THE TELEGRAPB iS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 3-v . GEORGE BERGNER Sonnothsnom. iee flans TOLIGRAPEI is served to subscribers to cli:, at ti o, , bis per week Yearly subscribers (10, in advance TailtnicArn else published twice a week durini.. 01 the Legislature and weekly eerier the el the year , and furnished to subscribers at deicing cash ..,ogle subscribers per year Semi- week ly ..S1 60 ti ..11 6.0 . twenty " t 1 On -mule subscriber, Weekly , 1 00 ma Law OF NIUWIIPArIak. Ii subscribers order the dlscoutinuance of their news papers, the publleher may continue to send them until ill arrearagee are paid. I subscribers neglect or refuse to take their lewepa . ere from the °Moe to ha whic s et t l ed t ethe directed ordered, they are responsible until they vebills them discontinued. Mitt riiustrinti. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "MO '1 Y DONCENTPA rzr," Ulan lIND FLUID EXTRACT BMW; A poouro and Sfaicide Remedy For i+kemee or the 'MADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and :/dOPSICAL SWELLINGS Mi. Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and credo the ABSORBENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATTIMY OR CALOAREOLTS deposiNgtui, and all TIN. NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are r~, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION and Is good for MEN, womEri on CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S BXTRAO7BLICIBII, For Weaknesses rhOns from EsteSemi, Habits of Dissipation, Ear'nisi. discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to HiattOn, Loss of Power Less of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,Trembling, Horror of Disase, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back. Universal LassitudoOf the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing Of tile Body, Dryness of tLLID he Skin IN TENANOEEruptions cm tlict Face. PA G, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med kind invariably removas, soon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC BI TS , IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES,” "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their eniferlng, BUT NONE WILL CONFErifi. THE RECO kDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melanchdy Deaths by Consumption, MR AMPLE wrisem SO THE lam or re: ASSERTION THHCONSTITOTI ON ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Hemisom's EXTRACT BUM invariably doe TRIAL WILL CONVICS VIA MOST aItirIICLAL. FEMALE?-FEMALES-FEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFTLCTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES the Extract Ruche is unequalled by any other remedy, es in Oblorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppressio nof Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, f o eucortima Whites, Sterll, ity, end for all complaints incident to the sex, Whether arising front Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR ORANGE' OP LIFE. Sit SIIIPIONIS ♦BOYS NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I TANI NO ROAN BLAILAN., MWVYY, oa trarmaserr :Maw tan YON ONPLIAHANI AND DANOVROUS mama. RELMBOLD'a EXTRACT ECCEITT mass SECRET DISEASES. In all their Singes, At little Expense ; Utile or no change in Diet ; No inoonvenienea; And no Noporstre. It cams a frequent desire and given strength to Urinate, thereby reaming obetrUCINIII. Proreovog anti Curing Strictures Of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imtiammation, so frequent in the dare of tillthiSes, and expelling all roirionotss, &sassed and worn-out Matter. THOVBAOMEI emir TEMANDB It NO SAVE BEEN INN VICTIMS OP QUACKS, and who have paid num PM to be cured is a. abort time, have found they were deceived, and thatthe "PUL. FON" has, by the use of "PORIFOUL ABTRINGCSIMI, " been dried up in the system, to break. out in an aggravated form, and PERIL4PB AFTER MARELAGIL Use Bannon:lN li'rnuor Buono for all affections and dneesios of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatovor cause originating and no matter of ROW LONG STANDING. Diseases QI these Organs require the aid of DIORBTIO HigailßOLD , 9 =TRACT BOCK() I 3 THE GREAT 1)/171=03, And is certain to Wore the desired effect in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT LI RECOMMENDED. Reidence of the mast reliable and rerparuftile alutraCter will accompany the teedieen• CERTIFICATES OF CURES, , from 8 k• 20 yearn nandirey, WITU NANIS KNO*N ro SCIENCE AND FAKE. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $0 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obeer vation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gentle AFFIDAVIT. Pareonallyuppeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Ptaladelphl4, 11. T. lisiraforM, woo being duly sworn, Both say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table R. T. HILMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 28i Oat of No .ember, 18M. WM. P. RIBBERD, Affermin, Ninth St. above Race, PhDs. address letters for information in confidence to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South. Tenth St, bet. Otlestnnt, PEla, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Wno endeavor to dispose "OF TRIM OWN" and i. OTHIR" A.imase ON TM IMPUTATION ATTAIN= NY aelmbOld% GEONINIOOpiIYaIIOO e, " Luria Bu - h n, Sarsaparilla, Improved Rose Wash. Sold by O. 6, t, eller, D. W. Orem, J. wgeux, C; iv. deenvart. AND ALL DROOFIST3 BrEzetwitzaz. ASK FOR HELEBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. ( L. ut out the adverttroment and send tor it, AND AVOIDIBPOSSITON AND UPOSUBE. envlli•dly A. C, SMITE, ATTORNEY-AT-L.9:W/, OFFICE THIRD BTREETi mylOy) NEAR MARICKT. THREE CENTS PER PAPER. OUR freshstook of: Superior Flower and Oa den Seeds we have determined to Sell at h.ea cents per paper. Cell at No. 91 Starke' street, aeller's drug and fancy store, and you will get to the right place. J. Wesley Jones' line double Asters and ten week Stocks at same price. CItOSS & BLACKWELL'S Celebrated PICKLES, SAUCES, PEESEEVZi, &a„ &c. a large stivoky or the above, embracing every variety, just re. OWtl for sale by [ lc] WM. DOCK, Jr., & 04. B EAuTIFUL TISSUE PAPhR, FOR covßritg Looking Glasses,. Pinture BMWM, ernalunting Ceiltllgg, trilninita.h." DellPrir , an d nut s° lIS 10 11MR OVOr strings Ilt the ----- ' etars, points, oiraes or fteunns. Vor sale A =YU ii tußngft'S BOOKSTORE. SOLDIER'S Cantr C OM PA N ION. —.4 very convenient Wrium g Day, , Vo 48 . , portion, * Memorandum Books, rtmoonmes 4,, ~t nVM scuEFriws BOORTME: GARDEN REEDS.—duet received a large invoice of eludes Garden .:,,erde—ootoprisful a greater variety of imported and home growth titan Les e ver been offered in this city. These who ro " desire to purchase, can depend upon getting th e I ," the world, at the wholesale and retail grocery store o r _ DOOR, da. & CO. REsll invoice of Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa nit's, Dates, Rados &0. , , for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner front sad Market streets. loy• z C ti)AR Ware and Willow Ware; oon slating of Cburns, Tabs. Buckets, o! BO kinds for IS by . NICHOLS & BOWMAN, vitt --.._____„Cornerof Prime and Market streets. UTTER, Water, Soda and Sweot Crack era, at JOHN Wia:E'S. my' • lURKISEUNES, choice article , Utit received for sale low by NICIIOLS at iKrinfAlft Garner Front & Mutat IltrOts. gm tiYERIOII Quality of Imperial and MAct xca, for soh by NIOBOLS & BOWX&N. ' marp Onuer Prgai awl Markin *OIL tunjita VOL. XVIII. glib tai. DR. JOHNSON ISALLTI"JUIDIDXLMI LOCK HOSPITAL! rjAS discovered the most , certain, speedy A 1 and aflame remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE: IWO IN ME TO TRIM HOOTS.. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back Or ‘ idirobr, Btriettires, Afibetititts of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im poteney„General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, lan guor, LAIr Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitailen of the Heart, Timidity, Trembllngs; 'Direness of bight or Giddl nese, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, affix tions,of this Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible dhlorders ariMug from the Solitary Habits of Youth —thole agOarr and solitary praabOaa more fatal to their victims than the song or t yretui to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, ka., imposaible. Young Men gspoolally, who have become the Victims of Solltary Vice, thet dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men or the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wbo Might otherwise have entranced' listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. • Manktge. Married Persons; or Young Men , contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic 40111- v deformlnes, Sm., speedily cured. Be whit plaCles himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as aPhysichui. Organic Weakness immediately Cured, and hill vigor Restored. This distressing difectlon--which renders 1 ifamisem ble and marriage impossible—hi the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences.. Young perstan.are too apt to contain aromas from not , being aware of the dreadful oomiequences that may ensue', Neeei who that understands thesubJeot will pretend to deed , that the pow er of procreation is lest sooner e y , those falling Into Im proper habits thin by the prudent Besides - bdng de prived the pleasures of healthy el:Reprint ;the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions :Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibillty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Cbushintiona Debility, a Waging of the Frame Cough, Consumption Decay and Death. Office, N0..7 Sout h Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a tew door. !rem the oorner. not to observe nom and nuinber. Letters must be paid and contain, a stamp. The Doe tor's Diplomas hang in his cake. A Cure Warrintei in Two 103. No Mercury or Zfainsous Drugs, Dr. jamb, ' Member of the Royal Oollege or OUrgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most emlnentOollegesin She United States, sad the greater part of Whom lite-has been spent in the hospiteht of London, Parts, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled' Wild ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed al sudden sounds, bashfulness,: with &Squeal blushing, attended sometimes with dery gement of mind were cured timaadtately.._ Take Particular NOiloe. , Dr. J. *Actresses ail - those who balm tO)tired themselves by improper Indnigeoce and solitary habits, Which rota both body and mind, Witting thorn for either Madness, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melanoholly effect' pro.. (Wed by early habits of yatith, via: Weakness of the Dank and Limbo, Pains in the Head, Dirtiness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Pial talk:on Of the heart, Dys popsy, Nervous Irratibibty, of thoDlgestive rtundions, General Debility, Symptonm of Consumption, dm • 'lfairmux.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loos of Memory, ponfusion of Ideas , De piwnion of Spirits,Svil Forbodings, Aversion to society, Self Distritst, Love of holltude, Tidily , &c., alb some of the evils produced: • TROIMAXD3 of personsof all ages can now. Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming wash, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance &boy:ditto eyes, cough and symptoms of eonsumption. Young Ken Who have injured themselves by a certain practice to dnlged in When alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companimui, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not curet renders marriage impossible, and Mistroya both mind'and body; should apply immediately. • What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling of his parent!, should be snatched from all prospects. a rid enjoyments of gib, by the cOntequence or devia4g from the AM of pature &Rd indulging in a certain soarst habit. auoti persons =Et; before contem plating Marriage, refloat that a mound mind and body are thejlimost name my requisites to promote.eonnubtal happineas Indeed, without ibis., the journey, through Ufit,beciemds a weary pilgrimage ; dui prospect hourly: darkens to 'the view ; the mind becomes Shadowed with despair and filled with the selantsholly »Motion that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own... . ; , Disease of-Imprudence. .- When the infrgutded and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful dis ease, it too often **ens that ail tll-timed sense of shame or dread et dbleovery, deterwhim from applying to Mose who, from °intuition and rinpeotabWty, can atone be friend hhn, delaying till the conatitutional symptoms on this herr d Mesa* 'matt their ',appears:toe, each as ul cerated sore thwe'd„ Washed -nate, nocturnal pains in the bead end limbs, disinelo! of Siltiti neatness, nodes' on the shin bones and /0171$4,blotches on the head, fare and extremities, progreletong with' frightful rapidity, till at lost the palate of the mouth et the bones - of the nose fail is, and the victim aphis awful disease become a horrid objector com e n tr ron, **death - pits period to his dreadful Bull ; by' mendinirhon to , t that Urdiscov oared Country. in whelice no traveler returns." It is a elefeesiony Tact that thousands fall victims to Ibis terrible datease, owing to the unaltilfolturea of too -1 rant pretenders, who by the Vie of that Deadly Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution 'sod make the `resider o tile miserable. - g tp, to ers. Trustriot your trees Stran or ileal the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretender;, destitute °lnflow ledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Jobeee e re a d ver _ yertnements„ or „ style themselves in the newspapers, r eg t e ex ii gidiidatd Inrisclable of Outing, they keep you trifling mon* after month titling their filthy and potsonoosnras cOMPOonda, or as long as the smallest ibe ran bo °Melted, and in despair leave Ton with ruin= ad health to Sigh over your galling . disappolnlinent. DE ;Johnson is the only Physician advertising.. His credential or diploma; always bangs in his race. Xis *manes or treatment are unknown to' all othera, iweellarid &Cm a life wen' is the gr Cat hospitals of Eu rope, thelton in the country and a more 'extensive Pri vate Practice than 'Any other Physioian in the world. • . Indorsement of the. Press. The•many Matisaucts cured at tlus , itualtutten year ar teryear, and the numerous impertant, Surgical Opera tions pitibrieed by Dr . , ToluipbFfititoesgeed by the to porters of the "Bun," ' "Clipper," and many other pa. pees; notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides lds•stabding as a gentleman of character ead,rwonaibility, 'is a sufficient guarrautee tothe ¬ed:- skin Dieeauterbpeed.Ay. Cured. Persons writimt should be paritiscilarili direating their letters to hta Illakinnant In the :folloning innlninr : Joins" M. JOHNSON, M. D. Ot the BalthaOre Lack awns], Baltimore, WHOLESALE LEMBRELLA. 14it1TuFACITOIY I No. 69, Market Street below nird , ; RARltlaßrad, wk. l a M . s.LEE 3 IUA.NUFACTURER OF lIMBRE LAB Aix PAROOLS and WALKING CANE% w ill farnial t i be pod srit flt L67lt Plaaglilibiui can be boned in any of iOre ti to. - CignitY .merchanla We to - Well t o all Winetamlite Prima and doantrlialidtOnvinoct them "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THILGS-N.EUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG; PA.. SATURDAY .AFTERNOON, JUNE 21, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, a full supply of FAmbracing all the new. Styles and -Sizeis ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. • ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS Prices trom Seventy-tive Cents 130UND . IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN MINCH MOROCCO, WITH BOUND IN TURRET MOROCCO, WITH. TWO BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, „WITH BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY BOUND IN MOROCOO, .*ITH HEAVY ICTURES FOR:PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. PORTRMI3 OP DISTII.TGIM3I]D MEN ROBTRAkUB OF I)IBTINGIIIEEIED:WOMEN. .COPIES: OP VHOICIE PAINTINGS. Any Oats de Table published in the county will be furnished to :order.) Of any size not in the etwidard styles will be made toprder. HARRISBURG GOAL OIL DEPOT. lOOR the safety of Onnakuoere,.we have £ established a Cpl OD Depot a; the powir of Fro ue ani Market streets. All our Obi are tested and we posi direly roll none except smokes prove to be non.erkosive, clear and free from odor as far as practieable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated brands. !Mag nolia, Robinson, Nabrona and Lucifer, lower than can be pnrehasea elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or .. retail. Also an attetutive antortment of , Leimps, Chim ney.; Shades, Glass Cones, Barna* in.. We. will also change fluid or campheoe lamp; ter , as to .b Wed for coal oaf. Call and satisfy yotwael yes at . smois & Bovemair, &pal Corner otrffroidend Market street.- .PROF;` ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, t i IrOVLD rospeoffifily .inform his' oA sy . patron,' and Shed4onor gooorilly, that he continue to give instrud/ons on the .1"41.40 !OWE, ME. LODICON, VIOLIN and also in the science of 'THOIWIUGE BANS. Be will w'th plalisuro walt upon pupils et! then homes at any hOur SNOW, or Winona will be even" his residence, in' Third street, v few deer" • below at, German Reforroqi Church_ - • • • • deran-s to PORT FOLIOS 1 '[)[BITING DESKS, VII TRAVELING BAft . i PURSES, ,-, POBTMONLIES, X And a generaZassorianent of ' TJ FANCY GOODS , have just.beenzeceived at :‘ WEGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. , ' BLACKING 1 ASON'S "011ALLENGEBLAaING Immo Groan, maim& *alsee,joat reeelved, an 4 t me at Wholesale pFleee, dell WM. DOCK, Jr., &Om • , , . QOA.P, Harrison, Conniu and Fancy, fOr bale by. aromas's, sowmAs, mS7-y] narthinat'corneiof bout and Market stree*:. DETERSIVE SOAP, something better then Harrison's Household Saap„just noels* and toe sale by mums &BOWMAN,. je2 Corner Front and Mirka streets. lOE CRUM kiancersiPhilacielphia style for sale by NICHOLS BOWMAN. my2B corner Front and Market meats. • . A ''trige supply of frish Salad Oil. in ZIL large :ind mall tattoo, lad of different biandit lust reoedved sod lea We by WM. DOCK, i le. CO. A. . EXTRA Family j Flour, uat recared and warranted to give satiatudion, for aa3e bT NICHOLS it BOWMAN, • inyg2 04.ner of front and Market street: DURE Cider Vinegar, warranted , just received and ter Bale by . NIC er W R4l 4 114; ' .. , . QIIPERIOIi Dikkcielion Coffee, just re . LI received and for sale by • WORMS & BOWMAN,. • mos Corner Front and Market...streets: 6.00 POUNDS Extra /Time klugar Oared Hillwaor sale vary low 111wIteale or Vitali by; 1)00K JR.. woo itisxsto4 .pi/odoista N and&lso Irecacees FM* tbr isale by ° ' Kr NI um & BOWYLN, (7 ,149 r /oaf ..Market dreaft• CIOAL OIL, Natrona, Magnolia, Lucifer; e;:j ether non-explosive brands, for Bale low by Aft 1 4 11 : ... t , 1/091:11¢N,i IZT7lntqlkl-rl.lll. NtrP 2ibtlertistmtnts. ... • Just received, at BERGNER'S BOOS STORE, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, ALBUMS. FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS AI4B1:90 FOR (50 PHOTOGRAIIII3 To Twenty-Hve Dollars CLASP CLASPS PANELLED BIDES BIM MOUNTINGS. AND CLASPS COPIES Or BARE ENGRAVINGS PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, BERGNER'S {Cheap Bookstore. SALAD 0 littotap c b. fiUi tlancyxri FREIGHT REDUCED ! HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORt:i.,.'QUICIROUTE TO AND FROM NE W V.0"1..K. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New "frork at 71 P. M., by the Past Throngb r ipEpresa titan; arriving in Harrisburg atitt A: It ' WITHOUT, CHANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EIPRESS CO, General Office, 182 Broadway, New York For further information enquire of GEO. BEEGNEB, Again. liaarossuro, 49g. 1861.-dit - 1151 ON' RESP CT, aA. Ai T, . . `BILT TAB 1 ) AND. BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR .FIFTE. 12 .„ E subscribers erecte d ,a e T batlding at the above place , g, Wisely for the pure o. see above Indicated; beg to call the attention of the pub. 110 to!the followings • SiletAbittifi, 911.410 Ana Homy wittt it dialog room attacked, is fitted up In first-class style, and it wUI at all' tinassebe suppled With MO best OUTERA to be Matto the Atlantic cities, together with terrapbt, fish, and all kindiregame In season. Oysters served up in'every style; apt meats to be had Mall hours. The' Ales or all the celebrated bievrerles in the country oonetantly on bands,- ThO Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and ottetahte'threo alleys of modern onnstrootion, Where the lov ers of this healthy eIfIICISO can enjoy themselves. Thellilliard . Mahon is upstahn—elegantly Sited up, d Sontains threasnarble top combination cushion Wes, signal allrenlifdantor.,,aAlgatgLogobblt '• on thli glad, as the proprietors are determiaitc. 10 (101aciet it in lc what end Wetly =inner., and do Cfie rything in their power to nuke it klheotenable ,res ort, 'they hope torooedve a liberal shareut plotter patronage. isa-Ar WILLIAM O,MorADDIN a 00. COAL I COAL I I $5, AND $2 2& PER TON OF 2,000 LBs. O. D. FORSTER, O.tFICIS and yard on the Canal, foot of North street trholeasle sod Retail dealer in 277.14719ZZ0N, A •• LIKENS' • VAWY • I • swesuar and. BROAD TOP 00. Ale famines . and dealers nay, rely , uper; obtaining a first rate article; inn. fll weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attendecito: Minna dificonat nixie to par nhasersipaying Ibr the coal wbert'otilered: Pratient price, s2,.and $2 60.ber.ton. burg, Apra 18.-dly • GREAT ATTRACTION CAIL at No. 1,5 Market Street, where ifia will Had a large and well : Bela:led stook of plain andlansy Couresstionery of al, _ . i kinds. e : great va• riety otieys es every denniption, Mulles' Wort Stands and Finny Baskets, For Fruits; litits, Distal and all other e=itl.FeeertillY itePt. le a ooareationery , and toy attire.: • 'song bosh supplies every Weak. Cali and enondnetor yourebees. • Wid. ' IL' TynGGUINgR, aPrW 6 tn • Piivriiiter- STEAM BOILERS, Ltik VLNG made efficient and perinament ,11...arraugementa for , the purikoee, we are now: pre prep tornake 130//ailki of every ktad, prompt ty antra reaecutable rates. We shall nag host made by. Bailer& Brother; the reputation Of .yrhipb. secoad to none In the JEarket.. • - - None the best hands 'moved. ittmakinear s on: l pt. ly attended to Address ?tot LB wo rrkidgdi ' AllwFttiburg, SOKOOTELIN BROTH:KRA dr CO., WHOLESALE . DICUOGISTS • .1 A biD.DEALERt3 in Fancy Goods, Per - &o.Alpo wen* fa' the sale of Relined PciteloolO 011 , superior to= any coal 01l • faniatied in any qtuoultlet at the lowest mareet rata. 170 and 172', William &rat a2746m NEW YORE. ANOTHER SUPPLY OP MORTON'S MiIVALLED GOLD, PENS. INST PENS in th e world, for 750, $.l. 26 juk 60,42,13; and 44,1br sale at • - iebl 6 -9 • _I."9OII.IIIFEER'S Bookstore: - • VANILLA. BEAM • I'VE are offering for sale a splendid ff s' quality or vanilla - Bean at 'lair Moo, by the pound, ounce or ahugly. • - HELLER'S DRUGSTORE, 91 Market Street, HAY 1 HAI 11 A SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at 41411. $l7 00 per ton for sale by 43018 JAMES ILWRICELSR. FLY PAPER. VANCY COLORED Paso; ready out, , for covering Looking Glasses, Picture Mamas, Atc. Won and patterns for sale nt BEHONsalt CHEAP BOOKSTORE. "CIDER !I I VINEGAR 111 AAr.ADE from choice and selected Apples, LEL and guaranteed by aI to be StriOtlY PM*, 612-d WM, 11XX3K & 'DINE lot of Resign& Oranges and other . :Foreign +Fruits, And rewired and for sale by NICHOLS& BOSYSIAMI, corner - Front and Market streets. myl9 BIRD Fountains and Seed Bosse, Oa nary, and Hemp Red ibr Bale by NiOEIOLI k BOWMAN, Omer front and Market Meets. myl9 gAMMY WAtailiONG , BLUE, an eiael ienti sabstaike ea at itholegale an IMMO Igatez7 Mora or mums nowitan, corner of "rout and Market Wept'. SWBOLD :small lot of - troyoslebrote4 alum jeSt. received. AuripePf - Oggp 4.4.4 cO. 862 BY THEM 'From bur Morning Mitten, IRO4f MEMPHIS GEN. •LEW WALLACE IN CONNAND OF THE QTY. The Argue Newspaper Wu; Taken Possession. Of; TWO'NEW 04 EDITORS, BOPERTISINO iTS nrroilia The Stars and' Stripes Float With out Mot station. ARREST OP G lIERILZIAB Gen. Lew Wallace has resumed command of the city. Hie' first official' act was the taking possession of the Ames office, which hits been out spoken in its sympathies for the rebellion. T. Vir: Knox, of the New York Benda, and A. D. Bichardion t of the ?mute, haveabeen appointed to supervise all the editorials which appear in that.paper. Threats having been made to tear down 'the Union flags flying over the houses of some of the citizens, the Provost bland issued orders instructing the guard to shoot down any one attempting to haul down a flag; or offering to insult, or molesting the realdents and citizens who have thus manifested their devotion to the Union. An order wag also famed to imprison all citi zens carrying concealed weep:ins. (Nerdlas are prowling about the country.— Five were arrested last night by the [pickets in he suberbs of the city. Owing to the scarcity of change,lthe board of aldermen voted to issue one hundred thousand dollars in fractional notes, as the public exi gencies require. The guerrilla bands are burning the cotton in the counties of northern Mississippi, which has not already been destroyed by the owners. The boats going north are loaded to their utmost capacity with freight and paisengers.--- 1240;*01441eigunoo3a8 admintattu•livi to over four hundred-persons being soldiers. The Auslariche says that.the rebel anthoritiee ordered all.the rolling stook of the Mobile and Ohio railroad; from Pendie to Meridian. FROM WMIMGTON. SERIOUS LCOIDUT TO GILN.JItoDOWSI,I6 ttaok on the James River Fleet. THE REBELS DRIVEN BACK WASHINGTON, June 20 The President has idatnated to the *Ate Col. John Cochrane' rind Gustionni Adolphus Saroggs, both of NOW York, to he . infgadier generals of volnntuerti. Gem. McDowell, when thrown front hikhorse, ou Wedneschty, was scr .stunird, that it was feared the 'accident would prove fatal, but - the rewrt todny concerning him, is that .he wEI not'long be delayed In resuming the saddle. Dispatbliei have been received here that on the 17th the rehelsopened upon our ships-ok war in the James river, from the blutriat 'City Point by artillery and small arina, bat our squadron returned the attack ' ` with' shell end sharpnel, silencing and driving tecli, the rebel Conkreas--First Sesidon WAEaNGTop, - 31i0 20. SENAtE. Mr. Mum, M.,) called up the bill to re. peal the acv : psassi _ one to prevent and punish frauds on•the Government. The bill provides for return office for the deposit of a copy of ell contracts made by gov ernment officers. Pending a vote on the bill, it was postpone(' till to-morrow, and the bill taken up to define the pay and emolument:id officers of the on which ccenmittee - of conference Was or. dared. The . Pacific railroad bill was then taken np. Mr. Titurceurz moved to strike out the sec tion providing far four branch lines at the east ern terminus, which was rejectefl—yeaslls, nays 25. The bill was then read the third time and passed—yeas 85., nays 5, tia_tollow: Yves-Messrs. Anthony, Browning, Clark, Chandler, Colluder, Cowan, Davis, Dixon, Doo little, Foot, Foster, Girimes, Hale, Harlan, Har ris, Henderson, Howard, Hennedy, Lane, (Ind.,) Lane, (Kansas,) Latham, McDougal, Morrill, Nesmith, Romer.", Rioe, 'Sherman, Starke, Sumner, Trumbull, Wade, Willey, Wil mot,-Wilson, (Mass.,) and Wilson, (Mo.) Nays—Messrs. Howe, Xing, Pearce, Wilkin son and Wright. Mr. Flown= was present but did not vote, and Mr. Pam, (Ky.,) paired uff with Mr. StICIIONB (IL I.) Mr. T ax Elu . was excused from' voting on the ground that he did not like the bill as A motion was then made to take up the con fiscation bill, a debate then ensued as to which bill should - be considered that of Senate or the one which plume(' the House. Mr. SEUMILAN, '(Ohio,) said. that' An...ordin to give Senators:an opportunity to make up eh* minds widdithey wcroldtvonsidertrat he woo* Mote to, .7405 1 ra ki4X 4 0 10 3 r4i.wi when S Tote !hp uta .talceri the, rust tliing. ThiSenate then adjourned:. ittain gritting Wirt Having procured Steam Power Preeene,fir• ate pewee ed to eremite JOB add EMI PRINTING o 4mery descdp: lon, cheaper than It can be done at any other aging . m ant In the country. lie Attu ai ...LASORO. Four lines or lees constitute oue-half square. Med [nee or more than four constitutoa square. Half Soars, one day . . ..... ono • ens month three months six months one year One , Iquare, one day one week MO month • 'three months six m0nth5..... .... Sir Bu• siness notices tallGrted lite Lieed ikdssews, or for each before Marltoninsertion.e and Deaths, EIGHT GENTS PER LINT Sir Manages and Deaths to be charged u regular ad vertisements NO. 43. From' Gen. Shield's Army. His Troops Concentrated at Strasburg OEN. MU'S REBEL ARMY SUPPOSED TO ADVANCE OF GEN. FREMONT. A Battle Imminent. Advice's from Front Royal state that General Shields has succeeded, in concentrating all his troops at Strasburg. • The rear guard of his army left Luray about au hour before it was entered by Gen. Ewell's advancing column. Ewell is now believed to be in occupancy of Luray with a heavy force. Arrivals to-night from New Market bring in telligence that Gen. Fremont was about to ad vance to New Market, seven miles south of Mount Jackson, and oplxeito the gap in the Massachusetts mountain, through which the road leads to Luray. Jackson is believed to have a considerable force of light troops in Harrisonburg, while another body is at or near Port Republic. Prisoners report that White's division of fif teen hturdred are within supporting distanosof Port Republic. Mamas, June 18 FROM WINCHESTER, VA. Arrival of Wounded Soidiere En Route A large number of sick and wounded, from General Shield's command, arrived hereto-day. It fa stated that they are to be sent forward to Frederick or Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Nothing of an interesting charmter has been publicly announced from General Fremont' Department to-day. THOUGHTS. Trandated front the writings of Queened. Originslly published A. D. 17211. Every thing should be Christian in a ahrL tian. Our life should show forth our love. False virtue is a sail that hides from us our sins. . True hope is not luZ - sooner or later, triumph over the unjust. Pear is.the first executioner to which the sinner is given over after his sin. It is best to receive the gifts of God in his own time, rather than wish to have them in our own. zm To forold Christians to read the Bible is to interdict light to the children of light. . Men are more inclined to ask questions of curiosity, than to seek necessary , Instruction. There are but few who are not in some re. • like the Pharisee. It is almost impossible to call God our Fath er, without the conviction that we are his children. Let your warner belie your inward feelings, j and show yourself without concealment. What is small, is small ; but to be faithful in that which is least, Is to be great. • Man is too curious with regard to natural things, and too ssealous as to the supernatural. When a man is full of himself, he is empty of God, and must take charge of his own soul. What awaits the man who fall into the hand of the living God f God leas the judgment of externals to :man; the mimes of the heart are known to him. Men are believed on their word, but God is not taken at his. Remy and schism arise from the passions of men.: • Sighs are the portion of the heart on earth ; prase will be the language of heaven. 'lt is the dawn of happiness to comprehend the misery of sin, and to desire the satisfaction of thaw) who serve God. It is the heart which shall be judged by him Who knows the heart ; with the haul we must please him. • God despises =end abandons double-minded men, as he takes pleasure to instruct the sim p►le, of heart. What is the misery of that man who feels the wants of the body more than the necessi ties of the soul! Of all the virtues, Christ speaks in praise of faith only, because a living faith includes the other' graces, and nothing can stand in its stead. What termerity is it to measure the eternal and infinite mind of the Creator, by the feeble fallible reason of the creature I The greatest sins are those committed against the lova of God, because they conflict with the first, and great commandment. Tine humility is found in the confession of the grace of God working within the soul, and if this grace is not received in its amplitude, It is wholly rejected. Never deal rigorously with any one ; the ex. aptitude of honesty does not demand all that is doe. If you would be a friend beloved, be not strictly exacting, nor fear to be in the ad vance. There is a time of just judgment coming, when we shall not have the power to do what we wish, because we did It not when it could have been done. The world is filled with good intentions that are never executed. These but serve to render the sinner inexcusable, 'because the sins hay ing the preception of the knowledge of duty. Who is there among LIB who would not go to a hospital or a prison , were we assured that Cbriat hadteed of us Y And yet Christ com mands our attendance, and we turn a deaf ear to him, and do not minister unto him. • The everlasting pains of the lost come from a nem of the infinite dignity of an offended God. The eternal bliss of the elect results from the wondrous goodness of the Lord, who has crowned them with glory. It is an easy thing to hide 'oneself from the world, and to avoid'the praises of men. But it is difficullt• to conceal oneself from one's own oyrs, and n•crtik feel a self-gratulation and ap plause for anmdifference or a contempt of ha titan approtratiOn and adixtinttiOn. so on =a= BE AT LURAY. ---- 4 ....-... WEIM, Va., Jana 19 for Harrisburg. , June 20 2 00 - 6 00 „10 00 -16 00 _2O 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers