ailgeitgra . •i '-') • -T : " ./Y.' a• • , - . ~- .• . .. ... •,.. -?,:i...:,%.7 • _§. 'lir - i .- ." 12 ,-- 0• -0 ,Ip , ..• . •_ 9 ".•*6 1 •,$4. ' jt S , . .4S, r -h p , ~• ",• / 94. A. :.. . ,A.,r6... . ,$ 4 4 4) a e ...'.‘„ A `,•!... over a healthy after a while lay Sienese that 1. You o n well believe I tell you, that 1 ho.d yo age, and remain ever gra St. Ant,hony's Fire, Bose - 7 41 W. Te.tez aid bait Eherun, e Ningworm, sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. hu .art M. ctabla tr om mow, N. If., 12th Sop., MIN that be saw cored an WM. rate case or Lot - ay, • throdeouta to tertnittata fatally, by ths Ponta ort•Jaata• ' taco at maugnaut t ity Says he cured We r LBronohooeL Zaintion oeuau 01 e, of your Serest, sena swelling On over two years." Lanoorrinea Uterine tiler Dr. J. B. S. Chanauig, of nee 1 -OE City, µrues ; moat cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent s..yur I nave iouud your adrsaparit la 4100 t exuettetit atteruauvelu toe numerous coo:want ui for whion we em- ploy attuu • rainau) but ea/in/Lally 11/ demak DiSC(.4SES of the derufillOus utaLttdads. .1. curd foamy luveterate oases of Leucorrofea by it, and some where the com plaint wa. 0/100/1 oy ulceratiom of too itterlid. The ut oelattuh Bath was umm cured. Nothing within my Shmeiedge equals it f these female derangements." Bawer., S. Barrow, of Aewbury, Ala., writes, deo. gerous eenrian tenter on one of the fel:lmes to my family, Mean had denea all tilt/remedied we could employ, hus at length bean completely carets by your salaam of Bur. upend& our phydiatau thought nothing but esti pa: tien 'fund afford rebel bat he advised trial of your liarsapari.le es toe lust resort retforei Culling, and 11 proved effealtial. after taileg your remedy eigat Weeks nu symptom of the eased.) females.. syphilis and Mercurial Das — ease. him thilltilad, 2510 eilli t ,Udt, 1959. Dr. J. 0. Ayaa : 151 r, I cheerfully comply with the re. quest of your agent, and rep -rt to you thane of the effects 1 wive reeltseu alto your sarsaparilla. 111.4V0 curia WWI It, 111 my practice, most of the com ply nts fur welsh It is rdo./111Ulaudail, and have found its tffects truly 00/1,00101 In toe cure of Verierat and Mer curial Mecum, tine of my patients uad dlypail.lo ulcers to hW unlad e Widen we.° atasaurniaig lila palate and toe top of his mom. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him In live Week. Aumher was attauked by sec. Contlas y eympunns in Ms nose, and the ulceratuu had eat en away a doutilderable van of 11, 10 t tut 1 Inhofe too disorder Wouta soon team' hi. brain and kill him. But it yteldtd to my ailuituldiralloll of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers neamd, -ad he is we.. &gam, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. a neaten woo had been treat-d or the earns uhsord.r by =wavy ,was suffering trout tide potato metier 1/04041. they had become a, letaddre to the weather that on a damp day 6110 Eill9'ero/1. arerUalating !stn la her joints end mama. She, too, was oared entirely by year Baraaparilia in a few Weed.% know from its laminate, Whitsh yon agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy ; coustguenuy, these truly remarkeble ratans Alma nave bet eUrpriked me. traternaity yours, IX V. LARIMRR, M. D. Ihdumatism, Gout, Liver complaint. IniserraMsscS, Fromm Va., 6in July, leibb, Di. J mina:- air, I have been afilic.ed with a palm ful chronic Rheumatism fur a lung tame, which baffled the mild Of ,puysiolans, and studs to me in spite of all the remedies 1 colild , until tried your Sarsaparilla.— (hie battle cured me in two weeks, and restored my gen eral health NO mucn that I am far Patter Mtn before I wee masked. I think It a wonderful pandlolue. J. FREAK. Jules Y. Gen: bell, of St. lands. writes : "I have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried evert thing, and every thing Abed to relieve me and I have been a broken down mau fur sumo years trout no they cause than de. vellgetwiter chi icier. Sly beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Rio, earned me to try your darsalluffhfa i hifOsUee he vela he knew you, and suytning you made was worth trying. My the blessing of (shod It nes cured me. I feel young 'gala. The beat that can beente of you is not half geed enougu." Sehirras, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Uloeration, caries and =foliation of the Bones. ♦ great variety of eases have been reported to us where aural of tome form.dable complaints have result. farm the use of this remedy, but one space bare will not &dale. Meek Stan or town may be found in our Amer cam A 101414114, welch the 1 1 / 4 0014 below named are pleased to fumed grade W all wad call for them. .Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, „Epilep sy, melancholy [ meuralgia. Ropy remarkaole cures of these affeetions have been Made try rte saterne.lve power of tuts medielue. It slim- Mates thb Mallen-Was into vigorous action, and thus overcomes dimmers whicn would be supposed bey and be mon. each a remedy has been required by Ma un riesalnee of the people, and we are confident that this will dolor them all that medicine can do. flyer's Cherry Pectoral kOR THE raear CURE 01 Coughs, Colds, Influenza, . Hoarseness, tiroup, bronchitis. incipient Con sumption, and for the ilelief of uoneumpriva rati ente4 • in adv limed stages ' • of the Disease Thls ha remedy imuoiverEady two we to sur pass any Other for the ours of wrest and mug 0 0 111pLouti 111,tt it 1 / 1 ' uselese sere to owlish Muhralluo mane/hal Gm weatteriut oures Cl oul Munro throng : bout the . Yew ate tne eukuntinhtes, wen have net WIWI person. Sane hiring trophy to LA& n, scone sad ua hymns disorder. Al all know the drown!, fatality as they (new, Soo, tn e etructs of do more than to mime them that It has nuw all the vir tue, Was Judos have when mating the cures winch have Won 110 Wrongly upon the tkneklence Cl mankind. Prepared byDr..J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. Hold by 0. A. Bannvart„ C. K. Keller, D. W. Grose & 00., J. ffi. Lutz, & Lo., Armstrong, Harrisburg, amt deal ers ev ery where. 'botli•Onivasr IMPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE....A Very.rare lot jest received and for side by & WM. I IoCK .111 &CIO A ViiitY lIEAV X dTtJuK obiz BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS COCOS ! to EMERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. it .81 . 014 hekno the Coat of isetportetti:m CALL AT Next door to the HCATHCRT'S, arrisb A urg Hank., ma WA.LLOWEIVB LICE, DAILT alumna IaRRISBURGiuId PHILADELPHIA. iffi el A B ur k, Agent, 812 Market tired, phedg, Phii4 'woo* -E 4163 9 810 4 81 Co. ' . fr l i f loial Conductor in charge of end muds delivered at tbio ili:arthoW ?Wader. a i tit 0 , 4 164,11. M., will* dellveirallln 4 Thicr ontimukliarafEC X WAIAOWER, 4,404 INWN • 91**) 1411 0 )41 X 4 kgPil., , , , ,-, • Je,t-i. 444, ta,.4._. i 1:511 •USEHOLD. EY' 8 • ent Glue THE WORLD THE WORLD. GLUE IN THE WORLD. A" GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE WORLD. CEMENT GLUE the kind ever produced which TEISTANI) WATER. " ILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. WILL MEND LEATHER, d your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c. IT WILL MEND GLASS, ve the pieces of thet expensive Cut Glass Bottle IT WILL MEND IVORY, IA throw away that broken Ivory ran, it.l; easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Yinir broken' Chia► Oupliund sinters lin' be lade as That piece knocked out of -your Marble Mantle can be "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crosiers American Cement.talue."—.N. Y. Times. 11,1 coavententAo have in Lie hones."—N. Y. Express. ...h. is always ready; thin commends itself to every budy."—Zedependant. "We have tried it, and Ind it as useful in our homes as water."— Wake Spirit of the Matt. 310 3 00 'per, year , saved In Overy Ninny by One Bottle AMERICAN OEILENT GLUE, ,490-4.0,4 6 3 Per Bettle4:- , pair, BOVC Poe 2c Dente Pin* Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per }little. ". Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Beduedons - tri Wholesale Buyers. r "% gig L gAl34.:-:, 9 : . 3 - wirFor sale by all Druggists, and storekeepers general ly throughout; the oouptry. ,(s.Qie Yip iireaturire,), , , 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. • • FEW YORK Important to House Owners. Important to Builders ; Important to Bail Road Companies. IMlUn4anitOli j aiinera To an whom this may conce r n, and it concerns every CEMENT ROOFING," The Cheap* and ; meet durable Roofing th use IT lEFIRE AND. WATER PROOF. It can be applied to et aw'and ota noon of all Wads, steep or fiat, and to Samna Roue without removing the Shingles. The Oat Istorilyhbout oDeVhielltllaitJotTlit ANIII Ile-41 TWICE 'AS diCALABLE This &w ant* lieektboreataiLY lesteeVin ,Nesis York City and all other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Central aud7Bouth *marl a, on buildings of all king, 8111.31.04:07/0,11.1 ounniquAgrain, Bahl liy Raid D De po t, and' 4,3, biii . gentfa GOURBIMIT 801LL04.1.110 I • by , the prheilpil 'Builders, anudiects sad othersicdurieg the. past four years, and nal proved to be theSIIRAFRIO and MOSE' DUR ABLE ROOFING in use; Milo every - respeet Wentit, WIIATREK and 'l'ititSyttoos covering for EOM OF ALL KINDS - This is the ONLYmaterial teatitiftieltired in the United Statu Which eoultdoes the very desirable properties of Masai y and Durability, which are univereauy yarjzow• ledial to be jigsawed by QDI2A PAROWA AND DUALS ItUBBRA.7.I Er t No .11!4yartquirel i9rgaldwappliostion The expense of applying R is trilling, as an ordinary root can be coveted and liiitstiod. She same day. -It tan btiatoplieCbranrone; and when nuletinitibrnii a ,perfebtly Free IPnocerenrface With an audio body, Fhicb c annot be injured by Han', COLD or Sloane. 43 . 1annonxolof IWO! Boanne,•riOr any ax. ennui action whoever.. IA GUTTA , .:PERCEA. CEMENT, For Coating Metals ofl nds when exixosed to the Action of the Weather, and FOB i'13.11/3ERVING AND REPEARING:IdEI'AL the only Composition known which will mews at extreme changes "of all' °amides, for any time, Mien applied to metals; to which It ad• torining a body eqtial to tams or ordinary finlub km and will Last' MIMIC TIKES AS from, its elasikety is not irtj by tht a expansion of Tin and oth al~polg, it upon sudden changes of the weather. riot' CRAVE IN 0011 D 8R RUN IN . WARR WEATHER, AND WILL. ItIOX WASH Old. Leas y Tin and other Metal ROO% can be readily repair ed Vith,,GUTTA PhItkiHti,,CAMSNA atid,itreventea,,, from further coirrealon and leaking, thereby ensuring a per really Aightroof for many years._ - This Cement in pecudarly adapted. for the preservation of IKON RAtLINGd, StuVRB, RANGNS, Btablk4, AGRI CULTURAL IMYLEAIIsINTS., &c., also, for general manu facturers use. GIINA PERCHA CEME NT For preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal Roofs Of every description, from its great elasticity, it no, hlitirod by the contrhatlon and expausim of Metals, and mitt not crack in cold or ran in warm Weather. These materials are ADAIRED TO atx. manes, and we are prepsred to Supply orders from soy part of the coun try, at short notice, for our 4 ?Elven& BOWING io rolls, ready prepared for use, and GUTPA PERCHA (A MEND in barrees, with' fdll 'Printed directions for appli . . We pill make .liberal iatiefactory arrangement' wan regonal:de parues whp tsould Mints satablish them seises in a lucrative and isumaiient business. We can give abundant proof 'of all we ',lshii in favor of our Improved Roofing having applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York Guy and vicinity: WINS& CROBLET, BOLE MANUFACTEfiIERS„ Wholesale:Warehouse 78 'William St. Corner, of LiberlyStrest. /9.11111 r YORK; Feu efeerlpdire Circulars and Penes , *llkbe farniskied , • o:11;01' „ 4 , , ~„ , ANITA 171.GA13 - finarkTEr-L . ' , "to_zjibP good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, psi on as strong as ever £F WILL MEND; PORCELAIN, Pitcher did not coet but a an a shilling aimed. ALABASTER, is brokensgeki t torakret ar show wheifgektoggrar. Coral, Lava, and in 2 but Metals. AMMIOAN CEMENT AWE ere - it lo mended. =TRACT& ECONOMY IS WEALTH. JOHNSik . CROSLEY, body. 46zrztit t ic tßtisztris IMPROVED GITIT A PERM ROOFS OF ALL KINDS pc) at OUR TERMS ARE CAM 411140 at LL:7♦y Aftsc tilantaus. LADIES' WINE. SPEE,R'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. 111 Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAELBUCI WISE, loal and bona dant, Tonic, i is eminent Oiled to Europe ant A LADHCS , WINE, because it will Out intoxicate as other wines, as it con takie no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is al - ibr its rush peculiar flavor and nutritive propbrties , imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, Solt and healthy akin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED mPERR, Passaic, N. J., le over the cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THL9 WINE. A. sew, VropristOr. ?meals, H. J. Ohne 208 Broadway, New . Volk. J. H. EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. Gross, & Co., O.K. John Wyah and by draggAsts generally , ly. reat Cure, DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, THE ONLY KNOWN RE,firPY FOB Rhernuatiam Gout and Neuralgia' e AND A SUBS OURR FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me, r; cite compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, no change inhabits Of living Is required and it entirely removes the 'diaease from the system, without producing the injurious Milting arising from the use, of portzfat internal .medicines which weaken and destroy thil constitution, and give teMpOrary relief ' By MS iredment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come In contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the *On, Wieling In every instance a perfect cure, and restore the parts adlicied to a healthy condition. This also - a most powerful arm-idssociust agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the 'persitions of facts of Mercury. Moderate eases are cured In_ a itaw days, and we are constantly receiving testirnonlaketi its efficacy in aggravated asses of long standing. Pains $ 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or canoe sent by mail or express, with fall directions for use, to any part of the Wintry 3 direst from the Principal Mos, '/(0.4U9 BROADWAY, New To& , G. SMITH kk 00., Sole Piopriietori. N. B.—Descriptive Circularif Sent Free. - 'IIrAGIMTd WANTED EViIitYWHERE..I. .134-dew W E OFFER TO CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortridut of GINTLEMEN'S WALLETB. A New mad Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put up in Cat Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Amortmout of - HA NDKE R.CI HIEF PERFUNNS; Of the best Manufacture A very Mandaome Variety of POWDER PUFF 'BOXES ) KALLEZ'S DAM STORE, 91 Market street. sap* . FLAGS 1 FLAGS I . 1' - 3 • TOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National dodges, Gahm PAPER with a view Cl eeity.oi Harriet ag, printed and rer sale et SOHIWYKR'S BOOK STORE; thews the. Earvielmre erthiht , sad DR. T. J. SURGEON DENTIST/ g ITEM his services to the 'citizens o j Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a. dare 0 the 'public patronage, and givee assurance that his: best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in hip pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he fbels safe in &Hinz the public generally to eau on l i fi n ; assur i ng hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, (Mice No. 128 Market street, In the house formerly co • • espied by Jacob E. Eby, near the United States Hotel, raygday .• ..;1;' kc • jR„, 1 go & . t - ARDING • - COMMISSION M.ERCILVT.. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, N o Central, Cumberland Valley and Penneyleanla liallreads end Canal. GAOLING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAAUWB removing will be promptly atteadtSl to. Orders eft at Brant's EurOpeau Hotel, or at the store of R. S. 2ollinger, will resolve prompt attention. Con !foments of freight respectfully solicited. apt . JOHN WALLOfficOWER e JR. g Agt., Reacl WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DIOTION.AIIyI beat defining and pronnurioing ttgnary of the Dellish lang uage ; Ala°. Won:eater% School Dictionaries. Weospiria . Pictollal alai Dletioaaries ter sale at , "77 ~.7° ESCHEWER'S BOOKSTORE, &O-f; • • Near the Harrisburg Bridge., MI R 1 1 l VINEGAR 11 1 1_ AirADE from choice rind selected Apples, LU.and guaranteed by ue to be strictly perk - STONE FOIL BALM - 4 ' BUILDING STONE or litone enitated yortornpliting pinnace:a tat delivered to any 'noir of the oKy or its vicinity it o py, t o • , moo • ( wan Jr. • AtGesTihk. CRONE. OABANTIIi AND - BUIVA ,7 Xligiftfo l OPßOP .„,, i Cants of:gaud & Cr CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 33 I -I I T I Aer 0 V.• d LNII AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 9th, p the Paaseatter train .4 the Northam Central va) will leave Harrisburg and Baltimore as Mows • . , GOIN SO TEI 4 lan, TRAIN will leave Harriaburg at 1 tilo P. M. BUMS" " " it 3.1/0 A.. M. 11A012 1 ,130R0 A00011.1100A13.0N 9.30_ " RETURNING MAIL. TRAM wlfl Mime DaMmOrelli....... B,la A. M /IMES TRAM 435 P. M HARRISBURG AOOOKHODATTON 800 P. M WINE Me, but is ?are, ended 4)7 (Mem- I prooertiea eXCell and the aged teneatint' tadi • THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YOU. PHIL.ADELPHI A WITHOITE CHANGE OF CANS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Passenger Tniins will leave the Philadel oh It ;MU Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New YOrlr and Philadelphia, as follows, via • EXPRIISS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 9.30 a.m. on "ar oval of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving ln New York at 4 p. in. A sleeptng oar Is attached to the Unlit through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. m.. arriving in New York at 4p. mand Philadelphia at 1.26 p. in. FAST LINK leaver , ibsirg at 1.40 p. in., on arrival of. POIIIISVINIVIIia Railroad Fast Mail, arriving In New York at 9.46 p. in., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. in. WESTWARD. fAST LlNEleaves New Tort at 6a. nr. and Philadel phia at 8 a. as., arriving at Harrisburg at% p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8.16 pp m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. 'R1:213 LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg atiala a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Repress Train for Pitlaburg. A sleeping ear Mateo attached to tnis train . MalmoWarren made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Chattel and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at' Reeding for Philadelphie, Pottsvil le, Wthresbarre, Allentown, Keaton , Sco. Bums cheated through. Fore between New York and Harrisburg, $6 00; between Harrisburg and Ph Oa delphla, SS 26 in No.l ears, and *2 70 In No. IL For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. C=l PENNSYLVANIA „RAIL ROAD I SUMMER TIME. TABU. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• KONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, pArpueenger trains of the Pennsylvania Behead Qom• piny depart from - and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows PAST UNE leaves Harrisburg every 111013 2tnElenonPl Monday) at tu a. m., sad snivels se West ranadelphts at 5./0 a. m. - tHBOUGH WHEN TRAM leaves Harrisburg dal /11D.WJ a. m., and arrives al Weis Phlladelphis at 1.10 MAIL MAIN team libniaburs daily (maga day) at 6.16 0. in.. and arrives at West Phllailalplda at (0.16 p. m. These samba make oleo* conneeidow asPtibilelptda with he New York Linea. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, saves Hareisteuri se., and armee at West Philadelphia a 1200 men. HARRISBURG ACOOMMODAMON TRAM, via Calm- Ws, leaves Harrisbur gat lelDp. m., and arrives a Wes alb Philadelphia m. ACCOIIMODAVION MAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, lesiva Barri abuts: at 6.15 oonnoating at Diller. Tulle with 21611., TRAIN, and arrives at West Philadel phia sit 10:16 p. m. - • THROUGH NICPRESn TRAIN lama Philadelphia at 10.2 . 4 p. m, Harnsbarg at 286 a. m., Altman 7.80, a. in., and arrives at Pittttoul at 12.00 noon. : MAIL TRAIN Mayes Pkgbidelphla at 7.80 a. m. , Harris burg 100 0. m., Altiona, 0.5 J p. za., audio:riven at Plus burg at 12.00 midnight. _dampest, •• . . Joy BS bethtown, 8.37 p. m. and arrives at at 9.30 p. m. Attention le called, to the fact, that paaengers leaving Philadelphia at 4 00 p. m., marmot at Lancaster with MOUNTJOY so:Ramosnos TAAIN, and arrived at Harrlaburg at 0.30 p. SAMUEL U. YOUNG, SAM East, lAv. Penna. RaUrOut. Harrisburg, June 7, 1861.—dif JOHN B. BBLITH'Et BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SFAXIND AND WALNUT BM, - Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTY, SHOO, GAITERS, Ac., of the very beat minks for ladles, gentlemen, and children' wear,— Prima to suit the limes. All kinds of WORE MADE TO ORDER in the beat style biratmerior workmen REPAIRING done itahort notice. oesl6-dtf. JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. . . after° B. M. G.MDBA, D. D. B. STATE'; STREET, difiOnsfritE BRADY MUSK • A, Opus, Surgical „tx,oisallampar ierfanned. Charm moderate. jok, 0 14.W atm litar i rj.—T ,:stti 414 k;f,if(Yr.S . In.l4lllooßip,, .4.1, MIUg, EWA 1111111 TRAMS D 4ILT TO MID raciv G.Ol NG NORTH. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO EAST WARE. ON AID ANTON EASTWARD. WESTWARD. 1861. ariatiou Liver Complainipl i Ague, &c. rqa anecualful int end use of this tele .rated Remedy has been the sigma' for a literal goal of compounds caned "Bitters," offered in various brow, (rum a quart bottle to a fivegalion keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name kw "grog." Or some sinuous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, are teaspoonful, of our medicine, :;l Iri:/.p: :On .i;/:):iyyr:1:1. and the entire, aladice of after p.ontrotfon, bee arta. Wished telt a reputation which the host imitations coentertrits have Ailed to undermine. It le peel tires a vegetable ptsparatkne, with barely sufecieut pure Spirits to preserve it. But am site of the genuine, (tialf-Pint Bottles,) price Owe Dour& It Ie a medicine of long-tried demo br PirrryOlp Me Rood, se eteentiml for the 'bonded= of good health and for asserting disorders of the stomach and bowel,. Teo or three donee will conetnat the Meted of Its sdn strea a y et the ran/ori,,,,tnaftad. =um k , take Away and renewed health be For STIMK,Try haveilelland Bitters. For I7IIN, Try 0 A ve's Holland Bite . . sB. kry, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For WATEILBRAEM, Try erhave's Holland Bitters. For ACHE, Try rhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OP APPETITE, Try ..Bierhave's Rolland Bitters. For COSTIVENESS. Try BeerhaveN Reiland Bitters. Por, PILE S . Try , Bierhave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has in utnirereas loneness proved beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure Read Carefhlly The genuine, highipasscentrated Bastitscies Hsu WO &cline is put up in bdtplei bottles only, and retailed at Otte Dollar per bottle The great demand for this Only celebrated medicine has induced ma. y Imitations, which the public should gasrd against purchasing. Beware Views/Utast she that oar smut is on the Wei qf sun bolas you buy: 13eAj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. • PITTSBURGH, t'A. PO, sale la the elty at Sant&D, ag ay D. W. OROBB CO. mierd—aspidawly JEWELRY, WATORES, OLOOKS, FANCY 'GOODS, &O • ALFRED FillittlifEßitAii VO. 62 MARKS? STRIA", Harrisburg, ea., opposite awn% HUM and adjoining the torus Houk having purchased the stook of b. 1 hionints, end ikkled a large aestwentent of Rim. JlM am, we will as the sane at the lowan ask prima, and Wined patronage :' l,sta/es, Olootnand Jewater, asstir and Win* re' paired and delivered. HAM' dleposee of my stook of Jewelry to A. P. Wm inerabut a 00 4 I ekeeifolly reeeinitheed them to mg , thy me, eustommws as pranks* mid experimmed Walsh Walters, and solidi Ibr them • continuance M the pans age wMa bar been so pabronely extended to me doyley We AM dile*" 1.1.8 . 0. W. Sgt N grachlate of the JUsltteilor• 0611.) Ka ol Denteldiugery, beelike per= mealy leadoff° the city oi kbuttablug Aid , talcea the adios formerly ooaapied by Dr. Dorsal, on Third str est, between • leirket sad Waled, relmeatfully Informs his friends and the toublio to geneml, that be is Proposal to perform all operations in toe Denou profeetion, either surgical or meanaufcal, in a manlier that shad net be turysesed by operators In this or ally other alt. tits mode of Insertmg 'medals/ teeth Is upon (ha !mac la proved scientific priumples. Teeth, from one to • lull sot, mounted. on dn. Geld, $ll vet, Mains plugs or the Vulcanite Rama. I take veat.plettoure In reoommeoding soon gen: Unman to 'all my formor puleate - at Ifartieborg and vi Amity; acid Iletioonadeni mu ho'will porlbrm all opera: dons to a scientific manner, tram my knowledge of Kb *Kitty. .P. J GORGaII, D. D. B. STAGE LUTE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE' REDUCED TO $1.25 TEMOUGH TO GETTYSBORG. rijundersigned has established aer LINA OF CAGE OuseEtibt trout Medi/into'. ourg, nooneettog,eyery o th er morning with the °saber. land Valley Railroad can. The colobes leave every awry Tuesday, Tinunday sod gaturday,returniog every other _stay. Passengers fbr htteppentstowe,. Alleburg, Peuesburg and Gettysburg ire carried et redahed rates. . , WK. J. TATR. NEW COAL OFFICE. 'LIRE UNDERSIGNED having entered in .L to the 00AL TRADE in this any, would respectfully toltall the patronage of thecitisens. i willaeO ton band Ooal of allsizes, from the most celebrated and approved Woes, weloh Will be delivered to any pan 01 toe city, [roe from dirt and other impurities. AILS WIIILD doesainuo. Out tux MI sr tam Boar LOAD, OAS LOAD on Mama _wt. Persons. Purchasing by the Beal or Car Load will receive 1,240 pounds to the Ten. Odic N Market Street, !woad door Ikea Dewber ry allsj on the Owe, toot of North...street Or dare lei plans will receive prompt aumdieu. aealdt ICHN W. HAM., Scant .3P1151313 g ip , BRAD, No. 1, Terti: ees Pan- Columbia to. Tro4 North 8A14.110N, NO. 1, ' - -•- . : HEILRING, No. 1, . . opp FIBEI., No. 1, -, - - M.A.OKEREL, No. 1. . . or o hire an the dila+ ent sized packager rum the sus= In store and for sale at the meat . table Wll. DOOR, JR. & 00. • - • RMOMETEIIB 1 rilktiloltill ' Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal. TritilltKOMET do . do Bronzed do Tzusiudoxer Disti lle rs e Tin Casa, 12 inch. g tidlßatOitaldit4 do Beast Bound Double Scale. TalikUitialffiiltd, 0/40110a5e,.10.12 inch. raxamomines,' Natalia Fame, B=lo Inch. WitRMOMETRRS, Black Walnut Case, 10 init. TABBitudETFAB, Tin 0e50,.14 10 WM. We haeajost received . ' S ae he or rassmtoirta R of'. sartosaidy/ei, =darelMllim Maui low.. - - Irataum baud Oros; _ " - 91 Mattel street. lOKORY OAK ' AED • PIN E - WOOD kw sale, ' 3JUI RY ►:BTO.YB OR CORD . LIMP= To 13DIT • PORGILdSI . IBB, ALSO, LGOIMI POSIS AND CHISINV7 RAILS CV! TO OMAN. 41.90, moss AND RAND IDA BUILDINO ?WOO= . Inquire of the anhacrWer resiaonce on the Ridge rota, opposite the Good Will 'Cosine He OJIN or at th e Yard, corner of Second. KI Ihrlstrest% West gar debars. Im•Y ~ G B. GOLE . :1 ng Brawl BIUMEir RS t IPLY ORWALLTLFER, wEas. seuriNa t WIIOOW, BLINDS, to eall the attention of Oiir Mew% aid oordtally m b enatepow geode end prtow. q"l"! l tlr ce Ula va ll= r l ; 01 11 41..- ftliardeinstido. 4ruct4 flebitat HAv.,,,, Bitters al3 ALFRED T. cram tr. mimes. DE] S,TAY. aIGN OF THS "They go right to the Spot" ThisTesr num groPyoußnit-Gli PURIFY YOUR BRF,km i STRINGY/3RM YOUR VOICE I SP .ALDING' s Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLKIIGYMXN, GOOD FOR LECTIIRERS , GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERs, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSIIIIPML\. GENTLEMEN CARRY, SPALDING' S THROAT CoNFEeTioN; LAnnts ARE DELIGHTED WITH t3PALDING'3 THROAT CON FE(TR,Ns. CIECIDREN CRY Foe THROAT CONFEcnoNs =2l They give Arent& and volume to the nice. They impart a delicious aroma to the bmaih They azo deUghtftil to the taste They are made of simple herbs; and cane , ;; bit I advise every one who has a Cough or a Or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Thr,t t package Of my Throat Confections, they wk: Tx natantly, and you will find them very uze%' ant while traveling or attending public uteettazs flr n. lug your Cbagh or allaying your thlrit. If peohasel am safe in saying that you win-e,-erev, Wards consider them hadlapentstble. You Iv Ent th et at the Druggists and Dealers In ifeilcihei. PRIOR TWENTY-FIVE cuTs Ity equators to on esoh package. All otorr . tri i Week ♦ Zetkege will be seet by mail,iprepaid, ,Da rec.El thirty vent■ Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, Na 48 OLDER STREIT, NEW 7031 CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HE ADACHE aOO NERVOUS HEADACHE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the nee of these Pala the penodlo atlaae of Yff sow or Sick NoactacAo may be prevented; the commencement cc an attack intratett. roe; ate Inds and skinless mty be obtained. They seldom tall In removing Nausea mad &arks whisks females are SO subliact. Dey act gently upon the bowels, remarng arnasea I* Mew Yen, Students, Delicate Female!, cal LL peacoat of sedentary habits, War Cre rs:usm Leeettet, lmprovtng the Amnia, &tag TONI ISt coos to the digestive organs, and restoring the Dsatrii eaai oily and strength to the whole aptem. The 111CPEULLIO PILLS are the result 6f asst pition and carefUlly conducted expesit,ei., bati In Imo In many years, during winch Limo ,0 2 % rented and relieved a vast amount of pain al,:sattrni frank Blendainkte4 whether originating in the acme: tam et from a deranged state of the stomach., Tbey are entirely vegetable In thew comprelesta g ley be taken at all timer with perfect item; %PM making any change of diet and the atsence 4341 21 ' . yreeible talk raiders a any to adnimuter Wm :a A,..1r0l BEWARE OW COONTERFEtIz rbe gestapo have lye signatures or HODTI C on each box. gold by druggists and an other dealers is sodas A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on reeso ad Ita PRICE TWINTY-FIVE CE•yl . All ardor, should be addressed Le 41" "Ingle bottle of SPALDING'S PaP.kaib lAD will nye ten UMW ItII Wet annuallY."o PREPARED GLIJEI 6 P" : )ING'B PREPARED GLL 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GIX6I Et og TEN PLESI pioATCII IiXONONYj Iir"ADMICH 11.11 Tocipavis muri."4l As acciAloag haw" even iR trell-rrodtwa totg it,ta vary desirable to have some cheap aud couretoo ws,l tor repairing Fornitere, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PRIPIRID,fiLtri Mee% all such emergencies, and nu houseirild mo d o to be witbout It. It Is always ready slid w re fila• 1141P0/id: KISEITIL 1N EVSBYINOUS E. " 11. IR—A Brash fulooropaulee each bottle, PT 011 Address HENRY C. SPALDIN G, No. 46 Cedar Street, New fort. CAUTION Al orb= =principled persons are attenumui W PO alf en the nnaospoding public, inllialione ol Fa PARED BLUE, I woold nautlen all persons w 00100 14/2" Porolashilro and see that 1118 lip name, sarePALDINGia PREPA KED GLUE r .if 010 naiddlls irrappar;all others are einadliag 0011 • artbdaurly •rdfebll IfttbitaL Cal =1 mE CURE HENRY C. SPALDM , 46 Dada Street, > Sort
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers