of tlegrapil. All com munications recommending coittlidatas tor political 0111 , 508 must be pai d f o r at the time ;they are handed in, otherwise they will be laid aside. HARRISBURG, PA Friday Morning, June 20, 1882. \TYNAN, the celebrated winrd, has leased N uford's Opera House, in this city, for a series of his astonishing prestidigitatory feats, during the first week in July. His great fame as a magician and ventrilu uist, will undoubtedly .iecure him full houses. FURNACE.--We understand that the enter 'glib:4 firm of Messrs. Melly St Co., of Middle t,wn, will blow in their other furnace on next g,,eday. This will give employment to a large nuint,r of hands, and considerably increase the trade of Middletown. ()WISP READY.—Iron water pipes have been distributed along the extension of Third and tber streets in the Fifth and Sixth wards, and Liao work of sinking them in the ground and „ D ucting them with the city mains will be prt ceeded with at an early day. The introduc tion of river water will be hailed with great joy by the inhabitants of that section of our My. UNION CANAL Work men are busy repairing the Union Canal Aqueduct bridges, to replace those swept away by the late flood, above, are bei❑g framed here, and will be ready by the time the channel is put in order. Every pos sible effort is being made to repair the dama ges tie soon as possible, and it is expected that in six. or eight weeks It will again be ready for the passage of boats. GROWING Winuan.—After the cold and wet spell of weather we have had, the sun now comes out in his strength and fiery beams, causing vegetation to take a rapid start. The season has been a little too cold perhaps, but it is now making up for all past deficiencies, and we have the promise all about us of a most abundant yield. An unusually large crop of all kinds of grain and fruits, more so than we bave had for several past years. COMMENCEMENT. —The commencement exer cises of Dickinson College will be introduced on Saturday evening, in Rheem's Hall, Car eith the usual Oratorical Contest by the Julia elms, and will close with an Oration b.fore the Associated Alumni on the Thursday folio Anig The exercises will be interspersed with male by the Barrack's Band, which will add gre illy to the it terests of €be occasion. We underatand that quite a number of our citizens will be present on the occasion. EXTRAORDINARY FlcßlNG.—Quite RR extensive tistdag excursion was made yesterday by about a dozen gentlemen of this city. The party at an early were on the celebrated fishing grounds at Oyster's dam, and soon were engaged in the pleasant pursuit of drawing from the stream sparkling and rare specimens of the tinny tribe. Isaac Walton's profession received no detriment it the hands of our gay and lively friends.— , :uuld he have lived at this day and witnessed one scene among the many incidents of yester day's pleasure in that party, he must have con cluded that modern improvement has been great in his favorite enjoyment, as well as in all other respects. We allude to the fact that one of the gentlemen, a music teacher, caught oaie herrinq f—not living ones, to be sure, but iilted dried, .and ready for the gridiron.— is certainly remarkable, and we put it on record as one of the novelties of the age. cArrAis Donos, who has been the United Stairs mustering and disbursing officer in this city, for neat 1y or perhaps a year, is the last was whom the people of Harrisburg would care ever suspected of being guilty of a single Ltglect of duty or unfair use of power. He regarded as a gentleman of the high- L,L honor, and a citizen whose loyalty would 'spare with that of any other man in the c , utary. Yet a correspondent of the .PhtTedel r Daily News, in Wednesday's issue of that , uri,hl, whirl from this city, has made a ~t unwatrantable and unsustained attack on -apt_Dodge, objeLting to hie conduct as com a, Lt,di ug officer at Camp Curtin, and impugning tuutives in reference to his treatment of the kirl prisoners. Capt. Dodge is one of those )I , lit2ra who never acts without orders, and we 1 riut hesitate to declare that whatever may ',.e been or now is his course in relation to it; ragamuffins at Camp Curtin; fie has his an umity for his action, and which all the anony uz scribblers in the country could not change. 11, assertion that "our people are very much e.xuted in reference to his (Dodge) management of he camp," is a specimen of romancing which ha but one definition. It is simply a petty lie t o gratify a personal spite. Tux FOURTH os Jutx.—.lt has been suggested that the Bremen of the city take the initiative towards getting up a proper celebration of the approaching anniversary of our National Inde pendence. The idea is an excellent one; for we are certain if thein gallant spirits take the matter in hand, we shall have a demonstration that will reflect credit upon our city. Never nee the infancy of the Republic, have we had greater incentives to hail with .ley and glad -I,e ,s the recurrence of our Nation's birthday.— )t,e year ago, the hosts of rebellion were t ,, teateuirig the national capitol, and grave Lu ',hi were entertained whether another Fourth July should find us in existence as a nation. ) e ir has passed, and during that year a most glorious record has been written upon the pages of history, by the deeds of the heroes, who with stout hearts and strong arms have marched to victory over many a bloody field, and borne OA in triumph the glorious old "stars and atripes." The rebellion has dropped its haughty tune, and instead of holding a threatening po sition towards the government, is frantically struggling for its very elisrenSe against the hosts of Freedom who are pressing It in every direction. In view of the facts then, let us have a rot:m -i./4 celebration of the Fourth of July. DIPCLAIMS Viz NOTICE.—We are requested to state that the members of Advance - Lodge, No. 39 I. 0. of Good Template, formally passed a resolution last evening, declaring the notice for the meeting which appeared in yesterday's TELEGRAPH, as entirely unauthorized, and dui claiming the right of its assumpti,,n to ex• In 'e visiting members of the order from ether lodges. HOOP SESRTB AND THE SOUTHERN LADIES.— . The sutlers in North Carolina are doing a good business. People come forty miles even from the inland to buy goods of them._ One firm also sold $1,500 worth of hoop skirts and calico to North Carolina women in one day. Strange to say; the goods were paid fot in good gold, silver and government notes, which must have been hidden in socks and cracked teapots all the while the common shinplasters have been going their rounds. arnica& of MONKY.—There seems to he a great amount of idle capital seeking investment in all our large cities at.the present time. The Philadelphia Ledger says that the quantity in that city is unprecedented. It is difficult to place money at three per cent. with private parties, on call. The demand for mortgages is something extraordinary, and is so greatly in advance of the supply; that parties are now ad vertising for mortgages on farms and country property in the adjoining counties. In trans action's on city property, the lenders are in many cases offering to pay the commissions and expenses usually borne by the borrowers, and it cannot be long before rates on mortgage fall to five per cent. GARBMIN.—W6 would be glnd to 'see some syttematio,arrangement by which the refuse trnh and garb Age thrown into the streets, could be disposed of in a proper manner, in stead of being allowed to remain in our streets and alleys as at present. Every large city with which we are familiar, has a scavenger system, and carts belonging to the city are required to make a complete tour of the city, daily tocol lect all the garbage deposited during the day. This refuse matter is kept by the housekeeper in in a barrel, or,some outer secure vessel, and covered up tightly until deposited in the scaven ger's cats and hauled away. We hope our Council will adopt some such system here, and let our streets be freed from the offensive and nnwholesonie matter which is constantly accumulating in many parts of the city. • CommTaliON Trozirrs.—The lourtull of Mid dletown, this county, says that if the Pennsyl vania Railroad company would helle commuta tion tickets over their road between that borough and Harrisburg, similar to those be tween Downingtown and Philadelphia, it would be a great accommodation to the citizens, sod we have no doubt that it would be of pecuniary advantage to the company in the end. Many of the citizens of that place are compelled to come to this city thirty or forty times a year, othetzmuch oftener, and a system which would enable them to procure tickets at a discount by taking a number at a time, say $2 or $6 worth, or one ticket good for a number of trips, would be encouraged. Besides the saving to the ticket holder, it would be a great convenience on account of the scarcity of change, and the difficulty in incoming tickets at the time of starting. Loos our ion Ts:sm.—Counterfeit 6s, of the Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia, have just been put in circulation. They are clean, well executed, and the name, of the President, A. G. Cattail, is very well imitated, bat the de sign and general appearance of the counterfeit in no particular resembles the genuine five of the Corn Exchange Bank. The counterfeit is an altered bill of "The Manufacturer's Bank," Brooklyn. The alteration consists simply in the removal of the title and lettering in the body of the bill, and the substitution of the title and wording of "The Corn Exchange Bank." The plates of the two notes Pare en tirely different. The vignette of the counter feit Is a view of the old Capital at Washington, with a bead of General Taylor to the right, and on the left end the words "countersigned and registered," which do not appear on the genuine. Szorsn NZWSPAPKBIL —We saw this morning a file of newspapers printed some where in the interior of North Carolina, sent to this place by one of our gallant volunteers in that State. On looking over them, one is strongly reminded of the small, dirty-looking sheets which are now preserved as mementoes, which were issued during the "Embargo," when in the crude condition of our manufactures, paper only of the most inferior character, could be procured. The tone of the papers are decidedly conser vative, not, to say loyal, and although they may reflect an enforced submission, and the character of their articles be affected by the presence of our forces, it is, nevertheless, plea sant to find reason and right advocated in the very heart of rebeldom, where, but a little while ago, a word in defence of either was a mortal offence, and rendered the speaker liable to persecusion, if not death. A good deal of vigor is displayed by the editors, although they are compelled to make, as a vehicle of their thoughts; paper which we would disdain to use for the most ordinary wrapping purposes. It affords a striking commentary upon the miser able shifts, and severe deprivations to which the rebels have reduced themselves by this un hallowed rebellion, and affords a strong con trast between the two sections of the country— in one there exist plenty, nay, abundance, all the necessities and all the elegancies of life-- in the other destitution of the most terrible character, suffering of the severest description, and a return to almost the first principles of civilization. CARD ow Tattenws.—The steward and assistants of hospital No. 2, Camp Curtin, desire to return their thanks to the Jellies and friends of Harris burg, who have so kindly presented strawber ries, ice cream, and other delicacies to the sick and wounded soldiers under their care, and can assure you, dear friends, that these deeds of "charity" will never be forgotten, either by the recipients of your favor, or by " God, the Father of us all." May He " make a ll, y o u r beds in your sickness!" We might add that we are in need of clean vials of various sines for medical purposes ; and should the friends have any to spare, we would thankfully receive them. • Please inquire for hoepital:No. %Camp Curtin Clue. CUXIA June 18,1862 . . FamoViucutia-liatiV etitgraft),---iiibaw-inevningi -31unt 20, 1862 The folleiiiing is a correct copy (capital let ters and all,) of the original letter sent by its author to the several candidates for County Commissioner. This is a stray one, having been wailed to the wrong Post Office It got into the hands of a person who is not a candidate, but of the same name of one who is: DEAR understaud that David Mumnia wants You to be a County Commissioner, for the Purpose of removing me from thia office as clerk, because he says, Mat Miller must be Put out, I sin Glad' to know this fact, You may do all that you can against the one, who I ahal favor, I never meddle much with the business of the People Like Mumma, I only tell You kindly- that I am Glad to Snow thia,. • I deem it proper to publish the above, in order to let the pnblieknoiv..what this hireling of theirs, who contracts to serve them for six hundred dollars a year and then manages to get thirteen hundred,. is doing in the way of eaara services, and also that they may keep an eye upon the candidate "who / shall favor," as he says in his letter. He seems to , have for gotten that the people once before changed the whole Board of County Commissioners for the purpose of getting rid 'of his obnoxious conduct and extra services. I will also here inform him that as long as he continues to meddle with the peoples'. money, I will meddle with my own and the rest of the people's business, to the extent of compelling him to pay it back, if unlawfully taken, as I have lately been doing ; and it is no doubt this meddling on my part, which has brought out his splendid array of capital lairs, breathing vengeance against all men who will dare to stand between tam and the public treasury, and untiring - Opposition to the candidate "who he shall favor."' I have no special choice of my own as a candidate for County Commissioner, and shall" not have one before a nomination is made, when I shall sup port the man nominated by my party, if he is a good, firm, honest man; and in that event he will necessarily'not be the man "'Oho he Shall favor," as that kind of a man will not send him in the extras. DAVID MUKHA, Jerre 19, 1862. Faoa Naw - YORK ain) PHIDADELPRIA.—fIood morning Mrs. Price! what cool and rainy weather we have had during all of this spring. Indeed it has been so much so that .1 have de hired making my usual dry goods purchases for Bummer until I am positively compelled . frOm the condition of my wardrobe. Now, Mrs. Price, I understand, that Mr. Bowman ' (of the dry good firm of Urich Br, Bowman,) has just returned from New York and Philadelphia with a beautiful stock of summer goods. Thus Mrs. Early said to Mrs. Price; and reader the ladies called and made their purctusses, and not only got handsome goods, but the worth of their money. 2t $5OOO Domana WORM OF Nsw Goimal-400 pair of mitts direct from auction, at 25, 87, 50, 62 and 75 cis.; 1000 ladies' white collars, at 10, 20, 30, up to 75 cts. Great bargains ! 500 . new hoop skirts for 50, 62 and 76 ota.,' up to $2.50 cheapest in• town; the largest assortment of low priced dress goods—all' prices. 100 pieces white brillants at 121 cts.; - some at 15 to 18 eta.; 60 dozen of shirt breasts at 124 cts., 20, 25 and 87 cta., extra cheap. 200 dozen of La dies',white stockings, at 124 and 16 cts. A magnificent assortment of embroidered cambric band, 'and Cambric edging ani insertings:at all prices. 50 dozen of linen pocket 'kerchiefs, at 121 eta.; also hemstitched 'kerchiefs. Whole sale buyers we would invite to our large stock ; and as we have a buyer in New York, who buys only at the large auctions. We promise to sell goods at city prices. S. /AWL We also received 10 dozen of real German linen pocket handkerchiefs for gentlemen—a very scarce article ; also 20 pieces of white and colored straw matting, and 13 pieces of new car pets from auction ; 5 pieces of black silk at all prices. 8; LIMY. BATORELOR'S HAIR DYE. 2 RE BE'S 2 IN THE WORLD ‘V A. cola illiA braced Ha producer's rti' col ijoß; or - nO ' be thiguished from nature—warranted' not to injure the . Hair in the least; remedies the illetlects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for lee. ORRY, RED or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Bair Softand beautiluLDruggista, &c. gr. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATORMLOB, on the four rides of each boa. FACTORY, No.Bl Barclay Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond Street.) New YORK. my2fiy HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! I Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided ifycu wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to,. a beautiful and natural Brown or Mack, without the least Injury to Hair or Skin. - FIFTEEN Mr DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded.to WM. A. HATtruuou finne 18 9, and over 200,000. application's have been made tolheliair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S EASE DYE 'produces it Milor not to be distinguished from nature end Is wiimstersn not to injure in the least, however longt, may be moan ued, and the ill effects of bad Dvas remelted. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid DI which is prop erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New ark.' Sold in all the cites and towns of the Unified Stateu, by Druggieta and Fancy Goode Dealers' The Genuine has the name ' , William Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving , on ~ ,t he lbw Sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81'ffefol'ay 0i312-d&wly. Late 238 Broadway, Now York. L G. Whitman. E. G. WHITMAN tk 318 CHESTNUT "STREET, .13111LADELPITLI FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES DEe.I4:R 124 FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &O Jel64llm* NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY . BROWN 'LAYING opened a MARBLE AND STONE . YARD on Canal Street, near Chestnut Street, oppo site 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, takes this method of informing the citizens of Harrisburg and 'vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of marble and stone work in a superior manner, and on the most reasonable terms. jel d2m* WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HENRY C. SHAFFER, Paper Hanger, has just opened a • large, new and well selected stock of Wall Paper and Window Shades, at his new store No. 12 Market street, next to ntimmel & Rlllingers grocery near the Bridge. Air Paper' hanging personally attended to - . An work warranted. je9.dlma POMADE HONGROISE • PM raLtia as MOUSTAC LIES, ie6 , MI 'S 01IIGSTORS CIIOIOE FIGS, in lji lb Cartoons, just receivedand for sale by HIOROIE•k BQWMAN, • jet Corner Frond and Market esreets. K"Ews DRUG ItiTURR ie the pled to buy Palms. lorratichint- A BM 9 10, .Iqt ot ottoioe D & rie d WMAN Fruit, at iet RIOROLS 80, • . o c-Inker DOS all 4 Mast drat. tAD VIZILTISEIECNT. 1 HAaaustrao, May 23d, 1862 Yours truly, JOSEPH MILLER =:::= I== New 12thertigantitts Moi. Johnston. MANTIFACTIMIS OF 2timertisements E D ' * B 01 - 0 0 L. rBINCOTON N. J. Reir.leatss P. 'WINS, A. M., Rev. THOS. W. acrraLL, A. M., } pHiS Institution, founded in 1829, is designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or I ..r . a D=lllllBB life. The bnildittga are huge and commo di tie, and the grounds embrace more than tit nee', tierce. Both of the erin dt.v..oto their whole ncr to the :ohm'', al. Jed in the department of hum notion by competent teachers - nhe mhfary instruction tind dal, (under the charge of an experienei.!il instructor,) is arranged so as not to interfere with the regular studies, &cup) g a pa t of the t. me apprapria ed to,exercise and recreation. rupils are rezeived a. any time and charged only from the oath or. adr Tants:— sl2s•Ott per seestua of five months. For circulars, or further Inform/Oen, address either of the Principals. erenro is also made to the Rev. Mr. Harrisburg. From the Rev. Dr. jirolge and -14 Rev: 'Dr. AlcOilt, Professors in thilheoloyfeal aminary, Princeton, N. J. I have for several years been inthnstely acquainted with the sev. Thomas W. Candi. He has had charge of two of my sons, !did I can safely gosy I have never XnoWillany one in whose fidelity sad devotion to his pu pits, Mavis equal couftlenoe. Lie Is a good scholar and a success' ul teacher. i kuow no one woo has a greater facility te.g.Lihiug the hire of hie soholtra or who exerts . over them a better influence . ... . I am aware of the - reapensibillty in epo Acing Iti tel= of commendation of a teacher; but lam a Waded tam doing nothing but 81011litl. just e to an ea ellent man, in ming the language which I have here eta- BS I have great cOnfldstoc in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, as a teacher, both II hie aptness to give itatruction, and hls tact Is the admimstr anon of it sci id; to. thaw, had two eons ender his tbireOtni front the moai careful observa tion lam free to recommend the lidgeldll taboo' as ose of safe and. thorongn ibstritetiou. Jet 4 dim Al.FiaNflteß T. M'CIIL b. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. - OFFICE NO. 408 CHESTNUT STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPI CAL AND ASSETS. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President, JOHN e'. JAMB, Actuary, CONTINUE to make INRJRANCE ON LIVES on the most ruse.• able terms. They aet 69 Executors,. Trusters and Guardiaus under lest Wills. and as Receivers aad Assignees. The capital being paid up ant Invested, together with a large and constantly lucre :sing reserved mad, offers a perfect seam ty-to the insured. The premium? may be paid yearly, halt yearly or quar terly. Ibe company add a BONUS periodically to the Insu rances for Lie. The FIRST BONUS approprated in De cember, 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THInD BONUS in Decembero.Bs4, and the YOURTII BONUS in 1859., These icittltions are ' Amite , without re guaingiuy inereeet• la "alit preanutne to 'be pa id to the tompany. The following are a few example; frost the Register lAmount or Policy and Sum I adds ion Bongs or bonus to be increased Insured Policy. by tutor. sdditiona. No. 82 250.1 887 51 , 1 $3,387 50 4 . 132 I 3000 1 1,060 t I 4,050 00 44 199 1000400 00 1,400 00 3 I 333 5000 1 ,875 001 13,875 00 Agent at Harrisburg and vicinity, WILLIAM BUEHLER. Jalo-dly DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. SINE, graduate of the Baltimore College of Denial Surgery, hosting) er msnently located in the city of Harrisburg and taken the oflioe iormerly coupled-by Or. Gorges, on 'third street between Market and Walnut, respectfully 'worms hie friends and the publio is general, that he is p rep teed to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either Burgles :or mechanical, in a mender that shati not tie surptssed by operatora -In this or may other city. „His mode of inserting artificial teeth is upon the latest im proved scientific principle. • • Teeth, from•oue to a full set, mounted on tine Bold, Silver, Matins plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take gin.at pleasure in recommending the above gen tleman to all bay former friends of Harrisburg and vi cinity, and feel contideut Mat lie will perform all opera tions in a St:dilatant manner, from my knowledge or his [myB dtfj F. J. 8. GOUGAn. L. D. 8. FIRE INSURANCE• THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SIFITY INSURANCE.OOKPL NY. ,INOORP OR ATELI 1835. Capital and Assets $869,126 37 DIRECTORS.• Wm Marta, Edmund A. Fonder, Th , .mphilus Pauldlog, jno m. Penrose, Jno. C. Davis Jas. Traquair , Wm . Byre,jr, James G. Hand, William O. Ludwig, Joseph li. Beal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel E. stokes, J. k. Pent* ton, Henry :loan, Bd ward Darhngieu,ll: Jettek'Brciokb; Spencer Thomas C. Eland, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Al'Fartand, Joshua. Byrr, John B: Semple. Pitts burg, D. T. •Ifors saPittsburg, A. B: Berger, Pittsburg. • • • am MARTIN, President. . . THOMAS'O. HAND, Vice Preadent. HENRY LEUVEN, Secretary. • The undersigned as agent-for the above named coin , patty , continuos to take Fire; Risks In Harrisburg and jao.ait WILLIAM. BITRIILEIt. CITY TAX, I\TOIIOE is hereby given, that the Common 11 Council of the City of Harrisburg, have completed the levy and assessment of Taxes for tholear 1862, and , that all persons shall be en tltled4o•an abatement of FIVE PER CENT. on the amount of their respective City Taxes, on payment of the same to JOHN T. WILSON, Esq., City -Treasurer, (at his office in the new Court House,) on or before the 20th day of June, 1862. • By order of . the Common Council. DAVID jell-dtje2o Clerk. FROM READING To NEW YORK AND BACK, ONLY 64.50. • VIA East , Pennsylvania Railroad, good do- . ring the whole month of June. Excursion tickets at the above rates can be had at the office of the above company at Read- ing, good for all passenger trains. . . • EDWARD M. MAWR, je9-dtje2S President. PRESERVE JARS JELLY GLASSES, (7)F all sizes, patterns and prices, jus remised and for sale by 013 Wif. DOCK, Jr., & CO. for ad HE general variety of goods TOILET,- --- V) be found at Seller's, is inssar passed in this city. je6 - ' 91 Market street PPLES, Oranges rani Lemons, 5tp10.11241 MimeLimon'. PLANTS! PLANTS 1 ! TOMATO AND CABBAGE PLANTS CABBAGE PLANTS. 8 cents per dozen ; 25* cents per hundred ; $2 60 per thousand. TOMATO PLANTS, 10 cents per dozen, 75 cents per hundred, $4 00 per thousand. Also all Kinds of V EGETABLES Wholesale or Retail. • SEED POTATOES. Davis' Seedling per bushel, 70 cents. Peach Blows, ' 50 cents. EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. Per bushel, ears, $2 00 Per bushel, shelled, 4 00 Per quart, shelled, 25 Orders sent •to the KEYSTONE FARM will be promptly attended to. J. MISH. my24-dtf '• 100 ,PERCH OF GOOD BUILDING LIMESTONE, FOR FALL AT TER KEYSTONE. FARM. my27-dir BTRAWB.ERRIES. Strawberries by the quart Chest or Bushel. ORDER S sent through the Post Office, or left at the lower Market, on Wedoeeday or Sat ur..ay mo nlngs, will be promptly a tended to. AOO they Call no had at the place at any hour of the day, fresh ptcsed from the vines. Keystone Berm and Nursery, • Immediately below the city, je2 J. MEAL 81,643 388 WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND • GAS FITTER. Third Aired, meet door to the IWegraph Printing Office. TO RES , dwellings, churches public Vbuildings, factories, kn., fitted up with gas, lead and Iron pipe In a workman like manner. Hydrants, Wasik basins, Bath Tuba, l ift and Force Pumps, Water Olivetti, ofand Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All worts pr. mptly attended to. m 00-43 m. BIOTINA ROOFING MAEMPACTURBD BY 'DU UNITED STATES "BIOTIIii ROOFING CO, NO. 9 GORE BLOCK, Corner Green and Pitti,Streets, Boston, Mass. THIS Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public, - which is reedy prepared to go on the roof without any iinishLug operation. It is light, handsome sod easily applied, and can be ss lely anti cheaply transported to any part of the world. It will not t aint or diisoolor water running over, or lying on it, and is in all respe:te a very aeeirable article. Its nonconducting properties adapt tt especially to covering manufactories of various kinds, end It Is confidently Of fered to the public after a test of four years in all varie ties of cl,mate and temperattwo, for coverLig all kinds of fool's, fiat or pitched together with cars, 'numbest; he It iS both chop and durable. Agents melted, to whom iberal inducements are offered Send for sample, citron ar, dm., with partiouhirs, to "11. i. ROOFING CO., sir244l3m No. 2 Gore Block, Boston." DAN'L. A. MUNCH, AGENT. UF the Old Wallower Line respectfully informs the public that this Old Daily transports. lion Line, (the onlyWallowor Line now in exist, nue in this City,) is is in auccenefet operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any °roar individual line between Philadelphia, -Harrisburg, Sunoory, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Hach and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and-Erie and Wil liamsport cud Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MUEINOH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Ginaissent to - the Ware House of Messrs. Pes.ooek, Zell & oinohman, Noe 808 and 810 Market street above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. Y., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. - aprBO•rdmyl REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH • HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store som the corner of. Second. and Walnut, streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Bone's Agriculture Stare, where he intonde to keep all kinds of $OOO3 a^d Show, Gaiters, &c., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness ; and win be tbansful to receive the patronage of Isle old customers and the pub& in general at his new place of business. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing dune at short notice. [apr2dtf] JOHN B. SMITB. B. J. HARRIS , Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Idanufacturer NO. 112 MAILEXT SZESE7 1 , HARRISBURG. • LiAS always on hand: a lull assortment of Tin and Japanned Ware, (looting and Parlor Stoves of the best untatuaoturlea, Gulls. Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanised Iron Cornish, manufactured and pu up at reasonable rates. Jay- Repairing promptly attended to. apr3o4lly TH:EO. F. BCH.EFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, „WO. 18, MAR= STREET , 11A111118BURG. areaructuar littoution paid to Printing, Ruling, and dialling of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Ao*); Checks, Drafta, An. CARDS printed at V, SS, $4, and SO per housand in elegant style. 120 ATLANTIC AND 'OHIO TELE GRAPH COMPANY. rj11:11 Stockholder'n annual meeting will j_ be bold at the office of the recretaty, (2 Forrest Pantie) 128% South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, on THUIL4DA .1., JULY 17th, at 10% o'clock A. at "dak tame an election for nitre directors will "rake place, and such oilier business traneicted HE way be brought bet• fare the meeting. H. H. sHILLINGRUED, jell, illjyl7 AGENTS 1 MFIRCJIANTS 1 PEDLERS READ THIS. ENERGETIC men make $5 a day by Bening our UNION PitfLe: ETAILIJNERY PACEIII3 containing euperior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GENER&LE, and a piece of Jewelry. Wo guarantee sat isfaction in quaLity, of our goods.. The gifts consist of fifty varieties and styles of Jewelry, all useful and valu able. Or=lam with full particulars mailed free. .td dress. - L. B. ELS&KINE & CO ap36-3md • FRESH: BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE. WE, HAYING fittsd up a large Kerrie orator, and having made contracts with some 0 our most reliable farmers to furc.ett us with fresh land sweet butter muter'', will be enabled to supply - oar customers with sweet fresh toe cold batter at all times. my2b Wit. DOCK, Jr. St CO. Mr. WM. H. DE W/TT, Jr., OFFICE SECOND STREET 4.80 n LOCUST. jel dim LAZE TROUT JUST received a small invoice of • MACKINAW LAKE TROUT. The finality Very superior, and the price very , low, WM. DOCK, JR., & CO ATTENTION FARMERS QCYTRES, MATES, GRAIN CRADLES, 1.3 BABES, earrez sTONSS and RIFLES in great. v4l/447314.1)8 had cguP eitllßßPS Hardware Store jelik A uf - Opp to the Court t once. 36 Beekman street, New Yoilt- glisullenuons. NICHOLS SL BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND BILTAkIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISEIMG, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their large and wall selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, _ Including among others, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, • SPICES, °BANNS LEkt&S, &C., &C. ALSO FLOUR, FISH, SALT, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, &c We invite an examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The beet in the market in every respect, to gether with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any place in Harrisburg. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of • QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Market Ste. EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. MANUFACTURER OF BOOK-BINDERS' RULING-RUBES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES FOS GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Wills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Bran CASTINGS, WO HI TURNINg IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, f Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braaa made to order. Gear and Screw (hitting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS Nir Cash paid for Old Copper, Brae, Spelter, he. STEAM BOILERS, AO. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging. Fob Weights and various other building castings, tar sale very (limp at the (¢192,1-Iy] E aGLK W GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHLNESI ?ARTICULAR attention ia called to the fact that, besides the machines making our cols rated stitch, we manufacture, in great variety of styles, superior FAMILY LOCK-STITCH MACHINES• The peculiarities of each stitch will be cheerfully shown and explained to purchasers and they have the great advantage of being able to select from our stook either amachine making the GROVER AND SABER STITCH or one making the LOCK STITC3II, the only valuable Sewing Machine atiteheailn practical WI& PRICES IRON $4O UPWARDS. Office NO Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Far sale by MRS. E. BRENIZER, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myB•d2m GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATOTENTAKER •05; JEWELER, 14 O. 38 jeritegk. Market Street, Harrisburg. HAS cepstantly on band a large stook of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. Asir N B. Don't forget the place, opposite the Jones' House. marB.l.-dam THE WET GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY A. HUMMEL, Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES, of every DES C R IPTION 1=1:19 PRICE S. Next door to the Court House,§ MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA. LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. mar2B43m COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED I 1 ! IN consideration of the hard times, and as I sellexclusively FOP. CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : Lykens Valley Broken dig $2 90 per ton " Large Egg . 1 290 . a . ti ma s B er 46 2go 46 64 " Stove . " 290 " a " Nu ,• 225 46 44 Wilkebarre 64z GO 46 [4. I.orberry " 2go .4 14 Ooal delivend by the Parr= WINGS Cawrs.l it can be weighed at the purchasers dcor, and it galls abort 10 POUNDS, the Coal willl be forfeited. All Coal of the best quality mined, delivered free from all impurities. gip-Coal sold in qantities, at the LOWIST wnotaasta PRIM. Agent for Dupontl Celebrated Powder, a large supply a l wa y s on hand, at Mannfacturers prices. ggrA large lot of superior baled Hay for sale. 12 3 JAMBS If. WHEELER. ICE curAitim--ICE. CREAM , ONE - .orthe greatest improvemettE — of the age Is Pyne & Bares Patent Ice Cream Freezer, and Egg Beater, the groat , saver of labor. The small quantify or Ice used and the exceeding abort space of tme required to make good ice cream In one of their Freemins, ought to Induce awl family to purchase one of them. They have received several silver medals and tho highest premiums at exhibit ons, over all oth tr Freezers now in use. A printed droular containing the very best receipt for main Ice cream, frortn custard, Ice waters, ha., with a number of certificates a.d fall directions accompany each Prewar. All orders tor fretword,rionaty or State rights will be attended to by addreideg - W. BARI; my9.22m - Harrisburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers