etitgraplj. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Morning, October 16, 1861. --- POLlCE—Mayor's Ogice.—A hoosier looking individual, from the up-river regions, who re sponded to the name of Cooney Hoover, was arraigned, charged with the offence of drank euess. Fined $l, which he paid and was dis charged. Jona Wise, the celebrated Aeronaut, is the captain of a cavalry company now stationed at camp Cameron, near this city. The First Lieutenant of the company is Dr. Henry Reem snyder, a good practical physician, a gentleman and a soldier. EXTENSION OF Tusz.—By reference td an ad vertizement in another part of this evening's Telegraph, it will be seen that the time for re ceiving sealed proposals for furnishing the gov ernment with forage at this station bas been extended from the 16th inst. until 3 o'clock, P. M., on Saturday, the 19th inst. UMLAUTED LADIES. — The single diminution of the beautiesadir the female character ; on th sent life would lose many of flu much, likewise, of what is absolutely essential to the well-being of every part of society, and even of the private home, without the unmar dell female. The single woman is as important an element of social and private happiness as the married woman. The utilities of each are dif ferent : but it is vulgar nonsense, unworthy of manly feeling, and discreditable to every just one, to depreciate the unmarried condition. WARM Boma.—We have been told, by a per son who has tested the matter most thoroughly, that the brat boots to protect the feet of per sons much exposed to cold and wet weather, are made of calf skin tanned with the hair on. Of course, when the boots are made, the hair is on tbe inside, and while it effectually protects the feet, it does not exclude the air, as gum elastic does. To soldiers who may have to march, and to ,land guard in inclement weather, this is a secret worth knowing, for when the feet are well protected the whole holly is preserved from many ailments. I=l LAW AMlCltteret RAILWAY PAasmosas.—A de cision has recently been given in the Court of Appeals, in New York, which may prove of in terest to the traveling public. The, decision WaS as follows : To eject a passenger from a railroad car while in motion, ipso ,dangerenem act that it may justify the same resistance on part era pas sager as to a direct attempt to take his life. While the passenger is liable to ejection in the proper manner for refusing to pay fare, his re sistance to the attempt to expel him. with.ont stopping the car, doltessoVireseat a otale of con current negligence on his part. Where, in such a case, the principal is re sponsible for the act of his agent, he is, it seems, also responsible for any circumstance of aggravation which, attends the : wrong., • Under this decision, a passenger who was ejected from a car while in motion, obtained a verdict of $4OOO against the company.:, I=l A VOLUNTIIIat KLEMM ON TIES RATMOAD.—A volunteer named John Padden, of Minersville, Schuylkill county, belonging to Capt. Bennett's company, attaphed to Col. Seigle's regiment, stationed at Camp Cameron, waainstantly killed on the railroad in the Lebanon Valley depot, yesterday. The deceased, it appears, was standing on the platform in the depot, leaning against one of the passenger cars of the 1.40 p. m. train for Beading, when the train suddenly moved, causing him to fall across the track be tween the platform and the cars, the wheels of which ran over his breast, killing himinstantly. The deceased had in his possession a furlough and a free pass to Pottsville, to which place it is supposed he was going in the train which ran over him. A coroner's inquest was held over the remains of the deceased by Alderman Kline, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. RAILROAD ACCIDENT IN VIRGINIAL—Former Employeee of the Pennsylvania Railroad Injured.— We learn by a telegraph dispatch that last Sun day morning an engine and one car left Alex andria, Virginia, at an early hour, to carry up a gang of telegraph builders to Falls Church. It was in charge of Harry Gray, Superintendent of the Military Railroads in Virginia. He pro ceeded in safety to Falls Church siding, where the men were left with their apparatus. The engine was then in the rear of Falls Church, where the rebel cavalry were seen, and Mr. Gray, not wishing to be charged on, ordered a retreat. They ran quietly on till they were op posite Arlington Mills, whoa the evnaktaent, being weak, suddenly caved eitik . tf!, throw the engine off the track - , tiolii* inurie=„„ , diately plunged over into a deep ditch. 117 engineer and fireman had not time to jump, but went over, Amos McFarlan, the engineer, is badly bruised and -his hand cut. Agustus Bieg, fireman, bruised ; John Fetterly, side ' wrenched ;J. Meyers, brakesman, hands and face cut and bruised, Harry Gray, Superinten- dent, had the thumb of his right hand smashed, a severe blow over his right eye, and narrowly escaped without losing both legs, his right leg having been caught and his pants torn off. He is badly the front bruised. At the time, he was standing on of the car, which was an open plat form car, and was thrown right upon top of the engine, Mr. Gray is well known in this city, having been a conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad for fifteen or twenty years. R e says this is the narrowest escape he ever had. The fireman, Mr. Sleg, is also an old employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and well known here, where most of his relatives live. The wounded were taken to the hospital at Alex andria to have their wounds dressed. The engine is the "Oregon," and was brought from the Reading Railroad, and now lies in., deep ditch buried in the mud, with take umiridx P. The engineer, with great; preseffe of Put out the fire, and placed the, Viter•l e xplode. lach a c ondition that the engine could not,,, SWORD FaxourriTrox.—A The morning previous to the seat of war, of the 46th Penn Col. Knipe, Capt. George A. seated with a handsome swot and his fellow teachers of ment First English Luthersi The following letter % ,ackin ceipt, breathes f. atnte and shows t terial our regiments are composed 0! . wis, Oct 1, 1861. Gentlemen :—The • • , sion incident to a new encampinent, and the repose necessary to a long and arduous march, has prevented me until now from tendering my sincere and heartfelt thanks for your present of an elegant sword; sash and belt, just previous to my leaving home with my company for the " seat of war." Such manifestations of the feelings and sym pathy of those with whom we are closely asso ciated are at all times cheering and encouraging ; but coming, as this does, from my most intimate friends, as well as those •to whom it has peen my privilege to look for counsel and advice— and with all of whom I have been for years past engaged as an humble co-worker in a glo rious clause—l Cannot too highly prize it, or too dearly cherish, the , friendship of the givers., While I fully appreciate your motives, I feel, that I have not merited such an • dence of your favor. I 'tfito have bee' ul as a teacher, in one sense—indeed, I • teach ;'1 but I lacked mai* of.tha most • ualifi catiotil fin so . ftfsponabie a posit , while I humbly endeavored to do m . nd am. , .nscioint.of having secured the . et and esteem' mini of those tci whom 'Ministered as a cher, yet I keenly felt my incornyietency, nd was more fitted to have fallen at the feet of a Gamaliel and' receive instruction, than to have endeavored to impart it. ass you my new sphere, I need not ass you that it will still be my aim to endeavor faithful, and believing, as I now do, that n ord was I ever drawn in a worthier cause, trust the blade, which through your unexpected kind ness I now wield, may never prove recreant to its trust. "The Pinion must and shall be pre served." By all the great memories that clus ter round our history as a nation—by all the hopes of the freest government upon earth, and the great principles of liberty which have been achieved for us, and which we must maintain, we will meet those traitorous rebels and con vince them that the hearts of our citizens are loyal—that whilst our "swords are thousands our bosoms are one," when our cause is just, as . it now is. As for myself, I have now an addi tional incentive to do my duty, and should I, through the kindness of an over-seeing Provi dence, be spared my life and breath until the the end of this unnatural war, and return home in safety, I trust I may not have disappointed your hopes, and will crave no higher boon than the plaudit of " well done, good and faithful servant." Again thanking you, gentlemen, for your generosity and kindness, I remain Very truly, your friend, GBO. A. BROOKS. ,Frownss Apsums, 7 - . Not so much. the flow ' era particularly Ikrtaining to autumn, as those which are perennial, those of summer which linger past their time and the dilapidated gar ! den relics of sunimer, generally,'sre the matters 'we would dwell on. All-over town and coun try now, lovers of flowers are taking their list Mond lingering look at the "rose-gardens of de light" which have engaged so much of their !attention during summer. From the • stately 'parks and parterres which enjoy the care of a .regular gardener, all exotics are now being re moved to the safe winter quarters of the green house ; while those shrubs and hardy flowers :which with help.froin , min, can stand the frosts of a winter, are being swathed with straw and other winter gapnenta. I And , now the ever greens, comparritiiely 3 ininoticed through the warm months, which brought out our gaye r friends, in all the colors •of the rain bow, are in high esteem again ; and their mod est array of green will set them off grandly when all other vegetation is -blasted. - It is doubtful whether the grand folk; with their green houses and gardens enjoy their multitudge of flowers as much as the middle claw, who cultivate their gardens with their :own hands, enjoy theirs. Aniong these, now, great solicitude exists concerning the beloved plants, so carefully cherished though the sum mer. An manner of schemes are eoneoctei-for the improvising cif - greenihohies. Wit& the rich accomplished hy.morder to the gardener, is the result of 10g phi.nning on, the part of these others, and is, therefore, to the latter, a cause of pleasure proportioned to the effort it has cost them. All exotics housed and all sturdy shrubs that can stand tho out-door ,temperature cared for, there remain many -poor . ephemerals whose _doom is sealed. 'Tis sweet and mournful to the soul, to watch these ; dropping their last abortive blossoms and' their last leaves. Far into winter the annual vines will -be swaying 1 ,beside piazza and portico, till the band that 'fostered` them finally puts them out of their misery ; and the other poor annuals, that haie been left out in -the cold, after crying long, in chiding 'tones, "Why could yotigiVe me water 11 1 all summer, and now leave me tit fi re,", will, at last, be torn up and thro y. SINGULAR Case.- 7 1?0,Deceased Chnu Life.— Recently a little girl, daughter of Mi. Wilson, of Syracuse, N. Y., was sick from a severe fever, Foten she took a sudden relapse and to all ep ees died. Although cold, the body was stiff, but as limber as in life. symp tom was that of death, and so th be lieved. Arrangements were made y was washed and clothed in its grove merits. The corpse was laid out'on •"a table, and the friends of the family wended to the house whale deceased lay, to sympathise ' : with the mother in her bereavement. • A coffin. was or dered and the death notices' prepared for the newspapers, but lot and • behold, about 8 o'clock that evening the supposed dead child made a truly terrific scream, and the next mo ment began to breathe. , Heavy. Pereldratio Poured off the body in great quantities, andjthe pale, marble form assumed a healthy red ap pearance. When the "dead" child screamed, those present, except the mother, becarne greatly alarmed, and ran out of the room. The mother rushed to the body, encloeed it in her arms, and removed it to a bed in the side room.. The family physician was hrupdiately sent for, and the -parties alarmed about the house gradually rasumed their steadiness of nerve. The physi cian arrived, and applied propel. restiOntl , and the child is now in a fairway of, - • • This is trul • ~ , 3 , a singular case. Onirst -'7* and that child would have been ' . 2 ktom` ,TlWdatt hlynnang , AnciiffidWat 4 .0 oustiftreimon ant aside, and dnxofiemmo I took the place of tan and Wawa pnintallirMiNrig dealing with him ; if he is abusive, quit his coma any; if he slanders you, take care to live so that nobody will believe him. 3=33 CAMP Caminton.—We visited Camp Cameron yesterday•afternoon in company with Col. J. B. Keene, (late of damp Cruikshanka,)`and'aras received by our ancient friend and officer of the day, Capt. Isaac Witerbury, with all the urban ity peculiar to the soldier and gentleman. We noticed as a soldier our good-looking friend; Mr. Hugh Moony, of Philadelphia, also, J. S. Royal, Esq., of the Home Guard. The camp Is pleasantly situated al me two and a-halt miles from the city, and contains at present about thirty-five hundred troops, all of whom are uniformed, acept a conipany of sharp shooters, the contract for which perhaps will be awarded to Urucht Bowman, at the Cheap Store, comer, of Front and Market Streets. [octl4-2t. • le, 4..4 AnsaTAL o w tow Goons, URGE Assownterr 75 pc. of heavy brown Muslin. 100 pc. of bleached Muslin, all prices. Large lot of Shirt Breasts, Hoop Skirts, in fants' Bodies, Collars, white Cambria). 50 pc. Canton Flanels and Crosh. Thankful for past favors, we most respectfully invite the public to call, and we promise not to be outsold by any one. S.,LEWY, sept24-dtt 'llhoad's old stand. A CARD TO D.LEt DUFONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMAT.V.R. . , nialUble correcting, regulating, land 'remoning obatructlone; from whatever otiose, and I eve. l BY iahb E PILLS HAVE. BEEN IIEE1) the deplore for many .yeitip„ now in,rianne. and America, with unparalleled succeskht qmyipmp •;, and he is urged by,otany thousand ladies .wii o rait Oslo to make the Pills polite for the alleviation them ealit4r from any irregularities whatever„ na, we& ,tq mient an increase of family lame hmillb will, lurk pqinsli YemalesparticialarlY oltuP*l2.9r Weak 4 1 01 , 14 01 049 ,002 - selves so, are captioned 10°4 thelatriiin lfP4ejit tijoi condition, as they are ariviic produce inktateKMge and the proprietor assumes no responsibility attei this admi> ninon, although.gletr iinAtencynoldtPnvent any mis chiet to health—otheriliro the Pins are recommended. Full and exploit directions accompany etKAt tutx. prise Al 00 per box. Sold wholeseleand retail by , - • • • • • 9gArc.uss a, 1 1ANNV . No 2.JellettltoW;# l ltrillb_urd,,Pe. .Ladles," by seeding him WOO to „ th e r tierrigh . nri Poet Oillee, eto,baye the rule pent free,of ebtrormided Portot, wooers (confidential*, ) and ;Tree ot pos tage , ' by mail. Sold also. by 8.. Z. ftremet,. Beedgog, JOHNOON,.IIOLLOWAX,• ClovugM „Pkgbdedfdda, Lma most, Lebanon, ,Dexiva, Lancsegar; A- Worm,. Wrightsville, i T. Mgmat, York-' end. by. one druggist in every oity.mul vlllage,in the Nition i end by S. D. Rows, obi proprietor, NOW, York. . N. B.—Look oat : feroopeterfeits. Buy 0e.4.4•81ee - Pdas of any kind unless every, box ts.rdifeed 4- 0 0 10 ) , ° 0 •.: others are a halm imposition and unsafe therefore, as you vote your Illvos and health, (to vay :roaring of be ng humbugged out of your money,) may only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every bog, which has reeattly been added on aocionat el the Pills Imhof ommtortelovq, • • 4a4I4IWIOWIy. _ . DR.:OI4ERSKRAD.I..!B'FIL LS • • N E Wl'olll3l TT; • rilEiE combination of ingredient's in these 11 Pills are the requit of a long and extensive mode*. They. are mild ip their operation, and perledu In correcting alrirregularities, Painftli bianitruations,' retnoiing all ob structions, whether from cold. or .otherwise, headache, pate in the side: , palidtation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affraions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, dus., disturbed sleep, which arises from Interrup tion of nature. TO 44R4M:1 , ACIPPI, • Dr. Cheesamin , s Pills are tovaluniiie, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity.. Ladles who have been disappo rated In the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Dr. Olieeseman's Pdis doing all that they represent to do, ?here is one condition of the female spies in witick the Pins cannot be taken without producing eiPEOULIA It RESULT. Thecondition referred to it PIL/KilfANG7— tha ristat MISCARRIAGE. Sueh it Ow''.ututit Ole ten dency of the medicine to restore the sexuat function. to a normal condition, that men the reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it 'Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road, ac ootaratiy each box. Price Si.. Sent by mail on snobs , lug. SI to Ds . Coaramtre Cuirsumtir, Box 4,681, Post °Mee, New York City. bold by ons Bragg tineYerYtowliNho United Stales. R. - B. Miro GS, General Agent for the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom all wiolesele orders abouldlbe addressed. Sold in Harrisburg oy O. A. BANTAM 130‘41 4 dawly , • , HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE 11 Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided ifyou wish to escape ridicule. ORB?. RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a hjmunini and wtoirA)lrown Or MKS, withuu tGe Opel injurg to Hair kn. elan. ; . L 6 'APriiiiiirbiliikb:DlEtames ti - "ive,b4iiii 'Ai/li': ded to Wei. A. Bwrouitha aline 18.9, and over 200,990 applications have been made to the hail. of thepetrona Olds famous — Dye, : ' ' 9:a . a. , L. ,. ' 11016 ed, and is. is invigot Ml.f. Via' &Ad 17 firtptis., The Gen, and ad abl— larb:4"—tgrlict;oe 11;ca r7i d li wa ibit y,.N c e la w y York. Tan . ADVIIIMUL, having been restored '-to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy; after having eutaind seeeial years with a severe lung sect ion, and that dread disease, Colnikm. ntion — is "limo to make known to his tallow -atibrers the means ofeure. iii4rowasedlet :ternee rg Lre th 111 -2 1tet t preparing ,and aking Itilkaame,which theyotill find a sure cure lbr Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, is. The only object or the advteliser innedithe _Prescription tieeeeetee landed, suet swiped , fidermietiow which be conceives to be nvaluable,,s4 he hopes every ca terer will try him resiedy, as it attiPaist them nothing, and may prove a blessing._ , „ , Parties wishing the prescription-will please addresa; o sy.prk A..wthsoN, pxiss county, New Tore. oatet-wly HOW LOST HOW- RESTORED JUST PEttos4.24lAzw,d Envelope; Price 6 cts :'.‘t.r0.4110 - Ittratturo, Treatment, and radical Cure of Wriziatorrhosa or 6eminal Weak ness, InTolatits l 7, l oX"SiOnli &Vei. geb Uil n analm P ed. meats to Kir Maga generally, IteriiMmiim, comilimftm, Epilepsy and FiLS ' aenta , l end P Inwpacify re al:Ming from air Abby', &o.—Br auBT: J. LIM VOL. lin;A_AOr : c4 arOINDQ4k.i4C . 4 1 9°u to "Looosoods po.ocers," elm under iesi`, in m . 11 . riacopti;t0' , IPmy uldrovii -pod *Wm. "reCiliptAA oats, orMre- podapolampsf. by Tin CH: J.. 0.• ----3107-Domer7; - New - lorki Porlreibm - 8m.468 8 : ~ 120111,1320ininG STORE is the piece XL, to lind anything la we toy poilmoorr. 4rfib, Mak* Housi pursuance of the 4inance, the market will open strive o*- mtirnink: Paorxs.—We agree with an exchange more quiet and peaceably we get on, .9r—the better for ourselves, the better ieighbors. In nine cases out of ten, coarse is, if a man cheats you, to ways succputful, as a proven IMPORTANT TO FEMALES NOTICE TO CONSMEMVE§. za4mlobil, . • e 4 • . 4 ! ir .90ap orntng, . . PiratebEE ' ' '' . D. Ail Plpp. _Puza AND Vi i t D mptipt .-- Pre lh e ll i C lZU "MOW Pobtolu.alr eabeeLD l 97 lB obili Minirb. 11inirea ti or ,irupt . inneffohecBlr: in4l4, qpigia(lop otilletilb 1( nee IS trimly oatotilehlog, been rembetsb 111 • [, O FVE S P OI g e B= I944 "" al tt) titerptirtlytagenaati'on ta . -.' - 8111100 S Fere i 'Fever and Ape, (Iyepepies,-Arbpay, Plies, and to short. . most all iihoebeee tioeicyieKtstebetr, curative propertied No (sibiiy eboold,be tyltbent,khem, mi. by their timely ,e mitokOtliterlog sod expeo•• may be steed Preoiro4.l4. OM f. : tf- . !i., !i, sh-ir York, &or for ••T• o• 0 , - Druojr!.o. ' ....- o • voo. 10 Ett - a t - i tlr On tbs Inth but „at 'Witt* , s6Siottoti Secondstreet, by /4 41 D Eqr, bulb of Dttapitok*itt*Ta,:. re SEALED PROPOSALS, till the 21st of Octo-: ber, 1861, at 12 o'clock, m., are invited for supplying the Army with Beef Cattle on the hoof, to be delivered at Chambersburg, Harris burg, or York, in the State of Pennsylvania, as the Government may designate. Bidders are requested to comply in all parti culars with the form of bid published herewith.: Government reserves to itself the right to pay: in Treasury Rot. s or other funds it has for dis bursement, and to reject any bid and for any; cause. ' No bid will be - entertained unless the bidder is 'present to respond to his bid: The Government will receive 4,000 head un der the contwt; arid will *erve .the fight to' require an additional number Up to 11,090 head. .4, Deliveries to be made weekly in such quanti-' ties agliffigibArfquired:. ' . 1 The Cattle mast average 1,300 pounds gross. vOighti; *nd ito!rininud:llll be received lymph. weiglitil *lt& liooo.pciusida.gnpase. New powlAtiAnal, bid ; will be weaved. ' The bids to directed to Capt. A. 13sCuitra,' C. S. U. S. A., Washington; D. 9., and endors ed "ProPisals Or Beef Cattle." " raiii or .DID /,- 6 ;USttlerebir,Pthrilee.thA4ll' 6 4 the Government good Beef Cattle on the hoof for - per hundred pounds gross weight. The Cattle to be delivered at Chambersburg, Harris bit% ,of york, in the State of Pennsyltnida; as thei.llovernment may designate,,According .to the terms of the enclosed adverthlement. The Cattle to be weighed on the scales, and the weight sp, determined to be the purchase weight. I heriby agree to give a good and sufficient bond for the fulfillment of the contract, and to receive Triiunary notes or other Government funds,M payment for the Cattle. The fait delivery of the Cattle will be requir ed to be made about the 10th of Nevember, 1861. .. 601;440 . _ _ J - STEAM IFEE,ILY 1, v •; AND •-.., EMBARKING-4RAB s. °Juts at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) Thialser. pool, - New irorl . and Philadelphia Eteanistdp commit) , OendrdrepatnOng : initipoWered Olide-bush r Steamships as follows : SDINBURB, Saturday,Vetober,l2l IIITY WAlk- INGTON, Saturday, 00tOber ; arid ETNA, Saturday October 26 ; and every , Saturday at Noon, from „Pier 44, North liver. , • air - • FIRST 041111.....i....101, 00iiiittillAiate: • $3O 00 do to L0nd0n.....580 00 I do . to j..ondon —SW 00 do to Paris 001 do to - Paris 838 00 do to uelatturg“.sBs 00 I • do td .Hamburg $36 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, AntwerpOth,; et'etintillyiowittea; $417ft161 0 11 11 . -Wiehint hnottiouttheir friends ran buy tickets bett,al theltglewinc,ratse,,to steerje r tr: From Liverpool or (Itteadstoirdrlst own, era; $B6 nod $lO6 . Steerage from LATerpooi 00...,.8rein Queenstown, 00..• Thesentek haveor aceoinniedalleas for passengers. and mory-ixperlenced Snr*eons. They are belt in Water-tight boa Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators o t Wird. • • - , For Anther tytrortnntionspplyin Lirroool to WILLIAM IRMAN,Ason‘.# Water, Street; in Glasgow to Wit. INMAlll;lnt.MbOeh Square`; in Queenstown to 0. & W. D.SSYMOUR 00. ;fn London to lIVRS & MAtrY, 81 Hing-William St. ;-hr Peri; to AMOS DECOUM, 5 Place de la Bonn .11441eligila to. 49;IN4OLs.LE, 111 Walnut lama ; or at the lOompatii'a alms. -.M0., 0. DAoll,,Aient, , 0(01.4L Broadway,..New-Yore. Or 0. o... Annulus's. Meat. Horrillhurir.' SHIRTS! SHERTBII SH/RTS 111 HOME 6ANIEfiACTVRE. IMP THE CHEAPEST IN THE ILIE.ILET. PEE lziPlerappl hawing. .OPO*/ his Mitc*ltcf.r.of Met * , ,at N 0.12 _Weft Market ,tree.,, .nem treepectfully eollottiv the patronage and Mention of the Ladies, Gentlemen 'and timeluinte;M:tlie Wowing assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : SHlRa wr OLLexs BOSOMS, . cre : ---- • - r • 'rr- - 1 - n, - dAtbbd liartfeclar a top aSSortment of under gar (, im proved London end Parr "L - T itLysitg, CIJFFG,GETreI ho., In great varieties, all of which being our owd-rdauonfactare we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere, Persons desirousof furnishing their own materials;esi hove cutting, sewing Ay., of every variety done se oord- Mg to order. All ofthe above named goods for Gents wear, we will make to measure, guaranteeing to fly and glee entire satisfacdou to the purchaser for style, dorabllity and m.tertal. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upou the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the nmat, mason able terms. . . P. S. Ladles mlihtng skirtis or coder garments of may eisortptkm, eau have them made to order by sending sample of such Mods as may be desired. JAMES A. LYNN, • • No. IA Itartetstreety-- au49-dem . Harrisburg, Pa. Ro rk oms next door to Hummel itHillinger's Grocery . , Pa: tisll WlNE co r ra, Aß, et. al. l is tx ti f7UsLTerin com. et. al. linen Pleas, in erity. NOTICE FOR ELECTI - ON OF ELDERS OR - • TRUSTEES. • 1111atipifrAtistnie_of ,equi j. ad; Cont s py,fiAerlXsn; Joh l o. *Weellti.Y"elden .edge in,the Cr. above stated, enelectiOn for lOW did : tietroateei of "Thellhareh Of thid at thiriiehtirtA beheld at th.Betbel, or *church building of said thblmh, oialrearth itreet,iti this citz, on Tuesday the 29th day o r MAW* Deli; by t tduly vokuko 'immoboto or - to Church. - dad ao said decree, three members a( . Illt egagresetion, dolt qualified. to vow wtherdles:te ' visions of the Charter of said ohnitth, mill be*, • between the luorteof 9 dolcok, A. Y., and 12 o'elogh. of - rialdithyorheare-tohold-eald -elections- Swelters.* trustee:o4 tb.sippe, plume, onthe :Bawd day, between the boors of /2 . Weloolr e ll., and 6 Woken, P. X. rea= l o lll64l 4:4 l l lll taud others. KJ Sept. 25th,186/.--ifik jiii"r( Egbalag i lgej l C" ' NM AND FANCY . 5 Eta er ainatilmint, -MWMTION, .. ... Itilt.U.6~.rite' :ilrikitirirbel , Joel; J i t Patinas President the oourtOt Common Pleat ii, el tek.ii~: IMlFtgrio e • • • no srtd-trki ~ a w l A. •,_ 1 and Hon. Faux Motu" *oxidate Judges; In Thumb county, having beard their preoept i besting, gate lb 23 day of September , 1861, te Ina d rooted, tor - boldin a Court or Oyeltind,Tertulaer and Gdneral4all Delivery and Quarter geenbase et the Peace at ttvrriebarg i ler th county or I)aupida, atipiyilpintience on TON SID 1103 DAY or NOTIKHYD more , being the lern DAT OF NOTTJUI Va. collthlue two weak& - ~ Notion is tbereicirn-beieby lovien , te tii & el m. , J ee „ been of the pewee, Aldermen, and Oonstables of the said county or Deep:an, that they hi then and there in their': * g et liers i .0.0 oNgockikaos zoroaßos or said dagy th theiS ~ ,rdtii4tiqultiltioitgeAritifiation s ,- and thew, own remembniuttlya, le Oti, those thing, . which to their, ode° appertatill le blkonersad throne Wino are bound in recogrdassigale plelleoliteSaisdnat the prisoners +hit are or shall be r hi the Jill , Of DetighbtOpunty, be thed , and there to progecateglemitt them as shall be jo-t. , Givep under Itty,hand, at , thtITIOUrg. the 23rd dry oil Setmonber, in the year of our Lord, 1861, and in the. eighty•lifth year or the Independence Dribs) United,Stato J. D. Stag Sherd; . Sandirle Oriole '• • ) Harrisburg, Oistollsr,p, no. I • • IT: Ri INGERSOLLIS: • • FOUNTIIN i(ATA , BRUSH It dresses the hair wilthoet itellhig the fingers. It effects i goyim of ono-httlf, in the moot eels proper- , anion ' - desIAMILY trremylalr•oll betties. It, la handsomer artlel.Aum-[he eonagien heir-brush. It regulates the,quandty of fluid wen, drop. I ie,perfeenty-Initint, ' % ilia*** ;_. • 949. Vaitit&.9 ' cledeol OtPugt age or a kingjaw Ito Pica 1 4, months. o,tio To Iffairied •:. :pia\ • 11HE undoirdigned' Will give information od a very interediejellit4 :important subject, which will Do valued more than a thousand times Its emit by every married couple .of any age or .tondition In II o. Tbe inforniiition will be sent by mail to every address through the same source accompanied by 2f, Gents and two red stamps. Address B. MOBRIS, 11. D., Lot* Hoz 60, Busks ; Hass. B.—Thie llablentablog,but la warranted to be am. p , y satisfactory in every ansitaesoe • (regardless of senti ments, age, or oonditkin la Ilk) or the Emmy will be re funded. A : directed W3l . .B. Morris Leek Bor. 6#14 , a Pain gnaturs anil address for return., . ,00taideedittiewlin "c91,25:Ti. 11 L. QTATE B ifeei nate-MIA 'Btfeet, a few , doors bilgeillraWyjilcieti,Augyltrburg. A Dee now Rear" 041 4 T MAUS ixen., ,ildwOya on band and neatly Oniabed Warder?: Silveri ifiateitilit. Terms rm. 5u05bi1.: , ,;',.; , ..- - :', 1.40 4 1'1 1 0 . 5 , Al,-.1 , ~- - 9. 84 1111 4 1- UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MATTE, co t o je .i mar .. . COTTON 00?&FOR IS, sOILMI MELONS, .: '. 7 ,-. ...7..' WIINGEM, • , ...—..... CAMP A.R STOOLS. ~ &0., On bead and tbr sale at the very lowest Mee for matt. Hatt blattymossym* . aprjog Mato= made to order. SOFAS, LoLINGitik" -- ' --- 1 2- ' ,voisms. • , toffor i a, , ,c - , •,:. 1 . ~. 4.-... •li NS Sze., Repaired and made ratbaktilitr , - all at No. 109 . Market street, between Fourth ant by '- Oelb4Md• .' --.. .: , • ~,!., 1 , 3. ar.marlytiz. •FQ R OAM 4, 1 4 1 0 10 . V. SECOND ?MET-MAW: PEERNum virounszteu r ie„ I: r d . nittint i l e a=t l crafra dr :t: mug* *Pe; byor.kriangon ta bastaca% yurtierit aco uaabb:or4bi aakk, Asplaskilhatiwrvaraubea both, sato prime Rad wort. GPIIII, 1:1010 D S FOR .T.13:11 ARMY, seas, rWwll,ll3o.Vggysti. -- owns, oms 1,e44#0,viii047.44.1kc , 0 4: , 0 i tti. 8 . 7 •14. " 21 North Ede Market &lila* is Buehler'. lIARWBBITE,GI, PA. Inistuastho - ' 19 .. 11 4 ° , ( f lEj r FitAXIS I BIESTER, • eAftVEIVA.I4±YGIL'DER, NR:401 1 e Lookiloglaatianitasturex,Framag, RIB and Rosewood•Illooldlogs lei 48 :CHffiNIII ',: BL`,INB )taxioND. ELA-8114ApyR , . • French Mirror; . 61qinat% and Oval Portrait daltarisca of thimarmoii: , OLD rwippa i llic.oint4 , l33, DREW _ - LEKOL4AMMEIKEIVEURSERs. UT o- ted ouun t i IttdifliftiMi hie old porna,_ _Jr244O • ~. iut irliwva 4.. - . Villym:l4, b+ ,:: ..- .0. lostrVor Tim • ...; iiHis OLD TRANSPORTATION-LINE dandilJaaticoussfilloPareSionals4 carry freiglit Awaaky-lothti•lildtvidtua. line between Philadelphia;Harrlibung,ilintinuy; imvisklurg r willtams. port, Jersey Shore, Look Haven, and aft polota•- On the Northern Central, Philadelphia end. Erie, and Tilliamz port andllialtwAidirattlik: Local Agent at Harrisburg, .; •• i• .„ • 0:-.8;1113.111NCH. WEI Good ant to PP.ACOGIC,:2BI4‘&I3IINCHIMAN, Noe. 808 and 810 Market, etreekAboveltighth,tryttotieek, P: M., will arrive at Nanfiebars. rpattil; 04e delll7 .the next Agent. -.•- y 1, - 4 A CO hi FORTABLE DWEL LING HOUSE ; AM, neer the Wilhilltddliteethilit *lthaca sTABLING 1 . h !..T6T, 13 - 6 1. 4 . 1 -Se al"44lll4l. *=. 0. FAWN 'OH '• • tk l ' 4•;.:140•=410. .ff iiAnkONEPV4I4 I .}f:I tEIPIifiL , BILLISORIB' SW..has-Afentayed. 54-qatsissiii9 - AttisAßkiadmilmaktrveterilarkei street to gallirtiVreitAbiliettaltikiikiiiikWthe ,, Beate C'hilfChairetell=hhard by lirkg attend 10. te. ma/64W 5. WV. PAIMEII. . eilialiat t iVailditteftiteMag rtreihallieaV the coucierw,the •:.entire .billeokeralgOAMON, fintoirogriiArtla man, daemon!, It thejoyagAhm* e equare, be sold at private sale - ii - OCillt and the rooine.Wlll be =ewe the wanner it &Wad.- ' l l. ••' • ate /Pa • ES • ~ • 4.3 -- A @~ ik I. All Pennb, gd comp:miles pre 111- tateir}3ervice on t limb* been directed to rat. - to the maximum standard refit- Department, viz :—lnfantry com p._ fantryr regiment, (10 companies,) pany officers and enlisted men. Cavalry e. parry 9&; ca valry regiment, (10 companies 7 960 Lcompany offtoers and enlisted men, the following regulations to govern the recruiting thus made necessary have been adopted by this department to take effect from and after this date: Recruiting will be done by' officers de tailed for the purpose from each organization. The State will furnish transportation, on appli cation to-this Department in proper form, and will pay all proper expenses incurred in recruit lng. Such expenses are, -Rent of o'ffice or recruiting rendezvous. 2nd. -Advertising to a reasonable extent. Srd. 'Subsistence of recruits from the date of their being sworn in before a magistrate, until their entrance into a state camp. The actual expenseawill be allowed noteicceeding 1 - forty beliti3lseledav for each man milsten. ci into the iTtiltal States service. More than ten &ors for any one reerdit will admitted. 'Twenty coutsadditiOnal willbe allowed for each day ne from the remit c4kit). , ihtetffie'svill •Atri" obtained ocil4-dawicl Forma of Amounts. —These must be pre sented in the name of commissioned officers only, on forms furnished by this Department, accompanied by bills of all matters charged for, with date, particulars arid receipts of the pa'rties to whom payments were made. IV. No officer is permitted to have bills for recruiting expenses charged to the State. He must pay all liabilities of this character that he incurs, and be reimbursed by this department on the basis heretofore stated. By order— JOS. D. POTTS, • Chief of Transportation and Telegraph petit oc9-1w I 'NEW- Er ATIONAL LOAN. give% and Three-Tenths Per Cent. I r REASUEY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT THE OFF/OE or JAY , COOKS it CO. BANKERS, No. 114 South Third Street , • $ roal.noe.rmuicA, xiirsuant n instructions from the Secretary of the Troia:lU, tbe Subscription Book to the NES NATI. Mali 'LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of Isehtealuilttrootenths Der seen Ver . :in:noir, romtit 'll4" - f i c t/ 4 e, o. 114 S.THIRD until further notice, from 8 A. M. till 6 P. id., and on Mopd&ga Gll • 9 P. 11 . ate now NM be of the denomination of FIFTY IDO 10, -, Ostif fIONDU 0 DOL it.t FIVE MED - DOLLARS NE THOUNANO D I OLLAita. and . DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of August, 1861, payable in gold. in three years, or con. Neinto a twenty-yea:ate LI Mr :gript,,Lipan,ll,llllV. 0 the , holder. - Emelt Tataanry Nino naelnalvelt coupons , ttmiltek tirlitch• 2 ent-ofF4ind edllimtel in gold at the Mint every Os too:Uhl, and stgbe rate of one dint *r . daY on each ithy dollars, Payments Of sibecrlpums may be made In Gold or heck; or Notes of any of Ih, Phliadelpia Banks. 'Patents AT A 'DISTANCE can TOO* by their friends, thiNg e th ihemall, he by express, or through Banks and. ths . aatiry Notes will be Immediately delivered, or sent to esch subscriber as they may severally direct. . I Partles remitting must add Ate Lottoint Prom 19th; of u tti • t g Attrol -, all thelnittlrigt4ll cen t - , •Figialrnipas, ra e of one cent er 'day on each fifty dollars. : 'Apply to or sadttas REVALY 4OI4 PTFIRTUKtiti ~,.o.rojOr.lAY GOOltigiittr4 oioterie DAM =MU, Jr INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MAITAL SAFETY INSURANCE COAIPANY. OF PHILADELPRIA. ING I O'BPO.BATED 1835. capurAL AND ASsETS $9041,907.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. .OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. menu. AND ASSET. 3.... 84219,4753.9 THE 'undersigned, as Agent for the ' a ' Well known Companies, will make Laurance against leas or damage by tire, either perpetttallk or an nuilly,nn properly In either town or country. Yarlue and Inlaid Transportatien Rieke ako taken Apply personally or by letter to _99W01, 44;w1.7 ST. Nionotio,.ix • EL BROADWAY, NEW-YORK .ideavored, without ve .. gird to coat, to provide , and to combine ail the elements of individual and social ettivyment which modern net has invented, and modern taste approved— and.theried‘ ronage which it bas commanded during thqiptu4gxxpars la a gratifying proof that their hennappre- To meet the exigeiacfes of the times, when all are re garred•to practice the most rigid economy, the under signed • Have Reduced the Price or 'Board to ~,Two.Dollarstpou.Day, at the same abating none of the luxuries wiib which their table has hitherto been supplies. WRITOOMS & CO.—. wt New York, Sept. 2, 18131.—eep9-e3m* :7,mwill 1 lisrl w 1': 11w FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. MELE,YaII term of ROBERT.IVELW.EI4 L for: 1:4516 will open on the first Monday September ThQ room i well ventilated ceinflartAt ftwnialifkarid ID every respect adapted 404616 ti t ., • lase& CATHIRINE SVELMCIPS School tee= giriti,acatel the eme wilt open for the Flattens at the same time.:, The room ilea been elegehlirldked u p - t ovromote he health and comfort of seliiiiara. augTidtf - .. , • .COAL. pin undei,ligned wnald ins entfully in. -* .. torniisitin - aarpart of - tim ottyl i tyvenalidleyrrrevom to and WilliMMatve Coat is kmaalanylotheredeatere in hen city. Please Call an. give me a Mal. - I: WALLOWER, Jr., Agent, •• • - 4 6. , i iiy a i, jr- t i.,, Pet 1 ,, *M 1 1 , 40 1 , 17,1,1 N. r -W"-._ f ' -- APr i tT.taiiilEL;B. t 311 7" 1:;, aildreil BnlPtlirlour; Sagal. Ba r r els of; mai db. 4 7 411onitaad- prices. • 1,15 Er GLAPS.POMNIAiit **- • .-!'tii,i*.:w—meYbac§ Antrof ti. mmufacturas at tatzm...ll •oad; steamboat by the State, itiug• officer if regular fare ou two thirds regu be refunded to WI nAliAsUßriteß; Eliirtibui*, Fa er Day. iia qnd com- Alien Ake single an t ais milebsumpisons, for the citizen and to administer to the Alf, WO& JR. ir 04
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers