosoms the !victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly swoops to an untimely grave Overtime; of Young Ken or thi.most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have enhanced listening Senates with the Athena of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. . Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware or physical weakness, organic deb& ty, deformities, &0., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Auction—which renders tile misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persona are too apt to commit exoetses trom - not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lest sooner by. those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy odlipring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious hrratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, CionsOmilotul Debility, a %eating of the Frame, Clough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Len hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. iretn the corner. Pall not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc. tor'a Diplomas hang In his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury. or Nauseous Drugs, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, Grad uals from one of the most emlnentOollegee in the United Slates, mad the greater part of whose We has been spent In the bilapltals of London, Parts, Philadelphia and eine where, has effected some of the most astonishing our es that were over known; many troubled with ringing In the head and dare when asleep, great nervousness, bein g alarmed at sudden monde, bashllilnees, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured Immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses aU those Who have ininred themselves by improper indulge.ca and solitary i ts, which ruin both body and mind, uniltiln_g_them Carious' , hnsineen, study, society Or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholly effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of ilia Back and Limbs, Palm in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dys. pepsy, Nervous Irratibli V', Derangement of therngestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, am KINTAILY.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Idea; 'De pression of Spirits, Evil Forbodings, Avers!on to Society, Self Distrust, Love of nolitude, Timidity, ho., are some of the evils produced. THOUSANDS of persons of all ages can now judge what Is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young Men Who have injured themselves by a certain practice I n dulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured renders marriage hapotaible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that ayoung man, the hope of his coun try, the darling Grills parents, should be snatched irom all prospects and eejoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona =Br, before contem plating Marriage, reflect that a sound mind and body are thrijimost neces sary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through : life becomes a weary pilgrimage •, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mbid.becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholly refirctko that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he had imbibed the seeds of this painful dis ease, it too often impens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from elucation and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this borr d disease make their appearance, such as ul cerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and 'limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, facie and extremities, progressing with • frightful rapidity , till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall la, and the victim of this &wild disease become a horrid abaci. of commiseration, till death pule a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " that Undlscov• oared Country from wnence no traveler returns." It is a melancholly fast that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the nuakilfullness of Ivo tent pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o lire miserable. mers. Trust not your lives, orBtra heatth, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertiaemerds, or style themselves In the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you Willing month after moan taking their filthy and poisonousotsa compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and In despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician savertisiog. Hie credential or diplomas always hangs in his office. Ws remedies or treatment are onknowa to all others, prepared troth a life spent in the gr eat hospitals of Eu rope, the drat in the country and a more extensive Pri vate Pronto@ than any other Physician In the world. Indorsement of the Press. The many thousands cured at this institutton year al ter year, and the numerous important Surgical Opera tions perßormed by Dr. Johnson, whammed by the re porters of the .3un s " .Clipper," and many other pa pers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing's" a gentleman of character and responffibility, is a sui➢cient guarraotee tothe Chided, skin Diseases Speedily Cared. Persona writing should be particular in directing their iettersto hla Inatituticn, in the following meaner : 'TORN M. JOHNSON, M. D. Ol the &lifter° Leek Hospital, Bellmore, Md. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA IdANUFACITORY I No. 69, Market 4,ireet, bekno Third, neskuartnia, M. 8. L EE, AKANUFACTURER 01' lIMBRELIAB, iIL PANKOW and WALKING CANKg, wilt fu n gi& goods at LGWEII PEIGEB thug. can be bought In any of be slaw , „ham 00u a gry twegohants will do wall to all and examine prices and goillty,iandlloOnvinoe them igieept thhomt , mme-er. • HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1862. New 2tbvtrtistnunts PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Embracing all the newlltylekand Sizes. ALBLIIIS FOB 12 PHOTOG . ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. q„ • ~~ : : 1/1~ e : ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUM FOB 40 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOB 50 PHOTOGRAPHS Prices from Seventy-tive Cents To Twenty-ltve Dollars BOUND IN CLOTH, wrrs CLASP. BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH rwrm BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO prrm BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH pVlzoimomowloal Kell/ Pp 11.. 1114 qua v : •I'MV RICH. BOUND .IN MOROCCO, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND CL ASPS PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. :PORTRAITS' OF DISTINGITISSED MEN. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUIRSED WOMEN. ORME OF RARE ENGRAVINGS. COPIES OF- CHOICE PAINTINGS &Any arm de Tunis published in the country Will be furniShed to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size nut in the standard styles will be. made to order BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT FOR the safety of olneameire, we haye established a Col Oil Depot at the corner of Fro n lull Market streets. All our oils are testedvind we posi tively will none except such as prove to be nort-explosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the followlegjustly celebrated brands. Mag nolia, Rothman, Nabrona and Leaser, lower than can be purchased elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail. "IWO an extensive usortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Mass Cones, Aurners, &o. We will also ehauge fluid or camphene ' lamps, so as to be !sad for coal sal. Call and satisfy yourselves at maw& &BOWMAN, aprll Corner of Front and Market street. PROF. ADOLPH P. TRUPSRR. WOULD respectfully inform his 010 patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructionken the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and alsolhatie science of THOROUGH BASS. lie. will ietti pleasure wait upon pupils at their Domes at any hour. desired, or lessons will be given a his residence, in Third street, a few doors below lb German Reformed Church. PORT FOLIOS I WHIM Dlt' 4 4lN, TRAVELING BAGS, PUMA PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE BLACKING 1 TVIABON 'S "CHALLENGE BLA.OKING I too GrOild,,a9sollod reoill Veil, and for ease at, Wholesale prices, dell • Wit DOCK, Jr., k Co. SOAP, Harrison, Country and Fanoy, for Bale by & 130Watert. nen-y] oort&-east, corner of Front and Market atroota. DTERSIVE 60AP, sontetning better than Harrison's Household Stomp, just received and tor sale by NICEMS & BOWMAN, Je2 Corner Front and Market streets. ICE CRIUM idancers, Philadelphia style, for sale by NICHOLS & BuW&L&N. my2B corner front and Market streets. SALAD OIL. A . Arge supply of fresh Salad Oil, in Lego and small bottles, and of different brands ion received cud for aide I WY. DOCK, Ja. a CO. EXPBAFamily Flour, just received and warranted to love satisfaction, for sale by NICHOLs & iloWn A k, my 22 02111.31 of Front aint Market street.' DIME Uider Vinegar, warranted, just A. received and for side by NIOHOL4 Ac BOWMAN, my2B Corner Front and Market streets. SIIPERIOR Dandelion Coffee, just re received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o3 Corner Front and Market streets. V.OOO OPurwdU ' for sale ir low e wrjit r e Or total b „ WM. MOH JR., &CO • 41AK - 19tt'd Chocolate and Cocoa, also AJP Reeßer's Farina, for sale b 7 _ EMMA & BOWMAN, fr og - Vernet peat and Market streets COAL OIL, .Netreflat Magna* Lucifer, mud ober naboxplocre bret,A o saie low by Pll~leb2 ' - • Coker Fecal and lintel saeogo, lUiuufanwui FREIGHT. REDUCED I HOLUM & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORT & QUIN ROUTE TO AND FROM " .NEWYORK. Goods Ordered in the Morni.ng Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7i P. M., by the Fist Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg it 4 B A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order - Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 162 Bioadway, New York For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agent. Iliiutetermir,' Aug: 1861.-dtf UNA-CON a .6,s r. A.UttA,NT, BILLTATI AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR leueTß. THE subscribers havirg erected a larg building at the above place, expreedly for the purp see above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub- Ihrto the, following : Tan ftwastras.vr, on the first floor, with a dining room attaohed, is fitted up in Orsi.olass style, and it will at all times be suppled with the beat OYSTERS to be bad, in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish and all kinds of game in season: Oysters served np In every style, and meals to be had at all hours. - The Mee of all the celebrated breweries In the country- constantly on hand. The Ten-pin Alley, or. Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and wonting three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthresercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is tip-stairs—elegantly tined up, antleontains three marble top combination onebion ta bles, equal to any made. kierriaburg hes long fait the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determined to pondbee quletandorderly manner, and de. rytning power 10 make ibivirsentonabkv rer they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. jab-dtt WIWASI 0. McFADDBN & 00. COAL COAL ! ! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. 0. D. FOBSTER, OFFICE and yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Retail dealer In 3izEVAR2OR,. WLLEEIREARRE, zrz.zivs VALLEY, BI7NBURY and • - BROAD TOP COAL. Families and dealers may rely upoix obtaining a Bret rate article, and fall weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $2, and $2 AO per ton. • Harrisburg, April 18..d1y GREAT ATTRACTION. CALL. at No: 75 Market Street, where you will .end a largo and well selected stook of plain andlancy Confectionery of all kinds. A groat va riety or toys of every description, Ladles' Work Stands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fruits, Nate, Delos and all other articles generally kept In a confectionery and toy store. Receiving trash supplies every week. Cali and examine fur yourselves. WM. H. WAGGONER, sprlB4l6in ' Proprietor. STEAM BOILERS, "SAVING made efficient and permament 1. arrangements for the purpose, we are new. pre. poop to make STEAM BOILERS of every kind, prompt ly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Brother, the reputation or which is second to nose in the market. . None bathe beet hands employed. Repairing prompt ly attended to. Address; BACall WORKS, my22ly Harrisburg. Pg. SCHEIFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goode, Per ftunery, &o. 'Also agents for the sale of Relined Petroleum, Illuminating Gll , superior LO any coal oil • furnished in any quantities at the lowest marizet rates. 170 and 172 William .dtreet, a27d6m]. NEW YORK. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S B UNRIVA LT:ED GOLD PENS , r:aI:PENS in the world, for 75e, $l. 25 11 60, SS, 13, and SI, for sale at febl s -9 SCIDIFFEWS Bookstore. VANILLA BEANS, • NATE are offering for sale a splendid quality of Vanilla Dean at low prices, by the pound, ounce or singly.. KELLER'S DRUG sTORR, 91 Market Street. HAY I HAY I I ASUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at an 00 per too for side by °blB JAMES /I.WHICELBIt FLY PAPER. FANCY COLORED Pazer, ready oat, for covering 'looking alansee, Picture Eames, &c. Union and other new patterns for ode at fiILINGNXB'S OHEa' 13001inTORI. CIDER HI VINEGAR 11 l VI - ADE from choice and selected Apples AUL d guantateed by ua to be strictly pure. WM. DOCK & CO 17i1NE lot of Messina Oranges and other 1 Foreign Fruits, Just received and for sale by Maims & BO WMAN'S, corner Front and Market streets myl9 BIRD Fountains and Seed Boxes, Ca nary anti Hemp seed fur sale by bIIOIIOL4 k BOWMAN, mylo Corner Front and Market streets. FAMILY WASHING BLUE, an .axmil lent substitute for Indigo, for ea In 011ie wholesale and retail grocery Morita' NICHOLS lk BOWMAN; - , . . comer of Front and Market streets: • EWBOLD RAMS.—A small lot of *we fdebogoa Ems jut receivid. PPr 2 i 4 W. DOCK, Jr., & CO. Ely Ettegrao. A Draft at Savannah. Georgia Pc triotism at a Low. 1116—Ludicrous Scenes. A Savannah correspondent of the Charleston Courier furnishes an amusing description of the scene which ensued on the occasion of a draft for four hundred men in Savannah, to oomplete a requisition for troops, the requisite number not having volunteered. Fifteed hundred of the business men and mechanics of . the city were drawn ap in a hollow square on the pa. rade ground, all in a high state of excitement, when the following proceedings took place: " The Colonel now takes hie place in the centre, and from the back of the magnificent horse, in a i few well timbered remarks, calls for volunteers. He said It was a shame that a Georgian should submit to, be drafted,, and dis honorable to a citizen of Savannah to be forced into the service of his country. He appealed to their patriotism, their pluck, and their— pelf. He' old them of good clothes, good liv ing, and fifty dollars bounty; and on the strength of these considerations, invited every body to walk three paces 'ln front. Nobody did it. An ugly pause ensued, worse than a dead silence between the ticking of a conversation. The Colonel thought he might not have been heard or understood, and repeated his catalo gue of persuasions. At this point, one of the sides of the square opened, and in marched a company of aixint forty 'stalwart Irishmen, whom their Captain, in a loud and exultant tone announced as." The Mitchell Guards ; we volunteers, Colonel, in a body." The Colonel was delighted- He proposed three cheers for the Mitchell Guards, and the crowd indulged not inordinately in the pulmonary exercise.— The requisite number did not seem to be forth coming, however, and the Colonel made anoth er little speech, winding up with an invitation to the black drummer and fifer to perambulate the quadrangle and play Dixie, which they did, but they came as they went—solitary and alone ; not the ghost of a volunteer being any where visiable in the Ethiopian wake. The Colonel looked as block as if he was getting desperate, and a draft seemed indispensable. As a Bernier resort the Colonel directed all who had excuses, to advance to the centre and submit them for examination. Did you, ever see a crowd running away from a falling build ing at a fire, or toward a dog fight or a street show t If you have, you can form some idea of the tempestuous nature of the wave that swept forward to the little table in the centre of the square, around which were gathered the four grave gentlemen who were to examine the documents. It was a scene which, swim unin terested outside; one Gould only , hold his sides and laugh at. - Hats were crushed, ribs punch eit'lichifif dashed ana" dothaf atrerhaq ftwinagfall' bit - Orpaier, from the begrimed digits of the individual just from a stable or a foundery to the dainty gloved ex tremity of the dry goods clerk, just frcim his counter. Young and old, rich and poor, neat and nas ty, Americans, Englishmen, Irishmen, Ger mane, Frenchmen, Italians, sraelites and Gen tiles, all went to make up the motley mass.— What a pretty lot of sick and disabled individ uals there were to be sure. Swelled arms, limping legs, spine diseases, bad eyes, corns, toothaches, constitutional debility in the bread basket, eruptive, diseases, deafness, rheuma tism, not well generally—these and a thousand other complaints were represented as variously and heterogeneously as by any procession of of pilgrims that ever visited the Holy Land. And so the day progressedanearly ten hours being consumed in the endeavor to secure a draft. This afternoon the absentees were gath ered together, and the efforts renewed, when, strange to say, every man who found the lia bility imminent of his being forced to enlist, protested that he was just on the point of do ing so, and willingly put his name to the roll. An Act igainstTraitos in Nashville. The following bill has been passed by the City Councils of Nashville: ABill to Suppress and Prevent Rebellion, Sedition and Breaches of the Peace. Whereas, All persons residing or being with inl the corporate limits of the City .of Nash-1 ville, owe allegianee to the municipal laws, government and good order thereof ; therefore, no language, act or conduct should be allowed, calculated to incite rebellion, or sedition, or offend loyal citizens.- Therefore, be it (mooted by the City Council, SECHON 1. That the city laws passed the 16th August, 1848, on page 197, cb., I. sec. 1, be and the same are hereby so amended, that who ever shall be guilty, within the limits of the corporation of the city aforesaid of uttering se ditious words or speeches, spreading abroad false news, or dispensing scandalous libels against the corporation, aforesaid, or .the gov ernment of the United States, or of obstructing any lawful officer of said corporation in me outing his office, or of instigating others to do so, or inciting, byword, deed or act, others to cabal and meet together to contrive, incite or suggest rebellion, conspiracies, riots, or any other unlawful fends or differences, thereby to stir people up, maliciously to contrive the ruin and destruction of the peace, safety- and good order of the corporation aforesaid, or the gov ernment of the United States, or shall know ingly conceal such evil practices or harbor or conceal, or assist any disloyal citizen who has been or is now a member of the confederate army, who returns to said corporation as a spy or agent for said Confederacy, or any person engaged in the same, or shall use any language calculated in its nature to deter or embarrass any citizen from being or:becoming a loyal cit izen of the United States. A violation of this act shall be a high misdemeanor, and upon conviction before the Recorder of said corpora tion, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than twenty-fivenor more than fifty dollars. SEG. 2. It shall be, and is hereby made the special duty of the City Marshall, his deputies, and each of the night policemen, to diligently inquire into all violation of the first section of this act, and to arrest and take before the R e . corder, for trial, every such person suspected o a violation of this act. W. P. ' , TOMES, President of Common Council. M. M. President Board of Alderme,n. Approved June 10,1862. JOHN HUGH SMITH, Mayor. PRICE ONE CENT. BY TELEG ' B. [Arm.°Osiackt.—ln consequence of the tele graph wires being out of order, and working badly, and a great amount of government des patches occupying the wires during the night, we are unable to give our usual telegraphic re ports this morning.—Ens.] CAPTURE OF A REBEL MAIL. - Menesses, June 17 While a few soldiers were hunting for de serters yesterday in the vicinity of Culpepper, they suddenly came upon a rebel mail carrier, who was endeavoring to conceal himself in the woods. He was immediately arrested, after a slight resistance, and taken to headquarters at this place. A large quantity of letters to prominent officers in the rebel service, many of which contain valuable information, were found in the mail bag ; also, $lO,OOO in Con federate bonds. The carrier sapthis name is Granville W. Kelly, that he resides near Cul pepper, and•owna a plantation there. ARRIVAL OF. THE STEAMER COSSACK NEN , / Your., June 18. The steamer Cossack has arrived from New bern, N. C., .with dates to the 16th. She brings a number of sick and wounded soldiers, in charge of Dr. Upham. Among the wounded are Adjutant Horton and Lieut. Jarvis, of the Twenty-ninth Massachusetts. SAILING OF THE PERSIA. Nsw Yoax, Jane 18 The R. M. steamer Persia eailed to-day for Liverpnol. Among her passengers were Charles E. Ri Kortright, H. B. M. Coma at Phila delphia; Mrs. Rortright, J. Gillingham Fell, William S. Lewis and a number of other Phil adelphians. THE STEAMER OH NA AT NEW YORK New Yeas, June 18 The steamer China arrived at this port to-day at noon. A summary of her advices has al ready been published, which was received via Cape Race. XXXVIEth Congreas--First Session. Weenie Tom, Jane 18 SENATE. Mr. Bauw, (Ohio,) presented the petition of citizens of Ohio, for the enlargement of the Me and Oswego Caual",...• Mean. OIIANDLIM, =WILED ' Fours'. 4WD Souza presented petitions for the immediate pawns of a bankrupt act. Mr. Gums, (lowa,) from the Naval Commit tee reported back the bill for the better gov ernment of the navy. Mr. Ten Eyck, (N. J.,) presented the petition of a civil engineer, of Trenton, N. J., asking a test of a new and improved military projectile. Mr. HALE, (N. H.,) from the Naval Commit tee, reported a bill for the relief Commodore Hiram Paulding. Passed. MIL GRIME offered a resolution, declaring that in the opinion of the Senate, it is the right and duty of the government to call all the loy al persons within the rebellion to ite armed defence against the traitors who are seeking its overthrow. Laid over. Mr. SAULIIBESET, (Del.) offered a joint resolu- tion adjourning Congress on the 30th day of June. Laid over. Mr. HALE introduced a bill relative to our further enlistment in the army. The bill pro vides that when it is necessary to make fur ther enlistments, the President is authorized, by proclamation, to call on all persons, with out distinction of lace, color or condition. It further provides that every slave enlisted under such proclamation, shall be ever thereafter free, and entitle him to all the privileges, bounties, etc., like other soldiers. Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Powsm, (Ky.,) introduced a bill to pro hibit members of Congress and officers of the government of the United States taking a con sideration for Drocnriag contracts from the gov ment. tteferred. A Banquet in a Sewer On Monday afternoon, at the invitation of Mr. W. Webster, the contractor for carrying out that portion of the metropolitan main drainage from Deptford to the outfall at Erith, the members of the Greenwich District Board of works, and about five hundred inhabitants of the locality, proceeded to inspect the line of sewer previous to its being handed over to the Metropolitan Board. About twelve o'clock the company assembled in front of St. Alphade Church, Greenwich, the band of Volunteer Rifles being in attendance ; and the descent, which occupied some time, having been accom plished by means of a long ladder, a novel scene was presented. The immense archway of brickwork, the radius of which is struck from a centre of bft. 9in., giving lift. bin. in the clear, or diameter, and of circular form, had been provided with a temporary floor for a dis tance of about one mile, and was lighted on both sides with lamps. The refreshment tables were abundantly supplied. The moat interest ing portion of the proceedings was the presen tation of a testimonial from the inhabitants of Greenwich to Mr. Webster. The chair was oc cupied by Mi. Brixton,M. P., who presented the address to Mr. Wbster, and observed that the sewer in which the large number before him assembled was, In his opinion, one of the greatest engineering works of modern times. A similar testimonial was presented to Mr. Jennings, agent to the contractor, who ac knowledged the same in suitable terms. Sev eral toasts were duly honored and addresses delivered, and after remaining underground about two hour the company ascended.---Lort don Alumina. MARLI.TB BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, June 18. Flour steady-10,500 bbls. sold. Wheat firm and scarce—sales unimportant. Corn firm —48,000 bus. sold . at 5240f3cte. Beef dull. Mess pork unchanged. Lard firm at 7114€1. ) Whisky firm, but unchanged--salesat 2601 liecelpu3 of flour 11,509 bbls., and wheat 1 bushels.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers